Viburnum Buldenezh (Snowball variety) – planting, propagation and cultivation. Recommendations for growing viburnum buldenezh

There are more than two hundred species of viburnum in the world, many of them have been introduced into cultivation.

At the end of spring, the bushes are covered with a white head of flowers, and in the fall they give tart fruits.

No less popular is the sterile form, Viburnum roseum.

Its main feature is large spherical inflorescences that do not have stamens and pistils. The flowering period lasts almost a month.

Common viburnum is found in the forest-steppe zone of Europe, Central Asia, North Africa. Her decorative form appeared in medieval France.

The shrub got its name, viburnum buldenezh, for its white spherical inflorescences.

The plant with sterile flowers began to be actively propagated by vegetative methods, and by the 18th century it had spread throughout Europe.

The shrub grows up to 4 m. It has gray bark and multi-lobed leaves.

Blooming inflorescences have a greenish tint. After a while, they become like a snow-white lump, and at the end of flowering they turn slightly pink.

Reproduction buldenezh

Each buldenezh flower is sterile. They don't produce berries, so by seed method You won't be able to get new bushes.

All varieties of viburnum reproduce well by vegetative methods, as well as by dividing the bush.

By layering

The work is carried out in late spring - early summer. A shallow hole is dug near the bush, and loose soil.

Small cuts are made on the bark, in places of contact with the ground, which are treated with a growth stimulator.

The middle part of the shoot is pinned with a staple, and the hole is covered with earth. During the summer, the place should be moist.

Next spring the rooted shoot is separated from the mother plant. It can be sent to permanent place or plant in a garden bed for growing.

Dividing the bush

Old specimens are rejuvenated in a similar way. The dug viburnum is divided into equal parts using a sharp garden tools so that there are three buds left on each bush.

The cut areas are rubbed charcoal. The delenka is immediately planted in a permanent place.

By cuttings

Green shoots are suitable for work; viburnum does not reproduce well from lignified cuttings.

Shoots 10cm long are cut during the flowering period.

A cutting ready for planting should have 3 nodes and an oblique lower cut.

Lower leaves removed, the top ones are cut in half.

At night, the cuttings are left in a solution of a growth stimulator.

Fertile substrate for active growth roots consists of peat and coarse river sand.

The cuttings are lowered into the ground at an angle and covered with transparent polyethylene. During the rooting period, the leaves are sprayed with water every day.

Rooted cuttings are left in the ground for the winter, well insulated with lutrasil and dry leaves. Young plants are sent to a permanent place after 2 years.

Planting seedlings in open ground

You need to choose a place so that the viburnum is comfortable even at the seedling stage.

An adult shrub has spreading branches; it should not be planted near buildings or fruit trees. Healthy seedlings take root within a few months.

Optimal timing

The viburnum bush buldenezh can be planted twice a year.

Spring work carried out until the buds open.

In the fall, you need to have time to plant the plant before the first frost.

Place and soil

Viburnum is an unpretentious plant. She prefers moist soils.

In areas rich in humus, rapid growth and annual lush flowering are observed. Strong shading has a negative impact on the decorative effect.

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral.

On sandstones, podzols and peat-humus soils, shrubs grow very slowly.

A month before planting, apply to the place under the viburnum mineral fertilizers.

Landing rules

The depth of the planting hole is 40 cm and the width is 50 cm. There should be at least two meters between seedlings.

The plant is immersed strictly vertically, root collar deepen by 5 cm.

Immediately after this, the bushes are watered abundantly; one plant requires 3 buckets of water. Tree trunk circles are mulched with dry grass.

How to care for viburnum buldenezh

Despite the fact that the species has been cultivated, it has retained the properties of wild shrubs.

According to gardeners, planting and caring for viburnum buldenezh does not cause much trouble. Even young bushes tolerate temperate climates well.


Water is essential for seedlings and young plants.

They are watered every week so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 50 cm.

To avoid moisture loss, it is better to leave this work until the evening.

Adult bushes are watered exclusively during dry periods of summer.


Annual growth bush is 40 cm, without timely pruning it will grow overgrown with shoots.

Young inflorescences tend towards the sun, while the lower shoots gradually dry out.

Viburnum buldenezh is pruned after flowering.

It is necessary to get rid of thin shoots growing inward, dry branches and withered inflorescences.

Summer formation of the bush is the key lush flowering for next year.

You can prune viburnum early spring, this should be done before the sap flow begins.

Feeding in spring and autumn

Garden viburnum requires mineral and organic fertilizers for lush flowering.

In the spring, before the buds open, tree trunk circles scatter urea granules.

As soon as the bush fades, apply complex fertilizer. In late autumn, pour a bucket of compost under the viburnum and dig up the ground.

Support and pinching

A bright detail that complements general view garden, it looks like a viburnum on a trunk.

She will tolerate formative pruning without any stress.

In the spring, one central shoot is selected from a young bush, which will become the basis of the trunk.

The basal shoots and branches below the crown are cut off. The length of the branches in the crown itself should be 30 cm, so they are regularly pinched.

After the trunk has developed sufficiently, it is tied to a support. In a few years the bush will reach the required height.

To develop in breadth, you need to pinch the top of the head. It takes 3 years to form a beautiful standard-shaped ball.

Preparing for winter

Almost all types of viburnum are characterized by high winter hardiness.

Only in case of anomalous low temperatures The branches of the buldenezh are frosted over.

Before the first serious frost, it is sprinkled with spruce branches, peat or straw.

It is advisable to wrap young plants under three years old with lutrasil, burlap or spunbond.

Reasons why the bush does not bloom

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is wrong choice landing places.

In the shade, viburnum loses its decorative effect. Dry spring and early summer have a negative effect on the plant; you will have to monitor soil moisture.

After a harsh winter, the branches take a long time to recover, which also affects flowering.

Possible pests

Although viburnum buldenezh bushes are unpretentious, from time to time they are subject to various ailments. To maintain the beauty of the plant, it is necessary to inspect it regularly.

At the beginning of summer, the bushes are damaged by the viburnum leaf beetle. The beetle eats all the foliage, leaving behind veins and petioles.

It is necessary to spray the bushes in spring and autumn with Inta Vir, Fufanon or Aktara. Damaged leaves are cut off and burned.

The viburnum aphid is no less dangerous. Small black insects stick to the branches, actively reproduce and suck all the juices out of the viburnum.

Damaged foliage is severely deformed and curled. The first treatment is carried out before the buds open, subsequent treatments are carried out as the insects become active. It is necessary to alternate between Karbofos, Arrivo and Fury.

Young bushes are susceptible to powdery mildew. Prolonged wet weather promotes the development of fungus. The leaves are covered with a white coating, which gradually darkens.

Not only does the green mass suffer, infected plants overwinter much worse. All damaged foliage is collected and destroyed, and dry shoots are also disposed of.

Viburnum buldenezh bushes are treated with Topaz or Topsin.

Application in landscape design

Single specimens are often planted along the banks of artificial reservoirs.

Viburnum buldenezh looks ideal in solitary plantings on the lawn.

Viburnum Buldenezh (translated from French as “snow globe”) belongs to the genus of flowering plants Adoxaceae. The plant is the most common decorative form of the well-known deciduous shrub - common viburnum or red viburnum (lat. Vibúrnum ópulus). This plant is highly valued by summer residents, as well as landscape designers who are ready to decorate almost any gardens and summer cottages with them. The plant is unpretentious. It does not require complex care, so it is often used instead of other plantings.

Viburnum buldenezh in the garden

Homeland: temperate climate Europe and Asia. Viburnum Buldenezh is widespread in the European part of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the northern and southeastern regions, in the Caucasus and Crimea, Western and Eastern Siberia, in Kazakhstan, countries Western Europe, Central and Asia Minor, as well as in North Africa.

Flowering: Flowering duration is 2-3 weeks, from late May to early June.

Light: the plant Viburnum Buldenezh is a light-loving species, but it tolerates slight shading normally, i.e. it is shade-tolerant.

Temperature: the bush belongs to frost-resistant species. It is able to withstand temperatures from −35 °C and below.

Watering: during cold weather or heavy rains, the plant does not need watering. In hot and dry seasons, it is necessary to water the plant several times, since a lack of moisture during this period can lead to a reduction in flowering time. An adult shrub needs watering at least once a year, before flowering.

Feeding: at least once every 5 years. The plant should be fed in the spring months, after the soil has dried out somewhat.

Pruning: Needs pruning.

Transplantation: at the end of August.

Reproduction: vegetative way– green cuttings, layering.

Kalina buldenezh: care

This variety of viburnum, shown in the photo, was obtained by the famous French breeder and botanist Victor Lemoine. The shrub traditionally reaches a height of 2.5 meters, individual trees - 4 meters. Viburnum Buldenezh has a wide spreading crown. On the territory of Russia you can find a 50-year-old viburnum, which has a height of 6 meters, while the diameter of its crown is 4.5 meters. Ball-shaped inflorescences consist of flowers without pistils and stamens, that is, this variety of viburnum does not have reproductive organs, which does not allow it to reproduce by seeds. The flowers of the plant first have a greenish tint, then become snow-white, resembling a snow globe. During flowering, the flowers acquire a pink tint.

The flowering period is about a month. Large, wide leaves consist of 3 or 5 blades. The common viburnum bears fruit with bright scarlet berries, which are collected in an umbrella raceme and have beneficial properties, viburnum Buldenezh does not bear fruit. It is worth noting that some varieties of viburnum have black fruits, which, on the contrary, are very poisonous.

Now let’s look at what care this plant needs so that you can soon admire the beautiful seedlings of the plant. Exclusively at an early stage of development, the viburnum Buldenezh plant needs watering. Adult Buldenezh, as his description says, is able to provide for himself independently required quantity nutrients and moisture.

At home, caring for the plant that we can see in the photo is very simple. This unpretentious type of viburnum is available for cultivation by every gardener, even beginners and amateurs. Reviews of the plant can be seen in the video. Its planting and propagation does not cause difficulties. It should be noted that viburnum Buldenezh and common viburnum, despite their picky nature, prefer fertile soils, bright light and moist soil. Under these conditions, the unique representative of the flora shown in the photo shows all its advantages, develops well, tolerates reproduction and is formed.

According to botanists, caring for the viburnum Buldenezh, shown in the photo, primarily consists of watering in dry times and good feeding, at least once every 5 years. As for replanting, it can be done when necessary, without taking into account the time of year or the age of the plant. Some experts believe that feeding a plant, if the soil on which it grows is not fertile enough, should be given attention more often than once every 5 years. So, it is necessary to feed viburnum Buldenezh before the beginning of the growing season and before the period of shedding leaves. In the spring months, to feed plants per 1 sq. meter, take a mixture consisting of 50 grams of nitrogen, 30 grams of calcium and 40 grams of phosphorus.

Flowers Viburnum buldenezh

In the autumn months, caring for the plant consists of one square meter add a mixture consisting of 20 grams of phosphorus and 15 grams of potassium. Fertilizers should be sprinkled over the soil, then dug up, watered and mulched with mown hay, grass, straw, bark, and sawdust. The process itself can be watched in numerous videos on the Internet. Also in order to save optimal conditions For the growth of viburnum, you can use decomposed compost when mulching.

Planting a plant and propagating it will not be difficult for a gardener. To do this, a small shoot of viburnum must be separated from the base of the bush and kept in water until roots form. Then the cutting can be planted immediately in open ground. Planting will be successful and the cutting will take root if carried out in the spring and autumn months. Also, planting viburnum will be successful if in the dug landing hole post organic fertilizer, mixed with ash. According to experts, planting also requires mulching the surface of the earth with peat. Planting is completed with abundant watering.

Features of pruning the plant shown in the photo. Pruning the Buldenezh viburnum, shown in the photo, is usually used to rejuvenate the bush. In this case, the plant is cut out completely and young shoots will soon appear. To achieve abundant flowering, as shown in the photo, such care as thinning is used. It is remarkable that a modest bush can easily produce a delightful tree. To do this, carefully remove the shoots at the bottom of the bush, leaving the trunk. You can familiarize yourself with this process by watching the video.

Possible difficulties

When growing this garden crop at home summer cottage you may have some difficulties. Certain diseases pose a certain danger when growing this type of viburnum, which is shown in the photo. They should be taken into account when caring for shrubs, especially immediately after planting. Bulldenezh and other varieties of viburnum can get sick due to insect pests that mercilessly destroy the leaves and wonderful flowers of viburnum. Often these types of pests include leaf beetles, viburnum bark beetles, comma scale insects and aphids. They are fought with care, even before the plant blooms, which we can see in the photo, using special chemical solutions and drugs:

  • organophosphorus compound chlorophos at a concentration of 0.2%;
  • insecticidal preparation "Karbofos" - 0.1%;
  • biological product "Fitoverm";
  • organophosphorus drug "Actellik";
  • "Decis".

Viburnum buldenezh for the garden

Another disease that can harm Buldenezh and negatively affect other varieties of viburnum is powdery mildew. Those who care for the plant should take this into account. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus that infects mainly young parts of plants, damaging green shoots, emerging leaves, petioles and newly formed berries. The disease progresses during dry and hot weather. It is at this time that even a slightly wilted plant becomes susceptible. The foliage of an infected shrub looks as if it is covered with lime. In just 2 weeks after the first signs of infection appear, powdery mildew can cover every young leaf of the plant, petioles and shoot tips.

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease by taking care of it than to treat it. Thus, to prevent powdery mildew, infusions such as garlic, onion and tobacco are used. These folk, but proven means achieve effective prevention diseases. If the disease could not be avoided, and even proper preventive care did not help, then at the end of flowering the plants should be treated with an infusion prepared from ash: 3 kg of ash is infused in 10 liters of water. Also for these purposes, a solution of soda ash and soap is used: for 10 liters of water, take 50 grams of soda and laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. The procedure for treating diseased viburnum Buldenezh must be repeated up to 3 times, keeping a weekly interval between them.

Decorative viburnum becomes a real chic decoration garden plot. A beautiful plant is indispensable in landscape design. It looks great on any photo. Buldenezh and some other varieties of viburnum will look very impressive against the background of trees such as linden, spruce, maple and rowan. On the plots of amateur gardeners, common viburnum, buldenezh and Canadian viburnum most often flaunt. When there is sufficient space, shrubs are usually planted in small groups consisting of 3-5 bushes. Viburnum is able to decorate any garden and area, giving it an atmosphere of tenderness and homeliness.

Fairytale princess in lush decoration, huge, up to 15-20 cm in diameter, white snow globes- inflorescences. A beauty to behold. Well, why not hydrangea?
Kalina– a female amulet, talisman, “bitter berry”, which will heal from illnesses, give strength and confidence. A real garden pearl. She is always attractive! And when it blooms for a whole month from the end of May, with its rich green foliage in summer and carmine-red crown in autumn. The height of an adult bush is 2-2.5 meters. Excellent when cut, maintaining freshness for a long time. Florists love to use Kalina Buldenezh in their compositions.

Mature formed bushes Kalina Buldenezh can carry up to 500 adorable snow globes.


Despite the fact that it belongs to frost-resistant shrubs, Kalina Buldenezh demanding on growing conditions. Last year's shoots may be partially frozen, but new shoots appear from the buds of undamaged growth. Viburnum Buldenezh loves sunny or slightly shaded corners of the garden. In the sun, the flowering period is shortened. Planting in the shade weakens the bush. The inflorescences become smaller and degenerate.

A short video on formation of ornamental shrubs, including Kalina Buldenesh from Yuri Borisovich Markovsky

Although Kalina Buldenezh and a drought-resistant crop, but loves watering. Abundant watering is especially necessary for young bushes during dry periods. In the fall, when cold weather sets in, the soil is well watered to prevent dehydration in winter.
In the spring they bring in the following fertilizers:
Nitrogen - 40-50g/m2
Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2

Phosphorus - 30-40 g/m2
Potassium - 15-20 g/m2
During the season, the soil is shed a couple of times with complex fertilizers and ash is added.


Kalina Buldenezh reproduces well vegetatively:
o layering
o dividing the bush
o green summer cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

In the spring, make a hole to a depth of 10 cm, bend it down, pin the shoot, cover it with humus, compact it, and maintain soil moisture. By autumn the shoots should take root. After 2 years, they are separated from the mother bush.
Propagation by green summer cuttings.

In June, cuttings with one internode on last year's shoots, 7-8 cm long, are harvested, planted in well-washed river sand, under which a 6-10 cm layer of humus is laid, or in loose soil to a depth of 2-3 cm in a garden bed. They cover it with either glass or film, shading it from the sun, and even out the temperature with agrofibre, folded in half.
Inside the greenhouse, a warm and humid microclimate is maintained by spraying warm water. Next, the young bushes are grown in a school.

PLANTING Viburnum seedlings

The planting pattern is 2x2m, it is allowed to deepen the root collar up to 5 cm. The soil is compacted.
In the first year, the plant rises 0.3 m - slowly, root system not developed. Further growth can be up to 1 m per year. At 3-4 years the bush reaches a height of 1.5 m, at 5 years – 2-2.5 m, at 12 years – up to 3 m. Kalina Buldonezh lives long - up to 60 years.


To obtain a multi-stemmed bush, young viburnum is cut at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground. Inflorescences that appear in the first year are cut off unblown. This is done in order to obtain lush and abundant flowering. Next, young growing shoots are pinched at the end of July - beginning of August. In subsequent years, pruning during further formation of the crown is carried out in June-July, after the end of flowering, so that new ones can be formed on the branches. flower buds for next year. In summer, the side branches are shortened, the size of the bush is reduced, and the central part is thinned out. No pruning has been done since the end of August; the plant needs to get stronger and prepare for winter and cold weather. In spring, pruning is not done so as not to weaken the intensity of flowering.
With age, the outer branches become “weeping”, slightly hanging down. Due to the abundance of inflorescences, the bush falls over and bends, so it is tied up.


In beauty - standard form Kalina Buldenezh During flowering, it is in no way inferior to the standard form of roses. The plant tolerates molding pruning well, which allows you to obtain specimens with a spectacular crown on a low and high trunk.

Standard form of Kalina Buldonezh

When pruning, one powerful shoot is left, the crown is formed at a height of 1.5-2 m, branches longer than 25-30 cm are pinched. Once every 7-10 years, thin out the crown, cutting out branches that are broken, dry or spoiling the shape of the plant. The shoots and shoots under the bush are removed.
Kalina Buldenezh goes well with garden mock orange, early-blooming spirea, lilac, mauve colors, its beauty is emphasized by the foliage of the Thunberg barberry, and the lush image is picked up by paniculate hydrangea. It is magnificent in single and group plantings. Impossible concept white garden without this wonderful bush.

You can read about other beautiful ornamental shrubs

Buldenezh. This beautiful name viburnum, which translates as “snowball,” belongs to a Frenchman. Europe became acquainted with this shrub more than four centuries ago. In Russia, buldenezh appeared under Catherine II. At that time, the “snow globe” or “snowball” was grown at the palace, in the gardens and parks of the estates of wealthy landowners. In the 18th century, gardens were known in which only buldenezh grew. Gardeners, masters of their craft, surprised Europe with the beauty of the standard forms of the Snow Globe.

Snow globes of buldenezh inflorescences

Description of buldenezh

Buldenezh is a decorative form of the common viburnum. The height of the spreading bush is from 2 to 3.5 meters. I saw bushes that were a little taller. At the end of spring - beginning of summer, snow-white balls of inflorescences appear on the bush. Their diameter is 7–15 cm. The inflorescences consist of sterile flowers that are odorless. As the bush matures, the number of inflorescences becomes larger: even the leaves are not visible behind them. These balls stay on the bush for 20 - 30 days.

Bulldenezh care

Place. It is best to grow viburnum buldenezh in light partial shade. In a sunny place, flowering will be shorter. In the shade - very weak, with small, loose inflorescences. Yes, and the pests will torture you there. It happens that the place seems to be suitable, and the soil meets all standards, but the bush does not want to grow or bloom. In this case, you urgently need to look for another place for the viburnum. It must be remembered that buldenezh is planted for several decades, so choosing a location is a responsible matter. Some shrubs continue to bloom even at the age of 60 years.

Soil. Viburnum buldenezh grows well in loose, nutritious, moderately moist soil. It is very important to prepare a good planting hole for it, measuring at least 50 cm x 60 cm. Fill it with a soil mixture with a large supply of nutrients. For example, mix several buckets of compost, peat and sand. Add wood ash (at least 3 cups) and nitrophoska or fertilizer granules (amount according to the instructions). This is very important for successful cultivation buldenezha. Heavy clay soil it needs to be cultivated by adding humus, peat and sand.

Winter hardiness. Snow globe is a fairly winter-hardy crop that does not need to be covered for the winter. However, in the first years of life, it is advisable to play it safe and insulate the roots with humus at the end of autumn. This simple work will not only protect them from freezing in harsh winters with little snow, but will also feed the plant. If you sow under a buldenezha bush lawn grass or preserve an existing lawn when planting, then dense turf will provide reliable protection in any weather. In winters that are too frosty and have little snow, the buldenezh may freeze. But it quickly grows into absolutely healthy shoots.

Watering. The snow globe is watered frequently and abundantly. This is viburnum. Every autumn, before the onset of cold weather, it is important to thoroughly water the soil under the bush, which prevents tissue dehydration in winter period, protecting the plant from freezing.

Feeding. Good feeding benefits the bush. It could be wood ash or solution complex fertilizers. Loves viburnum and well-rotted organic matter. Especially in the spring. In the summer, you can sometimes use an infusion of grass diluted with water, which has had time to ferment, to feed the buldenezh. From mid-August all feeding is stopped.

Pests. Viburnum is a delicacy for aphids and leaf beetles. On no other plants have I seen such fat and well-fed aphids as on the buldenezh. Aphids appear early, at the very beginning of flowering. The worst thing is that it colonizes not only the tops of young shoots, but also the balls of inflorescences. Ant trails are laid on the trunk and branches with insects rushing to “milk” the aphids. Spraying with INTA-VIR or Iskra solution (diluted according to the instructions) helps to cope with aphids. Two or three treatments with an interval of 10 days are enough for the aphids to disappear for a while. A decoction of tobacco also helps against aphids, to which you need to add about 40 g of green soap per bucket of decoction. An emergency method is a strong stream of water from a hose, which knocks out aphids clinging to the shoots. The jet should be of such power as to wash the pest out of the inflorescences, but not spoil the shape of the snow-white balls.

Another pest of viburnum buldenezh is the viburnum leaf beetle. They get rid of its presence on buldenezh (and other viburnums) preventive measures. Best time for the destruction of wintering clutches of the viburnum leaf beetle on the tops of shoots - late autumn and early spring. In spring, a strong crust allows you to stand on snowdrifts to examine the upper tips of the branches. If characteristic dark tubercles of oviposition are found, then it is imperative to cut off and destroy these parts of the shoots. In the spring they spray with “chemistry” (Fufanon, Karbofos, etc.)

Trimming. Buldenezh without pruning soon thickens, which affects the deterioration of its flowering. In the spring, before flowering begins, cut off damaged and dried branches. There is no need to leave weak shoots growing in the center of the bush. They are doomed due to lack of light and nutrition. But for aphids this is a real paradise. After flowering ends, thin out the central part and shorten individual side shoots. This the right time in order to reduce the size of the bush. The plant tolerates such pruning painlessly. Since the end of August, the bush has not been touched, giving it the opportunity to get stronger and prepare for winter.

Buldenezh - every year there are more and more inflorescences

Reproduction of bulldenezh

The flowers of buldenezh are sterile; only sterile flowers are collected in the inflorescences. That's why there are no fruits with seeds. It's only possible vegetative propagation Snow globe by layering, cuttings (especially green ones) and dividing the bush.

Buldenezh is most often propagated by layering in late spring - early summer. The most guaranteed option is to bend flexible annual shoots and pin them into shallow (10 - 12 cm) grooves. Sprinkle the top with soil or well-decomposed compost and water. You will have to moisten the soil regularly so that it remains moist all the time. The rooted part of the shoot is separated from the bush with pruning shears. The seedling is left for some time next to the mother bush or transplanted into a school for growing. The first flowering occurs after two to three years.

Cuttings can be obtained during summer pruning bush. Most often, shoots of the current year are used for cuttings, on which two pairs of buds are left. The lower leaves are cut off and the upper ones are reduced by half. The cuttings are prepared according to all the rules: the top cut should be straight and the bottom oblique. Heteroauxin or rootin accelerates the process of root formation. The planting depth is approximately 2 cm. The cuttings will not only have time to take root over the summer, but will even produce young shoots. Cuttings from last year's shoots also take root well. They are cut in June. If you create everything necessary conditions(make a bed with loose soil, stretch plastic film on low arcs, shade and equalize the air temperature with lutrasil, regularly spray with warm water, etc.), then the cuttings will quickly become strong seedlings. Many amateur gardeners root cuttings under hoods into which they turn five-liter bottles from drinking water, if they cut off the bottom. Rooted cuttings are grown in a school.

When planting seedlings, the root collar is deepened slightly (by 3 - 4 cm). First, the root system is built up. At this time, it seems that the buldenezh seedling is growing slowly. But soon its shoots begin to noticeably increase in size. A bush at the age of 3 - 4 years can already be one and a half meters high.

The flexible branches of the buldenezh bowed under the weight of snow

Decorativeness and flowering of the buldenezh bush

Buldenezh looks good at any time of the year. In winter, a fairly tall bush stands out in relief against the background of white snow. At the beginning of spring, snowdrops, crocuses, liverworts, marigolds and other early flowering plants bloom under its branches.

At the end of May - beginning of June, the finest hour of the Snow Globe begins. Greenish-white inflorescences appear first, and soon they become dazzling white. It becomes clear why this decorative viburnum was called the Snow Globe. It seems that the entire bush is covered with snowballs. The foliage remains fresh all summer, and in the fall a bush with colored leaves looks no less picturesque.

The snow globe looks great as a separate growing bush (tapeworm). It is not spoiled by its proximity to other plants. Viburnum looks romantic next to water.

The standard tree of the buldenezh is fascinating. In order to get it, only the most direct escape is left. It will become the basis of a trunk 100 - 120 cm high. It is better to give the crown a spherical shape. And correct it as needed.

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Medium height bushes covered with flowers original form, decorate flower beds near private houses and public gardens.


The beautiful flowering shrub Viburnum buldenezh reaches a height of 1.5 to 3 m. The leaves are light green, large, from 7 to 12 cm in length. The crown is neat, spreading, width - up to four meters.

Annual growth at proper care ranges from 30 to 40 cm. The plant reaches its maximum height in 7–10 years.

Decorative viburnum buldenezh can please the eye for sixty years. The plant is frost-resistant, has taken root in different regions countries.


During the formation of spherical buds, the petals are light green, gradually the “snow globes” become white. The diameter of the “snowballs” is 12–15 cm. The number of balls on a bush sometimes reaches four hundred.

Flowering lasts about twenty days: from the third week of May to mid-June. The decorative variety of viburnum buldenezh has more lush, “double” flowers compared to viburnum common type buldenezh.

Planting and care

Kalina decorative buldenezh prefers an open, slightly shaded space with sufficient lighting. If shade predominates, the flowering period becomes shorter and the inflorescences become smaller.

Kalina buldenezh – enough unpretentious plant . Regular care will help grow a healthy, strong bush.


Viburnum should be planted in the ground in the spring. The soil should warm up well.

Many landscape designers And experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant decorative viburnum buldenezh on the banks of artificial or natural reservoirs.

Landing rules:

  • dig a hole up to 50 cm deep;
  • Fertilize the soil with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, ash, potassium and compost. Mix all ingredients well;
  • deepen the root collar to 5 cm;
  • sprinkle the roots with soil, compact the soil;
  • make a hole, carefully water the plant;
  • Apply a layer of bark or sawdust mulch on top.


The list of agrotechnical measures is standard. Follow deadlines for all operations.

Main events:

  1. Watering. The soil should always be moist. In dry years, do not allow the soil to dry out. The plant will begin to hurt and growth will slow down.
  2. Loosening. Do it regularly. Do not allow the formation of a dense crust that impedes root respiration.
  3. Mulching. Change the layer of sawdust or bark as needed. In addition to the protective effect, this operation improves appearance holes.
  4. Fertilizer. In spring, feed the plant with a mixture of potassium (20 g), nitrogen (up to 50 g) and phosphorus (up to 30 g). In mid-August, add the following composition: potassium (up to 40 g) + phosphorus (up to 20 g). Calculations are given for 1 square. m of soil. Throughout the year, add ash and water the soil with complex fertilizers.
  5. Disease Control. Spray viburnum in the spring with a solution of nitrophen. This way you will prevent the appearance of pests. The viburnum leaf beetle is fought with chlorophos, and the leaf roller aphid is fought with a tobacco decoction with the addition of soap, an infusion of garlic or wormwood. powdery mildew can only be removed with saline solution.


Viburnum buldenezh is a sterile plant. Bushes are propagated in two ways:

  • layering;
  • cuttings.

Which method should you choose? Try both and see where you get better results. It is easier to propagate viburnum buldenezh by layering.

Reproduction by layering:

  1. In spring, carefully bend back strong annual shoots.
  2. Place them in the hole, compact them well, add humus and water well.
  3. Monitor the condition of the soil, do not allow it to dry out. The branches must take root.
  4. In the fall, separate the cuttings from the bush, divide them into several seedlings and plant them in a prepared place.

Propagation of viburnum buldenezh by cuttings:

  1. In July, cut off last year's healthy shoots with buds. Length – about 8 cm.
  2. Prepare fertile soil and apply fertilizer.
  3. Plant the cuttings to a depth of 3 cm.
  4. At first, keep the cuttings in a greenhouse under polyethylene, and later plant them in pots.
  5. Until the end of autumn, the containers are kept warm; for the winter they are transferred to a cool place.
  6. You can plant rooted cuttings in May next year, when the soil has warmed up well.


To form a lush crown, decorative viburnum buldenezh is pruned annually. This operation has its own characteristics:

  1. In the first year, cut off unopened inflorescences. This way you will achieve abundant flowering and the appearance of large “snow globes”.
  2. Young shoots are pinched. Carry out the operation in late July - early August.
  3. IN next years Cut off the shoots of a young bush at a distance of 20 cm from the ground.
  4. Form the crown only after flowering has finished. This deadline must be respected. During this time, the formation of new flower buds will have time.
  5. During summer pruning, shorten the side shoots, thin out the center of the bush, and make the plant more compact.
  6. At the end of summer, pruning cannot be done: the plant is preparing for winter.

Over the years, the branches of plants tend to the ground. The more “snow globes” there are on the branches, the more pronounced the “weeping” behavior is. Keep an eye on the plant and tie it up in time.


There are not many varieties of decorative viburnum buldenezh. In addition to the one known to everyone decorative variety, gardeners grow interesting variety, “snow globes” whose color changes towards the end of flowering.

Viburnum vulgare Roseum

Large ornamental shrub or small deciduous tree in 5–10 years it reaches a height of three meters. Most of the characteristics of this variety are the same as those of the decorative viburnum buldenezh

What's the difference? In the Roseum variety, “snow globes” acquire a soft pink hue at the end of the flowering period. This variety is often called “terry”. The plant is highly decorative and is often used in standard plantings.

Planting, care and pest control are the same as in the case of decorative viburnum buldenezh. The Roseum variety has also taken root well in Russia.

Photo of decorative viburnum buldenezh Roseum.

Viburnum buldenezh in the garden plot

Decorative viburnum looks great in single and group plantings. “Snow Bush” goes well with lilac, garden mock orange, and paniculata hydrangea.

The original leaves of Thunberg barberry emphasize the tenderness and grace of the snow-white or pinkish inflorescences. On a flat, well-groomed lawn, bushes covered with " snow globes", look very impressive.

Properly care for viburnum buldenezh– and your garden will delight your relatives and neighbors. Please note useful tips, and feel free to spread it beautiful plant in your own area.



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