Which water purifier to choose. Rating of water filters for washing: a rating of the best models and a selection guide. Drinking water machine for an apartment

As a rule, one of the most difficult tasks of cosmetic repairs is wallpapering walls in hard-to-reach places (on external and internal corners, places where pipes pass, etc.). However, if you use special techniques and suitable materials, the question of how will be removed. Consider several ways to glue wallpaper in the corners. Let's start with a simple task - consider the technique of wallpapering even corners. And then we will study various options for working with uneven joints.

Smooth corners

Happy owners of a quality overhaul, as a rule, do not have problems with distortions on the walls. Wallpapering an even joint is much easier and does not require extra costs.

Internal and external (protruding) wall joints are glued in the same way. Consider the whole process step by step.

First of all, you need to decide where to start. If thin paper strips are used that will overlap each other (usually up to 0.5 mm.), Then you should start from the window (so that the seams are not visible). If the wallpaper is denser, then they will be glued end-to-end. In the second case, you should start from the door.

Decided on the direction - you can start measuring. It should be noted how many strips of wallpaper will go on the wall to the nearest corner. The fact is that the final strip should evenly lie on the adjacent wall by about 2-5 cm. It is better to cut off the excess.

Using a plumb line or a laser level, you should mark a straight line perpendicular to the ceiling, from it and start gluing. So as you move towards the corner, the trellises will not move (tilt).

Now you need to attach the next canvas, but starting near the corner (no matter how even it may seem) is undesirable. For the same reason, an overlap of several centimeters is left on the adjacent wall. Otherwise, there is a high probability of holes and an unaesthetic appearance that will be difficult to fix.

It is necessary to smooth the glued panel at the junction of the walls very carefully. It’s not so bad if the edge of the strip that goes around the corner protrudes somewhere by 3 cm, and somewhere by all 5. It is much more important that at the junction of two walls the wallpaper fits snugly against the surface without creases, swelling and excess tension.

Advice! If during the repair you are too lazy to press the wallpaper tightly in the corners, then later the pleasant digging of holes in the sagging wallpaper will become a very exciting activity for the child.

The next strip of light paper or thin non-woven wallpaper can be glued over the spade of the previous one, focusing on a straight perpendicular line that runs as close as possible to the junction of two walls. Before you start pasting a new wall, you can cut off the excess if the edge of the spade is uneven, or leave the bottom layer as it is.

Wallpaper glued end-to-end (that is, dense, not stretched after smearing with glue) in the corner is processed using the following technology:

As in the case of paper wallpaper, there is already a small strip of width left after gluing the trellis on the adjacent wall. We apply glue to it, press it and carefully smooth the entire corner.

On top of this strip - spade - mount, focusing on a perpendicular line, a new wide strip. It remains to make an even joint (after all, the material is dense, perhaps embossed, overlap cannot be left).

Along the perpendicular line, using a building rule or a sufficiently long ruler, it is necessary to make a deep cut of the wallpaper from ceiling to floor. It should go through both layers, making an even edge on each side. It is most convenient to do this with a very sharp clerical or construction knife (the second one is preferable, since its blade does not bend so much).

Now you need to carefully remove all unnecessary trimmings, re-glue the edges of the oncoming strips and straighten the joint. It should turn out perfectly even, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the corner.

Advice! Do not overlap or joint wallpaper directly in the corner. There will always be pits or cracks that ruin a smooth edge. 1-2 cm from the corner - the optimal distance, both for the internal interface of the walls, and for the external.

Several ways to align corners

Most often, both in old houses and in new buildings, there are walls with a slope. The meeting point of two such plates can somehow surprise with its shape. Unless it wraps in a spiral, and everything else is a common thing. In practice, 2 effective ways of working with uneven corners have been developed.

The first is to pre-prepare the walls by leveling (more expensive, but better), the second - does not require extra costs, allows you to paste the wallpaper "as is", while it does not hide the flaws in the relief. Let's start with the first one.

If the room is rectangular, the junction of the two walls should be 90 degrees. If this angle changes somewhere, it means that curved walls have come to the joint. It's easy to check. It is enough to attach a square and draw from floor to ceiling, evaluating the places where the ruler does not touch the surface. If you fill in these "voids", then the output will be a perfectly even form for pasting.

Let's start with method number 1

You will need a spatula in the form of a corner (90 degrees), putty (the more diverse the relief near the walls, the more), building rights and lo, plumb or level. In the most protruding place of the corner, it is necessary to attach a spatula, mark its location with a line. On this line, perpendicular to the ceiling, fix the building rule on the wall (with dowels or self-tapping screws). After wetting the surface with water, apply putty, and, pressing the rule to the edge, draw several times with a spatula. Smooth joint is ready. All that remains is to remove excess putty, dry and sandpaper.

Advice! If you don’t have a suitable spatula at hand, then you can use an even and dense rectangle of wood.

Method number 2

For it you will need a plaster corner (it is a grid with an attached iron or plastic rail, bent at an angle of 90 degrees), putty or plaster. All that is needed is to attach a plaster corner along the perpendicular, evaluate the gaps. After moistening the surface, apply the building mixture, attach the profile, level the putty so as to hide the mesh. After drying and processing with sandpaper, it is already possible to paste over the corners with wallpaper. By the way, a similar method will help protect the joints from destruction.

Method number 3

Align the walls (respectively, the corners) with drywall sheets. This is the most costly and effective method. If the walls do not have significant deformations, then drywall sheets can simply be glued, leveling. This is one of the easiest ways, more difficult is to install sheets on a metal frame. This method allows not only to level the walls, but also to improve the performance of thermal insulation, however, it reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Technique for working with uneven corners

With the help of simple rules, you can paste over the joints between the walls with trellises and without prior alignment.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. The right choice of wallpaper pattern. If the corners in the room have significant deviations, it is worth buying wallpaper with a neutral coloring that does not require matching along the edges of the panel. It will be impossible to achieve a pattern match, and a skewed ornament will spoil the whole impression.
  2. The choice of material by texture. One of the few types of tapestries that can stretch is non-woven wallpaper. Stretching in the process of work, elastic fabrics are able to effectively hide small depressions and bulges. In addition, they do not need to be pre-applied with glue, they do not get wet and do not tear. The strips are applied to the base dry, while the glue is applied to the walls first with a primer and only then with the main layer.
  3. We glue the uneven corner in two layers. A strip of wallpaper 10 cm wide (or more, depending on the nature of the terrain) can be glued into the corner before attaching the main trellises. In case you have to make cuts in the outer layer, the lower strip will fill the resulting gap. In addition, it will help to strengthen the wallpaper in the corner from breaks in the future.
  4. Instead of a narrow paper strip, the corner is often pre-glued with masking net - this also hides small depressions and strengthens the wallpaper strip in the corner.
  5. Notches for a better fit. Gluing the spade (that part of the strip that goes from one wall to another, about 5 cm), it is worth making herringbone cuts in it. So the tapestries will lie more densely to the surface. The new strip is leveled and overlapped or cut through both layers, forming a joint. Thus, gluing wallpaper in the corners is much easier, since the cuts made will not be noticeable.

You don't have to be a jack-of-all-trades to get the perfect home decor. It is enough to follow these simple rules, since evenly glued corners of the room: without shifting the overall pattern, without swelling and distortion, are an indicator of a quality repair.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Mar 2 2016


Often wallpaper materials are the most familiar wall decoration. Their popularity has increased due to the affordable price and ease of wrapping, but not in all places. Anyone can handle smooth surfaces, but in the question of how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners, not everyone can prove themselves as a professional. In order not to slow down the repair process and make it better, you will have to resort to some construction tricks.

Features of wallpapering in the corners of the room

Pasting a straight wall surface is not difficult, but as soon as you reach the turn, the hassle begins. How to glue wallpaper in the corners? Already experienced people in this matter recommend that beginners observe several conditions:

  1. Do not use the whole canvas on the turn. No matter how smooth it may seem, folds and distortions still turn out, because some modern wallpaper materials shrink after drying.
  2. Do not start pasting from the very junction of the walls - it is not as smooth as at first glance. It turns out that two panels are spoiled at once. Instead, you need to take a level and draw a vertical line.

There are 2 ways to glue wallpaper in the corner:

  1. Lay the sheets overlapping each other and make a cut in the center of the overlap. Remove cut pieces.
  2. Glue one panel, leading the edge 1.5-2 cm per turn, then butt him - the prepared second piece of material.

Wall preparation

Before gluing, you need to make preparatory work:

  1. Inspect the joints of the walls themselves for irregularities. They need to be leveled with putty, which will dry for a couple of hours. After that, smooth the surface with sandpaper to achieve perfect smoothness.
  2. Using a level with chalk, draw a straight vertical line, stepping back from the junction of the walls by 4-5 cm. There will be an edge of the canvas.

Step-by-step technique for doing work

To start pasting, you need to prepare the necessary materials - all of them should be at your fingertips. Wallpaper sticker in the corners requires the following:

  • wallpaper cloths of the desired length with a margin of a couple of cm;
  • glue diluted in warm water, suitable for the characteristics of your material;
  • roller and brush for applying glue;
  • dry cloth to wipe off excess adhesive;
  • brush for leveling panels;
  • ruler;
  • construction knife;
  • a stool to reach the top of the canvases.

How to glue inside corners

Here are the stages of work, how to glue paper wallpaper in the corners:

  1. Applying glue. Thoroughly coat the joint surface of the walls with the prepared composition from top to bottom, because there the material peels off easier and more often. Use where you get a roller, and where you need a brush.
  2. First part. On the side where the material is already pasted, glue the next part so that it falls around the turn by about 4-5 cm, as shown in the photo. Press the edge with a sponge. Press harder on the turning point to fix it more carefully.
  3. The second part. Proceed to another wall. Knowing the width of your material, measure it on the wall so that one edge of the panel extends 2-4 cm onto the previously glued one. Draw a line, checking it for verticality. After applying glue to the wall, glue the second canvas. Press the edges with a sponge.
  4. Trimming excess. Arm yourself with a ruler and a construction knife. Make a vertical cut in the center of the overlap using a ruler. Carefully tear off the top panel from the wall and remove the lower trimmed part.
  5. Final bonding. Carefully coat the part that was turned away with adhesive and re-glue to the wall, smoothing the edge and removing excess glue. The perfect seam is ready!

How to glue the outer corners

The protruding parts are more visible in the room, so they must be done especially carefully. There are two options for how to paste the wallpaper yourself:

  1. The protrusion is perfectly flat. Then just wrap the canvas around the corner joint by 3-4 cm and glue it. Do not cut it, and glue the next one using the usual technology for a straight surface.
  2. The walls are uneven. You'll have to use another method.

The second method will not differ from the technology for internal corner joints. Here's how to properly glue wallpaper in protruding corners:

  1. Glue the first strip with an overlap at the corner joint of about 4-5 cm.
  2. Measure the width of the panel from the ledge and step back another 5 mm so that when gluing one part runs over the other a little.
  3. Make a cut along the ruler in the middle of the overlap.
  4. The upper part will fall off by itself, and remove the lower part by pushing the top sheet and gluing it in place.

Such methods are assumed for those materials that are glued butt-to-butt and do not give shrinkage deformations. So the seam will not disperse and there will be no gaps in the wall. These methods are not suitable for paper materials - an overlay of 0.5 cm is required, therefore the first method is used when the overlap is not cut off, but simply checked for verticality with a plumb line. If deviations are found, draw a line and cut off the unnecessary. For a more aesthetic design, a wallpaper corner is often used.

If your home has drinking water quality problems, the best reverse osmosis water filter is a great solution. Which reverse osmosis filter is better to buy for home use, which brand should you prefer? We present a rating of popular filtering devices that have gained popularity among numerous users. The top 10 list includes the best models that received the maximum number of positive reviews. The article is devoted to reverse osmosis filters, the principle of operation of devices. Here are recommendations for the correct selection and operation of water equipment. The description of each item is accompanied by corresponding photographs depicting a specific model.

Regardless of the brand and cost of equipment, the filter system includes special modules that are regularly replaced during operation. Reverse osmosis filters practically do not differ from each other in design, they have a standard set of filter elements with a service life of 3 to 6 months.

Cleaning steps

  • coarse cleaning (polypropylene filter);
  • water softening (coal);
  • iron removal;
  • ultra-fine cleaning with a membrane;
  • post-filter mineralizer.

The principle of operation of the fine cleaning module:

  1. The node is separated by an ultrathin membrane.
  2. The first compartment receives pressurized water that has undergone primary purification.
  3. The purified liquid passes through the membrane into the second half.

Interesting: The pores of the membrane are so small (0.0001 microns) that only pure water molecules can pass through.

The best filters "Aquaphor" with reverse osmosis.

Compact, inexpensive filter. The kit includes a storage tank for 5 liters, two pre-filters, one fine filter, a membrane filter, a mineralizer, two taps, connecting pipes, fittings, a drain coupling. The elements are mounted on a single platform. Aquaphor "Morion" is easy to install, connect, maintain. Operates at low water pressure. Ideal for a family of 2-3 people.

  • Compact size.
  • In the manufacture of high-quality materials are used.
  • Sufficient supply of filtered water.
  • High filtration rate.
  • Mineralizer.
  • High price in terms of 1 liter of filtered water.
  • Large waste of water.
  • Increased filter consumption.
  • Faucet design.
  • Lack of tightness of quick couplings.
  • Work in a narrow range of pressure in the water supply system.
  • Most of the claimed characteristics do not correspond to the facts.

Differs in five degrees of cleaning, the increased volume of a storage tank. Filtration is provided by two mechanical polypropylene cartridges, a membrane, and a universal module B510-03. At the outlet, a carbon post-filter is installed. The system is compact and fully assembled. The tank is installed separately. Satisfies the daily need of a family of 4-5 people for drinking water.

  • Great performance.
  • Compact dimensions.
  • Possibility to disable the storage tank.
  • Materials.
  • The presence of additional stages of filtration.
  • High quality water.
  • The ratio of filtered water to used water is 1:10.
  • Formation of condensation on the surface of the system.
  • Non-standard pre-filter gasket sizes.
  • Connection gaskets are prone to leaks.
  • Noise at work.

The best filters "Geyser" with reverse osmosis.

The system consists of a mechanical filter, two carbon filters, a reverse osmosis membrane, a carbon postcartridge and a 12l storage tank with a useful volume of 7-8l. The scope of supply includes a non-return valve, high and low pressure switches, and a drain flow restrictor. Additional equipment consists of a pump and a mineralizer. The design uses membranes with an increased resource. The resource is at least 3500 liters. Filtration rate 0.13 l/min. The multi-stage system provides high parameters of drinking water purity.

  • Possibility to choose a complete set.
  • High quality filtration.
  • Extended membrane life.
  • Filtration speed.
  • Low quality materials.
  • Self-replacement of some cartridges is difficult.
  • Price.

It has a design feature of the storage tank. It is made of transparent plastic, equipped with replaceable antibacterial membranes. The PP mechanical cleaning cartridge is made of expanded polypropylene. Two cartridges of CBC - pressed coconut activated carbon. Effectively eliminate chlorine compounds, organics. To improve the taste of water, a carbon post-cartridge is installed.

  • Long warranty period.
  • Service life 10 years.
  • Improved leak protection.
  • Large water consumption.
  • The need to adjust the safety valves.
  • In some cases, the installation of a gearbox is required.
  • Noise at work.

The best filters "Barrier" with reverse osmosis.

Four-stage cleaning system. Case system with an external storage tank for 8 liters. Resource 5000l of purified water. Warranty period 1 year. It differs from models from other manufacturers by placing cartridges in a single closed unit. This gives the unit additional mechanical protection and an aesthetic appearance. Provides high-quality cleaning and is in the middle price segment. The filter has good performance.

  • Russian manufacturer.
  • The volume of purified water is up to 200 l / day.
  • Working pressure with a large spread.
  • High quality cleaning.
  • Minimum equipment.
  • A small resource of cartridges.
  • Connections are flowing.
  • Loses to competitors in terms of price / configuration.

A five-stage cleaning system has been implemented. It consists of two mechanical filters, a chemical cleaning cartridge, a membrane filter and a post-filter. The complete set includes the crane, connecting hoses, fixture, sealants. Storage tank capacity 12 l. Installed separately. Satisfies the daily need for drinking water for a family of 4-5 people.

  • Ease of installation.
  • High degree of purification.
  • Acceptable cleaning speed up to 0.2 l / min.
  • Takes up a lot of space under the sink.
  • Seals are leaking.
  • A small resource of replaceable blocks.
  • The high cost of cartridges.

It takes into account and eliminates the shortcomings of earlier models. The five-stage system is equipped with a booster pump. The installation is carried out on a single platform. Complete set standard: the crane, connecting pipes, fasteners. In addition, it is completed with a set of keys for replacing the membrane and the fifth stage filter. There is a ball valve for connection to the water supply. There is a repair kit with additional sealing rings for the first stage. The capacity of the storage tank is 8l.

  • Automatic control of the cleaning process.
  • Possibility to equip the system with the sixth step.
  • Multifunctional monitoring.
  • Kit price.
  • The cost of replacement filters.

The best filters "Atoll" with reverse osmosis.

Five stages of cleaning. Storage tank 8l. The complete set is standard, includes fittings, hoses for connection, fixture, the crane. A distinctive feature of the Atoll filter line is in durable housings with stiffeners. This adds to the overall design reliability. The set is minimal. If necessary, it can be supplemented with a high pressure reducer.

  • Quality materials.
  • Design reliability.
  • Long cartridge life.
  • Durable ceramic ball valve.
  • Filtration quality.
  • cost of cartridges.
  • Difficulty of installation.
  • Large dimensions.
  • Service is not available in every city.

A very productive system. It is capable of delivering up to 360 liters of filtered water per day. Its use in enterprises, offices, preschool institutions will be a good alternative to delivery services. The standard equipment with Rentek cartridges is supplemented with a mineralizer. The kit includes a gearbox, a pump. The elements are mounted in a stylish closed case.

  • Performance.
  • Design.
  • Profitability.
  • Price.
  • Dimensions.
  • The use is justified for crowded rooms.

The best filters "New Water" with reverse osmosis.

Represents a novelty in this market. Small dimensions serve as a distinctive feature. At the same time, four stages of purification and high quality of water are provided. The model is supplied with a mineralizer and the tank on 10 l. The special coating of the inner walls prevents the development of bacteria and algae. The system uses an innovative proprietary development of a filter membrane with increased performance and resource.

  • Innovative product.
  • Small drain into the sewer.
  • Resource.
  • Profitability.
  • Ease of maintenance.
  • Design.
  • Guarantee period.
  • Price.

This system emphasizes the removal of heavy metal impurities, iron and salt hardness. Japanese-made polymer membrane provides high selectivity. The filter has a large margin of safety. It is designed to resist hydraulic shock up to 45 atm. The cost-effectiveness of everyday use is achieved by reducing the number of replaceable cartridges, increasing the life of the membrane, and reducing the amount of water drained into the sewer.

  • Membrane selectivity.
  • Service life of cartridges.
  • Reducing the amount of waste water.
  • Strength characteristics.
  • The quality of drinking water.
  • Mounting.
  • Noiseless at work.
  • Price.
  • Performance.

Which reverse osmosis filter is better to buy

When choosing the most suitable filter, attention should be paid to the following basic characteristics:

  1. The throughput of the prefilters in front of the main membrane (in micrometers - microns).
  2. The presence of a mineralization function.
  3. The quality of the materials for the manufacture of filter elements.
  4. Cost of equipment.
  5. Manufacturer.

Which reverse osmosis filter is best suited for specific conditions, the buyer decides. Our task is to select the best models based on user reviews, to familiarize readers with the offers of the modern market.

The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired, so it is undesirable to eat it, it must be subjected to additional purification. Water coming from the tap often has an extraneous taste and smell - this can greatly spoil the dish, and it can be completely disgusting to drink it. Largely for this reason, many people install special filters under the sink that remove additional impurities from the water that spoil its quality.

They remove harmful substances from water, including heavy metals, chlorine, large impurities such as squeak. These designs are installed directly into the kitchen sink, due to which clean water will be obtained instantly, unlike pitcher-type filters.

What are the criteria for choosing a flow filter for washing?

Before deciding on the purchase of a filter element, it is necessary to find out the chemical composition of the water flowing from the tap. Due to this, it will be possible to choose products that will purify water very effectively. For example, if tap water is too hard, then a filter equipped with a membrane is best suited - the so-called reverse osmosis, which is quite expensive. It is necessary to purify hard water if people with kidney diseases live in the apartment. For less hard water, an ion exchange filter will suffice.

When purchasing a filter for washing, in addition to the cost, you should pay attention to a number of other components - the cleaning technology and whether it has a softener:

  • Membrane filtration is able to completely purify tap water from bacteria and viruses. Only pure water, devoid of any impurities, will seep through such a filter. However, there is a certain minus here - along with bacteria, useful minerals are also removed, so such water will not bring any harm or benefit. To cope with this problem can install a filter with a built-in mineralizer;
  • To purify hard water from heavy metals, only ion exchange is used in budget filter systems. It will purify water quite acceptable, although not as fine as reverse osmosis.

The water softener is one of the most useful features that reduces the proportion of calcium and magnesium salts, respectively, this will reduce the formation of scale in the kettle. Another important addition will be carbon filtration, which promotes the absorption of chlorine, phenol, benzene, toluene, various kinds of petroleum products and pesticides that may be contained in water. Such a function is quite simple and is found even in the cheapest designs.

We tried to compile the most detailed rating of flow-type water filters, and we were based not only on the recommendations of specialists, but also on popularity according to user reviews. A very important role in the formation of our top 10 rating was played by the ratio of price and quality of products. We hope that the review will be quite useful.

The best water filter models of 2019

10+. Aquaphor OSMO 50 version 5

This model effectively softens the water and removes its turbidity. During manufacture, an original semi-permeable membrane is installed in the filter, which is supplemented with special carbon modules. This allows you to remove all dangerous impurities from the water, the size of which is at least 0.0005 microns - these include chlorine compounds, rust, pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals. Purified water acquires a pleasant taste, becomes useful for the body, it can even be used for preparing baby food. The design provides for a storage tank with a capacity of about 10 liters and a carbon post-filter.

It can be used exclusively for the purification of cold water - its inlet temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. The device takes up little space, so it can easily fit under the sink. A separate tap departs from it, about 1.3 liters of water can pass through the filter per minute. The filter has four levels of purification: coarse, medium, fine and cleaning from chemical compounds.


  • Very easy to install - you just need to connect it to the water supply system;
  • High quality outlet water;
  • Significant work resource;
  • Compact overall dimensions.


  • Water passes through it quite noisily;
  • Not too high filtering speed;
  • The crane is not very convenient, you have to reach for it.

10. Geyser Prestige PM

This model is a fairly original design with a high pressure pump. Osmosis has three stages of water purification. At the first stage, the water flow passes through a special cartridge made of expanded polypropylene with a cell size of 5 microns. It will trap any insoluble particles in the water. At the second stage, water enters the carbon block, produced from coconut activated carbon, which neutralizes chlorine compounds and organic substances harmful to the human body. It improves the taste and smell of water. In the third stage, the water passes through a CBC cartridge, also made from pressed carbon carbon, which removes chlorine and other chemicals from the water.

A storage tank with a capacity of 12 liters is provided, which allows you to always have a small supply of clean water. The design has a mineralizer that restores the most suitable chemical composition of moisture for the human body.


  • Excellent water quality;
  • The presence of a small reservoir;
  • filter reliability.


  • The filter cover is not very reliable - there is a possibility of flooding;
  • Due to the small size of the filters, they become clogged within a matter of weeks;
  • The body of the membrane is also not very durable.

9. Atoll A-550 STD

This model is of excellent workmanship - it has a durable and dense plastic case, equipped with several stiffening ribs, which make the design quite reliable. Immediately after connecting this filter, water can be consumed, it will not have foreign odors and tastes. Looks attractive enough. Ball valve, rotates smoothly and softly.

The first stage of cleaning is located immediately at the water inlet. The cartridge here is quite dense, hard. In the second stage, the water passes through the carbon segment, which can be replaced if necessary. Water enters here through a special distributor, which ensures its uniform seepage. One such cartridge is quite enough to completely rid about 19 tons of water from chlorine. At the third stage there is a cartridge that prevents chemical residues from entering the faucet; it is quite rigid, so there is no possibility of its deformation during use.


  • Allows you to get a large amount of clean water per unit of time;
  • Standard shape with reinforced body;
  • Ceramic ball valve, durable.


  • High price;
  • Not available in all stores;
  • Overall design, will not fit under every sink.

8. Barrier EXPERT Standard

This is one of the best household filters produced using osmosis technology. Perfect for cleaning tap water from any mechanical impurities and chemicals. It uses multi-stage filtration technology, which has proven itself in many similar designs. This system has three main modules: mechanical purification of water from various contaminants, with its help it is possible to get rid of sand, rust and other large and small particles. The second module saturates the water with useful ions, removes chlorine, lead and copper compounds from it. The third uses PostCarbon, which removes organic matter from the composition.

Such a filter can be installed both under the sink and directly on it. Everything you need to get started is included, no additional purchases required. It can be used around the clock. The connection is quite simple - anyone can handle it. In order for the filter to start working fully, the first ten liters of water must be drained, only after that it can be used for its intended purpose. All cartridges are replaceable, as they get dirty they will have to be changed.


  • Easy to change consumables
  • For a filter of this type, the cost is quite acceptable.;
  • A beautiful appearance that allows you to use this design, including at the sink.


  • The condition of the filter elements should be monitored very carefully, otherwise there will be a very high proportion of contaminants in the water passing through them;
  • Sometimes it does not cope with its task, keeping the water hardness at the same level.

7. Geyser Nanotek

This is one of the best osmosis filters designed for installation under the sink. It takes up quite a lot of free usable space due to the presence of a capacious water tank with a volume of about 20 liters. This model qualitatively filters water due to a five-stage purification system, designed for direct connection to the water supply. With its help, you can significantly reduce the concentration of iron, reduce hardness and completely get rid of chlorine.

A smart system lets in useful minerals and retains those that can have a harmful effect on the human body. If you use this system correctly and change cartridges as needed, you will be able to drink absolutely clean water for a long time without any toxic impurities. The performance of the design is about one and a half liters per minute, which is quite enough for cooking.


  • Very soft water without impurities;
  • Pretty good assembly of the whole structure, reliable protection against any leaks;
  • Connecting is pretty easy.


  • Most likely you will have to purchase a pressure gauge to measure the water pressure in the water supply system (if it is below three atmospheres, the filter simply cannot function);
  • High price;
  • It's not easy to find replacement cartridges.

6. Aquaphor Crystal Eco

This design is very easy to install, the installation method is no different from connecting an ordinary kitchen faucet. However, you will have to be quite careful here, as the connecting pipes leading to and from the manifold block must be connected in the correct position. Be sure to remove the filter cover. After connecting all the modules, they will have to be washed with tap water for some time so that all filter elements begin to function normally. This design belongs to ionic cleaning systems, does not take up much space under the sink, and copes well with both mechanical and chemical pollution.

If necessary, you can install an additional water softening module, but it will have to be purchased separately. The manufacturer recommends changing the filter cartridges about once a year, and the softening element even more often, about every seven to eight months. The design can be attributed to the universal, since there are quite a few types of filter elements.


  • Three standard modules included, you can install additional elements;
  • The body of all filters is plastic, equipped with stiffeners;
  • Very easy to install and operate.


  • As the cartridge wears out, the taste of the water may change;
  • Gradually, the filters become clogged, due to which the yield of filtered water decreases;
  • The locking mechanism in the faucet may leak, which can damage the sink.

5. Aquaphor Morion M

This is one of the best models of water filters for washing, which works on reverse osmosis technology. If desired, the device can be installed not only under the sink itself, but also on it or in the immediate vicinity. This filter looks very stylish. The design of the cartridges is made according to the block-modular type. Their body additionally has stiffeners. The storage tank is built-in, it has a small volume, so the dimensions of the filter are quite acceptable.

Other designs will only function with a sufficiently high water pressure in the central system, this filter is also pressure bound, but here only one and a half atmospheres is enough. In addition, this moment can significantly save water. The useful volume of the built-in tank is 5 liters of purified water. The output reaches one and a half to two liters per minute.


  • Produces water with medium hardness;
  • There are no foreign odors and unnecessary impurities;
  • The kettle does not scale.


  • High price of replacement elements;
  • Quite noisy during operation;
  • In general, the level of strength leaves much to be desired.

4. EXPERT Hard Barrier

This model rightfully ranks fourth in our roundup of the best water filters this year. We put it in third place largely due to the finest mechanical cleaning among other models - filters remove particles as small as 5 microns from water. In the process of manufacturing the structure, a special Smart Lock technology was used, which allows the filter to remain in place even under strong water pressure. In addition, the byPass method is used, which can significantly extend the life of the filter element - it will have to be changed less often, and besides, it will be a good prevention for softening the passing water too much. This filter is designed exclusively for central water supply.

The filter comes with everything you need for proper installation. The maximum output can reach 2 liters per minute. Moreover, due to the tap at the inlet to the filter, this figure can be reduced. The resource of one cartridge is 10 thousand liters, after which it will need to be changed. The maximum inlet pressure should be no more than 7 atmospheres.


  • Long service life of cartridges;
  • Cartridges are very easy to change;
  • Very well softens and purifies water;
  • Water becomes tasty and harmless to health.


  • The resource of the cartridge is lower compared to the one declared by the manufacturer;
  • The ball valve at the inlet to the filter is not reliable.

3. New Water Expert Osmos MO530

This model is one of the newest on the market today. It belongs to the premium class, which is why it is quite expensive. Its useful qualities are at a very high level - with the help of this filter, you can get rid of 99.9% of harmful impurities. The design easily eliminates particles as small as 5 microns, removes organic compounds, pesticides, herbicides and other harmful compounds.

Here, four types of cartridges are used for cleaning at once - a standard one designed for mechanical cleaning, which rids water of suspensions of various substances. Next is the charcoal filter, which is made from activated coconut charcoal. At the next stage, a reverse osmosis membrane made in Japan is located, it is much more effective than similar parts in the models presented above. After it, there is another carbon filter, which contains activated carbon in granules, as well as minerals that enrich the water with useful microelements and minerals. Filter elements are durable - they can last about 2-3 years without the need for replacement.


  • For a reverse osmosis system, it takes up really little space;
  • High build quality;
  • Durability;
  • Long cartridge life.


  • Price.

2. Geyser ECO

This is the most productive filter among all the models presented in our review, besides, it does not take up too much space under the sink and does not need complicated installation and frequent replacement of the cartridge. With all its positive qualities, it is not too expensive. With its help, you can completely rid the water of chlorine, various oil derivatives and a number of other toxic and simply harmful impurities.

Despite the high performance in terms of water filtration, it is not too expensive. It has the latest modification of the Aragon 3 ECO cartridge. With its help, mechanical and sorption purification of water is provided, it is also enriched with ions. Filter replacement is rarely required.


  • Compact overall dimensions - can even fit under a small sink;
  • Perfectly purifies water;
  • The cartridge is enough for 4-5 tons of water;
  • Easy to install.


  • Not detected.


The IKAR filter is today recognized as the best filter for water purification. It produces top quality water. This filter not only purifies water in the best possible way, but also improves its performance. The output is mineralized "living" water with a negative ORP. The IKAR filter consists of two main components: a reverse osmosis filter (premium - 5 stages of filtration), an IKAR module (ionizer and water mineralizer). It is possible to additionally connect the IKAR ph-reactor to the installation, which increases the pH. The operation of the installation is automated and has a microprocessor-based control and monitoring unit for water parameters and the quality of its purification.

The IKAR filter is installed under the sink in the kitchen. Despite the high cost of the installation compared to other filters, the cost of water, which is comparable to water from Lake Baikal in terms of its characteristics, is 2 r. per litre. The filters have been mass-produced for sale since 1997. The unit has received several prestigious international awards. The largest official dealer of IKAR water treatment plants - home-spring.rf(delivery in Russia is free, installation service, discount system).


  • The highest degree of water purification;
  • Large installation resource - 1000,000 liters;
  • Replacement cartridges are sold in any store;
  • Electronic control of all parameters of purification, salinity and ionization of water.


  • Not detected.

In conclusion, a useful video

As can be seen from the review, most stationary water filters are very similar in their design and functions, however, some are better cleaned from mechanical impurities, while others eliminate chloride compounds. To purchase the most suitable products, it is advisable to pre-analyze tap water. As to whether you liked our review and whether it turned out to be useful for you, you can comment on this article.

The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. Boiling makes it relatively safer, but not cleaner. It is inconvenient and unprofitable to constantly buy bottled water - a decent amount accumulates in a year. Therefore, many people think about buying a filter for drinking water. They are different - they are put on directly on the tap or installed under the sink, they differ in the number of degrees of cleaning - it is not easy to choose the right device. Therefore, we decided to tell you which filter gives the best cleaning results, how to determine the right option to turn a hard, rusty, unusable liquid into good quality drinking water. Ten tips to help you make the right choice.

Main selection criteria

How to choose the best filter, taking into account the main parameters?

It is difficult to choose the right filter without understanding what task it should perform. Therefore, before going to the store, you will have to understand a few points.

  • Degree of water pollution. The worse the water quality, the more powerful the filter is needed. If even visually you notice that the color of the water is cloudy or reddish, pay attention to better systems.
  • The degree of purification. It all depends on your preferences. Most budget filters make water just drinkable, more expensive systems provide the maximum degree of purification. The composition of the water becomes closer to distilled.
  • Purpose of application. If for use at work it is more convenient to purchase an ordinary jug, then for an apartment the best option would still be a stationary model.

Filter types

What kind of filter is better to choose?

There are many water filters on the market. They differ in design, quality of cleaning, size, volume of water produced. Consider their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and you decide which option to choose.

  • Filter jug. Primitive in design, compact and inexpensive devices. They consist of a container with a volume of 1-2 liters, a reservoir and a filter located inside. The use is very simple - water is poured into the tank, passes through the filter and flows into the jug. An inexpensive and simple option - you can take it to work, travel, use it in an apartment, subject to small water needs. A device of this type copes well with light dirt, but you should not expect deep cleaning from it.
  • Flow filter. More complex systems connected to the water supply. Cheap models purify water only from chlorine and large impurities. Models that use carbon filters also handle phenol, a bacterial environment. More expensive filters are more efficient. Flow models differ in design. There are stationary devices installed under the sink or on the table next to the sink. A separate faucet is provided for the supply of purified water. Filter nozzles are less common. All flow devices are easy to operate, compact, and effectively purify water. For their installation, you do not need to resort to the services of specialists. But there are also disadvantages - a small resource for the operation of filters, the high cost of consumables.
  • multistage systems. The best filters for purifying heavily polluted water are devices with a reverse osmosis membrane, several stages of purification. They perfectly cope with any foreign impurities, substances. Many models are quite compact in size, like flow filters, they are designed for installation under the sink. Among the shortcomings can be called the rather high cost of the devices themselves and consumables, as well as a considerable amount of water consumption. For example, to obtain one liter of purified water suitable for drinking, about five liters of the original liquid will be consumed. For apartments with water meters, this option will result in an additional expense item.

Filter manufacturers

Which manufacturers produce the best filters?

If you want to get good quality water, you should choose well-known, positively proven manufacturers. Several brands are considered the best and most popular.

  1. Aquaphor. A well-known Russian brand that produces all types of filters. The company offers models of different price categories. A big plus is that replacement cartridges for pitcher filters can be purchased even in ordinary supermarkets. On sale you will find many flow systems of this brand. Some of them use the unique Aqualen substance - our own patented development. Reverse osmosis models are also available. Among users, brand products are popular due to their good quality and moderate cost.
  2. "Barrier". Another Russian brand that is a worthy competitor to Aquaphor. The manufacturer offers customers jugs, table filters, sink models, complex reverse osmosis devices. You can choose the best option, taking into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and the kitchen in particular, the budget and needs. It differs from other companies in interesting offers - in the assortment there are shower filters, children's filters.
  3. Aqualine. Budget, but popular brand of Taiwanese production. Specializes mainly in flow systems and reverse osmosis models. With a low price, the products are of good quality. The main distinguishing feature is that transparent plastic is used to make the first flask, through which you can visually monitor the degree of filter contamination.

In addition to these three brands, there are other brands that deserve attention - these are Novaya Voda, Kristal, Atoll, Geyser.


How much do water filters cost, which one is better to choose - expensive or budget?

The cost of a filtering device for drinking water production depends on the type of construction, brand, performance, and set of functions.

  • The price of the simplest jugs starts at about 300 rubles. But here it is better not to save and take a model a little more expensive. For example, Aquaphor Provence with the function of free chlorine removal and water softening.
  • The cost of nozzles for a crane starts on average from 1,500 rubles. But here, too, we advise you to give preference to models with optimal cleaning quality. Users speak well of the Breeze filter with the functions of iron removal, water softening and its purification from free chlorine.
  • The cheapest desktop dispenser costs about 1,500 rubles. But, again, consider more solid models. The Keosan KS-971 filter is quite popular among users. It costs about 7,000 rubles, but it has six stages of purification, the function of iron removal, softening, water mineralization.
  • Under sink filters are more expensive. You can also find very cheap models from 500 rubles, but, as a rule, they do not cope with their functions, they quickly break down. The cost of reliable and efficient models starts on average from 5,000 rubles.
  • Reverse osmosis systems provide the highest quality cleaning, but also cost accordingly. The price of a functional and high-quality filter is at least 6,000 rubles. There are models that cost over 50,000 rubles. The price depends on the brand, the set of functions and the number of degrees of purification.

Initial water quality

How to choose the best filter based on the initial water quality?

The water that flows from the tap can contain a variety of impurities - harmless and dangerous to health. Therefore, before buying a filter, it is advisable to find out the quality and composition of the water. Do not be too lazy to take a water sample to a sanitary epidemiological station or to a private laboratory for analysis.

Based on the results obtained, you can already choose a filter. Be sure to pay attention to the hardness of the water. With an indicator of up to 8 mEq, you can install a conventional flow filter. If the hardness is higher - up to 8-12 mEq, only a reverse osmosis system can handle the cleaning. The same system should be given preference if the presence of organic substances, bacteria, fungi is indicated in the conclusion of the examination.

Cleaning method

Which filters are better, which one to choose - absorption, membrane or osmotic?

Modern systems are made up of several types of filters at once for the most effective water purification. The most commonly used options are:

  • Absorption. An absorbent-based filter element, the function of which is most often performed by a carbon filter. With use, the quality of cleaning gradually decreases. The filter needs to be changed regularly. If this is not done, after a while it will itself become a source of pollution.
  • Ion-exchange. The principle of operation is based on the reaction of substitution of unacceptable substances for harmless compounds. It is good to use such filters, for example, when calcium salts are exceeded. A small minus - the exchange buffer is depleted rather quickly.
  • Membrane. Contaminated water is passed through a molecular sieve - microscopic channels in the membrane. Their diameter is so small that it does not exceed the size of a water molecule. All molecules and larger particles cannot penetrate the membrane. The filters are efficient and economical to operate.
  • Osmotic. Modern, most effective cleaning devices using the principle of reverse osmosis. They are distinguished by a high degree of purification, removal of all salts, minerals and other foreign substances from the water. Minus - high cost. Compared to flow devices, the performance is very small, so the reverse osmosis filter must be equipped with a storage tank.

Cleaning steps

How many stages of cleaning is better to choose?

Different filters have from one to eight stages of purification. The more of them, the safer and tastier the water. In multi-stage devices, the first three stages are considered the most important.

  1. Water is purified from mechanical impurities - rust, silt, sand. Particles are retained by porous polypropylene filters. Some of them already at the first stage remove iron dissolved in water.
  2. Heavy metals disappear from the water, it is softened due to ion exchange.
  3. Absorption removes chlorine, odors, pesticides. The general properties of water are improved - smell, taste, color. The most common absorbent is activated carbon. Some companies make it from coconut shells, increasing the absorption capacity of the filler by 2-3 times. The addition of silver prevents the development of pathogenic microflora inside the filter.

The subsequent steps depend on the filter model. For example, reverse osmosis, iron removal, water mineralization.

Additional filter properties

What additional properties of filters to choose - iron removal, mineralization?

Some models provide for the possibility of mounting additional filters. For example, to enrich water with minerals after treatment with reverse osmosis systems.

  • Additional filters for cleaning from iron. It is advisable to install such a filter only in those areas where its high content is found in the water. Excess iron is harmful to health, the condition of household appliances. The water supplied through the central mains contains ferrous and trivalent iron. Coarse filters cope only with ferric iron. To get rid of ferrous iron, it is necessary to use more complex charging devices with multicomponent mixtures. In addition to the main purpose, they eliminate excessive water hardness, manganese, and a number of other compounds.
  • Mineralization of water. Reverse osmosis filters "under the sink" retain not only harmful compounds, but also useful mineral components. Some models are equipped with an additional mineralization option. If not, then you can install the mineralizer yourself. Just before buying a filter, check with the seller whether it is possible to add a mineralizer to the model you have chosen. It is a small plastic device filled with slowly dissolving minerals. They get into the purified water.

Water consumption

How to choose the best filter, taking into account the calculation of water consumption?

Before buying a device, you need to calculate how much drinking water your family needs per month. Every day a person needs two liters of clean water. To this volume, you need to add about another liter, which will be consumed in the form of soup, coffee. That is, one person needs about three liters of water per day. For a family of three, the average water consumption per month will be about 270 liters. This figure should be compared with the performance of the model and the resource of the filter.

For example, cartridges for jugs have a small resource - only 250-300 liters. It will require monthly replacement, which is not very economical. Models with the principle of reverse osmosis have a longer service life - 3000-8000 liters. At maximum performance, the duration of use of one cartridge is about 30 months. But experts do not recommend using the same filter for more than a year, as it can itself become a source of water pollution, so purchasing devices with a maximum service life also does not make much sense. Choose the golden mean.

Filter media

What filter fillers are better to choose - coal, shungite, zeolite?

The cleaning principle is approximately the same for all filters, but various substances can be used as a filler.

  • Activated carbon. It is used very often due to the high level of absorption. It purifies water qualitatively and at the same time is quite affordable.
  • Zeolite. Quite often used to fill filters. Removes ammonia and other harmful organic compounds from water. The unique natural mineral easily copes with the absorption of heavy metal salts, chemicals, nitrates, phenols, bacteria, pathogens and radioactive elements.
  • Shungite. This is a rock with powerful cleansing properties. It is considered the optimal filler for the removal of chlorine, a number of complex organic, organochlorine compounds. Simultaneously with purification, shungite saturates the water with useful microelements, magnesium and calcium salts.


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