What color affects what. The influence of black color on a person. Influence of purple, blue and brown

For example, the mood is "below the baseboard" - and you subconsciously dress in black. A holiday is in the heart - and more and more bright things appear in the wardrobe. Interesting: in European culture White color- a symbol of purity, and black - evil. In Africa, the opposite is true. As usual, the Japanese are also weird - they have their own understanding of colors.

But we will focus on the closest interpretation to us. Remember the children's "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits"? When introspection, it is quite possible to rely on these colors, supplementing the gamut with white, black and gray.

By the way, if possible, go color test Luscher. He is amazing…

The influence of color on the human psyche

The very idea of ​​the influence of color on the human psyche is not new, and many psychologists unanimously argue that colors affect the human psyche not only through vision but also through the skin.

So, for example, if you are in a blood red room, even with your eyes closed, you will feel how your heart will beat noticeably faster, you will begin to feel arousal, and if you go into a room in blue colors– the pulse will slow down, you will immediately feel relaxed.

But let us return to the influence of colors on the moods and states of a person.

The influence of red

Red is the color of energy. The color of victory, strength, passion. Gives warmth, confidence, energy. If you like to dress in red, then you are a temperamental person, ready to fight.

Influence of orange color

Orange - excitement and success. Orange color infects with cheerfulness, courage, spiritual energy. Orange is a color that helps to cheer up.

Influence of yellow

Yellow - intelligence, wisdom. Relaxes, inspires optimism, tones the brain, promotes successful mental activity. Inspires a good mood, but causes irritability in excess.

Influence of green color

Green - renewal, harmony. The color of calmness, good luck, openness to the new. The color of life itself rapid growth and flowering. Green helps to restore strength, improve health,.

Influence of blue

Blue - confidence, calmness. Blue is often called cold. We will call it cooling, like a cool shade on a hot day. Everything is blue now, especially in computer interfaces. This is how designers try to make a product enjoyable.

Purple influence

Purple is mystic. There is something mysterious about purple. It looks like artificially created, although it is found in nature.

The influence of white

White - purity. It is the color of truth, divine powers, truth and innocence. Its solemnity adjusts to the lyrical mood and gives moral strength.

The influence of black

Black is usually a negative color. In clothes, he is chosen by people who want to emphasize their strength or hide weakness.

Even if you like black, do not panic, but seek the advice of a psychologist. Perhaps you should in life.

The influence of color on the psyche of men and women

And you also need to understand that men distinguish and know 30% less colors than women. So if you suddenly decide to impress your man with the ingenious coloring of the picture or the paint you have chosen for repair, it is quite possible that he will not be able to appreciate your efforts, not because he does not love you or does not appreciate your efforts, but simply because he does not see the difference between pumpkin and peach.

May your life be a bright rainbow!

Surely, each of you noticed that when you find yourself in a room decorated in one color or another, your mood improves, you feel a surge of strength, and where other colors predominate, there is depression, some kind of tension? The impact of color on the human body is too great, a lot of research in this area is devoted scientific papers. Moreover, each color affects the body in different ways.

The effect of yellow and red on the human body

It turns out that yellow evokes bright feelings, blue evokes a feeling of cold, lilac - something bleak, and red creates a lot of impressions. Further research by scientists made it possible to use colors for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Red color, which stimulates the nerve centers, the left hemisphere, energizes the liver and muscles. However, with prolonged exposure to the body, red can cause fatigue and an increase in heart rate. It is used to treat anemia, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, diseases endocrine system, melancholy and apathy, rheumatism, colds and sexual disorders, as well as pathologies of the retina, strabismus, myopia, amblyopia. Red color is contraindicated in case of fever, nervous excitement, hypertension, inflammatory processes, neuritis, it also has a bad effect on people with bright red hair.

But yellow and lemon colors activate motor centers, generate energy for muscles, stimulate and cleanse the liver, intestines, skin, have a laxative and choleretic effect, cause a joyful mood, increase sexual desire. The effect of these colors on the body is beneficial, they help in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, dysfunction of the gallbladder, liver, intestines, and in ophthalmology - in the correction of strabismus, poor vision, diseases of the retina and blood vessels of the eye.

Remembering how color affects the body, we must not forget about contraindications.

Yellow and lemon colors are best excluded at elevated body temperature, neuralgia, overexcitation, inflammatory processes and visual hallucinations.

The effect of green, blue and purple on a person

Green color eliminates spasms of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, dilates capillaries, stimulates the pituitary gland, promotes good mood and increases potency. Due to this effect on the human body, the green color is recommended in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, asthma, osteochondrosis, laryngitis, hemorrhoids, insomnia, impotence, as well as glaucoma, myopia, diseases of the retina and optic nerve.

The blue color, on the contrary, contributes to the occurrence of vasospasms and increases blood pressure, and therefore is contraindicated in hypertension, tachycardia, rheumatism. Has antimicrobial activity. It is used in the disinfection of rooms, the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat, the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the cornea, initial cataracts, myopia. However, it should be remembered that the dark Blue colour prolonged exposure to humans can cause fatigue and depression.

Violet and indigo stimulate the parathyroid gland, spleen function, and increase muscle tone. Indications and contraindications for the use of these colors in the clinic are approximately the same as for the blue color.

In medical practice, the effect of color on the human body is widely used in the treatment of eye diseases. Influencing a certain combination color schemes, a special apparatus allows for some diseases to achieve a 100% positive result, for others - a significant improvement.

At the same time, as a rule, the general condition is strengthened, headaches disappear, appetite improves, and sleep normalizes.

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Our habitual living environment, which is formed with the help of design, has a huge impact on the health and psyche of all people living in the apartment. That is why it is vital that the layout, the objects and colors that surround us are consistent with the character traits of the residents, form a healthy psychological climate and contribute to comfortable living.

AT last years especially much attention is paid to color. Human color perception is a mysterious physiological phenomenon. We are able to perceive color only with our eyes, and it affects almost our entire body: our mood, well-being, and health. Some believe that he is able to heal diseases and set the tone for all life. Let's take a look at how color affects interior design.

How does color affect a person?

It has long been known that the right range of colors in the design of the premises can work wonders. It not only decorates the interior and creates a positive mood among the people in it, but also supports a person in his endeavors.

For example, there are color combinations, which help to significantly increase labor productivity and facilitate work, create a calm and cozy atmosphere conducive to good conversation and relaxation.

In addition, with the help of color, you can form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bobjects, their beauty and purpose. Color allows you to focus on certain details in the room, while hiding others.

There is a whole science that studies color, but it is closely related to other areas of human knowledge. It is at the intersection of psychology, physiology, physics, lighting engineering and art history that one can learn how and why color affects our bodies.

Long-term studies and observations have revealed that the colors of the short-wave part of the spectrum (blue, green, cyan) and the long-wave part of the spectrum (yellow, red, orange) affect different parts of the human nervous system. Therefore, the first group of colors began to be called cold, and the second - warm.

Warm colors affect us like coffee in the morning. They temporarily tone up nervous system, briefly increasing a person’s working capacity, and then bright flashy colors begin to oppress it - and resources for vigorous activity the person does not have. These colors are great for sports facilities.

Cold colors in the interior, on the contrary, calm the nervous system. They help to wisely spend the resources of the body, to maintain working capacity longer. In addition, they allow you to quickly relieve stress and pacify a person. These colors are great for rooms where you have to do mental work, often work at a computer.

There is a special group of colors: shades of the middle part of the spectrum (blue-blue, green-blue, yellow-green colors) and mixed soft pastel colors (green-gray, gray-blue, turquoise colors). Their impact on a person is most favorable. They have a calming, calming effect.

Psychologists and painters know that color affects a person, causing certain emotions. In addition, in different psychological states, we can perceive the same color in different ways. Moreover, historically, certain colors contain a clear symbolism - state, religious, secular. Using this body of knowledge, designers and select colors for the interior.

Color has a tremendous impact on a person, but not only it is able to influence us. Any piece of furniture, any design in the room never appears to us evenly colored. Lighting sets the contours of the object, blurring or enhancing its outlines, forms color shades, and places accents. Therefore, light often plays no less important role in creating psychological comfort than color. Keep this in mind when choosing what color to paint the walls!

The effect of color on the human psyche

A professional, like any artist, is well aware of how different colors are distributed in the spectrum, interact with each other, and also what effect the colors and the shades obtained by mixing them have on a person.

White color

It symbolizes purity, peace, chastity, solitude, serenity, concentration, perfection. This is a positive color that includes all shades of the spectrum. It is often associated with spirituality and mental health. It is believed that it cleanses and energizes at the same time, opens the vision of new opportunities and gives strength to overcome obstacles. But an overabundance of this color creates a feeling of superiority or, on the contrary, enhances the inferiority complex. It is recommended to use white color only in combination with other shades. It is a great backdrop for different accents, allows you to expand the room.

Black color

It is considered the most mysterious color of the spectrum, because it easily absorbs light and hides what it carries. Therefore, it is often associated with curiosity, mystery and knowledge. Its symbolism is the end, silence and peace. It gives hope for change, but is able to increase depressive states and despondency, instill weakness and cruelty. This is a very rich, meaningful color that can motivate, push to create and reveal strengths. In some circumstances, it stands out for its elegance and sexuality. This is a business, serious color. It is not recommended for use in interiors in pure form. But it is perfect for contrasting underlining. In addition, black allows you to visually reduce and remove the object.

Red color

Associated with fire, heat, dynamic life, activity, will and energy. In extreme states, it symbolizes anger, passion, aggression. It is believed that red not only excites the nervous system and enhances the release of adrenaline, but also has a positive effect on blood circulation and stimulates sexual desire. This bright and saturated color is well suited for melancholic and insecure people, but for extroverts and choleric people, it can be excessive, developing intolerance, stubbornness and cruelty in them. It is recommended to use it in rooms where movement and activity is necessary: ​​in gyms, stairwells and hallways.

Orange color

This is a pleasant warmth and soft light of the rising sun, as well as flowing lava. Therefore, this color pleases the eye, improves mood and keeps in good shape. In many ways, it is similar to red, but its effect is softer. It also strengthens the will, enhances sexuality and stimulates the appetite. Orange goes especially well with cold colors, enhancing their positive characteristics and clearing them of heaviness. In general, he is able to bring a joyful revival to almost any interior.


Primarily associated with the sun and warmth. And he personifies freedom, intelligence, knowledge, intuition and quick wits. This color helps to concentrate and deal with difficulties, speeds up the process of analyzing facts and making decisions. Yellow frees thoughts from negativity and improves self-esteem, gives self-confidence. With an excess of yellow details, you can be very overtired - this color becomes annoying.

Green shades

Associated with nature, life and harmony. But the green color not only unites us with nature, but also helps people get closer to each other. He relaxes, calms. In fact, this color does not radiate energy, but rather generates and accumulates for future endeavors. It is the color of rest, stability and prosperity. But with its excess, boredom and drowsiness appear. allows you to neutralize the influence of other colors.


This is the sky, wind, ice and cold. Traditionally, it is associated with sincerity, purity. This color is strongly associated with intelligence and speech. It allows you to detach from the world, focus on your thoughts or just contemplate what is happening. In addition, it improves communication, allows you to overcome shyness and fear. public speaking. An overabundance of blue leads to dissension and manipulation.

Blue colour

Embodies constancy, severity, devotion, seriousness. This is the color of order and systematization, adherence to principles and ideals. He is like the depths of the sea, which intoxicates, attracts, calls in search of truth. But this is not the color of singles. On the contrary, it symbolizes fellowship, belonging to the whole, unification. Like any cold shade, it allows you to visually enlarge the room: make it taller and more spacious.


The most majestic. It symbolizes wisdom, nobility, creativity, inspiration and law. This is the most sensual color that hides great excitement - the joy of creative self-realization. Researchers believe that purple allows you to concentrate and think productively. This color unites the body and spirit, material and spiritual needs.

Please note that the descriptions above refer only to pure colors. Shades of these colors can have a different effect on a person, including the exact opposite.

Interesting to know!
Often the color is chosen so as to regulate the temperament and character of a person. If a choleric person lives in an apartment, it makes no sense to paint it in bright invigorating shades. But the melancholic warm gamma will benefit.

What colors are suitable for the room?

The choice of color for your interiors is determined by your taste, temperament and the task that the designer faces. And yet there are some patterns that are observed almost always.

  • For outdoor apartments, which are located closer to front door, better fit bright colors or contrasting combinations of warm and cold tones.
  • For the living room, it is also better to use revitalizing and invigorating shades.
  • Which bedroom color to choose? Of course, he must appease. Therefore, rooms for sleeping and relaxing are painted in pastel and cold colors. Sometimes you can liven up the palette with bright details, but don't overdo it!
  • Calm shades are also suitable for the toilet and bathroom.
  • The color of the walls in the kitchen should excite the appetite and encourage good conversation. Therefore, moderately bright colors will fit perfectly here: orange, yellow, brown and green.

And finally...

If you are going to choose colors for your interior yourself, download a color wheel on the Internet that will allow you to combine colors in pairs in accordance with the rules of artistic harmony.

Our mood and state of the body largely depends on the impact of the outside world. According to scientists, the psychological health of a person and even his activities internal organs may vary depending on the exposure to different colors. Even at a subconscious level, we choose the color of clothes or interior, focusing not only on our permanent preferences, but also taking into account psychological condition. And in reverse order- the right color of the dress or the walls in the room can have a positive effect on mood and health. Let's try to consider in more detail the effect of blue, green and purple on a person.

How does the color blue affect a person?

This color is considered a symbol of wisdom and silence. In addition, experts have determined that it is a wonderful color pain reliever. The influence of blue color on a person helps to eliminate unpleasant painful sensations and even promotes recovery from a variety of ailments, including migraines, asthma, inflammatory lesions, bruises, and even serious diseases of internal organs, for example, kidneys or thyroid gland.

It is believed that people, especially those who love the color blue, have some tendency to develop different kind dependencies. Therefore, if you are a fan of this coloring, be careful not to purchase bad habits.

A rich and dense pure blue gamma stimulates creative inspiration and helps to cope with emotional upheavals.

Scientists have found that the blue color is characterized by a special set of electromagnetic waves, due to which it is able to affect living organisms. Its influence activates regenerative processes in cells and helps lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Blue color has antiseptic properties, it perfectly suppresses inflammatory processes, reduces increased swelling and calms the nervous system well, contributing to quick falling asleep. If you suffer from excessive weight, then this color will be a real find for you, because it reduces appetite well.

In some cases, blue can cause alertness and contribute to the expectation of unpleasant emotions.

How does green affect a person?

As for the green color, it is a symbol of calmness and good luck, as well as openness to the new. Surrounded by such a color, we seem to become one with nature. It has a positive and healing effect on the nervous system, calms the eyes well and gives us a feeling of freshness and clarity. In addition, the presence of green in the interior and clothes helps to achieve peace and tranquility. This option coloring goes well with other colors, which allows you to use it in the design of various parts of the apartment. It is believed that cool and pastel shades of green are good for reducing the feeling of hunger, so they are recommended to be used in the design of the kitchen.

Scientists have determined that a pure green color has a particularly beneficial effect on the heart and other organs located in chest. The influence of green color on a person is able to relieve an individual from stress and various negative emotions, and also well eliminates excessive excitement and restores emotional stability. Saturated and bright tones of green have a wonderful tonic effect.

eye contact with in green helps to cope with the onset of migraines and headaches provoked by overwork. Also, experts say that this coloring has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and optimizes blood pressure.

The environment of green color helps to tune in to making decisions. So psychologists advise if you hesitate between several options for solving problems, just close your eyes and imagine yourself in greenery - a park, a field, or just a clean green room.

How does purple affect a person?

Violet coloring is able to set a person up for solemnity and even ceremoniality. The influence of purple on a person with excessive psychological or physical overwork can cause irritability, additional fatigue or fear. Violet can stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

It is believed that lovers of this color are less likely than others to encounter colds. In addition, this commitment also contributes to sexual activity.

Experts do not recommend using purple for decorating bedrooms or places in the house intended for psychological relaxation. It should be used in small quantities for the design of living rooms, halls, corridors, sanitary facilities and cooking areas. Too much a large number of violet can cause the development of depressive conditions.

This color can be used as a medicine if there is a need to eliminate internal inflammation. It is also advised to use it for acne of varying severity, palpitations, tachycardia and various craniocerebral disorders, including injuries of the cranium.

Proper use of colors and their combinations in the interior helps to change your psychological state and even get rid of many diseases.

Did you know that color affects the human psyche, thoughts and feelings? It can please and grieve, soothe and irritate its possibilities are simply amazing!

AT Have you noticed that you attract more attention when you put on a red sweater? Or that a group of people dressed in black looks extremely gloomy? Or what your colleague wearing white skirt, gives the impression of a very active person? If yes, then you will definitely be interested in the principles of color therapy and the effect of color on a person.


  • Each color emits electromagnetic waves that affect a person in different ways.
  • Its healing effect is instantaneous, because we perceive its energy not only with our eyes, but also with our skin.
  • By choosing the right shades for yourself, you will become healthier and more fun. Colors are sometimes referred to as emotional food, and our bodies require a diet of a wide variety of colors to function properly.
  • Restoring peace of mind, colors also have a positive effect on the human psyche and health.
  • Food, clothes, makeup, furniture - all this can have a beneficial effect on you with the right choice of color.
  • Color and health. Knowing how different colors affect the human body, you can improve your well-being, appearance and even life itself.

The effect of color on a person


Warm, exciting, and also provocative. The color of blood, fire, energy and passion.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESStimulates all types of energy, helps to gather mental and physical strength when you are tired, increases heart rate.
  • EXCESSred causes overeating, irritability and overexcitation.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for the living room and in small quantities for the bedroom. Red clothes inspire confidence.
  • COMPENSATED green.


Color bright sun, which means optimism, energy and joy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESVery strong healer, it improves mental capacity, uplifting, gives confidence, energizes.
  • EXCESStoo bright yellow can cause mental fatigue.
  • APPLICATIONIn the kitchen this warm color will create a pleasant atmosphere. Wear sunny yellow clothes on gloomy days.
  • COMPENSATED purple.


Calming and harmonious color, helps to feel one with nature.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESSoothes, relieves stress. Green furniture and light green décor in hospitals promote patient recovery.
  • EXCESSdark green can cause depression.
  • APPLICATIONCalm green shades are suitable for the bedroom, and bright ones for the kitchen or hallway. Green clothes gives peace.


This powerful combination of energetic red and optimistic yellow has a very strong effect on the human psyche.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESOrange color uplifts and stimulates creative thinking, helps to bring ideas to life.
  • EXCESSorange can make you distracted.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for living room and office. Orange scarves or carnelian jewelry inspire optimism.


This color helps to express your personality and also relaxes.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESTurquoise has always been valued for its protective and healing qualities. Color therapists believe that it stimulates the immune system. In addition, according to studies, turquoise helps to relax muscles.
  • EXCESSturquoise promotes stubbornness and peremptoryness.
  • APPLICATIONTurquoise in the bathroom and turquoise decorations enhance the feeling of peace.


The combination of red and blue is very powerful color affecting human health, which enhances intuition and empathy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESpurple is used for meditation or physical enhancement. Healers use amethyst to relieve headaches.
  • EXCESSlight purple will make you dreamy, and an excess of purple will inspire fear.
  • APPLICATIONIt is appropriate in the bedroom, as it promotes relaxation. Wear purple if you have difficult people to deal with.
  • COMPENSATED yellow.


Blue represents peace and harmony. It also helps to learn new things.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESShades of blue are very soothing. They are used to reduce pressure and improve sleep. And this color relieves joint pain.
  • EXCESSdark blue brings melancholy.
  • APPLICATIONBlue makes the bathroom the perfect place to unwind. Wear blue when you expect trust, respect, and attention from people.
  • COMPENSATED orange.


Pink is the color of love and, thanks to the combination of red and white, balance and energy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESImagine yourself surrounded by pink stressful situations to inspire confidence. Pink also promotes responsiveness.
  • EXCESShot pink is exciting.
  • APPLICATIONSoft pink shades are good for the bedroom. Wear light pink when you want to express love and care or ask for forgiveness.
  • COMPENSATED turquoise.

color tricks

  1. SMALL ACCENTIt is not necessary to dress up in one color from head to toe: a red scarf or handbag is quite able to increase your vitality.Scatter bright pillows around the living room so that their colorful energy is concentrated in the right parts of the room.
  2. COLORED LAMPSHADES Use colorful light bulbs or lampshades to fill the room with an energizing shade.
  3. RAINBOW ON THE WINDOWS Bright transparent stickers on windows produce the same useful effect as skillfully executed stained-glass windows.
  4. DEEP SLEEP If you don't sleep well, change the color of your bedroom to a calmer one: soft pink, light blue, soft purple.
  5. GOOD MOODAre you overwhelmed by hopelessness and constant fatigue? Orange clothes and a bouquet of sunflowers will instantly cheer you up.
  6. STONE POWER Arrange colored decorative crystals around the house and wear Jewelry to enhance the influence of colors on a person and his psyche.
  7. THE POWER OF PETALS A bouquet made up of one or more shades that suit your needs - great way cheer up.
  8. COLORED MENUBeautiful food is easier to digest. Include more colored foods in your daily diet.
  9. THEATER EFFECTMulti-colored filters for theater spotlights can be easily adapted to home lamps.
  10. SMART COSMETICS Learn to influence others with lipstick or varnish. For example, use pink tones if you want to look friendly.
  11. FLAVOR OF COLOR Essential oils of bright colors can bring energy into your life in different shades, such as blue (lavender) or red (geranium).

The influence of other colors on a person and his psyche

Color therapists also use the following colors in their practice:

WHITE He includes all colors of the spectrum. In white clothes, you will look organized, sincere and innocent. In combination with other colors, white does not look so strict.

BLACK Not being essentially a color, it is still used in color therapy. Wear black when you don't want to stand out, and wear black when you want to be lost in thought.

GOLD It not only gives peace of mind, but also enhances confidence in own forces. Wear gold rings, jewelry with amber or yellow topaz.



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