When to plant crocuses: in early autumn or before frost? When to plant crocuses - in autumn or spring

Spring has come, the snow has melted. Gardeners are waiting for the first greenery. Perhaps, none of the passers-by will be able to remain indifferent, noticing small colored snowdrops in the form of crocuses in a flower bed. How crocuses are planted in autumn in the ground for spring flowering and in summer for autumn colors, we will now tell. We will also discuss the timing of landing in different regions Russia and the level of seed penetration on different soils.

What florist does not dream of a constantly blooming garden from early spring to late autumn? What kind of crops does he not plant his garden for aesthetic diversity. Therefore, he prefers to plant crocuses not only as a harbinger of warmth in spring, but also as the last colors of autumn on the eve of winter.

This flower from the iris family has about 300 varieties. In another way, this plant is referred to as saffron. But this is not the saffron from which an expensive seasoning is made. Although some use yellow stamens as a seasoning on their table. Having a short, approximately 10-day flowering period and a short pedicel, this culture is divided into two main types:

  1. spring crocuses;
  2. autumn crocuses.

Distinctive characteristics of colors are:

  • frost resistance, fearlessness to temperature extremes and climatic changes;
  • fleeting growth of bulbous children;
  • unpretentiousness of the plant.

Varietal differences

As you guessed, before you start planting crocuses, you need to find out which group your variety belongs to. First, let's talk about spring-flowering species suitable for central Russia: Spring crocuses are planted in the fall so that the bulbs germinate and are saturated with useful substances. Here is a list of autumn-flowering babies that are most suitable for growing in the Moscow region and the Leningrad region: The list is small, because in our area gardeners have enough other troubles in the summer. And the autumn-flowering culture requires an early summer planting.

We determine the landing time

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground has its own characteristics in terms of timing. After all, autumn in different regions of Russia takes place in different ways, and is also divided into early and late, rainy and dry. For a basis, let's take the fact that the culture can withstand frosts down to -5 degrees. Thanks to essential oils and wax leaves protected from the cold, this plant loves coolness, so early autumn not suitable for sowing corms. In the Moscow region, the most suitable month for planting is October. If October turned out to be warm, then we plant at the end of the month. Sometimes climate change pushes for planting in November, because in the heat the corm is at rest and does not develop. For us, it is important to develop nodules in the ground for survival and regrowth of roots.

In the Leningrad region, the autumn planting period can be shifted to the end of September, the beginning of October. The climate there is a little colder and a lot of humidity. Soil temperature will tell you when to plant crocuses in autumn in the Urals. If it has cooled to +10 degrees, then the landing time has come. This usually happens no later than September. Siberia is distinguished by the severity of winters, so already in August you can start planting crocuses. We will focus on the end of August, the beginning of September and measure the temperature of the earth. This climate requires mulching with a thick layer of the seat, as well as in the Urals.

Choosing bulbs and a seat

After you have decided on the choice of variety and the approximate time of planting, pay attention to the condition of the planting material. What distinguishes quality bulbs:

  1. there should be no regrown roots;
  2. no mechanical damage should be observed;
  3. the corm should have a dense texture without soft gaps;
  4. surface scales are not wet, integral, cover the entire tuber;
  5. at the slightest hint of decay, either refuses to buy or discards damaged nodules in order to avoid the spread of infection;

Please note that onions should be stored in paper bags (not polyethylene). After buying, do not put them in the refrigerator before planting, otherwise, sensing heat, they will begin to actively germinate. The cold storage mode signals the approach of spring and activation. It is necessary to plant crocuses on sunny lawns or along the edges of flower beds, where there is always enough light and there is no shading from other crops. Some manage to grow them on the windowsill.

However home warmth does not contribute to the development of buds, because they contain flowering in a cool climate. It is best to plant bulbs in sandy, light soils containing organic matter in the form of compost or rotted manure. Someone prefers to cut off the top layer of turf on the lawn, and plant bulbs on the opened area. But this method is not suitable for everyone, and beginners can apply it as trial version. Do not plant a plant in the place of accumulation of snow or under snowdrifts.

Note! "Planting material does not tolerate high humidity or fluid stagnation."

If the place for crocuses is oversaturated with water, then it should be drained. You can apply drainage, or you can do plant transplantation on the slope of a flower bed, lawn or alpine hill, where moisture quickly seeps out and leaves.

The composition of the soil plays an important role in the life of crocuses. For example, nitrogen is contraindicated for them, and phosphorus and potassium will create good foundation for growth and flowering. If the soil is heavy and clayey, then it needs to be lightened with sand. To do this, 10/12 days before planting, we dig up the landing site for 1 bayonet of an ordinary shovel, gradually adding sand. To plant crocuses, heavy soil is drained. In this case, mineral additives are not added.

Landing process step by step

Those who first started practicing snowdrop cultivation face such difficulty that they cannot wait for flowering for a long time. One of the reasons may be the untimely transplantation of bulbs during flowering. This approach knocks the plant out of the rut. Let's describe the landing in stages:

  1. after digging with the introduction of potash and phosphorus additives, we break up the lumps and loosen the soil;
  2. we make grooves with a pointed ripper with an intermediate distance of 6 cm. Or we place planting material in a checkerboard pattern, as you like. Since the bulbs quickly become overgrown with children and form a thickening, then optimal distance 6 cm will allow not to plant nests from three to five years;
  3. we visit the corms in the soil with the root bottom down, the sharp part up;
  4. the depth of location depends on the composition of the earth and the diameter of the bulbs. The larger the bulb, the deeper the planting. In light soil, they are deepened by 10 cm, in heavy soil by 8 cm. When planting children, the distance decreases to 4 cm in sandy loam and 3 cm in loam. To make it more convenient to dig out overgrown nests, they use plastic mesh in the form of containers and deepen them into the ground;
  5. we fall asleep with a nutrient mixture or fertilized soil mixed with rotted manure;
  6. pour water if the autumn turned out to be dry;
  7. capricious, sensitive to return frost varieties can be secured by mulching them with spruce branches or peat.

Expert advice! “Since the flowering period of snowdrops is short, it can be slightly extended landscape flowering by applying two tricks. Can be dropped off different types crocuses in a checkerboard pattern. Then they will bloom at different times. Another way is to arrange landings at different depths. Those that are planted deeper will bloom later.”

Reproduction of planting material and forcing

When the flowering season ends, crocuses begin to grow. How does this happen? Between the upper layers of the husk, the so-called buds are born, which later become daughter onions. When the main bulb dies, the babies begin to grow and form a bulbous nest. This process lasts 4-5 years.

Therefore, for 4-5 years, they dig the place of growth of crocuses for further reproduction. If snowdrops were planted in containers, they are easily removed from the ground. Nests are divided by hand and sorted by size. Large ones are planted for flowering in a flower bed. Small ones in a separate place are gaining strength.

What is extrusion for?

Someone wants to speed up the appearance of buds for an upcoming event and for this purpose makes a forcing. How does this happen?

  1. Only large and healthy onions are selected.
  2. In mid-September, they are placed in a container or pot that is slightly moistened. They are located close to each other.
  3. The pot is covered with polyethylene with small holes or spunbond for airtightness.
  4. We take the pot or container to the underground or cellar.
  5. After the appearance of sprouts (December, January), we set up plantings where the temperature varies within +15 degrees. We put in partial shade or cover with a newspaper, while watering the nodules with water.
  6. With the advent of buds, we bring our distillation into the house and observe beautiful flowering without snow melting.

Complementary care and disease prevention

As mentioned earlier, planting and caring for bulbs is directly related to digging once every 4–5 years. After all, each corm gives life to 10 more children. Then she is reborn and dies. Although crocuses are unpretentious and disease resistant, sometimes incidents happen to them. During storage, they can be affected by rot or other fungal disease. Therefore, nodules are disinfected before planting in June or October. A weak solution of potassium permanganate or the drug "Maxim - summer resident", "Maxim - M" is diluted, and the planting material is soaked in it for about 30 minutes. This is followed by drying and planting in the ground.

Note! "Planting spring crocuses is accompanied by top dressing at different stages of plant development."

The first feeding goes in the phase of the appearance of the first sprouts. It contains potassium and phosphorus in the doses indicated in the instructions. The second top dressing with potassium phosphorus fertilizer is done during budding. The third top dressing with the same composition is carried out after flowering.

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Spring and autumn crocuses

bloom - we'll see

​ ​

- 23-24, 28-30 September; 16 (after 7 pm), 17, 20-21, 25-26 October; November 15-16, 21-22; conditionally favorable days for planting bulbs September 3-4, 10-12; October 1, 5-9, 14; November 1-3;​

Planting spring crocuses

​and others) you can not dig for several years until they grow. When the plants begin to crowd each other, usually in June, when the leaves turn yellow, the plants are dug up, divided and transplanted to a new place.

Planting autumn species

See more details on how to plant and grow hyacinths in middle lane >>>>.​

You need to dig up daffodils later than tulips, as soon as the foliage turns almost completely yellow (June-July), and plant earlier - until the end of September. Optimal time planting daffodils - the second half of August, since the roots of daffodils grow most actively in September. In central Russia, daffodils are planted from about August 20 to September 1. If they are planted later, along with tulips, they will not have time to develop root system, which means they will winter worse.


When to plant tulips, daffodils, lilies, crocuses and other bulbs in the fall according to the Lunar calendar 2016

The main flow of planting material comes to us from countries with a longer growing season, where the bulbs are dug in October-November. That's why new harvest we get in the spring, from industrial cold stores. In the fall, on the shelves, as a rule, there are bulbs of a year's storage, already ready to start growing, and sometimes even bulbs with sprouts. It is better not to buy such lilies. Therefore, in the fall it is worth buying bulbs only from local producers, and imported bulbs - in the spring.

Bulb planting methods >>>

How to properly process bulbs before planting

Crocuses are one of the first spring flowers to bloom before anyone else in the garden. In order for tender buds to appear at the right time, you need to know exactly when to plant crocuses - in autumn or spring. The question is especially relevant for beginner flower growers, since the bulbs of this plant can be bought at almost any time of the year.

Yes, even now, but these are TIMELESS!! ! poisonous!

Crocus late (Crocus serotinus)

Mulching and shelter for the winter

Simple late

In the second half - the end of August, new planting material is planted. Plants should have time to take root before the onset of cold weather. On lighter soils, the bulbs are planted a little deeper, and on heavy soils, a little smaller than the standard recommended depth. Small bulbs - baby - it is better to dig less than adult bulbs. ​More about forcing hyacinths >>>.​ Bulbs of daffodils planted after dry storage (without roots) are best mulched with fallen leaves (layer thickness of at least 10 cm), in the future this operation will not be needed, since daffodils can grow in one place for 5-7 years. The only exception is cut-toothed daffodils, which are mulched annually.

Many people buy lily bulbs in winter, in January, February, when the first exhibitions start working. These bulbs should be put in the refrigerator and stored in a package. If the sprouts become large and continue to grow, then the bulbs should be planted in a container and kept in a bright, cool place.

Free the packaged bulbs from the packaging at home, immediately discard the badly damaged ones. Before planting, newly purchased bulbs should be cleaned and treated for infections. Bulbs infected with penicillium rot often go on sale. The disease manifests itself in the form of gray-green sporulation on the integumentary scales of the bulb. If the penicillin spots are small, the bulb can be cured. Often on outwardly healthy bulbs, if you remove the integumentary scales, you can find the first signs of fusarium: grayish depressed spots surrounded by a brighter border. They should be removed to prevent infection in the garden. Peel the bulbs, sprinkle the slices with crushed charcoal or powdered fungicide. Let the cut dry and cork slightly for 2-3 days.​

This is how it is customary to classify these delicate flowers from the iris family. Unpretentious and resistant to the Russian winter, crocuses actively grow throughout the year and can bloom in early spring and early autumn. about what exists autumn views, few people know. Because of this, there is often confusion about when to plant crocuses. It is best to do this in autumn.

​Autumn blooming crocuses it is necessary to replant at the beginning of summer, in the spring leaves grow, similar to lily of the valley leaves, only larger, then they dry up, then you can dig up the bulbs, dry them, and plant them in place in mid-August, the soil is nutritious, loose. They have a very pleasant smell.

Autumn blooming. This species, originating in Central and Northern Portugal and Northern and Southwestern Spain, is known to have many horticultural forms. Late saffron subspecies (C. serotinus) Clusia (subsp. clusii), Salzmann (subsp. saltzmannii) and a variation of the latter "Erectophyllus" bloom in November. The flowers are all dark, lavender-blue in color. - 5-7, 17-19, 23-30 September; October 2-4, October 16-21.​. They are best planted with drought tolerant perennials with a shallow root system, such as sedum. In summer, the bulbs of such tulips do not want moisture. Stonecrop plantings live in the flower garden for 3-6 years, and when it comes time to dig up the bulbs, the stonecrop curtains are carefully removed with a shovel, and after harvesting the tulips, they are returned to the flower garden again.

When to plant tulips

When to plant crocuses How to dig and plant daffodils along the Lunar sowing calendar >>>.​

Is it possible to buy lilies with sprouts? In the spring, you can buy lilies with sprouts. In autumn, buying lilies with sprouts is not worth it. When planted, they will continue to grow and die at the first frost.

When should autumn bulbs be planted Before planting, treat the bulbs in a liquid dressing agent (​ The cycle of growth and development of the corm in spring crocus begins in early spring, when the plant first grows leaves, blooms, and then enters a dormant phase, accumulating strength in the bulb and forming children. It is these crocuses that are most often found in flower shops and in mass markets.​

People! do not mislead each other! In the photo and in the answers of Dmitry and Natalia - colchicum! This is a completely different plant!


WOLF-Garten secateurs

​More about growing tulips >>>.​

The optimal time for planting tulip bulbs in central Russia (​

Crocus - early spring Flower, so most of the varieties of this plant need to be planted in the ground before winter, that is, in autumn, in September-October. Planting crocuses in the lawn fruit trees, next to a water well, where the soil freezes later, will allow plants to be planted even in November. But if you want blooming crocuses next spring, then they should order and purchase crocus corms at the end of summer.

Secrets of growing daffodils >>>​

When to plant lilies - in spring or autumn?

First, in late August - early September, plant small-bulbous:

Vitaros, Maxim

It is much more difficult to meet autumn species. Their life activity begins with flowering in early autumn, then the leaves grow, under the snow the plant often leaves with open buds. Planting dates for such species are mid-July-early August. If you are a little late, then the flower will not have time to form and please the ripe children.

On the question - all bulbs are transplanted and divided during the dormant period - they are dug out in June-July, dried and moved, and planted in August-September.

There are several varieties of autumn crocuses.

Which secateurs to choose: lead-in or thrust type? Lead-in secateurs are recommended to choose if you need to cut thin and young branches. Using the WOLF-Garten tool will ensure an accurate cut and fast healing. Thanks to thin blades, even the most hard-to-reach branches can be cut. Persistent secateurs will help you save your effort. The material to be cut is placed on the anvil. Such a tool is ideal for cutting hard and dried branches, as well as shrubs. This ensures that the hands are protected from vibration. Whatever type of WOLF-Garten secateurs you choose, a perfect result is guaranteed!​

​Where to plant bulbous plants in the garden >>>.​

suburbs, Leningrad region, Non-Black Earth region

There are also autumn varieties crocuses, they bloom in August-September. Their bulbs should be planted in summer (July-August). Such crocuses are more whimsical and need careful care, weeding and watering. Therefore, they are less popular than early flowering ones. When planting crocus bulbs, it is imperative to take into account their light-loving nature: with a lack of light, the buds do not open. ​.​ The most favorable planting time for lily bulbs is early September. The bulbs planted at this time will take root perfectly and overwinter well - the bulbs are at rest and will not start growing. But in autumn it is difficult to find good planting material. Mostly bulbs are sold that have been left after the spring sale and have lain in the refrigerator for almost a year.​

Scylla, Muscari, Pushkinia, Chionodox, Crocuses

) according to the instructions.

For those who don't know when to plant crocuses in the fall, it's worth first identifying your plant type. Spring must be planted in early September, when the bulb is in the dormant phase. Having accumulated strength over the winter, the plant will release the first flowers in early April. First you need to prepare the soil: dig two weeks before planting, add humus, but do not be zealous with complex mineral fertilizers.

But from personal experience - at any time, even during flowering. And with proper care, I didn’t even notice the developmental lag in the future.

Most often in gardens you can find species:

Made in Germany. 10 year warranty.​

When to plant imperial hazel grouse​) and regions with a short summer (Urals, Siberia) falls at the end of September - beginning of October, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm is about + 10 ° C, and before the soil freezes, the plants have time to form roots (about 20-30 days). Plants that do not have time to take root well will receive less nutrition and lag behind in growth. Immediately before planting, it is recommended to keep the bulbs for 30-60 minutes in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate or special dressing agents (for example,

​More on how to plant crocus bulbs in your lawn >>>>​

When to plant hyacinths The optimal time for planting lilies is the end of August, September and even October. Don't plant lilies too late as they take time to establish. At late boarding bulbs do not have time to grow a sufficient mass of roots and winter worse.​.​Details about the main diseases of bulbous plants and control measures >>>.​ On next year when the crocuses fade, you need to wait until all the leaves dry up. Only after this, the bulbs are dug up and stored until September, by analogy, tulips are cared for. Decide on the time when to plant crocuses and tulips will help weather. Dry cool weather is most favorable for this, but you need to be in time before the first frost.

Crocuses are one of the brightest and most unpretentious tuber-bulb plants that bloom in spring after snowdrops (although there are species that bloom in autumn).

- beautiful crocus (Crocus speciosus), originating from the Caucasus;

Crocuses are perennial bulbous plants with flowers that are characterized by warm yellow, cool purple or blue, or even white coloring. In spring, they bloom earlier than other flowers, and in autumn - later. In the first case, these are spring-blooming, and in the second - autumn-blooming crocuses. Usually they grow and bloom in the open field, however, through forcing, you can make these plants bloom in the house when their owner wants.

Usually hazel grouses are planted in the garden in September-October. The forced later planting of the bulbs requires mulching the planting site and covering it with oak leaves for the winter. Grouse bulbs do not have covering scales, so they must be handled with the utmost care, to prevent drying out and mechanical damage. If it is not possible to plant hazel grouse bulbs immediately after purchase, protect them from drying out - place them in slightly damp peat or live sphagnum moss and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.


How to plant crocuses after forcing

Hyacinth bulbs are planted in the conditions of central Russia (

When planting lilies late, it is better to make a shelter. Cut branches of shrubs and place them over the bulbs in a “hut”. Cover with oak leaves (it rots and cakes the least). Cover the top with an inverted vegetable box, then with waterproof material (the ends of the box should be ventilated). Press down on the cover with heavy objects.​

Gradually move on to planting daffodils in late August-early September, then plant tulip bulbs around mid-September. With the planting of hyacinths, it is better not to rush. The most favorable moment is the second decade of October, when the temperature is about + 8 ° С.​

How and where to plant bulbous plants in the garden

Autumn crocuses are planted at the end of summer. Late planting will cause the corm to form incorrectly, producing leaves but no buds. Therefore, the question arises - when to plant crocuses. In autumn (September) - the time for planting spring-flowering species, in summer (end of July) autumn-flowering specimens should be planted. Not all flower growers carry out an annual planting, leaving the plant in one place for 4-5 years.

When buying, inspect the corms: the bottom should be dense, with no signs of rot, the scales - without damage, the neck - dense, without signs of disease. The shoot and roots should not grow, the stem can only slightly peek out from under the scales. Corm by weight should correspond to the size. Large, but too light - not good.

- Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) comes from the Balkans.

It will be important for any grower to know when to plant crocuses. So, for planting spring-blooming crocuses, the most the right time is the period from late August to September, while for autumn-flowering - summer, but in no case later than August. Moreover, there is no need for annual digging of crocus bulbs. It is enough to carry out this procedure once with an interval of five years. ​

If you already have imperial hazel grouse in your garden, then when the leaves turn yellow in the summer, they must be dug up and put away for storage in a warm, dry place until the roots appear. Usually new roots grow at the bulb in mid-August - early September. The appearance of roots and shoots is a signal that it is time to plant the stored bulbs. At the bottom of the hole, be sure to pour a small layer of coarse river sand- this will protect the bulbs from rotting.

​).​Indoor crocuses - plants that bloomed in a pot indoors - after forcing can be planted again in the garden. After flowering, remove the faded inflorescence so that the plant does not waste energy trying to form seeds. Moscow region, Leningrad, Vologda, Kostroma and other regions

You can plant lilies in the spring. When planted in spring, the bulbs bloom in the same year. But when planting in the spring, you most likely have bulbs from cold storage and when transferred to heat, they grow quite quickly. Therefore, the landing time will be quite limited. You need to have time to plant the bulbs while the sprouts are still small. If they have reached 10-15 cm, then the bulbs should be planted sideways so that the sprouts are laid in the groove next to them almost horizontally. They will gradually accept vertical position and the plant will bloom in the same year, although it may be weaker. When planted in spring, the bulbs spend time growing the root system to the detriment of growth and flowering, and sometimes simply rot the following winter.

Is it possible to plant bulbs, for example, in July-August? Yes, but they begin to take root at a soil temperature of about + 10ºС, and until that time they will lie in the ground where they lie in wait onion flies, wireworm, weeds and various diseases.

The depth of planting the bulb can be calculated using the "rule of three": from the bottom to the soil surface there should be a distance equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by 3. On heavy soil, it is better to reduce the planting depth by 20%.​ It has been noticed that with this approach, the flowers become smaller, the greenery grows, and the children become cramped. Therefore, for better flowering, obtaining excellent planting material and saving bulbs from garden pests it is recommended to dig up and divide crocuses annually. If the chosen place has light sandy loamy soil, there is no stagnation of moisture, and the site is sufficiently lit, then the flowers will not keep you waiting long and will soon delight you with bright buds. Before planting, pickle corms in a solution of Fundazol or Maxim. These crocuses have blue-violet flowers with longitudinal veins. Their bulbs can be found in stores at the end of summer along with other small-bulb autumn plantings. Let us dwell a little more on when to plant crocuses, if there is a desire to admire their flowers at home, and not in the garden, for example, in early January. Crocuses will have time to bloom by this time if they are planted towards the end of September. If you want to achieve the same in mid-December, then you need to start in early September. Or, in general, you can plant crocuses in batches throughout September, October and mid-November.

Favorable days for the autumn planting of bulbous flowers Lunar calendar 2016:​

​More on how to treat tulip bulbs for disease before planting >>>.​

Gradually reduce watering, stimulating the flow of nutrients into the bulb. When the leaves turn completely yellow, the bulb is taken out, dried at room temperature, cleaned of old roots and covering scales. ) and Optimal time for planting and transplanting lilies in regions with a short summer (​ ​More about where and when to plant bulbous plants >>>.​ During the growing season and flowering, bulbs need sun, but when they are at rest, lighting is not so important. Small-bulbous flowers that bloom early in spring can be planted among deciduous trees that bloom around the time when the foliage of these flowers dies off. ​Autumn bulbous flowers should be bought and planted in the fall, and they bloom the following spring. These are: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, imperial hazel grouses, ornamental onions, muscari, crocuses, small-bulbous plants (scillas, chionodxes, pushkinias, blueberries). Off-season bulbs - lilies - are planted both in spring and autumn. When planted in spring, off-season bulbs bloom the same year, and when planted in autumn, the next. You need to order and pay for bulbous plants with delivery by mail in advance so that you have already received the package by the planting season. Find out the favorable days for buying and planting bulbous plants according to the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and gardener for 2016.​ For planting crocuses, try to choose a sunny area (the flowers will be larger and brighter than in partial shade), besides, the snow will melt faster here, and this is important for crocuses. Avoid planting crocuses in places where there is a lot of couch grass - its powerful stems will sprout through the bulbs. Crocus corms are very fond of mice. To surely protect plantings from them, plant corms in special mesh baskets for bulbs, which then dig into the ground - they will serve as a barrier to rodents.

Much less common in gardening species:

For their landing, even ordinary earth, diluted with a significant amount of sand, is suitable. Planting of corms is carried out in groups of 5 to 20 pieces and placed in pots or bowls. It should be noted that for the purpose of distillation, spring-flowering crocuses are used.

buying bulbs

With a protracted warm autumn, mulch the tops of tulips with peat with a layer of 10 cm so that the plants do not suffer from subsequent frosts.

Crocus bulbs after forcing can be planted in the ground as early as May, after the soil has thawed. Plants will not bloom this season, it is unlikely that they will give full bloom next year.

​South Ural
Moscow region, Leningrad region, Ural, Siberia Is it possible to buy bulbs late - at the end of autumn - and how to plant them?
Bulbous plants do not tolerate stagnant water, but, as a rule, are demanding on the availability of nutrition and moisture during the growing season. The best choice for them - nutritious and moisture-intensive, but well-drained loamy soil. On the sandy soil additional watering and enhanced feeding are required. How to choose good bulbs
Crocuses grow best in light, loose and fertile soil. If the soil is clayey, be sure to add humus and sand (10 kg of each per 1 m2). On poor soils, additionally apply 30-50 g per 1 m2 of complete mineral fertilizer, and on rich soils - 30-40 g per 1 m2 of superphosphate. Dig up the area where you plant crocuses to a depth of 20 cm. Spring-blooming crocuses are best planted in autumn, in September-October, and autumn flowering - in the second half of summer. Leave the distance between plants at least 3 cm (if you plan to dig bulbs once or twice a year) or 7-10 cm (if you plan perennial plantings).- crocus valley (Crocus vallicola) with white flowers;
Before blooming at an unusual time for themselves, they go through a cooling period lasting about 2.5 months, and the forcing process itself, which lasts about 2-3 weeks at temperatures of 15-17 degrees. Based on this, you can also calculate when crocuses should be planted in order to delight your eyes with their delicate flowers at one time or another. ​- August 3; September 2; 1 and 31 October;​

By the way

Tulips that do not require digging for 3-6 years:

Read more about forcing crocuses here>>>.​

at the end of September - beginning of October. Like tulips, when too early landing hyacinths can start growing and die in winter, and if it is late, they will not have time to take root before the soil freezes to the depth of planting. However, hyacinths can be planted until the first half of November. But then the place should be insulated in advance with leaves or other material from those at hand, and protected with a film from rain and snow. And after landing, lay the insulation again.


When to plant crocuses in the ground, and when in a home pot

​) - mid - end of August. In the southern regions, the planting dates are shifted by about a month later, in the northern regions, on the contrary, earlier.​

You can buy unsprouted bulbs at the autumn sales. Many firms offer good discounts on so-called expired bulbs. Bulbs can be planted in slightly frost-bitten soil without prejudice to flowering next year. When planting, such bulbs must be covered for the winter. Bulb shelter should be dry and well ventilated.

Plants whose bulbs need to be dug up for the summer (

When buying tulips, daffodils, lilies and other plants, pay attention to the size of the bulb, the quality of flowering depends on it. Examine the bulbs. They should be dense, in no case wilted, not have soft rotten places, musty smell. Pay attention to the bottom of the bulb - it should be dry and dense, this is the key to the health and vitality of plants. In bulbs of low-growing varieties and species plants, the bulbs are smaller, this is normal.

Planting depth should be two to three corm diameters.

- Sharoyan's crocus (Crocus scharojanii) with bright orange flowers.

  • ​Although with exact date you can be wrong. In this regard, such points as:
  • bulb processing
  • Kaufman, Foster, Greig, species,
When to plant small bulbs


When can crocuses be transplanted? they are blooming beautifully now

Motya motya

Experts advise preparing a site for planting hyacinths in August, two months before planting, otherwise the natural sedimentation of the soil can cause the roots to break, which will begin to develop in the fall. When planting in the holes, it is advisable to add well-rotted compost or peat, if it was not added during the preliminary digging of the soil.
The optimal time for transplanting and planting lilies in central Russia is August-September, in the southern regions - October. In principle, you can plant later, when the soil temperature is close to zero, but in this case you will have to cover the plants well for the winter.
To plant medium-sized bulbs in cold earth, you must first place them in a pot with garden soil, using a drill or a crowbar, make a sufficient depression in the frozen soil, put the pot, bury it with the excavated soil, mulch the planting site with peat and cover it with covering material (spunbond, lutrasil) on top.

Tulips, hyacinths, hazel grouse

In hyacinths, the color of the covering scales of the bulbs, as a rule, resembles the color of the inflorescences. In addition, in pink purple, blue hyacinths, the bulbs are usually wide-conical, in yellow and orange - narrow-conical, in white - ovoid. In varieties various colors bulbs should be different colors.
With a shallow planting, many small corms are formed, and with a deep planting, the corms are large, but there are few of them. At the bottom of the landing hole, make a pillow of river sand 1.5-2 cm high. The growing season for crocuses is quite short, so it is important to carry out all care activities on time. As soon as the first leaves appear from the ground, loosen the soil around the plants. Water these flowers if necessary, the crocus should not lack moisture, otherwise the flowers will be small. Crocuses are quite frost-resistant, however, if the winter turns out to be frosty and snowless, they may die. Therefore, it is better to cover the plantings with peat or spruce branches for the winter.
These types of crocuses are quite difficult to grow.
variety of crocuses;

- 1, 3, 21-28, 31 August; September 17-24; 17-21, 25-26 October;​
and also
Small bulbous plants (​
With the onset of stable cold weather, planting hyacinths is better to cover. To do this, you can use dry peat, humus, sawdust, dry fallen leaves and spruce branches. In the spring, as soon as the soil begins to thaw, the shelter must be carefully removed, as hyacinth sprouts appear very early.

​See more about how to plant lilies >>>.​
If, during late plantings, the bulbs (corms) were covered with spruce branches (film, non-woven material, foliage, etc.) or a large layer of compost on top, then in the spring, before flowering, the mulch layer must be removed, and covering materials removed .​
), can be planted in flower beds with rapidly growing annuals and biennials: nasturtiums, fragrant tobacco, violas, forget-me-nots, daisies. They will decorate empty places in the flower garden.

​Related Articles​

- Banat crocus (Crocus banaticus) comes from the Balkans.

Crocuses are recommended to be planted in random places for 3-5 bulbs, for this, use a shovel to make a recess of 8-10 cm, after planting the bulbs, water the soil abundantly so as not to forget the place, designate it as you like. Caring for crocuses on the lawn is simple - making organic fertilizers, careful lawn treatment. Note that tulips and daffodils are planted on the lawn in this way, but they decorate the lawn not as luxuriously as crocuses.

Growing and caring for crocuses

Scottish, two-flowered crocus - there are also autumn-flowering varieties, the color is white, the petals are purple on the underside.


It is necessary to store crocus bulbs in the house, that is, away from rodents. These are the main enemies of the plant.

Planting crocuses at home has another important recommendation. If these plants are not frost-resistant enough, they must be mulched.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground is characterized by the following features:

This plant belongs to the Iris family. About 80 of its species and more than 300 varieties are known. Crocuses are divided into two large groups:

After preparing the beds for planting, you need to find out when to plant crocuses in the fall or earlier? The summer months are suitable for planting late flowering varieties. And for early spring, the best time to plant crocuses is in the second half of September. In October it will be too late, because the plants will be weak.​

You need to dig up the tubers depending on the flowering time. If these are autumn flowers, then the whole summer will do, and July-August is reserved for spring ones. It is important that about 3 months should pass before planting the tubers.

Crocus is a plant that can be called "snowdrop". This is due to the fact that it blooms when the snow melts, but has not completely gone yet.

These crocuses have blue-violet flowers with longitudinal veins. Their bulbs can be found in stores at the end of summer along with other small-bulb autumn plantings.

Crocus, a flower that does not need special care, the bulbs have enough nutrients from the soil without extra fertilizing, unless of course the soil is quite fertile. Crocus bulbs are attractive to rodents such as squirrels and mice. How to protect bulbs from rodents? There are several ways to do this:​

Crocus Tomasini is a popular type of early crocus, pink to lilac in color, recommended for growing on lawns.


  • Also, to get good nests of corms, gardeners recommend planting them every year. This will allow the kids to get more room to grow.​
  • To extend the flowering time of this plant, gardeners go for a little trick: they plant crocus bulbs in separate holes at different depths. This will allow you to enjoy the beauty of crocus flowers for at least a week longer.
  • The leaves of the plant wither and turn yellow;

Planting crocuses in the garden

those that bloom in spring;

  1. The most optimal time for planting small-bulb flowers, which include crocus flowers, is the end of August - the beginning of September.
  2. Until this time, they should be dried. Remove all affected tubers. Sprinkle mechanical damage on them with ash. Then they are supposed to be stored in a cool room.

However, there are varieties that bloom towards the end of summer. They require very careful care, because they are extremely whimsical. This explains the fact that such crocuses are not very common.

  • Much less common in gardening species:
  • ​Bloodmeal and chili around the plant will keep small rodents from approaching.
  • ​Golden crocus - available different colors, including pure white, yellow-orange, blue, pale yellow.​

When to plant crocuses?

These plants are widely used for the following purposes:

It is forcing that helps to achieve ultra-early flowering in crocuses. Only the healthiest bulbs are suitable for this purpose. Somewhere in September, gardeners recommend planting them in pots. The soil in the container should be slightly damp. The pots should be covered with a film, first make several holes in it for ventilation.

After planting, the land where the plants are planted is watered a little and slightly covered with coniferous litter. This will keep moisture longer, as well as protect plants from severe frosts in case of a snowless winter.​

Growing crocuses at home

they die off over time

Those that bloom in summer.

By planting crocuses at this time, the bulbs will overwinter well and bloom in early spring.

Growing problems include:

These are used bright flowers for registration alpine slides. And if crocuses are planted very tightly, then they will be a spectacular decoration of a flower bed in the garden.

- crocus valley (Crocus vallicola) with white flowers;

Waste from the pet toilet will also deter intruders

When to transplant crocuses?

Autumn types of crocus:

to create a beautiful landscape design of the site;


Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground. Planting dates for crocuses

This container with planting material is placed in the basement or in any dark and cool place. In early January, the first shoots appear. After that, the pot is cleaned in a room with an air temperature of up to 15 degrees Celsius, where it is shaded with paper bags. It is also important not to forget to water the plant.

Crocuses: a brief description of the plant

These plants reproduce with their "children" - these are daughter corms. They are formed from the kidneys, which sit in the sinus of the scales. When the old corm dies, new children begin to grow on their own, forming a kind of "nest". It turns out a group of related bulbs. The above method is the most effective method on the reproduction of plants such as crocus flowers. Planting and care in this case are done very carefully so as not to damage the bulbous material.

  • The bulb remains weak, but alive.
  • Their flowering period is very short - no more than 10 days.

In order for the forcing of crocuses at home to end in flowering, you need to repeat the entire cycle of changes in nature. First, in June, dry the bulbs and bake them at a temperature of about 34 ° C for a week. Then it should be lowered to room values. Every two weeks the temperature drops slightly and is brought to a value of 17 degrees. This should be done by mid-August.​

defeat of aphids in a dry summer;

  • If landing is in open ground, then you need to choose appropriate place. Crocuses in the country and in the garden prefer open sunny space. But in the spring, when they bloom, it is also light under the deciduous trees. After all, there are no leaves on them, which means that enough sun will penetrate to them.
  • - Sharoyan's crocus (Crocus scharojanii) with bright orange flowers.
  • Most rodents avoid daffodils, snowdrops and onions, you can take advantage of this by planting them around crocuses.

Saffron seed - it is from this type of crocus that saffron seasoning is obtained. The color of the petals is from blue to purple, the pistils are red.

Crocuses: planting in autumn. Landing dates

as gift flowers in pots for the holidays (Valentine's Day, March 8);

  • A week after this, gardeners are advised to remove the film from the pot. It is necessary to bring them into a warm room when the first buds already appear. The flowering of crocuses depends on the temperature in the room: the lower it is, the longer they bloom.​
  • The corm grows every year and becomes larger. As a result, many so-called children are formed. When it becomes crowded for them, and they are already beginning to interfere with each other, they definitely need to be seated.

In the first spring after the above planting, crocuses may not bloom at all.

The main features of the above flower:

Now comes the hardening of crocuses. They must be placed in a cool room. At a temperature of about 6 ° C, the bulbs should be stored for about a month.

  • Rotting of bulbs from excess moisture;
  • Crocuses will be excellent companions for peonies and ivy, as well as other low perennials.
  • These types of crocuses are quite difficult to grow.

Another important point in growing crocuses is not to remove fallen leaves from the bush, they must rot and nourish the plant with microelements for the formation of flowers in the next season. Every 2-3 years, crocuses should be dug up and divided tubers, transplanted to a new place.

Locations and soil for flowers

Angustifolia crocus - orange-yellow flowers, brown stripes on the underside of the petals.

as a seasoning in cooking;

Kicked out crocuses in the fall can be safely planted in open ground.

If conditions permit, it is important to plant the children of one bulb of a particular species in groups. This planting material blooms approximately 4 years after planting.​

This plant needs well prepared soil. It is fertilized with compost and manure, in addition, it is well loosened. It is not good for a flower to have an excessive amount of moisture and stagnant water. Therefore, if crocuses are planted in autumn, a little sand must be added to the soil, especially clayey.

Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground

resistance to unforeseen atmospheric phenomena;

Then comes the rooting period of the plant. To do this, it must be planted in a pot. If planting is carried out in September, then flowering will begin by January. When it is necessary to delay the appearance of flowers, the rooting period is extended.

Uncontrolled spread due to self-seeding of seeds and forgotten tubers.

The second important point: satisfactory drainage of the soil. If it is such that moisture stagnates in the soil, then the crocus bulbs will begin to rot.

Everything: what blooms in autumn, we divide in summer

There may be several reasons for this. If you live in the south, take care of timely watering, often crocuses do not bloom if there is not enough nutrition in the soil, in this case organic top dressing will help. Crocuses need full sun, make sure the flowers grow in a well lit area.​

Crocus is beautiful - very beautiful soft purple large flowers with dark stripes along the petals.

Reproduction of crocuses by seeds

As a food coloring.

Gardeners note the spectacular flowering and growth of these flowers close to the following plants:

The second method of propagation of crocuses is by seeds. But this method is only suitable for spring flowering plants. Crocuses, which bloom in autumn, bear fruit irregularly, because early severe frosts prevent them from setting seeds.

The best soil for this plant is, of course, sandy light soil. The site must be well-drained, as stagnant water leads to rotting of the plant.

Tendency to rapid reproduction;

Crocus Care

If the plants will be used as indoor plants, then you need to plant crocuses using nutrient soil. It is supposed to stick the bulbs into it to a shallow depth. You just need to leave a small distance between adjacent crocuses and the walls of the pot.

  • Since these plants are small, their planting scheme looks like this:
  • The requirement for the soil is the question of its composition. Crocuses are best suited sandy soil. If the cottage is in an area where the soil is too dense, then coarse sand will save. It needs to be sprinkled on a flower bed and dug well.
  • I also bought autumn-flowering ones this year for the first time - though I don’t know what kind

Sometimes rodents eat crocus buds, the fight against them is described above. Do not forget to repot crocuses, the bulbs may have become crowded, this usually happens in abandoned areas when crocuses grow in one place for more than five years.

  • Autumn crocuses are often confused with poisonous colchicum, and therefore it is recommended to purchase autumn varieties in specialized stores.
  • This plant is also widely used in alternative medicine. On the basis of crocus, special eye drops and general tonic tinctures are made, since saffron has antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties.


forcing crocuses

Sow this planting material in small pots or boxes. This will allow small seedlings not to get lost among large ones, and they will also be better protected from weeds. The pot must be covered with a black film and make sure that they do not dry out. If the leaves of the seedlings die off completely, they can be sprayed a little with Roundup. But care is important here so as not to make the soil too wet, as this can provoke rotting of seedlings. Seedlings bloom for about 5 years.

Unpretentiousness in care.

Crocus pots again need to be removed in a cool place. And now they need to give time for at least two months. Then put on the windowsill. In two weeks they will definitely bloom.

The best partners for crocuses

Depth from 4 to 12 cm, depending on the size of the tuber, small ones closer to the surface, and large ones deeper into the ground;

  • Before planting crocuses, the land needs to be enriched nutrients. Compost is perfect for them, which can be replaced with mineral fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.
  • bloom - we'll see
  • Crocus late (Crocus serotinus)
  • Crocuses prefer a sunny site, if you live in the south, partial shade is recommended, as there is a risk of damage to the leaves and drying out of the bulbs from the hot sun. Crocuses love fertile, slightly acidic soil, but are generally tolerant of other types of soil.
  • Planting crocuses in the fall in the ground provides an opportunity to enjoy the flowering of this plant in early spring. But so that these flowers do not disappoint you and grow really beautiful and spectacular, it is important to follow some simple recommendations for planting them.
  • boxwood;
  • Plants such as crocus flowers do not require special complex self-monitoring. Landing and care has only a few rules:
  • So that the flowers are not small, it is important for them to choose a place that is well lit. It is important that the plants do not shade the trees. Although given plant grows well in partial shade.
  • In one place, these flowers can grow for 5 years.

The use of crocuses

While the crocus is growing, home care is not a big problem. They need to be watered, like other plants, so that the soil does not dry out. If you want to prolong flowering, then they need to create a cool temperature. And at night it is better to put them in the cold, you can even in frost down to -3 ° C.

  • The distance between adjacent bulbs is optimally left within 5 cm.
  • Crocus care is as simple as possible. They require only weeding and loosening the soil. Crocuses do not need watering. Because in spring there is enough moisture in the garden from melted snow. The exception is situations when there was too little snow in winter. Then the soil in the flower bed will need to be slightly moistened.
  • Yes, even now, but these are TIMELESS!! ! poisonous!
  • Autumn blooming. This species, originating in Central and Northern Portugal and Northern and Southwestern Spain, is known to have many horticultural forms. Late saffron subspecies (C. serotinus) Clusia (subsp. clusii), Salzmann (subsp. saltzmannii) and a variation of the latter "Erectophyllus" bloom in November. The flowers are all dark, lavender-blue in color.

Planting of spring crocus is carried out in autumn from September to October or in early spring (with spring landing crocuses will bloom in a year), the bulbs are planted at a depth of 5 - 7 cm. The distance between the bulbs is 5 cm, it is possible to plant up to 10 bulbs in one hole.

People have been growing crocuses for several thousand years and not only for decorative purposes, crocuses are used in medicine, for the production of dyes and the most valuable spice in the world - saffron. To get 1 kg of spice, you need 170,000 autumn crocus flowers. Among the well-known garden perennials crocuses occupy not the last place, it is bulbous plant will decorate the garden not only in spring, but also in autumn, crocuses go well with the delicate greenery of the lawn. A variety of species, delicate colors of cupped flowers and relative unpretentiousness make crocuses an indispensable decoration of a garden plot.


Crocuses - types, planting and care

  1. Once every few years they must be thinned out, because in favorable conditions each corm gives birth to up to 10 babies annually and is getting larger;

Autumn and spring crocuses, varieties

Soil fertilization also needs to be taken seriously. It is important to remember: for crocuses, nitrogen is a great danger. That's why the best option for him are fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. After all, the first trace element is necessary for the formation of crocus buds and the extension of the flowering period. The second trace element is important precisely for the bulbs of the plant.

Planting these plants depends on their type. Planting dates for crocuses are as follows:

  • When flowering is over, crocuses can be planted in the garden to form new bulbs.
  • Options for creating and planting flower beds and compositions from crocuses:
  • Planting and caring for crocuses in the open field also involves feeding them. Spring occurs when they are actively growing. It is supposed to use complex fertilizer, which needs to be sprinkled directly on the snow.
  • Autumn-flowering crocuses should be replanted at the beginning of summer, in spring leaves grow, similar to lily of the valley leaves, only larger, then they dry out, then you can dig up the bulbs, dry them, and plant them in place in mid-August, the soil is nutritious, loose. They have a very pleasant smell.


  • After planting, the soil is covered with a layer of mulch or bark. Crocus bulbs are resistant to frost up to 20 ° C, if the winters are colder, you can cover the plants for the winter with bark, dry grass, cardboard, in winter it is important that the snow covers the plants.
  • Why doesn't the crocus bloom?
  • thuja;

The process of digging in spring-flowering plants is carried out in the summer after their leaves turn yellow;

Crocus, planting in autumn or spring

Planting or transplanting these plants is necessary without flowers. If, nevertheless, flowering specimens were planted, then they will gain strength only after about two years.

Late spring or early summer (autumn flowering);

If the plants are home, then every year. The same recommendations exist for garden crocuses. So, it will be possible to follow them and prevent them from spreading through the flower bed, becoming a weed culture.

single landing;

Planting crocuses in the lawn

With the onset of flowering, urea is fed. 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering, the third fertilization is carried out. Now you can use phosphate or potassium.

People! do not mislead each other! In the photo and in the answers of Dmitry and Natalia - colchicum! This is a completely different plant!

There are several varieties of autumn crocuses.


Another way to protect against frost is to dig up in May and store the bulbs at a temperature of about 20 ° C in a dry place until the autumn planting of crocuses in open ground. Planting autumn crocuses is similar to spring species, they differ only in the timing of planting. Autumn crocuses are planted in August, tubers are dug up two weeks after flowering.

  • Spring crocuses are primroses and begin flowering in March, crocuses look great in rock gardens and lawns, suitable for growing on balconies and shaded areas. Autumn crocuses add a bright spark to the garden, blooming in October, when most other plants have completed their flowering period.​
  • galanthus;
  • Bulbs are dried and stored in the shade.

Planting crocuses before winter is carried out by the following method: the bulb is lowered to a depth of 10 cm. The distance between these plants must be observed and be at least 4 cm.

Why is the crocus not blooming?

October-November (spring blooming).

In addition, transplanting bulbs allows them to reproduce. Different varieties give their number of children. Usually this number does not exceed 10. In addition, you can grow crocuses from seeds. Only in this case they will bloom only in a few years.

How to plant crocuses

Crocus corms are located in the soil close to each other, because they are small in size, and the flowers look richer in dense groups. But keep in mind that children grow corms, so the optimal distance between them is 3-5 cm. Planting crocuses in large groups makes it possible to get a charming flowering meadow-flower bed that decorates a plot or garden in spring. After withering in place of crocuses, annuals can be sown.

The depth of planting crocuses depends on the size of the corms. Small ones are deepened by 4-5 cm, and for large corms, a hole 10-12 cm deep will be required. Don't bury them too deep: crocuses have retractile roots that pull the corm deeper into the soil when the plant wilts.

Place for planting crocuses

The area where you will plant crocus flowers should be well lit and drained. A good outflow of water is especially important, because its stagnation leads to the fact that the bulbs get sick and rot.

Therefore, a site with sandy light soil is most suitable. If it is too dense, scatter over the surface of the soil even layer coarse sand and dig the area - this way you will improve the condition of the soil.

The soil is fertilized in advance, for which compost is added to it or mineral fertilizers With high content potassium and phosphorus, but not nitrogen, since nitrogen is harmful to crocuses.

It is very important that the crocuses do not have a lack of light, so choose an open area that is not shaded by trees. In the shade, crocuses do not bloom well and may wither right in the buds.

It will be nice if on the leeward side the site is somehow protected from drafts and winds, otherwise the delicate flowers tend to bend from strong gusts, losing their petals.

The process of forcing corms of crocuses in pots takes about 3.5 months or 15 weeks, so if you want to get crocuses for the New Year, they are planted in mid-September, and if by Valentine's Day, then in early October. And for a gift by March 8, crocuses need to be planted around November 15th.

Before planting for forcing corms must be kept in the cold. That is, you can buy crocus bulbs in the summer and then store them for 1 week at normal summer temperature(30-35 ° C), then 2 weeks - in a colder room, and until August 10 - in a cellar or basement at a temperature of 17 ° C. And then until planting - in the refrigerator at a temperature of 9 ° C.

Then the crocus bulbs need to be planted in a flowerpot with large quantity drainage. When distilled, the bulb is the only source of nutrition for the plant. Sand is used as soil for forcing.

Corms in pots are very close to each other, because they, like in a garden, will not grow and form children. In addition, a dense planting of bulbs in flowerpots gives a beautiful, dense, rich bouquet, which is not a shame to present for any holiday.

Read about caring for crocuses after planting - both in the garden and at home.

Saffron, or as it is mostly called, Crocus, is a magnificent spring flower belonging to the iris family. They begin to please the eye in early spring and bloom from 7 to 10 days, while the leaf of the flower does not fade until the summer itself and beautifully decorates the garden with its foliage. It is a perennial plant, so it will delight your eyes for many years. If desired, with the onset of dormancy, the crocus tuber can be dug up and stored in the sand. This is done in cases where you want to move the flower to another part of the garden or remove diseased corms.

Crocus belongs to undersized plants, reaching a height of only 10 cm. The stem of the crocus does not grow from the moment of flowering, remaining in its original form. The leaves of the flower seem to be collected in a bunch, and can grow during flowering and after it. There are also types of crocuses that do not have leaves.

Planting crocuses in open ground

Crocuses blooming in spring must be planted in the ground in autumn (preferably in the first week of October), and blooming in autumn Summer (first half of June). Although crocuses are sun-loving plants, they do well in partial shade. It is best to choose light, loose and nutritious soil for planting crocus in the ground so that they go better. Before planting crocus tubers in the ground, place fine gravel or sand - they will serve as natural drainage. Crocuses do not like acidic soils, be sure to add organic additives to the soil (compost, manure or lime tor) in order for the plant to receive as many nutrients as possible. If you plant a tuber in clay soil, take care to add ash there.

To enjoy the flowering of crocuses in spring, tubers are best planted in late September - early October. In loose soil, a crocus bulb must be placed at a depth twice the size of the tuber itself. In heavy soil, it is enough to plant the bulb at a depth equivalent to its size.

When planting a crocus, be sure to keep a distance of 7-10 cm between the bulbs. If you do not intend to dig up the bulbs after flowering, but want to leave them in their original place, then in no case plant the bulbs closely with each other: for 3-4 years around it a whole colony of children can grow. After planting in the ground, be sure to water the area. Crocus tubers need to be repotted every 5 years.

Care of crocuses in the open field

  • Crocuses are completely unpretentious flowers, they do not require any special care measures. Crocus tubers need to be repotted every 5 years in order to thin out.
  • Crocus tubers are dug up in the summer after the leaves of the flower turn yellow. After you have dug up the tubers, they must be dried and stored somewhere in the shade.

  • Before planting in the ground, due to the large presence of diseases and pests, it is strongly recommended to keep the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill the fungus and prevent the spread of the disease.
  • If you want to have good, large nests of tubers, it is recommended to plant them every year. Such measures will allow the children to get more space and grow.
  • Crocuses are fairly drought tolerant. They should be watered in cases where winter and spring were without heavy rainfall. The height of the crocus directly depends on the moisture received.
  • Do not forget that the soil must be loosened and all weeds removed so that they do not crowd the plant. During growth, crocuses need top dressing. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers, because in wet weather they can provoke the appearance of a fungal disease. So, in one calendar year, the flower must be fertilized twice: in early spring and during flowering.

Blooming crocuses in autumn

At the time they fall yellow leaves, and many flowers fade, crocuses delight us with their delicate inflorescence. There are many varieties of this flower, giving the beauty of their flowering in the fall. They bloom at the beginning of leaf fall, creating a contrast between autumn and spring. Their flowering lasts from one to two weeks, but they bloom much more abundantly in autumn.

In order for crocuses to look most vividly and effectively on your garden plot, experienced gardeners It is advised to plant them in the following places:

  • Under bushes and trees - they will create the effect of a snowdrop.
  • In the borders, in the foreground.
  • Scatter in small groups throughout the garden.
  • At artificial reservoirs and fountains.
  • On the alpine hills.

Unlike spring crocuses, autumn crocuses do not require as much light, and can grow in partial shade and even shade. They are not lovers of drafts and winds, so choose protected areas for their landing. It is best to provide them with “neighbors” protection from the wind. Crocuses do not like moisture, so keep in mind that if your soil is wet, use drainage when planting. Coarse sand, pebbles and even foam are perfect for natural drainage.

It is better not to water crocuses in autumn. They do not like moisture too much, and therefore, if you want to enjoy the beauty of the flowering of this amazing flower for as long as possible, do not allow excessive soil moisture.



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs