Treatment of apple trees in early spring from pests. Features of processing apple trees in spring. How to process fruit trees and shrubs in the spring after flowering

Alena Dyachenko

Immediately after pruning, before the buds swell at the apple tree, the trunk should be whitewashed with lime mortar. Remove the remnants of dead bark and lichens where pests can overwinter. Treat the apple tree with a contact insecticide. For example, benzophosphate. Is different long term actions. Oleocuprite - aimed at combating aphids, sucker, scale insects and mites. Trichlorol-5 is used from the beginning of bud formation to the beginning of flowering. Against pathogens of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens, trees can be sprayed with copper sulfate at the rate of 200 g per 10 liters of water.

03/23/2016 at 00:29

Elena Borodkina

To prevent damage to trees and bushes by suckers, aphids, apple blossom beetles, weevils, the following solutions are used:

Solution blue vitriol. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 100 gr. substances per 10 liters of water.
A solution of iron sulphate. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 300 gr. substances per 10 liters of water.
Bordeaux mixture. The solution is prepared from 300 gr. copper sulfate, 500 gr. freshly slaked lime and 10 liters of water. Do not forget that the order of connection of the components has a strict rule - vitriol is added to lime. And only so.
A strong solution of urea or carbamide. The solution is prepared at the rate of 500 gr. urea per 10 liters of water.
Such prophylaxis is carried out when establishing average daily temperature air from five and above degrees of heat, but before the kidneys wake up!

03/23/2016 at 08:03

Ilya Krukov Elena Borodkina

The processing of apple trees described by you is really carried out in the spring, but already during flowering, you can also use a solution with the addition of colloidal sulfur. This option is good because it is better absorbed into the bark of the tree and lasts longer. For 10 liters of water, 500 grams of colloidal sulfur are diluted

03/25/2016 at 01:44

Ilya Krukov Elena Borodkina

I completely forgot, a third treatment will also be needed, when the color just begins to fall off, which will indicate the completion of the ovary of the buds. You can wait for the color to completely fall off, if it is not associated with frost or hurricane winds. This time you should use systemic fungicides (Vectra, Strobi, Topaz, Falkron) from the codling moth. It is also important not to forget about folk methods that will help get rid of aphids, for example - tincture of tobacco or garlic. I personally prefer - dandelion (more profitable and the smell is not so sharp) The advantages of this treatment is that it can be done at any time, even during the fruiting period.

03/25/2016 at 01:55

Elena Borodkina

Of the systemic drugs against pests, actara, commander, confidor, actellik are used.

03/23/2016 at 08:05

Marya Volkova

In early spring, when it is already plus, before the buds swell, after the snow melts, I usually spray my orchard the following mixture: for 10 liters of water - 700 grams of urea, also known as urea, and 50 grams of copper sulfate. Copper sulphate is best bred in warm water, and the whole mixture is desirable that it be warm. This is the mixture I spray and it is not sweet for pests with diseases and it is useful for apple trees.

03/24/2016 at 14:58

For getting good harvest it is necessary not only to choose the right variety of apples, but also to follow all the rules for planting a tree and fertilizing the soil, but also to ensure proper protection of the apple tree from pests. The latter are most often insects that can infect all possible parts of a tree, from the trunk and foliage to flowers and directly to the apples themselves.

In practice, all pest control methods are divided into: spring period, and autumn preventive work to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and the level of pest populations by next year. Autumn processing, most often consists of quality cleaning garden, and more important are the methods of protection carried out in the spring.

Spring processing of apple trees from pests

It should be said right away that pest control in the spring is divided into several stages. This is due to many factors. So, for example, when the buds open, the garden is not processed, since this can disrupt the process of pollination and the formation of ovaries. Also of no small importance is the type of insects, which differ in the way of reproduction and damage to the tree, as well as wintering conditions.

When to treat apple trees from pests

  • The first stage falls on March, when sap flow has not yet begun, and the apple tree has not formed buds. At this time, the crown is trimmed and the trunk (stem) is cleaned of dead bark and lichens. In addition to cleaning to destroy insects hibernating on the trunk of an apple tree, spraying with chemicals, whitewashing the trunk with lime mortar, and treating the near-stem soil are carried out.
  • The second treatment is carried out in April, after the formation of buds and before flowering. During this period, you can spray with biological preparations and install trapping belts from an apple blossom beetle.
  • During the flowering period, indirect pest control measures can be carried out. This includes removing weeds near the tree and manual withdrawal pests found on the tree. Spraying by any means is completely prohibited, as it can harm pollinating insects.
  • At the end of flowering comes the last stage spring processing, which consists in spraying with insecticides that affect foliage and fruits (codling moth, leafworm, etc.).

Video. How to whitewash a fruit tree trunk

How to process apple trees in early spring

Pest control preparations are collectively referred to as insecticides. According to the mode of action, they are contact and systemic. The first, which is quite clear from the name, infect an insect by directly falling on it. They lose their effectiveness a week after spraying and can be washed away by rain, however, they eliminate pests immediately after treatment. Such products are good for early processing of apple trees, especially from pests that overwinter directly on the apple tree.

Systemic drugs provide protection for two weeks. Such a drug penetrates inside the plant, poisoning it through all channels. As a result, the insect dies from poisoning of the digestive system. Treatment with this drug does not affect the fruits, since the poisonous substance quickly decomposes. Systemic insecticides are suitable for the second spring stage of processing apple trees.

Choosing insecticides for various stages processing, it is worth remembering that in different times different types of pests are active. Therefore, it is possible to use selective agents against a specific type of insects or drugs of continuous action.

The most common means for pest control of apple trees

Among the preparations for the spring processing of apple trees, it is worth highlighting the following chemicals:

  • Benzophosphate - refers to contact insecticides. The duration of protection of this tool can be up to one month. The advantage of the drug is a small effect on insect pollinators. The main effect on leaf-eating insects.
  • Oleocuprite - this drug is used for spraying in early spring. Its action is aimed at eliminating wintering insects. (aphid, sucker, scale insect and various types of mites).
  • Preparation No. 30 - is intended for spraying in early spring before the appearance and blooming of the kidneys. It infects various types of insects by contact. (aphid, leafworm, moth, etc.)
  • Karbofos is a contact drug. It is used during the vegetative period to protect against leaf-eating pests. This drug should not be used during the pollination period, as it affects the bees.
  • Trichlorol-5 is a contact insecticide. It is used to control several types of insects from the beginning of bud formation to the beginning of flowering.

When treating the garden with chemicals, it is very important to remember to follow the dosage and safety rules.

In order for apple trees to bear fruit well and delight gardeners, apple trees must be treated from pests.

Professional gardeners inspect apple trees before this process to determine the presence or absence of harmful insects. Also determine the number of pests and the degree of their danger to fruit trees.

Processing apple trees is not easy, because it is done with the help of special preparations. You need to know exactly the amount of application of these drugs on trees, how to do it correctly.

Apple processing scheme

The processing of apple trees from pests by specialists occurs according to a certain scheme. They make calculations how to process apple trees the minimum amount pesticides in order to preserve the trees and not harm the fruits.

Processing apple trees from diseases and pests occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. In March, until the buds have blossomed, you can treat the trees with preparation No. 30. It destroys wintering pests that sit in the wood.
  2. In April, the green cone of the tree is sprayed. You can do this with Bordeaux mixture one%. It protects trees from fungi and bacteria.
  3. In May, the buds are processed. At this stage, we are struggling with leafworms and flower beetles.
  4. In June, during the period of fruit growth, apple trees are treated with Topaz and Lepidocin. Then special belts are applied so that it is impossible for pests to climb a tree.
  5. In July, the fruits are still growing, and they must also be protected, but from the codling moth.
  6. In August, the fruits ripen. Here comes the collection of carrion and protection late varieties apple trees with Kemifos.
  7. In September, the fruits of many varieties of apple trees still ripen. Therefore, it is also necessary to collect carrion, to impose hunting belts.

Thus, the processing of apple trees from pests is carried out for almost the entire growing season.

Step-by-step spring processing of apple trees

It is very important to process fruit trees just in the spring. This procedure is considered the main stage in the protection of apple trees. So, spring processing of apple trees and pears from pests is divided into three main stages.

The first

After pruning, the tree trunk is cleaned of scab, rot and various damages. All wounds of the apple tree, in order to avoid infection, are treated with garden pitch or heated resin. The skeletal part of the tree is whitewashed with garden whitewash to protect it from the bright rays of the spring sun and to kill insects that hibernate in the trunk of an apple tree.


At this stage, spraying begins. You need to start this by blooming the first buds. Usually it is the end of April. Processing will be more effective in calm, calm weather. The first spraying, as a rule, is carried out with a solution of copper sulfate. This mixture kills most pests that overwinter in the buds of fruit trees.

But spring processing of apple trees from pests is carried out not only with chemicals. Various infusions are also suitable for this: from onion peel, an infusion of garlic, an infusion of tobacco dust, you can also spray it with a solution of laundry soap.

After spraying the apple tree itself, you still need to cultivate the soil around it.

Usually, these procedures are performed in the evening, so that the solutions do not lose their effectiveness when interacting with the sun.


The next spring treatment of apple trees from pests and diseases is carried out after flowering. During this period, trapping belts are placed on fruit trees, which you can make yourself. Such a belt is made using any wrapping paper, slag or burlap and a small amount of glue. The belt should be about 20 cm wide, or more.

Spraying of apple trees during this period is carried out with the help of such preparations as "Marshal", "Nurel D", "Neoron". They kill almost all insects. If careful processing of trees is not required, then you can use lighter means. These are drugs such as "Barrier", "Fitoferm", "Aktofit".

Processing apple trees during flowering with chemicals Not recommended. It can harm the insects that are currently pollinating the trees.

You can spray apple trees in the summer, but only if necessary. In this case, it is better to use sparing means.

How to spray an apple tree

In order for the apple harvest to be generous and of high quality, you need to properly deal with insects and pests. If the apple tree is not sprayed in a timely manner, then all watering, fertilizers and pruning will be useless. Therefore, it is important to understand which drugs should be used for the greatest effectiveness.

Spraying begins in the spring and continues in the summer during maximum pest activity. In the fall, after harvesting, it is also advisable to spray for prevention.

Spraying: spring-summer-autumn.

Spring. Before the buds swell, the first spraying of the apple tree is carried out using a freshly prepared urea solution. Spray the bark of the tree to get rid of hibernating insects. Take 700 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.

Further processing of apple trees in the spring from pests is carried out in April so that insects do not damage the buds of the apple tree. During the flowering period, many gardeners do not recommend processing. It is made from rose buds. This is a measure of protection against moniliosis and scab. You can use "Speed", "Chorus", Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Processing apple trees after flowering from pests helps protect the fruits themselves and prevent the development of various diseases.

Summer. Basically, summer care for an apple tree consists in top dressing. Do it with liquid fertilizer, as they are more easily absorbed by the foliage. Chemical processing apple trees during flowering from pests is rarely carried out, only in isolated cases if necessary. It is better to deal with insects during this period by other methods: using trapping belts or planting repellents.

Autumn. During this period, spraying is also carried out, but already for prevention. You can use "Skor" or Bordeaux mixture (2%), but the treatment should be carried out on bare branches (after leaf fall). In addition, in the fall, you need to pick all the dry fruits left on the tree, remove and burn the leaves.

Very often, diseases begin to appear only during the fruiting period. But here it is important to remember that it is impossible to spray apple trees during fruit ripening. This can only be done after harvest. The results will be visible in next year.

Preparations for the treatment of apple trees from pests

Listed below are the most common and effective drugs, which are used for top dressing and for pest control.

  1. Urea. Pretty common drug. When using it, it must be diluted with water, according to the instructions. Urea is used for various purposes, it will depend on the season. In the spring, during the processing of apple trees from pests, with the help of urea they fight insects sleeping in the bark of a tree. In the fight against pests that hide in the bark, a more concentrated solution will do. So that it does not burn the leaves, you need to use it only before the buds swell.

In summer, urea can be used to feed fruit trees. This drug is rich in nitrogen, which affects the yield. When foliar top dressing, you need to take no more than 30 g of funds per 10 liters of water.

  1. Copper vitriol. It is used for the prevention of moniliosis, anthracnose, scab. He also kills harmful insects. To prevent fungal diseases, the apple tree is treated with a solution of copper sulfate in early spring, before bud break. The proportion is 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, which must first be heated so that the copper sulfate dissolves faster.
  2. Inkstone. Processing an apple tree in the spring from pests and diseases can also be carried out with the help of iron sulfate. It is also used as a fertilizer, as it saturates fruit trees with iron. This trace element promotes growth and abundant fruiting. With soil depletion and lack of given element, processing with iron sulfate will be very handy. Spraying with iron sulphate stimulates growth and the formation of chlorophyll. The proportion is 100 g of the substance per 10 liters of water.
  3. colloidal sulfur. This drug is used in the fight against powdery mildew, ticks, and various fungal diseases. Colloidal sulfur cannot be dissolved in water, but it can be stirred, turning it into a suspension. Before use, sulfur is usually soaked in water to make it easier to dilute it later. It does not harm a person, but evaporating under sunbeams, has a detrimental effect on pests. To prepare a solution, 1 sachet is mixed in 10 liters of water.

Preparation for processing

The processing of apple trees from pests today is carried out by all kinds of systems: both manual and electric, with and without a compressor. Of course, some gardeners still use a bucket and a broom, but such spraying is not the most effective.

For quality processing you need to use a pump. In this case, the nozzle for the pump must be selected correctly so that the liquid is well sprayed. Droplets when spraying should be as small as possible. This will allow you to economically use the solution and evenly process the trees.

Before starting the procedure, you need to check how the pump works, whether the length of the hose is enough to get to the very top.

Next, it’s worth moving on to examining the tree: if there are moss and lichens, they are removed with a brush. After that, you can prepare a solution - homogeneous, without lumps. It is important to stir it well so that fruit trees are sprayed evenly. During the processing itself, the solution must be shaken.

Features of the processing process

Processing safety

Processing of apple trees in the spring from pests occurs with the help of special tools and materials: a piston pump or a special compressor, a respiratory mask (or a multilayer gauze bandage), rubber gloves, and eye protection goggles. It is also advisable to think about clothing that will protect the body as much as possible from sprayed substances.

When spraying, you need to be extremely careful, as some drugs can harm your health. When the procedure is over, you need to wash your hands and face well with soap. In this case, it is better to use the most ordinary soap, which does not contain extraneous additives. These additives may react with the active substance of the solution remaining on the skin.

The mouth should also be rinsed clean water. It is important to remember that it is necessary to spray when the weather is calm and calm.


There are a lot of pests on fruit trees. The most common are described below.

  1. it is a small black-brown beetle with light stripes and an arched proboscis. It hibernates in tree bark and fallen leaves. The bugs themselves feed on buds, and the larvae feed on buds. They fight with the flower beetle, cleaning the old bark, and using special trapping belts.
  2. The fruit moth is a small butterfly with light wings, along the edges of which there is a fringe. She eats out buds, a leaf plate. They fight it with the drugs "Fitoverm", "Vertimek", "Oleukuprit".
  3. The winter moth is a reddish-gray butterfly. Its caterpillars are very voracious, feeding first on buds and then on foliage. They fight with a butterfly with the help of hunting belts.
  4. The Apple Glasser is a butterfly with a dark blue body and transparent wings. Fight it with modern insecticides.

Apples are loved by everyone without exception - both adults and children. In general, the tree is unpretentious and grows without much effort. An indispensable point of care is the treatment of apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests and regular pruning.

To fruit trees develop correctly, bloom profusely and bear fruit regularly, it is necessary to follow a certain schedule seasonal work. By performing them, you will ensure the fruiting of both young and old apple trees on the site.

  1. spring pruning;
  2. Spring disinfection whitewash;
  3. Spraying trees from pests;
  4. Application of fertilizers.

spring pruning

Tree pruning is necessary as it prevents thickening, thereby giving more chances for the development of strong and strong branches. As a result of pruning, the tree forms a crown convenient for harvesting.

Pruning begins at the beginning of the growing season, when the buds are swollen. Cut out all weakened, badly damaged and dry branches.

The crown is formed in such a way that several young and strong branches remain on each main carrier. They should not cross and block the access of light to future fruits. The distance between the main skeletal branches is 60-80 cm. The crown is formed in such a way that it is convenient to harvest.

Whitewash disinfection

Whitewashing apple trees in spring is preventive measure from diseases and pests. As soon as the weather warms up and the weather settles, the trees begin to whiten.

Before processing, the plant is inspected and the damage to the bark and main branches is covered with garden pitch or putty. They clean the trunk from moss and lichens, as well as from the old exfoliated bark. Whitewashing of trunks is done with a solution of slaked lime with the addition of garden glue. Lime is diluted in a proportion of 300 grams per 2 liters of water, adding 2-3 tablespoons of garden glue. For efficiency, fungicides or copper sulfate can be added to the solution. This will protect the trunk from damage by various diseases.

How to whiten more if lime is not at hand? In stores you can buy ready-made whitewash for apple trees, at acrylic base. Such paint is not washed off the trunk during the rainy season.

spraying trees

Caring for apple trees in the spring consists in the mandatory regular destruction of pests, as well as preventive spraying from various kinds fungal and bacterial diseases.

By the appearance of the apple tree, you can determine the pest or disease, but by this time it is too late to save the crop. Therefore, it is better to prevent disaster and spray the apple tree.

Disease prevention

Spring spraying is carried out at the moment when sap flow is just beginning and the buds are already swollen, but not yet blooming.

  1. Spraying with copper sulphate is carried out in order to prevent various bacterial and fungal diseases, for example, scab, powdery mildew and others. For this procedure, take a 3-5% solution.
  2. 5% urea solution is effective tool from various insects in the larval stage, increases the immunity of the plant and is a prophylactic against bacterial and fungal diseases of the apple tree.
  3. Spraying with 5% ferrous sulfate prevents chlorosis of the apple tree, increases immunity, and protects against pests.

leaf pests

Because the Blooming tree pollinated by bees to prevent their destruction, the apple tree is sprayed from diseases and pests before flowering. it general processing apple trees in spring, systemic insecticide to prevent the mass reproduction of pests.

Further processing is carried out as necessary, observing the development of the fruit and the condition of the leaves. By the way, in order to determine the type of pest that needs to be destroyed, you need to have general information about them:

  1. Aphid - covers the lower surface of the leaf and young shoots with a dense layer. Under the influence of aphids, the leaves curl into tight dense lumps. If you saw such a deformation, and also considered brown, yellow or green small pests, the plant needs to be processed. Karbofos is perfect for this. Primary processing before flowering helps to cope with individuals and eggs of insects wintering in the bark of a tree.
  2. Ticks are also leaf-sucking insects, only when they invade you can also see a change in the color of the leaves, which slowly turn brown and become covered with sticky cobwebs, and then fall off. If the attack of ticks is massive, then you can see small reddish insects sticking around young shoots. They are very similar to little spiders. To destroy them, acaricidal preparations, such as Taurus, are used.
  3. Apple moth and leafworm - the attack of these butterflies for an apple tree is akin to a disaster. The point is that they are small and voracious caterpillars able to eat the apple tree completely, leaving only veins from the leaves, covered with small cobwebs. From them, the apple tree is sprayed with strong insecticides, such as Tanrek, without giving them a chance, otherwise you can be left without a crop. A good prevention would be to dig up the near-stem circle of an apple tree in late autumn and destroy the fallen leaves.

Pests of flower buds and fruit set

If leaf diseases weaken the general condition of the plant, reducing their immunity, then pests that invade flower buds and ovaries directly destroy the crop.

  1. Apple flower beetle - lays eggs directly in flower bud, which the hatched larva eats from the inside. Accordingly, there will be no flowering and the ovary can not be expected. The flower beetle wakes up with the swelling of the first buds on the tree, so it is extremely important to spray the apple trees in the spring. Along with Aktara treatment, mechanical traps are used - the barrel is wrapped with adhesive tape with a special composition. Flower beetles hibernate in the soil and in the spring, before the onset of established positive temperatures, you need to have time to set traps.
  2. The codling moth damages the fruits. When unripe, but wormy apples or the fruits remaining on the tree are suddenly beaten by moves, you should know that your tree is infected with codling moth. From the stalk, the plant is certainly treated with Decis after the end of flowering, and then twice more with an interval of two weeks to save the crop.


The apple tree for a long time has enough fertilizers applied in landing pit. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the tree three years after planting. About five buckets of humus or 500 grams of urea are added dropwise to the trunk circle. This is done before the apple tree begins to bloom.

How to treat apple trees in the spring from pests and diseases so that it is fast and efficient? This question is asked by every gardener or just an amateur who has a fruit tree in his garden or on the estate.

Of course, every period is important in the life of an apple tree. But in the spring, when daytime temperatures begin to cross the zero line, sap flow begins, not only the tree wakes up, but also pests, as well as pathogens.

Until the apple tree blooms, aphids, suckers, mites, monilliosis spores, and apple moths sleep on it. The same pathogens and pests are located at the foot of the tree, in old foliage, grass, under a hummock of soil. With the blooming of the buds, they wake up and begin their vital activity.

Apple tree processing by vegetation phases

Before bud break

During this period, pathogens and pests are not yet within reach. It makes no sense to water the tree with any preparations, they will simply be useless.

Before bud break, it is advisable to prune and clean the tree. This event is especially necessary if the tree has been affected by cytosporosis. A fungus that has settled on the bark “eats away” the wood and leaves reddish-brown spots. Places with a pathogenic fungus subsequently become like a washcloth, and the affected tissues dry out.

To stop the spread of the fungus, it is necessary to whitewash the trunk and large branches with the indispensable addition of copper sulfate to the lime solution.

Green cone (bud break)

During this period, the apple flower beetle, bukarka, weevil, goose become available.

Of the pathogens, powdery mildew, scab, moniliosis, and the causative agent of fruit rot begin to develop.

Particular attention should be paid to this period in the event that last year certain diseases or pests “builed”. If last year they increased their population many times over, then this year they need to be dealt with much more intensively.

From pests you can apply:

  • "Kinmiks". Let's apply in any stage of vegetation. 2 ml of the product is enough to prepare a working solution in ten liters of water;
  • "Inta-CM. Flower beetle, codling moth and aphids, will not leave the possibility of salvation;
  • "Decis Profi VDG". The drug starts working immediately. It is enough to dissolve 1 g in a bucket of water (10 l);
  • "Biotlin VK";
  • "Neoron";
  • Avant KS. For a bucket of water 1.5 ml. Resistant to rain washout. Suitable for tank mixes. Affects the larval stage and oviposition.

To protect against diseases of a fungal nature and bacterial origin, they have proven themselves perfectly:

  • "Topsin-M SP";
  • "Thiovit Jet";
  • Alirin-B;
  • "Rayok";
  • "Skor";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Abiga Peak";
  • "Albite";
  • "Hom";
  • "Gamair".

The drugs in the tank mix work great. Having processed apple trees once, you can disinfect the pathogen and neutralize the pest.

Unfortunately, not all drugs are suitable for combinations. Experienced gardeners have long been chosen and recognized as the most effective during this period such a combination: Aktara 25WG 1.4g and Horus 75WG 3g per 10 liters of water.

Before flowering. Rosebud phase

This period is also very important. Apple flower beetle, moths, aphids, verdigris, fruit mites are ready to join the fight for survival.

Of the diseases, pathogens of powdery mildew, scab, monilliosis, alternariosis, and fruit rot are gaining their virulence.

If your apple trees succumbed to attacks last year, and even more so if the first spraying was missed, you need to make every effort to process the apple tree.

The mixture of Engio 247 SC 3.6 ml and Horus 75 WG 3 g per ten-liter bucket of water was recognized as the best. If the apple trees were attacked by ticks, it is necessary to add "Vertimek 018 EC" to the tank mixture.

If the apple tree was struck by a red fruit mite, then it is necessary to resort to the help of the drug "Neoron". It has an excellent effect on the mite population, and the apple tree will remain protected for up to 40 days.

Spring temperatures are rapidly rising and during this period it is already quite possible to apply biological preparations. You can use the following:

  • "Dendrobacillin";
  • "Agravertin, KE". The drug acts as a nerve agent on apple moths, codling moths and leafworms, as well as droplets, aphids and thrips. Prepared at the rate of 5 ml per 1.5 liters of water;
  • "Bitoxibacillin". Excellent remedy for leaf pests;
  • "Lepidocide". The microorganisms of this drug are introduced into the body of the insect and after 3-6 days it dies. The specific smell repels insects, and they do not lay eggs, which reduces the population significantly. During the growing season, spraying is carried out twice with an interval of 12-15 days;
  • "Akarin, KE";
  • Aktofit.


This is the period when there is no need to interfere with the apple tree. If the temperature is high, the petals will quickly fly around and if there is an urgent need to process, then spraying can be done after flowering.

After flowering or the phase of shedding petals

During this period, the danger for the apple tree is the California scale insect, aphids, suckers, apple sawfly. Of the diseases, mealy race, scab, fruit rot, Alternaria.

The best tank mix possible for use consists of Engio 247 SC 3.6 ml and Skor 250 EC 2 ml per 10 liters of water

Spring top dressing

A growing tree needs nutrients. Spring is the time when the plant absorbs water at a rapid pace and delivers it to the developing leaf blades. In order to have enough strength for growth and fruiting, the tree needs to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Urea (urea)

Urea is the best suited for these purposes.

For a fruitful, young apple tree, it is enough to prepare a nutrient solution consisting of 2 tablespoons of urea in a bucket of water. The agent is poured into a pre-prepared trunk circle. Such top dressing is carried out with the beginning of bud break.

During the flowering period, top dressing is carried out, for the preparation of which 1 teaspoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate are dissolved in a bucket of water. It should be remembered that mineral fertilizers begin to apply only from the second year of the life of an apple tree, and organics only from the fourth.

When figuring out how to spray apple trees for foliar feeding, you should know the composition of the soil. In case of insufficiency of any of the trace elements, foliar top dressing using zinc, boron, manganese, or multicomponent preparations. Experienced gardeners dissolve 4 g of zinc sulfate, 40 g of manganese sulfate and 0.5 g of boric acid in a bucket of water.

Bordeaux mixture

This fungicide is familiar to old gardeners. Its effectiveness has been unquestioned since the last century. However microscopic fungi have learned to adapt and applying Bordeaux liquid from year to year, farmers are already dissatisfied with the effect.

However, the use of this drug is justified if there are heavy rains and low temperatures, and the crop is about to be harvested.

The waiting period from processing to harvest is only 7 days for Bordeaux, and it can be used in the pre-harvest period.

The use of the drug is also justified in late autumn, after the last sanitary cleaning. During this period, everything is processed, the trunk, branches, soils in trunk circle. Since the price of the drug is not high, then its use for this purpose is rational.


This drug has long been used for pest control. At the moment it may not be found on store shelves. However, there is a drug based on karbofos, but its synonym is malathion. The drug is called "Profelactin for the garden"

The substance was synthesized in the middle of the last century. It is slightly toxic to warm-blooded animals, and it affects insects very quickly, but its action is contact. This suggests that you can kill the pest only with a direct hit on his body. Therefore, applying karbofos treatments should be:

  • during the period when insects are already awake;
  • directly on the body of the pest;
  • frequent;
  • in calm weather;
  • with low humidity and no precipitation.


Using a complex biological preparation, it is possible to carry out preventive treatment of the garden, as well as spray it for therapeutic purposes against fungal and diseases and bacterial etiology.

Phytosporin is based on the bacterium Bacillus subtilis and has absolutely no toxic effects on warm-blooded animalsX . The tree is treated with the drug in any period of vegetation, and the waiting period from the moment of processing to the collection of fruits is 1 day.

The beginning of the treatments coincides with the opening of the cone, and then with an interval of 15-20 days. For spraying, dilute 1 tablespoon of the drug in 10 liters of water.

If there are aphids and ants on the tree

Experienced gardeners know that these insects are inseparable. You can not look for aphids, but if there are ants, and they feed on the sweet secretions of aphids, then it is necessary to start processing.

Wintering forms of aphids wake up with opening of the kidneys, therefore, it makes no sense to wait for an attack, it is better to immediately process it.

For this purpose, you can use drugs:

  • "Kalash from aphids" 5 ml per bucket of water. Not washed off by rain, not addictive to insects;
  • If the aphid is already “wielding”, we apply the “Accord”, it also works as a repellent;
  • "Tanker" 3 ml per bucket of water, one treatment is enough;
  • "Fitoverm";
  • "Actara".

Any of these drugs is effective, especially if they are alternated.

Fight against tinder fungi

Experienced gardeners It is recommended to start the fight at the end of summer. The mushroom must be carefully cut off, capturing part of the wood.

It is advisable not to allow the growth of mulberries, but to fight them before they increase greatly.

Processing apple trees in early spring

Early spring imposes its temperature imprints on all processes in gardening. It should be understood that no matter which drug you choose, you must refer to the instructions and track temperature regime in which the agent can be used.

For example, many pesticides evaporate at temperatures above 18 degrees without getting on an insect, but biological products do not work if the temperature is below 12 ᵒC.

Before proceeding with the treatments, it is necessary to consciously approach the choice of the drug.

How to process

So that the work is not in vain and burdensome, it is better to use tank mixtures. To do this, fungicides and pesticides are simultaneously dissolved in one container.

Before preparing such a mixture, you need to consider the compatibility instructions.

For example, "Avnt KS" is used to destroy wintering forms of pests and is perfectly compatible with antifungal.

But it is better not to combine biological preparations into tank mixtures, but take into account the temperature regime (above 14 ᵒC).

Repellent preparations show a good effect. By applying Lepidocid, insects will get away from its smell.

Pest control

If thrips, scoops, aphids and codling moths are operating in the garden, then it is necessary to use the preparations "Agravertin, EC" 5 ml per 1.5 l of water, you can use "Akarin, EC" 20 ml per 5 l of water or "Actofit" application does not depend from the growth phase of the plant.

The drug "Neoron" is applicable in the rosebud phase. Apple tree for 1.5 months. will be protected from red fruit mite. For the same purposes, "Mitak", "Fitoverm", "Apollo" are applicable.

If leafworms overcome from year to year, then at the initial stage of the rose bud, the Fury tree should be sprayed with 1.5 ml per 10 liters of water.

"Kinmiks", "Inta-CV" are applicable against aphids, codling moth and apple blossom beetle in any period of the tree's vegetation.

Knowing that insects do not tolerate alkalis, you can fight them with such drugs:

  • a solution of laundry soap (20 g of soap per liter, after dissolution, the preparation is ready);
  • a solution of stove ash (250 g per liter, filtering and spraying the tree, the effect will be immediate).

Bitter wormwood, garlic and mustard in the fight against aphids

You can prepare an infusion of wormwood from 200 g of leaves and stems per 1 liter of water. Infuse for a day and then add 10 g of soap.

As a preparation for aphids, they will serve well:

  • yarrow grass (200 g per 1 liter + soap);
  • mustard powder (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of boiling water);
  • garlic and garlic arrows (100 g per liter plus soap as an adhesive);
  • potato and tomato tops (100 g per liter plus soap).

It should be understood that we are processing one population, and in 15-20 days a new one will appear and it should also be destroyed.

hunting belts

The modern market of agrochemical plant protection products is very large and accessible to gardeners. However, experienced farmers also use trapping belts, which make it possible to normalize wintering forms of pests.

If earlier belts were made independently, now there is no need for this. It is enough to purchase blanks in a specialized store and hang them on trees to significantly reduce the pest population.

How to deal with diseases?

When choosing a drug for treatments for diseases, it is also necessary to follow the instructions of the instructions.

With scab and powdery mildew fit:

  • "Nitrofen". Before flowering and after, and then after 18-20 days;
  • "Sulfarid";
  • "Topsin-M SP";
  • "Thiovit Jet";
  • "Rayok";
  • "Skor";
  • "Topaz".

Save the apple tree from scab:

  • "Abiga Peak";
  • Alirin-B;

If from year to year there is a defeat of cytosporosis, you need to use the drug "Hom".

Choosing the best remedies for spring treatment of apple trees from pests and diseases, drugs should be alternated, this will avoid the addiction of pests and pathogens to a certain class chemical substances, which will significantly improve efficiency and reduce the frequency of treatments.

How to treat apple trees from insect pests - video



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