Growing mushrooms for home business. Growing mushrooms at home How to grow oyster mushrooms in an apartment in winter

This article will describe the technology in detail. With the help of advice and clear descriptions, the harvest will be excellent in any place that is chosen for cultivation: in the basement, in the garden or in the apartment.

Before you start direct process planting, you need to choose the type of mushrooms you plan to cultivate. There are several of the most picky varieties:

  • woody:
    • shiitake;
    • oyster mushrooms;
    • honey mushrooms
  • soil:
    • champignons;
    • ringers.

For their growth, it is necessary to create the simplest conditions, which will require very little investment. The harvest of these varieties is consistently high and is harvested several times a year.

People who professionally grow mushrooms often grow forest varieties - porcini mushrooms or chanterelles. But their cultivation is technologically more difficult and more expensive. In addition, the room and substrate must be prepared more carefully. The same is true with truffles. They are expensive to sell, but they are also much more difficult to grow. They germinate only on the root systems of certain tree species and require certain conditions - temperature and humidity.

Features and Rules growing mushrooms at home

There are certain requirements, compliance with which will help you get good harvest:

Advice! Systems should be installed in the room to maintain temperature, humidification and ventilation, thanks to which it will be possible to change conditions depending on the phase of the growing season.

It is necessary to install racks with containers. They will store the nutrient substrate. It is better to make them from metal so that the material can be stored longer, because the conditions for wood will be completely unsuitable. Oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms can also grow in polyethylene bags in which the substrate is placed.

Another room will be required to store and process the crop. It is very important that the place of preparation of the substrate, the infection of the blocks with mycelium and the place where the crop will grow are located separately. These can be separate rooms, or one separated by partitions. Then they will maintain the sterility necessary for the growth of fungi.

For business

A business built on growing mushrooms turns out to be quite profitable. The costs of organizing and maintaining the process are not high, and the first income can be received after the first month. The harvest ripens quickly and without special costs.

At the bank

Growing in a jar is the easiest method. Honey mushrooms are most often grown this way. But, if the variety does not matter, you can try this method.

How it happens:

  • the substrate is poured into a jar;
  • boil the container for about two hours over low heat;
  • after cooling, mycelium is sown on the surface of the compost;
  • The neck must be covered with gauze;
  • leave at room temperature for an average of three weeks for the mycelium to germinate;
  • during this period no special lighting mode is required;
  • after the mycelium has sprouted, the jar must be moved to a shaded place;
  • as soon as the caps appear above the neck of the jar, you need to wrap it in cardboard so that the mushroom stems are not damaged;
  • when the mushrooms have grown, they must be cut off;
  • to harvest again, you need to close the jars again and repeat all stages of germination;
  • a new batch can be cut in just 14 days.

Watch the video! Fruiting honey mushrooms in jars

Growing mushrooms in the country house and garden plot

Growing mushrooms at the dacha it's not difficult. But in order to grow them correctly and not spend a lot of effort on it, you need to understand how to do everything correctly using technology and what materials to use.

Oyster mushrooms, champignons, shiitake mushrooms and winter mushrooms are the most suitable crops for growing in the country. It is worth considering in detail the growing methods and features of caring for these varieties.


All types of mushrooms require certain conditions. The most unpretentious are oyster mushrooms. They do not require a special substrate or special equipment. They grow on any type of substrate. Moreover, you can get a harvest with it quite quickly.

Other varieties, such as shiitake and champignons, require careful handling. They grow in a dark, damp room. In this room it should also be possible to change the temperature, because it is different at different stages of mushroom growth.

Specific conditions for different varieties

There are some conditions, different for each variety, that must be observed in order to get a good healthy harvest.

Necessary growth conditions for each variety:

  • Oyster mushrooms. To cultivate this species, a necessary condition is the almost complete absence of lighting. Bags with substrate and mycelium must be hung from the ceiling. Holes are made in the bags from which the grown mushrooms will then be cut off.
  • Champignons. From May to September they germinate well in open areas. If you properly equip a greenhouse or basement, fruits can be collected all year round. Mycelia with mycelium are placed on metal racks with shelves.
  • Honey mushrooms. They are practically not picky and can grow right on the site where the stumps are installed. You need to drill holes in the stumps and place the mycelium in them. Then the process is simple - harvesting. Honey mushrooms grow outdoors just as they do in the wild.
  • Shiitake. This variety is grown in barns and basements. To do this, install beams or stumps of deciduous trees. The mycelium is placed in the holes made. A certain level of moisture and shade in the room are the main requirements for breeding this variety.

It is worth emphasizing that creating the necessary conditions for growing a certain variety of mushrooms is not difficult. Suitable premises are old barns or basements. You can design shelving or drawers yourself.

Growing methods

There are several ways to get a mushroom harvest in your garden. One of them is to go to the forest. Select a suitable mycelium, remove it and transfer it to the site.

Be careful! Only take a variety that you know is edible. If you don’t have such experience or have the slightest doubt, you should buy ready-made, proven mycelium.

It should be carried carefully, not particularly disturbed or shaken, and placed in a prepared place. It is not necessary to select the entire mycelium; you can take only part of it. The site must be prepared in advance. It is necessary to create conditions for the growth of fruiting bodies.

Where to get mycelium

The area for growing mushrooms can be anything, but ideal option there will be a place next to old trees or rotten stumps. The mycelium is not planted in the ground, but in a substrate that will nourish it. Therefore, you need to put straw or wet sawdust in the soil.

The mycelium can be transferred to the ground or to a piece of log or stump dug into the ground. A special hole is made in it. It is better if the tree in which the mycelium will be planted was of the same species as the one on which this variety of mushrooms grows. natural conditions.

How to grow mushrooms

From dispute

Growing mushrooms from spores is a fairly simple method. The spores ripen in the mushroom cap. Therefore, to grow mushrooms from spores, you need to break the ripe caps and scatter them over the selected area. You can use overripe caps, they contain even more spores.

The area where the mushrooms are crumbled must be moistened periodically. The harvest will appear in 3 weeks.

Be careful! Use this method only if you are absolutely sure that the spores used are edible.

In plastic bags

Using large plastic bags or sacks is also one of the not complicated ways growing mushrooms. Most often, oyster mushrooms or shiitakes are grown this way. Sometimes this method is also used for cultivating champignons. How it happens:

The video below provides complete information on growing mushrooms in bags.

Champignons in the garden

There is a special recipe for this method. Everything is distributed over 1 sq.m of substrate:

  • 500g of compost mycelium are planted in holes at a distance of 20 cm from one another, 5 cm deep;
  • or 400g of champignon spores can be scattered on top of the ground;

Important! Needs to be controlled further conditions– temperature +27C and above, humidity from 75%.

  • after 10-15 days, mushroom threads will appear;
  • they are sprinkled with a special mixture: 5 units of peat, 1 limestone and 4 earth;
  • Everything should be left for 3-5 days and the temperature should be lowered to +12-17C until the harvest ripens.

The first harvest can be expected in 3-4 months. When there is a white film at the bottom of the cap and the brown plates are not visible, it’s time to harvest. Fruiting lasts up to 2 weeks. Ripe fruits You should carefully unscrew it, and after removing it, sprinkle its place with earth.

Watch the video! Mushroom business

In the basement

Shiitake and oyster mushrooms are best cultivated in the basement. Sometimes champignons also sprout in basements.

Why the basement is an ideal place to grow a large number of mushrooms of different varieties:

  • it maintains a stable temperature;
  • good ventilation;
  • dim, appropriate lighting.

Features of the method

The basement must be divided into two zones:

  • the area where the mycelium will germinate;
  • the area where they will directly bear fruit.

These two processes take place in different conditions, at different temperatures and complete sterility. It’s good if the basement consists of two rooms. Or you can divide the room into two parts or grow mushrooms one batch at a time.

One of the conditions for correct and good growth mycelium is the sterility of the substrate. To do this, it is treated with steam or boiling water. Thanks to the treatment they will die pests and larvae.

The second condition is the correct filling of the blocks. The blocks should not be packed tightly; air access is necessary for proper development. The germination process should be constantly monitored in order to detect defects, diseases or pests in time.

The main rules for cultivation in the basement:

  1. To distribute space rationally, bags are used, with cuts made on the sides.
  2. It is imperative to control the temperature. 22-25 degrees during germination, after emergence - 12-18 degrees.

The remaining rules depend on the variety of mushrooms that are grown. Oyster mushrooms and shiitakes like high humidity, unlike champignons, and honey mushrooms germinate better on logs than in blocks.

Watch the video! Oyster mushroom. How many mushrooms can you collect from one mushroom block

There are more than enough mushroom lovers in our country! But to go into the forest for a “quiet hunt” you need the right weather and certain climatic conditions. Not everyone will think about growing mushrooms at home, and even in almost industrial scale. Most people consider this to be science fiction. However, everything is real. And we will tell you further how to grow mushrooms in a greenhouse or at home.

The very thought of growing mushrooms at home poses a choice of a specific species. All varieties suitable for home breeding do not require special material costs or additional effort. The only exception is champignons, but experienced gardener will cope with this problem too. The choice must be made, first of all, based on the desired profit. All varieties of mushrooms suitable for growing at home can be classified into two main types:

  • woody;
  • soil

The first include the well-known shiitake, oyster mushrooms, and winter mushrooms. But to the second – no less popular champignons and ring mushrooms. Even if there is no large areas The harvest can be excellent. That is why these varieties are recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale.

Growing technology for beginners

The bulk of the time needed to grow mushrooms is spent creating the mycelium. However, the advice of experienced mushroom growers suggests that it is better to grow this material yourself. After all, even the best and most trusted suppliers fail badly from time to time. Mycelium can be grown in two ways:

  • in grain substrate;
  • on wooden sticks.

The choice depends on what kind of mushrooms you plan to grow.

Growing mushrooms on a nutrient substrate

Mycelium propagation

Mycelium is grown in a specific substrate. It is recommended to ensure that its chemical and mineral composition was as similar as possible to the one in which mushrooms grow under natural conditions. The composition of this medium must again be selected depending on the type of mushrooms being grown.

For example, shiitakes feel more comfortable in wood, champignons - in compost, but oyster mushrooms prefer straw. With proper care, chopped straw and sawdust can provide a harvest of any of the listed types of mushrooms. However, the substrate must be of high quality. This is ensured by its dryness, absence of mold, and also unpleasant odors and third-party impurities.

Wheat straw is best suited for growing mushrooms. You can also use rye or barley. Oyster mushrooms can be propagated in sunflower husks. However, you need to use only fresh material, since old material can multiply pathogenic bacteria.

The mycelium is the base in which the large number germinated mushroom spores. As soon as this base is placed in the substrate, the process begins active growth. Initially, one can only observe the appearance of thin threads, which over time turn into edible mushrooms.

It is worth purchasing high-quality planting material only in specialized stores. Preference should be given to wood containing viable fungal spores. They will be more resistant to diseases. Than those planted from grain mycelium. You can also buy regular mushroom spores. Only in this case will it take more time and effort to grow your crop. The procedure will be similar to growing any crop from seeds. Beginners should avoid this method.

To obtain maximum yield, you need to ensure that the mycelium is distributed as thoroughly as possible in the compost. To do this, the plantings need to be kept warm. They can be heated using a special electric pad. Heat is needed only during the incubation period. Once the mushrooms enter the growth phase, it is best to keep them cool. A glazed and insulated balcony is well suited for this.

When growing mushrooms in residential premises, it is necessary to prevent their ripening phase. Otherwise, spores released into the air can trigger allergic reactions and even asthma.

As a rule, shoots appear in the third week after planting the mycelium. Readiness for harvest is determined by the cap. You need to cut off ready-made mushrooms exclusively with a knife, so as not to injure those that are still in the soil and are just getting ready to produce a harvest. Ready collection can be used both immediately and after pre-frozen.

Other ways to grow mushrooms at home

In addition to the basic ones, there are also additional ways to grow mushrooms. True, they do not bring such large-scale results and are used mainly by children as experiments. For example, some types of mushrooms can be grown on log blanks. For this Logs up to half a meter long are cut from deciduous trees. This must be done at least 2 weeks before colonization with mycelium.

In the resulting workpiece, holes are made in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 10 cm. After this, the sticks with mycelium must be compacted. A hammer can be used for this procedure.

Before starting work, you must disinfect your hands and make sure that there is no debris in the holes.

Logs filled with mycelium are placed in the basement and wait until it fills the entire space. The procedure is lengthy and can take up to 1 year. The key conditions are temperature and humidity.

There is a known method of growing mushrooms on coffee grounds. It contains many microelements:

  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • nitrogen.

This environment is ideal for oyster mushrooms. Besides, coffee grounds no need to undergo additional sterilization. The disadvantage of this method is that it is very difficult to get a large amount of freshly roasted cake at home. You'll have to ask for it at the nearest cafe. The growing container can be regular freezer bags or ice cream containers.

The mycelium must be mixed with the cake, and then the container must be tightly closed. It can be stored under the sink. Germination time will be about 1 month. As soon as the surface turns white, you need to cut a small hole in the top of the bag. Through it you need to spray with water 2 times a day. After a week, you will notice how small mushrooms begin to grow.

Growing porcini mushrooms and other species at home for beginners is a very exciting and useful activity. The needs of your family can be fully satisfied, even without special skills and large areas. The main thing is patience and the desire to see the result. After all, you can grow them all year round!

It is deservedly and rightfully considered the standard for other mushrooms. It looks attractive - with a fleshy brown cap on a white pot-bellied leg, and its taste is excellent. When fried, porcini mushrooms emit a special, nutty aroma. The mushroom got its name - white - because its cut does not darken when dried and cooked, maintaining a juicy, appetizing structure. And today we will look at growing porcini mushrooms at home and more.

White mushroom: description

Almost everywhere, the porcini mushroom is also called boletus. It is also called the bear cub, the white capercaillie, and the capercaillie. No matter what else this forest beauty is called in numerous corners of Russia, it always looks distinctive:

  1. The cap of the boletus is colored brown. It changes its convexity as the mushroom ages. From the semi-cylindrical shape of a small mushroom, it gradually makes the transition to the almost flat, about 20 cm in diameter, hat of an adult mushroom.
  2. The leg is always whitish, with characteristic brownish vertical veins. At first it has the shape of a barrel, and as it grows it stretches into a dense, powerful cylinder.

Now you can visually distinguish the white mushroom (you received the description) from other forest mushrooms.

Varieties of porcini mushrooms

The porcini mushroom has many forms, and their varieties depend on the trees under which the mushroom grows and with which it enters into symbiosis:

  1. The pine form is perhaps the most colorful of the beautiful ones. brown and a leg with a slight purple tint, slightly thickened below.
  2. The spruce form is the most common in central Russia. The hat is brownish-reddish, with spots and a rim along the edge. The leg is barrel-shaped, covered to the middle with a fine mesh.
  3. Oak form - strong porcini mushrooms with elastic brown caps with a grayish tint.
  4. Dark bronze form - the name speaks for itself. The caps are dark and wrinkled; legs are brownish.

Boletus mushrooms growing in shaded areas have a lighter colored cap. And their sun-grown counterparts have rich brown tops. does not tolerate heavily shaded and mossy places. For example, it will not grow in a dense forest. And he will choose slightly shaded or sunny places that are comfortable for himself.

Growing mushrooms in the country

If a mushroom picker returns from the forest with a basket full of boletus mushrooms, it means that his mushroom picking was not in vain. Many people wonder whether it is possible to grow mushrooms in the countryside in order to admire the beautiful landscape, and, of course, be guaranteed to have a rare product on the table. Yes, growing the king of mushrooms in conditions garden plot It is quite possible, although not an entirely easy task. You need to know the intricacies and features of breeding this fastidious forest tree, but as a result of hard work, the first porcini mushrooms will grow near your country house.

So, growing mushrooms in the country. It will not be possible to achieve results easily because the porcini mushroom belongs to the group of mycorrhiza-forming plants, which indicates their long and very complex fusion and interweaving with the roots of the trees under which they live. This is a very complex and vital symbiosis for fungi. Without a tree, or rather its roots, the so-called fungal root cannot form and the fruit growing on the surface will not develop. Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to grow porcini mushrooms in a bare area.

A long-standing and well-proven method of cultivation is in an area where trees grow between ten and thirty years old. The porcini mushroom settles under pine, spruce, oak, birch, and beech. Matching tree species when replanting mycelium is necessary. The more similar the conditions of a dacha boletus plantation are to their forest location, the greater the chance that they will successfully take root.

White mushrooms at home

If you wish, you can master growing mushrooms at home by studying the accumulated experience of scientists from Holland. Using the technologies they recommend, you can grow the product in greenhouses and underground cellars.

Growing a plantation using the intensive method, which is what is being adopted at home, has its own difficulties. One of them is considerable investment, the purchase of equipment to ensure the required temperature and humidity in the room. But this method of cultivation also has considerable advantages - fertility throughout the entire season and good speed ripening. For effective indoor propagation, it is recommended to use cultivation from mycelium.

Requirements for planting material

It is advisable to purchase planting material from suppliers with recommendations, carefully study all the initial data of the mycelium indicated on the label. It is very important to pay attention to the smell and color of the mycelium. If there is a slight ammonia odor, discard the batch immediately planting material- it was overheated and is now no longer viable. The color of healthy exudate is orange with a slight yellowish tint.

Having brought home packages with purchased mycelium, you need to cool them, ventilate them, and only then begin preparing them before storing them. The contents of the packages are crushed without tearing the packaging. Thereby supporting a gentle and adaptive temperature regime for the future mycelium. When laying, sterility is very important:

  • it is necessary to work with gloves;
  • premises for growing porcini mushrooms and storing mycelium should be separate;
  • When opening the package, it is necessary to treat it with a disinfectant solution.

Mushroom growing technology

To complete the topic of the previous paragraph, let's start with the method of germinating crops at home. So, growing mushrooms at home. Here are the main stages of work indoors:

  1. Boiling in bags for 1-1.5 hours and subsequent cooling of the substrate. (Punch holes in bags to drain water).
  2. Mixing mycelium and substrate on disinfected tables. The availability of domestic material should be at the level of 5%, and imported - 2.5%.
  3. Putting the mixture into bags. Pack the grafted substrate tightly into the bags, flatten one side and make several cuts for mushroom germination.
  4. Place the bags vertically on the shelves. Watering is normal, without excessive waterlogging. Ventilation of the room is mandatory.
  5. If the care was correct, the mushroom harvest can be harvested for at least six months.

This is how porcini mushrooms are grown at home. Yes, it's quite difficult, but it's worth it.

Garden cultivation methods

Growing porcini mushrooms at home is very different from growing them on a personal plot. But first things first.

To grow porcini mushrooms on the site, first prepare the site for laying the mycelium. Compost or soil with peat is placed on top of the top layer of soil previously removed with a shovel. Place the planting material and cover it with the previously removed layer of turf.

The most effective options for preparing seed material are to bring several pieces of mycelium the size of chicken egg from the forest. Such preparations are planted in the soil without cultivation; it is only important to comply with at least two conditions:

  1. The trees under which boletus mushrooms grew in nature must be the same species as the plants at the new planting site.
  2. You need to dig up the material very carefully - porcini mushrooms have difficulty merging with the roots and restoring the connection with the satellite tree.

Sowing forest mycelium

How to grow porcini mushrooms if you can’t buy quality ones

The method of sowing mycelium using the cap and tubular part of the porcini mushroom gives a very good effect. Take 5-6 mature caps, maybe even with wormholes, and soak them for a day in a bucket of water. Then the contents are kneaded with your hands. The grounds are separated into another container. The thick mass is the body of the mushroom, and it will also come in handy. The remaining liquid with a large number The spores are shed onto the bare roots of the tree, then everything is covered with a layer of thick mushroom substance and sprinkled with previously removed soil. It is necessary to carefully water the planted mycelium and carry out subsequent watering once a week in the absence of rain.

Now you are familiar with growing porcini mushrooms at home and in the garden, where, if all technologies are followed correctly, you can get a boletus harvest the first time in a year or two. Good luck!

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

Grow mushrooms in rural areas or on a personal plot - simple and profitable. Having created with his own hands suitable soil for the growth of the mushroom, the farmer will be able to sell and eat honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, shiitake and oyster mushrooms at a high price, without significant financial costs.

Growing champignons

Today, growing mushrooms has become a fairly profitable and widespread agricultural activity. Growing champignons at home is certainly not an easy task, but it is completely worth it when you get real profit and a fresh homemade product. Growing mushrooms, especially those that are popular for food, can become a real business for you if you pay enough attention to cultivation and care. In the warm season, as well as in latitudes with mild climates, mushrooms can be grown annually as open ground, and in greenhouse conditions.

All mushrooms are quite capricious regarding light and temperature. That's why optimal conditions growth temperature will not be lower than +12 degrees. With high humidity of about 80% and complete shade. A huge advantage of mushrooms such as champignons and oyster mushrooms is that they can be grown in a multi-tiered manner, thereby saving space; the basement may be the ideal place.

For mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare a special nutrient mixture from the soil. A mixture of manure, straw or sawdust is quite suitable. This mixture is prepared approximately a few weeks before the mycelium is added to the substrate. The growth and productivity of mushrooms will directly depend on the quality of the soil. At enterprises that grow mushrooms on an industrial scale, about 200 kilograms of straw or finely chopped sawdust are used for half a ton of manure. To improve the soil and saturate it, it is enriched with ammonium sulfate, and the substrate is stored in a cool, dark place, avoiding direct sunlight on the mixture. The prepared mixture must be mixed every week, adding 20 kilograms of gypsum once and mixing well.
After three to four weeks, the mixture for growing mushrooms will be ready.

Growing honey mushrooms at home

An equally important mushroom variety that is grown by mushroom pickers at home is considered to be honey fungus. Its unpretentiousness and easy care for the mycelium make honey mushrooms a very popular mushroom. The most common way to grow honey mushrooms is to breed them in wooden tubs. This growing method is widespread because it can be used both on a personal plot and on specially prepared forest land. The main advantage of growing honey mushrooms is their low financial cost, as well as the ease of propagation of mycelium. Growing honey mushrooms in wooden tubs is mainly done by amateur mushroom pickers.

Almost any variety of honey mushrooms is suitable for growing honey mushrooms at home. The seating area can be wooden logs, tubs, or troughs made of hardwood. But conifers trees are not used in growing mushrooms, as they can cause bitterness in the grown product due to the high resin content. Growing honey mushrooms is a fairly simple procedure, and differs little from the cultivation of other myceliums. The procedure for cultivating honey mushrooms itself involves infecting the wood platform with mycelium or planting raw materials. It is necessary to make cuts in the thickness of wooden containers for planting or drill holes, and then fill the recesses with mycelium or planting material. After the procedure of filling with mycelium, the holes are covered with the prepared substrate. The most simplified option for growing honey mushrooms is to fill a rotten stump with mycelium by infecting the bark and crevices, and then sprinkle it with rotted manure mixed with straw in a 1:1 ratio.

Monitor the quality of your planting material, since it is difficult to acquire high-quality mycelium or mycelium. For home grown Again, grain mycelium, which is purchased in specialized stores, is perfect. Also a fairly common option as seed material pieces of wood infected with spores serve. Infected wood can be found in the forest yourself and recognized by a white coating, as well as a specific mushroom smell. Such myceliums are carefully removed using a knife or file, divided into pieces, and introduced into prepared cracks in prepared stumps. Before removing forest mycelium, make sure that the mushrooms are edible.

After the completed procedure with the introduction of mycelium, to accelerate the development of the mycelium, the mushroom plantation can be isolated with cellophane, and with proper care, the honey mushroom harvest can be obtained by autumn. Climatic and other factors (such as the quality of the mycelium, humidity and wood) directly affect the rate of growth and development of honey mushrooms. The mushroom harvest will not immediately please you with its abundance. When growing mushrooms on your site, take into account the fact that mycelium and fungal spores can have a detrimental effect on tree roots, as well as wooden structures. Therefore, exclude the possibility of infection fruit trees fungal spores. After the mycelium has been introduced into the soil, fruiting of the mycelium will last about 6 years. Mushroom plantations are quite aggressive, so it is better to fence them off with grooves filled with sand so as not to harm garden plants.

With the growing popularity of mushroom farms, mushroom sticks have also become widely known. Special wooden sticks, infected with fungal spores. The ease of working with such raw materials cannot but rejoice; the sticks are simply inserted into tree bark or holes, and then covered with wet sawdust or small straw. This method of growing honey mushrooms is suitable for a garden plot, but in industrial enterprises, only grain mycelium is used for growing honey mushrooms.

Growing oyster mushrooms at home

Another common mushroom with excellent taste is the oyster mushroom. There are quite a few ways to grow oyster mushrooms. This article will describe a method that is suitable for both hobbyists growing mushrooms in small batches and for large-scale production. In wild natural conditions, oyster mushroom grows on stumps and deciduous trees. Optimal temperature+25 degrees is considered for the development of mycelium. Then, at a temperature of +14-16 degrees, fruiting begins, for up to 5 weeks. The sizes of oyster mushrooms range from 5 centimeters to 30, the color of the mushroom is gray, with a brown tint. Oyster mushroom is a fairly aromatic mushroom with good taste. These mushrooms are also suitable for pickling and pickling, as well as frying and making soups.

So, the substrate for growing oyster mushrooms must be prepared in advance. A mixture of sawdust, small straw and sunflower husks will serve for it. The substrate must be clean, without the presence of foreign objects; in addition, it is better to boil the sawdust before preparing the soil to destroy harmful microflora. Afterwards, the substrate is dried on film, spread out in a thin layer.

Temperature and humidity are important for growing mushrooms, so the room must be equipped with everything necessary, clean and well ventilated. Oyster mushroom grows well in basements equipped heating devices, hoods and lighting.

You can start planting mycelium after following all necessary conditions, for growing mushrooms, namely after preparing the substrate and premises. Oyster mushroom mycelium can be purchased at specialized enterprises and farms, as well as in gardening stores. You can start sowing after the substrate has been placed at the bottom of ordinary plastic bags or bags, then on a layer of 8 centimeters, the mycelium of 3 centimeters is laid out, broken into pieces, and covered with substrate on top, and so on, one by one, to the top. The bag is bandaged, the contents are compacted, then cuts are made on the bag at a distance of 2-3 centimeters for further growth of mushrooms and removal of excess moisture.

Bags filled with mycelium are placed vertically, approximately half a meter apart, to allow oyster mushrooms to grow. It will be easier if the bags are formed in such a way that the location of your mushroom “bed” does not cause you any inconvenience later. You should be able to move freely between bags for ease of watering and harvesting. You can arrange the bags in tiers if the room is high enough, which will increase the cultivation area. The optimal temperature in the room is considered to be 19-25 degrees, when the mycelium begins to develop, the contents of the bags will turn white, as the spores will penetrate deeper into the substrate. Watering bags with mycelium is done once a day. If you comply with all the requirements when cultivating myceliums, then within three weeks, your mushroom bed will delight you with the first fruits.

In order for mushroom fruiting to develop actively, some mushroom gardeners resort to tricks. To do this, the substrate germinated with mycelium is stimulated with a low temperature from +3 to +6 degrees, this temperature is maintained for about two or three days, then you need to leave the substrate in bags, making fairly wide holes there, or remove the substrate and leave it without bags and not water it for a week. After a week-long lack of moisture, the substrate is watered abundantly with water at room temperature, and then once a day, ventilate the room with mycelium, the air temperature in the room should be +15 degrees.

During the first week, your mycelium does not need lighting, but then it is necessary to organize sufficiently bright light over the bags with mycelium. artificial lighting. After the mycelium begins to bear fruit, new harvest mushrooms can be obtained every three weeks, however, over time, productivity will decrease, which will serve as a signal to replace the substrate and introduce a new batch of mycelium, that is, to restart the cycle. From every 100 kilograms of substrate, experienced mushroom pickers receive about 50 kilograms of fresh mushrooms. It is very important, before the start of a new cycle of fruiting of the mycelium, to disinfect the room in order to get rid of the pathogenic environment of the predecessors. The approximate number of cycles per year will be 4-7, depending on care and growing conditions.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the garden

Growing porcini mushrooms in personal plots is not a painstaking procedure and is quite simple. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly popular. If you don’t want to spend money on buying mycelium, then you can do without it, just find the mycelium and the place where porcini mushrooms grow. You can collect mature mushrooms and prepare your own mixture with porcini mushroom spores. To do this, mature porcini mushrooms are crushed and poured clean water, leave in a dark place for a day. Thus, a solution will be obtained containing numerous spores of the white fungus. Next, you need to act according to the scheme, choose a dark place, preferably under deciduous trees and organize something like a garden bed. To do this, we fertilize the ground with rotted manure mixed with chopped straw or sawdust, mix everything thoroughly with the soil, mix it, level it and water the prepared soil with the prepared mixture. It must be taken into account that porcini mushrooms enter into symbiosis only with deciduous trees, and do not like the scorching sun.

Another way to grow porcini mushrooms is to remove the mycelium from the old place and move it to your own plot. The main thing is to properly organize the place for planting the mycelium. Pay attention to what trees the mycelium grew under in a forest or clearing, and the structure of the soil; this will help to establish fruiting in the future on your site. So, after removing the mycelium, collect enough soil from this place so that it is enough to add to the soil on the site after laying the mycelium. We loosen the soil, fertilize it with manure, pour out the brought soil, and loosen it again. Then we make depressions in the prepared soil and lay out pieces of mycelium, sprinkling it on top with a mixture of sawdust, straw, sunflower husks or forest soil, then lightly moisten it. The myceliums should not be filled with water, and the soil should not be allowed to dry out, that is, the place where porcini mushrooms grow must be constantly moistened.

Mature parts of porcini mushrooms can also be used as seed material. Porcini mushrooms must be chopped, the soil loosened, fertilized with compost and crushed hardwood sawdust. Planting is carried out as in the previous version, only crushed mushroom is added. Then the soil is moistened and sprinkled with chopped straw on top. Both fresh mushrooms and slightly dried ones will do; these mushrooms are laid out in a dense layer on the prepared soil and watered every day; after the soil becomes infected with spores, the mushrooms can be removed. With proper selection of the place for planting porcini mushrooms and compliance with fertilization and planting technologies, the harvest will appear on next year. Reproduction will occur progressively, from a few mushrooms to entire mushroom families, and in another year you will be able to get about two kilograms of porcini mushrooms from your mushroom plantation.

These methods of breeding and growing porcini mushrooms are suitable only for amateur mushroom growers. The described growing methods are widely used in areas where the necessary mushrooms grow in sufficient quantities. Industrial production of porcini mushroom is established mainly in Poland. But our domestic producer does not stand aside, increasing the volume of mushroom production.

Unfortunately, in our time, mushroom cultivation technologies lag behind world producers, although previously mushrooms were bred on an industrial scale in Russia. Today, mushroom cultivation is rather an amateur activity, undoubtedly profitable. The price coefficient on supermarket shelves is quite high, but mushroom cultivation on an industrial scale is not yet practiced in our country at the proper level, preferring to import foreign mushrooms.

If you want to grow porcini mushrooms, it is worth considering the fact that their mycelium differs from other varieties in that it grows together with the roots of trees, forming a kind of symbiotic relationship, and without it the development of the mycelium is not possible. Therefore, the cultivation of porcini mushrooms should take place near the trees growing on your site. It’s even better to organize your own mushroom farm in the adjacent forest belt.

Breeding chanterelles, like other mushrooms, is based on the basic rules of mushroom cultivation. Planting a mushroom next to a tree is done with the help of a spore infusion, pieces of mycelium or seed material, with the assistance of a layer of forest soil. The composition of forest soil is rich and nutritious, and the upper humus layer is responsible for the development of mycelium. The bulk of the soil is rich in microelements and organic compounds; it also contains fungal spores, from which fruits then grow. Therefore, when growing chanterelles on your site and preparing myceliums for planting, choose a place where their main population is concentrated, cut off the mushrooms, carefully remove the mycelium and, together with the soil, transfer it to your site.

The removal of forest soil should be carried out near trees; the optimal time for harvesting is considered to be the beginning of autumn or early spring. Layers of soil at least 20 centimeters thick are dug out. In the area where the soil is infested with chanterelles, the bottom layer of forest soil is used. The organization of a mushroom mini-farm should take place in a cool, shaded place, among trees. We bury the mycelium in the ground and sprinkle it with chopped straw. Maintain proper humidity.

If you previously noticed a place where a lot of chanterelles grow, mark this place. However, the absence of mushrooms cannot guarantee that the mycelium is dead, it is simply possible that the season was less fruitful; the main criterion should be that the mushrooms were noticed earlier in this place. Fungal spores remain in the soil for a long time and are not afraid of bad weather and suppression of fruiting. They continue to exist remarkably well using a minimum nutrients, taking advantage of his security.

So that forest soil can serve good soil for a future mushroom farm, it must go through a certain stage of preliminary preparation. This method preparation will improve the quality of forest soil. To properly prepare forest soil, it is packed in plastic bags and dried in a cold room, the main thing is to leave oxygen access to the soil. The soil can be stored in such conditions for up to a year, without harming fungal spores, but pathogenic microorganisms will die without moisture. As a result of this kind of training, the mushroom spores will get used to drought conditions and become more resilient.

It is better to plant chanterelles on the site in early spring, high humidity and warm weather will contribute to better implantation of the mycelium into the soil and its further development. Previously harvested forest soil must be mixed with garden soil in a 1:1 ratio, pour the mixture of soil into the prepared depressions, add mycelium or a prepared solution of chanterelles there, and cover the top with fine straw or rotted leaves to protect the mushroom bed from drying out. Watering must be organized in such a way as not to harm the mycelium; it is better to water in small portions, slightly moistening the soil, because water stagnation should not be allowed. The mycelium can simply die from excess moisture as a result of rotting.

Chanterelle has not yet become widespread, although it has an excellent taste and contains quite a few useful substances. Only a few mushroom gardeners grow chanterelles on their plots. However, it is quite possible that chanterelles will soon prove themselves and the mushroom industry will turn its attention to these mushrooms. And we can all be content with tasty and healthy mushrooms that can even treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Unpretentious, easy to grow and very healthy shiitake mushroom, it is very popular in foreign countries. Foreign industrial companies grow this mushroom in huge quantities. And for good reason. In terms of beneficial properties, the mushroom is not inferior to its relatives; it strengthens nervous system, has a tonic effect. It contains the optimal amount of amino acids for humans.

Traditional places for growing shiitake mushrooms are tree stumps and logs. In the land of the rising sun, this mushroom is very popular. In our country, shiitake mushrooms are grown on sawdust from deciduous trees. The largest harvests can be obtained if these mushrooms are grown on an enriched, specially prepared substrate, which is formed into blocks and infected with mycelium.

The main component of the substrate for growing shiitake is beech, birch, oak, and ash sawdust, enriched with special fertilizers. Sawdust coniferous trees not suitable for cultivation. The content of esters and resin substances in them will have a disinfecting effect and only hinder the development of mycelium. The size of sawdust also plays an important role in growing mushrooms. Since too small ones will clump together and disrupt aeration, slowing down the growth of the mycelium. Sawdust can be mixed with wood chips for better gas exchange. In order for shiitake mushrooms to please you with a harvest, the soil must be sterilized before colonizing the mycelium. The fact is that the mycelium of shiitake, like all other mushrooms, develops more slowly than pathogenic microorganisms that can harm the mycelium in the future and leave you without a mushroom harvest.

The substrate infected with mycelium should not be too wet or dense; a bacterial infection will develop in such soil. The substrate for industrial production of shiitake is stored in bags, then sterilized and used for its intended purpose. However, there are other methods of preparing the substrate yourself. It is not difficult to prepare the substrate; the sawdust is sterilized by heat treatment, cooled, dried, then seeded with mycelium, and then packaged in plastic bags. Thus, the mycelium develops in a warm temperature, the mycelium grows for a month and a half, and then the contents of the bags are taken out and mushroom beds are formed in the basement or other room intended for growing mushrooms.
The entire process of packaging and contamination of soil with mycelium must be carried out in compliance with sanitary standards. Fruiting on open formed blocks lasts about six months.

Time for cultivation of shiitake mushrooms in accordance with heat treatment soil, be it sawdust or other substrates intended for this purpose, have more short term than real outdoor growing. This method of growing mushrooms is called intensive; harvesting, subject to all the requirements of this method, occurs year-round, in specially designated areas indoors. To increase the development time of mycelium, special fertilizers and enriching additives are added to the soil. Sources can be elements of organic origin and nitrogen-containing ones. You can freely purchase ready-made additives for growing mycelium and increasing shiitake fruiting in specialized stores, or you can use compost or rotted manure. To increase the acidity level, as well as for the purpose of enrichment, in addition to organic matter, a dose is added to the substrate mineral fertilizers, in the form of crushed chalk, bone meal, gypsum, or ready-made store-bought ones.

Publication date: 06/03/2013

Mushrooms are a healthy product loved by many. In Russia they grow everywhere, but their season is too short - two, at most three months a year we have the opportunity to collect fresh mushrooms. The rest of the time you have to be content with salted, dried or pickled ones, buy champignons and oyster mushrooms at the store, or... you can grow mushrooms yourself!

Why is this necessary?

Some will limit themselves to a simple: “I just want this and that’s all!” In fact, there are two fundamental factors here. Firstly, it is more environmentally friendly and safer than buying mushrooms, because... you are absolutely sure that they are not collected along the road and there is no layer of exhaust gases on them. And, secondly, if you are just an avid mushroom picker and mushrooms are part of your life, then limiting yourself to just seasonal mushroom picking after the rain is not enough for you.

Growing mushrooms yourself is very symbolic and unusual in its own way, because... For the most part, people grow cucumbers, tomatoes, various herbs, zucchini, eggplants, etc. on their plots. And you have mushrooms! A product of “wild” forest origin that grows right on your site!

Another argument in favor of growing mushrooms yourself is the price issue. Especially in late autumn, when porcini mushrooms and chanterelles come on the market, the price of which is clearly overpriced, and enjoying this delicacy is not as cheap as one would like. Besides, you can make good money this way.

If you pick mushrooms with your own on our own, then there is a possibility that in forest mushrooms may contain heavy metals...

In the end, it's just a fun activity that doesn't require much hassle.
Today it is not so difficult to grow mushrooms. A small garden, balcony or suitable room in the house will be enough.

How to grow

There are several simple ways growing mushrooms yourself:
1) by sowing fresh or dried mushrooms on the soil;
2) using an old stump as a mycelium or dragging part of a tree from the forest.

There are known examples when, after the mushrooms were cleaned, a basin of water, in which there were trimmings of various mushrooms, was poured under a tree. And after a few weeks (lo and behold!), edible mushrooms grew in this place. All this, of course, provided that the soil is moist and there are frequent rains, or you water the area abundantly. Those. By and large, this is the transfer of fungal spores to the soil in a place convenient for you.
This method is not the most practical, but still one of the most simple options, takes place.

In order to independently (more precisely, purposefully) achieve the desired result, you will need to prepare the soil before “sowing” mushrooms on it. You will need to lay moistened material (substrate) on the soil on which the mushrooms will grow. For this purpose they are used sawdust, straw or horse manure. The material should be light, similar to the native conditions in which this type of mushroom grows.

Next, the fresh mushroom caps are broken into pieces. And then, together with the cut off lower parts of the legs with which they grew in the ground, they are placed on previously prepared and moistened soil.
After 2-5 days, the stems, trimmings and caps can be removed. The planting site can be covered with straw on top to keep the ground moist. After a few weeks, you can harvest your mushroom harvest.

You can also use the caps of old dried mushrooms instead of fresh ones. To do this, you also need to prepare the soil, and then crumble dry caps onto it, moisten the soil and wait until the first mushrooms appear.

And another way to grow mushrooms is to move from the forest an old tree or stump “infected” with mycelium. When moving, this piece of wood must also be placed in a specially designated place, identical to where it was brought from. And then - support favorable conditions for further mushroom growth:
- water abundantly if there is no rain;
- the presence of foliage on the ground is also necessary;
- shadow;
- availability various types trees under which they grew (aspen, birch, pine, spruce, etc.).

To grow mushrooms, you can use a rotten tree or stump already existing on the site. To do this, you need to make several holes in them (for example, drill them) and put the mycelium in them. And of course, just as in previous cases, do not forget to water the mycelium abundantly.

Once again, it must be emphasized that regardless of the method of growing mushrooms, a large amount of moisture is needed, because a dry summer means no mushrooms. For the mycelium, drying out, especially in the sun, is its certain death.

By growing mushrooms yourself, you get rid of almost all problems at once: natural reserves do not become scarce, grown mushrooms are cheaper, you can be sure that they are not poisonous and tasty, they are easy to collect, and they end up in the kitchen absolutely fresh. You can grow many more types of mushrooms at home almost all year round than are offered on the market. At the same time, the content of heavy metals in cultivated mushrooms is negligible.

Let's look at how to grow the most common types of mushrooms.

Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are easy to grow and have high yields. They are easy to grow at home.

Usually, it is grown on wood blocks in greenhouses or basements, in shady places on a personal plot. To do this, freshly cut trunks of trees such as aspen, poplar or oak are sawn into logs 30-40 cm long. In specially prepared sections, holes are drilled about 4-5 cm deep or cuts are made (notches with an ax) over the entire area. A little mycelium is sown into the holes and covered with pieces of bark, wood chips, sawdust or moss so that the mycelium does not fall out of them. The air should not be dry, with a relative humidity of 90%. If the humidity percentage is lower, then it is necessary to spray water.

After about 2-3 months, the mycelium of the fungus permeates all the chocks.
And then two options are possible: either we bury each chock in the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm in a shaded place where direct sunlight does not reach, or we sow the mycelium directly in the garden, at any time of the year, even in winter (it is not afraid of frost ). Chocks need to be watered, and mushrooms planted on wood grow for about 5-6 years.

Another way to grow oyster mushrooms (one of the options indicated at the beginning) is on plant residues - straw, sunflower husks, etc. Straw and husks must be of good quality, not rotten or moldy. The straw can be crushed, which will make it more accessible to the mycelium enzymes.

The substrate is filled with water (temperature about 80-90 °C) and kept a certain amount time: husk - 3-4 hours; straw - 7-8 hours. Then the water is drained and the substrate is left to cool. The well-cooled and wrung-out substrate is mixed with the mycelium. The finished mixture is placed in a transparent plastic bag and tied. For air exchange over the entire area, it is necessary to make several cuts 3-5 cm long. Germination of the mycelium will last 25-28 days.


These mushrooms do not require light. They can be grown in cool and damp rooms: in dugout sheds, cellars, huts, etc. They can also be grown in the shade of fruit trees. But, with this kind of cultivation, it is necessary to cover the growth areas with a film, which will protect the mycelium from drying out and waterlogging.

The best soil for growing champignons is horse manure. You can also use cattle manure and add some straw, leaves, potato or tomato tops.
In the ratio, gypsum (12 - 13 kg) is added to 50 kg of manure, then lime (approx. 12 - 13 kg) and urea (one and a half kilograms). The consistency is compacted and covered with film. It should remain in this state for 15 - 20 days. When the smell of ammonia disappears, it is placed on permanent place. Various other organic wastes can be used to prepare the substrate.
Indoors, mushrooms are grown on shelves or in boxes.

In open ground, you can make beds directly on the ground or in trenches. Air humidity during the period of manure growth should be 50 - 55%, with less, the mycelium grows poorly, and with more, it develops only in the upper layer, forming few fruiting bodies and quickly dying off. The air temperature should be 18 - 20 *C.
After two to three weeks, the mycelium should grow 3 to 5 cm (on the surface nutrient soil a white coating may appear). During this period, it is necessary to sprinkle a little greenhouse soil on top of the substrate and lightly water it as it dries. You need to water with a sprayer so that the soil does not become compacted, but only moistened.

The first harvest can be harvested in 35 - 40 days, and it will last 2 - 3 months. Mushrooms must be collected when the film over the plates is stretched, but has not yet burst, and the plates themselves are pale pink. Mushrooms should not be allowed to age, because... they deplete the mycelium.
When picking, carefully twist the mushrooms, holding the soil with the other hand to prevent destruction of the mycelium. The place where the mushroom was twisted must be sprinkled with earth.

Porcini mushrooms

To do this, it is necessary that coniferous or deciduous trees grow on the site (preferably young ones - up to 10 years old). Prepared soil is used as compost. indoor plants With high content peat

It is necessary to remove the top layer of soil around the trunk of the selected tree with a shovel. Compost is laid even layer 1-2 cm thick. Pieces of mycelium are laid out on the compost in a checkerboard pattern on the substrate with a distance so that one package is enough for 1 tree. Then this area needs to be covered with the previously removed layer of soil and watered with water (2-3 buckets per tree). Water should be poured carefully so that it does not erode the soil. For better engraftment of the mycelium, additional fertilizing in the form of a sugar solution is recommended: 50 g per 10 liters of water.

A year after sowing (under favorable circumstances), the first mushrooms will appear under the tree.
All that is required from you as courtship in summer period, this is periodic moistening of the soil during the absence of precipitation.

In winter, the surface of the sown area within a radius of 2 meters from the tree is covered with a layer of insulating materials - leaf litter, branches, moss, spruce branches, etc.
The mycelium will bear fruit for 3-4 years, after which the mycelium can be re-sowed.

Growing mushrooms is a useful and interesting activity. After all, it will certainly be nice to get a jar of pickled mushrooms grown with your own hands in winter!

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