How to grow juniper in a pot (koniferen): from planting a cutting to caring for an adult plant. Juniper: planting and care in the open field and at home

Juniper is an attractive plant to grow on the site, it easily adapts to adverse conditions and saturates the air with a coniferous aroma. If you want to get additional specimens for planting, then you can germinate juniper from seeds at home. This propagation method is not the most popular, but with due effort, it becomes possible to grow many strong seedlings. The secret of success is in stratification, landing in nutrient soil. Experiments can be carried out in open ground and home conditions.

Juniper - evergreen conifer tree or shrub that attracts landscape designers variety of crown shapes and needle colors. It comfortably coexists with other conifers and flowering plants, can be grown as part of a mixborder, Alpine slide. If you want to find a suitable companion for him, then you should study, as well as undersized firs and pines. Junipers, like many conifers, release phytoncides into the air - substances that disinfect the air. In the area where such a tree grows, there will always be a clean atmosphere, saturated with coniferous aroma.

Juniper in landscape design

The attractiveness of the plant in green needles, which retains color all year round. Against its background, blue-violet fruits look spectacular. Ephedra adapts to almost any soil, withstands moisture, frost and heat. Cypress trees and certain varieties of pines can boast of the same properties. Many gardeners do not stop at planting one specimen. In order to save money, they often resort to propagation by cuttings and seeds, layering and grafting.

How to grow juniper from seeds for a beginner?

Propagation of juniper by seeds is one of the painstaking ways to obtain new seedlings. Gardeners are turning to germination of self-harvested seeds, as seedlings are not cheap. The seed method is the least expensive type of reproduction. Another reason why growing juniper from seed is a fascinating process, albeit a long and laborious one.

The seed method is the most natural, junipers spread in wild nature exactly. You should not hope that this method will allow you to save varietal characteristics. Decorative hybrid species are best propagated vegetatively, since pollination is carried out by the wind, full-fledged seeds from these varieties practically do not ripen. seed method breeds well:

Harvesting of planting material begins with the collection of cones-berries from fruit-bearing trees in early September. Green fruits are considered immature, they are not suitable for collecting planting material. If the cone is closed, then it must be placed in a warm place until it opens. It is better to collect cone-berries in the process of their darkening, but not after it ends. It will be difficult to prepare such seeds for germination, they will become dormant. To collect which are unique, you need to spread the matter under the tree, slightly shake the trunk - they will fall by themselves.

Collected planting material preliminary preparation will be required before landing in open ground. If you ignore these actions, then you can wait for seedlings for a long time or not wait at all. The harvested fruits are immersed in water, washed and ground to extract the seeds. They have a dense shell, it must be destroyed for successful germination. If this is not done, seedlings will appear no earlier than in a year.

There are 2 ways to process the shell:

  1. Place the seeds in a weak acid solution for half an hour, then remove and rinse. You can grind them with ashes and leave for 3 weeks.
  2. Destroy the hard shell mechanically. To do this, the seeds are ground between the sheets. sandpaper. You can place pieces of ribbed paper in a jar, pour in the seeds and shake vigorously.

Planting material is ready, you can start sowing.

Video about stratification.

Stratification, sowing and seedling care

Sowing is recommended in the fall. To do this, prepare boxes with a substrate of sand, peat and moss. You can add land from under an adult juniper. It contains symbionts - fungi that help the roots in development. Seeds are immersed in the soil shallowly, about 2-3 cm.

Stratification is a prerequisite for preparing for landing. The procedure consists in a long exposure at a certain temperature (in the cold). It is carried out in a natural way: a box of seeds is taken out into the street, dug in with snow. The crate will be outdoors throughout the winter. This improves germination and increases the number of sprouts. The approximate time the box stays in the cold is 120 days, or 3-4 months. Artificial stratification in the refrigerator is possible.

You can sow seeds in the garden without stratification. In this case, the shoots will make themselves felt only on next year.

Proper planting and care is necessary for juniper seeds to develop further. In the spring, in March or April, as soon as the snow melts, the stratified seeds are planted in open ground. If planted in the fall, they may not survive until the next season. A place for planting is selected warm and bright, so that the seedling actively develops. The first 2 weeks, seedlings will have to be sheltered from bright sunlight so that they do not suffer.

Sowing work:

Further sowing requires care. The soil should always be moist and loose. All emerging weeds are weeded by hand, loosening is also done carefully. Closer to winter, young specimens are mulched with humus. A layer of mulch is made at least 4 cm. Although junipers are famous for their resistance to cold, it is better to cover young plants for the winter with spruce branches. So the seedlings will grow in one place for 3 or 4 years, until they get stronger and are ready to be transplanted to the main place.

How to plant a juniper in a permanent place?

It is necessary to transplant into open ground no later than 4 years of age of the seedling. Older specimens do not tolerate a change of place. Transplantation is organized in the spring in cool weather. Several stages:

Seed propagation is a painstaking method of obtaining new plants, but it is still preferred to be practiced. Knowing how to germinate juniper seeds at home, the gardener avoids significant financial costs for store seedlings. From the fruits of one plant, you can get several valuable specimens of the conifer, much better suited for growing in a particular region.

I have children and they often get sick. One doctor advised me to take them out to the coniferous forest more often to breathe. I decided to go ahead and grow some in the nursery coniferous plants. After a long study of this topic, I learned that juniper releases the most healthy phytoncides into the air.

And, since I am a maximalist, I cut off 7 pieces at once. Of course, at first I was poorly versed in care, and two cuttings died. But the rest took root, and now I don’t have a house, but a health resort. And yes, coniferous flowerpots really help ... and how they smell!

Experienced gardeners believe that for indoor cultivation two types of such a plant are most suitable:

  • Chinese juniper (Stricta variegata)
  • hard (hard) juniper.

In the wild, both plants can grow many meters up, but in the apartment they will obediently and compactly turn green on the windowsill, tolerating pruning well.

In any case, such a plant will carry many benefits. Here is what an experienced herbalist says about juniper:

We plant our own indoor "Christmas tree"

This is not a one-time plant - in the wild, junipers grow for at least 600 years. So you have the opportunity to plant a tree, which you later pass on to your own grandchildren.

This will be especially effective if you create a coniferous bonsai:

Where can I get a small juniper

In most cases - buy. Especially often, such plants begin to be offered in flower shops and even supermarkets on the eve of the New Year. They are even decorated with miniature balls and artificial snow imitating a Christmas tree.

It is especially interesting to find a coniferen mix for sale. it different varieties indoor juniper. Having bought everything at once, you can create a unique decorative composition at home.

However, if you have never seen such plants for sale, and you want to grow indoor koniferen right now, you can go to the nearest forest or park, find this plant and break off a cutting. It takes root well at home. And then just plant the baby in a pot and take care of him, as described above.

A garden center expert will tell you more about rooting a juniper twig:

Well, it's even easier - to find a ready-made bush in the forest, dig it up and bring it home. True, such a "feint" will take place only in the northern latitudes - it is there in the wild that this prickly, fragrant plant can be found.

Conditions to be created before landing

  • The pot is worth buying a bigger one. The roots of the plant must be allowed to "turn around".
  • This pot should be with holes at the bottom, as well as a tray where excess water will drain. Coniferen needs to be watered frequently and likes to grow in slightly damp soil. Drain everything that flows into the pan immediately.
  • Prepare drainage in advance: ceramic shards, broken bricks, large expanded clay or pebbles.
  • Buy a spray bottle, especially if it's autumn or winter. Home juniper is afraid of dry air (that is, working radiators). You can save the tree by frequent spraying.


Coniferen (both a stalk that takes root and an adult tree) in terms of light “puts forward” requirements identical to tropical flowers: it likes a lot of light and it is bright, but the rays do not directly fall on the branches.

But this does not mean that the pot of koniferen should be kept in the shade. In winter, keep it in the sun (at this time of the year, even direct rays will not harm your coniferous pet). In summer, it is good for a plant to choose a western or eastern window sill - you can also use the southern one, but shade the juniper at lunchtime.


This plant does not like frills: in summer it is good for him if the temperature in the room does not rise above 25 degrees. In winter, it can freeze, but quite a bit - so, up to 13 degrees, no more.

A room with koniferen can often be ventilated, it will be to his advantage - but the pot should not be in a draft.

If your outdoor balcony not fanned by all the winds, you can rearrange the plant here for the whole summer.

soil and pot

Coniferous flowerpot loves eco-friendly pots: porcelain, ceramic (glazed), clay.

The soil for koniferen is suitable for such a plan: peat + turf land + sand + universal fertilizer(any purchased) + nitrophoska (about 200 g of this substance goes to one plant). In a word, the soil for juniper should be light and nutritious.

By the way, there is also a special primer for conifers on sale, here's what a package with it might look like:

And don't forget drainage!

Your landing steps:

  1. Place drainage and soil in the pot.
  2. Form the deepest and widest hole in the pot.
  3. Transfer the plant here without shaking off the earth adhering to the roots.
  4. Holding the coniferen over the hole, begin to fill the soil inside. When the entire hole is filled with earth, and this soil will hide the roots of the plant, press it a little (just a little bit).
  5. At the end, you can mulch the planted conifer with peat or humus. But personally, I prefer mulch with small pieces of pine bark - it will not let the soil dry out ahead of time, and it looks beautiful.

And now he has taken root: caring for koniferen

The good news: this coniferous culture is unpretentious and takes root well in a private house or city apartment.

The main thing is to spray the tree more often after planting, this will help it take root faster.


It must be moderate. In summer, koniferen is watered approximately every other day (when the top of the soil in the pot dries up). In winter, the watering can can be taken out much less frequently - 2-3 times a month. In any case, create a golden mean - the earth in a pot should not become a swamp, but do not let it dry out either.

Also, do not forget about spraying - they can be done once every 2-3 days, but if it's hot, then you can not hide the spray gun at all, spraying your favorite tree twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.


Coniferen is fed from April to September - these are the months of active growth of branches and needles. During these months, meals are given once every 2 weeks, and in October - once every 4 weeks.

Mineral mixtures are bought for the plant. They are diluted with water and applied during irrigation.

Sometimes you can buy special top dressing for conifers. True, more often it is imported. Let's say it's like this:

If you haven’t found one, buy a “mineral water” for home ornamental plants universal purpose.


Most home flowerpots are pruned in the spring. Not so with conifer. It should be "tamed" once a year, in February.

What you should do:

  • remove ugly (deformed), dried branches;
  • remove all unnecessary - first young, then apical branches (and do not spare the top, you can shorten it more than the rest of the branches, this will make the juniper bush beautifully);
  • if desired, you can form a crown in the shape of a cone or ball.


This procedure is also carried out once a year, but in the spring - best of all in March.

In winter, before this, the plant is cut so that the height of the crown does not exceed a meter.

The transplant is carried out as follows:

  1. Using a garden shovel, dig out a tree (pierce the soil around the coniferen with it, in a circle). Try to hit with a spatula at least as deep as the center of the pot.
  2. Carefully remove the plant along with the soil.
  3. AT new pot fill in the earth. Form a hole in it twice as large as root system plants that you removed from the old pot.
  4. Plant the tree as described above.
  5. After transplanting, water the juniper.

Important! Old trees are not transplanted - only the soil in the pot is collected from above and replaced with fresh.

What to do in winter

Koniferen is afraid of radiators, so if you put a pot with it on a closed (but unheated) balcony or on a windowsill for the winter, under which the radiator is turned off, it will best solution for a flowerpot.

If there is nowhere to put the plant and it has to spend the winter on the windowsill with a working battery, you can:

  • spray the crown of the plant twice a day;
  • build him a protective "suit" by putting a transparent bag on the plant - inside there will be the right humid microclimate, in which the sensitive needles of the koniferen will not dry out.

Is this plant sick?

The plant can be attacked by pests: aphids, scale insects, spider mite. Insects are killed with insecticides, mites - with acaricides. There are also poisons of general action that kill everyone at once, an example of such a drug is Actellik.

As for diseases, the hostess of a room koniferen may encounter rust (a disease can cause salinity of the soil - either the water for irrigation was hard, or the tree has not been transplanted for years, or a cat stealthily goes to the toilet in the ground).

Main conclusions

  • Coniferen - forest plant, which can easily settle in a pot.
  • You can buy a flowerpot or grow it with your own hands from a cutting pulled out in the park.
  • Basic principles of juniper care: winter spraying, frequent trimming of the crown with scissors, generous lighting without direct sunlight.

More about growing conifers in our house (and not only "disposable", under New Year, but perennial) you will hear from this video:

The juniper shrub that we grow in our gardens is a shrub with a height of 1 to 3 m, although sometimes gardeners prefer to grow tree-like forms of the plant - the height of the juniper tree is from 4 to 8, and sometimes up to 12 m. The stem is erect, branched. The bark of young plants is red-brown, the old juniper usually has a brown bark. Juniper leaves are needle-shaped or scaly, collected in whorls of several pieces. Juniper is a dioecious plant: female fragrant cones with a spicy sweetish taste have a diameter of 5 to 9 mm, an oval shape and a green color. Male cones look like elongated oval spikelets of bright yellow color, located in the axils of the leaves. In the cones ripening in the second year, in which there are juniper seeds in the amount of a dozen, tightly closed fleshy scales.

Types of juniper for home growing

Plants of the juniper genus can be grown not only on household plots, but also at home, forming them into a standard bonsai or bonsai. In this case, the upper layer of the bark is removed from young plants, and the impression of an old tree that has seen a lot in its lifetime is visually created. To enhance the effect, bonsai are usually planted on stones, creating an appropriate entourage. The crown of the required shape is formed with a wire, too long branches should be cut off (pruning is best done with the onset of spring).

Decorative juniper is able not only to please the eye, but also, having strong bactericidal properties, to purify the air for several meters around. However, when growing juniper at home, do not forget that these plants do not tolerate dry air and high temperature. If the indoor juniper is in a hot room, it will quickly die. For this reason, it is extremely important to create comfortable conditions that plants of this genus are accustomed to in nature - to provide access to light, to keep enough low temperature in winter, regularly ventilate the room. Chinese juniper (Juniperus chiensis) is best suited for cultivation at home. Of all the plants of the juniper genus, it requires more mild conditions wintering, being in the cold period in the open field, it often freezes slightly, especially for young seedlings. The extremely slow growth of Juniperus chiensis allows for a long time to maintain a compact, neat form of a houseplant. Particularly good for decorative fit at home, dwarf forms of Chinese juniper Japonica Aureo-variegata (shrub with golden-motley needles), urea (with golden needles) and Alba (with white needles). Also for cultivation in room conditions hard juniper (Juniperus rigida) is suitable. Like Chinese juniper, it grows extremely slowly and is a long-liver. With the onset of cold weather, decorative home juniper, the photo of which is widely presented on this page, is best kept in winter garden, on the loggia or balcony. In this case, the plant will be provided with the necessary temperature regime and sufficient air supply. Moreover, wintering in such conditions can not only decorative juniper, but also others houseplants, because for the wintering of most of them, the temperature should not exceed + 12 ° С.

Juniper propagation

Juniper reproduces in 2 ways: with the help of seeds; cuttings.

Seed propagation method

It is quite difficult to grow a plant from seeds, because it has poor germination. But if you still decide to grow a shrub at home from seeds. Then in this case, you need to plant juniper in autumn time in boxes. During the period of cold weather, the boxes should be taken out into the street, where they should stand for 4 months. The seeds that have survived the cold weather are planted in pots at the end of spring and continue to be stored for fresh air. Usually, seedlings can be seen only the next year after planting the seeds. It is not easy to grow juniper from seeds at home, but if you create favorable conditions, then it is quite realistic. In order for the plant to grow and develop well, then the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out. You need to put a shrub in a well-lit place, and apply special fertilizers. Cutting method

Reproduction of juniper at home using cuttings is easier than seeds. But in order to carry out this procedure, the plant must be at least 8 years old. In the spring, it is required to cut off the stalk, 10 cm long. Then it is placed in peat with sand, installed in a shady place and covered with a film. The shrub must be constantly sprayed. After 2 months, roots will appear. During this period of time, juniper should be transplanted.

Planting juniper in the room

When planting and growing juniper at home in a pot, you need to remember the following recommendations: It is better to choose a free pot for the plant. Junipers grow well when there is plenty of room for the root system. At the bottom of the pot, there must be a drainage layer (broken brick, gravel, sand or expanded clay). Try not to let the soil dry out, and be sure to drain excess water from the pan. In room conditions, dry and hot air becomes the biggest danger for juniper.

Many novice growers believe that juniper is not at all whimsical to the ground. But this is not entirely true; before planting juniper in the ground, it is necessary to add a nutrient mixture. The composition of such a mixture includes turf land, peat and sand. In addition, it is advisable to add 200 g of nitrophoska and any universal fertilizer to the soil (available at flower shop). Planting juniper is carried out only in a pot with an additional layer of drainage at its bottom. Make a hole in a pot with pre-prepared soil 2 times as deep as the height of the entire plant. If the root system of the juniper contains an earthen ball, make sure that when planting it is 8 centimeters above the bottom landing pit. Hold the plant and carefully cover the hole with soil. After that, lightly tamp the topsoil and sprinkle it with mulch (you can use humus or peat).

Juniper care at home

When growing juniper at home in a pot, the following recommendations should be taken into account: It is better to choose a free pot for the plant. coniferous shrubs feel good when there is room for the root system. Juniper is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But you definitely need drainage at the bottom of the pot. And the soil can be taken like this - leafy earth, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. The plant loves light, but protection from direct sunlight is required, so it is undesirable to put it near windows overlooking sunny side. The biggest danger for juniper at home is dry hot air. Central heating in winter it is fatal to him. The best place for wintering - a warmed loggia or a cool window sill near the window glass. The recommended temperature regime in winter is 7-10 0C. In summer, the plant will feel best in the shade on the balcony.

It is useful to spray the plant daily, twice in the summer, in the morning and in the evening. There are both drought-resistant species of juniper, and moisture loving, but general recommendations- do not allow the soil to dry out, but be sure to drain excess water from the pan after watering. Water in summer 2-3 times a week, in winter, in cool conditions of a loggia or insulated balcony, up to 3 times a month. right time for transplanting juniper March or November. During the growing season, it is recommended to feed the plant with fertilizers for conifers. Junipers rarely get sick at home, various fungal infections are typical for plants in the garden. If it became noticeable that the needles turn yellow, dry out, most likely due to dry warm air indoors or scorching Sun rays. It is urgent to find a new habitat for the plant in the house, and cut off the damaged dry branches.

- one of the most common plants on earth, a relative of the Cypress. More than 60 species of shrubs grow in different latitudes of our planet from the most northern to the tropics.

Species of juniper plants are found as both trees up to 20 meters high and creeping shrubs. They belong to the dioecious evergreen representatives of the flora.

The grayish-brown branches of the plant and the trunk are completely covered with thin needles or needles that look like scales. The female juniper fruits are about three centimeters long with scales collected in a berry usually of blue color sometimes red-brown. Due to their spicy smell, they are used as spices.

Juniper pollination usually takes place in spring, less often in early autumn.

The healing properties of juniper include:

  • The berries-cones of the plant contain a lot of terpenes, tannins, which help stimulate the urinary tract and enhance their ability to filter fluids.
  • Juniper resins help in the treatment of many skin diseases.
  • The flavonoids contained in the plant successfully fight against various viral diseases.
  • A handful of fresh berries will help with stomach ulcers, and a decoction of them treats rheumatism, puts the liver in order.
  • Inhaling the aroma of the plant, a person calms down, sleeps well.
  • Even in ancient times, young mothers used juniper infusion to increase lactation.

The appearance of the domestic juniper, the aromas emanating from it, attract many to acquire a plant to decorate their home or garden.

To obtain juniper seedlings at home the best way there will be cuttings. Young branches are cut throughout the year, you can even do it in winter. The cuttings are harvested from the thicker part of the bush, then the needles are carefully removed from the lower part of the branch.

Prepared branches are planted in a soil substrate, subsequently shedding with Zircon, which will help the branches take root and take root in about a month. Cuttings should not be placed in water for rooting, because they will simply die due to peeling of the bark.

Many try to propagate shrubs, but this is very difficult and not always effective.

Seeds are sown in prepared containers in the fall and taken out in the cold so that they undergo cold hardening. In the spring, the seeds are transplanted into other boxes, which are also left under open sky. If everything goes well, then in a year the seeds will germinate. For life, they need more sun, quality and. If there is patience, then the tree will begin to grow slowly but surely.

Juniper home can be grown both in the apartment and on the site near the house. For the life of a juniper in an apartment, the following conditions must be created:

  • The shrub loves coolness and does not tolerate heat, therefore perfect option for him - a window sill in the northern part of the apartment.
  • The plant also does not like intensive watering, otherwise it will lose all the leaves.
  • As much air as possible is simply a must for juniper. In summer, you can take a pot with a tree outside.
  • Dry air and dust in the room where the juniper grows is unacceptable. Therefore, more often it is necessary to spray the plant.
  • The minimum amount is ideal for a shrub.
  • shrubs are produced as needed in March or November.

The plant is difficult to take root in city apartments, although there are species that best tolerate the conditions of the city. These are such types of juniper as Chinese with almost white needles, or gold-colored, or variegated needles. The bushes of this species are compact and grow for a long time. For planting on a juniper garden site, open, not too sunny places are chosen, adding needles to the soil, river sand and some mineral supplements.

In order for the plant to take root, in the first wintering it must be covered with spruce branches or a layer of mulch.

Evergreen bushes are watered rarely - once a month. But it is better in the morning and in the evening, then the plant will be pleased with delicate needles.

Juniper berries are harvested every three years. Syrups, jams, tinctures are prepared from them. In dried form, they are good as a seasoning for meat, soups, they are added when sauerkraut. But too many juniper berries can spoil the dish, they should be put from two to five per kilogram of product. Juniper bushes of different colors and shapes successfully fit into the landscape of the garden.

Despite the fact that the juniper grows slowly, every year it is necessary to remove dried and gnarled branches from it. Pruning of shrubs is carried out when they are formed from it. Before embarking on this procedure, it is necessary to carefully consider the actions, otherwise it will be difficult to restore the structure of the tree later.

The shape for creating the contours of a bush can be chosen differently from a pyramid, a ball to a cone.

The creeping bush is pruned every year, keeping it compact. They begin by cutting off the young growth that has appeared. Top part the plant is removed great length than other branches. All this contributes to the splendor of the tree and strengthening its health.

An unpretentious shrub can sometimes get sick, most often with a fungal disease such as brown mold. It usually develops in hot and rainy summers, affecting young undergrowth. To prevent the appearance of an ailment, planting plants must be thinned out more often, remove diseased branches.

Rust diseases caused different kind fungi, infect needles, shoots, which leads to their death.

For therapy, diseased plants are cut out, and the rest are fed with immunostimulants and treated with fungicidal preparations, a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Plant pests include:

  • The scale insect and its larvae, which appear in the middle of summer and stick to the plant, destroy the fruits and needles of the juniper. This leads to the fall of the needles and the drying of the branches of the shrub.
  • The juniper sawfly is characterized by eating away the tissues of the plant from the inside. To get rid of the pest, you need to dig more often trunk circle every tree.
  • The caterpillars of the shoot moth gladly devour the shoots of the domestic juniper. Only spraying can save them insecticides, as well as preparations based on mineral oils.

Any deviation in the development of domestic juniper requires attention and the adoption of quick and timely measures.

More information can be found in the video.

juniper is evergreen which belongs to the cypress family. The plant is quite often found on summer cottages, and also grow indoor juniper. At home, it cleans the air well. Juniper is not difficult to grow at home, but it is worth following some care rules.


Juniper reproduces in 2 ways:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • cuttings.

Seed propagation method

It is quite difficult to grow a plant from seeds, because it has poor germination. But if you still decide to grow a shrub at home from seeds. Then in this case, it is necessary to plant juniper in the autumn in boxes.

During the period of cold weather, the boxes should be taken out into the street, where they should stand for 4 months. The seeds that have survived the cold are planted in pots at the end of spring and continue to be stored in the fresh air. Usually, seedlings can be seen only the next year after planting the seeds. It is not easy to grow juniper from seeds at home, but if you create favorable conditions, then this is quite real.

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, then the earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out. You need to put a shrub in a well-lit place, and apply special fertilizers.

Cutting method

Reproduction of juniper at home using cuttings is easier than seeds. But in order to carry out this procedure, the plant must be at least 8 years old.

In the spring, it is required to cut off the stalk, 10 cm long. Then it is placed in peat with sand, installed in a shady place and covered with a film. The shrub must be constantly sprayed. After 2 months, roots will appear. During this period of time, juniper should be transplanted.

juniper care


Juniper is a thermophilic plant, so it should be placed near the windows. In hot weather, a pot of shrubs is recommended to be taken outside. It is necessary to carry out the spraying procedure daily so that dust does not settle on the leaves. Another container with shrubs must be protected from the scorching rays of the sun.


The shrub must be placed on cold windowsill, away from heating appliances(batteries, radiators). Otherwise, it may adversely affect the condition of the plant.


In hot weather, the temperature regime should be 20 ° C, not higher. In winter, juniper is best taken out to a balcony or loggia, as the temperature in such rooms is low.


The plant should be watered moderately, excessive moisture can adversely affect the shrub. A disease of the root system may appear, the leaves will begin to crumble. In the room where the juniper pot is located, there should be good air circulation. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced.


The plant needs to be pruned annually. This must be done in February. In the end winter period the shrub begins active growth, so professionals recommend replanting the juniper in another tank. The roots should also be trimmed, but the procedure should be performed 1 time in 3 years, not more often.


Sometimes the plant needs to be fed, for this they are perfect organic top dressing. You can use humus. In rare cases, use mineral supplements You don't need to add a lot of them. Usually fertilizers are applied in summer in small doses.


A young plant needs to be transplanted once a year. Transplantation is usually carried out in spring period. When the juniper is old, it is not necessary to do a transplant. Only it is required to replace the top layer of the earth. This must be done every year.

It is very important to lay out a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, which is made from the following components:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • sand.


  • spider mite;
  • mealybug;
  • caterpillars.

In order to fight pests, you should use special preparations sold in specialized stores.



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