How to make a walnut bear fruit. Why do walnuts bear fruit poorly. Why the nut does not bear fruit

Botanical name: Walnut (Juglans regia). Representative of the genus Nut, Nut family.

Origin of walnut: Central Asia, Caucasus.

Lighting: light-loving, shade-tolerant.

The soil: fertile, well drained.

Watering: moderate.

Maximum tree height: 30 m

average life expectancy: 1000 years.

Landing: seeds, vegetatively.

What a walnut looks like: photo of a tree and its fruits

Walnut is a tall tree, reaching up to 30 m in height. It has a wide, spreading crown with numerous branches extending at a right angle. The root system is powerful, spreads within a radius of about 20 m. At the age of 80, the main root reaches a depth of 5-7 m, lateral roots - 12 m. The root system does not form shoots, but after the death of its aerial part, offspring appear from the root collar. The tree trunk is straight, up to 2 m in diameter. The bark is light gray, fissured.

The leaves are compound, alternate, pinnate, entire, sometimes serrated in the upper part, consist of 5-9 oblong-ovate leaves. The length of the leaf plate can reach 4-7 cm. The leaves have a strong specific smell.

The flowers are small, green. Males in thick multi-flowered catkins, collected in leaf axils. Female single or collected in 2-3 pieces, formed on the tops of annual branches. Flowering occurs in late April - early May, at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Lasts 15 days. The flowers are pollinated by wind or pollen from neighboring trees.

see how it blooms Walnut you can in the photo, which proves that the tree during this period looks very impressive. The fruits are false drupes containing one four-lobed seed covered with a thin film. The peel is thick, hard, finely wrinkled, smooth, sometimes tuberculate. Shell thickness - 0.5 - 1.5 mm. Thick shell nuts have a shell thickness of 2.2 mm. When fully ripe, the shell bursts and is divided into two parts. The fruits ripen in late August - early September. Their weight and size depend on the variety and place of growth. They can be small, weighing up to 8 g, medium, weighing 9-10 g, or large, weighing more than 12 g. The shape of the nuts is round, oval, ovoid or obovate.

The plant begins to bear fruit 8-12 years after planting. The richest harvests bring 50 - 60 year old trees. From one individual, you can get from 10 to 300 kg of fruits per year (depending on age and growing conditions). So, from a 9-year-old plant, on average, 5 kg of fruits are obtained per year, from 20 - 100 kg, from 30 - 150 kg, from 40 - 200 kg, 50 - 250 kg. Especially large crops are taken from trees standing alone.

The walnut is long-lived. Grown on garden plot, able to live up to 200-500 years. AT wild nature up to 1000 years or more.

When describing a walnut, it is impossible not to mention that this plant has a high shoot-recovery ability, quickly recovers after pruning or freezing in severe frosts.

In the photo presented in our gallery, all characteristics walnut.

Where is it grown and how does a walnut bloom (with photo)

The birthplace of the tree is Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran, where, according to the historical version, this culture was known 8000 years ago. It grows wild on the northern, western and eastern mountain slopes, in gorges, along river valleys. Settles at an altitude of 1500-2000 m above sea level. It grows singly or in small groups, occasionally forming groves.

To date, walnuts are grown in China, India, Japan, Greece, Asia Minor and Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Western Europe, Ukraine and other countries with a warm climate. In Russia, it is cultivated in the south of the European part, for example, in the Kuban, in Stavropol, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov region. For northern regions cold-resistant varieties have been bred, however severe frosts the plant does not survive. The walnut is cultivated in the form of single trees and large plantings. Its main producers: USA, China, Turkey, Moldova.

The tree is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. During seed propagation, all the qualitative features of the variety are preserved. Seeds of last year's collection have the highest germination. Two- and three-year fees are characterized by reduced germination.

You can learn more about walnuts by watching the following video:

The fruits of this tree are a valuable food product with high palatability. They are superior in nutritional value to meat. The core contains fats (60-70%), proteins (9-15%), carbohydrates (5-15%). In addition, they include glucose, sucrose, starch, tannins, vitamins, minerals, pectins, fiber. The content of tannins gives the walnut a tart, slightly astringent taste.

The kernels are eaten mostly raw. Processing is not required. Widely used in the confectionery industry in the manufacture of cakes, halvah, pastries and other products.

Oil is obtained from walnut kernels, which is used for food and technical purposes.

The cake is fed to livestock.

The wood is easy to process, polishes well, has beautiful drawing, therefore, is a valuable raw material for the production of furniture and finishing plywood.

A black dye is obtained from the shell of the fetus, which is used for staining fabrics.

Many gardeners know firsthand how a walnut blooms, because they grow this crop in decorative purposes. During flowering and fruiting, the tree looks very unusual and attractive. In addition, the plant is planted along roads, in parks and squares for landscaping cities. Thanks to a powerful root system, it is also used to strengthen ravines.

When buying this product, you should know what a quality edible walnut looks like. It is better to choose large fruits with a thin shell, or give preference to fruits with an elongated oval shape, since the rounded shells are thicker, therefore, their core is smaller. The shell should not be cracked, damaged or scratched. Good kernels are dense and elastic, with a golden hue, covered with a thin film. As a rule, light-weight fruits are empty.

After harvesting, the nuts are dried in the sun or in a ventilated area for 2-3 days, turning daily. Dry fruits are placed in wooden boxes or cloth bags and stored in a dry, dark place where they will be stored for about 6 months.

Previously, this plant was called the "tree of life", since it has been used for recuperation and healing since ancient times.

Hippocrates, in his writings, when describing the walnut tree, said that it can be used to treat diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, and to activate the brain.

In ancient times, the tree symbolized wealth or prosperity, as it brought abundant harvests. Among the Greeks, it was customary to give its fruits for the holidays. In Rus', walnuts were grown at monasteries and used in medicinal purposes. For this, all its parts were used: bark, leaves, fruits, branches.

In the Caucasus and Moldova, a long tradition has been preserved, after the birth of a child, to plant this culture as a dowry.

The walnut tree can be seen in the photo below:

Why the walnut does not bear fruit

Walnut is not a very capricious plant. But it may happen that it ceases to please with its fruits. This may be due to several factors that have influenced this.

Average age walnut- 400 years. Therefore, you should not count on the fact that a high yield will be in the first year after planting. In the first 3-10 years, no more than 5-10 fruits can be harvested per season. At the age of 15, there is already a bucket or even two, at 20 - a bag. The main fruiting of the walnut falls on the age of 50 to 100 years. You should take this into account and remember that the peak of fruiting will fall on the life of your grateful descendants.

If nut is at a favorable age for fruiting, but was not lucky enough to harvest, the reasons for the lack of harvest should be established.

Reason #1

thickening. If the tree bears fruit, but is very reluctant, then it is quite possible that its crown is thickened. A feature of this reason is that many short and rare shoots appear on the plant.

How to act? The first step is to save the tree with a pruner. Remove unnecessary unpromising branches and shoots. Free the crown and make sure that it is well ventilated.

The walnut crown should be well ventilated

Then you need to dig in with a pitchfork, and add about 4 buckets of humus to the soil. In order for the tree to feel confident, to develop well and actively, it must be mulched. Watering should be done regularly in the amount of 10-15 buckets per tree in the absence of rain.

Reason #2

The tree is "fat". Usually such a term is used when the plant gives a useful increase, but does not bloom, and the result of this is the lack of a crop.

How to act? Take immediate action and stop all kinds of top dressing. If this does not help, proceed to more drastic measures - pruning roots. To do this, you need to dig the plant at a distance of about 1.5 m from the trunk. The depth and width should not exceed 20-25 cm. After that, it is necessary to cut down all large roots and leave only small ones, bury and trample the soil.

Reason #3

The tree blooms, but does not form an ovary. When such a problem arises, gardeners usually resort to artificial pollination.

How to act? It is necessary to take a branch on which the pollen has already ripened, then shake it over a barren tree. You can also collect pollen yourself from trees that bloom at the same time as walnut. Put earrings and anthers on paper in a thin layer and leave at room temperature for a day. During this time, they will ripen and it will be possible to shift the pollen into a thin nylon stocking or gauze bag. Then spray over the nut.

Pollen can be prepared in advance. It can be stored up to 30 days.

There is another way to deal with such an ailment - graft. Need in the crown of the barren walnut inoculate with a cutting or eye. You can take it on a tree that blooms at the same time.

Walnut is a non-capricious plant, and with proper care can receive good harvest. The main thing is patience and a little attention.

How does a walnut bloom?

  • Walnut

Nuts are widely used in various industries. They are used in food, cosmetic, confectionery, pharmaceutical industry. Nuts contain a lot of nutrients. They are a source of vitamins, proteins, fats. Nuts are very high in calories. About 700 kilocalories are contained in 100 grams of walnut kernels. But you should not be afraid of such a figure, it is important not to overeat. A healthy person can consume 5-7 nuts per day and not be afraid to gain extra fat folds. It is very important for people in the postoperative period to consume nuts, as they energize and give a boost of vigor. Walnut improves memory and vision, so do not forget to include nuts in your diet.

If you want to see with your own eyes how a walnut blooms, then you need to plant a tree on your suburban area. It is best to buy or order a ready-made seedling. The probability of germinating a nut bought in a store is small. If the tree is accepted and grows, it is not a fact that it will bear fruit. Before landing, you need to carefully approach the choice of a place. The tree will get bigger and bigger over the years, it will need space. Think about how to collect nuts from such tall tree until it follows, the harvest will be only after 7 years. You need to take care of the presence of light throughout the day. If it was decided to plant a seedling, then you will need to dig a hole about half a meter deep. Place the seedling carefully in the hole, sprinkle with earth and humus on top, water. To increase productivity, it is necessary to plant several trees nearby so that male and female flowers pollinated.

The tree is also capable of self-pollination, only the female flowers appear 10 days later. Flowering occurs late, begins at the end of May and ends at the end of July. How to plant a walnut from scratch without using ready-made seedlings? It is necessary to place the nut in the ground at a depth of 10 cm, water well, cover with a cloth (protection from squirrels). The distance between planted nuts should be at least 10 meters. The tree does not require special care. You just need to water, tear the weeds around. The first 6 years will require covering the tree with burlap for the winter and insulating the soil around. An adult tree will already have a powerful root system, the root will be located at a sufficient depth so as not to be afraid of frost. Many gardeners would like to learn how to grow a walnut. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

The walnut is finicky, not every climate will appeal to him. But it is quite possible to replace it with another nut - Manchurian. How to plant a Manchurian nut is probably known to the inhabitants of the northern latitudes. They prefer to grow not walnuts and not peanuts, but Manchurian, because it is winter-hardy. He has a very thick shell, it happens that the first time it is not possible to split. Compared to walnuts, the core of the Manchurian walnut is much smaller. Having learned all the subtleties of how to plant a walnut, you can count on a rich harvest in a few years. It is worth taking care of the storage of nuts. This can be done in freezer so they retain their antioxidant properties. In the refrigerator, the shelf life increases to six months, at room temperature you can store a couple of weeks, and in the freezer - up to 2 years.

How does a walnut bloom?

At the moment, there is probably not a single person who has never heard about the benefits walnuts and the vitamins and minerals they contain. At the same time, many even engage in independent cultivation of these wonderful trees. Someone plants several walnut trees in their area for personal purposes, eating the resulting fruits for food. Others rent or buy hectares of land, building a whole business on the sale of nuts. At the same time, not only nut kernels are used, but also membranes, leaves and even shells. They are used in cosmetology and medical purposes. Speaking about the cultivation and propagation of walnut trees, one cannot fail to mention how the walnut blooms.

Often on the network you can find a request like “How a photo walnut blooms”, because. not many people were lucky enough to see this phenomenon live. Flowering is not like other crops in the garden, for example, an apple tree. This is explained by the fact that on apple trees in each of the flowers there are two types of organs: male (finger bags with stamens) and female (pistils with columns, stigmas and ovary).

If you look at a photo of the flowering of a walnut, you can see that its pistils and stamens are located separately. Flowers with stamens are collected in the form of earrings, and pistillate flowers are located on annual branches (at the tips). In this case, both group and separate options for the location of the latter are possible. Pollination occurs due to the wind, which carries pollen to flowers from other walnut trees. This is explained by the fact that depending on the variety, the time during which the pistils and stamens ripen can be different.

This factor also affects the fruitfulness of the walnut tree. It has a rather late flowering, so when a walnut blooms (it blooms from late May to early July, it depends on the region), its ovaries and flowers are practically not afraid of frost damage.

If you look at the photo of how a walnut grows, you can notice a fairly rapid growth. With proper planting, the fruits can be harvested in four years. Of course, there are also varieties that give the first harvest in the second year of their existence, for example, the Ideal variety. It is propagated only by seeds. Already in the first year, the tree grows up to a meter in height, and the maximum growth is about five meters.

When planting nuts on the site, make sure that the tree is not located too close to the buildings. The fact is that the nuts have quite powerful roots, which not only penetrate deep down, but also grow to the sides, which, if the landing site is chosen incorrectly, can lead to the destruction of the foundation.

In this case, landing at a moderate distance from the walls will even be beneficial, because. this will provide additional protection against strong gusts of wind. At the first stages, corn can be planted around the nut for the same purpose. Take care of timely watering in hot weather. summer days, you can even spray trees with a hose. The crown of the walnut is spreading, wide, which will allow you to comfortably spend time in its shade while having a picnic with friends or reading your favorite book. A nice bonus is that under the crown of a nut you will not be bothered by annoying insects like mosquitoes.

Now you know how the walnut tree blooms. You can enjoy this personally by planting a walnut tree on your property. From just one tree, up to one hundred kilograms of nuts can be harvested annually, and fruiting occurs twice a year. In some varieties, the shell is quite thin, which only complements the list of positive qualities of this beautiful plant.

How a walnut grows: Video

Why does the nut not bear fruit?

This question is often asked by amateur gardeners, whose 12-15-year-old and older trees do not bear fruit. They wait long and patiently, as they say, for the cherished fruits, but sometimes, without waiting, they uproot the tree. How many sorrows ... In order to grow a walnut, which would enter the fruiting season early, would constantly and abundantly set fruits, one should study at least some of it biological features. In nature, there are early, medium and late varieties and forms. Therefore, you need to know the heredity of the mother plant from which you take seeds or cuttings. In general, trees grown by sowing seeds later enter the fruiting season, more often from 7-8, sometimes 9-13, and even from 14-17 years of age. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit much earlier, from 1-4 (5) years of age. It is also known that the walnut is a monoecious, but dioecious plant, that is, on the same tree there are separately female and male flowers. In connection with such a separate existence, there are self-fertile forms and varieties in which male and female flowers bloom simultaneously on the same tree and can self-pollinate. Protandrous forms (male inflorescences bloom before female flowers), in which self-pollination does not occur at all if the male earrings have already dusted off, and the female flowers are only just beginning to open after that. Protogynous forms (female flowers bloom before male ones), in this case, self-fertilization is absent when the female flowers have faded, and after that the male catkins bloom.

Such individuals cannot reproduce on their own. In this case, the plants need help. But as? First you need to determine the biological characteristics inherent in this variety, and then select a partner for them. Therefore, to ensure high yield trees, it is necessary to opt for such plant genotypes in which the flowering of male catkins would coincide with the flowering of female flowers. And cross pollination, as you know, not only increases the yield, but also improves the quality of seeds, provides greater viability and compatibility with vaccinations. Selected trees are planted nearby. But not necessarily in your garden. Possible in neighboring areas. Pollen is carried by the wind over long distances. This is why the vast majority of walnut trees bear fruit normally.

In industrial plantations, walnuts are usually planted according to the scheme: 4-6 rows of varieties with the initial flowering of female flowers alternate with 1-2 rows of varieties, where male earrings bloom first (simultaneously with female ones); self-fertile walnut forms that are capable of being pollinated by their own pollen, or plants that mutually pollinate each other, are planted in even stripes. But if the walnut tree itself is not able to be fertilized by its own pollen for one reason or another, and there is no tree nearby whose pollen could fertilize it or set fruit without fertilization, then it does not bear fruit. And not only for this reason. Also, the growing season various forms and walnut varieties of rather uneven duration. Usually plants with a short growing season are characterized by later flowering and early ripening fruits. It is these late-flowering walnut specimens that are valuable, since in this case the flowers go away from the influence of destructive spring frosts which explains their annual yield. While in early flowering plants, flowers often freeze slightly.

Therefore, one of the conditions for obtaining high stable yields is the selection in nature and the production of new varieties with late flowering and a shorter growing season. Pollination is greatly hindered by equally low and excessive relative humidity of the air, especially prolonged cold early spring rains during the flowering period of the walnut. In this case, the pollen does not mature or completely dies. The density of its plantings also affects the fertilization of walnuts: for better pollination of plants, moderate thickening and wind blowing are required. “Excessively obese trees are little or completely incapable of fruiting” (Michurin). With shallow and especially with deep planting, the tree develops poorly, bears fruit late and weakly.

Thus, the time of entry into the fruiting season of a walnut depends on the genetic characteristics of the individual, natural conditions, soil and plant care, as well as the crown formation system, the degree of its pruning and other factors.

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This question worries many gardeners. The history of horticulture knows cases when individual walnut trees never bear fruit throughout their lives or give only single fruits, and even those of poor quality. Such varieties of nuts are referred to as the so-called biological marriage.


To avoid such cases, the gardener needs to know the basic biological characteristics of the walnut, the hereditary basis of the mother plant from which the nuts or cuttings are taken for grafting. Among nuts there are early-fruited, medium-fruited and late-ripening. Preference should be given to early-growing forms that bear fruit in the 3rd-5th year.

Multiply nuts better method budding, as well as grafting a cortex with a kidney, a half-tube of the cortex with a kidney, or a tube of the cortex with a kidney. These methods of grafting ensure the complete preservation and transmission to offspring of the entire complex of characteristics and properties of the mother plant.

During seed propagation, the economically valuable traits of this breed are split, mainly for the worse. For example, trees grown from seeds (nuts) in the vast majority enter fruiting time in the 10-15th year, while grafted trees begin to bear fruit in the 4-5th year.

Walnut trees produce different fruits: large, medium, small. Their shells can be thin (paper), medium thickness and thick. The core comes out of the valves freely or with difficulty. In a standard nut, the kernel makes up 48% of the weight of the nut. But there are varieties in which the kernel weighs 55-60% of the weight of the nut.

There are varieties and forms that bear fruit not with single fruits on the growths of the previous year, but in groups of 2-5 fruits on one shoot.

There are native (local) varieties and forms of walnut that have adapted well to local soil and climatic conditions and their one-year growth does not freeze under sudden temperature changes in winter and spring.

There are varieties and forms that bear fruit in the 3-5th year and give high yields.

If the yield, size, shape and quality of walnut fruits do not meet your requirements, other varieties must be grafted onto the tree.

A walnut tree has been growing for centuries and can bear fruit for hundreds of years, giving high yields. The historian N. Kaigorodov wrote that in the Crimea, near Bakhchisaray, a walnut tree grew, which annually produced up to 70 thousand nuts, and in good years - up to 100 thousand. The tree was about 1000 years old, and on the basis of hereditary law belonged to six Tatar families.

When the nut will give the first fruits and what it depends on

A question that cannot but interest a person who first encountered a walnut: how many years after planting does a walnut begin to bear fruit? To answer it, you first need to decide on the variety of culture. After all, it depends on what year it will give the first fruits.

The fruiting of a walnut depends on its variety.

It is not difficult to grow a walnut before fruiting, but for this it should take from two to five years if the variety is early ripening, and the rest of the species give the first nuts only for 8 years. If you want to get fruits as early as possible, then you need to choose a variety and properly care for it.

When the nut bears its first fruits

Walnut grows for a very long time, it is a long-lived tree. It can easily survive more than one owner. It was recorded that the oldest trees reached the age of 500 years.

Therefore, a 50-year-old tree is called young, because it has recently begun to bear fruit.

Walnut varieties are divided into three types:

  1. Early-growing variety: produces the first nut at the age of 2-3 years.
  2. To get a fetus with a medium type, you need to wait until he is 8 years old.
  3. Late-fruited species: gives the first nut only 10 years after planting.
  4. Therefore, the most fruitful tree is one that belongs to early-growing varieties, because the sooner the crops begin to produce nuts, the more the gardener will collect them.

    If you decide to plant a walnut, then you should immediately think about how soon you want to get the first fruits. People who plant culture for pleasure don't pay attention to it. And anyone who wants to grow a crop for profit must carefully choose seedlings.

    An early-growing variety gives nuts in the second or third year after planting

    Common walnut

    The common walnut is very popular. At proper cultivation this species produces quite large fruits. They are called the largest compared to other varieties. By the age of six, the tree grows to a height of about six meters, and the diameter of the crown is about twenty meters. This variety is constantly growing, and at the age of 50 years it can be about 12 meters high. The circumference of the trunk is approximately 2 meters. The fruits outwardly do not differ from other specimens and can have a weight of 12 grams. Often this species is used by gardeners who breed a plant for sale.

    Large-fruited walnut is another popular variety that has fruits weighing over 12 grams. This plant is very valuable, and does not need special care.

    It should be noted that the number of fruits does not depend on the type of tree. This is primarily affected by the age of the plant. The older it gets, the more nuts it gives. A culture at the age of 5 years can give 10 kilograms, but one that is 50 years old gives more than 100 kilograms.

    The older the nut, the greater the yield

    Features of the early form

    The main advantage of early-growing varieties is that they begin to bear fruit earlier than others. An ordinary tree grown at home begins to bear its first fruits at the age of 6 years, but plants of an early type already at 3 years old. The first type of such a walnut was found in the Tashkent region less than a century ago. It begins to actively bloom at the age of three, and exactly one year later it also actively bears fruit.

    Such varieties first form brushes, on which flowers form over time. After the flowering period, the first fruits begin to form. The growing type for the first time forms four nuts on one inflorescence, but after a year about a dozen of them appear. This feature is present only in early maturing varieties.

    The first fruits are formed immediately after flowering

    How to achieve early fruiting

    Walnut is an unusual product that is useful for human body. Growing this nut, though a long process, is profitable: these nuts are expensive. But not everyone knows when a nut begins to bear fruit, and after planting, some do not expect to have to watch a tree without fruit for so long. Gardeners who have learned when a walnut begins to bear fruit are trying to speed up this process.

    But it is worth noting that if you have acquired a late-fruiting culture, then the maximum that can be achieved is to accelerate the fruit bearing by 1–2 years (if a tree usually bears fruit for the first time at 10 years, then the fruits will appear at 8–9).

    Experienced breeders in order to achieve early fruiting try to replant the tree more often: at least three times before flowering. When a person digs up and moves a tree to another place, the growth process stops. This is due to the fact that the roots of the culture are damaged. Subsequently, the kidneys continue to form and give the first fruits ahead of time.

    Also, some breeders conduct ringing. It consists in the fact that it is necessary to make a couple of small cuts on the trunk of the plant and grease them with pitch. This will allow all the forces of the culture to be directed to the formation of kidneys. Such manipulations are carried out only in the summer and only with trees that are 4 years old.

    Why a walnut does not bear fruit - 3 possible reasons

    Sometimes it happens that a walnut does not bear fruit or bears fruit very weakly. There may be several reasons for this. Let's try to figure them out.

    Reason number 1 - strong thickening

    Poor fruiting or its complete absence also occurs in young trees. This is the result strong thickening, as well as appearance of short and infrequent shoots.

    To change the situation, you need to get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary branches and shoots. Then you need to dig up the trees with a pitchfork, add no more than 4 buckets of humus for each square meter and mulch the plants. If the walnut does not have enough rain moisture, you need to pour 10-15 buckets of water under each of the trees.

    Reason number 2 - "fat" plant

    Understand what a tree "fat", it is possible if it has abundant growth, but no flowering. If this happens, you need to stop watering and feeding the walnut. If these actions do not help, it is worth trimming the roots. To cut the roots, you need to move 1.5 m from the tree trunk and dig it with a ditch with a depth and width of a shovel. After that, it is worth chopping off the large roots of the walnut, leaving only very small ones, and then return the earth to its original place and compact it a little.

    Reason #3 – No Pollinator

    If flowers appear on the tree, but ovaries do not form, it is worth resorting to artificial pollination walnut.
    To do this, take a branch from a tree with ripe pollen and shake it over the plant that does not bear fruit. By the way, such a branch-pollinator can be prepared in advance - for a whole month.

    In addition, suitable pollen can be collected in a simple gauze bag. To do this, the earrings, on which the anthers are just beginning to open, must be carefully laid out on paper. At room temperature, only a day is enough for full ripening.

    There is an even easier way - it is worth grafting a cutting into the crown of a tree that does not bear fruit, or budding with an eye from another tree that blooms in the same period.

    Why does the nut not bear fruit?

    This question is often asked by amateur gardeners, whose 12-15-year-old and older trees do not bear fruit. They wait long and patiently, as they say, for the cherished fruits, but sometimes, without waiting, they uproot the tree. How many sorrows ... In order to grow a walnut, which would enter the fruiting season early, would constantly and abundantly set fruits, at least some of its biological features should be studied. In nature, there are early, medium and late varieties and forms. Therefore, you need to know the heredity of the mother plant from which you take seeds or cuttings. In general, trees grown by sowing seeds later enter the fruiting season, more often from 7-8, sometimes 9-13, and even from 14-17 years of age. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit much earlier, from 1-4 (5) years of age. It is also known that the walnut is a monoecious, but dioecious plant, that is, on the same tree there are separately female and male flowers. In connection with such a separate existence, there are self-fertile forms and varieties in which male and female flowers bloom simultaneously on the same tree and can self-pollinate. Protandrous forms (male inflorescences bloom before female flowers), in which self-pollination does not occur at all if the male earrings have already dusted off, and the female flowers are only just beginning to open after that. Protogynous forms (female flowers bloom before male ones), in this case, self-fertilization is absent when the female flowers have faded, and after that the male catkins bloom.

    Such individuals cannot reproduce on their own. In this case, the plants need help. But as? First you need to determine the biological characteristics inherent in this variety, and then select a partner for them. Therefore, in order to ensure a high yield of trees, it is necessary to choose plant genotypes in which the flowering of male catkins would coincide with the flowering of female flowers. Moreover, cross-pollination, as is known, not only increases the yield, but also improves the quality of seeds, provides greater viability and compatibility during vaccination. Selected trees are planted nearby. But not necessarily in your garden. Possible in neighboring areas. Pollen is carried by the wind over long distances. This is why the vast majority of walnut trees bear fruit normally.

    In industrial plantations, walnuts are usually planted according to the scheme: 4-6 rows of varieties with the initial flowering of female flowers alternate with 1-2 rows of varieties, where male earrings bloom first (simultaneously with female ones); self-fertile walnut forms that are capable of being pollinated by their own pollen, or plants that mutually pollinate each other, are planted in even stripes. But if the walnut tree itself is not able to be fertilized by its own pollen for one reason or another, and there is no tree nearby whose pollen could fertilize it or set fruit without fertilization, then it does not bear fruit. And not only for this reason. Still, the growing season for various forms and varieties of walnut is of rather uneven duration. Usually plants with a short growing season are characterized by later flowering and early fruit ripening. It is these late-flowering walnut specimens that are valuable, since in this case the flowers escape the influence of destructive spring frosts, which explains their annual yield. While in early flowering plants, flowers often freeze slightly.

    Therefore, one of the conditions for obtaining high stable yields is the selection in nature and the production of new varieties with late flowering and a shorter growing season. Pollination is greatly hindered by equally low and excessive relative humidity of the air, especially prolonged cold early spring rains during the flowering period of the walnut. In this case, the pollen does not mature or completely dies. The density of its plantings also affects the fertilization of walnuts: for better pollination of plants, moderate thickening and wind blowing are required. “Excessively obese trees are little or completely incapable of fruiting” (Michurin). With shallow and especially with deep planting, the tree develops poorly, bears fruit late and weakly.

    Thus, the time of walnut fruiting depends on the genetic characteristics of the individual, environmental conditions, soil and plant care, as well as the crown formation system, the degree of its pruning, and other factors.

    Walnut does not bear fruit what to do

    Walnut is a sensitive plant. With a sharp change in temperature, a change in soil, incorrect planting or selection of a variety, the yield drops or stops completely.

    Reasons for the lack of harvest

    Why a walnut does not bear fruit can be determined by comparing with a list of reasons for crop failure:

    Negligence in the planting process of a plant, improper care and maintenance will cause the tree not to bear fruit and yields will drop.

    What to do if there is no harvest

    To eradicate the reasons why a walnut does not bear fruit, you can use the following methods:

    Treatment of plant diseases:

    A properly planted walnut will begin to mature, pollinate after a few years. The yield of trees depends on the correct selection of varieties, planting seeds, preventing walnut disease, controlling the volume of spring pruning, harvesting pollinators, and the maturity of the fruit-bearing plant.

    landing errors

    The walnut does not bear fruit and what to do is a problem that every gardener can face. Mistakes that beginners make when planting and growing walnuts:

  • Choice of landing time. It is better to plant a walnut in the ground in May-June, when the air temperature evens out and remains at around +10.
  • Broken spraying technology. Correct technique implies a weak solution of insecticides and evening spraying.
  • Not tied sprout. From the age of two, a young walnut is tied to a support, thanks to which a mature tree grows with a strong, even, beautiful trunk and brings high fee fruits.
  • How many times and how to trim. As soon as the walnut seedling is 3 months old, pruning should be done. The central stem of the walnut shoot is tied to a support, the side ones need to be cut off. As a result, the tree grows healthy and strong. This procedure must be done every couple of years, leaving the escape in the singular.
  • Wrong choice of walnut planting site. The plant is heat-loving and needs light. Therefore, the place where to plant should be prepared sunny, protected from the wind, but without the presence of tall neighboring trees. Even on hectares of such land, trees grow quickly, you can harvest a lot of walnut fruits, so the second or third year will already be fruitful.
  • Planting density. A nut planted close to each other begins to ripen later, and is quickly affected by diseases. As a result, the walnut does not bear fruit, no matter how much fertilizer and watering is. The ideal range between a walnut becomes 7-10 meters. This landing principle can be achieved best results growing and collect more nuts.
  • Knowing these simple features of growing and caring for walnuts, you can avoid problems with planting and harvest a decent harvest every year.

    Why the walnut does not bear fruit

    Walnut is not a very capricious plant. But it may happen that it ceases to please with its fruits. This may be due to several factors that have influenced this.

    Average age walnut- 400 years. Therefore, you should not count on the fact that a high yield will be in the first year after planting. In the first 3-10 years, no more than 5-10 fruits can be harvested per season. At the age of 15, there is already a bucket or even two, at 20 - a bag. The main fruiting of the walnut falls on the age of 50 to 100 years. You should take this into account and remember that the peak of fruiting will fall on the life of your grateful descendants.

    If nut is at a favorable age for fruiting, but was not lucky enough to harvest, the reasons for the lack of harvest should be established.

    Reason #1

    thickening. If the tree bears fruit, but is very reluctant, then it is quite possible that its crown is thickened. A feature of this reason is that many short and rare shoots appear on the plant.

    How to act? The first step is to save the tree with a pruner. Remove unnecessary unpromising branches and shoots. Free the crown and make sure that it is well ventilated.

    The walnut crown should be well ventilated

    Then you need to dig in with a pitchfork, and add about 4 buckets of humus to the soil. In order for the tree to feel confident, to develop well and actively, it must be mulched. Watering should be done regularly in the amount of 10-15 buckets per tree in the absence of rain.

    Reason #2

    The tree is "fat". Usually such a term is used when the plant gives a useful increase, but does not bloom, and the result of this is the lack of a crop.

    How to act? Take immediate action and stop all kinds of top dressing. If this does not help, proceed to more drastic measures - pruning roots. To do this, you need to dig the plant at a distance of about 1.5 m from the trunk. The depth and width should not exceed 20-25 cm. After that, it is necessary to cut down all large roots and leave only small ones, bury and trample the soil.

    Reason #3

    The tree blooms, but does not form an ovary. When such a problem arises, gardeners usually resort to artificial pollination.

    How to act? It is necessary to take a branch on which the pollen has already ripened, then shake it over a barren tree. You can also collect pollen yourself from trees that bloom at the same time as walnut. Put earrings and anthers on paper in a thin layer and leave at room temperature for a day. During this time, they will ripen and it will be possible to shift the pollen into a thin nylon stocking or gauze bag. Then spray over the nut.

    Pollen can be prepared in advance. It can be stored up to 30 days.

    There is another way to deal with such an ailment - graft. Need in the crown of the barren walnut inoculate with a cutting or eye. You can take it on a tree that blooms at the same time.

    Walnut is a non-capricious plant, and with proper care, you can get a good harvest. The main thing is patience and a little attention.

    Planting and growing walnuts

    Growing a walnut in this way of propagation is necessary to preserve the positive qualities of the fruits of the mother tree.

    Since the walnut has rather large buds, when performing budding, an enlarged shield of the bark is taken, which during the period of engraftment of the eye will provide it necessary quantity water and nutrients. Places of vaccination are tied with polyethylene or PVC film.

    However, even in not very cold winters, approximately 90% of the eyes that have taken root by autumn die due to their insufficient winter hardiness. Therefore, budded seedlings in the fall, after the leaves fall, are dug up and stored until spring in a basement or other storage at a temperature of about 0 ° C.

    In the spring, after the soil warms up to 10 ° C, the oculants are planted directly in the nursery. By the end of the first year, annuals grow to 102-168 cm. Now they are suitable for planting in the garden.

    Vaccination in winter can also be carried out in a greenhouse. To do this, rootstocks are dug up in autumn and stored at zero temperature dug in the basement or any ground storage.

    Walnut cuttings harvested in autumn are stored in the same way. In mid-March, about 15 days before vaccination, rootstocks are planted in cylindrical plastic bags(their diameter is 10-15 cm, height is 20-25 cm), filled with fertile soil, and transferred to the greenhouse, where the temperature is 24-25 °C.

    Cuttings a few days before grafting are also kept in a greenhouse in steamed and wet sawdust.

    When the growth of the scion begins, the plants are hardened, thereby accustoming them to the outside cold and drier air. After the end of spring frosts, they are planted directly in the nursery.

    For landing on permanent place seedlings become suitable after 2 years. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit already in the 3-4th year after their planting.

    Space for a tree

    Before you start growing a walnut, you need to decide how much space will be allocated to it in the future. It must be remembered that the tree will only produce a high yield in good light, so you may even have to sacrifice some nearby trees. A 25-30-year-old walnut has a crown diameter of 8-12 m (depending on the type of tree and soil fertility).

    Planting and growing

    If you decide to plant a walnut in the garden, planting, growing and shaping young trees should be carried out as follows:

      A place is chosen that is optimal for landing. A hole is dug approximately 1 m deep. The earth left after digging is mixed with rotted humus in the amount of 8-10 kg and special mineral fertilizers. This is done to better nourish the tree. Seeds are laid to a depth of 15 cm. It should be ensured that the fruit lies not with the sharp side, but with the seam up. Otherwise, the tree will not bear fruit for a long time.

    The plant should be planted so that the root neck is covered with earth by no more than 4-5 cm.

    How young trees are formed

    3 crown types are acceptable:

      Tierless, improved tiered. cupped.

    It is important to bookmark the skeletal branches in the first tier, and in the future the tree will be able to perfectly form itself. With an improved tiered type of crown, after planting a seedling, the tree trunk is slightly shortened at a height of 130-140 cm. In the future, young shoots near the stem (at a height of 90-100 cm) must be broken off. 3 or 4 side branches are left in the crown zone, which grow in different directions, and the central conductor ( next spring to form the second tier, it is shortened by 70-100 cm).

    Further pruning is carried out only by removing the crown growing inside and damaged branches. It is usually done in the spring.


    Growing a walnut involves watering young trees in the spring and summer, when they need a fairly large amount of water. For each tree, about 3 buckets of water per 1 sq. soil meter. Water the tree 2 times a month. Trees above 4 m in height are watered less intensively.


    Trees need to be fertilized 2 times a year - in autumn and spring. AT spring period contribute nitrogen fertilizers, and in the fall - special potash and phosphorus. An adult tree needs 7-8 kg of ammonium nitrate, 8-9 kg of superphosphate and 2 kg of potassium salt.

    fruit picking

    We have already considered what features a walnut has. Growing and caring for trees have also been described by us. Now let's talk about harvesting.

    The period of collection of nuts is determined by the green pericarp. When they start to crack, you can start assembling. After the harvest is harvested, the fruits are recommended to be kept for a week in the basement. After that, they will be easier to clean from the blackened and softened pericarp.

    Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty while peeling nuts. The fruits contain a lot of iodine, so the hands will turn black. After cleaning, the nuts should be washed with water and dried in the sun.

    Why your walnut does not bear fruit and what to do about it

    Why your walnut does not bear fruit and what to do about it?

    The question of why a walnut does not bear fruit and what to do about it arises before many gardeners who have such a plant on their site. The factors that lead to this depend both on the region of its growth and on the organization of its care.

    Why the walnut does not bear fruit

    Most gardeners involved in growing a crop cite the following key reasons why it stops bearing fruit or does not start at all:

    The tree has thickened excessively due to the appearance a large number short runs. A similar phenomenon occurs with both young and mature walnuts. The plant is "fat". The main sign of this is the presence of abundant growth in the absence of flowering, therefore the tree does not bear fruit. The walnut does not have a pollinator. Some varieties do not tend to self-pollinate. In some regions, pollination is harmed by low air humidity or heavy rains during the flowering period. In this case, the color appears abundant, but the ovary is absent. The culture has suffered from the invasion of pests or been exposed to any disease. The crown of the tall walnut was cut incorrectly resulting in a lack of color. The regime of fertilizing the soil in which the crop grows was organized incorrectly.

    To determine exactly why your walnut is not fruiting, carefully inspect the tree in order to identify one of the factors described above. If there are no such reasons, please note that fruiting May stop if the seedling was buried too deep during planting.

    What to do if a walnut does not bear fruit

    If you know exactly why your walnut does not bear fruit, what to do about it, the following recommendations from experienced gardeners will suggest:

    With excessive thickening, the tree should be rid of excess shoots and branches. In case of shortage organic matter in the ground, it is rational to dig trees with a pitchfork when applying about 4 buckets of humus for each square meter of soil. After that, perform mulching. At wrong mode irrigation and drying of the soil, it is necessary to water each tree with water in a volume of 10 to 15 buckets (10 liters). When fattening, the opposite should be done - feeding and watering should be stopped. If this does not help eliminate the problem of lack of fruiting, it is necessary to prune the roots. For this purpose, a walnut should be dug with a groove at a distance of one and a half meters from the trunk to the width and height of a shovel, chop off the largest roots, and again fill in the soil. If the walnut variety is not self-pollinating, it is necessary to plant a “partner” tree next to it. You can perform artificial pollination - shake the branch of the tree on which the pollen is ripe, shake it over the walnut that does not bear fruit. Another option for artificial pollination is the preliminary collection of pollen from another tree. To do this, it is necessary to pick off the earrings with the anthers beginning to open, spread them out on paper for a day, and then collect the pollen in a gauze bag and scatter it over a tree that does not bear fruit. In order for the tree to begin to bear fruit, you can graft the crown, cutting or budding with the eye of a walnut, in which the color appears in the same period.

    It is obvious that the main list of problems due to which the crop does not bear fruit can be eliminated and after that you can get a big harvest. Why you should not immediately do irreparable things - cut down trees. Check out the information on what year of life the walnut variety you planted begins to bear fruit. Perhaps it is too early for the first fruits to appear, so all you need to do is wait a certain period of time.

    Why a walnut does not bear fruit - plant magic

    Why doesn't a walnut bear fruit? - plant magic

    Unfortunately, a walnut is a plant that not everyone dares to grow! The walnut, frankly, is difficult to take root in our places, so a lot of trouble arises with it, then it freezes, then it starts to hurt, or even completely stops or does not begin to bear fruit at all!

    Many gardeners wait for more than ten years, and the fruit never appears on the nut. What is the problem anyway? Many, without realizing this, make a difficult decision for themselves - they uproot their favorite tree!

    But if each of these unfortunate summer residents found time to study the biological characteristics of this plant, then they would have waited for the harvest and saved the life of the walnut!

    Why doesn't a walnut bear fruit?

      Walnut can be of several types. Unfortunately, not all species of this plant begin to bear fruit early. Therefore, when purchasing seedlings, immediately pay attention to the name of the variety and find out about the periods of fruiting. If your walnut was grown by sowing seeds, then the fruits will begin to set much later than, for example, the nut that was grafted. In this case, if you're lucky, fruiting will begin in the first year, well, at least at the age of five, such a tree will definitely bear fruit, which cannot be said about the nut that grew from the seed. Its fruiting period can be delayed up to seventeen years. Not all walnut varieties are capable of self-pollination. It happens that a plant needs a partner for fruiting, which simply does not exist. Therefore, it is better to choose nuts whose genotype suggests self-pollination. Having several walnut trees that can self-pollinate will help significantly improve fruiting. The plant will not be able to pollinate if it is grown in an area where the humidity is too low. It will not be able to bear fruit, and if it does, then there will be a little walnut fruit, the spring flowering of which fell under heavy spring rains. There is a partial non-maturing of pollen, and most of it dies altogether. When a walnut grows “too thick”, it will not be able to fully pollinate as it should. The crown of the tree should be well blown by the winds, which actually contributes to full pollination. A walnut tree that bears fruit poorly or does not bear fruit, which immediately upon planting was deeply buried in the ground. Some disease or presence may affect the fruiting of a walnut. different kind pests. Care not only for the soil in which the walnut is grown, but also for the crown of the tree itself, significantly affects fruiting. Incorrect pruning or untimely application of top dressing is necessarily fraught with consequences.

    In general, a careless attitude to a walnut, as to any fruit tree, which you can grow yourself does not give a miss! If you grow incorrectly, planted in the wrong place, and even preferred the wrong variety, then what fruits can you even dream of !?

    Many gardeners are interested in walnuts. Some have doubts about growing this crop in mid-latitudes, as their plants freeze to the level of snow. Today Evgeny Anatolievich Vasin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, is answering questions.

    I have been working with walnut crops for over 17 years. During this period, I had to visit some places of the northern walnut culture, in the cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh, Orel, Tula; in the Tula region; in Belarus (Minsk region, Samokhvalovichi village), in the city of Shchuchin and others. It is known that the walnut grows and bears fruit in the Pskov, Novgorod, Moscow, Tver, Leningrad regions, in the Volga region, in the Urals, Western Siberia and other places. The northernmost nuts in our country grow in St. Petersburg, on the territory of the Botanical Garden of the BIN RAS. However, they do not grow everywhere, but in favorable places that meet certain requirements.

    What are these requirements. Taking into account the latest advances in walnut breeding, for the successful cultivation of its most adapted forms, the sum of average daily temperatures above 10C during the growing season should be at least 1900C. Minimum temperature in winter - not lower than -36С, frost-free period - 130-140 days. In this case, the plants themselves must have a short period of growth, early autumn leaf fall, late start of vegetation, which contributes to avoiding spring frosts.

    In the Tula region (where I work) there are such forms. This was shown by the harsh winter of 2005-2006. Mature trees (25-40 years old) suffered greatly, did not bear fruit, but restored their crown in 2006-2007, and fruiting was already noted in 2008. Among the experimental plants at the age of 3-9 years, those were identified that had a slight freezing of the shoots and at the same time bore fruit. The most winter-hardy were F1 hybrid nuts (walnut + Manchurian walnut). Male and female buds of hybrids withstood frosts - 38.5C without damage. There are also early-growing forms, which in the winter of 2005-2006 had freezing points of 1-2 points on a 5-point scale, fully recovered in 2006 and gave fruit in 2007.

    For a nut to bear fruit well

    From the experience of communicating with gardeners, I know the main mistake when growing walnuts and other southern cultures. The fact is that they often acquire planting or seed material of unknown or “inappropriate” southern origin. Such plants freeze almost every winter.

    It has been noted that during seed propagation, nuts from more northern habitats better adapt to new conditions. So for middle lane It is best for Russia to take planting material (or seeds) from nuts that grow in the eastern regions of Ukraine, the mountains of Central Asia and the Caucasus, and some areas Krasnodar Territory, as well as in Voronezh, Volgograd and other northern regions. Here, not only frosts, but also the annual amount of heat is closer to the middle latitudes. Nuts from places with a mild, humid climate (Western Ukraine, Black Sea coast Caucasus, Western Europe). Trees from these places will freeze over every year, and grow them in greenhouse conditions- for an amateur.

    About agricultural technology. Walnut should be planted in bright places, protected from the north and northeast winds. The soil under the walnut should be medium loamy, it can be sandy loamy with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction of the environment. To do this, when landing, you need to landing pit bring half a bucket wood ash and decayed manure. A walnut does not need oily, fat soil, as it grows luxuriantly on it, but ripens poorly and prepares for winter.

    Walnut needs moisture in the first half of the growing season (until mid-June - early July). With abundant watering during the summer and with sufficient heat, the growth of shoots is delayed, and they are also poorly prepared for winter. The result is freezing. Trunk circles must be mulched. In summer, this is useful to preserve moisture, and in winter, to prevent freezing of the soil in areas with little snow. You can mulch with compost or other organic material.

    How to feed a nut in the first year after planting? On poor soils, it is necessary to apply 10 P 10 K 10 (here: N is nitrogen, P is phosphorus, K is potassium, and 10 is the number of grams of active substance (a.i.) per 1 m2). The dose must be calculated depending on the percentage of the element in a particular fertilizer. fit the following fertilizers: ammonium nitrate(N), superphosphate (P), potassium salt (K). Keep in mind that for a nut, like for everyone fruit crops, it is better to apply nitrogen in spring, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizer- in the second half of summer. On cultivated soil, nitrogen can not be applied at all, but only potassium and phosphate fertilizers 10 g a.i./m2.

    How to cover in the first winter? The most vulnerable zone for plants is the ground layer, that is, up to 1 m above the surface, where in winter the temperature is several degrees lower than in the air. Therefore, in particular harsh conditions the soil for the winter must be mulched with manure with a layer of 10 cm, but the stem should not be covered. It is useful to cover the aerial part with coniferous branches. A walnut bole can be wrapped with newspaper in several layers, but only after the first frost. This saves from the cold below -40C.

    I don't hide my nuts. The main thing is to provide them with timely and good aging of wood. And this requires a set of measures, which was mentioned above. Let me remind you once again that with an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the walnut will grow strongly and for a long time, and it will ripen poorly. Periodically, once every three years, it is necessary to add dolomite or lime flour to the trunk circles. The roots go wider than the projection of the tree crown, and this must be taken into account when scattering fertilizers.

    And now about the walnut variety Osipov. Most often, the Osipov variety is called Oripov, and less often - Osipov. This is a fast-growing nut from Uzbekistan, so it is doubtful that it can withstand frosts below -45C. Krasnodar nuts withstand up to - 32 ... - 35C, but there the sum of temperatures above 10C reaches 3500-3800C. The walnut is able to withstand low temperatures, but it has a genetic relationship to the annual amount of heat. Therefore, even seed offspring from heat-loving forms and varieties are prone to heat. Under our conditions, these plants do not have time to complete the entire development cycle and prepare for winter. One can talk about the Oripov variety if the seedling was obtained by grafting, and the author of the question most likely has a seedling. In this case, it is difficult to assume its reaction to the climatic conditions of the Nizhny Novgorod region. And the requirements for a nut for successful growth and fruiting are the same for everyone, they are set out above.

    If your walnut freezes every year, then this is a sign that the plant came from a milder climate that does not correspond to the climate of the new place. Only leaves can be obtained from such a nut, but this is also a great benefit - a very valuable medicinal raw material. Of course, the walnut can be grown in slate form. To do this, the shoot or branch is given a horizontal position. This technique is carried out during the ripening of the shoots in August-September, when they are no longer brittle, but they do it very carefully. Bent shoots are fixed in this position until spring. The height of the bow (or slate) depends on the height of the snow cover in winter. Additionally bent shoots can be covered with reed mats or branches. Experiments on the walnut shale culture were carried out in Moscow, on the Lenin Hills, in the 40-50s of the last century under the direction of A.M. Ozola, who received the first fruiting nuts in Moscow in 1949.

    As for the Tula walnuts, they are as diverse as all nuts. Their winter hardiness varies from year to year. So, the same trees endured without damage - 35C, and in another year they froze at - 30 ... - 32C. Productivity is relatively regular in all years, except for very severe winters (-35C). But, again, I want to remind you that with good agricultural technology and proper placement of the plant, short-term frosts - 35 ... - 38C are not terrible for a walnut. As a more promising crop in harsh areas, one can name hybrid nuts (walnut + Manchurian walnut), which can withstand even lower temperatures without damage.

    For reference. Everyone is used to seeing gray-brown hard walnuts. But it turned out that not everyone knows what young fruits look like. They are enclosed in a light green fleshy peel - a plush. When ripe, the plush darkens, becomes thin and, finally, bursts. Ripe nuts fall out of it to the ground.

    For those who are going to grow walnuts, it is useful to know that in terms of size mature tree comparable to our oak. The crown is very wide, the trunk is powerful. You can be proud of such a giant in your garden, if the size of the plot allows it.

    Number of impressions: 18626
    Rating: 3.2

    This question is often asked by amateur gardeners, whose 12-15-year-old and older trees do not bear fruit. They wait long and patiently, as they say, for the cherished fruits, but sometimes, without waiting, they uproot the tree. How many sorrows ... In order to grow a walnut, which would enter the fruiting season early, would constantly and abundantly set fruits, at least some of its biological features should be studied. In nature, there are early, medium and late varieties and forms. Therefore, you need to know the heredity of the mother plant from which you take seeds or cuttings. In general, trees grown by sowing seeds later enter the fruiting season, more often from 7-8, sometimes 9-13, and even from 14-17 years of age. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit much earlier, from 1-4 (5) years of age. It is also known that the walnut is a monoecious, but dioecious plant, that is, on the same tree there are separately female and male flowers. In connection with such a separate existence, there are self-fertile forms and varieties in which male and female flowers bloom simultaneously on the same tree and can self-pollinate. Protandrous forms (male inflorescences bloom before female flowers), in which self-pollination does not occur at all if the male earrings have already dusted off, and the female flowers are only just beginning to open after that. Protogynous forms (female flowers bloom before male ones), in this case, self-fertilization is absent when the female flowers have faded, and after that the male catkins bloom.

    Such individuals cannot reproduce on their own. In this case, the plants need help. But as? First you need to determine the biological characteristics inherent in this variety, and then select a partner for them. Therefore, in order to ensure a high yield of trees, it is necessary to choose plant genotypes in which the flowering of male catkins would coincide with the flowering of female flowers. Moreover, cross-pollination, as is known, not only increases the yield, but also improves the quality of seeds, provides greater viability and compatibility during vaccination. Selected trees are planted nearby. But not necessarily in your garden. Possible in neighboring areas. Pollen is carried by the wind over long distances. This is why the vast majority of walnut trees bear fruit normally.

    In industrial plantations, walnuts are usually planted according to the scheme: 4-6 rows of varieties with the initial flowering of female flowers alternate with 1-2 rows of varieties, where male earrings bloom first (simultaneously with female ones); self-fertile walnut forms that are capable of being pollinated by their own pollen, or plants that mutually pollinate each other, are planted in even stripes. But if the walnut tree itself is not able to be fertilized by its own pollen for one reason or another, and there is no tree nearby whose pollen could fertilize it or set fruit without fertilization, then it does not bear fruit. And not only for this reason. Still, the growing season for various forms and varieties of walnut is of rather uneven duration. Usually plants with a short growing season are characterized by later flowering and early fruit ripening. It is these late-flowering walnut specimens that are valuable, since in this case the flowers escape the influence of destructive spring frosts, which explains their annual yield. While in early flowering plants, flowers often freeze slightly.

    Therefore, one of the conditions for obtaining high stable yields is the selection in nature and the production of new varieties with late flowering and a shorter growing season. Pollination is greatly hindered by equally low and excessive relative humidity of the air, especially prolonged cold early spring rains during the flowering period of the walnut. In this case, the pollen does not mature or completely dies. The density of its plantings also affects the fertilization of walnuts: for better pollination of plants, moderate thickening and wind blowing are required. “Excessively obese trees are little or completely incapable of fruiting” (Michurin). With shallow and especially with deep planting, the tree develops poorly, bears fruit late and weakly.

    Thus, the time of walnut fruiting depends on the genetic characteristics of the individual, environmental conditions, soil and plant care, as well as the crown formation system, the degree of its pruning, and other factors.



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