What you need to read for the development of speech. What are the books that develop speech and vocabulary

The ability to speak beautifully and correctly has always been held in high esteem. After all, it's wonderful - when words flow like water (whether in written or oral form), attracting attention and causing genuine interest and even admiration in the reader or listener. But quite often this river rather resembles a small river or a small stream - this happens when a person’s vocabulary does not allow him to clearly and adequately express his thoughts, opinion or attitude to something, explain a point of view, convey the meaning of what what he wants to convey. But the good thing is that a person can quickly correct this state of affairs by regularly replenishing his “repository” of words. Our resource even has one dedicated to this topic.

But, as you know, topics related to self-development are always relevant, and learn more about ways to expand vocabulary surely everyone will be interested developing person, and even more so those whose activities are closely related to writing or oratory. Below we list 10 effective methods increasing vocabulary.

Read more books

This method is perhaps the most important and most effective. Books are not only a source of new knowledge and interesting information, but also a collection of all kinds of words that were previously unfamiliar. When you read a book, you will always come across new words. This is especially true for specialized and thematic literature. But simply reading may not be enough - new words are also needed. If a new word is used several times in the text, memorization can occur automatically. But if it occurs once, however, you are interested, do not apply to write it down in a notebook or on a separate piece of paper. In general, having a notebook of new words is very useful, because it can be regularly replenished and re-read from time to time. When reading books, try to always have this notebook with you. As for the books themselves, then get good habit buy at least once every two weeks new book and read at least an hour a day. Well, if, for example, you are often on the road or actively travel, then an electronic “reader” will be an excellent alternative for you, into which you can download an incredible amount of all kinds of literature from the Internet.

Various video materials have a huge potential in terms of vocabulary. This includes all kinds of educational TV shows, quizzes, useful talk shows, Mind games, video seminars, training courses, documentaries and, of course, feature films, etc. In addition to the fact that while watching you will learn a lot of new words, you will also have a wonderful leisure time. And what could be better than a combination of pleasant and useful in one action? But remember that it is important to be able to distinguish between worthwhile and unworthy materials, especially on TV, because the air is full of "garbage". Those. if, for example, you see on the program that there will soon be a program “Clever and clever” or “Own game”, then you can allocate time to watch TV, but if an epic “Dom-2” or another “soap opera” with Jose is planned Ignacio in the title role, it is better to do something else. and meaningless TV shows not only does not increase vocabulary, but also pretty dulls a person. And one more thing: do not forget about the notebook that you use while reading books. Watch a TV show and hear new words - write them down.

Listen to audio

Audio materials are no less valuable than video, although they are an order of magnitude smaller. The greatest demand is for audio trainings, audio seminars, audio lessons and audio books. You just need to find what interests you and download it to your player, tablet or phone. Some electronic "readers" also support the function of playing audio files. The benefit of such a source of information is obvious: you listen to what you like, and at the same time learn new words. It is very convenient to use audiobooks or educational materials while traveling, on the way to work, etc. It turns out that any free minute is spent with benefit. Here again, your notepad will come in handy. But, of course, it is worth using it according to the situation.

Use encyclopedias and dictionaries

Encyclopedias and dictionaries are a real storehouse of new words. But studying them just like that, reading like a book, can be quite boring. So it's best to just have some of it available all the time, like on your desktop or on a bookshelf. Heard a new word but don't know what it exactly means? Open a dictionary and look up the meaning. Learned about some interesting fact or phenomenon? The encyclopedia will answer your questions. Encyclopedias, by the way, today there are a great many. There are even special series of encyclopedias, each of which is devoted to a separate topic: space, animal world, plants, people, physics, travel, etc. Excellent online encyclopedia is Wikipedia - there you can find an interpretation of almost any word, an explanation of many phenomena and phenomena, biographies of all famous people world and other interesting information.

Connect with people

An excellent source of new information is communication. Talking with different people, you can, firstly, learn what you did not know before, and secondly, hear new words and terms. In particular, this applies to communication with people-intellectuals. It has already been noted more than once that a person’s communication with those who are on a level higher than him in some way (financial, intellectual, spiritual) also raises the level of the person himself. Therefore, it is necessary to strive for interaction with those who are superior to you: they know more, know how to do what you do not know, have a more flexible mind and developed intellect. Over time, you will begin to notice that your communication and the level of your knowledge, including vocabulary, have improved markedly.

Use new words

This method is not focused on increasing vocabulary as such, but on its active use. Many words that you did not know before often fly out of your head and in order to remember them, you need to pretty much "dig" in your "warehouse" of words. The regular use of new terms (they are written in your notebook?!) contributes to the fact that they are included, so to speak, in your "" - you begin to operate with new words and terms in the same way as you operate with those that you have long been accustomed to. In daily communication, try to use less common words for you, replace them with synonyms and those words that you have recently learned. Such communication, among other things, will significantly increase the level of your communication in general, and your interlocutors will be a real pleasure: those who are one level lower than you will strive to communicate with you, and those who are higher will see you as a worthy "rival". in verbal battles.

Write more

It is to a large extent that it contributes to the competent construction of speech and the effective use of new words. Plus, you don't have to be a writer. You can simply indulge yourself in a small but very interesting hobby: set aside a little time every day (at least 20-30 minutes) to write small texts. It can be just a statement of one's thoughts, an explanation of one's point of view, or a justification of one's position on a particular issue. You can write a short one or two page article on a topic that interests you. While writing any text, you will have enough time to think about your thoughts, you will learn not only to use new words, but also to correctly and concisely insert them into the text - as they say, “into the topic”. Moreover, writing is creative activity, which means that your creative potential is activated, and mental resources are used to the maximum. And this, in turn, allows you to remember even those words that you, quite possibly, did not even know about.

Use notes

The presented method is more like entertainment than work on self-development. Take a pack of stickers and write on each one from 1 to 3 words that you like, but that you are not yet “used to” and that you often have to. Paste these stickers around your apartment - stick them on mirrors, household appliances, computer desk, walls, windows. There can be as many stickers as you like - everything depends on your needs and imagination. In addition to words, you can also write down their meaning or some interesting data about something in a short form. For example, you know about Mount Everest and that it has other names, but don't remember them. Write on the sticker "Everest - Chomolungma (Tibet.) - Sagarmatha (Nepal.) - 8848 m" and paste the note on the computer monitor. At any time, you can refresh in memory what you forgot. And regular glancing at the leaf for a long time will fix in your memory what you want to know and remember.

Solve crosswords, scanwords, etc.

Another way to have fun for the benefit of the mind is to solve crosswords, crossword puzzles and similar puzzles. Newsstands sell entire collections of similar problems. Try to solve one, for example, a crossword puzzle a day. It will take you no more than 30-40 minutes. But you are unlikely to be able to guess all the words, because. it's impossible to know everything. But what you didn’t know can reveal itself (such is the specificity of scanwords), and it can also be found on the Internet by typing the appropriate query in a search engine. In addition, such a pastime will allow you to pass your leisure time or a long journey on the train, even if it is a “classic of the genre”.

Get interested!

And last tip- be interested in everything always and everywhere. Strive to acquire new knowledge new information about everything you can. Interesting Facts, phenomena and phenomena, historical events and personalities, incredible discoveries and achievements of science - all this should certainly arouse your interest. The more you are interested, the more you will know. And in direct proportion to the increase in the volume of your knowledge, your vocabulary will also increase, and you will also be versatile developed person and you can support any conversation. Remember that you can be a specialist and a professional in any field, but it is always useful to know a little about everything.

Start applying the tips above right now and your vocabulary will start growing today! Good luck and good luck to you! Develop and know a lot, a lot of things!

You will certainly be interested in testing your vocabulary - read the few words below and vote for one of the options below.

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In this educational collection, we have collected best books for the development of speech and vocabulary, as well as for intelligence.

Radislav Gandapas. Kamasutra for the speaker. Ten Chapters on How to Get and Enjoy Your Public Speaking

The book tells how to build correct structure performances, overcome the excitement in front of the public, attract and hold the attention of the audience. "Kama Sutra for the speaker" is intended for people who make presentations, conduct seminars, participate in conferences or realize themselves in any other public areas of activity. Farther

Nora Gal. The word is alive and dead

Nora Gal is an outstanding domestic writer, the founder of the famous school of literary translation. In the book "The Word Living and Dead" the author describes numerous problems and mistakes associated with the use of the Russian language today and contrasts them with vivid examples of living Russian speech. Farther

Good command of speech and your voice has a significant impact on the ability to convey your point of view in negotiations at any level, so the study of oratory is becoming increasingly popular in business area. The book describes many examples and exercises, the implementation of which will allow the reader to improve his voice skills and diversify his speech. Farther

book author, worldwide famous writer, who became a classic during his lifetime, tells the reader his vision of the nature of the literary craft. In his trademark ironic style, Ray Bradbury talks about the many factors that influence a person's idea of ​​​​creating future works. Farther

Larry King's ability to conduct an interesting dialogue with any guest of his show is known far beyond the borders of his country. In the book of the famous TV presenter, a welcome interlocutor for many prominent figures in politics and art, the author shares his skills and vast experience with the reader. Farther

The book talks about the skills of capturing the attention of the audience, the ability to turn a negative conversation that is developing for you into a positive direction, and the ability to select the most compelling arguments in the dialogue. The author offers advice that allows in any dispute to keep cold mind and constructively engage in dialogue. Farther

Irina Levontina is a famous Russian linguist and publicist, the author of many excellent articles on hot topics. The book "Russian with a Dictionary" is composed of several fascinating essays that tell about the features of today's Russian language in various social and age strata of society. Farther

AT recent times there is a lot of talk about the fact that the Russian language is going through hard times. The language used for communication between people is very different from what is considered to be the "norm". The author of the book draws attention to the fact that the time has come for a dialogue between society and professional linguists in order to find a compromise on the understanding of the modern Russian language. Farther

The book is made up of examples and exercises devoted to understanding the phonetically correct construction of phrases and sentences. The author reveals the secrets of word formation from a completely new perspective, and also tells the reader about the rules for using words in the text, which will help to avoid a lot of stylistic mistakes. Farther

A lot depends on the ability to properly negotiate. Buying an apartment, raising children or negotiating with a bank - you need to constantly negotiate with others. Get your way or make concessions. Collected in the book a large number of tips that help the reader master the art of negotiation and the ability to insist on their interests. Farther

The book is devoted to the classical issues of the spoken Russian language. The text contains many examples of unique word formation and interesting arguments of the author of the book about certain features. Is there something in common between "katavasia" and the cat Vasya? Polina Malysagina has an answer to this question. Farther

The ability to correctly formulate and express your thoughts is an extremely important skill for a person who wants to build a successful career. Celebrity coach Bill McGowan shows readers how to master the art of speaking, learn how to capture the interlocutor's attention and be able to successfully convey their point of view. Farther

The book contains a large number short poems and illustrations dedicated to the most common mistakes of the modern Russian language. The success of the book is hidden in a unique playful manner of presenting information. More than 120 illustrated examples of mistakes will help you remember the correct spelling or pronunciation forever in such cases. Farther

The book contains the fundamental rules of oratory, supported by numerous examples from modern application Russian language in literature and in social sphere. An excellent guide for those who seek to diversify their vocabulary, enrich their speech and reach new heights in public speaking. Farther

The book is composed of numerous proverbs, sayings and many other examples of Russian folk art. V.N. Mokienko, Doctor of Philology, accompanied all examples with his comments explaining various interesting nuances to readers. The book is intended for everyone who sincerely loves and cherishes the Russian language. Farther

On the pages of his book, Nick Kolenda tries to answer questions related to the moral side of the art of persuasion. Is it possible to convince another person to carry out any assignment without resorting to lies and coercion? How to teach children correct behavior without resorting to punishment? The book answers these and many other questions related to the ability to convince people. Farther

For successful negotiation, in the conditions of the rapid pace of modern society, one must have the ability to quickly capture the attention of the interlocutor. Sam Horn's book is designed to explain to readers how to learn how to conduct a competent dialogue and the ability to insist on their interests. The text contains a lot of examples from which it becomes clear how easy the negotiation process can be if you know the right tools. Farther

That's all we have, but if you know more books for the development of speech and vocabulary or for intelligence, share your ideas in the comments. Always Glade. 😉

Including new items and bests.

Many of us want to generate unusual ideas, work more productively and remember more - but often our own brain gets in the way of a bright life, which needs only pictures with cats in in social networks. We offer you 7 books that will help cheer up your head and put your gray matter in order.

We can all be three times better than now, but how to achieve this? Professional coach Roger Sipe believes that we need to use our brains more effectively and suggests that we develop them. Of course, there are some truths here - to become a model of productivity, you have to get rid of useless activities (which include extra hours of sleep), stop worrying about little things, and constantly push yourself out of your comfort zone. And then the author moves on to specific practices - he shows how to better remember information, speed up reading by doing exercises for the eyes, and help the brain cope with tasks faster by setting priorities.

Biologist John Medina says you don't need special exercises It is enough to understand how our brain works. And here the author deduced 12 rules. For example, the brain can hold attention for only ten minutes, after which it should rest by switching to another object. Women better remember the details of what happened, and men get to the heart of the problem faster. Just 26 minutes of sleep will increase your performance by a third. The book will help you understand your own head and find a common language with it.

The author of "Remember Everything" really remembers everything - for example, the number Pi up to 22528 decimal places. Such a person can clearly be trusted in the development of memory. First, the author understands how it works - for example, personal experience, enthusiasm and desire to share information with other people help to remember even the smallest details, and excessive emotionality or lack of interest, on the contrary, reduces our effectiveness. Then you will learn specific practices - you will begin to remember words better by studying foreign languages, keep in mind to-do lists and lectures, do not forget the names of new acquaintances and important dates. So, in order to memorize the meaning of complex words, it is enough to select the correct associations for them: a collision is a collision, there were battles in the Colosseum, that is, a collision, a collision - the Colosseum, ready! The main thing is to know the right technique.

Why do some people gush unusual ideas, while others resigned themselves to dullness? Dmitry Chernyshev sees the root of the problem in the fact that we put life into automatic mode, without giving ourselves a reason to think. To get out of this trance, we need to consciously set ourselves tasks and turn on the brain - for example, solve riddles. Do not assume that the author exaggerates the problem - modern world really leaves us no room for thought: films fascinate with vivid special effects, video games - with incredible graphics. "How People Think" - A Visual Journey Through Consciousness modern man, where each chapter tries to unbalance the reader and teach him to think.

5. Mark Williams and Danny Penman Mindfulness

We load our brains with a bunch of information that causes stress and, in turn, loads us even more. According to psychologist Mark Williams and biochemist Danny Penman, meditation will help get out of the vicious circle - but not Buddhist, but modern, developed by a scientific team and approved by the British Ministry of Health. And if the other books in our selection teach you to think in a new way, then Mindfulness will first ask you to ... turn off your head, calm down and cope with the flow of random ideas. Mindfulness exercises help to structure the mind and keep the brain out of control. Starting with a simple meditation in which you will simply follow your breath, the authors will gradually move on to more complex exercises, bringing life out of an automatic state. This book is a great addition to "How People Think" by Dmitry Chernyshev.

Life is pain and there's nothing you can do about it. But if some are broken by the slightest problems, then others endure serious blows destiny and only get stronger. "Invincible Mind" shows how to get into their number. This book is not about achieving happiness, but about how not to go astray on the way to it. Practitioner Alex Lickerman suggests restructuring your mind - not running away from problems, but perceiving them as a source of strength, not waiting for the best, but knowing that there will be obstacles in your path. This is an extremely harsh, but at the same time extremely honest book.

Flexibility helps you get rid of one of the most dangerous thinking errors - the idea that your abilities are determined at birth. Wishing to praise their children, parents with young years convince them that they are incredibly talented, and thereby stop their personal growth. Subsequently, they intervene school teachers, highlighting the excellent students and favorites. Carol Dweck believes that people from the very early age it is necessary to abandon the fixed mindset, because our consciousness works differently - being flexible, it allows us to grow and become better, constantly realizing that any disadvantage can be turned into your strength.

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There comes a time when the thought clearly flashes through the head: “Not enough!” Few words are known to support secular conversation or polemics on near-scientific topics. You go to the good old internet to fix this annoying nuisance. We will help and tell you about books for the development of speech and vocabulary. Stock up on Glycine D3 to remember more, and run to the bookstore or electronic library.

"Alive, like life" Korney Chukovsky

This is not about Moidodyr. It's about the language - beautiful, pure, native. This is how the honorary academician saw him. Despite the fact that the writer was unusually kind and created stories for the smallest, he fell into a frenzy when he heard the distorted Russian speech. Rumor has it that the opponent could fly in a lot for using foreign words and stamps.

Chukovsky in the book "Alive, like life" talks about history of language and its transformation. He recommends not resisting this phenomenon, but at the same time he vehemently despises foreignness in writers' texts and oral conversations. Roots explains that foreign language is not the usual borrowed words like algebra, rails, serious, naive. Foreignness is something that cannot be remade in the Russian way and does not live in harmony with speech. For example, at one time people Soviet Union used the word "frischtik". Now hardly anyone knows about its meaning, and after all, citizens replaced the original “breakfast” with them.

"The Strangeness of Our Language" by Nigel Brown

Interesting, you say. We asked for books for the development of speech and vocabulary in adults, and you offer some Englishman. And there is. The text really came from the pen of a foreign writer, however, this does not matter. The author considers the ideas of borrowing words from different languages and draws a thick parallel between English and Russian words. You'd be surprised how similar the languages ​​are. And they are similar thanks to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who created everything that we have in speech. Diagnosis, sex, horoscope, theater, melodrama, bacterium, history - do you think this is our native? But no, the Greeks are to blame for everything.

“The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown”, Maxim Krongauz

Scientists on the Russian land have not yet died out, vehemently worried about the development mother tongue. Maxim Krongauz, drew public attention to the impoverishment of the Russian language, clearly demonstrated how quickly the vocabulary of each next generation is declining. The author has covered many aspects within one book, so you have unique opportunity to know:

  • where did the word come from;
  • where it is used;
  • how it has changed over the years;
  • whether the Russian people need this word.

The book is written simply and vividly. Lots of humor and examples. For every question asked in your mind, you will find the answer in the next line. The publication was planned as a cheat sheet for students, so you will not find artistry there.

"Russian with a dictionary" Irina Levontina

An amazing book from a linguist scientist stirred the minds of thousands of people. Despite the sounding title, the book tells not so much about the formation of the Russian language as about the change of consciousness people because of its simplification. Lots of humor and personal observations. Subtle sarcasm is not immediately recognized, but when you manage to taste it, the attitude changes. The narration is competent: in the process you will learn a lot of new things and unconsciously practice your speech.

“Speak beautifully and confidently. Statement of voice and speech "Evgenia Shestakova

The book is worth reading if you are embarrassed to talk about difficult things in public. If the answers are limited to the banal "yes" or "no". In an interesting and lively language, the author tells how to put your voice up and speak beautifully. In the book lots of for adults, which will help to make the speech pleasant, and the timbre of the voice exciting.

Where to find exercises for the development of speech

The answer to the question is unexpected, but banal. Buy some training USE tests in Russian and feel like a schoolboy. Take 1 test per week to learn more about spelling, grammar and punctuation. Well, in order not to get bogged down in the wilds of complex tasks, stock up on Glycine D3. Dissolve one tablet in water and enjoy a pleasant citrus flavored drink. it invigorate and allow you to focus on the task: already after the first dose, your personal effectiveness will increase. Happy learning!

Learning, adaptability, ability to think abstractly and practical application knowledge indicates a developed intellect. Only reading books on the development of the intellect will not achieve high results, but will help determine the direction of studies.

Problems with putting thoughts into words are familiar to many. Difficulties are not always associated with an insufficient vocabulary, although one should not underestimate the importance of a rich personal vocabulary. Why do people who have no difficulty writing texts become surprisingly tongue-tied in live communication?

Perhaps the habit of simplifying and replacing words with gestures, interjections and repetition of the simplest phrases arises from a lack of communication. The inability to express one's feelings and thoughts coherently and clearly hinders understanding and creates an unpleasant impression of the speaker. An obvious way to develop speech is to read a good fiction. Sooner or later, quantity will turn into quality, and speech will become expressive. We offer you several manuals containing techniques that will speed up the process of mastering the skills of vivid and competent oral speech.

1. Natalya Rom “I want to speak beautifully! Speech Techniques»

The book describes the principles of constructing an emotional, exciting and competent speech. beautiful speech persuasive, logical and bright. The content will not be perceived if the words sound illegible and the intonation is monotonous. Natalya Rom teaches the technique of speech, the expressiveness of the voice and the ability to hold the attention of listeners or interlocutors. If you want to be listened to with pleasure, learn to express your thoughts clearly, speak correctly, and make your voice an obedient instrument.

2. Radislav Gandapas "Kamasutra for the speaker"

The title of the book is not only a marketing move and a provocation. Giving a name to his work, the author proceeded from the fact that everything done with pleasure is crowned with success. Another argument in favor of this title, according to Radislav Gandapas, is that the speaker has some kind of intimate connection with the audience, and the speaker in this case should take a male position. This analogy is confirmed by the examples given in the book. The Public Speaking Kama Sutra deals with important issues that arise in the process of speaking or communicating: how to cope with excitement, how to build a speech outline, how to attract and hold attention, how eye contact and motor skills work.

The book will be useful to anyone who organizes presentations, conducts seminars, participates in conferences, etc.

3. Elena Lapteva “Tutorial for the development of speech. 1000 Russian tongue twisters for the development of speech "

The manual includes tongue twisters, as well as methodological and reference material: phonetics exercises, tongue twisters pronunciation technique, small dictionary rare words from tongue twisters. Manual for schoolchildren, students, teachers, speech therapists. The book will help improve diction in self-study.

4. Larry King "How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere"

5. I. B. Golub, D. E. Rosenthal “Secrets of good speech”

According to the textbooks of D.E. Rosenthal and I.B. Golub studied the Russian language for several generations of philologists, journalists, and editors. Masters reveal secrets correct speech help to get rid of errors. The language of the book is simple and understandable to everyone, so everyone can learn the Secrets of Good Speech, regardless of age and level of training. In an entertaining way, the authors talked about what a beautiful and correct speech should be, revealed the techniques of oratory. The material is easily perceived on the examples of excerpts from the works of Russian writers and poets.

6. Victoria Volodina "Album for the Development of Speech"

A handy tool for working with children from 3 to 6 years. It is easy to teach a child to speak clean and correct speech with the help of simple exercises. The manual contains tests to determine the child's speech skills, his vocabulary, understanding the connection between words, correct pronunciation. The exercises are designed by an experienced speech therapist to identify shortcomings and eliminate them. The manual is beautifully illustrated, so children are happy to study it with their parents.

7. Svetlana Plotnikova "Development of the child's vocabulary: a study guide"

The book discusses in detail the problems of pronunciation of children and describes the methods of speech development. The features of the lexicon of different age groups and the patterns of its development are described. The main audience of this textbook is students of pedagogical universities and faculties, but the book can be used by parents who want to instill in a preschool child or student lower grades taste for correct speech.

8. Tatyana Kulikovskaya "Expanding the vocabulary of children 2-4 years old"

Speech therapist Tatyana Kulikovskaya wrote this book so that parents can teach their child correct speech. Teaching babies begins with onomatopoeic words: meow-meow, av-av, etc., and gradually moves on to more complex words. Classes with a child will not take more than 10 minutes a day, but the basics of speaking will be laid. The allowance is necessary if the child already has speech problems. With this book, parents will help their child learn simple words and get to know the phenomena and objects.

9. L. N. Smirnova, S. N. Ovchinnikov, I. V. Pisareva “The baby starts talking. Speech development of a child from birth to four years

A book written by experts will help organize the development of a child's speech in game form. The tasks proposed by the authors are accompanied by recommendations and tips for parents. In addition to parents, kindergarten teachers and speech therapists can use the manual in their work.

10. Olga Gromova "No Bibika"

The series is designed specifically for kids and includes, in addition to Bibika No, the books Top-Top, Boom, Don't Cry, Bunny and others. You will be able to talk to your child by showing him pictures and engaging him in communication with gestures and words. Kids are happy to participate in games and simultaneously master new phenomena, objects and their names.

The book has colorful large illustrations that are accessible for children's perception. Simple texts compiled by a specialist are interesting for children and encourage them to pronounce new words. In addition to the main text, the book has recommendations for parents to help teach the child to communicate with words and gestures.



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