Dark spots on the trunk of a cherry. Diseases and pests of cherries: description with photos. Cherry rust: description of cherry disease with photos

Fungal diseases are a serious problem for any gardener. An infected cherry not only withers quickly, but also becomes a source of infection itself. Coccomycosis, anthracnose, moniliosis - it turns out that they can be avoided.

In the past few decades, gardeners have been actively fighting against fungal garden diseases. Exists great amount ailments, the provocateur of which is one or another fungus. It is difficult to cope with the infection, meanwhile, the disease can cause enormous damage. Yields are falling, and trees are on the verge of death.

Therefore, one of the topics discussed is fungal diseases of cherries. Knowing the "enemies" in person and the ability to deal with them is a big part of success.

A bit of history

Almost until the middle of the last century, serious problems on this basis did not arise. Although cherries were already grown throughout the territory of the current Soviet Union. The varieties common at that time were very different from those with which we are dealing now. These were old proven varieties of trees - centenarians. Cherry regularly and abundantly fruited, although its berries were not as large and sweet as those of modern miracle selection.

But already in the 60s, in some parts of the country, by the middle of summer, the cherry was almost naked, and it brought less and less fruit. The reason for this was a fungal disease accidentally brought from Europe - coccomycosis. After thirty years, he was accompanied by another serious disease, the cause of which was a fungus - moniliosis. Today, these are two main, but not the only, problems for stone fruit gardeners.

Cherries, which grow in the North-West of our territory and the Non-Black Earth Region, suffer the most from diseases. Plants living in dry, warm climates are more lucky. But they also need prevention and careful care.

How to avoid adversity

Gardening is not for the lazy. We all know how important it is to take care of trees, investing time and effort in this matter. Cherry is not a capricious plant. In most cases, it is enough to follow the elementary rules of agricultural technology in order to protect The Cherry Orchard from serious illnesses.

This means that the tree needs: timely pruning, top dressing and watering.

There are also factors that do not depend on the efforts of the gardener, but have a significant impact on the health of plantings: climate, weather (temperature fluctuations, excessive humidity, drought, frost, winters without snow), mechanical damage, pests and diseases “arrived” from trees growing in the neighborhood.

But even in the event of a sudden change in the weather, proper care help to minimize the consequences.

cherry anthracnose

Anthracnose is a disease caused by a fungus. Cherries and cherries most often suffer from the disease. The fruits are affected. The people have the name "bitter rot", which very well reflects the symptoms of the disease. The fungus is spread by spores that overwinter in fallen fruit.

The disease is difficult to detect in the early stages. Anthracnose causes the appearance of light spots on the berries, which eventually turn into bumps with a touch of pink. In dry weather, the fruits dry out quickly. If the disease strikes a tree during a warm, rainy summer, there is a good chance that anthracnose will mow down the entire cherry crop.

Treatment and prevention of anthracnose

For the purpose of prevention, trees are whitewashed with special compounds. Not only cherries are processed, but also all other trees in the garden, because. the disease is highly contagious.

Fallen leaves and berries should be regularly removed, as well as digging up the soil in the near-trunk circle in the fall. If for some reason the cherry has received mechanical damage, you need to clean the place of breakage and treat it with garden pitch. The same treatment is carried out after regular pruning. Remember to disinfect instruments before use.

Remember that cherries need good nutrition. Before blooming leaves, you should feed the tree with a solution of potassium sulfate (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). This will help keep the plant healthy.

Alas, if the disease has already entered into force, then prevention will not help. The fight against the disease can drag on for a long time. It is necessary to choose the most effective treatment. You can use the drug "Polyram". Cherry is sprayed with it three times (20 g per 10 liters of water). The first treatment is carried out before flowering. The second time - when the cherry has faded. After two weeks, you can process a third time.

Cure anthracnose cherries is difficult, but possible.

Mycosis (coccomycosis) of cherry

Cherry mycosis is a whole group of ailments that have a fungal pathogen. The word "mycosis" is translated as mushroom. The most common disease from this group is coccomycosis.

The disease came to us from Scandinavia. The cherry grown on our territory was not at all ready for this. Unfortunately, breeders have not yet managed to develop a variety for which the mushroom would not pose any threat. On the this moment immunity to coccomycosis is only felt cherry, as well as a hybrid of bird cherry and cherry.

The disease first affects the leaves of the plant. At first, red dots appear on them, which eventually develop into spots. On the underside of the leaf, you can see the fungus itself, or rather its spores. They look like a pinkish bloom. Soon after the disease manifests itself, the cherry begins to shed its leaves. This greatly affects the winter hardiness of the tree. In fact, the disease deprives the plant of natural protection, and during the first cold weather, the cherry freezes. Over several seasons, the condition of the tree deteriorates greatly. The cherry may even die.

Sometimes the disease affects the fruit. They become ugly. In this case, the cherry crop is no longer edible.

Treatment and prevention of coccomycosis

Since the disease is spread by spores that usually overwinter in fallen plant parts, regular cleaning should be done. trunk circle. Everything that has fallen and accumulated under the tree must be collected and disposed of by burning it. The soil surrounding the cherry trunk should be dug up in spring and autumn.

The fight against coccomycosis at the prevention stage also includes wood processing. In the spring, when the cherry is just beginning to open its leaves, the crown should be treated with Bordeaux liquid (3%). The next treatment is carried out after the flowers fall. Copper oxychloride (0.4%) is used for it. You can also fight the disease with the help of Topsin-M (0.1%) and Skor. They are also effective in the second treatment. The third time the cherry is processed after harvest. This is done with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or copper oxychloride (0.4%).

Before flowering, you can additionally spray the tree with Skor.

It is very important not to skip processing. If you miss the moment, the fungus will penetrate deep into the plant, and it will be very difficult to fight it. Spraying branches that have already been affected by the disease is useless. They will have to be removed.

Some gardeners recommend introducing additional treatments for reliability. In addition to all of the above, cherries are sprayed a week after flowering with the same Bordeaux liquid (1%) and in early October with a solution of urea (4%). At the same time, fallen leaves are collected and burned, in which a fungal pathogen could lurk.

The fight against an ailment that has already settled in a plant includes pruning and treating the tree with fungicides. Cherries are sprayed according to the above scheme. Bordeaux liquid can be replaced by means: Topaz (40 g per 10 l of water), Horus (2 g per 10 l of water), Skor (the same proportions as for Horus), Fundazol (10 g per 10 l of water), Hom ( 40 g per 10 liters of water). A mixture of colloidal sulfur and lime is also suitable (100 g of each substance per 10 liters of water).

When the cherry has shed its foliage, the near-stem circle should be shed with a solution of urea (5%). This will serve as a natural fertilizer, and will also help destroy pests and pathogens lurking in the ground.

If you are just planning to plant a cherry orchard, try to choose varieties that are less prone to coccomycosis. These include early Orlovskaya cherry, Zarya Tatarii, Gorkovskaya, Octava. Slightly more often, but still quite rarely, Molodezhnaya, Beauty of Tataria, Zhukovskaya, Uralskaya ruby, Rastunya, Zagoryevskaya cherries suffer.

The disease most often affects varieties: Malinovka, Nezyabkaya, Vladimirskaya, Shakirovskaya, Dessert Volga, Tenkovskaya.

The most important

The fight against any ailments of fungal origin comes down to a few simple rules. And these rules are universal for almost all plants, be it cherry or apricot.

First, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. A tree, in this case a cherry, has certain requirements for soil, climate and care. Therefore, the first measures are taken even at the stage when the cherry orchard is just laid: zoned varieties are selected that are least susceptible to infection. Cherries should be planted in a dry, ventilated place with suitable soil. We all know that any disease that has a fungal pathogen spreads rapidly in conditions of increased dampness.

Good care is half the battle. Cherries need regular pruning. A thickened crown is a lack of light, dampness, decay, and, consequently, a fungus. Whitewashing is another necessary measure, a layer of special paint clogs small cracks and protects the tree from diseases and pests. In addition, in order to defend against any infection, the cherry has a natural immunity. You can support it with regular top dressing. Cherry also needs regular treatment with special preparations.

Secondly: if the fungus has already penetrated the tree, the affected branches will have to be cut off. Even if in this way the cherry loses half of the crown, this measure is necessary. Sanitation must be carried out strictly following the technology.

Thirdly: fallen branches, leaves, fruits are a potential source of infection. They need to be collected and burned away from the garden. Otherwise, the fight against the disease does not make sense - re-infection cannot be avoided.

We hope these simple rules will help you save the cherry orchard from fungal infections.

Most often, cherry diseases in the spring appear characteristic features: spotting, delamination, growths. Look at the diseases of the cherry trunk in the descriptions further on the page, they are also characteristic of sweet cherries.

Cherry stem rot, tinder fungus flat.

The causative agent is a fungus Ganoderma applanatum (Pers. et Wallr.) Pat. Causes a yellowish-white wood rot that breaks trees easily. Infection occurs from the root neck at the base of the bole, from where the mycelium spreads upward along the core of the trunk. Fruiting bodies are perennial, flat, sessile, often tiled, with an upper grayish-brown furrowed surface, smooth or covered with a brown coating. The flat tinder fungus affects deciduous tree species, pome and stone fruit crops, and more often settles on weakened trees. The infection persists in the affected wood.

Learn about these cherry diseases in descriptions with photos and put the knowledge into practice in your garden.

Control measures. Annual preventive spraying of trees in the spring, before the leaves bloom, with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). Timely removal and burning of stumps and dried trees along with their roots. Single fruiting bodies on the affected trees are cut off, the saw cut is disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulphate and covered with oil paint on natural drying oil.

Tinder fungus sulfur yellow

Cherry stem rot, tinder fungus sulfur yellow.

The causative agent of the disease of the stem of the cherry is a fungus Laetiporus sulphureus Bull ex Fr. Causes brown core rot, which spreads quickly through the wood. The affected tissue cracks and fills with white films of mycelium. The tinder fungus is found on hardwoods, on sweet cherries, cherries, less often on pears. Fruiting bodies at first watery-fleshy, then hardening, sessile, connected at the base in a tile-like manner, with a light yellow or orange wavy surface. The infection persists in the affected wood.

Control measures the same as against a flat tinder fungus.

Watch these cherry stem diseases in the video, which shows the most effective ways treatment:

Monilial burn - a disease on the leaves of cherries and cherries (with photo)

The causative agent of the cherry leaf disease is a fungus Monilia cinerea Bonord the disease appears in the spring. With a monilial burn, a sharp browning and drying of the flowers of the ovaries, fruit twigs occurs, and young leaves turn brown, which do not fall off for a long time. On the affected bark and leaves, a grayish coating of mycelium develops, the spores of which re-infect the ovaries and young shoots. You can see the cherry disease in the photo further on this page, where different types symptoms.

The disease of cherry leaves is most dangerous in the cold spring with an abundance of precipitation, when the pathogen fungus actively develops, and the generated branches quickly dry out. With a strong development of the disease, the tree very quickly takes on the appearance of a burnt one, and the lesion is often confused with the result of winter freezing. In stone fruits, monilial burn is manifested not only by the drying of skeletal branches, but often leads to the rapid death of entire trees. The infection persists in the bark of affected shoots and in dried mummified fruits.

Look at the manifestations of cherry leaf disease in the photo, which shows signs of the development of pathological changes at different stages:

Control measures. Annual preventive spraying of all trees at bud break with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak), repeated treatments immediately after flowering orchards with the same preparations. If necessary, spraying is repeated in summer and autumn with Chorus. There is evidence that the use of copper-containing preparations on stone fruits in the summer can cause yellowing and leaf fall. Timely pruning of dried affected branches and their burning, obligatory coating of saw cuts with oil paint.

Gommosis - a disease of a tree of cherries and sweet cherries

A non-infectious disease of the cherry tree, which is manifested by the abundant formation of gum in the cracks of the bark without visible necrosis and ulceration. The release of gum during gommosis is a reaction of tissues to the effects of various adverse factors, such as increased acidity and waterlogging of soils, excessive doses of fertilizers, incompatibility of the scion with the rootstock, low temperature, low or too high humidity.

Both mechanical damage to the bark and the spread of infectious diseases, many of whose pathogens produce toxins. Biochemical processes in tissues are disturbed, the growth and development of young shoots is suspended. Gum is a product of the breakdown of cell membranes, it flows to the surface in the form of a sweetish solidifying liquid. Abundant gum flow causes drying of young shoots and even entire trees.

Control measures. Compliance with all agrotechnical requirements for growing this crop, prevention of mechanical damage, frost cracks and protection from sun-frost burns. Disinfection of saw cuts with a 1% solution of copper sulphate with obligatory putty with oil paint. Liming of acidic soils. Preventive spraying of trees annually in the spring, before the leaves bloom, copper-containing preparations against a complex of pathogenic microorganisms.

Chlorosis - leaf disease of cherries and cherries (with photo)

With this sweet cherry disease, uniform yellowing of the leaves between the veins occurs, which is associated with a large deficiency in the supply of nutrients to young growing leaves. The cause of this cherry leaf disease can be frost and bark death or the spread of root and stem rot, as well as necrosis. With a strong manifestation of the cherry disease in the spring and later in the summer, browning and drying of the leaves, and the death of branches and trunks are observed.

Control measures. Timely identification of the causes of chlorosis. Preventive spraying of trees in the spring, before the leaves bloom, with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). In case of mechanical damage and frost cracks, pruning, cutting down the fruiting bodies of tinder fungi, it is recommended that all cuts and cracks be disinfected with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and covered with oil paint.

See how cherry disease manifests itself in the photo, which shows all the typical signs of damage to the leaf blade:

Coccomycosis - a disease of the cherry berry

The causative agent of this disease is cherry berries - a fungus Coccomyces hiemalis Higgins (syn. Blumeriella hiemalis Poeldmaa) . Spotting appears on almost all stone fruit crops, but most strongly on cherries and sweet cherries. Numerous small scattered dark brown spots appear on the upper side of the leaf. On the underside of these spots, pinkish-white sporulation pads develop in the necrotic tissue, spores from which re-infect neighboring leaves and fruits.

With coccomycosis, whitish pustules with pinkish edges appear on the petioles of the fruits, and depressed brown spots with a whitish coating. Spotting appears from the first half of June and, with a strong spread, can cause premature leaf fall, which significantly reduces the winter hardiness of trees. The infection persists on the affected fallen leaves.

Control measures. Spraying trees before bud break and immediately after flowering with Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). With a strong spread of the disease, spraying is carried out in the summer and early autumn with the Chorus preparation, taking into account the waiting time for this preparation. Timely pruning of dried branches with smearing cuts with oil paint, removal of affected plant residues.

Look at the manifestation of this cherry disease in the photo, which shows the external manifestations of the infection:

Clasterosporiasis - a fungal disease of cherries

The causative agent of a fungal disease of cherries is a fungus Clasterosporium carpophilum (Lev.) Aderh. (syn. Coryneum beyerinckii Oud.) . The disease klesterosporiosis affects all stone fruits. Numerous small reddish spots appear on the leaves, eventually brightening in the center, with a blurry raspberry border.

The affected tissue cracks and falls out, and the leaf becomes perforated. With a strong spread of the disease, buds, young shoots and fruits are affected. Rounded reddish-violet spots with a light middle appear on the shoots, the bark gradually dries out and shallow ulcers filled with gum form. When the fruit is affected, reddish-brown spots with a scaly elevation appear on them.

The fruits are deformed, partially dry out and become unsuitable for food. Affected leaves fall prematurely, and affected shoots dry out. The disease greatly weakens trees and reduces their productivity. The infection persists in the bark of the affected shoots and in the affected plant debris.

A description of this cherry disease with photographs will help to identify the problem in a timely manner and start fighting it:

Control measures the same as against cherry coccomycosis.

Watch cherry diseases in the video, which shows the control measures and agricultural techniques for daily tree care:

Ascochitous spotting - cherry disease (with photo and description)

The causative agent of ascochitosis spotting is a fungus Ascochyta chlorospora Speg . Ocher-brown spots appear on the leaves by mid-summer irregular shape with blurry border. In the necrotic tissue, over time, numerous black dotted fruiting bodies of the overwintering stage of the fungus form, the affected tissue dries out and cracks, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Premature fall of leaves does not allow the wood of young shoots to fully mature, which weakens the trees, reduces frost resistance, productivity and decorative effect. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves with pycnidia fruiting bodies.

A photo and description of this cherry disease will help you quickly recognize a fungal infection and start an active fight against it:

Control measures. Preventive spraying of all trees and shrubs in the spring on young blossoming leaves with a 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak). With a strong spread of ascochitosis and other spotting in the summer, spraying with the same preparations is carried out, taking into account the waiting time. You can also use the drug soon and its analogue rayok. Collect and remove affected leaves in autumn or early spring.

We will continue to study the diseases of cherries with a description and photo, among them are different types of fungal infections of leaves, fruits and bark. In the meantime look at the signs of ascochytic spotting:

Diseases of the bark of cherries and sweet cherries

Cherry bark diseases can be infectious (bacterial and fungal) and non-infectious (cracking, lightning strikes, cold and heat). Cherry bark diseases are subdivided in a similar way, among which various spots predominate against the background of fungal infections.

Brown spotting, or phyllostictosis, of cherries.

Pathogen - mushroom Phyllosticta prunicola (Opiz.) Sacc . Causes the formation on the bark of round ocher-brown spots with a dark narrow border. Over time, numerous dark dotted fruiting bodies of the overwintering stage form in the necrotic tissue. Necrotic tissue cracks and falls out, leaving holes in the cortex. With a strong development of the disease, the affected bark shrinks, the leaves quickly turn yellow and fall prematurely. The infection persists in the affected fallen leaves.

Control measures the same as against ascochyta blotch of cherries.

Cercospora cherry.

Pathogen - mushroom Cercospora cerasella Sacc. , has a marsupial stage - Mucosphaerella cerasella Aderh ., which is formed in the spring on fallen affected leaves. In summer, numerous rounded, small, 2-3 mm in diameter, red-brown spots with a dark purple border appear on cherry leaves. On the underside of the spots, sporulation is formed in the form of dark pads, over time, necrotic tissues fall out, and holes remain in the leaves. Affected leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely. Spotting is common on all stone fruits, but is most severe on cherries and sweet cherries. The infection persists in the affected plant debris.

Control measures

Cherry jaundice

The causative agent of jaundice is phytoplasma (formerly mycoplasma organisms). In young leaves, the veins turn yellow, leaf blades brighten, rise vertically, often deform, large areas appear yellow color. The shoots develop thin, chlorotic, the petals are often deformed, the affected fruits are small, irregular in shape, tasteless. The appearance of numerous thin, upward shoots is a typical sign of the disease. Both individual branches and the entire tree are affected. Carriers are leafhoppers and psyllids. Jaundice is common in almost all stone fruits, but more often in peach. The infection persists in affected wintering crops and weeds.

Control measures. Timely pruning and burning of affected branches and heavily affected plants. Disinfection garden tools(secateurs, saws) in alcohol, cologne, 1% potassium permanganate solution after working with affected plants. Removal of weeds and spraying of trees against sucking pests with one of the preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Fitoverm, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Inta-Vir.

Cherry fruit diseases

Cherry septoria.

The causative agent is a fungus Septoria pallens Sacc , has a marsupial stage - Gnomonia egrthrostoma (Pers.) Auersw . The spots on the bark are at first yellowish in color, barely noticeable, later brown, drying out. In the necrotic tissue, multiple small brownish fruiting bodies, pycnidia, are formed. Affected leaves turn brown, turn red-brown, dry out and curl, but remain hanging on the tree.

Petioles, which quickly dry out, and fruits are affected. When the ovaries and young fruits are affected, small, brown, slightly depressed spots appear on them, and young fruits quickly fall off. When more ripe fruits are affected, they are severely deformed and lose their commercial qualities. Premature drying of the leaves leads to weakening of the trees and a decrease in their winter hardiness. The infection persists in the affected leaves.

Control measures the same as against Ascochyta leaf spot.

witch's broom cherry

The causative agent is a fungus Taphrina ceraci (Fckl.) Sadeb. On separate branches, numerous, densely located thin shoots grow, outwardly resembling brooms or bushes. The leaves on the shoots are small, chlorotic, with a yellowish tint, fragile, have wavy edges of the leaf blades. A grayish coating of sporulation forms on the underside of the leaves. The fruits of cherries and sweet cherries are strongly affected, which acquire an ugly shape.

The fungus overwinters with mycelium in the bark of branches and spores in the bark and scales of the buds. In the spring, spores germinate and infect the opening buds, from which thin diseased shoots develop. With severe damage to trees, the productivity and frost resistance of trees decreases, since weak shoots and branches do not woody well.

Control measures. Pruning and burning of affected witch brooms, spraying at the beginning of bud swelling and immediately after flowering with 1% Bordeaux mixture or its substitutes (HOM, Abiga-Peak).

Watch cherry diseases in the video, which presents the main ways to treat and protect trees:

The cherry blossoms are blooming with lush snow-white flowers. The fruits have poured, and the gardener would rejoice, enjoy the fruits of his labors, if not for the insidious fungal diseases that so often harm horticultural crops. One of the common problems is black dots on cherries. Why they appear and how to deal with this scourge - we will figure it out.

Through research reference literature and Internet blogs were able to identify three reasons for the appearance of black dots on the cherry:

Coccomycosis on cherry

Cherry coccomycosis is a fungal disease. The reason for its occurrence is a fungus that “sleeps” in fallen leaves and plant debris in winter, and is activated in spring. Therefore, it is so important to remove all plant debris from the site. Cleanliness is the key to health!

Signs: Black spots appear on the berries. Cherry leaves turn yellow early and fall off.

Control measures:

  • Spray the soil under the tree and the plant itself with products containing copper: copper sulphate, Bordeaux liquid, hom, oxych, polych. It is necessary to prepare a 1% solution based on one of the listed products (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). Spraying is carried out every spring and summer after picking berries. Only regular processing will help prolong the life of the fruit tree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure it.
  • Another option: spraying with Zircon. This is a modern biopreparation. A highly concentrated solution is prepared: 1 capsule of Zircon per 2 liters of water. Spray the soil and the plant itself several times a year: when the buds open, when the buds open, after fruiting.
  • Fitosporin can also be used. This is also one of the modern biological products. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Spraying is carried out repeatedly and regularly: every 2-3 weeks throughout the growing season.

Moniliosis (gray rot) on cherry

Cherry moniliosis is a fungal disease, another name is gray rot. The reason for its occurrence is weather conditions favorable for the spread of the fungus, in particular, damp, cool, protracted spring.

Signs: in spring, during the flowering period, the leaves and young shoots suddenly darken, then they rapidly wither and dry out. It happens literally in a few days, the tree seems to burn down. Then the branches are again overgrown with foliage and everything seems to be fine. But in the summer the pattern repeats itself again. Young shoots become infected from those affected in the spring, the fungus penetrates into the deep layers of wood, and the bark is damaged. But most importantly, black and gray dots and spots appear on the cherries. The fruits often crack and rot, it becomes impossible to eat them.

How to treat:

It is believed that it is impossible to save an infected tree, you can only prolong its life. The annual complex treatment with special preparations will help the tree:

  • Spring and early summer- spraying with "Zircon". Prepare a solution: 10 drops are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Dosage is increased if required large quantity solution. Plants are sprayed during bud break, during budding before flowering, after flowering and after fruit picking. In spring, it is good to combine Zircon with Epin-extra.
  • In August - dry branches are removed and sprayed Cherry tree copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, hom, oxychom, polychum).

It is important to carry out these activities every year, otherwise the tree will die.

weevil on cherry

Signs: black dots and holes in the berry, to the very bone. Insects damage the leaves, and then the flowers and fruits of the cherry.

What to do?

  • Dig up the soil under the cherry in autumn, then the larvae will mostly die. Indeed, together with fallen fruits, they fall to the ground in order to climb into it and spend the winter.
  • Remove from the site and burn all fallen fruits, because harmful insects sit in them. It is better to do this not even in the fall, do not wait until they fall, but try to remove the damaged fruits from the tree.
  • Traps. In early spring beetles become active, crawl out of the soil and rush to the cherry to eat and breed their offspring in the fruits. It is important to get ahead of the pests, to catch them before they get to their target. Under the tree, straw is tightly laid out around the trunk, as a result of which insects cannot get to the trunk. The beetles become entangled in the straw, and it is burned with them. The second way: if the weevils have already crawled onto the cherry, they are simply shaken off, prudently spreading a film under the tree. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure at temperatures up to 10 degrees Celsius. During the spring season, shaking should be done three times, then this will give a result.
  • Treatment with the biological product "Akarin", according to the instructions.

It affects the leaves and fruits of cherries and sweet cherries. Very small bright or pale red spots appear on the affected leaves. Merging, they can capture most of the sheet. Most often, on the underside of the leaf, the spots are covered with white-pink pads (fungal spores). Affected cherry leaves turn yellow and then fall off, or turn brown and dry out. Fruits stop development and dry up. The fungus overwinters in diseased, fallen leaves. With the onset of cherry blossoms, the fungus releases spores and, in the presence of moisture, they infect the leaves. Coccomycosis reduces the winter hardiness of cherries and can cause their death.

Control measures: destroy fallen leaves; dig up the soil in spring and autumn; spraying: the first during the isolation of green buds, the second - after flowering and the third - after harvesting with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water) or 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Cocomycosis causes a deterioration in the quality of the crop (spots develop both on the fruits and on the leaves), a decrease in the overall yield, and winter hardiness may also decrease due to premature leaf fall. Trees do not accumulate enough nutrients, and in the case of severe winters, stone fruits can freeze slightly or freeze completely.

There are two main ways to combat this disease: firstly, the timely application of chemical protection with fungicides. Terms of treatment: at the beginning of the growing season, when buds open, it is necessary to treat with copper-containing preparations, then, depending on weather conditions with an interval of 7 - 14 days, we begin to treat with fungicides (for example, "Skor" or "Horus").

When processing, we focus on flowering and years of bees. It would be optimal, of course, to process before flowering and immediately after flowering. Further processing is not carried out, since cherries and sweet cherries quickly begin the harvesting period and its consumption. After harvesting, you can carry out another processing. From preventive measures, it can be recommended to remove and burn fallen leaves, since they are a source of infection. If this is not possible, we treat fallen leaves in the fall with a 5% urea solution.

Thus, the first condition for successful protection against this disease is the timely implementation of pesticide treatments and proper care of plantings.

The second equally important element of agricultural technology is the cultivation of varieties that are more resistant to cocomycosis. For example, from the varieties of Belarusian selection, the following can be distinguished: cherries - "Lasukha" and "Belarusian Griot", cherries - "Gronkavaya", "Beauty", "Pleasure" and "Rival".

Perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis) of cherries.

A widespread fungal disease of cherries (apricots, peaches, plums, and other stone fruits) affects leaves, buds, twigs, and flowers. Pale brown round spots up to 6 mm appear on the leaves. in diameter, framed by a reddish border. Within one to two weeks, the spots crumble, and perforation forms. With a strong infection, cherry leaves begin to dry out and fall off. When the fungus infects the fruits, they develop depressed growing purple spots. As the spots grow, they become Brown color and take a convex shape. Gum flows out of swollen spots. With late infection, the spots remain flat. The pulp in the places of formation of spots dries up to the bone. The shoots are also first covered with rounded, and later with elongated spots, which crack and gum flows out of them. Kidneys infected with the fungus die and turn black. Affected cherry blossoms fall off.

Conidiospores hibernate in wounds, on leaves. In spring, when the temperature reaches 4-6˚C, the fungus emerges on the surface of the bark and spreads to the leaves with the help of rain, wind, and insects. When infected with a fungus, the cherry weakens, its yield drops.

Control measures: timely removal and destruction of affected shoots and branches of cherries; destruction of foliage; avoid thickening; spraying immediately after flowering and two weeks after the first treatment with one of the following preparations: 1% Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride (30-40 g per 10 liters of water), topsin-M 70% w.p. (0.1%).

Gum disease (gommosis) of cherries.

A widespread disease that affects stone fruits. Appears on frozen or fungus-affected cherry trees. Contributes to the appearance of the disease is highly moist and overly fertilized soil. A sign of the disease is the release of gum from the trunk and branches. The gum hardens, forming transparent drops of various shapes. Gum treatment can lead to the death of cherries.

Control measures: good care of cherry trees; increasing resistance to diseases and pests, wounds that appear for any reason should be immediately treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, or it is better to cover with garden pitch with petralatum. Destroy severely affected branches.

Cherry coccomycosis.

A widespread fungal disease of cherries (plums, cherry plums, almonds, blackthorns, apricots). It affects the leaves and fruits of cherries and sweet cherries. Very small bright or pale red spots appear on the affected leaves. Merging, they can capture most of the sheet. Most often, on the underside of the leaf, the spots are covered with white-pink pads (fungal spores). Affected cherry leaves turn yellow and then fall off, or turn brown and dry out. Fruits stop development and dry up. The fungus overwinters in diseased, fallen leaves. With the onset of cherry blossoms, the fungus releases spores and, in the presence of moisture, they infect the leaves. Coccomycosis reduces the winter hardiness of cherries and can cause their death.

Control measures: destroy fallen leaves; dig up the soil in spring and autumn; spraying: the first during the isolation of green buds, the second - after flowering and the third - after harvesting with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water) or 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Cherry fruit rot (moniliosis).

Widespread fungal disease of cherries. It affects apple, pear, cherry, plum trees. With special force begins to develop in the second half of summer. A small brown spot appears on the surface of the fetus, which grows over the entire surface within 10 days. Then large pads (spores of the fungus) form on the fruits. The pulp of cherry fruits becomes loose and tasteless. The development of the fungus is facilitated by high temperature and humidity. The disease affects the fruits, with any damage, wounds and causes them to rot. Infection can also occur through close contact of a sick fetus with a healthy one. Most of the affected fruits fall off. Not fallen cherry fruits become hard and turn black. Mummified fruits overwinter, and in the spring of the next year, spores appear on them, infecting a new crop.

Control measures: constant collection and destruction of affected fruits during the summer; in winter, the removal of not fallen, hardened fruits from the branches; pest and disease control; removal of dead branches; selection for storage of only healthy fruits without mechanical damage; during the fight against scab, spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid; treat trees after harvest blue vitriol(100 g per 10 liters of water, 3 liters per tree). When picking rotten fruits, it is important not to touch the hands of healthy ones, so as not to contribute to the further spread of the disease.

Cherry rust.

A widespread disease that affects cherries, plums, apple trees, pears. It develops with particular force in July. On the upper side of the leaves of the cherry rounded, "rusty" spots appear, which gradually grow. Severely affected leaves fall prematurely. Infected trees weaken, their winter hardiness decreases. Cherry often does not bear fruit the next year. Control measures: collection and destruction of fallen leaves. Before flowering and after the trees, spray with copper chloride (40 g per 5 liters of water, 3 liters per tree). After harvesting, treat with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Cherry scab.

A widespread disease of cherries. It affects the leaves and fruits of cherries and sweet cherries. Brown spots appear on the fruits. Brownish-brown spots form on the leaves. Leaves affected by the disease roll up into a tube, dry out and begin to crumble. Green fruits of cherries cease to develop and dry out.

Control measures: in early spring and autumn, dig up the soil and close up the leaves; collection and destruction of fallen leaves and fruits; spraying: the first during the period of isolation of green buds, the second - after flowering and the third - after harvesting with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water) or 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Moniliosis or monilial burn, gray fruit rot of cherries.

Widespread fungal disease of cherries. It affects flowers, ovaries, fruits and young branches, annual shoots of stone fruits. It affects fruits that have mechanical damage, as well as in close contact of a sick fetus with a healthy one. Subsequently, the fruit rots and small gray pads pour out on its surface. The fungus overwinters in dried fruits, on diseased branches. During the flowering of the cherry, spores appear that fall into the flowers and the tree becomes ill. At the same time, the flowers, adjacent leaves and parts of the branches dry out. A heavily infested tree looks scorched. On the "burned" parts, small gray pads appear again (sporulation of the fungus). High humidity air contributes to the development of the disease, insects (in particular, goose) also contribute to its spread. Affected old branches secrete gum, the bark cracks on them, and sagging appears on it.

Control measures: in autumn and 20 days after flowering, cutting and destruction of affected shoots; autumn digging of the soil with embedding foliage; before and after flowering, spray with Hom (copper oxychloride 40g powder per 5l water; 4l solution per mature tree.). About 4 liters are spent on an adult tree. the resulting solution. Copper chloride can be replaced with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Cherry root cancer.

A widespread disease of cherries and other fruit crops. The disease is caused by bacteria living in the soil. Penetrating into the roots of the cherry through wounds and cracks, bacteria cause cell division. Therefore, outgrowths appear on the roots and root collar of the cherry. The infected plant stops growing, and the seedlings take root worse or die altogether. The disease is especially pronounced in drought, and a slightly alkaline or neutral environment also contributes to the development of the disease.

Control measures: grow seedlings in areas where crops affected by this disease have not been grown for a long time; when digging from cherry seedlings, the detected growths are removed, root system at the same time, it is disinfected in a 1% solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 10 liters of water) for 5 minutes. Severely affected seedlings are destroyed. Garden tools are treated in a solution of chloramine (0.5%) or formalin (100 ml of a 40% preparation per 5 liters of water).

Bushiness or growth, "witch's broom" cherries.

Fungal disease of cherry. When affected, many thin, discolored, short shoots collected in bunches are formed. Infected cherry shoots may not die, but cease to bear fruit the next year. Control measures: identify and destroy affected cherry plants; healthy planting material cherries; intermittent vector control; application of organic and mineral fertilizers; in spring, spraying cherries with Bordeaux liquid.

Curly cherry.

Fungal disease of cherry. The root shoots of infected cherry bushes are lower and thicker, but almost no different from healthy ones. The leaves become smaller, become stiff, wrinkled, brown on the underside. Sick cherry bushes die on average within 3 years. Control measures: identification and destruction of affected cherry plants; healthy cherry planting material; periodic insect control; application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Cherry pests.


Damages fruit, pome and stone fruits, bird cherry, hawthorn. The butterfly is large, the wingspan is up to 7 cm. It has veiny wings white color. Flies during the day, near water (rivers, puddles) and on flowering plants. A mature caterpillar reaches a length of 45 mm., The body is covered with dense soft hairs. Three black and two yellowish-brown longitudinal stripes run along the back. Bottom and sides gray color. The pupa is angular, reaches a length of 2 cm, yellowish-gray, covered with black spots. Caterpillars hibernate in nests of dried cherry leaves. In early spring, overwintered caterpillars eat swollen cherry buds, gnawing them. Approximately one or two weeks after flowering, the caterpillars pupate on cherry branches and fences. And in mid-July, butterflies appear. Butterflies lay their eggs on the upper side of cherry leaves (up to 150 eggs in each clutch). The caterpillars that emerge from the eggs eat the upper side of the leaves. After three to four weeks, the caterpillars create winter nests.

Control measures: removal of winter nests from trees and destruction of caterpillars. Collection and destruction of eggs. They are sprayed in late April - early May, at the time the caterpillars leave their winter nests and in summer - at the end of their hatching from eggs, with Ambush, Corsair, Aktellik preparations at a concentration of 0.1%.

Cherry weevil.

It mainly damages cherries and sweet cherries, less other stone fruit crops. The beetle is up to 9 mm long, has a golden-green color with a raspberry tint. The larva is legless, curved, yellowish in color with a brown head. The beetle hibernates in the topsoil. During flowering, cherries come out of the soil, feed on flowers, buds, young leaves. 10 - 14 days after flowering, the females eat the pulp to the bone in the form of a move, make a small depression in the stone and lay eggs in it. The entrance to the fetus is closed with excrement. A week later, a larva emerges from the egg. The larva gnaws into the bone and eats its contents. A month later, she leaves the fruit and goes into the soil. At a depth of up to 15 cm. the larva makes a cradle, pupates in early autumn, then turns into a beetle and remains to winter.

Control measures: in the fall, digging the soil of tree trunks and plowing between rows. At the beginning of bud break, install trapping belts, destroy the beetles hiding there. Shaking beetles from bushes polyethylene film. Spraying with 0.3% karbofos, after cherry blossoms and again - after 10-12 days if a pest is detected in infected areas.


Does harm fruit trees. A white butterfly with a wingspan of up to 5 cm, dense yellow hairs at the end of the abdomen. Mature caterpillars reach a length of 3 - 3.5 cm, dark in color with red warts, and white spots. The body is also covered with tufts of brownish hairs. A disturbed caterpillar secretes a poisonous liquid, which, when it gets on human skin, causes itching. For wintering, caterpillars make nests from dry leaves. During the swelling of the buds, the caterpillars come out of the nests and damage the buds, as well as the leaves of the cherry. At the end of May, the caterpillars pupate. They arrange their cocoons in the foliage, on the bark, cherry branches. Butterflies appear after about two weeks. Goldentail is a nocturnal butterfly. After the release of the butterfly, they begin to lay eggs. On the underside of the leaves, on the branches, the females lay their eggs, placing them in groups of about 300 eggs. Butterfly ovipositions are covered with hairs from the abdomen. After two to three weeks, greenish caterpillars appear, feeding on the pulp from the upper side of the leaves. Caterpillars make nests from damaged leaves with the help of a web, where they endure the winter. Control measures: destruction of winter nests; before flowering, treat cherries with 0.3% karbofos.

Cherry shoot moth.

It harms stone fruits (cherry, sweet cherry, plum, apple, pear). Brown butterfly with a wingspan of 10 - 12 mm. The eggs are green with black dots. The adult caterpillar is greenish in color, 8 mm long. The pupa is yellow, about 5 mm in size. Caterpillars endure winter in the testicular phase. Which are located near the kidneys, in the cracks of the bark. In the spring, the caterpillars that appear gnaw out the contents of the swollen buds, which then dry out. Then the caterpillars move into buds or rosettes of blossoming cherry leaves. They can make moves in young shoots. At the end of flowering, they descend into the upper layer of the soil, where they then pupate. In July, butterflies appear that lay eggs. Control measures: loosening and digging the soil; early spring spraying with nitrafen (200-300g). During the period of swelling of the kidneys, spraying with 10% karbofos (with a consumption rate of 75 g for cherries, 75-90 g for 10 liters of water for pears).

Cherry slimy sawfly.

Widespread pest (cherry, sweet cherry, quince, hawthorn, pear, plum). The adult sawfly is black, shiny, reaches a length of 7 mm. (wingspan up to 12mm.). Larvae (comma-shaped, green, covered with black mucus, up to 10 mm long) hibernate in the soil: in areas with a warm climate at a depth of up to 5 cm, with a cold one - 15 cm. Larvae pupate in late spring. And in June - July there is a flight of sawflies. Females lay eggs (oval green, 0.5 mm long) on ​​the underside of the leaf. By placing an oviposition in its tissue. The larvae feed on the pulp from the upper side of the leaf. The veins, as well as the skin of the underside of the leaf, remain intact. Damaged leaves dry up. In September, the larvae go into the soil. In the southern regions it can develop in two or three generations. Control measures: loosening and digging the soil; with the mass appearance of larvae after harvesting, spraying of trees with karbofos (10%) 75 g, trichlormetaphos-3 (triphos 10%) 50-100 g, chlorophos (80%, microgranular) 15- 20 g per 10 l. water.

Cherry aphid.

Widespread, damages cherries, sweet cherries. Endures winter in the egg phase. Eggs are black, oblong. During bud break, the eggs hatch into larvae. The larvae turn into wingless green females. By flowering, numerous aphid colonies form on the underside of the leaves. Aphids suck juice from cherry leaves. At the end of summer, the aphid flies to the root young offspring of cherries and bedstraw. In autumn it returns back and continues breeding with the males that appeared in the generation. Leaves damaged by aphids dry out and curl. Shoots stop growing. Control measures: spring destruction of root shoots; early spring spraying (before bud break) with nitrafen (200-300.). At the beginning of bud break, they are treated with infusions of tobacco, a solution of soap. From pesticides, karbofos (10%, 75-90 g.), 25% a.e. can be used. rovikurta (10 g.), 10% w.p. benzophosphate (60 g.). With a large number of aphids, the treatment is repeated in the phase of isolation of the buds.

Ringed silkworm.

Widespread pest of fruit crops. Moth. The wings are light brown in color, with a span of up to 4 cm. A dark stripe runs across the forewings. The length of the caterpillar is about 5 cm., The color is gray, blue on the sides, and on the back there are two orange stripes, between which there is a snow-white stripe. The ringed silkworm lays its eggs on the branches of trees. The ovipositions are formed in the form of rings. The caterpillars survive the winter inside their egg shells. In the spring, after the buds begin to open, caterpillars appear. At night they eat buds and cherry leaves. Caterpillars live in colonies, weaving web nests on the forks of branches. In the morning, afternoon, and also in bad weather, the caterpillars are in nests, which makes it easier to destroy them. In the event of a shortage of food, the caterpillars may move to other trees. In mid-summer, caterpillars pupate in dense silky cocoons in rolled leaves or under loose bark. hallmark caterpillars of the ringed silkworm from the caterpillars of other butterflies is that if you touch it, it makes sharp head movements. Butterflies appear after about two weeks.

Control measures: removal of winter nests; destruction of oviposition; spraying during bud break and at the time the caterpillars hatch from eggs with infusions of wormwood, tobacco, chamomile, biological preparations - antobacterin (60-100 e), dendrobatsellin (dry powder, titer 30 billion spores. - 60-100 g, wetting powder , titer 60 billion spores, 30-50 g).

Plum moth.

Damages the fruits of plums, cherries, cherry plums, blackthorns, peaches, apricots. The color of the wings of a butterfly is gray-brown. Gray spots on forewings, fringed hindwings. Wingspan up to 1.7 cm. Round greenish egg about 0.7 mm. Caterpillars are reddish, with a dark head up to 1.5 cm long. Pupae are pale brown, 8 mm long. Caterpillars survive the winter in cracks in the bark, under loose bark, on the lower part of tree boles, in hollows, and also in the upper soil layer. For wintering, they weave cobweb cocoons. In the spring, in the second half of May, caterpillars pupate, and after about 15-20 days, butterflies appear. In the evenings, butterflies lay their eggs in the green fruits of stone fruits. One female can lay over 40 eggs. A week later, caterpillars emerge from the eggs, they eat away the pulp around the fruit bone. Having finished feeding, the caterpillars leave for the wintering grounds. Droplets of gum appear on damaged areas. The fruits turn purple and fall off.

Having safely planted a cherry seedling on the site, and already looking forward to a rich harvest in the future, you should not forget that cherry diseases and their treatment are quite common occurrence, which you will most likely have to face sooner or later. It is almost impossible to protect cherries from all diseases and pests, because their distribution is affected not only by agricultural technology, but also by weather patterns, accidental damage to branches and other unpredictable factors.

How and how to treat cherry diseases

Therefore, you must not only take the time preventive measures, but also regularly inspect the trees, so that at the first signs of cherry disease or insect damage, start treating the tree. And before planting a cherry, check if you are going to use the scion from a diseased tree?

Below are diseases and pests of cherries that can cause great damage to the berry crop, and to the trees themselves. special attention deserve such dangerous fungal diseases as coccomycosis, leading to premature leaf fall, and cherry moniliosis, from which the berries rot and mummify. It is impossible to fight these diseases without spraying trees with fungicides, so it is better to initially plant cherry varieties that are resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis.

It is almost impossible to protect cherries from all diseases and pests.


Video about cherry diseases

The fungus primarily affects cherry leaves, appearing on them in the form of brownish red dots that turn into spots. On the underside of the leaves, you can see the spores of the fungus in the form of a white-pink bloom. Soon after infection, the leaves fall off, as a result, the cherry leaves unprepared for frost in the winter. For several seasons, the tree completely weakens and dies in one of the frosty winters. Cherry coccomycosis can also affect the fruits - in this case, they are deformed and become unfit for food.

The causative agent of coccomycosis for the winter is hidden in fallen leaves, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to immediately destroy all plant residues under the tree, digging up the soil in spring and autumn. In the spring, the first spraying is carried out on the blossoming leaves with Bordeaux liquid (3%). The second time the treatment is carried out immediately after the flowers fall off with copper oxychloride (0.4%), or Topsin-M solution (0.1%), the drug Skor is also effective. The third time the cherries are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid (1%), or copper oxychloride (0.4%) after harvest. Additionally, you can treat cherries with Skor even before flowering.

Cherry coccomycosis


It is no coincidence that the disease is called a monilial burn, because the affected branches and leaves of the cherry look like they were burned. As the fungal disease develops, the bark of the tree becomes covered with small growths of a gray hue, the same growths appear in a chaotic manner on the fruits, causing them to rot. Cracks form on old affected branches, gum protrudes, and gradually the branches die. Most of the berries are mummified and fall off, some berries can sag until spring.

Since the fungus overwinters in the affected parts of the plants, it is very important to regularly remove and burn all the affected fruits, and cut the branches, capturing healthy tissue by 10 cm. Before the fresh buds bloom, the cherry and the soil around it are sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or iron vitriol 3%. Copper sulphate, nitrafen and oleocuprite are also suitable for processing. You can also spray the trees after flowering using 1% Bordeaux mixture or fungicides (phthalan, cuprosan, cineb, captan). It is important to regularly carry out preventive pest control and try to harvest as carefully as possible so as not to damage the cherries.

Moniliosis in cherries

perforated spotting

At high humidity in warm weather, brown spots with a dark border may appear on cherry leaves, instead of which through holes soon form. Spots of red-brown color also appear on the fruits, due to which the shape of the cherries is deformed and the fruits dry out. The bark on the shoots cracks, gum is released from it.

The mushroom picker hibernates on branches and annual growths of cherries, and therefore diseased branches must be cut out, and cracks with gum disease should be carefully cleaned and treated with garden pitch. Fallen fruits and leaves are cleaned and burned. Spraying is carried out in the same way as with moniliosis.


Increasingly, anthracnose is found on cherry trees, which mainly affects the fruits. At first, dull spots form on the cherries, after which small tubercles form and a pinkish coating appears. In dry weather, cherries begin to dry out, mummifying in the sun. If the summer is wet, rainy, anthracnose can destroy up to 80% of the crop.

gray rot in cherries

Helps to cope with anthracnose three times spraying cherries chemical preparation Polyram: before the flowers appear, immediately after they wither and after another two weeks. All diseased fruit should be collected and destroyed immediately.

Gum treatment

Damage to cherries with perforated spotting, moniliosis, sunburn or frost often leads to such a disease as cherry gum disease. Isolation of transparent hardening drops, gums from the branches and trunk, is also possible with excessive fertilization or watering of the soil. Seemingly harmless at first glance, cherry gum can eventually lead to the complete death of a tree.

In order to prevent gum disease, cherries must be carefully looked after, protecting them from diseases with preventive treatment with copper sulphate, and from sunburn and frost damage with whitewashing with lime. Thoroughly clean any wounds that appear on the cherry and cover it immediately with garden pitch or petralatum. Those branches that have already been badly damaged should be destroyed.

Cherry care video

Control of the main pests of cherries

Insects can leave you without a cherry crop with no less success than the listed diseases. Therefore, be sure to take the time to inspect the trees in order to identify pests. What the main pests of cherries look like, you can look at the pictures on the Internet, here you will find out what harm they cause to cherries, and how you can get rid of them.

  • Cherry aphid, sucking the juice from plants, leads to drying of the leaves and to the deformation of the shoots. To prevent the appearance of aphids on cherries, you need to destroy root growth and weeds around the tree. If there are a lot of aphids, evening spraying of trees with pesticides will help (Spark, Inta-Vir).
  • The cherry weevil eats the buds of cherries, as well as flowers and ovaries. In addition, in summer, females lay eggs on the stones of still green fruits, and the emerging larvae eat away the kernels of the stones. The weevil can completely destroy the cherry crop. To combat the beetle, the soil under the cherries is loosened in the fall, and in the spring the beetles are shaken off the branches and destroyed. With a large number of weevils, it is necessary to spray the cherry with karbofos, kinmiks or Inta-Vir after flowering.

Fruit damage by cherry weevil

  • In the summer, the slimy sawfly lays larvae in the pulp of the leaves, which subsequently strongly eat the leaves. It helps to get rid of the sawfly by spraying cherries with Iskra or Inta-Vir after harvesting.
  • The shoot moth is dangerous because its caterpillars bite into fresh buds in the spring, causing them to dry out, eat young leaves, buds and ovaries. As control measures, loosening of the near-stem circle is carried out in early June and spraying of cherries during swelling of the kidneys with preparations of decis, actara, Inta-Vir.


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