Major orders of insects. §29. Insects are pests of cultivated plants and carriers of human diseases. The fight against harmful insects

Kalieva Bibigul Serikovna teacher of biology, certified teacher of the II (basic) level, KSU "Gymnasium", Kostanay region, Zhitikara city

Lesson #35 Grade: 7 Date: ________________

TOPIC : Pests of forest and agricultural plants are among the representatives of these orders. Domestication of insects on the example of mulberry and oak silkworm. Insects are carriers of human diseases. Disease vector control.

Methodical goal: The development of cognitive interest in the subject, naturally scientific literacy through the prism of the seven modules of the program to improve the quality of education.

Lab work No. 5 “Study of collections of pests of the garden and garden. The study of insect pests.


Find out the role of these insects in nature and human life.

Continue the formation of skills to work with a textbook, text.


Develop an interest in entomology.

Develop visual memory.

Develop the ability to classify facts, draw generalizing conclusions.

Develop the skills of educational work, i.e. observation techniques.


Cultivate a positive attitude towards learning.

Education of environmental literacy.

Lesson type : combined

Pedagogical technologies : critical thinking, problem-based learning, learner-centered learning

Receptions, methods: active methods in teaching, techniques, strategies of critical thinking.

Equipment : interactive equipment, presentation , tables from the series “Insects - pests of plants and methods of dealing with them”, collections of harmful insects.


Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities


Org. Moment

Stage calling

1.Formation of groups - interactive game "Stickers".

2. Development of a rule for working in groups

3. assessment sheets are distributed - with the stages of the lesson

4. select observers in the group

5. select raters in the group

    To the music, students choose a sticker and sit in groups according to the chosen color.

    Revise the rules of group work

4. riddles

Flying all day
Everyone gets bored
The night is coming
Then it stops.

Continuing to study insects

The goal is to repeat the orders of insects

5 reception Zig-Zag

Listening and correcting answers.

Zigzag technique (systematic position of insect orders in the cellular empire)

Individual, pair work


6. Repetition of material

Filling in the table

Group work fill in the template table for each group






Group work

7. listening to the answers of the speakers.

Speakers' speech

Speakers' speech


8. create a Scheme according to the types of insect development, enter the squads, representatives.

Group work

Listening to speakers

Work in pairs, groups

Physical education minute

You see the butterfly is flying

You see, the butterfly flies, (We wave our winged arms.)

He counts flowers in the meadow. (We count with a finger)

One, two, three, four, five. (Clap hands.)

For a day, for two and for a month ... (We walk in place.)

Six seven eight nine ten. (Clap hands.)

Even the wise bee (We wave our winged arms.)

(G. Vieru)

Students perform exercises to the music.

All students at the same time

9. demonstration of pictures of insects

Purpose: to get to the topic of the lesson

10. technique Think in pairs - share

Make a table about insect pests and pathogens

Write down the topic of the lesson. Design L.R. No. 5

Negative meaning insects for humans


Meaning, examples


Asian locust destroys crops over large areas


Inhibit the development of plants, can carry viral diseases of plants


Harmful turtle sucks out the contents of unripe grains.Bed bug is a carrier of diseases, causes anxiety


Beet weevil larvae feed on beet rootsColorado potato beetle and its larvae reduce the yield of potatoes.Larvae of the weevil beetle - apple blossom beetle - destroy the ovaries of apple trees.Bark beetle and longhorn beetle larvae - tree pests


Caterpillars of the cabbage white damage cabbage leaves;codling moth - spoil the fruits of apple trees;gypsy moth - harm the plants of the garden and forest.Pine silkworm caterpillars harm pine; clothes moth - spoil wool products


sawfly larvae eat the needles of trees;horntails - feed on wood, damaging trees



Black cockroaches and Prussians contaminate food with excrement, can carry pathogens and helminth eggs. Sometimes their secretions cause allergies.


Carriers of typhus and relapsing fever


Carriers of plague, tularemia, typhus

Group work

11.Listening to speakers

12. Fulfillment of PIZ tasks

13. From the proposed text, select ways to deal with insects.

14. Perform testing

Speaker Protection

Solve a biological problem.

A. If you disturb the caterpillar of the cabbage white, then it begins to secrete a caustic liquid from its mouth. What is the significance of such a feature of the behavior of the caterpillar?


B. The most common species on Earth is the housefly. It is proved that this insect originally lived in tropical latitudes, and best temperature for fly breeding +25 degrees. What features of the biology of the housefly allowed the insect to spread widely on Earth, including in northern latitudes?

Q. You can often hear the opinion: “Really modern science cannot find means to kill mosquitoes, because they bring so much trouble to people and animals? Imagine that such a remedy is found. Will a person do the right thing if he uses it? Why?

Disease vectors:

A - Flies.

B - Malarial mosquitoes.

B - Blind.

G - Gadflies.

D - Lice.

Human biological assistants:

E - Ladybugs.

G - Ground beetles.

Z - Ants.

    blood-sucking insects living on the skin of birds, mammals, humans.

    Flies, the larvae of which harm various ungulates.

    Variegatedly colored small beetles with a semicircular body, destroying in in large numbers aphids.

    Social hymenoptera insects that exterminate forest pests.

    Blood-sucking dipteran insects whose larvae develop in water.

    Harms a person, because. carries pathogens of dangerous diseases on its paws.

    A family of insects of the Diptera order. The proboscis is piercing-licking, easily pierces the skin of vertebrates. Bites are painful, larvae develop in water, soil. Predators.

    The body is elongated, the antennae are filiform, the legs are long, running type. Destroy great amount harmful invertebrates.

(Answers: 1-E, 2-D, 3-E, 4-Z, 5-B, 6-A, 7-C, 8-G)


Filling reflective maps

Listening to observers


- What did you learn in class?
- Where did you experience difficulties?
- What did you like about the lesson?
What didn't you like about the lesson?
Where will this knowledge be useful?

Lesson summary

Submission of evaluation sheets.

5 4 3

Just mutual appreciation.

Observer Analysis

Filling reflective maps

Sources, equipment and equipment:

Paper, pens, etc. interactive equipment, markers, ready-made slides, workbooks, textbooks, Internet resources if possible.

Follow-up tasks and reading

A. Tutorial 7cl, §43, s168, abstract Make a table on how to protect insect pests

B. Repeat the material on the topic studied; make tasks from 10 questions;

creative work- find Interesting Facts about insects;

Compose comparison table type of arthropod

Assignments of an advanced nature: make up 5 questions in order of complexity.


Mini essay “I would love summer if ... not mosquitoes and flies ...”

Analysis and assessment of the lesson

At each stage, evaluate, enter into a general table.


summative mutual assessment, formative - with finger gestures (students), stickers, criteria-based, formative assessment by the teacher during the lesson, and summative after testing.

Changes to the lesson

Conduct observation of students A, B.S.

Applications Attachment 1

Key to insect orders

1) One pair of wings. The back is modified into a halteredetachment Diptera

Two pairs of wings…………………………………………………………………………….2

2) The wings of both pairs are membranous…………………………………………………………..3

The anterior and posterior pairs of wings differ from each other in structure…………………7

3) Transparent wings………………………………………………………………………...4

Wings opaque, densely covered with scales; mouth organs in the form of a spirally twisting proboscis………………………………order Lepidoptera (butterflies)

4) Front and rear wings of approximately the same length…………………………5

Front and rear fenders of various lengths…………………………………………………6

5) The wings are rich in venation; head with large eyes and short antennae; gnawing mouth apparatus; elongated thin abdomen (its length exceeds

5-10 times wide) ……………………………………………………….dragonfly squad

The branches of the veins at the edge of the wings are distinctly bifurcated; antennae are located

between the eyes………………………………………………………detachment Reticoptera

6) The rear pair of wings is linked to the front and smaller than it; at rest, the wings fold along the body, often have a sting…………………Order Hymenoptera

The posterior pair of wings is often considerably shorter than the anterior; body elongated with soft covers; oral organs are reduced; the abdomen, in addition to a pair of long multi-segmented churches, often has an unpaired caudal appendage similar to them; in adulthood lives from several hours to several days………………………………………………………………………………..mayfly squad

7) The front pair of wings turned into opaque hard elytra, devoid of distinct venation; at rest, the elytra are folded to form a longitudinal suture………………………………………………………………..detachment Coleoptera (beetles)

The front pair of wings of a different structure………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8) The front pair of wings is turned into half-elytra with a membranous apical part and a denser leathery rest; at rest, the wings are usually folded flat on the back…………………………………………………..squad Hemiptera (bugs)

The wings are subdivided into denser leathery elytra and a wide, fan-shaped hind pair ……………………….detachment Orthoptera

Card #1

Systematic position:

Kingdom: Type of: Class: Squad:

Card #2

Insects of the order ________________________________?

Systematic position:

Kingdom: Type of: Class: Squad:

Card #3

Insects of the order ________________________________?

Systematic position:

Kingdom: Type of: Class: Squad:

Card number 4

Insects of the order ________________________________?

Systematic position:


Type of:



Application №2


Type of development

Number of pairs of wings

oral apparatus

Feature of the development of the wings

Some representatives


With incomplete transformation

Two pairs



Cicadas, aphids

Butterflies, or Lepidoptera

With complete transformation

Two pairs


Mesh with scales

White cabbage, hawthorn, silkworm


With complete transformation

1 pair



Mosquitoes, flies, gadflies, midges


With complete transformation




Human flea, rat flea

Appendix 3

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.
Answer: Butterfly

Flying, squeaking
Legs long drags,
The case will not miss:
Sit down and bite.
Answer: Mosquito

On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings.
Answer: butterflies

He doesn't mind sleeping all day long.
But when the night comes,
His bow will sing.
The musician's name is...
Answer: Cricket

Flying over the lawn
Pat over a flower -
He will share the honey.
Answer: Bee

blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.
Answer: Dragonfly

A bug crawled
For a big daisy.
But fluttered in a hurry
And entangled in the nets.
Guess the kids:
Who set up the nets?
Answer: Spider

On the chamomile at the gate
Helicopter descended
Golden eyes.
Who is this?...
Answer: Dragonfly

Not motors, but noise,
Not pilots, but fly,
Not snakes, but sting.
Answer: wasps

Without a strand spins a thread,
Knits mesh without a needle;
The whole summer strangles the birds,
He eats meat and dries feathers.
Answer: Spider

Who wears his own house?
Answer: Snail

Who are they? Where? Whose?
Black streams flow
Friendly little dots
They build their own house on a hillock.
Answer: Ants

In the autumn it will climb into the gap,
And wake up in the spring.
Answer: Fly

Eight legs.
Like eight hands
Embroider a circle with silk.
The master in silk knows a lot.
Buy, flies, silk!
Answer: Spider

Not a bird, but flying
With a trunk, not an elephant,
Nobody teaches
And sits on the nose.
Answer: Fly

winged fashionista,
The dress is striped.
Growth, though crumbs,
Bite - it will be bad.
Answer: Wasp

Appendix 4

    Check of knowledge.

Task number 1. Find an extra insect. Why exactly does it not fit into this company. Justify your answer.

A. Krasotel odorous, ladybug, Colorado beetle, head louse

B. Gladysh, bed bug, water strider, dragonfly large rocker.

Task number 2. Name the insects

    Beetles that damage grains of cereals: rye, barley, wheat (bread beetles, or kuzki)

    Beetles that in adult and larval state destroy aphids, whiteflies, spider mites (ladybugs)

    Beetles that destroy the gypsy moth forest pest (beetles are beautiful)

    Diurnal predatory insect, with gnawing mouthparts, large eyes on the head, the larvae of which develop in water (dragonfly)

    Bed bugs that live on the surface of the water (water meters)

Task 3 Give answers to the questions.

1. The eyes of dragonflies are almost the size of their heads. They provide these insects with excellent vision, which is not characteristic of many members of the insect class. What can explain the good development of the organs of vision in a dragonfly?

(Dragonflies catch small insects in flight, their eyes - irreplaceable assistants in the hunt. Good eyesight is a sign of the adaptability of an insect to a predatory lifestyle.)

2. To clarify the method of orientation of the larvae of the cockchafer in the soil, the following experiment was carried out. Carbon dioxide was injected into the soil with a syringe. The larvae began to move towards the injection site. What hypothesis formed the basis of this experience?

(The experience is based on the assumption that the larvae of the cockchafer determine the location of the roots of the plants on which they feed, according to carbon dioxide released during respiration)

II .Learning new material

Exercise. Make a table

Squad name

Detachment signs


Butterflies (Lepidoptera)



Exercise. Reproduction and development of butterflies.

    Read the text on page 80, look at picture No. 67, give answers to the questions

    Why are butterflies classified as insects with complete metamorphosis?

    What kind of life do caterpillars lead?

    What is the external structure of the caterpillar (body shape, body color, mouth apparatus)

III. Consolidation of the studied material.

Task number 1

What order do the following insects belong to?

    House fly (dipterous)

    Human flea (fleas)

    Malarial mosquito (dipterous)

    Horsefly bull (dipterous)

Task number 2. Choose the correct answer.

    Butterflies have mouthparts:

a) licking

b) chewing

c) sucking

d) piercing-sucking

2. Butterflies have:

3. Butterflies have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

a) licking

b) chewing

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

5. Homoptera have:

d) don't have wings

6. Homoptera have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

a) chewing

b) licking

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

8. Diptera have:

c) one pair of membranous wings,

9. Diptera development:

a) direct;

b) with incomplete transformation;

c) with complete transformation.

10. Fleas have oral apparatus:

a) chewing

b) piercing - sucking,

c) licking

d) gnawing licking

11. Flea development:

a) complete transformation

b) straight

c) with incomplete transformation.

a) two membranous wings,

b) one pair of wings,

c) no wings

d) two pairs of transparent wings

Task number 3.

Solve a biological problem.

A. If you disturb the caterpillar of the cabbage white, then it begins to secrete a caustic liquid from its mouth. What is the significance of such a feature of the behavior of the caterpillar?

(Selection corrosive liquidprotective device cabbage white caterpillars)

B. The most common species on Earth is the housefly. It has been proven that this insect originally lived in tropical latitudes, and the best temperature for fly reproduction is +25 degrees. What features of the biology of the housefly allowed the insect to spread widely on Earth, including in northern latitudes?

(High fertility, settling in and around a person’s dwelling, moving with people, falling into a state of hibernation during an unfavorable period (in winter)

Q. You can often hear the opinion: “Is it really impossible for modern science to find means for the destruction of mosquitoes, because they bring so much trouble to people and animals?” Imagine that such a remedy is found. Will a person do the right thing if he uses it? Why?

(Wrong. Mosquitoes occupy certain place in a community of organisms: adults eat, for example, birds, larvae and pupae of mosquitoes - aquatic animals.)


    Choose the correct answer.

    Butterflies have mouthparts:

a) licking

b) chewing

c) sucking

d) piercing-sucking

2. Butterflies have:

a) two pairs of membranous wings

b) two pairs of wings covered with scales,

c) one pair of membranous wings,

d) two pairs of transparent wings

3. Butterflies have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

4. Homoptera have oral apparatus:

a) licking

b) chewing

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

5. Homoptera have:

a) two pairs of scaly wings,

b) two pairs of transparent wings,

c) two pairs of membranous wings.

d) don't have wings

6. Homoptera have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

7. Diptera have oral apparatus:

a) chewing

b) licking

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

8. Diptera have:

a) two pairs of membranous wings;

b) two pairs of transparent wings;

c) one pair of membranous wings,

d) two pairs of wings covered with scales

9. Diptera development:

a) direct;

b) with incomplete transformation;

c) with complete transformation.

10. Fleas have oral apparatus:

a) chewing

b) piercing - sucking,

c) licking

d) gnawing licking

11. Flea development:

a) complete transformation

b) straight

c) with incomplete transformation.

a) two membranous wings,

b) one pair of wings,

c) no wings

d) two pairs of transparent wings

    Butterflies have mouthparts:

a) licking

b) chewing

c) sucking

d) piercing-sucking

2. Butterflies have:

a) two pairs of membranous wings

b) two pairs of wings covered with scales,

c) one pair of membranous wings,

d) two pairs of transparent wings

3. Butterflies have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

4. Homoptera have oral apparatus:

a) licking

b) chewing

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

5. Homoptera have:

a) two pairs of scaly wings,

b) two pairs of transparent wings,

c) two pairs of membranous wings.

d) don't have wings

6. Homoptera have development:

a) straight

b) with incomplete transformation,

c) with complete transformation.

7. Diptera have oral apparatus:

a) chewing

b) licking

c) piercing-sucking,

d) sucking

8. Diptera have:

a) two pairs of membranous wings;

b) two pairs of transparent wings;

c) one pair of membranous wings,

d) two pairs of wings covered with scales

9. Diptera development:

a) direct;

b) with incomplete transformation;

c) with complete transformation.

10. Fleas have oral apparatus:

a) chewing

b) piercing - sucking,

c) licking

d) gnawing licking

11. Flea development:

a) complete transformation

b) straight

c) with incomplete transformation.

a) two membranous wings,

b) one pair of wings,

c) no wings

d) two pairs of transparent wings

Task number 3.

    House fly (dipterous)

    White cabbage (lepidoptera)

    Cicada striped (Hydroptera)

    Human flea (fleas)

    Aphid ordinary (Homoptera)

    Malarial mosquito (dipterous)

    Silkworm (lepidoptera)

    Horsefly bull (dipterous)

    Citrus whitefly (Hydroptera)

    Gooseberry moth (lepidoptera)

The date ____________________






Thin and thick questions


Project Protection




    For the lesson I am: tired, not tired

Grade 7 grade 34 lesson

Student F.I. ________________________________________ class _____________________-

Theme of the lesson _________________________________________________________________________

The date ____________________






Thin and thick questions


Project Protection




Reflection after the lesson

    In the lesson I worked: actively, passively

    I am satisfied with my work in the lesson, dissatisfied

    For the lesson I am: tired, not tired

    The lesson seemed to me: short, long, ordinary

    My mood: improved, got worse, stayed the same

    Lesson assignments for me: easy, difficult

Grade 7 grade 34 lesson

Student F.I. ________________________________________ class _____________________-

Theme of the lesson _________________________________________________________________________

The date ____________________






Thin and thick questions


Project Protection




Reflection after the lesson

    In the lesson I worked: actively, passively

    I am satisfied with my work in the lesson, dissatisfied

    For the lesson I am: tired, not tired

    The lesson seemed to me: short, long, ordinary

    My mood: improved, got worse, stayed the same

    Lesson assignments for me: easy, difficult

Insects are the most numerous class of animals, there are more than 1 million species. There are about 40 orders of insects, which are divided into two groups - insects with incomplete transformation and insects with complete transformation. Examples of insect orders with incomplete metamorphosis are orthoptera, homoptera, and hemiptera. Examples of orders with complete metamorphosis are Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera.

Features of the order Orthoptera

Representatives: grasshoppers, locusts, crickets.

  • Gnawing mouth apparatus.
  • The wings of the first pair are narrow with longitudinal venation, the wings of the second pair are fan-shaped.
  • Hind legs jumping type (not all).
  • Many can make sounds and perceive them (grasshoppers make sounds with their front wings, and the hearing organ is on their feet).

Features of the order Homoptera

Representatives: aphids, suckers, shield insects. Aphids live on the shoots of trees, shrubs and grasses, forming clusters. There are usually a lot of suckers on the leaves of fruit trees.

  • They feed on plant sap.
  • A piercing-sucking mouthpart with a proboscis.
  • Two pairs of soft transparent wings (not all).

Features of the order Hemiptera (bugs)

Representatives: green forest bugs, water strider bugs, bed bugs.

  • They lead a terrestrial or aquatic lifestyle.
  • Piercing-sucking mouthparts.
  • A pair of semi-rigid upper wings and a pair of membranous lower wings.
  • Developed odorous glands.

Features of the order Coleoptera (beetles)

Representatives: ladybugs, weevils, dung beetles, ground beetles, May beetles.

  • Rigid forewings protect the hind wings from damage.
  • Mouth apparatus gnawing type.

Features of the order Diptera

Representatives: flies, mosquitoes.

  • One pair of membranous wings. The hind ones are modified into halteres.
  • Mouth-apparatus piercing-sucking or licking.
  • Legless larvae that develop in soil, water, plant and animal remains.

Features of the order Lepidoptera (butterflies)

  • Scale cover of wings.
  • The sucking mouthparts are coiled.
  • Cirrus (in nocturnal) or club-shaped (in diurnal butterflies) antennae.
  • Butterfly larvae are caterpillars. They have outgrowths of the body - false legs. Mouth apparatus gnawing type.

Features of the order Hymenoptera

Representatives: bees, wasps, ants, riders.

  • Two pairs of membranous transparent wings.
  • Mouth apparatus gnawing or licking.
  • Females have an ovipositor at the end of the abdomen, which in some species is turned into a sting and is associated with venom glands.
  • Worm-like, most often legless, larvae.

Insects are a class of arthropod invertebrates. According to the current classification, they, along with centipedes, are included in the tracheal breathing subtype. The name of the class comes from the word "cut". From the French "insecte" and the Latin "insectum" the concept is literally translated as "an animal with notches." Consider these representatives of the fauna in more detail. At the end of the article, a table "Insect Squads" will be presented.

General information

On the body of insects there is a chitinized cuticle. It forms an ecoskeleton. The structure of insects is quite simple. It has three sections: head, abdomen and thorax. Considering the structure of insects, three pairs of legs are distinguished. They are attached to the thoracic region. In many groups, a pair of wings is attached to its second and third segments. Body size varies from 0.2 mm to 30 cm or more.

Life cycle

It includes the embryonic development of insects. It is called the "egg phase". There is also a post-embryonic period. It is accompanied by metamorphosis. It is of two types. Depending on this, detachments of insects with incomplete transformation are distinguished. They go through egg, larva and adult phases. Completed metamorphosis is characterized by four stages. In this case, the development of insects includes the phases of eggs, larvae, pupa and adults. In the first, the larvae have an external resemblance to adults. The difference between them is the size of the body, the embryonic state or the complete absence of wings and genitals. The larvae of animals passing through four phases are worm-shaped. Only in adults do all the necessary signs of the detachment appear. At the imago stage, resettlement and reproduction occurs. The insect class includes a wide variety of creatures. In total, over a million species have been described. They are considered in nature and occupy all kinds of ecological zones. They are found everywhere, even in Antarctica.



The Insect Orders table includes a variety of crop pests in this category. One of the well-known is the turtle bug. It sucks the contents of the grain from cereal plants. In residential areas, you can find a flea bug. This insect creates a lot of inconvenience for humans. The water strider bug lives in fresh water bodies. It feeds on insects that fall into the water. There are also predators among the bugs, for example, the bug-gladun. It attacks fish fry and various invertebrates. All members of this group are called hemipterans.

Other categories

Homoptera insects prefer to feed on plant juices. In this category, for example, include aphids. It exists in nature in the most different types and causes significant damage to crops. Homoptera insects are considered carriers of viral diseases that are dangerous to plants. For example, among them there are various cicadas that can reach large sizes(up to 5-6 cm). The order Orthoptera includes mainly herbivorous insects. However, predators can also be found among them. For example, representatives such as cabbage, locust are quite well known. The grasshopper is also included in the order of Orthoptera. It lives in the grass, in the steppes and in the meadows. It has a club-shaped, long ovipositor. Kapustyanka swims and flies well, has burrowing legs. It causes great damage to the underground parts of plants that grow in the garden (cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, etc.). For some species of locust, mass reproduction is characteristic. In such cases, they, gathering in huge flocks, fly away to long distance(up to several thousand kilometers). At the same time, they destroy all cultivated plants along the way. Grandmother's squad includes predatory insects. Their names are quite interesting. For example, the grandmother-rocker, the grandmother-watcher and others. They are considered the best flyers. They are very manoeuvrable. They can hover in the air, show exceptional mobility, develop high (up to 100 km / h) speed. They attack their prey in mid-flight.


These are beetle-winged insects. They are considered the largest community of all. Their number reaches 300 thousand species. Beetles live in the most different conditions fresh water and land. Their body sizes vary from 0.3 to 155 mm. Many beetle insects cause great harm cultures. In the world, for example, the Colorado potato beetle is known. It was brought to Russia from America. The buzzard beetle damages crops. Beet weevil causes damage sugar beet. May beetle larvae damage potato tubers and tree roots. The bark beetle is also known. He grinds moves in and bark, damages valuable breeds. Many members of the detachment cause harm to food supplies. For example, these are the pea weevil, the kozheed beetle, the bread grinder beetle. The squad also includes a tube-roller. In spring, this beetle cuts the leaf to the main vein in a special way. Part of the plate fades and loses its elasticity. The beetle rolls it up and lays eggs there. So he takes care of the offspring. There are also beneficial insects among the beetles. The names of these species are gloomy. For example, coffin beetles and gnoeviki. Many individuals are very beautiful in appearance and can reach impressive sizes. Such, for example, are the stag beetle and stag beetle, which are listed in the Red Book.

A group of diverse species

Hymenoptera insects are bees, riders, wasps, bumblebees, sawflies and others. All these animals lead different lifestyles. Some representatives are herbivores. Their larvae cause significant damage to cereals and other plants. Such, for example, are pine and grain sawflies. Their larvae are very similar in appearance to butterfly larvae. In this regard, they are often referred to as false caterpillars. Sawflies have a very specific ovipositor. It is designed for cutting pockets in plant tissues into which females lay eggs.


They are very good pollinators. These hymenoptera insects are considered social. Their families only exist for one summer. They arrange their nests in hollows, nests, birdhouses. The female is in charge of the construction. She equips wax cells for laying eggs. Each of them contains a supply of food - flower pollen mixed with honey. The larvae that appear eat the stock, after 2-3 weeks they begin to weave cocoons and turn into pupae. Worker bumblebees, males and females, come out of them. By the end of the season, up to 500 individuals can be in a large nest. By autumn, the old queen, working bumblebees and males die. Young females hide for the winter.


They bring the most great benefit of all social hymenoptera insects. Honey bees are considered excellent pollinators. They produce very useful products for humans: honey, royal jelly, wax, propolis. They are used for food, they are in demand in cosmetology, medicine, in the manufacture of perfumes, paints, varnishes, and so on. In a bee family, all members closely interact with each other. Prosperity of the genus is impossible without drones and uterus, working individuals.


These are two-winged insects. There are ordinary and malarial mosquitoes. Them distinctive feature is the presence of one transparent pair of wings. The second pair turned into "halteres". The habitat of a simple mosquito is a damp, swampy area. They become especially numerous by the middle of summer. The oral apparatus is equipped with a stabbing proboscis. They use it to pierce the skin and suck out the blood. Mosquito larvae are worm-shaped. They live in stagnant water. There they develop, feed, gradually turning into pupae. They, in turn, also remain in stagnant water. However, since they cannot eat, they soon become adults. Common and malarial mosquitoes differ in landing. The first holds the body parallel to the surface on which it sits. The malarial mosquito lifts its hindquarters high.


They are also two-winged insects. They, unlike mosquitoes, have short antennae. Their larvae are white, usually headless and legless. They are worm-shaped. House fly larvae live and develop in sewage, manure heaps, and kitchen waste. Here the female lays her eggs. Before pupation, the larvae crawl out of the waste, penetrate the soil, where they turn into pupae. Adults fly around looking for food. From cesspools they fly to food products, carrying microbes and pathogens of dangerous gastrointestinal diseases.

Other groups

There are in nature lacewings, a relatively small group in terms of numbers. It has about 6 thousand species. Such insects have an elongated body with soft covers. Their color is brown or pale green. Two pairs of their wings are covered with a network of veins. This group includes representatives such as antlions, lacewings, mantips. Most of the lacewings are predators. They first appeared in the Permian period. The subsequent formation of the group took place under the influence of geological and climate change mesozoic. The dragonfly insect is considered a very good flyer. These animals have a relatively large body. Their head is mobile, it has large eyes. The dragonfly insect lives mainly in the humid subtropics and tropics. In the Russian Federation, it is distributed almost throughout the entire territory (except for arid areas).



Features of nutrition, life


Medvedki, grasshoppers, crickets

incomplete transformation

Medvedki are herbivores, crickets are omnivores, grasshoppers are predators.


incomplete transformation


Complete transformation

Adults feed on plant nectar, caterpillars feed on leaves.


Rocker, love, beauty

incomplete transformation


Complete transformation

Predators and herbivores. The food of some species is dead animals.


Ants, bees, bumblebees, wasps

Complete transformation

Ants are predators, bumblebees, wasps, bees are pollinators.


Flies, horseflies, mosquitoes

Complete transformation

Flies - pollinators, predators, bloodsuckers, mosquitoes, horseflies - bloodsuckers.


Red, black cockroach

No transformation

They feed on the remains of human food, in nature - the remains of plants.

natural enemies

Insect with complete transformation (with metamorphosis) goes through four stages in its development: egg - larva - pupa - adult insect (adult).

Pay attention!

Orders of insects with complete metamorphosis: butterflies (lepidoptera), beetles (coleoptera), diptera, hymenoptera, fleas.

Most insect species are characterized by development with complete transformation. In insects with complete metamorphosis (butterflies, beetles, flies, wasps, ants), the larvae do not look like adults at all. They lack compound eyes (there are only simple eyes, or organs of vision are completely absent), antennae are often absent, there are no wings; the body is most often worm-like (for example, butterfly caterpillars).

In insects with complete metamorphosis, the larvae often live in completely different places and feed on different food than adult insects. This eliminates competition between different stages of the same species.

Insect larvae with complete transformation molt several times, grow and, having reached limit sizes, turn into chrysalis. The pupa is usually immobile. An adult insect emerges from the pupa.

Watch a video that demonstrates the release of the Monarch Butterfly from the chrysalis.

Order Butterflies, or Lepidoptera

Butterflies differ from other insects mainly in two ways: scaly cover of wings and sucking mouthparts coiled up.

Butterflies are called Lepidoptera because they have small chitinous cells on their wings. scales. They refract the incident light, creating a bizarre play of shades.

The coloration of butterflies' wings helps them to recognize each other, camouflages them in the grass and on the bark of trees, or warns enemies that the butterfly is inedible.

The mouthparts of butterflies sucking- this is a proboscis rolled into a spiral. Butterflies feed on the nectar of flowers.

Butterfly larvae (caterpillars) have a gnawing mouth apparatus, they feed on plant tissues (most often).

When pupating, the caterpillars of some butterflies secrete silk threads. The silk thread is secreted by a special silk-separating gland located on the lower lip of the caterpillar.

Detachment Beetles, or Coleoptera

Representatives of this group have dense hard elytra covering the second pair of leathery wings with which they fly. The oral apparatus is gnawing.

Among the beetles there are many herbivores, there are predators and scavengers.

Beetles live in the ground-air environment (on plants, the surface of the earth, in the soil) and in water.

Beetle larvae can be very mobile predators, living openly, and inactive, similar to worms, living in shelters and feeding on plants, fungi, and sometimes decaying remains of organisms.

Order Diptera

These insects have only one pair of wings. The second pair is greatly reduced and serves to stabilize the flight. This group includes mosquitoes and flies. They have piercing-sucking or licking mouthparts. Some dipterans feed on pollen and nectar of flowers (syrphid flies), there are predators (ktyrs) and bloodsuckers (mosquitoes, midges, midges, horseflies). Their larvae live in the decaying remains of cesspools, composts ( house flies), in the water (mosquitoes and midges) or lead a vagrant lifestyle and prey on small insects.

Order Hymenoptera

The group includes such well-known insects as bumblebees, wasps, bees, ants, sawflies, riders. They have two pairs of membranous wings (some do not have wings).

Answers to the questions of test control ……………………………………………….51.



Throughout their history, having encountered insects in one way or another, people already have vast knowledge about these amazing creatures. Entomologists, chemists, biophysicists, design engineers, geneticists, architects, doctors of various fields study insects.

Unfortunately, the course general biology Medical University, students are limited to studying the section "Fundamentals of Medical Entomology", which includes a rather superficial overview of the representatives of the detachments of epidemiological significance.

The purpose of our manual is to somewhat expand and deepen the information on this section in addition to the textbook material, which will allow students to save their scarce time by searching for material in various sources.

The textbook "Medical Significance of Insects" is presented in three sections.

The first gives a general description and classification of insects, morphology, biology, epidemiological significance of the most important representatives of orders with complete and incomplete metamorphosis. Descriptions of some transmissible diseases are given.

The second section is devoted poisonous insect because this important stuff in textbooks is presented very briefly. Their toxicological classification is given and descriptions of insects with a stinging apparatus, with poisonous blood and tissues, with a poisonous mouth apparatus, a picture of poisoning and first aid are given.

For a better understanding of the theoretical material is supplied with illustrations.

The third section is represented by questions of test control on the studied material and answers to them.

A bibliography is provided at the end of the manual.

Section I. Morpho-biological characteristics. The epidemiological significance of insects

1. General characteristics of insects.

Insects are the most numerous class of arthropods. It includes over 2 million species. Insects are characterized by a clear division of the body into head, chest, abdomen.

Head consists of four fused segments, bearing respectively four pairs of appendages, which are modified forelimbs.

The first pair - antennae, or syazhki - the organs of smell and touch. The second - the upper jaws - mandibles, the third and fourth pairs - the lower jaws - maxilla. The oral apparatus of insects is formed by the upper lip (skin fold of the head), a pair of upper jaws, a pair of lower jaws and a lower lip, which is formed by the fusion of the second pair of lower jaws. According to the variety of feeding methods, mouthparts different groups insects differ significantly in structure. They can be gnawing, gnawing-sucking, licking, piercing-sucking, sucking type. However, all this diversity is the result of a change in one initial type - the gnawing mouthparts.

Abdomen consists of 4-11 segments. There are no limbs on the abdomen. Only a few species sometimes retain modified remains of limbs, for example, in the form of an ovipositor or forks at the end of the abdomen, which help to make jumps.

Insect covers formed by a single-layer epithelium - the hypodermis and the chitinized cuticle secreted by it, which acts as an external skeleton and protects it from the effects of various factors, incl. mechanical damage. In addition, the chitinous cover prevents the evaporation of moisture from the body of insects. During the growth period, insects molt several times - they shed their chitinous cover, under which a new one develops. The skin is rich in various glands (odorous, wax-releasing), outgrowths in the form of spines, bristles or hairs.

Muscular system represented by bundles that are attached from the inside to the outer skeleton of insects.

Digestive system begins with the oral cavity, where the ducts of the salivary and spinning glands open, like in butterfly caterpillars. The anterior intestine is differentiated into the pharynx and esophagus, which often has an extension - goiter. Some insects have a chewing stomach. The midgut contains numerous folds that appear to be homologous to the livers of other arthropods. The hindgut, in addition to removing the remnants of digestion, takes part in the excretion of metabolic products.

excretory system It is represented by malpighian vessels (of which there may be 100 or more) - long thin tubes that lie in the body cavity with their blindly closed end, and flow into the intestine at the border of its middle and posterior parts with the other. Metabolic products also accumulate in the fat body, which serves as a storage kidney.

Respiratory system insects are represented by a system of tracheal tubes. They permeate the entire body and deliver oxygen directly to the cells. Tracheae arise in the embryo as a protrusion of the ectoderm, have a chitinous lining that prevents the walls from falling off. On the sides of the body there are up to 10 pairs of spiracles (stigmata) leading to the canals, from which the trachea originate.

In connection with the development of the trachea, the open circulatory system simplified, the hemolymph takes almost no part in the exchange of gases, but carries nutrients and hormones to the tissues of the body. Blood circulates in the heart, then moves through the aorta, and from it enters the body cavity, washing all organs.

Nervous system insects is represented by the brain, subpharyngeal ganglion and segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. The brain consists of anterior, middle and posterior sections. Mushroom bodies are located in the forebrain, which are especially developed in insects with complex social behavior (bees, ants). Nerves depart from the brain to the antennae, eyes, upper lip and subpharyngeal node.

Insect development complex. They are dioecious animals with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Postembryonic development is carried out with complete and incomplete transformation.

In the first case (butterflies, beetles, bees, flies, etc.), a larva emerges from the egg, which differs significantly in structure and lifestyle from the adult. She intensively feeds and grows and after several molts turns into a motionless chrysalis. Under the cover of the pupa, the organs and tissues of the larva are restructured, ending with the release of an adult insect - the imago.

With incomplete transformation (locusts, grasshoppers, cockroaches), the larva in structure is basically similar to an adult insect, but differs from it in small size, underdevelopment of wings and reproductive system. The larva grows, periodically molts and turns into an adult insect.

The class of insects includes more than 20 orders, the most important of which are as follows:

Class Insecta (Insects)

Superorder 1. Insects with incomplete metamorphosis (Hemimetabola)

Order Orthoptera (Orthoptera)

Order of cockroaches (Blattoidea)

Squad louse (Anoplura)

Order Hemiptera, or Bedbugs (Heteroptera)

Superorder 2. Insects with complete metamorphosis (Holometabola)

Coleoptera order, or beetles (Coleoptera)

Order Lepidoptera, or butterflies (Lepidoptera)

Order Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)

Order of the flea (Aphaniptera)

Order Diptera (Diptera)

We will focus on representatives of units of medical importance.



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