What the leaves say: lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Growing peach - tips from experienced gardeners Peach leaves turn red and curl than processed

Proper care for peach, regular inspection for the presence of diseases and pests, timely preventive measures will help to avoid many troubles when growing this valuable crop.

To prevent pests and various diseases, and fungicides and insecticides are also used to combat them. Insecticides can act directly on the pests themselves, or they can penetrate different parts of the plant and kill the sucking insects. Fungicides prevent the occurrence of the disease, or contain it, therefore, they are used mainly for the prevention of diseases, or in their initial stage.

The use of various poisons in the fight against pests and diseases of peach requires special knowledge, since their inept use can cause poisoning of people working with them, the death of beneficial insects, pollution of the soil and the environment with harmful substances.

The most common peach diseases are leaf curl, moniliosis, fruit rot, clasterosporium, scab, powdery mildew.

Pests include aphids, spider mite, eastern codling moth, scale insects, plum codling moth.

To find out what pests and diseases of peach look like, you can see the photos presented in our gallery:

Photo gallery

peach tree disease curly

Leaf curl is a peach disease that manifests itself in the form of reddish swellings on leaf plates. Gradually, the leaves swell, become covered with a white coating caused by the fungus, and then fall off. If you do not fight this disease, curl will infect the entire tree, as a result, the peach will lag behind in development and die.

Prevention of peach curl

To prevent curliness in early March, the plant is sprayed with 1% copper sulphate. After 4 - 5 days, the procedure is repeated. You can use the fungicide "Hom", "Skor", "Raek", or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. In autumn, infected trees are pruned and sprayed with copper sulphate.

To reduce the chances of developing this disease, choose dry, well-lit areas in the garden for peach cultivation.

Curly peach treatment

In the fight against leaf curl, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected parts of the plant, loosen the soil between the trees. In autumn, the peach should be sprayed with a solution of sulfur and lime. spring this work repeat.

As practice shows, the peach culture is very susceptible to leaf curl, therefore, in order to timely detect the disease during the growing season, the plant should be carefully examined. Prolonged wet weather increases the risk of spreading the disease.

Peach fruit disease moniliosis

Among the most dangerous diseases of the peach tree is moniliosis, when the fruits are covered with grayish rings of spores. This disease manifests itself during the growing season. Outbreaks of moniliosis, as a rule, are observed if the weather was wet during flowering.

In an infected tree, flowers and ovaries turn brown and die, the wood dries up. Developing, the fungus penetrates the shoots and branches, causing their death. Spotting peach moniliosis is quite simple. On the affected areas, gray or light green pubescent pads are formed - spores of the fungus.

Prevention of peach moniliosis

For prophylaxis during swelling of the kidneys, spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid is carried out. At the first sign of the disease, all affected parts of the plant are removed and burned.

Experienced gardeners know that moniliosis is also a disease of peach fruits, since this fungus often leads to their decay. Fallen fruits affected by moniliosis are collected and burned.

Peach disease clasterosporiosis and its treatment

Clasterosporiosis is a common disease of peach crops. It appears in the form brown spots on sheet plates, instead of them, holes soon form. With a severe lesion, several spots appear on the leaves at once, which merge into one large spot, and after it falls out, a large hole remains on the leaf plate.

This disease can develop on buds and shoots, which will be indicated by small, bright red or orange spots, which subsequently crack and a thick mass follows from them. Affected parts of the tree darken and die.

Timely top dressing will help prevent the appearance of clasterosporiasis. When the first signs of the disease are found, the plant must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid. This work should be carried out before bud break and after flowering.

Cut out and burn the affected shoots in autumn. The cut sites are treated with a thick solution of lime with the addition of 1% copper sulphate.

Peach scab disease and its treatment

Scab is a peach disease that occurs when high humidity air. Finding a scab is pretty easy. Affected fruits are deformed and cracked, black, crusty spots form on their surface. Light green spots appear on the leaves, after which they fall off. Gradually, the tree weakens, its productivity decreases. Tubercles form on young shoots, which later tear the bark, as a result of which cracks and crusts appear on it.

To combat scab in the spring, before the buds swell, use the drug "Delan", copper oxychloride and "Topsin M", according to the instructions.

Leaves are collected and destroyed in autumn. During pruning, cracked and crusted shoots are removed.

Knowing which peach diseases most often attack this crop, and treating them in time, the gardener will grow a strong, healthy tree that will regularly delight with a rich harvest of fruits. Neglect of preventive measures can lead to the neglect of diseases and subsequently to the death of plants.

Photo gallery

Above are peach diseases with a photo where you can see what it looks like given plant when affected by some disease.

Peach tree pests

Despite the fact that this culture is rarely affected by pests, some insects sometimes still disturb its peace. Peach pest control can be carried out different ways. Plays an important role right choice landing sites, the use of healthy planting material, spatial isolation of plants with common pests, regular tillage, fertilization.

The most common peach pests are described below.

Peach pest aphid

Aphids are a great danger to this plant, damaging its shoots and leaves, as a result of which the leaf plates are deformed and curled up, reddish spots form on their surface. The largest concentrations of aphids are observed in July - August. During this period, colonies of these insects completely cover parts of the tree.

To prevent the appearance of this pest during the growing season, peach is sprayed with karbofos, or treated with a solution laundry soap(1 piece per bucket of water). In a soapy solution, the tree is left for 3 to 4 days. During this time, the insect completely releases the plant. Aphid colonies can also be removed manually.

Peach pest

Scale insects harm peach bark. This insect can be recognized by hard scutes up to 3 mm long. Shields serve as a shelter for scale insects, which, having laid their eggs, die. In May, the larvae hatch and spread throughout the tree, feeding intensively and increasing in size. At the end of July, they are completely ready for breeding.

For insect control in early spring before bud break, they are treated with emulsions mineral oils, during the growing season - karbofos.

You can recognize the main pests of peach by the following photos:

Peaches are very sweet, juicy and fragrant fruits. Composition includes useful vitamins and minerals that provide health effect on the human body. Calcium and phosphorus strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and vitamin C - cardio - vascular system. B vitamins improve brain function and nervous system. Positive traits affect the entire body. The fruit of the peach tree last years gained great popularity among gardeners. In connection with climate change on the planet, territorial peach breeds began to be grown in places where it was previously difficult. But in order to obtain a high-quality crop, it is necessary to comply with the conditions for keeping the plant and carry out the prevention of diseases. Any negative influences negatively affect the crown of trees. If a peach has curled leaves, then it is necessary to determine the cause. As a rule, the manifestation of a symptom indicates the presence of a fungal disease - curly. Another reason may be butterflies - leaflets that fold the leaves into a ball irregular shape. Timely measures taken will help to avoid crop loss.

leaf curl

Curly hair is one of the most common harmful infections. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus tafrin. At the initial stage, it appears on young shoots, leaves. In the process of spreading, it affects flowers and fruits. Diagnosis of the disease can be in the period of blooming leaves. The first signs include:

Affected shoots and leaves die off. As a result of malnutrition, partial loss of the crown, the tree becomes very weakened. Prolonged absence treatment for such a disease can lead to the death of the entire plant.

Curly fight

If the leaves of a peach curled as a result of a fungus, then it is necessary to carry out a complex treatment. Fighting the disease is quite difficult. Fungus spores tolerate sub-zero temperatures. Wintering is carried out in the kidneys, small cracks in the bark, in the structure of branches and shoots. As preventive measures universal fungicides are used. Their use is especially necessary during the period of swelling or bud break, since at this moment the main infection of young leaves occurs. Preventive treatment to minimize the risk of fungal infection. Two procedures are carried out against curly hair:

  • AT spring period before bud break. For spraying, 3% Bordeaux liquid or blue vitriol. This processing also excludes other diseases - clasterosporiasis and other fungal infections;
  • During the period of swelling or blooming of the kidneys. used special preparation"Horus". This tool is the only one that is able to perform its functions at an air temperature of +6 degrees Celsius. If necessary, spraying at a temperature of +15, then the desired effect will be "Topsin M", "Bayleton", "Skor", "Delan", "Planriz", "Trichodermin".

If it rained after treatment, the procedure should be repeated. The use of preparations containing copper is excluded. In case of detection of curliness, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected shoots, as well as to carry out the treatment with the above preparations.


Application chemicals for curly control is allowed if more than three weeks remain before harvest.

AT autumn time when the infected tree throws off the foliage, treatment is performed with copper sulphate or Bordeaux liquid. All affected shoots and branches are cut and burned. Balanced fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements will help to increase resistance to the disease.

Peach leaves turn red and curl, usually immediately after flowering. The presence of this symptom is often mistaken for the reaction of the tree to frost. But the reason lies in the fungal infection. Favorable conditions to activate the spores become wet weather. If the crown acquires a red tint, without twisting the foliage, then the reason is the lack of moisture in the soil. For small areas of curl damage, you can use the more gentle Fitoverm preparation, which also contributes to the destruction of various insect pests. Used strictly according to the instructions. To achieve the desired result, repeated spraying of the crown is carried out.

To provide good fruiting it is required to feed the plants in a timely manner, fertilize the soil, whiten the trunk. If any developmental abnormalities are found in short time remove the cause. After several seasons of abundant fruit ripening, it is recommended that the tree rest. To do this, during the flowering period, all flowers are cut. Thus, pollination of the plant is excluded. As a result, and during the rest period, it will accumulate strength for the next season. Compliance with preventive measures and caring care are the basic rules for growing a good crop.

There are several peach trees growing in the dacha. This year, the leaves on them turned yellow, reddened and curled, is this a peach curl disease, as I understand it? I bought a dacha recently, I have no experience in caring for trees, tell me what to do now.

The answer to the question.

Hello Tagir. Judging by the photo, this is really peach curl. This disease is caused by the fungus Taphrin deformans (Taphrina deformans). When the bagospores of the pathogen spread, the leaves and shoots of the peach become red or yellow, swellings appear on them, the leaf curls and takes on bizarre shapes.

In addition, a sticky whitish or gray coating can be found on the leaves (top and bottom) - this is the sporulation of the fungus. Spores begin to scatter in mid-May, especially strong sporulation is observed in cool and rainy weather. At this time, peach buds are laid, from which shoots develop in summer. Accordingly, these shoots are also affected, and this can lead to a complete loss of the crop or even the complete death of the peach.

If you find leaf curl on a peach, pluck off the curled red leaves immediately and burn them (do not bury them in compost heap). Next, the tree should be treated with Bordeaux liquid (substitutes - copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, Kuprosil, Kuprostat) or another suitable fungicide preparation (Horus, Skor, Strobi).

It should be noted that a peach affected by curly hair can become easy prey for pests, for example, for aphids. In this case, it is possible to combine fungicide treatment with insecticide treatment (Aktellik, Aktara, Bi-58 New).

It is best to carry out preventive treatments for peach against curl in the future. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Peach curl spores overwinter in flower and vegetative buds. And in the spring, during their blooming, they begin to spread again.

Therefore, it is very effective against leaf curl to carry out three-time spraying of trees with fungicides. We carry out the first spraying in the fall - during the period of leaf fall. At the same time, all fallen leaves are collected and burned. In February, at a temperature of + 4 ° C (not lower), we process again peach trees Bordeaux liquid. And, finally, one more treatment will not be superfluous immediately after flowering.

Over the past 5 years, peach culture has become widespread in home gardens and summer cottages in all regions of Ukraine. So, in the northwestern regions of his normal growth favored by warm weather with prolonged thaws in winter period. If weather conditions are favorable for the growth and development of peach, then diseases, pests, lack of soil and air moisture, inept or untimely use of pesticides disrupt the normal course of these processes. Among the common diseases, the most harmful are leaf curl and fruit rot. For a qualified protective measures knowledge is needed about pathogens, about the conditions conducive to their development and about protective equipment to help cure an infected tree or prevent pathogens from infecting it.

Threaten curly

The causative agent of peach leaf curl affects leaves, shoots, less often fruits. The disease is most harmful in years with a cool, long and wet spring, both in young and fruiting plantations. In a short period of time, starting from the moment of bud break and after 10 days, all young leaves are affected. They grow unevenly, deform, become corrugated, acquire a reddish-pink or light yellow color. Diseased shoots stop developing, turn yellow-green, thicken, bend, their internodes are shortened.

8-10 days after the introduction of the infection into the leaf, a white waxy coating of marsupial sporulation of the fungus is formed on its lower side. After the formation of spores that remain overwintering and infect healthy plants in next year, the leaves turn brown, dry and crumble. The fruits also crumble, infected shoots dry out or freeze in winter. During sporulation, the infection spreads throughout the garden. A large number of the spore overwinters in gums and cracks in the bark. In the spring, rain-washed spores are released from the gum and cause mass infection of plants.

Severely affected plants become unstable to stress, their productivity decreases, and gum is released. In the chronic course of the disease, the trees gradually die.


The causative agent of moniliosis overwinters as a mycelium in mummified fruits on trees and under trees, as well as in the tissues of affected branches. If you do not control pests that damage plants (goose, codling moth), then the number of damaged fruits increases, they are affected by rot. It is known, after all, that damage to the fruit by rot results in a violation of the integrity of their surface shell by wasps, bumblebees, birds, hail, as well as the contact of healthy and diseased fruits. The number of rotten fruits increases in varieties with thin skin, devoid of wax coating, slightly pubescent.

Amateur gardeners cultivating peach report in letters about cases of shedding of leaves and fruits after protective treatments fungicides. The same situation, according to other gardeners, is sometimes observed on trees that are not sprayed.

The causes of premature shedding of leaves and fruits in peach can be different. One of them is a lack of moisture in the soil and air, which inhibits the growth of "plants, leads to crushing and shedding of fruits. The fruits become low-juicy and bitter. For normal growth and development of a peach, 450-700 ml of precipitation is needed per year. In dry and hot weather they irrigate the soil under the trees so that its moisture content is 60-85% of the full field capacity.On loose, moist and fertilized soil, the peach does not shed its leaves and forms large and tasty fruits.

Another reason could be tree poisoning. copper-containing preparations, for example, as a result of repeated use of Bordeaux liquid in conditions of high humidity. The decisive role here is played not by the amount of precipitation, but by the duration of moisture. Among stone fruits, peach is the most sensitive to copper. With repeated spraying with copper preparations during the growing season, for many years, copper accumulates in plant organs in excess quantities due to both the absorption of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride applied to the leaves and the intake from the soil. In sensitive varieties, under the influence of copper-containing fungicides, disturbances in oxidative processes occur, respiration increases, the water content in leaves and fruits decreases, which leads to their shedding.

Protect fungicides

For the prevention and treatment of peach from diseases, a complex of works is being carried out. In autumn or early spring, shoots affected and shriveled from curliness are cut out, rotten ones are collected under the trees and dried fruits are removed from the trees, and then they are buried to a depth of 50 cm. In the spring, when signs of the disease can be clearly seen, they are re-pruned (in May) peach shoots. In late autumn, the soil is dug up in the near-trunk strips, while closing up the affected leaves. Resistant varieties of peach suffer less from disease or are not at all affected by curl or fruit rot. Relatively resistant to fruit rot are varieties Juicy, Golden Jubilee, Early Champion, to curliness - varieties Kyiv early, Juicy Redhaven, Krasnoshchekiy, Kyiv 12, Early Kuban, Simferopolsky early, Saturn, Donetsk yellow. Highly resistant to curl peach varieties Nadranniy Kyiv, Memory Radionova, Bagrinovsky.

To protect peach trees from curl and fruit rot, they are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux liquid during the "raspberry bud" phenophase, and immediately after flowering - with one of the preparations: fast, 25% k.e., chorus, 75% c. g. or delan, 70% c. g. (consumption rate, respectively - 2 ml, 2-3 and 10 g per 10 liters of water). In the case of the first signs of curl on the leaves, it is better to use soon, as it has a systemic mechanism of action and a strong therapeutic (for 5 days) and preventive (8-10 days) effect. 12-14 days after the previous spraying, treatment is carried out with one of the above fungicides. After leaf fall, the trees and leaves under them are sprayed with 3% Bordeaux liquid.

The use of Bordeaux liquid on a peach in the summer is undesirable, since the copper contained in it causes yellowing and shedding of leaves.

To obtain environmentally friendly products on peach varieties that are slightly affected by diseases, 3% zinc sulfate is used (in early spring and autumn). The dusting of trees with ashes also reduces the damage to the leaf apparatus by diseases.

Against powdery mildew, an infusion of hay dust is effective (1-1.5 kg of crushed mass is poured into 3 liters of water, kept for 3 hours). For better adhesion to the surface to be treated, before use, add 40 g of pre-dissolved in warm water laundry soap or 100 ml of fresh milk.

In a working solution designed to protect trees from diseases, it is necessary to add insecticides (Arrivo, Inta-VIR, Decis or Karate), which protect peaches from codling moths, goose and other pests that contribute to the infection of fruits with gray rot.


Define by appearance plants about nutritional imbalance used to be something mystical for me. True about themselves nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, I knew at the level of the school curriculum.

To be honest, I really wanted to be such a “magician” to walk around the garden, look at the twigs, leaves, flowers and say what this plum or apple tree lacks, so that there are harvests every year, and everything in the garden smells like paradise corner.

But I'm not a magician, I'm just learning. Indeed, in practice, it is sometimes very difficult to determine which element a plant lacks, but this must be strived for, because if a plant receives a balanced diet, then diseases do not take it, and pests, if they attack, harm a healthy plant. applied less than weakened.


Nitrogen is one of the main elements of plant nutrition. With a lack of nitrogen, plants stop growing.. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, plants, on the contrary, begin explosive growth, and all parts of the plant grow. The leaves become dark green, too large and bumpy. The tops are starting to curl. Such plants do not bloom for a long time and do not bear fruit.

At fruit crops the resulting fruits do not ripen for a long time, have a pale color, crumble too early, the fruits remaining on the branches cannot be stored. Excess nitrogen also provokes the development of gray mold in berries. garden strawberries, tulips. Tulips are generally clean nitrogen fertilizers try not to fertilize: only complex or phosphorus-potassium. From nitrogen fertilizers in tulips, first the buds rot, then the aerial part of the plant, until the bulbs are damaged.

Fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, at least organic, at least mineral, should be done only in spring and early summer, when all plants are in the phase of rapid growth.

Very effective fertilizing with nitrogen after short-term spring frosts or temperature drops. Such top dressing helps plants, especially early flowering plants such as weigela, cope with stress faster, recover and start growing.

Fertilizing with nitrogen in the middle and at the end of summer significantly reduces winter hardiness. perennials, and also contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables. Late ones are especially harmful. nitrogen supplements young garden.

For example, in apple trees with an excess of nitrogen, the growth of young shoots is observed at the end of summer, which, when night temperatures decrease, are affected. powdery mildew, such apple trees may not survive the winter.

Nitrogen fertilizers: urea, ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, ammonium sulfate. Also in trade wide selection complex mineral fertilizers, which, together with nitrogen, contain phosphorus and potassium. The packaging always indicates the percentage of a particular substance.


Phosphorus, like nitrogen and potassium, is an essential plant nutrient. The lack of phosphorus affects, first of all, on reproductive processes: flowering and fruiting.

In the spring, with a lack of phosphorus, buds do not bloom for a long time, roots and new young shoots do not grow. Plants do not bloom for a long time, buds and flowers fall off, flowering is very poor, fruits also fall off quickly; berries, vegetables, fruits have a sour taste.

In apple and pear trees with a lack of phosphorus, the young growth on the branches is very weak: young branches are thin, short, stop growing very quickly, the leaves at the end of these shoots are elongated, they are much narrower than healthy leaves. The angle of departure of the leaves on young shoots becomes smaller (they seem to be pressed against the branch), the lower old leaves become dull, bluish-green, sometimes they have a bronze tint. Gradually, the leaves become spotty: dark green and light green, rather yellowish areas appear throughout the leaf plate. The formed ovary almost completely falls off. Rare fruits left on the branches also fall off early.

In stone fruit crops, such as plum, cherry, peach, apricot, the lack of phosphorus is more noticeable. In early summer, young leaves are dark green in color. Gradually, their veins begin to turn red: first from below, then from above. Red coloration covers the edges of the leaves and petioles. The edges of the leaves are bent down. Apricot and peach have red dots on the leaves. Due to the lack of phosphorus, young plantings of peaches and apricots may die in the first year. In adult stone fruit crops, the fruits remain greenish and crumble. The pulp of even ripe fruits remains sour.

At berry crops, such as currants, gooseberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, blueberries and other shrubby or herbaceous perennial crops that give us tasty berries, with a lack of phosphorus, bud break is delayed in spring, very little growth is formed on the branches, and even that quickly stops growing, leaves gradually become reddish or reddish-purple. Dried leaves turn black. The set fruits quickly crumble, early leaf fall is possible in autumn.

Phosphorus is introduced into the soil in spring or autumn when digging the soil, in summer it can be carried out foliar top dressing(for leaves) liquid fertilizers or aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers from June to August. Flowers with such top dressing bloom for a long time.

Fertilizers containing phosphorus: superphosphate, double superphosphate, bone meal, phosphate rock. Complex mineral fertilizers with phosphorus content: ammophos, diamophos (nitrogen + phosphorus); ammophoska, diammofoska (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium) and many others.


Potassium is the third main plant nutrient. With its deficiency, the winter hardiness of plants is sharply reduced.

Plants suffering from a lack of potassium experience a violation water balance, what, in its turn, leads to dry tops.

With a lack of potassium, the edges of the leaves of plants begin to bend upwards, a yellow rim appears along the edges of the leaf plate, which gradually dries up. The color of the leaves from the edges begins to change from bluish-green to yellow, gradually the leaves, for example, in an apple tree become gray, brown or brown, and in a pear the leaves gradually turn black.

Thus, if potassium supplements are not applied in time, necrosis from the edge of the leaves spreads further to the leaf plate, and the leaves dry out.

Often trees grow normally in the spring, and signs of potassium starvation begin to appear in the summer. The fruits ripen extremely unevenly, the color of the fruits is pale and "dull". The leaves stay on the branches for a long time, do not fall off, despite the autumn frosts.

In stone fruit crops, with a lack of potassium, the leaves are initially dark green, then begin to turn yellow at the edges, and when they die completely, they become brown or dark brown. In apricots and doggies, you may notice wrinkling or curling of the leaves. Yellow dots of dead tissue appear on them, surrounded by a red or brown border. After a while, the leaves become perforated.

In raspberries with a lack of potassium, the leaves become wrinkled and slightly twisted inward; the color of the raspberry leaves appears gray due to the light shade of the underside of the raspberry leaves. The appearance of leaves with torn edges is observed. A red border appears on the leaves of strawberries along the edges, which then turns brown.

If there is enough potassium, the crop ripens amicably, the fruits are very tasty and ruddy, the leaves fall on time in the fall, the plants are fully prepared for winter and winter very well.

At the first sign of a lack of potassium, watering or spraying over the leaves with an aqueous solution of potassium fertilizers can be carried out.

Potash fertilizers: potassium chloride, potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate), as well as complex fertilizers in which there is a potassium content, for example: ammofoska, diammofoska.

In practice, most often there is a lack of not one particular battery, but several at once.

With a simultaneous lack of phosphorus and potassium, you can’t immediately tell by plants that they are experiencing starvation, but at the same time they grow very poorly.

With a lack of nitrogen and phosphorus, the leaves become light green, become rigid, the angle between the leaf and the shoot becomes sharp.

With a lack of all three basic nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - plants not only grow poorly, but also bear fruit poorly. In fruit crops, shoots freeze slightly in winter. Therefore, it is very important to apply complex fertilizers in order to make up for the lack of a particular nutrient in time.

Image copyright: birdsandbloomsblog.com, animal-industries.ru



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs