Indoor pomegranate: how to care. Houseplant pomegranate: cultivation, reproduction. Proper care of indoor pomegranate at home

Indoor or decorative pomegranate in last years gained great popularity among amateur flower growers. Grow yourself such a useful and beautiful plant maybe even a beginner florist.

In nature, perennials of this genus grow massively in Eastern Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The western limit of the natural habitat reaches the coast in Asia Minor, and in the south - the shores of the Arabian Sea.

Deciduous, fruit bush or a tree, no more than 5-6 m high, with thin, prickly shoots. Leaves with a glossy surface. The flower is funnel-shaped, orange-red. Flowering is attractive, but requires sufficient lighting. After flowering, spherical and large fruits-berries are formed, having a leathery pericarp.

Pomegranate blooms are attractive but require adequate lighting

Description of popular varieties of pomegranate

In the conditions of home floriculture - a shrub plant or a low tree. The average height of the above-ground part can slightly exceed one and a half meters.

For growing on a windowsill in a pot

AT room conditions most commonly grown pomegranate dwarf Carthage and unpretentious variety baby.

The dwarf variety is represented by a short tree with a height of the aerial part of no more than 80-90 cm. It is not difficult to grow this variety from seeds, but the peak of fruiting, in this case, falls on the sixth or seventh year. Germination rates of seed material may vary, but do not exceed 65-70%. Fruits with a diameter of 50-60 mm, sweet and sour taste.

Varietal feature "Baby" is short stature. The height of the above-ground part does not exceed half a meter. The foliage is elongated, growing in groups evenly distributed along the branches. Fruiting begins around the third or fourth year. Stable germination of seed material is just over 50%. Fruits no more than 30-40 mm in size.

In the conditions of home floriculture, pomegranate is a shrub plant or a low tree

Gallery: pomegranate at home (25 photos)

Pomegranate varieties for open ground

The main difference between varieties intended for cultivation in open ground, is unpretentiousness, as well as resistance to adverse external factors. Despite the fact that such varieties require compliance with care technology, they fruits are more valuable and have high taste qualities:

  • popular variety "Gelyuisha", characterized by thin-skinned fruits of the original elongated shape with high juiciness and sweet taste;
  • heat-loving variety "Ak Dona Crimean" forms large-sized oval-shaped fruits, covered with a light skin with reddish spots and a slight blush. Taste qualities are good, practically without sourness;
  • early ripe variety "Kizil-anor" allows harvesting in the last decade of September. It is characterized by medium-sized fruits and a sweet-sour taste of ripe grains;
  • grade "Pink Stripe"- forms a semi-shrub plant with large oval-shaped fruits. The resulting juice is characterized by a pronounced aroma and sour taste;
  • grade "Wanderful" with soft seeds and medium-sized sweet fruits that fully ripen in early October. The fruits are whitish-yellow, with a very characteristic crimson blush.

No less popular is a relatively undersized variety "Nikitsky early", which has an excellent sour-sweet taste.

Features of growing pomegranate (video)

The technology of growing pomegranate from a seed in a pot

It is not difficult to germinate a fruit crop from a seed. It is important to remember that a bush grown in this way, of course, enters the fruiting stage much later than a ready-made sprout or seedling planted.

How to germinate a pomegranate seed at home

It is best to plant fresh seeds that have increased germination rates. Starting from the second year of life, subject to the rules of planting and care, fruits are already beginning to set on a houseplant. In this case, the fruits ripen only if the perennial has managed to build up a sufficient amount of vegetative mass by the time of flowering.

Pomegranate grows quite well in almost any soil composition.

Requirements for soil and flower pot

As a rule, the culture grows quite well in almost any soil composition. Nevertheless, experts recommend giving preference to loose, moisture-permeable and breathable soil mixtures that have a neutral reaction at the level of 7 pH. Great for planting and growing already fully prepared soil, intended for the cultivation of roses or begonias.

Despite the fact that a fruit-bearing tropical crop grows very well in fairly cramped planting containers, when choosing flower pot it is desirable to give preference to wide, but not too deep, stable models with the presence drainage holes. Will definitely fall asleep at the bottom good layer drainage, which can be represented by expanded clay or large river pebbles.

Pomegranate grows very well in fairly cramped planting containers.

How to plant a bone

You can sow seeds in almost any universal nutrient soil substrate, but before planting, be sure to add a small amount of perlite. The average seed sowing depth is approximately 7-8mm.

If the temperature in the room is at the level of 22-25 ° C, the crops will not need to provide the greenhouse effect. With more low temperatures be sure to cover the crops with film or glass. The bone sprouts quickly enough, and in the presence of the most comfortable microclimate and compliance with the full range of care measures, young plant blooms in about eight or nine months.

Caring for indoor pomegranate at home

Caring for fruit crops at home is not too difficult. Nonetheless, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of cultivation:

  • good light indicators are the main condition for growing indoor perennials, their proper development and stable flowering. In the summer, you can take the plant to the balcony or plant it in open ground;
  • heat-loving perennial grows quite well and develops at moderate temperatures in the range of 25-30 ° C. At too high a temperature, the plant is able to massively lose foliage, as well as buds fall and growth processes slow down significantly. Short temperature regime also very harmful. At sub-zero temperature the death of culture occurs;
  • you need to water the indoor flower sparingly, only after the top layer of the nutrient substrate in the pot dries well enough. Water for irrigation must be settled, soft, only at room temperature;
  • from mid-winter to mid-summer, the culture is required in without fail nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, which is due to the active laying of buds and preparation in the stage of abundant flowering.

It should be remembered that the indicators of air humidity should be moderate. If the humidity level is too low, it is recommended to frequently spray the above-ground part of the indoor flower with cool, clean water.

Good light indicators are the main condition for growing indoor perennials.

Planting a pomegranate in open ground

It is possible to grow a perennial crop in open ground only in regions with a warm climate. Fruiting can also be obtained only with the strict implementation of all care recommendations at all stages of the growing season. The main methods of proper agricultural technology are moderate watering, mulching, fertilizing, protecting the root system and above-ground parts from frost, as well as preventive spraying from diseases and pests. Among other things, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing and preparing a site for landing.

Choosing and preparing a place in the garden

Although fruit plant not whimsical enough, but still, when cultivated in open ground conditions, such perennial grows best in areas represented by gravel and well-drained soils. A sun-loving crop must necessarily be grown in the brightest and well-protected area from the winds.

Among other things, the landing pit must be generously filled with organic matter in the form of very well-rotted manure. The root system of seedlings before planting can be treated with growth stimulants, which will facilitate adaptation. It is also necessary to make drainage based on expanded clay and crushed stone.

How to grow pomegranate at home (video)

When and how to plant pomegranate seedlings

Boarding takes place at spring period. landing pit ideally should measure approximately 60x70cm. Before proceeding with planting, it is necessary to fill up approximately 15-20 cm of fertile soil over the drainage, a bucket of a mixture based on humus and garden soil, as well as a mixture of rotted manure with the ground.

If there is very clayey soil on the site, a sufficient amount of medium-grained sand is necessarily poured. The root system of the seedling is installed on a mound, after which the roots are very carefully straightened and sprinkled with a nutritious soil substrate. After planting, abundant watering, mulching and shading for the first few days must be carried out.

Pomegranate planting is carried out in the spring

Features of a plant transplant

Indoor culture needs to be transplanted, not plants grown in open ground conditions. This feature is due to the fact that the culture needs a close pot, and too spacious a planting capacity causes the formation of a large number of barren bell-shaped flowers. The first transplant is carried out after about a year, and further activities are carried out as needed, as soon as root system completely fills the entire volume of the flower pot. Adult specimens do not need a transplant.

Indoor culture needs to be transplanted, not plants grown in open ground conditions

Terms and rules for pruning pomegranate

In order for the plant to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, and also to please with fruiting, it is necessary to cut the crown in a timely and correct manner. Every year, pruning of all old and thickening, as well as diseased branches is carried out. The most convenient option is to grow outdoors, leaving a maximum of five branches per bush.

Formation is done in the spring or immediately after harvest. Only the strongest and most well-developed shoots should remain on the bushes, directed in different directions, and the middle of the plant should receive sufficient lighting. All basal shoots of garden pomegranate, as well as any thickening shoots, must be removed. In addition to the competent formation of the crown, it is very important to make rejuvenating pruning every twenty years.

Annually, all old and thickening, as well as diseased branches are pruned.

Reproduction of the pomegranate tree

As a rule, a garden and indoor pomegranate tree propagates in several ways: through standard cuttings and with the help of seed material. Both methods are quite affordable even for beginner gardeners.


Cutting is in the best possible way, allowing to fully preserve all the varietal properties of the parent plant. For propagation using cuttings, planting material with five or six buds is cut from the fruiting branch on an adult culture. A pair of lower buds must be removed, after which the cuttings are soaked in a solution based on a root stimulator for four hours. Then cuttings are planted in pre-prepared and well-moistened soil with a depth of 30-40mm. Greenhouse conditions are necessarily created for planting.

Cuttings are the best way to fully preserve all the varietal properties of the parent plant.


A fairly simple and quite affordable way. All seed material must first be soaked in a solution based on growth stimulants for about seven hours, after which it is sown to a depth of one and a half centimeters, followed by moistening the soil and creating a greenhouse effect. Very important carefully monitor soil moisture indicators and perform ventilation, and after the fourth leaf appears on the seedlings, the shelter must be completely removed.

Pomegranate grows best in regions with a dry climate and hot weather. summer period

Diseases and pests of the guarantor

To prevent damage to pomegranate bushes and trees by bacterial and other diseases, at the stage of active vegetation, immediately before flowering and immediately after it, the aerial part is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture. After the treatment, the stem part and the thickest branches are recommended to be coated with a 20% lime-based solution. Mechanical measures aimed at combating pests and diseases consist in the timely removal of fallen leaves, sanitary pruning, regular loosening of the soil trunk circles and weeding work.

How to prepare pomegranate for flowering (video)

To date, breeders have bred more than a hundred varieties of pomegranate. Despite the fact that such fruit crop grows best in regions with a dry climate and hot summers, in unfavorable areas there is a great opportunity to grow a fruit plant as an ornamental indoor crop.


Pomegranate has long been known for its beneficial properties. Such a tree can be grown at home from a seed and it will delight with its flowers for a long time. As for the fruits, there are very few of them. One miniature tree grows from two to three.

As a material for sowing, ordinary store-bought fruits are suitable. Pomegranates must be ripe and fresh. Of all the grains, only the largest specimens without damage are selected.

Seed preparation before sowing consists of the following steps:

Each selected bone must be freed from the pulp.

Seeds should be washed running water. It is best to do this in a strainer, as they are small.

In order for the grains to be cleaned more thoroughly, it is necessary to rub them in a cloth napkin after they have already been washed. This must be done so that fruit rot does not appear on them in the future.

Peeled seeds should be left to dry at room temperature for 10-12 hours.

After this treatment, the seeds can be planted in the soil. There is no need to delay with this, since the way the material for sowing will sprout is directly dependent on its freshness.

" Trees

In nature, pomegranate grows in the form of a tree or shrub.. The culture got its name from the Latin word "pomegranate", which means fine-grained.

The fruits of such a plant are enough large size, painted in deep red or burgundy color. Pomegranate pulp consists of many small grains.

In nature, pomegranate grows on mountain slopes or in rocky areas., which explains the unpretentiousness of the plant to the climate and soil composition.

Also this tree perfectly adapts to the microclimate.

Growth of the dwarf pomegranate depends directly on the variety average equals 1 metre. Pomegranate flowers deserve special attention.

On one tree, 2 types of flowers are formed at once:

  • on some flowers there are both pistil and stamens, ovaries form on them and later fruits appear, their shape resembles water lilies;
  • another species looks like bells, while the flowers are asexual and have only a decorative function.

The flowers are painted in a bright, red hue and reach a diameter of 3 centimeters.

Scientists call the pomegranate fruit "pomegranate", they reach 18 centimeters in diameter. The peel of such fruits is very dense, its color varies from light pink to dark red.

Inside one fruit there can be up to 1200 grains, which are covered with a juicy, fleshy shell. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, very juicy and refreshing, such fruits are often used to make juice.

At home, dwarf pomegranate is grown as an indoor flower, and the appearance of fruits is a pleasant addition.

Is it possible to grow an ornamental plant at home?

It is quite possible to grow pomegranate at home, among all fruit trees, which are grown at home pomegranate is the most unpretentious.

Caring for such a plant is very simple and you can get juicy fruits without much effort.

In room conditions, miniature pomegranates "Nana" are grown. They begin to bloom after they reach a height of 40 centimeters, while bringing up to 10 edible fruits, which differ from garden trees only in size (5-6 centimeters in diameter).

Usually, the following varieties of pomegranate are grown at home:

  1. Alba Captivity- this variety does not bear fruit and is grown for large and beautiful flowers. They differ in terry structure and cream color, can reach a diameter of up to 6 centimeters. The leaves of this variety are sinewy, dense, oval, slightly elongated, have a rich in green. The peculiarity of the variety is that it grows very quickly, but if desired, this process can be stopped by planting the plant in a small container.
  2. Carthage and Baby- the most common indoor varieties, trees grow up to 50 centimeters in height, although there are specimens with a height of 1 meter. On these plants, a large number of flowers are observed, and fruits appear starting from the 2nd year of life.

Even despite the fact that several dozen flowers can bloom at one time, on average, 3-4 ovaries are formed.

Rules for planting a pomegranate tree

To grow a dwarf pomegranate, you can use the seeds purchased in the store. best time for planting seeds, the beginning of April is considered.

Drainage is poured onto the bottom of the box or container, then clean river sand, in which pomegranate seeds are deepened by 5 milliliters. Then the soil is moistened and covered with a film or glass, this is necessary to achieve the greenhouse effect.

After the first shoots appear, you need to wait another 2 weeks, because pomegranate shoots appear gradually.

As soon as 5-6 healthy leaves appear on the seedlings, it can be transplanted into separate pots, on the bottom of which drainage is poured and a soil mixture is prepared from:

  • 2 parts soil for citrus crops;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part biohumus.

After the tree is in a pot, it must be Water generously to help promote rooting..

If, as planting material a stalk is used, then it must be placed in wet sand and covered with a glass jar.

After about a month, the first buds will appear on the cuttings, after which they can be transplanted into separate pots. Rooting will be much faster if the cutting is placed in a growth stimulator for 6 hours before planting.

This method is less risky., because under such conditions all the varietal qualities of the parent tree are preserved.

Indoor tree care

So that the pomegranate develops well and pleases its appearance he needs to provide the necessary conditions.

Period Care rules
In spring and summer The tree needs as much sunlight as possible, and if the weather is warm outside, many housewives recommend taking the plant out to Fresh air, for such purposes, an ordinary balcony or loggia is perfect. Also during this period, watering the pomegranate should be regular and plentiful, in no case should the soil dry out. During
flowering and fruiting 1 time in 10-14 days, the tree is fed with complex mineral fertilizers. most often, Etisso fertilizer is used for pomegranate, it is sold in two forms, both for flowering and green plants. It is worth remembering that during fruiting, pomegranates are watered especially carefully, the soil must be moist, and an excess of moisture can cause cracking of the fruit. In addition to watering, pomegranates are sprayed with warm water once every two weeks.
Autumn and winter With the onset of autumn, the tree can throw off the foliage and go into a dormant phase. in order to create conditions close to natural for the tree, reduce the amount of moisture introduced for about 2-3 months and rearrange the pot in a cool place. To prepare the plant for winter, it is watered with mullein infusion prepared from 100 grams of manure and 1 liter of water.

After the end of the dormant phase, approximately in mid-February, it is necessary gradually increase the amount of watering and move the plant back into sunlight.

Another point of care will be shaping pruning. Dwarf garnet responds well to such a procedure and can be given almost any shape, the choice of which depends only on personal preferences.

Very often you can find indoor pomegranates, similar in appearance to a bonsai tree. Cutting should be done in early spring(early March) or late autumn (late December).

Such terms are not chosen by chance, so as not to damage the tree, work is carried out while it is at rest, and there is no active sap flow.

In addition to all procedures before reaching the age of 5, pomegranates are transplanted annually, gradually increasing the size of the pot from 100 to 500 milliliters, while it is advisable to choose a narrow container shape.

For adult plants, instead of transplanting, the topsoil is replaced.

How to grow indoor pomegranate:

Diseases and pests

Indoor pomegranate, like any other plants susceptible to various diseases and pests which must be disposed of as soon as possible.

Most often, the following ailments occur on such a plant:

Disease Description Ways to fight
powdery mildew A whitish coating forms on the leaves of the affected plant, on which dark brown balls are located. Powdery mildew is caused by harmful fungi. Usually, the disease appears due to poor ventilation, temperature changes or humidity levels in the room. Infection from other plants by airborne droplets is also possible. In the initial stages, a solution prepared from 5 grams of soda ash and 1 liter of water helps well, you can also add 5-10 grams of soap. If a powdery mildew running enough, you have to process chemicals, for example, skor, topaz or hom.
Branch Cancer The bark on the branches cracks and spongy swellings can be seen on the edges of the chips. The cause of such a disease can be mechanical damage or frostbite. It is very difficult to get rid of this disease, the only way out is to cut off the damaged branches with a sharp garden knife, treat the wound with a disinfectant and apply a thin layer of garden pitch.
Spots on the leaves Spots appear on the leaves, the color of which ranges from yellow to brown. Such damage indicates excessive soil moisture. The plant must be transplanted into new soil, if the decay has spread to the roots, then the affected parts are removed, and the cut is treated with crushed coal.
Whitefly and aphids Pests feed on the foliage of the tree, which in turn significantly weakens it. If there are few insects, then they can be removed manually. Adult butterflies are cleaned with an ordinary vacuum cleaner, and larvae and aphids can be disposed of by treating the leaves with a solution of laundry soap. You can also use special preparations
fitoverm, spark, karbofos, etc. Before each treatment, the soil is protected with a plastic film.

The pomegranate tree is considered one of the most unusual ornamental plants yet easy to care for.

In addition to the expected fruits, it has a wonderful appearance and aroma.

Pomegranate - genus small trees and shrubs, which have been known throughout the world for centuries for their incredibly tasty and very healthy fruits. Unfortunately, growing such a tree in the garden is not easy enough, so many amateur gardeners try to grow a plant at home. Today you will learn how to grow a pomegranate from a simple seed in order to get fruits as a result (photo and instructions are attached).

Pomegranate: description, plant properties, characteristics of varieties

Indoor or dwarf (as it is also called) pomegranate is a small tree, the height of which rarely exceeds 1 m. The branches of the plant are quite thin and prickly to the touch. The leaves are light green in color, with a glossy surface, slightly elongated oval in shape, can reach 2-3 cm.

Dwarf varieties of pomegranate rarely give generous harvests. Nevertheless, the small amount of them that is tied on the branches can reach quite impressive sizes for such a tree - pomegranate fruits are about 4-5 cm in diameter.

Oddly enough, but the fruits of the dwarf pomegranate have the same piquant taste as the fruits of the ordinary pomegranate. Importantly, these fruits are incredibly useful for human body properties. Therefore, amateur gardeners (and not only) are happy to grow this luxurious plant in an apartment, in warm small greenhouses, gardens, and even in small pots.

pomegranate baby

There are about 500 different varieties pomegranate, among which there are several that are suitable for indoor cultivation:

  • Baby. A half-meter plant, which during the flowering period is covered with single or flowers collected in miniature bunches, and rather large fruits (about 6 cm) yellow- Brown color with a slight pink blush. Requires pollination.
  • Carthage. During the flowering period of the plant, one can observe small, but lushly growing red flowers (from the end of spring until the first autumn days) and the same small, very tasty juicy fruits.
  • Shah Nar. The Azerbaijani version of the dwarf pomegranate, with proper care, pleases with small round / pear-shaped fruits with very tasty juicy grains.
  • Ruby. Reaches 0.5-0.7 m in height. Against the background of other varieties, trees of this variety are distinguished by an unusual color of foliage: the flowers of the tree are painted in a bright ruby ​​​​color. With proper care, the fruits can reach 7-8 cm in diameter.
  • Uzbekistan. This homemade pomegranate variety can be safely called gigantic: it reaches a height of 2 m. The fruits are medium in size (in weight they can reach 100-120 g), spherical in shape, with a thin skin of bright red color.

Planting a crop

Seed material is selected seeds from a ripe, beautiful and, most importantly, healthy pomegranate. It is also important to make sure that the place is chosen correctly. First, it must be sufficiently sunny: best option- south, southwest. With sufficiently intense sunlight, it is advisable to clean the plant in a slight shade, and in winter keep it in a room with a temperature of about +10 degrees.

Attention! Keep in mind that those pomegranate seeds for sowing that are sold in specialized stores are hybrids, so the fruits that result from growing a plant from a purchased seed will not have the taste of the mother tree, but the decorative effect will certainly be on top.

The best option for obtaining a suitable pomegranate seed is from a ripe fruit of an already growing indoor pomegranate. So, first remove all the grains from the fruit and carefully clean them from the pulp. They should be creamy in color and firm to the touch.

Take seeds from ripe pomegranate fruits

For 10 hours, you can soak the extracted seeds in water, to which a few drops of a growth stimulant solution are added. Moreover, the water should not completely cover them, so that the seeds have access to oxygen.

For sowing pomegranate seeds, the universal soil familiar to flower growers, which is sold in specialized stores, is suitable. It usually consists of fertile soil, peat and sand. Pre-prepared pomegranate seeds should be thoroughly dried, then placed in the ground to a depth of about 1.5 cm. Then lightly moisten with water, cover with film or glass, and put in a warm place. The process of sowing pomegranate seeds is usually carried out at the end of winter-beginning of spring: in this case, the percentage of germination is much higher, and the first shoots will appear in a few weeks.

Do not forget to moisten the soil from time to time and ventilate it every day. When the first three full-fledged leaves appear, young seedlings can be transplanted into separate pots. When 5-6 full-fledged leaves form on young sprouts, they should be pinched so that growth starts in 2 shoots. It is important to pinch a well-grown plant again so that the pomegranate turns into a real tree.

Subtleties of pomegranate care

In order for the pomegranate tree to feel comfortable and be able to fully bloom on its due date, it is important to make sure that it receives all the care it needs.

So, let's start with watering. It is necessary to carry out this process clearly under the root, so that moisture does not get on the pomegranate leaves. The substrate must always be slightly damp. During the flowering period, it is desirable to minimize it, but in no case should the soil dry out. Water for irrigation is desirable to use warm, separated. In winter, the amount of moisture should be minimal.

Pomegranate at home can bear fruit

During the period of active development of seedlings, young sprouts can be fed wood ash diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. During the flowering period, the tree should be fed with liquid complex fertilizers for plants (frequency - 2 times a month with a break of 2 weeks).

Home pomegranate is quite often affected various pests like aphids, mites and codling moths. From the first, you can protect the plant with a solution consisting of water, tobacco and laundry soap. From all the rest, onion or garlic infusion will help perfectly.

Sometimes the pomegranate suffers from cancer, which manifests itself in cracking of the bark, drying out of the branches and the appearance of spongy swellings on the surface of the bark. When the first signs of the disease are found, the bark should be immediately cleaned to a healthy tissue, treated blue vitriol and then cover the "wound" with garden pitch.

Some people believe that there are no perfect creatures in the world around us. This may be true, but if you consider in detail how the pomegranate grows, it is easy to refute this theory. The majestic exotic tree has exquisite beauty, unsurpassed fertility and valuable properties. Its bright red fruits resemble small lights that can warm you on harsh winter days. Looking at them, one involuntarily recalls the hot summer in the southern regions and the charming colors of exotic resorts. Despite this, many do not think about how the majestic pomegranate grows in nature and whether it can be grown at home.

A brief excursion into the distant past

Some associate the first mention of a unique fruit with Adam, when he violated the commandment of the Creator. Unfortunately, the Holy Scriptures do not say what kind of fruit was the cause of man's sin. Despite this, the stories of ancient Greek myths and the healing methods of ancient healers are associated with it.

In view of these facts, it is rather difficult to say where the pomegranate tree was first discovered, because today culture can be found in many parts of the world. It is grown in North Africa, Italy, Spain, Azerbaijan and Turkey. The fruit is popular in the valleys of the Caucasus Mountains. He has fans in Abkhazia and sunny Georgia. There are many places in Russia where pomegranate grows. This is the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimean peninsula and the Sea of ​​Azov. Enterprising gardeners are trying to grow new cold-resistant species in the middle latitudes and even in the Moscow region.

Since the pomegranate is considered a valuable storehouse of useful substances, it aroused interest even during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs and Roman Caesars. Interestingly, during the capture of the Phoenician city of Carthage by the Romans, only pomegranate trees survived. After that, the fruit began to be called the "king" of exotic fruits. In addition, a majestic crown of sepals towered on its top, which became the prototype of the royal crown.
The provided photo shows how a pomegranate grows on the branches of an exotic tree.

Translated into Russian, pomegranate means "grainy apple", which is reminiscent of its useful properties ah for health. Truly, a valuable "casket" of precious trace elements and vitamins.

Pomegranate in the natural environment

How pomegranate grows in its natural environment is reminiscent of its origin from southern latitudes. The tree loves open areas where there is an abundance of light and air. If it lacks these major factors, the tree may never bloom. We'll have to be content with only green foliage.

Depending on the area where the pomegranate grows, the time of harvest varies. In order for the fruits to fully ripen, a long and hot summer is required. In addition, winter should be short and warm. The optimum temperature range ranges from 12 degrees Celsius.

You can breed pomegranate in the following ways:

  • by sowing grains;
  • cutting cuttings;
  • layering;
  • by grafting seedlings.

Of course, not everyone will be able to grow a full-fledged tree in this way and see how the pomegranate blooms with fragrant inflorescences. Some gardeners prefer to buy a ready-made seedling and grow it in their backyard.

It is advisable to plant a young pomegranate tree on sunny area to provide him with enough sunlight and air.

When the tree is planted, in the first month it is watered 2 or 3 times a week. Then, the interval is reduced to 1 time for 7 days. Depending on the method of cultivation of the pomegranate, the expectation of fruit stretches for years. For example, if cuttings are planted, the first fruits will appear after 6 years. Layering will please with grenades after 7 long years. And a stronger seedling will begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year. Abundant fruiting is expected by the 8th or 10th year of the plant's life. In general, the pomegranate tree lives up to 70 years of age, although there are also centenarians.

In the capital parks of France, specimens have been growing that have been bearing fruit for 200 years. In Azerbaijan - more than 100 years. Some varieties bear fruit for 300 years. These facts show that if you know how to grow a pomegranate, you can enjoy its unique taste and beauty for a long time. To top it off, the plant does not require special care and takes root in any soil.

The fruit belongs to the family of shrubs that can grow up to 6 meters in height. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, this fact must be taken into account.

Growing fruit in the garden

Fans of exotic plants know well how to plant a pomegranate on personal plot for it to bear fruit. The main condition for growing the royal fruit is fertile soil. At the selected site, a hole is dug with a diameter and a depth of 60 cm. The top layer of soil is laid out on its bottom, the seedling is placed at an angle of 45 degrees, slightly compacted, buried and watered abundantly. Thanks to this slope, the plant will be easier to cover for the winter with spruce branches, cloth or soil.

In no case should manure or humus be introduced into the hole when planting a pomegranate. It is advisable to fertilize the soil 3 months before that, so that the plants successfully take root in the country garden.

The next day after planting, preferably in the evening, water again and cover the soil near the trunk from slightly rotted sawdust or leaves. Water young trees once a week. Top dressing can be made in late spring or early June. Plow the soil around the seedling periodically, removing weeds.

To prepare the pomegranate for winter period, in November, the bushes are covered with soil. But, first they are tilted to the ground and tied to stable stakes. In such a "storage" the tree will calmly endure the cold winter frosts. And perhaps in a year royal fruits from the summer cottage will appear on the table.

Indoor version of an exotic plant

Unsurpassed fans of the royal fruit even know the secret of how to grow a pomegranate at home and collect fruits from it. Suitable for this purpose dwarf varieties plants that begin to bloom already in the second year after planting.

In order for the tree to successfully take root, you need a container small size. It must be wide so that the surface roots of the plant develop well. The soil is suitable for a slightly acidic character. Subject to these simple rules it is not at all difficult to grow indoor pomegranate with a maximum height of 1.5 meters. It just takes a little patience and effort.

There are several ways to plant an exotic potted fruit:

  • ready-made seedlings from the nursery;
  • germinated material from horticultural firms;
  • cuttings;
  • bones.

The easiest way to grow a pomegranate tree is to purchase it from a nursery. Gardeners who patiently grow pomegranate seeds at home get much more pleasure.

They start the business from the selection of planting material. The bones are suitable only from a fully ripened fruit, on which there are no flaws.
It is advisable to find a pomegranate from house tree, then more likely to grow fruit.

The ripe fruit is characterized by a dryish skin, tightly adjacent to the grains. If it has a brilliant character, then the fruit was plucked in an unripe form. These bones will not work.

The selected pomegranate should be quickly peeled and dried for 24 hours. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in milk, water or growth stimulants. In the prepared loosened soil, lay the bones to a depth of 1 cm and cover plastic wrap. After about 20 days, shoots appear. Now you can remove the film.

Since growing a pomegranate from a seed is quite difficult, several factors should be considered:

  • the container with the plant should stand in a well-lit window;
  • at first, protect from direct sunlight;
  • as the topsoil dries out, regularly water with clean water;
  • the permissible room temperature is not lower than 12 degrees.

When the tree grows, flowers will appear on it. original form. Over time, they will turn into royal fruits, inside of which juicy seeds are stored. In terms of size, they are, of course, inferior to imported grenades, but the value of the product remains unchanged.

In order for the tree to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is advisable to adjust the shape of the crown once every 6 months. Usually pruning is done in spring and autumn, removing excess shoots. The soil under the plant should always be slightly moist. In summer, the pot is taken out to the street or to the balcony to speed up the growth process.
When cold times come, it is brought into the house where the tree hibernates.

The maximum temperature for a "sleeping" plant is not higher than 15 degrees. It is not necessary to feed him in the winter. Water sparingly as the soil dries out.
With the advent of spring, young leaves appear on the pomegranate tree. Now it can be fed to stimulate growth.

Initially, it is desirable to plant a pomegranate in a small pot, which corresponds to the size of an earthen coma near the roots of the seedling. The tighter the container, the more abundant the dwarf pomegranate tree blooms.

Useful properties of the magic pomegranate "casket"

Since ancient times, people have noticed a number of useful properties of the royal fruit. Its berries are filled with many vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. The juice contains great amount amino acids, tannins, glucose and sugar.

Exotic pomegranate fruits have a beneficial effect on immunity, blood vessels and blood pressure. They quench thirst, stimulate appetite and lower blood sugar. The inflorescences of the royal fruit contain an abundance of dyes, therefore they are widely used in light industry. Decoctions from the peel are drunk with intestinal disorders, as a fixing agent. Also used for gargling and various inflammatory processes.

Truly, pomegranate is an indispensable fruit for the whole family. It's not too late to start growing it and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Features of growing pomegranate - video



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