Storing garlic in winter. How to store winter garlic - storage options

To avoid sprouting and rotting of the bulbs, garlic must be stored correctly at home. The shelf life of a product depends not only on the conditions created for it, but also on the characteristics of harvesting and the method of its storage.


Preparatory stage begins during the period of digging out the heads. Features of harvesting depend primarily on the type of crop:

  • winter (winter) is harvested in late July–early August, when the lower leaves turn yellow, the scales become thinner and stronger, and cracks appear on the inflorescences;
  • The time for harvesting a spring variety is determined by its feathers - they are yellow and lie on the soil (usually this happens by mid-August).
  1. A couple of weeks before the expected harvest, watering is stopped.
  2. The time for cleaning is chosen to be sunny, without precipitation.
  3. Dig out the garlic carefully, trying not to damage the heads, otherwise the storage time of the vegetable will be short.
  4. After digging, dry well.

How to dry garlic correctly:

  1. First, the heads are dried for about a week directly on the ridges, if the weather is warm, dry, or in a place where air circulates freely (in the cellar, in the attic, under a canopy). Alternatively, you can place the crop in the sun during the day and harvest it in the evening. warm room.
  2. After thorough drying, shake off the soil from the bulbs and cut off the roots.
  3. Cut the stems, leaving 2–4 cm. If you plan to store in braids, then leave at least 30 cm.
  4. To keep the bulbs longer, the remaining roots are burned with a candle or lighter.

After drying, the young garlic is sorted, discarding damaged, overripe heads with signs of disease or rot. They also try to use small and crumbling specimens primarily for preparing dishes or preparations. For long storage Only healthy, large bulbs are suitable.

Optimal conditions

If you do not create optimal storage conditions, the bulbs will deteriorate and begin to rot. The reasons for this can be various factors: mold will appear in humid and warm air, the germination of teeth will be facilitated by the light falling on them.

At home, for storing garlic for the winter, a place where the following conditions will be observed is suitable: necessary requirements:

  • lack of access sun rays;
  • optimal humidity air - 50–70% at low temperatures and 70–80% when selected warm way storage; lower values ​​will contribute to drying of the heads, high values ​​will promote their germination or rotting;
  • the temperature for storing the crop is quite low (2–5 °C) or average (18–20 °C): summer garlic is usually stored cool, and the second method is more suitable for winter.

Good ventilation of the product storage area may have different meaning. On the one hand, this is additional drying and prevention of rotting. But on the other hand, it contributes to the drying out of the bulbs and the spread of pathogens.

Garlic heads stored in a container are less susceptible to these negative phenomena. Suitable for storing culture:

  • boxes made of cardboard, plywood with small slits or slits for air circulation;
  • baskets, the weaving of which promotes ventilation;
  • nylon tights: they are filled with heads and hung, saving space in this way small apartment;
  • glass jars, plastic containers, paper and cellophane bags, canvas bags.

If you store garlic correctly, it will not spoil until spring in any container. Without a container, you can save the heads in braids and bundles: a braid is woven from the stems in the traditional way, securing it with twine. The “braids” are hung in a cool, dark room, and with the onset of frost they are put away in the cellar.

Storage methods

First you need to determine where to store the garlic. The best places to solve this problem are:

  • cellar;
  • fridge;
  • dark and dry rooms;
  • glazed balcony, where the temperature is winter period does not fall below 0 °C.

The storage method is determined by the yield of garlic: a small number of heads are put in the refrigerator, and if there are a lot of them, they are put in boxes and sent to the basement or balcony.

In the cellar

Garlic should be stored in the cellar in winter in plywood boxes with several holes for ventilation. To increase the shelf life of the heads, they are laid out on a layer of salt (2–3 cm). A layer of the same thickness is poured on top.

You can hang garlic braids and bunches in a dry and ventilated underground. From time to time, the heads need to be inspected and those that begin to deteriorate should be removed. Nylon tights filled with vegetables are also stored in such a place.

In the refrigerator

The refrigerator is an ideal place to preserve the beneficial properties of many foods. Garlic is no exception. Before putting it away refrigerator, you must first dry it well, and then choose the optimal storage method:

  • in paper bags, sprinkled with salt or flour if necessary;
  • glass containers, plastic bags or fabric bags treated with a solution of table salt (a thin film will block access to moisture);
  • cling film, wrapping each onion separately.

Garlic heads should be kept in a separate place from other foods in the refrigerator to avoid disease and rot.

Garlic is not kept in polyethylene for a long time: increased humidity and zero air circulation will promote early germination of the crop.

You can also store peeled garlic in the refrigerator using the canning method: put the cloves in a glass container and pour white vinegar, seasoned with various spices. Dry wine can be used for this purpose. This method increases the shelf life of garlic to 4 months.

Freezing garlic for the winter

In a city apartment, garlic can be stored by freezing. It consists of the following actions:

  • Peel the garlic cloves and finely chop them if desired;
  • put in foil (cling film), wrap;
  • cleaned in freezer.

The main disadvantage of freezing is that the vegetable changes its taste and loses some beneficial properties. But there is also a plus - quite long term storage (almost until next season).

At the bank

One of the convenient and simple ways– putting garlic in jars. There are several storage options:

  1. In a sterilized container, without adding anything. The whole, unpeeled heads (or disassembled into slices) are dried for five days and folded.
  2. In a container, adding flour or salt as you fill, trying to fill all the gaps. The heads are laid out so that they do not touch each other. Flour absorbs excess moisture, preventing rotting and the development of fungal diseases.

Without closing the jars, put them in a cool place. Subject to optimal mode The shelf life is 5 months.

In vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is an excellent filling for aromatic cloves. To save them this way, you need:

  • Peel the vegetable, sort it, removing all damaged and spoiled segments;
  • place in sterilized jars;
  • fill with any vegetable oil(refined or unrefined);
  • cover with a nylon lid.

If you keep the jar warm, the oil may become bitter, so it is better to store the garlic cloves in the refrigerator or cellar. Their shelf life does not exceed three months.

Advantage of the method: garlic does not lose its beneficial properties, and the oil, which becomes aromatic, can be added to salad dressings and sauces.


  1. Paraffin is melted in a water bath. At the same time, you need to remember that you cannot boil it, you only need to bring it to a liquid state.
  2. Dip an unpeeled head of garlic into it. Can be applied to the surface with a regular brush.
  3. After the wax layer has hardened, the vegetables are placed in cardboard boxes.

The preservation effect will prevent the heads from drying out and prevent the appearance of mold.

Storage in salt

This storage method is called dry pickling. Its essence is to lay out the unpeeled onions in a container with the stems up and sprinkle each layer with salt. After filling, the jar (container) is covered and put away in a cool place. You can choose a dark corner in the room away from heating devices or take it out onto the balcony.

Why salt is used:

  • she - good antiseptic, which means it prevents the development of diseases;
  • regulates the degree of humidity, as well as air access, therefore, helps preserve garlic in winter so that it does not dry out and rot.

Garlic powder is also stored in salt. To prepare it, you need:

  • garlic cloves, peeled, cut into thin slices;
  • dry - an electric dryer and an oven are suitable for this purpose (install minimum temperature);
  • grind to a powder;
  • add salt, stir;
  • Place in a glass jar and close the lid tightly.

The advantages of this method include saving space, cooking time, and a long shelf life (about a year). But there is also a drawback - the loss of a certain share of useful elements.

In onion skins

Onion skins also used for storing garlic heads. They are placed in a bag, basket or box, sprinkled with husks, and stored in a dark place.

The best varieties of garlic for storage

When choosing a variety, attention is paid not only to yield and resistance to various factors, but also to shelf life. Then the garlic intended for cultivation will be preserved until planting.

Among spring varieties, they have a longer shelf life:

  • Gulliver - more than a year;
  • Sochi 56 – up to one and a half years;
  • Elenovsky - up to two years.

Among winter crops, the following varieties are suitable for long-term storage:

  • Sofievsky;
  • Alcor;
  • Saved.

Many housewives love garlic very much. This seasoning with a specific smell makes all dishes extraordinarily tasty. The vegetable contains a large number of microelements and vitamins. Having harvested her favorite garlic from her plot, every housewife asks the question - how to store garlic in a city apartment? Today we will talk about those methods that many housewives have been able to try personally, which proves their high efficiency.

There are several types of vegetables. Actually, certain and known experienced gardeners timing and details of collection. For example, spring garlic, beloved by many, is also known as summer garlic. Traditionally, such a crop can be harvested from its plot in mid-August. Winter crops, which are also popularly called winter crops, are usually harvested at the end of July. The success of its storage depends on whether the vegetable is harvested correctly.

Cleaning must be done on time. It's time to dig when the lower leaves have acquired yellow, the tops are located on the surface of the ground, and the heads on the inflorescences are not only dry, but also cracked. If you are late with harvesting, you can end up with heads that have broken into separate teeth, as well as extra roots. And then they will not be able to lie down for more than 2 months. It is best to plan digging the crop on dry and warm days. A few weeks before the planned harvest, the beds should stop watering.

The bulbs can usually be dug out with a shovel or pitchfork. Next, they need to be laid out in such a way that they have the opportunity to dry properly. Leave the garlic laid out in the sun for at least 3 days if you want it not only to be preserved properly, but also to be just as tasty and healthy for the body.

Let's move on to the main issue that worries many. How to store garlic in an apartment in winter? If you do not comply simple rules storage, the crop will simply become moldy or rot. Conducting self storage garlic in a city apartment, it is very important to control the condition of the bulbs, as well as create the conditions they need. One of the popular methods is to place it in a regular glass jar of a suitable size, which must be closed with a lid.

It is necessary to separate the husks from the heads, put the cloves in jars, then compact them well. Next, you can select one of the options. Add salt, flour, oil, and grind. Glass jars should be sterilized and dried thoroughly beforehand. Then you can be sure that the garlic will not be affected by mold. Choose oil according to your taste. You can use olive, vegetable, flax or corn.

When you remove the cloves from the jar, the oil will acquire an unusual garlic aroma. It is acceptable to store garlic in powder form in a jar. To make it, the teeth are cut into plates and then sent to the oven to dry. The time is no more than 15 minutes. Next you need to grind the plates into powder. To do this, use a modern coffee grinder or food processor.

Storing with salt

How to preserve garlic in another way, using ordinary kitchen salt, which is in the kitchen of any self-respecting housewife? You need to take plywood boxes or pans large size. Pour coarse rock salt onto the bottom, place garlic, and cover with another layer of salt on top. It is advisable to fill the gaps between the heads especially carefully.

Ideally, they cannot touch each other. Storage must take place at room temperature. Thanks to salt, garlic will not lose its excellent taste and health benefits. human body properties. If at room temperature in salt it can lie for about 4 months, then when choosing a temperature range from 0 to -3 - up to 8 months.

Oil and iodine for storage

When making winter preparations, housewives sometimes use very unusual ways to preserve the harvest. How else to store garlic in an apartment? In addition to kitchen salt, it is often preferred to store this beloved vegetable in sunflower or other oil with the addition of iodine, sold in any pharmacy. Often it is already available at home. The oil should be prepared first. So that it can create a reliable barrier against air getting inside the container or film. This will prevent spoilage of the stored product.

Sunflower oil must be boiled for 2 hours. After which iodine is added to it at the rate of 20 drops of the product per 1 liter of oil. The garlic heads must be dried. They must be unrefined. Then, using a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab, you need to wipe each head of garlic with the mixture you prepared yourself. When the procedure is completed, place the garlic in an open space under the sun's rays. When the oil is absorbed, which can be seen by running your fingers over the surface, it is recommended to wrap each specimen in special cling film.

Store in a dark place

When wondering where to store garlic in an apartment in winter, most people, knowing about the peculiarities of this process, set aside a dark and cool place for the vegetable. This could be a cellar or basement, which residents of multi-storey buildings often have.

Why is the crop preserved well there? Because they are destructive for him high temperatures, which can cause mold or rot. Which has already been mentioned earlier. One of the simplest ways to store garlic in a cool, dark place is to braid the grassy garlic tails. You can weave such an improvised braid using twine.

Next, the resulting braids are simply fixed under the ceiling or on the walls of the basement or cellar. Some people prefer to place their harvest in wooden crates or cardboard boxes. Normal temperature conditions considered -1 – 3 degrees. At higher rates, it is possible that garlic will begin to sprout. And if it is less than -3 degrees in the basement or cellar, the crop can freeze. And then you won’t have to count on its high taste characteristics and preservation of nutrients in the product.

As shown practical experience For many people, the harvest is normally preserved in a cellar or basement if it is placed in nets or nylon stockings. Such simple improvised devices have been used for many years. This makes it possible in winter and spring to enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetable added to various dishes.

Video “Save garlic in the apartment”

This video will show you how to properly store garlic in a city apartment.

Growing and harvesting vegetables from your plot is half the battle; you also need to properly plant them winter storage. We offer you the Top 5 ways to store garlic in an apartment, which will allow you to keep your harvest fresh and tasty until spring.

Garlic – extremely useful product. Not only can it transform the taste of even the most bland dish, but it is also actively used for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. That is why the selection and organization of the storage location for this spicy plant must be approached with special care.

NOTE! Garlic that has been well dried is best stored. At the same time, small heads and slices spoil faster, so you need to use them for cooking first.

Of course, the best place to store garlic is in a dry and well-ventilated basement, where the air temperature is close to 0°C. However, the absence of this is not a reason to accept the fact that part of the crop will be spoiled during storage. After all, there are many ways that, even in a city apartment, will allow you to save your harvest until spring. We have selected the simplest and most effective of them.

So, how to store garlic at home.

Method 1. In braids

Garlic, like onions, can be used to weave a braid (wreath). The main thing is that after collecting and drying the herb, do not cut off its stems, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to dreams of beautiful bunches of garlic hanging in the kitchen.

Storing in braids is best suited for spring garlic, which ripens later and is stored better than winter garlic.

First, remove the leaves from the dried garlic, leaving only the heads and stems. Then braid it into a tight braid. To make the garlic structure strong, use strong rope or twine when weaving.

When the braid is formed, make a loop at the end of the rope and hang a bunch of garlic from it in a dry, well-ventilated area, for example, on glass loggia or in the kitchen.

Method 2. In glass jars

If you are a minimalist, and bunches of garlic do not fit into the interior of your kitchen, you can use ordinary jars to store the herb.

Simply place the dried heads of garlic in a glass container, carefully sprinkling them with flour or salt (the layer of the bulk product on top should be at least 2 cm). Then tightly close the jar with a plastic lid and hide it in a kitchen cabinet or on a shelf.

Method 3. With preliminary waxing

When stored in braids or glass jars Garlic can dry out over time. The only way to avoid evaporation of moisture from the surface of the bulbs is to pre-wax them.

Remove the top scales from the dried garlic, shorten the stem to 2-3 cm, cut off the roots. Then dip each head for 1-2 seconds in paraffin melted in a water bath.

You can also store garlic in a nylon stocking.

When the bulbs are dry, put them in a net and hang them in a dark, well-ventilated place.

Method 4. In a canvas bag or paper bag

You can also store garlic in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator (in the so-called freshness zone). However, keep in mind: this spicy plant does not get along well with other vegetables. Therefore, in order for the garlic to remain fresh for as long as possible and not spoil, it is better to place it in canvas bags or bags made of thick wrapping paper before storing it in the refrigerator.

Method 5. In an open jar or basket

At home, you can store garlic in baskets, wooden boxes, open banks, cardboard boxes. In order for the garlic heads to be stored well, first scorch their roots with the flame of a candle or lighter, and then put them in a basket or box and sprinkle with coarse grains. table salt, flour, sawdust or onion peels.

Whatever method of storing garlic in your apartment you choose, keep in mind: from time to time the bulbs need to be sorted out and rotten, dried heads must be removed. If you neglect this rule, one spoiled garlic can lead to the loss of the entire harvest.

The topic is relevant among new gardeners and those who have never grown garlic for long-term storage. Will do this material and those who are unable to preserve the harvest until the summer. The white and aromatic cloves are known to have healing properties all year round without losing its healing power.

But how to store garlic so that it does not dry out and spoil, and also does not germinate ahead of time? In fact, there are many ways. In addition, storage options in an apartment and in a private house are still different. Therefore, we will consider below various nuances. It is very important to know how to distinguish bad garlic from good.

First of all, the type of plant is important

There are two types of garlic (not to be confused with the variety): winter and spring. The first ripens from mid-July to a maximum of mid-August. It all depends on the landing time, weather conditions. The spring variety ripens by mid-August, and can be harvested until the second or third decade of the month. You definitely need to remember these two types, because many people wonder: how to store garlic so that it doesn’t dry out in the winter until the new harvest? The fact is that some housewives unknowingly collect winter crops for storage in the hope that they will last until spring, but are surprised and disappointed to find the product unsuitable for food.

It turns out that only those collected at the end of summer can be well preserved until spring and even early summer. Since it matures enough, it fills up and becomes capable of long-term storage. Against, winter garlic- young, without many white and smooth scales. It can be stored for no more than 2-3 months, so it is advisable to eat it immediately, without prior drying.

How and when to collect?

The harvesting period greatly influences the further preservation of garlic. Do not dig beds on rainy days. It's better to wait until the weather is clear. The ground must be absolutely dry! To make sure of this, it is better to dig up the soil in an unsown section of the bed to the depth at which the garlic heads are supposed to be located. If the soil is completely dry, then you can start. In addition, if you have already planned a day for harvesting garlic, then you should not water it and the neighboring ones. fruit crops already in 2-3 days.

Winter garlic begins to be dug when bottom sheet will begin to turn yellow, and spring - if all the leaves turn yellow and begin to tilt towards the ground.

Before we get to the topic of how to store garlic so it doesn’t dry out, let’s look at one more important point: selection. Before you start drying, you need to go through all the heads. They should be:

  • hard;
  • strong;
  • no stains or dents;
  • with white scales;
  • without any plaque.

If defects are found, such garlic should be eliminated, as it may contain pathogenic microorganisms. It is no longer suitable for food.

Where to dry?

Once the heads are dug up, they should be placed in a dry, dark place, such as on a shady porch or in an open shed. But so that there is always an influx fresh air. Then the garlic is cleared of any remaining soil. It's okay if the top scales fall off. The tops have not yet been cut. But even here you need to know where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out.

Care should be taken to ensure there is no dampness. If rain is expected, you need to move the crop to a warm and dry place. After about 3-4 days, the slightly dried garlic is processed again: the roots and leaves are trimmed with pruning shears. The latter require leaving small tails (5 cm or more, depending on storage methods).

Storage conditions

When the dried garlic is ready to move to permanent place storage, you need to prepare the room in advance. There are several rules that will help the harvest survive until next summer:

  • air humidity is about 40-50%;
  • optimal storage temperature is from +5 to +17 degrees;
  • the room should be dry and clean;
  • You can’t keep garlic where various insects live; mold fungi may appear;
  • containers with the harvest should not disturb those living in the house/apartment.

Here's how to store garlic so it doesn't dry out until the next harvest. If you comply with such conditions, you can be sure that the cloves of the medicinal product will remain intact and unharmed.

Storage methods

There are several methods for storing garlic. But you need to know that the container must be “breathable,” that is, allow air to pass through and not retain moisture. Now let’s take a closer look at how to store garlic so it doesn’t dry out, methods and items/ware:

  • glass jar with a nylon sock or gauze instead of a lid;
  • wicker basket or dish;
  • carton;
  • a plywood box with holes on the sides;
  • string bags (mesh bags);
  • in a bundle.

The latter method implies that even at the pruning stage after digging, you should leave tails about 20-25 cm long.

In this case, garlic can be braided and made into bundles using thick threads or ribbons. This method is suitable for hanging storage.

Where to store those living in a private house?

Those who live in a private house with a plot have many more options for where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter. You can easily store a large stock of crops. You can also find several different places at once:

  • cellar,
  • underground,
  • canopy,
  • barn,
  • barn,
  • terrace,
  • cool place in the living room,
  • on glassed balcony(if available).

You just need to make sure that there is no dampness, mold, large quantity dust.

Cellar or canopy

A long time ago, when the country had more villages than cities, our ancestors stored garlic in cellars or hallways. This is considered the most the best option taking into account the fact that winter is snowy, cold and with rare thaws. The peasants knew how to store garlic so that it did not dry out: they hung the bundles in a safe place or placed the heads in baskets and tubs.

It is worth noting that it is permissible to store both onions and garlic together if it is not possible to place them in separate containers.

In the ground in the garden

There is something more complex, but no less effective way where and how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter until the new harvest. And it involves burying the crop in the ground. Only pre-dried and prepared garlic should be wrapped in plastic and wrapped in unnecessary insulated material, such as an old coat. Then in the area you need to dig up the ground to such a depth that you can cover the top of the crop by 20-40 cm with earth. Do not forget to clearly and accurately mark the boundaries of the garlic burial so that you can easily find and not accidentally hit the good heads with a shovel.

But this method is more suitable if there is no more simple options. In addition, in our time it is impossible to predict what kind of winter it will be: warm and damp, or dry and cold.

Where to store it in the apartment?

You can also find a cool place to store garlic in your apartment. You just have to take into account that heating devices(or central heating) were far from the place where the garlic will be stored. In addition, if there are pets in the house, there may be insects, then the crop will need to be provided with more reliable storage.

Sometimes people wonder whether it makes sense to store garlic in the refrigerator or freezer. Answer: you can. But whole cloves can remain in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months. If you want to place the harvest in the freezer, it is recommended to first peel the garlic, pass the cloves through a press or meat grinder, then place them in bags or containers for freezing.

Fresh and whole garlic should not be placed in a plastic container with a lid, as it may suffocate and begin to spoil.


If the balcony or loggia is glazed and there is no heating in the room, then you can safely store the garlic either in boxes (boxes) or hang up bundles. You just need to avoid direct sunlight and warming. Windows should not face south.


If you have a prepared place for garlic, you can place the crop in a cramped room. But provided that all optimal conditions. If desired, you can hang an electronic weather station on the wall, which shows both the humidity and temperature in the cramped space of the pantry. This way you will understand how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter. It is especially useful to have this device if you do not yet have experience storing garlic in this place.

If the garlic has gone bad

It is advisable to control the storage process: from time to time (about every three to five weeks) check the condition of the crop. If the first signs of defects or disease appear on at least one clove, then the head should be removed and consumed as soon as possible (but only healthy parts of the plant).

Dear friends, you have learned how to store garlic so that it does not dry out in winter, what to do so that it does not spoil before next summer. If you follow the above recommendations, you can ensure that almost the entire stock will delight you and your family for three seasons in a row: autumn, winter and spring.

When the harvest is abundant, it is stocked up for future use. That's why it's so important to know how to store garlic for the winter. Housewives implement this at home. To prevent the crop from drying out, it is pre-treated. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

How to store garlic for the winter - collecting, trimming, sorting

You can't miss the most important stage– preparatory. Let's start with him.

1. Consider the collection period depending on what type of garlic we are talking about - summer or winter. The first one is dug up immediately after the leaves turn yellow (mid-to-late August). The second is when the shell begins to burst (late July).

2. During the harvesting process, use a shovel to dig and remove the soil from the garlic by hand. There is no need to hit the harvest on the ground, otherwise such garlic will not last long.

3. After collection, it is dried. Hang it together with the foliage where air circulates well. Drying time – from 3 to 5 days, no less.

4. It is very important to know how to trim garlic. To store for the winter, you must do this immediately after drying. The roots are removed with pointed pruning shears. Next, the crop is dried for another day.

5. Now all that remains is to sort out everything unnecessary: ​​cracked, damaged, hollow inside heads. Specimens with spots and unknown growths are excluded from the total mass. The choice should fall on large garlic, which will last longer.

Which garlic is better for storage - winter or summer?

How can you store garlic for the winter? various methods, at home you need to choose the ideal type of crop. To avoid drying out, follow these tips.

1. The summer variety lasts longer; it has more scales covering the lobules. They help retain moisture in the structure.

2. The winter species dries out within short term, often becomes moldy and rots. This feature is expressed if the humidity rises slightly or temperature fluctuations are noticed.

3. If you decide to store your winter crop (it has a false stem in the middle), eat it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will soon begin to sprout.

Garlic storage conditions

In order not to compromise its safety, provide the crop with the necessary conditions:


It is extremely important to keep the indicators within 60-80%.


For summer – 15-20 degrees. For winter – from -2 to +2 degrees.


It is unacceptable to leave garlic in a heavily ventilated place, otherwise it will dry out. It is better to place specimens in bags, open containers, boxes, etc.


Choose a dark place or avoid exposure to direct UV rays.

How and where to store garlic for the winter

Since you can store garlic for the winter with great success at home, so as not to dry out, we advise you to consider all the available variations.

Where to store garlic in winter?

No. 1. Storing garlic in the basement/cellar

Create all the conditions: treat the room, clean, fix the ventilation (if it doesn’t work). Select the appropriate option:

In a nylon stocking

Ideal and most easy method, allowing you to save the harvest for the winter. Place the prepared heads in a stocking and hang them on a thread or hook.

In braided braids

Arrange the heads and stems on the string so that they are fairly close to each other. Hang it in the same way as the previous method.

In a basket/box/box

Absolutely anything will do: from wicker baskets to cardboard or plywood boxes with sufficient air circulation. Place the boxes higher away from potatoes, beets, carrots and other vegetables.

No. 2. Storing garlic in the apartment

Consider nai best methods How to store garlic for the winter at home. The apartment is quite suitable. To prevent the crop from drying out, you need to choose a method:

In paraffin

Build a water bath and heat the paraffin. Take the garlic by the stem and lower it into the mixture. Wait for the excess to drain. When the film hardens, the garlic is placed in trays. Paraffin blocks moisture from escaping. The vegetable is not affected pests and damage accordingly.

In bags

Garlic is stored in winter in medium-sized fabric bags. In a city apartment, the vegetable will last quite a long time. Mix highly concentrated saline solution, soak the bags in it. Dry and place the harvest. Shelf life is 5-7 months.

In jars of salt

Wash and dry glass jars. Add a small layer of coarse salt. Then comes the garlic, you can leave the heads whole or divide them into slices.


We tell you how to store garlic for the winter by drying it. There will be no difficulties at home. The manipulations are intentional, so it will not be possible to prevent the crop from drying out.

Peel the garlic cloves and chop into slices. Place the plates on a baking sheet oven or in an electric dryer. Set it to 60 degrees on any device.

Dry until the slices are crisp. Pass them through a coffee grinder. You'll end up with garlic powder that makes a great seasoning. To preserve the spice, it is recommended to mix the powder with salt in a ratio of 3 to 1.

On the loggia

If there is an insulated loggia/balcony, storage of garlic is organized here. At home, place the heads prepared for the winter in trays and cover with an opaque rag. Remember about optimal temperature and humidity. Protect your crops from UV rays.

No. 3. Storing garlic in the refrigerator

Since you can store garlic for the winter in the refrigerator, consider popular methods at home. If you do everything correctly, you will ensure that the crop does not dry out. Because of high humidity The shelf life is 90 days.

In oil

Wash the container and sterilize it. Peel the garlic and pack tightly. Fill with any vegetable oil to the brim. Cover with nylon. In this form, the slices can last for 3 months. In the future aroma oil used for dressing salads.

In crushed form

Peel the wedges and puree them. Add salt and mix thoroughly. Place the mixture in dry jars and close tightly. This garlic retains its taste perfectly.


Wrap the garlic cloves in foil or plastic film. Place the workpiece in a bag and leave it to freeze. Use if necessary.

We looked at the best methods for storing garlic for the winter. All you have to do is choose the right one at home. Follow the recommendations to prevent the crop from drying out. The hostess will need the preparation at any time.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs