Why do peaches fall off. What diseases and pests are peach susceptible to and how to get rid of them Why do some peach trees turn yellow leaves

If your peach garden defeated a variety of ailments, no need to despair and put an end to the harvest. Most diseases are not so difficult to overcome. Armed with patience, recommendations experienced gardeners and disease control agents, which can be easily purchased at the nearest specialty store.

Diseases of peach fruit

During the ripening period, the peach is most susceptible to various diseases. Some of them can not only nullify the crop and ruin the tree, but also cause considerable harm to other trees growing nearby. The most common ailments are clasteroporiosis, peach leaf curl, gray fruit rot (stone fruit moniliosis), cytosporosis and others. Protection against peach diseases is not so difficult, you need to follow some care rules, and then you can collect good harvest.

Did you know? The peach tree belongs to the subgenus Almond. The peach is very similar to the almond tree, and they differ only in fruits.

Stone fruit moniliosis (gray fruit rot)

Moniliosis is one of the most famous and unsafe peach diseases. Gray rot may appear as early as the beginning of spring. With the development of the disease, there is a strong drying and darkening of the flowers, the death of young fruitful twigs. The ovaries are mainly infected, which dry out at the end of flowering. With a summer infection, even a perennial branch can die. On the fruits, the disease manifests itself in the form of a dark spot, which soon expands, the flesh becomes dark brown, and the fruit dries out completely. If an infected fetus comes into contact with a healthy one, it also becomes infected.

The peak of the disease manifests itself in cold and wet weather during flowering. The disease is spread by pests - the eastern codling moth and kidney weevils. The main causative agent of the disease is the fungus Moniliacinerea Bonord, which is in the marsupial stage. winter period the fungus survives in the affected branches and, actively developing in the spring, destroys entire branches. There are two ways to treat peach moniliosis. Infected branches and shoots are burned, and the tree is rejuvenated pruned. Or you need to spray the flowers with 1% Bordeaux liquid. At the beginning of fruit growth, the tree can be treated with a 90% solution of copper oxychloride. It is applied in four stages with a break of twenty days.

The disease manifests itself first in May on young leaves, and later on the tops of the shoots and on the fruits. A film of mycelium is formed on the shoots. Diseased leaves take the shape of a boat and crumble. The more young shoots on the tree, the stronger the disease will develop. Fallen infected leaves expose the tops of the shoots. Peach fruits begin to crack, decrease in size. After the defeat, the fruit completely rots. It is also necessary to fight the disease by pruning all infected shoots and twigs. It is important to pay attention to the collection of foliage, which subsequently, along with the branches, must be destroyed. It is also necessary to carry out pruning for rejuvenation. At the first sign powdery mildew spray with sulfur-containing preparations. At the end of flowering, it is necessary to treat with "Topsin" or a similar peach fungicide.

Did you know? Peach plantations are the third largest in Europe in terms of area, second only to apple and pear trees.

fruit rot

Fruit rot is a disease that endangers peach and nectarine fruits. Small spots appear on the visible part of the fruit surface gray color, after which they grow over the entire surface, forming a completely rotten fruit. Infection penetrates through the damaged area left on the fetus by the codling moth or kidney weevil. A sick fruit, in contact with a healthy one, infects it.

Excessive humidity of the air contributes to the active prosperity of the disease. The causative agent of the disease is also a fungus. The first rotten fruits appear in mid-June. The peak of the disease, which can cover the entire crop of a tree, occurs at the end of August, before harvesting. The incubation period of the disease is extremely fast. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs, it takes about five days. When fighting fruit rot, it is necessary to destroy fallen fruits daily, and in the fall, in addition to carrion, clean the tree from hanging damaged fruits. Before flowering, treatment with a fungicide such as Teldor or Topsin M is necessary. After flowering, the peach is sprayed again, the treatment will also be needed during the ripening of the fruit.

peach leaf diseases

Peach leaves are also susceptible various diseases. Processing peach from diseases is one of the key points treatment of ailments.

Important! When handling chemicals, be sure to follow safety rules by covering exposed parts of the body and protecting the respiratory tract.

Clasterosporiasis (perforated spotting)

Peach clasterosporiasis is a common disease that affects not only leaves, young shoots, flowers, but also the fruits themselves. The infection appears first on the leaves brown spots with raspberry trim. The parts of the leaf that are affected by the disease dry up and die, leaving a hole on the leaf, which gave the name to the disease - perforated spotting. It also affects young shoots. Round orange spots appear on them, which then stretch along the bark, after which a yellow substance appears on them. Shoots affected by the fungus die off, and the entire branch may die. It appears on the fruit as small orange spots that darken over time. Affected fruits are covered with a peel completely, forming cracks. Fruits with tender skin are most at risk.
The causative agent is a fungus that manifests itself in ulcers on flowers, branches and shoots. In the rain and strong wind the fungus is transferred to healthy fruits and, multiplying, can cover the whole tree. To stop the disease, all infected branches are cut before flowering, treating the cut points with lime with the addition of blue vitriol, and covered with a layer oil paint. Also effective method there will be spraying with copper oxychloride during the swelling of the kidneys. The next two times spraying is carried out at the beginning of flowering and at the end.

This ailment manifests itself already during flowering. Affected leaves take on a yellowish color, sometimes red with hints of pink. There is their deformation, darkening. The leaves increase in size and become brittle. Later on inside, a white coating is formed - a fungus, which is the causative agent. If the spring was rainy, peach fruits may also get sick. As they grow, a film forms on them, which prevents the peach from growing, which spoils their taste. How to treat peach curl? It is necessary to get rid of the disease by first cutting off the diseased shoots, then collecting the infected foliage and destroying it. Carry out timely watering and rejuvenating pruning. At the beginning of flowering, in three stages with a break of two weeks, the tree is sprayed with a mixture of copper sulfate and lime.

Important! When spraying a tree with various chemicals, do not forget to check their compatibility.

Powdery mildew is a serious ailment for many fruit plants. Leaves and young twigs die from it, and in peach, the disease also affects the fruits. The disease is recognized by white bloom on fruits, occupying almost half of its area. The early stage is not so easy to recognize, it appears on the inside of the leaf in early May. Infected branches stop developing, change shape, and some may even die. The disease reaches its maximum peak of activity by mid-summer, especially during periods of sharp weather changes, when hot weather replaces long precipitation. Spring or autumn pruning affected branches. It is also worth paying attention to fallen leaves and fruits. They need to be carefully collected and burned, as the pathogen can be airborne. After the end of the flowering phase, you need to treat the tree with Topaz. Also, processing nearby stone fruit trees will not hurt. Simultaneous spraying with insecticides will not interfere, provided that the drugs are compatible.

Diseases of the peach trunk

A variety of ailments can affect not only fruits and leaves, but also trunks. fruit trees. The most common peach bark disease is cytosporosis.

This is a disease that affects the layer between the bark and the tree itself. A sign of infection is withering tops of the shoots and brownish spots on the bark, sometimes smudges of the same color. The infection descends from above, capturing new shoots and perennial branches. When it descends to the trunk, the tree is already in serious danger. If you start the disease to such a state, there is a big risk of losing most of the fertile branches, jeopardizing the harvest and the further life of the tree.
You need to get rid of the disease by cutting off damaged branches, even skeletal branches must be removed completely. If even a small part of the fungus remains on the tree, then soon it will begin to multiply progressively again. The pruned branches are best burned, as the spores of the fungus are easily carried by the wind and can infect other fruit trees. Also effective treatment there will be spraying with a mixture of copper sulfate and lime. The disease is prevented by annual spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid and whitewashing of trunks and skeletal branches.


Naturally, they appeared various versions reasons for the "baldness" of trees, first of all, many again remembered the Rostov (Volgodonsk) nuclear power plant with an unkind word, although nuclear scientists have not yet given serious reasons for concern - major accidents and emissions of radioactive substances into the atmosphere over the past 10 years since the station was put into operation not fixed.
The leading specialist in agriculture and land use of the department does not agree with the assumption of acid rain Agriculture and protection environment administration of the Semikarakorsk region L. A. Khokhlachev. In his opinion, then other crops would have suffered, cucumber plantations would have reacted first of all - this would have been evident from the yellowed leaves and lashes.
In addition, judging by media reports and the exchange of views between Internet users, the geography of the "spring leaf fall" is quite wide - it is not only the Rostov region. Suffer mainly only apricots, partly - peaches, that is, stone fruit trees. So in this case, the options for the impact on them of local industrial enterprises or the possible dumping of excess jet fuel by aircraft before landing at the airfield are not confirmed.
“There are still reasons for the fall of leaves of apricots and peaches,” said I.N. Chernov. - It is necessary to see samples of fallen leaves, it is difficult to establish the cause in absentia. These may be the consequences of a monilous burn or a lesion fruit trees coccomycosis and other fungal or bacterial diseases peaking in May-beginning of June.
It should be taken into account that the complaints began after prolonged May rains and sharp fluctuations in temperature and humidity of the atmospheric air. And many varieties of apricots and peaches are sensitive to weather anomalies ...
Together with specialists of phytosanitary surveillance, we consider samples of fallen leaves of two apricot trees(on one, the yellowed foliage is still holding on, on the other, it was still green, the tree was “bald”) and peach - green, even, correct form. The common thing that unites all samples is the presence of rounded spots and holes of different diameters.
- This is most likely coccomycosis - the so-called perforated spotting of stone fruit fruit crops, - said E.S. Pshenichnaya, with the opinion of which I.N. Chernov. - This is a very harmful disease that strongly affects peach, apricot, sweet cherry and, to a lesser extent, cherry.
Initially, small purple-red dots-spots develop on the leaves, the diameter reaches 2-3 mm. In their center, the tissue becomes necrotic and soon falls out. At high degree the lesions of the patch coalesce and are often irregularly shaped.
If the causative agent of the disease is a bacterium, then around the spots, as in these samples presented for inspection, a light yellow-green border appears; in cases where the cause of the disease is of fungal etiology, the rim has a red-violet color. With a high degree of damage, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
By the way, in aboikos and sweet cherries, coccomycosis often develops on fruits. Peach is rarely affected by this disease.
Regardless of the type of pathogen, infection occurs through wounds, for example, inflicted by hail or various pests(in spring there were a lot of aphids, which are now not visible on the provided leaves - apparently they were washed away by rains; sunburn of the leaves or damage to them due to improper use of fungicides is also possible), through buds and leaf marks, stomata or directly through the cuticle.
And spores of a fungus or bacteria spread with the help of rain, wind or insects. Drops of water are necessary for spores to germinate, so every significant wave of infection is especially evident after prolonged rains, as happened this spring. In addition, the disease can develop not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn, and in warm weather - even in winter.
Much depends on the resistance of apricot varieties to the disease. Last winter and during the returning spring frosts, even healthy plants had a hard time. The nutrition system of the leaves suffered, and they began to fall off. What can we say about fruit trees weakened by diseases. That is, in this case, we can talk about a combination of several unfavorable factors that caused the apricot and peach leaves to fall off. Naturally, it is no longer possible to hope for a good harvest from such trees. -
The resistance of fruit trees to diseases could also be affected by violations of the rules of agricultural technology, improper use of fungicides, lack of necessary mineral fertilizers. In each case, an individual approach is needed to find out the causes of what is happening and to help the weakened plant.
What can you advise gardeners? To limit the spread of the disease, collect and burn fallen leaves. Treat apricots, for example, with a solution of "Skor" - at the rate of 2 mg per 10 liters of water. Today, the trading network has a sufficient selection of means to combat plant diseases and pests. In July-August, a new wave of development of apricots will begin, which will allow them to partially restore the crown. Let's hope for a good harvest of fruits at least in next year. For the future - preventive treatments should be provided two to three times per season, starting during the growing season in the rosebud phase. Conduct a thorough winter pruning affected branches. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of plants. For example, peach is very sensitive to “chemistry”, in particular, after repeated treatments of peach trees with copper-containing fungicides, oxidative processes may be disturbed, respiration increases, the water content in leaves and fruits decreases, which leads to their shedding.
And apricot is sensitive to chlorine, so a large number viburnum chloride as a potash fertilizer can cause oppression of trees. But apricots need potassium. best form potash fertilizer for him - potassium sulfate. In case of any difficulties, gardeners can always count on the help of specialists.

There are several peach trees growing in the dacha. This year, the leaves on them turned yellow, reddened and curled, is this a peach curl disease, as I understand it? I bought a dacha recently, I have no experience in caring for trees, tell me what to do now.

The answer to the question.

Hello Tagir. Judging by the photo, this is really peach curl. This disease is caused by the fungus Taphrin deformans (Taphrina deformans). When the bagospores of the pathogen spread, the leaves and shoots of the peach become red or yellow, swellings appear on them, the leaf curls and takes on bizarre shapes.

In addition, a sticky whitish or gray coating can be found on the leaves (top and bottom) - this is the sporulation of the fungus. Spores begin to scatter in mid-May, especially strong sporulation is observed in cool and rainy weather. At this time, peach buds are laid, from which shoots develop in summer. Accordingly, these shoots are also affected, and this can lead to a complete loss of the crop or even the complete death of the peach.

If you find leaf curl on a peach, pluck off the curled red leaves immediately and burn them (do not bury them in compost heap). Next, the tree should be treated with Bordeaux liquid (substitutes - copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, Kuprosil, Kuprostat) or another suitable fungicide preparation (Horus, Skor, Strobi).

It should be noted that a peach affected by curly hair can become easy prey for pests, for example, for aphids. In this case, it is possible to combine fungicide treatment with insecticide treatment (Aktellik, Aktara, Bi-58 New).

It is best to carry out preventive treatments for peach against curl in the future. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Peach curl spores overwinter in flower and vegetative buds. And in the spring, during their blooming, they begin to spread again.

Therefore, it is very effective against leaf curl to carry out three-time spraying of trees with fungicides. We carry out the first spraying in the fall - during the period of leaf fall. At the same time, all fallen leaves are collected and burned. In February, at a temperature of + 4 ° C (not lower), we process again peach trees Bordeaux liquid. And, finally, one more treatment will not be superfluous immediately after flowering.

Why do peach leaves curl. Curliness of peach leaves. Recommendations for treatment.

Peach in last years is becoming increasingly popular with our gardeners due to its outstanding qualities and precocity. A lot of its distribution is facilitated by the diversity of varieties and availability, as well as climate warming.

Along with the peach, its diseases also spread. One of the most dangerous and harmful peach diseases is leaf curl.

Peach leaf curl is caused by the microscopic fungus tafrina ( Taphrina). It affects leaves, young growing shoots, occasionally flowers and fruits.

The first signs of the disease appear already at the beginning of the blooming of the leaves - in the month of May. First, the leaves turn pale, acquire a yellowish-pink color, their surface becomes uneven, bubbly, they are severely deformed, twisting, and become brittle. After some time, a white waxy coating of sporulation forms on the underside of the leaf. Shoots with affected leaves stop growing, thicken and twist, turn yellow.

In the future, such leaves and shoots die off, which greatly weakens the tree, which receives less nutrition due to the loss of part of the crown. Severe curl damage over several years can cause peach trees to dry out.

Curly fight. How to treat peach from leaf curl.

Since the main source of infection is the mycelium and spores that hibernate under the scales of the kidneys, in the cracks of the bark and the affected branches and shoots, and we do not have specialized means of protection against curliness (and even so far they are not particularly looking for - the peach culture in Belarus has no industrial value), then the main way to combat curliness is prevention in the form of treatment universal fungicides during the period of swelling and blooming of the kidneys.

It is at this moment that infection of new leaves with curl occurs, and if we have time to prevent it, then we will reduce the manifestations of the disease to a minimum.

When to process a peach.

So, the first processing - spring before bud break- 3% solution Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate. This will protect the peach from the second dangerous diseaseperforated leaf spot(clasterosporiasis), as well as other fungal diseases.

The second processing is period of swelling and bud break peach. To do this, you can use fungicides such as Horus(the only fungicide that is active already at an air temperature of +6-8°C, unlike other drugs that act at a temperature of +15°C); Topsin M, Bayleton, Skor, Delan.

In Russia, fungicides such as planriz and Trichodermin(in principle, if allowed in Russia, it can also be used in Belarus) .

If the weather is rainy during the peach blossom period, spraying with one of the above fungicides (except for copper preparations) can be repeated.

If the infection has already occurred and curly leaves have appeared on the shoots, then

1) such shoots must be removed from the trees;

2) carry out preventive spraying, provided that at least 3 weeks are left before the start of ripening of peaches.

In autumn, during leaf fall, repeat the treatment with copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid.

It is imperative to carry out annual peach pruning with the removal of affected shoots and periodic rejuvenating pruning.

All cut wood must be destroyed immediately.

To increase the resistance of peach to curl and other fungal diseases, it is necessary to provide the trees with sufficient watering and balanced nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium + trace elements).

Kondratenok Yulia Georgievna, candidate of agricultural sciences for the protection of the orchard.

There is no such thing as too much information, right? In addition, I devoted more than 30 years to the peach and long ago found with it mutual language we are true friends.

It’s easy for you, a southerner, to say, another gardener colleague of mine will say.

Maybe so, but not entirely. You need to know the temper of a peach, it will come in handy in any climate zone. It is also important that in terms of frost resistance, the peach is really far from weak. According to my observations, in severe cold years, apple trees, apricots, grapes suffered more often, but not peach! Another thing is that this tree does not tolerate careless handling.

Peach has its own difficult character. He seems to be saying: “I give you bliss, gardener, just take care of me as it should be.”

Peach is a very fast growing breed. At proper fit and proper care can bear fruit in a year, although it is officially considered that it begins to bear fruit only in the third year.

Peach also has its downsides. There are only two of them, but what ... This is the curl of the leaves and the drying of the branches (and sometimes the tree itself). First -

main peach disease. It is common wherever this culture sprouts. Because of this, the fruits appear ugly, fall before they ripen. You can fight all this only with the help of annual rejuvenation.

It is necessary to systematically thin out and shorten the branches, that is, create conditions conducive to good lighting of the space inside the crown. Its most correct form is with an open center.

Mandatory reception - pruning of the affected, dry branches.

This operation is best done in spring when 2-3 leaves appear and in summer when dried branches are found. It is equally important to carry out the complete collection and destruction of the affected foliage. in early spring.

And, of course, you can not do without spraying. It must be done correctly and in a timely manner, otherwise the leaves begin to grow poorly, the fruits fall off, and as a result, the tree dies.

I personally spray once at the beginning of leaf fall with a solution of urea (300 g per 10 liters of water), twice in the spring, during bud break with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and once before flowering and three weeks after the solution wood ash, nettle and tomato tops. This is what is called a mandatory program.

Changing of the Guard

Now for drying.

It also manifests itself all the time, a very unpleasant phenomenon. One day you would not wish your enemy to see a dried peach, to which he devoted so much care and work. But how can this be avoided? Here will help later and frequent watering late summer and autumn.

It must be remembered, like “Our Father”, that the lack of good drainage causes a protracted growth of shoots, delays the ripening of wood and worsens the winter hardiness of the tree.

To avoid excessive soil moisture, peach should be planted away from beds with vegetables and any greens. I strongly recommend not to use any mineral fertilizers, no matter what the sellers in the market say. "Mineral water" on the soil and on the peach acts like a drug. It is necessary to explain what will happen if you ever reduce the “dose” or decide to refuse them altogether?

On my own suburban area I have six peach trees, and they are all six varieties different term maturation.

Small in size, I don’t let them grow as they want. They are planted in different years and bear fruit for five years. I change two seedlings every year. To do this, I grow "recruits", choosing two-year ones - the best of the best. Thus, in five years, the entire composition changes.

Of course, good agricultural technology can still extend their life.

But I don't see much point in that. In my nursery I plant peach pits in summer, autumn, winter. After a year or another, depending on the growth of the stock, I do a budding. This has already been written about many times and in an accessible form.

I do not want to be original, but I will say that the budding process itself is simple, but it requires care, composure and caution. It is necessary to carefully and thoughtfully prepare the instrument, determine the time of vaccination.

High survival rate is obtained by budding at the end of summer. Its term is determined simply: if in your area (say, September 1) the air temperature drops below 10 ° during the day, then the procedure must be carried out before the tenth of August.

How to grow a peach

An important condition for growing peaches in regions with a "capricious" climate is the choice of frost-resistant varieties (for example, Novoselkovsky, Loyka). And, of course, the right agricultural technology.
Landing - in the sun
For planting a peach, they choose a sufficiently lit place, protected FROM COLD northern winds, ideally - about south wall buildings. Vasily Grigorievich advises planting a peach in early spring, as the soil ripens (end of March - mid-April). But landing pit(diameter 60-100 cm) it is better to prepare in the fall: mix the upper fertile layer with 10-25 kg of humus, add mineral fertilizers(100-300 g of nitrogen, phosphorus and microfertilizers). When planting a seedling root collar leave at ground level, or you can deepen by 3-5 cm.
seasonal care
In late April - early May, the tree is fed with a solution of mullein (1:10) or ammonium nitrate(per 1 sq.m trunk circle: 2-3 tbsp per 10 liters of water with the addition of 3-5 tbsp. phosphate and potash fertilizers). For young trees, this dose should be reduced by 2 times. In caring for a peach, it is important to water it periodically, especially in dry times. The rate of water consumption per young tree
- 10-15 liters, for an adult
- 30-40 liters.
After watering, the soil is mulched with sawdust, peat.
For the winter
At proper care and preparing for winter, the peach is able to successfully pass the "test of cold and frost."
To increase frost resistance in late August - September, you can feed the plants potash fertilizers(30-50 g per tree).

  • In late October - early November, the soil is dug up with undertrees and watered well (water-charging irrigation) so that water penetrates to a depth of 1 m.
  • To protect the bark from sunburn and frost holes in the fall, it is imperative to whitewash the boles and the base of the skeletal branches of adult trees.


2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs