Tea hybrid rose nicole nicole. Rose variety Nicole: photo, description. Description of appearance and features

Rose variety Nicole belongs to the floribunda family. The original name of the variety is Nicole, but there is also an alternative name - KORicole. This type of rose, according to the description and photo, was bred in Germany by the oldest rose-growing company W.Kordes’ Sohne, which was founded back in 1887. Rosa Nicole first saw the light in 1983 at the same time as Hannah Gordon and Tabris roses. Nicole is extremely similar to the latter, and often roses are even considered to be of the same species.

Description and characteristics of the rose Nicole

  1. Rosa Nicole is the best, spectacular and picturesque, two-color cut variety.
  2. The average height of the bush reaches 0.8-1.5 meters, the diameter is about 0.6-0.7 m.
  3. The bushes are vigorous, sprawling.
  4. The size of one flower is about 8-9 cm in diameter. The shape of the bud is a classic goblet.
  5. The buds are painted in two shades: the petals at the base have a milky white color, which turns into a delicate pink border towards the top.
  6. The petals are large, wavy in shape, terry is felt to the touch. Usually, one flower is made up of about 45 petals with a neat spiral styling.
  7. Only one flower blooms on one shoot. The shoots are extremely prickly, dotted with thorns.

The variety is resistant to diseases, fungal attack, and shows low level soreness even in cold areas. There are black spot disease and powdery mildew, but in isolated cases.

Saving Nicole rose seedlings until planting

Rose Nicole is no different special requirements in terms of storing seedlings - there are three options for their wintering.
1. In the refrigerator.
This method is applicable only to seedlings on which the first shoots have not yet appeared. A bundle of seedlings is wrapped in a dense plastic bag with holes for air flow. It is necessary to get a bunch once a week, remove it from the bag and spray it with water. Storage in this form is allowed no more than 2 months.
2. Balcony wintering in pots.
Seedlings are planted in small pots with a capacity of up to two liters. This type of maintenance of seedlings is allowed only at temperatures above zero. When the temperature drops, the seedlings are transferred to more warm room.

In order to avoid the defeat of the rose Nicole spider mite in the early stages, roses should be sprayed daily with water, and treated with special protective agents immediately before planting in the ground.
3. Outdoors, under a layer of snow.
Allowed only if low temperatures on the street under which the snow long time does not melt. For laying seedlings, dark, protected from sun rays, the place where snow lingers the longest. The seedlings are packed in a cardboard box. Laying is done with pouring peat. It is recommended to prepare linings under the bottom of the box so that when the snow melts, it does not get wet. The box is covered with a film, tarpaulin or other material that does not allow moisture to pass through, and sprinkled with a thick layer of snow.

Planting rose seedlings Nicole in the ground

For planting seedlings of the Nicole variety, loamy soils with humus top dressing are best suited. Areas with unsuitable soil composition must first be prepared by adding sand and clay to the soil. In autumn, landing is carried out from the third week of September to the third week of October. In the spring - from the beginning of April, as soon as the frosts disappear.

Sprouts immediately before being placed in the ground are soaked in water for 6-10 hours. Then, on each seedling, shoots are pruned. Only the strongest ones should be left, in an amount of no more than 4 pieces. The shoots themselves are also shortened so that no more than 3 eyes remain on each. Such actions will ensure the growth of strong and powerful bushes.

For planting, a pit is prepared with a depth of about 60-80 cm, which is filled with a mixture of manure, sand, peat, mineral fertilizer and the top fertile layer of the earth.
When placing a seedling in the ground, it is important to spread the roots as wide as possible - this will help improve the nutrition received by the plant.

After planting, the soil around the seedling is compacted and watered abundantly. The ground should be compacted so that the landing site is 3-5 cm below the ground level. Then, the seedling is completely covered with earth. This procedure is performed at any time of landing and is performed in order to protect young plant from bad weather and possible night frosts, and also contributes to a more active development of the root system.

Soil fertilizer and rose top dressing

Fertilizing the soil around a young plant mineral organics very beneficial effect on its growth and development. The growing season of rose Nicole should be accompanied by 3-4 top dressings. Proper feeding for a rose, it should be prepared in advance, calculating the time before the first application of fertilizer to the soil.

Photo of rose Nicole

Fertilizer Recipe:

  • 10-14 days before the first top dressing, 1/4 fresh cow manure is poured into the barrel;
  • the rest of the volume is filled with water and the contents are mixed;
  • added to container mineral fertilizers in the amount of 15 grams per 10 liters;
    immediately before pouring, the resulting composition is diluted to a concentration of 10%.

About 4 liters of solution are consumed per plant, watering is carried out only after watering and absorbing it. To prepare the bushes for wintering, in early September, you should make potash fertilizers which will increase their resistance to frost. After that, the roses are sprinkled with a mixture of peat, humus and sand to a height of up to 35 cm.

Features of watering roses Nicole

Rosa Nicole is especially demanding on watering. in early spring, in the process of active development of buds and growth of shoots. After the first flowering, abundant watering is resumed. The amount and duration of watering is reduced by autumn, so that the bushes do not let in new root shoots that may not survive in the fall.

In the summer, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • water should be settled and poured to the very stem of the bush, not on top of the foliage;
  • in normal weather, one watering per week is carried out, during drought - two;
  • after watering, the resulting earthen crust is loosened;
    The optimal watering time is in the morning.

Pruning Rose Nicole

Variety Nicole requires pruning twice a year: in autumn and spring. The rose belongs to the floribunda group, so autumn pruning is required.

Trimming order:

  • pruning of shoots is performed in the middle of their length;
  • pruning should be carried out in dry weather only with sharp tools;
  • the cut itself is performed above the swollen kidney at an angle, in order to avoid water stagnation

Preparing rose Nicole for wintering

The rose takes cover only when a stable sub-zero temperature. Above the bush is being built wooden frame, which in turn is covered with several layers of film, tarpaulin or other material that does not allow moisture to pass through. Opening in the spring is carried out gradually so that the bushes do not begin active growth.

Rose variety Nicole according to the description and photo will become a real decoration of your suburban area. When grown by hand and proper care you can achieve abundant flowering bush. Create beautiful flower corners on !

Rosa Nicole has a bicolor color. The height of the bush is usually about 80-150 cm. The width is about 70 cm, it happens more but quite rarely. Rosa Nicole disease resistance: sick in bad years.

Description: Nicole roses

In the 1980s, W. Kordes & Sohne introduced three outstanding two-tone floribundas: Hannah Gordon (1983), Nicole (1983) and Tabris (1986). They were very similar to each other - so much so that they began to be confused with each other. Hannah Gordon is different enough to be considered a separate cultivar, while Nicole and Tabris are so similar that it is better to consider them synonyms of the same variety. Nicole is a more common name because variety has been bred before. This is a magnificent bushy floribunda with large milky white flowers with a bright, luminous rich pink edging. The short, wavy petals on the back are paler but hold color well, and appear in racemes of 3-10. The shrub is vigorous, spreading, with disease-resistant foliage (apart from occasional black spot lesions in cold climates), and spiny shoots. (ARE) A stunning rose. Tall, vigorous bush, very prickly. (RRC)

Inexperienced flower growers believe that only dutch varieties ornamental plants able to meet their highest expectations. In fact, scientists from other countries have also succeeded in the field of selection. Vivid proof of this is Nicole's rose, which has a special charm.

History of occurrence

This variety has been available for purchase since 1998. The variety was bred by German specialists - representatives of the rose-growing company W. Kordes & Sons (Wilhelm Kordes and Sons), which has existed since 1919, and was founded, by and large, even earlier - in 1887 by Wilhelm Kordes I in Elmshorn. The flower has another name: KORsir. However, do not confuse Nicole with the rose variety of the same name, listed in the catalogs as KORicole - created in the same nursery, but belonging to the floribunda group.

Description of appearance and features

Nicole is a noble plant worthy of your attention. It is a strong shrub about a meter high, maximum 120 cm, characterized by medium growth intensity, the presence of strong shoots and large oblong leaves with pointed tips, serrated edges, with a glossy sheen, painted dark green. The width of the crown is on average 0.6 meters. Beautiful, classic goblet-shaped buds are quite large. Blooming, they reach a diameter of 10-12 cm. The flower has 40-50 petals with wavy edges, arranged in a neat spiral. Their inner surface is velvety, wine-red. From the outside, the petals are painted in silver-white color and have a pink border. At the base of the bud, a juicy red hue turns to lilac tones on the periphery. Nicole flowers spread a faint but subtle pleasant fragrance with fruity notes. Rose buds form one on each shoot. Nicole blooms profusely and in waves from June to October. If the autumn turned out to be warm, then this phase can also capture the first ten days of November.

The original beauty tolerates the summer heat well. Its flowers are resistant to rain. The variety has good resistance to diseases, especially powdery mildew and black spot. In addition, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -30ºС.

Growing conditions and care

The plant is best planted in a well-lit area of ​​the garden, protected from gusty winds. Suitable for loamy soils high content humus. If you do not have the opportunity to plant a plant in such soil, first add clay and sand to the soil. A rose is planted both in spring (early April) and in autumn (between late September and mid-October). landing pit for Nicole they dig up to a depth of 80 cm. It is filled with a mixture of fertile soil, peat, manure and drainage materials - sand, peat. It is advisable to add mineral fertilizer there. After this procedure, the bush needs abundant watering.

Moisture of the soil under the flower should be plentiful in early spring and after the first wave of flowering, the rest of the time they adhere to moderate watering. By the fall, it is completely reduced. Water is used exclusively settled, in no case cold. Frequency of watering: 1-2 times a week.

Fertilizers are applied to the soil under the plant monthly. To feed roses, a mixture of organic matter (slurry) and a mineral complex is used. Prepare it in advance, about 10 days before the upcoming procedure. For 1 plant, about 4 liters of the resulting nutrient solution will be needed.

Regular weeding, loosening the soil - all this should also be done to best growth and development of Nicole. In the spring, it is recommended to prune the shrub, during which diseased and frozen shoots are removed.

Use cases

Flowers and buds Nicole fell in love with florists, because with their participation, beautiful flower bouquets are obtained. Cut shoots crowned bright colors, retain freshness and saturation of colors for a long time - about two weeks. Concerning landscape design, then the culture will adorn flowerbeds of decorative flowering perennials, group plantings of roses from 3-4 bushes. However, Nicole's lonely growing shrub looks incomparable!

Rose variety Nicole belongs to the floribunda family. The original name of the variety is Nicole, but there is also an alternative name - KORicole. This type of rose, according to the description and photo, was bred in Germany by the oldest rose-growing company W.Kordes’ Sohne, which was founded back in 1887. Rosa Nicole first saw the light in 1983 at the same time as Hannah Gordon and Tabris roses. Nicole is extremely similar to the latter, and often roses are even considered to be of the same species.

Also read: how to decorative roses from orange peel

Description and characteristics of the rose Nicole

  • Rosa Nicole is the best, spectacular and picturesque, two-color cut variety.
  • The average height of the bush reaches 0.8-1.5 meters, the diameter is about 0.6-0.7 m.
  • The bushes are vigorous, sprawling.
  • The size of one flower is about 8-9 cm in diameter. The shape of the bud is a classic goblet.
  • The buds are painted in two shades: the petals at the base have a milky white color, which turns into a delicate pink border towards the top.
  • The petals are large, wavy in shape, terry is felt to the touch. Usually, one flower is made up of about 45 petals with a neat spiral styling.
  • Only one flower blooms on one shoot. The shoots are extremely prickly, dotted with thorns.
  • The variety is resistant to disease, fungal attack, and shows a low level of disease even in cold areas. There are diseases of black spot and powdery mildew, but in isolated cases.

    Saving Nicole rose seedlings until planting

    Rosa Nicole does not have special requirements in terms of storing seedlings - there are three options for their wintering.
    1. In the refrigerator.
    This method is applicable only to seedlings on which the first shoots have not yet appeared. A bundle of seedlings is wrapped in a dense plastic bag with holes for air flow. It is necessary to get a bunch once a week, remove it from the bag and spray it with water. Storage in this form is allowed no more than 2 months.
    2. Balcony wintering in pots.
    Seedlings are planted in small pots with a capacity of up to two liters. This type of maintenance of seedlings is allowed only at temperatures above zero. When the temperature drops, the seedlings are transferred to a warmer room.

    In order to avoid damage to the Nicole rose by a spider mite in the early stages, the roses should be sprayed daily with water, and treated with special protective agents immediately before planting in the ground.
    3. Outdoors, under a layer of snow.
    It is allowed only in case of low temperatures outside, at which the snow does not melt for a long time. For laying seedlings, a dark place, protected from sunlight, is chosen where the snow lingers the longest. The seedlings are packed in a cardboard box. Laying is done with pouring peat. It is recommended to prepare linings under the bottom of the box so that when the snow melts, it does not get wet. The box is covered with a film, tarpaulin or other material that does not allow moisture to pass through, and sprinkled with a thick layer of snow.

    Planting rose seedlings Nicole in the ground

    For planting seedlings of the Nicole variety, loamy soils with humus top dressing are best suited. Areas with unsuitable soil composition must first be prepared by adding sand and clay to the soil. In autumn, landing is carried out from the third week of September to the third week of October. In the spring - from the beginning of April, as soon as the frosts disappear.

    Sprouts immediately before being placed in the ground are soaked in water for 6-10 hours. Then, on each seedling, shoots are pruned. Only the strongest ones should be left, in an amount of no more than 4 pieces. The shoots themselves are also shortened so that no more than 3 eyes remain on each. Such actions will ensure the growth of strong and powerful bushes.

    For planting, a pit is prepared with a depth of about 60-80 cm, which is filled with a mixture of manure, sand, peat, mineral fertilizer and the top fertile layer of the earth.

    When placing a seedling in the ground, it is important to spread the roots as wide as possible - this will help improve the nutrition received by the plant.

    After planting, the soil around the seedling is compacted and watered abundantly. The ground should be compacted so that the landing site is 3-5 cm below the ground level. Then, the seedling is completely covered with earth. This procedure is performed at any time of planting and is performed in order to protect the young plant from bad weather and possible night frosts, and also contributes to a more active development of the root system.

    Soil fertilizer and rose top dressing

    Fertilizing the soil around a young plant with mineral organics has a very positive effect on its growth and development. The growing season of rose Nicole should be accompanied by 3-4 top dressings. Proper feeding for roses should be prepared in advance, calculating the time before the first application of fertilizer to the soil.

    Photo of rose Nicole

    Fertilizer Recipe:

    • 10-14 days before the first top dressing, 1/4 fresh cow manure is poured into the barrel;
    • the rest of the volume is filled with water and the contents are mixed;
    • mineral fertilizers are added to the container in the amount of 15 grams per 10 liters;
      immediately before pouring, the resulting composition is diluted to a concentration of 10%.

    About 4 liters of solution are consumed per plant, watering is carried out only after watering and absorbing it. To prepare the bushes for wintering, potash fertilizers should be applied at the beginning of September, which will increase their resistance to frost. After that, the roses are sprinkled with a mixture of peat, humus and sand to a height of up to 35 cm.

    Features of watering roses Nicole

    Rosa Nicole is especially demanding for watering in early spring, in the process of active bud development and shoot growth. After the first flowering, abundant watering is resumed. The amount and duration of watering is reduced by autumn, so that the bushes do not let in new root shoots that may not survive in the fall.

    In the summer, you should follow a few simple rules:

    • water should be settled and poured to the very stem of the bush, not on top of the foliage;
    • in normal weather, one watering per week is carried out, during drought - two;
    • after watering, the resulting earthen crust is loosened;
      The optimal watering time is in the morning.

    Pruning Rose Nicole

    Variety Nicole requires pruning twice a year: in autumn and spring. The rose belongs to the floribunda group, so autumn pruning is required.

    Trimming order:

    • pruning of shoots is performed in the middle of their length;
    • pruning should be carried out in dry weather only with sharp tools;
    • the cut itself is performed above the swollen kidney at an angle, in order to avoid water stagnation

    Preparing rose Nicole for wintering

    The rose takes cover only when a stable sub-zero temperature is established. A wooden frame is constructed above the bush, which, in turn, is covered with several layers of film, tarpaulin or other material that does not allow moisture to pass through. Opening in the spring is carried out gradually so that the bushes do not begin active growth.

    Rose variety Nicole according to the description and photo will become a real decoration of your suburban area. When grown with your own hands and with proper care, you can achieve abundant flowering of the bush. Create beautiful flower corners in your country house!



    2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs