Perennial flowers for the garden. Perennials for the garden, unpretentious and long-flowering

Flowers are a real decoration garden plot. They make the garden play bright colors, they lift the spirits of garden owners; with their help it is easy to create coziness and comfort even on a small piece of land. In our online store you will find a catalog of perennial flowers, consisting of huge amount types and varieties.

Benefits of Perennial Flowers

The main advantage of perennials is that you don’t have to deal with buying seedlings and planting flower beds every year. This not only saves your time, effort, but also money. It’s better to spend once and enjoy beautiful flower beds for several years than to buy a “standard” set of seeds every year. No, this does not mean that you do not need to purchase new perennial flowers for your flower bed. Just to update the appearance of a flower garden, it’s enough to buy a couple of varieties, not a dozen. The second advantage is that perennial flowers are usually easy to care for. For them the main condition good growth and abundant flowering - choose the right planting site. That is, comply with the requirements of a particular variety, such as:
  • light-loving (you need a place in the sun, partially shaded or shady);
  • soil composition (fertile, sandy, etc.);
  • type of fertilizers, frequency and need for their application;
  • permissible humidity and frequency of watering.
If you follow the planting recommendations, a perennial flower garden will delight you with abundant flowering for a long time. Another advantage is the ability of perennials to withstand winters near Moscow. Some varieties of flowers don’t even need to be covered, their frost resistance is so high.

What inexpensive perennials are there?

If a flower is cheap, it means it is not unique, blooms poorly and does not deserve attention. This is a misconception. In our online store you will find large number inexpensive perennials that bloom profusely, are unpretentious, and you won’t find some varieties in every second garden. All varieties of perennial flowers for flower beds and flower beds can be divided into the following groups:
  • Beautifully flowering tall. The height of such perennial flowers varies from one to two and a half meters. This group includes basil, willow-leaved sunflower, spotted sapling, tricitris, tree peonies and so on.
  • Medium height. The height of this group of perennials varies from 30 cm to one meter. These include daylilies, yarrow, rhodiola, peonies, cornflowers, phlox and so on.
  • Low-growing or groundcover perennials. The height of these flowers ranges from 5 to 30 cm. This group is represented by such varieties of perennials as pansies, dwarf phlox, gentian, large-flowered flax, oak sage, carnation, geranium and so on.
The color of perennials is very diverse, as well as the structure of the flower and the shape of the inflorescences. Each species has at least three varieties of different colors. Thanks to such diversity, even from the simplest at first glance varieties of flowers, you can create unique flower beds and flower beds. Many ground cover unpretentious perennials are used to decorate borders. By combining low-growing, medium-growing and tall flowers, rock gardens, rockeries, and mixborders are created. Some varieties are suitable for growing in pots and flowerpots, so they can be used to decorate porches, gazebos, and balconies. You can buy perennial flowers for your garden at retail and wholesale. Place your order online or by phone and decorate your garden this month. You can also get advice from professional flower growers via online chat or telephone.

In the gardens on country dachas you can meet a lot various types flowers that have different flowering periods. Some people choose to plant annuals or biennials, while others choose perennials.

It is generally accepted that perennial plants are the most practical, as they will delight us with their decorative look more than one year. What perennial flowers to plant in the dacha, which varieties are unpretentious and long-flowering, as well as the best perennial flowers for the dacha with photos and characteristics of the species - we will tell you about this in this article.

Characteristics of perennial flowers

One of characteristic features perennial ornamental plants is a long flowering period. Thanks to this garden flowers decorate our front gardens for a long period, unlike annual plants. In terms of complexity of care, they do not differ significantly from annual plants.

The main activities for the care of perennial species take place mainly in spring period when the time comes to take care of removing dry leaves and branches. At the same time of year, young plants are planted, as well as appropriate fertilizers are applied in the form of compost, manure or mineral forms so that the plants quickly regain their shape and acquire a decorative appearance.

Perennial flowers for the garden are considered an important part of the overall plant composition. Their inflorescences can come in a variety of colors and shapes, and certain species tend to have a wide variety of varieties. So the choice is not so easy!

Why should perennial flowers be in the country house?

Perennials are a very diverse group of plants. They have many advantages:

  1. have enormous wealth shapes and colors;
  2. varied in size and flowering period;
  3. do not require fertile soil and special care;
  4. frost-resistant;
  5. generally disease resistant;
  6. are rarely attacked by pests;
  7. durable, growing for several years.

Perennials have an attractive flowering calendar from very early spring to late autumn. Therefore, with the right selection, they can continuously delight our eyes with beautiful colors, decorative appearance, rewarding us with their charm almost all year round, even in winter, if we leave the dried inflorescences. Below are the most popular varieties of perennial flowers for the garden, photos of various types and compositions.

Perennial flowers for the garden - photos with names

Beautiful perennial flowers blooming for the garden, photos of the main varieties and features of their cultivation.

Phlox are unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden; photos of flowers can be seen below. There are many species with different colors. The plant has a height of up to 70-120 cm. Requires planting in a sunny place and fertile soil, moderately moist. Phlox bloom profusely and are also resistant to disease and cold. However, if they grow in partial shade, the colors of the flowers (white, pink or purple) are more intense. In summer, beautiful dense hemispherical inflorescences are formed, including two tones.

Lightly fragrant phloxes are suitable for flowerpots. They can remain in the same place for many years. However, every 4-5 years the bushes must be divided and replanted.

Echinacea is a very spectacular perennial plant that can decorate any garden plot. They belong to the Asteraceae family and come from the prairies of North America. They are characterized as unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden with high decorative qualities. The most commonly cultivated plants are Echinacea purpurea, which can grow up to 1.5 meters and has rough, tough leaves that are dark green in color.

Echinacea requires full sun exposure and fertile, moist soil. It blooms from July to October. The flowers have a characteristic convex conical center and dark pink petals. There are also varieties with white and yellow petals. The plant spreads easily.

Siberian iris - this perennial plant grows up to 50-100 cm in height. It has narrow, green, delicate leaves. Iris blooms from May to June. Siberian iris feels good in the sun, as well as in partial shade and shade. It can be planted in a garden bed or in a swampy area. coastal zone pond. There are also varieties that grow up to 60-120 cm in height. Delicate flowers with a diameter of 60-75 mm are purple, blue or white and a clear pattern on the lower petals. Very decorative narrow leaves resemble tufts of grass.

Grows well in fertile, slightly acidic, moist and even marshy soils. This is a fairly unpretentious perennial plant, completely frost-resistant. It can also be successfully cultivated in pots on balconies and terraces.

Lilies are the favorites of many; they are deservedly considered one of the most attractive and fragrant bulbous plants which can be seen in our gardens. Lily has a large number varieties and an incredible variety of colors, namely, the shapes and designs of the petals and the entire inflorescence. The soil for this perennial must be fertile and permeable, as it does not like waterlogging. The lily feels best in the sun, on slightly raised soil (this prevents excessive accumulation of water). Depending on the type, it reaches a height of 50-120 cm. Early varieties planted in March or September, at the end of April, and white lily– in August.

Daylily - this one is very unpretentious perennial flower Originally from Asia, it is great for a summer residence. It is durable and resistant to harsh conditions. Depending on the variety, it reaches a height of 30-120 cm. The shape of the flower resembles lily flowers. Throughout the growing season, the plant has decorative foliage. It blooms very profusely and for a long time. There are about 15-20 buds on the trunk, which ripen gradually. As a result, flowering can last up to a month, although individual flowers wilt after 24 hours. Daylilies come in an incredible variety of patterns, colors and shapes. The plant has many varieties.

Among the varieties you can find flowers of white, pink, purple, black, yellow and orange, as well as dark brown. They are characterized by a range of shapes, including quite unusual ones, such as those resembling stars or spiders. There are flowers that are almost odorless and also highly fragrant.

Daylilies require virtually no care, making them attractive to novice gardeners. They do not require fertile soil. The position should be sunny or slightly shaded. Planting is usually carried out to a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm. Care is limited to watering and fertilizing. Old varieties grow well even in poor and dry soils. Very useful for coloring and opening flowers, apply several times foliar feeding with a predominance of phosphorus. Daylilies can grow in one place for 15-20 years without transplanting.

Lupine is a very beautiful perennial flower, loved by many gardeners due to its high decorative value and ease of cultivation. It is very often found in gardens, where it looks great in colorful flower beds. The plant belongs to the legume family and includes dozens of species. Lupine grows best in sunny exposures. It needs fertile soil with low calcium content. The plant has hard inflorescences of dark or light blue, pink, white, yellow, and even bicolor, 60-80 cm high. It is easy to sow, but does not tolerate transplants well.

Orlik garden or aquilegia is a perennial flower that prefers half-shaded and shady places, humus and moist soils. It feels great under the canopy of trees. It is a short-lived plant, but it spreads easily and remains in the garden for many years. Its original flowers come in a variety of colors and the color combinations are endless.

Garden delphiniums are perennial flowers that require sunny positions or partial shade. They need fertile, permeable, moist soil. The rigid inflorescences grow up to 200 cm in height and have dark or light blue, lavender, pink and white flowers. After flowering, they need to be pruned just above the ground, then the plants will bloom again. Delphiniums are short-lived and need to be divided every few years.

Thus, these are beautiful tall perennial flowers for the garden, photos of which can be seen below. Sometimes they have to be tied to a support.

Heliopsis sunflower is a perennial plant that blooms with yellow flowers and looks very beautiful in company with dark leaves. Flowering begins in mid-summer. Heliopsis reaches a height of about 1 m. The exposure should be with south side, but in the shade. The soil will need to be quite fertile, with humus. The flower adapts well to environment and can grow in worse soil. The plant is frost-resistant. It looks beautiful planted next to delphinium and asters. Has a very long and abundant flowering(often before frost), produces large clusters of flowers and spreads easily.

Oak sage loves sunny exposure, but also tolerates partial shade. The soil should be fertile, permeable and moderately moist. Hard inflorescences grow up to 80 cm in height. Flowers dark blue. Removing faded inflorescences stimulates the development of new ones.

Astilbe are long flowering perennial plants. If you give them optimal conditions, they will thank you long and beautiful flowering. Their fluffy, colorful inflorescences can decorate any shady corner of the garden. Chinese Astilbes a little easier to grow than others - if you provide them with very moist soil they will grow well even in a sunny location.

Astilbe is a plant that belongs to the saxifrage family. Scientists know about 20 species of these ornamental perennials. Their habitat is moist and shady forests located in Asia and North America. They are quite often grown in home gardens. Astilbe grows best in partial shade and requires fertile, permeable and moist soil, but not overwatered. Depending on the variety, it can have a height of 30-60 cm. Small flowers are collected in hard panicles of purple, light or dark pink and white color.

Perennial climbing flowers for the garden, photo

Climbing plants for the garden, in addition to their beauty, have many practical advantages:

  • they create large area green in color with minimal occupied space on the ground;
  • with their help you can cover an unattractive place;
  • located on a gazebo or canopy, they create shade.

Some species can climb walls using their antennae, while others grow around supports. Many species have stems so thick that sometimes they will need really reliable support. Before you buy perennial climbing flowers for your garden, let's see which species are suitable for planting in the planned location under specific conditions, so that you are not surprised later that, for example, honeysuckle does not want to climb up the wall.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera peryclimenum) is flowering climbing plant which has a wonderful aroma. Honeysuckles have no special requirements, but bloom in a sunny location. They need support. These climbing perennial flowers are great for the garden as they bloom profusely all summer long. Flowers consist of many thin tubes. They happen different colors: yellow, pink, red, purple, white.

Wisteria is a perennial climbing vine with very beautiful flowers. They hang in clusters of purple, white, pink, lavender and even blue. Some varieties can form inflorescences that reach 70 cm in length! Wisteria grows around supports, which must be strong, because old plants have thick stems with a circumference of several tens of centimeters.

Clematis are, as a rule, demanding plants, although there are varieties that are quite unpretentious. It is worth planting clematis in your garden because of its beautiful flowers. The variety of varieties is really large. Clematis are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. There are options, such as Barbara Dibley, with huge flowers. Plants climb up the support.

Campsis radican is a perennial vine. It is very sensitive to frost and must be planted in protected areas. This vine is sometimes confused with wisteria, as it has a very similar flowers in the form of tubes. The flower has a beautiful red, orange or yellow color. Unfortunately, flowering does not begin until several years after planting, so we must be patient. Kampsis curls around the supports.

Aubert's Fallopia (Fallopia aubertii) is a vine with large growth, which can reach 6-8 meters per year. Planting a fallopia is the most quick way for covering walls with greenery. However, we must be careful with it as it is so expansive that it can quickly get out of control and grow in places where we don't want it.

Climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) is the queen of shade-loving perennial climbing flowering plants for the garden. It does well in partial shade and shade, as evidenced by the beautiful white and large flowers in these conditions. The plant requires a strong support around which to grow. The stems are very thick and can sometimes destroy a fence made of boards between which they intertwine.

The rose probably needs no introduction; this plant is loved and grown by many gardeners and summer residents. Roses require support, but it does not need to be as strong as for hydrangeas and wisteria.

Chinese Schisandra is best known for its medicinal properties, but can also be an ornamental plant in the garden. The flowers are inconspicuous, white, but very decorative red fruits are collected in hanging clusters. Grows best in partial shade.

This article presents the most popular perennial flowers for the garden, photos and brief description species should help make the right choice for specific soil and climatic conditions. The right choice taking into account all factors, it will allow you to enjoy all the benefits of the plant and see magnificent flowers that will decorate any cottage or garden.

Beautiful flowers are a decoration for any area. But annual planning, preparation and work on new flower beds is not easy and expensive. Therefore, many gardeners make their life easier and plant perennial, unpretentious flowers. They require minimal care; the plant lives from 2 years to several decades (subject to timely division of the bush). And in terms of beauty, perennial unpretentious garden flowers are in no way inferior to annuals, and often even surpass them. Well, let's move on to considering the most suitable options.


These are reliable, unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden that will never let you down. They are classified as bulbous and bloom at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of spring, depending on the variety. Flowers have a central tube (corolla) surrounded by a collar of petals, which can be different shades, such as yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some varieties have a subtle aroma. You will know that narcissists have woken up by subtle narrow leaves, which will appear from the ground as soon as the sun warms up. They are slightly shorter in length than the flowers.

When purchasing, choose beautiful, healthy bulbs that have not dried out. It is better to plant daffodils for the first time before winter, and then divide and plant the bushes at the beginning of summer, when their leaves have completely withered. The bulb is buried 5-7 cm into the ground. For planting, choose sunny or slightly shaded areas.

Further care is very simple: the plant needs to be well watered during the flowering period, if it is delayed, feed it. To prevent thin stems from falling from the wind, they sometimes need support. When the buds wither they need to be cut off.


Another easy-to-care plant that looks very impressive. It is undemanding to the soil and is almost not affected by pests. The Latin name for daylily means “one-day beauty” because the bud blooms in the morning and fades at night. But don’t worry, there are up to 12 ovaries on one stem, so the plant will delight you with its flowering for several weeks.

Daylilies come in different heights, so they can be used in a variety of ways: in borders, in isolated groups, or in the background of a flower bed.

Gardeners brought to literally thousands of varieties of this plant, which differ not only in the size and color of the flowers, but also in their shape and flowering period. In some species it lasts longer or occurs twice a season.

Daylily care

The plant requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, but in hot regions, flowers with bright colors must be shaded, otherwise they will fade. The soil should be moist but with good drainage. It is best to plant daylilies in the spring so that they get stronger before winter. But if the cold season is severe, then in the first year it is preferable to dig it up or at least cover it well until the warmth returns.

Generously fertilize the soil with compost before planting, leaving enough (30-60 cm) space between seedlings. Bury the bulb no more than 2-3 cm. In the first year, the daylily is particularly demanding of watering, and then it is resistant to difficult conditions.

When you notice that the plant begins to bloom less, this may be a signal that it has grown too many “babies” and it’s time to divide it. This usually happens 3-5 years from the moment of planting. It is also better to carry out the operation in the spring.


If you need perennial, unpretentious flowers with an interesting bud shape, subtle aroma and amazing vitality, then these beauties are your best choice.

Irises have three large outer petals that point downward and three inner petals that are vertical. The former may have beards or fluffy combs. They come in different colors and sizes.

Most irises bloom once - in early summer. Some, mainly bearded hybrids, are remontant and bloom again a little later.

Irises need a sunny location and well-drained soil. Flowers are planted in mid-late summer in shallow, wide holes. The rhizomes are left open on top or lightly crushed with earth in hot regions. Indeed, unlike bulbous plants, which need to be buried in the soil, they love sunlight and can rot under a layer of soil.

These perennial, unpretentious flowers are extremely easy to care for. It consists of careful watering, without waterlogging the soil; you should also not overdo it with fertilizers. Old flowers are cut off when they have already withered, and the leaves are left - they continue to nourish the root throughout the season. Once every 2-5 years the bush needs to be divided and replanted.


These are very beautiful unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden. Photos of peonies in all their glory inspire you to grow them.

Moreover, after the luxurious flowering is completed, you will not be left with a bare flowerbed, but a lush green bush, which in the fall will acquire a reddish-golden color.

A perennial may even outlive you - a peony bush lives up to 10 years. Plants require minimal care once they are planted in good place It is better not to disturb them; they react very painfully to the transplant.

These perennial unpretentious flowers need an abundance of sunny color and loose, well-permeable soil. Peonies are not even afraid of cold winters, because frost promotes the formation of buds in the spring.

Caring for peonies

For planting, take parts of the rhizome with eyes from an adult (3-5 years old) bush. The timing of the procedure is autumn (September-October), before the first frost. The place should be unshaded, open, protected from the wind. The soil needs to be fertilized properly. Plant the plant in a wide hole with its eyes up to a depth of 2.5-5 cm.

After this, as with previous perennials, maintenance is minimal. You only need to fertilize the bush if you have very poor soil. Water it in a timely manner, remove faded buds and cut off the foliage for the winter to eliminate the risk of overwintering diseases.


Many people have a tincture of this plant in their medicine cabinet. But in gardens, perennial unpretentious flowers are not so common. And in vain, because even in the most intense heat, echinacea will delight you with large flowers. Their classic color is purple with a raised brown cone-shaped core, but there are varieties with red, yellow, orange or white petals. Echinacea attracts butterflies and birds with its aroma and seeds.

Most often, the plant reproduces by seeds, which are sown in the spring; it loves sunny places and fertile soils. Echinacea should be watered at least once a week. In the spring you should fertilize with compost and mulch. Faded buds need to be cut off not only to encourage new ones to appear more actively, but also to prevent the unauthorized spread of seeds. Divide the bushes every 3-4 years. More often the plant should not be disturbed, it does not like it.


These perennial, unpretentious flowers for a flower bed can serve as an example of a spectacular appearance and ease of care. There are a lot of varieties and colors, you can always choose the variety that suits your liking. Phlox blooms with a bright, beautiful ball, which consists of small five-pointed flowers.

They prefer open sunny places, but will tolerate light shade from trees. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.

The plant should be planted in rich, fertilized soil. Leave about 30 cm between flowers so that they can grow well and not interfere with each other. Adult flowers are fed with compost and the ground around them is mulched. At least garden phlox and a drought-tolerant plant (since it comes from field phlox, which can withstand harsh conditions) It is recommended to water it at least once a week. For the winter you should take care of shelter.

The most unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom in autumn

Of course, these are chrysanthemums. In autumn, when everything around begins to fade, they explode with a splash vigorous flowering. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors: white, yellow, pink, orange, red, lavender, purple and bi-color. There are low-growing bushes and almost meter-tall giants.

Chrysanthemum can be grown from seeds, by dividing rhizomes, or by buying ready-made seedlings or even plants in pots. It is better to replant them every 2-3 years to avoid problems with pests and diseases. It is better to divide the bush in the spring. Depending on its size, this should be done once every 3-5 years.

These perennial, unpretentious garden flowers love unshaded areas with loose, fertilized sandy soil. Subsequent feeding is optional, but recommended. In order to enhance the formation of flower ovaries, when the sprouts reach 20 cm, they need to be pinched. For the winter, cut the stems to 20 cm and cover.

Autumn beauty

If peonies are associated with the last bell, then asters are certainly held in high esteem on September 1 and Teacher's Day. Of course, they bloom from the end of August to mid-October, there are different sizes, coloring pages and shapes. Asters are perennial, unpretentious flowers; a photo of a flower bed with them proves how impressive they can look.

The conditions for caring for them are similar to caring for chrysanthemums. After all, both plants belong to the same botanical family - Asteraceae.

Can be grown from seeds that are sown early spring, and from seedlings, if spring in your region is cold and protracted. Or you can buy adult plants in pots.

Astra loves sunny areas, but can cope with slight shading.

The plant should be watered at least once a week, fed with compost every spring and protected from weeds. Tall varieties should be tied up. Pinching the tops also gives good results.

For winter, the old foliage is completely cut off and the plant is covered.

Once every 2-3 years, the bush needs to be divided so that the aster continues to develop rapidly.

For problem areas

All of the above plants require sunny locations for optimal development. What to plant with north side at home or under the trees? Pay attention to hostas - perennial, unpretentious flowers that grow well in the shade. Most of all they are valued for their beautiful succulent foliage. However, many species will delight the gardener with interesting flowers on a high stalk, in the shape of a funnel or bell, sometimes reminiscent of lilies. Coloring - white, lilac or purple. Blooms from June to October, depending on the variety.

Caring for Hostas

It should be noted that not all varieties like dense shade. The lighter the color, the more to the plant need sunlight. Therefore, for especially shaded areas, choose varieties with dark, rich green leaves.

The planting hole should be fertilized generously with compost. While the plant is young, it requires a lot of moisture, but make sure that it does not stagnate. In the future, hosts will also appreciate timely watering, but adult flowers can easily tolerate short droughts.

Plant care consists of spring feeding, protection from slugs and a small shelter for the winter. Hosta grows well in one place for several years; moreover, the bush will reveal its full potential no earlier than 3-6 years after planting. It is not necessary to divide it, only if you want to propagate the plant.

These perennials will decorate your garden and will not cause any trouble.

Perennial flowers for the garden - the choice is yours!

Perennial plants for the garden - green chic, unique beauty and bright shine

Beautiful perennial plants for the garden can now be seen on many suburban areas, and especially in summer, flowers delight the eye, inviting us to take colorful photos against the backdrop of the landscape. Every owner or housewife can use them to make candy from the local area. We invite you to transform your perennial flower beds using only the most beautiful garden flowers.

  • Gardening
  • Decorative perennial flowers
  • Improvement and landscaping of the territory

For most gardeners, it is important that their perennial flowers please the eye throughout the summer season. This means that you need to choose certain varieties for this. First of all, these should be perennial, long-blooming garden flowers - The longer the plants delight the eye with bright colors, the less work you have to do.

Fortunately, there is plenty to choose from - now there are over 280 thousand plants that can be grown in the country, creating beautiful flower beds. For an excellent composition (as in the photo), both the shortest perennial flowers for a flower bed and tall plants, pleasing to the eye for many years.

The most beautiful - why perennials?

Gardeners prefer perennials because such flowers can remain in one place for several years without replanting. In addition, these long-flowering garden plants more resistant to frost than annuals. Care is not so important for them and they are less picky. So this is definitely the best option for your site!

If you still decide to use plants of the same year and perennials together, then you can easily do this by creating a mixed flower garden, as in the photo. And the basis will be perennial plants. And from a wide variety of both herbaceous and flowering bushes You can easily get original compositions. What is important in this case is the variety of colors and uniqueness of shapes.

If you decide to do the design yourself, then it will be very beautiful if you select those perennials that can be placed in tiers, grouping them by height. Both tall perennials and those that have a very short height will help you here. For example, huge one and a half meter tall roses of different colors look great, somewhat similar to peonies. You will also be pleased with such perennials as Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty - the appearance of garden flowers resembles an orchid (see photo). Flower growers also value spotted saplings for their unique colors. If you plant these plants, you won’t be able to take your eyes off your flowerbed.

Selecting flowers for the garden

Tall plants achieve their beauty when they bloom in July–August. And in order to further add uniqueness to your flowerbed in the summer months, we suggest that you also plant willow sunflowers nearby, which are easily recognizable in the photo due to the characteristic shape of the flowers. The plant usually surpasses all other flowering plants in height, reaching 2–2.5 meters.

A good option is to plant a basil bush - these small flowers in lilac and sometimes pink tones will perfectly decorate your area in the second half of the summer season.

You can also take into account such beautiful and charming flowers as lavender, medium-sized daylily and its subspecies, varieties of yarrow, which will begin to bloom from the very first month of summer. Many people also buy a plant such as Rhodiola, which has oval leaves, for their garden. You can also transform a flowerbed with elegant and openwork peonies. In addition to them, among the medium-sized ones you can also find such original flowers as phlox, cornflower, and many, many others.

And don’t forget about low-growing flowers - they look great on the site, for example, pansies, dwarf phlox, soft mantle bushes, flax, carnations, geranium. The main thing is, when planting flowers in your flowerbed, try to ensure that they match each other. Original does not mean too much and out of place, bright does not mean flashy and everything is in a heap. It is possible and necessary to choose the right garden flowers, taking into account the landscape. In addition, it matters what other flower beds, beds, gazebos or rooms are available on your site. Remember that garden plants within your flower bed should be in moderation and they should not create excessive diversity. This means that we don’t plant all the flowers we like now and at once; it’s better to try some varieties in the following years.

Perennial flowers for the garden and cottage: names, planting and care of flowering perennials

Planting and caring for decorative perennials in the country

Before planting blooming perennial flowers for your garden, you need to prepare the soil - carefully dig it up and apply organic and mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizers need to be applied depending on the needs of the particular plant that you plan to plant in this place. For vigorously growing and climbing plants, the fertilizer rate is lower, since you need to ensure flowering. In these plants, large amounts of fertilizer can cause foliage to develop at the expense of flowering.

Depending on the needs of specific perennial flowers for the garden, if necessary, you need to adjust the composition of the soil (for example, if in some place the soil is too acidic, it is necessary to lime it).

Wait 2-3 days for the soil to settle before planting.

The best time to plant perennial flowers for the garden

The best time to plant perennial flowers for the garden is approximately from April 25 to May 20, and from August 15 to September 5. Dig planting holes in advance, the depth of which corresponds to the size of the roots of the plants intended for planting.

An hour before planting, water the seedlings generously and fill the hole with water. Place the roots of the plant in the hole, cover with soil and compact well. If your plant is a container plant, first dust the roots with Kornevin. When planting grown plants in a hole, be sure to place a garter peg or a ready-made flower support. Water the planted plant thoroughly.

Caring for flowering perennials for the garden

Caring for perennial flowers for the garden includes loosening, fertilizing and watering - these are important activities, although they are not done as often as with annuals. However, it is not possible to loosen all of them and not always; it is better to mulch, since many perennials have roots lying close to them. But frequent watering is necessary, especially before flowering and during flowering. Regular watering in hot weather and drought is also required. You only need to water the flowers warm water, so water directly from the well cannot be used. Best option- lower the pump into a barrel of warm water. And do not water with a stream; it is better to put a sprayer on the hose. When you feed flowers, it is also better to combine this activity with watering. Perennials are fed for the first time in the spring after the snow melts, their seedlings and planted adult plants - 2 weeks after planting, and then - when buds form, during flowering and after flowering. In spring, fertilizing is carried out organic fertilizers, and starting from the flowering period - mineral. After September 20, many yearlings are no longer fed.

Preparing beautiful perennial flowers for the garden for winter

When preparing perennial flowers for winter in late autumn, the plants must be trimmed as low as possible so that the flower beds in winter They were clean and neat, otherwise you will have to trim them in the spring, and in the spring they are expensive every day. Dry tops of perennials are a haven for mice. In addition, perennials “start” early, and when pruning dried parts in spring, there is a chance of damaging young shoots. All perennials are pruned, except those that were planted this fall.

Preparing and covering perennials for the winter

New plantings, as well as especially heat-loving and rare perennials, are insulated for the winter after pruning with one or two layers of lutrasil, cutting out rectangles of the required size from it. It is necessary to cover perennials for the winter if they are planted in alpine gardens. These areas, as a rule, are the most exposed to winds, so the “Alpines” need “insulation”.

The spruce branches provide poor protection from frost and attract mice. Covers from perennial flowers are removed after the snow melts.

Perennial flowers for a summer cottage in the north

It seems that life in the northern region and floriculture are incompatible things. But if you choose the right perennial flowers for your garden in the north, your garden will look no worse than in warmer climes. We choose unpretentious perennials for the garden.

Severe northern winters, such as those in Siberia and the Urals, turn out to be disastrous for most perennial plants. Therefore, for such cold regions, it is important to choose special unpretentious perennials that are cultivated specifically for summer cottages in the north.


We have selected several beautifully blooming perennial frost-resistant flowers that will decorate your garden no matter how warm the year is. These flowers will delight the eye from mid-spring to late summer, and some of them, such as irises, can even bloom twice a year.

  1. Crocuses. If you want to enjoy flowers in your dacha already in early to mid-spring, pay attention to bulbous perennials crocuses. Spring primroses winters well in open ground and tolerate cold.
  2. Irises. These beautiful purple flowers will brighten up any Siberian garden- It’s not for nothing that they are called “northern orchids”. These hardy perennials typically bloom in early to mid-summer. You will be surprised not only by the beauty of irises, but also by their frost resistance, because they easily survive night frosts, which often occur in Siberia and the Urals even in summer. The recommended variety for planting in the north is bristlecone iris.
  3. Lilies. Choose hardy perennials, also pay attention to lilies. Especially suitable for summer cottages in the north is the Pennsylvania lily variety, or, as it is also called, Daurian lily. Bright and large red-orange lily flowers will decorate your garden all summer!


If you're looking for shade-loving perennial flowers for the garden, also consider capitol grandiflora, Siberian aster and other arctic flowers such as arctic lupine. Plants that do well in mountainous regions are also suitable for your garden. They will be able to survive despite frosts and poor soil.


Designing a flower bed at a dacha in the north is done according to the same rules as creating flower beds in any other region. Here are the basic principles for building a flower bed in a dacha:

  • It is recommended to use no more than 3-5 types of plants in a small flower bed.
  • Perennials should be the main feature of the flower bed, and annuals should be used as accents to fill in gaps.
  • Try to stick to one color scheme so that your flower bed does not become chaotic - it is better to make several flower beds if you want to use more shades.
  • Don't forget about climbing flowers for the garden. For example, among frost-resistant varieties There is a decorative clematis vine that is perfect for decorating green hedges, arches and fences at your dacha.

It is important to note that many northern perennial flowers (roses, chrysanthemums and others) require shelter in winter, so take care to purchase suitable covering material. Before covering perennials for the winter, also do hilling using sawdust, dry leaves or special insulating materials that will help your beautiful flower garden survive the winter cold.

What perennial flowers do you prefer for your garden in the north? Share your experience!

10 most interesting perennials that bloom all summer!

Planting a Garden

1. Astrantia large

A beautiful perennial plant about 70 cm tall. Flowering begins in June and ends in August, if faded buds are removed in time. The color scheme consists of shades of pink, white, cream and green. A striking representative is the elegant variety “Primadonna,” which amazes with the combination of white, pink and green on the petals. Its flowering often resumes in early autumn and lasts until October.

Astrantia large prefers sunny places or openwork partial shade. Unpretentious. Grows on all types of soils. Does not require transplantation for 5-7 years.

Astrantia large

2. Oak sage

Salvias are perennials that bloom all summer with proper care. Plant from 35 to 90 cm tall. The varieties “Blue Hill” with lavender-blue and “May Night” with lilac-blue flowers collected in spectacular candle inflorescences are very beautiful.

Oak sage prefers to grow in semi-shaded areas with moderately moist, loose and nutritious soil.

Oak sage "Mainacht"

3. Armeria seaside

A cushion-shaped perennial up to 20 cm high with bright, elegant flowers that open from May to the end of August. There are varieties on sale: “Alba”, “Rosea Compacta”, “Splendens Perfecta”, “Dusseldorfer Stolz” - with white, pink, carmine-red and dark red flowers, respectively.

Armeria seaside is an unpretentious, winter-hardy plant that prefers light sandy soils heavy clayey. Looks great in container planting, flower beds and rocky gardens.

Armeria seaside

4. Gypsophila paniculata

A perennial plant that forms an attractive openwork bush with a height of 35 to 70 cm. It blooms from June to mid-August with medium-sized flowers, which are collected in paniculate inflorescences. Among the varieties available to gardeners, the most popular are low-growing perennials blooming all summer with double flowers: 'Rosy Veil' and 'Rosenschleier'.

Gypsophila paniculata, due to its unpretentiousness, is in great demand. Used to create various types of flower beds and grown for cutting.

Gypsophila paniculata

5. Cinquefoil shrub

A spectacular plant, up to 150 cm high, demanding levels of humidity, light, and heat. 'Abbotswood' boasts an abundance of delicate white flowers covering the bush from June to October.

Cinquefoil bush prefers well-drained soils. Used in solitary and group plantings to create hedges.

Cinquefoil shrub

6. Loosestriferod-shaped(Lythrum virgatum)

Cute long-flowering perennials with a height of 80 to 140 cm. Their main “highlight” is the pretty inflorescences of a rich pink-lilac color scheme. The most popular varieties today are: “Roseum”, “Sticflamme”, “Zigeunerblut”, “Augenweide” - with light pink, purple-pink, dark red, red-violet flowers, respectively.

Merlins are particularly unpretentious, able to withstand any growing conditions, although bushes planted in the coastal zone of a reservoir or in a flower garden with nutritious, well-moistened soil still grow healthier and more lush.


7. Flax grandiflora

A charming plant up to 60 cm high with an extended flowering period - from June to September. Flax varieties “Rumyanets”, “Mars”, “Aurora” and “Zorepad” with light pink, bright red, apricot and dark red flowers look incredibly touching in group plantings: borders and mixborders.

Flax grandiflora

8. Soft cuff

A perennial plant that forms a cute spherical bush with a height of 25 to 40 cm. Green- yellow small flowers, which delight the eye from June to August inclusive, are especially attractive after rain, when a pearl necklace of drops glistens on them. The fast-growing “Robustica” is the most popular industrial and at the same time amateur variety, similar in appearance to the wild species.

Flower growers often use this type of cuff when creating elegant borders. White-green flowers go perfectly with dark red, blue and purple inflorescences.

Soft cuff

9. Clematis(Clematis)

Many types of clematis are presented to the attention of flower growers, but they are usually interested not in the species, but in the varieties.

  • "Veronica's Choice" is a plant up to 3 m tall with large, double, purple-white flowers that appear on last year's shoots from May to September.
  • “Duchess of Edinburgh” is a vine up to 3 m tall with large, snow-white flowers that cover the branches from May to August.
  • "Cardinal Wyszynski" - winner of the 1990 Plantarium gold medal. A charming variety with large red flowers that appear all summer until September.
  • "Warscwaska Nika" is a variety that has a silver medal. Large purple flowers look great in any arrangement throughout the summer.
  • "Alba" is a vine up to 5 m tall with double, bluish-white or light purple flowers that adorn the branches from June to August inclusive.

"Duchess of Edinburgh

" 10. English roses(David Austin roses, etc.)

Various varieties English roses have different heights from 1 to 2.5 meters. They look equally charming both in single and group plantings - in borders and hedges. The agricultural technology of cultivation is similar to the agricultural technology of hybrid tea varieties.

To summarize, I would like to say that the list of perennial long-flowering plants, although not complete, is extremely interesting. For those who like to break the rules, it can become a guide to creating an extraordinary flower bed. continuous flowering, which does not change its color throughout the season.

It's no secret that many gardeners give preference to perennial plants when designing their garden plots. What kind of plants are these and why are they so attractive for creating landscape compositions?

All garden plants can be divided according to their growth period into 2 categories:

  • Annuals- plants, life cycle which, starting from sowing and ending with the ripening of seeds, falls within one year, and to be more precise, from spring to autumn. At the end of this period, such plants die.
  • Perennial These are the types of decorative deciduous or beautifully flowering plants that grow in the same place for several years and do not require additional sowing of seeds or replanting. At the same time, the plants retain their decorative value. Most beautiful perennial flowers for the garden are characterized by unpretentiousness and ease of care, and bloom earlier than their annual counterparts.

Why are perennials better than annuals?

It's hard to argue with the fact that distinctive feature annual crops are rich in long-term flowering and a huge variety of rich bright colors and shades. However, it should be noted that many gardeners are more inclined to grow perennial species. This choice is explained by the following advantages in relation to annuals:

  • Perennials retain their decorative appeal throughout the gardening season.
  • The ability to create landscape design for several years (depending on the selected varieties) without the need for additional annual planting, sowing or replanting of plants.
  • Most of these plants frost-resistant and overwinter well in the ground, without additional effort to care for them in the cold season, and with the onset of warmth they grow faster and bloom earlier than annuals, thanks to the already formed root system.
  • Growing these flowers is less expensive, since it does not require constant acquisition planting material, preserving the unique beauty of the garden’s flower beds and lawns from year to year. Moreover, you can independently produce seedlings, seeds and tubers and exchange them with fellow gardeners, acquiring new species.

Plants in this category are excellently used in flowerbed decoration, both as main and as additional elements design, thanks large selection shapes, heights and colors of perennials, perfectly complementing each other.

They can serve as central flowers, border and carpet plants, and can also be used to create unique garden flower sculptures, panels and compositions. Multi-tiered landscapes decorated with short, medium-sized, tall and climbing plants look most impressive.

Classification and varieties of perennial flowers

By choosing the right perennial plants, you can create unique landscape masterpieces that change color scheme and even a pattern depending on the season and month of the year. Such a garden will certainly be the pride of any gardener.

Typically, the greatest effect is produced by flower beds with a tiered organization due to the selection of plants of different heights. According to the final height of adult garden crops, perennial plants can be divided into 4 main groups:

  1. short,
  2. Medium height,
  3. Tall,
  4. Curly.

low growing flowers

Plants in this category include perennial species, and the height of “adult” specimens does not exceed 30 cm. Borders, rocky gardens and flower beds decorated with these plants are especially popular and acquire a unique beautiful view especially during the flowering period.

Perennial unpretentious flowers for gardening in this category, which do not require special care and watering, are widely used for carpeting lawns.

Coatings of this kind perfectly hide uneven soil and are very economical in terms of finance and labor intensity. It should be noted that to obtain a uniform flower carpet, it is necessary to comply with the planting density requirements.
Among the huge variety of low-growing perennial flowers, the flowers below are very popular.

Pansies– very beautiful and not demanding special care flowers, all summer, and in warm regions all year round, pleasing to the eye with a huge variety of color tones and their combinations. They perfectly highlight medium-sized and tall flowers in a flower bed.

Periwinkle (vinnik)– shadow and frost-resistant plant, capable of growing on soils of any composition. Widely used in rocky compositions and rock gardens. As it grows, periwinkle turns into a beautiful blooming blue or pink carpet.

Phloxes– beautiful decorative flowers, having shades from bright white to scarlet and red. Widely used in landscape design. Phlox form a beautiful variegated flower carpet no more than 15-20 cm high. These flowers prefer aerated, fertile, abundantly moist soils. When planting, there should be up to 6 plants per 1 sq. m.

Gentian- a delicate plant with magnificent blue bell flowers, actively blooms almost all summer (late June, July and August). It is indispensable when designing slides and rock gardens due to its natural mountain origin. The Gentian genus has about 400 species.

Rules for caring for low-growing flowers

  • When growing low-growing perennial flowers in the country, in order to maintain the desired height and abundance of flowers, you need to be careful when feeding plants, especially nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of foliage and stems.
  • When planting plants, it is necessary to take into account their relationship to direct sun rays and shading. If light-loving crops are incorrectly placed in the shade, they will reduce their flowering, and the stems will become thinner, stretching towards the light. Shade-loving plants can simply “burn out” when placed in brightly lit areas.
  • Care must be taken to maintain humidity conditions for each species.
  • Properly selected plants will create the effect of continuous flowering on the site.
  • Regular loosening and removal of weeds, as well as preventive treatment against pests, are necessary.
  • It is necessary to regularly clean the lawn of dried flowers and diseased plants.

Medium-sized flowers

Representatives of this category of perennial plants reach 30-80 cm in height. Medium-sized varieties are widely used both for independent planting and for tiered compositions and are a win-win option for decorating any summer cottage. Among the flowers of this species, the popular ones are those presented below - now you will find out the names of the most beautiful medium-sized perennial flowers for the garden and will be able to admire the magnificent photos:

Day-lily- a wonderful decoration for summer cottages, numbering 25 varieties. It is very unpretentious, has a very attractive appearance and can survive without a transplant for about 10 years.
Yarrow - begins to bloom from the beginning of June, perfectly complements the design of the flowerbed with its beautiful abundant flowers until late autumn.

Rhodiola rosea– has thick oval-shaped leaves and unusual inflorescences, often yellow. Flowering time – June, July. Undemanding to heat and light, but needs plenty of moisture.

Tall handsome men

Tall perennial flowers for the garden can easily be called garden giants. Their height reaches 1.8 meters. Tall flowers are more often used as central elements of flower beds.

Stock rose- a very beautiful flowering plant, reaching 1.5 meters in height. Double and semi-double inflorescences of various shades, reminiscent of peonies, are placed on tall stems. Flowering continues throughout summer and autumn.

Tricyrtis Purple Beauty- By appearance resembles an orchid. This tall one flower culture blooms at the beginning of summer and continues to bloom until frost.

Sunflower Willow– look great both as single specimens and in composition with other plants. These flowers are a wonderful decoration for flower beds. Their flowering time is the second half of summer.

climbing flowers

Nature has provided man with a huge selection of summer cottages, each of which is distinguished by its beauty and exoticism. All representatives of this category have elastic flexible stems, most of which require support. Beginning gardeners are advised to opt for more unpretentious species.

Climbing perennials are mainly used for vertical decoration.

By landscaping and decorating routes, balconies, fences and gazebos, they perfectly hide all construction errors. We invite you to find out the necessary information and look at photos of beautiful climbing flowers in the country.

climbing rose- the result of breeding work on crossing garden and wild species of roses. This species has arched, whip-like shoots with small, hard foliage that require rigid support.

Large inflorescences of small flowers (do not exceed 5 cm in diameter) exude a subtle pleasant aroma and give aesthetic pleasure for 30-40 days, usually once a year. However, there are varieties with repeated flowering. Depending on the variety, the flowers are red, pink, salmon pink, yellow and white. Plants are very whimsical, especially the first year. They really need plenty regular watering, sunlight and insulation during the cold season.

Wisteria- loved by both experienced gardeners and beginners. It belongs to deciduous vines and its main decorative feature is openwork foliage flowing to the ground. Extraordinarily beautiful clusters of flowers, reaching 50 cm in length, cannot fail to attract the attention of even the most sophisticated aesthetes. Wisteria is very demanding climatic conditions and needs pruning 2 times a year.

Maiden grapes- a branched tree-like vine, the length of which reaches 20 m. Thanks to the complex structure of the tendrils and suction cups on them, the grapes are easily fixed on any surface and do not require additional supports. The main aesthetic value of the plant is its lush green foliage, which changes color to purple and red shades with the onset of cold weather. Small fruits also look very decorative and remain on the branches until the leaves are completely shed. The plant grows quickly, does not require care or location, and is frost-resistant.

Honeysuckle- a climbing shrub reaching a height of 2-3 meters. She demands regular pruning and tying. The flowers of the plant have a unique aroma, and the dark blue fruits of some species have valuable medicinal properties. A very unpretentious crop and grows in any climatic and landscape conditions.

Perennial plants for the garden have very diverse shapes, shades and flowering periods (from early spring to frost). Proper combination of various perennial crops in landscape compositions will allow you to enjoy the variety of colors and aromas throughout the entire gardening season, making the garden unique and elegant. flowering plants, can become the pride of any gardener and the key to a great mood.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs