What flowers to plant on the balcony: we select garden plants for decorating balconies of varying degrees of illumination. What types of flowers to plant on the balcony and how best to care for them

Any city dweller who has a balcony and a little patience can acquire his own garden and vegetable garden. With the help of florist Lalita Paramonova, we have compiled five simple rules, following which you can grow your own crop at home. In addition, we found out what pitfalls you should pay attention to, and chose the necessary equipment for gardening.

Where to begin?

Rate your balcony

For growing plants, a balcony overlooking the sunny side is best suited. All vegetables, berries
and green crops are sun-loving. On the shady side, you should not even try to grow them - it still won't work. If your balcony is located most of the day
in the shade, but you still want to green it, then choose not garden crops for this, but flowers and shrubs that love the absence of direct sunlight.

Also, it's good if your balcony is open. Glazed balconies in the sun turn into a greenhouse: it will be hot there, even if the transom is open. In this case, you will have to partially shade the balcony - hang blinds
or put up a screen. It is also not necessary to arrange a draft, because the plants will experience mechanical stress. In addition, due to the draft, there is an enormous evaporation of water, which leads to a dangerous lack of moisture.

Before you start plants on the balcony, you need to find out the bearing characteristics of the balcony and calculate the weight of the soil, the people who can go there, and the tub. Be sure to take into account that the soil still contains water.
If the balcony can withstand a small load, then perennials it is better not to grow: they require a larger amount of land for the root system, which means they will add weight to the structure.

Decide what to plant

For planting on a balcony in containers or other containers, plants with a fibrous root system are suitable -
which does not have a main root. Radishes can be planted from rods, it must be sown as early as possible: or in early spring- in April or autumn -
in September. Radishes will be harvested in a month.
In summer, the radish goes into flowering, a lot of foliage appears, while the root crop does not ripen. However, the foliage can be used for salads, it is distinguished by a slight bitterness. It is better to choose round rather than long varieties.

On the balcony you can easily grow all green crops - parsley, dill, marjoram, thyme, basil, rosemary, cilantro. As well as various types of salads - you can plant arugula, leafy mustard, watercress and romaine lettuce.

Green peas and zucchini grow very well - the main thing is that the container is not too small, a volume of 20 liters is desirable with fertile soil.
Do not overdo it with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers: they are deposited as nitrates.
The soil should be with good humus, or fertilizers containing a large amount of humates can be used.

Quite easy to grow cucumbers, hot peppers
and sweet, tomatoes, green beans - if you choose its curly version, you will also get beautiful.
You can even grow cabbage, but it needs a container about 50 centimeters deep and at least 30 centimeters in diameter. Of the berries on the balcony, strawberries and strawberries will take root perfectly.

Cucumbers, cabbages, pumpkins and zucchini require frequent daily watering. In containers, the soil dries out very quickly, and these plants are moisture-loving and have a large leaf surface from which moisture evaporates.
Their care can be facilitated by a special artificial irrigation system with a dispenser that injects daily. a certain amount of water. In case of departure, you can use a special gel containing water. The gel bag is placed near the root system, and the water gradually saturates the soil.

Of the flowers for the balcony, almost all annuals are suitable. On the sunny side, low-growing bells, geraniums, roses, saplings, cuffs, tenacity, geyhera, stonecrops, armeria will feel good. Plant wormwood - it releases phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria in the air.
You can grow undersized asters, styloid phlox, oak sage, carnation grass, multicolor spurge - it is unpretentious and excellent
grows in a container, but it is a poisonous plant,
and if there are children and cats in the house, then it is better to refuse it. On a shady balcony, hostas, lamb, violets, astilba, primroses, rogersia, ostrich and very beautiful flower tiarella. In a heavily shaded place, it is better to plant a moth violet or wallenstein - they bloom beautifully and give a dense green cover.

On the balcony, it is really possible to grow even shrubs that will overwinter in a tub, for example, Cossack juniper:
it is unpretentious, does not get sick and is not damaged by pests. You can also get white dogwood, Japanese spirea, brilliant cotoneaster and barberry, which emits a pleasant honey aroma during flowering, and its berries can be added to pilaf.

Choose the right time

Almost all green crops and radishes can be planted at once
on the balcony, and it is recommended to sow the radish thicker
and thin out later - by the way, the pulled out shoots can be washed and added to the salad. Celery, marjoram and basil will take a very long time to grow, so it's best to sow in March
their seeds at home, and after warming, plant seedlings. Lettuce will arrange as direct sowing,
so is seedlings.

For growing vegetables, it is better to prepare seedlings in advance and take them out already. green plants when will not sub-zero temperatures- after 10 June. No matter how sad
but this moment may be return frosts which will ruin all efforts. Until June 10, it is better to bring plants into the house at night, and put them back in the morning.
on the balcony - so the seedlings will pass the hardening period and will grow better.

Seeds can be sown for seedlings from the beginning of March,
and tomatoes, peppers, eggplants - in February. For growing cucumbers, it is better to choose parthenocarpic species that do not require pollination by bees and can set flowers without the participation of insects.

Zucchini, tomatoes and pumpkins can be pollinated by hand. It is better to buy bush tomatoes, low - they begin to bear fruit faster. Pumpkins and zucchini are also better to take bush. For them, it is necessary to prepare props: the fruits will hang, and it is desirable that they be on
something lay, not hung. If the nights are cool, and there is no way to carry plants back and forth, then you can cover them with a special non-woven material. For all vegetables it is worth choosing early ripe varieties resistant to fungal diseases: in this case, they become ill in autumn
and have time to give the harvest.

Organize the right neighborhood

To make the beds even more beautiful and protect the plants, you can plant flowers in them that release phytoncides - substances that repel pests and pathogens of fungal diseases.
Marigolds have this effect - next to them, other plants do not need to be treated with chemicals, which allows you to grow an environmentally friendly crop.
Same useful properties have nasturtium, tobacco, coniferous shrubs, such as juniper,
and even tomatoes. The layout of the beds-beds from different plants will save space and make the garden really aesthetic.

Choose the right container

Best for balcony landings fit not covered oil paint wooden or unglazed earthenware containers. Their only downside is
they are much heavier than plastic, so if Basic structure does not allow, feel free to choose plastic. It is better not to use metal: it overheats in the sun, and root system risk irreversible damage.

What should be feared?

Any pests from plants can easily get over
to the apartment. If the house has houseplants -
they will stay, if not, they will die.
The most common pests are spider mites
and aphids. Ficuses and plants with hard leaves are not afraid of insects. The rest have a chance to suffer, and it will be possible to get rid of pests only with the help of chemical treatment. Remember that it can only be carried out
on the street or on the balcony, after which the plants will have to be covered with a plastic bag, tied and left closed for a day.

In fact, ticks can get into an apartment without balcony plants. They are very light and travel
on gusts of wind. Finding out about their presence is simple:
small black dots are visible on the reverse side of the leaf, and with a strong lesion, a light cobweb can also be seen. The tick is most dangerous for eggplants, peppers, cucumbers. To avoid problems with these insects, it is better to choose varieties that are more resistant to pests. There are biological products that help get rid of ticks: they contain bacteria that kill insects, but are not dangerous to humans. Preventive treatment with the drug is recommended to be done once every two weeks, and if insects have already appeared -
once a week.

Another important point: plants absorb heavy metals and other harmful substances. They need to be washed well, even if you collected them in your own garden.
But there are no reasons for serious unrest: there is not much harvest on the balcony, so products grown in an urban environment will not affect health.

What inventory to buy?

PHOTO: 1 – DementevaJulia /shutterstock.com, 2 – DementevaJulia /shutterstock.com, 3 – Franz Peter Rudolf /shutterstock.com

Decorating a balcony or loggia in an apartment with flowers is a great opportunity to make a beautiful green corner for relaxing in the city. Here you can also put a small wooden table with chairs and enjoy evening tea and sunset. Not all garden flowers can grow on the balcony.

In this article, you will learn which flowers are best to grow on the balcony in boxes.

1. Marigolds

Heat-loving yellow heads of marigolds are an integral feature of summer containers, garden flowerpots and balcony boxes. They are easy to grow from seeds or purchase seedlings, they are unpretentious, bloom from early summer until frost. Removing faded inflorescences prolongs flowering.

In addition, if you are thinking about what flowers to plant on the sunny side, then these are marigolds. They love sunny places. The only thing is that in a drought you need to water regularly, do not overdry the soil.

The most popular marigold varieties are rejected hybrids. Varieties are bushy, in this case you will need only a couple - three plants for a balcony box. To these yellow flowers on the balcony looked nice, choose low 15 - 30 cm views. Terry or semi-double inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter, are perfect for a balcony box.

2. Calendula, marigolds

A flower undemanding to the soil. These are flowers for the balcony on the sunny side or light partial shade. Completely unpretentious, can be amazed powdery mildew and aphids. Refers to plants that bloom all summer. Flowering time from June to September. For long flowering, faded inflorescences must be removed.

Initial view - officinalis calendula, for balconies and loggias you need to choose undersized variety Fiesta Gitana - 30 cm, which have various colors. It is very easy to grow at home from seeds. For early flowering calendula for seedlings can be planted in the second half of February.

While creating unusual design It is better to plant calendula on a balcony with other flowers - pansies, bulbous (daffodils, tulips), ampelous petunias, ornamental cabbage, ornamental and spicy herbs.

3. Nasturtium

Annual nasturtiums are flowers for the southern balcony. Blooms from July to September. Sow seeds directly on permanent place. These flowers for balconies are unpretentious, almost always grow from seeds. A unique garden plant, flowers of different varieties are completely different from each other:

There are creepers for wall drapery, that is, you can pick up varieties and grow climbing flowers for the balcony;

Ampelous flowers for the balcony and window boxes - foreign nasturtium peregrinum, the length of the vines reaches 3 m;

bushy dwarf varieties for flower beds.

foreign nasturtium

curly nasturtium

4. Petunia

The most popular flowers for growing on a balcony in boxes are petunias. Due to the variety of colors, long flowering, variety of varieties and species, they create a unique design on the balcony.

What flowers to plant on the balcony of petunias:

Ampel varieties of petunias are planted in large garden flowerpots or hanging planters for balconies, loggias and summer verandas (these varieties need to be sown for seedlings earlier than bush ones - in early - mid-February);

Bushy multi-flowered species.

Beware of purchasing single-stem flower seeds; they are completely unsuitable for balconies and loggias. In this case, 1 stem will grow from a pot with several flowers on top

The scheme of planting petunias in a balcony box 15 by 15 cm. Single-row and double-row planting of petunias in a box on the balcony is possible.

How to create flowers on the balcony design:

For single row planting, plant 3 pink and 2 purple petunias, alternating in color;

When planting in a two-row box, place upright flowers in the background, and ampel varieties on the front.

5. Pelargonium

Most often, geranium is called pelargonium, which is grown in pots as a houseplant. Pelargonium is one of the unpretentious plants in the care, it grows quickly, blooms well and profusely. By the way, at proper care pelargonium can bloom all year round. It has a pleasant spicy aroma, which is exuded not by flowers, but by leaves. An excellent plant for a balcony in a warm period of time.

In addition, with pelargonium, you can create wonderful flower arrangements, complementing them with other colors. Here is one of the schemes of what to plant on a balcony of flowers:

pelargonium white and red;


6. Nemesia

Nemesia flowers are one-, two- and three-color. It blooms early, in hot summers flowering may be short-lived. A second wave of flowering is possible, closer to autumn. To do this, cut the stems after the first wave of flowering. If you want to achieve autumn flowering, then plant nemesia seeds for seedlings in early June, then your balcony will look great in November.

Nemesia seeds are small, so you need to sow on top, without sprinkling with earth. Then spray well with water and cover with glass. As the glass fogs up, it is necessary to slightly open it, remove it after the appearance of green sprouts.

When transplanting into flowerpots and pots, the distance between flowers is 20 cm. When planting flower seedlings, pinch the stems.

The decoration of the balcony with nemesia flowers turns out to be very delicate, due to the fact that the flowers are small, low, about 20 cm and bushy.

7. Undersized varieties of snapdragon

Usually snapdragons are grown in the garden, but if you take the lowest growing Rainbow variety, you can grow the flowers of the most different colors and shades. Of the pluses, it is worth noting the smell of snapdragons, it exudes such a fragrance! And you need only 5-6 bushes for this.

In autumn, when frosts come, this plant freezes, the flowers do not change color and it looks great. Flowers, as if alive, stand all winter. Therefore, if you choose which flowers can be planted on the balcony, be sure to make your list of dwarf varieties of snapdragon. They bloom in the second half of summer, from July to October.

8. Ever flowering begonia and tuberous begonia.

Both types of begonias can be grown in containers and are north facing balcony flowers that grow well in partial shade. They have rounded fleshy leaves with a color ranging from pale green to chocolate brown. Blooms from June to September. It is considered a perennial, but most often this plant is grown as an annual. Grows well in humus-rich soil and in partial shade. Therefore, when planting, you need to make compost.

9. Fuchsia ampelous

There are 3 main groups of fuchsias. What flowers are better to plant on the balcony? So these are gentle thermophilic ampelous fuchsias with weak falling stems in hanging baskets. The name of the ampel fuchsia variety is Swingtime. Stems grow up to 50 cm with red - white flowers.

Fuchsias are excellent flowering flowers for northern balcony. They only need a small amount of light for flowering and growth. Be sure to water regularly and abundantly. Make sure that the earth ball does not dry out. After a drought, fuchsia will die and will not recover.

10. Pansies or Vitrok violet

There are many Vitrok violet hybrids 15 - 25 cm high. These flowers on the loggia are of two types:

Winter-flowering (November - May) varieties that are grown as a biennial are dominated by the Universal series;

Summer flowering (June - October), which are grown as annuals.

Viola can be grown on a balcony, but needs to be planted in a spot with correct lighting. The sunny side is best with shading in the midday hours. On the south balcony it will quickly lose its decorative effect. Already in July, it will burn out, and will look dried up and unattractive.

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What decorates typical city houses better than a riot of flowers on the balconies?! If you wish, you can create a real garden on it and place the most different plants. What flowers on the balcony would be more appropriate - floral design, growing tricks and plant selection features.

Features of growing flowers

The design of flower boxes and their location is an important issue, but not the most basic one. Growing flowers on a balcony has its own characteristics and rules that must be observed.

When choosing what to plant on the balcony, the following points should be considered:

  • boxes that can be used on the balcony cannot be deep, so you need to select plants with a short root system, best located in the upper subsoil layer;
  • plants should not be too tall, as they will look ugly and begin to outweigh the boxes;
  • flowers are selected for the balcony based on the level of illumination of the side of the house;
  • it is best to plant flowers that have long term flowering.

The latter is especially important. Of course, you can make a special floral design on the loggias, changing flower boxes for others as they bloom. This way you can create forever blooming flower beds. But this comes with many inconveniences. Firstly, it is necessary to place boxes with flowers that have not yet bloomed somewhere and remove faded plants somewhere, and secondly, this will require constant labor. Most prefer to place flowers once and for all from spring and then only enjoy the view of the blooming balcony, watering the plants from time to time. Therefore, it is necessary to plant flowers that do not require special care and will bloom from June to August-September.

The higher the floor, the flowers for the balcony should be lower. On the highest floors, the balcony can be very windy. Plants with long stems will break or bend down. Boxes with drooping plants pressed to the ground look unaesthetic. It is better to plant undersized marigolds, petunias.

Flowers for the sunny side

Successful cultivation of flowers on the balcony depends on the correct selection of plants. Unlike outdoor placement, flowers on the balcony are highly dependent on the degree of illumination, since on the one hand they will always be covered by a wall. As a result, it is on the balconies and loggias that the sunny and shady side is clearly manifested. This is especially important if the balcony faces south or north. What kind of flowers can be planted on sunny balcony?

Everything is quite simple here - most flowering plants feel very comfortable in the summer under the sun. With a sunny balcony, it's almost impossible to go wrong with the choice of colors. In addition, the florist will have big choice light-loving plants that can be planted.

Feel best with constant lighting:

  • purslane,
  • morning glory,
  • kobeya,
  • aster,
  • verbena,
  • mignonette,
  • nasturtium,
  • viola,
  • sweet pea,
  • daisy,
  • geranium or pelargonium
  • dimorphotheque.

Plants for the north side

If the balcony is not well lit and is in the shade most of the time, then many plants will have to be abandoned. Purslane will feel especially bad here - if planted, it may not bloom at all. However, you can still pick flowers for the northern balcony. Moreover, there are plants that can only be planted on it.

These include:

  • begonia,
  • fuchsia.

These plants do not tolerate strong sunlight and wither on a sunny balcony. But on the north side they grow strong and are covered with abundant flowers.

Also good choice there will be the following flowers on the darkened northern balcony:

  • lobelia,
  • marigold,
  • calceolaria,
  • thunbergia,
  • ageratum.

universal plants

There are a number of plants that can live and bloom with equal success both in good light and in the shade. They can be planted on a sunny balcony, on the north side, and even more so on the west, combining the properties of both.

Plants suitable for any conditions include:

  • petunia,
  • nasturtium,
  • mignonette,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

Important: Any of these plants can be planted on the west balcony. Together with them, you can plant begonias, but you need to make sure that it is in the shade of other plants.

If on open balcony too dark, then only begonia and fuchsia remain. You can also plant nasturtium there, but in this case, it will most likely decorate it with foliage.

Solutions for balconies

The design of a flowering balcony should be carefully thought out. On the balcony, you can arrange the plants in different ways.

So the design could be:

  • vertical,
  • horizontal.

For a horizontal arrangement, plants can be planted in boxes and placed around the perimeter of the balcony - along the lower tier or along the railing. At the same time, it is better to plant mainly low-growing plants.

The design with a vertical arrangement of plants looks very impressive. In this case, it is better to use climbing ampelous varieties. Such a balcony different colors looks especially colorful if the plants are placed on different height. These can be marigolds on the lower tier, ampelous petunias and lobelia on the middle and upper, bindweeds on the sides.

The design of the balcony should not be overly colorful. When picking flowers on the balcony, you should try not to get carried away and stop at 2-4 colors. Otherwise, the balcony and the flowers on it will turn out to be colorful and clumsy. A combination of two flowers of the same type of flowers looks extremely successful - petunias, marigolds.

If this is the north side, then you can choose a bright red fuchsia and complement it with orange nasturtium and pink-red begonia around the perimeter.

If this is the sunny side, then the severity of white daisies can be added to the variegation of petunias. Very effective complement flower planting climbing beans that can be planted on the sides of the balcony. Then the balcony blooming flowers will look more spectacular in combination with dark bean foliage and bright pods. Better plant ornamental beans, which has burgundy pods.

Nasturtium will be appropriate on any balcony. It is worth planting, as it blooms until frost and will create the design of an ever-blooming balcony. What other flowers to choose for nasturtium according to the time of flowering, you need to decide on an individual basis. If nothing comes to mind, then pelargoniums, which also bloom all summer, will be a win-win option. In general, it is worth choosing a design so that one flowering plants were replaced by others. What then you need to pick up flowers: daisies, violas, petunias, nasturtiums, asters.

There are flowers that only look good on their own. These include purslane, asters, gazania. You can shade this balcony and flowers on it with plants with decorative leaves coleus type.

You can combine business with pleasure and, in addition to flowers, plant on the balcony spicy plants. Shade beautifully bright inflorescences curly parsley leaves, dill, thyme, lettuce. Pretty decorative looking. different varieties onions, especially chives, which can be used to make a border.

For the summer, you can take out those on the balcony indoor flowers which are resistant to temperature changes. Then the balcony will look even more decorative. Monstera, cyclamens, azaleas, oleander, hydrangeas complement the balcony flower garden quite well.

When to plant a flower garden

When it is decided which plants to plant, it is necessary to decide when to plant them so that in summer the balcony will be in flowers. If you want flowering to begin as early as possible, then it is better to plant seedlings of flowers in early May.

Seedlings can be bought ready-made or grown independently from seeds. If you plan to grow it yourself, then you can plant seeds for seedlings at the end of March - April. If the flowering time is unprincipled, then the seeds can be planted immediately in boxes when it gets warmer outside - in mid-late May.

Land selection

For balcony colors will suit universal soil, which is better to fertilize with humus. It is also good to add peat to the ground no more than 10% of the total mass of the soil. To make the earth more moisture permeable, sand is added to it. The main thing, no matter what the seedlings are, you can not use mixtures for indoor flowers, in which there are few substances necessary for garden plants.

Every year in boxes for flowers it is necessary to recruit new land, as it is depleted during the season.

Important: since the earth in the boxes is quickly depleted due to its limited amount, the soil must be constantly enriched. Every 10 days it is better to feed the plants complex fertilizers.

The distance between plants should be different for each species. Beans, sweet peas should be planted with a distance of 10 cm, daisies, mignonette, begonias, marigolds - 15 cm, fuchsias, petunias, asters - 20 cm.

What to look out for

It is important to monitor the plants so that the balcony always has a well-groomed appearance. Faded inflorescences are best removed immediately.

If the edges of the leaves begin to dry, you need to increase watering. However, the yellowing of the leaves can also indicate that the earth has dried up, and that the plants are being flooded. By the way, waterlogging can provoke diseases. Water the plants, therefore, should be moderate, once every few days, as the soil dries up.

How to grow a flowering garden on a balcony (video)

Attention, only TODAY!

The most wonderful time of the year is coming very soon - summer, we all rejoice at this event. Nature comes to life, summer residents rush to their plots, gardeners plan new color combinations in their flower beds. Only now the city dwellers, who do not have a place on the street where they could grow their garden, are sad. Only in vain - on your own loggia you can create a real landscape masterpiece from plants. Today is on the agenda interesting topic- what flowers to plant on the balcony so that they bloom all summer?

On a note!

For a long time, people have been able to plant flowers in more than just typical pots. Now in stores there are a lot of different hanging containers, flowerpots, decorative boxes in which you can grow not only indoor plants, but also garden ones.

So, as you understand, today we will tell you how to make a living corner out of your dull and such an ordinary balcony. After all, so much space is wasted and used to store unnecessary things. Do not be discouraged if your house and balcony, respectively, are always gloomy, as they are located in the shade of other structures or in the north. There are absolutely undemanding plants, which will be able to please you in your conditions - we will start with them.


A dishonestly forgotten flower some time ago is gaining popularity again, which is not surprising. Balsam can grow anywhere, including in the shade. At the same time, your balcony can be both cold and warm. For the winter, balsam can be moved into the house. With its flowering, it delights until the very cold.


  • grows very well;
  • propagated by cuttings - you just cut off part of the stem and plant it in the ground;
  • unpretentious to the soil;
  • decorative, can easily tolerate pruning, transplanting;
  • lives at home, in the warm season, and on the street or balcony.

Balsams with bright shades of flowers can be dimmer in the shade, so it is better to choose a white version or a light pink. They look just as luxurious and you won't be disappointed.


  • the root in the pot grows quite quickly, so it is better to change the container for a larger diameter during the season;
  • consumes a lot of moisture. You will water this flower daily, otherwise it shrinks, the buds crumble.


Balsams are very unpretentious, most importantly, water them every day. But of course you can't fill it. As the bush grows, watch out for when the roots grow too large, then remove the flower from the watering field and transfer it to a larger pot using the transfer method. Balsam will take him very quickly. At the same time, the crown itself looks quite compact, it does not hang down, it will not fall apart. Water your flowers once every two weeks with a liquid flowering complex.

  • You can easily cut several cuttings and plant them in a long box without additional water soaking to grow roots. The cuttings begin to grow very quickly, and soon you get a blooming, beautiful alley on the window - ideal flowers on the balcony in boxes.
  • If the crown has lost its beauty, then do not be afraid to cut it drastically. Replace the soil, and soon the green mass and buds will be in abundance.


One has only to look at the photo of this beauty and it is impossible not to fall in love. For all lovers of everything airy and those who save space, this is an ideal option. Because hanging fuchsia planters are beautiful, they don't take up space at the bottom. In addition, such flowerpots at the top always receive maximum amount light even in dark places.


  • fuchsia is not afraid of the shadow;
  • requires little maintenance;
  • has a high decorative effect;
  • can grow in high floor flowerpots and hanging;
  • has multifaceted shades of petals;
  • blooms from spring to autumn;
  • not afraid of acidified soil, which is a rarity among plants.


  • dislikes moving from place to place;
  • if you pour a flower, then it will drop all the buds and grind;
  • The roots are very sensitive and can overheat.

Did you know?

Fuchsia was discovered at the end of the 17th century, it grew at that time near the Dominican Republic. The name was given in honor of one of the famous physicians and scientists of Germany, Leonart von Fuchs.


Fuchsia, in order to become a flower for a balcony, blooming all summer, as in the photo, needs regular watering, but only as the soil in the pot dries out. If you have a hanging planter, then you should not remove it every time, just add water from above. It is better to use settled.

If it is very dark in your place, the summer turned out to be gloomy, then the greenery and flowers may be shredded, then just buy a fluorescent lamp. Fuchsia does not tolerate heat, the roots should be cool, it follows that it is better to maintain the temperature in the range from 16 to 22 degrees. Top dressings are applied regularly to ensure abundant flowering. The plant responds well to the drug "Bud".

Combine root feeding and foliar spraying and your flowers will always be the most beautiful.

  • If you just planted a fuchsia in a pot, it has not yet grown stronger, then do not make mistakes - do not fill it with water and any fertilizers at this stage.
  • The plant is fed only in a healthy state.
  • When choosing a fertilizer, make sure that the preparation contains a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
  • Top dressing is always combined with watering.

Unpretentious plants for the south side

The north side, of course, is problematic, but often not all flowers and plants can survive in the south of the apartment. The thing is that in the season, even in conditions temperate climate and north Sun rays very hot. They injure the leaves, the roots overheat, the buds fall off, and the flowers dry out ahead of time. Here, too, it is important not to make mistakes. So, what kind of flowers do we recommend to plant on the balcony on the sunny side.


Of course, the queen and unsurpassed pelargonium or among the people - geranium cannot be ignored. These are flowers that amaze not only with their unpretentiousness, beauty, but also with a rich variety. In addition, our ancestors revered geranium, knowing about its beneficial properties.


  • very beautiful bloom and long;
  • not afraid of direct sunlight, as well as can grow in the shade;
  • high decorativeness of not only flowers, but also leaves;
  • a huge variety of shades, varieties;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • the possibility of growing in the summer in the garden, in the winter at home and on the balcony.

Good to know!

AT folk medicine you can find such a recipe - if your blood pressure has increased, then you need to pick a fragrant pelargonium leaf, put it on your pulse and soon everything will pass.


  • fragrant varieties are not all tolerated by the aroma of the leaves;
  • it can react to a sharp cold snap by changing the color of the leaves and stopping growth;
  • soil dries out very quickly.


Geraniums are very easy to care for. It grows even outdoors open ground, often used for urban landscaping. You need to water it often, while the water can be plain tap water. If your balcony is cold, and the weather forecast warned of a sharp drop in temperature, then it is better to bring flowers into the house for this time. Geranium is not afraid of hot window sills, rooms, drafts.

It needs to be watered and fed regularly so that the bushes do not shrink, and the flowers bloom luxuriously until autumn. Geranium is very fond of liquid top dressing. Preparations for blooming from "Fasco" are excellent. Once a week, you can bathe pelargonium in the shower, as its fleecy leaves gather dust. Geranium simply loves this procedure.

  • When choosing a variety, give preference to undersized and with a low peduncle options, such flowers are more decorative.
  • Geraniums are ideal not only for ordinary pots, but they can also be planted in long boxes, combined with other plants, hung. It looks very advantageous not only when standing on the windowsill, but also from the street side of the window in long trays.
  • Pelargonium is better not to spray, namely to bathe.


Just as we couldn't mention the geranium, we can't forget the beautiful petunia either. An ideal option just for everyone - for beginners, for those who have long dreamed of creating a balcony, like on the cover of decor magazines, for those who do not like to mess around with flowers a lot. Petunia is decorative, has such a variety of varieties and species that it will give odds to any plant. In addition, among its colors there are dark shades - almost black.

When choosing petunia seedlings, always consider where you want to see this flower. For hanging planters, ampelous varieties are needed, for flowerpots - bushes that will grow in breadth, covering the entire soil.


  • high decorative effect;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • light agricultural technology and long flowering until frost;
  • the possibility of combining with other flowers in one flowerpot - bacopa, lobelia, geranium, thyme and others;
  • a huge variety of varieties and species;
  • can grow in acidic soil;
  • resistance to diseases, direct sunlight, temperature changes.


  • for dense flowering require regular feeding;
  • you can not fill the flowers, they are sensitive to this.


Petunias are very easy to care for and these are the best flowers for the balcony, blooming all summer, you can’t argue with the photo. Flowers need to be watered as they dry, flowers are not afraid of slightly dry soil. Sometimes because of too acidic soil chlorosis may begin, they fight it with the help of "Antichlorosis". Petunia can be cut to stimulate dense flowering, but it does not always tolerate transplanting from place to place well. Every 10-14 days, flowers are fed, you can buy drugs such as Fertika, Akverin, Ideal.

  • Petunia is very multifaceted, competently combine it with other flowers at once so that your balcony does not turn out too gaudy.
  • When the flowers dry out, remove them - this stimulates flowering.
  • If the plants are watered too rarely, then the leaves curl up, become as if sticky, but after watering everything returns to normal.
  • If the bushes began to disintegrate strongly in the flowerpot, then you can carry out a cardinal pruning of the branches, this will stimulate the growth of new shoots in the middle, on which flowers will soon appear.

Flowers for the west and east side

People who have a balcony with east and west windows can be called the most fortunate. The thing is that the light here is either in the morning or in the afternoon. That is, there is good lighting and partial shade. Such conditions are ideal for many plants - both for garden and indoor plants. At the same time, the sun's rays are always the most gentle, they do not burn delicate leaves. You can choose anything.


These flowers are simply impossible not to advise - they are of unearthly beauty, just perfect. They are beautiful in the flower bed, but even more luxurious when hanging from hanging planters balconies or terraces. They can also grow in flowerpots, and on the eastern and west side you will definitely provide yourself with flowers that are suitable for the balcony, blooming all summer, just stand in the photo above. You will be the center of attention.


  • high decorative effect;
  • relative unpretentiousness;
  • combination - you can plant in boxes on the balcony, outside the windows in trays along with petunias, geraniums, bacopa, snapdragons, herbs;
  • a very beautiful azure color in a number of varieties, but lobelia can also be of a different shade;
  • blooms from June until frost;
  • one of the most popular colors for rock gardens, Provence style home decor, country style, for combination with stones;
  • abundant flowering, which closes the leaves on the bushes. A bright spot among any monotony.


  • if the summer turned out to be cloudy, the flowers become smaller, and the bushes look rare;
  • on poor soils and without feeding, the bushes look less decorative.


Growing lobelia is pretty easy. It is watered only when the soil dries well. Feed preferably every week with complex feeding, where there is a lot of potassium and phosphorus. A prerequisite for lobelia is fertile and loose soil. Therefore, every time after watering the next day, loosen the pots. It is also best to avoid drafts.

Your balcony will look very beautiful if you combine white and dark azure lobelia in pots of the same design.

  • In order for the bushes to bloom profusely, you must always pinch out the already grown shoots.
  • Also, always remove flowers that are already withered as much as possible. This stimulates flowering, pots look neat.
  • Lobelia loves foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out in the evening or early in the morning with complex fertilizers, as for root dressing, but only a weaker concentration is made.

undersized snapdragon

For all lovers of delicate, spring shades, lightness and ease in decor, dwarf snapdragons will be the best option. It has some pros and no cons. You can grow flowers on the balcony in boxes, in simple pots, outside the window, yes, even in a simple improvised container. They are extremely unpretentious, but it is amazing how different their unusual inflorescences can be.


  • shades;
  • from snapdragon alone, you can create a varied composition;
  • combined with other flowers - phlox, marigolds, forget-me-nots;
  • require minimal top dressing;
  • flowers are not afraid of direct sunlight.


  • the root system is sensitive to the bay;
  • can hurt with improper care;
  • blooms a little later than the previous plants - from July, but then frost blooms;
  • insects can bother. Therefore, it is better to plant flowers inside the balcony with mosquito nets.

Did you know?

Snapdragon is one of the most unusual flowers due to the shape of the inflorescence. It is popular all over the world, each nationality gives it its own name - dogs, the mouth of a lion, a biting dragon. Now there are already more than 1000 varieties of these flowers.


Since the root system is tender at snapdragons, it is better to immediately take care of high-quality soil. It is best to combine peat, humus, land from the site or make a composition of purchased soil mixture and turf - 1/1. In such soil, flowers will quickly grow, bloom together. Water the snapdragon as it dries, loosening is a must. Top dressing is applied only 3-4 times per season. To do this, you can use nitrophoska. Combine root feeding always with watering in those plants that have tender roots. Flowers love to be sprayed with water.

  • If you flooded the flowers, rot may begin. For treatment, "Hom" is used.
  • From aphids do not save mosquito net, but fragrant flowers next to the snapdragon or sprinkling the soil with cinnamon, tobacco can save.
  • To prevent diseases during spraying, add a little manganese to the water.

Finally, the following should be said. Decorating your balcony is not a problem nowadays. Looks very nice vertical gardening, gardeners do a lot with their own hands. Before choosing one or another plant, always carefully study its agricultural technology, needs. It is also worth choosing the right flowers, not only because they can be too colorful, but also so as not to be disappointed. After all, there are climbing, cascading, ampelous, ground cover, low and high species. Going for seedlings, know what you want to ask the seller.

You can plant all these flowers on your balcony, and they will delight you all season long. The main thing is to read about each in advance, think over combinations of shades, so that you end up with a decor like in the best magazines.

A selection of interesting options


You can admire crocuses, tulips, hyacinths with the first spring rays. Of course, we are used to the fact that they grow in the country. But you can also plant them on the balcony in separate pots or in a common container, where other flowers will then be planted. Yes, primroses fade quickly, but if you combine these flowers with other plants with different terms flowering, then your balcony will delight you from the first days of spring until autumn.


What could be easier than scattering purslane seeds on the ground. These flowers delight with their unpretentiousness, because they can grow even in the most unfavorable places with the help of self-seeding. Purslane blooms all summer, while hanging beautifully from the pots, and its flowers have different shades.

To make a real flower paradise on your balcony, you can bring indoor plants to it for the summer, which will join the overall composition. Creepers that can wrap around vertical supports will fit perfectly.

September 16, 2016
You can talk about design canons for a long time, but every day the existing canons become less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials, brought together in order to get such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to keep right course in high design.

Often, balconies facing the north side hear unflattering words addressed to them and turn into a warehouse of things from the “it’s a pity to throw away” category. Today I will try to prove that even such a balcony can be successfully transformed into a garden for green pets.

Illumination and temperature

When choosing a place for plants, it is important to consider two factors - light and temperature.

Illumination is measured with a luxmeter, if you don’t have such a device in your arsenal, do a simple analysis of the initial data and answer the questions:

  • What is the area of ​​the part?
  • What double-glazed windows are installed?
  • How close are neighboring houses and trees to the balcony?

If the northern balcony has a sufficiently large-scale glazing and is located in the southern region, you get good playground for growing flowers. But balconies with modest windows on the ground floors put forward serious requirements for the selection of plants, but even here you can successfully grow sansevier, chlorophytum and some annuals.

In summer and spring, the daylight hours are long, so even the northern balconies can boast of a sufficient level due to diffused and reflected sunlight. You can safely move small-leaved ficuses, dracaena, cordilina, pelargoniums, petunias and date palms here.

If you plan to turn the north balcony into a winter garden and plant potted flowers in it, I advise you to equip additional artificial lighting, without which it will be very difficult for tropical houseplants.

With sense, with feeling, with arrangement we choose flowers for a balcony

So it's time to go in search of an answer to the question of what flowers to plant on the balcony on the north side.

Among my favorites, I would recommend paying attention to violets, fuchsias, cyclamen and spathiphyllum. If you are leaning towards amaryllis, take a look at hippeastrum, clivia, zephyranthes. The last group has one secret - the flower buds in the bulb are laid in the summer, only at this time the plant needs a large amount of light, the rest life cycle they can spend in the shade and at the same time delight you with flowering.

Deciduous plants

Among the deciduous group, ferns belong to the shade-loving category. Remember where we often meet them in the natural environment? That's right, in the shady forests.

So that the fern is not bored, pick up a company of maidenhair, nephrolepis, zamiokulkas and chlorophytum for him. Aspidistra is completely unpretentious, it can grow not only on the northern balcony, but also away from the light.

If you can boast a large balcony area or wide window sill, take a closer look at dieffenbachia, alocasia, syngonium - plants of the Aroid family.

Anthurium and Aeschinanthus will delight you with lush greenery, but they will not bloom.

Palm trees and ivy

If you are in the mood for setting up winter garden and you can not do without large plants, opt for the bamboo hamedorea palm. Perfectly adapts to the lack of light and hibiscus (Chinese rose).

Among a group of climbers on a checked balcony, hoya and cissus will feel good.

No matter how beautiful the variegated ivy is, you will have to refuse to place it in a shady place. Plants with multi-colored leaves lose their brightness without sunlight.

Warm or cold

When choosing plants, it is important and temperature regime which is held on the balcony.

Warm northern balconies

Shade-tolerant unpretentious plants are selected for cultivation, which feel great in the temperature range from +18 to +20 ° С. Unfortunately, there are few such representatives of the green world, however, when arranging additional lighting you can safely grow the lion's share of the assortment for warm western and eastern balconies.

I offer you 4 plants that I would put on my balcony:

  1. Dihorisandra or golden mustache is native to America. Apart from attractive appearance and unpretentiousness, famous healing properties and use in folk medicine.
  1. Ruellia requires warmth and moderate light. Will delight you with abundant greenery if you monitor the level of humidity, otherwise the leaves become inconspicuous and dull.

  1. You have at your disposal many types of ficus, the most popular are lyre-shaped, oak-leaved and sacred. The plant requires annual pruning and transplanting with a sprinkling of crushed wood ash powder.
  2. I am sure that you are familiar with chlorophytum. He is appreciated for positive energy and the ability to purify the air. If you choose Cape, Crested or Winged Chlorophytum, remember that it will need an annual transplant.

Cold rolled balconies

Yes, yes, even on such a balcony you can successfully grow flowers with your own hands. Which? Let's take a look at the table.

Name Instructions and recommendations
Evergreen araucaria When you land it, you have a chance to get a piece of coniferous forest on your own balcony, and in New Year and completely turn it into a traditional Christmas tree.

To obtain a uniform crown, install the plant at the maximum distance from the wall, window and other plants. Araucaria prefers to live alone and reacts very painfully to any neighborhood.

Cypress and cypress will help create an attractive composition.

Hydrangea A fairly hardy plant, but it will require a little bit from you. more attention during flowering. Peduncles have an impressive mass, so they require tying.

The hydrangea has a poor "immunity", so it often suffers from fungal diseases. For preventive purposes, I recommend watering the soil twice a year with a weak fungicide solution.

Myrtle A symbol of family well-being, which, if properly trimmed, can turn into a fancy ball, cone or pyramid.

Aucuba An exotic plant that is grown in pairs. With artificial pollination of flower stalks, you can get berries that resemble red dogwood.

Interesting fact! Japanese aucuba has long oval leaves that are dotted with golden spots. For such appearance the plant is often referred to as the "sausage tree".

Shadows are coming

If your balcony is in absolute shade, stop growing flowering perennials, your choice is modest decorative leafy plants. They are not as effective, but they have the most important quality- shade tolerance.

Plants for shady balconies are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  1. Shade-loving plants in the sun develop much worse than in shade conditions, the leaves burn easily, change their natural shade. In this group, there is a place for most varieties of hostas, ferns, periwinkle, dodecatheon.
  2. Shade-tolerant - a category of green pets who are ready to put up with the lack of light. They would not mind getting a slightly higher degree of insolation, but they have to be content with the conditions that they have. Outstanding Representatives- astilba, aquilegia and viola.

deep shadow

I'll start, perhaps, with the most difficult conditions for flowers - with a deep shadow. For your balcony flower bed, you can choose a female nodule, a shield and an ostrich, these fern forms will create a voluminous background for spring ephemera, primroses, and hosts.

The Spartan group includes the pygmy hoof, it can serve as a background for flowers and perfectly masks the “bald spots” in the balcony flower garden with a dense green rug.

You can plant hostas in an individual tub, for example, Queen of the Seas, Blue Mouse Ears and Deep Blue Sea varieties with leathery dense leaves in blue or green shades.

Unlike their green-blue relatives, most variegated hostas are very sensitive to a lack of light, in deep shade they lose their color and become monochromatic.


For this shady zone, the list of plants is expanding significantly, in addition to the “lovers of darkness” described above, you can look at variegated hosts with white, yellow, golden leaf edging.

In June-August, the plant turns from decorative leafy into flowering. In the center of the bush on long stems, flowers of white, cream and purple are revealed.

Quite quickly, the periwinkle grows in the shade, covering the tub with dense leaves and small flowers white, blue, purple, red and pink shades. Shade-tolerant grasses, hostas and ferns can grow on a periwinkle carpet.

Dicentra magnificent is indifferent to the sun, but requires moist soil, under these conditions it will delight you with heart-shaped flowers of bright pink color.

If you have large plants planted in tubs, plant ephemeroid plants under them, for example, anemones, crocuses, corydalis, muscari or blueberries. In such conditions, the garden orchid "lady's slipper" will feel great. They prefer moist, nutritious soils and considerable shade.

Garden orchids are demanding on the choice of neighbors, planting astilbe and tiarella is optimal.


Plants for the north balcony, which will grow in partial shade, must withstand up to 6 hours in the sun. In such conditions, violas, aquilegia, aconites, rhododendron and bergenia develop well.

Among annuals, pay attention to lobelia, torenia, petunias and balsams.

Summing up

Turning a balcony into flower bed or a mini-garden is a fascinating business. First, you transfer potted flowers there from the windowsill, then equip a couple of tubs for large-sized ones, find a place for a one-year-old flower bed and that's it, you can't be stopped, and is it worth it?

Well, now it's your turn to share ideas for arranging a balcony, and it remains for me to offer you an interesting video in this article.

September 16, 2016

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2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs