Evergreens for summer cottages. Low-growing ornamental shrubs and semi-shrubs as a decoration of the garden. What undersized shrubs to choose

The controversy around digging trunk circle fruit trees have been, are and will be for a very long time, probably as long as gardens exist. Options for the content of the near-trunk circle fruit tree quite a lot, there is black steam (namely, digging), and turfing, and mulching, and each of these activities has both pros and cons. Digging the soil in the near-stem strip and mulching can be combined, including here also watering and fertilizing.

magnolia for small garden- large-flowered star magnolia. Maximum six meters. If it is a tulip magnolia, then there are also smaller varieties. Purple Magnolia 'Susan' works well. It grows like a shrub and reaches a height of about three meters. Magnolia should be somewhat protected. Especially young trees are very sensitive to frost.

They prefer loamy, firm soil. Whoever chooses a rock pear, Robin Hill gets vitamin-rich wild animals in own garden. It makes a sweet jam with a marzipan-like flavor, but also the birds in the garden are dark berries that are highly sought after. A rather rare type of "Robin Hill" from a rock pear turns into a very beautiful, small cell tree. The stone lamp blooms in spring. Pink buds appear first, which then open to bright white flowers. In autumn, the foliage shines in a strong gelation.

Long gone are the days when daylilies in every city courtyard and garden looked the same. Today, a variety of delightful beautiful day is able to compete even with tulips. And new varieties appear almost every day. Extravagant or touching modern daylilies have made a leap forward and firmly entrenched in the lists of favorite perennials. And even the most frilly and rare varieties still live up to its reputation as an unpretentious culture.

The tree is frosty, painless, urban climate and extremely heat tolerant. Ground requirements are very low, location can be sunny to half light. Its flowers stand in large, up to 40 centimeters bright yellow panicles. This small-leaved tree deserves to be planted more often in home gardens. Regular pruning is possible and beneficial if you have planted this East Asian tree in your front garden. From small flowers, rather large, noticeable, similar to light fruit capsules develop.

These teardrop-shaped vesicles are initially greenish, later brownish, and remain until hanging from the branches in spring. The tree owes its name to these capsules. The bubble tree is also one of the most beautiful foliage plants, thanks to the gorgeous orange-yellow or orange-red fall color of the pretty feathery leaves.

Planting garlic before winter is a responsible event, here you need to choose the right one planting material, correctly determine the landing time, know the subtleties and rules, nuances and features. Let me start with such nuances. Garlic has two different forms: one is referred to as non-arrowing, the second is arrowing. What is an arrow? The simplest is the peduncle. The arrow forms only winter garlic, that is, the one that we sow in the autumn.

The crowns are round to oval at the start and sometimes have a screen shape when aged. A mysterious rarity is the winged stork with a creamy white and fragrant flower husk hanging down to 25cm long. However, during its heyday, it is one of the most delightful shrubs. Pterygostorax, which is somewhat frosty when young, needs a warm, sheltered spot in a sunny spot for it to good growth in the garden.

It's adaptable garden plant, which does not impose special requirements on parquet floor. Quince is one of the most important. An artisanal or small tree reaches a height of four to eight meters. Quince flowers in May and June and produces fruit in late autumn. Acids are easy to grow and often serve as a bedrock for others. fruit trees such as pear trees.

Lecho from zucchini for the winter with peppers, tomatoes and onions is another way to preserve the harvest of vegetables and replenish supplies with delicious vegetable stew. The stew turns out to be similar in taste to the traditional lecho, pieces bell pepper replace tender zucchini. When you open the jar, the smell spreads incredibly seductive. I advise you to use containers with a capacity of 500 to 800 g for preparing salads - it is convenient to sterilize and open canned food does not have to be stored.

American yellow wood is only six to ten meters high. The tree is mostly two to three, with strong main branches. The side branches look very filigree and form a regular round crown that becomes more and more beautiful in old age. White, pleasantly fragrant flowers hang in double grapes and are a real willow butterfly. Autumn color from light yellow to bright orange. Its name comes from the bright yellow color of the tree.

Wood yellow tree not very susceptible to disease. This is a beautiful single tree and can get old. Asian yellowwood is attractive but still rare in Germany a big tree or small tree. The tree develops very decorative feathery leaves that are slightly silvery hairy. White flowers are a valuable pasture. In autumn, long flat pods adorn the shrub. The shrub has a size of six to ten meters. Asian yellow wood is very durable, unpretentious in soil and place in winter.

Everyone needs a transplant sooner or later. indoor plants. But in the case of indoor large-sized, it is not carried out as long as possible, since this is not an easy task. And rarely, what adult plants need an annual transplant. In years when transplantation is not carried out, it is recommended to perform a mandatory procedure - partial replacement soil. The topsoil is replaced both for hygiene purposes and to maintain normal state substrate.

The actual green foliage shows a pink/white border during leaf extrusion. Young branches dull blue. Depending on the cut, hardy maple can be used as a tree or shrub. It can be cut very well, so it becomes thicker and more compact, and you can adjust the size well. Eshenahorn needs a sunny, wind-sheltered location. But he does not make any demands on the ground. In hot and dry summers, light spots of leaves burn easily, and then the tree is grateful for the additional watering.

Winter pickled cucumbers, crunchy, jarred with garlic, onion and chili are another easy way to prepare savory vegetables for winter. There are many recipes for pickles and marinades, even a lot. This recipe has a twist that is intended for spicy lovers: add a pinch of cayenne pepper to the marinade, and a green chili pod to the vegetables. Such cucumbers, ladies forgive me, will appeal to the strong half of humanity - an amazing cold appetizer.

Young plants need frost protection in the early years. The shrub tolerates sun but also thrives in shade. Marshmallow grows slowly, adding only 10-30 centimeters per year. There are different varieties of hibiscus with plain, half-filled and filled flowers. different colors. Purple and pink varieties, with a flower white color with red heart or blue, there is the right variety for every taste. In general, however, it is clear that the single-flowered varieties bloom more intensely and the flowers are more rainy.

High growing shrubs - pros and cons

It is desirable to reduce especially long shoots at the end of winter. AT next year hibiscus will form more flowers. Gingerbread tree or cake tree love sunny place and fresh, lightly sandy soils. A small tree grows very slowly. The facial leaves resemble linden leaves. The petioles are reddish and stand out very well from the fresh light green to yellowish leaf. A special fragrance is an intense aroma to which the tree owes its name. In autumn, the Christmas scent of gingerbread, cinnamon or caramel passes through the garden.

The vast majority of gardeners, especially summer residents, after the end of the berry picking season, forget about their shrubs until next spring and, at best, feed them after the snow melts with a handful of nitroammophos or weed them, removing the rapidly growing couch grass. This fate befell the black currant. Although outwardly the culture seems to be a healthy and strong shrub, it also requires care and attention. And especially in autumn period when the long winter lies ahead.

Unfortunately, this fragrance only lasts a few days. The common Judas tree is a slow growing large shrub or small tree with little refraction. The heart or kidney-shaped foliage shows a beautiful yellow autumn coloring. Previously, young foliage was eaten. Because of the shape of the leaves, the Judas tree is often referred to as Herzbaum.

The crown is translucent and allows the planting of flower bulbs or perennials. Ball trees look very beautiful at the entrance to the house, garages or next to the driveway. There are many various trees with this special crown shape: Kugelahorn, Kugelesh, Kugelakazi and Kugellinde.

Hydrangeas - shrubs are not only fashionable, but also irreplaceable. They are used both in urban landscaping and in private gardens, paying tribute to the bright foliage, pastel colors of the inflorescence caps and stable decorative effect. Most often, hydrangeas are planted in groups or singly, mixing with other bushes and trees. Meanwhile, perennials will also be able to keep these garden princesses company, with the help of which you can create colorful, stylish and expressive combinations.

In shooting, the otherwise light green leaves of this maple turn reddish. Autumn color is bright golden yellow. Often the locus of the ball is also called the ball locus. It can be heavily cut back in the spring. This variety does not develop flowers. The ball tube tree also does not bloom. It develops dense foliage and displays very beautiful heart-shaped leaves. This tree loves a sunny location and has a height of four to ten meters. Ball ash forms a very uniform compact crown and is also suitable for wet soils.

Lentil cutlets with chanterelles is a delicious, original hot dish that can be served for dinner with a side dish of mashed potatoes and a thick white sauce. If you want to surprise your guests and family, cook these tender meatballs. You can replace chanterelles with champignons, because it is not every month that you will meet in the forest or on the market exactly “forest gold”. I cooked cutlets from Canadian green lentils, they are cooked in about half an hour. Regular lentils need to be soaked in advance.

The foliage is pinnate, flowers and fruits are quite rare. There is also a small globular ash that grows even more slowly, but it is hardly distinguishable in the youth of the Globoza variety. No flowers or fruits were observed in the small ball ash. The decorative ball stirrup itself is not more than five meters high. It retains the spherical nature of the crown even in old age and does not place great demands on climate and soil. An extremely hardy and frost-resistant ball tree is the ball linden. There is also a tree that is not found in any garden.

Unfortunately this season record harvest no apples: the rainy and rather cool summer prevented, which looked like a mixture of autumn and spring. But still, there is a harvest, it is tangible, and if we do not want the harvested apples to spoil in a couple of weeks, they must be properly stored. They say that with proper storage, an apple can lie for several years, retaining its varietal qualities and properties, but why should we wait so long to taste it?!

Flowers and herbaceous plants for borders

The linden tree is up to eight meters high and has sweet yellowish white flowers. It is suitable for sunny and semi-dark areas. The American amber tree is very decorative. In particular, the spectacular orange to purple fall color gives this little tree many lovers.

It is only about four meters high, has a very beautiful tightly closed crown, and shows May's long green flowering grapes. coniferous trees and coniferous trees are relatively hardy plants and are very popular because they all year round are green, which gives the garden a year-round structure. There are conifers in almost every shape and size, and the color of the needles varies in shades of green, grey, blue and yellow.

One of the most original types of indoor blehnum ferns is rightfully considered one of the most capricious. Its thermophilicity and humidity requirements have made it relic plant into a true legend. Blekhnum, or derbyanka in the room - the fern is not for everyone, but it is surprisingly beautiful. Enough large sizes and vayi leaves vaguely reminiscent of palm trees will easily outshine any other decorative leafy plant in your interior.

Low-growing ornamental shrubs for summer cottages and shrubs - what's the difference?

How universal tree, tree group, evergreen hedges, trench plantations - needle conifers universal. When choosing for a home garden, you must use them with care, pure plantings of conifers very quickly look gloomy and tough. Therefore, a combination with lubbobars or shrubs is recommended. There are conifers for every garden type and size. Here are some especially recommended specimens for small gardens.

It develops a round, compact shape. The needles are dark green, shiny, greenish on the underside, scaly. The cypress shell is well suited for semi-shady places in stone gardens or on the terraces. It is also suitable as a pot plant. Fake cypresses from Japan originate in the garden as a slightly Far Eastern character, often found in monasteries in their homeland. The soil for planting should ideally be loose, fresh, moist, nutritious and sandy. Mussel cypress is suitable for semi-shaded and shady areas with high humidity.

Pancakes from zucchini with cheese and garlic - tasty dish worthy of a Sunday breakfast, especially in harvest season. Pancakes are a useful thing, you can’t prepare them for the future, but you can completely eliminate part of the crop with benefit. For a family of three, one medium-sized vegetable weighing up to 1 kilogram minus cleaning is used. From this amount, you get an impressive appetizing slide of pancakes, which will famously leave with sour cream while watching the Sunday morning show.

Yellow thread worn bright yellow in the garden. It is also an evergreen, very slow growing needle shrub that retains its yellow color even in winter. Filamentous needles intensively turn yellow. This coniferous forest is also very suitable for alpine gardens, but it also shows good effect in balconies and bowls, and then can be transplanted into the garden later. The cypress thread tolerates the urban climate very well. It can be sunny to half light and likes fresh, moist, permeable and nutritious soils.

In youth, it has a pillow-like growth, and then it develops broadly conically with overhanging thread-like branches. Dark green needles are close together. Ideal soils for planting should be moist to moderately dry. It is suitable for hedges, discounts, mounds, roof gardens and more. To keep them small and compact in growth, the shoots must be cut in half in the spring. This slender juniper is suitable for group planting or as a solitaire in a carnivorous plant. This is absolutely a winter and conservatory garden.

Mixed ridges and narrow long flower beds along the paths and walls are in fashion today. And although this is the most colorful, but it is not the only option for decorating colorful vegetable frames of different functional purpose. Sometimes it is not advisable to break even the smallest ridge about half a meter wide; the design requires greater rigor and “subtlety” of the plant line. A narrow and neat border of one plant is the most obvious, but the only way out.

Now is the very beginning of autumn, the whole crop has not even been harvested from the site yet. But you may not believe that in order to ensure the harvest of the next season, the vacated soil, for future beds, is already time to start preparing. And this is not a joke at all: you need to prepare this soil correctly so as not to be disappointed in the next year's harvest. How to prepare beds, how to properly dig and fertilize under the most common vegetable crops now, we will tell you today.

Pickled cucumber slices citric acid- garnish cucumbers, the principle of preparation of which I somehow spied on in one TV show. They showed a large factory where cucumbers are pickled for hamburgers. These are really excellent side dishes, which are indispensable in cases of emergency, when there is no time to cook dinner, but you need to feed your family. On a plate with mashed potatoes and sausages, he put a hill of cucumbers with onions - and it's already delicious!

Country or household plot should bring not only a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. It should contribute to the proper rest of the owners. For this, various natural compositions of stones are created, etc. It allows you to complement landscape design with indescribably beautiful shapes and shades.

Today there is a huge variety of species of such plants. To choose best option, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts. It is necessary to select a shrub in accordance with your taste preferences and the characteristics of the growth of each decorative species.

general characteristics

Today common in landscape design. This is due to its diversity of species, as well as the unique decorative effect. Such plants are able to create a separate composition, as well as serve as a background for other plants. At the same time, the garden looks charming and original.

Almost all types of undersized shrubs are unpretentious in care. The only thing to consider when choosing a landing site is the need for sunlight. Some species like dark areas under a fence or near buildings. Others prefer to grow almost under straight lines. sunbeams.

They spread along the ground like a lush carpet, they can form hedges. They are able to cover unsightly areas or objects in the garden. They also reduce weeds. The height of undersized shrubs does not exceed 1 m. Many types of ornamental plants fall into this category.


There are many varieties of undersized shrubs. Allocate flowering, coniferous, fruit varieties. Also exists undersized perennial, resistant to frost, as well as annual plants.

In accordance with the seasons, four groups of shrubs are distinguished. In the spring, spirea, forsythia, and keria develop well. Summer will be pleasing to the eye great amount plants. It could be barberry, heather. Almost all flowering species will do.

In autumn, the site will be decorated with viburnum, abelia, hawthorn, Japanese maple. AT winter period will look nice coniferous varieties, holly, berry yew.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the growing conditions of the shrub. There are varieties that need a lot of sunlight, heat or moisture. In accordance with the existing conditions, it is necessary to select one or another variety.

Flowering varieties

Flowering shrubs can decorate a certain area in the garden. Flowers may vary in size and color. Most often, domestic gardeners choose plants such as common heather or Japanese quince, action.

Some gardeners grow on their site as flowering shrub wolf. However, this plant is suitable for those gardeners who have small children walking on the site. On the beautiful plant that releases a sea of ​​light purple flowers. However, all parts of the wolf are very poisonous. Therefore, such plants are planted in the garden, where visitors do not walk. Such a bush is better to just contemplate from afar.

Deytion graceful is a shrub that can grow up to 80 cm in height. The plant is almost completely unaffected. garden pests. Its white luxuriantly flowering branches fall like an openwork veil to the ground.

Heather (shrub) will bloom throughout the second half of summer. Its shoots are directed upwards. This plant loves sunlight. In such conditions, a delicate pink bloom will delight summer residents for a long time.

hedge decoration

Plants such as Japanese quince, cinquefoil, blackberry, buckthorn willow are suitable for decorating a hedge. The first version of the shrub is characterized by flowering at the end of May. Bright scarlet flowers densely frame its branches. it perennial that is not afraid of frost. The arcuate branches have thorns.

Shrub cinquefoil is called a universal plant. Planting and care are characterized by simplicity. Potentilla grows on almost all types of soils. She can decorate a curb with her graceful shoots or form hedge. Flowering is long enough. It can be contemplated for more than 100 days.

With the help of buckthorn willow, you can create a delicate, openwork hedge. This plant does not exceed 25 cm in height. But in the horizontal plane, it grows quite strongly. Shoots may take root. This gives the plant the appearance of a solid green carpet. Likes dark, well-moistened areas. It is recommended to plant it near a fountain or stream.

slow growing species

One of the slowest growing species is cotoneaster horizontalis. This disadvantage is compensated by its high decorative effect. The leaves of this plant are green in summer. However, by autumn, it changes to purple-orange hues.

Also, many gardeners like to grow this shrub because of its bright colors. They appear in the fall. Even during periods of frost, they do not crumble from the branches. On the first snowy days, red berries look beautifully from under their white caps.

It also grows slowly evergreen. It prefers dark places on the site. Needles do not tolerate direct sunlight on their branches. At the same time, it begins to turn yellow and fall off. Ideal for growing under a fence, in shady places near the house. This plant tolerates winter well, but does not like excessive watering.

Fast growing varieties

One of the fastest growing plants is considered pachysandra apical. Landing and care require knowledge of the characteristics of this shrub. pachysandra loves shady places. It will not thrive well in direct sunlight. It is ideal to plant a plant under the crowns of trees. In these places, pachysandra creates a dense green carpet.

This plant quickly fills the free space. Flowering continues for a fairly short time. However, the decorativeness of the plant is high even in normal times. Small white flowers adorn the branches of the shrub.

It is also characterized by rapid growth. It is able to cover almost any area with its green mass. Therefore, it is used to create carpet bedding in gardens, as well as for hedges. The plant quickly entangles supports with its shoots. Stefanander is unpretentious in care.

Shrubs with berries

Usually do not have pronounced decorative fruits. If the site owners prefer to see berries on their shrubs, a snowberry should be preferred.

A distinctive feature of this plant is the presence of beautiful white or pale pink fruits on its branches. They remain on the bush throughout the winter. This plant prefers to grow on limestone soils. In care unpretentious.

This type of shrub can be trimmed, forming a crown of the correct geometric shape from it. There are varieties of snowberry that form a dense green carpet. However, they do not tolerate frost.

fruit bushes

One of the most famous fruit bushes among summer residents is blackberry split. This undersized perennial can grow strongly in the horizontal plane. The length of the bush can reach 4 m. At the same time, the height of the plant does not exceed 80 cm. There are well-developed thorns on the branches.

From the shoots of this type of blackberry, you can form a hedge. After a period of flowering, edible fruits will appear on its branches. It's sweet healthy berries. They can be consumed raw or closed compotes, jam.

In autumn, the split change their color from dark green to bright purple. It's beautiful interesting plant. Due to the presence of edible fruits, blackberries are very popular among gardeners.

Coniferous varieties

In landscape design are actively used coniferous undersized shrubs for the garden. One of the most popular species is spruce. For decorative purposes, a special species was bred. This is a small shrub that reaches a height of about 30-50 cm. A hemispherical crown with densely folded branches will perfectly complement a summer cottage or personal plot with its dark green needles.

Coniferous varieties are frost-resistant. They do not lose their decorative qualities even in winter. Coniferous undersized shrubs are unpretentious. They grow in almost all types of soil.

Also used by gardeners in landscape design is recumbent juniper. It does not grow above 60 cm. It grows up to 2 m wide. Its needles are dense, have a bluish tint. Juniper is unpretentious in care.

Other decorative options

In addition to the types listed above, landscape design uses such undersized shrub like St. John's wort. This is an easy plant to care for. It grows well in almost all places on the site. Its bright yellow flowers look nice in the garden. St. John's wort is not afraid of harsh winters. If the owners cannot provide constant care for the shrub, St. John's wort should be chosen. Even after drought, frost or excessive moisture, the plant quickly recovers.

It is recommended to plant in our climatic latitudes various ornamental mountain pine (needs pruning to form a crown), cedar shrubs. Barberry, broom, turf and boxwood will also develop well. These plants take root well, do not require special care and delight their owners for a long time.

Considering this ornamental plant, how low shrub, as well as his existing species, features of care, each gardener will be able to choose the best option for his backyard or summer cottage.



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs