Drying of leaves and branches of an apple tree is a very common problem among owners of a summer cottage.

And before looking for a solution to this problem, you should know all the nuances and features of your climate zone.

Based on this, a plant variety should already be selected.

Planting an apple tree will also vary according to the type of climate.

Although the apple tree is a fairly unpretentious and resistant plant, in especially cold areas, it is recommended to plant semi-cultivated varieties.

For cold climates ideal option, there will be a variety - "Ranetka".

Planting time for apple trees is spring and autumn. Some gardeners plant an apple tree in the summer, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Summer planting has many disadvantages before autumn and especially spring planting.

When to plant an apple tree? spring planting, apple trees tend to tolerate better. Planting in the spring gives more chances for a large garden. In addition, closer to winter, your trees will be already formed and strong, which will allow them to safely survive the winter cold. But autumn planting, is useful in that the tree, if it takes root, will be stronger and more stable.

There are several ways to plant apple trees. Consider the most popular.

1. Pit for planting, prepared at least a week in advance. Depth, the pit should be at least - 60 cm, diameter, about the same. The earth from the upper layer should be placed separately from the lower one and not mixed.

2. A peg is driven into the bottom of the pit to support the seedling. Consider its length, the peg should rise 35 cm above the ground.

4. After a week, you can plant an apple tree. Don't forget to tie it to the peg.

The apple tree has dried up: why?

There can be many reasons for drying up. But first, exclude the most simple options. Make sure that the planting of the apple tree has been done - right. Also, the reason that the apple tree withered may be other large plants that grow too close to the root system of the apple tree. These plants can take a large number of moisture and spoil the roots of the apple tree, which leads to its drying and disease. Therefore, the solution to the problem may be getting rid of closely growing plants or transplanting an apple tree to a new place.

Also, the cause of a shrunken tree may be high-standing groundwater. Oddly enough at first glance, but precisely because of the abundance of water in the soil, the apple tree begins to dry out. This happens because excess water begins to displace air from the soil, which is so necessary for the root system. Therefore, the apple tree begins to “suffocate” and may soon die. The solution is to transplant an apple tree, loosen the soil or replace the soil for the root system. In addition, for greater efficiency, you can dig special drainage ditches that will take away excess groundwater from the roots.

But most importantly, the soil must “breathe”. Therefore, it is not allowed to find layers of sand, heavy clay, crushed stone and gravel in the planting area. Young apple trees can probably survive this because their roots are high and not yet deep enough, and there is always a lot of air in the upper layers of the soil. But for mature trees, this is extremely harmful, because their root system goes into the very depths. And the older the tree, the more likely it is that the apple tree will dry out.

Even on loose and even soil, there may be “surprises” in the form of clay layers.

Place for landing, may be unfavorable, due to the recesses in which it will drain rainwater and moisture accumulates, thereby again displacing oxygen from the soil. So, apple trees standing on the same soil may differ due to deep landscapes. Therefore, it is important, before planting, to study the place and make sure it is safe for the tree, this will save you time and effort.

The leaves of a young apple tree have dried up: what to do - weather reasons

If everything is in order with the place and method of planting, then the reason why the leaves of the apple tree have dried up may be weather and climatic conditions. This is especially noticeable in the southern hot regions, where the temperature can easily reach +40 degrees. The scorching rays of the sun will dry the leaves, evaporating moisture from them. On the branches of an apple tree Sun rays, practically do not affect in this way.

Too dry air, even in not too hot weather, can also contribute to this phenomenon. Although apple trees are unpretentious and highly resistant to dryness, nevertheless, a minimum level of humidity must be maintained both in the air, so that the leaves of the apple tree do not dry out, and in the soil itself, for the root system. Exit: regular spraying and sprinkling.

The branches of the old apple tree withered: what to do?

Drying of branches is a more serious problem than just dried leaves. Here, most likely, the matter is in the disease. One of the most common options is cytosporosis. At the same time, the bark of the tree dries up in some areas, the branches dry near the apple tree, in some places dark tubercles and dry growths appear. Cytosporosis is quite difficult to detect on young plants, on the bark and branches that have not yet formed.

You can solve the problem only by removing the affected areas of the tree. So you can protect the tree from further infection. If the infection penetrates too far, into the tree, then it can no longer be saved.

The apple tree dries up: pests and diseases

Most often, drying out of a tree is caused by pathogenic infections and various small pests. We will analyze the most common diseases and how to treat them.

1. Black cancer. A very serious disease that requires immediate intervention. You can recognize him by such signs as: black spots on the foliage, branches dry near the apple tree, black ulcers and rot appear on the bark. There is only one way out - so that the apple tree does not dry out completely, you need to cut off the infected branches and remove the ulcerative areas, this is the only way to save the tree.

2. scab. This infection causes damage to the leaves, slows down the growth of fruits and spoils them. It is easy to recognize it - these are brown spots on the foliage, which subsequently dry the leaf.

The solution is the processing of foliage with Topaz or Hom.

3. Powdery mildew. A fairly common disease that infects tree buds, bark, shoots and foliage. Signs powdery mildew: White, gray and brown coating on leaves and buds, sometimes dark dots appear, there are no fruits, the tree dries up. After establishing this diagnosis, treatment consists in treatment with special solutions. For these purposes, "Skor" or "Topaz" is perfect.

With pests, everything is also not easy.

1. Aphids and ants. If ants have settled in your garden, then there will be aphids. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the first. For this, there are special poisons and traps for ants. Aphids are destroyed by special solutions.

2. Caterpillars. Exists great amount types. It is easy to fight - the cobweb on the branches is destroyed, preferably by fire, and then the apple tree is treated with a solution of karbofos.

3. Tick, leafworm, codling moth. The presence of ticks can be told by the web on the leaves and branches, the other two “comrades” are more difficult to recognize if you do not see small caterpillars. To destroy these pests, spraying with a solution of nitrofen, chlorophos or karbofos is suitable. Larvae and eggs, if found, are destroyed by fire.

The apple tree has dried up: what to do - if the reasons are not established

If you cannot establish the reason why the leaves of the apple tree have dried up or the branches of the apple tree are drying, then we advise you to contact experienced gardeners and ask questions on gardening forums by posting pictures of your problem.

Do not sit back when the apple tree dries up, be sure to find the reason!

Drying fruit is possible for a number of reasons. Often young trees die from damage to the roots of water voles (if your garden is near water bodies) or larvae of May beetles (if their numbers are quite high on the site). But trees and shrubs in gardens (at any age) can dry out from wetting the roots.

Despite the fact that water is of paramount importance in the life of plants - it is their main part, it allows you to extract from the soil the nutrients necessary for growth and development, saves from overheating, keeps them in an elastic (turgor) state - an excess of it is sometimes fatal for all cultures. In wet years, plants are stronger and more likely to get sick. Excess moisture in the soil contributes to a significant rise in the level of groundwater, and high moisture saturation of the soil prevents the growth and branching of the roots of trees and shrubs, leads to their death, delays vegetation, and weakens winter hardiness.

With high standing groundwater, especially on structureless, heavy clay soils and their strong compaction, the trees lack air, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the roots.

According to the observations of gardeners in early spring, even before the start of sap flow, the roots of fruit trees do not suffer from an excess of melt water and even floods caused by flooding of rivers and streams. However, in June-July, during the period of active summer development, they become very susceptible to waterlogging of the soil. In years when heavy rains fall all summer, and the sun only occasionally peeps through the clouds, the entire soil horizon is saturated with water from the precipitation. At the same time, the groundwater level rises closer to the surface. With excessive moisture, air is forced out of the soil. And the delicate root hairs, with the help of which the fruit tree receives water and nutrition from the soil, with a weak air flow (poor aeration), deprived of oxygen, suffocate (asphyxia sets in) and begin to die off after three days. Longer waterlogging leads to the gradual death and decay of thick roots.

On trees with affected roots, most often the growth of shoots in length stops, the leaves turn yellow or turn brown, often covered with scab spots or a coating of other diseases, and with the onset of hot, dry weather, early leaf fall often begins. Weakened trees can drop leaves and fruits in the middle of summer and remain completely naked, as if in winter. If the rainy weather persists into August, as happened this year, then the thick bark on the trunks of fruit trees affected by excess moisture may begin to warp and begin to separate from the wood, and such trees become completely unprepared to resist winter frosts.

Most often, not all gardeners pay attention to these changes in the summer and only next year in the spring, seeing dead trees or withered individual branches, they think that winter frosts are to blame. Sometimes heavily weakened trees, having gathered all their last strength, bloom in the spring, but soon dry up, as the dead roots no longer supply them with water and nutrients.

But even in a small summer cottage, fruit trees react differently to the same conditions. Their condition largely depends on the age, crop variety and composition of the soil under the top layer of soil directly under the roots of the tree. The youngest trees are the least affected by waterlogging - up to 4-6 years old, in which the root system is located close to the soil surface. Later, when the roots of a grown tree penetrate into the deeper layers of the earth, the danger of their death from wetting the roots increases.

However, even on an absolutely flat area under the upper soil horizon, there may be layers of dense loams and clays in the form of saucers, in which excess rainwater constantly accumulates, and microheights, where water accumulation does not occur. That is why sometimes one of two trees standing next to each other dies, and the second can live even 40-50 years. And when planting a new seedling in the place of a dead one, the tree dies, having lived no more than 10-15 years. And fruit trees rarely suffer from root death on sloping slopes, usually this phenomenon is observed only in the locations of springs.

To make fruit trees less prone to wetting of the roots, pay attention to some features:

  • if under the top layer of soil on the site there are heavy clays, sand, crushed stone or gravel, fruit trees most often grow poorly and may die over time;
  • the depth of groundwater from the soil surface should be at least 2-2.5 meters. Where they are shallow, soil is added (a mixture of manure, peat, sawdust, fertile soil, etc.). Drainage or drainage ditches are made to drain excess water.

Apple tree can't stand wet places and shading and prefers fertile loose loams on sandy or loamy subsoil.

Pear even more demanding on growing conditions than an apple tree. It is recommended to plant it in warmer places protected from the wind.

To see a drying apple tree in your garden is not such a rarity, unfortunately. It can happen in any climate zone, on any soil, and even when the gardener, it would seem, takes care of the garden in accordance with all the rules. You can understand why the apple tree began to dry out by certain signs: a change in the color of the leaves, the appearance of spots on the bark, etc. If you find out the cause of this phenomenon, you can not only save the tree, but also prevent similar cases in the future.

Deviations in the development of a tree, its growth and vital activity are influenced by several factors, which may also have a combined character. With a certain degree of conventionality, they can be divided into several groups:

  • atmospheric and climatic conditions;
  • soil features;
  • improper fit and care;
  • diseases;
  • pests.

The convention of separation means that often these prerequisites for the drying of the apple tree are combined with each other, or one entails the other. For example, diseases can be caused by pests or adverse environmental conditions and are simply outward manifestations of the original cause. Therefore, in any case, you need to carefully study all the reasons in order to completely eliminate adverse factors.

Both excessive heat and a very cold climate can adversely affect the fruit tree. Therefore, purchase seedlings of only zoned varieties. Breeders breed such varieties, taking into account which climatic zone is most favorable for the growth and development of this apple tree. In very cold climates, it is likely that the tree at some stage in its development will begin to dry out after frostbite, if it is accepted at all.

During prolonged severe frosts, the tree may suffer, so-called frost cracks, or frost cracks, may appear on it. They occur due to the fact that the moisture contained in the wood freezes and breaks the fibers. If the cracks that form are not overgrown, fungus can get there and destroy the wood. Mulching saves from frost, wrapping the trunk, throwing snow at the trunk (it needs to be slightly trampled down).

Soil features

An apple tree will dry out if it is planted in soil with a high content of:

  • sand;
  • heavy clay;
  • rubble and gravel.

A high aquifer also adversely affects the tree: the soil saturated with moisture does not allow the roots to breathe, as the water displaces the air and the roots begin to rot. Alternatively, you can make drainages in the soil, but this is troublesome and time consuming, so it is better not to plant apple trees in such places.

An apple tree can also dry out due to the fact that there is not enough soil in the soil. nutrients and minerals. This is especially pronounced during potassium starvation: the leaves begin to dry out. With starvation of magnesium and nitrogen, as well as with chlorosis, the leaves turn yellow. When these signs appear, appropriate fertilizers and fertilizing should be applied to the soil.

When planting seedlings, you need to remember that the root system of an apple tree is twice as wide as its crown, and the root system goes into the ground to a depth of 60 cm or more. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the height at which water stands in the ground.

The tree can dry out due to "root competition" if the seedling is planted too close to other trees. It is also undesirable to sow some herbal crops under the apple tree that can poison the apple tree with the products of their vital activity (for example, couch grass and timothy grass).

The landing time is also important - this is spring and autumn. Apple trees planted in summer are more likely to suffer from drying out of leaves and branches. If the seedling is planted in the spring, it takes root much better. Trees planted in autumn are more resistant to weather conditions and to various diseases.

Such oversights as improper grafting or pruning of branches, or excessive use of chemical substances(fertilizers, pesticides, etc.). Incorrectly processed cuts can be affected by diseases and cause the overlying twigs and foliage to dry out.

Most often, the apple tree is affected by black cancer. This is a fungal disease that affects the tree completely. In addition, drying leads to:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew.

In the last two cases, processing helps special preparations and destruction of the affected parts of the tree. With cancer, only the radical removal of the affected parts helps, and it is necessary to cut off the diseased branch with a margin, since the causative agent of the disease can spread through the tree. On the trunk, visible spots and rot must be cut and scraped to healthy wood, after which it should be processed and covered with any suitable remedy- from special artificial compounds to a simple garden pitch or even clay.

From insect pests, trees should be treated with pesticides or other means in the spring, before flowering begins. Upon detection of cobwebs, caterpillars, etc. you need to remove them from the apple tree along with the affected leaves. There are also rodent pests, both underground and aboveground. Underground (for example, moles) are taken out with the help of chemicals and traps, and aboveground (hares, etc.) do not touch trunks whitewashed with lime.

Why apple trees dry up Black cancer of an apple tree: video

If young apple trees begin to dry out, then the reason may be:

  • disease;
  • frostbite;
  • malnutrition;
  • damage to the root system.

After clarifying the disease, the tree must be treated. If it's the roots, check the water table, drain, fertilize.

Old apple trees can dry out both from diseases and simply from old age. Do not forget that an old tree is generally more susceptible to diseases. Such an apple tree needs to be carefully looked after, cutting off drying branches, processing the trunk and crown in time, and this will prolong its life and save it from diseases.

If the apple tree began to dry out immediately after flowering- the root system is damaged, and the tree only had enough strength to bloom. When, following the color, the leaves begin to dry out and fall off, this means that the roots begin to die.

After winter, the apple tree dries up when it has suffered from frost. No need to rush to cut dry branches, let the tree stand for a bit - perhaps the apple tree will “thaw”. You can water it warm water with dissolved fertilizer. But if leaves do not appear on the branches and the branches themselves are dry, they need to be cut with a large margin.

The dried top of the apple tree is a sign of a high occurrence of groundwater. It is necessary to equip drainage, otherwise the roots, reaching the aquifer, will inevitably rot. Also, the drying of the top may indicate a lack of potassium in the soil. Such a top must be carefully cut off - low, without leaving a hemp and process the cut point.

If the buds have dried up on the apple tree, you need to make sure that they are exactly dried up, and not “frozen”. Sometimes abundant watering with top dressing helps, but in the event that this is not damage to the kidneys by any pest.

Preventive measures against drying out are, first of all, proper care and compliance with "sanitary measures":

  • all cut, as well as fallen branches and leaves, must not be dug into the ground or allowed to be processed into mulch. Thus, infection and pests persist and multiply. The affected parts only need to be burned, and the soil should be fertilized with ashes.
  • When cutting and other types of damage to the integrity of the bark and wood, processing is required to prevent subsequent infection of the apple tree.
  • Before wintering, trees need to be protected by mulching, and after snow falls they should be spudded with them. It is not harmful to do this even when the winter is relatively mild.
  • In the fight against insect pests, birds are of great help. The garden should have birdhouses and feeders for the winter. This will keep the birds away and save the apple trees from destruction.
  • Periodically, you need to feed the apple tree so that it receives good nutrition from the soil. Loosening the top layer of soil around the tree is also helpful.

Compliance with all these measures will significantly reduce the risk of drying the apple tree.

January. Why do trees die "for no reason" after winter or summer? Why fruit trees dry Why fruit tree seedlings dry

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. The first spraying in the phase of blooming fruit buds, subsequent - with an interval of 7-10 days.​

Ripe fruits are best eaten immediately, as they are stored poorly. For processing or transportation, cherries are harvested before full maturity, as soon as they reach maximum dimensions and almost completely colored.

The average duration of cherry ripening is 10 days, but the fruits can remain on the branches for a long time.

For many novice gardeners, the question of pruning cherries leads to a state close to a stupor. Questions immediately begin: do cherries do pruning? Trees seem to bloom well without it. And if after abundant flowering the harvest was not very good, then the gardeners, without hesitation, explain this by the fact that among the flowers there were many barren flowers, but is this true?

By the way, the July cyclone provoked the appearance of gray rot on some varieties of roses (the buds rotted without opening), and on individual lilies, in which the stems and leaves turned yellow.

Diseases of apple trees

This time I had to go on a visit to sort everything out on the spot. Looking at the dried berries remaining on the bushes, I immediately realized what was the matter. Harvest ruined gray rot caused by the July cyclone. This disease really hit strawberry beds for many, “stealing” a considerable part of the crop from gardeners. The disease was very strong and almost continuous - all the ovaries were affected at a very early stage, so the berries did not rot, but dried up without pouring.

  • Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the tree under the shower. After this procedure, most of the insect will be washed off. The next day after the soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. For total destruction spider mite it is necessary to carry out 3 wood treatments with soapy water. The place where the affected mandarin stood is thoroughly washed.
  • Quite often, one can observe that leaves fall off a mandarin, but this phenomenon does not always indicate a plant disease. The tree can shed its leaves during the dormant period, which usually lasts from late October to mid-February. In this case, you need to place the tree in a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 ° C and reduce the amount of watering.
  • Zineb solution 0.4%;



It is hard to imagine that an apple tree does not grow on a piece of land, even a tiny one. If it's favorable for fruit trees area, apple orchards become sources of income. But wherever it grows beautiful tree, diseases can overtake him. Why the leaves of the apple tree turn black and dry, why the tree dries and what to do - questions that have an answer.



It is not surprising that moniliosis is especially affected felt cherry, cultivated in regions with high humidity: on the Far East, in the north and west of the Chernozem region, in the Non-Chernozem region and in the south-west of the North Caucasus.​

Felt cherry helps to increase appetite, improves digestion, it is used in fresh, from it are obtained delicious jam, jam, jams, marshmallow, compote, wine, juice.​

Not at all. The fact is that the buds are simple and are either flowering or deciduous. At the same time, flower buds wake up much earlier than deciduous ones, which creates the illusion of a crown, completely dotted with flowering.

Lyudmila Ezhova

  • Olga Nikolaevna herself saw how she took a whole dish in front of her ripe berries. What to answer, because the plots are almost nearby. The development of gray rot is influenced by various factors. This is the variety (there are more stable ones, for example,
  • Sometimes it happens that the mandarin leaves dry, and then crumble. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf plate, the reason is an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be transplanted into fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.
  • Leaves can also fall off when the air is too dry. This can be observed in summer period and in heating season. In this case, you should spray the crown daily, and place a container of water near the pot, this will help moisten the air near the tree.

Topaz, Vectra.

In the spring, after the blooming of young leaves, the appearance of oily spots on the young foliage will become noticeable. It's a scab on an apple tree. Over time, the spots on top are covered with a velvet coating, then the entire plate becomes brown. That is why at the apple tree not only the leaves turn black and dry in the height of summer, but the fruits are also affected by the disease and become unfit for food.

  • A garden only attracts attention, arouses admiration, when it is healthy. And the fact that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it applies not only to a person, but also to his green friends. From the very beginning of the cultivation of the apple tree, you need to control its development.
  • . Spraying during the growing season with a 0.1% working solution.
  • Moniliosis is a fungal infection that affects felt cherries.

- 21-23 mg /%. C The fruits of zoned varieties contain 6-8% sugar, 0.7-1.0% acid, vitamin

Video about protecting the apple tree from diseases and pests


Mandarin diseases

​More experienced gardeners may notice that cherry care and pruning are two different things, since removing branches causes gum disease, which will later harm the plant. Such a scenario of the development of events is quite real if it is greatly weakened. But if the tree is healthy and does not freeze in winter, then correct pruning cherries will only benefit him.

Mandarin leaves are falling

Do not depart from winter hibernation.

Bohemia, Beam of VIR, Fireworks, Holiday, Cinderella. Borovitskaya, Grenadier, Redgontlite, Troubadour, Ruby Pendant, Commemorative, Generous, Harvest, Gorella, Festival Chamomile, Kent, Elvira, Gigantella

Often, citrus leaves dry due to lack of moisture. You can reanimate a diseased plant as follows. Put the pot in a bowl of water room temperature so that the water is flush with the rim of the pot. After that, you need to start watering the ground from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain excess water. Then spray the tree with the preparation "Epin" at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to reanimate even a very dried out plant.

The cause of leaf fall can also be an incorrect transplant, when root neck buried in the soil, or the citrus is planted in a pot that is too large. It is necessary to eliminate these shortcomings and observe the plant. If the leaf fall has not stopped, you should look for another reason.

Treatments are repeated at intervals of 2 weeks until the end of the season.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow

Scab is a fungal disease. Its spores overwinter on last year's foliage and are introduced into the plant along a green cone, from the moment young leaves appear. The condition for introduction is slow leaf opening, and warm rainy weather. Under such conditions, the introduced spores germinate and create a mycelium. The scab often affects old trees with a dense, poorly ventilated crown. Having developed, the disease primarily destroys the leaves, they turn black and fall off. The fruits are ugly or fall off after tying.

When buying a seedling, you should make sure that the root system is well developed and there are no mold spots on the roots, the surface color is uniform. The vaccination site is visible. The stem has a uniform color, the bark is not damaged. Cleaning the leaves of fallen trees in the fall will prevent the spread of spores and other infections, autumn is best. garden leaves burn, and then use the ashes as fertilizer.

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With total moniliosis, the harvest can not be expected. If the disease is started, allowing the fungus to destroy the tree from year to year, the felt cherry will dry out sooner or later.

The recognition of felt cherries, especially in the middle lane, has clearly been delayed. However, in last years many gardeners began to breed this culture here, primarily because of its precocity, in order to please their children and grandchildren with sweet fruits as early as possible.

Mandarin leaves dry

For cherries, planting, care and pruning should be carried out according to a well-thought-out scheme, preventing growth by chance. Indeed, despite the difference between bushy and tree-like species, flower buds will be formed mainly on annual branches. At the same time, if annual growth 0.5 m or more, then the buds will be vegetative and new branches will then form from them. Too short shoots, on the contrary, will be dotted with flower buds. Both of these options are unsuitable, so the grower will need to artificially adjust the length of the increments in the range from 0.25 to 0.5 meters. Only such growths will bear fruit in the current year and will lay the foundation for good harvest next.​

Plants can suffer from frost, die.

etc.), and growing conditions. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to the thickening of plantings and abundant fertilizing with nitrogen, which weaken the immunity of plants.


Why do strawberries dry up berries

Strawberry berries dry

Many mandarin diseases develop due to improper care and micronutrient deficiencies in the soil. In order to grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to keep this tropical crop in its usual conditions, monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.

Quite often, mandarin leaf fall causes a lack of potassium in the soil. To make up for it, potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer.

To prevent this formidable, and difficult to remove, fungal disease, a number of rules should be observed:

The fight against fungal diseases consists in observing agricultural practices, repeated spraying with copper-based fungicides or their substitutes. All treatments are stopped 3 weeks before harvest.

Pruning and crown formation should be done only with a disinfected tool, and the wounds should be immediately closed from infection. A photo of an apple leaf disease and their treatment will show the danger of non-compliance with hygiene requirements. In the spring, two fungicide treatments should be carried out when the buds swell and along the green cone. For mature trees, timely top dressing and mulching of the trunk circle are necessary.

(2 g / 10 l of water). Spraying during the growing season: the first - before flowering, the next - with an interval of 7-10 days. ​

And why didn’t the neighbor’s strawberries get sick?

In gardens located in lowlands, in places where a lot of snow accumulates in winter, with frequent thaws in winter time plants often suffer from damage to the bark of the lower part of the stems, that is, root collar decay. The defeat is possible in separate foci or a continuous ring. In the spring, the cherry begins to bloom normally, but then it gets sick and dries up. , doctor of agricultural sciences sciences Sometimes suddenly in the middle of a normally started growing season, it is found that the cherry has withered after flowering. Why does the cherry dry up, because yesterday nothing foreshadowed such a nuisance? This is due to the dangerous fungal disease of moniliosis cherries, or monilial burn, from which the branches of the cherry dry, and the whole tree may die. Young leaves, flowers, ovaries, tops of shoots dry up, and the branches look like after a fire - these are the first symptoms of the disease, reminiscent of the result of fire or frost. Then small growths appear on the bark gray color, the fruits of the cherry rot and fall, becoming covered with randomly located gray growths - gray rot. The branches become covered with cracks, and gum acts on them, forming sagging, and they die. Trim off dry parts of the branches, grabbing healthy tissue, collect and destroy any affected fruit, and treat the tree with oleocuprite, captan, cuprosan, or another fungicide. Spraying cherries with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride at a time when leaves have already blossomed on cherries can burn them. To defeat moniliosis, you will need more than one treatment of cherries with fungicides, but if you do not wait for the cherry to get sick, but carry out preventive treatments of garden trees from diseases and pests, then you will not have to worry about the health of the trees and the quality of the crop.

Now what to do with strawberries?

Also some gardeners in early spring they try to bring a thick layer of sawdust under the crown of fruit trees. Such a layer really delays the melting of snow, contributing to the accumulation of moisture, but at the same time awakens the crown to growth, and the root system, being in frozen soil, does not supply food and water to the aerial part in time. There is a physiological drying of the crown. Therefore, melt water must be diverted from the crowns of fruit trees, because when they stagnate, the roots can be propped up. Sawdust can be used to hold snow, but only in those places where the root system of perennial plants is not located.

All affected berries from the garden must be collected and destroyed (buried in the soil outside the site). It is now desirable to cut the leaves and spray the beds 1% Bordeaux mixture. Dig aisles, making complex mineral fertilizers.​

And now what to do with these bushes - leave or throw away?

In addition, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with drafts in the room, excessive soil moisture, lack of light.

It is impossible to allow the neighborhood of coniferous and fruit trees in the immediate vicinity;

Rust is another formidable fungal disease. This disease manifests itself after the flowering of the apple tree. Orange spots appear on the leaves of the tree on the upper part of the plate. There are black dots on the spots, under them are spore sacs that open and shoot spores. The lower part of the leaf also gets a yellow spot in this place. In the future, the disease progresses, as seen in the photo. Apple leaf diseases and their treatment is a process that requires patience.

The tree will remain healthy only with proper care and will delight with decorativeness and harvest. Strict observance of agricultural technology is a guarantee healthy garden.​


Why do fruit trees dry up in spring?

​Be careful when using plant protection products. Always read label instructions and product information before use. Carry out processing in compliance with all safety rules. Remember: you can harvest and consume products only after 20, and even better 30 days after the last treatment with chemicals.


And to protect against hares and mice, which can completely destroy the landings, poisoned baits are laid out, the trunks are covered with a net at the base.

I. Isaeva


Why do cherries turn yellow? This symptom can be observed with a lack of nitrogen or boron in the soil, with the difference that with a lack of boron, cherry leaves not only turn yellow, starting from the upper young shoots, they are deformed, and the veins on the leaf plate turn red. Trees suffering from nitrogen deficiency begin to turn yellow from the lower shoots, their leaves become smaller and sometimes fall off. Read about how, when and how to feed cherries so that they do not lack nutrition, read in the corresponding section of the article. Cherry leaves turn yellow and from moniliosis, simultaneously with the drying of the branches. In the same way, the fungal disease coccomycosis manifests itself, which must be disposed of in the same ways as from moniliosis. Sometimes cause yellow leaves ants become, and if there is an anthill in your garden, then get ready for big trouble. The leaves turn yellow and from improper watering, and because the cherry is frozen in winter. Sometimes mushrooms or tinder fungi grow on the lower part of the cherry trunk, which will surely lead to the death of the tree if they are not dealt with.

Fruit trees can dry out in the spring due to the fact that they could not stand the winter frost. It is recommended to water fruit trees abundantly with water in autumn, especially if the autumn was not rainy. In dry soil, the roots freeze faster and die.

And in early spring, even before the growth of young leaves, the beds need to be cleaned of old leaves and mustaches - the main source of overwintering infection, and straw bedding should also be removed. After that, spray the bushes with 2-3% Bordeaux mixture. Loosen the dried earth, sprinkle with fresh humus.

Tata all red

A good friend of mine addressed me with such questions at the end of June. At this time, in our Nizhny Novgorod region, it just began to keep pace garden strawberry. And before that, in June, for more than two weeks there was heat without a single rain. And this is during the pouring of berries! My own hands did not reach to water the strawberry beds. When I saw that the leaves of the bushes withered, and the berries are formed small, I urgently began to water.

Olga V

Many gardeners are faced with the fact that mandarin leaves turn yellow. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of minerals. So, with a nitrogen deficiency, the lower leaves of citrus first turn yellow and gradually all the rest. To replenish nitrogen in the soil, nitrogen mineral fertilizers are used, for example, ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, or organic fertilizers. With a lack of iron, the leaf plate acquires a light yellow color, the disease develops chlorosis. Chlorosis first covers young leaves, then spreads to old ones. To prevent this disease, the plant is treated with iron chelate once a month.


Why did the felt cherry dry up? Women's secrets online

In early spring, before the start of sap flow, find the affected areas, clean them to healthy wood, treat with a strong solution of copper sulfate 5 grams in half a glass of boiling water (5%);

In addition to leaves, rust in a neglected state affects the fruits and branches of a tree. Initially, the fungus develops on juniper, and later, after overwintering on plant debris, it falls on a leaf of a tree.

If all activities are completed, then the apple tree can get sick in rare, especially unfavorable years. If you know the signs of the disease, you can understand the reason for the yellowing of the foliage on the apple tree upon examination.

​Learn about how to grow other plants, what kind of gardening and vegetable garden work you need to plan,​

Cherry moniliosis.

The most popular varieties of felt cherries are Alice, Amurka, Rapture, Leto and many others. Each gardener will be able to choose the variety that is most suitable for his garden plot.​

Cherries turn yellow.

I have two three-year-old felt cherries growing in my garden. Last spring they bloomed beautifully and even gave a few berries, but in the middle of summer one cherry suddenly began to dry, at first they began brown leaves and then branches. I watered the plants regularly, fed them, warmed them for the winter. Advise what to do with dried cherries and how to protect another growing next to it? L. Shcherbakova

The cherry falls.

Why does the cherry fall if it's summer outside? This usually follows the yellowing of the leaves and is the development of a disease process that was not detected in time. Analyze and determine what caused it - moniliosis, coccomycosis or some other disease, lack of nutrition, moisture, pest attack or damage to cherry roots.

Cherries don't bear fruit.

And also, you may need to get rid of various pests that can eat the roots of fruit trees. The most famous pest, at least for me, is the bear. Therefore, it is good to treat the ground next to the root of the fruit tree with some kind of anti-bear liquid before winter. Just before flowering, spray the bushes with a solution of dark pink potassium permanganate or 1% Bordeaux liquid. When ovaries appear, you can treat the soil to prevent the development of gray rot with infusion of ash (2 cups of ash per bucket of water), a solution of calcium chloride (100 g per bucket of water) or pollinate ash at the base of the bushes.

So I assumed that. perhaps due to a strong moisture deficit in the soil, the berries dried up. By phone, she gave advice not to touch the bushes if they are not old yet and their foliage is healthy.

Yellowing of the plate may be due to insufficient lighting or too tight a pot. The problem can be solved by transferring the plant to a larger pot with fresh nutrient soil.

Coat with garden pitch or special putty, then repeat the treatment with fungicides for prevention.

Therefore, the juniper in the garden must be treated for fungal diseases often even without visible signs of rust disease.

The apple tree gets its nutrition from the roots and leaves. Therefore, the disease of any part of the tree, if left untreated, will lead to death. Why the apple tree dries and what to do can be determined on the spot. There are different diseases that are transmitted:

You can from other articles on our site When bushy cherries begin to expose the ends of the branches, the number of shoots is reduced, and the remaining ones are cut off by a third of the length. Skeletal and semi-skeletal branches are also subject to shortening. Usually they are cut to grow up, developed side branches. Experienced gardeners recommend alternating the shortening of skeletal shoots with semi-skeletal ones in a year. Then the cherry will give a good harvest.

According to the description, your felt cherry is sick with moniliosis, a dangerous fungal disease. During the flowering of the plant, the spores of the fungus are carried by the wind and fall on the flowers. First, flowers, ovaries, tops of shoots, leaves dry out. Subsequently, the conductive vessels of the branches are affected, after which they dry out.

The fruits of felt cherries are unusually polymorphic.

Well, as already indicated here, you can sprinkle a hole with a fruit tree with sawdust or straw to retain moisture.

At the beginning of tying berries, lay clean straw or shavings, coniferous needles on both sides of the row so that the flower stalks and berries do not touch the soil.

But two weeks later the bell rang again, and Olga Nikolaevna again asked anxiously: what should she do with the strawberry bushes?

Another reason why a mandarin turns yellow may be an invasion of a spider mite. The pest infects the leaf plate and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In order to see the spider mite, you should use a magnifying glass. In the presence of this pest, you need to wipe the plant with soapy water.

We wish you rich harvests and a healthy garden! Read why the leaves of the apple tree turn yellow!

Rust can cause yellowing of apple tree foliage. It also leads to falling fruits and cracking of the bark on the trunk. At the first sign of rust, they begin to fight it. All infected leaves, shoots, fruits are removed immediately. The branches are cut below the site of infection by a few centimeters. Spraying is carried out with one of the drugs:

Why is the apple tree dying? What killed the pear? Why did the plum dry up? Why don't cherries grow on my plot? We regularly face such questions in our work.

Causes of death fruit trees can be very diverse. In order to save trees and form a new orchard, it is very important to figure out why exactly this or that garden tree grows poorly, does not bear fruit, withers or dies.

The main causes of the death of apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums and apricots are most often the following:

  1. Deepening the root neck
  2. nearby groundwater
  3. Diseases
  4. rodents
  5. Mechanical damage
  6. freezing

Deepening the root neck

The deepening of the root collar is the most common cause of oppression and death of fruit trees.

The root neck is the place of transition from the underground part of the plant (roots) to its above-ground part (trunk). If the root neck is underground, under water or under a layer of decaying plant residues, then decay processes begin to develop in it, and the tree withers and dies very quickly.

Most often, the deepening of the root collar occurs as a result of improper planting of seedlings. They are either immediately buried in the soil, or planted in a low place, or planted without taking into account the possible subsidence of the soil. As a result, after some time, the root neck is in the ground or under water and the tree withers.

Also, rotting of the root collar often occurs as a result of abundant warming of the root system of trees for the winter and untimely removal of the warming layer in the spring. The same effect is observed in areas with regular spring flooding.

And finally, the most difficult case is heavy marshy soils, where even mature, properly planted fruit trees can gradually be absorbed into the ground.

To prevent the death of a tree as a result of deepening the root neck will, first of all, proper fit seedlings. All trees must be planted flush with the ground, and in regularly flooded areas and areas with heavy marshy soils, on artificial hills (knolls). When planting, it is necessary to carefully compact the soil in landing pit. It is unacceptable to plant apple and pear trees in pits and low places.

For the winter, it is advisable to remove the earthen roller for watering around the tree. If the root system of the fruit tree was insulated for the winter, then in the spring the shelter should be removed in a timely manner. with stagnation melt water on the site should be fought by installing drainage systems. In particularly difficult cases, fruit trees can be pulled out of the soil using shovels and metal crowbars.

nearby groundwater

Close groundwater is the second most common reason for the death of fruit trees after the deepening of the root neck. In this case, the trees, as a rule, grow and develop normally until a certain age, and then, when they reach a certain height and size, they quickly wither and die. The reason for the death is that the root system of adult trees gets to ground water that obstruct her breathing and normal growth. In addition, groundwater often contains excessive amounts of substances harmful to plants (for example, iron).

There are many in the Moscow region suburban areas be located in areas with close groundwater. A sure sign of such plots is the absence of old high fruit and ornamental trees, as well as the deep occurrence of potable water (deep wells) and the stagnation of melt water in the spring. In addition, groundwater can be detected while digging holes, trenches or drilling small wells.

Create a complete orchard in areas with a close occurrence of groundwater, it can be quite difficult, but possible. First, you should try to drain the area by creating drainage system at least around the perimeter. Secondly, it is necessary to select varieties for planting fruit trees on dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstocks and/or plant columnar apple and pear trees. You can also graft tree branches onto shrubs (for example, on chokeberry or irgu). Thirdly, seedlings can be planted in special containers above the soil surface.


Diseases are also a very common cause of tree death.

Black cancer, root cancer, fire blight, powdery mildew, cytosporosis and common cancer - these are far from full list diseases of fruit trees that can lead to the death of plants, especially young ones.

To prevent the development of diseases and the death of fruit trees will allow the acquisition of high-quality healthy planting material, timely detection and proper treatment of foci of dangerous diseases, as well as preventive measures and full care of the garden (pruning, watering, fertilizing, foliar feeding, spraying against diseases and pests, cleaning the bark, whitewashing, treating wounds, sealing hollows, installing hunting belts , content trunk circles, garden cleaning).


Rodents such as hares, mice and moles often cause the death of young seedlings of apple, pear, plum, cherry and other fruit trees.
Hares in winter period often gnaw the bark of young trees, which leads to the rapid death of plants. This problem is especially relevant for areas bordering forests.

Reliable fencing around the perimeter of the site (fence without loopholes), as well as shelter for the winter of young seedlings with spruce branches or wrapping trunks and lower branches with non-woven material, will help protect against hares and mice.

Moles and shrews damage the root system of trees in the summer. You can get rid of moles by scaring them away with odorous substances or vibration (sounds), by trapping and destroying them, or by installing a reliable fence with a deepening into the soil along the perimeter of the site.

Mechanical damage

Quite often, serious mechanical damage leads to the death of fruit trees. To avoid accidental damage garden plants elementary safety rules should be observed: protect trees with casings during construction, mow tree trunks with special care with a trimmer, remove branches that interfere with passage or passage, and, if necessary, fence small trees from dogs.


Seedlings of some particularly heat-loving species and varieties of fruit trees, especially columnar apple and pear trees, can be severely damaged by frost in the absence of sufficient snow cover.

Planting resistant local varieties and sheltering tree trunks for the winter will prevent freezing of trees. In addition, autumn moisture-charging watering, autumn pruning, and the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers help to increase the winter hardiness of plants.

In addition to the listed main reasons for the death of fruit trees, although rarely, they can also lead to: toxic poisoning (oil, gasoline, herbicides, fertilizers in many times overestimated doses), mass reproduction of pests, large frost holes and sunburn, drought and excessive waterlogging, soil compaction , strong wind(Hurricane).



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