Spruce belongs to the genus Picea (resinous plants) of the pine family. It is distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, from the Arctic Circle to the south. About 50 species of spruce are known, their photos and descriptions can be found on this page.

In the European part, up to 10 species of spruce grow, and there are a great variety of them. But mainly five types of decorative spruce trees are used in landscaping.

This crop is a monoecious evergreen tree with a cone-shaped crown, gray bark and dense needles. The root system is superficial. The virtues of all decorative forms spruce trees is that they form a crown naturally and do not need pruning.

Common spruce is a tree up to 40 m tall with a trunk up to 1-1.5 m in diameter. The crown is cone-shaped, with distant or drooping branches, rising at the end, and remains sharp until the end of life.

bark common spruce reddish brown
The bark of the Norway spruce is gray

The bark of the common form of spruce is reddish-brown or gray, smooth or fissured, varying degrees and the nature of the fracture, relatively thin.

spruce shoots
spruce shoots

The shoots are light brown or rusty yellow, glabrous. Buds are 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, ovoid-cone-shaped, pointed at the apex, light brown; their scales are bluntly triangular, light or reddish brown.

Spruce needles
Spruce needles

The needles are 8-20 mm long, 1-1.8 mm wide, tetrahedral in shape, have a sharp apex, with 2-4 stomatal lines on each side, dark green, shiny; the needles last 6-7 (up to 10-12) years.

Spruce cones
Spruce cones

The cones are 10-16 cm long and 3-4 cm thick, oblong-ovate, initially light green or dark purple, brown when mature. The seed scales are obovate, slightly longitudinally folded, convex, notched along the upper edge, sometimes truncated.

Spruce seeds
Spruce seeds

The seeds are 2-5 mm long, brown or dark brown, with a light brown wing that is about 3 times larger than the seed. The seeds open and disperse in the second half of winter.


Lives in nature for 250-300 years. The annual growth is 50 cm in height and 15 cm in width. Up to 10-15 years it grows slowly, then quickly.

Grows wildly in Europe and Asia. Very demanding on soil moisture and composition. Does not tolerate sandy loam. It grows satisfactorily only in low areas. Very sensitive to air pollution.

All varieties of common spruce are not plants for the garden. It is attractive only at a young age, and over the years it loses its decorative effect, stretches out, and thins out. They represent value various shapes common spruce, which has bushy, spherical, weeping crowns.

It is better to use decorative forms of this spruce in the garden: below are the names and descriptions of the most popular of them.

Spruce "Echiniformis" in the photo

"Echiniformis" (spinate). Dwarf, slow-growing form, reaching 20 cm in height and 40 cm in width. This variety of common spruce has a cushion-shaped crown, unevenly developed in different directions. The shoots are light brown, glabrous, slightly shiny, hard, and relatively thick. Annual growth is 15-20 mm. The buds are light brown, large, cylindrical, rounded.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of common spruce has yellow-green to gray-green needles, the lower needles are flat with a short sharp tip, the upper ones are star-shaped, located under the terminal cone:

Varieties of common spruce
Varieties of common spruce

Spruce "Compacta" in the photo

"Compact". Dwarf form, usually about 1.5-2 m tall. Old plants sometimes reach 6 m in height with the same crown width. The shoots are numerous, short, raised and brown in the upper part of the crown. The needles are about 9 mm long, shorter towards the top of the shoot, shiny, green.

"Nidiformis" (nest-shaped). Dwarf form, slightly higher than 1 m, wide, dense. The crown is cushion-shaped, flattened, which is obtained in the form of a nest due to the shoots growing obliquely from the middle of the plant and the absence of main branches. The branches grow evenly, fan-shaped and trumpet-shaped. There are numerous shoots. Annual growth is 3-4 cm. The needles are light green, flat, with 1-2 stomatal lines, which are hallmark, 7-10 mm long. Very effective for low borders, in small groups created on parterres and rock gardens. Currently one of the most common dwarf forms.

Here you can see photos of varieties ordinary type spruce trees, the names of which are given above:

Varieties of Norway spruce
Varieties of Norway spruce

Canadian spruce in the photo

Canadian spruce– a tree 20-35 m tall, with a trunk 60-120 cm in diameter, with a dense regular cone-shaped dense crown. The branches of young plants are directed upward, while those of old ones are mostly downward and flat.

The bark is smooth or scaly, ash-brown. Young shoots are yellowish or whitish-light brown, glabrous. Buds up to 6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, almost spherical, non-resinous; their scales are blunt-ovoid, light brown, shiny.

The needles are 8-18 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, tetrahedral, bluish-green, densely spaced and rather hard, slightly curved, smell quite sharp when rubbed, the needles last up to 11 years.

Look at the photo - this type of decorative spruce has ovoid-cylindrical cones, up to 7 cm long and 1.5-2.5 cm thick, light green until ripe, mature - light brown:

Decorative spruce cones
Decorative spruce cones

The seed scales are thin and elastic, solid along the upper edge.

The seeds are 2-3 mm long, light brown, with an orange-brown wing 3 times the length of the seed. The cones ripen in September.

Winter-hardy and quite drought-resistant. Lives up to 300-500 years.

All varieties of Canadian spruce are recommended for single and group plantings; dwarf forms are promising for rocky hills. It grows successfully in both maritime and continental climates. Quite drought resistant. Not picky about soils, tolerates the poor and sandy soils. It resists winds well and is used as a windproof. Less sensitive to gases and smoke than European spruce.

Currently, about 20 decorative forms of this type of spruce have been described; you can find a description of the most popular of them below.

Spruce "Konika" in the photo

The most amazing variety - "Konica". If everyone knows the blue spruce, then the other Christmas tree, which dendrologists briefly call “konica”, i.e. conical, still rare.

"Konica" is a mutation of Canada spruce native to eastern North America. It differs from its ancestor not only in its miniature size, its height rarely exceeds 2 m, but also in its surprisingly dense crown cone and soft light green needles.

By the middle of the last century, the Canadian spruce variety “Konica” conquered the whole world, settling in the gardens of countries with temperate climate and developed ornamental gardening.

Its real discovery in Russia occurred only relatively recently, along with the rapid development of ornamental gardening, when Konika seedlings large quantities began to come to us from Holland, Poland, the Czech Republic and other countries Western Europe, where its reproduction has long been established. "Konika" propagates exclusively by cuttings, as it does not bear fruit.

In central Russia it is quite winter-hardy. But in urban conditions it is less stable than prickly spruce. With strong gas pollution, the decorativeness of the Christmas tree is reduced.

It grows slowly, which garden design is a virtue. At five years old, the Christmas tree reaches a height of 20 cm and already at this age its decorative properties are strikingly superior to even-aged seedlings of common spruce. By the age of ten, “Konika” reaches an average height of 80 cm and is completely decorative. And by the age of 20, its height is usually 150 cm, the diameter at the base is about a meter.

“Konica” should be planted in open places, protected from cold winds, with cultivated, light loamy soil. Caring for it may be limited to watering during dry periods.

The development of the Christmas tree, and therefore its decorativeness, is facilitated by periodic surface loosening and mulching of the tree trunk circle with rotted organic matter. Mulching is best done in early autumn, and in spring the mulch should be incorporated shallowly into the soil.

IN favorable conditions"Konika" retains its high decorative value until old age. It does not need pruning or shaping. Like the blue spruce, it is designed to play the role of tapeworm in decorative design and just a godsend for a small garden.

This Christmas tree fits well into large rock gardens, it is desirable in the background flower arrangements, harmoniously combines with other low conifers. Looks especially elegant on the lawn. At the same time, it is advisable to plant it in an even row of three or more plants or in a group of several Christmas trees.

Among other decorative forms, “Aurea” is known, characterized by strong growth. The needles on the upper side are golden in color.

Spruce "Aureaspicata"
Spruce "Aureaspicata"

"Aureaspicata". The form is distinguished by the yellow color of the needles and young shoots, which persists only in summer, but later they become green.

"Elegance Compacta". The crown is conical, but the growth is stronger than that of "Konika", young shoots and buds are yellow-brown, the needles are fresh green, 8-10 mm long, annual growth- 5-4 cm.

"Nana" (low). Dwarf form up to 1-2 m high. The crown is wide, rounded. The branches are dense, numerous, unevenly spaced, gray, very flexible. Annual growth is 2.5-4.5 cm.

Pay attention to the photo - this variety of Canadian spruce has radial needles, 5-7 mm long, thin, hard, gray-blue:

Canadian spruce needles
Canadian spruce needles

The culture is winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings.

"Pendula"- weeping form, has strongly drooping branches, branches abundantly, needles are densely located on the branches, bluish-green.

Among the forms with blue needles worthy of attention:

Spruce "Alberta Blue"
Spruce "Arenson Blue"

"Alberta Blue", "Arenson Blue",

Spruce "Cerulea"
Spruce "Sunder Blue"

"Cerulea", "Sunder Blue".

All of them have dwarf growth and retain the color of their needles well in open sunny places: alpine roller coaster, heather gardens. They are suitable for growing in containers.

Speaking about what rare types of spruce there are, it is worth mentioning the Engelmann and Schrenk forms.

Engelman spruce in the photo

Engelman spruce- native to North America. In terms of the slenderness of the crown, this is the most decorative spruce. The tree amazes with its grace and healthy appearance. Even the very lower branches are never bare. It is very resistant to unfavorable conditions cities and to soil and climatic influences. When describing Engelmann spruce, it is definitely worth mentioning its qualities such as winter hardiness, shade tolerance and drought resistance.

It has many decorative forms that are widely used in landscaping.

Spruce "Glauka" in the photo

Most Popular "Glauka" (gray). Tree 20-40 m tall, with a dense cone-shaped crown, without a clear horizontal layering of branches. The needles are less prickly, more flexible and less spaced than those of prickly spruce, bluish-blue; the color is especially clear in early spring.

As you can see in the photo, the Engelmann spruce needles in winter are not so attractive, but still decorative:

Engelman spruce
Engelman spruce

Grows quickly. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Recommended for single, group and alley plantings in large gardens.

Schrenk's spruce, or Tien Shan, is a powerful tree with a narrow cone-shaped crown, a sharp top and branches hanging to the ground. The needles are light green or bluish. Photophilous, not demanding on soils, but moisture-loving and low frost-resistant.

Look at the photo - this type of spruce has high decorative qualities, which makes it desirable in garden compositions, and slow growth in the first years of life allows you to form dense hedges from it:

Spruce in the form of a hedge
Spruce in the form of a hedge

It has a spherical shape - a tree up to 1.8 m tall with a rounded crown.

Prickly spruce in the photo

Prickly spruce. Among the numerous representatives of the genus, it stands out for its slenderness and beauty, undemandingness to growing conditions, frost resistance and resistance to air pollution, surpassing many of its brethren in this indicator.

Decorative at any time of the year. The most valuable evergreen tree up to 25 m, lives up to 100 years.

The crown is pyramidal. The branches form regular dense tiers, horizontal or hanging at different angles. Particularly beautiful are specimens in which the branches are evenly spaced in regular tiers around the trunk from the very ground to the top.

The needles are prickly, their color varies from green to light blue, silver, up to 2.5 cm long. Under good growing conditions, the needles live 5-7 years, more often 3-4 years.

The breed is considered resistant to dust and smoke, but in urban conditions it must be washed with water at least 5 times a month. Photophilous. It is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, but does not tolerate overly fertile soil or waterlogging.

Tolerates pruning well. Propagated by seeds and grafting.

It is recommended to plant some distance from roads and industrial enterprises, against the backdrop of a lawn, preferably in illuminated areas. Usually single specimens or small groups are planted in the front places of the garden. It is especially good in combination with Serbian spruce, pseudo-hemlock, plain fir, etc.

Popular forms of prickly spruce are described below:

Spruce "Argentea"
Spruce "Argentea"

"Argentea" (silver). A straight-trunked tree 30-40 m tall with a cone-shaped crown and clearly spaced horizontal branches. The needles are silvery-white, a light waxy coating remains on old plants, young needles have a soft green color with a whitish tint. Widely used in landscaping, in single and group plantings;

Spruce "Glauka"
Spruce "Glauka"

"Glauka" (gray). It differs from the main species in its bluish-green needles, which retain their color throughout the year. The lifespan of needles of this variety of prickly spruce is 3-10 years, depending on conditions. Plant height is 20 m. Annual growth is more than 30 cm. The crown is symmetrical, cone-shaped. The shoots reach the ground and are arranged in tiers almost horizontally. Branches do not break under the weight of wet snow. Suitable for creating large arrays, small clumps, for single plantings;

Spruce "Glauka Globoza" in the photo

"Glauca Globosa" (blue spherical). Dwarf form up to 1 m tall and up to 1.5 m in diameter. Young shoots are yellowish-brownish and thin. The crown is rounded, dense only in old age.

Pay attention to the photo - this variety of prickly spruce has thick, slightly crescent-shaped, blue-white needles, about 1 cm long and 1 mm thick:

Prickly needles
Prickly needles

"Hoopsie." The height of the tree is 12-15 m, the diameter of the crown is 3-4.5 m. The crown is evenly branched, very dense. The annual growth is 12-20 cm, the branches are horizontally spaced from the trunk. The shoots are light red-brown, the apical buds are ovoid, 1 cm long. Scales are short, bent. The needles are needle-shaped, hard, sharp, bluish-white, 2-3 cm long, directed forward, thick, last 4-6 years.

"Bonfire". Tree 10-15 m tall, with drooping weeping branches. The crown diameter is 4-5 m. The needles are slightly sickle-shaped, bluish-green with a light waxy coating, thin, sickle-shaped, short, 20-25 mm long. The silver-blue color of the needles remains in winter. Young shoots are orange-brown. The trunks are bent. One of the most famous blue forms of prickly spruce. The crown is evenly developed, conical. Recommended for solitary and group plantings near houses, for decorating ceremonial places.

"Moerhaimi." Strongly and unevenly growing, narrow-conical shape. The needles are 20-30 mm long, adjacent. In the second year it becomes an intense silvery blue.

As you can see in the photo, the color of the needles of this variety of prickly spruce does not change in winter:

Spruce in winter
Spruce in winter

The branches are short and horizontal. The apical bud is 10-15 mm long, blunt, yellow-brown. The lateral buds are very different and are located spirally below the apical bud. The scales at the apex are strongly deflected.

"Moll". Dwarf form, grows slowly. At 20 years of age, the height is about 1 m. The annual growth is 3-5 cm, the crown is broadly conical and very densely branched. The shoots are yellow-brown. The needles are beautiful, bluish-white, 10-15 mm long and 1 mm thick.

"Montgomery." Dwarf form, slow-growing, very squat, at 35 years of age the height and diameter of the crown are 1.8 m, annual growth is about 6 cm, shoots are yellow-brown, buds are ovoid, yellow-brown, scales are bent. The needles are 18-20 mm long, gray-blue, sharp.

"Oldenburg". Tree 10-15 (20) m high, with a crown diameter of 5-7 m. The crown is conical. The bark is brownish-gray, flaky, the shoots are orange-brown.

The photo shows that this variety of prickly spruce has needle-shaped, dense, hard, prickly, steel-blue needles:

Prickly spruce
Prickly spruce

It stays very firmly on the branches. Grows quickly. Annual growth is 30-35 cm in height, 15 cm in width. Photophilous. It is undemanding to soils, but grows better on chernozems and loams and tolerates temporary excess moisture. Frost-resistant, tolerates frost well. Application: single plantings, groups.

In this section of the article you can see photos and descriptions of the blue spruce species from the Pine family.

Blue spruce in the photo

The blue spruce tree is an evergreen coniferous tree, 25-30 m high, rarely up to 46 meters. The trunk diameter is up to 1.5 meters. The bark is thin and scaly. The crown is narrow-conical in young trees, and becomes cylindrical in old ones. The needles are 15-30 mm long, rhombic in cross-section. The needles of blue spruce deserve a special description - the color of the needles of this plant species ranges from grayish-green to bright blue.

The crown is conical, compact, the needles are tetrahedral, dense, very prickly. The bark of the trunks and branches is grayish-brown, initially smooth, later fissured.

In the photo

Decorative blue spruce cones are slightly cylindrical, 6-11 cm long and 2 cm wide when closed, up to 4 cm when open. The color of the cones is from reddish to purple, the mature cone is light brown. The seeds are black, 3-4 mm long with a light brown wing 10-13 mm long.

Look at the photo - blue spruce has cylindrical cones, up to 9 cm long, light brown, ripen in the first year:

Decorative blue spruce cones
Decorative blue spruce cones

Blue spruce is one of the hardiest spruce trees in all respects. It is inferior to common spruce only in shade tolerance. But it is extremely resistant to atmospheric pollution, frost-resistant, drought-resistant, and very unpretentious to soil conditions.

However, the best development and more decorative effect Blue spruce reaches its species on fertile structural loams, in full light.

This tree has a pronounced root core, which makes it drought-resistant. And yet, in the first 6-8 years, seedlings should be watered 2-3 times during the summer, and in case of drought, be sure to water them at least once a week. This will allow the trees to grow stronger. The greatest increases in height in blue spruce plants are observed after 8-10 years. And by 20-25 years the trees are already fully formed. The first cones can sometimes be seen on 15-year-old trees.

Until the age of 8-10 years, it is better to keep the tree trunk under black fallow, mulching with humus. In the future, the land should not be cultivated, and care consists only of periodic mulching and watering during prolonged drought.

Blue spruce
Blue spruce

As can be seen from the photo and description of the blue spruce, this beauty will decorate your garden for many years. She is an excellent tapeworm who does not need anyone's company. Looks good alone or in a group on a flat lawn. When creating groups, spruce trees should not be planted closer than 3 m from each other, so that there is no shading and the trees have low, dense crowns.

These photos show blue spruce varieties that are most popular among gardeners:

Blue spruce
Blue spruce

Healing properties of spruce

Spruce is not only decorative, but also useful plant in the garden and on personal plots.

The healing properties of spruce are well known. Moreover, the common spruce is recognized as the leader in this regard among all species. The needles, young shoots and young cones are medicinal. They are rich in essential and tannin substances, resins, vitamins, microelements, phytoncides and fatty oils.

Various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and urinary tract, as well as sinusitis and other diseases in the nasopharynx area are treated with spruce preparations and decoctions. Baths from spruce branches and kidneys are used for skin diseases, gout, arthritis and arthrosis.

Brewing from fresh spruce buds can be consumed as a vitamin tea, which is contraindicated for stomach ulcers. The simplest infusion is prepared by roughly grinding 40 g of pine needles, pouring a glass of boiling water over it, boiling for 20 minutes, then infusing it. The resulting infusion is drunk during the day if there is a lack of vitamin C.

Spruce needles contain significant quantities of phosphorus, potassium, iron, and vitamins. There is especially a lot in it ascorbic acid and carotene, making pine needles an excellent raw material for the production of special preventive pastes against scurvy and periodontal disease, pine extracts for baths and medicinal chlorophyll-carotene preparations.

From essential oil Spruce trees receive camphor, which is indispensable for heart ailments. Inhalations of essential oil of pine needles cure catarrhal conditions of the throat and bronchi.

The ecological significance of spruce is also important. Air pollution, especially urban air pollution, currently exceeds all existing standards. The needles take on a filtering role in the gas exchange of atmospheric air. Dust particles, along with harmful microorganisms, settle and become fixed in the waxy coating of pine needles.

Air saturated with secretions coniferous species, has a beneficial effect on the body, improving breathing and blood circulation, and even treats a sick human psyche.

Phytoncides released by pine needles help clean the air even in polluted places. At the same time, the spruce itself feels good. It has straight trunks, dense foliage, and low-hanging crowns.

It is known that Canadian spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. Spruce - description, species, where it grows, reproduction, photo. Watering and care

Canadian (gray) spruces have long been loved by gardeners and are widely used in landscape design. Canadian spruce, the species of which are represented by more than 20 names, can be used both in single plantings and in rock gardens, groups of conifers and heather gardens. Despite the fact that all varieties of Canadian spruce have the same origin, each of them is especially beautiful and unique.

Canadian spruce Daisy's White

In its shape, this variety resembles the well-known Konica. The needles of this tree are soft and bright green. Special decorative properties The Christmas tree gains strength when new growth appears, which occurs in late May - early June. At first they are yellowish-white in color, later they turn green. In the spring, when the first growth appears in sunny weather, white needles tend to burn. Typically, the color of the second summer growth is green.

Canadian spruce Daisy White grows relatively slowly and reaches 0.8 m only by the age of 10. The recommended place for planting is sun or partial shade. The tree requires well-drained soil with optimal levels of moisture and fertility. In March, protection from bright sunlight is necessary. To ensure moist and loose soil in the tree trunk circle, mulching is carried out. To do this, you can use peat, mowed grass and other natural ingredients.

Daisy White is a beautiful evergreen tree. Due to its miniature size and summer decoration, a small unpretentious Christmas tree becomes a decoration of a heather garden, and also harmoniously combines with other types of dwarf conifers and herbaceous plants.

Canadian spruce Alberta Globe

This variety is a coniferous evergreen shrub spherical in shape, which is a mutation of the popular Konica. The tree grows very slowly. The height of an adult plant is 1 m with 1 m in diameter. Soft radial needles in early age has a green-yellow color, and in old age - a bright green color. Such needles form very dense, rounded needles.

Alberta Globe prefers to grow on sunny area, but can also develop in partial shade. This variety has a shallow root system, so it is very important not to let the soil dry out. The Christmas tree responds well to watering in the evening. Like other conifers, it is recommended to mulch natural materials, which allows you to maintain soil moisture and looseness at optimal level. Globular variety Canadian spruce will be an excellent addition to oriental-style compositions; it looks great in rocky and heather gardens. In addition, it can be used as a potted plant.

Canadian spruce Sanders Blue

Sanders Blue - decorative variety conical in shape, compared to Konica, slightly narrower. It has bright blue needles. This is a real dwarf. Its growth is so slow that by the age of 10 it barely reaches 70 cm. Young shoots are quite numerous, have thin and short needles, which provide the Christmas tree with a silvery appearance. blue tint. Young needles always look brighter than old ones.

Canadian blue spruce grows well in a sunny location. Prefers wet slightly acidic soil with good drainage. Differs in frost resistance.

However, during the first years after planting it needs protection from ultraviolet sunlight. Does not tolerate waterlogging well. In dry periods it requires artificial irrigation. Like other spruce trees, mulching is recommended.

It is worth considering and remembering that the tree is subject to infection by pine spider mites. In this regard, it is very important to have an insecticide on hand in order to treat the tree in a timely manner.

Unfortunately, the tree is not yet very popular in middle lane Russia. But it is worth saying that if you follow the simplest agricultural techniques, you can get a wonderful small specimen of decorative Canadian spruce, which is perfect for a rocky hill, a small garden or winter garden, where its bizarre shape and color can amaze even experienced gardeners.

Canadian spruce Echiniformis

A dwarf variety that appeared in France in the middle of the last century. It is one of the dwarf and slowest growing forms of Canadian spruce with a spherical crown. Growth is no more than 2 cm per year. The needle is small with a greenish-blue tint, the shoots are short. The diameter of the tree at 10 years is only 30 cm, and at 30 years – 1 m. The spherical shape is obtained thanks to the young shoots sticking out in all directions. Over time, the crown resembles a pillow. Therefore, this Christmas tree is often called pillow spruce, although it is still the same Canadian white (gray) spruce. The needles of Echinoformis are arranged radially. It is narrow, short and thin.

This variety tolerates winter well in central Russia, but winter period The crown needs protection from damage by snow load.

It prefers slightly acidic soils and tolerates pruning well. Echinoformis is an excellent decorative element for landscape compositions. Can be used in low borders.

Canadian spruce Rainbow's End

Rainbow End is a dwarf cone-shaped plant. Like all blue spruces, it grows slowly. By the age of 10, its height is 1 m. During the year, the tree gives 2 increments. In spring it is green, in summer it is bright yellow.

When growing in partial shade, the yellow tint of the growth may fade, and in the shade it may turn green. In order for the entire Christmas tree to be dressed in “gold”, it is necessary to plant it in a sunny place. However, in March and April it is recommended to protect the tree from scorching sun rays. This needs to be done not only when young, but also mature age. When grown in milder winters, spring burns can only be found on unkempt spruce trees.

Spruce needles are short (does not exceed 10 mm), soft. The shoots are also short, needle-shaped, thin, and light green in color.

Like all spruces, Rainbow End prefers fertile soil with drainage.

It is better to purchase seedlings in plastic pots with slow-release fertilizer. In this case, when transplanting (transferring), the root system of the plant is not damaged and it is guaranteed to take root. In addition, buying in pots is advantageous because spruce can be planted from March to November, including on hot days, without purchasing additional fertilizers.

Caring for Rainbow End is no different from caring for representatives of other varieties. Timely submission is important complex fertilizers, mulching, regular watering, cultivation, weeding, lack of sodding. This variety is resistant to frost, but sensitive to air pollution and smoke.

The variety was bred in Poland. Today it is not widely used in landscape design. Rainbow End is in demand mainly only among professional gardeners who seek to control the size of their gardens from the very beginning of design. Can be grown as a container crop or used for contrasting plantings.

Canadian spruce Blue Planet

Blue Planet is a little-known variety of Canadian gray (white) spruce. Rarely found on the domestic market. This is a truly ornamental plant. A low Christmas tree with a bush-like shape in adulthood has a height of only 50-60 cm. And the diameter of the crown is 80-100 cm.

It grows slowly, but faster than other varieties of Canadian spruce. The average annual growth is about 5-6 cm. The variety is reminiscent of Glauca Globosa in its characteristics. At an early age, spruce shoots grow unevenly. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the shape of the crown.

Over time, the silhouette transforms and the crown acquires a round or spherical shape. The needles of Blue Planet are short (does not exceed 2 cm). The needles are hard, prickly, dark bluish-green in color. In the sun they can acquire a unique steely blue color. This dwarf tree feels good both in an open, well-lit place and in partial shade.

However, in low light conditions, the needles do not show a bluish tint. Special requirements does not require soil conditions, so it can grow well on any garden soil. But optimal watering and timely fertilizing are important. The variety is winter hardy. Easily affected by pine spider mites.

Canadian spruce Zuckerhut

Decorative form of gray Canadian spruce. The crown of the plant is dense, bright green. It grows slowly. Annual growth is about 5 cm. The height of the tree at maturity is 1.5 m. The crown in diameter is about 0.8 m. The needles are radial and soft. No different from other spruce trees, it prefers a sunny place, but at the same time tolerates shading well. To prevent the needles from suffering from spring sunburn, it is recommended to cover them from the sun. It grows best on sandy loams and loams. Root system Spruce is shallow, so sprinkling and watering during the hot period is simply necessary. Mulching is also necessary to keep the soil loose and moist. Plant materials are used for this.

Due to small sizes and bright green color, the Christmas tree is planted as a tapeworm in small gardens, in contrasting groups of conifers. It is appropriate next to deciduous and herbaceous plants on rocky hills and in rock gardens. Can be used as container culture, where it also looks good.


Canadian spruce Sanders Blue (Picea glauca Sanders Blue) - has dwarf dimensions and a cone-shaped shape, thanks to which it has earned considerable popularity among landscape designers. The beautiful cone-shaped shape of the crown, together with the delicate blue coloring of the crown, ideally emphasizes almost any composition. This one is quite original appearance allows you to make these plants quite versatile for the garden. This spruce grows relatively slowly, 5-7 cm per year. At 10 years of age, the height is within 0.7-0.8 m. Maximum size 2-3 m in height and up to 2 m in width. The crown has a conical shape with shoots that fit tightly to the column. Unlike other varieties of dwarf decorative spruce trees, this one is less susceptible to spring burns, which reduces the amount of care required. Gray spruce Sanders Blue It will grow best in sunny locations with some shade. It is sensitive to soil moisture and does not like stagnant moisture and grows better in fertile soils with good drainage. During the dry period, the tree should be watered in the evening, on the crown. At proper care, this type of spruce is wonderful decorative decoration with dense needles of a beautiful color. Such trees are used both in single and group compositions.

Form: Dwarf conical shape of spruce.
Size: At the age of 10 years it reaches 0.7 m in height. Later it grows up to 2-3 m tall and up to 2 m wide.
Needles: The color of the needles is blue.
Soil: Soil and moisture requirements are average. Grows on all fresh, moist, moderately rich nutrients soils, from acidic to alkaline (see).
Light: Photophilous.
Features of the plant: Canadian spruce Sanders Blue recommended for rocky and heather gardens. Often during drought it is damaged by pine spider mites (see).
Characteristics of the variety: All species of spruce have very similar needle structures and therefore are often difficult to distinguish. As a rule, these are trees with a narrow cone-shaped crown and a straight trunk, which evenly thins towards the top. The cut needles are not flat, but more or less tetrahedral, often very hard and pointedly prickly. Cones weigh, ripen and fall in one year.
Winter hardiness: USDA zone 3 (see).

Planting and caring for spruce Canadian Sanders Blue

Do not allow soil compaction and moisture stagnation. The landing site should be away from groundwater. It is imperative to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken brick, 15-20 cm thick. If spruce trees are planted in groups, then the distance for tall spruce trees should be from 2 to 3 m. Depth landing pit 50-70cm.

It is important that the root collar is at ground level. You can prepare a special soil mixture: leaf and turf soil, peat, and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Immediately after planting, the tree must be watered generously with 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to apply fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammophosphate, 10 g of root per 10 l, etc.).

Spruce trees do not like dry, hot weather, so during the hot season they need to be watered once a week, approximately 10-12 liters per tree. Carry out shallow loosening (5cm). For the winter, sprinkle peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm; after winter, the peat is simply mixed with the ground, not removed. Spruce trees can also be planted in winter.

Approximately 2 times a season you can apply fertilizer for coniferous plants.

Spruce trees usually do not need pruning, but if they form hedge pruning is allowed. As a rule, diseased and dry branches are removed. It is best to carry out pruning in late May - early June, when the period of active sap flow ends.

To protect the decorative forms of spruce from autumn and winter frosts, they can be covered with spruce branches. (cm.

Among 50 types of all coniferous trees, growing on globe, Canadian gray spruce is in a special position. The tree is loved by landscape designers and gardeners for the unusual color of the needles, the neat fluffiness of the branches and the ideal conical shape. It decorates city parks and public gardens, delighting the owners of country houses with its northern beauty. plots, and is often used for arranging hedges.

Popular varieties

Existing varieties of wood allow it to be used in various compositions and as a separate decorative element landscape. Let's look at the most popular varieties of Canadian spruce.

  • Konik spruce (“Conica”) is the undisputed leader. It is actively used in compositions, in parterres, grown in containers, decorated rocky gardens and terraces. The tree grows up to 4 meters, but reaches this size only by the age of 60.

It has an impeccable pyramidal crown, in which the branches fit tightly to each other. This variety tolerates shade well and grows slowly, which suits many. Refers to the dwarf forms of Canadian spruce.

  • Spruce echiniformis (“Echiniformis”) – This is the slowest growing tree variety. By the age of 30, its height is only 50 centimeters, with the average height of Canadian spruce being 25-35 meters.

Very compact, with shoots of 2 cm and a crown of 1 meter, it is often used in rocky gardens, allowing you to create amazing compositions without unnecessary shading of other flora. Photophilous, prefers slightly acidic and moist soils.

  • Canadian daisy spruce very similar to Konica. The variety is frost-resistant, but requires obligatory shading from the March sun. By the age of 10 it can grow up to 80 cm. decoratively interesting in May-June, when it produces yellow-white growths.

Looks great as a tapeworm in a heather garden and goes well with a plant composition rock garden.

  • Alberta spruce attracts with its spherical shape. A small tree, with a height of up to 1 meter and the same crown diameter, fits organically into oriental compositions and is used in rocky gardens and heather thickets. It exudes an amazing aroma, has soft light green needles, with needles 6-9 mm.
  • Spruce Pendula("Pendula") represents the weeping form of Canadian spruce varieties. It was discovered by A. Carrier in one of the parks of Versailles. Branched, with blue needles, it is of interest in the design of artificial ponds and swimming pools.

How to choose a tree

Obviously, it is better to buy seedlings in special nurseries. When purchasing Canadian spruce, pay attention to the root system of the tree and the condition of the crown. If you take a seedling in a container, touch the needles; they should be elastic and fragrant. In nurseries there is a risk of infestation of young shoots with the red spider, so carefully inspect the shoot for the presence of white growths on the woody part. They indicate that the plant was attacked by a red spider. Discard such a seedling.

Advice! Match the shape of the seedling with the variety declared in the documents. Take a closer look at the intensity of the color of the needles: in a healthy plant it is bright and vibrant.

Planting and propagation

Despite the fact that Canadian spruce tolerates shade quite well, it is better to plant it in open areas. The tree loves fertile, moist soils and grows especially successfully in well-drained loams.

Planting Canadian spruce. First of all, make sure that the root system of the seedling is not overdried. When planting, keep a distance between seedlings of 2-3 meters. Root collar plants should be located at ground level. The depth of the hole is 50-70 cm. Please note that in the first years, Canadian spruce grows poorly and does not tolerate frequent transplants. It reacts poorly to soil compaction and trampling, and does not like close proximity to groundwater.

Advice! To obtain a guaranteed positive result, add 100-150 g of nitroammophoska to the soil.

Reproduction. The main material for propagating Canadian spruce is seeds. Before planting in the ground, it is necessary to carry out stratification (keep the seed at a certain temperature) for 2-3 months. This procedure will increase the germination of Canadian spruce seeds. If you don’t want to waste time and want to plant the plant right away, soak the seeds for a day or buy ready-made seedlings. Garden forms Spruce trees are propagated by cuttings and the plant is very rarely grafted.

Advice! It is better to plant young Christmas trees under the protection of older trees. Under their canopy they will calmly endure both spring frosts and the scorching rays of the sun.

Canadian spruce: care

The first thing you should take care of is to protect the plant from spring and winter burns. The frost-resistant tree does not react well to sunny days in February-March. At this time, the spruce root system is in cold ground, and the branches are exposed to the hot rays of the sun. The roots do not absorb moisture, the needles get burned and the tree loses its color. Experts advise covering the spruce crown with burlap or agro-fabric during this period.

Advice! Light shading, which can be provided by planting a tree against the wall of the house or next to more tall trees, will help you create the ideal light regime for Canada spruce.

Watering. Coniferous species are not fans of strong moisture, but they cannot do without water at all. Canadian spruce is planted in places with deep groundwater. During dry summers, the tree is watered once a week. The amount of water depends on the size of the plant: 10-12 liters are enough for young shoots, older individuals will need to pour 15-20 liters under one tree.

To prevent the spring “burning” of the needles, it is customary to wrap the “Konika” bushes with burlap or other material that dissipates sun rays, but not interfering with ventilationDecorative mini-composition in a concrete pot with a Canadian Christmas tree in the leading role - great decoration your home

  • Rust appears on branches as orange growths. With significant damage, the needles turn yellow and fall off. For treatment, use Glyokladin or Vectra, treating the branches once a week for a month.

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Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you dream of a small pond with a cascade of murmuring water. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. The imagination of our landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our studio landscape design strives to preserve and improve the existing natural environment on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various areas. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.




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