How to grow anthurium. Anthurium in indoor floriculture. Step by step instructions with photo

1-2 times a year Summer 20-22, the rest of the time 18 In summer, when the top soil has dried out by 3-4 cm, in winter by 5-6 1-2 times a day in summer Bright light, no direct sunlight


Anthurium loves pretty bright light but without the scorching direct sun. Most of all, windows facing east or west are suitable for this.

If you place this plant on a southern windowsill, you will need protection from the sun.

And in the north for the plant it is worth making additional lighting in winter time. For better use phyto or fluorescent lamps.

If the plant does not have enough light, and there is no opportunity to make additional lighting, then you need to reduce watering and stop feeding.

When placing an anthurium, one must remember about drafts, which it simply cannot tolerate..

It is also necessary to maintain the distance between the plants, they should not touch each other with leaves.

The optimum temperature for winter time is 18 degrees. Anthurium can withstand temperatures up to 13 degrees, but for a very short amount of time.

If the anthurium in winter (within 1-2 months) is at a temperature of about 18 degrees, then it will bloom well in the rest of the year.

For a warm period, the best temperature for a flower is 20-22 degrees. But when in summer it rises to 26 -30 degrees, watering and spraying of plants is carried out more often and more abundantly.


This flower is very demanding on watering, consider how to properly water the anthurium. Water for irrigation should be softened or use snow and melt water (there are no salts in it). The water from the tap is defended, and you can also put a small bag of sour peat (moor) in it for several hours.

In summer, the flower is watered abundantly, and in the cold period rather modestly.. After watering, the water from the pan is removed after half an hour.

When leaving, it is imperative to ensure that between waterings in the upper 3-4 cm they become dry (but not dry) - in warm weather. In winter, the top 5-6 cm should dry well.

Soil for anthurium can be picked up in garden center or store, but it's better to make it yourself. To do this, you will need leaf humus, humus soil, soil from rotted needles, peat, sand (river), charcoal, small pieces of pine bark and chopped sphagnum.

Moreover, two parts of leaf humus and coniferous soil are taken, and sand, peat, humus soil, pine bark and sphagnum - one part each.

Although pots and containers are produced from various materials, but ceramic flowerpots are best suited for a flower glazed and plastic.

At the bottom of any container, be sure to pour drainage. The height of the layer can be from 3 cm to one quarter of the pot. For drainage, medium-sized expanded clay, crushed stone (washed) or small pebbles are perfect.


Anthurium does not need constant feeding

Anthurium does not need strong top dressing. They are held only from March to September once every 15-20 days.

For top dressing, you can take preparations such as uniflor bud, Kemira Lux, rainbow, potassium humate or fertilizers for flowering plants, but the dosage suggested in the instructions is reduced by 4 times.


Since the flower needs high air humidity (up to 70%), which is not in our apartments, then anthurium must be sprayed 1-2 times a day.

It's a good idea to use humidifiers or place the container from time to time in a container with moistened expanded clay.

In winter, spraying anthurium is rarely done., as various diseases can appear at low temperatures and lack of light.

To maintain moisture near the base of the plant and aerial roots, it is advisable to cover them with moss (sphagnum). This helps the growth of aerial roots and the plant itself.

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Consider special points on how to care for anthurium. Flowering of this crop can last up to 10-11 months.

Each anthurium inflorescence retains its beautiful appearance for up to 1-1.5 months, but care must be taken to ensure that seeds do not form on it.

Usually, seed formation occurs a month after the start of flower opening. At this time, it must be cut so that the bush continues to bloom well and does not waste energy on seeds.


Although this plant is quite demanding to care for, it is not often attacked by various diseases and pests. Of the diseases on the anthurium, rot of the stem and roots may appear. They usually appear due to excessive humidity and low temperature.

To fight rot, you need to follow proper watering and temperature. If rot appears on the stem or roots, then this part of the plant is cut out, watering is sharply reduced, the bush is dried and treated with fungicides (topsin, bayleton).

And from it are attacked by a tick, scale insects and aphids:

When a shield appears it is collected by hand and the plant is washed with soapy water (1 part soap and 6 parts water). At in large numbers insects are sprayed with insecticides (fitoverm, aktelik).

Against aphids their infusions of garlic, hot pepper and orange peel help well, but if there is too much of it, then they resort to chemicals(insecticides).


When growing anthurium, there are other problems.

If an adult plant does not bloom for a long time, then you should pay attention to the size of the container. It may be either too narrow or too large in volume.

Anthurium may not bloom if it was not kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in winter.

yellow spots on leaves in summer most often formed from strong lighting, and if this happens in winter, then the plant does not just lack light.

Lower leaves may turn yellow if the temperature in the room dropped to 10 degrees or the plant was fed too much.

If large yellow spots are evenly distributed on all leaves, then the anthurium does not have enough food.

If the tips of the leaves turn black
there is too much salt in the soil. It needs to be transplanted into fresh soil.

If there are black spots on all leaves, then the plant is cold. Raise the room temperature immediately.

Curling leaves indicate too dry air, drafts, low light.


Anthurium occurs with the help of lateral shoots with aerial roots, apical cuttings and seeds.

Apical cuttings of anthurium are cut at the beginning of intensive growth (March - May). Each such cutting should have at least two leaves and several roots.

For rooting, use a small pot or glass filled with sand or vermiculite (a special mineral sold in a store).

Part of the cut stem is buried in a container and slightly moistened with sand or vermiculite, then placed in a room greenhouse. The substrate must not dry out.

Rooting lasts a little over a month at a temperature of 24 to 25 degrees. As soon as the roots reach 3-5 cm, it is transplanted into the soil for anthuriums.

Lateral shoots with aerial roots are separated from the anthurium during transplantation. They are planted immediately in the ground, watered a little and placed for complete engraftment under a film or a jar, or in a small greenhouse. Such plants are cared for as adults.

Fresh anthurium seeds are sown in low and wide containers.
with a light universal flower primer.

The seeds are sprinkled a little with earth (0.5-1 cm), moistened and covered with a film, transparent plastic or glass. Germination of seeds lasts about 2 weeks at a temperature of 20-24 degrees.

Anthurium seedlings dive (replant) several times as they grow. The first time they do this is when they have two (true) leaves. And when the diameter of the bush becomes 5 cm - they are planted in pots. The first flowering of such anthuriums can begin in 3-4 years.


carried out 1 to 2 times a year, depending on the rate of development of the specimen.

The roots of this culture are very fragile, so the plant is simply pulled out of the pot, without touching the clod with earth and roots, and transferred to a large container.

The difference in diameter between the old and new anthurium pot should be no more than 3-4 cm. After transplantation, the anthurium is moistened. Transplantation is started when the tips of the roots appear in the drainage holes.

Anthurium is a rather capricious plant. Adjusting to the often unstable home environment is not always easy for him. It requires a lot of attention and quick response even to small signals of an uncomfortable environment.

Trying to provide the plant with such careful care, you can take into account some features and nuances that will help create fertile conditions and achieve long-term flowering of anthurium:

  • The plant prefers acidic soil, therefore, it is recommended to add a little softener to settled or filtered water for irrigation. If the water is very hard, the tips of the leaves will begin to brown.
  • Watering in winter should be infrequent and moderate. It is desirable that before the next moistening, the soil dries out no less than 1/3. Waterlogging makes the anthurium more vulnerable to various diseases and pests.
  • During transplantation, it is recommended to add peat and a little sphagnum moss to the substrate.
  • The most dangerous enemies of anthurium are the direct rays of the sun and drafts, so the plant must be carefully protected from them.
  • It is very important to have good drainage in the pot. Thanks to him, excess water will drain into the pan and will not provoke rotting of the roots.
  • If the selected top dressing is suitable for anthurium, it is not recommended to change it.
  • It is important not to forget that the plant is poisonous and, if ingested, can cause poisoning.

Description of the plant and species

Anthurium is an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic member of the Aroid family. His homeland is considered Central and South America. According to various sources, there are from 500 to 900 species.

The leathery leaves of anthurium can have a different shape and size, depending on the species and variety.

They are small or large, with a matte or glossy surface, plain or patterned, spatulate, rounded, heart-shaped or dissected.

Anthurium's inflorescences are a special decoration.

The flower consists of a dense narrow ear of a spiral or cylindrical shape and a bract. Inflorescences amaze with a variety of colors, they are white, green, pink, blue, red, orange, and hybrid varieties can combine multi-color combinations.

The most popular species for indoor cultivation are:

  • Anthurium Andre - up to 1 meter in height, with oblong leathery leaves. Flowers are red with white spikes.
  • Anthurium Scherzer - up to 60 cm high, the leaves are dark green, matte, covered with black dots. Peduncle up to 30 cm high, cob yellow or orange, twisted, bract ovoid, orange-red.
  • Anthurium Crystal - undersized, up to 40 cm high. It has large velvety dark green leaves with white-silver veins.

Why anthurium does not bloom

It is important to consider that anthurium blooms no earlier than 2 years after sowing. If after this time the peduncles did not appear, then some conditions for its successful maintenance were not met.

Most often, anthurium does not bloom due to:

  • Incorrect lighting mode - direct sunlight or vice versa lack of light. The plant needs bright, but diffused lighting.
  • Low temperature - for flowering, the ambient temperature must be at least 22 degrees.
  • Dryness in the room - anthurium needs high humidity.
  • Too much high temperature in winter - the plant hibernates most comfortably at a temperature of 15-16 degrees. Such conditions are optimal for laying buds.
  • Improper watering - the lack of flowering can be caused by both stagnant moisture and drying out of the soil.
  • The presence of drafts or frequent changes in the place for the pot.
  • A large number of faded buds - fading inflorescences are recommended to be carefully cut.


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Now you know everything about caring for anthurium at home in summer and winter (a flower of male happiness).

In different types and varieties of anthurium, the shapes and sizes of the bedspread and cob are different. The cob can be longer or shorter than the bedspread, straight or spirally curled.

Anthurium cannot be called a very capricious plant, but just like Tradescantia grass, it will not grow and bloom. He needs special approach- special soil, moderate watering, good lighting.

What to plant anthurium

One of essential conditions successful cultivation of anthuriums is right choice substrate. It should hold the plant well, retain moisture and nutrients, easy to dry and breathable. At the same time, it should not quickly decompose, cake and compact.

Soil for anthurium:

1. Mix acidic soil like Azalea with peat, expanded clay, sphagnum, pine bark. The finished substrate must be loose, breathable, airy, and at the same time moisture-intensive. In such a substrate, anthurium feels great.
If one is not available, then the substrate is "begonia" + sphagnum + perlite. You can also add charcoal to this.

2. Most guidelines recommend a substrate for growing anthuriums, composed of 1 part coarse soddy soil, 1 part coarse sand and 2-3 parts leaf humus with the addition of pieces of charcoal. However, such a substrate is far from optimal and requires annual replacement.

A good substrate is pine bark with a piece size of 2 to 5 cm, but it is applicable mainly in greenhouse culture, provided regular top dressing. Best Results gives a substrate composed of 2 parts pumice (pieces 1 to 3 cm in size), 2 parts pine bark (pieces 2 to 5 cm in size), 1 part coarse fibrous peat and 1 part rotted horse manure. Such a substrate is well aerated, sufficiently moisture-absorbing and retains nutrients well. For young plants, smaller fractions of its components are used. Good results can also be obtained when using a substrate composed of equal parts of large expanded clay (2-3 cm in diameter), coarse peat and pine bark (fraction 2-3 cm). Some growers use glass wool or slag wool, crushed coconut shells, charcoal, and even broken bricks to grow anthuriums.

3) Landing in clean moss

4) Transplanted into a substrate for bromeliads and orchids (or 1 part leaf, 1 part coniferous, 1 part peat land and 0.5 parts sand

For Anthurium, I make up the earth myself.
I take land for violets or other land for indoor flowers or aroid, I add a little perlite + vermiculite + pine bark + moss + sunflower seed husks.
I change as needed. I take the pot not quite wide, but not deep, 2-3 cm more than the previous one.

Anthurium lighting

Anthurium quickly adapts to room conditions, does not like direct sunlight at noon, but requires a lot of light, and morning or evening sun is welcome.
I also met such information in the literature: Anthuriums are shade-tolerant and can be content with rather meager light conditions.

Growing Anthuriums for more than one year, I can say that they can be content with meager light conditions, but then you will get an unattractive appearance and will not see flowers. The cuttings become very long, stick out in all directions like sticks, the leaves are small, and the flowers are even smaller, if at all.
For Anthurium, any direction of windows is suitable except for the south, of course, you need to take into account the height of the floor, but if you really want to grow Anthurium on the south window, then you need to put it next to the window about 30-50 cm or on the windowsill, but then the window needs to be darkened.

If you have, on the contrary, northern windows, or there is shading from the street, then in winter the anthurium will be dark, and at high temperatures, this leads to degeneration of the plant, loss decorative look. Therefore, with such windows, from September to March, you need to turn on fluorescent lighting.


Watering during the period of active growth is moderate, but regular, with soft water, that is, as the top layer dries. I water and spray boiled water sometimes I take a shower.
There is an opinion - the soil should be constantly wet.
The most common mistake is overmoistening the substrate; in the damp substrate, the roots of Anthurium quickly rot, which can lead to the death of plants. Stagnation of water in the pan is unacceptable, it must be drained immediately after watering. Golden rule: it's better to overfill rather than overfill. Worst of all, from constant dampness, fungal mosquitoes start up in pots (whose larvae gnaw at the roots), pathogenic fungi and bacteria develop, and various spots bloom on the plant.

Air humidity

Anthurium grows well and blooms at high humidity.
It is recommended to spray regularly (morning and evening) with water, because. Anthuriums need very humid air. You can increase the humidity of the air by spreading a layer of sphagnum moss around the leaves, but make sure that it does not create increased dampness earth and moisture did not accumulate on the stems. When spraying, use only soft boiled water, otherwise white stains remain on the leaves.

Anthurium fertilizer

From March to August, feed the plant with fertilizer once every two weeks. At the beginning of the growing season, the anthurium is fertilized with a weak solution for decorative leafy plants, after 2-3 top dressings, fertilizers can be applied for decorative flowering plants (fertik-lux, agricola, uniflor-buton, pokon for flowering, etc.). Calculate the dose of fertilizer 2 times less than the recommended one.

Reproduction of anthurium

By dividing adult specimens or separating rooted side shoots. To do this, the bush taken out of the pot must be carefully cut with a knife, cut off the necessary part with a piece of rhizome. Try not to disturb the bulk of the roots. Sprinkle all large sections with crushed coal or sulfur (sold in pet supplies) to close the gate for infection. Planted parts in the first week to water carefully. Try not to divide the bushes and transplant on the hottest summer days.

Perhaps seed propagation. After cross pollination(for this you must have two simultaneously flowering plants), the seeds ripen within 8 weeks, after which they must be planted immediately, as they quickly lose their germination. The soil is light from a mixture of vermiculite and peat in equal parts. Vermiculite can be replaced with coarse sand. The soil can be covered with a thin layer of sphagnum moss, and seeds can be sown in it. From above, evenly moisten from a spray bottle, cover with a film. Ventilate regularly to prevent mold build-up on the ground.

Pests and diseases of anthurium

Usually, anthuriums get sick a little and are little susceptible to pest damage. Most often these are scale insects and mealybugs. Sometimes ticks. Scale insects are especially dangerous, which multiply very quickly and require serious efforts to destroy them. Ticks are fought with means called acaricides (Apollo, Vermitek, Nissoran, etc.). With scale insects, mealybugs and other pests, including soil ones, the easiest way to deal with systemic insecticides is actara or confidor. Visible pests should be removed with a cotton swab or cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Also, plants suffer greatly from excessive watering and poor drainage, leading to rotting of the root system. Root and stem rot caused by waterlogging of the substrate and low temperatures, as well as anthracnose. With anthracnose, the leaf blades begin to dry out from the edges, and with a strong lesion, the plants become exhausted and die. The fight against this disease requires perseverance, and it must be started at the first signs. In large collections, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with fungicides, preferably systemic (foundazol).

Frequently Asked Questions about Anthurium

1. What should I pay attention to when growing Anthurium?

Answer: Anthuriums are kept at a temperature of at least 18 degrees in conditions of high humidity (daily spraying is necessary). Photophilous. The temperature of the soil cannot be lower than the ambient temperature, so it is better to use not ceramic, but plastic pots. Anthurium consumes a lot of water, so the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Anthurium Andre tolerates the sun better than Scherzer's anthurium, but it is better to darken it, it feels fine in bright light, but without the sun too, and it is better in a humid atmosphere. When spraying, try not to get large drops of water on the flowers - ugly spots will remain.

Such spots appear from systematic overflow, and very often are a sign of infection.

2. How to divide anthurium?

Answer: Be very careful! When dividing, the roots must be carefully untangled or cut with a knife. You can shed a little epin or root.

3. The plant requires repotting, but it is recommended to repot only in spring, what should I do?

Answer: The best thing to do now is transfer to a slightly larger pot than before, and carefully change the topsoil without exposing the roots, if possible. Good drainage and very loose soil is required. If there are aerial roots, lightly sprinkle them with the same soil or cover with damp moss.

4. Yellow spots appeared on the leaves on Anthurium. Why does this happen, from hard water or from overfeeding with fertilizers?

Answer: If the spots are large - evenly over the entire surface of the leaf, and the leaves themselves are either smaller than the previous ones, or larger - then these are clear signs of an unbalanced fertilizer. If the spots are small and visible through the light, then it may be a spider mite.

5. Is it possible to transplant flowering anthurium?

Answer: Blooming flowers can not be transplanted, but only transshipped, i.e. without damaging the earthy coma, especially if the pot is small. And put the flower in a bright place.

6. How roots can be deepened during transplantation

Answer: They can and should be buried during transplantation, well, of course, you should not be zealous. Roots should definitely be covered. If you can’t deepen it, cover them with at least sphagnum. In anthuriums, even aerial roots are recommended to be wrapped in wet sphagnum ...

7. Anthurium does not bloom!

Answer: The path to success for anthuriums is this: in order for it to bloom, it must be at a temperature of at least 18 degrees around the clock, does not like direct sunlight, diffused light is needed. Watering is moderate, he really does not like drafts. Its pot must be slightly larger than its root system, otherwise it will not bloom! And, of course, a light fertilizer once a week.

Do you want to create an exotic corner in your apartment? Planting anthurium at home and further care for this flower will require a lot of work, but beauty will pay for all the trouble. What else indoor plant blooms for 3 months and pleases you with an absolutely fantastic flower shape? From the receptacle peeps out a long cob, wrapped in a fancy veil. Thanks to the work of breeders, Anthurium impresses with a variety of varieties and colors. They even managed to give the cob the shape of a loop, and around the twisted rod is a heart-shaped veil. It is best to grow tropical flowers in greenhouses, where you can create a suitable microclimate for them, or in closed arboretums.

flower reproduction

If you want to purchase finished plant, carefully consider the selected instance. The leaves should be without damage and stains, with a smooth shiny surface. Healthy plants should not have brown spots on the leaf covering the ears. After purchase, keep the flower on the windowsill for 2 days, where it will live permanently, and provide it with a humid atmosphere and good care. On the third day, it is imperative to plant the anthurium in fresh soil: a pot with store soil is not intended for long-term cultivation at home.

You can propagate the flower by dividing the bush. When transplanting, remove the plant from the vessel, shake off its roots from the ground. Very carefully separate the stem with part of the root system from the main plant with your hands. Do not use knives or other sharp tools for work: after cuts, the anthurium is sick for a long time and may die. Before planting new flower, dip its underground part in a growth stimulator.

You can cut upper part shoot with aerial roots and grow a new flower from it. This technique is often used at home, when the plant is many years old and its leaves and flowers, despite good care, become small. If the roots are sufficiently developed, you can immediately plant the flower in a pot of earth, and if they are just about to hatch, put the shoot in warm water for germination. The temperature of the liquid should not be higher than 20⁰, otherwise the lower part will begin to rot. You can not use a jar of water, but wrap the lower part of the stem with wet moss in advance. When you see the root processes breaking through, cut off the stalk, sprinkle the wound with crushed coal and plant it in the ground.

If you wish, you can try to get and germinate the seeds. It will be necessary to pollinate the flower artificially, with a brush, then wait for the fruit to appear and collect the grains. The seed is kept for 2 hours in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in the ground. Shoots will have to wait about 2 months, and flowers - 4 years.

Anthurium has poisonous juice that irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Wear gloves when handling the flower and avoid touching your eyes and lips until you wash your hands.

Take a low wide pot and fill it 1/3 with drainage material. Place the anthurium roots on top and start filling the vessel with soil. The roots of the plant are very fragile, it is necessary to compact the earth carefully. Sprinkle a small layer, moisten and shake lightly so that there are no voids. The soil should be loose, well permeable to air and moisture, with an acidity (Рн) of 5.5 to 6.5.

It is better to purchase a special mixture for anthuriums or orchids in flower shops, but you can mix:

  • humus - 4 parts;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

Add crushed charcoal, fragments of cones, moss to the mixture - up to 15% of the volume. After planting, the flower should be watered abundantly and drained after 15 minutes. excess liquid from the pallet. Spray the leaves warm water and keep the plant in the shade for a few days. Until the flower takes root, provide it with proper care at home and spray more often.

It is better to grow anthurium in plastic flower pots. This material holds heat well, in it the soil remains warm at night for a long time, and during the day it does not heat up much.

Conditions for keeping anthurium

The southern guest is very demanding on the conditions of his residence, but he will thank for the caring care with an unusual flowering. The plant needs good lighting, but the hot sun is contraindicated. If in the middle of the day the rays hit the window, shade the flower from burns. AT winter months at home, it is desirable to highlight plants with lamps with a predominance of blue and red spectrum. In summer, bushes develop well at temperatures from 20⁰ to 25⁰, in winter cooler air is needed: 16-18⁰.

Anthurium needs high humidity. If your apartment is very dry, make life easier for both people and plants - install a humidifier. You can put the pot next to a bowl filled with sea pebbles and keep the pebbles constantly wet, or overlay the surface of the soil with moss, which must be sprayed with a spray bottle as it dries.

In summer, make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, water with settled soft water. In winter, before watering, the topsoil should dry to a depth of about 1 cm. The plant loves to be sprayed. Hard tap water is not suitable for this procedure, add a drop of vinegar to the liquid, wait a few minutes for the reaction to pass, and pour only the upper part without sediment into the sprayer. Spray should only fall on the leaves, but not on the buds and flowers, on which stains appear from drops of liquid. Give the plant a boost in early spring by watering it once with water at around 45⁰. Such a procedure at home activates the development after winter dormancy, and the anthurium will bloom more magnificently.

Proper care includes feeding. Do not let your pet overeat, excess nutrients are harmful to him. It is especially dangerous to overdo it with mineral fertilizers. Use a special top dressing for anthurium and strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. You need to feed at home every 15 days, and once a month spray the leaves with liquid fertilizer.

Anthurium should be transplanted at least once every 2 years. If you are not going to separate part of the flower, take a pot 3-5 cm wider and 3 cm deeper than the previous one. From time to time look at drainage holes: if roots appear from there, transplant, even if the time has not come. Take out the plant, carefully shake off the roots from the old soil, divide the bush if necessary. Then proceed in the same way as when landing. Be attentive to your pet for several days, proper care at home will help him quickly settle down in a new place.

What is the exotic guest dissatisfied with?

The flower is very capricious, but he himself will tell you what he does not like. Often the cause of problems is improper care. Look closely at all the changes in the appearance of the plant, and you will understand where you made mistakes. Anthurium loves moist air, but not waterlogged soil. If you notice black dots on the leaves, reduce watering and make sure that there is no water in the pan. If the blackening grows, the roots are affected by gray rot. Remove the plant from the soil, inspect the root system and remove rotting shoots. Plant a flower in new soil and spill with a solution of light pink potassium permanganate.

What else can a plant living at home complain about?

  • The leaves curl, but do not change color - there is not enough air humidity, spray the flower more often.
  • The leaves curl up and light spots appear on them - sunburn. Shade the anthurium or move it to another place.
  • The leaves sag, the tips turn yellow or turn brown - the pot is in a draft, the room is cold or there are sudden changes in temperature. Create a comfortable environment for the plant.
  • The leaves become small, turn yellow, the bush does not bloom well - there is not enough nutrition, you need to transplant the flower into fresh soil.
  • Lush greenery, but the plant does not bloom - too nutritious soil, transplant into a pot with less fertile soil and stop feeding for a month.

Anthuriums can be attacked by pests:

  • scab;
  • mealybug.


Caring for anthurium at home takes time and effort. If you often leave for several days, forget to water and feed your green pets, it is better to plant more hardy and unpretentious plants on the windowsill. The main beauty of a tropical guest appears during flowering, create the right conditions for him so as not to be disappointed at the sight of a stunted stem with a spotted veil.

It is best to grow anthurium in greenhouses. If this is not possible, purchase a room arboretum. You can keep the flower at home on the windowsill, but then you need to constantly monitor the temperature, humidity and illumination of the room. The overseas guest wants to show you all his splendor, help him get used to the new conditions.

Anthurium care in winter

To Anthurium does not have any names: both “male happiness”, and “flamingo flower” and even “fiery tongue”. Partly the names are given because of the bright and colorful appearance, partly because of the main habitat - the rainforests of South America. And as for all plants of this kind, anthurium has its own care features so that it does not wither and pleases the beauty of the owner for as long as possible.


D The length of the leaves of the flower can reach up to 40 cm - they are quite hard, heart-shaped, located on hard long petioles and, with normal care, have a rich dark green color at any time of the year. Flowers are presented in the form of an original inflorescence in the form of an ear of yellow, white or pink. And around it spreads an amazing coverlet of a glossy red petal. The flower can reach up to 0.2 m in diameter, and the anthurium itself grows up to 0.8 m in height.

Winter Care Tips

E If there is a desire to grow "male happiness" at home, it is important to initially take care of the right place. Rooms facing south or north side initially not suitable for the habitat of the handsome anthurium. The plant likes partial shade or diffused light, and in winter its further flowering will depend on the amount of light. It is impossible to categorically put a flower on the windowsill, otherwise there is a high risk of dark spots on the leaves due to sunburn. It is advisable to choose the western or eastern side of the apartment and put the anthurium away from the windows. You can provide additional artificial lighting so that in the spring the plant will please with lush flowering.

W my flower does not need fertilizer or top dressing, but optimal soil for it contains coarse sand, high-moor peat, pine bark humus and fibrous heather soil. It is not necessary to make the mixture at home - it is much easier to purchase the necessary soil in a specialized store. This completely eliminates the risk of "settle" anthurium in an unsuitable substrate.

To a capricious flower needs high humidity (at least 70%), which in conditions heating season very difficult to organize. You will need a humidifier that will work continuously in the room with the plant. A basin of water, located close to the battery, will also help make life easier for Anthurium. central heating. You can also hang wet diapers on the battery to increase the level of humidity, not forgetting to replace dry ones.

AT It is important to spray the plant from a spray bottle, but try not to get drops of water on the flowers - they do not like water procedures. This is the case if you are the proud owner of a plant with continuous flowering. And the leaves will be grateful for daily shower. Only soft water should be used for these purposes - taken immediately from the tap will not work. You must first defend it or use melted snow. Soft water is also needed for irrigation, and the amount of “drinking” in the cold season is reduced to 1 time per week. Do not worry that the plant will dry out - on the contrary, excess moisture in winter is detrimental to it.

P periodically it is recommended to place the pot with anthurium on a stand with water, drop it into wet peat or immerse it in water. The temperature regime in winter, ideally, should not exceed 18 C, which must be ensured by any means. It is important to take into account that the sissy anthurium does not like drafts, and they can cause illness and death of the plant. In winter, the flower is not transplanted, but allowed to gain strength before the upcoming flowering and subsequent "relocation" to new pot. An exception is the case when the anthurium was purchased during the cold season. In all flower shops, plants are kept in small pots with neutral soil, so the further "residence" of anthurium in such a suitable conditions like death.

H You need to carefully monitor the appearance of pests and do everything possible to prevent them from damaging the flower. It is enough to spray the foliage at least once a day and gently wipe the leaves, carefully examining the plant for pests and disease signs. When they appear, it is urgent to take appropriate measures until the flower has died. If the plant is weakened, in winter it can become a victim of a spider mite, therefore, if a web appears on the leaves and stems, they should be washed with soapy water.

E If there are small children or animals in the apartment, it is important to consider this fact when choosing a place for anthurium. All parts of the plant, without exception, are very poisonous, so it should be placed where neither a child nor a beloved pet can reach it. Bright colors will surely attract the attention of a little researcher, and the aroma will make the cat want to taste the flower, which does not always end well.

E If the tips of the leaves of a tropical beauty began to turn brown, this indicates a lack of air humidity. Also, such a manifestation is possible when using hard water during irrigation - it must be defended in advance or the flower should be watered with melted snow.

H Some owners painfully perceive the information about watering the plant only once a week - and try to fill the anthurium on this day to the maximum. If the water begins to stagnate at the level of the roots, they will surely rot and the flower will die. Do not exaggerate the importance of water - it is better to act wisely and according to the rules of care. Anthurium needs an acidic environment, so periodically you need to add a softener to the water for irrigation.

W ima - the time when the plant requires a minimum of care, but if it is provided with proper care, then in the spring it will bloom bright colors and will give a few new shoots. And they can be transplanted and left at home, continuing to decorate the interior. Or present such a wonderful colorful piece of real happiness as a gift to a man.

1-2 times a year Summer 20-22, the rest of the time 18 In summer, when the top soil has dried out by 3-4 cm, in winter by 5-6 1-2 times a day in summer Bright light, no direct sunlight


Anthurium loves fairly bright light, but without scorching direct sun.. Most of all, windows facing east or west are suitable for this.

If you place this plant on a southern windowsill, you will need protection from the sun.

And in the north for the plant it is worth making additional lighting in the winter. For illumination, it is better to use phyto or fluorescent lamps.

If the plant does not have enough light, but there is no opportunity to make additional lighting, then you need to reduce watering and stop feeding.

When placing an anthurium, one must remember about drafts, which it simply cannot tolerate..

It is also necessary to maintain the distance between the plants, they should not touch each other with leaves.


The optimum temperature for winter time is 18 degrees. Anthurium can withstand temperatures up to 13 degrees, but for a very short amount of time.

If the anthurium in winter (within 1-2 months) is at a temperature of about 18 degrees, then it will bloom well in the rest of the year.

For a warm period, the best temperature for a flower is 20-22 degrees. But when in summer it rises to 26 -30 degrees, watering and spraying of plants is carried out more often and more abundantly.


This flower is very demanding on watering, consider how to properly water the anthurium. Water for irrigation should be softened or use snow and melt water (there are no salts in it). The water from the tap is defended, and you can also put a small bag of sour peat (moor) in it for several hours.

In summer, the flower is watered abundantly, and in the cold period rather modestly.. After watering, the water from the pan is removed after half an hour.

When leaving, it is imperative to ensure that between waterings in the upper 3-4 cm they become dry (but not dry) - in warm weather. In winter, the top 5-6 cm should dry well.

The soil

Soil for anthurium can be picked up at a garden center or store, but it is better to make it yourself. To do this, you will need leaf humus, humus soil, soil from rotted needles, peat, sand (river), charcoal, small pieces of pine bark and chopped sphagnum.

Moreover, two parts of leaf humus and coniferous soil are taken, and sand, peat, humus soil, pine bark and sphagnum - one part each.

Although pots and containers come in a variety of materials, but ceramic flowerpots are best suited for a flower glazed and plastic.

At the bottom of any container, be sure to pour drainage. The height of the layer can be from 3 cm to one quarter of the pot. For drainage, medium-sized expanded clay, crushed stone (washed) or small pebbles are perfect.


Anthurium does not need constant feeding

Anthurium does not need strong top dressing. They are held only from March to September once every 15-20 days.

For top dressing, you can take preparations such as uniflor bud, Kemira Lux, rainbow, potassium humate or fertilizers for flowering plants, but the dosage suggested in the instructions is reduced by 4 times.


Since the flower needs high air humidity (up to 70%), which is not in our apartments, then anthurium must be sprayed 1-2 times a day.

It's a good idea to use humidifiers or place the container from time to time in a container with moistened expanded clay.

In winter, spraying anthurium is rarely done., as various diseases can appear at low temperatures and lack of light.

To maintain moisture near the base of the plant and aerial roots, it is advisable to cover them with moss (sphagnum). This helps the growth of aerial roots and the plant itself.


Consider special points on how to care for anthurium. Flowering of this crop can last up to 10-11 months.

Each anthurium inflorescence retains its beautiful appearance for up to 1-1.5 months, but care must be taken to ensure that seeds do not form on it.

Usually, seed formation occurs a month after the start of flower opening. At this time, it must be cut so that the bush continues to bloom well and does not waste energy on seeds.


Although this plant is quite demanding to care for, it is not often attacked by various diseases and pests. Of the diseases on the anthurium, rot of the stem and roots may appear. They usually appear due to excessive humidity and low temperature.

To combat rot, you need to observe the correct watering and temperature. If rot appears on the stem or roots, then this part of the plant is cut out, watering is sharply reduced, the bush is dried and treated with fungicides (topsin, bayleton).

And from the pests it is attacked by ticks, scale insects and aphids:

When a shield appears it is collected by hand and the plant is washed with soapy water (1 part soap and 6 parts water). With a large number of insects, they are sprayed with insecticides (fitoverm, aktelik).

Against aphids their infusions from garlic, hot pepper and orange peel help well, but if there is too much of it, then they resort to chemicals (insecticides).


When growing anthurium, there are other problems.

If an adult plant does not bloom for a long time, then you should pay attention to the size of the container. It may be either too narrow or too large in volume.

Anthurium may not bloom if it was not kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in winter.

yellow spots on leaves in summer most often formed from strong lighting, and if this happens in winter, then the plant does not just lack light.

Lower leaves may turn yellow if the temperature in the room dropped to 10 degrees or the plant was fed too much.

If large yellow spots are evenly distributed on all leaves, then the anthurium does not have enough food.

If the tips of the leaves turn black there is too much salt in the soil. It needs to be transplanted into fresh soil.

If there are black spots on all leaves, then the plant is cold. Raise the room temperature immediately.

Curling leaves indicate too dry air, drafts, low light.


Reproduction of anthurium occurs with the help of lateral shoots with aerial roots, apical cuttings and seeds.

Apical cuttings of anthurium are cut at the beginning of intensive growth (March - May). Each such cutting should have at least two leaves and several roots.

For rooting, use a small pot or glass filled with sand or vermiculite (a special mineral sold in a store).

Part of the cut stem is buried in a container and slightly moistened with sand or vermiculite, then placed in a room greenhouse. The substrate must not dry out.

Rooting lasts a little over a month at a temperature of 24 to 25 degrees. As soon as the roots reach 3-5 cm, it is transplanted into the soil for anthuriums.

Lateral shoots with aerial roots are separated from the anthurium during transplantation. They are planted immediately in the ground, watered a little and placed for complete engraftment under a film or a jar, or in a small greenhouse. Such plants are cared for as adults.

Fresh anthurium seeds are sown in low and wide containers. with a light universal flower primer.

The seeds are sprinkled a little with earth (0.5-1 cm), moistened and covered with a film, transparent plastic or glass. Germination of seeds lasts about 2 weeks at a temperature of 20-24 degrees.

Anthurium seedlings dive (replant) several times as they grow. The first time they do this is when they have two (true) leaves. And when the diameter of the bush becomes 5 cm - they are planted in pots. The first flowering of such anthuriums can begin in 3-4 years.


Transplantation is carried out from 1 to 2 times a year, depending on the rate of development of the specimen.

The roots of this culture are very fragile, so the plant is simply pulled out of the pot, without touching the clod with earth and roots, and transferred to a large container.

The difference in diameter between the old and new anthurium pot should be no more than 3-4 cm. After transplantation, the anthurium is moistened. Transplantation is started when the tips of the roots appear in the drainage holes.

Anthurium is a rather capricious plant. Adjusting to the often unstable home environment is not always easy for him. It requires a lot of attention and quick response even to small signals of an uncomfortable environment.

Trying to provide the plant with such careful care, you can take into account some features and nuances that will help create fertile conditions and achieve long-term flowering of anthurium:

  • The plant prefers acidic soil, therefore, it is recommended to add a little softener to settled or filtered water for irrigation. If the water is very hard, the tips of the leaves will begin to brown.
  • Watering in winter should be infrequent and moderate. It is desirable that before the next moistening, the soil dries out no less than 1/3. Waterlogging makes the anthurium more vulnerable to various diseases and pests.
  • During transplantation, it is recommended to add peat and a little sphagnum moss to the substrate.
  • The most dangerous enemies of anthurium are the direct rays of the sun and drafts, so the plant must be carefully protected from them.
  • It is very important to have good drainage in the pot. Thanks to him, excess water will drain into the pan and will not provoke rotting of the roots.
  • If the selected top dressing is suitable for anthurium, it is not recommended to change it.
  • It is important not to forget that the plant is poisonous and, if ingested, can cause poisoning.

Description of the plant and species

Anthurium is an epiphytic or semi-epiphytic member of the Aroid family. His homeland is considered Central and South America. According to various sources, there are from 500 to 900 species.

The leathery leaves of anthurium can have a different shape and size, depending on the species and variety.

They are small or large, with a matte or glossy surface, plain or patterned, spatulate, rounded, heart-shaped or dissected.

Anthurium's inflorescences are a special decoration.

The flower consists of a dense narrow ear of a spiral or cylindrical shape and a bract. Inflorescences amaze with a variety of colors, they are white, green, pink, blue, red, orange, and hybrid varieties can combine multi-color combinations.

The most popular species for indoor cultivation are:

  • Anthurium Andre - up to 1 meter in height, with oblong leathery leaves. Flowers are red with white spikes.
  • Anthurium Scherzer - up to 60 cm high, the leaves are dark green, matte, covered with black dots. Peduncle up to 30 cm high, cob yellow or orange, twisted, bract ovoid, orange-red.
  • Anthurium Crystal - undersized, up to 40 cm high. It has large velvety dark green leaves with white-silver veins.

Why anthurium does not bloom

It is important to consider that anthurium blooms no earlier than 2 years after sowing. If after this time the peduncles did not appear, then some conditions for its successful maintenance were not met.

Most often, anthurium does not bloom due to:

  • Incorrect lighting mode - direct sunlight or vice versa lack of light. The plant needs bright, but diffused lighting.
  • Low temperature - for flowering, the ambient temperature must be at least 22 degrees.
  • Dryness in the room - anthurium needs high humidity.
  • Too high temperature in winter - the plant hibernates most comfortably at a temperature of 15-16 degrees. Such conditions are optimal for laying buds.
  • Improper watering - the lack of flowering can be caused by both stagnant moisture and drying out of the soil.
  • The presence of drafts or frequent changes in the place for the pot.
  • A large number of faded buds - fading inflorescences are recommended to be carefully cut.

Now you know everything about caring for anthurium at home in summer and winter (a flower of male happiness).

If you want to start a spectacular plant on the windowsill that blooms all year round almost without interruption, choose anthurium. In summer, at favorable conditions, it is able to simultaneously hold 6-10 large flowers, in winter - on average, 3-4. Moreover, such flowering is easy to achieve by growing anthurium at home, even without lighting.

Each anthurium flower consists of a long cob inflorescence and a bract of various colors: white, red, pink, green, brown, burgundy, etc. It is the color of the bedspread that sets the overall impression of the plant as a whole and often becomes the basis of the variety name. For example, Vivaro Pink's Anthurium Andre is expected to have pink flowers, while Black Queen reveals almost black veils.

Anthurium types

In nature, anthuriums are epiphytes and semi-epiphytes living on the bark of trees or next to them (in the remains of leaves, branches and other litter) in tropical forests. There are about 900 species of these plants, among which there are shrubs and creepers. But at home, only 3 species are widespread - Andre's anthurium, Scherzer's anthurium and crystal anthurium (decorative leafy).

Most often, Anthurium Andre is sold in stores - a shrub with heart-shaped leathery leaves. The stem of Andre's Anthurium is initially short, but with age it lengthens to several tens of centimeters (in this case, rejuvenation is recommended by rooting the top). The cover of the flower is glossy, with a bright sheen and pronounced veins. The flower cob is straight. Anthurium Andre at home usually grows up to 0.4-0.5 m in height, but in nature it is even larger and can reach 1 meter or more.

Anthurium Andre - the most abundantly flowering species of anthuriums

Less common is Scherzer's anthurium, the cob of which is not straight, like Andre's, but curved in a spiral, like a pig's tail. The leaves are also different, elongated, lanceolate. The cover of the flower is oval, dense, matte, without a pronounced shine. Anthurium Scherzer is more compact than Andre, its height is up to 30 cm.

Anthurium Scherzer is often called the "flamingo flower" for the similarity of its flowers with a tropical bird.

Anthurium Crystal is an even rarer representative of anthuriums, the flowers of which have no decorative value. Grow it for the sake of large heart-shaped leaves with a spectacular pattern of silver veins. The height of the crystal anthurium is about 45 cm.

Crystal Anthurium is valued for its decorative large leaves, which can reach 40 cm in length and 35 cm in width.

For any kind of anthurium, home care is almost identical.

Conditions for the growth and flowering of anthurium

Anthurium is often considered a capricious plant. But it is not so. In fact, growing anthurium at home is quite realistic, subject to simple rules regarding the choice of soil, irrigation regime and compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. Let's take a closer look at these rules.

Anthurium at home requires heat, high humidity and moderate soil moisture

As soon as you brought the anthurium home after buying it, the question arises of where to put the flower and what conditions to create for it in order to keep its presentation as long as possible. To do this, you will have to try to bring the conditions of home keeping of anthurium closer to those to which he is accustomed in nature.

Location and lighting

After purchase, the anthurium can be placed on any light windowsill. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. Therefore, if you only have a south window available, place the anthurium at a small distance from it (30-50 cm) or use blinds or tulle shading during the day. If you put a homemade anthurium to roast directly in the sun without shading, then sunburn (yellow spots) will appear on the leaves, and the flowers will bloom on too short petioles.

Anthurium near the south window must be shaded, for example, using blinds

Western and eastern window sills are considered the best for anthurium placement. Northern bright windows also fit. But if they are shaded from the street by trees, then the lighting may become insufficient. And this will affect the state of the plant not for the better. The cuttings will become too long, the flowers will become small, the flowering will be scarce or even disappear altogether. Therefore, on such windows, the anthurium flower at home will have to be additionally illuminated using lamps (fluorescent, gas discharge, LED).


Anthurium is a heat-loving plant that does not tolerate cold and drafts. In summer, at the peak of flowering, the best temperatures for it are 25-30°C. In winter, special coolness is also not required, the minimum temperature of the content during this period is 16-18 ° С. Under such conditions, anthurium is able to exist for a long time without loss of decorative qualities.

Going beyond the temperature limits is also possible, but for a short time. If at night the temperature drops to 5 ° C (for example, in autumn, when the plant is kept on a balcony or terrace), then the leaves of the anthurium will begin to turn yellow, growth will slow down or stop. At zero and negative temperatures, indoor anthurium flower does not survive.

Air humidity

Anthurium is a resident of the rainforest, so he loves high humidity air, ideally - 70-80%. If the air in the apartment is dry, it will have to be humidified by any suitable means.

The traditional way to moisten a plant is by spraying. Anthurium can be sprayed with warm settled water, making sure that the water gets only on the leaves, stem and aerial roots. Flowers should be closed, otherwise unsightly spots will remain on them. In winter, especially at cool temperatures, it is undesirable to spray directly on parts of the anthurium. It is better to spray the air around the plant with a fine spray.

You can increase the humidity by covering the surface of the substrate with wet sphagnum moss. It is well saturated with moisture and gradually evaporates it, moistening the aerial roots and, in general, the air around the plant. When using sphagnum, you should periodically check the degree of its moisture content and, when dry, spray it with water from a spray bottle.

The surface of the anthurium substrate is covered with a layer of wet sphagnum moss

Another option widely used among anthurium lovers: a flower pot is placed on a pallet filled with wet expanded clay. Expanded clay should be constantly sprayed, and he, in turn, will evaporate this moisture, moistening the air.

Anthurium pot can be placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay or pebbles - to increase the humidity of the air around the plant

Water containers, an aquarium, and a humidifier can also contribute to air humidification.

soil for anthurium

Anthurium refers to epiphytes or semi-epiphytes, capable of living practically without soil and extracting useful substances from the bark of trees, fallen leaves and branches, and forest litter. Therefore, the soil for anthurium needs special. It should be loose, pass moisture and air well, retain nutrients.

There is a special soil for anthuriums on sale, for example, the Polessky substrate “for anthuriums”. It contains peat, bark coniferous trees, sand, coconut fiber and chips.

Soil for anthurium can be bought at flower shop or build your own from available components

However, it is not necessary to look for a special soil for anthurium transplantation; it is easier to prepare it yourself by mixing the necessary components. Easiest, great suitable composition for anthuriums: universal soil based on peat + bark in a ratio of 50:50.

In general, as a basis for soil for anthuriums, you can take universal or slightly acidic soil, pieces of bark and add any of the following components:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • pieces of charcoal (well resists root rot);
  • sphagnum moss (small amount);
  • coconut fiber (small amount);
  • expanded clay crumb;
  • coarse sand.

Aerial roots develop on the anthurium stem, which, like ordinary roots, require nutrition. They come from the stem, some reach the substrate, others remain in their infancy. So that the aerial roots of the anthurium do not dry out, the surface of the substrate in the pot is covered with sphagnum moss and sprayed regularly. This procedure perfectly moisturizes the aerial roots and increases the humidity of the air in general.

Anthurium roots that come to the surface of the substrate should be covered with sphagnum moss

Anthurium: how to care?

Anthurium is not a fast growing plant that requires around the clock attention. Therefore, the main care activities - watering and fertilizing - are carried out carefully, without excessive fanaticism.

Watering anthurium

Despite the statements of some sellers, anthurium does not like damp, non-drying soil. In a constantly wet state, the anthurium root begins to rot and, without resuscitation procedures, dies very quickly.

Unfortunately, about 90% of the deaths of all domestic anthuriums are associated with flooding and root rot. Here the “golden rule” applies: it is better to underfill than overfill. In other words, anthurium tolerates fairly long drying quite normally, and one good bay can easily kill it.

In order for anthurium to settle on your windowsill for a long time, watering it must be strictly regulated. It is enough to water it after drying the substrate to half the pot. Some flower growers, to determine how dry the soil is, are guided by the weight of the pot. Before watering the anthurium, they raise the pot. If it's light, then it's time to water. If you feel heaviness - you can wait.

Even in the summer heat, anthurium needs to be watered no more than once every 1-1.5 weeks. In winter - even less often, approximately once every 2-3 weeks (depending on temperature and humidity).

Watering anthurium at home is done warm (above room temperature, about 30-34°C), settled water. Water that has leaked into the pan must be immediately drained so that it does not stagnate.

Very often, anthuriums die from waterlogging of the substrate, so they should be watered very carefully and only with warm water.

If you started an anthurium, caring for it should include periodic top dressing. In summer, to stimulate flowering, fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used. In winter, if the plant does not bloom, stop feeding. If it blooms, you can feed according to the established scheme. Fertilizer for anthurium is applied every 2-3 weeks.

Crystal anthurium, naturally, is fed with fertilizer for decorative leafy plants.

Anthurium is very responsive to organic feeding. You can use an infusion of chicken manure or mullein - no more than once a month.

An important event for the care of anthurium is a transplant

The first transplant is usually performed after the purchase of the plant. Anthurium easily tolerates a transplant even in a flowering state, so you do not need to wait for the end of flowering.

In the future, young anthuriums are transplanted every year, and adults - once every 2-3 years. The best time for this event is spring. Although, if necessary, for example, if root rotting or flooding is suspected, transplantation can be performed at any time of the year. Read about anthurium transplantation here.

When transplanting anthurium, the roots should be handled with care, they are very fragile and can break from careless movement.

Valuable tips for caring for anthurium at home are given in the video story:

Caring for anthurium home flowers is, in principle, simple. Most importantly, with the right approach, this plant will definitely thank you. Anthurium Andre and Scherzer - year-round flowering, crystal anthurium - large spectacular leaves.

Anthurium, grown in the tropical forests of South America, is difficult to adapt to the temperature conditions of the temperate climate zone. The flower has more than 900 varieties, but only 4 take root in ordinary city apartments. The plant, which is called the devil's tongue and male happiness, is recommended to be grown in mini-greenhouses or arboretums, or choose the right room, which is always warm and humid.

First meeting

Novice flower growers are advised to pay attention to Anthurium Scherzer. Unlike the André variety, it is stockier and less sensitive to low temperatures. Scherzer has a shortened stem, and the height of the peduncle reaches up to 30 cm.

If you need decorative leafy varieties, you should buy Anthurium Crystal or Majestic. In such plants, the cover is dark green, not bright red or orange, and the leaves are wide, covered with a mesh of white or silver veins.

It is recommended to purchase anthurium sprouts in spring or summer, when it is warm enough, and it is easier for the damn tongue to adapt to new conditions. Selected specimens should be left in the old pot for 2-3 weeks for the plant to get used to. After the young sprouts are transplanted into another container, replacing the old soil with a new one.

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What type of soil to choose

  • subacid;
  • loose;
  • moisture-intensive;
  • contain many nutrients;
  • pass oxygen to the roots.

Flower shops offer universal compositions for anthurium, but they are too heavy for the delicate root system of male happiness. Some gardeners claim that the devil's tongue can be planted in orchid soil, but in such cases there are too few nutrients, which causes tropical plants to weaken and wither.

You can prepare the right soil at home. It is enough to mix the turf with peat in a ratio of 1 to 2 and add 2 parts of moss. The second component provides nutrition, and the third retains moisture, but does not allow liquid to stagnate.

To create the perfect soil, you can use:

  • composition for azaleas, sold in flower shops;
  • perlite;
  • crushed pine bark;
  • sphagnum.

You will need 2 parts of the first and second components and 1 each of the third and fourth. Suitable for growing a devil's tongue and hydroponics: a mixture of perlite with expanded clay or sphagnum without other additives. If such a base was used, the temperature in the room should not fall below +18. in winter and in early spring the anthurium is illuminated with phytolamps, and twice a month, instead of water for irrigation, the root system is moistened with a solution for hydroponics.

Suitable for growing tropical flower and soil consisting of:

  • 4 parts of humus;
  • 2 parts leafy coarse-grained turf that is not screened;
  • the same amount of peat;
  • 1 part river sand

To make the base loose and moisture-permeable, charcoal, pieces of swamp moss and pine cones are added to it. You can mix the soil with coke fibers or crumbs from broken bricks. Combine with wood chips.

The pot is first filled with a drainage layer, for which grated polystyrene, clay shards, expanded clay or crushed stone are used. hard material you need to cover with moss or coconut fibers, and sprinkle with ready-made soil on top.

Tip: When planting an anthurium, the earth should not be tamped too much, otherwise it will be difficult for the flower to gain a foothold in the soil. Too dense base does not allow oxygen to pass through, which the damn tongue needs to grow.

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Where to put anthurium

If cacti and hibiscus are happy to bathe in the sun, then red wax inflorescences can easily wither from the abundance of ultraviolet radiation. Anthurium, as a native of the tropics, loves warmth and moisture, because in the wild he has to constantly get wet in the rain. But the flower has a complicated relationship with sunlight.

Plants need ultraviolet for photosynthesis and growth, and in South America there are almost no cloudy days. But in the natural environment, anthurium hides under tall trees with spreading crowns that scatter the sun's rays. On the dark green leaves of the flower, a gentle and muffled light falls, which nourishes and warms. In direct contact with ultraviolet light, the plant runs the risk of burns and death.

Pots with a damn tongue can be placed on the southern window sills, but only if:

  • the windows have blinds;
  • a tree grows on the street that casts a shadow on the anthurium;
  • a film of a brown or dark blue tint is pasted on the glass;
  • the flower is protected from ultraviolet radiation in other ways.

In other cases, for anthurium, they buy stands, shelves or hanging pots, which are placed 50-60 cm from the windows.

In winter, when the house becomes cool, the plant can be moved to the kitchen or bathroom. These rooms are always hotter than the rest of the rooms, and the humidity is high, almost like in the rainforest. In summer, a pot with wax buds can be taken out to the balcony or left until evening in the garden, hidden under the largest tree.

Important: You can not put the anthurium next to batteries and other heaters. They dry out the soil inside the pot, and the plant becomes vulnerable due to dehydration, being attacked by pests. You should protect the damn tongue from drafts and not leave it next to open windows.

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Temperature and watering

From late spring to the beginning of winter, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of + 20–25 degrees in the room where the anthurium stands. Above you can, the flower tolerates heat well. You can’t lower it, otherwise growth stops, and the lower leaves wither.

From the first days of December to the middle or end of January, the temperature should be reduced to +18, and after that to +16. At the same time, you need to illuminate the plant with special lamps to compensate for the lack of heat.

Important: The lower the temperature in the room, the less moisture the anthurium needs. If in summer the flower is watered 3-4 times a week, then in winter one, maximum two is enough.

It is recommended to install an ionizer or humidifier next to the damn tongue. The leaves of the plant are regularly sprayed with a spray bottle, trying not to get on the roots and stem. It is necessary to ensure that the earth in the pot does not dry out, but always remains slightly moist.

Anthurium is not watered often, but plentifully. If water accumulates at the bottom of the pot, you need to wait until the moisture evaporates. An excess of fluid leads to the appearance of a fungus, which primarily attacks the root system. It is difficult to save the damn tongue, you have to change the soil and the pot, but even emergency measures do not guarantee that the plant will recover and will not wither.

What should be the water for irrigation? Warm, about 25-30 degrees. Irrigation liquid must be defended for 2-3 days in order to harmful impurities precipitated. Can be used rain water or melted snow, but be sure to warm it up.

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Fertilizer and water treatments

Anthurium needs to be fed twice a month. Both mineral and organic fertilizers. In March-April, when the growing season begins, and new leaves and inflorescences appear on the plant, it is recommended to add nutrients intended for decorative and deciduous varieties to the soil.

You can add pine chips or bark to the soil, a little charcoal or moss. Among the mineral ones, "Ideal" and "Kemira" are distinguished. If there is no desire to mess with liquid fertilizers, it is recommended to put granular fertilizers into the ground during transplantation, which slowly dissolve and regularly feed the plant.

From May to the end of September, fertilizers for decorative flowering species should be used. This group includes:

  • Uniflor-bud;
  • Fertik Suite;
  • Agricola.

Water the anthurium with a weak solution, reducing the dosage indicated in the instructions by half. Water mixed with fertilizers should be applied under the root. After feeding, water the flower with clean liquid to improve the absorption of beneficial components. Fertilizers can burn the plant, so if the solution gets on the leaves or stems, they should be wiped immediately with a damp cloth.

Hygiene against pests
Anthurium needs not only to be fertilized and protected from ultraviolet radiation, but also to bathe regularly. Water improves the appearance of leaves and inflorescences, washes out cobwebs and small insects that are difficult to see with the naked eye. How to prepare a plant for hygiene procedures?

  1. Cover the bottom of the pot plastic bag or cling film. Make a small incision, wrap around the stem and seal all joints and small holes with tape. The earth after bathing should remain dry.
  2. Adjust the temperature of the shower: not too cold, but not hot, closer to room temperature.
  3. Do not turn on too powerful a pressure so as not to injure the leaves.
  4. Hold the pot in one hand and the mixer in the other. If you put a flower in a bath, the drainage layer will absorb water, the soil will become too wet and fungus will appear, or the root system will begin to rot.

Anthurium leaves need to be washed on both sides, because dust accumulates on the outside, and cobwebs and insect eggs on the inside. You can use a soft sponge or rag to better wash the flower from dirt.

After bathing, lightly blot the plant with a dry terry towel and place in a warm place until the moisture has completely evaporated. Protect anthurium from drafts and sun. When the plant is completely dry, carefully remove from the pot. protective film and return to its original place.

Arrange water procedures should be 1-2 times a month. Every week, wipe the leaves and wax flowers with a damp cloth, being careful not to leave marks or streaks.

how to care for azaleas

How and when to transplant a plant

The root system of the anthurium is constantly growing, so the young damn tongue is transplanted into a larger pot every year. Nothing complicated:

  1. Tap the clay walls with a spatula to separate the earth with roots from them.
  2. Remove the plant along with the earthy clod by gently pulling it up.
  3. Shake off the anthurium and clean the root system from the soil. Work carefully so as not to damage the delicate base of the flower.
  4. Pour a drainage layer and some earth into a new pot.
  5. Place the plant in the center, add soil to hide the root system.
  6. Shake the pot several times and knock on the walls. The roots of the anthurium are strongly intertwined, and this is necessary so that the soil fills the voids between them.
  7. Top up the earth, water the flower and fertilize.

Tip: No need to buy a pot "for growth." In oversized containers, the root system becomes too dense. Anthurium has many leaves, but the plant does not bloom.

how to care for different varieties of cineraria


  1. It is easy to recognize an aphid that has decided to feast on young shoots, and a solution of laundry soap or special preparations will help get rid of it.
  2. If on the outside appeared dark spots, and on the inside - tubercles, the anthurium was attacked by a scale insect. Insects do not tolerate laundry soap, and insecticides will destroy especially resistant individuals.
  3. Are older leaves turning yellow and curling up? Young deformed? Anthurium eats a spider mite, from which acaricide will save.
  4. Have tubercles and strange seals appeared on the roots? Symptoms point to brown hookworms for which there is no cure. Only isolation and destruction of the flower so that the pest does not spread to other plants.

Growing anthurium is a complex and time-consuming process. The tropical guest is sensitive to temperature extremes, ultraviolet and cold, gets sick from drafts and excess moisture. But if you regularly take care of the damn tongue and protect the plant from frost and sun, it will delight you with bright and unusual flowers all year round.

Video: anthurium care

Anthurium is a very beautiful, amazing flower, which is considered to be the birthplace of South and Central America. It's room home plant from the Aroid family. This flower is popular not only because of its amazing appearance, unique shape flowers.

It is believed that he is able to bring good luck to his owners, attract money, fight adversity. Due to the special shape of the flower, there was a belief among the people that it is able to increase male strength, thanks to which it received the name "male happiness". Let's consider in detail how to care for the plant, what are the features of its maintenance at home.

Caring for "Male Happiness" after purchase

By purchasing an Anthurium flower, you take on a great responsibility, because it is extremely fastidious in its care, it requires special attention.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the recommendations for keeping the plant at home, to study the features of its cultivation.

Initially, you need to choose the right pot where it will exist.

Of course, you could purchase with a pot filled with special earth, but we will not consider this case.

No matter how surprising it may sound, the pot for anthurium should be as close as possible. They do not like vast spaces, spending all their energy on root growth, and the soil becomes acidic. The leaves remain sparse, the plant will not bloom. This does not apply to the width of the container. Room for roots in length will even come in handy. Conveniently located, entrenched in their "house", the stems will be extensively covered with leaves.

The pot should be filled with a mixture of soil with expanded clay. It is recommended to change the substrate every year in the spring. This is necessary in order for the anthurium to bloom. The flower loves oxygen.

You can mix the soil with peat and moss, and make small holes on the sides of the pot, which will ensure an active supply of oxygen to the roots. Flower shops sell special soil for growing Anthurium, initial recommendations for processing.

Growing and care conditions

Anthurium has several species that differ from their counterparts not only in external qualities and aroma, but require special care, different from other plants of the aroid family.

Interesting! The most popular species is Andre Dakota, whose flowers are bright red lacquered, and the process fluctuates in beige and pastel shades of light shades.


Because Anthurium is a tropical plant, it is thermophilic. All year round, the room will have to maintain temperatures suitable for its existence. In the summer, the house should be from 20 to 28 degrees. At the same time, it is worth protecting it from direct sunlight, which can become fatal for it.

In winter, the air temperature can be maintained from 15 to 20 degrees. At the same time, it is possible to speed up the process of its flowering by raising the temperature to summer standards. But you must definitely wait for the plant to lay buds at temperatures of 16-18 degrees. After that, you can already increase the heat.

Air humidity

Like warmth, "Male happiness" loves the moist air that prevails in its tropical habitats.

It needs to be adequately hydrated. But do not overdo it. because Too much water can cause the roots to rot.

Place a tray filled with moistened pebbles under the plant pot.

Periodically, you need to lightly spray the crown from the spray bottle. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Water should not fall on the inflorescences.

You can purchase a humidifier and place it in the room with the plant. Humidity should be adjusted to 80%. Place a container of water next to Anthurius. Its evaporation will create the effect of the tropics for a pet.


The flower loves diffused and soft light. Without proper lighting, it may refuse to bloom and look sluggish. Never let a flower be under direct sunbeams. Ultraviolet radiation can cause burns to a tender plant and even destroy it.

The pot should be placed on windows facing east or northwest. If there are none, then put it in partial shade, at a distance of a meter from the window.

In winter, when Male happiness If light is especially needed, place the plant on a south-facing window sill.

Choosing a place to put

Having dealt with the peculiarities of its habitat and preferences, it remains to figure out where to put the flower?

The ideal place would be in the eastern part of the room, where there is a window nearby that will supply it with light.

But you need to take care that the flower does not collide with drafts. If the windows are plastic, then you can not worry and place it on the windowsill. You need to choose the part of the room that receives light, but the wind does not “walk”.

Don't place it next to electrical appliances. The radiation emanating from them is not only harmful to "Male Happiness", but also absorbs it. positive energy. Do not place it near radiators and other artificial heat producers.

If you have a bathroom that has a window, place the plant in front of it for the winter. It will receive the necessary humidity for existence and natural heat from the evaporation of water. In summer, it can be put in the living room or bedroom.

Curious! According to Feng Shui, it is advised to place the plant in the eastern part of the house. It is believed that it will have maximum energy.

What does anthurium look like in the interior?

Anthurium flowers are very popular among those who appreciate beauty and are used to enjoying the little things.

Its bright appearance is able to dilute the boring interior of the room and add that touch that was missing.

Since "Male happiness" includes more than 800 species, then you can choose its color and appearance, under the design of the apartment.

It should be borne in mind that depending on the species, the smell of the flower may also differ. The aroma varies from the most delicate and pleasant, to sharp and fetid.

Most of all, it is popular with artists and photographers who prefer to arrange a photo session against its background or include it in the composition of a still life.

Anthurium is not only pleasing to the eye, but is also able to purify the energy of the house, processing it from negative to good. For its owners, as a rule, all things always go smoothly and have a positive result.

Flowering conditions

To make this fussy person please you with beautiful buds, you need to constantly keep it in conditions suitable for existence. In addition, you need to pamper the plant with additives and vitamins.

  1. It is better to water Anthurium with settled filtered water at room temperature. Water must be free of impurities. Avoid standing water.
  2. Cover the top layer of soil with sphagnum to prevent the possibility of drying out in the heat.
  3. If you decide to put the pot on a south-facing window, then darken it with tulle or move it to the corner of the window.
  4. In winter, the plant needs to provide additional artificial light. You can direct the rays of a table lamp at it.
  5. Frequent rearrangement of a flower can adversely affect it. It is best to do this 2 times a year. Spring and autumn.
  6. If "Male Happiness" began to bloom, then remove it to a dark place, hiding it from bright rays of light.
  7. During the flowering period, watering the flower is increased. Do not forget about the periodic spraying of leaves and stems with a spray bottle.


"Male happiness" requires a permanent transplant. You should definitely transplant it immediately after purchasing the acquisition, choosing the optimal pot and soil composition. A young flower needs to be transplanted once a year, and as it grows older, reduce it to once every two to three years.

During this action, you need to be extremely careful, because Anthurium is a very fragile flower, and its roots are sensitive to any damage. If it turned out that you touched the root, then cover the wound with activated charcoal.

Advice! If you have never transplanted flowers, then ask your friend who has a similar experience to be present at the same time. So you exclude the possibility of making a mistake, and advice experienced florist will come in handy.

Gently hold the plant and cover the pot with a special mixture of soil, moss and earth. Try to disturb the plant as little as possible. After transplanting, the plant should be watered abundantly so that the water compacts the ground and calms the stressed plant.

Learn more from the video:


It should be planted in specially prepared soil, consisting of a mixture of various additives. Since it is a tropical plant, where its natural habitat is loose and soft soil, ordinary soil will not suit it.

It is necessary to ensure a decent supply of oxygen to the roots of the pet. The flower does not like lime. The earth should have a weak acid reaction. It is best to mix wood humus, coal, moss, substrate for flowering plants, substrate for azaleas.

Attention! It is very important to observe the proportions in the preparation of the mixture. An excess of one or another substrate can adversely affect the health of the pet.


The reproduction of the plant must be approached with special care. A mistake can lead to his death. Inexperienced housewives are not recommended to deal with this issue on their own.

There are several ways to reproduce:

  • With the help of the top, carefully cutting it off the stem and rooting it in a container of water;
  • Stem offspring germinating on the roots;
  • Having resorted to dividing the roots of the maternity bush with a sharp knife.


After the flowering period, when the buds have lost their viability, they need to be cut off.

This must be done with caution. Take a sharp knife and cut off the flower at the very base of the bud. The wound can be sprinkled with activated charcoal.

You can wait until the cover of the inflorescence dries and carefully remove it. The core itself will dry out over time and move away from the flower without any problems.


Over time, the flower may lose its beautiful appearance, grow outgrowths near the roots and lose part of it. lower leaves. Along the way, the aging process is often accompanied by the growth of small leaves and flowers, and sometimes the complete absence of buds.

If you find such signs, then you need to resort to the rejuvenation of "Male Happiness". The most popular way is a special plant transplant.

The flower has aerial roots under the leaves. It is necessary to carefully cut off the top with leaves, capturing several processes of roots located above the soil. This part is transplanted into fresh soil, rooted and watered.
You can learn more from the video below:


The mode and intensity of watering depends on the subspecies of the plant. For each species, you need to select your own individual approach and study the features of its origin in its natural habitat. This plant loves moisture, but as mentioned above, overflow can be detrimental to it.

AT summer period Anthurium watered every 3-4 days by spraying or rubbing the leaves daily. In winter, this action is reduced to 1 time per week. Use only settled water for three days.

top dressing

Just pouring water and creating a favorable environment for Anthurium will not be enough.

In order for the plant to have large lush foliage, to please the owners with flowering, you need to additionally feed it in other ways.

This along the way can eliminate the occurrence of diseases and cope with pests.

In the summer, starting from March, the plant is periodically fertilized with solutions of mineral and organic fertilizers. This should be done once every two weeks, periodically alternating between solutions.

You can buy a special top dressing in a flower shop, where they will give you a special mixture designed specifically for this species. The package usually says how often and in what quantities to apply fertilizer.


Pollination for Anthurium is necessary if you decide to grow a friend from seeds. In nature, this process is carried out by bees, but indoors you will have to work on it yourself.

Take a thin soft brush, choose a sunny day and gently transfer the pollen from one flower to another.

Diseases and pests

Although the plant is finicky in care, it rarely gets sick. This is mainly due to improper care.

Yellowing on the leaves is an indicator that the pet is not getting enough light.

Darkening on the leaves and rotting indicates that he is cold.

Of the pests, "Male Happiness" is characterized by the appearance of aphids and scale insects. If you do not wipe the plant, then a spider mite can start on it.

How to revive a flower?

Often the flower begins to die with problems with the roots or too hard soil. If the flower has not been transplanted for more than a year, then this must be done immediately.

Carefully remove the flower from the pot, and plant in new soil mixed with charcoal, bark and moss. Carefully tear off the dried leaves and spray the trunk. At this time, you can pamper your pet with mineral supplements and vitamins.

Common mistakes

Answers to popular questions

No one is immune from mistakes. Even an experienced florist can unknowingly harm a pet. Consider the answers to the most popular questions asked by flower owners.

Why is it growing poorly?

The reason may be a lack of light or moisture. Feed the plant with mineral supplements. They will help to saturate his body with everything necessary for rapid growth.

Why does it fade?

This often happens when your plant is cold. Fusarium disease can be the reason for this sudden behavior. The disease can develop in conditions of an excess of moisture or infections from dirty hands or pets.

How often does it bloom?

The plant is able to bloom almost all year round, resting only in the most severe months of winter. With proper care, he begins to bloom buds in early spring. In a loose state, Anthurium can stand, pleasing the eyes of the owners, for several months.



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