What is better to plant phacelia or mustard. What green manure is better to plant in the fall. Planting time and features of various types of green manure

Siderates: phacelia, lupine, mustard ... planting, growing

In many regions of the country, it is customary to sow a garden with this cereal after digging potatoes. Rye bushes well and grows a large green mass, reaching 200-300 kg per hundred square meters. This green manure is planted both before winter and in spring, planting time does not affect its quality. The special value of winter rye lies in the fact that it Actively increases biological mass even at quite low temperatures , and winter crops survive even in snowless winters, with frosts down to -25°C.

The disadvantage of all cereals grown to enrich the soil, including rye, is the complexity of their subsequent processing and plowing. The stems have a fairly strong structure, decompose for a long time, and cling to the plow shares, which have to be cleaned all the time. Another disadvantage of this winter green manure is that it dries up the soil a lot, so rye cannot be sown between trees in the garden.

Otherwise, this cereal crop is an excellent fertilizer, the seeds of which are inexpensive and therefore accessible to everyone. Rye is undemanding to the quality and thickness of the soil layer, perfectly sods loose soils, easily reconciled with hyperacidity. Since this plant has a fibrous root system, it easily retains nutrients in the upper soil horizon, preventing them from being washed out with melt waters and rain runoff.

A big plus of this green manure fertilizer is that when it decomposes, it saturates the soil not only with nitrogen, but also with calcium. Microorganisms contained in cereal biomass create conditions for the absorption of phosphorus compounds that are difficult to digest, dissolving them. Accordingly, a complete NPK complex remains in the ground nutrients, which allows for the full development of any culture-followers.

The aerial part of cereals after cutting is used not only for plowing. The resulting straw is used as mulch. It provides excellent protection of the soil from drying out, and does not allow weed seeds to break through to the surface. Subsequently, decomposing, fresh straw becomes part of the garden, turning into biohumus.


This cereal crop is used as green manure less often than rye. But this is more a coincidence than a pattern. The plant has all positive qualities rye, while also outperforming it in some respects. For example, oats are even more unpretentious. It can be sown on acidic podzolic soil, clay, and even peat bog - it will grow anywhere.

Oat green manure combined with clover

As part of a crop rotation, it is sown after legumes, preparing the land for potatoes. Despite the apparent weakness of the fibrous root system, this plant perfectly loosens the earth to a great depth, enriching it with oxygen and creating a comfortable environment for cultivated plants structure. Oats saturate the upper soil layer with nitrogen and potassium, and, like rye, decompose difficult-to-digest phosphorus compounds.

The seeds of this crop are planted, scattering them over the surface of a previously loosened piece of land, in early spring, as soon as it is possible to enter the garden. Do not be afraid of dirt and cold - oats love them, and these parameters do not affect its germination. On the contrary, in late March - early April, optimal conditions for the germination of oats, as it will be able to feed on soil moisture from melted snow. The sowing rate is 1.5-2.1 kg per hundred square meters, the seed placement depth is 4-5 cm.

Growing potatoes in oats

Agricultural technologies, like any other, do not stand still. In modern horticulture, the technology of growing crops without prior plowing of the land is increasingly being used. It allows you to save not only time and effort, but also to receive excellent harvests. Green manure, as part of the no-till farming culture, is actively used in this system.

Oats can be not only a supplier of biohumus. His can be used for potatoes by growing tubers in oat straw mulch. Moreover, on the plot that is planned for this crop, you don’t even have to remove the grass, it will disappear by itself, going into the composition nutrient soil. It only needs to be slightly pushed apart, and in the intervals make grooves into which oats are planted.

When green manure and weeds grow enough, they are cut under the root with a flat cutter, and, having made a small depression in the soil, they plant potatoes there, lightly sprinkling it with a layer of earth. The sprouts that appear are mulched with straw and grass, and when they become very large, other green waste is gradually added, for example, grass left after mowing the lawn. Most importantly, it is necessary to block access to tubers sun rays, which will "green" them, making the potatoes unfit for human consumption.

After the autumn harvest of potatoes, which, by the way, will be a very clean and fast process, the field must be re-sown with oats, and continue to do this every year. After a couple of years without digging, the soil structure will be completely restored, and this piece of land will produce consistently high yields.


Vika (mouse peas) is an early ripening plant, and has short time growing season, which allows it to be used as an intermediate crop between plantings of the main crops. For example, it can be planted in beds intended for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Before gourds it can also be sown. Pumpkin, zucchini, squash planted "on the vetch" give excellent harvests.

Green manure planting is carried out throughout the growing season, as soon as positive temperatures are established. The sowing rate is 1.5 kg per one hundred square meters. The depth of seed placement is 1-3 cm. It is not necessary to go deeper, otherwise the plant will not be able to penetrate the surface layer of the soil. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the plot can be watered with EM fertilizers, this is cheap and fast.

Vetch is often included in a mixture that includes green manure plants such as rye, oats, rapeseed and ryegrass. This is done to obtain the optimal composition of biohumus, which is formed after mowing these crops, since this plant accumulates mainly nitrogen. "Mouse peas" belong to the legume family, and, accordingly, has a similar structure. The same nitrogenous nodules are formed on its roots, which accumulate this element. Peas, beans and beans cannot be planted after it. But potatoes, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers and greens will be excellent subsequent crops.

sweet clover

It used to be herbaceous plant used as a fodder crop for livestock. But then they noticed that when plowing the mowing, where the sweet clover grew, the land gave richer crops than in the fields that were sown with other herbs. After that, sweet clover began to be used as green manure. It is a biennial plant that is grown as an annual. Sweet clover is unpretentious, hardy and grows rapidly. It belongs to the legume family, so it can accumulate nitrogen in the root system. Its roots penetrate deep into the earth, and have a large number of branches. Thanks to the powerful root system of this plant, after cutting it, the earth does not need to be dug up. It will be loose without additional processing.

A feature of growing sweet clover is that it is considered the most useful not above-ground, but underground part. Therefore, you can cut the plant already 3-4 weeks after the emergence of shoots. If you let it outgrow, it will become too hard for further processing, and the “pipes” from its stems will stick out of the garden for a couple of seasons, not decorating the garden at all.


Oil radish is a unique siderat, with a rapidly growing aerial part. For 6 - 7 weeks, it can increase its vegetative mass by 4-5 times. Among gardeners, it is popular as a natural "agrokiller". Radish suppresses all weeds, even creeping wheatgrass.

This green manure is not only an active supplier of biomass. Radish is a natural doctor and earth cleaner. She successfully fights diseases such as keel in cabbage, and nematodes. It must be planted on lands that have been affected various diseases, and insect pests, for several seasons, and the soil will become healthy again.

It is best to sow radish on fresh arable land, it loves soft ground. Seed consumption - 300 g per hundred square meters. 4 weeks after the emergence of full shoots, the aerial part of the plant is excised with a shovel, and dug up along with the soil. The thickest stems are best composted.

The use of green fertilizers allows you to restore the soil balance, save money on purchased top dressing, and grow environmentally friendly products. The use of green manure helps to create a new humus layer, which was destroyed during the use of traditional farming, when all nutrients were removed from the soil with the resulting products. The soil enriched by natural methods will be transformed, and will surely thank for all the efforts made. abundant harvests organic vegetables and fruits.

Video: green manure in the country - sowing, collecting seeds, efficiency

Rye, like green manure, or why do you need to sow rye on your plot

Rye, like green manure, or why do you need to sow rye on your plot?

Green manure crops (also called green manure) are crops grown to improve soil structure and nutrient levels. Such plants enrich the soil with organic matter and nutrition and protect it from erosion and blowing away. Plus, they manage to loosen the soil well in a short time by creating root canals.

By digging green manure into the soil, and even better, cutting them to a depth of 2-3 centimeters with a chopper or flat cutter, before the crop matures, and by allowing it to decompose, you will add mass to the soil organic material and nutrients.
The most commonly used green manure crops are buckwheat, rye, vetch and red clover.

Winter rye sown in late summer or autumn will tolerate a cold winter well and continue growing next spring.
So, in early spring, right from under the snow, winter rye begins to vegetate, accumulating up to 200-300 kilograms of green mass per hundred square meters before planting the main crops.

A competent farmer should make friends with green manure, since for economic reasons there are always more soil-depleting crops in the crop rotation than soil-restoring ones, and manure is always not enough to compensate for the deficiency of organic matter with developed crop production. Siderates are powerful restorers soil fertility, true green medicines for the soil.

With green manure, a large amount of organic matter is introduced into the soil. On average, their plowing is equivalent to applying 30-50 t/ha of manure. Manure is a classic organic fertilizer and is sometimes called the pearl of agriculture. And yet, green manure is superior in many respects. First, they are cheaper. They do not need to be transported to the field. Secondly, they do not contain weed seeds in such quantity as is typical for manure. From green manure, in just one season, the soil additionally receives from 100 to 400 kg / ha of biologically pure nitrogen.
After green manure, the quality of crop products is always higher: the protein content of the grain increases, and nitrates do not accumulate. In potatoes, green manures increase starch content, in sugar beet - sugar content.

Compared with other methods of combating soil dehumification, green manure differs in one more way. important advantage. Due to deeper root systems, most green manure crops are able to activate the geochemical exchange between the subsoil and its plow horizon. This process is especially important for elements such as phosphorus, calcium, trace elements. Only for phosphorus, a one-year green manure culture will replace its introduction in the amount of 25 kg.

You need to sow green manure thickly. In the spring - so that they stand with a wall, for the winter - less often (but not less, for example, 2.5 kilograms of rye per hundred square meters).
First loosen the ground. Scatter the seeds by hand or with a seeder and lightly mix them into the ground with a rake, otherwise the birds will pick up all the grains.

Why do you need to sow rye on your plot?

Firstly, rye belongs to the cereal family, and corn is cultivated only in some areas of this family. Therefore, theoretically, there should not be specific pests and diseases of crops of this family in your beds. The sown rye will not give shelter to pathogens and pests of vegetable crops preserved in the soil and plant residues, thereby reducing their numbers to some extent.
Secondly, rye is a very aggressive crop: it does not let anyone into the area it occupies, except for blue-eyed cornflowers. It is able to suppress the development of not only annual weeds (which will sprout in autumn or spring), but also perennials that have long occupied this area (wheatgrass, thistle, buttercup).
Thirdly, in early spring, your rye will grow back and quickly accumulate green mass, which in May can be planted in the soil as a green fertilizer.
Fourthly, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins and zucchini grow very well in a garden bed with a green mass of rye.

If you are convinced that rye is the best orderly and a wonderful green manure, and that your site cannot do without it, then in late August - early September it will need to be sown already.

It is advisable to sow the seeds of last year's harvest, regardless of the conditions of the current year, since fresh seeds have not yet had time to go through the post-harvest ripening period and may not sprout.
When sown early, rye will have enough time to spread well before winter, and in early spring, only the soil will thaw a little, it will continue to accumulate green mass and grow roots.
In the spring, the grown green mass is crushed (cut with a flat cutter) and buried in the soil two weeks before planting the main crop.

What is the advantage of crops grown for green manure?

Green fertilizer (green manure) will cost you less than manure, since you only have to spend money on seeds.
Your garden beds with buried green manure won't get (as manure does) millions of weed seeds.
The yield of crops grown for green manure is up to 300 kg (or more) of green mass, which is equivalent to the same amount of manure.
In addition to the aerial part, many invisible roots develop in the soil, and they penetrate to a depth of 1.5 meters or more. At the same time, they extract nutrients from hard-to-reach compounds and carry them up from deep soil layers. That is, they facilitate the growth conditions for plants planted after them.
The plow of green fertilizers increases the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil by 1.5-2 times, and this improves the biological activity of the soil.
All the crops that we sow for green manure suppress the growth of weeds and clear the soil of them.
Thanks to the substances secreted by the roots of rye, the number of nematodes in the soil decreases and the causative agents of many diseases are suppressed.
Potatoes grown after green manures are less affected by scab and other diseases.
In the soil, after the introduction of green manure, the humus (the most fertile) layer increases and the soil becomes looser (fluffy), similar to black soil.

P.S. This article was written a long time ago, I certainly took some of the data on the Internet. It is not possible to determine exactly where. If you think that I violated someone's rights, be sure to write to me.
Sincerely, Head of the farm Volozhanin A.E.

Green manure - plants that are sown in the soil in order to increase its fertility. If you use them correctly, then you can completely abandon fertilizers. The best green manure for a gardener is the topic of our today's article.

Leaves of plants cover the surface of the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to them, the soil is covered with a layer of nutritious compost. The roots of green spaces do not allow the soil to be depleted, and their remains serve as food for microorganisms. Farmers are trying to bring more into the soil than to extract from it, so they improve the composition of the soil with the help of green manure plants.

Green manure is a natural fertilizer that grows in the garden along with other crops. The process consists in the fact that after the greens grow luxuriantly, which happens quickly, they are cut off and embedded in the ground. Roots remaining in the soil rot and saturate the soil organic matter.

The soil becomes loose and the aeration coefficient increases. As a result, the earth receives valuable nitrogen. Moreover, weeds do not grow well on such soil, and the cultivated crops are not affected by fungi and bacteria. In fact, it is a natural analogue chemical fertilizers. Siderations are diverted big role in organic way land cultivation.

Video "What are green manure for"

Video about the improvement of the earth with the help of green manure: what are green manure, what are they for and how to use them correctly.

Which to choose


If you have not yet decided which green manure is the best for the garden, pay attention to mustard. White mustard makes the soil loose and saturated with organic matter, inhibits the growth of weeds, and protects the garden from wireworms.

The length of the plant root reaches 1 m. After the greens are cut in 2 weeks, the root system rots, resulting in a multi-channel system that allows you to deliver moisture and oxygen to a great depth.

Sowing is done in the fall - after the garden has been cleared and the harvest has been harvested. Can be sown in the spring, 30 days before planting potatoes, for example.


The plant saturates the soil with organic matter and acts as a baking powder. Phacelia grows in any soil and is not afraid of any climatic disasters. Moreover, it can be sown several times during the season.

Due to the fact that a large amount of nutrients accumulates in the soil, you can generally do without additional fertilizers. Perhaps this information will help you figure out which is better as green manure - phacelia or mustard.


For growth, oats do not "disdain" any kind of soil. The main thing is that it is well hydrated. When blooming, it does not tolerate heat well. During the period of milky ripeness, it does not tolerate cold. Sowing is carried out in late March - early April. The plant is used to prepare the ground for different cultures and enrich it with nitrogen, potassium and other organic substances.


Sowing lupine gives a good effect on sandy and podzolic soils with an increased acidity coefficient. As a result, the soil is enriched and becomes fertile. The plant can even recycle hard-to-reach soil elements. After its cultivation, excellent conditions are created for garden strawberries.


This plant saturates the soil with nitrogen. The culture is winter-hardy and attracts bees. Clover is sown in areas where the soil is well moistened. The plant can be sown in the beds between the main crops. One sowing is enough for the clover to grow for three years.

sweet clover

Sweet clover belongs to the legume family and has the ability to accumulate nitrogen in the soil, and also improves the internal structure of the soil. This plant grows well during drought, and is also resistant to frost. Sweet clover is grown on clay and sandy soils. Acid and highly moist soil is unfavorable for growth.

Sowing dates


You can sow at any time. It is better to do this either before you place the seeds of the main crop in the soil, or after the crop is harvested. Now let's try to figure out which varieties of green manure are best sown in the spring.

Mustard and phacelia are suitable for sowing in early spring. Since they are frost-resistant and not afraid return frosts, they begin to grow as soon as the thermometer stops falling below zero. At this time, spring rapeseed and colza are still sown.

Vika experienced gardeners recommend planting in the place where juicy tomatoes and aromatic peppers will grow. Before planting the main garden culture fertilizer plants should be removed. This can be done in several ways.

The simplest and at the same time effective option is to dig up the site along with the helper plants contained on it. Then you can plant the main crop.

The second method involves the presence of a flat cutter, which is buried a few centimeters into the ground and the plants are cut off. This place is planted necessary culture, and mulch with cut plants. Gradually rotting, siderates become fertilizers. After cutting, the phacelia does not grow, but the mustard continues to grow.

The third method requires the most time and energy. Crops in the garden are grown together with helper plants. When they grow up, they are cut with a knife, leaving a stalk 5 cm high. The cut greens are laid on the ground. When the assistants grow up, they are treated in the same way. The procedure must be repeated until harvest time.

Summer and early autumn

The season is favorable for improving the structure of the soil in the event that vegetables are not grown on the site this year. Green manure plants should be sown in spring, and plants that grow very quickly should be chosen.

Plants are periodically mowed until buds begin to form. In this state, they are rich in organic matter and rot quickly. The cut grass is left on the beds.

The best autumn green manures are rye and mustard. They are sown after harvest, that is, at the end of summer and early autumn. Mustard grows until December, when snow covers it. The rye is harvested before the ears appear. Mustard is cut with a flat cutter in the spring and garden crops are planted in its place.

Under the winter

Sowing green manure plants before winter frees up time when sowing and planting early crops, such as early cabbage, potatoes, carrots. Plants are found in the soil until May and loosen the soil. Multiple green mass protects from the scorching rays of the spring sun, as well as from recurrent frosts. After mowing, this is an excellent mulch.

Green manure plants are sown densely before winter. In late September - early October, sweet clover, vetch, winter rye are sown. Before the cold weather, they have time to develop powerful roots and a good green mass. This ground part serves as a protection against wind erosion, as it accumulates snow well, covering the ground.

In spring, winter green manure is plowed into the soil before sowing the main plants. However, it is important not to overdo it with green mass, so as not to acidify the soil. It is advisable to mow the surface part and leave it on the site as mulch. Will be created in a couple of weeks favorable conditions for sowing early crops.

We have considered the use of the main crops as green manure plants, and which green manure and when it is better to sow it depends on the tasks that they will perform.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

Green manure - plants that are grown before planting the main crop, to enrich the soil useful elements. They are renew humus reserves, improve the structure, increase the fertility of the upper arable layer.

These plants are undemanding and cold hardy, so they can be planted even in early spring and autumn. In some areas of the country, green manure is planted in early October, and before the onset of cold weather, they manage to build up the necessary green mass. There are a lot of ways to use this "green manure". This type of plant reduces the acidity of the soil, helps to accumulate useful macroelements in the upper horizons, and accelerates microbiological processes.

Siderates are planted for:

  • Soil fertilizers;
  • Qualitative structuring of the soil layer;
  • Shading young plantings;
  • Cleaning the land from weeds;
  • Protection of plants from insect pests;
  • Restoring soil that has been eroded.

Features of the use of green manure

If you do not know how to properly use "green fertilizers", you can make a number of mistakes that will negate all the efforts made.

In order not to be disappointed in this method of enriching the soil with useful substances, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Siderates must be mowed on time, otherwise the stems will coarsen and rot in the ground for a long time. Half-decayed biomass can become a source of viral and fungal diseases.
  2. It is not worth waiting for the plants to grow to their maximum volume. An excess of nitrogen in the soil can cause the roots of the crop planted next to begin to "burn".
  3. To protect the beds from weeds, green manure must be sown in bulk, not in rows.
  4. The tops of these plants need to be trimmed two weeks before planting the main crop.
  5. Plants belonging to the same family as green manure should not be planted next to them, since they could be preserved in the ground common pests.
  6. If the goal is to restore the soil, then "green fertilizers" must be cut with a scythe or flat cutter without damaging their root system.
  7. Do not mow winter siderats planted in late autumn before frosts. Leave them until next spring. In this case, you don’t have to plow the land, it will already be very loose.

The technology of improving the soil with the use of biohumus is increasingly being used in personal gardens, and in large agricultural holdings. It includes many different points, but the main principles of this concept are respect for the earth and the use of vegetable fertilizers.

The most common green manure plants are white mustard, rye, oats, lupins, phacelia, vetch and rapeseed. The features of the application of each of them will be discussed below.


by the most great dignity this siderate is that after it, you can plant any crop. Phacelia belongs to the gimlet family, to which none of the cultivated plants of the middle zone belongs. It can be sown before and after any vegetables, cereals and herbs. Application rates - 8-10 g / sq.m. Due to the "class affiliation", this plant is suitable for fertilizing land for radishes, turnips, as they are most often affected by pests.

Phacelia sprouts and develops very quickly (45-55 days), forming lush bunches of greenery growing from one root. In the shape of the aerial part, it got its name, since in Latin, Phacelia is a bunch. Outwardly, she looks very attractive. Purple flowers and carved leaves look decorative, and will be appropriate for filling empty spaces in the beds, flower beds and high wages.

Embedded in the soil, phacelia increases its fertility no less than cow dung. The introduction of tops into the soil (about 100 kg/hundred) is equivalent to the use of 1 ton of humus on the same plot of land. But vegetable biomass can be prepared much faster, and it will cost less than organic fertilizers of animal origin.

Another very useful property of this flower, which is not found in other plants belonging to the conditional class of "green fertilizers" - its nectar attracts entomophages that destroy insect pests. Codling moths, aphids and leafworms disappear with personal plot. Phacelia is often planted as a protective barrier for, in order to protect plantings from pests. The wireworm does not tolerate neighborhood with her, but the locust and soil nematodes they simply die when inhaled by the fungicides emitted by its flowers. At the same time, this flower does not render negative impact on bees, and is an excellent honey plant. Some beekeepers specially plant whole plantations of phacelia to get flower honey with excellent taste.

How to grow phacelia seeds?

Phacelia is the best green manure in terms of versatility of use. Therefore, many summer residents want to see her on their site. But its seeds are expensive. And one of the most important advantages application of bio-humus - low cost of use. If this factor is offset by the high cost of seeds, then there is no point in sowing this plant.

Many summer residents have learned to get around this obstacle by growing seeds on their own. To do this, they leave a plot, away from the garden, so that the ripening seeds do not fall on the beds. Then they wait until the flowers fall from most of the spikelet. The stems are cut and dried in a closed, well-ventilated area with low humidity. Well-dried phacelia is threshed, and excellent seed material is obtained, which is in no way inferior to store-bought counterparts.

Mustard white

This cold-resistant green manure can be grown and embedded in the ground several times per season. Last time it is planted before winter, a few weeks before the onset of cold weather. They do this so that the green mass is “beaten” with cold, and it would remain to rot under a layer of snow. The processes of decay will continue for some time after the onset negative temperatures, due to internal heat released during the decomposition of plant organic matter. It is enough to turn green manure fertilizers into humus, which is very useful for plants in the spring.

It sprouts amicably, and very quickly gains vegetative mass. It is very important not to "miss" the moment when the stems begin to harden. Greens must be mowed before it turns yellow, before the first flowers appear, as soon as the first ovaries of buds have poured.

The minimum period from sowing to incorporation of this plant into the soil is five weeks., but if possible, it is better to wait for all eight. When calculating the timing of harvesting, it should be borne in mind that in hot weather the stems harden faster, in cold weather - slower, so in autumn and spring you can leave the greens in the beds for a long time.

Mustard is usually sown "scattered", except when it is used to protect plants from pests. Then the in-line method is applied. The consumption rate of seeds of this fertilizer is 4-7 g per 1 sq.m. If you sow more, then the plantings will thicken, and rotting of greenery on the vine may begin.

To accelerate the maturation of plant humus, the green mass obtained from mustard plantings can be watered with a biostimulant. For this purpose, it is perfect, which is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1000 (a drop per liter of water), and the mowed grass is sprayed with a spray bottle. Under the action of live bacteria contained in the preparation, the grass rots faster and becomes part of the soil system.

Video: mustard and other green manure - planting and result


One of the oldest green manure in the history of agriculture is the common lupine. To enrich the soil, poor in nitrogen, it was used in Greece, more than two thousand years ago. Gardeners completely buried the trunk and leaves without roots in trunk circle fruit tree, and nitrogen was enough for several months.

This plant belongs to the legume family, respectively, beans, peas and beans cannot be planted after it, these crops have common pests. Excellent followers for lupine will be, cabbage,. And for potatoes this beautiful flower will be the best predecessor.

The powerful roots of the plant are an active baking powder, penetrating deep into the soil. In parallel, they provide another positive impact- saturate all soil horizons with nitrogenous bacteria. Plantings of lupine are capable of accumulating about 200 kg of nitrogen per 1 hectare in the ground.

This green manure is planted in early spring, in a row. Seed consumption (and they are quite large) - 4-5 per sq.m. When the lupine reaches the age of 5-7 weeks, its tops are plowed into the ground. Even if it bloomed, it's not scary, the most important thing is to prevent the formation of seeds, since at this stage of plant development the stem becomes stiff and rots poorly in the soil.

The great advantage of the plant can be considered a tap root system, which goes deep into the ground, and receives most of the nutrients from the deep layers, without impoverishing the upper fertile layer. At the same time, biohumus obtained from the aerial parts of lupine, per 1 sq.m. replaces 4 kg of manure, or 40-50 g of urea.


In many regions of the country, it is customary to sow a garden with this cereal after digging potatoes. Rye bushes well and grows a large green mass, reaching 200-300 kg per hundred square meters. This green manure is planted both before winter and in spring, planting time does not affect its quality. The special value of winter rye lies in the fact that it actively increases biological mass even at rather low temperatures, and winter crops survive even in snowless winters, with frosts down to -25°C.

The disadvantage of all cereals grown to enrich the soil, including rye, is the complexity of their subsequent processing and plowing.. The stems have a fairly strong structure, decompose for a long time, and cling to the plow shares, which have to be cleaned all the time. Another disadvantage of this winter green manure is that it dries up the soil a lot, so rye cannot be sown between trees in the garden.

Otherwise, this cereal crop is an excellent fertilizer, whose seeds are inexpensive, and therefore available to everyone. Rye is undemanding to the quality and thickness of the soil layer, perfectly sods loose soils, easily puts up with high acidity. Since this plant has a fibrous root system, it easily retains nutrients in the upper soil horizon, preventing them from being washed away with melt water and rainwater.

A big plus of this green manure fertilizer is that when it decomposes, it saturates the soil not only with nitrogen, but also with calcium. Microorganisms contained in cereal biomass create conditions for the absorption of phosphorus compounds that are difficult to digest, dissolving them. Accordingly, a complete NPK-complex of nutrients remains in the ground, which allows any successor crops to fully develop.

The aerial part of cereals after cutting is used not only for plowing. The resulting straw is used as mulch. It provides excellent protection of the soil from drying out, and does not allow weed seeds to break through to the surface. Subsequently, decomposing, fresh straw becomes part of the garden, turning into biohumus.


This cereal crop is used as green manure less often than rye. But this is more a coincidence than a pattern. The plant has all the positive qualities of rye, while it also outperforms it in some respects. For example, oats are even more unpretentious. It can be sown on acidic podzolic soil, clay, and even peat bog - it will grow anywhere.

Oat green manure combined with clover

As part of a crop rotation, it is sown after legumes, preparing the land for potatoes. Despite the apparent weakness of the fibrous root system, this plant perfectly loosens the earth to a great depth, enriching it with oxygen, and creating a structure that is comfortable for cultivated plants. Oats saturate the upper soil layer with nitrogen and potassium, and, like rye, decompose difficult-to-digest phosphorus compounds.

The seeds of this crop are planted, scattering them over the surface of a previously loosened piece of land, in early spring, as soon as it is possible to enter the garden. Do not be afraid of dirt and cold - oats love them, and these parameters do not affect its germination. On the contrary, in late March - early April, optimal conditions are created for the germination of oats, since it will be able to feed on soil moisture from melted snow. The sowing rate is 1.5-2.1 kg per hundred square meters, the seed placement depth is 4-5 cm.

Growing potatoes in oats

Agricultural technologies, like any other, do not stand still. In modern horticulture, the technology of growing crops without prior plowing of the land is increasingly being used. It allows you to save not only time and effort, but also to get excellent yields. Green manure, as part of the no-till farming culture, is actively used in this system.

Oats can be not only a supplier of biohumus. His can be used for potatoes by growing tubers in oat straw mulch. Moreover, in the plot that is planned for this crop, you don’t even have to remove the grass, it will disappear by itself, turning into the composition of the nutrient soil. It only needs to be slightly pushed apart, and in the intervals make grooves into which oats are planted.

When green manure and weeds grow enough, they are cut under the root with a flat cutter, and, having made a small depression in the soil, they plant potatoes there, lightly sprinkling it with a layer of earth. The sprouts that appear are mulched with straw and grass, and when they become very large, other green waste is gradually added, for example, grass left after mowing the lawn. Most importantly, it is necessary to block access to the tubers of the sun's rays, which will "green" them, making the potatoes unsuitable for eating.

After the autumn harvest of potatoes, which, by the way, will be a very clean and fast process, the field must be re-sown with oats, and continue to do this every year. After a couple of years without digging, the soil structure will be completely restored, and this piece of land will produce consistently high yields.


Vika (mouse peas) is an early maturing plant, and has a short growing season, which allows it to be used as an intermediate crop between plantings of the main crops. For example, it can be planted in beds intended for seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. Before gourds, it can also be sown. Pumpkin, zucchini, squash planted "on the vetch" give excellent harvests.

Green manure planting is carried out throughout the growing season, as soon as positive temperatures are established. The sowing rate is 1.5 kg per one hundred square meters. The depth of seed placement is 1-3 cm. It is not necessary to go deeper, otherwise the plant will not be able to penetrate the surface layer of the soil. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, the plot can be watered with EM fertilizers, this is cheap and fast.

Vetch is often included in a mixture that includes green manure plants such as rye, oats, rapeseed and ryegrass. This is done to obtain the optimal composition of biohumus, which is formed after mowing these crops, since this plant accumulates mainly nitrogen. "Mouse peas" belong to the legume family, and, accordingly, has a similar structure. The same nitrogenous nodules are formed on its roots, which accumulate this element. Peas, beans and beans cannot be planted after it. But potatoes, cabbage, radishes, and greens will be excellent subsequent crops.

sweet clover

Previously, this herbaceous plant was used as a fodder crop for livestock. But then they noticed that when plowing the mowing, where the sweet clover grew, the land gave richer crops than in the fields that were sown with other herbs. After that, sweet clover began to be used as green manure. It is a biennial plant that is grown as an annual. Sweet clover is unpretentious, hardy and grows rapidly. It belongs to the legume family, so it can accumulate nitrogen in the root system. Its roots penetrate deep into the earth, and have a large number of branches. Thanks to the powerful root system of this plant, after cutting it, the earth does not need to be dug up. It will be loose without additional processing.

A feature of growing sweet clover is that it is considered the most useful not above-ground, but underground part. Therefore, you can cut the plant already 3-4 weeks after the emergence of shoots. If you let it outgrow, it will become too hard for further processing, and the “pipes” from its stems will stick out of the garden for a couple of seasons, not decorating the garden at all.


Oil radish is a unique siderat, with a rapidly growing aerial part. For 6 - 7 weeks, it can increase its vegetative mass by 4-5 times. Among gardeners, it is popular as a natural "agrokiller". Radish suppresses all weeds, even creeping wheatgrass.

This green manure is not only an active supplier of biomass. Radish is a natural doctor and earth cleaner. She successfully fights diseases such as keel in cabbage, and nematodes. It must be planted on lands that have been affected by various diseases and insect pests for several seasons, and the soil will become healthy again.

It is best to sow radish on fresh arable land, it loves soft ground. Seed consumption - 300 g per hundred square meters. 4 weeks after the emergence of full shoots, the aerial part of the plant is excised with a shovel, and dug up along with the soil. The thickest stems are best composted.

The use of green fertilizers allows you to restore the soil balance, save money on purchased top dressing, and grow environmentally friendly products. The use of green manure helps to create a new humus layer, which was destroyed during the use of traditional farming, when all nutrients were removed from the soil with the resulting products. The soil enriched by natural methods will be transformed, and will surely thank you for all your efforts with abundant harvests of organic vegetables and fruits.

Video: green manure in the country - sowing, collecting seeds, efficiency

Summer residents grow mustard not only as a culinary spice. It, like green manure, has long been grown as a fertilizer that improves the composition of the soil. This technology for improving the land on the site has received a lot positive feedback from experienced gardeners. Why is mustard used as a green manure and when to sow it, bury it in the fall? You can find out the answers in this article and video.

White mustard is deservedly considered one of the most useful plants used to improve soil quality

When to Sow Mustard to Improve Soil in the Fall?

White mustard is deservedly considered one of the most useful plants used to improve soil quality. The reason is that during growth it absorbs harmful substances, makes the soil unsuitable for many people, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and weeds, and enriches the soil with microelements.

All parts of the mustard plant are rich in minerals, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen stimulates the growth and development of plants. Phosphorus improves the winter hardiness of perennial crops, so the beds are mulched with mustard in the fall. With a lack of phosphorus seedlings blooms worse, the fruits are tied poorly and ripen much longer.

grow up white mustard from seed in autumn. Shoots are always good, regardless of the quality of the soil. They appear quickly, and after about 20 days their height will be about 10 - 15 cm. Caring for the crop after sowing consists in regular watering at least 1 time in 7 days. It is recommended to water the plantings. White mustard is often affected by fungal diseases when irrigated, especially if the autumn turned out to be cool. No more additional work summer residents do not conduct.

Many are interested in when mustard should be buried in the fall. Digging up the soil together with mustard begins 30 days after sowing. All work must be completed before the plant blooms. The flowering period of white mustard begins 40-45 days after sowing. Given this, Russian summer residents start sowing white mustard as a green manure crop in late August - early September. In the southern regions of our country, for example in Krasnodar Territory and in the Crimea, sowing is carried out in the second half of September - early October.

Mustard as green manure: when and how to sow in the fall?

Autumn sowing of white mustard is carried out after preliminary surface loosening of the beds. Sowing in bulk takes a minimum of time and effort. After the seeds are buried in the ground with a rake. White mustard has small seeds, so they do not need to be sown deep. Otherwise, the timing of the emergence of seedlings will be delayed, and in the fall this is undesirable. Therefore, after sowing, the site is leveled.

A month after planting the mustard, they begin to mow it and dig the site with the help or manually. The procedure is performed in dry weather. Further, it is recommended to irrigate the site every 7 to 10 days so that the mustard rots sooner.

If the garden has severely depleted soil, mustard alone will not be enough to improve its quality. It is worth combining the enrichment of the land with green manure with the simultaneous introduction organic fertilizers. Exactly A complex approach help achieve best result next gardening season.

Phacelia or mustard as green manure - which is better?

Phacelia in hot climates is prone to the formation of rough stems that do not decompose for a long time. This reduces the effectiveness of its use.

Phacelia has been used as a green manure for a long time. According to biologists, culture not only helps to get rid of weeds. Phacelia on the site significantly increases the fertility of the soil, enriching it with nutrients and trace elements.

It is worth sowing phacelia as green manure in the fall 50 to 60 days before the onset of frost. The plant tolerates frosts well and in 2 months it will develop well. This period will be enough to plant the phacelia into the ground.

What is better to sow as green manure - phacelia or mustard? Both plants improve soil quality. But phacelia in hot climates is prone to the formation of rough stems that do not decompose for a long time. As a result, its effectiveness is reduced. Therefore, summer residents in the southern regions are recommended to sow mustard as green manure, and in the northern regions - phacelia. Some gardeners alternate crops of green manure crops.

Mustard as green manure: when to sow and when to bury, video:

Mustard as green manure to improve the quality of the soil in the fall has been used by summer residents for more than a year. This method of enriching the earth with minerals has been tested by time. Mustard sown in the fall helps control weeds and insect pests in the area. As an alternative to mustard, gardeners sow phacelia on the plot. This green manure crop can replace the use of manure in the country, which gardeners are guaranteed to appreciate.

We grow all vegetables and berries for the sake of the harvest - fruits, tubers, berries. To produce this yummy, plants spend a lot of nutrients. Of course, we apply various fertilizers, but in addition to a set of minerals after vegetables and perennial plantings berries when they grow in one place more than three years, there is a deterioration in the structure and fertility of the soil.

The humus layer is depleted, the number of beneficial microorganisms, earthworms is reduced. The soil is compacted, sometimes practically cemented, the roots no longer receive enough oxygen, the plants get sick.

In order to improve the structure and fertility of the soil, sowing green manure is used.

What is the value of green manure

  • saturation of the soil with nutrients
  • restoration of soil organic matter, humus layer
  • reduction in the number of pathogens and pests
  • weed growth retardation
  • retaining moisture in the soil and loosening
  • snow retention and soil weathering prevention
  • spring frost protection

Phacelia sown before winter

Which siderates are better

In fact, there are no ideal siderates - for various plantings, you need your own plants. It’s easy to explain - green manures belong to different plant families and have their own characteristics, for example, to clear the area of ​​keel, after cabbage, you can’t plant other cruciferous vegetables: radishes, turnips, as well as white mustard or oil radish.

Besides, various plants have various terms seedlings, vegetation cycle and soil requirements.

For example, among legumes, peas grow better on light sandy loamy soil, poorly on heavy ones. It is more expedient to plant beans and beans on loam.

Siderates by families

  • legumes: lupins, beans, soybeans, lentils, sowing and field peas, alfalfa, sweet clover, spring and winter vetch, clover, fodder beans, sainfoin, soybeans, seradella, peas, chickpeas, clover.
  • cruciferous: rapeseed, colza, oilseed radish, white mustard
  • cereals: wheat, rye, barley, oats
  • buckwheat: buckwheat
  • Compositae: sunflower
  • waterfly (hydrophile): phacelia

In addition, green manures of different families have different functionality:

  • legumes specialize in fixing nitrogen from the air
  • cruciferous and cereals fix nitrogen from the soil, convert other minerals into a more accessible form, prevent soil demineralization
  • increase the humus layer with a large leaf mass as a green fertilizer - rapeseed, colza
  • lupine, phacelia, buckwheat, oats, alfalfa - can reduce soil acidity
  • legumes, annual ryegrass, phacelia, sunflower, white mustard, oil radish, calendula, nasturtium - are able to suppress the nematode and a number of pathogens
  • all siderates loosen the soil with their roots, especially lupins, beans, oil radish
  • almost all green manures suppress weed growth due to planting density or rapid growth
  • annual ryegrass, phacelia, sunflower, mustard are also excellent honey plants

Compatibility of green manure and vegetables

  • Solanaceae: potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, Bell pepper, and melons: cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash - grow well after such siderates as rye, oats, lupins, oil radish, mustard, sweet clover, vetch-oat mixture, rapeseed, phacelia, annual ryegrass.
  • The best predecessors for beets are mustard, colza, oil radish, vetch, and cereals. Bad green manure predecessors: corn and legumes (vetch, alfalfa, lupine, sweet clover, clover, etc.) and rapeseed - because of the danger of nematode infection.
  • For carrots - all cultures are good, but the best are oilseed radish, mustard, rapeseed, and colza.
  • Siderata for cabbage, daikon, radish, turnip: sweet clover, vetch, lupine, phacelia, buckwheat, oats, clover, peas, as well as cereals.
  • Onions can be planted in beds where buckwheat, lupine, vetch and vetch-oat mixture, barley, phacelia acted as siderates, but in general, any siderates, except for corn and sunflower, can be precursors for garlic onions.
  • But garlic is more capricious - for him the best green manure- phacelia and mustard. It is undesirable to plant garlic after any bean green manure
  • Before planting legumes (peas, beans), you can sow mustard, oilseed radish, rapeseed, rapeseed, you can’t - other legumes.
  • The best green manure for strawberries: lupine, mustard, phacelia, oats.

What green manure to sow in the fall

If you have already decided which vegetables, in which area, garden bed or greenhouse, will be planted for the next season, the main crop has been harvested, you need to urgently plant green manure.

Only not every siderat is suitable for autumn sowing. All have their own characteristics - there are spring crops, there are winter crops.

  • Spring: oats, oil radish, rapeseed, white mustard, phacelia, which do not hibernate, both their roots and the aerial part die off, but they do not completely rot during the winter. In the spring, you need to cut the roots with a flat cutter at a depth of 5-7 cm from the soil surface and lightly mix with the ground. You can shed the soil with Baikal EM-1 solution to speed up the decomposition of green mass.
  • Winter green manure: rye, vetch, rapeseed - they are sown in late autumn before frosts, so that the seeds germinate in spring, and early in autumn, at the end of summer, then a small regrown tops leave before winter.

Siderates for the winter

Many spring green manure crops can be sown before winter. So, phacelia is usually sown in spring, but it is also possible to sow it in October-November, after late-ripening crops - carrots, beets, late potatoes, when the site is not threatened by a large invasion of germinating weeds. The sowing dates are calculated so that the seeds do not have time to germinate, and the number of phacelia seeds is increased by 1.5-2 times, since some of them may not sprout - at a rate of 10 g / sq. m, we take 20 g.

Phacelia tansy is suitable as a precursor of any vegetables and berries

The same applies to sowing mustard before winter, before frost, it also rise in the spring and will begin to work on the thawing land, but it is necessary to sow much thicker than in spring.

The advantages of winter green manure are that the plants will sprout earlier in the spring, and they will have time to grow decently before planting vegetables. For seedlings of phacelia or mustard, we make holes, for example, for tomatoes. Tomatoes grow like this until early June, while there is a threat of frost - herbs protect seedlings from the cold. Then the aerial part of the phacelia or mustard is mowed (it is easily removed), the roots remain in the ground, the greens are not covered, but remain as mulch for vegetables.

Dates of sowing green manure in the fall

The choice of green manure for sowing from the second half of summer depends on how much time remains before the cold and frost and how thermophilic the green manure is.

In autumn or at the end of summer, it makes sense to sow only those spring green manure crops that have time to grow at least 15-20 cm, and cover the ground with a solid carpet, protecting it from erosion by rains, preventing the loss of valuable substances and soil erosion.

In general, spring green manure can be sown until the end of August, in the southern regions - until the beginning of September.

You need to understand that green manure of farm fields and a small suburban area have completely different goals. Large fields are sown with almost any crop, including two-year ones, and only when grown in a full cycle, they provide the maximum enrichment of the earth with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. At the same time, most green manure have a powerfully developed root system, for example, in lupine it is about 1.5 m deep, others grow more than a meter in height. Such green manures are of value not as a green fertilizer (the stems and leaves are too coarse to be embedded in the soil), but as an improvement in soil structure (loosening and enrichment with nitrogen), as a fodder plant or a valuable honey plant. They are cleaned using powerful machinery.

On regular garden plots the main purpose of growing green manure is to obtain green fertilizer, populate the vacant beds to protect against weeds, loosen the top layer of the earth, protect the soil from diseases and pests. At the same time, it is very important to choose a green manure that grows quickly and is easily removed with a garden tool.

Therefore, sowing any green manure does not imply flowering, you can sow any herbs, but as soon as the crops grow to 15-20 cm, cut everything and plant it in the soil. As a rule, in terms of choice, cost plays a large role. seed and its availability.

Mustard white

White mustard - the most early siderat

It copes with these functions perfectly - it is sown in late summer, early autumn, due to its rapid growth and tolerance to cold weather, it has time to grow greenery and prevent the loss of nitrogen and other nutrients from the soil. With frost, the plant dies, but it is not necessary to plow it into the ground. White mustard does not grow well on acidic and waterlogged soils.

Oil radish

Another cruciferous early green manure, great for sowing areas that have been vacated by August, for example, early potatoes. Grows on any type of soil, especially good for heavy ones - loosens and structures. The radish has a small consumption of seeds, it quickly sprouts (in 4-7 days) and increases its green mass, it is quite cold-resistant - it has time to grow before frost if sown later. A basal rosette of 4-5 leaves already 2-3 weeks after germination, and flowering after 30-40 days. It is necessary to mow the oilseed radish before flowering.

Although the highest yield is formed during the formation of pods, radish is much larger than mustard, it has coarser stems, therefore, in farms it is allowed to grow longer and harvested with the help of machinery. An ordinary gardener has a simple tool - so after a month and a half you need to mow.

As green manure, oilseed radish is sown in rows, 15 cm between seeds. Seed consumption is approximately 2-3 g per 1 sq. m. Seeds are planted to a depth of 2-4 cm.

Winter rye

Winter rye, sown in early autumn or late summer, is excellent as a green fertilizer, it will have time to germinate before frost and form lush bushes. It tolerates winter well and already in early spring, it continues to build up leaf mass and roots. Two weeks before planting vegetables or berries, the overgrown green mass must be cut with a flat cutter and dig the rye into the soil.

Winter rye as green manure has another advantage - it is undemanding to the soil and grows well on any type of soil, including very poor ones. The disadvantage is that it does not fix nitrogen in the soil, but gives a lot of organic matter.

It is not necessary to sow winter rye too thickly, since in spring it sprouts very amicably and too frequent shoots are more difficult to clean. Can be sown in rows, with a distance of about 15 cm, planting to a depth of 4 cm.


Rapeseed is demanding on the soil, but in order to improve the structure, it is advisable to use it on heavy soils - soddy-podzolic, light and medium loamy and chernozems, although it also grows on sandy soils. Categorically not suitable for growing in wet areas.

Rapeseed as green manure is sown in the second half of August, in the southern regions later - after the 20th of the month - the fact is that rapeseed is a more tender culture - if sown ahead of time, plants outgrow, begin to be affected by diseases, winter badly. Optimal dimensions bush, with which rapeseed painlessly leaves before winter rapeseed - a height of about 20-25 cm and a rosette of 6-8 leaves - it takes about 2 months.

Rape requires more care - this culture does not tolerate a sharp change in weather, when, after a sudden thaw (melting snow), frost sets in again - an uneven flow of water causes root rot. The same problem occurs when too much nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, if the winter is not snowy, you will have to throw snow on the beds with winter rapeseed.

Rapeseed is sown to a depth of 2–3 cm. Seedlings appear in 4–5 days.

In spring, with favorable wintering, rapeseed continues to grow, turns green and blooms by mid-May. They begin to mow it not when green pods appear, but earlier two weeks before planting the main crop.

After rapeseed, you can plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, eggplants. The disadvantage of this green manure is not only sensitivity to root rot, but also a lot of diseases and pests that affect cruciferous plants.


Buckwheat as green manure is best sown in spring, as it takes 1-3 months for its development, but it can also be sown at the end of summer, in autumn, six weeks before the first frost. It can be sown after potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers. Seedlings appear on the 9-10th day. Mow in the flowering stage - the first flowers about a month after germination. Flowering buckwheat retains tender foliage and stems, rots well. It grows on any type of soil, including poor ones, gives a good organic mass, does not retain nitrogen in the soil, but converts phosphorus into a form that is easily accessible to vegetables. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to get seeds, store-bought buckwheat will not work (it is steamed or fried), green seeds are needed.


Vika or mouse peas - legume used both for organics and for saturating the soil with nitrogen, as well as suppressing weeds in difficult areas. Vika is more capricious - it grows only in slightly acidic areas, does not tolerate dryness.

Vika (sowing peas) - it's time to mow

Vika is an early ripening plant, it grows leaf mass well, protects vegetables from snails and slugs. You can plant it under any vegetables, including cabbage, when it is unacceptable to sow cruciferous green manure, but you can not plant it before legumes (peas, beans).

Vetch is often included in green manure mixtures in company with rye, rapeseed, ryegrass and other herbs. The seeding depth is 1-3 cm. It is possible to mow and embed into the soil already 60-65 days after sowing.



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