Agricultural technology of Chinese cabbage. How much can you earn from your own Chinese cabbage? Sowing seeds for seedlings

A person who has tried Chinese cabbage at least once will probably buy it again. Its tender and juicy leaves are somewhat reminiscent of salad in taste. This vegetable is always in great demand. Chinese cabbage growing and caring for which does not require special knowledge can bring good income. You will learn how to make a profit from it in this article.

What are the benefits of Chinese cabbage?

Juicy heads of cabbage are used to prepare salads, borscht, cabbage rolls and other tasty and healthy dishes. It is an indispensable supplier of minerals and vitamins, which the human body cannot do without. This vegetable contains much more protein than its other relatives. It is worth noting that growing Chinese cabbage can be done by any novice gardener who wants environmentally friendly fresh products on his table.

Best commercial varieties

Experienced plant growers believe that growing Chinese cabbage in open ground or in a greenhouse is enough profitable business which brings good income. The most important thing is to choose the right crop varieties that are cultivated in the climatic conditions of your region.

For growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse, the early-ripening semi-pumped variety Vorozheya is more suitable. It gives a yield of 4 kg per 1 sq. meters. In addition, you can purchase Rodnik, a hybrid of F1 Parkin and TSHA2. Another early ripening variety is Khibinsky. It can be used to grow Chinese cabbage from seeds in open ground and in greenhouses. This variety is characterized by high yield and resistance to high temperatures. Some farms prefer to use leaf forms Kudesnitsa and ChaCha.


To get good harvest, it is necessary to study the technology of growing Chinese cabbage and become familiar with all the nuances.

In a heated greenhouse, the first heads of cabbage are cut at the end of May, and the second, in the last ten days of November. If you plant spring varieties in the spring or, conversely, the seedlings may shoot up. Pay special attention to this.

The harvest in open ground will be early if you use seedling method. Since the seedlings are too tender, they cannot be picked. Seeds are sown in separate cups of 2-3 pieces. After 2–3 leaves appear, the strongest seedling is left and the excess plants are removed.

Planting Chinese cabbage in open ground You can do this after the sprout has thrown out 5-6 leaves. The distance between seedlings should be 40-50 cm. When they begin to grow, the leaves can be thinned out and used for making salads. In autumn, the crop is grown from seeds. To avoid bolting, leaf varieties should be taken for autumn cultivation. To protect crops from cruciferous flea beetle, you should sprinkle them with ash or plant mint, celery or thyme nearby.

Disadvantages and advantages of business

Since the demand for vegetables is constantly growing, a Chinese cabbage business with the right approach will bring good profits.

Growing this crop has many advantages:

  • The yield, depending on the growing conditions of Chinese cabbage and its variety, can reach 900 centners per hectare;
  • This crop is resistant to low temperatures, so it can be grown in almost all regions of our country. The plant can withstand frosts of -5–7 degrees;
  • The high wholesale price of the products ensures good profits. From crops covering an area of ​​5 hectares, you can get 300 tons of cabbage worth 6 million rubles;
  • The plant produces a harvest in 50–70 days. This allows you to grow 2-3 crops in one season.
    There are no problems with the sale of products.


  • Culture susceptibility to diseases;
  • The harvest largely depends on the fertility of the soil;
  • Harvesting must be done within 2 weeks, otherwise the cabbage will begin to rot on the vine.

Registration of activities

To legalize your earnings from selling Chinese cabbage, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. As for taxation, choose a single agricultural tax. You don't need any licenses or permits.

Business plan and profitability

Since the methods of growing Chinese cabbage can be different, when drawing up a business plan you need to take this important point into account.

In addition, enter all monthly expenses into it:

  • Rent of land;
  • Workers' salaries;
  • Taxes;
  • Fuel and lubricants and spare parts.

The profitability of a business, as with , largely depends on the yield and size of the sown area. In some cases it reaches 50%.


To organize a farming enterprise, you need to invest money in your business. To grow produce on areas larger than 5 hectares, you will need:

  • Tractor – 1 million rubles;
  • Machine for planting seedlings – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Seeds – 5 thousand rubles;
  • Fertilizers – 15 thousand rubles;
  • Packaging – 15 thousand rubles;
  • Vegetable storage rental – 200 thousand rubles.

In total, you will have to invest about 1.5 million rubles in your business. This approximate size investments. To save money, you can buy used equipment, which will cost half as much. To grow Chinese cabbage at home on a small plot of land, you only need funds to purchase seed material.

Sales of products

If you provide correct landing and care for Chinese cabbage, it will delight you with a good harvest. It can be sold throughout the year. The price of this vegetable ranges from 30 to 50 rubles per 1 kg. The weight of one head of cabbage is about 1 kg or more.

Your main clients could be:

  • Supermarkets;
  • Vegetable stalls;
  • Restaurants;
  • Schools;
  • Hospitals.

If you decide to start such a business, first of all, analyze the market in your region and find sales ways, and only after that start working. Demand for vegetables increases in autumn. By this time, the sown area should be significantly increased.

Growing Chinese cabbage

  1. If you have been studying and decided to change the direction of your activity, you can safely switch to Beijing. This unpretentious crop will bring you excellent profits. It is stored longer and can produce 2-3 harvests in one season;
  2. If you do not have initial capital, you can contact the bank and apply for a preferential loan for agricultural producers. In addition, the state provides support to beginning farmers. As part of this program, you can receive 1.5 million rubles in free assistance for or other crops;
  3. To collect your seeds, leave the strongest plants until they are fully ripe. Remember that they can cross-pollinate with rutabaga or turnip;
  4. Heads of cabbage are stored in polyethylene with open ends. In this form they remain fresh until the next harvest.


Growing this crop for sale has its advantages and disadvantages. But, despite this, this line of business is considered quite profitable and promising. The high price and good demand ensure its high profitability. With a competent approach

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N.A. Kolpakov

Chinese cabbage has important positive economic and biological properties. Thanks to precocity and chemical composition it can replace in spring period white cabbage. Eating Chinese cabbage has a beneficial effect on digestion and human health.

In the northern provinces of China, the share of Chinese cabbage in population consumption is winter months accounts for up to 80% of total vegetable consumption. In Japan, the area under it is 30,000 hectares, in Korea - about 70,000, in Germany in some years it increased to 1,000 hectares.

However, in Russia, Chinese cabbage began to be introduced into commercial vegetable growing relatively recently. For a long time, its spread was hampered by the lack of varieties and hybrids that are resistant to stemming when grown in open ground under long-day conditions.

Interest in this crop is associated with a number of its economically valuable characteristics: early ripening (forms commercial heads of cabbage in 48-75 days), high yield commercial heads of cabbage (from 40 to 50 t/ha), valuable biochemical composition (rich in vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids, including essential ones), various ways food use: fresh, boiled, stewed, pickled.

IN Western Siberia Chinese cabbage is still little known. At the same time climatic conditions regions are very favorable for its cultivation. The main limiting factors in the spread of this crop are weak popularization among the population and the lack of scientifically based recommendations for its cultivation in the region.

The purpose of our work was to determine optimal timing planting seedlings to obtain maximum yield of Chinese cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia.


The development of technology elements for growing Chinese cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia was carried out in 2005-2007. at the West Siberian vegetable experimental station. The experiment was carried out on the F1 Nika hybrid, bred at the breeding station named after. N.N. Timofeev RGAU-MSHA named after. K. A. Timiryazeva.

The soil of the experimental plot is represented by ordinary chernozem, medium-thick, medium-loamy. The humus content is 3.8-4.5%, the pH of the salt extract is 6.9, the amount of absorbed bases is 35.3 mEq/100 g of soil, the supply of phosphorus and potassium is high. Groundwater are located at a depth of 10 m from the soil surface.

The air temperature during the years of research was close to the long-term average data with slight fluctuations from year to year. The hottest month was July 2006, average daily temperature air exceeded the long-term average norm by 1.4-2.4°C.

Precipitation over the years of research was very unstable: 2007 was dry, and 2005 and 2006. - moderately dry. In July 2006, there was an excess of the average long-term precipitation norm by 2 times and amounted to 137 mm, while the norm was 67 mm.

The seedlings were grown in pots in film greenhouses, then they were planted on a plot of open ground according to a 70 x 30 cm pattern. The seedlings were 30 days old. The area of ​​the recording plot is 5 m2, the experiment was repeated four times.

For each experimental variant, the dates of sowing, single (10%) and mass shoots (75%), planting in open ground, the beginning of the formation of heads of cabbage (in 10% of plants) and the onset of technical ripeness of heads of cabbage (in 75% of plants) were noted.

The duration of periods of plant development was counted from the moment of emergence of mass shoots.

When harvesting, the stump was cut at a distance of 0.5 cm from the head of cabbage. Household waste - leaves, flowering and underdeveloped heads of cabbage - were not weighed. The average weight of a marketable head of Chinese cabbage was determined by dividing the total weight of the harvest from the plot by the number of heads.


Usage various terms sowing Chinese cabbage during cultivation seedling method revealed significant differences in the duration of interphase periods depending on the date of sowing seeds for seedlings (Table 1).

Chinese cabbage cultivation yield

Table 1 - Duration of periods of development of Chinese cabbage plants (average for 2005-2007), days

Sowing date

Shoots - beginning of head formation

Shoots - the onset of technical ripeness

Analyzing the presented data, it can be noted that during the spring sowing dates of seeds (April - May), there is a gradual acceleration in the formation of heads of cabbage as later sowing dates are used. Thus, over the years of research, when sowing on April 1-4, the duration of the period from germination to the onset of technical ripeness was 87-94 days, and when sowing on May 24-25, mass ripening of heads of cabbage was observed after 67-76 days.

Later sowing dates (June - July) led to an increase in the duration of the periods both from germination to the beginning of head formation, and to the onset of technical ripeness.

As the results of the experiment have shown, the use of seedling growing methods ensures the ripening of Chinese cabbage in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia already in early July. The size of the harvest and the average weight of a head of Chinese cabbage vary greatly and depend on the timing of crop cultivation (Table 2).

Table 2 - Productivity of Chinese cabbage with seedling cultivation method (average for 2005-2007)

Safety for harvesting, %

Productivity, t/ha

Average weight of a head of cabbage, kg

Planting seedlings

Note. NSR05: 2005 - 1.8 t/ha; 2006 - 2.3 t/ha; 2007 - 2.1t/ha.

In general, higher yields are observed when using early spring sowing of seeds for seedlings. The highest yield of Chinese cabbage (64.9 t/ha) on average over three years was obtained when sowing seedlings at the beginning of the second ten days of April and planting seedlings on May 15-17.

The June timing of planting seedlings led to a decrease in the yield of Chinese cabbage to 48.9 t/ha. This is due to low level safety of plants for harvesting (64.2-75.8%) due to worse survival rate of seedlings and a severe degree of damage to the rosette of leaves by apical burn due to the influence high temperatures during the period of development of the vegetative mass of plants and setting of heads of cabbage. On negative consequences Chinese authors also indicate exposure to high temperatures (above +25°C) for setting heads of Chinese cabbage.

Using later dates for planting seedlings allows you to avoid the effects of high air temperatures during the period of active leaf growth and head formation, so cabbage yields increase slightly. However, late planting dates (after August 20) in the conditions of Western Siberia are too risky, since the heads of cabbage may not set.

The use of different growing periods for Chinese cabbage also influenced the size of the heads. The highest average weight of heads of cabbage (1.4-1.60 kg) was formed when seedlings were planted on May 15-17, June 27-29 and July 22-25.

In our opinion, this is due to various temperature conditions during the development of vegetative mass and plant density before harvesting.


Using the seedling method of cultivation allows, in the conditions of the south of Western Siberia, to obtain high yields of Chinese cabbage from early July to mid-October.

The June timing of planting seedlings reduces the yield of Chinese cabbage by 25% due to exposure to high temperatures during the period of development of the vegetative mass of plants and setting of heads.


1. Circle G. Vegetable growing / per. with him. V.I. Leunova.- M.: Kolos, 2000.- 576 p.

2. Grinberg E.G., Gubko V.N., Vitchenko E.F. Vegetable crops in Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Sibirsk. Univ. publishing house, 2004.- 400 p.

3. Kuo C.G., Tsay J.S. Physiological responses of Chinese cabbage under high temperature // N.S. Talekar and T. D. Griggs. eds. Chinese cabbage. Proc. First Intl. Symp. AVRDC. - Shanhua. Tainan, 1981. - P. 217-224.

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Chinese cabbage is a plant that can all year round supply the human body with minerals and vitamins. The plant belongs to dietary products. If we compare Chinese cabbage with white cabbage, it differs in its cultivation characteristics.

Description of Chinese cabbage and characteristics

Chinese cabbage belongs to the Cruciferous family. This variety originates from China. IN modern world This variety of cabbage is popular in every country. It tastes a little like lettuce, only juicier and softer. The main feature of the vegetable is its ability to store useful substances all winter.

Chinese cabbage contains many vitamins and nutrients, such as iodine, iron and fiber. The plant contains lysine, which cleanses the blood and improves immunity. If you regularly eat Chinese cabbage, it will have a positive effect on the nervous system.


100 grams of this culture contains 13 calories.


This vegetable is considered unpretentious and grows quickly and easily. It produces two harvests in one season. But despite its unpretentiousness, it is important for a gardener to know and adhere to the basic rules and technologies of how to properly grow this vegetable crop in order to get a high yield. The plant is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. And since cabbage has a short growing season, it can be grown in a warm greenhouse in winter.

Chinese cabbage is considered a quick-ripening vegetable. The period of its formation depends on the varieties. On average, early varieties ripen in 45-55 days, middle varieties - 60 days, and late varieties - from 65 to 80 days.

When to sow seedlings

Seeds are sown depending on what type of soil is used:

  • In early February - if planted in a greenhouse.
  • Late March-early April - if the soil is not protected.

It is advisable to sow seeds in peat pots using humus together with coconut substrate as soil. The seeds are buried 1 centimeter deep.

Growing seedlings

Since the plant does not tolerate picking, it is not recommended to sow the seed in one container. If you use peat tablets or pots, then when transplanting, the seedlings will be less stressed. The sown seeds are placed in a dark place until germination. When the first bushes appear, the seedlings are moved closer to the sun. The air temperature should be 8 degrees.

It is best to sow three seeds per pot so that you end up with the strongest one.

Water the seedlings as needed. As soon as the top layer of the substrate dries, each bush is watered warm water, which is previously defended. As soon as three leaves are formed, you need to pinch off the weak seedlings and leave the strongest one. It is not recommended to tear it out as it may damage root system healthy plant.


Peking cabbage does not withstand picking very well. Therefore, the seeds are sown in separate molds, and not in a joint container. Thanks to this, the root of the seedlings will not be damaged when picking or transplanting into unprotected soil.

Agricultural technology of Chinese cabbage

As with any variety of cabbage, proper care, watering, feeding and processing are important for Peking cabbage. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology, you can grow a good harvest. For example, since it is compared to lettuce, it is worth considering that when growing this crop in winter time, you can get a juicier plant than lettuce.

This type of cabbage is considered moisture-loving, so it is important to know the basics proper watering so that she has enough moisture. Abundant watering is needed when the head is forming, and in the first stages it is enough to water it after 4 days.

Planting in open ground

The bed for planting bushes should not be in a place exposed to the sun; there should be variable shade. In order for the plant to take root and bear fruit, you need to know when to plant the seedlings, what the soil should be like, and it is important to adhere to the technique of planting Chinese cabbage.

When to plant in open ground

You need to start by planting seedlings in a garden bed in unprotected soil. Seedlings are considered ready for planting when up to six leaves form on them (usually three weeks from the moment the seedling emerges).

Before planting seedlings in unprotected soil, it is important to harden them off. A week before the intended planting, the seedlings are exposed to the open air, increasing the duration every day. Four days before planting, watering the seedlings stops so that they do not overgrow, and just before planting they are watered abundantly.

Planting a plant in open ground depends on the region and weather conditions. It is important that there are no frosts at night, and that during the day it is warm and the soil is warmed up. As a rule, this is done in late May - early June.

What soil is suitable for Chinese cabbage?

A sunny area with variable shade is what Chinese cabbage needs. Acidic soil will not produce a good harvest. It is important that the soil is moderately moist and drained. Loam has these important characteristics.

In addition, it is important to consider what was grown in this area before Chinese cabbage. Garlic, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, grains or legumes are considered ideal predecessors. If tomatoes, beets or cruciferous vegetables were previously grown in the selected bed, then it is better not to plant Chinese cabbage there, since these plants have common diseases and common pests.

How to plant Chinese cabbage correctly

Before you start planting crop seedlings, it is important to prepare the bed in advance. If the soil has not been limed, then this must be done in the fall. Before digging the bed, you need to sprinkle it dolomite flour or just lime. In the spring, the bed must be dug up and fertilized (10 liters of compost or humus are needed per square meter).

After digging and harrowing the area, you can begin to form holes. The distance between the holes will depend on the purpose for which the cabbage is grown. If it is needed as a salad, then the distance should not be less than 15 cm, and the width between the rows should be 50 cm. If the plant is needed in the form of heads of cabbage, then the distance should be 45 cm, and the width should be the same – 50 cm.

You need to pour 2 tbsp into the hole. spoons of superphosphate, 1 teaspoon of urea and 0.5 kg wood ash. Stir it all so that the ingredients are mixed with the soil and add water. Peat cup, in which the seedling is located, is placed in a hole and buried.

A good crop yield will be obtained if you use the ridge cultivation method. The plant is planted on ridges, and there is no need to hill it.

Methods for growing Chinese cabbage in the garden

If you adhere to the recommended rules of agricultural technology, the rules of proper care, weeding and watering, Chinese cabbage will give a high yield for summer cottages. It is important to process and fertilize the bushes in a timely manner so that the plant does not get sick or succumb to attack. various pests.

Rules for caring for Chinese cabbage

At first, as soon as the seedlings are planted in unprotected soil, it is recommended to cover it with non-woven fabric. This should be done to protect the crop from temperature changes and possible frosts, as well as to protect it from direct sun rays, which in the first days will only interfere with them.

14 days after planting the cabbage, the area should be mulched with peat or straw. Weeds are removed manually. After each watering, the soil must be loosened.

To get a good harvest, it is important to maintain a balance between temperature and humidity. These two indicators are important throughout the cultivation of the crop, especially during the period of head formation. The temperature at night should be 8 degrees, and during the day - up to 19 degrees. Air humidity should fluctuate between 70 and 80%.

When caring for Chinese cabbage, you need to monitor the condition of the leaves. If lower leaves If they have rotted or become sick, they must be torn off immediately.

Rules for watering Chinese cabbage

This culture loves moisture, but excessive watering can cause the plant to rot and even disappear. It is enough to water the plant once every six days. cold water. It is better to do this in the morning or evening, since during the day the water will dry out quickly and the roots will not have time to absorb moisture. It is important that there is no accumulation of moisture in the garden bed, as this can cause rotting of the root system. Soil humidity should be on average 65%.

Rules for feeding Chinese cabbage

The first feeding is carried out 15 days after planting the seedlings in the garden. This is done organic fertilizers. For this you can use mullein, taking into account 0.5 kg per 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg chicken manure for 20 liters of water and herbal infusion. This feeding is done taking into account one liter of solution per bush.

When planting cabbage in the spring, fertilizing is done three times, and if in the summer, then twice.

When feeding, it is important to remember that Chinese cabbage can easily and quickly absorb nitrates. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply fertilizers during the growing season.

Chinese cabbage blooming

The formation of heads of cabbage in this plant occurs exclusively during short daylight hours. As a rule, this is early spring or late autumn. If daylight hours are more than 12 hours and the temperature environment high, this can cause bolting and flowering of cabbage before it has time to produce heads of cabbage. The air temperature should be between 13 and 20 degrees, then the plant will not bloom and will set heads.

Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse

You can grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse not only with seedlings, but also with seeds. It is best to make a greenhouse from polycarbonate. The seedlings will produce a harvest a week earlier. Optimal and comfortable conditions for normal height plants are considered: temperature from 15 to 20 degrees, air humidity – 80%.

Seeds are sown according to a 20x40 cm pattern, seedlings are planted according to a 30x50 cm pattern. Greenhouse soil is no different from the soil in a garden bed.

Pests and diseases of the variety

Pests of Chinese cabbage

Common pests that attack Chinese cabbage are:

  • Cruciferous flea beetle.
  • Slugs.
  • Cruciferous bug.
  • Cabbage butterfly.

For preventive purposes, as well as to minimize the chance of the plant being attacked by pests, it is necessary to promptly destroy weeds in the garden bed and do not forget to loosen the soil.

Diseases of Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is affected by bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. The main diseases are blackleg, clubroot, dry rot (or, as it is also called, fomoz), tracheomycosis, mosaic, white rot and downy mildew.

Not only the leafy part of the plant is susceptible to diseases, but also the root part. To minimize infection, it is important to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology and carry out preventive measures.

Control methods and prevention

As a rule, subject to the rules of agricultural technology and when proper care behind the plant, diseases and pests practically do not affect the plant. Prevention is the most reliable way to protect yourself. Seedlings need to be planted in the ground as early as possible, while maintaining the correct distance, adhere to the rules for harvesting and storing the crop, and also dig up the soil well after harvesting. But if pests appear on the site or the plant becomes sick, then it is important to know the main methods of control.

Diseases are treated depending on the type of disease. For example, fungal diseases treated with fungicides, which are found in drugs such as Fundazol, Ridomil, Horus, Kadris and other similar drugs. In case of viral diseases, it is necessary to urgently remove the infected plant from the garden and burn it.

Processing cauliflower insecticides, you can get rid of various pests. You need to spray the bushes several times. It is only important to stop spraying 30 days before harvest.

Harvesting and storing Chinese cabbage

Since this crop is cold-resistant, it can be collected from the garden from mid-October. The secret of harvesting is that seedlings planted in the spring will not be stored for long, but a plant planted in July can last until the New Year. The type of plant also influences how long a vegetable is stored.

It is important to store Chinese cabbage in wooden boxes or on shelves, in a cellar or dry basement. In this case, the room temperature should range from 0 to 2 degrees, and the air humidity should be 95%. It is recommended to check each head of cabbage for dry or rotten leaves every 14 to 20 days, and if any are found, remove them.

Varieties of Chinese cabbage

There are early, mid-season and late Chinese cabbage. Popular among early variety crops are the following varieties:

  • Vesnyanka (leaf variety, ripens 35 days from the moment the first shoots appear).
  • Champion (hybrid, has a compact head with a hidden tip).
  • Lenok (designed for greenhouses, salad variety).
  • Sprinkin (hybrid, ripening period 60 days).
  • Asten (variety intended only for open bed. In 55 days, the head of cabbage reaches 1.5 kilograms).

TO mid-season varieties include:

  • Cha-cha (a hybrid whose head reaches 3 kg).
  • Brocken (well preserved, heads reach 2.5 kg in weight).
  • Pomegranate (forms a dense head in 70 days, weighing up to 2.5 kg).
  • Autumn beauty (a hybrid that reaches maturity in 85 days. A yellow head of cabbage is visible in the cross-section).

TO late varieties include the following:

  • Russian size (the weight of one head of cabbage reaches 4 kg).
  • Parking ( hybrid variety, which reaches up to 1 kg).
  • Nozaki (dense heads of cabbage, reaching 1.5 kg).
  • Nika (weighs up to 3 kg. The variety hurts badly, but is excellent for pickling).

Advantages and disadvantages of Chinese cabbage

Beijing cabbage has a number of advantages and features. First of all, such a culture is very beneficial for human health, as it contains various micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins.

Chinese cabbage copes well with severe headaches, helps with stress, heart disease and gastrointestinal problems. The plant can improve immunity and remove metals from the body if consumed regularly.

The only disadvantage is that it may not be tolerated by some people. It is contraindicated to take in case of increased stomach acidity or bleeding in the stomach. Overeating the plant can lead to dizziness, nausea and stomach upset.

Vegetable crops belonging to the Cruciferous family fit harmoniously into the traditional country landscape; gardeners have long liked their unpretentiousness and consistently high productivity. It is not surprising that growing Chinese cabbage personal plots is becoming more and more popular. Its tender leaves, collected into a loose head or rosette, are juicy, tasty and healthy. They contain many amino acids and vitamins, they are rich in minerals and protein. Petsai, as this crop is also called, is perfect for preparing salads and sandwiches, as well as for decorating ready-made dishes, which is what made it possible to assign this vegetable talking names– Chinese salad, cabbage. You can grow a crop in different ways: seedlings and non-seedlings, in protected and unprotected soil, in a heated greenhouse.

Specifics of culture

In order for heads of cabbage to form on the plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the agricultural technology of Chinese cabbage, taking into account the characteristics of its life cycle. If the daylight hours are more than 12 hours, the Chinese lettuce shoots out an arrow and begins to bloom. The harvest from such bushes can no longer be harvested; they are removed from the beds or left for collecting seeds. Intensive growth of leaves and setting of heads of cabbage occurs with short daylight hours. It can be created artificially by shading the beds in the evenings and removing the cover in the morning. But there is a less troublesome way - to adhere to the recommended planting dates:

  • in spring - strictly on the 15th–20th of April;
  • in summer - from the third ten days of July to the first ten days of August.

Chinese cabbage is distinguished by its early maturity. If desired and minimum costs In time, it will be possible to harvest useful heads of cabbage in the open ground twice or even three times per season. Its varieties are varied. According to their ripening time, they are divided into 3 groups:

  • early ripening (Manoko, Orange tangerine) - they begin harvesting after 40-55 days;
  • mid-season (Cha-Cha, Vorozheya, Lyubasha) - their heads of cabbage are ready in 55-60 days;
  • late-ripening (Russian size, Nika) - they can be cut after 60-80 days.

Each variety of cabbage has specific characteristics. They differ in the color of the leaves, their taste, the shape and size of the heads, the duration of their storage, and the presence of immunity to diseases. Some of them boast resistance to bolting and low temperatures. Cabbage hybrids of Dutch origin are especially popular among summer residents.

Obtaining seedlings

Petsai seeds can be sown directly into the ground, but the seedling method of growing the crop is more often practiced. It allows you to get the harvest faster. The timing of sowing depends on how you plan to dispose of it, as well as on the type of soil. If you want to enjoy heads of Chinese cabbage from the beds as early as possible, the optimal time for planting it is last week Martha. To eat healthy vegetables in winter, the procedure is carried out at the end of June. In regions with short warm winter and at further cultivation in a greenhouse, petsai are planted in late January or early February.

For sowing seeds, it is better to take separate containers or peat tablets. This will help to avoid problems when picking seedlings, after which the cabbage will be sick for a long time.

The prepared containers are filled with loose soil from the following components:

  • 1 part humus;
  • 2 parts coconut substrate.

Turf soil mixed with peat is also suitable for Chinese cabbage. Their volumes must be the same. Place 2-3 seeds in each pot and lightly sprinkle them with soil (0.5-1 cm). After waiting for the seedlings to get a little stronger and 2-3 leaves form on them, leave the strongest of them, and carefully weed out the rest. Seeds need warmth to germinate, but they do not need light. Therefore, the containers are put in a dark place. Salad cabbage usually sprouts at home in 2-3 days.

If the first shoots appear, the pots are placed in a well-lit place. Watering too frequently and abundantly is harmful to them, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Moisten the seedlings when the top layer of soil in the container dries. You can plant young Chinese cabbage in beds when it is 25-30 days old. By this time, it should produce 4-5 full leaves. In the south, lettuce seedlings are grown in a film greenhouse. In this case, the seeds are sown in early March, and within a month the young plants are placed in the beds.

IN last time The seedlings are watered 3-4 days before they are placed in open ground.

Sowing in the beds

If Chinese cabbage is grown using the seedless method, you need to wait until it gets warm. The timing of sowing is influenced by the climate of the area. If in the middle zone petsai seeds can be planted in the beds already at the end of April, then in the Urals this is done much later - in mid-May. Experienced summer residents advise carrying out several sowings, repeating the procedure after 10-15 days. For spring planting It is better to choose leafy varieties of the crop, and for summer ones – those that form a head of cabbage.

Salad cabbage reacts to thickening by bolting. To avoid this problem, leave at least 15-25 cm of free space between the bushes. The easiest way to achieve this is to plant the petsai in holes, placing 3-4 seeds in each hole. They are covered with a 1–2 cm layer of soil. When Chinese cabbage sprouts, it will need to be thinned out. From the sprouts that appear, the most powerful one is selected and left to develop, while the others are removed. The procedure is carried out at the stage of 1-2 full leaves. Adjacent holes are spaced at a distance of approximately 30-35 cm.

To prevent tender seedlings from being damaged by frost, beds with planted seeds are protected from them by pulling plastic film or special material. Adult Chinese cabbage is not afraid of the cold; its bushes can safely withstand temperatures down to -4°C. But they are dangerous for young seedlings, so it is better to leave them in such a greenhouse at night. In unprotected soil, seeds germinate in 3-10 days.

A dangerous pest of lettuce is the cruciferous flea beetle. You can protect plants from it already at the sowing stage by simply sprinkling the beds with wood ash.

There is another way to grow crops - in a greenhouse. Its owners can solve two problems at once: quickly get a harvest and save space. Rows of Chinese cabbage can be placed between tomatoes and cucumbers. By the time these crops grow, its heads will have already reached maturity. Between the rows of petsai in the greenhouse, 20 cm of free space is left. Seeds are planted at intervals of 5-10 cm. If the procedure is carried out in early April, then by the end of May the harvest will be completely ready.

Site requirements

Chinese cabbage grows well in sunny areas with loose, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. If the soil on the site is light, the plantings will suffer from drying out. In clayey, heavy soil they can be affected by fungal diseases (clownfish). Increased acidity soil will not affect the development of cabbage bushes, but excess salts will not benefit the plants. Before planting the crop, such soil is dug up, adding sawdust or straw to it. The normal pH for Petsai is 5.5 to 7.0.

Chinese cabbage can be planted after the following crops:

  • garlic;
  • Luke;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes;
  • legumes.

But if you place the petsai in areas where last season there were beds with its relatives in the family (any cabbage, radish, radish, horseradish), it will not bring a good harvest.

Chinese cabbage is planted in holes. They are dug up in advance, leaving 25-30 cm between them. The row spacing is set to 35-45 cm. In order for the bushes to grow quickly, they will need a lot of nitrogen and other nutrients. Therefore, the holes are filled with fertilizers:

  • humus or compost (0.5 l);
  • wood ash (2 tbsp.).

Complete pre-planting preparation with abundant watering.

Planting seedlings and caring for them

Before being placed in open ground, seedlings are inspected, diseased and weak plants are rejected. It is recommended to spray it with insecticides to protect young Chinese cabbage from insect pests. This treatment is carried out no later than 3 days before planting the seedlings in the beds. The root collar is not buried; it should rise above the ground. Otherwise, the bush will begin to rot. Petsai are planted using the transshipment method, carefully, trying not to damage the fragile and brittle cabbage roots. Having placed the plants on the site, they are watered strictly at the roots; water should not get on the leaves.

To form heads and rosettes, Chinese cabbage needs heat. In cool weather, when the temperature drops below +13°C, leaf growth slows down, but the process of formation of arrows with peduncles begins. To prevent this from happening, the air must be heated to +15, maximum +22°C. In the heat, the tender petsai leaves can become scorched. In the Middle Urals, summers are often cloudy and rainy, and cabbage is usually grown there in a greenhouse. If this is not possible, the plantings should be covered with film or a special cloth. This will protect the crop from rot.

Lyubasha and other varieties of Chinese cabbage need care:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • periodic loosening of the soil, which is carried out to a shallow depth.

Petsai need a lot of water; its lack will negatively affect the growth of bushes. But you shouldn’t overwater them, otherwise you won’t be able to get a good harvest from them. Moisten the plantings once a week using warm water. Irrigation by sprinkling is preferable. The crop grows well in weed-free soil, so you will have to keep the plantings clean. Weed them carefully so that the soil does not fall on the apical bud of the bush. If the beds are mulched, it will take less time to fight weeds. This procedure is performed when 2 weeks have passed since the seedlings were placed in the beds.

Originating from distant China, Chinese cabbage, which is easy to grow and care for, has now spread throughout the world. It is successfully cultivated in the USA, Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, the southern and northern regions of Russia, Far East, in Indonesia. Summer residents fell in love with it for its simplicity of agricultural technology, rapid growth, which allows harvesting several tasty and delicious crops in one season. healthy vegetables, and the possibility of propagation without seedlings.

Its succulent leaves are good for fresh, but Chinese cabbage is suitable not only for salads. They put it in borscht and vegetable soups, cabbage rolls are wrapped from it, savory snacks and casseroles are made with it, it is stewed with milk or mushrooms, dried, pickled, and fermented. There are plenty of options. Petsai cooks quickly without filling up the kitchen unpleasant smell boiled cabbage. Try planting it on your site, and it will certainly conquer you!

  • What is OKVED for business?
  • Packaging and storage
  • Conclusions
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • How much can you earn from Chinese cabbage? own production
  • What is OKVED for business?
  • What documents are needed to open a farm?
  • Do you need a permit to open a business?
        • Similar business ideas:

Growing Chinese cabbage and its benefits

Growing Chinese cabbage is a new direction in Russian vegetable growing. The demand for Chinese cabbage is constantly growing due to its excellent taste and rich composition of vitamins.

The advantages of growing this vegetable crop on farms:

  1. Productivity, depending on the variety and growing conditions, reaches 900 c/ha;
  2. Grows favorably when low temperatures(which is good for middle zone Russia), only 12 grams are required to form a head of cabbage. Optimal temperature cultivation is 20 grams. The plant can withstand short-term frosts down to minus 5 -7 degrees;
  3. High wholesale selling price, which averages 20 rubles/kg. If 300 tons of cabbage are sold, and such a volume can be obtained from 5 hectares of planting area, the revenue will be more than 6 million rubles;
  4. The plant has a short growing season of 50 - 70 days. You can get several harvests in one season;
  5. The annual high demand for Chinese cabbage allows us to sell it without any problems;
  6. The high productivity of Chinese cabbage allows it to be grown even in greenhouses!

In addition to the advantages, it is worth highlighting the disadvantages of creating a business for growing Chinese cabbage:

  1. The agricultural technology of growing Chinese cabbage on our territory has been poorly studied;
  2. Dependence on soil fertility (more on this below);
  3. Susceptible to various diseases, like many cabbages. Peking cabbage is very popular with pests, so insecticidal treatments are very important;
  4. The short period of being “on the vine” is no more than 2 weeks, and if removed later, it may result in rotting, necrosis of the leaves and a decrease in shelf life.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

  1. Soil preparation.
  2. Possible risks.

Which tax system to choose

For organization farm To grow Chinese cabbage, you must register a peasant farm or individual entrepreneur. The Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT) is used as a taxation system.

What is OKVED for business?

How much money do you need to invest to grow Chinese cabbage?

To grow a plant on large areas sowing (from 5 hectares) the following investments will be required (approximately):

  1. Tractor, trailer hitches(rent possible), from 1 million rubles;
  2. Transplanter, from 200 thousand rubles;
  3. Seed material, from 5 thousand rubles;
  4. Fertilizers, from 15 thousand rubles;
  5. Packaging material, from 15 thousand rubles;
  6. Vegetable storage, from 200 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment will be from 1,435,000 rubles. The size of the investment is given very arbitrarily. In each individual case, their size may vary dramatically. For example, you can purchase a used tractor, which will reduce the initial cost by almost half.

The main fixed costs of maintaining a farm include:

  • rent of land (if not owned);
  • wages;
  • taxes;
  • insurance contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • repair of equipment and fuels and lubricants.

You can get start-up capital for organizing a farm to grow Chinese cabbage in the following ways:

  1. Obtain a preferential loan from the bank for agricultural producers;
  2. Participate in programs state support beginning farmers. Depending on the region of the Russian Federation, it is possible to receive up to 1.5 million rubles free of charge for the development of peasant farms.

How much can you earn from your own Chinese cabbage?

What documents are needed to open a farm?

If there is extensive agricultural work and large areas are cultivated land plots(more than 1 Ha). State registration of a peasant farm is required. But when you cultivate small areas of land, since the law allows you to have personal subsidiary farming(at his yard). It is also allowed to grow agricultural products for sale without any taxes.

To register a peasant farm, you need: an application for state registration, a passport of the founder-manager of the company, agreements, a decision on the founding of a peasant farm (if there are several shareholders). Then, confirmation of payment of the state duty and the actual place of residence of the founder. If the enterprise is organized by one person, an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm is not needed.

Do you need a permit to open a business?

No licensing or special permits are required to grow Chinese cabbage.

Technology for growing Chinese cabbage

For growing Chinese cabbage, the composition of the soil and its fertility are very important. For this crop, neutral (medium composition) fertile soils are selected, since cabbage dries out quickly on light soils, and on heavy soils acidic soils the crop is most susceptible to diseases such as cabbage clubroot. The best predecessors are cucumbers, zucchini, onions, tomatoes and legumes. Used for planting plants sunny areas protected from strong winds.

To increase soil fertility, they are used as fertilizers. bird droppings, humus, lime materials, potassium sulfate. 2 weeks after planting, the plants are fed with urea.

It is important when cultivating Chinese cabbage to choose the right plant variety. For early implementation, the best early ripening varieties are Miraco F1, Monaco, Khibinskaya 5. For late implementation the best varieties- Bilko F1 (vegetation period 55-60 days), the cabbage heads of which reach a weight of 2 kg. The vegetable is grown both by seedlings and by direct sowing of seeds in open ground. For seedlings, you can use special soil, for example “Rostorfinfest”. Cabbage seeds in a greenhouse begin to germinate at a temperature of 4-5 degrees. Lack of light is not a problem for her and the plant can develop even without additional lighting. The period from planting seeds in a greenhouse to planting plants in open ground is 24-27 days.

On early stages When planting Chinese cabbage, bolting is possible due to low night temperatures. To prevent bolting of plants at the stage of growing seedlings, it is advisable to maintain the temperature in the greenhouse above 15 degrees.

The first planting begins in late April - early May. Like Chinese cabbage short term During the growing season, to obtain the maximum yield per season, it is preferable to plant it in several stages, dividing the field into several sections. For example, the first planting in the middle zone is May 1, then May 10, May 20 and so on, the last planting is in early August. The planting rate is 40 thousand pieces/ha. The distance between plants in rows is 10 cm - 12 cm, in row spacing they maintain a distance of 45 cm.

Plants are planted using special equipment, for example the MRM-2 transplanter. The cost of such a car is just over 200 thousand rubles.

The plant loves water very much. When watering plants, 700-800 m3 of water is used for every 10 tons of commercial harvest. More effective system Watering "Beijing" is a drip method.

It is important to treat plants against pests and diseases. Once every three years, the soil should be limed, adding 300-400 g of lime per 1 m2 of soil.

Packaging and storage

Harvesting begins when the plant has 10-12 leaves. The leaves of harvested cabbage wither quickly, so they should be packed immediately.

It is advisable to use as packaging PVC film width 35-45 cm, while packaging is carried out manually directly into the field. Thanks to this, the shelf life of the vegetable increases several times.

Maximum sales of Chinese cabbage begin in the fall, so by this time it is advisable to increase the area sown with the crop several times.


Despite all the pros and cons, growing Chinese cabbage on a farm with proper agricultural technology is very advantageous direction Moreover, there is practically no competition in this industry. Due to the good demand and high selling price of vegetables, this business can become a highly profitable business.

Step-by-step plan for starting a business

Organization of the business process for the production and sale of Chinese cabbage involves the following stages:

  1. Selection of land for vegetable crops.
  2. Purchase of planting material.
  3. Soil preparation.
  4. Technology, stages of the process of planting and growing cabbage.
  5. Equipment, transportation and storage of products, hired labor, if required.
  6. Sales plan for finished vegetable products.
  7. Possible risks.

How much can you earn from your own Chinese cabbage?

The average market wholesale selling price is about 20-25 rubles per kilo of vegetable products. To get maximum percentage benefits, it is advisable to sell Chinese cabbage both in large supermarkets and in small specialized vegetable stores. The vegetable is also sold well by resellers and at agricultural markets. In general, in the production and sale of Chinese cabbage, monthly net earnings of about 300-350 thousand rubles are quite realistic.

What is OKVED for business?

The business of producing and selling Chinese cabbage is registered under code 01, which is responsible for crop production, livestock farming, etc. Its subclause 01.1 corresponds to the cultivation of annual crops, namely vegetables, root crops, melons, etc. - clause 01.13.

What documents are needed to open a farm?

If there is extensive agricultural work and large plots of land are cultivated (more than 1 hectare). State registration of a peasant farm is required. But when you cultivate small areas of land, since the law allows you to have a personal subsidiary plot (in your own backyard). It is also allowed to grow agricultural products for sale without any taxes. To register a peasant farm, you need: an application for state registration, a passport of the founder-manager of the company, agreements, a decision on the founding of a peasant farm (if there are several shareholders). Then, confirmation of payment of the state duty and the actual place of residence of the founder. If the enterprise is organized by one person, an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm is not needed.



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