Why does pine turn yellow? Pine tree is turning yellow Pine tree is starting to turn yellow, what to do

Why do pine needles turn yellow?

Pine is planted to decorate the site. Green needles add variety to landscape design. But sometimes the pine turns yellow. In this case, think about the reasons for the change in the appearance of the tree. You need to take care of the health of the plant from the moment it is planted.

Features of planting pine

When choosing a coniferous seedling in a nursery, pay attention to the condition of the needles. Their rich color is an indicator of a healthy tree. The root system consists of a strong rhizome and many roots. For sale, they are wrapped in dampened cloth or fine mesh.

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Pine turns yellow if the tree has a disease

Following planting rules is the first step to healthy green needles. When planting a pine tree, provide the following conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • the distance between trees is at least 3 m;
  • prepared soil: loose, light, with the addition of a large amount of sand;
  • a healthy, solid root collar is located 10 cm above the ground;
  • mulching the root area after watering.

If these rules are followed, the tree quickly takes root in the soil.

Why do pine needles turn yellow?

Yellowing of needles on adult shoots of 3–4 years of age is a natural process. At the same time, they monitor the condition of the new branches - they preserve the greenery. The needles also turn yellow every fall season. If the process does not occur abundantly, there is no need to worry.

If the yellowing is total, even young shoots change color, the tree is sick. Causes of the disease:

  • incorrect landing. A common mistake is deepening the neck. Fix: Use your hands to push the soil away from the neck. After this, stop fertilizing: a large amount of fertilizer in the soil will aggravate the problem. Also disinfect the root area of ​​the soil using a biofungicide. This will help prevent or stop the development of fungal diseases of the root system;
  • pest attack. If the needles have turned a bright orange or red hue, check the tree trunk for harmful insects: bark beetles and pine beetles. Their presence will be indicated by resin stains on the outside of the bark. Also, evidence of pest damage will be holes across the entire surface of the bark. Near them is drilling flour. An agronomist will help you cope with the disease. It is impossible to remove pests on your own using chemicals;
  • unfavorable conditions. They are easy to fix. If there is no precipitation, water the pine tree. If moisture stagnates at the roots, ensure its drainage. Periodically feed the soil with fertilizers containing phosphorus and iron.

Less common is damage by fungi living in the soil. Carrying out preventive measures will protect against them. If mushrooms appear, treat the plant with several injections of the trunk - introducing medicinal substances into the stem part.

Unnatural yellowing of the needles indicates damage to the pine tree. Urgently identify and remove the cause, otherwise the tree will die.

More and more owners suburban areas coniferous trees are planted on them, incl. pine trees Believing that plants all year round must remain green, the owners of pine alleys become desperate when the needles lose color. They are interested in why pine trees turn yellow and what can be done to save the tree.

Pines belong to evergreens, therefore, gardeners believe that autumn yellowing and falling of needles cannot occur for natural reasons, but this opinion is erroneous. The green cover of a tree does not last forever and must be renewed regularly. The frequency of the process is from 3 to 5 years, but this does not mean that the needles will turn yellow and fall off once every 3 years. Dry needles will appear annually a few years after planting.

First of all, the needles on the lower branches near the trunk turn yellow. Over time, the dried needles fall off. Some discolored foliage should not be a cause for concern. Natural yellowing can affect up to 40-50% of pine needles, but it should not extend to young tree shoots and branch ends.

Signs of the normal course of the process are yellowness, evenly spread over the lower part of the pine, and annual renewal of foliage. A summer resident who has learned why pine needles turn yellow in the fall can only trim the branches freed from the cover as close to the trunk as possible. This contributes to more active development of the tree.

Why does pine turn yellow in summer?

Summer yellowing of pine needles is associated with climatic conditions, unsuitable for the normal life of the plant. IN summer period With the predominance of hot, dry days, pine suffers from lack of moisture and sunburn. Trees that have been recently planted do not tolerate heat well. Their branches do not yet receive nutrients from the roots, and the loss of moisture, not compensated by the supply of water from the soil, leads to the drying out of the needles. Mature trees can withstand dry periods relatively well.

Oversaturation of soil moisture near the root system leads to plant disease and yellowing of the needles. They prefer sandy loam and sandy soils with good drainage, and heavy clay soils southern regions contribute little to the development of trees. The condition of plants is negatively affected by lack of nutrients: the soil under the tree quickly becomes poor, so it needs regular feeding. The yellowness of pine needles signals a lack of phosphorus and iron.

Why do the needles turn red?

If the foliage has acquired a rust color, this indicates a tree disease caused by a fungal infection. The group of pathologies of this type is united under common name- Schutte. Young plants are more affected by the disease, but shutte can also be dangerous for mature trees. A sign of the disease is the rapid reddening and death of needles after the snow melts. This may happen within 1 week.

Black lines and spots appear on needles affected by common schute. Mature trees react to pathology a month after the snow melts by reddening and dying of the lower part of the needles. If you examine the needles that have fallen from a diseased pine tree at the end of summer, you will see black lumpy spots and transverse streaks on them.

The causative agent of snow shutte is activated in winter time. Symptoms of plant disease can be seen when the snow settles. Pine branches with orange needles are covered as if with frost. The grayish coating is easily destroyed, but browned, fungus-damaged needles acquire the same shade and fragility by autumn.

A pine tree affected by brown schutte does not shed its diseased needles for a long time. A coating on browning foliage entangled with fungus becomes visible immediately after the snow cover melts.

Unnatural browning of foliage can be caused by the activity of the pine beetle. There are the following signs of damage:

  • streaks of resin on the trunk and branches;
  • powdery sawdust of a brownish or light shade that appears on the wood or under the trunk (drill flour).

Natural causes

The natural causes of yellowing of pine needles include not only the biological development cycles of the tree. Its condition is affected by:

The course of evolution is expressed in the dynamic balance of organisms, so pine trees, as part of the ecosystem, cope with natural threats. A summer resident planting a tree on the site or in front of it must take into account that the plant may find itself in an unusual environment, and the healthy growth of the pine tree depends on the care provided to it.

What to do if the needles turn yellow?

The cause of yellowing of pine needles can be not only inadequate care of the plant, but also inappropriate procedures. Excessive use of chemicals on wood can cause chemical burns to wood tissue. You should not fertilize the soil under the pine tree in the fall. Best time for the use of fertilizers - spring. Phosphorus fertilizers applied during the growing season every 2-3 weeks. Compost and biofertilizers are useful for pine, but their excess in the soil is harmful to the tree.

Summer residents often make mistakes when planting a plant, choosing the wrong place for the seedling, incorrectly immersing it in the soil, or choosing the wrong soil. It is better not to plant pine in lowlands where water drainage is difficult. Frequent arrangement of seedlings is unacceptable, because the tree loves light. Pine trees are planted no closer than 3 m from each other.

When growing pine in areas with heavy soil, you need to ensure good drainage. IN clay soil sand should be added because... pine loves loose soil. Planting a seedling shallowly in unenriched soil and immersing the root collar in the ground will lead to yellowing of the needles. The tree does not need to be planted near roads. Car exhaust inhibits plant growth.

Periodic treatment of the tree with fungicides and spring spraying will help prevent the development of fungus. Bordeaux mixture. Other copper-containing preparations can be used to treat wood. Useful for fighting fungal diseases scattered under pine trees wood ash or crushed peat. This can also be done to accelerate the melting of snow cover, which is an optimal environment for the life of certain types of fungus.

If you suspect a tree disease, you need to call a tree pathologist. He will accurately determine the cause of yellowing of the needles and apply the most effective drugs to eliminate this phenomenon.

Many people have known since childhood that pine is an evergreen plant. Many people don’t know why pines turn yellow, but this fact does exist. First of all, you need to pay attention to the correct planting of the seedling.

When purchasing a plant for planting, be sure to look at the color intensity of the needles. It is also worth paying attention to the roots, which should have many small shoots, in addition, they must be wrapped.

For landing coniferous species It is better to choose an open area, and if you plan to plant an alley, then you need to retreat at least three meters between the trees.

The answer to the question of why pine needles turn yellow and dry may lie in wrong choice soil composition. Basically, this representative of the flora loves fairly poor soil with a high sand content, but at the same time it should be quite light and loose.

When planting plants, be careful not to damage them. root collar. To prevent the soil from drying out prematurely under the tree, it must be covered with mulch. This will also prevent the growth of weeds and neutralize temperature changes.

Autumn yellowing of needles

Despite the fact that the basic subtleties when planting are observed, many are interested in why pine turns yellow in the fall. What to do in this case? If the percentage of yellowed needles is small, then there is no need to panic. It’s just that the needles live on average 3-5 years and are gradually replaced by new ones. This process primarily occurs on those branches that are located in the lower part, closer to the trunk.

Don't panic if your pine tree is less than half yellowed. This is considered normal if the young branches continue to remain green. It is better to cut dry branches closer to the trunk.

Yellowing of needles in summer

Why do pine trees turn yellow in the summer? For many this remains a mystery. However, one thing is clear: this is already a cause for alarm, and some measures need to be taken. One of the reasons for this behavior may be insufficient watering. This especially applies to young plants. It is best to water them in the morning, and in the fall this is done much more often, because the tree needs to prepare for the winter.

Pine is considered a drought-resistant plant only in mature age, when its root system is already sufficiently developed and is located deep in the soil. If the roots are weak and there is little moisture, you may torment yourself for a long time with the question “why do young pines turn yellow” and not find the correct answer to it. At first, you can spray the plant with a growth stimulator, which will help it maintain a healthy appearance.

Why do the needles turn red?

Why do pine needles turn yellow and dry out and should I worry about it? Most likely it's worth it. After all, this may be one of the symptoms of plant damage by pests (for example, bark beetles or pine beetles). In this case, in addition to the question of why the needles turn yellow and dry, you should also be wary of why resin stains or drill flour appear on the tree. If all these signs are present, then you should use some kind of insecticide.

Causes of pine turning yellow and what to do

New troubles

The pine tree in the area has turned yellow:

  • Even on young branches, the needles have become orange with a reddish tint, and the branches are covered with yellowness from the very top; in general, almost half of the crown has taken on a brown color.
  • A diseased tree “cries”: it secretes resin.

An alarming feeling arises in a gardener who notices that the tree, despite all the measures, is drying out. It may die. What to do? First you need to understand what is happening to the tree. Looking closely at the trunk of a pine tree, you can see small holes in which pests - bark beetles and pine beetles - are hiding. They make moves, moving inside the branches, and wear down the wood fibers to such an extent that they turn them into “flour”, but only brown in color. Having noticed bark beetles in time, the pine tree can be saved by using insecticides. If a significant outbreak is found on a tree, then you need to invite a professional forester who fights pests with drugs that cannot be found in free trade.

Pine leaf fall. What is the reason?

Being left alone with a pine disease is a little scary, so the owners post letters of doubt in social networks. The most common question: “What reasons may be hidden in the wilting of pine trees? What to do if the pine tree turns yellow? Experts who have been growing pine trees for many years respond to these letters and give two good reasons:

  • Usually the tree is planted with a clod of earth. While the sun warms the branches of the pine tree, its roots are dormant and do not absorb moisture, and therefore the tree suffers. Speaking in the language of experts, the evaporation of moisture by the crown exceeds the supply. It should be noted that the specimen also suffers from a lack of nutrients.
  • The second reason is related to the presence of pine tree microflora - fungi that can interfere with the growth process.

  • Schutte's disease

    Planting a coniferous tree is not difficult, it is much more difficult to learn to understand coniferous diseases, but the symptoms of Schutte rust are easy to remember:

    • The appearance of red or brown needles is already alarming;
    • If the needles fall off when you touch the branch, these are the first symptoms of the disease;
    • appeared on the trunk brown spots- the disease progresses. This is also indicated by the changed appearance of the tree.

    Fallen needles contribute to the spread of the disease; by the way, even a few affected needles can contribute to the development of the disease, so in the fall and spring the area with coniferous trees needs preventive measures. In winter, an experienced owner scatters peat chips or ash directly over the snow, since the fungus lives and multiplies even under the snow cover. This reduces the risk of catching Schutte in the spring.

    Growing coniferous trees is an exciting activity. Even one pine tree can transform summer cottage plot to the Garden of Eden.


    Lyudmila Shcherbakova,
    Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, specialist in the conservation and protection of garden and park plants

    The source of pests and diseases of conifers is in nearby forests and parks, as well as in imported soil and the planting material. A weakened tree is an excellent bait for numerous pests and pathogens. The first ones quickly find the “weakling” by a specific smell and pounce on him to gnaw on pine needles or penetrate into the wood. Pathogens, causing diseases, fall on the plant with the help of wind, rain, birds, insects and humans.

    Most sucking pests in the North-West are insects: coccids (scale insects, false scale insects, scale insects), aphids, leafhoppers, bedbugs. In addition, this group includes spider mites and gall mites. All of them feed on plant juices, thereby inhibiting them and sometimes leading to death.

    • On the needles of Scots or mountain pine there sit in rows of oblong-ovate, heavily hairy, grayish insects - PINE APHIDS. It sucks out the juices, causing the needles to dry out and fall off. The eggs overwinter on the lower surface of the needles.

    Control measures. You can fight aphids by washing them off with a strong stream. clean water. Soapy water helps: the ends of the shoots with aphids are rinsed in a bucket of water, but before that you need to cover the soil so that the soapy mass is in large quantities didn't get on the roots. The procedure must be repeated more than once with an interval of 6–10 days. Spraying with insecticides is carried out in the spring.

    • The needles shorten and become lighter. Under the white fluff there are aphids about 1 mm long, dark red. Often there are rusty yellow eggs nearby. These are sucking insects HERMES. After them, sooty fungi settle on sticky sugary smudges, spoiling appearance tree. Deformed shoots and needles are more likely to become infected with fungal infections.

    Control measures. Insecticide aerosols do not penetrate through fluff, so it is best to act on Hermes through the sap of the plant systemic insecticides.

    • The needles turn yellow and curl. Small insects with white fibrous shields on their backs appeared on the branches, protecting them from predators. These are relatives of aphids - CONIFEROUS BUGS. In dry years they multiply in such numbers that the branches appear to be covered with frost. These pests can also be found on fir and spruce trees. Like all other sucking insects, mealybugs are the main carriers of viruses.

    Control measures. Spraying with tobacco infusion three times at weekly intervals. In case of severe damage, you should resort to “systemic” insecticides; they penetrate the sap of the treated plant and temporarily make it poisonous to pests.

    • The needles dry out and fall off. Branches often fall and plants die. Females and larvae of the PINE SCALE insect feed on the sap on the needles and shoots. Scale insects are difficult to eradicate pests, since the females develop under the shield and are also hidden under the needles.

    Control measures. Put hunting belts made of burlap and straw on the trunks. In the first stages, when scale insect colonies are small, you can simply clean the scales from the trunks with a toothbrush or a blunt knife. If there are a lot of pests, spray with insecticidal preparations before the buds open.

    • The needles along the periphery of the crowns turn yellow and dry out. the bark is cracking, the pines are withering - the PINE BUG is an insidious pest of young pines growing on poor sandy soils. Both adult bedbugs and their larvae are harmful. Early in the spring, when there is still snow around, flat, small, wingless bugs emerge from their wintering grounds. tree trunk circles and climb up the trunks. Having reached areas with lamellar bark, they climb under the plates and suck juices all summer and autumn. With the onset of cold weather, adult bedbugs and larvae go back to wintering. One generation of the pest develops over 2 years.

    Control measures. Adhesive belts. Treatment of plantings in autumn and early spring with insecticides during the migration of bugs along the trunk. Attract the natural enemies of bedbugs into the garden: these are ichneumon beetles, red ants, nuthatches, pikas, and lesser spotted woodpeckers.

    • The branches of young pines become covered with sticky cobwebs, and the needles subsequently die and fall off. SPIDER MITES spread in dry, hot weather.

    Control measures. Preventatively spray plants cold water to increase humidity. Pruning damaged shoots. Spraying with infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants. Treat needles with preparations containing colloidal sulfur. If the affected area occupies a significant area, then use acaricides.

    • In the crowns of pine trees from a distance you can see yellow spots; up close you can see that the needles are bitten off from the sides, curled and turned yellow. This is the RED PINE SAWFLIGHT. It enters the gardens from the surrounding forests. Dirty green larvae with black flat heads stay in groups and, at the slightest danger, make frightening, sharp movements with the front part of their body. The larvae destroy only old needles, so complete denudation of the crowns does not occur; they look openwork, since the ends of the shoots remain covered.

    Control measures. Dig up tree trunk circles. Destroy nests and larvae when the pest population is low. Spraying with infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants. Spraying with insecticidal preparations.

    • On large pine tracts, all the needles are eaten by caterpillars of the PINE SILKWORTH in a short time. This is one of the most serious pests of pure pine plantations, capable of causing their death in large areas. If there is a pine forest near your site, the pest may spread to your pine trees. Most often it affects Scots pine, which is its main food species. Very rare on other conifers.

    Control measures. Spraying with insecticidal preparations.

    • The buds are nibbled, the shoots are bent, and panicles of needles with resin form at the ends of the shoots - PINE SHOOTER. small butterfly. Caterpillars are harmful. nibbling the buds.

    Control measures. If there is little damage, the affected buds and shoots are removed from the tree and burned. In case of mass destruction, at the end of April they are sprayed with insecticidal preparations.

    • The needles and buds are eaten by numerous PINE MOTH caterpillars and butterflies. which lays eggs in rows on old needles. It is a pest of Scots pine and sometimes damages spruce and cedar. At the end of June, the caterpillars appear and feed in the crowns until the end of September or October. At the same time, the pine tree is in danger of drying out. They pupate in the soil.

    Control measures. Digging up tree trunk circles in late autumn to destroy pupae. Spraying against young caterpillars with insecticidal and biological products.

    • May shoots and buds, young needles are gnawed, which leads to plantings drying out, especially during drought. PINE SCOOP. despite the short period of stay in the caterpillar stage. is a serious pest of pine plantations. Plantations damaged by armyworms are infested with stem pests, accelerating their death.

    Control measures. Food baits with fermentation additives. These baits are good because they work all summer long. Digging or loosening destroys brown pupae. Treatment of plantings with insecticidal and biological products during bud break.

    • The needles are braided with a web and due to this they stay on the tree. When there are gusts of wind, the needles fly away and the crown is exposed. Tiny caterpillars mine needles. doing round holes at the base of the needles. PINE MINING MOTH harms pine trees. It can be difficult to diagnose unless you touch the needles with your hands.

    Control measures. Affected shoots must be treated with the solution several times. liquid soap or delete. Dry needles can be combed out with a small fan rake, polyethylene or other material laid under the tree, and the collected needles can be burned. If the pest is widespread, use systemic pesticides that penetrate the plant tissue and are transported through vessels throughout the plant.


    • In June-July, butterfly flights usually occur in the evenings. This is a CONE FIRE. whose caterpillars gnaw cones and eat seeds. A brownish mass of excrement hangs on the surface of the cones, with resin deposits in places. The cone moth inhabits the cones of Korean cedar pine, common, oriental and Siberian spruce, Caucasian fir, Siberian larch. This is one of the main pests of coniferous seeds.

    Control measures. Treatment with systemic insecticides during the emergence of caterpillars.

    • In May-June the flight of beetles occurs. Tin cone beetle is a weevil that develops in pine cones. Initially, the beetles feed on annual cones, gnawing the pulp of their scales. By pricking the proboscis, they cause the oleoresin to flow out, then the females lay several eggs in the cone. Within a month, the larvae severely destroy the inside of the cones and pupate here. With massive damage to the cones, the seed yield is reduced by more than half. In lean years, the gumweed can lay eggs on the May shoots of young pines. In this case, the larvae develop inside the shoots and cause them to dry out.

    Control measures. If the tree is small, then at night you can illuminate it with a flashlight, shake it and collect all the bugs on the spread bedding.


    In most cases, bark beetles live under the bark, making passages that touch the bast and sapwood; wood bark beetles make passages in the wood. The flight of different species of bark beetles occurs from April to June. It is extremely rare that a tree infested with bark beetles can be saved, and if the beetles have infested it along the entire circumference of the trunk, then the only measure is to urgently destroy the tree before the young generation of beetles emerges from under the bark. In areas where trees grow, there should be no unbarked logs or boards with bark residue. It is on them that pests settle, and then move on to living trees. Fighting the bark beetle using pheromone traps on garden plot cannot be carried out, as traps will attract beetles from all surrounding forest plantations.

    • A resin crater forms on the trunk. If you carefully remove it, you can see the entrance hole into the barrel. Young shoots lie under the tree canopies. Inside, such shoots are empty, and sometimes there is a beetle itself, which eats away the core of the shoot. There are beetles crawling in the lower part of the trunk, there is boring flour on the trunk and under the tree; constantly brightening, and later yellowing and falling needles, matte color bark (compared to the glossy bark of healthy pine trees). These are LARGE and SMALL PINE BEATER. They inhabit pine trees in the lower and middle parts of the trunk. They are called gardeners or shearers - they seem to trim the crowns. Having weakened the tree, pine beetles colonize it. If you have old pine trees growing on your site, carefully monitor their condition.
    • Beetles crawl along the trunk, they distinctive feature- an elongated body and a mustache characteristic of these insects, which can extend over the back. The PINE BIGGER penetrates the tree trunk and makes numerous moves there. When laying eggs, longhorned beetles leave characteristic marks on the bark, as if they had pressed the bark with a fingernail. Usually the barbel comes to us from nurseries along with infected planting material.
    • The beetles are dark blue with a metallic sheen, body length up to 13 mm. Sometimes you can see larvae; they are white, with a brown head, flat, legless, up to 25 mm long. This is PINE BORYTH. The larvae gnaw into the bark and make winding passages underneath it filled with brown excrement. It overwinters in the larval stage under the bark or in wood. As a result, the bark dies. If the damage is severe, the trees die.
    • In the spring, a lot of beetles rush to young pine trees. Gnawing out sections of bark on young shoots, they can completely destroy young trees. This is a WEevil or PINE ELEPHANT - reaches a length of 10-12 mm, brown with an unclear light pattern of yellowish scales, forming two transverse stripes on the elytra.
    • There are small holes on pine trunks through which resin is released. This is a dotted tarin - while feeding, the beetle plunges its proboscis into the deep layers of the bark. The larvae of gum moths, unlike the larvae of the great pine elephant, develop, although on weak, but quite viable trees, leading to their death. They gnaw out expanding passages in the bark, ending in a chamber where the larva pupates.

    Control measures. It is necessary to protect all fresh plantings of pine trees from bark beetles and pine beetles for the first two to three years, since when they are already under the bark, the tree can be saved in rare cases. To kill hibernating beetles, treat the lower part of the trunks and the litter around the tree with insecticides. During the period when beetles emerge (June - July), the tree crowns are sprayed with contact insecticides. If you find borer, use a knife to remove the bark where it appears and scrape off the white larvae that eat the cambium.

    Pines, like all conifers, suffer more from non-communicable diseases caused by unfavorable conditions environment, and gardeners’ mistakes when planting and caring.

    • Landing with strong DEEPening.
    • Yellowing of needles, in most cases, the cause is a lack of nutrients.
    • SEVERE FROSTS can damage young plantings.
    • The heavy mass of SNOW leads to branches breaking.

    Pines have a certain immunity to infectious diseases, although under some conditions they suffer from them quite severely. However, disease resistance increases as the plant matures. And, conversely, it decreases when the tree ages or is exposed to unfavorable environmental factors (for example, construction). Common pine diseases are caused by fungi. Fungal diseases are provoked by dense planting, lack of light and excess moisture in the air and soil.

    • Orange bubbles appear on the needles at the bottom of the crown. filled with controversy. This is RUST. Some forms of rust fungi have complex development cycles that take place over two different plants. For example, blackcurrant and gooseberry rust develops on Siberian cedar and Weymouth pine.

    Control measures. Currants and gooseberries, which are intermediate hosts, should not grow nearby. If in previous years symptoms of rust were observed, then it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of the crown, especially when excess humidity. For this purpose, copper-containing preparations are used.

    • Golden-yellow oblong swellings appear on the needles and young shoots. The shoot bends, taking shape English letter S. Sores appear on it, they are covered with resin. PINE ROCK is a pine disease caused by a rust fungus. Young pines become infected. The fungus overwinters in the bark of a tree and develops on the leaves of poplar and aspen.

    Control measures. The use of immunostimulants and microfertilizers, cleaning and burning of fallen leaves helps. Spraying with systemic fungicides or injections into the tree trunk.

    • On the branches and trunks of cedar pine and especially often on the village. Weymouth's bark cracks and orange-yellow bubbles appear from the cracks. filled with controversy. After sporulation, necrotic wounds with profuse tarting remain. This is a chronic disease RUST CANCER (resin cancer), which most often leads to the death of a tree, especially if the trunks are damaged.

    Control measures. In some cases, at the initial stage of the disease, treatment gives a positive result. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the wound down to healthy tissue and treat it with a strong (3–5%) solution copper sulfate and apply protective composition. Infected branches are pruned and the sections are disinfected.

    • The apical bud on pine shoots dies, the dead needles hang, a significant part of the shoot is damaged, and subsequently the disease covers the entire branch. This is SCLERODERRIOSIS, or “umbrella disease”. Often found on cedar, Weymouth and mountain pine trees. During wet seasons, especially during a long, warm autumn, the disease can progress quickly if you do not monitor the condition of the crown and do not prune it on time.

    Control measures. It is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning of dead shoots to a living bud and repeat it throughout the season.

    • On young plants (up to 8 years of age), immediately after the snow melts, the needles acquire red-brown coloring Black dots form on the affected needles - sporulation of the fungus. This is SCHUTTE. fungal disease. Early spring appeared on the needles white coating- SNOW SCHUTTE. Amazes different types pine, spruce, juniper, fir, larch. At mass destruction death of seedlings and saplings is possible.

    Control measures. Cleaning up fallen needles - a source of infection. Spraying seedlings copper-containing drugs and fungicides at least twice - in May and in the second half of summer.

    • Dying of bark, branches, yellowing and drying of bark. Fungal rashes form in groups on dead shoots. This is pine bark necrosis. The disease develops, as a rule, against the background of weakening by droughts, frosts, damage by animals, etc. Infection occurs in late summer - early autumn, and the first symptoms appear in the spring.

    Control measures. Compliance with agricultural technology. Spraying seedlings with copper-containing preparations and systemic fungicides at least twice - in May and in the second half of summer. Before spraying, remove the mushrooms with a swab soaked in fungicide. Sanitary pruning dead shoots to a living bud throughout the season. Fungicide treatments are needed 3 times per season - in spring, early summer and autumn.

    More information

    I am often asked why the needles of pine and other coniferous plants in the garden turn yellow in early spring and mid-summer. There may be several reasons. Of course, it is worth considering each case separately. But there is also general recommendations, which will help in case of minor ailments of conifers. And if, after trying these methods, there is no result, you will have to use more complex treatment regimens and, preferably, after consultation with a specialist.

    Why do the needles of pine and coniferous plants turn yellow?

    Here are the most common causes of the disease:

    • In summer, this is most often a lack of moisture or diseases and pests.
    • And in the spring there may be costs late landing, or sunburn.

    Algorithm for treating coniferous trees in case of yellowing of needles

    1. Use pruning shears to cut out any branches that are severely damaged, but before doing this, make sure that the branches are completely dry. Some conifers, For example?? thujas may sprout new shoots on yellowed branches.
    2. Wear gloves and try to remove yellowed needles from the middle of the tree.
    3. Treat the crown (spraying through a sprayer) with all specimens that you think need help with the drug “NV-101”.
    4. Spray with the same preparation "NV-101" root system tree.
    5. After 7 days, water the root system with Kornevin at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter of water.
    6. If necessary, repeat treatment of coniferous trees at intervals of 1-2 weeks until the plant is completely restored.



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