Transplantation of perennial flowers in the flower beds of personal plots. How to transplant an indoor flower

Flower care is best done in certain days. Many lovers indoor plants grow them at random, especially novice gardeners. And they face the problem of insufficient growth, poor survival after transplants - up to the death of plants.

Meanwhile, most problems are easy to avoid if you approach the matter correctly. You can get all the information you need about the technology of transplanting indoor plants in the calendar for gardeners. It indicates the time favorable for activities such as watering, fertilizing and changing the soil. The flowers transplanted these days take root easily and grow actively.

Receptions of the correct transplant

A potted flower transplant is required when the leaves wither, the soil becomes raised, and flowering disappears. More often than not, the soil needs to be replaced. A new pot should be taken about 4 cm larger than the previous one.

To remove the flower, gently moisten the soil and carefully remove the plant along with the soil. At the bottom of the new pot, lay out the drainage with a layer of about 1 cm. If the container is large, the layer thickness can reach up to 5 cm. The earth is poured from above in the form of a mound and the plant is strengthened.

About the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants

It is impossible to place a flower in the sun, as well as fertilize immediately after the procedure. Transplantation should be done in the absence of flowering, taking into account a certain time of the year. The most suitable periods for this procedure are March-April and September-October. It should not be forgotten that any of the plants has individual characteristics, can bloom and grow actively at completely different times.

The best time to change soil is when the sap is moving towards the stem and leaves. Plants with reduced elasticity of the root system take root in the new soil. When transplanted, they are less prone to breakdowns and other negative effects.

We determine the optimal timing

It is recommended to change the flower soil in the growing phase of the moon. You can determine it by looking at a special lunar calendar. Experts recommend changing the soil at specific periods. These are the spring months - March and May, the summer months - July and August, the whole autumn without restrictions (on favorable days), from winter months- December.

These tips are based on years of research. It is believed that on the dates mentioned, the change of habitat occurs less painfully, negative impacts little taken up by plants.

What is the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

It is compiled by specialist researchers in order to simplify the task of caring for representatives of the plant kingdom. The lunar calendar contains information on loosening, watering and other care. There are detailed descriptions of the days when the habitat of the flower should not be changed.

Compose it according to the lunar phases. If you follow the above recommendations, transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, your flower will not have problems getting used to the new pot. It will actively grow. There are also days in the calendar when any manipulations with plants are highly discouraged. The risk of damage during transplantation for a flower is quite high, and in order to avoid it, you should listen to the advice of specialists.

Below we provide a lunar calendar for indoor plants and flowers for 2017.

Moon phases and our flowers

The state of the moon is considered a major factor influencing the process of growing flowers. The stem actively elongates and feeds on sap in the growth phase. When the celestial satellite is in the full moon phase, changing the habitat of the flower should be avoided. This is because the root system in this moment actively eats.

On the days of lunar eclipses, nature provides moments of rest and accumulation of strength. All living things are slowly reborn, and therefore work with the earth during this period is not recommended. It is on such data that astrologers rely when compiling a lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants.

About the signs of the zodiac

When caring for plants, it is recommended to take into account which of the zodiac signs the moon is in at one time or another. Favorable signs include Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. When the moon is "visiting" Leo or Aquarius, work with the earth is not recommended. All other signs, according to astrologers, do not have an active influence on flowers.

All of the above is quite understandable scientific point vision. After all, the position of the moon affects the state of the water, sea tides and tides. The nature of our entire planet, together with the process of vegetation growth, depends to a large extent on the lunar phases.

How does this happen

those dates lunar calendar, which are indicated as favorable days for transplanting indoor plants, coincide with the period when the juice moves to the stem and leaves, that is, to the top of the flower. At the same time, the root system experiences a decrease in turgor, a slight dehydration of the cells, as a result of which they become less brittle. That is why transplantation under these conditions is tolerated as easily as possible, as is the process of taking root in new soil. Then you can successfully propagate flowers by cuttings, using the most auspicious days for transplant indoor flowers.

What is described above coincides with the growth phase of the moon. When it decreases, the opposite happens - the roots are filled with moisture. At this time, they should not be disturbed. Thus blooming and healthy looking indoor garden much easier to achieve by referring to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

In an emergency

We do not consider cases where an emergency transplant procedure may be required. Pests can suddenly appear, pots sometimes break, and stems break. If it is necessary to urgently save a flower, of course, they no longer pay attention to the schedule. A similar procedure is recommended outside the plan and in case of crushing and yellowing of the leaves, prolonged absence flowering.

If the plant has bloomed, it is undesirable to transplant it even on one of the favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers. It is very likely that the green pet will get sick for a long time as a result, and it will be very difficult to cure it.

What to do at other times

There are also bad days for transplanting and planting plants, as well as relatively neutral. This time can be filled with procedures of a less radical nature. We are talking about top dressing, loosening, watering, processing from pests. But on those dates that are indicated on the calendar as completely unfavorable, it is better to leave the flowers completely alone. No type of care at this time will benefit the plant.

The most unsuitable days for transplantation are those when lunar and solar eclipses(including partial). The vulnerability of flowers at this time is increased, and even the most minor injury can destroy the plant.

Why do you need a regular transplant

There may be several reasons for this:

1. Overgrown roots no longer fit in the usual container. The earth begins to rise, making it difficult to water.

2. Due to hard water, salts accumulate in the soil, making it difficult for the flower to feed.

3. The soil is depleted, its organic component decomposes. As a result, feeding does not give the desired effect.

4. Due to soil compaction, oxygen starvation of the roots occurs.

The function of indoor plants is not only decorative. They are able to significantly improve the microclimate of the living space by humidifying and conditioning the air, as well as neutralizing the positively charged ions emitted household appliances. Many types of flowers save the owners from harmful secretions of finishing and furniture materials by absorbing toxins.

Even in the absence of strict adherence to the requirements of the lunar calendar, the plant will tolerate transplanting better when they are done in the spring, during the warm season. It is then that they determine permanent place residence for rooted cuttings. If, for some reason, you decide to have an "operation" in the fall, the care in observing favorable days for transplanting indoor plants is even more important.

Using this approach, you will accelerate the growth of your favorite variety and get a lot of little "babies". Self compilation lunar calendar is a rather difficult task. Ordinary amateur flower growers, as a rule, cannot do it. After all, professional astrologers in their work take into account big number various factors from lunar day and months before the position of the sun and moon in certain signs of the zodiac.

Flowers in spring and winter

All work with houseplants is resumed, as a rule, in April - due to warming and an increase in the length of daylight hours. In the last spring month, juices actively circulate in the flowers, metabolic processes (respiration, photosynthesis) are accelerated, greenery begins to grow intensively. Such days are good for rejuvenating overgrown bushes and moving to a new place.

Winter transplanting is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in the cold season a calm period sets in and any process in the living organism of a flower tends to slow down. In order to avoid harm, flower growers try not to touch the plants in winter.

By following these simple recommendations regarding favorable days for transplanting indoor plants and carefully adhering to the lunar calendar, you can surround your green pets with real love and care. And then your efforts will pay off handsomely!

Many amateur gardeners do not know why it is necessary to transplant indoor plants. Everything is actually very simple, this procedure is carried out so that the plants feel good and can continue to grow healthy. This procedure should be carried out approximately once three times a year.

It all starts with the fact that the gardener needs to check all the plants in the house and determine which plants already have the dough in this pot or the soil no longer has any advantages for this plant. As soon as you decide on the plants and find out which ones need a new soil or pot. The question arises of how to do this correctly and how not to harm the flower in the process of plant transplantation.

On this question you will find all the necessary answers and recommendations in this article. So if you do not want to harm your flower or other plant, you just need to spend a few minutes reading and then nothing will threaten your plant.

Here are some of the main reasons why a flower needs to be transplanted to another pot or soil.

  • Plants that have grown out of their pot are more susceptible to various diseases and pest attacks than other plants.
  • The root system can already be normally located in this pot, because of this the flower looks sick, faded and ugly.
  • The soil in the ground has become unsuitable, it has become dense, over time, the earth no longer has its former reserves nutrients they are decreasing significantly every year. Also, over time, the land becomes barren.
  • Due to the fact that the earth is heavily subsided from a large number water and a long stay in a pot, air begins to flow poorly into it, which is necessary for the root system.
  • If the flower has already grown out of its pot, then it can easily fall and break.

These are the five main reasons why it is necessary to replant a flower in its new place of residence. There are also many other signs for plant transplantation, but they happen much less frequently.

When is the best time to transplant plants?

As a rule, all plants must be transplanted in the spring, since at this moment nature only begins to come to life and gain the necessary amount of strength and substances in order to please the eyes of people. These rules also apply to indoor plants. Since the flower will need more space and strength to bloom again, and it will be best of all, it takes place in the new earth or soil.

But this rule should not be unconditionally followed, since this procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, when you yourself gather your strength, and you will have enough free time to do it. Many people wonder if it is possible to transplant indoor plants in the winter or spring season. We will answer this question below.

By far, the best time to transplant a plant is from March to September. If you transplant plants in September, then it is better to choose the beginning of the month. Since the weather is still warm this month, and the plants are not yet going into a dormant period.

Of course, this can also be done at other times of the year, but the best thing for a flower will be if you have time with a transplant before the end of July. You can also try to transplant the plant in winter, but this is the most worst time for a transplant. Since you can harm the flower. During this period, he is in hibernation, and as you know, no one likes to be disturbed during sleep.

In total, some plants like a winter transplant, such plants include, for example, calla lilies. Other plants are also transplanted into winter time. To figure out when to repot a flower, you need to know its flowering period. On average, transplantation must be done at least 3 months before flowering.

Also, not every plant needs an annual transplant, for some it is enough once every two or three years. In the case of large and old flowers, it is still easier. Since they have enough space, it will only be necessary to update the topsoil.

What is the best day to transplant your plants? If you are asking such a question, then you should not even look for an answer to it. Since such a day or week simply does not exist. For your flower, the main thing is good soil and a carefully carried out transplant procedure. So that he would not be harmed or otherwise crippled. You can choose such a day, starting from your free time.

But it is better to choose the phase of the moon, since plants develop best during the growing moon. So before transplanting, you can check the lunar calendar and choose any day, starting from the new moon and ending with the full moon.

Which soil is best

During transplanting, you need to change as much soil as possible, but try not to damage the roots, otherwise your plant may simply dry out. Because the roots can no longer give required amount substances. The best choice for your plant will be the acquisition of a substrate that is great for many plants.

Also, before choosing a soil or substrate, you need to learn as much as possible about your plant. This is done in order to accurately select the most good land for him. Since many plants need a different composition of the earth.

During the transplant procedure, the bottom layer in the pot must be covered with gravel or expanded clay a few centimeters. Thanks to this, water will be better absorbed from the soil, and your plant will be protected from waterlogging. Thus, the roots of the plant will not begin to rot, and your plant will stand still for a very long time.

In the pot you need to pour the earth approximately to the very edge of the pot, from the edge to the ground level there should be at least 1-2 centimeters. Expanded clay can be used as the topmost layer, it will save your soil from lime deposits.

As we said earlier, some plants need a certain soil composition, but most houseplants are not particularly picky about soil selection. So almost anyone will do. But below will be presented the three most best soil for your plant.

  • Peat, it fits almost every plant. Most of all, he is loved by such plants as: fern, dracaena and so on.
  • A heavy clay, this soil is highly nutritious but not for everyone. It is best suited for Tradescantia, Kalanchoe.
  • You should also pay attention to the acidity of the soil, because if you have plants such as gardenias or heather, they do very poorly if sodium carbonate is present in the soil.

In most cases, land from the garden is used, but it must be carefully checked before using it. Since very high risk bring weed seeds with the soil, then the plant will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

In addition, this soil is not suitable for most roots, as it is much heavier than the soil sold in the store. If you decide to choose substrates, then there is nothing to worry about. Since such soil is pre-treated and assembled from various necessary components. They will only help your plant grow. Also, the roots grow in it much better than in any soil.

When transplanting, you can not choose a very large pot. Since the plant will have too much space, and it will not be able to grow normally. So what should you take new pot two to three centimeters larger in diameter than the previous place of the plant. Also, do not chase the beauty of the pot. Since it is best to take the usual plastic pot with holes for water drainage.

In order for our beloved plants to develop well, they need to create favorable conditions. They always need to be watered on time, fed and, of course, do not forget to renew the soil, change the pot to a more spacious one. From time to time, indoor flowers should be replanted, but when this needs to be done, we will try to find out in more detail.

Transplanting indoor flowers

Any plant gradually grows, and its root system develops. It becomes larger over time, absorbing all the nutrients from the soil mixture. As the roots grow becomes crowded in the old container. Even if the “pets” are fed and kept in the same pot for several years, their full development will stop.

You can often observe when a flower is watered often, and the soil in it dries out very quickly. So, it happens due to the intensive growth of the root system. Another factor is that through the drainage hole, you can see some of the roots that make their way out. If this happens, then it's time to change the cramped pot to a more spacious one.

Certain types exotic plants do not need an annual transplant. Changing the pot affects them negatively, they experience stress. They need to be transplanted only when the root system has completely covered the entire pot.

A transplant helps to solve various problems, since they are often interfere with full development.

  • not enough free space in the pot;
  • if pests, diseases appeared;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil.

Plants should have enough time to become well established before flowering, so best time- dormant period.

When to transplant flowers?

After winter, a time of rest, the process of active development begins among the inhabitants of the pots. They need renewed soil, it can provide the necessary nutrition. Experts believe that the most favorable time for transplantation is spring. If buds have appeared, they are preparing for flowering, then the process should be postponed until next year.

Perennials are recommended to be transplanted at least once every 2 years. Indoor flowers that grow very slowly need this procedure once every three years. Cacti and succulents can easily develop in this container for up to 6 years.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar in order to choose the most favorable days. It is enough to buy a lunar calendar for a year to understand what lunar days make a transplant. It is believed that they should not be disturbed during the full moon. It is best to do this on days when the moon is rising. Highly good period when the moon is in fertile signs - Pisces, Taurus, Cancer. These signs remarkably influence the development of plants, even with a waning moon.

How right?

First you need to determine what species the flower that needs to be transplanted belongs to. Thereafter find a new container for it. It should not be too large, only 2-3 cm in diameter larger than the previous one. A new or old container should be well treated with boiling water. If the pot is clay, then place it in water for a couple of hours so that all harmful substances come out. At the bottom of the tank, it is necessary to lay drainage with a layer of 3 cm. Suitable for drainage:

  • coals;
  • expanded clay;
  • gravel;
  • shards.

Some need a thicker layer, it can occupy 1/3 or half of the pot. The soil mixture must always meet the following criteria:

  • be nutritious;
  • pass air to the root system;
  • contain the required% acidity for a particular species;
  • free of pests and pathogens;
  • do not retain excess moisture.

How to check the need for a transplant?

If there are doubts about the renewal of the container, they can be checked by taking out its inhabitant from the pot. This must be done carefully and always with the ground. If all the soil is entangled in the root system and the earth is practically invisible, then it's time to transfer the plant to a more spacious container.

When the roots did not completely braid the container, there was still free space for further development, then it's worth the wait. The flower easily returns to its original place and continues to grow further.

If the plant does not have new shoots, it does not throw out buds, the leaves turn yellow, and it can also stick out an earthen ball with a root from the pot - it must be transplanted.

Process description

The plant selected for relocation must be watered in a day to make it easier to remove it from the old pot. Soil for planting is better to buy in the store, picking up a specific soil mixture. In such soil, the most suitable composition for full development. Earth from own garden it is better not to take it, because various fertilizers, such a composition can harm the flower.

Taking out the root with a clod of earth, one should look out for pests. If there are any, then you have to get rid of the earth and wash the roots. Rotten roots must be removed, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with ash.

After the drainage layer, a little soil mixture should be poured into the pot with a layer of about 2 cm. After that, the plant is transferred to a new pot and the free space is covered with earth. The soil must be lightly crushed, watered and sprinkled with a light layer of loose soil to provide air access to the roots. Over time, the soil will settle from watering and after that you can add a little more fresh earth.

Proper Care

Immediately after moving to a new container, a resident cannot be placed in a sunny place. It is better to put the pot in the shady side of the room for five days, while its new "tenant" adapts. After that, if everything is ok, return to normal place. The first week the plant should not be watered. In the future, also limit watering, so that the roots, due to lack of moisture, tend to seek it, growing in a new substrate.

Indoor flowers do not need to be fed right away. Fertilizers can be applied no earlier than 4-8 weeks after transplantation. It is recommended to spray the foliage almost daily. Fans with more experience recommend pinching or trimming the ends of the stems. This improves the nutrition of the flower and its development is activated.

All these simple rules will surely come in handy for knowing when to repot plants. They will help create more comfortable conditions for their resettlement and development. Our favorite flowers will soon surprise us with abundance, if the whole procedure is carried out carefully, in a timely manner and correctly.

Many flower growers know that there are the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants. Flowers in the house not only create comfort, but also help to reduce the overall background of human exposure. ultraviolet radiation electrical appliances.
People who are passionate about crop production know that not only lighting and proper watering important for normal growth, but also the right landing time.

How to transplant indoor plants

When transplanting indoor plants, certain rules must be observed. For example, a small pot is not always small for a plant. On the contrary, a flower can be comfortable.

How do you know when it's time to transplant a plant? Before checking the need for repotting, water the plant well and give the soil time to absorb water. Then gently lift it out of the pot along with the ground. If the roots tightly braided the ground in the shape of a pot and the soil is practically invisible, then it's time to transplant. If there is still a lot of land, and the roots are inside, then the flower feels comfortable and can be safely returned back to the pot.

It is best to start planting flowers in spring or early summer, when the representative of the home flora is in an active growth phase. In autumn and even more so in winter, due to the short daylight hours, growth is most often insignificant.

Before landing, you need to make sure that you have everything you need at hand:

  • land (suitable for the species);
  • a pot that is slightly larger than the previous pot (if you choose a pot that is much larger, then for a sufficiently long time the growth of the plant will be completely concentrated on increasing the root system, which will slow down the growth of the stem, flowers and leaves);
  • fragments of broken bricks, pots or purchased expanded clay for flowers.

If planting pots are used for transplanting, in which there were other flowers before, it is strongly recommended to process them before settling new ones. Before disturbing the plant, it is abundantly watered with water and wait about an hour until it soaks the soil, then the flower is pulled out along with the ground (if the vessel is too tight, you can hold it against the wall with a knife, only very carefully so as not to damage the roots).

A little filler (clay fragments or expanded clay) is poured onto the bottom of the new pot, a little earth, after which they fill the voids along the edges of the vessel and sprinkle a little on top.
The soil near the stem must be compacted with your hands so that the plant does not squint and grows vertically. Water generously and leave for a few days in the shade.
After about a week, the flower can be transferred to its original place.

What days are favorable for transplanting indoor plants

When can you transplant indoor flowers? auspicious days for planting indoor plants can be determined using the lunar calendar. This is a reliable and proven way to determine the planting day after which growth will be most active.

The lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants is compiled every year and is used by gardeners around the world. Many flowers (bulbs) have their own specific preferences for the seasons.

Days in 2017 when planting flowers is most favorable:

  • January: 1-11, 28-31;
  • February: 1-10, 26-28;
  • March: 1-11, 28-31;
  • April: 1-10, 26-30;
  • May: 1-10, 25-31;
  • June: 1-8, 24-30;
  • July: 1-8, 23-31;
  • August: 1-6, 21-31;
  • September: 1-5, 20-30;
  • October: 1-4, 7-31;
  • November: 1-3, 18-30;
  • December: 1, 2, 18-31.

Days when planting flowers is the least favorable:

  • January: 13-27;
  • February: 12-25;
  • March: 13-27;
  • April: 12-25;
  • May: 12-24;
  • June: 10-23;
  • July: 10-22;
  • August: 8-20;
  • September: 7-19;
  • October: 6-18;
  • November: 5-17;
  • December: 4-17.

Transplantation of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is prohibited:

  • January: 12;
  • February: 11, 26;
  • March: 12;
  • April: 11;
  • May: 11;
  • June: 9;
  • July: 9;
  • August: 7.21;
  • September: 6;
  • October: 5;
  • November: 4;
  • December: 3.

The impact of lunar activity has nothing to do with magic. Depending on how close the Moon is to the Earth, the speed of movement of fluids in all organisms changes. That is why knowing about the days when the Moon is in the most favorable position for planting flowers is so necessary.

Indoor plants serve as a living decoration of the home, but at the same time they need careful and proper care. Many flowers require repotting in the spring. This is not the easiest task, but if you follow just a few simple rules, you can quickly carry out the necessary procedure.

First of all, before starting a transplant, you need to take care of the pots. It is important that the new one is slightly larger than the previous one. Making a choice is simple - the container in which the plant is now located should easily fit into a new pot. If clay was chosen, then the day before the transplant it will need to be soaked in plain water. When using an old container from another plant, it must be thoroughly washed warm water using a brush.

by the most the right time for transplanting indoor flowers is spring and early summer. Most of the plants wake up after winter during this period, therefore, intensive activation of metabolic processes begins. Positive influence on health and growth has an increase in light activity and daylight hours.

Many experienced flower growers transplant indoor flowers, taking into account certain lunar phases. The ideal option will perform such a procedure during the growing Moon, while it is desirable that the Moon at that time be in favorable signs for the plant - this is Water and Earth (this includes Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

When to transplant indoor plants?

One of the most important criteria for transplanting indoor flowers is his health, and of course, the size of the pot. If the plant was purchased only recently, then regardless of the season, it is necessary to transplant about 2 weeks after purchase. The fact is that it is usually sold in a special shipping container.

Also in without fail, transplantation is also carried out for those flowers that feel cramped in an old pot. For all perennials this procedure should be carried out once a year. However, not all indoor flowers need new soil. It is strictly forbidden to transplant if the period of budding or flowering has begun. The same rule applies to the period after flowering has passed, because the plant needs time to rest a bit.

Once a year, a transplant can be carried out for species with abundant foliage, which include violets, balsam, tradescantia, chlorophytum, etc. The need for the procedure is determined by taking into account how closely the roots of the plant have become in the old pot. Much less often it is recommended to transplant cacti, tree plants(for example, palm trees, cheflers, etc.), and of course, adult orchids.

How to transplant an indoor flower: a sequence of actions

  • First of all, it is necessary to transplant plants in which the lower leaves began to intensively turn yellow and dry, and the roots crawled out through drainage holes, since these are sure signs that old pot became tight.
  • A little drainage is placed at the bottom of the new container - it can be expanded clay, broken fragments (edges down) and small pebbles (layer 2-3 cm). Soil is poured on top, which is selected taking into account the type of transplanted plant. If it is difficult to choose the soil individually, then you can take a universal mixture designed for indoor flowers.
  • Approximately 1.5 hours before the start of the transplant, it is necessary to water the plant well, while water should appear in the pan. If this is not done, then the earthen ball, which will be taken out of the pot along with the roots, may begin to crumble and seriously damage root system.
  • The plant is carefully removed from the pot and placed on an oilcloth or newspaper. It is necessary to conduct a careful examination of the roots and cut off all weak, rotten or damaged ones. There are cases when the roots tightly braid the drainage at the bottom of the container, it must be carefully removed.
  • Too much big bushes can be divided into several parts. Young shoots are transplanted into separate pots. Also, during transplantation, the top layer must also be removed. old soil, since it will now be of little use.
  • It is necessary to hold the plant with one hand, and with the 2nd, carefully lower the earthen ball together with the root system into the prepared pot and straighten the twisted or bent up roots, but very carefully so as not to damage them.
  • The flower is kept evenly and the space between the walls of the container and the earthen clod is filled up. Periodically, it is necessary to slightly compact the earth, because it must settle. The formation of voids must not be allowed. The earth should reach the level of the base of the stem, but at the same time about 2 cm is left to the edge of the pot. If you pour too much soil, then water can overflow over the edges during watering.
  • After the transplant is completed, it is necessary to water the plant well and sprinkle a small amount of dry earth on top. Not earlier than in a week the next watering will be carried out, but at the same time, it is recommended to spray the leaves every day.

If transplanted mature plant, it will need to be removed for several days in the shade, and over time it can be returned to its old place. Experienced flower growers after the transplant is completed, it is advised to cut or pinch the ends of the stems, which significantly improves nutrition and more active development begins.

Knowing how and When is the best time to repot indoor flowers?, you can protect the plant from various diseases. However, there are cases when it is a certain ailment that requires an immediate transplant. The main signs of a serious disease in indoor flowers are yellowing of the leaves, dry buds. Such damage can be provoked by pests of the root system, leaf rotting, infected or spoiled soil.

In this case, a simple transplant will not be enough. There is a need for a thorough cleaning of the root system from the old soil. All roots are carefully freed from the ground, then an inspection is carried out, all rotten parts are cut off.

Immediately before the diseased flower is placed in a new fertile soil mixture, it is necessary to rinse all the roots using a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and special root growth stimulants can also be used. But you can do it even easier - with a small amount of chopped charcoal sprinkle the root system and only then cover it with earth.

Plants such as campanula, azalea, arrowroot, crassula, ferns, palm trees should be carefully transplanted, because they have a weak root system and do not tolerate this procedure well. Experienced gardeners do not recommend transplanting big plant, which has been growing in the 1st pot for a long time, because there is a risk of breaking it in the process. But, if necessary, in the spring you can simply replace the top layer of the earth with a fresh one.

Transplanting indoor flowers is an important part of caring for them. This is a complex procedure that can damage the health of the plant, so it must be carried out following all the rules. This is best done in spring or early summer, based on the recommendations of the lunar calendar. It is better not to transplant large flowers; if necessary, it is enough to replace the top layer of earth in them.



2022 "" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs