Planting delphinium in spring. How to grow good seedlings of annual delphinium - advice from gardeners

Delphinium perennial - beautiful tall growing perennial flower with flowers blue, a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage. It is believed that it got its name from the resemblance of an unopened flower to the head of a dolphin.

In flower beds it is placed in the background, it grows well near the house, country houses, sheds, greenhouses and fences. Delphinium flowers love open, sunny, windless places, but at the same time they can get burned during hot hours, so they need to be planted where there is at least occasional partial shade.

Perennial delphinium bushes need to be renewed every 3 - 4 years, since they die in damp and prolonged autumn. The method of propagation is either dividing the bush or growing from seeds. We will tell you how to grow delphinium from seeds.

When to plant delphinium seedlings

You can sow delphinium at different times:

  • in the fall, immediately after collecting flower seeds;
  • before winter in open ground after the soil freezes;
  • for growing at home, delphinium seedlings can be planted in the second half of February and this is the most optimal time to plant delphinium seeds.

Preparing delphinium seeds for sowing seedlings

Before planting flowers, it is necessary to first carry out special preparation of the seeds for planting. It is necessary to treat the seeds in order to disinfect them. To do this, you can sew a small bag of gauze yourself, or you can take old unnecessary women's tights and cut off the lower part of them, which will act as a bag. Place the seeds that you are going to sow into the resulting bag.

Now it’s time to start preparing a special solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, you will need a small amount of water, to which you need to add a small amount of manganese. As a result, we should get a weak pink solution. Mix everything thoroughly.

Once the disinfection solution has been obtained, you can proceed directly to the disinfection process itself. To do this, the bag of seeds must be placed in the solution. The soaking period in the solution should be about 20 minutes. If there is no manganese to prepare a solution for disinfection, it can be replaced with any similar agent that is aimed at completely destroying bacteria on the surface of the seeds.

Preparing the soil and planting delphinium seedlings

Growing perennial delphinium from seeds requires preliminary preparation of the soil for planting. Suitable soil for planting is found in every garden. In order for the seeds to receive a sufficient amount of useful substances, it is recommended to mix the taken amount of soil with peat, as well as humus. It is best to take all components at a ratio of 1 to 1. It is also recommended to additionally add to the mixture a certain amount perlite. And it is very desirable to do this. The fact is that due to the presence of perlite in the planting mixture, the soil will have a looser structure. In addition, this will allow you to retain the right amount of moisture in the soil.

Mixing different components into one is not the most important part of soil preparation. It is necessary to carry out a soil steaming procedure. This procedure will eliminate and neutralize all the weeds and fungi that are probably present in every soil. This is done using a steam bath. After this, the soil is considered safe to plant seeds in.

Delphinium from seeds, planting and care

Let's look at how to plant delphinium with seeds - spread the flower seeds evenly over the prepared soil. If you are using granular seeds or a small amount of seeds, spread them out with tweezers. Labels with the names of delphinium varieties will help you avoid confusion in growing delphinium from seeds.

Sprinkle the sown seeds with soil on top, about 3 mm. Compact the delphinium sowing with seeds - pat the soil with your palm so that they do not float up when watering. Spray the plantings evenly warm water from a spray bottle and cover the crops.

Since delphinium grows better in the dark, there are two ways to cover delphinium seedlings:

  • black film or covering material;
  • with an ordinary plastic bag and place in a dark place until the first shoots.

Seeds do not need high temperatures to germinate; +10 degrees is enough. Sometimes when high temperature, +20 seedlings may die. Plants respond well to cold, so for hardening when growing seeds you can alternate temperature regime- cold / warm.

Seeds germinate 7-10 days after planting. Don't miss this time - you will need to remove the coating on top.

To grow delphinium, with the appearance of real leaves, plantings need to be planted.

Picking perennial delphinium from seeds.

The soil for picking can be taken the same as for planting with the addition of 1 spoon of complex mineral fertilizer. Mix the soil with fertilizers and place in small pots. Water the soil and make a small hole in it.

Using a small spatula or popsicle stick, carefully remove the seedlings from the large seedling box and transplant them into the prepared holes. Sprinkle the roots of the seedlings with soil without deepening the root collar.

After transplanting, you need to water the flowers carefully so that the roots are not exposed; if the roots are exposed, then sprinkle them with earth.

When the flower seedlings become stronger, they can be hardened off in the fresh air, and after about 2 weeks of hardening, they can be planted in a flowerbed in the garden.

Flowerbeds with delphiniums.

An excellent scheme for planting a flower bed with delphiniums of different varieties and shades in combination with medium-sized flowers, such as garden chamomile, lilies, spherical onion. Plant each group of flowers in groups of 2 - 5 plants. By the way, delphinium flowers can bloom a second time if, after the end of the first flowering, they are cut off and fed with fertilizers.

Scheme of a flower bed with delphiniums.

This flower bed is for a sunny spot on a 1.5 x 1 m area.

Names of flowers for planting in a flower bed with delphiniums:

  • light blue delphinium “Morgentau” - 1 pc.;
  • dark purple wrinkled polygonum, or Korean mint “Black Adder” - 2 pcs.;
  • pink phlox paniculata “Landhochzeit” - 2 pcs.;
  • blue meadow geranium “Brookside” - 2 pcs.;
  • white small-petalled “Sommerneuschnee” - 3 pcs.;
  • Endressa pink geranium - 4 pcs.

A flowerbed for a sunny place in blue with roses, clematis, delphinium and perennial daisies.

Delphinium, cultural spur - Delphinium x cultorum Voss. Ranunculaceae family. All its varieties and forms arose as a result of complex hybridization various types. Delphinium perennial cultivation from seeds is one of the ways to breed it and the only way to create new varieties.

Delphinium description

Tall (1.2-1.9 m) rhizomatous plants, erect, slightly branched stems. The leaves are palmate, dissected, large. Large-flowered hybrid spurs - large grassy ones perennials reaching two meters in height.

Interesting! The color of the corolla of delphinium flowers, like that of hydrangea, can vary depending on the composition of the soil. And even on the same plant, different flower stalks can have inflorescences of different colors.

Large-flowered spurs belong to a group of flowers characterized by a bright and clean range of petals: from sky blue to almost black. The flowers of perennial garden spurs reach 6 cm in diameter. U the best varieties they are gathered into strong ears of inflorescences up to 70 cm long with a total plant height of about 1.5-1.7 m.

The flowers of many varieties are semi-double. The color of the petals varies from blue, blue, purple tones sometimes with a pinkish-lilac tint. There are varieties with pure white flowers. The hearts or eyes of different varieties are often colored white, black and brown.

It blooms from mid-July for two to three weeks. As the seeds ripen, the aerial part begins to die off, so that decorative plantings faded stems must be removed.

Large-flowered garden delphiniums grow in any soil. They most often overwinter without shelter. However, bright multi-stemmed specimens with lush inflorescences can only be obtained:

  • in sunny places, protected from winds;
  • on loamy lands filled with manure and humus in the fall;
  • when planting with intervals between plants of at least 60 cm.

Near tall multi-stemmed bushes, strong stakes are installed for gartering peduncles, since even with light winds, tall stems with heavy inflorescences are often broken off at the root. The soil around the plants should be loosened after watering and fertilizing.

Reproduction of delphinium perennial

By seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. Divide the bush in spring or late summer, leaving two or three large buds on the divisions. They propagate by cuttings in the spring when the shoot height is no more than 5-6 cm. You need to seize the moment before there is a cavity inside the stem. Cuttings cut at the base of the bush are planted in shaded beds, deepening them 2 cm into compacted sand.

Growing delphinium from seeds when to plant

Delphinium is a perennial flower. Growing from seeds is the easiest and most expedient way to propagate it. It must be taken into account that when mixed plantings Delphiniums of different varieties occur from cross-pollination.

Interesting! Some varieties, especially those related to the hybrids of the breeder F. Reinalt, retain the flower color inherent in the variety when seed propagation, but more often the seedlings differ both in color and in other characteristics, so the plant is transplanted to a permanent place after the seedlings flower.

To obtain pure offspring, excluding spontaneous hybridization, the distance between areas with plantings must be at least 100–150 m. Seed germination lasts no more than one year. The germination percentage of different varieties ranges from 50 to 80%.

Collection of delphinium seeds

Can be done in 3 ways:

  1. The flowers located at the bottom of the stem are left for the seeds. Harvesting begins when the boxes at the very bottom of the peduncle begin to crack. The crown with unripe fruits is cut off. The rest of the shoot is placed in a bag, putting it on top. The bottom of the bag is tied with twine. The peduncle is cut off at the end. The package with fruit boxes is hung in a dry place. When all the fruits crack, the seeds are poured out.
  2. The delphinium boxes are picked off as they ripen.
  3. The fruits are ripened in a dry room, and then the seeds are poured out of them.

To preserve germination, store the seeds at a low positive temperature (+5 degrees) in the refrigerator. It is better to buy seeds packaged in double packaging with a foil bag inside. Old seeds for resuscitation are soaked in a solution of Epin, Zircon, Immunocytofiate.

Delphinium perennial from seeds in open ground

When sowing in open ground, the percentage of seedlings decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the amount of seed material.

Growing delphinium from seeds before winter

The seeds are sown in August on seed beds, the emerging seedlings overwinter, and some plants bloom in the summer. Seeds are sown in late autumn in open ground ridges. Leave 20 cm between rows, planting depth 2-3 cm.

In the spring, when 2-3 true leaves are formed, spurs are planted in a permanent place at a distance of 25 x 25 cm. At the end of August and September, most of the seedlings autumn sowing blooms, and a preliminary selection and transplantation of the best seedlings can be made.

This is interesting! When sowing under winter, the percentage of plants with blue and purple flowers higher than in spring. Perhaps this is the result natural selection. There is an opinion that under the influence of low temperatures the color of delphinium petals changes to natural blue.

Sowing delphinium seeds in spring

Spring sowing in open ground is carried out in May. In this case, flowering occurs much later than with winter seedlings. IN northern regions plants may not bloom this year. Seedlings with 4-5 leaves are planted in a permanent place.

Growing delphinium seedlings

Spring sowing can be done in March in greenhouses and in April at home and in greenhouses. When the second or third true leaf appears, seedlings dive into boxes according to a 3x3 cm pattern. It is better to sow in containers or bowls with a disinfected soil mixture. Before sowing, dry spur seeds are stored at a temperature of +3–5 degrees in the refrigerator.

Preparing containers and substrate

The best containers for sowing - plastic containers with lids, 8–10 cm deep. The bowls are filled with a mixture of:

  • leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • turf land - 1 part;
  • river sand– 1 part.

Another substrate option:

  • 4 parts peat,
  • 2 parts perlite
  • 2 parts vermiculite.

The substrate is sifted, poured into containers so that one centimeter remains to the top edge, compacted and watered for disinfection with one of the following preparations:

  1. Potassium permanganate.
  2. Fundazol.
  3. Maxim.
  4. Previkur.

Sowing density – 1–3 seeds per square centimeter.

Seed stratification

Close the lid of the container that is placed in plastic bag, and put it in the refrigerator.

Pay attention! Seeds are sown dry without soaking! They are stratified in containers with soil in the refrigerator!

The duration of stratification is approximately half a month, the temperature is +3 - +5 C. After 14 days, the containers are removed from the refrigerator and, having been removed from the bag, placed in a light warm window. The temperature should be approximately 20 °C. At this time, the seedlings begin to hatch.

Seedling care

The seedlings are kept under the lid of the container until they are placed there. They are opened slightly and ventilated daily.


Water carefully from a spray bottle or a thin stream from a syringe.
You can water from a tray. Fungicide solutions are used weekly against fungal diseases: foundationazol, Maxim, Previkur, potassium permanganate.

Top dressing

Payments are made twice a month phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at half concentration. The stimulants Epin (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water) or zircon (0.5 ampoule per 5 liters of water) are added to the solution.


The seedlings on the window do not have enough light; they grow stunted and stretch out. They need lighting. Cultural spur seedlings are illuminated with lamps daylight. White delphinium seedlings especially need light.


Picking is carried out in the phase of two or three true leaves. You can't fill up the growth point.
You need to plant, trying not to cover the growing point with soil. Young plants are buried in the soil up to the true leaves.

This is interesting! Seeds of light-colored spurs germinate faster than dark ones. You can almost accurately sort them already during the germination period.

Pickled plants need watering and shading. The temperature is preferably no more than 20˚C. When growing seedlings from seeds in open ground, spurs are planted according to a 30x40 cm or 50x70 cm pattern.

At the beginning of May, the seedlings are hardened off and planted in the ground. Plants are covered from bright sun, water and feed. Such seedlings bloom in early August. Full flowering occurs in the second year. Be sure to protect against slugs by spreading metaldehyde between plants.

Agricultural technology of perennial delphinium

The soil for spurs needs fertile with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. There should be no stagnant water on the site.

Planting is done in autumn or spring. For each individual plant, dig holes 40x40x40cm. Add humus or compost, ash, and complete mineral fertilizer (you can use Kemira).

Abundant watering is required before rooting. The site should be sunny and windless. The stems of cultivated spurs are very fragile. They can break off in gusts of wind. Delphiniums can grow in one place for up to ten years.

At the age of about five years, the bushes begin to decay and may rot. In this case, the plant is divided in the spring and planted.

Types, varieties of delphinium

Victor Lemoine was the first breeder to pay attention to delphiniums. He crossed the wild Spur elatum with Delphinium grandiflora. Got a number of double and semi-double varieties of different colors. The varieties of his selection were very popular at one time. The French Thibault, Richale, Chauvet worked in the same direction.

The English breeder James Colway (1859–1912) crossed Lemoine varieties. The famous Luther Burbank was also involved in the selection of delphiniums. English companies annually register new varieties of delphiniums.

In our country, delphinium selection was carried out by N.I. Malyutin. Its varieties are Son of Heaven, Dinosaur, Robin, Tenderness and Memory of Faith. Currently, Terry Dowdeswell's New Zealand varieties are at the peak of popularity.
These are F1 hybrids, that is, first generation hybrids. The series is called New Millennium Hybrids.

The breeder was able to select stable parental pairs that produce stable offspring with certain predictable properties. These hybrids are distinguished by large double or semi-double flowers, gathered into dense clusters. The color of the petals is bright and clean.

The value of New Zealand hybrids also lies in the fact that in the second generation, free pollination produces many interesting forms with densely double flowers. That is, if you simply collect seeds from New Zealand delphiniums growing in the garden and sow them, you can get beautiful new varieties of these flowers. Plus, these varieties are winter-hardy and unpretentious, resistant to diseases.

  1. Royal Aspirations - snow-white eye, azure petal color.
  2. Double Innocence - terry, snow-white.
  3. Sunny Skies - snow-white center, azure petals.
  4. Green Twist - terry, the color of the petals is snow-white with green.
  5. Morning Lights - snow-white eye, lilac-twilight petals.
  6. Sweethearts - pink flowers, snow-white eye.
  7. Purple Passion - violet-purple with a snow-white center.
  8. Innocence – snow-white.
  9. Mysty Mauves - lilac, terry, ruffled petals.
  10. Black Eyed Angels - snow-white, black center.

Delphinium elatum

Delphinium is a beautiful powerful plant. Its high bright candles will decorate any garden or flower garden. Growing this flower is a fascinating activity. You can try to withdraw new variety. After all, even with free pollination, unusually interesting specimens can be obtained. You just need to take the time to collect and sow the seeds, be patient and wait for flowering.

To create on summer cottage an original composition of bright flowers; many summer residents grow perennial delphinium. It amazes with its colors and grandeur. If you look at it from the outside, it seems that giant candles with multi-colored lights have appeared in the garden. Despite this, the plant is not difficult to grow at home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principles of planting a flower. What is a king like? country flower bed– delphinium? Are there any specifics to growing it? The answers to these questions will help you fall in love with the unique creation of nature.

History of the name and main characteristics

Almost all names and titles have their own mysterious story. Delphinium is no exception. One of them sounds something like this.

Many centuries ago, when the mythical gods of Greece controlled every human action, a talented sculptor lived on earth. His beloved girl died tragically. To find solace, he made a statue of her out of stone, and then brought her to life. The evil gods did not like this act, and they turned the romantic into a dolphin. The girl cried bitterly on the seashore, hoping to see her lover. After a long time, a dolphin swam to her and placed a pretty blue flower on her lap. It was named delphinium as a reminder of true love.

There is an opinion that the flower got its name due to the fact that when unopened it resembled a dolphin. It is often known as larkspur or spur. An adjacent variant of the plant (annual, perennial) was combined into a group whose name is Sokirk. Some gardeners believe that the flower is named after the Greek city of Delphi, where it grows in a huge number. Whatever the story turns out to be true, it does not detract from the splendor of the garden beauty.

Today, approximately 450 species of the majestic flower are known. The habitat extends from China to the tropics of the African continent. Unique photos delphinium help to see the flower in all its pristine beauty.

The plant belongs to the Buttercup family. The bud has quite overall dimensions. Sometimes it can reach 2 meters. The inflorescences are located along the shoot and resemble a standing candle. Available in the following shades:

Perennial and annual varieties are grown, mainly from seeds. Most Popular annual varieties have long been loved by flora connoisseurs.


The plant was bred by combining two varieties of delphinium. It turned out original flower up to 100 cm high. Sessile leaf plates have a dense cross-section. The inflorescences in the form of a huge spike grow approximately 30 cm and come in a variety of shades.

Fans of miniature plantings grow dwarf varieties, which grow only 35 cm from the ground. Delicate terry buds are painted in bright colors and bloom until the first frost.


The annual delphinium flower has been cultivated since 1572. Grows up to a height of 2 meters. The buds can be simple or lushly terry. A touch of traditional character. Blooms in June. The last “lights” at the beginning of autumn.

Delphinium perennial

Scientists began breeding perennial varieties in the 19th century. As a result, a number of original species appeared:

Today, gardeners grow perennial delphinium of various types. Main feature– unique shades of buds. There are about 800 variations. Inflorescences are of a simple nature, double and semi-double. The diameter of the flowers is from 2 to 9 cm.

To create garden flower beds breeders offer flowers different heights– low-growing options, giants and medium-sized plants.

Depending on the area of ​​origin, the flowers of the perennial hybrid delphinium are divided into three main groups: Marfin, New Zealand and Scottish. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Marfin group of delphiniums

For example, plants of the Marfin group persistently tolerate low temperatures. They are distinguished by their unique decorative effect. Large semi-double inflorescences are decorated with contrasting spots reminiscent of the human eye. These include the following varieties:

It is almost impossible to grow flowers of the Marfin group from seeds. Main reason– they don’t save varietal characteristics plants.

New Zealand group of delphiniums

Delphiniums, which belong to the New Zealand group, can grow up to two meters in height. They differ in double and semi-double buds. Some species have corrugated petals. Flowers are resistant to disease, are not afraid of cold, and are perfectly preserved when cut. The most common types are valued all over the world:

  • "Sweethearts"
  • "Pagan Purples"
  • "Sunny Skies"
  • "Blue Lace";
  • "Green Twist"

Their majestic beauty never goes out of style. This is the beauty of flowering plants.

Scottish group of delphiniums

Scottish delphiniums attract attention with their original super double buds of various shades, which sometimes have about 60 petals. If the plant grows up to one and a half meters, then the inflorescence occupies 80 cm of total length. The perennial is unpretentious to weather conditions.

If you practice growing from seeds, delphinium retains its varietal parameters. The following popular types are known today:

  • "Sweet Sensation";
  • "Blueberry Pie";
  • "Deepest Pink";
  • "Morning Sunrise".

Truly beautiful masterpieces of creation. But are there any secrets to growing delphinium from seeds at home? Let's try to figure it out.

The main principles of growing a flower

The first step is to prepare suitable soil for planting the plant. It is best to mix garden soil and humus in equal quantities. Add sifted sand (half of 1 part), perlite (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) and hold the mixture over the steam of a water bath for 60 minutes. During this time, seeds of various weeds and fungal spores will be destroyed.
Now you can put the soil into containers and start planting delphinium seeds.

In order for the flowers to germinate successfully, it is advisable to put the planting material in a gauze bag. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, then drop the seeds into it. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse under running water and refill for 24 hours special liquid epina, which is sold in flower shops. Dry the seeds before planting.

Planting material is carefully laid out on the soil surface. If used different varieties, attach paper signs with the name and date of disembarkation.
The seeds are covered with a layer of soil of approximately 4 mm. Lightly tamp so that the grains do not float when watered with warm water.

The basic principles of how to grow delphinium from seeds imply careful care of the crops. To do this, the containers are covered first with transparent film and then with black film to speed up the growth process. The container is installed near the window, preferably right next to the glass.

The optimal temperature should not exceed +16 degrees, not lower than 11 degrees Celsius.

Depending on when to plant delphinium in open ground, the process of growing from seeds can be accelerated. To do this, containers with planting material are placed in the refrigerator, on the veranda or loggia. It’s not scary if the thermometer drops below 6 degrees below zero. After 14 days, the containers are again placed on the windowsill next to the glass. Thanks to such procedures, the first shoots appear after 7 or 14 days.

As soon as greenery appears in the containers, the transparent and black film must be removed.

Since the seeds of this majestic flower are very capricious, they need to be seriously prepared for sowing. Stratification of delphinium at home is done using a small roll of fabric. The material is cut into strips, moistened with water and planting material is laid out in paths. After this, the edges of the strips are bent with inside closer to the center. Then the fabric structure is rolled up and secured with soft wire.

Pour a little liquid into a small container to support optimal humidity. The rolls are dipped into it without touching the surface of the water and kept for several days. At the same time, they try not to block the constant access of air. As a result of this procedure, the similarity of the delphinium increases.

Secrets of breeding garden beauty

Many flora lovers prefer to decorate their area with large flowers. Some people plant peonies, others like roses. Unsurpassed ornamental plant with bright buds on erect shoots, won the hearts of true gardeners. They come with the original fringe and without it. The diameter of an individual flower can reach 10 cm. The lower part of the shoots is covered wide leaves green.

Growing from seeds unique flower called "Delphinium New Zealand giant" requires the following operations:

The bag must be ventilated daily to maintain maximum seed germination. Some gardeners use special sphagnum moss instead of bags, where the material swells well.

When the seeds are ready, you can use them to sow delphinium seedlings in special containers. The grains of the plant are placed in holes 3 mm deep and covered with a small layer of earth.
Can be lightly tamped. Then the container is covered with film or plastic bags are placed on it. In this form, place it in a warm place. If the house is warm, you can put it on the windowsill. After 3-4 days, the containers are placed in the refrigerator overnight. After two weeks, the first shoots appear. As soon as this happens, the film is immediately removed.

Sometimes flora lovers have a question: when to sow delphiniums as seedlings in order to successfully grow flowers. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to do this in late March or early April. It will not be too late to grow seedlings even in May.

Seedlings that have grown three full leaves dive. But you should prepare for the procedure in advance. Loose soil is collected in disposable cups and heated to room temperature. Then, one seedling is placed in each container so that it can take root well.

To prepare the plant for growth open ground, it needs to be hardened. To do this, containers are periodically taken out to fresh air. Immediately before planting, the sprouts are fertilized with fertilizer.

There is an opinion that annual delphinium is less capricious when grown from seeds in indoors. Perhaps this is true. After all, the plant differs from perennials in that it blooms much earlier. It has small buds and grows only up to a meter in height, while perennials are found in gigantic sizes.

The seeds must be fresh or stored in the refrigerator. Since flower seedlings develop rather slowly, delphinium is sown at the end of winter. Most often - in February. For this, planting material is carefully prepared by performing the necessary procedures.

Seeds are sown evenly in small containers filled with soil. To make them clearly visible, the surface of the earth is sprinkled with sand. Practice shows that sowing density has a significant impact on the development of young seedlings. The best option which gardeners recommend is to place no more than 2 seeds per 1 cm². Although it may seem too thick, don't worry. For the king, flower beds are the norm.

The video provided shows correct landing delphinium seeds. After looking at it, it won’t be difficult to grow such a magnificent flower in your garden. Often it is the delphinium that becomes the pride of a country flower bed. After all, it fits well into any suburban landscape. The fascinating process of growing a flower brings true satisfaction to devoted fans of green spaces.

Delphinium is a flower crop that requires a little more attention compared to other perennials. At the same time, growing perennial delphinium from seeds is not difficult if you adhere to basic agricultural practices. Knowing the rules of planting and care, you can grow perennial delphinium from seeds even in the Moscow region. Its luxurious flower stalks, as tall as a man, will become a stunning decoration of the garden and will delight and delight you and your guests.

Planting perennial delphinium

Perennial delphinium is grown through seedlings. When choosing varieties, you need to pay attention to quality planting material and do not purchase delphinium annual seeds by mistake. Seeds are sown in the spring, having previously prepared them. The seedlings are illuminated, grown and planted in the ground in a permanent place. When growing seedlings, protect them from blackleg and water them carefully.

Delphinium planting dates

In the Moscow region, perennial delphinium is sown for seedlings in mid-March. With such sowing dates, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place after two months. If you plant seedlings in the ground at a later time, they will not have time to take root well, which means they will not survive the winter.

Scarification of delphinium seeds before planting

Delphinium seeds are covered with a hard shell and require scarification - mechanical disruption of the shell. Therefore, in order to facilitate germination and increase the germination of seeds, I advise you to “walk” through them before sowing sandpaper small fraction.

Planting delphinium seeds for seedlings

When choosing delphinium seeds, you need to be especially careful and not fall for the tricks of sellers - it happens that some pass off annual delphinium as perennial. A year after sowing such a delphinium, not a trace remains of the plants. As a rule, annual delphiniums are characterized by simple-shaped flowers; they are two-colored, red or orange, blue or white.

Soil for delphinium seedlings

To get healthy delphinium seedlings, you need to take care to protect future seedlings from diseases such as “blackleg”. To do this, you need to carefully prepare a special soil mixture. It is better to take them as a basis, soak them and shake out the contents into a flat container. Add to this 1 part of river sand and a pinch of sifted ash, mix thoroughly. Spill the containers themselves with a solution of phytosporin or potassium permanganate.

Delphinium sowing scheme

Caring for delphinium seedlings

After 1.5-2 weeks, when the sprouts appear, place the containers with them under a fluorescent lamp (LED), turn on the light for 10-12 hours a day. Water the seedlings carefully, along the edge of the container, trying not to get on the plants themselves. Since the bulk of the soil mixture is peat, the soil dries out quite quickly. During the first weeks, water containers with seedlings once every 2 days, and after a month, twice a day.

In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in the ground.

For more information on how to grow delphinium seedlings, read the article:

How to plant perennial delphinium correctly

The main problem when growing delphinium is dampness, which is typical for the main territory of the Moscow region. In the garden I prefer to plant delphinium in one place, it’s easier to prepare the right composition soil and care for plants.

Soil for planting delphinium

It must be remembered that delphinium cannot tolerate the presence of peat in the soil. This leads to the death of the bush in the second year. Therefore, for future plantings of delphinium, I am preparing a special mixture; I am trying to completely change the native peat bogs, because they are not suitable for delphinium.

When planting, I take out the soil on the bayonet of a shovel, put drainage in the form of crushed stone, sand or expanded clay with a layer of 20 cm - this will protect the plantings in the spring from groundwater. I prepare this soil mixture per 1 square meter. m: a bucket of rotted compost, two glasses of ash, a glass of bone meal, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and ordinary soil. I try so that in the end ready flowerbed was 20 cm higher than the soil level in the garden.

Scheme for planting delphinium in the ground

I water the planting area with a solution of phytosporin and plant delphinium seedlings at a distance of 30 cm from each other. It is important that root collar was at ground level and should not be buried. I stick low arcs over the plantings and cover them with thin non-woven material from the sun, the ends with north side I leave it open.

Caring for perennial delphinium

The key to longevity for delphinium is timely pruning. As soon as the petals begin to fall off the flower stalks, I immediately cut them off at the base and cover the “stumps” with caps. The fact is that the delphinium has hollow stems, when cut, moisture gets inside, and the bush begins to rot. I cover such stems with caps from lipstick and other cosmetics. Plants with caps overwinter.

I also cover the plantings with a double layer of non-woven fabric on top of the ground for the winter. I noticed that such a simple shelter ensures 100% survival of plants during winters with little snow.

Caring for delphinium during flowering

When caring for delphinium, you need to carefully monitor the flowering periods. The perennial delphinium blooms in the second year after sowing, throwing out gorgeous flower stalks.

  1. In the first year, I don’t allow the perennial delphinium to bloom; I pluck out the buds at the base. This technique helps to build up a powerful root system, while flowering weakens the plant, and before winter it goes away weakened, as a result of which it may not survive it.
  2. When extending peduncles, it is important to immediately tie the delphinium stems in several places to strong supports.
  3. In the conditions of the Moscow region, delphinium produces two waves of flowering, but I do not allow secondary formation of flower stalks in early September, so as not to weaken the bush.

Feeding perennial delphinium

Before starting any feeding, I first water the delphinium with plain water so as not to burn the roots.

  • At the beginning of the second year in mid-May I fertilize green fertilizer(infusion of herbs).
  • At the end of June, I add ash extract to the herbal infusion, one part per 10 liters of water.
  • In the middle or end of August, I water the plantings with an infusion of ash.

Diseases of delphinium perennial

In the conditions of the Moscow region, due to dampness, delphinium is susceptible to fungal diseases. Powdery mildew - a constant companion of delphinium plantings. The disease attacks plants in mid-July and affects flower stalks. By this point, the delphinium has already faded, so powdery mildew does not cause any special problems. I burn cut flower stalks with signs of disease; newly growing shoots are not susceptible to the disease, so treatments from powdery mildew I won't spend it.

Loves to eat young shoots aphid . I try to collect it manually; if there is a large accumulation, I treat it with Actellik or Karbofos.

Reproduction of delphinium perennial

Perennial delphinium needs timely division, I carry out this work every two years, in mid-August.

Propagation of delphinium by seeds is great way obtain the required amount of planting material or become the owner of the desired variety. It must be remembered that often delphinium grown from seeds rarely repeats the varietal characteristics and corresponds to the description. When sowing own seeds As a rule, delphinium grows with blue or pale lilac peduncles.

(popular names - “larkspur”, “spur”) will add originality to a lawn or flowerbed and will become a spectacular decoration of the yard. Powerful stems with lavender inflorescences, pink color or a shade of sea green - this is delphinium. Planting and caring for it is not difficult: the plant is unpretentious, grows well with seedlings and without seedlings and can become one of the first successes of a novice gardener.

Selection and preparation of seed material

Delphinium annual is mainly propagated through seed material. Growing from seeds is optimal for Delphinium Ajaxova, popular in Russian latitudes, and various “hyacinth” varieties.

IN THE PHOTO: Dark pink Delphinium Ajax.

It is advisable to propagate Pacific hybrids only by seeds ( Pacific ), bred in California. These include varieties:

  • "King Arthur";
  • "Black Knight";
  • "Astolet";
  • "Galahad";
  • Blue Jay, etc.

When propagated by seeds, such delphiniums retain 60–90% of the varietal characteristics, which is important for those who collect delphinium varieties or are simply a big fan of it.

Another method of propagation is vegetative (cuttings, buds, rhizome division) - suitable for perennial species delphinium, growing from seeds carries the risk of losing varietal characteristics. Propagated directly from the parent plant, young bushes receive all its varietal features and characteristics, including: color, flower shape, habit ( appearance) and even resistance to some diseases! Also vegetative way Densely double varieties of flowers that do not form seeds are bred.

Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected with your own hands in early autumn, when they are ripe.

IN THE PHOTO: Delphinium seeds.

One plant with four inflorescences can produce up to 2.5 thousand seeds. This is quite a lot, especially for small or compact delphinium varieties. Therefore, in order to protect the parent plant from depletion, when the seeds ripen, they are left only the lower part of the inflorescence and 10–15 leaves.

A considerable problem when long-term cultivation delphiniums from seeds in the same place - their self-seeding. To avoid unauthorized “sowing” near parent plants, you need to collect seeds immediately after they ripen and prevent mature “seeds” from spilling onto the ground.

After collection, the seeds remain viable for two to four years (when stored in a closet). If you place the seed in the refrigerator, hermetically sealing the jar with it, its germination will be preserved for an unlimited time.

Pre-sowing treatment of delphinium seeds

IN THE PHOTO: Spotting of plant leaves.

Sowing delphinium for seedlings - timing and agricultural technology

You can sow delphinium for seedlings in March–April, depending on the region. The higher the climate continentality and the more likely the later severe frosts, the later it is worth starting sowing. For example, in the northern regions of the Leningrad region, in the Urals and Siberia, the planting of grown seedlings in the ground “shifts” closer to the end of May or even June.

It is most convenient to use for growing seedlings that decompose in the soil peat pots. Root system delphiniums are vulnerable and do not tolerate transplantation well, and planting in such containers reduces possible damage to the roots to a minimum.

The substrate for seedlings needs to be light, with a slightly acidic reaction. Optimal temperature for growing delphinium seedlings - 12–15°C. Subject to proper care conditions, seedlings appear in 8–10 days. For full growth, seedlings need sufficient light and moderate regular watering.

IN THE PHOTO: Delphinium seedlings.

Seedlings after the first true leaf has formed. In the conditions of central Russia, they can be planted in open ground in early May, since delphinium is not afraid of light spring frosts.

Young plants are grown at home and transplanted to a permanent place in the garden in the fall or next spring.

Growing delphinium with seeds in open ground

Optimal sowing dates

In moderately warm and warm regions of Russia, it is much easier to grow delphiniums through direct sowing in open ground. There is no particular need to grow their seedlings.

Flowers are sown in open ground in the spring (no later than the second half of April, otherwise the plants will not have time to fully bloom), and in the fall, in September-October - delphinium tolerates moderately cold winters well under the cover of snow.

Delphinium is able to survive frosts of at least 20-23°C without shelter. But the sharp contrast of frost and thaw sometimes provokes the growth of seeds and the subsequent death of seedlings.

Choosing a place for sowing delphinium in open ground

Delphinium can grow in one place for up to 5 years or even longer. The ideal place for sowing it is a well-lit area with protection from the wind and slight shading during the midday hours.

For delphiniums, sandy or loamy soil with moderate moisture and a sufficient amount of humus is best suited, ideally slightly acidic. It is permissible to sow delphinium in clay soil, if you first improve it. For this purpose, per 1 sq. m. clay soil add 1–2 buckets of sand, 50–80 g of mineral complex fertilizer, 20–25 kg. compost (you can replace it with humus).

Poorer soils must be prepared for growing delphiniums. To do this, they introduce complex mineral fertilizers in the amount of 40–50 g per 1 sq. m. and 10–15 kg. organic matter per the same area.

Delphinium seed sowing technology

Sowing delphinium for growing in open ground is done as follows:

  • “Recesses-nests” are prepared at a distance of 15–25 cm from each other.
  • 4–5 delphinium seeds are added to each “nest,” which are then buried about 1–2 cm into the soil. The larger the seeds of the variety, the deeper they are placed in the ground.
  • The seeds are carefully covered with a layer of earth.
  • Sown delphiniums are watered abundantly and mulched with humus or fresh peat to retain moisture in the soil.

IN THE PHOTO:It is important to deepen the delphinium seeds sufficiently when planting, depending on the variety.

After 10–20 days from planting, seedlings will begin to appear. Further care for young plants includes watering, fertilizing and creating the best conditions for flowering.

Watering delphinium seedlings

Delphiniums do not like waterlogged soil. Excess moisture can cause rotting of the rhizome, but even if this disease bypasses the plants, overwatering will cause large areas without flowers to appear in the inflorescences. Because of such “bald spots,” plants will lose their decorative properties.

IN THE PHOTO:Automatic drip watering of seedlings or young plants is perhaps the most convenient way organization of watering.

Watering delphiniums should be plentiful during drought and after each application of fertilizer. A mineral solution will only be beneficial if it saturates the soil to the roots. In other cases, watering should be regular and moderate, not too often and not superficially.

Feeding delphinium

When planting, a certain reserve is introduced into the soil nutrients, but several additional feedings are required throughout the year.

  • When the plants grow to 10–15 cm, they are fed with liquid organic matter or complex mineral fertilizer.
  • During budding or when the first flowers bloom, a second feeding is carried out with a high percentage of potassium and phosphorus compounds in the composition. Such feeding is definitely required in the event of a friendly and abundant flowering.
  • At the end of the flowering period, when renewal buds are formed, delphinium needs fertilizer in the form of a potassium-phosphorus complex, without nitrogen.

IN THE PHOTO: When the first delphinium buds appear, it’s time to feed it a second time.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs