Rejuvenated - decorating the garden with “stone roses”. Recommendations for planting and care. Juveniles - planting and care in open ground, growing from seeds at home

The young flower is an evergreen perennial plant that can be planted both in open ground and grown at home. This ornamental plant, decorating the “alpine” slides with its appearance and creating incredible compositions. Juvenile received the name “stone rose” because of the dense leaves that form a round bud, similar to a rose.

Young in the photo

Juveniles: planting and care in open ground

Planting a plant in open ground is very simple. It is necessary to choose an open sunny place and soil that allows moisture to pass through (for example, sandy). You can plant the plant in open ground at the end of February. The distance between plants should be at least 15 cm.

In its habits, the plant is similar to cacti. In case of landing in clay soil, it will grow poorly, since stagnant water is its first enemy. In this case, the soil can be diluted with sand and loosened.

Stone rose blooms for a long time (almost all summer). It is usually the “adult” individuals of the plant that bloom. Flowers have different colors and shapes.

Juvenile, photo of flowers:

Planting and caring for a rejuvenated flower

  • The plant loves well-lit places. With a lack of light, it loses its appearance, and the leaves become faded.
  • The flower can be sprayed occasionally in the morning or evening, when sun rays do not harm leaves and do not leave burns.
  • in summer open ground the plant feels great. In winter, there is no need to cover the flowers, since the flower is very frost-resistant. If desired, it can be covered with fir branches.
  • The plant does not like stagnant water, so the soil needs to be watered occasionally. Dryness and heat are not as terrible for it as wet soil, in which the roots begin to rot.
  • Juveniles do not like frequent fertilizing in open ground. Plant at normal conditions is developing quite well. Occasionally you can fertilize cacti and succulents.
  • The plant requires cleaning from weeds.

Find for landscape design

Due to the fact that this plant has so many species, and is also very unpretentious in care, it is very often used to form rockeries (small rocky gardens). Moreover, it gets along well with other ground cover plants (saxifrage, sedum, etc.).

The stone rose can be seen quite often:

  • in rock gardens
  • along the paths
  • as an addition to ornamental shrubs
  • in flowerpots

Thanks to its miniature root system, the plant can be planted in many places, including on the roofs of gazebos, which creates a sophisticated and cozy look for your garden.

Young people in landscape design, photo

Planting and caring for plants at home

Conditions of care:

  • The plant loves well-lit places. In bright sun it begins to turn red, and in partial shade the leaves lose their brightness and become pale.
  • A comfortable temperature for a flower is a temperature of 0°C and above.
  • Stone rose does not like stagnant water, so in summer watering is carried out once a week. In winter, you can water it 1-2 times a month.
  • The plant does not like frequent feeding. Occasionally in spring you can fertilize it with humus.
  • Poor soil, consisting mainly of sand, is favorable. You can add coal to the sand. The fatter the soil, the larger the rosette of the plant, but flowering cannot be achieved under such conditions.
  • The flower must be planted in a pot containing 1/3 drainage.

In open ground, the plant is usually planted in decorative purposes in the form of “alpine” slides, and compositions are created at home.

Video: Stone rose in your garden

Description of the properties and varieties of the plant.

In this article you will learn about such an unusual plant with a very interesting name “rejuvenated”. All secrets and properties of this plant further.

What is young, its types and varieties, how does it bloom?

- very beautiful perennial, which does not require special care. It will ideally decorate any yard; it can be used to create an alpine slide. Also, a very exciting creative process of creating from different types and varieties of this miracle flower in interesting compositions. It’s simply impossible not to fall in love with him, he amazes with his rich appearance, unusual shape and has healing properties.

is an evergreen, durable, 20-centimeter plant with a straight stem, fleshy leaves, pointed at the top and covered with a special film that protects against rapid evaporation of moisture. Spiral-shaped leaves grow around the rosette in the form of a cocoon. They fit tightly to each other, forming small balls. Its roots do not penetrate deep into the ground, but are located above.

That is why, a very long time ago, this plant was planted on the roofs of houses; it looked very unusual, but at the same time environmentally friendly. Flowers different shapes, color range and heights.

Since these plants are not whimsical and do not require much effort to grow, there are many species, varieties and even hybrids that amaze with their unusual beauty. The area of ​​their growth is very large: from Asia and Northern Africa and right up to Central Europe.

Juveniles can change their color in sunny weather, with excellent soil that meets all the necessary characteristics for this variety and species, depending on the time of year, as well as as they grow intensively.
Each of existing species differs not only in coloring, speed of leaf growth, plant size and rosette structure, but also in the speed of reproduction, size and shades of flowers, height of peduncles and time of flowering and fading. Let's take a closer look at what types of this wonderful plant exist and delight many people with their beauty:

  • Juveniles that reproduce with the help of shoots, grows mainly near great lakes, where there is enough moist soil, lots of sunshine. Greenish shoots with red edges form a spiral, holding on to thin stems, which it is advisable to tear off for rooting of young shoots.
  • Cobwebby Juveniles are distinguished by small shoots only two centimeters wide. It received this name because of the many small fibers in the middle, which resemble a spider’s web.
  • Roofing juveniles are very common all over the world. It was from him experienced gardeners new varieties were bred or existing ones were crossed to produce hybrids. It has a large rosette, up to ten centimeters wide. The leaves are massive, their edges have a reddish tint. Flowers can be of different shapes and shades.
  • Mountain varieties This plant has very large shoots, and the leaves at the base are very rich green; they delight with their beauty all tourists who love to breathe clean air and see the beauty of the area from the mountain heights of the Caucasus. Abundant flowering falls in July - mid-August.
  • Russian Juvenile grows in the forest-steppe zone, also has green leaves and rich, bright flower and a long peduncle.
  • spherical juveniles can be found on the slopes of the famous Caucasus Mountains. The width of its rosette is only three centimeters, and the green leaves, shimmering in the sun, give off a slight reddish tint.

  • Marble Juveniles fascinate with the depth of color and the diameter of the rosettes, which can be up to twelve centimeters. The leaves are soft green, interspersed with red.
  • Leaves sandy the young are smooth with red edges, the shoot can be up to fourteen centimeters wide and two centimeters high.
  • Inflorescences undersized Juveniles have an average of seven purple flowers with a contrasting line along the entire length of the petals.
The undersized young man

The following varieties of this famous plant are extremely popular:

    "Princess" very good for creating floral designs, green balls with dark brown coating
  • Goes well with the variety "Pharaoh" which has leaves of saturated purple with green coating.
Variety "Pharaoh"
  • The hybrid has rich green shoots with a delicate purple coating.
  • And here is the variety "Julia" amazes with the width of the marsh-colored rosettes, which begin to turn red by the arrival of the first autumn coolness.
"Julia" in autumn

Each shoot of a stone rose blooms only once, after flowering it dies, and new ones grow from the remaining small children. Adults, established young ones, bloom much faster and manage to grow many children during flowering, but young ones do not.

Young blooms abundantly and for a long time throughout the hot summer months, delighting owners and passers-by. Various colors to suit every color and taste.

Young - stone rose: magical properties, signs and superstitions

Back in ancient times this flower was grown with therapeutic purpose, believed that leaves collected during the flowering period have magical properties and will be able to cure any diseases (mostly these are varieties of rejuvenated roofing):

  • Various pulmonary diseases (they made a special mixture using the leaves of young people, infused it and drank it before meals).
  • Skin diseases (fresh leaves were applied to bites, burns, wounds were treated with a special infusion, and with the help of fresh juice they got rid of freckles).
  • Heart diseases (ground leaves with the addition of flower honey improve blood circulation and speed up heart function).
  • To prevent viral diseases and strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to add soaked in cold water, green leaves.
  • The aerial part of the young is actively used in folk medicine for treatment of various types of diseases.
  • At different nervous diseases It is recommended to drink a decoction of molodilo, it has a calming effect on the entire body and helps relieve stress.
  • An infusion of leaves is used for high blood pressure and various diseases eye. All medicinal properties are preserved only in fresh or boiled leaves; when they dry out, all medicinal properties are lost.

The Greeks considered this plant capable of protecting the house from evil, negative energy and to ward off lightning, for this purpose special varieties of young plants were planted on the roof, this sign was preserved in the Middle Ages, this plant was planted not only on the roofs of houses, but also on outbuildings, to protect everything living and hidden. Thus, the type of roofing youth has survived to this day. People noticed that where this flower grows, there is never thunder.

Also, the Greeks firmly believed that if you eat young milk, no poisons are scary, the body is protected and filled with strength and energy. Famous healers firmly believed in the sign that the rosette of this flower would protect a person from the bite of a poisonous scorpion, and increase the body’s resistance to various diseases, and maintain excellent vision and hearing.

Since this plant does not require special care and quickly takes root in a new place, many people plant it on the graves of their relatives and friends, next to thujas, birches, roses and tulips. There is a widespread superstition that the young should be planted only in a quiet, calm place, to protect those who have gone to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Such a plant is unsuitable at home, as it evokes different associations. It all depends on how a person treats everything, whether he thinks it bad omen or not. The main thing is that this flower is worthy of attention, and amazes us with its beauty more and more every year.

The young will ideally decorate any area and will warm the heart and soul of its owners. It is actively used to create various wedding bouquets and as unusual decor. The choice is yours alone. The main thing is to believe what your heart tells you, and it is never wrong.

How to grow young from seeds?

The plant reproduces sockets, but it can also be grown from seeds, although new species and varieties do not grow very beautiful, but there are exceptions to everything. This process takes a long time and requires a lot of effort, but the results are worth it.

When you see that the work you put in pleases not only you, but also everyone around you, this is true happiness. You can plant seeds in winter, so that they take root better and adapt to temperatures, and in spring, so that they grow more intensively, and even in hot weather. summer period.

You can plant it directly in the designated place, or in pre-prepared pots. IN room conditions It is much easier to raise young ones; they are protected from various external influences. Sow the seeds on the surface, without going deep; in order for them to germinate faster, you need to water the soil very carefully, because the seedlings are very thin, miniature, that sometimes you can’t even distinguish them from young grass that has just hatched.

When the sprouts grow and become stronger, a rosette will begin to form, which after a certain period will begin to grow and children will appear that need to be cut off. So from a small seed such a beautiful plant grows over time.

Young people will delight you with their beauty

Once you plant it, you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying its flowering, and the yard decorated with its help will be filled with a mysterious, fairy-tale atmosphere.

You can select a series of varieties with different but well-combined shades by choosing interesting containers for this: old baskets, clay pots, old shoes, tractor tires, etc. For beauty, you can decorate them different colors. Fill your life with bright colors!

Juveniles: planting and care in open ground

Before planting young shoots in open soil, you need to prepare a suitable place in advance. It should be well lit, moistened and cleared of various weeds. If the young receive a limited amount of sunlight, the peduncle becomes elongated.

This plant goes very harmoniously with natural stones, especially if they are beautifully decorated. They fit perfectly in huge areas or in the foreground.
Young plants do not require careful care; the main thing is to ensure that other plants do not interfere with its growth and that there is no excess moisture.

The distance between the processes depends on their size, because a small distance will interfere normal growth, and in the future it will be necessary to seat them. After planting in open ground, the young need to be watered; then they need to be watered only on very hot days.

Due to its massive leaves, it retains moisture for a long time and does not require fertilizing the soil every year. He has enough of everything to delight with his beauty. It is necessary to fluff up the soil in time to retain moisture and monitor other plants that grow near it. Remove dry parts promptly.

The more often you remove weeds, the more vigorously the plant will grow. Minimum effort – great result! In the case of harsh and prolonged winters, it is better to take care of the plant before the first frost occurs - sprinkle with earth and cover with film.

If the young is grown in a pot, then bring it into the room, and with the arrival of spring, take it out into the yard, and when the soil warms up more, plant it in the open area.

How does the young reproduce?

This plant reproduces vegetatively. Small buds appear and branch off from them in different directions. different lengths mustache shoots. Their maximum length can be 30 cm.

The young grows very quickly and needs to be thinned out periodically in order to produce large flowers. Before planting the shoots, water the soil well.

If you want to grow this plant at home, it is better to do this in the first months of spring; if you do not have time, then summer and the first months of autumn, before the first frost, are ideal for planting in the ground. The shoots take root in the new location within a month. Some shoots take root very well, while others become very sick, dry out and disappear, and in strong winds they can be blown away, as they are weakly attached to the stem

How to preserve young in winter: wintering in open ground

Juvenile is a plant resistant to low temperatures and frost. Therefore, even in winter you won’t have to bother with it much. It is not at all necessary to cover it for the winter, especially with film. It will not freeze, but in the spring, if the stone rose is under cover, there is a possibility of the plant dying due to debate.

You can only cover with spruce branches young plants that will be spending the winter outside for the first time. In addition, professional gardeners advise protecting valuable varieties made you look younger

This can be done using a plastic bottle and then the young will delight you for many years.
If dry sockets are discovered in the spring, they should be removed and replaced with new ones. If you don’t do this, it’s okay, since the young ones themselves reproduce beautifully and quickly.

Echeveria and rejuvenated differences

Quite often people think that young and echeveria are the same flower, but this is a mistaken opinion. They belong to the same family, so they are a little similar. But there are differences between them:

  • More youthful frost-resistant. It will feel great outdoors sub-zero temperatures, and echeveria, on the contrary, does not tolerate low temperatures, it should only be kept warm.
  • Juvenile produces antennae, while Echeveria does not have such a feature.
  • Echeverias have a stem, but juveniles do not.
  • The leaves of Sempervivum are thinner and more graceful in appearance, unlike Echeveria. And the flowers of these two plants are different.

So, if you want a more unpretentious temperature conditions and a hardy plant, it is worth choosing young ones.

Growing young in a pot indoors

If anyone thinks that a stone rose is a flower that grows only in the garden outdoors, then this is a mistake. This plant also thrives in pots indoors.

It is not at all whimsical and will grow well in any soil, even poor in minerals. Rare watering will also not harm the plant. And besides, the young ones feel great even in the driest air.

Another advantage of the stone rose is that it is not afraid of pests and very rarely gets sick. But even despite all the advantages, there are several recommendations on how to keep a plant in a house or apartment:

  • Do not place it in dark places not exposed to sunlight. The young ones love the sun's rays; if there is not enough sun, the young ones will lighten and lose their bright appearance.
  • Water the plant no more than once every two weeks and try to ensure that no drops of water fall on the sockets.
  • In the afternoon heat, place the pot in the shade.
  • In summer, place a stone rose in a pot on the balcony or in the yard.

How to use juveniles in landscape design?

Today, beautiful compositions in combination with flowers, stones, wood and other natural ingredients that decorate gardens and small flower beds have been in fashion for many years. Ideal for creating such compositions stone rose.

Molodilo is very popular among garden interior designers. Designers widely use the plant to create stunning alpine slides, paths, carpets in gardens, flower beds and entire paintings and compositions on rocky or sandy surfaces. In addition, both in the past and now, juveniles are often used for original design roofs of houses and gazebos.

Decoration of the site

For design

Compositions on flower beds made of different varieties this plant.

Thanks to it, you can create a blanket, carpet or mosaic of incredible beauty in the garden.
Small rose gardens can also be enlivened with a stone rose.
This plant will look great in small, but extraordinary, unusual flowerpots, pots and baskets.
Using a stone rose you can create a real fairy tale in the garden.

Juvenile - stone rose flower in a cemetery

People in modern society still treat the dead with respect and care. Therefore, you can often see graves decorated with fresh flowers. But what flowers to choose for planting in the cemetery? Many people are concerned about this question.

Flowers for planting on a grave must be unpretentious, hardy and perennial, so as not to replant them every year and so that they already early spring decorated the graves of loved ones. They should not be afraid of drought, frost, or other weather changes.

Rejuvenated in this case is simply ideal. And all because they can grow in any, even the poorest soil. They are resistant to cold and drought and do not require special care.

In order to grow this plant in a cemetery, you don’t need anything special. Simply plant the rosettes of the plant in the ground, which has been well watered before. Well, the first time, clean up the grave to prevent weeds from sprouting. And then, after a short time, the youth will decorate the graves of people dear to you.

Video: Reproduction in your garden

Young, or as this plant is also called, stone rose, is a very beautiful plant. You can decorate a flower bed with it, plant it along the border or design paths in the garden. This plant is not only beautiful, but also useful. In Greece, stone rose was considered an excellent remedy for poisoning. There are several varieties of stone rose: Russian, marble, roofing, Wulfena and cobweb. Depending on the variety, the color of the juveniles is different: red, green, silver, pink, brown. To grow this plant on your site, you need to plant it correctly and take good care of it.

Juveniles can be planted using both seedlings and seeds. True, growing young from seeds is troublesome. If you still decide to start this process, then it is acceptable to plant the seeds in February or March; this should be done in a heated greenhouse or at home. The most suitable soil for this plant: peat, limestone and charcoal. The room temperature should be 23-25°C. When young shoots appear, we begin watering; there is no need to over-water. It is enough to water the young ones twice a week. Stone rose loves a lot of light, but this plant should not be exposed to direct scorching rays for a long time, as the leaves can get burned.

After two months, the seedlings are plucked. The distance between them should be 4-5 cm. It is recommended to plant juveniles in the ground in July. In order to plant stone rose seedlings, we take into account the following: young ones love light, so it is not recommended to plant this plant in the shade; any soil will do (it is advisable to add sand so that excess moisture drains away). This plant does not like a lot of water, i.e. Watering is not often required.

It is necessary to periodically loosen the soil and remove weeds, then the young will grow faster. This plant is completely unpretentious, multiplies quickly, so it is recommended to plant it after a while. During transplantation, a young stone rose is separated from a large rose only with tendrils, and planted in holes watered with water. From these flowers you can create entire compositions that will decorate the interior of your cottage or home.

If you put in a little effort, it’s so beautiful and unpretentious flower, like a stone rose, will delight the eye for a long time in the flowerbed.

IN lately fashionable direction gardening and landscape design was the creation of alpine slides in the local area. In order for such a hill to look beautiful, ground cover plants must be involved in planting.

But most of them have certain drawbacks: some lose their leaves in the winter, so in the spring the hill looks very modest. Some plants cannot tolerate frosty weather and die, while others grow so much during the summer that the compositions created by the designers are completely disrupted. All these shortcomings are unusual for such a plant as it was young. It belongs to the Crassulaceae family.

What kind of plant was young? Planting and caring for it will be discussed in this article.

Description of the plant

The Latin name for young - sempervivum - translates as “always living”. This perfectly characterizes the very unusual appearance, completely unpretentious perennial. Since juveniles retain water reserves in their thick and juicy leaves, they belong to the genus of succulents.

People also call it stone rose or hare cabbage, because the rosette of the plant really resembles a rose flower or cabbage. It is surrounded by leaves that have a leathery, dense covering; each rosette consists of a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 80 leaves.

The genus of Crassulaceae has a little more than 60 species, 10 hybrids and a lot of varieties. The young flower grows, planting and caring for which should be similar to natural conditions, in the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and the Caucasus Mountains.

The plant has a very short stem and many leaves, neatly folded in the form of a dense and compact rosette. Juveniles tolerate hot weather well, strong wind and a long drought. Before the onset of winter, the rosette of the plant dries out, loses its weight and attractiveness. Thus, by removing excess moisture, the young ones prepare for winter.

Enemies of this plant:

  • excessive waterlogging, which leads to rotting, as a result of which the young die;
  • poor lighting, in which the flower loses its decorative qualities;
  • overly fertilized soil for young plants (excessive care), the plant in it reduces its resistance.

Varietal diversity

Man-made hybrids of young people are distinguished by their beauty and attractiveness. Breeders tried to combine the best decorative properties sources such as flower shape and size, foliage color. Most of these plants are selected in European nurseries, so they have an attractive appearance, but are not very resistant to climate change.

For temperate climate The following plant varieties are most suitable: “mountainous”, “cobwebby”, “Russian”, “roofing”, “limestone”, “Caucasian”. Varietal groups of complex hybrid structures that have amazing beauty have also been created. Such varieties are called tender female names: Diana, Amanda, Elena, Anna, Julia. In the names of some are immortalized geographical areas: Dallas, Dakota, Damascus, and others are given great names: Caesar, Aldo Moro.

Most common types

The most common and favorite types of juveniles among gardeners are:

  1. Juvenile "runner" has a six-centimeter rosette with salad green leaves and edges painted red. The leaves have an oblong-pointed shape and cilia; the baby rosettes look like dense balls, attached to the mother flower by thin threads and easily separated from it. When flowering, it produces 10-centimeter yellow inflorescences.
  2. Roofing sapling is a large perennial with a rosette size of up to 15 centimeters. It has lanceolate, fleshy leaves with a brown tip. It produces a pubescent peduncle about 40 cm high; the flowers look like two-centimeter stars. Daughter rosettes are attached to the plant by strong branches.
  3. “Calcareous” rejuvenation, planting and caring for which is similar to other types, is one of the most beautiful plants. The flower has gray-green or bluish-green rosettes 8 cm in diameter with pointed tips colored red-brown or black. Its leaves are thinner than those of other species. This variety blooms with few flowers of pale pink color.
  4. Juvenile "cobwebby" - this species is very common in the Caucasus Mountains. The rosettes of the plant are very small, only three centimeters in diameter. They are covered with a web-like edge and bloom with reddish flowers.

In general, when growing young, planting and caring for which is completely simple, you need to remember some points:

  1. Choosing the right landing site. It is better for the plant to be in an open, sunny, elevated place, which should be slightly elevated so that moisture does not collect there as a result of watering and precipitation.
  2. Soil preparation. For favorable cultivation young landing is carried out in poor sandy soil, because well-fertilized soil can damage the flower, and with an admixture of sand there will be good drainage. The most best place The soil for planting is rocky.
  3. Juveniles require proper watering. Planting and care in open ground provide that the plant needs to be watered only during planting; in the subsequent period, it will have enough climatic precipitation, since the flower stores the necessary moisture in its leaves.
  4. For the winter, the young do not need to be covered at all, even when the snow cover is small. It is allowed to cover only young shoots or adult plants planted late with spruce branches.


You can replant the flower at any time except late autumn. If the roots are accidentally broken during replanting, the plant quickly restores them. Therefore, after the transplant, the youngster practically does not get sick. At a young age, while the plant has not yet acquired children, you can carefully weed the soil around it to destroy weeds.

If you need to replant the entire group at once, which was formed from the mother plant and its shoots, it is absolutely not necessary to replant each young flower separately. Planting and caring for the group is simple: just trim it with a shovel, grabbing a layer of soil about six centimeters thick. Then move it all and put it in the right place, compact the soil. In this case, it would be better to wait about a year until the plant takes root in the new place, produces new sockets, takes up space, gets stronger and there is no longer a need to weed the soil.

Propagation by seeds

Almost all varieties of this flower are subject to rapid independent propagation vegetatively and by seeds. If the creation of a certain pattern is pursued in the landscape, then it is advisable to control the reproduction process.

In order to propagate the plant by seeds, at the beginning of spring they are simply sown in the ground, deepened by about 2 mm, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. When the ambient temperature reaches 20 degrees, the sprouts will hatch within five days. Before the shoots appear, the young ones are regularly watered, and then this process is stopped. Closer to mid-summer, when the seedlings have grown, they can be planted on permanent place.

The method of propagating young ones by seeds is used very rarely, this is due to the inconvenience due to the fact that the seeds are quite small and dust-like.

Vegetative propagation

Juveniles reproduce vegetatively by offspring or whiskers.

In the first case, a small baby rosette is formed in each adult rosette before flowering in the axils lower leaves. The shoot is separated from the mother plant and planted in the desired location.

The second case concerns those species where not babies are formed, but elongated shoots in the form of a mustache, having a bud at the end, from which it develops in the future. young plant. In order for a new shoot to develop, you need to loosen the soil and press the rosette with a mustache tightly to the ground, water the young plant well. Planting and care provide that the mustache is not cut, but if this needs to be done, then so that most of the mustache remains with a rosette. In the future, a tap root will form from it.

In case of independent vegetative propagation the shoots are held on strong flexible stems until they reach the ground, where they begin to take root. If you do not take any action, after some time the mother plant will be densely surrounded by daughter rosettes.

Young: planting and care at home

So young unpretentious plant that it can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home in pots. Moreover, for this they use not only large containers for the whole rejuvenating family, but also plant this flower in separate small pots. Then they make beautiful compositions from them.

Young ones are best suited for planting earth mixtures for cacti with the addition charcoal. The pot must be drained with nut shells or expanded clay to one third of the container.

Watering is done once every three weeks, or less often, if necessary. This is done carefully so that water does not get into or linger in the axils of the leaves. Juveniles in pots will feel best on a sunny balcony.


Patient gardeners can wait for the fruit that the plant produces to ripen. Planting and care will bring results: this plant bears fruit once in its life at the age of about 3 years. The largest rosette throws a stem 25 cm high up and is overgrown with small leaves. Thus, a peduncle is formed, which at the top eventually forms racemose or corymbose inflorescences. It will bloom for about a week, then the fruit will set and seeds will appear. The plant will gradually begin to dry out. The grower should carefully remove the dried shoot to prevent random self-seeding.

Young: photo, planting and care

The young must be planted outdoors sunny areas between March and the end of September. This is necessary so that the rosettes have time to take root and strengthen before the cold weather begins. If you plant juveniles on a site in October or even later, you can say with almost one hundred percent probability that the plant will die.

If you plant juveniles in a shaded area or along a wall, the leaves of the flower will become elongated, the stem will stretch out and begin to curl, and the plant will no longer be decorative.

You cannot plant “roses” in areas under trees, since, in addition to shading, there is a danger that it will be covered by falling leaves, as a result of which the young will die. Planting and care in open ground requires space.

If it is decided to transplant the young from a pot into the garden, this is done with the obligatory preservation of the root ball of soil. The planting process itself consists of simply gently pressing the rosette into the soil a few centimeters. There is no need to deeply deepen the young, because this can harm its underdeveloped surface root system.

The planting scheme stipulates that maintaining a distance between adult plants should be within 15 cm.

For planting, light, drained soil is selected; watering is carried out moderately, since with abundant moisture and poor moisture drainage, the lower leaves can rot.

There is no need to fertilize the plants; you can only, starting from the fourth year of its life, introduce half doses into the soil for feeding.

Rejuvenation in landscape design

The distinctive decorative nature of this plant makes it possible to use it to decorate landscapes:

  1. Juveniles are used for planting to form rocky gardens. Any variety blends organically with its natural habitat - stones. A large boulder ringed with a coating of juveniles turns out to be very impressive. It looks especially beautiful if you choose contrasting color combinations.
  2. Designers are also finding solutions for using juveniles in mini-gardens or flowerpots, in which the plant is combined with other perennial ground cover plants. Together they form very dense thickets.
  3. Foreground design. Juveniles are used very well for these purposes in mixborders for planting them with colored ribbons along garden paths in sunny places. It is quite beautiful to make such a planting along winding paths with a decoration in the middle of juniper, spruce or thuja.
  4. Juveniles look good in combination with not very bright and low annuals in flower beds.
  5. Array organization. Look unusual large areas, densely populated with such plants. A motley multi-colored carpet looks very original and colorful; islands of several stones are often placed on it.
  6. Last fashion trend is a building roof design created with the help of young.

Medicinal properties of the plant

In folk medicine, juvenilia is used as a remedy to help with skin diseases and injuries. The effect of its substances is similar to aloe.

This is one of the natural safe medicines. To obtain the substance, the leaves are cut longitudinally and applied directly to the affected surface, or the juice from the cut leaf is moistened with tissue and applied to the affected surface.

Juvenile juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps with burns, insect bites, swelling and abrasions.

To relieve eye inflammation, the juice of the plant is instilled directly into the eyes. Also, the pulp of the leaves of the young has a softening effect; it can be used to treat rough areas on the elbows and legs.

Juvenile, also called hare cabbage, stone flower, stone rose, is known to almost every gardener or lover indoor plants. The popularity of the young is deserved - both planting and caring for it in the open ground or on the windowsill require absolutely no effort. However, learn some of the nuances of growing stone flower useful for everyone.

Description and varieties

Juvenile is a perennial plant, belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has a full set of qualities inherent in the popular indoor flower. Thick juicy stems, fleshy leaves that accumulate moisture and form a rosette similar to a rose flower give hare cabbage its charm. The flowers of juveniles are often discreet, painted in delicate white, pink or yellow tones. They are located on peduncles that rise 15-20 cm above the leaf rosette.

From more than 50 species and varieties of stone roses, gardeners choose the following for growing in open ground.

  1. Roofing rejuvenated- quite a large plant. The diameter of the rosette is up to 20 cm, the height of the bush is 8 cm, the flower stalks often exceed half a meter. The dark or light purple flowers open in mid-July and bloom for 5-6 weeks. The leaves are green with a border of deep red, purple or golden brown.
  2. The Russian was rejuvenated interesting with large leaves, up to 35 cm long, a small rosette diameter - 7-10 cm - and stems mottled with grooves. Loose fluffy inflorescences on a 10-centimeter peduncle reveal yellow flowers from July to August, the flowering period is about 6 weeks.
  3. Rejuvenated cobwebby forms very small, up to 2 cm in diameter, leaf rosettes of rich green color with reddish transitions. The thin hairs that envelop the leaves, like a cobweb, give the plant a special charm. Purple-red flowers decorate the plant from July.
  4. Marble rejuvenated attracts attention with the spectacular color of the leaves - they are reddish with a green border. Young leaves are slightly pubescent, which adds to the unusual appearance of the plant. Rosettes up to 10 cm, peduncles up to 20 cm, densely covered with pink flowers with white edging of petals.
  5. Wolf's youth is valued by summer residents for unusual look: green shiny leaves with a beautiful red base are framed by bristles-cilia. Peduncles growing from small (4-5 cm) rosettes reach a length of 25 cm, the flowers are lemon yellow with a purple base. Grows only on neutral or slightly alkaline soils.
  6. Rejuvenated Caucasian- a group of plants that require a high calcium content in the soil: in their natural environment they grow on poor rocky soils. The diameter of the rosette is from 2.5 to 5 cm, depending on the specific type. The height of the peduncles, often leafy, is up to 25 cm. The color of the flowers is yellow, lilac, purple.
  7. Juvenile Gamma is the only variety bred by breeders that tolerates slight waterlogging and shading. The leaves are dark brown, the flowers are white.

Landing rules

The stone flower looks outlandish and whimsical. It seems that the landing is so unusual plant- it's a tricky thing. This is wrong. Completing just a few mandatory ones, but uncomplicated conditions guarantee the full development of the young on the site.

  • Planting time is from spring to autumn. The main thing is that the young have time to take root before the arrival of the final cold weather.
  • The landing site must be sunny. A semi-shaded plant becomes dull and develops poorly; a completely shaded plant quickly dies.
  • The soil is infertile, with a high sand content, and does not retain moisture.
  • The holes for planting are made small - the root system of hare cabbage develops poorly. The step between plants is from 5 cm for miniature varieties up to 15 or more for varieties with large rosettes. The seedling balls are placed in the holes and lightly pressed into the ground. There is no need to add soil.

After planting, the plants are watered moderately.

If the site has heavy soil or the soil is too fertile for the young, it is planted on artificial hills made of pebbles and a mixture of earth and sand.

Outdoor care

Care for the young is minimal, but has some features.

  • Water immediately after planting, then 2-3 days later very sparingly. The leaves and stems of the plant are able to store moisture and spend it as needed. Plants have enough natural precipitation. Only during prolonged drought (more than 7-10 days) do they add a little water.
  • The stone rose loves loosening the soil, but it must be done carefully so as not to damage the surface root system.
  • Removing weeds is a mandatory procedure. Unexpected guests not only negatively affect the decorative appearance of plantings, but also create shadows, which is harmful for young plants.

Faded flower stalks are removed without waiting for them to wither. Otherwise, you can lose the plant itself: devoting all its energy to forming seeds, the rosette dries out.

  • You can feed only plants older than three years, applying fertilizer for cacti or succulents in half the dose once per season. But this is not necessary either, since fertilizers give an impetus to the active growth of leaves. This significantly reduces the decorative value of the young: the color of the thick leaves evens out to a uniform green color. In addition, fertilizing has a negative effect on the plant’s ability to survive a frosty winter.
  • Overwintering of the young requires the construction of a shelter. Although the plant is frost-resistant, it is covered for the winter for the sole purpose of preventing moisture from entering the leaf rosettes; this usually leads to rotting. They use any available materials; transparent plastic containers have proven themselves especially well. Plants that overwinter for the first time are covered with spruce branches.
  • Transplantation is carried out from spring to mid-autumn. The overgrown “plantations” are divided and moved to another place using an ordinary shovel: they simply pick up a layer of earth with plants and move them.

The young grows without problems in one place for four years, then it begins to degenerate - the leaves become smaller, the leaf rosette may rot or become diseased. To avoid this, the plant is dug up, old socket are thrown away, the rest are seated.

Reproduction methods

Juveniles are propagated in three ways: cuttings, babies and seeds.

Stone flower cuttings are not the usual twigs with leaves, but parts of the mother plant that develop after rooting into an independent specimen, completely similar to the parent. As a rule, leaves are taken for propagation. Preferred time of year – spring, period active growth made me look younger It is desirable that the weather be dry and warm.

Places of cuts on cuttings are powdered with wood or activated carbon and dried for 10-15 days. The lower parts are wrapped in paper and the future flowers are kept in a dark place.

Root in slightly moistened sand or other substrate devoid of nutrients. To maintain the microclimate, the cuttings are covered transparent material. A tiny leaf rosette that appears at the base of the cutting is a sign that the process has successfully completed. Small plants can be watered warm water and plant it in a permanent place.

Children, or daughter rosettes, are young, fully formed lateral shoots, in most cases having already formed their full-fledged root system. They are separated and planted in a slightly damp substrate. To be sure, they are sprayed with stimulants, but the young ones cope with rooting without additional procedures. In order for the babies to settle down well and quickly, they need sun and warmth - about 25°C.

Some types of hare cabbage shoot out arrows up to 30 cm long, on which daughter rosettes are formed.

Newly planted young plants need reliable wind protection: a strong gust of wind easily “rips out” shoots with weak roots.

The most difficult option for propagating young ones is sowing seeds. The difficulty is that the seeds quickly lose their viability. The process itself is simple and unpretentious. The substrate is taken on the basis of sand - it is infertile. The seeds are laid out at intervals of 4 cm into holes no more than 1 cm deep, which are made with an ordinary pencil and lightly pressed with a finger. Then water moderately through a fine sprayer. The duration of seed germination depends on the variety, usually the process takes one and a half to two weeks. Seedlings need light (bright but diffuse) and warmth. They will be ready for planting in a permanent place in a month.

Pests and diseases

Pests of juveniles primarily include birds visiting the site - crows, jays, jackdaws, blackbirds. They simply scatter rosettes that are weakly held in the soil around the area, often damaging the succulent leaves. Another enemy of the rock rose is the larvae of the cockchafer, which like to feed on the base of the stem. After a raid by birds and a feast of larvae, the rosettes are collected, damaged parts are removed and re-rooted.

The main disease of rejuvenation is rot. The disease develops if there is prolonged bad weather, or when there is overflow. Affected plants are removed.

Undemanding to growing conditions, young plants serve as an excellent decoration for alpine hills and beautifully border flower beds and sun-drenched paths. With minimal care – according to the “don’t disturb” principle – the plant responds with unusual beauty that attracts everyone’s attention.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs