Lunar calendar for April the month of the gardener

Inexperienced gardeners and gardeners often wonder how to properly work in the middle of spring. The lunar sowing calendar for April 2018 will help to cope with the tasks. Of course, one should also take into account climatic conditions terrain, but the base will be perfectly represented by a special table.

Why is it so important moon calendar? If crops are planted too early, there is a danger that they will freeze; if they are planted too late, they will not sprout, and the harvest will be small. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and time of disembarkation in advance.

Planting and other work in early April 2018

No matter, climate zone You have the Urals or the Volga region, at the beginning of the month it is recommended to carry out preventive work against fungal diseases in the garden. To do this, on the day of planting trees, treat their tree trunks with solutions of ammonium nitrate, urea and nitroammophoska.

According to the advice of the calendar, at the same time it is recommended to plant shrubs and trees with an open root system, as well as to dig trunk circles, because most pests prefer to winter in the upper layer of soil. As for shrubs, the gardener's and gardener's calendar for 2018 recommends processing them blue vitriol.

At the beginning of April, there should be not only a day for planting trees, but also a day for removing dried cherries, pears and other fruit species plants. If you neglect this rule, there will be problems with the occurrence of fungal diseases.

The gardener's calendar recommends pruning black currant, honeysuckle and gooseberry. At the same time, all young shoots from the middle are cut out from the latter. In white currant, old branches and branches going inside the crown are simply eliminated. Broken branches are removed from honeysuckle.

In the first half of the month there are days favorable for sowing in a greenhouse or under a film of cold-resistant greenery. You can sow broccoli seedlings and white cabbage. At the same time, indoor flowers are being actively planted and seedlings are being grown:

  • cauliflower;
  • vegetable physalis;
  • tomato hybrids;
  • eggplant.

What to plant in mid-April according to the lunar landing calendar for 2018

The calendar of work in the garden focuses on sowing in separate containers and growing lemon balm, hyssop, basil and other herbs. You can do the germination of gladioli and dahlias.

The April calendar also reminds us not to forget about sowing heat-loving flowers:

  • zinnia (Zinnia);
  • ageratum (Ageratum);
  • purslane (Portulaca);
  • amaranth (Amaranthus) and other pilots.

  • Increase the light intensity of the plants if it becomes noticeable that they are stretching.
  • Loosen and mulch strawberries, rid them of last year's foliage.
  • Treat seedlings from pests by spraying.
  • Get vaccinated fruit plants.
  • Harden off seedlings.
  • Feed fruit trees.
  • Cover the beds with a film that will provoke the growth of weeds, and remove them before planting the main crops.
  • Place traps on those beds where the wireworm was seen.

Work at the end of April

At the end of the month, a day should be set aside for planting trees and carrots. Carrots are resistant to cold and are able to sprout even at low temperatures. environment. Special attention should be given to radishes. It ripens very quickly, already a month after planting it will be possible to feast on a juicy root crop.

After the weather of the Moscow region and Siberia settles down, you can start landing in open ground the following green crops:

  • parsley;
  • leaf lettuce;
  • dill;
  • spinach;
  • sorrel.

The rest of the information about the work in the garden will be given by the gardener's calendar.

Choosing seeds for planting in April (video)

Favorable and unfavorable days for gardening and gardening

the date

Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon in Libra

Digging up bulbs and tubers, planting ampelous and ornamental long stem plants

Planting herbaceous crops, forming a crown and diving seedlings

Moon in Scorpio

Pruning mustaches on strawberry and strawberry bushes, removing overgrowth and weeds

planting herbaceous plants, crown formation and seedling dive

Moon in Scorpio

Usage chemicals protection of plants from pathogenic microflora and pests

Moon in Sagittarius

Procurement of cuttings, as well as strawberry and strawberry whiskers, followed by rooting

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius

Transplantation of plants with a strong root system, work on plowing, loosening, hilling and removing weeds

It is forbidden to perform budding and carry out forming pruning of the crown

Moon in Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn

Harvesting cuttings of garden crops, seedbed preparation seed material

Haulm harvesting vegetable crops, collecting foliage, performing autumn plowing

Moon in Aquarius

Carrying out any manipulations with the crown garden trees, including all types of pruning and cuttings

Procurement of medicinal plant raw materials and vegetable canning at long-term storage

Moon in Aquarius

Activities for tillage, watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

Trimming and shaping, picking and pinching, removing stepchildren on horticultural crops Oh

Moon in Aquarius

Cuttings, germination and rooting of cuttings, planting garden and ornamental plants

Implementation of any activities with the root system of plants, including loosening

Moon in Pisces

Planting spice, flower, medicinal, grain, climbing and climbing plants

Moon in Pisces

Transplantation, root division, propagation of bulbous plants and tuber-bulbous crops

Moon in Aries

Any measures aimed at preventing damage by pathogenic microflora and pests

It is impossible to dig and bookmark for long-term storage of potato tubers

Moon in Aries

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings of plants in order to obtain high-quality seed material

Works that can cause damage to the aerial part or root system are prohibited.

Moon in Taurus

Planting seedlings of plants to obtain high-quality seed material

Work that can cause damage to the aerial part or roots is prohibited.

Moon in Taurus

Planting rootstocks for further regrafting, cuttings, sanitary pruning

Too abundant irrigation measures, root dressing liquid fertilizers

Moon in Taurus

organic root dressing, pruning of the aerial part to slow down growth processes

Carrying out pinching and diving seedlings of garden crops

Moon in Gemini

blank harvested crop on the winter period, storage of vegetable products

Too abundant watering and work aimed at loosening the soil or digging it

Moon in Gemini

Work on the formation of the crown, trimming the whiskers of strawberries or strawberries, trimming excess shoots and flowers

Sowing work or planting seedlings of almost any garden crops

Moon in Cancer

Treatment of the aerial parts of plants folk remedies or chemicals

Sowing or transplanting ornamental and garden plants

Moon in Cancer

It is impossible to water abundantly and overfeed crops with fertilizers

Moon in Leo

Sowing, planting and transplanting vegetable, pumpkin and nightshade crops

Preparation of nutrient soil substrates for sowing seeds and growing seedlings

Moon in Leo

Collection and laying for long-term storage of all crops, as well as thinning seedlings, removing weeds

It is impossible to collect seeds from crops planted on this day due to low germination

Moon in Virgo

Digging and loosening the soil on the site, hilling, as well as replacing the soil in flower pots

Irrigation and fertilization must be carried out with extreme caution.

Moon in Virgo

Pre-treatment, soaking and germination of seeds in order to obtain seedlings

Moon in Libra

Procurement for the winter period of grown garden and horticultural products

Works that can cause damage to the root system are prohibited.

Moon in Libra

Harvesting bulbs and tubers, planting ampelous and ornamental plants

Planting herbaceous crops, forming a crown and picking seedlings

Moon in Scorpio

Procurement of medicinal plant materials, harvesting of grain crops

It is undesirable to transplant horticultural and horticultural crops

Moon in Scorpio

Seeding and planting, replanting most crops in order to obtain a high yield

Shaping, rejuvenating and sanitary pruning crowns of garden plants

Lunar boarding calendar gardener for April 2018, should become useful tool and an assistant to all lovers of gardening, gardening professionals - he will help in solving many important tasks of working with plants, in the garden or summer cottage.

Of course, any of the gardeners has every right to decide for himself whether to use the recommendations and advice of the Lunar Landing Calendar for April 2018, or to act at his own discretion, thanks to his knowledge.

1 April 2018, 16 lunar day: Full moon
April 2, 2018,
17 lunar day: Waning moon

Water, fertilize with organic matter, plant bulbous plants.

April 3, 2018,
18 lunar day: Waning moon

Sow cucumbers, squash, pumpkin. Graft garden trees.

April 4, 2018,
19 lunar day: Waning moon

Fight greenhouse pests.

April 5, 2018,
20 lunar day: Waning moon

prune fruit trees and berries. Sow hot peppers.

April 6, 2018,
21 lunar day: Waning moon

Plant perennials, root vegetables, and long-term storage vegetables.

April 7, 2018,
22 lunar day: Waning moon

Lay garden paths, put up fences, uproot stumps.

Folk omen for the day:
Annunciation. Spring overcame winter. Third meeting of spring. If wind, frost and fog - by the harvest year. If there is snow on the roofs, it will be in the field in another month. The first mushrooms grow on a hillock - by summer rains, settled in a hollow - to land. If the Annunciation is cold, expect forty frosts in the morning. Badgers and raccoons come out of their burrows, hedgehogs out of rotten stumps, forest ants out of heaps.

April 8, 2018,
23 lunar day: Third quarter

Give rest to plants and earth, Put things in order on the site.

April 9, 2018,
24 lunar day: Waning moon

Carry out work to protect pests in the garden and in the garden.

Folk omen for the day:
The lapwing flew in - brought water on its tail. The lapwing calls in the evening - to clear weather. Arrival of pigalits and buntings. Under the threshold of the ford - on the street crossing.

10 April 2018,
25 lunar day: Waning moon

Sow nightshade, leguminous, cabbage and early-ripening root crops.

11 April 2018,
26 lunar day: Waning moon

Vaccinate, root cuttings, prune shrubs.

12 April 2018,
27 lunar day: Waning moon

Water, feed with organics, do not plant anything.

Folk omen for the day:
The average time for the start of woodcock traction. If the draft suddenly stops - wait for a cold snap or snow soon.

April 13, 2018,
28 lunar day: Waning moon

Fight pests and diseases, dig and loosen the earth.

14 April 2018,
29 lunar day: Waning moon

Carry out pruning of garden trees and shrubs.

Folk omen for the day:
Marya Light the Snow. The ice breaks hard - it's dangerous to walk. If the ice suddenly comes off, the year will be easy, good. The ice on the river will disappear or remain on the shore - the year will be difficult.

April 15, 2018,
1 lunar day: New moon

Refrain from any gardening garden work.

Folk omen for the day:
Titus Icebreaker. Spring spills water in the river. The intensive lekking of capercaillie begins.

16 April 2018,
2 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow root crops for seedlings. Water, fertilize with mineral water.

17 April 2018,
3 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow cold hardy annuals and perennials.

18 April 2018,
4 lunar day: Growing moon

If weather permits, transplant fruit trees in the morning.

Folk omen for the day:
Fedulov day. April pouted his lips - the greenhouse blew. The crickets wake up.

19 April 2018,
5 lunar day: Growing moon

Fertilize houseplants organic.

20 April 2018,
6 lunar day: Growing moon

Sow sweet pea, beans, peas and climbing plants.

21 April 2018,
7 lunar day: Growing moon

Water, spray and fertilize the soil in future beds.

Folk omen for the day:
Rodion Turn out the shafts. First field trip. If the meeting of the red sun with a good month is a clear day and good summer, and if thin - bad weather and a bad summer.

April 22, 2018,
8 lunar day: First quarter

Sow Greens and Leafy Vegetables, Feed Organic

23 April 2018,
9 lunar day: Growing moon

We dive seedlings, feed, illuminate, water and loosen.

24 April 2018,
10 lunar day: Growing moon

We plant seeds for seedlings. We dive seedlings, fertilize seedlings.

Folk omen for the day:
Anton Polovod. If the waters do not break, then the spring is late and the summer will be bad.

25 April 2018,
11 lunar day: Growing moon

An unfavorable day for working with plants and earth.

Folk omen for the day:
The last day when the bear leaves the den in which he slept all winter. Later that day, he does not lie in the den.

26 April 2018,
12 lunar day: Growing moon

Move fruit trees, sow grass on lawns.

Folk omen for the day:
The bumblebees made noise.

27 April 2018,
13 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant indoor flowers, do mineral top dressing.

Folk omen for the day:
Martin Lisogon. Relocation of foxes from old to new holes.

28 April 2018,
14 lunar day: Growing moon

Work with the earth, water, fertilize and dig.

29 April 2018,
15 lunar day: Growing moon

Plant root crops, sow cabbage and peppers.

April 30, 2018,
16 lunar day: Full moon

A good day to plant cherry, apricot, plum and peach trees.

Moon phases in April 2018

Works in the garden and vegetable garden for April

Transplanting garden plants

Caring for plants is not easy and rather scrupulous, as each plant needs its own care. Let's figure out how to care for flowers if you, at this stage, have little experience in this industry.

Despite the variety of garden plants, it is possible to highlight the main points regarding the care of certain types of plants.

  • planted garden plants into moist soil: if you squeeze a pile of such earth, a lump should form and at the same time your lump should break when it hits the ground.
  • A garden plant must be prepared for transplantation. It should be borne in mind that before digging up a plant, it must be watered so that the soil does not crumble from the roots.
  • During transplantation, they try not to disturb the earthen ball with the rhizome.

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are substances of inorganic origin, that is, those in the formation of which Live nature did not take part. In fact, these are ordinary minerals (components rocks), in which the most important role is played by certain chemical elements.

For the manufacture of mineral fertilizers, natural raw materials (phosphorites, nitrates, etc.) are used, as well as by-products and wastes of certain industries, for example, ammonium sulfate, a by-product in coke chemistry and the production of nylon. Mineral fertilizers are obtained in industry or machining inorganic raw materials, such as grinding phosphorites, or using chemical reactions. Available in solid and liquid mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contain nutrients in the form of mineral salts. Mostly they are obtained artificially from natural compounds or synthesized under industrial conditions. Mineral fertilizers can be simple (unilateral) and complex (multilateral). Simple fertilizers contain one main nutrient: nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. Complex fertilizers contain two or more components. According to the active, nutrient element, mineral fertilizers are divided into macrofertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microfertilizers (boron, molybdenum, etc.).

Macrofertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur - elements that are part of plants, and therefore are consumed in significant quantities.

Microfertilizers (boric, zinc, manganese, etc.) contain chemical elements that are involved in plants in very small quantities. Accordingly, the consumption of these elements by plants is much lower, but the need for them is by no means less.

In Lunar sowing calendar gardener and gardener for April 2018, various events have a certain effect on planting and transplanting plants or caring for them. By choosing auspicious days for work in the garden and the garden, you will save your positive forces and attitude, save the plants from all dangers, find harmony with your garden and garden.

How to use the lunar sowing calendar?

The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener helps to find out which days are the most favorable for planting, or vice versa - unfavorable for working with plants and soil due to its composition.

The main thing you should pay attention to when getting acquainted with the lunar activity calendar: the lunar phases, zodiac signs, as well as the days of the week. It is not surprising that even the day of the week on which work is scheduled can affect the health and fruitfulness of a plant. Every day is marked by influence own planet, which can also interfere or help in this event. Also, depending on which sign of the zodiac circle on this moment has the greatest power, you can influence the quality and quantity of your crop.

Latest articles about gardening and gardening

Favorable days for planting plants yielding crops from the aerial part 19 to 29 April
Auspicious days for planting plants yielding crops from the underground from 5 to 15 April
Full moon April 30 (03:58)
Recommended gardening work on a full moon During this period, plant juices and nutrients rise up. Highly good time for harvesting from the aboveground parts of plants, seed collection time.
New moon April 16 (04:57)
Recommended garden work on the new moon These days, work related to the earth is not recommended. It is not recommended to plant and sow, do not loosen the ground or carry out other work that may damage the roots.

Good for weeding, weed control, pest and insect control. In these, you can harvest the underground part, for example, potatoes, onions, beets, root crops and the like.

Auspicious days for harvesting from the aerial part from 1 to 5 April, from 25 to 30 April,
Auspicious days for harvesting from the underground from 11 to 21 April
From 17 to 30 April
Growing moon, recommended works
This period follows immediately after the new moon and consists of two quarters (phases), the first and second. The first quarter lasts about 7 days, the second a little more than 7 days and ends with a full moon. First phase continues from the new moon, when the moon is not in the sky, until the appearance of a small thin crescent of the month and its growth to the size of half a disk, directed by the convex side to the right. Second phase- from the wide month to the full moon, when the fully illuminated moon is visible in the sky.

Plant juices and useful substances under the influence of the moon's attraction begin to move upward.

The period of the growing moon is favorable for planting trees, shrubs and flowers. It is good to graft plants, plant plants whose crop is above ground level. It is ideal to make such landings immediately after the end of the new moon, at the beginning of the first phase.

In general, the period of the growing moon is favorable for:

  • Landing plants in which the aerial part develops and yields: salads, strawberries, shrubs, trees and the like.
  • Sowing seeds, planting seedlings of green, fruit, melon crops.
  • Planting and transplanting trees and shrubs.
  • Land cultivation, top dressing, watering.
  • Grafting and regrafting, harvesting cuttings.
  • Preparations for the future, fermentation of homemade wine, salting and fermentation.
April 1st to April 15th
Waning moon, recommended works
The waning moon period begins after the full moon and lasts until the new moon. This period is divided into 2 parts called 3 and 4 quarters. The waning moon period lasts approximately 11-12 days. Plant juices and activity under the influence of the forces of attraction of the moon and the sun gradually return to the roots. They become more sensitive, but the branches - on the contrary. It is favorable for planting and feeding root crops, pruning, harvesting root crops and some of the work listed below. Flowers cut during this period stand for a long time, and root crops are stored for a long time.
  • Root crops are best planted during the waning moon. Shortly after full moon.
  • Accordingly, during this period it is better to harvest root crops.
  • Carry out root feeding.
  • Plant pruning.
  • Control of plant diseases and pests.

When to plant and transplant plants?

The lunar calendar has long been used to determine the days on which it is preferable to plant, transplant plants. Naturally, the future of plants depends on proper care behind them, watering and feeding.

Use of fertilizers and bait for plant and shrub growth, weeding, pruning, grafting and special means plant care products are certainly very useful and have a positive effect on plants. But, guided by the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for April 2018, you will be able to increase the effect of their correct application, you will be able to increase the positive result and the harvest as a whole.

April highlights

April is the final period when it is necessary to treat cultivated and fruitful trees from pests by spraying and pruning. If gardeners have not yet had time to carry out these works, it is recommended to try to complete these actions before the middle of the month.

It does not hurt now to spray shrubs and small flower trees from various kinds of pests. If required, it is necessary to graft the plants, as well as remove debris in the area adjacent to the trees.

Potato tubers can be actively prepared for future planting soon. The sowing calendar for April 2018 strongly recommends sorting out the tubers left for spring from all the impurities of decay. It is good to shift the prepared potato tubers into dry and ventilated boxes, which will be convenient to use when immediate landing potatoes.

In April, there comes an active moment for working with flower crops. It is recommended to plant the first annuals, which are not afraid of severe frosts, in the soil heated by the sun's rays. For strength and getting the necessary nutrition flower crops, the soil is recommended to be treated with nitrogenous or other mineral fertilizers.

On the windowsills, it is required to start hardening the seedlings of flower crops. To do this, it is necessary to take out the seedlings in a ventilated cool room for a few minutes during the day.

Be sure to feed in April fruit trees and shrubs, this will ensure a fertile and fortified crop in the future.

The lunar sowing calendar for April indicates that in the second half of the indicated month it is already possible to introduce seeds of carrots, radishes, parsley, turnips, dill, lettuce and onion sets into the heated soil. But for home seedlings, hardening is required slowly; for this, cultures are exposed to the street for a short time in warm sunlight.

Before the warm days of May, you can try to plant rhizomes and bulbous plants in the soil moistened with thawed snow. It is recommended to do this in latest dates month.

To stimulate the growth of weeds and improve the process of getting rid of them, it is recommended to apply polyethylene film. The greenhouse effect will create additional favorable conditions for the speedy growth of weeds, which can then be successfully removed. Moreover, such a procedure will preserve the necessary and nutritious moisture in the soil.

Advises the lunar sowing calendar for April 2018 to start decorating the garden. To do this, it is necessary to form by cutting decorative bushes and fruit trees. You can figuratively cut the bushes of lilac, mountain ash, currant, arborvitae or juniper in the garden. Large flower crops, such as roses, also require decoration.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2018

gardener and gardener

How to plant and work according to the sowing calendar - we study the table for April 2018:

There are four phases of the moon, each of which has a special effect on a living organism. Therefore, when compiling the lunar table, astrologers pay attention to the following aspects:

  • full moon and New Moon- periods when you should not go to the garden and engage in sowing, transplanting or planting plants. In these bad days clean the garden, weed the beds or just take a break from the earthworks. Everything is due to the fact that useful substances in these phases accumulate in the root system of plants. The process of sap flow becomes slow - the stems and leaves do not grow.
  • The moon is on the rise - an intensive metabolism begins in the terrestrial part of the plants. At this time, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits grow well. In the garden, you can loosen and dig up the soil and hill the beds, as the risk of damage to the root system is reduced.
  • The moon is waning - metabolism begins in the underground part of the culture. During this period, do not dig and loosen the soil, so as not to damage the roots of plants, otherwise they will die. Plant plants in the ground that are valued for their root crops. Roots play an important role in the growth and development of shrubs and trees. Therefore, on the waning moon, you can start planting and transplanting seedlings.

Gardeners and gardeners know what a huge impact lunar activity can have on their crops at a certain period. The spring months are considered especially important for sowing and gardening, because at this time most of the cares about plants and land fall. If you are not yet well versed in this matter or are interested in specific information about how the Moon affects plant growth, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material in this article, which contains the most useful answers about the lunar sowing calendar for April 2018.

Spring work in the garden for April

Already at the beginning of the month, it is necessary to harrow the soil dug up in autumn as soon as possible, sow early vegetables, install temporary film shelters, sow fast-growing cold-resistant (mustard, phacelia) green manure in the beds, which will be occupied by heat-loving vegetables.

Now they sell collapsible greenhouses of various calibers. They are installed over the prepared bed in a few minutes. You can simply cover the bed with a frame covered with a film, or insulate the area with a film on arcs.

The simplest shelter will allow you to get seedlings of radishes, lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions sown with nigella, kohlrabi in more early dates than on open beds. Seeds of cold-resistant crops begin to germinate at low positive temperatures, but if the microclimate is made warmer by several degrees, seedlings will appear faster, plants will develop more actively.

The influence of the phase of the moon on planting in April 2018

The phases of the moon in April 2018 affect both the roots of plants and the aerial part. Planting plants on a certain lunar day can accelerate their emergence, growth, and affect the fruits of future plants.

On some days, it is necessary to refrain from planting, weeding and loosening the roots of plants and flowers, because. this can lead to plant damage, growth retardation, rotting or, for example, disrupting their energy balance. This affects not only the work with the land itself, but also other work in the garden and the garden.

If you would like to collect good harvest, then you obviously need everything to be done in April 2018, according to the lunar sowing calendar.

If you are planting a plant, this is especially true for perennials, trees that are supposed to long term life, seedlings, then this should be done only on the growing moon, preferably before the full moon. On the day of the new moon, this should not be done.

Plants planted before the full moon will be different tall. Just as all deeds aimed at development should begin on the growing moon, so new life in a new place, plants, especially perennials, should be given on the growing moon.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2018

gardener and gardener

The influence of the signs of the zodiac

How the signs of the zodiac act on plants:

  • Aries is a dry and barren sign. He is favorable to crops that are not stored for a long time, but are used for food immediately after harvest. These include tomatoes, a variety of greens, radishes. This period is perfect for picking fruits and root crops, as well as cutting flowers.
  • Taurus is a fertile wet sign that allows you to achieve excellent plant yields. fast shoots these days are not observed, but over time, the plantations hatch and become strong, hardy, with a strong root system. In this phase, it is better to plant, transplant and weed crops, cut trees and shrubs.
  • Gemini is a barren and dry sign. It is advisable to leave fruit and vegetable plants alone, and switch your attention to roses or shrubs. At this time, it is good to start collecting and harvesting medicinal herbs.
  • Cancer is a fertile, wet sign, during which you can water, fertilize and fertilize the soil. True, crops will not develop as actively as we would like, but they root system will be strong and healthy.
  • Leo is a dry and barren zodiac sign that is suitable for weeding garden beds. During the reign of Leo, you can plant perennial plants in the soil, harvest grains and legumes. It is not recommended to transplant and sow new crops.
  • Virgo is a wet but not fertile sign. As a rule, its energy is directed to the development of the root system in plants. This period is perfect for planting ornamental trees, bushes, weed control, replanting and diving.
  • Libra is a wet and productive sign, capable of channeling life-giving energy into a flower. Plants give an excellent harvest, which has good performance safety. These days you can various jobs in the garden and vegetable garden: transplant, weed, graft, cut, etc.
  • Scorpio is a wet and fertile sign, affecting the leaves. This sign is the second most productive after Cancer. All crops sprout quickly, become strong, hardy and give enviable yields. Scorpio makes delicious preserves fruit fruits and vegetables.
  • Sagittarius is an unproductive and dry sign of the Zodiac, capable of directing all life-giving juices into fruits. Suitable for planting pumpkin, potatoes, peppers, radishes, onions, garlic and herbs.
  • Capricorn is a fertile dry sign that develops the root system of plants. Great time for sowing vegetables and flowers. Trees and shrubs planted under this sign give excellent harvests long time.
  • Aquarius is a dry and unproductive sign, it gives energy to flowers to a greater extent. These days, crops, transplanting or planting should be avoided, because the plants will not be able to take root, and the sprouted ones will quickly die.
  • Pisces is a wet and fertile sign of the zodiacal circle, which gives life-giving energy to the leaves. Plants bear delicious fruit juicy fruits however, they will not last long. Under Pisces you can get very tasty wine and fruit juices.

Spring is in full swing: work on the site intensifies in April, it's time to take care of fertilizing the soil, pruning dead in winter branches, collecting undecayed foliage, sowing cold-resistant crops and transplanting container plants into beds. If you took care of winter garden tools, work in the garden in April will be greatly facilitated, and the sowing season will be completed in due time.

The best planting time in the south of Russia is autumn. But planting seedlings in April is also acceptable: the choice of benign material, proper preparation soil, abundant watering and good care guarantee good survival of trees, their successful growth.

April for the gardener begins with the cleaning of strawberry beds from old, overwintered leaves and peduncles, since it is on them that spores, white and brown spots remain.

In the calendar of the gardener-gardener for April, cutting of the leaves remaining on the autumn bushes is necessarily planned. They are removed at the base of the bush with a large garden knife or pruner, leaving a minimal petiole. In the center of the bush there are usually a few green leaves that are not removed. Cut leaves are taken out in. Infected leaves should not be carried on forks.

In the garden in April, it is advisable to bring in strawberries, berry bushes, perennial flowers and trees is one of the nitrogen fertilizers. The best fertilizers for April - this is ammonium nitrate, urea, potassium or calcium nitrate at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 m2 of soil occupied by plants.

Last year's autumn plantings strawberries, bulging seedlings can occur. At the same time, the bases of the roots and the whole heart are visible on the surface of the soil. These plants are deepened so that the heart is only half protruding from the ground. It happens the other way around: the heart completely goes into the soil, and only petioles with leaves stick out of it. If the heart is deepened by 1-1.5 cm, then the topsoil is carefully removed with a scoop or a two-pronged fork.

In deeper plants, the root system is hooked with a fork and the bush is pulled up so that the heart appears on the surface. After this operation, the soil is slightly compressed.

If the rows early varieties cover with a synthetic translucent film that is held on arcs, then the first harvest of berries can be obtained two weeks earlier than usual.

Also in the gardener's calendar for April, spraying is required. fruit crops from awakened pests and pathogens.

Planting calendar gardener-gardener for April

April is a busy month for the gardener. It is in April that cold-resistant plants begin to be planted: crops such as cabbage, onions, parsnips, and dill are sown on the beds. Their seeds germinate already at a temperature of + 2 ... 3 ° C, and such as carrots and beets need to be warmer - + 5 ... 6 ° C. Zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans are very thermophilic. They are sown when the soil warms up to + 10 ... 13 ° С.

When compiling a gardener’s planting calendar for April, it is important to consider: vegetable plants are the most demanding on soil moisture, which is primarily due to the structural features of the root system, which in most crops is shallow and has a weak sucking power.

According to the size and structure of the root system, vegetable crops can be divided into three groups:

  • The first group includes: before, eggplant, cucumber, radish, cabbage, onion, lettuce, spinach. Their roots are located superficially (up to a depth of 35-40 cm).
  • The second group includes: carrots, tomatoes, parsley, which have a fairly powerful root system that penetrates deep into the soil by 1-1.5 m.
  • The most powerful root system that goes into the soil to a depth of more than 2 m, form plants of the third group: pumpkin, melon, horseradish, beetroot.

In the gardener's sowing calendar for April, it is necessary to take into account the work on irrigating the soil. Plants with a poorly developed root system need irrigation, and plants with a well-developed root system are able to economically consume the received moisture (melon, pumpkin, horseradish, red beets, carrots, potatoes, legumes) and are relatively drought-resistant.

The exactingness of plants to moisture in different periods is not the same. It is especially great during seed germination.

During the formation of the root system, it is very important to keep the topsoil (5-15 cm) moist with frequent watering. As the root system develops, the number of waterings should be reduced. With regular frequent watering the roots are located superficially and are severely damaged during loosening.

When planning a gardener's sowing calendar for April, remember that very great importance for vegetable crops, it also has air humidity.

Cucumbers and green crops are the most demanding; less demanding carrots, beets, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, beans; gourds are the easiest to tolerate air drought.

Vegetable crops present high requirements to soil fertility. Most of them grow better on highly fertile, structural soils, medium and light loamy chernozems, light and dark chestnut. Poorly successful vegetable crops on waterlogged soils. April is definitely planned in the gardener's calendar drainage works. In swampy areas, before sowing vegetables, diversion ditches must be arranged, and sometimes soil must be poured. If you want to a large number of soil, then the bottom layer can be any field land, the upper one, 20-25 cm thick, should be fertile.

Saline soils are completely unsuitable for growing vegetable crops, since most vegetable plants have low salt tolerance.

Carrots, peppers, garlic, and radishes die the fastest on saline soils. Somewhat more stable onion, tomatoes, turnips. The most stable are beets and eggplant.

When working in the garden in April, in order to improve alkaline soils, it is recommended to add gypsum and increased doses organic fertilizers. It is better to do this in two steps: in the fall when digging the site and in the spring under a rake. Dose per 1 square. m plot - 0.3-0.6 kg of gypsum and 4-6 kg of organic fertilizers.

If salt licks lie deeper than 20-25 cm, it is important not to turn them to the surface when digging, and if they are located close to the surface, it is recommended to gradually improve the root layer by successive deep digging and flushing irrigation.

What flowers to sow in April: planting and transplanting plants

Working in April in the garden and in the garden, do not forget about flower beds. In the first half of April, annual flowers are planted: escholcia, sweet peas, and purslane are sown directly in open ground.

What other flowers can be planted in unprotected soil in April:

  • In April, it is recommended to sow flowers such as: calendula, cosmea, godetia, as well as perennial ornamental grass. Sowing in rows at a distance of 20 cm from one another is considered more convenient for subsequent care. After germination, seedlings should be thinned out. Also in April, flowers are transplanted into flower beds.
  • Before flowering, it is necessary to feed bulbous plants (, hyacinths) and small-bulbous (, scylla, snowdrops, muscari, etc.). Perennials wintering in the ground also require top dressing (peony, phlox, iris, primrose, hosta, hemerocalis). First spring top dressing give only ammonium nitrate - 20 g per 1 m2 or carbamide - 15 g per 1 m2. For daffodils and hyacinths nitrogen fertilizers add 20 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2.
  • When perennial sprouts are clearly visible, loosen the ground around them, especially if they have not been mulched since autumn. Plants with superficial occurrence of roots or rhizomes - irises, lilies of the valley, phlox - loosen carefully, shallow.
  • Renew lawns as needed. The soil is dug up, leveled and seeds of bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue, bent grass or other seeds are sown. lawn grasses at the rate of 15-20 g of seeds per 1 m2.
  • As soon as the earth is weathered, gradually remove winter shelter from grapes, hydrangeas and other plants, they loosen and loosen the earth around them. pruned garden roses: in remontants, 6-8 buds are left on each shoot, in tea-hybrid and polyanthus - 2-3 buds, in climbing and park trees, only dead, broken and weak branches are cut out.

from biennials and perennials at this time they sow: pyrethrum, gaillardia, lupins, rudbeckia, gypsophila, delphiniums.

Cover the seed crops with earth and be sure to press or roll so that the seeds fit snugly into the soil. If during sowing the land is dry, it is necessary to water the furrows with water and, as soon as the water is absorbed, start sowing.

Remove winter cover from clematis and feed them ammonium nitrate- 10 g per plant, loosen the soil. Then, without delay, mulch the soil under the clematis with sawdust, as the root system of these plants cannot stand overheating.



2022 "" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs