What is transference. Direct and figurative meaning of words in Russian

Topic: "Golden Mom" ​​("The figurative meaning of words")

Lesson Objectives:


  1. Be able to find words with a figurative meaning in the text, use words with a figurative meaning in speech
  2. Be able to distinguish between direct and figurative meaning of words
  3. Develop vocabulary skills and knowledge


  1. (Speech development) Enrichment and complication vocabulary
  2. Mastery of artistic images
  3. Strengthening communicative properties
  4. (Development of thinking) Learn to analyze
  5. Learn to compare, build analogies


  1. Encourage human, good relationships with mom
  2. Cultivate the ability to work, help relatives
  3. Develop sensitivity to evil, untruth, humiliation of human dignity

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The children are seated in groups

2. Call stage.

2.1 Guys, 2-3 days ago I was walking down the street, and my mother and daughter were walking ahead of me. I was an unwitting listener to their conversation.

You do not go to our classy evening. And the way the collective farmer is always dressed, you will only disgrace me, the daughter scolded her mother.

And my mother walked with her head down, and was silent.

Will you give a hundred rubles for gas water and sweets? - As if nothing had happened, the daughter continued.

2.2 After hearing the conversation, I wanted to talk to you about my mother. Theme of the lesson "Golden Mom". How do you understand theme is a riddle, you yourself will formulate both the topic and the tasks of our lesson.

2.3 But first, let's compete. Write down in a notebook those qualities that need to be developed by a girl who offended her mother (cordiality, humanity, humanity, kindness, caring, good nature, responsiveness *, sensitivity * - * work with the vocabulary of Ladyzhenskaya's textbook).

2.4 Record negative qualities character of the girl (selfishness, selfishness, heartlessness *, inhumanity *, cruelty * - * work with the dictionary of the Ladyzhenskaya textbook).

2.5 In which work was the son ashamed outerwear mother, disowning her? (“The Boy is a Star” by O. Wilde)

2.6 Give good advice to the girl? (A girl needs to apologize to her mother. You can learn how to feed a tamogochi, a toy chicken, in one day, but you need to learn to be a person all your life).

3. Definition of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Guys get case number 1.

Guys, listen to the poem "Golden Mom" ​​and determine the meaning of the word "golden"

Case number 1

Mom has a heart of gold
And a golden head
And mother's hands are golden,
And her affairs are disputed.
And dad calls mom:
You are our golden man!
Sister just sighs:
“After all, gold is such a metal,
The ring, however, is on the finger,
But the hands do not shine at all,
And wrinkles on the face near the eyes,
Not gold - five things ...
And there is no gold in the heart,
And the heart ... so it is inside,
It beats in my mother's chest,
Try and see the sample!

Application task:

  • Analyze how many times the word golden occurs in the text.
  • Formulate the lexical meaning of the word "golden" in each case.
  • What do all words have in common?
  • Suggest your own options for the title of today's topic and the objectives of the lesson.
  • Make a conclusion about the role of these values ​​in the text.

One person in the group is looking for the lexical meaning of the word "golden" in Ozhegov's dictionary.

Groups answer questions.

(Golden mother - good mom; Golden heart- kind, human, sympathetic; golden head - smart; golden hands - skillful; golden man - good, kind.)

Yes, it's not direct meaning words, portable.

What litter is indicated in the dictionary? (trans.). In a dictionary entry, the figurative meaning is at the end of the entry.

The figurative meanings of words are means of expressiveness of speech. They make the text lively, colorful, expressive.

4. Work with case number 2. Analysis.

There is a case in front of you. Read the text carefully


The mother had an only son. He married a girl dazzling beauty. But heart the young wife had black, a character is heavy. She says to her husband: “Move mother to the barn, let her not go to the hut.” Mother was afraid cold eyes daughter-in-law, only at night did she come out of the dark barn. But this was not enough beauty.

So she says to her husband: “If you don’t want lose me take your heart out of your chest and bring it.” The heart of the son did not tremble, bewitched his the beauty wives.

The son took his mother to the river and killed her. He went back and put his heart in his hand. He stumbled on a stone, fell, hit, and warm heart fell bloody on the cliff and whispered: Golden son, doesn't it hurt you bruised your knee? Sit down, rest!"

Underline the word combinations with a figurative meaning in the test. How do they characterize the characters?

Match the found words with examples with a direct meaning.

Above each phrase, put a number corresponding to the transition of meaning based on similarity: 1 color (dazzling beauty, black Heart); 2 weights (heavy character); 3 heat (cold eyes, warm heart); 4 high quality metal ( golden son); 5 human actions are attributed to inanimate objects (lose me, bewitched beauty)

4.2 And now, guys, come up with a continuation of the legend. Write 2-4 sentences, including words with a figurative meaning.

4.3 Socialization. Several people read their own endings to the story.

5. Do you want to know how this legend ends with the author?

(Continuation of the legend).

Tears welled up in his eyes and his head was spinning. He put his heart back, poured hot tears. He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother. And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her curly head to her chest.

After that, the son did not want to return to his wife, in whose chest there was stone heart. The mother did not return either.

6. The results of the lesson. Reflection.

Conversation on:

Were we able to answer the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson? Formulate a definition. Did we name the lesson well? Come up with other options for the title of the lesson. (“cold heart”, “heavy character”, etc.)

Where can we apply what we have learned? Why do we need figurative meanings of words?

Discuss in groups what main topic the legends of Sukhomlinsky? What does this legend teach us?

Group work.

Conclusion: External beauty, like that of a wife - beauties, sometimes does not mean anything. We judge a person by his deeds and deeds. You can't betray your loved ones. A mother's heart is forgiving. The worst thing for a person is to look and not see evil (like a son), get used to evil or help create it. Do not allow the humiliation of human dignity!

7. Homework

Compose a syncwine dedicated to a figurative meaning.

From the dictionary of the textbook write out 5-6 words with a figurative meaning. Compose a text with these words (for weak students - sentences).

Figurative sense

Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism. From allegory to iambic. - M.: Flinta, Nauka. N.Yu. Rusova. 2004

See what "figurative meaning" is in other dictionaries:

    MEANING- MEANING, meaning, husband. 1. Internal, logical content (words, speeches, phenomena), comprehended by the mind, meaning. The direct meaning of the word. The figurative meaning of the word. Get into the meaning of events. The meaning of the law is quite clear. Give something some... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    The meaning that a word or phrase receives in a particular speech situation. The broadly holistic content of any statement, not reducible to the meanings of its constituent parts and elements, but itself determining these meanings ... ... Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism

    portable- I portable / portable portable / th and portable / portable (device for carrying) II portable / portable (not literal). Figurative sense … orthographic dictionary Russian language

    meaning- Literal, important, great, inner, sublime, second, high, supreme, main, deep, deep, formidable, sad, double, real, single, pathetic, lively, vital, veiled, disguised, alluring, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    meaning- a (y); m. 1. General logical content, irreducible to the values ​​of its constituent parts; the main idea, the essence, the essence of what l. C. article. C. events. S. words. S. speeches is clear. Direct and portable with. Understand with. what l. Explain with. what l... encyclopedic Dictionary

    meaning of direct- Same as direct meaning. Meaning is portable. Same as figurative... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    meaning- a (y); m. see also. in the sense, in the sense that, semantic 1) General logical content, irreducible to the meanings of its constituent parts; the main idea, the essence, the essence of what l. Sm/sl article. Sm/sl events… Dictionary of many expressions

    inner meaning of speech- (innocent) hidden, portable, allegorical ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    The inner meaning of speech- The inner meaning of speech (inosk.) Hidden, figurative, allegorical ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS- a branch of church biblical studies that studies the principles and methods of interpreting the text of the Holy. The Scriptures of the OT and NT and the historical process of the formation of its theological foundations. G. b. sometimes perceived as methodological basis exegesis. Greek word ἡ… … Orthodox Encyclopedia


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The main means of giving imagery to a word is its use in figurative meaning . The game of direct and figurative meaning generates both aesthetic and expressive effects artistic text, makes this text figurative and expressive.

On the basis of the nominative (naming) function of the word and its connection with the subject in the process of cognition of reality, direct (basic, main, primary, initial) and figurative (derivative, secondary, indirect) meanings are distinguished.

In the derived meaning, the main, direct meaning and the new, indirect meaning, which appeared as a result of the transfer of the name from one object to another, are combined, coexist. If the word in direct meaning directly (directly) indicates a particular object, action, property, etc., naming them, then the words in portable meaning, the object is no longer called directly, but through certain comparisons and associations that arise in the minds of native speakers.

AIR– 1) ‘adj. to air (air jet)’;

2) ‘light, weightless ( airy dress)’.

The appearance of figurative meanings in a word makes it possible to save the lexical means of the language without endlessly expanding the vocabulary to designate new phenomena, concepts. In the presence of some common features between two objects, the name from one, already known, is transferred to another object, newly created, invented or known, which did not have a name before:

DIM- 1) ‘opaque, cloudy ( dull glass)’;

2) ‘matte, not shiny ( dull polish, dull hair)’;

3) ‘weak, not bright ( dim light, dim color)’;

4) ‘lifeless, inexpressive ( dull look, dull style)’.

D.N. Shmelev believes that the direct, basic meaning is one that is not determined by the context (the most paradigmatically conditioned and the least syntagmatically conditioned):

ROAD– 1) ‘way of communication, a strip of land intended for movement’;

2) ‘journey, trip’;

3) ‘route’;

4) ‘means achievement of a. goals'.

All secondary, figurative meanings depend on the context, on compatibility with other words: to pack(‘trip’), direct road to success, road to Moscow.

Historically, the relationship between direct, primary and figurative, secondary meaning may change. So, in the modern Russian language, the primary meanings for the words devour(‘eat, eat’), dense('dormant'), vale('valley'). Word thirst in our time, it has the main direct meaning ‘need to drink’ and figurative ‘strong, passionate desire’, but Old Russian texts indicate the primacy of the second, more abstract meaning, since the adjective is often used next to it water.

Value transfer paths

The transfer of meanings can be carried out in two main ways: metaphorical and metonymic.

Metaphor- this is the transfer of names according to the similarity of signs, concepts (metaphor - unexpressed comparison): pin stars; what crest won't you comb your head?

Signs of metaphorical transfer:

  1. by color similarity gold leaves);
  2. similarity of form ( ring boulevards);
  3. by the similarity of the location of the object ( nose boats, sleeve rivers);
  4. by similarity of actions ( rain drumming, wrinkles furrow face);
  5. by the similarity of sensations, emotional associations ( gold character, velvet voice);
  6. by similarity of functions ( electric candle in the lamp turn off/ignite light, wipers in car).

This classification is rather conditional. Proof - transfer on several grounds: leg chair(form, place); ladle excavator(function, form).

There are other classifications as well. For example, prof. Galina Al-dr. Cherkasova considers metaphorical transfer in connection with the category of animateness / inanimateness:

  1. the action of an inanimate object is transferred to another inanimate object ( fireplace– ‘room stove’ and ‘electric heater’; wing- ‘birds’, ‘aircraft blade, mills’, ‘side extension’);
  2. animate - also on an animate object, but of a different group ( bear, snake);
  3. inanimate - to animate ( she is blossomed );
  4. animate to inanimate ( escort- 'patrol ship').

The main tendencies of metaphorical transfer: figurative meanings appear in words that are socially significant at a given time. During the years of the Great Patriotic War household words were used as metaphors to define military concepts: comb through forest, get into boiler . Subsequently, on the contrary, military terms were transferred to other concepts: front works, take on armament . Sports vocabulary gives a lot of figurative meanings: finish, start, move. With the development of astronautics, metaphors appeared high point, space velocity, dock. Currently big number metaphors associated with the computer sphere: mouse, archive, maternal pay etc.

There are models of metaphorical transfer in the language: certain groups of words form certain metaphors.

  • professional characteristics of a person artist, craftsman, philosopher, shoemaker, clown, chemist);
  • disease-related names ulcer, plague, cholera, delirium);
  • names of natural phenomena when they are transferred to human life ( Spring life, hail tears);
  • names of household items rag, mattress etc.);
  • transferring the names of animal actions to humans ( bark, mumble).

Metonymy(Greek ‘renaming’) is such a name transfer, which is based on the adjacency of the features of two or more concepts: paper– ‘document’.

Types of metonymic transfer:

  1. transfer by spatial adjacency ( the audience- 'people', Class– ‘children’): (a) transferring the name of the containing to the content ( all village came out city worried, all embankment ate plate, read Pushkin ); (b) the name of the material from which the object is made is transferred to the object ( To go to silks, in gold; in scarlet and gold dressed forests; dancing gold );
  2. adjacency transfer about d – transfer of the name of the action to the result ( dictation, composition, cookies, jam, embroidery);
  3. synecdoche(a) transferring the name of a part of the whole to the whole ( one hundred goals livestock; behind him eye Yes eye needed; he is seven mouths feeds; he is mine right hand ; heart heart the message) - often found in proverbs; (b) whole to part ( jasmine– ‘bush’ and ‘flowers’; plum- 'tree' and 'fruit'.

This classification does not cover the whole variety of metonymic transfers that exist in the language.

Sometimes when transferring, grammatical features of the word are used, for example, plural. number: workers arms, rest on south, To go to silks . It is believed that the basis of metonymic transfer is nouns.

In addition to common language portable values, in language fiction observed and portable use words that are characteristic of the work of a particular writer and are one of the means of artistic representation. For example, in L. Tolstoy: fair and Kind sky("War and Peace"); at A.P. Chekhov: crumbly ("The Last Mohican") cozy lady(“From the Memoirs of an Idealist”), faded aunties("Hopeless"); in the works of K.G. Paustovsky: shy sky("Mikhailovskaya grove"), sleepy dawn("The Third Date") molten noon("The Romantics") sleepy day("Marine habit"), white-blooded bulb("The Book of Wanderings"); V. Nabokov: overcast tense day("Protection of Luzhin"), etc.

Like metaphor, metonymy can be individual-author's - contextual, i.e. conditioned by the contextual use of the word, it does not exist outside the given context: "You're so stupid, brother!" - said reproachfully handset (E. Meek); redheads trousers sigh and think(A.P. Chekhov); Short fur coats, sheepskin coats crowded...(M. Sholokhov).

Such figurative meanings, as a rule, are not reflected in dictionary interpretations. The dictionaries reflect only the regular, productive, generally accepted transfers fixed by language practice, which continue to arise while playing big role in enrichment vocabulary language.

1. What is the difference between a direct meaning and a figurative one?

2. What types of figurative meanings of words are distinguished?

3. Why are words with a figurative meaning used in speech?

4. What are the ways to transfer the name?

As a result, different lexical meanings polysemantic word?

According to the method of naming an object (feature, action), the lexical meanings of words are divided into direct and figurative.

A figurative meaning is one of the meanings of a polysemantic word.

The main meaning in a polysemantic word is the direct lexical meaning. It is directly related to reality.

The figurative lexical meaning of a word names an object (attribute, action) on the basis of various associations that arise in a person when compared with other objects (attributes, actions), namely: on the basis of comparison, adjacency. In this case, the direct meaning is used to name new objects (signs, actions).

The transfer of a name (i.e. word) already assigned to some object (attribute, action) to another object (attribute, action) occurs if there is a similarity, contiguity or functional commonality between objects (attributes, actions).

Distinguish different ways name transfer. Transfer by resemblance is a metaphorical transfer. It arises as a result of assimilation - the association of one object (sign, action) with another based on their comparison, comparison, for example: the nose of a person and the bow of a boat (common - the part protruding in front).

Adjacency transfer is a metonymic transfer. It arises as a result of likening objects (signs, actions) on the basis of their proximity, for example: he broke a plate and ate a plate (of soup); remove your hat and stop the hat (i.e. "the man in the hat").

Transfer by functional generality is a functional transfer. It arises as a result of assimilation of objects according to their main purpose, for example: an elderly janitor (a person) and remove the janitor (“mechanism on the windshield of a car”).

The new lexical meaning of a word, which appears on the basis of similarity, contiguity, or commonality of functions, at first gives the impression of unusualness, novelty.

The fate of the figurative lexical meaning of the word is different. Some figurative lexical meanings of a word eventually become direct names of objects, signs, actions, for example: the bow of a boat, a door handle, emerald (about color); in the explanatory dictionary in this case there is no mark "transl.". Others retain a metaphorical connotation, for example: porridge (confusion), throw ("spread" - about the shadow, light, rays, look, look), ebullient (active, ardent); in explanatory dictionaries, they are marked “peren”.

For many words, figurative meanings are author's neoplasms, by individual means expressiveness in works of art. AT explanatory dictionaries such lexical meanings are not included.

Exercise 272.

First write out examples in which the highlighted words are used in a direct, and then in a figurative sense.

1. Under the wing of an airplane, the green sea of ​​the taiga sings about something. (From a song). 2. No matter how perfect the wing of a bird, it would never have raised it into the sky if it had not relied on the air (Pavlov). 3. The village where Eugene missed was a lovely corner (A. Pushkin). 4. I fell in love late autumn for the purity of the air, the cold, when cheeks burn, the tinny ripples of rivers, the heavy movement of clouds. (K. Paustovsky). 5. True, when Christian Andersen settled in a hotel, there was still some ink left in the tin inkwell. 6. I remembered an expensive face with gray strands of hair. 7. Over the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. (M. Gorky) 8. And the forest stands for itself, smiling (I. Nikitin). 9. The ladies moved closer to her, the old women smiled at her. (A. Pushkin) 10. Look, it's hay time, the whole village is in the meadow. (N. Nekrasov.)

Exercise 273.

Find in the sentences the words used in a figurative sense, underline and understand their meaning.

1. Winter sings, haunts, the shaggy forest cradles the pine forest with the ringing sound. (S. Yesenin).

2. Winter is not without reason angry, its time has passed - spring is knocking on the window and driving from the yard.

(F. Tyutchev).

3. A mournful wind drives a flock of clouds to the edge of heaven, a bruised spruce groans, a dark forest whispers muffledly. (A. Pushkin).

4. What, dense forest, thoughtful? (A. Koltsov).

Exercise 274.

Read the text. Define the text style. Write down the words used in figurative meanings, as part of word combinations that clarify their meaning; select synonyms for them that correspond to their meaning in the text, determine what semantic, stylistic role these words play in the text.

In his work, he fled from worn out, worn-out words, looking for words in live, spring speech, hitherto untouched and full-sounding. A man of the greatest conscience and naturally shy, he was irreconcilable in writing: “The accepted literary forms - as poems and dramas are written - did not have a soul. I wanted to express myself in my own way.” He was distinguished by high demands on himself: “I feel a decrease in the verbal level. The element of language dissipates. Reading Dahl is not at all in order to put words into circulation, but without them you can suffocate. Reading Russian is air. He had a keen ear for the element of language, doubt was his distinguishing feature- gave birth to the beauty of the figurative structure, the poetic metaphorical nature of his dictionary: “... I thought a lot about the word: somehow they don’t understand it when they start talking about verbal “intricacies”. It is forgotten that the word is a living being, and not a trinket and a lead typographic set. He spoke about the origins of his work as follows: “I lead mine from Gogol, Dostoevsky and Leskov. The miraculous is from Gogol, the pain is from Dostoevsky, the wonderful and righteous is from Leskov.”

These are reflections from letters, diary entries and memoirs of the Russian writer and playwright - storyteller and inventor Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov. (1877-1957).

The modern reader, by the will of circumstances, is still little acquainted with the work of this most talented writer and person.

(Journal "Russian speech")

Exercise 275.

Read, underline metaphors and comparisons, explain their meaning. On the basis of the similarity of what features does the transfer occur.

1. There is no sun, but ponds are bright,

They stand as cast mirrors,

And bowls of still water

It would seem completely empty

But gardens are reflected in them.

Here is a drop, like a nail head,

Fell - and, hundreds of needles

Backwaters of ponds furrowing,

A sparkling downpour jumped -

And the forest rustled with rain.

And the wind, playing with foliage,

Mixed young birches,

And Sunshine as if alive

Ignite dormant sparkles,

And the puddles poured blue.

(I. Bunin)

First, he walked to the side,

Then, having gained fresh strength,

Rustling in the foliage dry and thin,

He babbled, he spoke.

And here it babbles incessantly,

Loquacious and stubborn

And for a needle a needle

Uselessly pours into the window frames.

Then - must be tired! -

Quiet, thought and again

Reluctantly set to work -

Whip cabbage and carrots.

Grumbling, bubbling, everything is stubborn

Streams run from slimy steeps,

And he is sweeping, with stitches

The holes darn at the clouds.

The patches burst with a bang

Something roaring sparkles

And just like that - all of a sudden - on the curtains

The gold of the beam slipped.

Everything brightened up, shone...

Weakening in flight

The rain hit, already timidly,

The last drop on the sheet.

And the garden breathes, easily, deeply

With a whole breast of apple trees, pears and plums,

In the murmur of a stormy stream

Wet stockings to the thread.

And I want to run, laugh.

Slap barefoot through the puddles,

As long as the drops are golden

And the distant thunder subsides!

(Sun. Christmas)

3. I'm going to a radiant country

Named Spring -

Where March is outrageous

Waking up from sleep

Where the snow coat

He throws off his shoulders

So that the chest of cherries to the sun,

Lie down with an earthly chest.

Where the finches rejoice so,

Where, breaking the snow,

Streams with crooked sabers

Crash into the meadows

Where over any thaw

There is still steam

Where in every drop is small

The fire is shaking in the spring.

(N. Brown)

(Reference material I. 14. p. 206)

Learn one of your favorite poems by heart.

Words, phrases, phrases and sentences - all this and much more is embedded in the concept of "language". How much is hidden in it, and how little we really know about the language! Every day and even every minute we spend next to him - whether we say our thoughts aloud or we read or listen to the radio ... Language, our speech is a real art, and it should be beautiful. And its beauty must be genuine. What helps in the search for true beauty

The direct and figurative meaning of words is what enriches our language, develops it and transforms it. How does this happen? Let's understand this endless process, when, as they say, words grow from words.

First of all, you should understand the figurative meaning of the word, and what main types they are divided into. Each word can have one or more meanings. Words with the same meaning are called unambiguous words. In Russian, there are much fewer of them than words with many different values. Examples are words such as computer, ash, satin, sleeve. A word that can be used in several meanings, including figuratively, - polysemantic word, examples: a house can be used in the meaning of a building, a place for people to live, a family way of life, etc .; the sky is the air space above the earth, as well as the location of the visible luminaries, or divine power, conduction.

With ambiguity, a direct and figurative meaning of a word is distinguished. The first meaning of the word, its basis - this is the direct meaning of the word. By the way, the word “direct” in this context is figurative, i.e. the main meaning of the word is “something even,

without bends” - is transferred to another object or phenomenon with the meaning “literal, unambiguously expressed”. So there is no need to go far - you just need to be more attentive and observant in what words we use, when and how.

From the above example, it already becomes clear that the figurative meaning is the secondary meaning of the word that arose when the literal meaning of the word was transferred to another object. Depending on what feature of the object was the reason for the transfer of meaning, there are such types of figurative meaning as metonymy, metaphor, synecdoche.

Direct and can overlap with each other based on similarity - this is a metaphor. For example:

ice water - ice hands(by sign);

poisonous mushroom - poisonous character (by sign);

a star in the sky - a star in the hand (according to the location);

chocolate candy - chocolate tan (based on color).

Metonymy is the selection in a phenomenon or object of some property, which, by its nature, can replace the rest. For example:

gold jewelry - she has gold in her ears;

porcelain dishes - there was porcelain on the shelves;

headache - my head is gone.

And, finally, synecdoche is a type of metonymy when one word is replaced by another on the basis of a constant, really existing ratio of part to whole and vice versa. For example:

He is a real head (meaning very smart, the head is the part of the body that houses the brain).

The whole village sided with him - every resident, that is, the "village" as a whole, which replaces its part.

What can be said in conclusion? Only one thing: if you know the direct and figurative meaning of a word, you will not only be able to use certain words correctly, but also enrich your speech, and learn how to convey your thoughts and feelings beautifully, and maybe one day you will come up with your own metaphor or metonymy ... Who knows?



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