What the leaves indicate: lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Why do leaves fall off apricots and peaches? Why do peach leaves curl and have burgundy edges?

Peaches and nectarines are infrequent guests in Russian gardens. These trees have gained great popularity in the southern regions, because it is there that the conditions most suitable for them prevail. However, at present, varieties of peaches and nectarines have appeared that grow and bear fruit safely in the Non-Black Earth Region and middle lane. Regardless of where these stone fruits grow, both nectarines and peaches are subject to attack by pests and diseases. If the tree does not bloom, spots appear on its leaves and fruits, or the skeleton of the plant is completely exposed, it makes sense to think that it is seriously ill. With any type of infection, it is important to react in time - to determine the type of disease or pest and begin to fight it with suitable methods and means.

Pests of peaches and nectarines

Peaches, along with nectarines, are affected by several types of pests. They love to eat various parts this crop has leaf-eating, sucking and other types of insects, but The following pests broke the record for distribution in peach orchards:

  • peach aphid;
  • scale insects;
  • mining moth;
  • plum moth;
  • eastern codling moth.

Each of the mentioned pests can cause serious harm to trees, slowing down their growth and development, as well as weakening the tree’s immunity. Often, with a high density of infestation, trees are difficult to save from frost and disease. This is why it is important to find these insects in the crown in a timely manner and carry out regular pest control treatments in the spring and throughout the growing season.

Peach leaf curl: methods of control (video)

Signs of pest presence

Even an inexperienced gardener will find it very easy to detect pests. Firstly, even with their microscopic size, traces of their activity are clearly visible: leaves curl or become covered with holes, plaque appears on the branches, ovaries dry out or grow severely deformed. In short, each pest leaves unique traces, which can be seen in the table.

Pest names Appearance Signs of its appearance on peaches and nectarines
Eastern moth A small (up to 15 mm in length) lepidopteran insect (butterfly) with gray-brown wings and a dark body. Young individuals feed on this year's growth, and adults feed on the seeds of unripe fruits. Pupated insects overwinter in bark cracks and under leaf litter Young shoots begin to exude gum, crack lengthwise, wither and then die completely. The fruits in which oriental codling moths feed look healthy, but wormholes can be found on their surface
Peach aphid The insect is of the sucking type. Colonies of pests colonize young shoots and suck out all the juices from them. The size of aphids rarely exceeds 1.5 mm. The body of the pest is painted light green Pest colonies are visible at the ends of the shoots. The leaves wrinkle, sometimes curl and dry out. Shoots stop growing completely
Shchitovka A small insect with a body length of no more than 3 mm. It looks like an aphid in appearance, but its back is covered with a hard shell of brown or dark gray color. Pest larvae feed on plant juices. The wintering place is the bark, or rather its folds The tops of young and last year's shoots gradually wither, become wrinkled or curled. The bark in the habitats of scale insects becomes loose and porous, which is why it is easily destroyed. The plant is stunted in growth, practically does not bear fruit on shoots colonized by scale insects
Mining moth Butterfly no more than 4 mm in size. Lays eggs on back side leaves, after which microscopic caterpillars emerge from them, gnawing winding passages inside the leaf plates - mines. They overwinter in cocoons under leaf litter or in bark cracks. The leaves become covered with a light pattern of tunnels gnawed by leaf miner larvae, are stunted in growth, turn yellow and fall off early.
Plum moth Outwardly very similar to the eastern codling moth, but has more large size– up to 2 cm. The danger comes from its larvae – pink caterpillars up to 1.5 cm long. The pest overwinters in the folds of the bark, entangled in a web The fruits, while remaining green, begin to fall en masse. Upon closer inspection, wormholes can be found on their surface, clogged with a brown substance.

How to control pests on peach and nectarine

Detecting pests is the first step towards saving your garden. Important in short terms after that, start fighting them. Agrotechnical measures and tree treatment are considered the most effective methods. by special means. To the first group protective measures include:

  • Digging up the soil in the garden in spring and autumn helps get rid of leaf miners and aphids overwintering in the top layer of soil;
  • removal of leaf litter in the fall - helps eliminate wintering moths and leaf miners;
  • cleaning the bark in the fall - helps eliminate pupated moths, scale insects and other pests that have chosen the trunk for wintering;
  • pruning shoots and branches in spring and summer - helps reduce the number of all pests if the plants are too damaged;
  • spraying the trunk and skeletal branches in the fall with lime milk, which, by the way, helps save the trunk from frost;
  • installation of hunting belts on the trunk to destroy moth caterpillars in the summer.

For pest control chemicals There are many options, but for each type of insect it is recommended to use insecticides that correspond to their family affiliation:

  • DNOC 40% – from peach aphid, scale insects and mites;
  • Bi-58 (48%) – from scale insects, aphids and mites after flowering;
  • Decis (2.5%) – from codling moths during the growing season;
  • Mitak (20%) – against aphids and scale insects during the growing season;
  • Zolon (35%) – against codling moths, double treatment with an interval of 1 week after flowering.

Also, to protect the garden from pests, you can plant their natural enemies in it, and when trees are infested with codling moths, use traps with pheromones.

Diseases of peaches and nectarines

Peaches and nectarines are not hardy or disease-resistant crops, but some diseases can significantly affect the yield and general health of the trees. They may be affected by the same diseases as others fruit crops, however The following infections are most often found on them:

These peach diseases have very specific symptoms. If a gardener regularly cares for peaches and nectarines, it will not be difficult for him to detect signs of tree damage. It is very important to begin treating your garden immediately after the “diagnosis”, because many stone fruit infections can easily spread to healthy specimens.

Name of the disease Signs of infection Fighting methods
Moniliosis A fungal disease that affects the leaves and fruits of peach. Plant organs first appear dark spots, which grow until they cover the entire fruit or shoot. Moniliosis can provoke the death of an entire branch or destroy the entire crown of a tree in a couple of months First spring treatment– during the period of bud opening with Horus, the second – after flowering with Topaz, the third – when seeds are formed in the fruits by Topsin
Clusterosporiasis Fungal infection that affects shoots and leaves. Reddish-brown spots with a crimson border appear on them. Then the spots dry out and fall out. On young shoots, the bark cracks, gum flows from the wounds, and galls form on old branches Treating trees with copper oxychloride or Meteor for budding buds. After flowering, treatment is carried out with Horus or Topsin
Leaf curl An infection that affects shoots of the first year of growth and leaves. It manifests itself at the beginning of the growing season as severe deformation of shoots and leaf blades. The reason why peach does not bear fruit may be curliness, because the ovaries formed on diseased shoots fall off Treating wood after leaf fall with copper oxychloride or Bordeaux mixture. These same agents are used in the spring: at the time of leaf blossoming and during the period of inflorescence extension. You can also treat peaches along the pink bud with Horus or Skor
Powdery mildew A fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant except the trunk and large branches (more precisely, their bark). Appears on infected organs white coating which leads to deformation and drying of leaves and fruits Treatment of trees with Topaz at the moment of awakening of the buds and extension of the inflorescences. It is also recommended to prune branches showing signs of powdery mildew in early spring to prevent an outbreak of the disease.

It is also important to pay attention to agrotechnical measures: timely pruning damaged shoots and thinning of ovaries. It is also necessary to combat insect pests, which are often carriers of infections.

12.03.2016 62 333

Peach leaf curl - control measures

Peach leaf curl is a common disease in which the tree can lose most of its fruits, shed its leaves, and grow and develop poorly. Peach trees require special attention And proper care, incorrect treatment leads to deterioration of the condition and inhibition of development, especially if the trees are young.

Prevention and protection of peach from curling

Measures taken in time will protect peach trees from a serious disease, which is better to prevent than to treat. Danger of disease in rapid development, damage to young leaves, shoots and branches, without prevention and treatment leading to the complete destruction of the tree.

Protective measures are starting to be taken early spring, before the buds open. IN different regions Russia time frames are adjusted to suit local climatic conditions, in the southern latitudes events begin to be held in early March, in the northern regions the date moves closer to April. The last finishing treatment is carried out in the fall.

Treatment of peach curls involves pruning diseased, dry branches in which the causative fungus resides and overwinters. "Taphrina deformans T", spraying. Damaged peach branches must be trimmed before the buds swell, if the removal was not done in the fall. Good preparations for spraying are considered to be fungicides containing copper-containing substances, Skor, Hom, Raek, Oksihom, Folpan, which are well known to everyone. Bordeaux mixture(3% solution) and .

in the photo - treating peach trees for curliness

Prepare a solution of copper sulfate (1%), dilute 50 grams of the substance in 10 liters warm water, spray the trees. Depending on the age of the peach, consumption rates vary, from two to ten liters per tree. The prepared solution is not stored, it is prepared immediately before use. The treatment should be repeated after five days to consolidate the result; as a rule, a single sanitation treatment is ineffective.

Methods to combat peach curl

It is necessary to fight a difficult disease, especially in the phase of intensive development and exacerbation, as quickly as possible in order to save the plant and the future harvest. Many novice gardeners are wondering how to spray peach curls when the disease is already rapidly developing? Main and the best drugs for the fight, copper-containing agents remain, effectively destroying the fungus and various harmful insects that can spread the disease.

in the photo - curled leaves of a peach

Preparations of biological origin Guapsin, Planriz, Trichodermin, which do not have a harmful effect on green spaces and do not accumulate inside plants, have become widespread. With such means you can combat curliness before and after peach blossoms, even during fruiting; the drugs do not affect the taste and color of the fruit. The effect of bacterial preparations begins to manifest itself after two or three days. There is no time frame between treatments and harvest.

Peach tree curl can be treated folk remedies, giving positive results with regular spraying. One of the remedies is a clay solution with lime, which has fungicidal properties and increases protective functions peach for curliness.

To prepare the emulsion, take 10 liters of water, 350 grams of softened clay, 90 grams of slaked lime. Water is combined with clay, stirred thoroughly, then lime milk is poured in a small stream. The solution is homogeneous, without the formation of sediment. The emulsion must be prepared on the day of spraying.

Rules for processing peach trees

You can achieve a positive result with the right approach, ignoring the processing technology, efforts will be useless, the solution will be used up, pests and fungi will remain. A few simple, easy tips will help you avoid unnecessary actions:

  • In autumn, before processing peach garden, cut off bad, infected branches and shoots. Branch cuts are treated with garden varnish. Garbage, mulch, and remains of affected leaves located around the tree trunk are carefully raked and burned;
  • In the autumn and spring months, spraying is carried out in good, calm weather, and there must be no rainfall. Rain in the first two days after treating trees washes away the solutions and spraying becomes ineffective. In such cases, the procedure is repeated;

  • The best hours for work are considered to be in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, and in the evening, when the sun is not so scorching;
  • The first spring spraying is carried out through a large sprayer, giving the solution the opportunity to get into the most secluded places of the bark, cracks, where pests and various pathogens of fungi and infections may be located;
  • You can achieve the most positive result by using various types fungicidal and insecticidal preparations in combination, alternating treatments;
  • Starting spraying by various means, check the reaction peach tree so as not to worsen the growth and development of the plant. Spray a small branch with leaves with the prepared preparation; if after 24 hours the leaves do not turn yellow, fall off, or turn pale, then you can treat the tree completely.

Peaches are very sweet, juicy and fragrant fruits. Composition includes healthy vitamins and minerals that provide healing effect on the human body. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and vitamin C strengthens the cardiovascular system. vascular system. B vitamins improve brain function and nervous system. Positive qualities have an impact on the entire body. The fruits of the peach tree recent years have gained great popularity among gardeners. Due to climate change on the planet, peach trees began to be grown geographically in places where this was previously difficult. But to obtain a high-quality harvest, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of plant maintenance and carry out disease prevention. Any negative influences negatively affect the crown of trees. If the leaves of a peach are curled, then it is necessary to determine the cause. As a rule, the manifestation of a symptom indicates the presence of a fungal disease - curl. Another reason may be butterflies - leaf rollers, which roll the leaves into a ball. irregular shape. Timely measures taken will help avoid crop loss.

Leaf curl

One of the most common harmful infections is curly hair. The causative agent of the disease is the tafrin fungus. At the initial stage it appears on young shoots and leaves. During the spread, it affects flowers and fruits. The disease can be diagnosed during the period when the leaves bloom. The first signs include:

Affected shoots and leaves die. As a result of insufficient nutrition and partial loss of the crown, the tree becomes very weakened. Long absence treatment for such a disease can lead to the death of the entire plant.

Fighting frizz

If the leaves of a peach are curled as a result of a fungus, then comprehensive treatment is necessary. Fighting the disease is quite difficult. Fungal spores are well tolerated subzero temperatures. Overwintering is carried out in buds, small cracks in the bark, in the structure of branches and shoots. As preventive measures universal fungicides are used. Their use is especially necessary during the period of swelling or bud opening, since at this moment the main infection of young leaves occurs. Preventive treatment will minimize the risk of fungal infection. There are two procedures against curliness:

  • IN spring period before the buds open. For spraying, use 3% Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. This processing also excludes other diseases - clasterosporiasis and other fungal infections;
  • During the period of swelling or bud opening. Used special drug"Horus." This product is the only one that can perform its functions at air temperatures from +6 degrees Celsius. If it is necessary to spray at a temperature of +15, then the required effect will be provided by “Topsin M”, “Bayleton”, “Skor”, “Delan”, “Planriz”, “Trichodermin”.

If it rains after treatment, the procedure should be repeated. The use of drugs containing copper is excluded. If curling is detected, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected shoots and also treat with the above drugs.

Pay attention!

Application chemicals to combat curl, it is allowed if there are more than three weeks left before harvest.

IN autumn time, when the infected tree loses its leaves, treatment is performed copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. All affected shoots and branches are cut off and burned. Balanced fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements will help increase resistance to the disease.

Peach leaves turn red and curl, usually immediately after flowering. The presence of this symptom is often mistaken for the tree’s reaction to frost. But the reason lies in a fungal infection. Favorable conditions to activate the spores become wet weather conditions. If the crown takes on a red tint, without curling the leaves, then the reason is a lack of moisture in the soil. For small areas affected by curly hair, you can use the more gentle drug “Fitoverm”, which also helps to destroy various insect pests. Use strictly according to instructions. To achieve the required result, the crown is sprayed repeatedly.

To ensure good fruiting it is necessary to feed the plants in a timely manner, fertilize the soil, and bleach the trunk. If any developmental abnormalities are detected, eliminate the cause as soon as possible. After several seasons of abundant fruit ripening, it is recommended to provide the tree with rest. To do this, all flowers are cut off during the flowering period. This prevents pollination of the plant. As a result, during the rest period it will accumulate strength for the next season. Compliance with preventive measures and careful care are the basic rules for growing a good harvest.

In order for the peach to please the gardener with its delicious fruits, it is necessary to properly care for it. Moreover, its owner needs to regularly monitor appearance of this tree and inspect it for diseases and dangerous insects.

Every person should know that timely preventive measures can help eliminate many troubles during the cultivation of this valuable crop. To prevent peach diseases and pests, the gardener should use insecticides and fungicides. Fungicides help prevent the occurrence of a certain disease. Moreover, they are very effective in treating a tree at the initial stage of disease development. As for insecticides, these substances directly affect pests and destroy them. So, the owner of a peach may sooner or later encounter the following diseases of this valuable crop:
  • leaf curl
  • fruit rot
  • powdery mildew
  • cytosporosis
  • moniliosis
  • Clusterosporiosis

The most common pests, in turn, are the following:

  • eastern codling moth
  • spider mite
  • scale insect
  • plum moth

Leaf diseases

Every gardener should know that there are diseases that affect the leaves of this plant. To date, the most common the following are considered:

  • leaf curl
  • powdery mildew
  • Clusterosporiasis

To prevent these peach leaf diseases from affecting the tree, the gardener needs to take timely measures to combat them.

The causative agent of leaf curl the fungus Taphrina deformans T is considered. The first signs of this disease are the formation of red swellings on the leaf blades. Over time, they swell and a white coating appears on their surface. Untimely treatment of this fungus leads to the death of the tree. To prevent leaf curl, the gardener should spray with copper sulfate (1%) in early spring. In addition to this product, he can use fungicides such as "Skor", "Hom", "Raek". Bordeaux mixture (3%) is also a very effective substance when carrying out preventive work. To significantly reduce the risk of infection with this fungal disease, the gardener is recommended to plant the peach in a place where there is good exposure to UV rays and no excessive moisture. If leaf curl has affected the tree, then the gardener needs to treat it as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to rid the plant of the affected areas and burn them. Loosening the soil is also considered very effective method fight against this fungus. In addition, the gardener needs to spray the tree with solutions of lime and sulfur every fall.

Clusterosporiasis also refers to one of the most dangerous peach diseases. It can affect not only leaves, but also shoots, fruits, branches and trunks. The main symptom of this disease is the formation on the surface of the leaf plate brown spots with a dark purple outline. To save a plant from klyasterosporiosis, the gardener needs to treat it with fungicides (especially in cases where the tree is located on personal plot). In addition, he can apply Bordeaux mixture. This solution should be used before buds open and after the flowering period. If this disease of the peach tree is discovered, then its owner needs to cut out and burn the affected shoots. At the cut site it is necessary to treat with lime and copper sulfate solution.

Powdery mildew is also considered a fairly common disease. First of all, it affects young leaves and shoot tips. Their damage leads to inhibition of tree growth. In some cases, this disease causes his death. The main measure to combat powdery mildew is the use of fungicides.

Fruit diseases

Every gardener who is planning or has already acquired this tree needs to carefully study the issues regarding diseases of peach fruits. The most common are the following:

  • fruit rot
  • moniliosis
  • powdery mildew

As stated above, powdery mildew affects the leaves of this plant. In addition to them, this disease damages fruits. The main sign of the appearance of such a disease is the formation of white spots on the fruit itself. various sizes. Powdery mildew leads to loss of taste of fruits and their deformation.

Moniliosis, in turn, is also a rather serious disease. It is characterized by the formation of grayish rings of spores on the fruit. A gardener can detect such a disease during the peach growing season. For the purpose of prevention, the gardener needs to spray using Bordeaux mixture (3%). If this disease of the peach tree does appear, then he needs to cut off all the affected areas and burn them.

Regarding fruit rot, then this fungal disease also affects fruits. Its spores are transferred to fruits by wind, insects and rainwater. This disease first appears during or after the flowering period of the tree. In order to prevent its formation on fruits, the gardener must thin them regularly and collect the fruits very carefully, without damaging the branches. In addition, he needs to spray the peach with organic fungicides or a solution of copper oxychloride.

Trunk diseases

Cytosporosis is one of the most dangerous fungal diseases for peach. It affects the leaves, branches and trunk of the tree. Its first sign is the formation of brown spots and streaks on the bark of the plant. This trunk disease leads to the death of the tree. In order to rid a peach of this disease, its owner must remove the affected branches as quickly as possible and burn them. In order to prevent this plant, it is recommended to use Bordeaux mixture (3 or 4 percent).


In addition to diseases, peaches can also be affected by pests. The most common insect that damages this tree is aphids. It abundantly populates the green areas of this plant and actively feeds on its juice. The black peach aphid is considered especially dangerous. In order to prevent the appearance of this pest, the gardener is recommended to use karbofos or a solution laundry soap(you need to use 1 block per bucket of water). In some cases, aphids are eliminated with one's own hands. In addition to this insect, this tree can also be affected by scale insects. This pest usually settles in the bark of a tree. In the autumn, the scale insect lays eggs, after which in the spring the caterpillars hatch and attach themselves to the shoots. These pests suck the juice out of the plant, which is why untimely treatment leads to its death. To prevent this insect from damaging the peach, its owner needs to apply an emulsion mineral oils(before buds open) and karbofos (during the growing season). The plum moth also affects this plant. This butterfly overwinters in cracks in the bark. Its danger lies in the fact that after its colonization, unripe fruits fall off. In order to prevent the appearance of this pest, the gardener needs to use insecticides such as Metaphos, Antio, Dursban, etc.

Diseases and the fight against them are exactly what the owner of a peach tree should know. In addition to diseases, there are also pests that cause considerable harm to the plant. In order to prevent their occurrence, the gardener must know that:

  1. Treatment of peach in the spring against diseases and pests involves the use of fungicides and insecticides.
  2. Inept use of poison can provoke not only the death of insects beneficial to peach, but also negatively affect the health of its owner and the environment.
  3. For that. In order for the tree not to die and to please the gardener with tasty fruits, he should regularly monitor its condition.

Proper care of peach, regular inspection for the presence of diseases and pests, and timely preventive measures will help to avoid many troubles when growing this valuable crop.

To prevent pests and various diseases, and fungicides and insecticides are also used to combat them. Insecticides can act directly on the pests themselves, or penetrate into different parts of the plant and destroy sucking insects. Fungicides prevent the occurrence of a disease or control it, therefore they are used mainly for the purpose of preventing diseases or in their initial stages.

The use of various poisons in the fight against pests and diseases of peach requires special knowledge, since their inept use can cause poisoning of people working with them, the death of beneficial insects, and contamination of the soil and environment with harmful substances.

The most common peach diseases are leaf curl, moniliosis, fruit rot, clasterosporia blight, scab, and powdery mildew.

Pests include aphids, spider mite, eastern codling moth, scale insect, plum moth.

To find out what peach pests and diseases look like, you can look at the photos presented in our gallery:

Photo gallery

Peach tree curl disease

Leaf curl is a peach disease that manifests itself in the form of reddish swellings on the leaf blades. Gradually, the leaves swell, become covered with a white coating caused by the fungus, and then fall off. If you do not fight this disease, the curl will infect the entire tree, as a result the peach will lag in development and die.

Preventing peach curl

To prevent curling, the plant is sprayed with 1% copper sulfate in early March. After 4–5 days, the procedure is repeated. You can use the fungicide "Hom", "Skor", "Raek", or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. In the fall, infected trees are pruned and sprayed with copper sulfate.

To reduce the chances of this disease occurring, you need to choose dry, well-lit areas in the garden to grow peach trees.

Treatment for peach curl

In the fight against leaf curl, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected parts of the plant, and loosen the soil between the trees. In autumn, peach should be sprayed with a solution of sulfur and lime. in spring this work repeat.

As practice shows, the peach crop is very susceptible to leaf curl, therefore, in order to timely detect the disease during the growing season, you should carefully examine the plant. With prolonged wet weather, the risk of spreading this disease increases.

Peach fruit disease moniliosis

One of the most dangerous diseases of the peach tree is moniliosis, when the fruits are covered with grayish rings of spores. This disease manifests itself during the growing season. Outbreaks of moniliosis are usually observed if the weather was damp during flowering.

An infected tree's flowers and ovaries turn brown and die, and the wood dries out. As the fungus develops, it penetrates shoots and branches, causing them to die. It is quite easy to notice peach moniliosis. Gray or light green pubescent pads—fungal spores—form on the affected areas.

Prevention of peach moniliosis

For prevention during kidney swelling, spray with 3% Bordeaux mixture. At the first signs of disease, all affected parts of the plant are removed and burned.

Experienced gardeners know that moniliosis is also a disease of peach fruits, since this fungus often leads to their rotting. Fallen fruits affected by moniliosis are collected and burned.

Peach disease clasterosporiasis and its treatment

Clusterosporiosis is a common disease of peach crop. Appears as brown spots on the leaf plates, instead of them, holes soon form. With severe damage, several spots appear on the leaves at once, which merge into one large spot, and after it falls out, a large hole remains on the leaf plate.

This disease can develop on the buds and shoots, as evidenced by small, bright red or orange spots, which subsequently crack and a thick mass flows out of them. The affected parts of the tree darken and die.

Timely feeding will help prevent the appearance of clasterosporiasis. When the first signs of disease are detected, the plant should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. This work should be done before buds open and after flowering.

In the fall, the affected shoots are cut out and burned. The cut areas are treated with a thick solution of lime with the addition of 1% copper sulfate.

Peach scab disease and its treatment

Scab is a peach disease that occurs when high humidity air. Detecting scab is quite easy. Affected fruits become deformed and crack, and black, crust-like spots form on their surface. Light green spots appear on the leaves, after which they fall off. Gradually the tree weakens, its productivity decreases. On young shoots, tubercles form, which later tear the bark, causing cracks and crusts to appear on it.

To combat scab in the spring before the buds swell, use the drug “Delan”, copper oxychloride and “Topsin M”, according to the instructions.

In autumn, foliage is collected and destroyed. During pruning, cracked and crusty shoots are removed.

Knowing which peach diseases most often attack this crop and treating them in a timely manner, the gardener will grow a strong, healthy tree that will regularly delight with a rich harvest of fruit. Neglect of preventive measures can lead to neglect of diseases and subsequently to the death of plants.

Photo gallery

Above are peach diseases with photos, in which you can see what this plant looks like when affected by one or another disease.

Peach tree pests

Despite the fact that this crop is rarely affected by pests, some insects sometimes still disturb its peace. Peach pest control can be carried out in different ways. Plays an important role right choice planting sites, use of healthy planting material, spatial isolation of plants having common pests, regular tillage, fertilization.

The most common peach pests are described below.

Peach aphid pest

A great danger to this plant is posed by aphids, which damage its shoots and leaves, as a result of which the leaf plates are deformed and curled, and reddish spots form on their surface. The largest concentrations of aphids are observed in July–August. During this period, colonies of these insects completely cover parts of the tree.

To prevent the appearance of this pest during the growing season, peach is sprayed with karbofos, or treated with a solution of laundry soap (1 piece per bucket of water). The wood is left in the soap solution for 3 to 4 days. During this time, the insect completely releases the plant. Aphid colonies can also be removed manually.

Peach scale pest

Scale insects harm peach bark. This insect can be recognized by its hard scutes up to 3 mm long. The scutes serve as shelter for scale insects, which, having laid their eggs, die. In May, the larvae hatch and spread throughout the tree, feeding intensively and increasing in size. At the end of July they are completely ready to breed.

In order to combat insects, in early spring, before buds break, they are treated with emulsions of mineral oils, and during the growing season - with karbofos.

You can recognize the main peach pests from the following photos:



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