What plants are best to choose for a hedge on the site. Hedge at the dacha

Creating a hedge is not only a labor-intensive, but also an exciting process. This element has been very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To get good result, you need: firstly, choose the right plants; secondly, carry out the landing correctly; thirdly, carry out the formation in a timely and skillful manner.

Not all plants can be used to form a fast-growing perennial hedge, which is important both for external fencing and for internal landscaping.

If you plan to create something capital, not for one season, then you should take a responsible approach to the choice of plants and selection of varieties. For hedges, it is better to plant species that are frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding in terms of fertility. The possibility of disease and pest damage should also be taken into account. The less attention the planting requires, the better. Frozen twigs, fallen dried specimens, chlorotic leaves and leaves eaten away by caterpillars greatly reduce the decorative effect. Fixing such problems will take time and a lot of skill.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted species and varieties are selected, for quick results will need to be provided optimal conditions growth. Planting material for a hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (the exception is conifers, which grow slowly in the first years of life). Older plants have a voluminous root system and are sensitive to transplantation, and with annual seedlings, obtaining a full-fledged hedge will require more time. The most realistic period in which it is possible to form a green hedge, provided that high-quality planting material is used, is 2 years. And this only applies to fast growing species, giving good growth.

For rapid growth, plants need a supply of nutrients in the soil and a sufficient amount of water, so planting is carried out in fertilized soil and regular watering is provided in the first years, especially during dry periods. If the cottage is located in an area close to groundwater, then most plants will require good drainage in the form of a layer of crushed stone or broken brick at the bottom landing pit or trenches.

To eliminate the risk of freezing of young seedlings, in the first 2-3 years they must be covered for the winter with non-woven material or a mulch layer of dry leaves, pine needles or spruce branches. For fencing fruit trees, it is undesirable to use rowan, since it has common diseases and pests with apple trees, and such plantings can turn into a nursery.

Plants for fast and long-lasting results

To quickly create an eco-fence, you can use low-growing (about 1 meter in height) and medium-growing (2-3 meters in height) shrubs, evergreen conifers, climbing vines and even trees. At the same time, you need to understand that if you use conifers, then in any case there will not be such a quick result as with shrubs.

Green fence made of thuja

These species are ideal both for homogeneous plantings and for multi-tiered compositions as a background for low growing bushes. Planting material for coniferous plants is taken at the age of 5 years; it is preferable to purchase seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are the best options for a fast-growing hedge with basic characteristics.

Ornamental shrubs

Bladderwort viburnum

Forms a lush crown with spreading branches. It reaches a height of 3 meters. The leaves are large and carved, depending on the variety, and may have a lemon or purple color, a brownish or purple tint.

It reacts negatively to lime content in the soil and does not tolerate waterlogging (heavy soils require drainage). It is photophilous, frost-resistant, but in severe winters the tips of young shoots may freeze, and it is resistant to gas contamination and dust.

The natural appearance of the plant is a spreading, fountain-shaped bush. Immediately after planting, the top is trimmed; in the first years, the side shoots are shortened by several centimeters to obtain a powerful fluffy bush.

Derain white

Has a spreading crown. The height exceeds 2.5 meters. Except decorative leaves with a light border, attractive in spring with fluffy inflorescences of white or cream color.

Grows on any soil. Growing in Siberia, it perfectly withstands the vagaries of nature, but does not tolerate drought well and is shade-tolerant. Pruning begins the next year after planting and is carried out twice a season to maintain the correct shape. Without pruning, the bushes become bare below and look sloppy.

Forsythia ovate

Spreading shrub with early flowering: yellow flowers bloom before the leaves and thickly cover the shoots.

Prefers light, breathable and calcareous soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, and is photophilous. Adult plants are pruned after flowering to developed buds.


An upright growing shrub up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding on soil fertility and moisture. Light- and heat-loving; shelter is required in the northern regions. Does not require formative pruning.

Fruiting bushes


Very decorative all year round, has long spines, is represented by dwarf and tall forms. Unpretentious. You can choose varieties for different conditions growing. Easily adapts to any shape. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has a compact bush up to 2 meters high with thorny shoots. IN spring period It is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in summer with dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in late autumn with blue “ball” berries. Grows on any soil. Frost-resistant, tolerates shade well. The bush turns out dense and neat without frequent pruning.

Rose hip

A medium-sized thorny bush, very attractive during the flowering period. Does not tolerate stagnation of water and close groundwater. Grows well in different climate zones. Formative pruning is carried out annually in the fall after leaf fall.


Tall thorny shrub with abundant flowering. Any soil is suitable, including poor and heavy clay soils. Frost-resistant and shade-tolerant. Without pruning, it does not lose its decorative effect. The planting can be formed to any height. In practice, an impenetrable solid wall is created by merging the side branches of neighboring bushes.

climbing vines

Maiden grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanding to soil types, but in the first years it responds well to fertilizing and fertilizers. Frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests, shade-tolerant.

Shaping involves tying and guiding the vines. Rapid growth requires mandatory pruning in the first year after planting to remove protruding and overgrown shoots. You should also periodically sprinkle compost on exposed growing roots.

Garden ivy

Evergreen liana. Prefers fertilized and moisture-absorbing soils. It does not like the sun; young plants must be covered for the winter. Autumn pruning of “loose” and dry elements is required, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


A climbing plant with long and bright flowering, suitable for creating a hedge with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefers well-drained loams. Light- and moisture-loving, in Middle lane require shelter.

Pruning depends on the varietal group. In some cases, pruning of faded shoots under the first developed bud is used, in others - autumn pruning young growth at a distance of about 30 cm from old wood.

Common hop

A powerful vine with bright green leaves, attractive in its own way during the flowering and fruit formation period. Unpretentious and very aggressive, light-loving. Requires strong support and regular pruning to control the spread.


Purple willow

A low (up to 1.5 meters) bush with a rounded crown and silvery leaves. Undemanding to fertility, tolerates waterlogging well. Light-loving, drought-resistant, has good winter hardiness. With the help of formative spring pruning, you can create low hedges of any shape.

Holly willow

Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Adapts well to growing conditions. Mature plants are trimmed at the beginning and end of the season.

White acacia

It is valued for its graceful leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. Drought-resistant, heat- and light-loving, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit growth and activate branching; without regular care, it turns into thickets and produces numerous shoots.

What to choose from all the variety? A matter of taste. Ornamental shrubs They will become not only a barrier or a means of zoning, but also an effective decoration of the garden.

Fruit-bearing, fast-growing shrubs for hedges will not only decorate, but also bring benefits in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, you should not expect large yields. If you want to make jam from hawthorn or barberry for the whole family, then it is better to plant a separate bush and care for it accordingly.

The most fast growing hedge will be obtained from vines (grapes, hops), and in a short time you can form a high and dense eco-fence. But for vertical growth, vines require support, which must be quite strong in order to withstand the growing weight of powerful shoots over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and correct pruning so that the plant does not weave everything around.

Trees are also suitable for long-lasting plantings. Willow and white acacia give very good annual growth and quickly reach the desired height. A hedge made of them does not have to be high - with the help of pruning you can easily change the natural appearance of the plant.

Landing rules

In order for the hedge to be sufficiently dense and the plants do not oppress each other, it is necessary to maintain the recommended planting scheme. It is more convenient to plant in a trench 0.5 m deep and 0.6 m wide. The seedlings are aligned with twine - this is important for creating flat wall. Climbing plants are spaced every 0.25 m; for low-growing shrubs, an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is acceptable; for tall shrubs, the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species it is more favorable spring planting, but autumn is also allowed, provided that the seedlings take root before frost. Many representatives will need a garter to the support, so stakes with twine should be prepared in advance.

Fill the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. Shrubs require stimulating pruning after planting, which allows you to get a highly branched, lush bush. Lianas (with the exception of maiden grapes) are not pruned in the first year, allowing them to develop a root system and grow green mass. In the first year, plants need good watering and mulching with humus or compost.

Planting fast growing plants, you need to take into account two of their disadvantages: the need for frequent cutting and the strong development of overgrowth. Over the years, such a fence can behave like an invader in a summer cottage. Tall, powerful fences can shade small areas, which must be taken into account when choosing plants.

For those who are prone to extravagance, an excellent solution for decorating a dacha or country house would be combined hedges from different types or from several contrasting varieties of the same type.

Hedge at the dacha - great solution for those who want to elegantly and beautifully design the fencing of the site, divide their garden into several parts using original means of delimitation and decorate the territory. For decoration you can use the most various types plants from tall evergreen conifers to flowering bushes.

An example of a hedge grown on a natural stone border

Features of forming a hedge with your own hands

This is what a hedge of various shrubs looks like

By alternating low-growing, medium-growing and tall plant varieties, you can create a multi-stage hedge. IN small garden To delimit an area, it is better to plant one type of plant, and over a large area - many different varieties of trees and shrubs.

Types of hedges

To create a green fence from plantings, a variety of plant varieties are used.

Scheme of arrangement and installation of a hedge fence

Thus, the following types of hedges are distinguished:

  • Green hedge using climbing plants;
  • Evergreen hedge of coniferous plants;
  • and deciduous trees;
  • A border hedge of low-growing plants.

Hedges are also distinguished by height: high (more than two meters in height), medium (from one to two meters), low (up to 120 cm) and border (from half a meter). The hedge can be planted in one, two or several rows. Based on the speed of formation, hedges are classified into fast-growing or long-growing hedges. The first category includes natural fences that can be formed in two years.

Hedges are also soft and prickly. Soft hedges are used to divide a site into sectors, and thorny ones are often planted along the perimeter of the territory. If the plants do not require constant trimming and shaping, the hedge is called free-growing. Otherwise, the fence must be molded.

An example of a willow hedge

There are rectangular, square, trellis, triangular, round and other forms of haircuts.

Curly hedges

Curly hedges are used for various purposes:

  • Disguising the unsightly wall of an old barn;
  • Decoration of a fence, terrace, gazebo;
  • Braiding tree trunks or poles;
  • Decoration of long-growing perennial vines, for which I use fast-growing climbing annuals.

Climbing plants are widely used in design, and with proper care they perfectly perform their decorative function. plant perennial varieties possible both in autumn and early spring V open ground. From annual varieties First, seedlings are grown, which are subsequently planted in a permanent place after the threat of frost has passed. The ridge is located at a distance of at least half a meter from the fence or wall.

Option for installing a climbing hedge

For better growth, climbing and weaving plants require support along which they climb up.

Perennial varieties

Perennial varieties of climbing plants grow in the same place for several years in a row, delighting the owner of the site from year to year. Among them are tree-like or herbaceous vines. Wild grapes are widely used in decoration. You can use it to green up your area in just a few minutes. short terms and with the least expenditure of effort, time and money. The length of the vines can reach 20 meters. When planting, maintain a distance of half a meter between plants and plant the grapes in holes 30 cm deep.

In one season, it is already possible to obtain lashes up to two meters long from seedlings, and by the end of the second year of life, the lashes completely cover the surface of the area allocated for them.

Wild grapes have good frost resistance and grow normally both in the sun and in the shade.

This is what a wild grape fence looks like

Evergreen ivy has also become an unpretentious climbing plant that has become widespread for landscaping. The cuttings of the plant are planted at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other, and the vines rise upward with the help of sucker roots. In autumn, shoots require pruning. Frost-resistant varieties of ivy are covered for the winter, and more delicate and heat-loving plants are transplanted and kept in a bright, cool room, periodically watered.

A very beautiful and common plant in decoration is the climbing rose. Roses bloom profusely and brightly, smell wonderful and create a festive mood. For normal growth, roses require feeding, pruning and watering. Also needed good protection from pests, why in preventive and medicinal purposes use chemicals. Plant a climbing rose in the fall in a sunny place, and cover it for the winter. spruce branches and film.

Annual climbing plants

An example of a hedge made from various annual bushes

Of the annuals, nasturtium, thunbergia, morning glory, sweet pea, kobeya, decorative beans and pumpkin are often used.
Sweet pea It has flowers of interesting shapes and varied colors. In order for the plant to bloom well and for a long time, the formed beans should be removed in time. Sweet peas prefer neutral soil without an abundance of fertilizers, and, otherwise, bloom sparingly, giving energy to leaf growth. Morning glory is a climbing plant with funnel-shaped flowers of blue, pink or purple. This plant blooms from July until late autumn and can spread up to five meters wide, so it does not require planting frequency.

Heat-loving nasturtiums are very unpretentious. They are planted either by seeds in the ground or by seedlings. The foliage of the plant has a soft green tint, and during flowering green carpet cover bright flowers of orange, yellow, dark or bright red.

Evergreen pine fence

Evergreen conifers are often used to create an impenetrable hedge on a site. At the same time, you won’t have to take much care of such a green fence, and it won’t cost much. The only negative when forming a hedge from coniferous species- duration of the process. It will take at least three years to grow a coniferous hedge.

Another feature of a hedge is its attractive appearance at any time of the year. Coniferous plants do not have flowers; they only occasionally shed dead needles.

If you want to add some color, you can plant flower beds and create flower beds next to the hedge.

Thuja hedge

A great way to isolate yourself from the outside world and decorate your area. Thuja will serve reliable barrier, will protect from unwanted guests and from external noise.

This is what a thuja hedge looks like

At good care Thuja does not fall off or wither, and can be easily shaped and trimmed. Place the seedlings in one row with a gap of 40–80 cm. Four-year-old seedlings are best suited for planting: they are well accepted and grow quite quickly.

The varieties Brabant, Holmstrup and Smaragd have become widespread. Brabant grows up to four meters in height and requires pruning twice a year. A Thuja Holmstrup hedge can reach a maximum of 2.5 meters and grows slowly. Caring for it consists only of watering. Thuja Smaragd is a plant up to six meters in height. It has a narrow cone-shaped crown, which is why it is loved by many designers.

Spruce hedge

If the owner of the site has enough time and patience, you can plant it around the perimeter. For this, varieties such as prickly, gray, purple and oriental spruce are used. Thanks to the density of the spruce crown, they block the view well and make the fence impenetrable.
Seedlings are better accepted when planted in autumn. Warm, dry weather is suitable for planting. Each seedling is planted in holes at least half a meter deep, made in well-moistened soil at a distance of at least a meter. When planted in two rows in a checkerboard pattern, the distance between the spruce trees is maintained at least 80 cm. A fir hedge looks fresh at any time of the year.

Juniper hedge

Juniper is an evergreen shrub. Juniper needles may have greenish or bluish tints. Among the fast-growing varieties, Virginian juniper is distinguished, while other types of this plant can grow for a very long time, up to several centuries.

Chinese and scaly varieties are also very popular. These frost-resistant species They are branchy and tolerate arid climates well. A juniper hedge is unpretentious and can last for many years.

An example of a hedge made from juniper bushes

To prevent openings between its rows, plants are planted in several rows in a checkerboard pattern.

To fence your territory, it is not at all necessary to delve into the specifics of construction. An excellent alternative for many has become a hedge, which can not only hide the owners’ property from prying eyes, but also complement the landscape design. In addition, with the help of evergreen perennials, you can distribute all zones. Creating a fast-growing perennial hedge in the country is quite simple. If you regularly care for it, it will not lose its decorative qualities for several decades.

You can choose almost any plant to form a living fence, but not all of them will grow quickly. Some require a lot of attention, constant feeding, frequent watering and certain climatic conditions. In addition, their growth rate per year is quite small, so the “living” fence will grow for many years. You can go another way - pick up fast-growing plants that develop quickly enough and from them you can simply form a fence of any shape and height.

Among the advantages of a hedge are:

  • climbing plants quickly entwine walls and supports;
  • if necessary, they will hide the shortcomings of the structure;
  • even with a modest landscape design, you can transform the entire territory for little money;
  • can be planted even in narrow places;
  • formation of shape and height as plants grow;
  • minimum amount of area.

There are disadvantages to almost everything, so hedges are no exception. These include regular care. If climbing plants were chosen for the fence, then in winter the fence will be translucent as the leaves fall in the fall.

When growing a green fence, it is worth remembering that it can be in the form of:

  • curb (up to 1 m);
  • hedge (1-3 m);
  • living wall (3-6 m).

The successful formation of a perennial hedge depends on the correct selection of plants, planting and caring for them.

As you know, with the help of flowers you can create flower beds and create alpine coaster. But if it is necessary to perform zoning or grow a high hedge, then it is necessary to use other types:

  • climbing plants;
  • shrubs;
  • decorative trees.

Shrubs are especially popular, from which amateurs and professionals create entire compositions:

  • fences;
  • curbs;
  • geometric shapes;
  • animals.

Another option for decorating a site is willow. In this case, you can choose not only ordinary varieties. If you have children, then with the help of a hedge you can fence off the children's area and calmly go about your business. At the same time, parents will be completely calm about their kids, since they will not be able to run away anywhere. Even through dense thickets small child won't be able to get through.

Usage simple shrubs will allow you to realize absolutely any idea. In addition, there is no need to resort to the help of designers; it is enough to familiarize yourself with the tips and thematic articles that are available on our website.

Considering all the options, you need to plan and imagine your hedge. To narrow down your choice, you need to use some criteria:

  1. Height.
  2. Width.
  3. Sheared or molded shape.
  4. Free growing.
  5. Care requirements.
  6. Climatic conditions.

Thanks to this, you can quickly determine which plants are suitable for forming a hedge. Undoubtedly, among the advantages deciduous plants are flowers. Many of them can bloom enough long period time, to be honey plants, to be used for traditional medicine, and also to bear fruit.

These include:

  • acacia;
  • black chokeberry;
  • elder;
  • derain;
  • honeysuckle;
  • viburnum;
  • jasmine mock orange;
  • currant;
  • lilac;
  • maple and others.

If you choose plants in favor of deciduous species, then you need to consider one important point. The hedge should bloom in early spring and shed its leaves in late autumn.

When choosing a single-tier height, you can significantly save on the required area for forming a hedge. In this case, it is worth giving preference to those types of trees whose branches can grow from the base of the trunk: linden, poplar and maple. If the area allows, then it is better to make a multi-tiered green fence. Not only can it become a fence, but it will also protect a large area of ​​land from the winds.

  1. For a hedge up to 3 m high, you can choose elm, poplar, linden, willow, and rowan.
  2. For hedges with a height of 1.5 to 2.5 m, the most often chosen are cotoneaster, barberry, golden currant, and alpine honeysuckle.
  3. Suitable for hedges from 70 cm to 1.5 m are mock orange, Bessey cherry, steppe almond, Japanese spirea.
  4. For borders you need to choose dwarf plants the above varieties.

If you choose the right trees and shrubs, you can create an original multi-tiered green fence. They will not cover each other, but at the same time beautiful combination flowers and the order of flowering will constantly delight you.

Shrubs have many benefits. They grow quite quickly, have a dense crown, and are easy to care for. It is worth noting that their main advantage is their flexibility in shaping. In addition, a wide variety of types allows you to solve several problems at once. If you need to further protect your property, choose specimens with thorns. They must be planted on the outside of the living fence. You can also consider fruit-bearing varieties, the fruits of which can be used for food.

Among the simplest and most accessible shrubs, there are 3 most common:

  1. Dogwood. An unpretentious shrub that can be planted even in the shade. This is an excellent option for forming an external hedge. In addition to beautiful leaves, dogwood bears fruit. Its fruits can be eaten or used in folk medicine. Dogwood can be planted both in spring and autumn, but no less than a month before frost.
  2. Barberry. Grows in absolutely any soil. Thanks to the thorns it will serve as additional protection for the fence. There are both low-growing and tall varieties, which allows you to form both borders and high fences. Blooms beautifully. As in the case of dogwood, the fruits are suitable for home preparation.
  3. Turn. Does not require special care or careful pruning. The impenetrable dense crown will not allow a single person to pass through. The fruits can be picked even after frost and used for preparations. The hedge has an unusual beautiful view in spring, during the flowering period. A pleasant almond aroma will spread throughout the entire area.

Some specimens do not tolerate top removal well. This is worth considering if the hedge is to be trimmed and shaped.

A significant advantage of conifers is their green crown all year round. Undoubtedly this ideal option to form the main fence. Also tall trees can be used for the main part, and with bushes to provide protection and decorative properties in the foreground. Today, when planning landscape design, the following options are used:

  1. Thuja occidentalis. The most common and unpretentious plant, which is suitable for almost any climate in our country. Minimal maintenance and the absence of annual haircuts can also be included in the list of advantages.
  2. Common spruce. Most often chosen to form a free-growing hedge. Professionals prefer to shape it into various shapes and forms.
  3. Juniper. The plant has bluish needles, which are pleasant to the touch. To ensure a strong hedge, it is important to use seedlings that are at least 5 years old.

To grow a fence, especially a high one, from coniferous trees, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. In most cases, they are chosen in combination with other fast-growing options.

Among a fairly large assortment of shrubs and trees, there are also those that should not be included in the list of “favorites”. Thus, some breeds will not be able to form a dense crown, which is very important for hedges. These include varietal lilac. Her lower part will become exposed every year. Despite the fact that viburnum is among suitable options, because of improper care can die very quickly. Therefore, it is not suitable for a dacha.

Quite often, rose hips are chosen to form a hedge. Only experienced gardeners know that it's root system will grow in different directions. Because of this, in a few years the entire area will be filled with root suckers. Another erroneous option would be the weigela bush. It is not suitable for every climate, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with its features.

These options should not be completely excluded. They can be an excellent option for forming a multi-tiered hedge.

A carefully thought out and developed hedge layout is a guarantee of beauty for many years. Next, marking is done. For accuracy use:

  • roulette;
  • cord;
  • pegs.

The depth of the grooves should be at least 40 cm. It is also worth considering the number of rows: when forming one row, an area of ​​up to 60 cm is involved, for two rows - 1 m. Equally important is the width between the bushes, which should be about 25 cm.

Despite the fact that many plants grow quickly, the optimal time for forming a hedge is 4 years. It is necessary to shape the plants only in the summer, thanks to this the fence will not become bald from below. With the right combination of plants, you can avoid cutting altogether. In this case, there will be “creative confusion”.

If you plan to grow a hedge in several rows, you must use the square-cluster method with an offset.

Planning and forming a fast-growing perennial hedge at your dacha is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose the right plants. In order for the hedge to be beautiful, it is necessary to take extra care of it in the first 2 years. It is during this period that the root system is consolidated.


From the videos provided, you can learn how to make hedges with your own hands:

A summer cottage looks cozy and well-groomed only when the owners take care not only of the house, but also of the yard. In this option, it is impossible to do without green spaces along the perimeter of the territory. hedge instead stone fence it looks much nicer and pleases the eye with its greenery almost all year round.

To make such plantings look beautiful and harmonious, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules landscape design and answer yourself the following questions:

  • How much area are you going to plant?
  • Why do you need plantings - for beauty or to protect your summer cottage?
  • What plant height do you prefer?
You also need to study the features of plant care, the composition of the soil on your site, the climate in the region and many other nuances. Let's try to figure out together what can be planted along the fence at your summer cottage.

Important! If you have a small area, do not overload it with massive, bulky plantings.


Beautiful all year round. In the summer, its lush crown is decorated with cream and white flowers, and in the fall, against a background of orange, green and purple leaves clusters of black, red, gray and white fruits stand out. In winter, the red, yellow or green bark of the plant also looks impressive. Thanks to these unique qualities, a fence made of white wood plants decorates many summer cottages.

Important! Derain is easy to shape and cut. A fence made of it perfectly protects from dust.

There are several types of wood that will look great around the perimeter of your summer cottage:

"Elegantissima"- a common variety of white wood. It has a lush, luxurious crown of green leaves with a white border, which turn pink in the fall. A hedge from Elegantissima is perfect for fencing a summer cottage. If you plant it along the fence, then quickly enough you will have a dense living three-meter wall.

Derain has wide leaves that change color every season. The brown leaves turn yellow when ripe and turn red in the fall.

Derain "Sibirika" is a low bush that grows no more than one and a half meters in height. It has bright green leaves and red bark that looks stunning against a snowy background in winter.

"Sibirika variegata" can grow up to two meters in height and delight the eye with its colorful colors all four seasons. In spring, the shrub produces red shoots; in summer, a green crown appears on it. A hedge made from this type of wood looks best in the fall, when the bushes turn purple.

But the crown of the tree does not change throughout the growing season. The green leaves are framed with a yellow border and therefore appear golden. A hedge made from Shpeta tree will delight you with its bright colors throughout the year.

A huge advantage in favor of derain is its unpretentiousness. Derain takes root well and grows on any soil, withstands both drought and excess moisture, and is frost-resistant. It is advisable to plant it in sunny areas, but partial shade will not prevent the turf from growing and developing. This plant actually has no diseases, and pests are indifferent to it.

When you plant turf in a permanent habitat, you need to consider several points. In order for it to take root well and take root, you need to provide the plant nutrients. To do this, add compost and humus to the prepared hole. If you want to plant turf in the soil next to groundwater, then make drainage in the area.

When purchasing a ready-made seedling, ask the seller for a plant that is no more than four years old. Such trees take root better and produce more shoots. Also pay attention to the roots of the seedling. If they are dry, then before planting, dip them in water for several hours. Thanks to this procedure, the seedling will take root faster and better.

For garden decor will fit perfectly. This species is distinguished by ribbed arched purple shoots; it wonderfully decorates the garden and yard. That is why Thunberg barberry is in demand when forming hedges in summer cottages. Barberry shoots are covered with flexible spines.

However, this species does not tolerate frost well, so it is only good for planting in the southern regions. The height of the bush is from 0.5 to 1.5 m. Thunberg barberry has bright green leaves in summer, which turn bright red in autumn. The fruits of this species have medicinal properties, they ripen by mid-autumn.

Important! Barberry does not combine well with derain, since they have very different requirements for soil composition and amount of watering. Don't plant them next to each other.


Beautiful evergreen Ideal for hedges. For this purpose, two types of thuja are used - eastern and western.

The eastern one has a dense crown in the form of a cone. A narrow thuja fence will make anyone cozy small area. But before planting, it is necessary to calculate the number of plants that will be required for a given area. The calculation is made according to the principle: 1 seedling per 1 linear meter.

Thuja will carefully protect your summer cottage from dust, wind and smoke. It is frost-resistant, adult specimens do not require shelter for the winter, tolerate shearing well and are not of interest to pests. There are 14 varieties of western thuja that are suitable for creating a hedge. Let's list the most popular ones.

It grows up to 5 m in height, the crown diameter reaches one and a half meters. This variety grows quickly, adding 35 cm in height and 10-15 in width annually. Thuja "Brabant" loves moist soil. After a short period of time it will become a dense living wall. This variety needs to be pruned twice a year - in March and August.

"Emerald". A tall variety with a dense cone-shaped crown. In a living wall, the tree crowns do not close. "Smaragd" does not grow as quickly as "Brabant", so this variety will not need to be cut often. It does not tolerate drought well and requires frequent watering. Thuja "Smaragd" is perfect for a free-growing hedge.

A very spectacular plant, reaching a height of 7 m. It grows 20 cm annually. The crown is column-shaped, narrow, reaching a diameter of one and a half meters. This variety of thuja tolerates frost well, but during periods of drought it requires frequent watering.

Thuja is called a variety for the lazy. It should be cut no more than twice a year. The tree grows very slowly - up to 12 cm per year. This variety of thuja is very “curly”.

"Fastigiata". The shoots of the needles are pressed tightly against the trunk, the crown has the shape of a column, green, soft, with a characteristic odor. This thuja is shaped like a cypress. Grows quickly, reaches 6 m in height. Excellent for creating high fences, reliably protects a summer cottage and takes up very little space.

Thuja feels good in both sun and partial shade. But do not plant thuja in the sun so that it does not dry out. You need to plant thuja to create a living wall in spring or autumn. A plant planted in the fall will have time to prepare for frost. Plant trees around the perimeter of the site at intervals of 1-2 m.

If you are planning a two-tier fence, then plant the seedlings closer to each other, with an interval of 50 cm, and 1 m between rows. The holes for trees should be 80 cm deep and slightly wider than the earthen ball on the roots of the tree. Before planting, add peat, sand and mineral fertilizers to the hole.

An excellent option is to plant thujas along the fence at the dacha.

Hedge made from - budget and nice solution. In nature, there are 90 varieties of this shrub. Blooming living wall from spirea it looks simply magical. Correct fit will delight the eye with its beauty and will not require any costs in the future. A dense spirea fence will suit any landscape and design of a summer cottage.

Combinations of different types of spirea will make it possible to create a spectacular hedge no more than 1.5 m high, which will bloom for a long time. It is quite dense and dense, reliably protecting the territory from prying eyes and the penetration of animals. Spiraea grows quickly without losing its beautiful appearance.

Wilted flowers do not need to be removed; they fall off on their own and do not spoil the appearance of the hedge. Spiraea grows well in any soil. Drooping varieties do not need pruning. The bushes will bloom very profusely, forming a beautiful rounded crown shape. There are varieties of spirea that keep a golden or red crown all year round. These unpretentious shrubs Great for your hedge.

A living fence can grow up to three meters in height without pruning. The viburnum-leaved variety has purple branches and leaves; it will be a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage.

Flowering of the bladderwort occurs in June. Its flowers look like white baskets and exude a wonderful fresh aroma. For contrast, golden bladderwort is often used, which has yellow foliage or a golden border on the leaves. It shines with bright colors from spring until late autumn. It's growing magic plant very quickly.

Bush willow

You can quickly and easily build a green fencing from bush willow.

Harvesting is best done in the fall. To do this, you need to buy strong one-year-old shoots and leave them under the snow or in a cold basement for the winter. In the spring, there is no need to wait for the shoots to awaken - prepare the cuttings before the growing season begins.

Since willow takes root well, you can plant mature trees in the spring. To make the fence look neat, choose seedlings of the same length. Newly planted willows need support - for this you can use strong pegs of the same length as the seedlings.

There are two ways to plant shrub willow.

1. Dig holes 50 cm deep. The gap between plants should be 15-20 cm. Plant trees strictly vertically.

2. To make the fence strong in the future, you can plant willows in pairs at an angle of 45 degrees. On each twig you need to trim the bark and tie the bare spots to each other; when the willows grow together, the wall will become impassable. To enhance the strength of a hedge, intertwine young shoots as they grow.

In the fall, replace the sick and dead cuttings healthy. The shoots need to be trimmed to the selected height so that the hedge has a neat appearance and the trees do not grow to gigantic size. When intertwining seedlings, tilt them carefully; young flexible rods are easy to break. Willows love water, so make sure they get plenty of water. Shrub willow is a wonderful plant for planting along a fence in a country house.

A living wall made of soft and beautiful looks in the summer. This plant reliably covers any area from prying eyes. Lilac is unpretentious and does not require special care; it adapts well to any climate. The bushes grow quickly, allowing you to form a hedge up to 3 m in height.

You can make it from lilac flowers beautiful bouquets, and breaking off branches only benefits the bush.

Lilacs do not need systematic pruning. Due to the lush and abundant flowering it can be used for fencing different heights, and also divide the site into different zones. Lilac is quite resistant to diseases and pests.

What can you plant near lilacs? The experience of gardeners suggests that this shrub harmonizes well with thuja and juniper.


Today, hedges from chokeberry(chokeberry). Its advantages are its wonderful appearance, lush, dense crown, small growth and ease of care. This plant can throw out many shoots that quickly cover empty spaces.

Chokeberry performs excellent protective function and will not allow animals or uninvited guests into your area; it will retain dirt and dust if your dacha is located near the highway. Chokeberry creates a reliable environmental barrier that filters out all harmful gases.

Such a hedge cannot be grown in a year, and this is the main disadvantage of rowan.

Chokeberry produces healthy and tasty fruits that are used in medicine. Beautiful chokeberry bushes along the fence will become the highlight of your garden and will delight the eye with their magical charm for many years.

Hawthorn thorns are an excellent protection for the site from uninvited guests. The shrub has deep roots and strong trunks, making it a perennial plant.

Did you know? There are hawthorn plantings that are more than 300 years old.

Hawthorn is frost-resistant and unpretentious different types soil. It feels great both in the sun and in partial shade.

More than 1,200 species of hawthorn are known. The following types are best suited for creating a hedge: black hawthorn, terrible hawthorn (received its name for its long thorns and white fruits), monopistillate hawthorn, soft hawthorn, blood-red hawthorn, smooth hawthorn, fan-shaped hawthorn.

Creating a hawthorn hedge consists of planting, pruning and trimming. 2-3 year old seedlings are dug into a permanent place and there they are brought to the required parameters. By the age of 20, the hedge reaches two meters in height. To ensure its density, the branches of nearby bushes are spliced ​​together using trellises.

Such hedges are thinner than usual, reaching 40 cm in width, and when planted in two rows they can grow up to 1 m in thickness. Optimal width hawthorn hedges are considered 70-75 cm, since fungal diseases quickly spread in too thick “walls”.

Perfectly suited for a hedge. It must be planted in a timely manner and according to a strict algorithm. If the process of planting irgi is carried out with errors, then it will not be possible to achieve a fertile and lush hedge.

Let's consider two types of landing:

1. Sow the seeds and the seedlings will grow on their own.

2. Plant ready-made seedlings.

The first option will take more time and effort, but with its help you can grow strong seedlings for a hedge. Serviceberry seeds need to be sown in pre-prepared greenhouses, watered abundantly and grown for two years.

If you do not have the strength, time and experience to grow seedlings yourself, then buy ready-made ones. But then you need to carefully approach their choice. A proper seedling is considered to be a tree with a length of 40 to 70 cm in height and a trunk 1 cm in diameter. The length should be half the trunk up to 35 cm.

Rose hip

If you decide to make a hedge from, then it is best to plant the bushes in two rows in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between seedlings should be 60-80 cm. Due to the rapid growth of rose hips, in a couple of years you will get a solid prickly fence.

Rose hips develop roots well and quickly; they produce many shoots that grow in all directions. If you are interested in a strict hedge shape, then the bushes will have to be trimmed.

Before planting, the soil will need to be moistened, and only then the seedling is lowered into the hole. Be sure to straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil, pour two buckets of water over each bush.

Rose hips can be planted in spring or autumn. sunny area. Shrubs along the fence will not only provide reliable protection, but also great decoration summer cottage plot.



2024 “mobi-up.ru” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs