Houseplant with triangular purple leaves. Triangular Oxalis (oxalis) is a charming plant resembling a butterfly. We take care of the flower correctly

Violet sorrel is one of the few hardy plants that can be grown indoors. In the article, you will learn in detail how amateur gardeners should take care of it, what kind of light a flower likes, when it needs to be transplanted, how and when to water it. In addition, information will be provided for why it is necessary to grow oxalis, what is the benefit or harm from it. The article will not bypass the signs associated with the butterfly flower.

Lilac butterflies fly even in winter

Oxalis triangularis or oxalis triangularis is a beautiful shrub with lilac, velvety triangular flowers. The plant is low, reaches a maximum length of 25 cm. If the plant is grown correctly, the flowers have a bright purple color.

It blooms in summer, but in winter on the windowsill it will remind you of summer, because its leaves resemble butterflies from afar. The butterfly flower has tiny inflorescences. Usually the flowers are pink, white, yellow. They perfectly complement the purple leaves.

Reproduction of room beauty

Reproduction of sour occurs in different ways with the help of tubers, bulbs, leaves, cuttings. Each of them is effective in its own way.

Tuber (rhizome) triangular oxalis

Seed it indoor plant does not reproduce. The bulbs are well separated from each other. Craftsman gardeners recommend planting in one flower pot several pieces of flower bulbs. This will allow the bush to become lush. 4-7 cubs are placed in a pot. They are deepened a little, then covered with earth. Gardeners plant babies at the end of winter. In the spring, they are moderately watered at a low temperature of 12-14 ° C, then the pot is placed in a dark place until the first shoots appear.

We take care of the flower correctly

It has already been said above that purple room sorrel is unpretentious, but still it needs constant, thorough care. It's easy, simple to do. Violet room acid is needed regularly:

  • water;
  • feed;
  • transplant;
  • spray;
  • loosen the soil.

If all this is done, she will thank with unusual leaves that look like butterflies.

Watering acid room purple

"Madama Butterfly" (as it is often called because of its resemblance to a butterfly) is watered regularly, especially during the flowering and growing season. She is not afraid of stagnant water. In the cold season, watering is reduced to a minimum, then stopped altogether. This is a period of rest (a month and a half). When young shoots appear, this is a signal that the flower has awakened. The rest period is different for each species.

How to replenish oxalis

Top dressing occurs during flowering, growth. It is better to purchase mineral fertilizers. Gardeners feed Madama Butterfly every 2 weeks in summer and spring.

Miracle flower transplant

The plant requires an annual transplant. For this you need:

  1. spacious pot;
  2. drainage;
  3. priming.

The new pot should be a few centimeters larger than the previous one. Drainage - small pebbles, river sand. Soil - purchased from a mixture of peat, sand, soil from under the leaves. Drainage sinks to the bottom of the pot. It is advisable to transplant the flower in new pot with a little soil from an old pot.

Plant lighting and temperature

"Madama Butterfly" loves light, but not direct rays. In summer, there should be diffused, soft light. In winter, the light will not harm the plant. It must be placed away from drafts.

In spring and summer optimum temperature-20-25°C, in winter and autumn 12-14°C.

Pests, diseases and their control

Houseplant sour is not often, but is subject to disease. Any method is suitable for pest control: mechanical, chemical or folk method.

The plant is often attacked by:

  • scab;
  • whitefly;

Gardeners apply insecticides and spray the flower under running water. Can be taken laundry soap, alcohol and rub the leaves on top.

In addition to pests, there is also a danger of root rotting of this plant, so it should be watered in moderation.

What do we know about him? Here are some interesting facts:

  • his homeland is South Africa, Mexico and South America;
  • there are about 800 varieties of the flower in the world;
  • the unofficial symbol of Ireland is the three-leaf sour, not the clover;
  • Catholics often give these purple butterflies At Christmas;
  • at night, the plant folds its butterfly leaves.

Medicinal properties oxalis

Oksalis - also medicinal plant, but in medicinal purposes use common acid.


  • treatment of scurvy of teeth;
  • washing wounds;
  • antidote against arsenic and mercury;
  • antihelminthic, diuretic;
  • strengthening immunity and the fight against colds.

Oxygen room: signs

In addition to the main name "sour", this flower also has a number of other names: hare cabbage, a flower of happiness, sour clover or happiness clover. It really brings happiness and good luck, peace and tranquility to people. The flower will help solve personal problems, find your soul mate, relieve loneliness. In houses where this beauty grows, peace and prosperity always reign.

People believe that if presented as a gift, it will bring good luck to the house. Oxalis, as a rule, has 3 leaves, which is associated with the Holy Trinity.

Oxygen triangular room - a plant that can grow both indoors and outdoors. Thanks to its foliage, it looks original, both on the windowsill and in the flower bed. When it is cloudy outside, the flower closes the leaves like a butterfly. This is what attracts flower lovers, and it is also often grown, because it is unpretentious plant It does not require special care. The main thing is to be loved, cherished, watered. She loves light, warmth and attention. If the care is correct, the violet oxalis will thank its owner and delight with lush, beautiful foliage on cold, winter days.

Video "Room sorrel planted in open ground"

Kislitsa (oxalis) is a dream plant that can grow densely, delight the eye with a scattering of beautiful flowers and almost never get sick. Acid care at home very simple - you do not have to "shake" over the flower, devote a lot of time to it and create a special microclimate. Observe a few simple rules, and oxalis will feel great in your home.

Oxalis is a genus of herbs and shrubs, which unites about 800 plant species. It is common everywhere - an unpretentious plant easily "captures" the lower tiers of forests in Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, North and South America. Rich in oxalic acid, oxalis has been used as a medicinal plant and sometimes cultivated for its edible tubers.

Some types of oxalis are grown as potted plants. A number of types of oxalis are used for landscaping open areas and planting in street flowerpots. Room sour can be transplanted outdoors without any problems - it will feel good all year round, but it needs a little help in wintering - transplanting into a pot and moving it indoors. You can also remove the bulbs or tubers, and plant them again in the spring.

Appearance of acid

The height of an oxalis in a pot usually does not exceed 15 cm, but some specimens can grow up to 30 cm. Wide flat leaves grow 3 or more from one base, they look like a triangle or a heart in shape.

Because of this, the plant is sometimes called "lucky clover", decorate the house and give as a gift on St. Patrick's Day. The color of the leaves varies from yellow-green and light green to maroon and purple. Another feature is that at night the leaves fold like butterfly wings.

Small flowers of oxalis are more diverse in color scheme. They are white, yellow, pink, blue, red, etc. In some species, colors may be combined.

Dense leaves with a scattering of small bright flowers create an image of a healthy lush bush. At the same time, maintaining the plant in this state is quite simple. A combination of excellent appearance and ease of maintenance and makes oxalis one of the most popular indoor plants.

Features of care and maintenance

Oxalis loves shade and can be content with a minimum of light. Under natural conditions, it can perfectly live on the lower tier of the forest, under a dense cover of leaves and branches of other plants.

An indoor flower requires more sun - the more light it receives, the less greenery remains on its leaves. But you don’t need to expose acid to direct rays - it needs diffused lighting, although it calmly tolerates soft morning light. For normal growth the flower needs 8 hours of intense diffused lighting per day.

Room sorrel is not a summer plant. In the house, she feels best in autumn, winter and spring due to softer lighting. The rest period usually falls at the end of summer.

Oxalis requires a complex mineral fertilizer during the period of growth and flowering (1 time in 2-3 weeks). At that time best temperature for a plant - 20-25˚С. The soil should be cool and damp, but not wet. It is recommended to put a layer of mulch on the soil so that it loses moisture more slowly.

Attention! If there is too much fertilizer, the plant will have few flowers.

Video - Oxygen content and care

Ways of propagation of sour

Reproduction is milestone when growing acid. There are many ways to propagate, but at home, okalis is most often propagated from tubers, bulbs, cuttings, leaves or seeds. Let's consider some of them:

From bulbs and tubers

Oxalis tubers and bulbs may look different. In some species, the tubers look like elongated cones.

To grow oxalis from tubers (bulbs):

  1. Choose a suitable pot or container: wide and not too tall, with a hole for excess water to escape.
  2. Fill the container with well-drained soil (you can use a peat mix containing sand and perlite). Excess water should freely leave the pot and not linger in the soil.
  3. Think in advance about where the pot will stand. The more light the plant gets, the richer the color of its leaves will be, and the more flowers it will bring. Remember - you can not put acid under intense direct radiation.
  4. Make several holes 8-10 cm deep at a distance of 2.5-3.5 cm from each other. Put bulbs or tubers in them - for germination it does not matter how they will be located in the ground.
  5. After planting, carefully and abundantly moisten the ground. Foliage will begin to appear soon enough, and flowers in 6-8 weeks.
  6. When the plant has flowered, do not remove the leaves. With their help, acid stores more nutrients in the bulb.

Table 1. Distribution of plants when planting in one pot.

from seed

Propagation of oxalis through seeds is used less frequently than germination from tubers and bulbs - it is less reliable. But if you want to use it, you will need:

  • prepare a pot 10-15 cm wide;
  • prepare the soil (humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 4-4-1);
  • fill the pot three-quarters;
  • scatter a few seeds on the ground;
  • sprinkle with a thin layer of soil;
  • water abundantly;
  • cover with glass or plastic film to provide moisture;
  • check the soil moisture daily, if it dries up, water it;
  • wait for the first shoots to appear, they usually begin to rise above the soil after a week;
  • remove glass or plastic;
  • place the pot under abundant indirect lighting;
  • water every 2-3 days as the soil dries;
  • feed the plant with mineral fertilizer once a month after 3-4 leaves appear on the stems;
  • transplant into a separate pot when the oxalis grows a little.

The best conditions for seed germination:

  • humidity - 100%;
  • temperature - 16-18˚С;
  • ventilation - daily.

The size of sour seeds is 1.0x0.5 mm. Estimated germination time is 1-4 weeks.

From cuttings

If seeds, bulbs and tubers cannot be used, sour can be propagated by leaf cuttings. For this:

  • cut the stem with 3-4 leaves at an angle, the length of the stem should be about 10 cm;
  • put the stem in warm water without the addition of drugs;
  • wait until roots appear from the cut (after about a week);
  • make sure that the cut and the roots do not touch the bottom - there should be at least 2 cm between them;
  • let them get stronger;
  • gently transplant into the ground to a depth of 3 cm;
  • do not tamp the soil - the roots of oxalis are rather weak;
  • provide standard watering.

Video - Oxygen at home

How to transplant

It is necessary to transplant oxalis only after the pot has definitely become small for the flower. It is easy to determine this - the oxalis will grow densely, and its bulbs will become slightly visible above the soil surface. Another sign is that the flower can go dormant faster and more often than usual.

Usually transplanted:

  • adult plant - once every 2 years;
  • young flower - once a year.

Replacing the pot is always stressful for the plant. So that the oxalis does not begin to fade and does not decide to "hibernate", you need to transfer it to a new "place of residence" as carefully as possible. In order not to hurt root system, the flower is carefully removed from the old pot along with an earthy clod.

Oxalis loves to grow "in comfort", that is, quite thickly. When dividing plants during transplantation, try to divide the acid into two more or less identical parts, without thinning them out.

Advice: if you were given an oxalis in a pot, and you do not want to take care of a new indoor flower, plant it in the fresh air. The flower will take root perfectly in a flower bed (for example, under the leaves of ferns).

To get tubers "for divorce", it is best to separate them when replanting the plant. So you minimize stress for him - you will perform one "painful" operation instead of two.

Video - Oxygen transplant

rest period

At the end of summer, the leaves of the oxalis turn yellow and fall off - the flower goes into a dormant state for 1-2 months, sometimes for 3.

At this time it is necessary:

  • reduce watering to a minimum (sometimes it is advised not to water at all);
  • install temperature regime 12-18˚С;
  • remove in the shade;
  • do not feed;
  • remove dried shoots (they are easily pulled out of the soil).

After that, a new cycle of growth will begin. Oxygen can spend a lot of time at rest, but it is almost impossible to “kill” it. Once the bulb is placed in favorable conditions, she immediately goes to growth.

Acid diseases

Most oxalis problems are from improper care. If you notice that the plant has shown signs of illness, the source of the problem may be:

Oxalis is a rather capricious plant when it comes to changing living conditions. For example, if a flower is "used" to living in a certain level of light, its abrupt movement into the shade can provoke a dormant state. Give the acid a couple of weeks - during this time it will survive a dormant period and grow again.

Such stress can manifest itself after plant transplantation. If the leaves lighten and take on a painful appearance, you need to give the flower time to get used to the new conditions. Do not remove leaves or disturb the plant. New fertilizers do not need to be added during this period.

fungal infection

Fungal or bacterial lesions appear on the leaves in the form of round spots. The center of the spot is dark brown or black, with a yellowed or discolored area around it.

Most often, this disease appears if the leaves remain wet for a long time. Therefore, acid is not recommended to be sprayed with water, and you need to keep it in a well-ventilated area. An exception can be made if the flower is in a room with very dry air.

Also, the growth of the fungus can provoke insufficient drainage and flooding of the flower - in this case, acid can get sick gray mold and fusarium. If the disease was noticed in the early stages, in the first case it helps to cope with the problem. fundazol(mixture with water in a ratio of 2: 10). Second, do the processing. Vitaros, Benthal or Previcur by preparing a solution with a concentration of 2 grams per liter of water.


acid is susceptible chlorosis- a change in the color of the leaves due to failures in the production of chlorophyll. The main reason for the appearance of chlorosis in this plant is called excessive direct lighting. From it, sour leaves can:

  • wrinkle;
  • change color to yellow or brown;
  • dry;
  • fall off.

But not only too bright direct sunlight can cause such a reaction. Perhaps there is too much salt in the soil of the plant or not enough minerals (iron, magnesium).

Attention! The soap solution should not get into the soil - take care of creating a protective layer in advance or rinse it off carefully.

If the plant is affected scab, all pests must be removed manually, and after that you need to process the flower and insecticide Aktara .

What acid to grow at home

There are hundreds of types of oxalis, but only a couple of dozen varieties are chosen for home maintenance. The most popular are sour:

  • purple;
  • iron leaf;
  • Depp;
  • multi-colored;
  • bowie;
  • ordinary.

Table 2. Popular varieties of oxalis and their characteristics.

Name in LatinName in everyday lifeHeight, cmWidth, cmflowersLeaves

Oxalis triangularis

Madama Butterfly15-30 30-60 white, yellowtriangular, purple

Oxalis adenophylla

Silver7-10 10-15 lilacheart shaped, green

Iron Cross, Lucky Clover15-30 10-15 redheart-shaped, green at the edge, purple at the base

Even if you have never been interested in flowers, you will never be able to resist the temptation to grow a pot filled with fluttering butterflies on your windowsill. Therefore, if you are interested in oxalis, caring for this plant at home will not increase your troubles, but oxalis will be able to give a bag of joy and a mountain of unforgettable days without a doubt.

Many flower growers breed this plant because of its bright characteristic feature: fold and lower the leaves in cloudy weather or after dusk, this can be clearly seen in the view below. Almost every species has such abilities, including triangular and purple oxalis.

Looking at the photo of the plant, its leaves can be compared with a swarm of butterflies sitting on a dwarf bush. And just as soon as daylight touches a flower in sufficient quantity, it again dissolves its leaves. However, the flower got its amazing name due to the presence of oxalic acid in it.

Oxalis care

Looking at the photo, and even more so after learning about such amazing abilities, you might think that at home caring for this plant is quite laborious. However, such a statement is an absolute fallacy. Experienced flower growers grow this flower in the same way as an ordinary flower. garden plant. Quite often, growing oxalis can be admired on the verandas or balconies of city apartments or private houses ( see photo).

Soil, lighting and optimum temperature

The flower prefers bright but diffused light (as in the photo). This condition provides partial care and is mandatory. Penumbra also does not harm the plant, but drafts have a detrimental effect on heat-loving oxalis. Particularly affected by them triangular oxalis. This plant is unpretentious to the temperature conditions of cultivation, which facilitates care. Oxalis feels great, as if room temperature as well as in open space. However, in winter period acid violet, as well as triangular, requires that the temperature environment did not fall below the mark of + 16-18 degrees.

AT summer period the flower is carried out Fresh air in pots or planted in flower beds.

In relation to the soil, the plant is also not very demanding. Oxalis, both at home and on open ground, is able to develop perfectly on an ordinary universal store mix. If you want to prepare the substrate personally, use the following recipe. AT equal parts mix:

  • sod land;
  • leaf ground;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Preparing the soil personally will ensure not only successful care, but also the confident development of a healthy specimen. If there is too nutritious soil mixture, the flower will be abundantly strewn with leaves and rare flowers.

Air humidity and watering

Based on the fact that the flower does not need to create special conditions to maintain the required level of moisture, caring for it is greatly simplified. However, at home, oxalis needs abundant watering in the summer. It must be taken into account that the water in the pot should not stagnate, under any circumstances. In this part, care will consist in avoiding transfusions, which adversely affect flower tubers that cannot tolerate constantly wetting soil.

Proper watering will be to immediately water the plant during the drying period of the top layer of soil.

Triangular oxalis is especially sensitive to drying out of the soil or its excessive watering. Regarding the winter period, care here will not consist in watering, as such, but in the usual maintenance of the soil in a slightly moistened state.

Feeding and transplanting

Majority experienced flower growers recommends feeding the plant at home during the period active growth flower and, especially, flowering, in order to provide the plant with proper care. Oxalis is fertilized with mineral complex fertilizers every two to three weeks. Given the frequency of top dressing, it must be taken less than two times in relation to the amount indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

If your flower needs a transplant, then it must be done exclusively during the dormant period of the flower, which falls in the autumn-winter cold months.

Adhering to the recommendations of flower growers, it is better to choose the winter months for such a procedure. It is transplanted into wide flower pots, in each of which several bulbs or nodules of this plant are planted.

The bottom of the pot, in which triangular oxalis will grow, must be laid out with a drainage layer to ensure that excess water flows out freely to eliminate even the smallest possibility of rotting of the root system of the flower.

rest period

Usually, a large number of species of this plant rests in winter, but without shedding leaves. It manifests itself by the usual cessation of growth and lasts from one to one and a half months. Basically, at such a time, flower care at home is limited to extremely poor watering to prevent the flower's earthen clod from drying out.

If in autumn period oxalis will shed all the foliage, then to correct the situation, simply reduce the intensity of watering with a gradual complete cessation.

Then place the plant in a cool, dry place and observe the acidity. After some time, the leaves should fully grow back.


The uniqueness of this plant lies in the fact that you can enjoy blooming oxalis at any time of the year, providing the flower with sufficient lighting. To do this, after the completion of the period of its natural flowering, it is necessary to significantly reduce watering and rearrange the oxalis in a cool room. These actions will provoke a forced state of rest. After thirty days, the bulbs or tubers must be transplanted into a new earthen substrate, watering should be resumed, and flower pot place under abundant sunlight, but diffused. Flowering will resume in thirty, forty days.

Reproduction of oxalis

Based on the type of plant, sorrel propagates with bulbs, daughter tubers, leaves or cuttings. In turn, seed propagation at home is not practiced, since this occurs exclusively in natural conditions. So, reproduction occurs as follows: the tubers or bulbs that form around the tap root of the flower are separated from the plant ( see photo) and are planted separately in the ground in an amount of five to ten pieces, after which they are sprinkled with a small layer of earth. As a result, the container is placed in a not too warm place and watered from time to time. After the appearance of the first sprouts, the container is moved closer to the light source, and after 30-40 days the oxalis will turn into a fairly lush plant.

Otherwise, reproduction occurs by cutting the cutting and placing it in a glass of water. After two or three weeks, small shoots 1 to 1.5 centimeters long will appear on the cut cutting. When this happens, the flower can be transplanted into loose soil. (see photo). After a month and a half, the first leaves will appear at home. However, it is also possible to root the stalk after the first shoots appear in it, and the container in which the plant develops must be covered transparent plastic or glass. In this case, reproduction will be as effective as in all other cases.

Oxalis (lat. Oxalis) belongs to the Oxalis family. AT present tense About 800 species and varieties of this plant are known. The most common are bright green and purple varieties Oxides. The plant got its name because of the sour-tasting leaves, Oxalis is translated from Latin as "sour". Among the people you can find such names as "butterfly" or "clover of happiness". This is no coincidence, as it is believed that Oxalis brings happiness to the house. Oxalis is a rather unpretentious, shade-tolerant houseplant. It is a mesophyte, that is, it does not like excess moisture in the soil. For all the unpretentiousness of Oxalis, the main points of caring for it must be known and adhered to so that the plant feels comfortable with you and delights you with its flowering.

Oxygen room - photo.

Oxalis vulgaris

Oxalis vulgaris

Oxalis vulgaris.

Oxalis vulgaris.

Room sorrel - a description of the plant.

Oxalis shoots are collected in a bush.

Leaves of Oxalis vulgaris triangular and trifoliate, in some varieties they consist of four petals. The petals are arranged in a circle on thin shoots, low above the ground and are very reminiscent of butterfly wings. The shoots are collected in a bush, and with a sufficient number of shoots, Oxalis looks very magnificent. Violet and bright green varieties of potted Oxalis are most common. The height of indoor Oxalis does not exceed 30 centimeters. Oxalis flowers medium-sized, rise above the leaves. The most popular varieties of Oxalis have light pink, lilac or snow-white flowers.

How to care for sour at home?

Caring for Oxalis is not difficult, because. this plant is very hardy.

Where to put Kislitsa? We choose a location.

Oxalis is a light-loving, albeit shade-tolerant plant.

First of all, you need to decide where Kislitsa will be most comfortable. To understand this, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Kislitsa is light-loving, although shade plant. Therefore, when choosing a location for Kislitsa, do not forget that on north side you need you have to organize for her additional lighting or accept that it will not bloom.

Important! Don't overuse the shade tolerance of Oxalis if you want to maintain excellent leaf color and annual blooms.

The ideal place for Oxalis is any window sill, except for the northern one, with obligatory shading from direct sunlight. You can also put the plant on a shelf not far from the window, or hang it in a planter.

Air temperature.

Violet and green acid.

Oxygen is not demanding on temperature. In summer, the average temperature is 20-25 degrees, in winter 16-18 degrees will be comfortable for Oxalis.

Organization of watering for Kislitsa.

It is necessary to water Kislitsa as soon as the top layer of soil dries.

As noted above, Oxalis is a mesophyte, that is, it does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. However, watering for Oxalica requires frequent. Adjust watering so that the earthen ball did not dry out completely, but at the same time do not allow overflow.

Important! A little trick: you need to water Kislitsa as soon as the topsoil dries out.

Oxygen responds positively to spraying.

Oksalis does not like dry air, and therefore in hot spring and summer days, Oxygen must be sprayed from a spray bottle. During the dormant period in winter time spraying should be stopped.

Soil and transplanting Oxalis.

Soil for Oxalis suitable universal, which can be bought at any flower shop. Or prepare it yourself by mixing soddy, leafy soil, sand and peat, in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. When planting, be sure to use drainage. The pot is chosen wide, and several tubers or bulbs are planted in it at once. The more magnificent you want a bush, the more tubers you can plant in it.

Important! Transplantation of Oxalis must be done every year in the spring, because it grows rapidly over the year.

Video: Oxygen transplant at home.

Top dressing Kislitsy.

Top dressing Kislice required during the growing season and flowering, once every 1.5-2 weeks. Use the usual complex fertilizers slightly at a reduced dosage than indicated on the fertilizer label.

How to care for Oxalis during the dormant period.

I do not water the sour during the dormant period and move it to a dark and cool room.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that at different varieties Oxide dormant periods vary. For example, Kislitsa Orgtis has a dormant period - all three winter months, while atDeppé's Kislitsa - from December to January. Throughout the rest period, Oxalis is watered very rarely, or not watered at all. If Kislitsa simply stopped growing and her leaves drooped, then she can be watered occasionally, but if she dropped her leaves, then do not water until she wakes up. We advise you not to water though. It is best to remove Kislitsa in a cool and dark room, where there are no temperature drops with a constant temperature of +14 degrees.

Important! It is very easy to understand that Oxalis has woken up - you will see how new shoots begin to develop. At this time, Oxalis can be returned to its usual place to resume watering.

How does Oxalis reproduce?

Oxalis is propagated by cuttings, division of tubers (bulbs), as well as seeds.

Propagation of Oxalis by seeds.

Oxalis breeds different ways, including seeds.

At home, few people propagate Oxalis with seeds, however, if you have such a desire, then it is still not difficult to do this. Just sow the seeds on the surface of the soil. You can create a mini-greenhouse for seeds, maintaining constant humidity. The approximate time of seed germination and the appearance of shoots is about 20 days. The grown shoots are planted in a wide pot in several pieces to achieve splendor.

Young shoots of Oxalis.

Propagation of Oxalis by cuttings.

Rooted cuttings of Oxalis.

The stalk of Oxalis can be placed both in water and in wet sand, covered with a plastic bottle, also to maintain humidity and constant temperature. After rooting, the cutting can be planted in prepared soil.

Propagation of Oxalis tubers or bulbs.

Nevertheless, this is the most popular method of reproduction of Oxalis, because during the year of vegetation, old tubers (bulbs) are overgrown with new young nodules (bulbs), which can later be separated from the mother plant and planted in a separate pot.

Medicinal properties of sour.

Oxide is used in traditional medicine and is used for food. Despite the fact that Oxide is weak poisonous plant, she often used to prepare various dishes, juices, soups and salads. Great content Vitamin C in Kislitsa increases immunity and allows you to fight against colds which is very important during the period of exacerbation of infections. In addition, Oxalis is an excellent wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Flower Quiz!

Test your knowledge about flowers.

Which flower symbolizes England?

Triangular oxalis has pale flowers of white, pink or purple color and unusual maroon leaves with dark veins, because of which many flower growers love the plant. The peculiarity of the oxalis leaves is such that in low light (for example, in the evening) or in the wind, the leaves themselves fold and then become like a flock of butterflies.

Interestingly, in European countries, many people believe that oxalis brings happiness to the house, and they call it “happy clover”. And on New Year's Eve, there is a tradition to give sour with best wishes for the new year. Thus, it is believed that it brings good luck if it changes its owner on the last day of the year.

Care for triangular oxalis during the growing season at home

In the warm season (spring-summer), during the growing season triangular oxalis at home will best grow with moderate warm temperature about 20 ° C, if the temperature rises above 20 ° C (and there is insufficient lighting), then the leaf blades may become small and the plant will not bloom. The light for the plant should be bright enough, but diffused, and in the summer shade the sour from direct contact. sun rays. During active growth, the plant needs to be provided with abundant watering (when the top layer of the earth dries out). He will also benefit from regular spraying. From April to the end of summer, top dressing is carried out 2 times a month mineral fertilizers. Transplantation should be carried out once a year, in the spring, and the composition of the earth should be approximately as follows: turf land (2 parts), sand (1 part), leafy land (1 part). And sorrel propagates by seeds or division of tubers.

Caring for triangular oxalis during the dormant period

rest period this plant falls in the autumn-winter period (usually from October to February). The temperature of the content is sufficient 5-10°C. Watering should be significantly reduced in comparison with the warm season and stop spraying the plant. If your oxalis has dropped foliage for the winter, do not be alarmed - this happens quite often, because. the plant needs rest and self-regulates its regimen. Please note that when the leaves fall, watering should be further reduced. Compliance with all these rules will nice results, and oxalis will delight you with its beauty and annual flowering.

Oxalis in the garden are used as border and ground cover plants. The fact is that oxalis forms green cushions (or red ones, depending on the color of the leaves), covering the soil.

Therefore, one of the uses of oxalis is to decorate the ground under tub plants. Some types of sour are good for alpine slides or rocky retaining walls.

based on materials from the Internet



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