Dates are the fruit of which tree. The date palm is the queen of oases. Typical plant diseases: preventive measures and methods of control

How dates grow is often of interest to lovers of dried fruits, who only see them in cooked form. Dates grow on a palm tree, collected in clusters. If you wish, you can plant a dried fruit seed yourself and grow a small palm tree. She, of course, will not bear fruit, but the exotic attractive appearance will preserve and delight the owner for a long time.

The historical homeland of culture is the Middle East, North Africa, Canary Islands. Today the plant is cultivated in different countries with a hot climate. The leader in date cultivation is Saudi Arabia.

In Russia, date palms are grown on the Black Sea coast. However, they do not produce high-quality fruits, so they can only be considered as ornamental plants, and not fruit-bearing.

Date palms at normal conditions The plants bear fruit for up to 80 years. The fruits are collected in large clusters. The most productive varieties crops allow you to get up to 150 kg of dates from one tree.

Growing at home

If you want to have a date palm at home, you don’t have to buy a plant. It is enough to simply grow a date from a seed obtained from a dried fruit. In order for a houseplant to be healthy and have beautiful view, we must remember the basic rules of agricultural technology. Their violation for an adult plant is undesirable, but not very dangerous, but young dates improper care die very quickly.

How to germinate a date seed?

The seed must be germinated correctly, and it is not enough to simply place it in the ground and wait for germination. The seed is suitable for planting only if the dried fruit has not undergone heat treatment.

  • It is best to plant the plant in winter - during this period, under natural conditions, date palms begin active vegetation, since it is summer at this time in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • The bone needs to be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days. To do this, place the dishes with it in a warm place (possibly near a radiator). The water should be changed every day. You can also soak the bone in well-soaked cotton wool, but this is less effective.

After finishing soaking, 3-4 punctures are made on the bone and again placed in water for 4 days. This will stimulate germination. As soon as the seed swells, you can plant it.

Soil requirement

You need to prepare the soil for the palm tree yourself.

For it, mix in equal quantities:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • sand.

There is no need to apply fertilizers.

Landing rules

The seed is not buried deeply - no more than 5 cm. It is better to sprinkle it with peat rather than soil. This will provide the most comfortable conditions for germination. Plant the seed in a pre-moistened substrate. After planting, watering is not carried out until the soil dries out. Germination occurs better if greenhouse conditions, for which the pot should be covered with a transparent plastic bag. It should be removed for ventilation for 5-10 minutes at least once a day.

Transplanting a plant

Transfer date palm carried out as it develops and outgrows the pot. The substrate needed for transplantation is the same as for planting. It is also necessary to replant the plant if several seeds were initially grown in one container. In this case, the transplant is carried out at the moment when a strong leaf 4 cm long has formed on the sprout.

  • Since the roots of the palm tree are long, a deep pot will be required. Its width is not important. A drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay must be made at the bottom.
  • Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method, which reduces the risk of damage to the root system. If rotting roots are found at the time of transplantation, they are cut off.

Frequent transplants have a negative impact on the date palm, and therefore the container for it is taken with a reserve. The maximum frequency of tree replanting is once a year.

How to care for a palm tree at home?

Despite the fact that the date palm is particularly unpretentious, it needs proper care. In nature, plants are much stronger than those grown in a pot and can tolerate unfavorable conditions without damage. Domestic specimens have lost such resistance.

  • After germination, the plant requires abundant watering with warm water. However, it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate, as this will cause spoilage. Water for irrigation is left to settle for 2-3 days at room temperature. If possible, use rain or melt liquid. Daily spraying is required.
  • In winter, the date palm requires a decrease in temperature to 15-18 degrees, which will provide it with a period of rest according to the biological cycle of the growth strip, and not of natural nature.
  • The plant needs high-quality lighting for 10 hours a day, but it is important that it is not exposed to direct sun rays. They will lead to burns and her possible death.
  • Fertilizing is carried out during the growing season once a month, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, the palm tree is not fed.
  • To maintain a beautiful appearance, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Possible problems during cultivation

The main problems that may arise when growing date palms at home are attacks by pests: scale insects, thrips. In such a situation they help special drugs for protection indoor plants.

Another problem that a gardener may encounter is waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the plant. The palm tree in such a situation emits an intense smell of rot. If the plant has living roots, it can be saved by stopping watering until the soil dries completely.

The fact that the palm tree is not receiving enough moisture is indicated by the darkening ends of the leaves. This is the easiest way to fix this problem.

If you have space in your apartment and desire, you can easily grow it at home. exotic beauty from a seed. A date palm tree in a pot looks elegant and can become an interesting green decoration for your home. Knowing what dates grow on, you can immediately decide whether you need a palm tree at home or not.

Let's start with the fact that the dates sold in stores are the fruits of the common date, or date palm. (Phoenix dactilifera). This is a completely different species, unlike the Canarian date (Phoenix canariensis) or Robelena date (Phoenix roebelini), which are most often grown in room conditions and are sold in flower shops.

In the open ground of warm countries, it is a palm tree up to 30 m high with a tall simple trunk and feathery leaves up to 5 m long. In indoor conditions, a plant grown from seeds also becomes large over time and sometimes reaches the ceiling. Naturally, it never blooms or bears fruit (by the way, plants are more often dioecious).

It is not difficult to grow a date palm from seeds. Seeds extracted from fresh or dried fruits are suitable for this purpose. The main thing is to use them immediately after removal.

To begin, clean the seeds as much as possible from the pulp and place them in a glass of water at room temperature in a warm place for a day or two (the water needs to be changed 2-3 times). The remaining pulp will swell and be easily scraped off to prevent mold from forming after planting.

After this, you can plant it immediately in slightly damp palm soil vertically and wait for germination, not forgetting about scanty watering. Overmoistening should not be allowed. Shoots usually appear after 2-3 weeks.

However, it is useful to pre-germinate the seeds in vermiculite. To do this, vermiculite is slightly moistened (water is added little by little, literally a couple of spoons, so as not to over-moisten the substrate), placed in plastic container. Seeds are placed in it, lightly sprinkled with the same vermiculite, closed tightly and placed in a warm place, closer to the radiator. If the vermiculite dries out, add a little water during germination).

Next, it is important not to miss the moment of germination; it occurs with this method of germination much earlier, after 1-2 weeks. As soon as the woody seeds hatch, they are planted in containers with palm soil. The roots must not be damaged, otherwise nothing will grow.

At first, you can plant the seeds in small containers with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters. At first, a single juvenile simple leaf will appear, and later a “arrow” of 2-3 leaves will appear. During this period, keep an eye on the drainage hole. The root should not have time to penetrate into it before transplanting into a large container. The date palm generally does not like transplants, so the plants need to be transferred into a larger pot in a lump, trying not to damage the root (at first it forms one, long one). If the roots are damaged, the plant dies.

Well, then provide the seedlings with a bright place and fertilize them with fertilizers for palm trees or decorative deciduous plants. Development is slow at first, then accelerates. It is important not to dry out the soil completely, but also not to allow it to become waterlogged.

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It is believed that date palms originated in the land around the Persian Gulf and in ancient times they grew and were especially popular between the Nile and Euphrates rivers. There is archaeological evidence of human cultivation of dates in eastern Arabia in 4000 BC. e. The date palm was highly revered, considered a symbol of fertility and depicted on bas-reliefs and coins. Nomads planted oases in the deserts with dates, and the Arabs brought them to Spain.

Date palms have long grown on the French Riviera, southern Italy, Sicily and Greece, although in these areas the date fruit does not reach the traditional eastern quality. Iraq has always ranked first in the world in their production, where date palms grow in numbers of about 22 million, producing 600,000 tons of dates per year. The Basra region is especially famous for its varieties of palm trees of excellent quality. Dates are a traditional food in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Iran and the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

At the end of the 20th century, date production in Saudi Arabia was brought to 500,000 tons from 11 million palm trees. Such indicators were achieved thanks to government programs to improve crop growing and processing technologies, as well as a targeted increase in demand for dates in government institutions. Special training courses on the introduction of mechanized technologies in this area of ​​agriculture.

Since 1870, dates have been growing in northern India and Pakistan, where they were brought from the Middle East. The fruits ripen well in the north-west of India, but in the south of the country the climate is not favorable for their cultivation. Date palms later appeared in the Philippines, Australia, and in the arid regions of Argentina and Brazil, where they bear fruit quite good quality. Today, dates grow in many tropical and subtropical countries, where they are valued as ornamental plants, but where the climate does not permit the production of edible fruits.

Only occasionally do date palms produce a normal harvest in the Bahamas and South Florida, as dates are often subject to rotting as a result of rain and high humidity. Currently, date palms are successfully grown in California and Arizona in the USA, but for this a huge amount of work was done to find and purchase seedlings different varieties dates all over the world, among which were varieties adapted to climatic conditions North America.

Palm trees of the genus Phoenix can be found in any warm region of the planet; they give exotic look and are often one of the symbols of hot resort places. But real date palms are of the species Finger dates, bearing full harvest and providing a true oriental delicacy, grow in arid desert regions with harsh conditions, usually not related to popular resorts.

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Almost everyone has probably tried dates in the form of dried fruits. But there are only a few fresh fruits. Even fewer have seen them grow. Meanwhile, the date palm is one of the oldest crops “domesticated” by man, very revered in the countries of the Arab East. Its fruits are not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Unfortunately, in Russia, cultivation of date palms in open ground is impossible due to strict suitable for the plant climate, but amateur gardeners keep them at home. Such a plant will become a very impressive interior decoration.

How and where do dates grow?

The date palm, as you might guess, belongs to the Palm family. It has been cultivated by humanity for more than four thousand years. Its historical homeland is the Arabian Peninsula, the Middle East and the Mediterranean coast of Africa. Some varieties are also found in the Canary Islands. But during cultivation in captivity, the plant’s habitat expanded significantly. Now date palms are in industrial scale grown in Iran, Israel, India, Pakistan, Central and Latin America, in the southern USA (Texas, Arizona, California) and even in Australia. Among the leading exporters of dates are those states in whose territory the palm tree was first “domesticated” - Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco. The only European country where the palm tree bears fruit regularly is Spain.

In nature, date palms grow on almost bare rocks and sand.

The culture of the ancient Arab East was very closely connected with the cultivation of date palms. Many scientists believe that it was this plant that largely contributed to the formation of the modern landscape in these territories and made it, in principle, possible to survive in the local climate. Thanks to the date palm, a system of oasis farming developed; in its shade, other crops that perished under the scorching sun successfully grew. Locals they understood this very well, and almost idolized the plant, calling the palm tree “nurse”, “queen of oases” and “tree of prosperity”, and the fruits themselves - “bread of the desert”. A person's wealth was calculated based on the number of camels and date palms he owned.

Dates are an important part of the diet in the countries of the Arab East.

In Latin, the date palm is called Phoenix. This poetic name was given to the genus back in the 17th century by the famous Swedish botanist and systematizer Carl Linnaeus. Indeed, the plant can be compared to a bird rising from the ashes. After all, it rises from the hot desert sands. The date palm is not extremely afraid high temperatures, extremely low air humidity, it successfully withstands annual precipitation rates tending to zero, strong sandstorms, and dry winds. In the course of evolution, culture has found a very interesting way out of the situation. The date palm grows and develops exclusively at night, at relatively low temperatures. The cells at the top of the trunk, at the growth point, wait out the heat of the day, plunging into a kind of “hibernation.”

Where the climate allows, the date palm is often planted in areas for decorative purposes.

The productive life of a date palm is 150–200 years. During this time, depending on the species, it grows to 15–40 m in height. But there are also several dwarf varieties that do not overcome the “bar” of 2–3 m. The trunk of the plant is straight, columnar, covered with “scars” in the shape of crescents - these are the attachment points for the petioles of dead leaves. They themselves are complex-pinnate in shape with arched petioles. The length of such a “fan” reaches 2–6 m. Over the course of a year, the plant forms up to 10–12 new leaves. They feel hard to the touch, as if they were plastic. The tips are noticeably prickly. In nature, young date palms with leaves sticking out in all directions form almost impenetrable thickets.

Date palm leaves resemble giant fans

Date palm - dioecious plant. This means that there are trees with only male and only female flowers. And in order for fruit to set, it is necessary cross pollination. It passes very easily, with the help of the wind. Therefore, fruits that are completely different in size, shape, color and taste often ripen on the same palm tree. To prevent this, when cultivated on an industrial scale, pollinator varieties are selected with all responsibility, and the procedure is carried out exclusively by hand.

The blooming date palm looks very impressive

Date palm flowers are collected in 6–10 inflorescences, cascading beautifully. Their length is about 1 m. The petals (there are only three) are colored straw-yellow. In male flowers they open completely, while in female flowers they look more like balls. At the core male flower there are six stamens, the female one has the same number, but shortened, and three pistils. Only one of them will subsequently bear fruit. Significantly more male flowers are formed on one palm tree - approximately 12,000 versus 2,500.

Male flowers do not set fruit, they are needed solely for pollination

If pollination is carried out manually, it must be done in time. Female flowers susceptible to pollen for two to three days, no more. And it itself continues to remain viable until the end of the active growing season and can be stored in optimal conditions ten or more years.

The fruits ripen within 8–10 months. Flowering occurs in November-December. Around April they acquire a slight yellowish tint. In May they reach the size of a large cherry. Dates reach full ripeness only by August. They grow, like flowers, in clusters. From a distance they look a lot like giant bunches of grapes. The weight of each of them reaches 7–18 kg. The productivity is very high. Depending on the variety mature tree bears 100–250 kg of fruit annually. The first fruits (about 10 kg) are harvested 5–6 years after planting in the ground. The plant reaches its maximum by 13–15 years. The harvest is harvested only by hand. The pickers climb the trees special knives cut off the brushes and carefully lower them to the ground.

The date palm has a very high yield

The date fruit is a more or less juicy, very fleshy berry. The pulp contains one large seed with a clearly visible longitudinal “seam”. The skin can be bright yellow, golden orange, dull red or tan. Average length fruit - about 8 cm, diameter - up to 4 cm.

Harvesting dates is quite a dangerous activity.

Video: flowering and fruiting of date palm

The date palm in the east is valued not only for its fruits. All parts of the plant are used. Leaves and wood are building material and fuel. The former are also used as animal feed. The fibers covering the trunk are used to weave ropes and weave coarse fabric. Leather products are impregnated with juice to give them durability and water resistance, and wine and molasses are also prepared from it. Flowers and buds are added to salads, and crushed seeds are added to the dough from which bread is baked.

Fresh dates in the East are widely used for preparing all kinds of desserts; the fruits have a unique composition

The composition of dates is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements. First of all, we can note the presence of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins B, A, E, K and essential amino acids (niacin, thiamine). Dried fruits differ greatly high content dietary fiber and simple carbohydrates - up to 65%. This is several times more than in any other fruit. Therefore, dates are extremely nutritious. It has been scientifically proven that one fruit and 200 ml of milk contain a minimum nutrients, necessary for a person to maintain performance throughout the day. Dried dates have the most antioxidants compared to other dried fruits.

Dried dates contain many antioxidants - these substances help slow down the aging process and stimulate tissue renewal at the cellular level

Traditional medicine recommends regularly including dates in the diet for problems with appetite, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, in order to restore vision, and to prevent diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels. They are also very useful for pregnant women - this has a positive effect on the health of the fetus and the mother’s immunity.

But, as you know, everything is good in moderation. Dates should also not be abused. 10–12 fruits per day is quite enough. This is quite a heavy food and takes a long time to digest. Therefore, you should not eat dates before bed. The texture of fruits, especially dried ones, is sticky, large quantities This “chewing gum” is poorly absorbed and interferes with normal gastric secretions. It sticks to the teeth and can provoke the development of caries. And when diabetes mellitus Dates of any type are simply contraindicated due to their high calorie content (280–350 kcal per 100 g). They are also not recommended for fructose intolerance. In this case, the fruits can provoke bloating, an attack of flatulence and diarrhea.

Date desserts are a healthy alternative to chocolate and candies

Date oil is widely used in cosmetology to soften the skin and get rid of imperfections. And Arab women have long been lining their eyes with powder made from ground and burnt dry fruits before going to bed, considering it the best remedy to lengthen eyelashes.

Video: health benefits of dates

Varieties and varieties of crops

All crop varieties grown for export have one “parent” - the common or palmate date. The height of the tree reaches 10–15 m; basal shoots form at its base in abundance. The plant is light-loving and has extreme heat and drought resistance. In a dry climate, it successfully tolerates temperatures down to -15ºС; in high humidity, it dies at -9ºС.

The palmate date is the “parent” of all varieties of culture, both ancient and modern.

The date palm is a dioecious plant. Therefore, cross-pollination often leads to the emergence of a new variety. On at the moment there are more than five thousand of them. Those who grow dates on an industrial scale divide them into three large groups - dry, semi-dry and soft, with a nectar content of less than 18%, 18–20% and 20–23%, respectively. The latter are most often used in fresh, the first ones are lightweight, transportable, suitable for preparing dried fruits. The remaining category is a kind of “golden mean” with a universal purpose.

The most common soft varieties:

  • Mazfati. A group of varieties (there are more than 20) are widely cultivated on an industrial scale in Iran. Often found on sale under the brand names “Caspirus”, “Zar”, “Caspian”, “Caspiran”. The skin is dark, the shade varies from milk chocolate to almost black. The fruits are barrel-shaped, 3–4.5 cm long. Characterized by a light caramel flavor.
  • Kabkab. Also grown mainly in Iran. The sweetest date. It is called honey not only because of this, but also because of the amber-yellow skin. The fruits are large (9–15 cm long), elongated. The seed is small and sticks strongly to the pulp. High sugar content ensures good shelf life - up to six months at home and 18–20 months at a temperature of about 18ºC.
  • Hasui. In terms of sweetness, it is practically no worse than the previous variety. The fruits are almost spherical, 4–5 cm in diameter. The skin is most often yellowish-brown, but depending on the region of cultivation, its shade may change to dark yellow or chocolate purple.
  • Barhi. The main exporters are Saudi Arabia and Israel. The fruits are comparable in size and shape to walnuts or with small apples. The skin is sunny yellow, very thin. The pulp is aromatic (the smell has different notes of honey, vanilla and lemon balm). These dates are mostly eaten fresh. They are lower in calories than other varieties. When dried, a caramel flavor appears and the skin separates from the pulp.
  • Anbara. One of the elite varieties grown in Saudi Arabia. The fruits are small (2.5–3 cm long), oval. The skin is brown-red, the seed is small. Valued for their high protein content, they have the ability to accelerate tissue regeneration.
  • Khadrawi. Grown in Iraq. The fruits are oval-shaped, 4–5 cm long. The skin is reddish-golden, the flesh is very sticky, with a caramel aroma, slightly crunchy. These dates are ideal for making purees and desserts.
  • Majul. The variety was bred in Morocco and is widely cultivated in Israel and the USA. Officially recognized as the “king of dates”. The fruits are elongated, up to 8 cm. The skin is thin, chocolate brown. The pulp is caramel-sweet.
  • Hiyani. Egyptian dates. They are also grown in Israel. The fruits are cylindrical, up to 5 cm long. As they ripen, the skin changes color from bright scarlet to dark purple, almost black. The pulp is very aromatic.

Photo gallery: the best varieties of soft dates

Mazfati dates are a whole group of varieties Kabkab dates are very sweet, literally sugary fruits The skin color of Hasui dates varies greatly depending on the cultivation conditions. Barhi dates are grown mainly for fresh consumption. Anbar dates are an elite variety with excellent taste. Khadrawi dates are suitable raw materials for preparing all kinds of desserts The Majul variety is officially recognized as the king of dates. Hiyani dates stand out very much rich aroma

Sayer dates are low in calories Rabi dates are among the first to ripen Dekel Nur dates are leaders in global export volume Khudri dates are almost round fruits of various sizes. Safavi dates stand out for their balanced taste and pronounced aroma Sukkari dates - one of the elite varieties Halawi dates are eaten even when unripe. Ajwa dates have been grown in the East for thousands of years. Sagay dates - a variety with a unique skin color

Dry dates:

  • Turi. The most common variety in this category. Originally from Algeria. Also known as bread date. The skin is hard, the flesh is dry, not at all sticky, sweetish, with a slight nutty aftertaste. Used as a filling for baked goods and in salads.
  • Zahedi. One of the oldest varieties. Bred in Iran. Ripens quite late. Large (up to 8 cm long) fruits with a dark yellow or brownish skin. The stone is large and easily separated from the pulp. This is the main raw material for the production of silane - date honey.
  • Sokari. Variety from the UAE. The fruits are cone-shaped, the flesh is hard and crispy. When you bite into it, you can clearly feel like grains of sugar. The skin is bright yellow, heavily wrinkled.

Photo gallery: varieties of dry dates

Turi is the most popular variety of dry dates. The Zahedi date variety has been known to mankind for a very long time. Sokari dates are high in sugar content

The most commonly grown date at home is the Robelena date. The height of a tree, even in nature, reaches a maximum of 3 m. There can be 2–3 trunks. The leaves are quite narrow, 50–60 cm in length. Petioles are short and thin. Does not tolerate frosts -3ºС and below. The fruits are small and inedible.

The Robelena date has much more modest dimensions compared to its “relatives”.

Another option for cultivation in captivity is the Canarian date. In nature, the tree’s height reaches 10–20 m; at home, it is limited to 2.5–3 m. Compared with its “relatives,” it tolerates it much better. high humidity air. Where climate permits, it is widely used in landscape design. Tolerates short-term temperature drops down to -9ºС. The fruits are small, in principle, edible, but the pulp is very coarse, fibrous, slightly sweet.

The Canarian date is suitable for growing at home, because it does not need extremely low air humidity

Planting and caring for a date palm

The finger date, unlike other palm trees, has very good cold resistance. A tree accustomed to the extreme heat of the desert can survive long-term temperatures down to -14ºC.

This palm is practically indifferent to the quality of the soil. In nature, the tree successfully exists on bare sand. This is possible due to the fact that root system He has a very powerful and developed one. The rod goes ten meters or even more into the soil, feeding from groundwater. By the way, the ancient Arabs, focusing on date palms, laid out caravan routes. If these trees grow somewhere in the middle of the desert, there is definitely water nearby, you just need to find it. The crop also successfully takes root in heavy clay and poor rocky soils. She's not even scared high level substrate salinity.

Considering the extremely few “requirements” of the plant, date plantations are planted in open, well-lit and sun-warmed areas. Winds, even the strongest, are no hindrance to palm trees. The main thing is to make sure that there is groundwater in the selected area or to build an artificial irrigation system. And also give each plant sufficient area for nutrition, otherwise they will simply begin to “choke” each other. Depending on the variety, 8–10 m are left between neighboring palm trees, and the row spacing is approximately the same.

Date plantations are planted where the plants receive enough heat and sunlight

As planting material They use exclusively the basal shoots of adult fruiting palms. Planting seedlings obtained from seeds is a kind of lottery, which cannot be afforded when growing fruits on an industrial scale. The varietal characteristics of such plants vary greatly. At home, on the contrary, cultivating date palms grown from seeds with one’s own hands is extremely popular. Anyway, they basically don’t bear fruit.

In Russia, date palms are grown mainly at home; they develop rather slowly

Video: date plantation

The Russian climate, as it was found out experimentally, is categorically not suitable for cultivating date palms on an industrial scale. They need the tropics, or at least subtropics. Meets this requirement Black Sea coast, but the culture there is not satisfactory high humidity. In the Sochi region, for example, date palms are planted exclusively as ornamental plants. They bloom, sometimes even fruits ripen, but their quality is extremely low.

At the same time, young plants under the age of 10 years can be irreversibly damaged even when the temperature drops to -8–10ºС. Therefore, for the winter, the bases of the stems are wrapped in several layers with any breathable covering material and covered with straw or reed mats. Be sure to cover the apical growth point as well. IN landing hole sawdust, peat and sand are introduced, without fertilizers at all.

In the USSR in the 50s of the last century, an experiment was carried out with the goal of establishing the possibility of growing dates on the territory of the state. Success was achieved only in the dry climate in the south of Turkmenistan. At the same time, the Iranian seedlings planted there froze en masse in the first winter, but about 20% of the seedlings grown from seeds here were preserved. After five years, the palm tree yielded a harvest. And after another ten years, the plants that survived to this age successfully survived the winter, during which the temperature dropped for a long time to -13ºС, although they lost all their leaves. They only grew back in the fall. The height of the tree by this time reached 8 m, the girth of the trunk was 1 m. It regularly bore fruit, yielding about 50 kg of dates.

Cultivating plants at home

Date palm can be obtained at home by germinating seeds extracted from fresh, dried or dried fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. Before planting, they need to be soaked for 2-3 days in warm, settled water with the addition of any biostimulant, then scarified (slightly cut the shell with a scalpel or razor blade) and kept in water for the same amount of time.

Not only seeds from fresh dates are suitable for planting at home; the main thing is that the fruits are not subjected to heat treatment

The seeds take quite a long time to germinate, at least 2–3 months. You can speed up the process a little by putting it on the container plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. You will have to wait 5–7 years for the characteristic feathery leaves to appear.

The shell of date seeds is hard, so you will have to wait quite a long time for the emergence of seedlings

Video: date palm from seed at home

The plant vitally needs sunlight for at least 10 hours every day. If there is a lack of it, the leaves become fragile, stretch unnaturally, and break easily. Therefore, the pot is placed closer to the window facing south, southwest, southeast. In the summer, if the size of the palm tree allows, it is taken out to fresh air. Optimal temperature in summer - 25ºС and above. In winter - about 16ºС. The critical minimum is 5ºС. It is not sensitive to air humidity, but the leaves need to be wiped from dust from time to time. In hot weather, it is useful to spray the plant daily and shower it weekly. Domestic palms are much less hardy than “wild” ones.

The date palm is placed closer to the window, but it is advisable to protect young plants from direct sunlight

The correct pot for dates is shaped like a bucket - not wide, but deep. Soil - either purchased for palm trees, or a mixture of approximately equal proportions of humus, peat and coarse sand. A drainage layer is required at the bottom. The pot must be regularly turned in one direction so that the palm does not turn out “one-sided”. It does not need too frequent transplants; once every five years is enough. If the dimensions no longer allow you to do this, simply change the top 5–7 cm of the soil. Dates are replanted exclusively by transshipment. If the earthen lump nevertheless falls apart, you will have to cut off some of the leaves in order to maintain a balance between the above-ground and underground parts of the plant.

Especially nutrient soil date palm does not need it, it is important that the soil is light, allows water to pass through well and ensures normal aeration of the roots

Watering during the active growing season requires abundant watering, but without waterlogging the soil. 2-3 times a week is enough. In winter, it is reduced, but not stopped completely, not allowing the earthen lump to dry out (it should not move away from the edges of the pot). With a lack of moisture, the leaves turn yellow, droop and may no longer restore their original position. Fertilizing is applied monthly, excluding the period from November to March, alternating natural organic matter and complex mineral fertilizers. You can also spray the leaves with a nutrient solution, but in this case its concentration is reduced by 10 times.

Water the date palm as the top layer of soil dries; the soil should neither turn sour nor dry out.

Video: date palm care at home

For some reason, cats have a special love for date palm leaves. In young plants they are very soft, so it is advisable to remove them away until the leaf plate becomes so coarse that it becomes too tough for the animal.

Nettle infusion - organic fertilizer, to which the date palm reacts very positively

Typical plant diseases: preventive measures and methods of control

As the experience of flower growers testifies, the date palm does not have any exotic diseases brought from its historical homeland. In general, with proper care, he suffers from diseases extremely rarely. The most dangerous thing for it is root rot, the development of which is often provoked by the owner of the palm tree himself, who is too zealous with watering.

The disease is also dangerous because the characteristic symptoms (black-brown slimy spots at the base of the trunk and petioles, mold on the soil, “wetting” brownish spots on the leaves, a noticeable putrid odor) appear only when its development has already reached a critical stage. Most likely, the damaged palm tree cannot be saved. If you manage to notice the problem in time, immediate transplantation may help, but this does not guarantee success. The soil needs to be completely changed, the pot needs to be disinfected. Glyocladin and Trichodermin in granules are added to the soil. During the first month after transplantation, water very moderately. Instead of ordinary water, use a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of Alirin-B, Fitosporin-M.

Root rot manifests itself clearly only when the development of the disease has already gone far

The leaves of the date palm are quite hard. This is a serious obstacle for many pests that feed on plant sap. But unfortunately, not for everyone. Most often, dates are attacked by mealybugs, scale insects, thrips, spider mite.

Photo gallery: pests dangerous to date palms

Mealybug easy to identify by the characteristic whitish coating on the leaves The scale insect is reliably protected by a strong shell, therefore folk remedies in the fight against it are ineffective Small black dots on the leaves are thrips Spider mites are not insects, so conventional insecticides are useless in combating them.

To notice the problem in time, when it is easiest to deal with it, the plant is regularly inspected. For prevention, the palm tree and the soil in the pot can be sprayed with an infusion of onion or garlic pulp once every 1.5–2 weeks, arrow. Having detected pests, the leaves are wiped with a soft damp cloth, removing visible insects, and the plant is given a shower. Scale insects are removed by lubricating their shells with kerosene, turpentine, and machine oil.

If " bath procedures» did not give results, use any insecticides general action. The palm tree and soil are sprayed with a solution of any general insecticide - Aktara, Iskra-Bio, Confidor-Maxi, Mospilan, Actellik. The exception is the spider mite; specialized drugs are used to combat it - acaricides (Neoron, Omite, Vertimek, Apollo). Then a transparent plastic bag is put on the plant (if dimensions allow) and, if possible, it is sealed as tightly as possible. They remove it in a day or two. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated 2-3 more times with an interval of 5-12 days. As a rule, the hotter it is outside, the more actively insects reproduce.

Cultivation of date palms in Russia is possible only in captivity. Landed in open ground trees cannot tolerate even the mildest climate in the subtropics. You can’t count on a harvest from plants kept at home either - they need cross-pollination in order to bear fruit. But all of the above does not detract from the advantages of the date palm as an ornamental foliage plant that decorates the interior.

Looking at the elongated seeds inside the dates loved by children and adults, many lovers of indoor plants wondered: “How does a real date palm grow from such a crumb, and what will happen if you plant the seed at home?”

The sweet dates sold in stores are the fruit of a palm tree of the genus Phoenix dactylifera. In nature, a powerful tree grows up to gigantic size, giving huge clusters of fruits famous all over the world.

For indoor growing More miniature species adapted for indoor use are offered. Such palms can be seen and purchased in flower shops. If you want to independently grow a date palm from a seed, there is a high probability of success.

Of course, it won’t be possible to wait until the tree reaches its true height of 30 meters and produces the first harvest of dates. But watch the growth and development unusual plant Both parents and children will like it.

How to grow a date palm from a seed?

For planting, you will need seeds freshly extracted from ripe fruits. Stones from store-bought dates are quite suitable. The main thing is that they are healthy, not damaged by insects or mold, and do not have time to dry out, otherwise the likelihood of getting seedlings is sharply reduced:

Before the seeds are immersed in the soil, it is sometimes recommended to carefully scratch them to facilitate germination. It is much healthier and safer to germinate them in moist vermiculite. Place the container with the seeds in a warm place and make sure that the substrate is not completely dry. In this case, after 10–14 days, as soon as the gardener notices the first roots, the seeds are transferred to the soil and the pots are placed in a warm, well-lit place.

If the sprout does not appear in due time, there is no need to despair. Perhaps the seed dried out before planting and will need more time to “revive”. Sometimes date palm seedlings were found even six months after the seeds were planted in the ground.

A date palm emerging from a seed is afraid of damage to the roots, so it is important to carry out all replanting procedures very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, the small seedling will take an extremely long time to acclimatize or may even die.

How to further care for palm trees at home? Unlike ordinary indoor plants, even the first pot for a date palm needs a very impressive size. A seedling with a single, still closed “baby” leaf is transferred into containers of 0.3–0.5 liters. The next transplant is carried out until the long tap root of the plant penetrates the drainage hole.

Seedlings need a bright place where the plant will not be in the dark, but will not be disturbed by the midday sun. for date palm from the pit and after germination should be stingy. Overmoistening threatens the development of rot and the death of a fragile plant, but you should not overdry the earthen lump.

How to care for a palm tree at home?

The date palm, like other tree crops, does not grow quickly. But the plant reacts immediately to discomfort and insufficient care of the palm tree at home. This especially applies to young specimens.

What conditions are needed for a palm tree to make the plant feel “at home” and respond well to care?

Whether it's a home-grown date palm from a seed or a plant brought from flower shop, the culture needs to find a place with suitable lighting. In nature, large trees easily tolerate the scorching sun, but the light-loving indoor palm tree It’s better not to subject yourself to such tests. The optimal location is in the back of the room facing the south side, as well as on east or west windows.

Already since May, when average daily temperature exceeds 12 °C, the date palm is not in danger. Therefore, plants can be safely transferred outdoors under the protection of larger crops, to a loggia or balcony.

If the grower does not have the opportunity to take the palm tree out into the air, the plant develops well at normal room temperature. But in winter time It is optimal to keep them in cooler air, warmed up to only 16–18 °C. Cooling down to 12 °C is considered critical for the date palm. In this case, growth stops, the palm tree stops feeding and may suffer from root rot if watering is not stopped in time.

The plant has no special requirements for ambient air humidity. But in the hot season, as well as in winter, when the heating is on in the room, regular care for a palm tree at home, they include spraying the crown and wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.

The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water. Therefore, when caring at home, the date palm is watered so that the soil does not dry out, but is not constantly wet. In summer, watering is carried out more often; in winter, the intervals between procedures are increased and are aimed at drying 2–3 cm of the surface layer of the substrate. If irrigation water penetrates from the pot into the tray, it is immediately removed, and the bottom of the container is wiped. Do not forget about the powerful drainage layer. The larger the date palm and the pot intended for it, the thicker the layer of expanded clay or brick chips at the bottom.

The date palm readily accepts spring-summer feeding, for which liquid is used for large decorative leafy crops. If a palm tree is taken out into the garden for the summer, the plant can be fed every 7–10 days bird droppings, using granular form or infusion.

The frequency of replanting the date palm shown in the photo when caring for it at home depends on the age and size of the plant. Young seedlings are transferred to a larger pot approximately once a year, and adults try not to disturb them in vain. If transshipment is necessary, it is carried out by first thoroughly pouring the earthen ball and trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant. Date palm transplantation is carried out in ready-made soil, offered by specialized stores.

To arrange drainage, you can take brick chips or expanded clay according to size drainage holes. If the roots of the date palm are still visible at the bottom of the pot, you can get by in the spring by replacing the top layer of soil. The old substrate is carefully removed, and fresh nutrient soil is poured in its place. After which the palm tree is watered.

Experience growing dates at home - video



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