When is it time to plant marigold seedlings in open ground? Marigolds, Chernobrivtsy and Imeretian saffron: sunbeams in the garden

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) is a genus of perennials and annual plants belonging to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. Plants are native to South and Central America. They have long been used in the rituals of local Indian tribes, as well as to get rid of various diseases. Marigolds came to Europe in the 16th century and were the first overseas flowers that appeared in Russia. Marigold flowers owe their name to Carl Linnaeus, who named them in honor of Tages, the Etruscan demigod, the grandson of Jupiter, who became famous for his gift of soothsayer and beauty. Today, marigolds, or, as they are also called, Chornobryvtsy, number about 40 species and are cultivated in many countries of the world.

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Planting and caring for marigolds (in short)

  • Landing: sowing in open ground in late May or early June. For seedlings - in March.
  • Bloom: from June to frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: loamy, well moistened at the beginning of the growing season, nutritious, neutral.
  • Watering: regular and sufficient until flowering, then moderate.
  • Top dressing: mineral solutions: 1st - at a seedling height of 10 cm, 2nd - during the budding period, 3rd - at the beginning of flowering.
  • Pruning: possible, but not required.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: spider mites, thrips, aphids, caterpillars, snails, slugs.
  • Diseases: gray rot, blackleg, root rot, viral infections.

Read more about growing marigolds below.

Marigold flowers - description

Marigold stems are erect or branched, forming a bush from 20 cm to 130 cm high. The root system is fibrous, the leaves are pinnately divided or pinnately dissected, opposite or alternate, the color of the leaves is from light green to dark green. flower baskets different shades yellow, brown and orange flowers. The median flowers are tubular, bisexual, the marginal ones are pseudolingual, five stamens. The pistil has two stigmas, the ovary is inferior. Marigolds bloom very abundantly from June until the first frost. The fruit is a linear achene. Seeds of marigolds give abundant self-sowing and remain viable for 3-4 years. A strong spicy smell is not exuded by flowers like marigold leaves.

Growing marigolds from seeds

Planting marigolds is not difficult even for a beginner, since these flowers are completely unpretentious. You can dig ready flowering bush, and it will almost certainly be accepted and will delight you with long flowering. And you can easily sow the seeds directly into the open ground. This should be done in May, when the soil warms up sufficiently. Make a furrow about 5 cm deep with a chopper, spill it with water, sow seeds in the furrow and sprinkle them with earth. After a couple of weeks, sprouts will appear, and if they sprout too densely, plant them out.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways and are ready to test themselves as a breeder, we will tell you how to sow marigolds, how to grow marigolds from seedlings, how marigolds are obtained from seeds and when to plant marigolds for seedlings.

Preparing marigold seeds for planting

Marigold seeds are purchased only for the first planting, because at the end of flowering you can easily get seeds from your faded marigolds. You just need to let a few inflorescences dry well right on the bush and, if there is no rain, you can easily remove the ripened seeds from the calyx, dry them and store them until spring sowing. Just remember that almost all marigolds that exist in culture are hybrids, which means that every fourth seedling does not retain varietal properties and can inherit either paternal or maternal signs. Many flower growers plant marigolds for seedlings with germinated seeds. For germination, spread the seeds on a saucer covered with a damp cloth, place the saucer in a plastic bag and place in a warm place. After three days, the seeds should hatch.

In the photo: Marigold seeds

When to sow marigolds for seedlings

The sooner you sow marigolds for seedlings (at least in early spring), the faster they bloom. If you are growing different types, then know that earlier than others (in mid-March), upright marigolds are sown, marigolds are undersized and small-leaved - in early April, and then all three species will bloom in June. Growing seedlings of marigolds is a simple process, but there are moments that should not be missed. Prepare a mixture of soil: humus, peat, turf, sand (1; 1; 1; 0.5) and disinfect by spilling a fungicide disinfectant solution or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Make sure that at the bottom of the container there is a drainage layer of crushed stone, sand or expanded clay 3 cm high, apply fertilizer to the soil (any organic matter, except for fresh manure).

At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, make grooves, spread the seeds in them and sprinkle with a small layer of soil. You need to water very carefully so that the water does not wash the seeds out of the soil. The containers are kept in a warm place (22-25 ºC) and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Sprouts should appear no later than a week later, then the container should be moved to the light and the temperature should be slightly lowered (15-18 ºC).

In the photo: Sowing marigold seeds for seedlings

When to plant marigolds

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the threat of late frosts has passed: marigolds come from warm regions and do not tolerate cold weather. In addition, you need to wait until the seedlings have at least 3 leaves and a powerful root system. This usually happens in late May or early June. Marigolds need soil that is nutritious, well-moistened in the first half of summer, loamy and neutral. If the soil is infertile, you will have to fertilize 2-3 times during the growing season.

In the photo: Seedlings of marigolds in pots

The distance between seedlings depends on the species and variety. High marigolds are planted every 40 cm, the distance between rows is also 40 cm (40x40 scheme), medium-sized - according to the 30x30 scheme, undersized - 20x20. After planting, there is a need for frequent and abundant watering of the marigolds, because despite the fact that they are considered drought-resistant plants, if the marigolds are not watered, they will grow frail, and their inflorescences will be small.

In the photo: Flowering of marigolds in a flower bed

Marigold Care

Marigolds love bright lighting , and although they tolerate penumbra and even shade well, they bloom most magnificently on the very strong sun. During growth watering should be sufficient, but as soon as inflorescences begin to form, watering should be reduced so that moisture does not stagnate: plants rot and do not bloom from this. Fertilize marigolds are not necessary at all, but if you feed them, marigolds will respond to this with gratitude. You need to feed with complex fertilizers when the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, then when the first buds appear and, finally, at the very beginning of flowering.

Marigolds need regular weeding and loosening the soil otherwise it is difficult for them to breathe. In the summer, if the marigolds have grown, spend pruning to form beautiful bushes. Remove faded buds and the plants will bloom even more. The peculiar aroma of marigolds and the phytoncides contained in them serve as protection against fungal diseases not only for the plants themselves, but also for those that grow in the neighborhood. It is not for nothing that many flower growers frame the entire garden plot with plantings of marigolds. But if the summer is too damp, then snails and slugs. The smell of bleach placed in jars between plants can scare them away.

Sometimes it still appears on leaves and stems gray rot. In this case, the affected plants will have to be destroyed so that they do not infect the rest of the marigolds. In a dry summer, plants may be attacked by a spider mite, which will have to be fought by spraying with an infusion of onions, yarrow, red hot peppers. But to prevent this from happening, try to increase the level of humidity in the air by spraying water around the marigolds several times a day.

Marigolds after flowering

As a rule, decorative marigolds are annual plants, therefore, after flowering during autumn digging, they are simply pulled out. If you want to grow marigolds next year, collect the seeds, dry them and store them until the end of March or the beginning of February.

Do not throw away dried inflorescences, they will be useful to you on the farm and in your first-aid kit. For example, if you have to work at the computer for a long time, eat 2-3 small heads of dark-colored marigolds before meals or adding them to a salad.

In the photo: Dried marigolds

With roundworms or pinworms, you need to eat 5 heads of marigolds before going to bed for adults, and 2-3 (depending on age) heads of marigolds for children.

If you toss a bucket of wilted marigolds into a compost pit, there will be no midges around it.

Put it on the windowsill and front door a bouquet of marigolds, and unexpected unkind guests will pass by your house.

And finally, we offer several recipes that may be of interest to women:

  • Lip balm(for softness): Mix 2 tablespoons crushed marigold heads with 1 tablespoon apricot oil and 1/3 cup olive oil. Infuse the mixture in the dark for a week, then strain, carefully squeezing the raw materials. Lubricate lips as needed.
  • Face lotion. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and insist overnight, then strain, squeezing out the remnants, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Store lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with infusion three times a day.
  • In case of inflammation or irritation of the skin of the face, prickly heat, use this remedy: 2 tablespoons of chopped marigold heads, pour one and a half glasses of hot water, bring to a boil, then leave for 3-4 hours under the lid, strain, squeeze out the raw materials, pour in the juice large sheet aloe and 2 tablespoons of water. Store the composition in the refrigerator. Wipe the inflamed areas twice a day.

Properties of marigolds

A flowerbed of marigolds is an invaluable home pharmacy: modern Scientific research confirm the healing properties of marigolds, known from legends and legends, so the cultivation of marigolds not only gives aesthetic pleasure, but also brings real benefits to human health. Lutein, for example, which they contain, reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Also ethnoscience Marigold treats diabetes mellitus and inflammation of the pancreas. Marigolds are medicinal, dried and then infused, they treat stomatitis, bronchitis, asthma and colds, purify the blood. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed flowers with a liter of boiling water, insist for three hours, then strain and drink a glass half an hour before meals for a month.

In the photo: Dried marigold inflorescences

Baths with the addition of a decoction of marigolds have a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety, so they are recommended for depression and neurosis. In addition, the peoples of South America have long used marigolds for food and as a condiment, and for making sauces and pastries, and for marinades. In the markets of the Caucasus, marigolds are sold as a powder, added to pilaf, satsivi and soups and called “Imereti saffron” by culinary specialists. The French, to satisfy the needs of their gourmets, grow marigolds in industrial scale. Marigold leaves included in marinades give canned vegetables elasticity and a pleasant aroma.

In the photo: Dried chopped marigolds

And here is the recipe homemade cookies, which you will definitely like: beat 4 egg whites into foam; Grind 2 tablespoons of fresh marigold petals with 100 g of sugar; rubbing 4 tablespoons of butter, gradually add 4 yolks to it, petals with sugar, then 100 g of flour, and then carefully place the whipped whites on top and mix gently; put the dough on a baking sheet and bake until the cake is golden. Cut the cooled cake into squares.

Types and varieties of marigolds

There are many varieties of marigolds in culture, but three types of marigolds are popular: erect marigolds (usually tall), rejected marigolds (undersized) and thin-leaved marigolds, which are less common in our latitudes than others. The varieties of these three species are very diverse: among them there are large-flowered and small-flowered marigolds, terry and densely double marigolds of all shades of yellow, orange and brown.

Marigolds erect (Tagetes erecta)

Or african marigolds, are giants of the genus, their height is from 30 to 100 cm. Inflorescences, as a rule, are monophonic and double, reach 15 cm in diameter. Among the most popular marigold varieties are Vanilla 70 cm tall with creamy white double inflorescences 12 cm in diameter; Kilimanjaro marigolds 60-70 cm tall with densely double spherical inflorescences; marigolds of Antigua, low, up to 25 cm tall, but erect, with large flowers - up to 15 cm in diameter, golden, lemon yellow, orange and bright yellow in color.

In the photo: Upright marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

Marigold undersized (Tagetes patula)

Or marigolds rejected, or French marigolds rarely grow above 60 cm. They are compact bushes with many double and non-double inflorescences, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 8 cm. These marigolds are also called sprawling. Flower growers are in demand varieties of the Bonanza series up to 30 cm high (Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Flame, etc.), which have a high decorative effect of terry inflorescences bright colors 5-6 cm in diameter and long flowering time; marigolds Carmen are very beautiful, decorating the flower garden with terry inflorescences with corrugated petals of red-brown along the edges and orange-yellow in the middle of the shades.

In our article you will find answers to questions about what varieties are marigolds, planting and care in open field behind these flowers. America is considered the homeland of marigolds, but they are frequent guests in our flower beds. They have several names: Chernobrivtsy or Tagetis. They are picky, even a novice gardener can grow. The flowers are decorative and charming.


There are over 60 types of marigolds. But the most common three types are:

  • upright;
  • rejected;
  • sheet.

At home, these flowers are used not only as decoration, but also for medical purposes. One of the spices - Imeretian saffron, is also made from the leaves of this plant, they have a fragrant and spicy aroma.

Cut flowers stand in water for a long time. The green leaves are rich and velvety. Flowers can be:

  • terry like carnations;
  • semi-double;
  • ordinary.

Upright African marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

An annual bushy plant. May be compact or spreading. It has a main pronounced shoot, which is higher than the others. The stems reach 1.2 m in height, they branch. Basket inflorescences can be 13 cm in diameter. This type is bicolor or plain yellow. Beginning of flowering time: end of June - beginning of July.

French rejected (Taget es patula)

An annual plant. Stem straight branched, leaves with sharp tips, often fused together.

The size of the inflorescences is medium, their legs are thick. The beginning of flowering time is the second half of July.

Mexican thin-leafed (Tagetes tenuifolia)

Low bush up to 40 cm, grows one year. The leaves are not large, the flowers too.

Inflorescences are simple planted on short stalks, colors: yellow or with orange accents.

Anise (Tagetes anisala)

The aroma and taste of tarragon have flowers and green shoots. The plant is fragrant, it is felt even at a long distance. The plant is unpretentious and resistant to drought, but thermophilic. Easily transfers transplant even when blooming. Perfect for small flower beds and even with a limited amount of soil. The flowering period is all summer.

This is one of the most common marigolds. There are many more types and colors.

planting flowers

AT open ground sow seeds in shallow holes, keeping a distance of 1.5 cm from one another. If the seeds are sown closer, the seedlings can stretch or rot. Sprinkle with a small amount of earth, up to 1 cm and pour very carefully. Moderate watering is needed until sprouts appear, and this happens quickly enough. It is possible to transplant to a place where they will grow constantly when 2-3 pairs of leaves appear on the seedlings. Plant. Seedlings should not be planted densely to a depth of 3 cm.

For the first planting, you will have to buy seeds. For subsequent crops, you can collect the seeds yourself. To do this, leave a few flowers until they dry completely. From dry inflorescences, you can easily get ripe seeds, dry them and leave until spring. The main thing is that there should be no rain when the seeds ripen. If they get wet, they will be ruined.

There is one rule “the sooner you plant, the earlier it will bloom”. It should be applied to marigolds. You can grow seedlings if you sow the seeds in early spring before the onset of heat, approximately until the beginning of May, the seedlings must be kept warm. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to take out seedlings so that the seedlings get used to the new conditions. You can keep them for about a week, and then plant them in open ground.

Seedlings should be planted in loose earth. To do this, use humus, turf, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5. It is also necessary to make drainage from sand, expanded clay and crushed stone, 3 cm wide. It will preventive measure from the appearance of the "black leg". You can fertilize the ground before planting, but it is not recommended to use fresh manure for this. When weather frosts are unpredictable and likely, you can cover the seedlings with a film. Such a greenhouse will strengthen the sprouts.

Watch the video! Sowing seedlings of marigolds

Chernobrov care

Marigolds are unpretentious plants, they can grow in places where the shade falls. But they will be more magnificent in sunny areas. Excess moisture Chernobrevtsy do not tolerate shade well, as well as gusts of cold wind. In order for the flowers to grow well, a temperature of 22-25 C is needed. There are no special preferences in caring for tagetis. The most unpretentious are rejected marigolds, they will take root in any soil and will bloom even without fertilizers.


It is necessary to water marigolds in the process of growth, but in moderation, because from excess moisture, the flowers begin to hurt and rot. In summer, it is better to water them after sunset.


Marigolds bloom without any fertilizer. But they will bloom even more beautiful if they are fed. In this case, you also need a sense of proportion. Do not fertilize more than once a month, because the growth will be too intense and the plant will not bloom for a long time.

Can be fertilized:

  1. the first time the stems reach 10 cm;
  2. the second time, when the first buds appear;
  3. the third time - just before flowering.

Perfect fit complex fertilizers(nitroammophoska or carboammophoska). For 10 l. water is taken 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers.

Pruning and loosening

Chernobryvtsy prefer loose soil, then their roots breathe better. Therefore, you should regularly loosen the soil and weed weeds. So that the bushes have a neat shape, they can be cut. After some inflorescences have faded, they must be removed. Then the marigolds will become more magnificent and bloom stronger. The plant must be removed from the beds, as it has completely faded.

Bahrats will also do well in a pot. They can be planted in the fall, so that in early spring the bush will already please with its flowers.

Diseasesand pests

The fragrant aroma of marigolds is an excellent protection against fungal diseases and Fusarium. From the roots come special fragrant secretions, which are also protection. Moreover, this useful property extends to those plants that are planted nearby. Professional gardeners advise planting marigolds throughout the entire area. For the same purposes, you can plant thyme.

So that the Chernobrivts would please their eyes lush bloom it is important to take care of them.

Important! With an excess of moisture, rot or fungus may appear in the flowers. If the soil is too dry - spider mites.

It is necessary to correct the situation accordingly: reduce or increase watering.

Do not use poisonous substances to fight slugs. Gray rot appears if the flowers are planted too densely, from low temperature, dampness and humidity. Affected flowers and leaves must be removed because they can infect healthy ones. You can bury frozen plants in compost heaps, then midges and various pests do not start in them.

Marigolds in landscape design

It is fashionable to grow marigolds almost everywhere, the main thing is to avoid places near water or shade. Choosing the place where the flower will grow must be correct. On the edge and at the curb, you can plant those varieties that are lower, but it is better to plant high ones in the middle of the flower bed.

You can plant marigolds according to the color scheme:

  • plain (shades of gold and yellow);
  • variegated (brown or red with yellow).

Such flower beds will delight the eye throughout the warm season, as the dried inflorescences will hide under the newly blooming ones.

Useful properties of marigolds

By planting them between rows or around the perimeter of the garden, they will scare away many pests:

  • Medvedka;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • onion fly;
  • Cabbage white;
  • Weevils.

Phytoncides, which are contained in the aerial part of marigolds, destroy fungal infections that cause fusarium. The plant can be safely considered a natural insecticide and fungicide. Often, after the marigolds have faded, they are cut and buried in the ground to disinfect the soil.


Often, gardeners and gardeners want to plant a plot to the maximum in order to place fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Tagetis can be planted even among the beds. It will be nice and useful.

Watch the video! Marigolds: cultivation and care

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Marigolds (also known as marigolds, Chernobrivtsy, Tagetes) are small suns that are widely grown on household plots. They are very loved by flower growers for a huge number of various varieties, colors and shapes. Therefore, we highly recommend that you sow them first for seedlings, and then transplant them into open ground. What's more, they are great for beginner growers as Growing them is very easy, you just need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for planting and caring for them.

The technology of planting marigolds for seedlings

Marigolds are flowers that can be safely sown immediately in open ground, and first for seedlings. More importantly, marigolds grown from seedlings at home will bloom much earlier and more abundantly. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to plant them for seedlings, then be sure to do it.

When to plant seedlings: optimal timing

Optimal timing planting marigolds for seedlings varies depending on the region where the flowers are grown. So, in the south they can be sown already in the second half of March, and in the Middle Strip (Moscow region), it is advisable to start planting marigolds only from the end of March, and even better from April. Such late boarding due to the rather short period of seedling development: between the appearance of the first shoots and the beginning of flowering, as a rule, only 40-50 days pass.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

It can help you choose the best date for sowing seeds Moon calendar.

So auspicious days for sowing marigolds in 2019 according to the lunar calendar are:

  • in March - 12-17, 19-20;
  • in April - 6-8, 11-13, 15-17; 29-30;
  • in May - 8-17, 21-23, 26-28;
  • in June - 1, 2, 5, 6, 9-13, 16-20.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing marigolds are the following dates:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents."

Container and soil mixture

You can use any containers for planting marigolds, it is desirable, of course, that it be a planting box or container in which it is recommended to plant many seeds at once.

By the way! If you plant marigold seeds in a sufficiently large container and at a certain distance from each other, then later it will be possible to do without picking seedlings. Many experienced gardeners they do so.

As always, you have a choice: purchase soil in flower shop or make it yourself from the necessary components.

At self-cooking soil mixture you will need to take in the following proportions:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part humus (or compost);
  • 1 part sand (preferably river).

Since marigold seedlings are prone to the appearance of a black leg and other diseases, the earth should be disinfected by spilling one of the popular fungicides, for example, or "Maxim", or the simplest (but least effective) 1% solution of potassium permanganate. It will be even better if you steam the soil mixture in a double boiler or pierce it in the microwave. Heat treatment can destroy not only fungal infection in the soil, but also weed seeds.

We sow seedlings

Step-by-step instructions for planting marigold seeds for seedlings:

Video: sowing marigold seedlings

By the way! A very convenient and compact way to grow marigold seedlings is to grow them without land.

Video: sowing marigold seeds in a snail

Care for marigolds after planting seedlings

After 4-6 days from the moment of sowing marigolds for seedlings, friendly shoots should appear.

As soon as shoots appear, the shelter must be started every day to remove and ventilate the plantings, because. during this period, the probability of infection of seedlings with a black leg is high. After 2-3 days, the shelter can be completely removed.

Further care for marigold seedlings is regular watering, because in no case should the soil be allowed to dry out.

Temperature regime should be maintained not lower than +18 degrees during the day and not less than +12-15 at night.

You should not have problems with daylight hours, because. in April, it is already quite long, no phytopamps are needed, but, of course, it is better to keep the seedlings on a bright windowsill.

If you notice that the seedlings are somehow slowly developing, then you can feed the marigolds with special fertilizers for seedlings, such as Mortar, Fertika or Agricola.


As soon as you find that the marigold seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, it's time to pick it up.

As a capacity for picking, you can use a more spacious box or container (depth 5-6 centimeters), and even more convenient individual cassettes. But the choice, as always, is yours.

The soil is the same as when sowing, but this time it is worth doing without sifting it. If you want, you can add 1 tbsp. to 5 liters of soil mixture. a spoonful of complex mineral fertilizer and half a glass of ash, and then mix well.

Step by step instructions marigold seedling picks plank:

The essence of the second method tweezers next: each plant is carefully taken with tweezers and with the same tweezers is buried in the ground. The main thing here is to calculate the clamping power with tweezers so as not to transfer the root.

Video: picking seedlings of marigolds in two ways - with tweezers and a bar

1-2 weeks before planting marigold seedlings on the garden bed, it is advisable to start hardening, gradually letting it stand on fresh air and better adapt to external conditions. Naturally, the temperature should be positive and not less than + 12-15 degrees.

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground: when and how to plant

When the refunds are fully processed spring frosts, you can safely start planting seedlings of marigolds in open ground. In the Middle lane (Moscow region), as a rule, this occurs in the second half of May. In the south - this is the end of April - the beginning of May.

Important! Marigolds do not tolerate return frosts, the seedlings will simply die, so it’s better to wait once again when the warm weather stabilizes than to hurry up and be left without these beautiful flowers.

Marigolds love sunny places, although they can grow in light shade, but then they will not bloom so brightly and plentifully.

It is useful to plant marigolds next to tomatoes, then they can protect the bushes from the root nematode. And if planted next to potatoes, they will scare away the Colorado potato beetle. It is good to grow eggplant and cabbage in the neighborhood.

Marigolds - very undemanding plants and, accordingly, can grow on any soil, where there is perhaps no stagnant water. It is desirable, of course, that the earth be loose and permeable. If you are too heavy and clay soil, then use sand and peat to improve it.

The process of planting marigolds in the ground is as follows: carefully transfer the plant along with an earthen clod into a hole and sprinkle it with earth, then press it a little so that it is better fixed in the ground.

The distance between marigold seedlings, depending on the variety, should be from 15 to 30 centimeters.

To protect the root system and the plant itself from drying out, it is necessary to mulch the plantings with sawdust.

The final touch is light watering.

Video: planting seedlings of marigolds in open ground

Care for marigolds after planting in open ground

Marigolds do not require any special care measures. All that is needed is constant loosening, weeding from weeds (of course, only at the initial stage of development. As soon as the plants form powerful and dense bushes, the weeds simply cannot break through), watering as needed.

On hot and dry days, it is advisable to water the marigolds 2 times a day: early in the morning and after 6-7 pm.

If you are confident in the quality of your soil and see that the plant is green, the leaves do not turn yellow, the buds are quickly laid and the plants bloom well, then additional fertilization under the marigolds is not worth it.

If it is noticeable that the plant is lacking something, then it makes sense 1-2 times per season, preferably alternating organic and mineral fertilizers, in small quantities, apply liquid or granular dressings for marigolds. However, it is recommended to do this before the period of their abundant flowering. Naturally, you need to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, because these elements stimulate more lush flowering.

Advice! If you want a long and abundant flowering, then you need to quickly remove faded flower stalks.

Types and varieties of marigolds

The most popular varieties and varieties of marigolds are the following:

Video: an overview of popular varieties of marigolds

Thus, it will not be difficult to plant and grow such unpretentious marigolds in your dacha, you just need to follow the basic rules of care. And the ratio of efforts and results will definitely please you.

Video: growing and caring for marigolds

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These flowers can rightfully take first place in terms of unpretentiousness in planting and care, marigolds are also famous for their beauty. By planting marigolds in your area, you will get colorful and cheerful flowers that will delight you with their lush flowering until frost.

In this article, we will consider the features and detailed description of marigolds, as well as learn about the most popular and common types and varieties of these bright flowers. In the second part of the article, we will talk about the main nuances of agricultural technology for growing marigold flowers.

Features and description of marigolds

Marigolds are plants that belong to big family Compositae or Asteraceae. This type of flowering plant is a representative of garden flowers, although they can also be grown on balconies and loggias. Marigolds are also called Tagetes, which refers to ancient Roman mythology. This name was given to them by the scientist Carl Linnaeus. Tagetes is the name of the grandson of the god Jupiter, who knew how to predict the future and was very handsome. So marigold flowers amaze everyone with their uniqueness and bright appearance. The name "marigold" conveys the color palette of these flowers and the delicate surface of the petals to the touch. In the people, sometimes this culture is called Chernobrivtsy.

The territory of South and Central America is considered the birthplace of these popular flowers. It is here in nature that you can find the largest number of species of this flower. However, from the middle of the 16th century, marigolds spread throughout the world. In Russia, these flowers were the first flowering plants imported into the country. To date, marigolds are one of the most popular flowers that are found in flower beds in all corners of the globe.

Description of marigolds:

  • Marigolds are herbaceous flowering plants that resemble small bushes in shape with strong and rather thick stems and branches.
  • The height of these flowers can be different, it all depends on the specific species and variety. There are specimens that reach a height of 1 meter and are perfect for flower beds and single plantings. Many varieties of low-growing marigolds have also been bred, which look great on balconies or in containers on the site. The average height of a flowering bush can be from 10 cm to 130 cm.
  • The stems of marigolds are erect or branched, which allows you to form a beautiful and compact bush. All branches are strong and thick.
  • The leaves of this culture can also be different. There are pinnately divided and pinnately dissected. They range in color from light green to dark green.
  • Marigolds have a fibrous root system.
  • Inflorescences are presented in the form of strong and dense baskets of various colors. Marigolds are often found in all shades of yellow, orange and brown.
  • The flower itself consists of median flowers and marginal ones. In the middle they are tubular, and at the edges they are already petals.
  • The shape of the flowers can be simple and terry. On one bush there are several flowering baskets.
  • Marigolds bloom for a long time, from the beginning of summer until the first frost.
  • After flowering, fruits appear on the bushes with seeds in the form of a linear achene.
  • The main feature of marigolds is high similarity. Very often, the seeds disperse on their own and on next year young shoots of marigolds appear.
  • All types of marigolds have a specific persistent smell, which comes mainly from the leaves. It allows you to scare away pests from the flower bed.
  • Marigolds are widely used in folk medicine.

Popular types and varieties of marigolds

To date, there are about 60 varieties of marigolds. But on the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, only a few of the most popular types of marigolds are most often found. Let's take a closer look at their features and the most commonly grown varieties of marigolds.

First of all, all marigolds can be divided according to the structure of inflorescences:

  • simple - all the petals are arranged in one row and resemble a chamomile;
  • semi-double - such inflorescences consist of 2-3 rows of reed petals;
  • terry - formed with the help of many rows of tubular and reed petals.

All marigolds can also be divided into groups depending on the height of the bush:

  • dwarf - reach a height of 10-15 cm;
  • undersized - 20-40 cm in height;
  • medium - in height can grow by 40-50 cm;
  • high marigolds - 60-90 cm in height;
  • giant - 90-130 cm.

You can also distinguish marigolds perennial and annual.

Most often, three varieties of marigolds are grown in Russia: upright or African marigolds, rejected or French marigolds, thin-leaved or Mexican marigolds.

Marigolds erect

  • These are representatives of annual plants that can reach a height of 30-120 cm.
  • Depending on the height are used to create different garden compositions. Can be grown in containers, flower beds, flower beds. They can also be used for cutting.
  • This species is represented by bushes with thick and strong stems, which branches very strongly. At the base of the bush is woody.
  • On the stems are pinnately divided leaves of light green or dark green color.
  • Baskets of flowers are spherical in shape and are mostly represented by terry inflorescences. Mostly all flowers are solid shades, from yellow to rich orange.

This species is one of the most common in our gardens and flower beds, as it has unpretentiousness and resistance to fairly low temperatures.

Popular varieties:

  • Antigua. Inflorescences in diameter 8-10 cm yellow or orange color. They are undersized flowers, they can reach a height of only 20-30 cm.
  • Kilimanjaro. This variety of marigolds is distinguished by white inflorescences with a creamy tint. It reaches a height of 70 cm.
  • Eskimo. It is also a representative of marigolds with white coloring. Unlike Kilimanjaro, it is a short growing variety.
  • Aztec Lime Green. Marigolds with a very unusual shade of flowers - lime green.

Marigolds rejected

  • This type of marigold differs quite small flowers, in diameter which can reach only 4-8 cm.
  • The species got its name due to the presence of lateral rejected shoots in a bush with dense stems. It is these shoots that make the bush more spreading.
  • In height, marigolds of this species can reach different heights. There are varieties of dwarf marigolds, short and tall. Depending on the height, it is necessary to determine the optimal landing site.
  • Most often, rejected marigolds are two-color, yellow in the middle, and on the sides the shade can be different - from yellow to red.

Marigolds of this species are also very popular among flower growers in Russia, as they are distinguished by enviable resistance to our harsh climate.

Popular varieties:

  • Carmen. A low-growing variety of marigolds, it can reach a height of only 20-30 cm. The inflorescences are small, the core of which yellow color, and the marginal petals are reddish brown.
  • Queen Sofia. They are distinguished by red petals, which have a slight shade of bronze along the edges. The inflorescences are slightly double in shape, with only one row of petals.

Marigolds thin-leaved

A less common type of marigold, however, their appearance just amazing. They are very different from other varieties.

  • The bushes are more branched, they can reach a height of only 40 cm.
  • One of the main decorations is openwork narrow leaves, among which one can see a scattering of small inflorescences.
  • The flowers of thin-leaved marigolds are simple in shape, very reminiscent of multi-colored daisies. They are very small, only 2-3 cm. However, there are a lot of them on one bush.
  • There are varieties with yellow flowers, orange, reddish-yellow and reddish-orange.

Popular varieties:

  • Red gem. Marigolds with red petals around a golden yellow center.
  • Dwarf. Low bushes, on which inflorescences of bright yellow color with a red core bloom in large numbers.
  • Lemon jam. Low-growing marigolds with yellow flowers.

Marigold breeding methods

Perennial and annual marigolds can be bred in your area using seeds. To do this, for the first time you will have to purchase seeds in specialized stores, but in the future it will be enough to collect mature marigold seeds in the fall after flowering. However, remember that most hybrid varieties when planted with collected seeds, they lose their properties. And you may receive a plant that is different from the picture on the seed package.

You can breed marigolds yourself by sowing seeds directly into the ground and by growing seedlings of marigolds. The choice of one of the two methods depends on many factors: climatic conditions in your area, temperature at night, May frosts, desired time for flowering bushes.

Sowing seeds in the ground

It is possible to sow marigold seeds in the ground mainly in the southern territories, where there is less likelihood of return frosts and night temperatures do not fall below 7 degrees Celsius. The best time for this is the end of April-beginning of May. But in this case, it must be borne in mind that you will receive a flowering plant no earlier than in 2 months.

  • Be sure to prepare the soil for planting. For marigolds, the use of nutrient soil is acceptable.
  • Seeds can be sown directly into the ground, or germinated seeds can be used. This is exactly what experienced flower growers do. For germination, place the seeds on a small and shallow saucer, cover with a damp cloth and wrap in polyethylene. Next, put them in a warm and sunny place. maybe on the windowsill. After about 3 days, your seeds will hatch and can be sown.
  • You need to plant seeds in small holes, 4-5 cm deep, or make a shallow groove.
  • Seeds need to be sown at a distance from each other so that the plants develop well in the future.
  • Next, all the holes or grooves should be sprinkled with earth and poured a little water.
  • In the future, after the appearance of young seedlings, they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest and healthiest.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

If you want to receive flowering plants much earlier, then you can sow marigold seeds for seedlings.

  • You can sow seeds for seedlings already in early spring, in March or April. Then you will get flowering marigold bushes in June.
  • First of all, prepare the nutrient soil for planting. It should consist of humus, peat, sand and sod land.
  • Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of a suitable container so that young seedlings do not rot. Use small stones, expanded clay or broken bricks as drainage.
  • Next, pour the soil onto the drainage and prepare the grooves for the seeds.
  • Seeds can be disinfected with potassium permanganate before planting.
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm, the distance between them should be at least 2 cm.
  • Gently sprinkle the grooves with earth and water a little.
  • Place the seed container in a room with a constant temperature of 25 degrees. Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate in 3 days.
  • Further, until the seedlings are planted in open ground, the container should be in a well-lit room, but not in open sunlight.
  • Care consists of regular watering and airing.
  • After the appearance of three leaves, all seedlings need to dive.
  • You can plant seedlings in open ground in mid or late May.

Stages of preparation before planting marigolds in open ground

To get beautiful and lush flowering marigolds, you need to carefully prepare. It is important to get strong and healthy seedlings, choose appropriate place for flowerbeds with marigolds and prepare the soil for planting.

Selection of planting material

If you decide to grow marigold seedlings yourself, then it is important to choose the right time for this. For each type of this crop, the time for sowing seeds for seedlings will be different. The seeds of tall marigolds are sown the earliest - around March, and in April, seeds of undersized varieties can be sown.

You can also buy ready-made marigolds at any specialty store or nursery. Usually they are sold as seedlings, planted in separate containers. In this case, carefully examine planting material. It should not be damaged, seedlings should be strong and healthy.

Selecting a landing site

Marigolds are considered one of the most picky plants, so they can grow almost anywhere. To get a beautiful and flowering bush of marigolds, it is best to choose a well-lit place. This culture does not tolerate shade and too wet soil. If you have a vegetable garden, marigolds can be planted in rows between ridges with vegetables. These flowers repel pests with their smell.

Marigolds can be planted in flowerbeds, in containers, and also in pots on balconies.

Soil preparation for planting

Marigolds will grow well in loamy nutrient soils. For these flowers, it is important that the soil is airy and loose, and also passes water well. Before planting, it is necessary to dig the selected area onto a shovel bayonet and introduce a complex mineral fertilizer well mixed with the earth.

Planting seedlings of marigolds open ground

In mid-late May, when the threat of return frosts has passed, you can start planting seedlings in open ground.

Planting marigolds:

  • The soil for planting should consist of humus, sand, peat and soddy soil. It is important to add mineral fertilizers to it.
  • Prepare planting holes in the selected area. Their depth should be 2-3 cm so that the seedling can be deepened by about 2 cm.
  • The distance between the holes depends on the marigold variety. If you plant tall marigolds, then make the distance 40 cm, undersized - 30 cm, dwarf - 20 cm.
  • At the bottom of each hole, it is necessary to place a drainage layer of expanded clay or small stones. This is necessary to prevent stagnation of water at the root system of flowers.
  • Next, carefully place the seedlings in each hole and sprinkle them with earth.
  • After planting and for several weeks, marigolds need constant watering.

Features of caring for marigolds in the open field

Caring for marigolds after planting does not require much effort and expense. It consists in periodic watering, loosening the soil and top dressing. Growing marigolds is so easy that any inexperienced gardener can handle it, even if they have never planted before.

Watering marigolds

Marigolds need moderate but regular watering. Special attention Watering should be given during the active growth of the plant. During this period, the bushes need more water. However, with the onset of flowering, the amount of watering must be reduced, otherwise you risk flooding the roots. And from this the flower may begin to rot. In the summer, especially during the dry season, watering is best done in the evenings.

Loosening marigolds

it milestone care for marigolds during the entire period of growth and flowering. This culture needs loose and airy soil, because the root system must breathe. Periodically, it is also necessary to remove weeds so that they do not interfere with the growth of marigolds.

Top dressing of marigolds

Top dressing of marigolds is not the main requirement in the care of these plants. However, if you want to get a beautiful and lush plant, you can apply any fertilizer other than manure. All top dressing can be divided into three times. The first time fertilizers are applied during the growth of the plant, the second can be carried out when the first buds appear, and the third - just before flowering. It must be remembered that too frequent fertilization will slow down the flowering of marigolds. For fertilizer, complex mineral fertilizers are best suited.

pruning marigolds

To give the marigold bushes a beautiful shape, pruning can be done. This is usually done in the summer. Be sure to cut wilted flower buds. Thus, you will enhance the overall flowering of marigolds. In addition, new buds may appear.

How to collect marigold seeds

If you planted marigolds for the first time with the help of purchased seeds, then next year you can easily use self-collected seeds without any problems. On a strong and healthy marigold bush, select a few buds and let them dry well. After that, collect all the seeds from them. They can perfectly survive until next spring. However, keep in mind that when planting such seeds, you are likely to get slightly different marigolds than the mother plant. This is due to the fact that all marigolds are hybrids.

Marigold pest control

From many diseases of marigolds, their specific smell saves. It helps to protect not only the flowers themselves, but also nearby growing vegetables and plants.

However, due to improper care there may be some problems with growing marigolds:

  • The appearance of slugs and snails. These pests can appear during rainy periods. To prevent such a case, containers with bleach can be placed throughout the flower bed. If you see slugs and snails on the ridges, it is best to remove them with your hands.
  • Spider mite. May also appear on marigolds during wet weather. To combat it, you can use special preparations or folk recipes solutions, such as yarrow and onion.
  • Gray rot. If the irrigation regime has been violated, then gray rot may appear on the plants. This disease is very serious and difficult to treat. An infected plant should be completely removed and burned, otherwise you risk losing others.

The use of marigolds in landscape design

Marigolds are a great option for decorating any yard. These are flowers that will delight with bright and lush flowering for a long time. Depending on the specific variety and height of the bush, marigolds can be planted along garden paths and along the edge of the flower bed (undersized), as well as in the center of the flower bed (tall). Many gardeners recommend planting marigolds around the perimeter of vegetable gardens and beds with vegetables. This way you protect your crop from pests that are repelled by the smell of marigolds.

Dwarf and undersized marigolds can be planted in containers on balconies.

Photo of marigolds in landscape design

You can more clearly see all the features of the use of marigolds in landscaping the site in the presented photos.

Using marigolds to decorate balconies

Garden composition with marigolds

Growing marigolds in containers

You can make your site bright and beautiful without any problems with the help of sunny marigolds. These flowers will not require much time and effort from you, but in return they will delight you with beautiful and lush bushes with a lot of fragrant flowers.

Marigolds, marigolds, tagetes, Chernobrivtsy - all these are the names of one bright unpretentious flower, which grows beautifully in the garden and on the balcony. There are so many varieties that you can plant undersized varieties in the form of a border for framing a green lawn, and tall species perfectly complement the compositions of mixed flower beds of multi-colored summers. The color of flowers varies from delicate shades of vanilla to scarlet and bright yellow tones. Often they have a heterogeneous variegated color, the original varieties of Tagetesa Bicolor, Tiger Eyes and KurtJester bloom especially beautifully.

The main feature of marigolds is unpretentiousness, plants adapt to different conditions cultivation, giving unusually bright flowers from the beginning of summer to late autumn. Growing marigolds from seeds is not difficult, even beginner flower growers can handle it. We will talk in more detail about the methods of growing this crop from seeds.

Marigolds: growing from seeds by self-sowing

To begin with, it is worth noting that marigolds sprout perfectly by self-sowing, especially when the flower beds are covered with a thick layer of snow in winter, which prevents death. seed. Already in April on flower beds, paths, in trunk circles under the trees you can see strong seedlings with characteristic leaves that have a spicy aroma.

Ready seedlings of marigolds can be used to decorate flower beds, rabatok, balcony boxes and other plantings, young plants are in good health and easily tolerate transplantation. Seedlings bloom in the first year. profusely blooming bright plant has useful property- marigolds planted near potato beds scare away the nematode from the site. Seedlings that appeared by self-sowing can be used for planting vegetable beds to protect against pests. Decorative marigolds with charming bright colors will help to expel from the site malicious pests kitchen gardens: wireworms, Colorado beetles, nematodes, scoops, bears, cabbage whites, weevils, ants, onion flies, aph.

When to plant marigolds for seedlings: the timing of sowing seeds

In order to achieve ultra-early flowering of tagetes in garden beds, it is necessary to correctly calculate the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. It should be borne in mind that the culture can be grown in two ways:

  1. Sowing seeds directly in open ground.
  2. Obtaining seedlings for transplanting into garden beds.

When sowing marigold seeds directly into open ground, it should be borne in mind that the plant is quite thermophilic, so seedlings appear only when it passes.

Important! Seeds remain viable for up to 2 years, carefully check the collection date indicated on the packages.

In most regions, marigold seeds are sown in the ground in May, using dry or soaked seeds. From the moment of sowing to the appearance of buds, about 2 months pass - when sowing on May 15, flowering occurs around mid-July.

Seedlings are grown based on the need to obtain blooming flower beds. To ensure early flowering, Chernobrivtsy seeds. Around the end of April, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the open ground, while buds are already present on most plants. Do not be afraid of transplanting tagetes seedlings with buds and open flowers- plants quickly take root in a new place, the presence of buds does not affect the deterioration of flowering in the future.

When to plant marigolds with seeds for seedlings in the middle lane? Usually this operation is carried out from the second decade of March to mid-April. The grown seedlings dive in the stage of 2 true leaves in separate cups or seedling boxes. Plants usually tolerate picking well. Picked plants should be hardened, for which they lower the temperature in the room, or the seedlings are kept for several hours a day with open windows or on the street (it is necessary to protect from the wind).

How to plant marigold seeds in open ground

For planting tagetes in open ground, a bright, quiet day is chosen, usually in May. The bed is preliminarily dug up, leveled, adding double superphosphate to the soil.

Seeds can be planted without preparation, but sometimes they are pre-soaked in epin or potassium permanganate to speed up germination. For sowing marigolds, longitudinal furrows are made in the garden, their depth should not exceed 1 cm. The seeds are laid at a distance from one another, sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and watered well from a watering can. At this time, it is very important to carry out accurate watering, because the seed is easily washed out of the soil.

Seedlings usually appear within a week, to speed up seed germination, you can cover the bed with a film. Seedlings dive in open ground when 2 true carved leaves appear, planting them in a permanent place according to the scheme:

  1. Tall varieties - 40x40.
  2. Dwarf and undersized species- 20x20.

Marigolds in the open field: crop care

Chernobrivtsy are completely unpretentious, the plants grow well in the shade and in the sun, but the plant reaches its full beauty when grown in sunny areas with fertile land. Plants practically do not get sick, but for successful cultivation culture should follow the following rules:

  1. Watering - it is necessary to regularly water the plants, especially young plants need moisture.
  2. Weeding - as necessary, weeds are removed from flower beds planted with tagetes.
  3. Soil loosening - from frequent watering a crust forms on the ground, which should be periodically loosened to improve the aeration of the roots.
  4. Removal of faded inflorescences - marigolds bloom constantly, they do not have a dormant period, so plants quickly lose their decorative effect from the abundance of dried flowers. Removing seed pods from the bush stimulates the formation of new buds, so the bushes must be periodically inspected and the dried parts removed.
  5. Thinning - when planting tagetes with seeds directly in the garden, thickening of plantings can be observed, which affects flowering and interferes with the development of neighboring plants. Excess bushes should be carefully transplanted to another place.

How to grow marigolds of new colors? There is nothing easier - plants growing nearby different varieties they are pollinated, so it’s worth collecting seeds, growing seedlings next year and planting them on the site. New flowers will amaze with splendor and variety of colors.



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs