Brazier steam locomotive. Brazier in the form of a steam locomotive: an original design on your site. Features of the preparation of products

"From the master class presented by the author, you will learn how you can independently make a metal barbecue in the form of a" steam locomotive "Today, it is becoming more and more fashionable to install a "brazier" or "barbecue oven" in your summer cottage. How good it is when relatives and friends get together for the weekend, relax and fry a barbecue. And the cooking process will be doubly pleasant if the brazier is of a rather unusual shape, for example "" Imagine how surprised your guests will be)

To make such an unusual brazier, you will need a lot of metal, but it’s certainly worth it) Of course, you can buy iron, but it won’t be cheap, of course, you can also look at your local Vtorchermet collection point where you often come across efficient metal, at a fairly reasonable price. The purchased material should simply be sanded well and it will shine like new.

Let's look at what exactly the author needed?


  1. large metal pipe (can be a gas cylinder)
  2. fittings
  3. metal sheet 2 mm
  4. professional square pipe
  5. lattice


  1. angle grinder (Bulgarian)
  2. welding machine
  3. drill
  4. emery
  5. roulette
  6. calipers
  7. sandpaper

The process of creating a brazier-steam locomotive.

And so, in order to start making a steam locomotive, you need to know how it still looks and what it is. The author provides us with a sketch and drawing of an iron giant.
Well, we know what a steam locomotive looks like, now let's move on to the step-by-step creation of a brazier together with the author. First of all, the basis of the locomotive is created, namely its frame on which it will actually stand. for which the master takes a professional square-section pipe and cuts it into blanks with a grinder, after which he welds it into a single structure.
This is how the frame turned out in the end, on itself it will carry the entire main weight of the locomotive.
This is followed by the manufacture of the working part itself, and it will be made of a large metal pipe. With the help of a grinder, it will be sawn in this way.
The pipe will be divided into two parts, look (photo)
The wheels, as you understand, are all made from the same pipe. And this is what the pipe looks like inside.
The resulting brazier must then be welded to the frame, and the frame must be installed on the wheels.
The frame is covered with metal.
All kinds of elements are cut out of reinforcement and metal.
After completing all the rough work, the master proceeds to painting the brazier, painting with heat-resistant (black) paint using a pulverizer.
After painting, it lets the surface dry and collects everything into a single structure.

After everything dried out, the author immediately began testing.
As you can see, the locomotive has a brazier itself and an additional “barbecue oven” An excellent locomotive that will surprise even the most capricious audience with its appearance) If you liked the material, then we invite you to our group

The brazier is a device for preparing dishes using an open fire. It has a long history, and over time, its original external characteristics have changed a bit. The brazier in its homeland, the East, has a bowl-shaped shape, while in Russia it is rectangular. There are many modifications and variants of this device.

Some options are designed to be carried, while others perform not only the function of cooking, but are also decorative elements in landscapes.

Brazier locomotive can be located on the site or in the yard, while becoming an original decoration.

How to do?

Braziers in the form of locomotives have a very attractive appearance and fit well into the design of cottages and yards. A purchased brazier, made by the hands of a master, will cost a considerable amount. If you do it yourself, then the financial cost of the product will be lower. Manufacturing work should be done in stages:

  1. Selection of the optimal project option. At this stage, it is very important to decide on the final look - this will help in the future to make all the necessary calculations on the amount of material and not make a mistake.
  2. Drawing up a drawing or diagram. A properly drawn up drawing guarantees a good result.
  3. Selection of all necessary tools and materials.
  4. Frame manufacturing.
  5. Case manufacturing.
  6. Making wheels and decorating. It is better to prepare the wheels and weld them to the frame before mounting the body.
  7. Creation of accessories.
  8. Cleanup.
  9. Coloring.
It is unlikely that it will be possible to make such a brazier in one day, but in a few days, subject to the rapid completion of each stage, it is quite possible.

Required Tools

The selection of all the necessary materials will be more accurate based on the finished drawing. After the project has already been selected, you can start by drawing up a sketch, according to which the master will draw up drawings. If we are talking about doing the work on our own, the drawing should reflect all the elements, their sizes and the distances between them. An example of a finished drawing is shown below (see image).

When the drawing is ready should proceed to the selection of tools.

It is necessary to have:

  • welding machine;
  • grinders (for cutting metal);
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • screws;
  • screwdrivers;
  • refractory paint (for painting the finished brazier).

Having picked up all of these items, you should proceed to the next stage.

The design of the brazier-steam locomotive

When designing a device for receiving dishes on an open fire, it is necessary to pay attention to 2 main elements:

  • chimney;
  • a compartment where burning coals or firewood are located.
The first thing that distinguishes the locomotive design is the pipe.

She is performs two functions:

  • smoke exhaust;
  • distinctive element.

Secondly, the design must necessarily provide for a place where coal or firewood is burned. With the help of the burning process of these materials, delicious dishes are prepared.

The brazier performs aesthetic and practical functions. It can be equipped with maximum comfort if you provide:

  • shelves where dishes, firewood are located;
  • grills (grill, barbecue);
  • chamber for hot or cold smoking.

A diagram of a standard steam locomotive brazier design includes:

  • grill chamber- located in a horizontal direction;
  • barbecue chamber located in the horizontal direction;
  • camera in the vertical direction.


Production begins with a quality check of the drawings according to the following parameters:

  1. the presence of accurate markings;
  2. specifying the dimensions of all elements.

After checking the quality of the drawing, it is necessary to carefully consider the design according to:

  1. the number of wheels;
  2. the number of wagons.
If you can imagine a finished design in your imagination and the result is satisfactory, you should begin preparing materials.

Each stage of construction is carried out by repeatedly comparing the assembled structure with the drawing.

The basis should be durable refractory metal. Suitable:

  • gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters;
  • steel, cast iron products.


There are a lot of options for designing a brazier in the form of a steam locomotive. Parts from:

  • casting;
  • forging.
The decorative parts are distinguished by their specificity and variety thanks to the unlimited imagination of the master.

Decor elements can simultaneously perform a practical function: the wheels move the product and serve as decoration. The diameter of the wheels can be the same or different in pairs (front, rear), the number of pairs of wheels - from two or more. Separate decorative elements (bell, lantern) have the function of illumination.

The dimensions of the brazier are determined by the amount of space for installation, but are not a limitation on functionality. A small brazier can combine all the necessary elements (see the example below in the images).

Necessary materials

For an independent manufacturing process of this version of the design of the brazier, you will need:

  • metal in large quantities;
  • various combinations of metals.

A large amount of metal includes a list of necessary materials, consisting of:

  1. pipes (suitable profiled);
  2. tank;
  3. barrels;
  4. sheet metal;
  5. empty gas cylinders;
  6. fittings, steel bars;
  7. corners.
It is possible to use other materials in addition to those listed.

Some elements can be made separately in a workshop to order, they are made from:

  1. become;
  2. cast iron.

Welded frame

According to the prepared drawing welded frame is made. It represents the frame of the future product. The welded frame can be made from:

  • profiled pipes (section can be square);
  • pipes with a circular cross section;
  • corners;
  • reinforcing bars.

Once the right material has been selected, required:

  1. Using a grinder, cut the elements.
  2. All structural elements are connected using a welding machine.
  3. Leave until the finished frame is completely cool.
  4. Clean the seams on the cooled frame with a grinder (you need a grinding nozzle) or a file.
  5. Check out the finished frame.
  6. If a defect is detected, you need to remove excess metal and repeat welding.
When all the steps are completed and no defects are detected on the frame, you should proceed to the next stage - the manufacture of the case.


To create a horizontal box, apply:

  • empty gas cylinders;
  • can.

It is possible to use other items that are suitable for this. If an empty gas cylinder is used as a housing, it must be properly disassembled.

Rules and sequence of work with cylinders:

  1. Remaining gases are released.
  2. The crane is twisted.
  3. If it is not possible to twist the tap, it is necessary to use a gas key.
  4. If there is a rust coating of the transitions from the tap to the cylinder, water is poured inside. The balloon is filled with water through a dropper completely.
Inside the cylinders, water is poured into a canopy to prevent clogging.

When blocking water is poured in small portions.

When the cylinder is prepared, proceed to the construction of the hull structure:

  1. The top is cut out with a grinder.
  2. The cut out part is welded and put on loops.
  3. A handle is mounted to the resulting cover.
  4. In the case of pipes, the side parts are plugged.

The first element of the body is ready. Now you need to build a side camera:

  1. Using sheet steel, weld the box.
  2. Through the channel, the box and the tank are connected.
The chamber may have a lid or a door.

When the two parts are ready:

  1. Connect the body and frame by electric welding.
  2. The sides of the frame are covered with metal sheets.

This completes the framework.

Wheels and decor

The number and diameter of the wheels is determined by the chosen design option. Most often they are prepared from pipes:

  1. The diameter of the pipes is selected in accordance with the parameters in the drawing.
  2. Mark the cuts.
  3. With the help of a grinder, elements of a given width are cut out according to the markup.

Decorating is done:

  1. rods;
  2. curls;
  3. rivets.

Decorations can be made additionally. Forged elements, made to order by the master, will perfectly decorate the product and make it unique.

The brazier can be made entirely of forging.

An example is shown in the image.

Forged brazier can only be made by a master.

How to make barbecue legs?

The height of the legs is prepared based on the wishes of the owners:

  1. In accordance with the parameters, markings are made on the selected pipes.
  2. The corresponding sections are sawn out.
  3. The bottom of the device is equipped with four holes.
  4. Bolts are inserted into the holes with the thread outward.
  5. Each bolt is tightened and welded. With the help of them, the legs are attached to the bottom.
  6. At the top of the legs, nuts are welded, with which they will be connected to the brazier.

Precautionary measures

Worth special attention take precautions:

  • the use of a rusty cylinder is highly discouraged;
  • careful check of cylinders is required;
  • cutting should be done with extreme care;
  • the appearance of sparks is prohibited;
  • before cutting, the remaining gases must be bled from the cylinder - to do this, turn it upside down and turn the valve with a special key.


Additionally, the brazier can be equipped with:

  • hooks;
  • shelves;
  • hood;
  • canopy.
Dishes are stored on the shelves, the hooks serve as hangers.

The material for hooks is wire or nails. Excess smoke is removed by means of hoods.

Their building:

  1. A pipe is mounted in front of the housing or next to the chamber.
  2. A cone-shaped plate is welded at the top - thanks to it, precipitation will not get inside.

Canopies are prepared from sections of metal barrels.

After all additional elements are installed and the structure is ready, it is necessary to paint it, which includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning the surface with sandpaper.
  2. Degreasing the surface with a solvent.
  3. Coating with paint.

Corrosion protection is ensured by the use of special refractory thermal paints. All paint containers must be labeled as suitable for use on metal surfaces. For the coloring composition, the following must additionally be indicated:

  • use at high temperatures (from 650 to 1000 degrees);
  • application tool (brush).

On sale there are paints that can withstand heating up to 1000 degrees.

Composite materials and heat-resistant glasses are used in their composition.

Brazier steam locomotive with smoking function

The element that distinguishes the barbecue smokehouse is called the firebox. The manufacturing sequence is identical to the one above, but separately it is necessary to make a firebox and a place for it. To do this, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. The bottom of the balloon is cut off by 1/2. This is where the firebox will be located.
  2. The cut is polished.
  3. Down the base-barbecue, a lid is attached to the hinges.
  4. Holes are drilled at the bottom of the firebox.
  5. A box with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm (pipe) is welded to the bottom of the base.
  6. A chimney and a smoking chamber are attached to the branch pipe. For smoking chambers take any containers.

Examples of braziers-steam locomotives with the function of smoking (smokehouse) of industrial production (upper) and hand-made (lower) are presented below in the images.

Work examples

Below are examples of finished, already implemented projects of braziers in the form of a steam locomotive, which can be taken as a basis, reproduced completely by the hands of the master on order or independently.
An interesting version of the barbecue is shown in the video

Brazier-smokehouse in the form of a steam locomotive with golden trim elements.

Model with stripes on wheels.

Option on 4 pairs of wheels with a pipe.

Each of the presented models will be an original solution.
The video details the product.

Where to find and buy the finished product

Brazier steam locomotive can be purchased ready-made or made in a workshop according to sketches. Ready-made barbecues are available in specialized stores or online stores with delivery in the cities of the Russian Federation. Shops that work via the Internet on order and have a brazier with the shape of a steam locomotive:

  1. Kazan-Everyone;
  2. Country Caprice.

One of the most successful ideas is a brazier steam locomotive. It is multifunctional, gives the site an aesthetic charm, originality and demonstrates the creative streak of the owner.

Such a brazier in the form of a steam locomotive can be purchased at a specialized store or ordered from craftsmen. You can make it with your own hands.

Tools and preparation

Basic set of tools for DIY construction:

  • drawing;
  • materials for the barbecue itself;
  • welding machine;
  • screwdrivers, screws, pliers;
  • refractory paint for covering the barbecue.


The main thing in any barbecue - brazier. There must be a compartment for burning wood and coals.

In the design in the form of a steam locomotive there should be a pipe, under which it will perfectly “disguise” chimney.

You can make a place for dishes. Barbecue grill will make the grill multifunctional.


The fabrication process can take several days.

Before starting work, you need to design drawing-scheme of the product with exact dimensions and calculations. The steam locomotive can be on wheels and without them. Maybe with an additional trailer in which firewood will be stored.

It is easiest to make a design in the form of a steam locomotive. The vertical part with the pipe and the horizontal part - the brazier itself - are the main ones in the design. In this description, a barbecue model with wheels will be considered. The height of the future structure is ≈3 m.


  • gas old cylinder - 3 pcs;
  • metal scissors;
  • welding machine;
  • motor drive;
  • hooks;
  • door hinges;
  • pens;
  • wheels, pedal and side parts from an old sewing machine;
  • refractory paint;
  • spit with pins for food.

An old 50 liter gas bottle is well suited for a brazier. It will be enough for six servings of barbecue.

How to safely disassemble a gas cylinder

In no case should you cut a gas cylinder immediately without releasing the remaining gas and air from it. It is under pressure at all times and can explode when cut due to gas residue!

It is necessary to twist the valve from the cylinder. Ideally, the steel stopper on the faucet is knocked off, but if the cylinder is very old and possibly corroded, you can unscrew with a gas wrench. All for the same reasons, the transition from the cylinder to the tap may not be unscrewed. With a drip water is poured into the bottle. The liquid will force out the remaining gas and air from the cylinder. Due to the fact that the hole in the adapter is very small, you need to pour water into the cylinder only in a hinged position, otherwise a blockage will come out and air will not be able to escape. If in this case an air lock occurs, it will be necessary to fill in small doses so that the air comes out in parts.

Read also: Unusual braziers in the form of animals, objects, etc.

Water should fill the entire cylinder, up to the remaining faucet adapter.

Main structure

With the help of a grinder and a disk for metal, the crane is gradually cut off in a circular manner. The outer diameter of a standard 50 l gas cylinder is 96 cm.

Supports for a gas cylinder in the form of a brazier can be made from the beautiful sidewalls of an old sewing machine. They are able to withstand the weight of the future product. Wheels can be made from a sewing machine drive belt wheel, but you will need four of them. The pedal of the foot sewing machine is suitable for the barbecue grill. All these things can buy at a scrap yard like the balloon itself. Due to the fact that the cylinder has a curved shape, grids are needed to distribute the fuel over the plane. Otherwise, it will simply accumulate in the middle at the lowest point.

The hole left after cutting off the tap from the cylinder does not need to be sealed tightly. With it, it will be possible to clean the cylinder or drain the accumulated liquid after frying or smoking.

Don't be afraid to do things with your own hands. Especially when you have the opportunity to create something individual, original. The brazier in the form of a steam locomotive will serve you like a wonderful brazier, and it is not at all difficult to assemble it. In addition, if you have children, they will be wildly delighted with such a wonderful design.

Brazier "Steam Engine" - an original do-it-yourself brazier

At every dacha, in the yard of every country house there should be a barbecue. It can be a brick grill, a barbecue or a beautiful metal grill. The only pity is that all such devices are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them. Therefore, you can try to create a brazier with your own hands.

Today we will talk about how to make a multifunctional brazier: it can decorate your site, and it will also be a great way to cook delicious meat, fish or vegetables on fire.

So, let's look at how to make a brazier steam locomotive with your own hands. In the article you will find drawings, as well as a detailed manufacturing method. Of course, you can buy such a brazier from the masters, but the price of such a product will be, to put it mildly, very high. But with your own hands - it will cost many times cheaper.
Let's find out how to make your own, so to speak, grill.

Tools You'll Need

It is clear that for the manufacture of the structure you will need some tools, as well as some preparation for the process. Before proceeding with the construction of the structure, prepare the following:

  • materials for the brazier (more on this below);
  • apparatus for welding;
  • tools (screwdrivers, pliers, etc.);
  • paint for product coating (refractory).

What is a construct?

As you know, the most important thing in any barbecue is its foundation - the brazier. Fuel will be loaded there, if this compartment is not there, then the grill becomes just an unnecessary piece of metal.

The brazier in the form of a steam locomotive is simply obliged to have a pipe, like a real steam locomotive. By the way, the pipe will fit perfectly into the general view, as it will be well “disguised” as a chimney.

You can also weld a place for dishes, pots and skewers or weld a separate smokehouse. The rest depends solely on your imagination and your wishes.

Manufacturing process

The easiest way is to make a brazier in the form of a steam locomotive with a brazier from a gas cylinder. Let's first prepare all the necessary materials:

  • gas cylinder;
  • scissors that can work on metal;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • hooks, loops, handles;
  • wheels, as well as a pedal and side parts from a sewing machine;
  • the paint is naturally refractory;
  • Bulgarian.

Dismantling the gas cylinder

Note! Under no circumstances should you start cutting the cylinder if you have not released the remaining gas from it. Ideally, you need to soak the balloon for a couple of days with water. Otherwise, due to the pressure inside, the cylinder may explode in the presence of gas residues.

First you need to remove the tap from the gas cylinder. You can do this with a grinder. It is important to say that with a standard displacement of 50 liters, its circumference will be 96 cm.

The design itself

The incredible beauty of the sidewall of an old sewing machine can serve as legs for a brazier. Don't worry - they will be able to support the weight of the future brazier. Parts of the same sewing machine, namely the drive belt wheels, can also act as wheels.

The pedal of the foot sewing machine can be used as a barbecue grill. As you can see, everything is very simple. If you do not have an old sewing machine, then you can go to any scrap metal collection point. By the way, in the same place you can find a gas cylinder.

After the faucet has been cut, you will be left with a hole. You can leave it or brew it. If the hole remains, it will be possible to remove the remains of burnt fuel, old fat and so on through it.

Briefly about the barbecue from a gas cylinder

You can find how to make a barbecue from a gas cylinder in another article on our website, so we will not dwell on this in detail. Consider only the main points of manufacture.

So, for starters, we cut off one third of the top from the balloon - this will be the lid. It must be welded back with hinges - so the lid can open and close. We also weld the handle. Along the entire perimeter in the lower part, it is necessary to make holes that are pre-planned. They are needed for proper ventilation and air intake. Above - we make holes for skewers.

Also, on the side it is necessary to make a hole, which in diameter should correspond to the diameter of the chimney pipe. We weld the pipe. As you can see, the brazier is made quite simply with your own hands - it is only important to have drawings and observe all dimensions.

Assembling the structure

It has already been described above what parts you will need from an old sewing machine. Now we just collect all the details in a heap: it is necessary to weld a brazier to the wheel legs. On the one hand, we weld additional shelves so that the product is as similar as possible to a steam locomotive (as indicated in the photo).

Now that the steam locomotive brazier is ready, it must be coated with refractory paint. Construction completed.

Depending on the flight of fancy, you can also weld additional “cars” to your brazier in the form of a steam locomotive, which can serve as a smokehouse or additional shelves. This grill is sure to brighten up any space.

The decoration of the garden should be not only stylish, aesthetic and appropriate, but also functional, which is why if you decide to install a cottage on the barbecue area near your house, you can initially implement it as an interesting idea.

Brazier steam locomotive is an interesting, original solution that will decorate and complement any garden plot, it will look equally appropriate and advantageous near a flower bed, gazebo, dining group, planter and any other object.

In this article you can find videos, instructions, do-it-yourself assembly features of a steam locomotive brazier, installation preparation guides, high-quality photos and much more that will help you cope with this task and build an original and at the same time functional object on your site.

Introduction to product features

Before you make a steam locomotive with your own hands or buy a brazier, you need to familiarize yourself with its key features, the function, which is to cook food on coals right in your garden. Also, this type of units has a number of additional functions, no less important role is played by the materials of manufacture.

Brazier in the form of a steam locomotive in all cases without exception is made of metal, which is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to high temperatures. Moreover, a product of a certain shape and shape can be made from metal, since metal is very good, it is simply processed, cut, and bent.

Also, as a more expensive alternative, craftsmen and manufacturers often use cast iron, it has a higher cost, as it is more wear-resistant and accumulates thermal energy well. In order to reduce the cost of manufacturing a unit in the form of a steam locomotive, some make only individual elements from cast iron that are exposed to greater heat, such as gratings.

Brazier steam locomotive, the photo of which you can find and get acquainted with them in detail in our article, allows you to cook fragrant, juicy and mouth-watering dishes (vegetables, meat, fish, poultry). Juiciness is achieved not only due to the design features of garden structures, coal, wood, but also through the use of metal for assembly, which allows a crispy, golden and appetizing crust to form on food.

It is important to choose the right steel for making a brazier with your own hands - it must be metal with sufficient thickness, in places of the strongest heating and contact with fuel, fire, the thickness indicator should not be less than eight millimeters. This will not allow the material to become thinner over time, deform, lose its properties, strength.

A brazier in the form of a steam locomotive can have a number of characteristic features, structural elements:

Structural element

Description, features

Allows you to cook food with the lid open.

For frying, a special grill or skewer is used, fastenings to which are made in advance.

It also allows you to cook meat and other products on a cast-iron or steel grill.

Unlike the grill option, the grill makes the dish very tender, juicy due to the fact that it is cooked only under a closed lid.

Hot smoking

You can also add a brazier with a hot smoked compartment.

Often, for these purposes, the master is not puzzled and simply uses the barbecue compartment for these purposes.

Cold smoking

If necessary, you can buy or assemble a garden unit with your own hands, which will have a compartment for cold smoking.

The optimal location is the side of the garden unit.

You can supplement the brazier with other equally important structural elements, such as shelves, work surfaces for serving dishes, preparing them for serving, cooking. In order to protect the device from precipitation on the brazier, the train is equipped with a convenient visor, which acts as a roof.

The brazier-smokehouse-steam locomotive can have a different design, the installation can be supplemented with thematic details and devices that form the image of a real model. For example, it is supplemented with pistons, cylinders, grates, pipes through which combustion products are discharged, such inserts can be either forged or completely cast.

Thinking through the design project, it is necessary to pay special attention not only to the decor of the locomotive, its functionality, materials of manufacture, but also to its dimensions, which are formed, are selected based on the free area of ​​the garden, its layout, the presence of other objects such as: gazebos, verandas, sheds, baths .

As a support, it will be convenient to use not simple legs, but wheels that are assembled from metal rods, while they must be strong enough, strong, well-fixed, all seams and joints are processed by a welding machine.

The price of a brazier steam locomotive can be different and depends on:

  • Selected materials;
  • Overall dimensions;
  • Functionality;
  • Number of working sections;
  • The complexity and number of decorative components;
  • The presence of additional equipment, shelves, racks, work surfaces;
  • Masses of construction;
  • Difficulties in assembly and installation.

Due to the fact that the price of a ready-made or custom-made variation will be at least several tens of thousands of rubles, the best option would be to make a garden unit with your own hands.

If necessary, such a device can be supplemented with functional shelves, hooks, a chimney, a canopy. For example, hooks can be hung to the frame of the product, they are made of thick wire, and accessories such as tongs or a poker are hung on them. It will be convenient to store dishes, cutlery and other kitchen utensils on the shelves, they are made of thin sheet steel, radiator grilles. The canopy or roof should be as functional and correct as possible, which will allow water and snow to flow / fall down and not fall on the grate on which the food is being cooked.

It is important to choose the right paint that will act as a protective barrier for steel or cast iron, it must be refractory, non-toxic, and protect the product from rust and corrosion.

DIY materials and assembly

First of all, before you start assembling the brazier of a steam locomotive with your own hands, you need to determine the exact location of its location in the garden, make a detailed plan-drawing, displaying all the features and dimensions of the structure. Next, we proceed to the preparation, purchase of the necessary materials, tools, accessories.

To assemble with our own hands, we need to acquire:

  • Steel pipes with different diameters;
  • A tank, barrel, empty gas cylinder, can or any other similar object;
  • sheet metal;
  • profile pipes;
  • Steel bars, fittings;
  • corners.

In order to work comfortably and safely with metal components, sheets, fittings, you will need to buy or rent:

  • Bulgarian;
  • File;
  • Welding machine;
  • "Snail" for creating forged elements;
  • Drill, hammer or sledgehammer to choose from.

If necessary, you can design fixtures for assembling forged parts on your own - this will help you make products of any level of complexity from simple metal rods.

At the first stage of assembly work, it is necessary to assemble the so-called support or frame, which is based on profiled pipes, they provide the installation with maximum strength and stability. The cross section of the pipe can be either round or square, for additional fixation, reinforce the frame with corners and reinforcing bars.

The overall dimensions and shape of the unit are selected individually in each case and adjusted by means of drawings, it is important that initially there is space for the main part of the brazier, wheels, auxiliary elements.

Cutting metal rods, pipes is carried out by means of a grinder, for a reliable, durable connection of structural elements to each other, it is necessary to use a welding machine, after which wait until the seams are well solidified and perform processing with a grinding wheel or file. If adhesions and defects are found, they are cut off and welding is performed again.

Now let's start assembling the body of the product - it can be either a horizontally located grill and barbecue, with a vertical chamber (smoking zone), or an open grill, next to the adjacent firebox.

To make the case, you will need a pipe with a large diameter, a gas cylinder (completely empty), a tank and a can. We adjust the material or container to the required dimensions indicated in the drawing; for a barbecue, it is necessary to cut off the upper part of the pipe. We install the cut element in its place and fix it with hinges, it will act as a cover, make a hole for the handle and install it, it is best that the handle does not heat up during the use of the barbecue, it is equipped with a protective invoice made of wood.

It is best to use an empty gas cylinder as a basis, since in this case you do not have to think about how and from what to make rounded sidewalls, which do not remain, for example, when cutting off the upper part at the pipe.

Now we proceed to the assembly of the side compartment, which is made of steel sheets, has a square shape and is completed with a lid. This structural element is connected to the main part of the brazier through a special channel, and the assembly can also be made from corner profiles. All structural elements, including the frame, the body must be welded together, the sidewalls are also covered with sheet metal.

To give the device stability, it is necessary to prepare special wheels, they are assembled in advance and welded to the body even before the equipment is installed. To achieve maximum similarity with a steam locomotive, all you need to create and fix is ​​about 4-6 wheels, which can have different thicknesses and diameters.

The wheels are made from pipes of various diameters, which must be cut and given a characteristic shape and shape. The elements behind the train will have a larger diameter than the front ones, the inside is decorated at your discretion with various patterns, curls and forging elements that can be made from sheet steel.

This video clip provides an overview of the garden brazier of a do-it-yourself barbecue steam locomotive:



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