On what shoots does a park rose bloom. Park roses planting, care, varieties with photos. Rose park Red Brilliant Rose Kordes Brilliant

park roses- such a name is firmly entrenched in cultivated wild roses - their types, forms and varieties. There are several independent groups of park roses: rose hips proper, among which - famous rose wrinkled, old garden (park) roses, as well as modern breeding hybrids.

Abundant flowering begins in late May - early June, 2-3 weeks earlier than all other roses, and lasts more than 1 month. The color of the flowers varies from white to dark purple, sometimes orange and yellow. Planting and caring for park roses is notable for its simplicity, since these plants are not whimsical or demanding.

Breeders have reached excellent results, and modern hybrids are no less spectacular than polyanthus or floribunda, grow well, are easy to care for and strewn for 1.5-2 months fragrant flowers varying degrees terry. And for wealth colors they have long approached hybrid tea roses.

Canadian park roses

Canadian park rose.

Canadian park roses were invented specifically for the masses of people, since their care is minimal, and therefore, accordingly, they are easy to grow. They do not require pruning, are extremely winter-hardy, tolerate such weather like heat and extreme cold.

From the very beginning, this "novelty" among park varieties was conceived by Canadian scientists to endure the harsh winter that is characteristic of their climate. This species can survive in such low temperatures as -35 °C, even at -45 °C.

Canadian roses look great not only in compositions, but in separate bushes. You can plant them almost anywhere. They bloom in two waves, while the second wave, as usual, is less plentiful. Some do not remove faded shoots, as a result of which the bushes are strewn with numerous fruits, which also looks quite decorative in autumn.

Below are the varieties of Canadian park roses.

English park roses

English garden rose.

English park roses are different shapes: bushy and climbing. The exclusivity of this type lies in a strongly double flower (more than 100 petals) and a wide range of aromas. They are distinguished by exquisite falling branches, covered with dense buds, similar to pompons. They are planted both in partial shade and in the sun.

Caring for these roses is not difficult, but not as easy as for their Canadian relatives. Among the disadvantages of this type is the susceptibility to diseases and pests, the average resistance to frost. For the winter, English park roses must be covered.

Planting park roses

Where is the best place to plant? The principles of site selection and planting for all park roses are the same, especially since they are drought-resistant and undemanding to soils. Most species are photophilous, grow well on moderately moist loamy soils, and do not tolerate waterlogging. They are used for planting in groups or singly in parks and gardens, for decorating fences, walls, combined plantings with other shrubs and ornamental plants.

These plants look good both in groups and singly.

Among the park roses, single-blooming roses predominate, in last years cultivars of remontant multi-blooming roses have been bred. Due to the fact that many varieties are bred on the basis of hardy wild rose hips, they bloom profusely with minimal care. Such roses are undemanding to the conditions of planting and growing, do not require complex agricultural technology.

Landing. It should be noted that those planted in the fall, before the arrival of the first frosts (until mid-October), the bushes of park roses will have time to take root, and therefore they will develop better and outstrip those plants of this class that were planted in the spring. Plants are placed at a distance of 1.5 m from each other according to the scheme 3.0 x 1.5 m. When creating a high hedge, planting density in rows is 50-100 cm, between rows - 50-70 cm.

Before planting, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. The aerial part is cut off, leaving no more than 1/3 of the length of the shoots. The planting hole should be large enough so that the roots lie down (do not bend upwards), and the grafting site (root collar) is 5-10 cm below the soil. After planting, the roses are spudded to a height of 25 cm. In the spring, the soil is leveled. The soil under the bushes and between them is mulched with peat, straw chips.

Caring for park roses

Due to the unpretentiousness of this group of roses, they require minimal care. They practically do not require warming for the winter or manage with light shelter even in regions with a rather harsh climate.

In the spring, full mineral fertilizer in liquid form (necessarily after abundant watering). Top dressing is carried out one year after planting. Watering is required from spring to mid-summer, carried out early in the morning or in the evening in the absence of rain, no more than 2-3 times a week, but plentifully, the soil must be deeply moistened, superficial frequent watering Not recommended.

The main thing in care is the annual formative pruning.

Water under the root, avoiding splashes on the leaves and flowers. In late summer - early autumn, roses are not watered so that late young shoots do not grow. Moderate watering is required only during a drought in September, more often in the southern regions. These plants are resistant to diseases that affect other types of roses, and are rarely attacked by pests.

The main thing in caring for park roses is an annual small formative pruning. The fact is that their flowers are formed on old lignified branches (in remontants - and on young shoots). Therefore, the more main branches, the richer the flowering.

Over time, the bushes grow and lose decorative look. Then carry out anti-aging pruning. The oldest, 3-5-year-old stems are cut off at the base in autumn, most of the small shoots are removed, all non-flowering branches. Slices must be covered with garden pitch or oil paint.

It is worth highlighting such an item of plant care as preparation for winter, since young plants are often less resistant to negative winter temperatures they still need to be covered. The bushes are covered with earth, the branches are wrapped with craft paper. Such a simple shelter will allow the plants to winter calmly and save from bright sun with the wind at the end of winter.

Varieties of park roses

Canadian park roses.

Alexander Mackenzie

Alexander Mackenzie upright bush up to 2 m high and up to 1.5 m in diameter. The flowers are terry, red, diameter is 5 - 8 cm. There is a slight aroma. The variety is resistant to frost (withstands -30 - 45 ° C). Usage: in mixborders, groups.

JP Connell

JP Connell initially the flowers are lemon yellow, tall, reminiscent of hybrid tea, then the color changes to a creamy shade, the diameter in the dissolution is 7-9 cm, the inflorescences are single or in groups of 3-8 pcs. smell, velvety stems, with a pleasant aroma, bush height 100-150 cm, width from 80 to 120 cm

Hope Fo Humanity

‘Hope Fo Humanity’ The buds are wine-colored, the color can vary from bright red to dark burgundy, the diameter in the dissolution is 8 cm, there can be a white or yellow stripe in the inside of the flower, they have a slight smell. Bush height in middle lane from 160 to 220 cm.

Are park roses the ones that grow in the park? But no! The name park rose has long and quite firmly entrenched in various types wild roses. In particular, they include wild roses (for example, the same wrinkled rose, some garden roses), breeding hybrids.

The park rose begins to bloom in late spring or early summer. This process starts two weeks earlier than other roses and lasts over 30 days. As for the color, it is quite diverse and varies from white to purple, from yellow to orange. This variety of roses is very popular among gardeners due to its ease of care. It is difficult to find a more unpretentious and undemanding plant than park roses, planting and comprehensive care of which is very easy.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, modern hybrids look just great. They are in no way inferior or polyanthus, grow magnificently and bloom for 2 months. A rich color range puts them on a par with hybrid roses.

Canadian park roses

This species got its name not by chance. It was indeed bred by Canadian scientists specifically for the harsh Canadian climate. It is easy to care for them: there is no need for pruning, the plant perfectly tolerates both incredible heat and very severe frosts. Do not be surprised, but even at -35 degrees C, nothing will happen at all.

Another clear advantage of this variety of park roses is that it can be used both in flower arrangements, and planted in separate bushes. The choice of location is up to you.

Consider the fact that "Canadians" bloom in two approaches.

The second wave is not so abundant. Faded shoots do not need to be removed. Thanks to this, in the fall the bushes remain strewn with no less attractive fruits.

Most bright representative Canadian roses - variety John Davis. It easily tolerates the harsh Russian winter, therefore it is often used as a park rose, one of the best varieties for the Moscow region. The John Davis rose is resistant to diseases, it can reach a height of 2.5 meters. The shape of the shoots is arched, they hang down a little. The number of petals - no more than forty pieces. At first they have a bright pink color, then they change to a pale pink. All buds are collected in elegant inflorescences, the number of which reaches 15 pieces, although in most cases 10-12. The diameter of each inflorescence is 7-10 cm. John Davis blooms until frost.

English park roses

There are two types - bush and climbing. A feature is a double flower, on which you can find a hundred or more petals. The hallmark of this type of roses are unusual falling branches. Each of them is covered with buds, vaguely resembling pompoms. They are planted in the sun, although they are also not afraid of partial shade.

Unlike Canadian look English roses are a little more difficult to care for. For example, they are more susceptible to disease, less resistant to temperature changes. In winter, English park roses must be covered.

Perhaps the best breeder in the history of park roses can be considered David Austin. It was he who created the variety "Fisherman's Friend", which won many hearts on the planet. Its flowers are purple or purple-crimson in color, even covered with sharp thorns. back side leaves. The height of the bush reaches 120 cm.

The roses bred by Meillant and Cordes are especially popular, and among the re-blooming ones, Bourbon and remontant plants attract attention.

Everything you need to know about planting park roses

Where to plant?

The choice of location is not particularly difficult. The fact is that no matter what kind of rose you choose, be it a Benjamin Britten or Pichard rose, there will definitely not be any problems with growing. Almost all species love light, grow well on moderately moist soils, but they do not like waterlogging. You can plant in groups or alone - gardens and parks are best suited for this. Also, the care and cultivation of roses is possible for decorating walls and fences.

Previously, roses were dominated by single-flowering ones. Today, breeders have created many varieties of plants that bloom often and profusely even with minimal care. They are completely undemanding to operating conditions, complex agricultural technology is also not needed.

When to plant?

There is one little secret. If roses are planted in the fall, a few weeks before the first frost, they will have time to sprout roots, develop much better, and be much stronger than plants planted in spring.

Seedlings are placed at a distance of 150 cm from each other. Do you want to create a high and at the same time hedge? In this case, the planting density should not exceed 100 cm (preferably 50 cm). Mineral and organic fertilizers no one has canceled, so be sure to take care of their timely introduction into the soil.

How to plant?

  • Cut off the above-ground part, leaving about 1/3 of the length.
  • Dig landing pit. Its area should be sufficient for the roots to lie freely, and the root collar to be at a distance of 5-10 cm above the ground.
  • In the future, you spud park roses, care can be considered complete. In summer, the soil is leveled, the soil is mulched with straw or peat chips.

Features of care

You got acquainted with the main photos and already know that this type of plant is very unpretentious in operation. There is no need for insulation, you can limit yourself to light shelter. In spring, plants are fertilized after a long and plentiful watering. Feeding is recommended only after a year. From spring to mid-summer, Remy Martin rose and most other varieties are watered 2-3 times a week. Since it is extremely undesirable to water any plants in the heat, this should be done in the early morning or late evening.

Watering is carried out under the very spine. Make sure that water does not fall on the flowers and leaves. In August and September, the plants are not watered. For example, in the Pishard rose, this can cause a fairly abundant growth of young shoots. Unlike other varieties, which often get sick and are attacked by robbers, this happens much less often with park varieties.

Perhaps your main task when caring for the rose Ferdinand Richard and some others will be timely pruning.

In remontant species, flowers can form even on young shoots. Therefore, the more main branches there are, the richer the bush will be.

Every year the bushes grow more and more and, in the end, lose their decorative appearance. You can solve the problem if you perform anti-aging pruning in time. In autumn, you will need to cut off all the old stems to the very base, remove small shoots and branches that have not bloomed for a long time. To cover the cuts, use oil paint or garden varnish.

Pay special attention to such a care item as preparing for wintering. This is especially true for young plants, which are not yet so resistant to the unexpected "whims" of winter. Bushes can be covered with earth, and branches can be wrapped with craft paper. Although the shelter is simple, it provides a calm wintering, and at the end of winter it will definitely save your roses from the cold wind and unexpectedly bright sun.

Park roses have a beautiful, aristocratic appearance. Because of this, they often decorate various festive events. This is a very popular culture, which has a large number of varieties.

This group of plants includes decorative wild rose, as well as centifolia and moss roses.

The cultivation of such plants is carried out on the lawns, in the flower garden, in the garden. They also make hedges, which is a classic attribute of an English estate or castle (you can at least temporarily feel like an English lord while in the country).

The height of the bush can reach 1.5 m. Buds are formed early, flowering occurs profusely and for a long time (more than 30 days). The flowers are most often white to purple, but sometimes a yellow or orange tint can be seen.

There are two groups of park roses that bloom:

  1. Once (varieties "Wasagaming", "Poppius", "Minette"). To form buds, last year's shoots are needed. Such plants are frost-resistant, they do not have to bend down and cover.
  2. Again.

re flowering plants are divided into several subgroups:

  • Hybrids of roses, very resistant to cold.
  • Roses bred in Canada endure the cold Russian winter well without shelter.
  • Requiring crouching and cover.

In Russia they grow domestic varieties, and the English park rose is also popular, because, even though it has to be covered for the winter, planting and caring for it is not very difficult.

There are several other varieties that are popular:

Gallery: park roses (25 photos)

Canadian park rose "Pryrie Joy"

This plant is one of the varieties of park roses that require special care. Its height can be 150 cm and width - 125 cm. The flowers have big size and bright pink in color, they are beautiful, but smell weak.

Flowering begins in late June and lasts the whole season, with short breaks. The difference between this variety and others lies in the fact that inflorescences grow on one bush, both densely double and semi-double. The bush itself is strong and branchy. This plant is valued for its low thorniness. It is resistant to cold. He needs a little pruning.

Prairie Joy has strict requirements for the soil. Because of this, planting should be done in humus-saturated and moisture-intensive soil. Bush this plant it is good to use in group planting, for example, in a rose garden.

Planting and caring for roses

When planting, park roses prefer space, as they grow both up and in breadth. Plants grown in French and English territory do not need to be covered, but in Russian Federation in the cold season, almost all varieties of park roses (if their selection is French, English or German) require shelter.

As stated above, Canadian variety is unpretentious. It is resistant to frost, and there is no need to cover it when:

  • the site is located in an area where there is rarely wind;
  • No high level water in the ground;
  • there is access to the light of the sun;
  • being processed correctly.

But if the Canadian variety is covered, more abundant flowering will be provided.

Planting should be carried out in April-May or in autumn (which is more preferable), but the bush should take root before the cold weather. Park roses need careful care for the first 3 years (thoughtful pruning to form a bush, wrapping in winter period year to young plant survived in the cold). An adult bush does not need to be strongly covered, pruning will become sanitary, occasionally rejuvenating cutting of old five-year-old shoots is only required.

Landing should be carried out in slightly acidic, loose and nutritious soil. If it is clayey, then the addition of peat, sand, compost or humus will be required. If the soil contains too much sand, then compost and humus are added to it, as well as soil containing clay and turf. These roses love the sun, however, they can be grown in the shade, but there will be fewer flowers. The most favorable places are an open bright lawn or a place protected from a draft. There should be no stagnant water, and the level ground water should be below the soil surface by 1.5-1.8 m.

The pit for the plant should be deep, so the roots can straighten well. root collar should be deepened by 5-10 cm. When planting is completed, the bush must be watered abundantly, and the soil around it should be covered with crumbs of peat or straw. For 2-3 years, the bush is not pruned, in July, pinching or a slight shortening of young shoots can be performed, so they will not rush to gain length, but will have time to mature before the cold weather.

Frequent and light watering helps to grow a large number small roots below the ground. Because of this, they can freeze in winter. Therefore, you should water the plant rarely, but plentifully. In this case root system will be long and strong, she will be able to find nutrients in the soil, at a depth of one and a half meters. Frost and lack of water will not be terrible. Watering should be done under the bush, avoiding moisture on the flowers and leaves.

You will have to frequently weed and loosen the soil, as well as pull out weeds that must be immediately removed.

How to fertilize and feed

In addition to planting and care, park roses need to be fertilized. To do this, you need humus or a solution of slurry from manure. This fertilizer should be applied in the spring, and you will also need a special complex, since roses need iron, boron, and magnesium. At the end of summer, the roots need to be given nutrition that contains phosphorus, potassium, and calcium.

1-2 times (in August and September) a bucket of water should be poured under the bush, in which superphosphate (15 g) and (16 g) should be dissolved. Compost will be needed in the fall. It will warm in the winter, and in the spring it will become food for the plant.

Top dressing should be done at the same time as watering, or after it. Then the soil under the bush needs to be loosened and mulched.

How reproduction is performed

The reproduction of this plant is as follows:

  1. Layering. The stems in the spring should be bent to the ground and secured. After that, sprinkle with soil. After a year, they need to be separated and planted.
  2. growth. Twigs that are 1 year old should be separated from the bush with the onset of spring. Then shorten the stems by 1/3 and transplant.
  3. The division of an overgrown bush with a secateurs in the spring or autumn period of the year. Each part must have roots and at least 1 stem. She must be dropped off as usual.
  4. Lignified (need to be harvested in the fall and buried in the sand, and planted in the spring) or green cuttings (planted when flowering begins).

Diseases and harmful bugs

If the summer is humid or park roses grow in a shady area, then they are exposed to a fungal disease called " powdery mildew». Backside leaves are covered with a subtle coating gray color, which later covers all the leaves and shoots. For treatment, it is necessary to destroy the diseased parts of the bush, and then the bush itself and the plants that surround it will have to be treated with a solution of soap and soda or Fitosporin, Topaz, Skor. For preventive purposes, in the spring, the bushes should be sprayed iron vitriol, and in summer period use a solution containing salt, sulfur and quicklime.

by the most dangerous pests are the garden beetle and the raspberry weevil. The larva of the garden beetle eats the buds, and the adult beetle eats the greens, leaving the branches bare, which causes them to dry out. This pest is harvested by hand and carried away as far as possible from the bushes or killed.

Raspberry weevil deprives people not only of roses, but also of berries. Therefore, weeds and plant remains should be removed, and the topsoil should be dug up. To scare away this pest, bitter pepper, wormwood, tansy (all in the form of infusions) or potassium permanganate are suitable. When cutting buds, the plant must be treated with a soapy-ash solution.

It should be remembered that you can grow these beautiful flowers by choosing the right place and providing good care(timely pruning and top dressing, inspection for the presence of ailments and harmful insects).

Park roses are a wild rose cultivated by people, with all its species and subspecies. Since ancient times, wild rose has grown in well-lit, open areas. Its flowers resemble small balls, which, after flowering, form small fruits, often red. Rose hips are very useful, they contain a large amount of vitamins. That is why some people grow park varieties in their area.

People have discovered more than 400 varieties of park roses, among them there are also hybrids obtained by crossing two species: wild rose and ordinary garden rose. The result is bushes with large double or semi-double flowers, with an extraordinary aroma. The ideal place for planting is well-moistened soil, not shaded by trees, but you need to know how to properly care for seedlings.

In this article, we will find out what varieties there are and many more interesting things about this variety.

Features of park roses

On average, the bushes reach one and a half meters in height. The first buds are formed quite early, flowering lasts for a whole month, and sometimes longer. The most common color is white, dark purple. Slightly less common are yellow and orange colors. Very often you can find terry seedlings, their flowers are very large, one flower can contain as many as one and a half hundred petals, which significantly distinguishes them from other varieties.

Bushes love a lot of free space, as they grow in height and width. With the onset of cold weather, some varieties need to be covered. The varieties closest to wild rose do not need warming, they are frost-resistant, tolerate winter and cold well.

The description of park roses is divided into two groups:

  1. Once blooming.
  1. Re-blooming.

The first group for the formation of a bud will need to save last year's shoots. If this condition is not met, the seedling will not bloom. This group is distinguished by good frost resistance and resistance to cold, their bushes do not require shelter and bending down.

The second group includes very frost-resistant species, these include park hybrids. They are resistant to cold conditions, these include English varieties.

English varieties need to be crouched and covered. They are distinguished by beautifully shaped buds and a persistent, sensual smell that can be felt during the flowering period. This variety appeared as a result of crossing Damask, Bourbon and floribunda roses, as well as with hybrid tea. They have the following features:

  1. Stable growth rate.
  2. Strong structure of the bush.
  3. They bloom regularly throughout the season.
  4. They have good protection against diseases.
  5. Resistant to variable weather.

Park flowers have certain characteristics and features, which are early flowering, many flowers are formed on the bush, blooming almost simultaneously with the onset of spring. They bloom earlier than their relatives by a couple of weeks. Characterized by a subtle, pleasant smell.

For this reason, it is not recommended to plant other royal seedlings nearby, so as not to interrupt this magnificent aroma. Roses have a large palette of colors, from the usual snow-white to bright purple hues. To plant on your site this wonderful plant, many skills are not needed, since the planting process is quite easy, anyone can handle it, even a gardening beginner.

The most famous and diverse are English varieties, they are divided into bush and climbing. They have double flowers, in one bud there are more than a hundred petals. The bush itself looks very beautiful, the branches grow down, they are covered with many flowers, from the side the bush resembles pompoms.

Flowers can easily grow in the sun and in the shade. During the cold season, the bush must be covered so that it does not die. It is also required to constantly monitor its health, as the species is very vulnerable.

Classification of park roses

Varieties of park roses are divided into: wild, old, modern and garden.

Wild, in turn, are divided into climbing and non-climbing, after which species and their forms, varieties are located.

Old garden roses include cultivated groups, their varieties appeared over time. These include: Alba, Bracteata, Sempervirens, Setigera, Tea, Chinese, Repair. Also here are the hybrids: Ayrshire, Bourbon, Bursolt, Centifol, Ladies.

Modern garden hybrids appeared as a result of the breeding of the first hybrid of the tea species. Further, remontant, polyanthus, floribunda and glandiflora, miniature, climbing roses.

To park varieties applies Canadian rose, which was created for people who are more lazy to care. The bush freely tolerates winter with its cold and frost. You can plant it anywhere and in any soil, the main thing is that the place is well lit. sunbeams.

Its varieties include: Explorer roses and Parkland roses. The bushes weave perfectly, any hedge will suit them, they hide various ruins well, they will serve good decorations for any place. The seedlings are woven three meters high from the ground, their only drawback is that they do not have an aroma.

english rose it is mostly white, it can grow as an ordinary bush or a curly one. The rose is frost-resistant, not whimsical in care. The only drawback of the plant is that it is very often fed to diseases and pest attacks, so you need to constantly spray it.

To best varieties can be attributed:

  • Cardinal Richelieu - has densely double large flowers of a bright purple color;
  • Golden Celebration - distinguished by large buds of rare, yellow color;
  • Winchester Cesedral - has a bright light dense flowering;
  • Remy Martin - dense honey-colored flower;
  • Scepte d'ail - different continuous flowering, the base of the flower is pink.

How to plant a park rose

The plant can be planted in groups or singly. Rose loves moderately acidic soil. For planting, it is necessary to prepare a special mass of humus, clay, sand and compost. Landing occurs from spring and ends in autumn.

A hole is dug in the ground, taking into account the root system of the plant, so that it fits freely. The roots must be straightened so that there are no bends. The distance between the bush should reach one and a half meters.

In this way, the plant can be grown in the country, you just need to take into account the characteristics of the root system, which develops over three years, at this time the soil needs to be loosened and watered, it is also necessary to feed the plant and do not forget to prune.

When to plant

Planting can be done at any time of the year, but it is worth paying attention that planted bushes have time to take root in autumn by winter, so they will be better developed and larger than roses planted in spring.

Every gardener knows how to care for a park rose in spring. With the advent of spring, plants need to be cut, frostbitten and dried branches are removed, and shoots that have reached a strong outer bud are also removed. Pruning is done with garden shears or secateurs.

Bushes need to be fertilized after pruning, it can be special fertilizers purchased at the store or complex fertilizers, experienced gardeners advise adding compost to fertilizers in the first years of life.

Landing and care open field produced throughout the year. They plant plants in sunny places, there are practically no requirements for soil. It is important that the soil is well ventilated. For landing, you need to choose places protected from the wind.

Roses are cared for regularly, the rose should be cut twice a year, and pest control and disease prevention measures should also be taken on time. Do not forget about the soil, periodically weed, mulch and fertilize. In dry times, roses need to be watered abundantly.

In autumn, plants are prepared to winter in open ground. The bush itself is covered with a cotton bag, and the roots are covered with sand and earth.

How to plant

Plant according to the instructions:

  1. Plant a rose from sprouts, but when choosing them, you need to monitor the freshness of the roots, because if they are dried up, the plant will die.
  2. When planting roses, it should be borne in mind that these flowers grow both in height and in width, because the sprouts are seated widely apart from each other.
  3. You should not plant other flowers closer than half a meter to the rose, since the root of the flower is quite voluminous and other plants can interfere with its development.
  4. Do not plant other strong-smelling plants near roses, as their smell can interrupt the aroma of flowers.
  5. You can plant a park rose both in spring and autumn, but when planting in autumn, you should remember that the flower must be covered during the frost period, regardless of the fact that the plant is frost-resistant until its root system is strengthened - it is vulnerable to cold.
  6. A park rose does not need to be fed when planting, it is enough just to water it.

It depends on how the rose is planted correctly. further fate, at the slightest violation, the plant will wither and may even die. Therefore, you need to know for sure how to properly plant park roses, and only then just start this process.

Before planting, the sprout is soaked for a day in water, then all leaves and small twigs are removed. After that, the root and stem are cut off, after which the seedling is disinfected.

A pit for planting is prepared in advance, it should be 50 centimeters deep and the same width. Between the bushes there should be a distance of at least a meter. The hole must be fertilized with manure, then thoroughly watered. The place for planting is ready, it remains only to plant the plants.

Pruning and shelter for the winter

Most experienced gardeners prepare plants for winter from the summer. To begin with, fertilize roses with a solution of fluorine and potassium. Watering is completely stopped in September. In autumn, you need to cut roses, remove excess, dry and broken branches.

The place where the branches were cut from is recommended to sprinkle with ashes. Fallen leaves must be removed, in no case should they wrap roses. Also during this period, whitewashing and spraying are performed, thus protecting the rose from pests. The park rose also needs hilling. Roses are a type of plant that does not require shelter for the winter.

How to care for garden roses

it is only complicated by the fact that they grow strongly. home distinguishing feature These plants do not require special care. It is just important to cut them off, water and feed them in time. Also monitor their health, subject to these simple terms roses will generously bestow fragrant flowers.

How to water correctly

Flowers need to be watered once every seven days, make sure that the earth is well saturated, because otherwise the plant will take superficial roots. During the dry season, watering should be doubled. Also, grass, humus or tree bark is laid under the root - this helps the plant survive the drought.

How to feed

In the first summer, the plant needs a fertilizer that contains boron, iron, and magnesium. Such fertilizers are best purchased in special stores. In addition, roses are fertilized with manure.

How do garden roses reproduce?

Park roses can be propagated in one of four ways:

  1. layering.
  2. By division.
  3. Overgrowth.
  4. cuttings.

Cuttings are the most effective and reliable method; they are used by experienced gardeners. Let's take a closer look at some of these options.

In order to propagate the seedling by layering, it is necessary to dig small grooves near the plant and carefully place the flower shoots in them. Next, cut the bark a little in those places where young leaves appear. The laid shoots must be pinned down, and covered with a small layer of soil on top.

Throughout the summer, the shoots are watered, and with the onset autumn period dig out, find rooted parts and separate from the main flower. After that, the cut shoots are planted in pre-prepared and abundantly watered recesses. On the next year young seedlings are transplanted permanent place.

Propagate by cuttings when the flower begins to bloom profusely, namely in the middle of summer. During this period, it is necessary to cut off the shoots with the flowers formed on them, divide into small parts so that each has no more than 2 leaves. Before planting, it is recommended to make a cut between the upper and lower kidneys. Remove the upper foliage completely, and cut off the lower one partially.

Next, heteroauxin should be diluted in a small container and the cuttings should be placed there for 1 hour. After that, the cuttings are planted in the ground, a small layer of sand is added, and the top of the seedling is covered with a jar or a cut plastic bottle. So the plant is left for 30 days, it is this period that is needed for the rooting of the cutting, it is not necessary to water it at this time, it is enough to spray it with water from a spray bottle several times - this is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. For the winter, young cuttings are recommended to be covered with spruce paws and left for the winter in the garden.

If lignified shoots were harvested in late autumn, at the time of the first frost, then they should not be planted in the ground, otherwise they will not have time to take root and freeze. Therefore, leaves are completely removed from the shoots, stored in a cool place, at a temperature of +3 degrees. For the winter, the shoots are wrapped in plastic wrap, and in May they are taken out and divided into small bushes, about 20 centimeters each. Then they proceed to planting in the soil, the seedling is covered for a month for rooting.

Park roses can be propagated by root offspring, the so-called root shoots growing in the soil and emerging on the surface of the earth in the form of above-ground stems. 1 year after their appearance, gardeners cut these stems from the main root and proceed to planting in a new place. However, it is better not to use processes close to the mother stem, this can lead to injury to the entire bush.

A heavily overgrown seedling root system can be propagated by dividing. To do this, with the onset of spring, the seedling is dug up, and its root is divided into several parts so that well-developed roots are located on each. Landing is similar to the previous options. A few years later, a young seedling will please its abundant flowering and pleasant aroma.

How to plant a park rose can be found in the video:

It is not for nothing that the rose is considered the queen of flowers; it attracts with its attention not only with its beautiful beauty, but also with its refined aroma. Special park roses, resulting from the crossing of roses with wild rose hips, are not only unpretentious in care, but also have incredible endurance. Russian severe frosts not every variety of greenhouse roses can withstand, so it is advisable to cover them with special covering material for the whole winter, only in areas with warm winter they may not be hidden.

They reach an average height of up to one and a half meters. They begin to bloom in early spring, immediately after the leaves on the bush bloom. This usually happens at the end of May.

Flowering is almost always abundant and lasts from a month, and hybrid varieties may bloom up to two months. They have a diverse palette of colors, but most often there are pale pink, bright red, dazzling white, dark purple, less often yellow, orange. One flower can have up to 160 petals, which ordinary roses do not have. Usually roses are planted either as a separate decoration of the site, or as a hedge.

Park roses are single and re-blooming. The first roses are often found on summer cottages. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that their shoots cannot be cut, otherwise they will not bloom next year. This classification mainly includes old varieties that easily tolerate frost and do not require special shelter.

But re-blooming ones are different, among them there is a very frost-resistant category, ideal for the northern latitudes of Russia, these include specially grown hybrid roses. There are those that can survive a harsh winter, but only if they are properly cared for before the onset of winter and they are in a place well protected from the wind. The last category is non-frost-resistant, they must be bent down and covered before the onset of each winter.

Before you start planting a park rose, you need to know some of the nuances:

  • For planting, it is advisable to choose a calm place, so the rose will more easily endure the harsh winter.
  • Before working with a rose, be sure to prepare thick gloves and a special apron so as not to prick yourself. Since such scratches usually heal for a long time.
  • There should be enough space around the rose to comfortably cover it for the winter.
  • To fully enjoy the subtle and amazing aroma of a rose, do not plant another plant next to it that also has a scent. And then the smells get mixed up.
  • Before the onset of autumn, it is undesirable to cut the bushes, otherwise their shoots will not have time to prepare for the winter.
  • If flowers did not appear on new shoots before July, then you need to carefully examine the plant to find the reason: pests, lack of fertilizer, lack of sunlight are wound up. If no cause is found, in early spring you can trim the shoots a little to stimulate their growth and the appearance of buds on them.
  • If you plan to make a hedge from rose bushes, then the distance between seedlings should be from 70 to 100 centimeters. And single bushes are best planted at a distance of 140 centimeters from each other.
  • To prevent insect pests from starting on the bushes, water them with nettle infusion or spray the leaves of chamomile tincture.
  • It is advisable to fertilize the soil around the bush from time to time with infusion of ash, which is an excellent substitute for many fertilizers.
  • Without any shelter, they easily endure the harsh Russian winters. miniature varieties roses.
  • Young bushes must be covered for the winter. It will be better if you wrap it in several layers of craft paper.
  • Roses should be covered for the winter even before the temperature drops below -7 degrees.
  • If the bush is hard and difficult to bend for the winter, then only digging from the right side will help. Only after digging the bush will be able to bend. But this must be done carefully so as not to damage either the roots or twigs.

Planting park roses and caring for them

Roses love light and space. Therefore, it is better for them to choose a place well protected from the wind and that there are no tall and sprawling trees in the neighborhood that would cast a shadow on roses, since they bloom worse in partial shade.

Roses are planted in September, a month or two before the onset of frost, so that she has time to adapt. At the same time, it is desirable to make a small mound of earth around the stem, which must be removed in the spring. But it is recommended to prune the bush only in the spring, as a last resort in the summer after it has faded. From August, it is better to forget about pruning until next spring. In extreme cases, in the fall, you can remove old and dried branches.

In principle, any soil is suitable for a rose bush, but in order for it to adapt faster and bloom profusely, it is better to use clay and loose earth sufficiently saturated with oxygen. If the earth is too light, then it must be mixed with manure, and heavy earth with peat.

Step by step planting a rose:

  • Dig a hole up to 50 centimeters deep and up to 70 centimeters in diameter, depending on the bush itself.
  • Pour humus and a handful of wood ash into the bottom of the pit.
  • It is important that the seedling has a closed root system. In this case, the bush is carefully placed in a hole and covered with earth from above.
  • But if the roots are open, in this case, carefully examine them. If rotten roots are found, cut them off with a clean and sharp knife, process the edges and carefully straighten the remaining roots. In order not to crush the roots, pour a little earth in the form of a mound at the bottom of the pit and place a seedling on it. Top with earth.
  • Water the base of the bush well. At least one bucket of water.
  • To keep moisture longer, mulch the soil around the bush.

Once a year, every spring, it is advisable to feed the land around the bushes, adding any fertilizer to it: ash, compost soil with bone meal. Throughout the summer, it is advisable to often loosen the soil around the bushes to provide the roots with access to oxygen. In autumn, be sure to fertilize the land with manure, especially if the bush is young.

Reproduction of park roses

Roses can be propagated in one of four ways:

  • A young twig from a bush that grew a year ago is cut off and transplanted.
  • Using a pruner, separate the part of the root with one stem. Plant like a normal shrub. Do this in autumn or early spring.
  • In early spring, bend the selected stem to the ground and sprinkle it. The following year, dig it out, separate it from the bush and transplant it to another place.
  • In the fall, choose a cutting from which the leaves have already fallen off, bury it in the sand until spring, then transplant it to a permanent place.

The best varieties

Currently, there are many varieties of park roses, we will choose the best of them, suitable for the Russian climate.

It has neat bright pink double flowers of large size and a persistent aroma. All summer it can bloom repeatedly, but in spring and autumn it must be fed, and in summer loosen the ground around the bush. And you need to plant it separately from other plants, as it does not get along well with them. But it feels great with pines, spruces and other conifers.

A low park rose, reaching a height of no more than one and a half meters, their pale pink buds exude a barely perceptible aroma. Blossoming begins at the end of June, ends in September. During the summer, the bush grows so profusely that in the spring, if necessary, it must be cut. The advantages of this variety include its low thorniness and coexistence with other plants. Unlike many varieties, it is very demanding on the composition of the earth, so the earth must be fertilized and moist. For the winter it is not necessary to cover it.

It was launched quite recently, about twelve years ago. Is different large size flowers are bright orange with a pink tint on the edges of the petals. Them glossy leaves bright emerald color. They have an unusual and memorable aroma. Breeders managed to achieve a long and re-bloom Chippendale between June and September. For the winter, this variety requires shelter with a special covering material.

This type of roses is common throughout Russia and is loved by gardeners. It is planted both singly and in groups. It endures the Russian winter without problems, but it still needs to be covered. The buds are goblet-shaped and come in pink, yellow, and cream. The bush blooms very profusely. They exude a very pleasant aroma, spreading far beyond the bush.

It can reach up to two and a half meters in height, it has a very strong aroma, so it is undesirable to plant other, also strongly smelling plants next to it. Its inflorescences can change color depending on the weather: in cloudy weather they are bright orange, and in sunny weather their core turns yellow, while the edges remain yellow. In addition, they are also bright pink. It is highly resistant to many diseases, tolerates harsh Russian winters well, flowers do not deteriorate under the influence of rain. Unlike many garden roses, they bloom all summer. The leaves are green with an olive tint.

For the winter, they must be tied up so that they do not break, as their branches are very fragile. Although they are winter-hardy, it is advisable to cover them for the winter. It would be better if they have some kind of support, for example, in the form of a wall, a fence.



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs