Growing golden mustache plant at home. How to grow a golden mustache at home, healing properties and applications

Golden mustache or fragrant callisia is a common perennial belonging to the Commelinaceae family. IN wildlife the plant grows in South America. Its closest relative is considered to be Tradescantia. This unusual culture has about 50 varieties.

The plant began to be domesticated about a century ago. It came to our country not so long ago, but at the same time it has already managed to win the hearts of not only flower growers, but also adherents traditional medicine, thanks to its unique healing properties. We will tell you how to grow a golden mustache and properly care for it in this article.

Varieties and types

Golden Us – the natural habitat of the plant is tropical forests South America. There the culture forms real thickets. At home, it looks much more attractive. Golden mustache has long creeping shoots with large dark green leaf blades reminiscent of corn. The inflorescences of the plant are white, small, racemose with a pleasant aroma. However, at home, golden mustache blooms very rarely.

Callisia Fragrant – in the wild, the plant can grow up to 3 meters. The domesticated crop has creeping shoots up to 2 meters long. The foliage of the plant is large, narrow and long, has a rich green tint. Callisia flowers are racemose, lilac or pink in color with a pleasant aroma. Flowering time is in summer. At home, the culture blooms extremely rarely.

Growing golden mustache at home

Callisia can grow both in the house and in open ground. It is best to grow the plant in a room with fresh air and good lighting. The kitchen is not best place for a given culture.

The ideal option for a golden mustache would be a south window with artificially created shading. Despite the fact that the plant is very light-loving, direct sun rays it can't stand it. It can grow in the shade, but in this case the culture will be weak and will lose its decorative effect. Its leaf blades will turn pale and the stems will begin to stretch. If the callisia is comfortable, the gardener will notice a slight lilac tint that will appear on the shoots and leaf blades.

The golden mustache is extremely thermophilic, so the ideal temperature for it will be from 25 to 28 degrees. IN winter time the temperature should not fall below 16 degrees, otherwise the plant will get sick and die. It also does not tolerate temperature changes.

The optimal air humidity in the room where the flower is located should be at least 60%. In winter, it can be reduced to 50%.

Planting a golden mustache

Plant young plant It is best to immediately put it in a large pot, since the golden mustache has an extremely negative attitude towards transplants. It is also worth considering the fact that it root system grows very quickly, so transferring the flower to new pot it can be damaged.

It is necessary to plant young shoots deeply, as this will ensure better rooting and survival. Don’t forget about drainage, which will be fine expanded clay. The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious, and after planting it should be fertilized with food for deciduous plants.

By following all the rules regarding planting and caring for a plant, you can grow a healthy and beautiful collision, which, in addition to being decorative, will help effectively fight various ailments without visiting doctors.

Watering the golden mustache

In spring and summer, the golden mustache should be watered every day, but the soil should not be allowed to become waterlogged. In the autumn winter period Watering should be reduced to twice a week.

However, if the room is hot, you should monitor the condition of the soil and prevent it from drying out. Flower growers recommend watering the crop in the morning.

As for spraying, it should be carried out once every three days, using warm, settled water for this purpose.

Primer for golden mustache

The soil for the plant should be loose and nutritious. However, its preparation should begin with drainage, which can be fine expanded clay or a mixture of coarse sand and eggshells. Such drainage will not only avoid stagnation of water, but will also supply the earth with silicon.

Soil for golden mustache can be purchased either from flower shop then mix it with forest soil, or prepare it yourself.

To prepare the soil mixture yourself, you should take soil from under deciduous tree(except birch) and mix it with sand and humus. But before mixing the components, they must be treated with a manganese solution in order to destroy fungi and pests. The acidity of the soil should be 5.5 pH.

Golden mustache transplant

The plant does not like to be transplanted, so when planting young callisia, you should choose a large pot so as not to disturb the plant for as long as possible. But sooner or later the chosen container will become too small for him and a transplant will be required. It will be necessary to replant approximately once every three years.

This procedure is carried out in the spring by transferring the plant to a new, larger pot along with a soil collector, which will protect the roots from damage.

A drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the pot, after which the plant can be transferred to it, adding the missing amount of the required soil mixture. After transplantation, the golden mustache needs to be fertilized and watered. Adaptation to new conditions will last about a month, after which the plant will begin to grow.

Fertilizer for golden whiskers

Both organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed the plant. In spring, the plant should be fertilized with organic matter, and in summer and autumn period mineral fertilizers with microelements.

It should be noted that microelements are absorbed through the leaf plates, so to feed them they must be diluted in water and sprayed from a spray bottle. Feeding is carried out weekly. Starting from late autumn until spring, stop fertilizing the plant.

Blooming golden mustache

Despite the fact that callisia rarely blooms at home, it can still happen when good care.

Before flowering, the plant throws out a long peduncle, on which small inflorescences appear, collected in brushes. They can have a white, pink or pale blue tint. The inflorescences smell very pleasant and are reminiscent of hyacinth in aroma. Flowering time occurs in late spring or mid-summer.

Trimming the golden mustache

The plant does not need pruning, however, to preserve its decorative appearance, withered leaf plates and dried shoots should be removed.

If the plant is not grown in a pot, it should be tied up, since its tall and fragile stem cannot support the weight of the shoots and can break without support. A wooden peg is usually used as a support, tying the plant to it to avoid deformation and breakage of the trunk.

Preparing a golden mustache for winter

Like many representatives flora, callisia needs a period of rest, which occurs in winter. At this time, her care changes slightly.

Watering is reduced to three times a week, fertilizing is canceled and the temperature is reduced to +16 degrees. With the onset of spring, standard care resumes.

Golden mustache propagation by rosettes and layering

Callisia can be propagated using rosettes and layering. In the first case, you should use rosettes that appear at the ends of long branches. They must be cut off and lowered into ¾ of the water. In liquid planting material must remain for two weeks so that the root system can strengthen.

Once the young plants are ready for planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil with leaf turf, sand and eggshells used as drainage. Then you need to take a small pot and plant the plant there. After a few years it will be necessary to transplant into a larger container.

It is quite simple to propagate the golden mustache by layering; to do this, you need to tilt the shoot towards the soil, sprinkle the rosette with soil and wait until it takes root. After which the young plant can be carefully separated and transplanted into a new pot.

In order for young plants to take root better, and in the future to grow and develop normally, propagation should be carried out in the spring or autumn.

Diseases and pests

The plant is not susceptible to diseases, but it can be attacked harmful insects, presented thrips and red spider mites . They settle on leaf blades and feed on their sap, which ultimately leads to their yellowing, drying and dying .

Regular ventilation of the room with a golden mustache, as well as spraying the leaf plates, will help prevent their occurrence. However, if pests have already appeared, callisia should be treated with the Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

Problems when growing a golden mustache

Although this plant It is quite easy to grow, but there are still some problems that gardeners have to face.

These include:

  • Yellowing of leaves - most likely, the plant has been attacked by pests or the grower is not feeding it enough. Treating with insecticides and applying required dose fertilizing
  • Drying of leaf plates - Insufficient moisture leads to drying of the leaf plates. Regular watering will fix this problem.
  • Rusting leaves - appearance rust spots on the leaves - this is nothing more than sunburn. To return the leaf plates to their former decorativeness, the golden mustache should be slightly shaded, but not deprived of light.
  • Stopping shoot growth - the plant slows down in growth if there is a shortage mineral fertilizers and in too heavy soil. In this case, transplanting into a nutrient substrate and applying a sufficient amount of fertilizer will help.

At proper care similar problems will not arise for the plant, and the golden mustache will delight the gardener not only with its extraordinary decorative effect, but also with its beneficial properties.

Golden mustache medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden mustache is mostly known as a plant that has medicinal properties. It is thanks to its healing properties that callisia is used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine.

The plant has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, tonic, diuretic, antiallergic and bactericidal effects.

The culture received all the above-described properties thanks to the bioactive and chemicals, found in it in high concentration. Golden mustache is rich in phytosterols, vitamins, pectins, microelements and flavonoids.

From various parts Plants can be used to prepare healing teas, decoctions, tinctures and ointments. IN medical supplies An extract comes out from the shoots and leaves of callisia.

The plant is used for arrhythmia and cardiovascular diseases. To combat these diseases, juice squeezed from fresh leaf blades is used. For hypertension and joint diseases, alcohol tinctures based on leaf plates, branches and tendrils are used.


Allergy sufferers, children, asthmatics, expectant mothers and people with kidney problems should avoid treatment with drugs based on this plant.

For the rest, the golden mustache will only bring benefits. However, it should be noted that before using callisia remedies, you should consult a doctor.

Golden mustache decoction for diabetes

Decoctions from leaf plates are used for gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes mellitus. Ointments based on the juice of the culture are used for trophic ulcers and damage to the integrity of the skin. In general, this unique plant used in the treatment of many diseases; we give the most common recipes based on it below.

To prepare the decoction, you should take 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped leaf plates and pour 750 milliliters of boiling water over them. The decoction should be infused throughout the day.

It must be consumed twice a day, 250 milliliters for a month. It will help stabilize the glycemic index and improve the condition of diabetics.

Golden mustache tincture for joint diseases

To prepare the product, take 12 branches of the plant, put them in a dark jar and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. After this, the jar should be placed in a dark place for three weeks.

From time to time you will need to take it out and shake it. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator. Use the tincture to rub sore joints in the morning and evening until the desired results are obtained.


The information presented in this article will help you grow healthy and beautiful plant for both beginners and experienced gardeners.

He will also tell you about the medicinal properties of the plant and recipes for preparing infusions and decoctions based on golden mustache.

Tinctures, ointments and other drugs are prepared from the golden mustache. Considering that caring for this crop is not at all difficult, it is highly recommended to have it in every home.

What does a golden mustache houseplant look like: photo and description

The houseplant golden mustache belongs to the Commelinaceae family, genus Callisia. There are 12 species in the genus, growing in the tropics of Central and South America and Mexico. In culture, only one species is best known, which is called the golden mustache.

According to the description, the indoor golden mustache is not much different from the wild one. This crop got its name due to the presence of long shoots that extend from the axils of the leaves, like the “whiskers” of strawberries and take root in the same way. The length of these “whiskers” is up to 1 meter, they are bare, reddish-brown with long internodes and small rosettes of leaves at the ends (it is usually believed that only shoots no shorter than 9 internodes are suitable for treatment). Large, up to 30 cm, almost linear alternate leaves enveloping the stem develop only after rooting. When a sheet is torn, thin threads of rubber stretch between its parts. The stem of this plant, although long, is not capable of standing vertically, so it needs support in the apartment.

With good care at home, golden mustache sometimes blooms. Small flowers- less than 1 centimeter in diameter - collected in paniculate inflorescences. The flowers appear from the axils of the leaves and are collected in paired, hanging racemes on small peduncles.

As you can see in the photo, in a houseplant with a golden mustache, each flower has three white, pink or blue petals:

Despite the fact that the inflorescences themselves are inconspicuous, they attract attention with a strong pleasant smell, similar to the smell of hyacinth.

How to grow a golden mustache and how to care for it

Growing a golden mustache at home will not cause any trouble. Everything needs to be created optimal conditions, at which the plant will be comfortable. A ceramic pot with a diameter of at least thirty centimeters or a wide ceramic vase is suitable for planting.

They are grown not only in pots, but also in a greenhouse, in the country, and even under film. To do this, you need to use horizontal lateral shoots that are rooted on the stem in the soil. The main stem must be tied to a support, and the shoots from it are bent to the soil and earth is poured on them. As soon as the shoots take root, they are cut off for transplantation to another location.

In heated greenhouses, climate control or simple air conditioning systems are installed in combination with special fountains to humidify the air in the summer heat. In addition, it is recommended to spray the entire plant clean water- thawed water from the refrigerator or freezer, but not tap water containing chlorine, phenol and other harmful chemicals.

Proper care of golden mustache at home involves daily watering in the spring and summer, but without waterlogging the soil, and less often in autumn and winter - two or three times a week. The soil in the pot should be moistened to the base. To prevent the stream from eroding the soil, it is better to use a watering can with a fine strainer or a kettle. An hour after watering, the water should be drained from the pan, and the tray and bottom of the pot should be wiped dry to prevent mold from appearing.

Growing and caring for golden mustache at home

The need for watering is determined simply: if the knock on the edge of the pot is loud, then the ground is dry, if it is dull, then the ground is wet, and the top layer of soil, when it dries out, will turn gray. Loves frequent bathing and spraying with a spray bottle. You can spray the plant in the morning and evening, provided that the apartment is dry warm air. Between waterings, the soil under the flower must be carefully loosened. The ideal temperature for flower growth is 25 - 27 °C, with a recommended humidity of 50 - 60%. In winter, the temperature can be lowered slightly.

Fertilizer or fertilizing is required. You can feed the plant with liquid fertilizers after its root system has developed. In the warm season, fertilizers are applied once a week, in the cold season - once a month. To feed this house plant It is best to buy ready-made mixtures.

In the process of caring for golden mustache at home, do not forget that the plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, especially hot evening ones. In this case, the plant becomes discolored and curls, and mustaches stop forming. After being transferred to the shade, it recovers quickly. Winter temperature should be within 16-18 degrees, otherwise the plants will stretch too much, reducing the amount of active substances. In summer you can take it outside to a shady place.

How to plant, transplant and propagate golden mustache at home

How does golden mustache propagate at home and how to transplant it correctly? The plant propagates by layering, pieces of “whiskers” and ordinary cuttings. The most favorable time for propagation is March and April, but if necessary, it can be propagated all year round.

From the mother plant you need to cut off the top of the shoot with 2 - 4 joint nodes, remove lower leaves, shorten the top ones by a third. Dry the cuttings for 2–3 hours and then plant them in pots with abundantly moistened soil mixture. Moisten the cuttings and cover plastic bag for rooting.

A rosette of leaves with a small piece of stem is cut from a horizontal side shoot and placed in a vessel with water. A powerful root system develops within 10 – 15 days. Then the young plant is planted in a pot with an earthen mixture and watered abundantly.

Before planting golden mustache at home, you need to make drainage from egg shells or sphagnum, adding river sand. Earth mixture prepared from 2 parts turf soil, 2 parts greenhouse soil, 3 parts leaf soil and 3 parts sand.

Young plants are replanted annually, and adults once every two to three years. It is better to replant in spring or autumn.

Before transplanting golden mustache at home, the plant is first watered with a nutrient solution based on microfertilizers containing potassium, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and microelements. In a new pot, the soil is prepared in the previously described way: fine dolomite crushed stone, expanded clay, or pumice in combination with mountain sand and wood ash are placed on the bottom.

For soil for replanting plants, take turf soil, without weeds, from under trees - linden, aspen, willow. Specialized stores “Gardener”, “Dachnik”, “Garden World”, “Florist” currently sell ready-made soil mixtures for growing indoor plants of any kind.

- And . At the first signs of damage, the plant must be sprayed systemic insecticide and cover with a plastic bag for 1 - 2 days. The best preventative measures are daily spraying and maintaining the required air humidity.

Medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache

Back in the 19th century, American scientists began detailed studies of the plant. Many Spanish Catholic missionaries who visited the Mayan and Aztec Indians wrote about the medicinal properties of the houseplant golden mustache.

American scientists have found that the juice of this plant contains large number biologically active substances. Russian scientists from the Irkutsk Medical Institute, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg have established that the plant is not inferior to the famous ginseng in terms of its healing effects on the human body, and in some respects even surpasses it.

Used in folk medicine for the most various diseases: oncology, allergies, sore throat, stomatitis, varicose veins, radiculitis, pancreatitis, bronchial asthma, diabetes and many others. It is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes and joints; it has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antitumor properties.

The use of golden mustache at home is effective in the fight against skin diseases, and is also actively used in cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of heel spurs, nail fungus, heart and lung diseases. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and perfectly treats the runny nose and many internal diseases.

How to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: tinctures and ointments

It is not difficult to prepare medicines from golden mustache at home: stems, leaves, and side shoots of the mustache are suitable for this.

The simplest medicine is tincture. It is taken internally and used externally. Tinctures made with water are prepared from the leaves, while tinctures with alcohol or vodka can be made from all parts of the plant.

With vodka or alcohol. Pour a shoot of twelve knees with half a liter of vodka or diluted alcohol. If the tincture of golden mustache at home is intended only for rubbing, then the alcohol does not need to be diluted, and in addition to the tendrils, you can add crushed leaves and a trunk. Infuse in a dark place protected from light for two weeks, shake every day.

On the water. One large leaf - at least twenty centimeters, or several smaller leaves, brew in a thermos with a liter of water and leave for a day. For the decoction, do not brew, but boil for five minutes. Indications: for stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, intestinal inflammation, pancreatitis. Take one hundred milligrams half an hour before meals three times a day.

Oil tincture. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender, pour hot vegetable oil in a ratio of one (gruel) to two (oil). Infuse in a dark place protected from light for ten days.

Ointment. Grind the leaves, stem and shoots in a blender. Mix with cream, Vaseline or animal fat. It is better, of course, to use fat, since it does not contain foreign impurities.

Using golden mustache for treatment at home

For bruises. Rub the damaged areas with alcohol tincture, oil or ointment. If you use the tincture immediately after an injury, you can prevent the formation of bruises. Compresses relieve pain and swelling. In cases of serious injuries - fractures and severe bruises - it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with alcohol tincture.

For osteochondrosis, radiculitis, diseases of the joints and blood vessels. At the time of exacerbation of pain in the spine (osteochondrosis), rub the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae and inflamed joints with the tincture. You can use compresses - generously moisten a bandage folded in several layers and apply to the sore spot for 2 hours. Cover the top with compress paper and wrap warmly. Repeat 2 times a day. As a preventive measure, compresses are applied for another 2-3 days after acute pain has been relieved. During compresses, the tincture is taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day an hour before meals. The course is no more than 7-10 days.

With thrombophlebitis. Fresh alcohol tincture is taken orally 2 times a day, 30 - 40 drops per 50 ml of water.

For skin diseases. Oil and ointment based on baby cream are used in for cosmetic purposes for dry, sensitive skin. Alcohol tincture helps with acne, but for use on the face it is advisable to dilute the original tincture 2-4 times.

For a stroke. Use alcohol tincture for massage or rub the paralyzed part of the body.

For diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Chop one sheet of at least 20 cm in size and pour into glass jar liter of boiling water, wrap, leave for 24 hours, take 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals, 50 g warm.

This infusion cures many internal diseases, removes toxins from the body, small stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder. As a result of comprehensive cleansing of the body, the general condition health of patients. They become more active, and many have improved vision. This is the most harmless recipe that can be used as a prophylactic.

Like any medicinal plant, it can cause allergies. Therefore, treatment with golden mustache at home if you are prone to allergic reactions or have allergic diseases must be carried out very carefully. For high blood pressure, tinctures are diluted in alcohol or vodka boiled water or replaced with decoctions.

Callisia fragrant is the name of the golden mustache in scientific circles. This plant has medicinal properties no less than those of aloe and Kalanchoe. Unlike these plants, it is not approved by the Ministry of Health, and discussions continue to surround it. But lovers of traditional medicine do not pay attention to these discussions.

In traditional medicine recipes, the use of golden mustache is quite widespread. It is popularly called homemade ginseng. If you are concerned about ailments such as bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary diseases, gall bladder, spleen, then you can use this plant without worrying about negative consequences. There is a popular opinion that with the help of this plant you can relieve different types painful sensations. For example: relieve itching, healing burns, bruises, relieve lichen, ulcers. In order to use this plant in medicinal purposes, you don’t have to buy it, you can grow it at home.

Callisia fragrant very large houseplant, reaches 1 m in height. It reproduces with the help of shoots, they resemble vines (whiskers). The mustache is made up of joints. They are purple-brown in color and have a broom of leaves at the end. A plant with nine and a large number joints on the shoots.

Having planted a golden mustache at home, you need to remember that regardless of the fact that it loves warmth and light, in no case should it be exposed to direct sunlight.

Soil for the plant

To plant callisia, you need to mix several types of soil:

  • greenhouse humus;
  • turf land;
  • river sand, preferably coarse.

It is advisable to make drainage at the bottom of the pot for planting. Can be used for drainage eggshells, preferably from raw eggs. To improve the effect, crush the shell with sand.

Caring for a medicinal plant

In the warm season, specifically in spring and summer, the flower needs to be watered every day. Do not use a large amount of liquid. Overmoistening of the soil can negatively affect plants and their development. In autumn and winter, callisia should be watered 3 times a week. Most optimal temperature For normal plant development, 26 ° C is considered, humidity will be preferable - 55%. During winter, a period of dormancy for most plants, temperature regime, which contains the plant, it is recommended to reduce. After rooting, the flower is fed liquid fertilizers. The leaves are sprayed with softened water every three days.

With good development and growth, callisia needs to be attached to additional support, because the plant may break under the weight of its weight and lateral shoots.

We can conclude that golden mustache is not a very picky plant. It can easily grow and reproduce at home.


There are three methods of reproduction:

  1. You need to take the cuttings and place 3/4 of them in water. After 10 days, the appearance of roots will be noticeable. After which the plant can be planted. To accelerate the growth of roots, you can add epin to the container where the cuttings stand, which stimulates growth.
  2. Cuttings without roots are planted and sprayed with water. Then you need to cover plastic film and for 4 days put in a room with low lighting. When we remove the film, you will need to water it sparingly. After a day, move it to a place with normal lighting and water for another 4 days. During this time, the cuttings will take root in the ground and begin to develop normally.
  3. When a mature plant has sent out enough side shoots and is growing in a sufficiently large pot, then it is worth using the third propagation method. We attach the main stem of the plant to a support, and sprinkle the shoots with earth. After 5-7 days, the shoot is cut off from the main stem, then carefully dug up and replanted for independent development.

Fragrant callisia will not only decorate the room, but will also be useful for medicinal purposes.

[Rated: 5 Average rating: 4.6]

Callisia fragrant (golden mustache)- this is indoor perennial, which is known for its medicinal properties. It grows up to 3 meters in height. This plant has several shoots: horizontal and erect, which resemble shoots. Callisia fragrant was brought to Russia back in 1890 and to this day is a valuable medicinal plant. In medicine, golden mustache is used as an antiseptic and as a remedy for many diseases.

Callisia fragrant (golden mustache) - description.

The leaves of the golden mustache are bright green, long, and arranged alternately. The flowers are collected in inflorescences and have a pleasant smell. Flower petals have white. Callisia also has tendrils, from which the name of the plant “golden tendril” comes from. Golden mustache blooms extremely rarely, but it is beautiful.

Golden mustache - growing at home.

The container for the golden mustache (fragrant callisia) should be quite large. The plant needs space. You need to pour sand into this container and add soil. Callisia is light-loving plant, so it must be kept in a bright room. Golden mustache needs to be watered and tied up frequently. It is grown not only in pots, but also in greenhouses.

Golden mustache - medicinal properties.

Healing properties golden mustache are due to the fact that in his chemical composition there are flavonoids, that is, non-toxic biological substances, and steroids, that is, active substances with an antibacterial effect. The plant also contains copper, chromium and iron. It is all these substances together that give such a miraculous effect.

2 groups of substances that the golden mustache contains:

  • Flavonoids are a group of natural biological compounds. They have P-vitamin activity, reduce vascular fragility, and enhance the effect of vitamin C.
  • Steroids are phytosterols. They have estrogenic activity as well as antibacterial effects. Phytosterols are used for oncological diseases, during treatment endocrine system and for metabolic disorders.

Golden mustache treats the following diseases:

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Leukemia;
  • Fibroma;
  • Myoma;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Ulcers;
  • Burns;
  • Lichen;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Periodontal disease;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Mental disorders.

Depending on the disease and its complexity, different parts of the plant are used. Oils, ointments, and tinctures of golden mustache are used in different concentrations. Some diseases involve mixing golden mustache and another remedy: honey, oil, cream, alcohol, Cahors, infusions medicinal plants etc.

Plant type: perennial.

Homeland: Mexico.

Golden mustache - care

Caring for this plant is easy.

  • Growing environment: home conditions, greenhouse or garden.
  • Humidity level: moderate.
  • Aroma: present.

Description: slow growing perennial with 15-25 cm waxy foliage arranged alternately. The bases of the leaves are very close and overlap each other, which creates the impression that this is all one rosette of foliage. Creeping stems grow on the surface of the ground or upward if supported. If the climate is mild, then the golden mustache is perfect as a plant covering an empty area. This perennial is often mistaken for a weed. The golden mustache grows up to 30 cm in height, and grows 60-120 cm in width.

Foliage: has a slightly purple tint to it inside, and on the outside this color appears in bright light.

Bloom: in the spring. Golden mustache has different flowering periods: it all depends on the climate of your region. The flowers of the plant are formed in groups and have a white tint. They often appear in groups of three at the tops of the stems. The most abundant flowering observed in warm subtropical climates.

Temperature: When growing indoors, it is advisable that the temperature does not fall below 0 degrees. With moderate watering, golden mustache tolerates dry, hot weather.

Lighting: partial shade or shade. If you want the foliage of the flower to have a purple tint, then place it in a place where there is full sunlight. In bright light, the flower grows along the ground, and if the location is shady, it usually grows upward.

Soil: Golden mustache, which is easy to care for, grows best in well-drained soil. To ensure good drainage, add sand or perlite. Loams are excellent as soil.

Fertilizers: For spectacular flowering and faster growth, regularly apply to the soil organic fertilizers. If you purchase fertilizers, make sure they contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Watering: the soil should be moist, but not muddy. The most important thing is not to water too much, and also not to let the plant sit in water for a long time. It is best to water the flower in the morning.

Blooming golden mustache in its natural environment in the photo

Reproduction: carried out by planting seeds or dividing. If you decide to reproduce golden mustache from seeds, then collect the seeds and store them in an envelope in a cool, dry place until planting.

When propagating a flower by division, you need to take several shoots, cut off the lower leaves and leave 3-4 leaves on the top. It should be planted in moist soil and the location should be sunny, but the rays should be indirect.

Landing: rooted plants need to be planted deeper than any other flowers by 5-7 cm. To avoid mistakes, plant golden mustache within 2 cm of the first leaves that appear. The fact is that this plant develops more roots along the entire length of the stem, and if you plant it deeper, it will be stronger and healthier. Golden mustache, which will be difficult to transplant, is best planted immediately in a large, deep container. But if you still decide to replant the plant, then this should be done in the spring.

Pests: possible appearance of mealy worms, spider mites and plant aphids.

Golden mustache - application

Mainly used for planting in containers and hanging baskets. The golden mustache, which is widely used, is also used in medicine. It is used for pharmaceutical purposes in Europe and Russia. Biological substances contained in the plant are able to fight many types of infections, stimulate the metabolic process, and also increase the level of immunity.

Additionally: Mulching the soil with leaves or tree bark will have a positive effect. Golden mustache, which is not so difficult to grow, will grow quickly if overgrown stems are trimmed. Flowering will be more spectacular if you constantly remove dead flowers. Spray the flower warm water, but make sure that it does not contain lime.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs