Growing artichokes in the Moscow region. Artichoke: beneficial properties and growing rules

Supermarket shelves are simply collapsing with a huge number of different vegetables and fruits, most of which we are not even able to identify.

Considering that spending money on such “overseas miracles” is the same as throwing it away, we sometimes don’t even think about how much nutrients they hide it within themselves.

Take, for example, artichokes - awkward cones, which, however, have an unusually pleasant taste and are very beneficial for health.

Moreover, it is quite possible to grow them on your own plot, obtaining very good yields.

Have you decided to grow artichokes? Let's get to know the plant better and do preliminary preparations

In general, artichokes can be described as a very large plant that can reach even 2 meters in height. At the same time, it is perennial, that is, after a one-time planting, it will delight you with its harvests for a very long period of time.

The bush of this plant itself is distinguished by the fact that its basal rosette consists of very powerful and prickly leaves.

The plant is quite well adapted for growing in the climate conditions of Russia and Ukraine; it can withstand winter under a ball without any problems. organic fertilizers, which can be used as hay, leaves, sawdust.

In the Northern region of Russia, to preserve the life of the bush, it must be dug up for the winter and stored in a very dark place with cool air until spring.

Some difficulty in growing artichokes in our countries is that today there are no regionalized seeds of this plant in our country.

Of course, the most outcast enthusiasts have long been growing popular foreign varieties, including “Maysky”, “Green Ball”, “Roman Violet”. Moreover, if you are already seriously planning to start growing this vegetable, then you should know that it reproduces not only by seeds.

Its propagation by root cuttings also gives very good growth results, but for this you definitely need to have friends who have had an artichoke growing in their garden for several years in a row. It is not possible to purchase cuttings of this plant in any specialized nurseries, since they simply are not there.

We are preparing artichoke seeds: do they need vernalization?

Vernalization of seeds involves a procedure where seeds are exposed to low temperatures. It is believed that with this treatment of artichoke seeds before they are direct landing, you can significantly increase your yield, and already in the first year after planting you can enjoy these delicious fruits. But many gardeners argue that this, on the contrary, can cause the death of plants.

The fact is that in 70% of cases the plant actually blooms in the first year after planting, and you can actually get a small harvest from it, but such unnatural flowering can cause very serious harm to the plant.

In particular, it not only weakens, but also spends the strength it needs to grow stronger on flowers and fruits, and as a result it becomes unable to endure even one winter. In principle, the method will be good in the case when the artichoke is planted solely for one-time fruit production, and is not intended perennial cultivation bush.

The essence and stages of vernalization are as follows:

  • Vernalization should begin in the first half of February.
  • Seeds spill out even layer in a seedling box on wet sand.
  • The seeds remain in this state for 6-10 days at an air temperature of 22 to 25ºС until they begin to germinate.
  • Throughout the entire period of seed germination, the sand under them should be kept moist by spraying it with water.
  • Direct vernalization involves placing the box with “hatched” seeds on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 15 days and keeping it at a temperature of 0 ºC. Evidence that the seeds are ready for sowing will be the darkened tips of their roots.

If you still decide to abandon vernalization, then before sowing the seeds will still need to be germinated. To do this, they are kept in water for about one duck, and then wrapped in wet cloth and kept warm. With this cultivation, seedlings should appear within 5-6 days.

We are preparing beds for artichokes: what soil and what fertilizers does the plant need?

Externally, artichokes have some similarities with weeds, in particular with thistles. But still, he is cultivated plant, and therefore, it will not develop and bear fruit anywhere.

In particular, on depleted soils and in shaded places, the plant may not even bloom, as a result of which there is no need to even talk about the harvest. For this reason, for planting artichokes you should choose a very cozy and well-lit place with a high level of soil fertility.

Also, it is important to take into account such soil characteristics as looseness, lightness and good ability let moisture pass through.

Direct soil preparation will consist of digging a hole and contribute into her large number fertilizers of various types.

We make the depth of the hole approximately 60 centimeters, and the width - 1 meter. Next, fill it with ingredients in the following order:

  1. A 10-centimeter layer of expanded clay/clay shards/pebbles/sintepon is laid on the bottom, which will subsequently serve as drainage.
  2. Pour a soil mixture of 3 parts of soil taken from your garden, 3 parts of regular sand, 3 parts of humus and 1 part of peat over the drainage.

A hole prepared by this type is well suited not only for planting seeds, but also for growing artichokes using root branches, that is, seedlings. Before planting, the soil in the hole should also be slightly moistened.

We grow seedlings from artichoke seeds: the main aspects of sowing

Timing and other features of sowing artichokes

Seedlings should be sown very early so that when the time is right for planting seedlings in open ground, they can develop well and get stronger. The most ideal time for this is the very beginning of spring - the first half of March.

It is better to sow them in wooden boxes, into which a special earth mixture from deciduous soil, humus and sand taken in equal quantities. In order for the seeds to germinate better from the ground, this soil in the box must also be kept constantly moist.

Until the very first shoots appear, boxes with seeds sown in them are kept in a greenhouse, greenhouse, or directly in an apartment or house, observing temperature regime not lower than +18-20ºС.

Slightly grown plants on which the first one has time to appear real leaf(usually this happens after 10-15 days), you can dive. The trick is that each plant should be transplanted into a separate container. It is for this reason that the seed sowing scheme does not matter, since the seedlings are still replanted in the future.

When diving, you should take into account the fact that artichoke seedlings are quite large in size, so you need to choose a large container for them. Ideal option– peat-purulent pots, with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.

In order to influence the formation of a powerful root system in the future artichoke bush, when picking, you need to pinch off the tip of the root. However, do not overdo it so as not to harm the plants.

What care should be given to artichoke seedlings?

Artichoke seedlings do not require much attention after picking. It usually takes root well, so there is no need to replace plants. The only thing is that the soil in the pots must be constantly moistened and weeds must not be allowed to form in it.

But besides this, it is very important feed the plants. In particular, already after 2 weeks from the date of picking, the soil with seedlings is fertilized with mullein.

To do this, the fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. After another two weeks, the artichoke seedlings are fed again, but this time you should use not organic matter, but mineral fertilizers.

Also, in order for the seedlings to be as well prepared as possible for growth in open ground, already from the first May days need to harden it.

To do this, cups with seedlings should be taken outside during the daytime so that the plants not only adapt to real air temperatures, but also to bright sunlight.

You can start planting seedlings in open ground as early as mid-May, if, of course, the air temperature outside has managed to become sufficiently warm and stable.

Artichoke seedlings and rules for planting them in open ground

When can artichokes be planted in garden beds?

We have already mentioned above that planting artichoke seedlings can begin in mid-May. However, it is best to focus on the climatic features of your region, since even in mid-May, frosts are often observed in areas located at Moscow latitude and above it.

Thus, planting may take a long time until the summer, so you will have to tinker with the seedlings for quite a long time and troublesome time. It will also need to continue to be taken outside for hardening, to provide support for growth.

However, you can risk planting it in open ground, but always cover the plants at night with film. Sometimes special wire arches are installed over the bed, over which it is convenient to pull protective film without causing damage to the plants themselves.

Which planting scheme is more beneficial for artichoke seedlings?

The scheme for planting seedlings of the described plant directly depends on the size it reaches in adulthood. We have already mentioned that its height can even reach 2 meters, while the vegetative mass also accumulates impressive. Based on all of the above, it is recommended to plant artichoke seedlings using the square-cluster method.

It consists in leaving equal space between the rows and plants, which in the case of artichokes reaches 70 centimeters (that is, a 70x70 pattern). In one nest, that is, a hole for seedlings, two plants are planted.

We have already written about how to prepare artichoke holes, but let us also mention that It’s not worth planting seedlings very deep into the ground. The root system of this plant is quite developed, so it can hold on tightly, even without requiring hilling.

Artichokes in your beds and caring for them: what is important to consider and what should not be forgotten?

Do artichoke bushes need to be watered and how often should this be done?

The soil in which artichokes grow needs to be moistened regularly and abundantly.

Watering as often as possible - only 2 times a week, but you can add about 5 liters of water at a time.

The larger the plant becomes, the more moisture it needs. However, overdoing it too much can also be dangerous, especially if the soil does not absorb moisture well or groundwater comes very close to the surface of the earth.

Also, it is very important to focus on the amount of natural precipitation and its regularity. In general, do not allow the soil to become too dry and you will achieve good results in growing artichokes.

Loosening the soil around artichokes and removing weeds

The next day, after each watering of the plants, the soil around them must be loosened. This is done so that a crust does not form on its surface, preventing the penetration of air.

Also, it is important to constantly weed the beds with artichokes from various weeds, which pose a particular danger at the very beginning of plant growth.

It is necessary to fertilize this plant, since it responds best to them. At the same time, good result Both organic and mineral fertilizers are shown.

But, in addition to the usual root feeding of artichokes using cow manure or mineral fertilizers, which are usually carried out every 15 days, it is important to carry out foliar feeding.

Their essence is that the plants are sprayed with special solutions, which include:

  • Potassium chloride (10 grams).
  • Wood ash (10 grams).
  • Superphosphate (25 grams).

The frequency of such spraying should not be too high; once a month will be enough. Their great advantage is that in this way not only the level of microelements in the plant increases, but it is also prevented from being damaged by aphids and butterflies.

Cover the plant for the winter - save it until next year

After harvesting, the autumn wilting of the plant and the arrival of the first cold weather, the above-ground part of the artichoke bush is completely cut off. To prevent damage to the roots of the plant from frost, the soil along the diameter of the rhizome should be covered with fallen leaves or straw.

Also, in winter, you can specially add more snow to the beds, which will retain heat in the soil.

Harvesting artichokes: how to determine the required ripeness?

If you used vernalization to grow artichokes, then you can harvest the crop already in the first year, although under natural conditions this happens only in the second. In particular, you yourself will notice that flower stalks have appeared among the drooping, spiny leaves of this plant.

The first artichokes will be suitable for consumption after 2 weeks. This is evidenced by the slightly opened top in their upper part.

The big difficulty in collecting artichokes is that the flowers bloom at the same time, so determine the maturity of each of them separately, and also cut them separately from the bush. To obtain larger artichokes, it is recommended to leave only 2-3 peduncles with 3-4 baskets on each plant.

Also, under no circumstances the plant must not be allowed to fully bloom, since in this state the artichoke heads become very coarse and become unsuitable for consumption.

So, if at the very top of the artichoke you see little blue petals, then you can consider this vegetable unsuitable for consumption.

Artichokes collected from the bush can be stored for quite a long period of time, which is very important advantage. In particular, if the described vegetables are kept at a temperature from 0 to +1ºС, then as a result they can be enjoyed for another 2-3 months.

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All summer residents are concerned about the question of how to grow healthy seedlings. early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven method of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

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The artichoke is not often seen on personal plots, because it still refers more to exotic crops. Despite its popularity in southern latitudes and most European countries, only a few agricultural firms and a few amateur gardeners grow it. Meanwhile, this plant deserves attention. Artichoke is different decorative look, its edible parts have a very pleasant taste and contain a lot of useful substances, and growing it from seeds is not at all difficult.

Artichoke belongs to vegetable plants, but at the same time it is a close relative of the ordinary thistle. This perennial is distinguished by a powerful tap root, a large rosette of wide, spiny leaves of a bluish-green color and round, scaly flowers. At favorable conditions The artichoke reaches a height of 1.5-2 m and occupies an area of ​​at least a meter in diameter.

Only unripe receptacles and juicy thick petioles can be used for food. The edible pulp has a nutty, delicate taste and contains inulin, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbohydrates, organic acids and vitamins. The outer scales of the inflorescence also contain essential oils, giving dishes a unique aroma.

The growing season of the artichoke lasts 180-200 days, and in the central zone it is grown only through seedlings. When cultivated annually, the plant bears little fruit; some varieties do not bloom at all in the first year, so it is not advisable to grow artichokes in cold regions. This culture is very thermophilic; for normal development it requires a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees.

Artichoke seedlings can tolerate short-term frosts down to minus 3°C, while the inflorescences die at minus 1°C. The above-ground part of the plants dies off every autumn, and root system Withstands only short frosts of about 10°C.

In the southern regions, the artichoke overwinters well and can grow in one place for 12-14 years with proper care. Frequent thaws in winter and waterlogging of the soil can become a problem - in such conditions the roots completely dry out. A severe frosts in spring they are dangerous for young shoots that are just emerging at the roots. But right choice places and the use of covering materials makes it possible to protect plants from the negative effects of weather conditions.

There are a lot of types of artichoke, about 40 of them are considered edible, but only 10 are truly valuable. The most popular among vegetable growers are the prickly artichoke and the Spanish artichoke. Each species has several varieties for various periods maturation.

NameBrief description

short early variety. The height of the bush is about 70 cm, forms 10-12 inflorescences weighing up to 100 g, purple in color

Tall, mid-season variety. The height of the bushes reaches 2 m, forms up to 15 inflorescences weighing 90 g

The most popular variety, bearing fruit in the year of planting. The height of the bush is about a meter, produces 10-12 peduncles weighing 70-110 g

Mid-season, bush height 1.3 m. Forms up to 15 inflorescences weighing 70-90 g

Artichoke uses

The artichoke has been eaten for hundreds of years, although in some countries it is considered a weed. For a long time it was grown as ornamental plant. Nowadays the artichoke is valued not only for its decorativeness and taste, but also for its medicinal properties In addition, it is used as an oilseed and fodder crop.

The artichoke is most widely used in cooking: it is served as a side dish, as an independent dish, in salads, appetizers and even desserts. It is tasty both cold and hot, goes well with other foods, and is often eaten raw. The method of preparation largely depends on the stage of ripening of the inflorescences. In some Asian countries, inedible parts of the plant are also used: healing artichoke tea is brewed from the roots, stems and leaves.

Medicinal extracts, tinctures and decoctions are made from artichokes, providing healing effect at diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver diseases, alkaloid poisoning, atherosclerosis and other ailments. Such drugs have almost no contraindications and are successfully used in folk medicine. In addition, artichoke is considered a dietary vegetable, therefore it is recommended for obesity and certain diseases of the digestive system.

Unblown artichoke inflorescences look like green round cones and look very original in flower arrangements. Florists actively use this, especially when decorating celebrations and composing wedding bouquets. Artichoke plants are also in demand in the garden landscape. With the help of big decorative bushes with bright purple inflorescences can be given suburban area original look, make an impenetrable hedge.

The artichoke is also useful on the farm: its lush, juicy greens are eaten with pleasure by livestock, and the large seeds, containing a lot of oil, are used as feed for chickens and other poultry. In addition, this is a honey plant and can be planted near the apiary.

Growing from seeds

Sowing seedlings

One bag contains about 15 seeds, which is quite enough for the first time. You should not immediately purchase several varieties if you have never had to deal with such a plant. Sowing begins in early March, and the seeds are prepared 1-3 weeks before, around mid-February.

Step 1. Seeds are poured with settled water room temperature and leave for 10-12 hours. The swollen seeds are laid out on a wet cloth, wrapped, covered with film on top so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly, and placed in a warm place for about 5 days until they hatch.

After this, the bundle can be placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for another two weeks. This is not a necessary condition, but temporarily cooling the seeds increases the chances of flowering and fruiting of the bush in the year of planting.

Step 2. Prepare containers for sowing. The best soil for artichokes is a mixture of turf soil, sifted sand and humus. All components are taken in equal proportions, mixed well and moistened. When filling the boxes with earth, be sure to pour drainage into the bottom.

Step 3. In the boxes, grooves up to 1-1.5 cm deep are formed and seeds are laid out along them at intervals of about 3-4 cm. Since the seeds are quite large, this will not be difficult to do, the main thing is not to damage the sprouts, which at the time of sowing reach a length of 0 .7-1 cm.

Step 4. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm thick, moistened again with a spray bottle and placed on the windowsill. There is no need to cover the boxes with film or glass, just make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Within a few days the sprouts will appear from the ground, and after 12 days their first true leaf will form. During this period, it is advisable to reduce the temperature to 15 degrees and provide the seedlings with lighting so that they do not stretch out. Watering should be done very sparingly; excess moisture will only harm delicate plants.

Picking and caring for seedlings

If the artichoke seeds were sown in a common box, the plants must be picked. Before planting in open ground, they will grow greatly, they will become cramped in the box, the seedlings will stretch out and weaken. For the same reason, the containers for picking should be quite spacious. It is best to use 0.5 liter peat pots.

Step 1. The pots are filled with a mixture of earth, humus and sand, a depression is made in the center and watered.

Step 2. The seedlings are also watered, and then the plants are carefully removed one at a time and the tip of the central root is pinched. This promotes the growth of rhizomes in an adult artichoke.

Step 3. The seedlings are planted in separate pots, watered, and placed in a bright, warm place.

Two weeks after planting, the artichoke is fed with mullein infusion, diluted in a ratio of 1:10. After another two weeks, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out. During this same period, you can begin to harden the plants by taking them out into the open air for a couple of hours. This should be done on warm, windless days. Gradually, the time spent outside is increased to 10 hours, covering the plants from rain and direct sun rays. Watering should be done moderately, not allowing the soil in the pots to dry out.

Planting in open ground

A lot depends on the choice of location for the artichoke. In the shade, lowlands, and on dense soils, the plant stops growing and does not bloom. Areas exposed to northern winds are also not suitable for him, and where high level groundwater, the bushes may even die. Artichoke roots penetrate very deeply, and with excess moisture they begin to rot. Optimal place for planting is a southern slope, with breathable, fertilized soil. Artichoke beds should be located away from tall fences, trees or dense hedges.

Young plants can be planted in rows in the garden bed or in separate planting pits, depending on the purpose of cultivation. Optimal timing– mid-May.

Option 1. If the artichoke is grown only for food and animal feed, choose a plot in the garden. The earth is dug deeply, humus (10 kg/m2), superphosphate (200 g) and potassium sulfate (40 g) are added. Form ridges up to 20 cm high at a distance of 1 m from each other. Leave at least 80 cm between plants in a row. After planting, the artichoke is watered and the beds are mulched with dry grass or straw.

Option 2. If the artichoke is planned to be grown in decorative purposes, a place for it is selected that is clearly visible and has a convenient approach, for example, along the driveway, on the lawn in front of the house, in an open area in the garden. Dig planting holes about half a meter deep and 70-80 cm in diameter, fill them with turf soil in half with compost. There should be a distance of 1.2-1.5 m between the pits. Plants are planted together with peat pots, water, the soil surface is mulched with grass.

Plant care

When the artichoke adapts and begins to form new leaves, fertilize with slurry. After 2 weeks, complex mineral fertilizers are used, and so on until the end of the growing season. Water abundantly, but not frequently, so as not to over-moisten the soil. In the first 3 weeks it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds, then the leaves will grow and nothing will grow under them. If aphids appear on the plants, you need to treat the leaves with a solution wood ash with the addition of potassium chloride.

Advice! If you want to get large peduncles, during the formation of peduncles, remove about a third of them in the lower part of the bush. Leave the top 3-4 peduncles with three baskets.

The artichoke begins to bloom in August-September, depending on the variety. After flowering, watering is gradually reduced, preparing the plants for winter. If you plan to harvest the seeds yourself, leave 2-3 inflorescences on the bush and let them ripen completely. Before the onset of cold weather, you need to cut off the central stem, remove the bulk of the leaves and fill the bed with a layer of peat or soil 20 cm thick. Cover the top with fallen leaves or straw.

How to harvest

In the absence of experience, it is quite difficult to immediately determine when the inflorescences are ready for cutting. Overripe baskets are unsuitable for food, while unripe ones can be eaten, but they do not yet have a rich taste. As a rule, inflorescences can be collected two weeks after they form at the ends of the stems. Since the formation of peduncles occurs unevenly, the collection is carried out in stages, removing each artichoke separately.

Advice! The main sign of artichoke ripeness is the mobility of the upper scales. They move slightly apart and bend outward, and the peduncle cone itself creaks when pressed.

The cones must be cut along with a part of the stem, approximately 3-4 cm long. You can store them in fresh within a month, placed on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. Artichoke fruits are also frozen, salted, pickled for long-term storage. But the most delicious and healthy ones are, of course, freshly picked ones.

Video - Artichoke: growing from seeds

The artichoke is not very attractive in appearance, and is not yet so common in our areas, but gradually this plant is gaining its popularity. And the composition of the plant, rich in vitamins and nutrients, plays a significant role in this. Recipes for dishes with it are increasingly used in cooking, and cosmetic recipes appear in the collections of many beauties.

Description of the plant

Many people classify this product as a vegetable crop, but it rather resembles an unopened flower. More precisely, what is eaten and sold in the store is an artichoke flower. This is perennial herbaceous plant families Asteraceae.

  • The root of the plant is thick, long and strong. The stem is branched, dark green. The leaves are large, petiolate, pubescent below.
  • The flowers are collected in large inflorescences-baskets at the top of the stem and can be blue or dark purple. Around each inflorescence there is a so-called involucre, which includes many scales, shaped like tiles.
  • The fruit of the plant is an achene with many oblong seeds.
  • The artichoke propagates by seeds, as well as by layering and root suckers.

The beneficial properties of the plant have ensured its use in cooking, cosmetology, and medicine.

Planting an artichoke

This large plant can reach two meters in height. Seeds are most often used for propagation. Root layering almost impossible to get. But the seeds also do their job perfectly.

A secluded corner of the plot is not a place to plant an artichoke. It is necessary to produce some preparatory work before boarding:

  • Even in the fall, in the place where you plan to plant the plant, you need to dig a hole (60-70 cm deep, and a meter or a little more wide).
  • The bottom of this pit must be lined with drainage (expanded clay, pebbles or gravel).
  • The hole is filled with earth mixture (peat, sand, garden soil, humus).


Let's consider the propagation method when seeds are used.

  • It is recommended to begin vernalization of seeds in February, in the first half. To do this, you need to place a sowing box on wet sand.
  • They will remain in this position for about 10 days (at least six). Temperature range – 22-25 degrees.
  • When the pecking stage has passed, the box should be placed in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf. There it is aged for 15 days.
  • When the tips of the roots have darkened, the seeds can be sown. And the seeds are usually sown in early March in boxes for planting. An earth mixture is used, where equal parts humus, sand and earth are present.
  • The seedlings will be picked in 12-15 days, as soon as a real leaf appears. When picking, the end of the root is pinched off - this is necessary for the formation of a powerful root system.

Artichoke care

It's quite simple:

  • abundant watering;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal;
  • feeding

As a top dressing, you can spray with the following solution: 10 g of wood ash and potassium chloride, 20 g of superphosphate. Spraying once a month is sufficient for feeding. It also protects against butterflies and aphids.

How to grow an artichoke. Care methods (video)

Useful properties of the culture

This plant can truly boast of how diverse its medicinal, cosmetic and gastronomic properties are. Here are just the main ones: most use artichoke extract:

  • It is a diuretic, choleretic, cleansing and hypoglycemic agent.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the product are quite effective.
  • The plant is an excellent way to increase appetite.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Artichoke extract is a powerful hepatoprotector (it removes toxins and even some salts heavy metals).
  • The same extract also helps with constipation.
  • Artichoke improves metabolism.
  • The plant is also effective in the fight against edema.
  • Used for stomatitis (the decoction is used for rinsing).
  • Beauty recipes are also not complete without this plant: artichoke extract improves body odor, helps get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth, and many recipes for anti-cellulite products include the same extract.
  • The use of the plant in medicine is also noted by the fact that the properties of the artichoke also help with some forms of psoriasis and eczema.

Artichoke extract is often used in preparation for surgery and during the rehabilitation period in patients who have undergone kidney or liver surgery.

Use in cooking

For some, its taste resembles asparagus, for others - sweet zucchini, for others - pickled cucumber. The best way to discover the taste properties of the plant is to try the following recipes.

With garlic

2 plant cones, three cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt and seasonings.

Artichokes are washed, cleaned of all long leaves, and thin slices of garlic are inserted between the leaves of the cone and oil is added. 20 minutes steamed - delicious and healthy dish ready.

In a microwave oven

4 heads of plant, 4 cloves of garlic, 2.0-2.5 cups of vegetable broth, half a glass of wine, vegetable oil, greens, salt.

The chopped artichoke is fried in a heated frying pan along with garlic. Then add the wine that needs to be evaporated. Then - greens, broth; The dish is stewed for about ten minutes. Remove the lid and cook for another five minutes adding seasonings.

Artichoke tea recipes

Pour water over the dry leaves of the plant and leave for about half an hour. Filtered tea can be drunk twice a day before meals. To remove bitterness, honey is added.

Recipes for dishes with artichoke: these include salads, vegetable side dishes, dishes that highlight meat, and pickled flowers (their recipes are very simple and unusual in taste).

Artichoke – conditional new product in domestic cooking, an excellent healing agent, a wonderful vegetable-flower that is easy to grow. It will decorate the area, and then will be an excellent component in a salad or stewed vegetables straight from the garden.

Artichoke recipe (video)

The artichoke, with its unusual appearance, is similar to the thistle, with which it actually has a close relationship. Thistles have smaller inflorescences and are red with a hint of purple. At the same time, the artichoke has more inflorescences large size(about 20 cm), which have a blue-purple color. The vegetable also has large carved leaves that attract attention.

Artichoke rosettes are edible and very tasty; they are considered a delicacy and are endowed with medicinal properties. The unripe fleshy receptacle and the base of the inflorescence scales are taken for food. In this article we will tell you how to grow this beautiful and extremely healthy vegetable at home.

How to grow an artichoke from seeds at home

For climatic conditions middle zone Russia is suitable for growing artichokes seedling method, and for the southern regions you can try without seedling method. Artichokes are best planted on southern slopes to protect the plant from strong northern winds (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External features of culture

Neutral light soils are suitable for this vegetable crop. IN autumn period the soil must be dug to the depth of a spade bayonet. Artichoke responds well to organic and mineral fertilizers (manure, compost, double superphosphate, potash fertilizers, wood ash). The crop can be planted after legumes, cabbage, potatoes and root vegetables. It is not recommended to plant in beds where there were Jerusalem artichokes or salads before.


Seedlings need to be grown for 35 days before planting. To obtain seedlings, you must first soak the seeds for 10 hours, after which they must be germinated at a temperature of 25 degrees. With the appearance of the first sprouts, the seeds should be moved to the bottom shelf in the refrigerator for 25 days (Figure 2).

Note: Such manipulations with temperature conditions are done in order to guarantee flowering and subsequently seeds.

With the appearance of sprouts, it’s time to plant them in containers. The soil mixture can be prepared by mixing river sand, turf soil and humus. You need to grow seedlings at a temperature of +25 degrees, and after the first true leaves appear, lower the temperature to +12, which will prevent the plant from stretching out and deteriorating. Once all plants have reached a strong state, you can begin to pick them.

Before directly planting seedlings in the beds, they need to be hardened off. For example, you can take it out onto the terrace or balcony for a short period of time, and gradually increase the time outdoors.

Figure 2. Preparing seeds for sowing

When the seedlings have reached the age of 60 days and have 4 true leaves, this indicates they are ready for planting in the ground. For seedlings, it is necessary to make beds about 20 cm high so that the soil warms up better. Before planting, add humus to the holes, which must be mixed with the fertile layer of soil. There should be a distance of about 45 cm between plants in a row, and about 80 cm between rows. After planting the seedlings, they need to be watered thoroughly.

Rules of care

After planting, plants must be watered, especially during the rooting period. During the period when inflorescences appear, watering must be reduced. Planting artichokes can be compacted with mustard or lettuce, which quickly fade and do not interfere with the culture later.

It is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers and water with slurry at intervals of 15 days after planting is completed. Loosen the soil and remove weeds regularly. To obtain large heads, it is necessary to leave no more than three peduncles with 4 baskets on the plant.

Growing conditions

This vegetable crop can be propagated in several ways - by seeds and root layering. Propagation of crops by seeds is used in practice much more often, since seed material can be purchased at any gardening store.

It is problematic to buy artichoke cuttings, since our nurseries do not yet practice this method of growing seedlings:

  1. Growing artichoke seedlings: Before planting, the seeds need to be soaked for a day in water at room temperature, and then placed in a wet cloth so that they germinate (about 5-6 days). Sowing seeds in wooden boxes occurs with the onset of spring (early to mid-March). The soil substrate should consist of equal amounts of sand, humus and deciduous soil. Moistening the soil substrate must be carried out regularly, but watering should be moderate, avoiding stagnation of moisture or drying out. After 12-14 days, when the seedlings have formed their first true leaf, the period of planting the plants into peat pots with a volume of at least 0.5 liters begins. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to pinch the tip of the young root of each plant, which is necessary for the formation of a good rhizome. Caring for seedlings consists of feeding and watering. Fertilizers need to be applied twice: two weeks after the picking is completed with a solution of mullein (1:10) and repeated after 14 days with a complex mineral composition. You can start hardening off the seedlings in late April early May, and by the end of the month the seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground (planted at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other).
  2. Reproduction by root layering: At the age of two years, the artichoke is able to form young shoots around its root, which can develop into a full-fledged plant if they are properly separated and grown. Separation of the shoot from the mother bush can be carried out when at least three full-fledged leaves are formed on it. The separation procedure must be done very carefully, since the base of the shoot is very deep and you can harm the mother bush or the root shoot itself. Upon completion of separation, the shoot can be transplanted into the soil for permanent place.

At home, you can use any of these growing methods, as they are equally effective.

Artichoke varieties (description, features and care)

In the world of vegetable crops, the artichoke is represented by more than 140 species, of which only 40 have nutritional value and edible. Varieties of vegetable crops are divided according to ripening periods: early, medium, late. The following varieties are common in our country:

  • Early - purple early, May 41.
  • Average - gourmet, sultan, handsome.
  • Late - Laonian, Maikop tall, large green.

The handsome variety is grown as annual plant. The remaining varieties of artichoke are perennial and have a fairly large shape, and the height of adult specimens can reach 2 meters. To plant a crop, you need a large and well-lit area that will be protected from strong winds. This type of vegetable is very demanding on soil fertility, lighting and watering. The area for planting artichokes should be fertile and rich in organic matter, well lit and watered.

Artichoke Handsome: planting and care

Artichoke is a dietary vegetable that is easily digestible and its processed products are recommended to be taken as a starch substitute for diabetes. The plant is very thermophilic and does not tolerate strong winds. The ripening of the fruits of the crop occurs on days 160-165 from the moment of emergence (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Variety Krasauvets

The plant has large leaves with pinnately dissected jagged edges of a grayish-green hue. Large green inflorescences with tightly compressed scales. In the first year of life, up to 6 inflorescences are formed, in the second up to 12. The weight of each inflorescence can reach 120 grams. You can eat the fleshy receptacle of unripe inflorescences (heads) when they begin to open at the top. You can also take other parts of the inflorescence for food, but you need to remove the spines up and the hard core.

The main activities for growing the Krasaviets variety include:

  1. Sowing: Preparation of seedlings begins 1.5-2 months before planting in a permanent place. The seeds are soaked in warm water for one day and then leave them in a wet napkin so that they germinate. When the length of the sprouts reaches 10 -15 mm, they are sown in separate containers (pots). Optimal temperature for growing seedlings is 15-20 degrees. The formation of the first true leaf indicates that you need to start picking the plant. When the seedlings develop 3-4 leaves (mid-to-late May) and there is warm weather, then the hardened seedlings can be planted in a permanent place in the ground. It is recommended to plant seedlings 5 ​​cm deeper than they were in the pot. After planting, the plant needs to be watered regularly.
  2. Care: The main care for artichokes consists of periodic weeding and loosening. During cold nights, the crop beds should be covered with film or agril. During dry periods, moisturizing is carried out in small doses. When planting a plant on infertile soil, it is fed complex fertilizers 3-4 times per season. To obtain larger heads, it is necessary to leave no more than 4 flowering stems on each bush, but this can be done when the crop is fully developed.

Artichokes can be harvested before the first frost. The collected vegetables should be stored in a cool place for up to 4 weeks. For example, in the southern regions, this vegetable is left in the soil for the winter, namely, the stems are cut off and the lower leaves are left untouched so that they dry out a little, hilled up, and sprinkled with ash. In the middle latitudes of Russia, it is recommended to cover the plant for the winter, first with brushwood and loose materials, and then with covering material.

Petiole artichoke White Giant: cultivation

This variety of artichoke is found wild in North Africa and Southern Europe. The vegetable has spread throughout Europe and is widespread in southern countries(France, Italy) and England, where it is used as an autumn and winter vegetable (Figure 4).

Externally, the petiole variety White Giant is very similar to the artichoke, but is distinguished by developed roots and stronger growth.

Figure 4. Petiole variety White Giant

In order to eat a vegetable in winter period, it must be sown in the spring in the warmed soil in an ordinary way, in a row with nests of three seeds per hole to a depth of 3-4 cm. With the appearance of the first shoots, it will be necessary to thin out and leave one plant in the nest. There should be a distance of 70-90 cm between the rows, and 40-50 cm between the artichokes in the row. Using the seedling method, you can achieve harvesting in late summer and autumn, but this requires 50-55 day old seedlings.

In the autumn, the artichoke is bleached, cleaned of dryish lower leaves and cut off small leaves without thick roots. Later, the remaining leaves dry out from the dew and are tied into a bundle using straw or thick cardboard and covered with soil. If the roots will be stored in winter, there is no need to bleach them, since they will bleach themselves in a dark storage.

For food, they take exclusively the fleshy petioles of the leaves and eat them as a salad vegetable, raw or boiled (like asparagus).

Variety Gourmet: cultivation

The Gourmet variety of artichoke is one of the most appetizing types of this vegetable. The inflorescences and fruits of the culture are similar to the flowers of thistle, but have nothing in common with it. The baskets of the plant are spherical in shape with a diameter of up to 11 cm; they are edible and have good taste and healing qualities. The fruits can reach a weight of 90 g (Figure 5). This variety of artichoke has a pleasant nutty taste and its fruits are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes (boiled, fresh, canned), and are also used in decorating flower bouquets.

Figure 5. Representatives of the Gourmet species

The Gourmet variety is grown by seedlings. For the seedling method, the seeds are placed in water for one day and kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. After the expiration date, the seeds are wrapped in damp gauze and placed in a container for 5-6 days, until the first shoots appear. The hatched seeds must be sown in containers and grown at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, and with the formation of the first leaf, the seedlings dive. Seedlings can be planted in a permanent place after the end of the period of return frosts.

The culture loves warmth and good lighting, as well as fertile and cultivated soil.

Artichoke Sultan: cultivation

Artichoke variety Sultan is a mid-season plant. Fruit ripening occurs 120-130 days after the appearance of full shoots. The height of the plant can reach a height of 2 meters. The plant has large leaves pinnately dissected shape with green tint. The inflorescences consist of spherical baskets with a diameter of 10-25 cm, of which there can be 5-7 pieces on a plant and their weight reaches about 70-90 grams (Figure 6).

Figure 6. External features of the Sultan variety

You need to cut the baskets with a part of the peduncle 3-5 cm long and begin to do this before flowering begins, when the scales of the upper part of the plant wrapper begin to diverge. The average yield is about 10 baskets per 1 sq. m.

This variety of artichoke is rich in vitamins and is a delicious crop. It is recommended to eat the fleshy receptacle (the bottom of the inflorescences) and the bases of the outer scales of the inflorescence involucre in fresh, boiled and canned form.

Grow artichokes in the garden

You need to start sowing artichoke seeds in early February. To do this, you need to place them in damp sawdust until sprouts appear, and then the seeds are placed in the refrigerator for two weeks for vernalization (you need to cover them with film so they don’t dry out). Then the seed must be planted in separate containers. With the onset of mid-May, plants can be planted in a greenhouse, which will allow the first harvest to be collected in July (Figure 7).

When choosing a place in the garden for a crop, give preference to a dry, sunny and wind-protected area. Soil preparation begins in the autumn with digging with a shovel and fertilizing the ground with humus (1 bucket per 1 sq. m.). With the onset of spring, two weeks before planting the seedlings, you need to dig up the area again and apply complex mineral fertilizers (100 g per 1 sq. m.).

Figure 7. Growing and caring for crops in the garden

When planting seedlings in the ground, you can add one shovel of rotted manure and a handful of wood ash to the holes. For summer period plants are fed 4 times with mullein (1:10).


While growing a crop, it should be watered abundantly and a number of manipulations should be carried out:

  • Loosen the soil;
  • Remove weeds;
  • Carry out treatments against harmful insects.

To obtain large inflorescences, it is necessary, when the vegetable has grown halfway, to pierce the stems under it using toothpicks.

How to grow an artichoke on a windowsill

This vegetable crop can be grown from seeds or shoots. Seeds purchased in a store cost mandatory soak for 6-8 hours. For planting, shoots with a length of at least 15 cm are selected, since shorter ones may not survive. Artichokes begin to be planted as soon as the weather warms up. The plant has strong immunity to various diseases (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Growing a vegetable on a windowsill
  1. One plant needs a large container, at least 50 cm deep and about 100 cm in diameter.
  2. Provide good drainage, as the root system is easily susceptible to rot.
  3. The soil must contain at least one part of sand. It is recommended to select nitrogen-rich soil mixtures.
  4. You can prepare fertilizers yourself (mix humus and soil mixture a few days before planting the seeds) or use packaged fertilizers.
  5. Provide sufficient area for plants, as the height of an adult plant reaches one meter.

From the video you will learn even more useful recommendations for growing this unusual crop in open ground.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs