Provides ash. Ash as a fertilizer - benefits, composition, use in the garden

Wood ash has been used for fertilizer since ancient times, when it was not yet known useful composition. Even now it does not include a clear list of elements, because plants of different types and ages can be burned. You will learn more about what is fertilized with ash and what is included in its composition below.

What can be fertilized with ash?

Included in wood ash sulfur, zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium are necessary for normal height vegetables, ornamental or fruit trees and perennial plants. Due to the absence of chlorine, it is recommended to be used for crops that do not tolerate this substance. These include strawberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, and potatoes. Ash protects seedlings of cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers and squash from diseases. You just need to add it to the hole when planting.

The top dressing is ash for plums or cherries, and you only need to add it every 3-4 years. With its help, you can also protect your garden from pests, for example, aphids or flies, which love to settle on carrots and onions. It is recommended to sprinkle the crops in the morning, when there is still dew, or you can do this after preliminary spraying with water. The solution for treatment is prepared from 300 g of ash raw materials and approximately 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting decoction is then diluted with 10 liters of water.

Majority ornamental shrubs And garden flowers, such as roses, clematis, delphiniums, peonies, hyacinths and lilies, grows well in alkaline or slightly acidic soil. Ash gives it such properties. It can also be useful for the nightshade family. You just need to add it when digging up the planting site for tomato seedlings, eggplants, hot or sweet peppers.

Composition of ash as fertilizer

This type of fertilizer is a non-combustible mineral residue that is obtained after combustion organic materials– plants or wood. Quantitative and high-quality composition The resulting powder is determined based on the raw materials used. If sunflower stems are used as it, vine or potato tops, then the ash will consist of 40% potassium. Other main organic elements are:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Thanks to this composition, wood ash is considered a good phosphorus and potassium fertilizer for neutral or acidic soils. It compensates for the lack of microelements in them. Due to the absence of potassium chloride, ash as a fertilizer is useful for crops such as potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries. It also does not contain nitrogen salts, which are necessary for plant growth. This can be considered a disadvantage.

The effect of such fertilizer lasts for 2-4 years after its application to the soil. The chemical composition of wood ash as a fertilizer is more valuable if it is obtained by burning buckwheat or sunflower. Rich in potassium are deciduous trees, especially birch. There is a lot of calcium in peat ash, but there is little phosphorus in it. The composition of wood ash is also beneficial from burning wood in a stove. It is not recommended to use residue from burning plastic, newspapers and household waste.

How to fertilize plants with ash - methods

Wood ash is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants, seedlings and other garden crops. different types. The first way is to scatter it near tree trunks, between rows of plantings, under bushes or in holes. It is not recommended to use fertilizer only for very small sprouts that do not yet have 3 leaves. To prevent the plant from getting burned, it is better to replace pure ash with a mixture of ash and soil. One adult crop will require about 2 kg of this component. The feeding method itself looks like this:

  1. Prepare grooves around the perimeter of the trunk. Their depth should be approximately 10 cm.
  2. Pour fertilizer into the resulting trenches.
  3. Immediately cover the grooves from above with a layer of soil.

Before planting seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants or peppers, you just need to pour 4 teaspoons of dry ash into the hole and mix with the ground. The second feeding option is an infusion of ash as a fertilizer. It is used for spraying or watering plants in the garden. You can treat tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbage with the solution. To prepare such a remedy, you will need:

  • wood ash – 100-150 g;
  • water - 1 bucket.

Both components are combined and infused for a couple of hours. Then you can water the plants after mixing the product. In this way it is recommended to feed flowers, currant and raspberry bushes and vegetables. The optimal frequency of use is once every 2 weeks, for both methods. Liquid fertilizer The good thing is that the garden soil is additionally saturated with moisture.

You can increase the effectiveness of fertilizer by adding humus or peat. The ideal ratio with ash is 1:4 or 1:3. It is better to use coal ash. She is simply buried in compost heap, which is organic product, formed under the influence of bacteria and earthworms. Subsequently, such fertilizer is used traditional way, i.e. placed in holes or added when digging beds.

Video: how to use ash as fertilizer

In late spring and early summer, most people spend time at the dacha, in their garden or vegetable garden. Caring for plants is very important, because the quality of the future harvest and its availability throughout the cold season of the year depend on it. Among fertilizers there are many natural substances that contain microelements nutritious for soil and plants. If you are also interested in an effective natural composition, then watch the useful videos below about ways to use wood ash.

How to dilute ash for feeding

How to fertilize cucumbers with ash

How to fertilize tomatoes with ash

Wood ash is rightfully considered an excellent potassium-phosphorus fertilizer, which is often used on acidic and neutral soils. However, the chemical composition of wood ash is not limited only to potassium and phosphorus; it contains elements such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iron, zinc and many trace elements necessary vegetable crops, fruit and ornamental plants. It should be noted that there is no exact chemical composition, due to the origin of the natural substance. There is a direct dependence on the age and type of wood that was burned.

Effect of composition on plants

Ash – organic fertilizer, rich in microelements. Some of them affect development and growth, others protect against various diseases. Lack of nutrients has a detrimental effect on productivity and general health plants. Soil fertilization data natural material sufficiently compensates for the lack of nutrients.

For plants important feature that the composition of wood ash does not include the presence of chlorine. After all, many crops (tomatoes, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries) do not tolerate potash fertilizers, most of which contain chlorine in varying concentrations. In this case, a natural product obtained by combustion works just fine.

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Ash – absolutely affordable and highly effective phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, containing a lot of substances and microelements necessary for the development and growth of plants. You don’t need to buy it, you don’t need to use transport for transportation - such fertilizer can be made independently. The availability and benefits of ash are undeniable! Although it should be noted that quality characteristics and the mass fraction of certain trace elements may vary depending on the raw materials used to obtain the ash.

Important! When using ash as a fertilizer, it should be remembered that when raw materials are burned, nitrogen evaporates; therefore, its shortage must be compensated for by any nitrogen-containing additives.

Average indicators of the main elements in the ash after combustion:


  1. Wood:
    • conifers – about 8%;
    • deciduous – 14%;
    • grapevine – 40%.
  2. Herbaceous raw materials:
    • straw – about 20%;
    • potato tops – 40%;
    • sunflower (stem, leaves and head) – 40%;
    • dried grass (nettle, quinoa, sow thistle, etc.) – 30%.
  3. Buckwheat, sunflower husk – 35%.
  4. Peat – 10%.
  5. Shales – no more than 2%.


  1. Wood:
    • conifers – 6%;
    • deciduous – no more than 10%.
  2. Herbaceous raw materials – 1%.
  3. Peat – 1%.
  4. Shales – 1.5%.


  1. Wood – 45%.
  2. Herbaceous raw materials – 10–20%.
  3. Peat – 20–50%.
  4. Shales – about 70%.

Important! In no case should you use ash as a fertilizer after burning: polymers, household waste, rubber, colorful glossy magazines, colored paper, etc. synthetic materials. When using such a “fertilizer,” you can completely forget about the harvest - the land will be poisoned for many years.

Use of ash on different types of soils

  • Agricultural technicians do not recommend using it on soils with high alkalinity. This is due chemical characteristics ash prepared from any raw material - it additionally alkalizes the soil, which can significantly impede plant nutrition.
  • Loamy and clay soils– adding only 300–500 g/m² of ash significantly improves the fertility and structure of the soil. Even after a single application of fertilizer, the positive effect can last up to 4 years.
  • Acidic soils - when adding wood ash as a fertilizer, a certain balance is created between the natural reaction of the soil (acidic) and the alkaline component (ash), which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants. The exception is crops that initially prefer acidic soil: potatoes, radishes, melons and some others, as a result of which these plants must be fertilized with ashes very carefully, having first weighed the possible benefits and possible harm.

Methods of using ash as fertilizer

In practice, ash is used as a fertilizer in 3 ways:

  1. Dry scattering in tree trunks, under bushes, between rows garden crops and into the holes before planting seedlings.
  2. Spraying or watering plants with a concentrated solution and/or infusion prepared from ordinary water and ash.
  3. Adding to the compost heap (2 kg/m³). Subsequently, compost is used traditionally.

How to use ash as fertilizer?

How much ash is needed for a particular crop?

How to properly prepare an ash solution for watering and spraying?

Questions familiar? Well then experienced gardeners and agronomists recommend:

Advice! When watering, ash diluted in water must be constantly lightly shaken or stirred to prevent it from settling to the bottom.

  • Before planting, and, you need to add 5 dessert spoons of ash to each hole and lightly mix it with the ground or add it when digging at the rate of three 200-gram glasses per 1 m².
  • Lawn grass - before sowing seeds, add fertilizer to the selected area, 300 g. per 1 m². It is not recommended to sprinkle already sprouted seeds.
  • Fertilization of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage with ash during the growth period can be carried out using a pre-prepared solution: 100 g/10 l (ash/water), after mixing the ingredients, the infusion is ready within 24 hours. Pour 500 ml of infusion under each plant or make longitudinal grooves and pour them evenly.
  • For a good cabbage harvest, it is recommended to apply fertilizer several times, every 10–12 days. The procedure should be carried out throughout the entire growth period.
  • For trees, it is useful to fertilize at least once every 3 years:
    • adults – 2 kg for each tree, apply to the tree trunk area in pure form, you can make a special groove (10 cm deepening) around the circumference and apply fertilizing there. In dry weather, subsequent abundant watering is required;
    • seedlings - pour 1 kg of ash into a hole prepared for planting, where it is mixed with soil, then planting is done traditionally.
  • Fertilizing indoor plants with ash is also widely used. To do this, the product is poured into flower pot(1 tablespoon per 5 liters of soil) or prepare an infusion (2 tablespoons per 6 liters of water), which is used for watering.

Advice! You can fertilize trees and rooted seedlings with an infusion prepared from 1.5 kg of ash and 12 liters of water. The resulting composition is simply poured evenly around the plant, no further than 0.5 m from the trunk.

The use of ash for plants as protection against diseases and pests

The use of ash for plants comes down not only to fertilizing the soil, it is also an excellent remedy against many pests and diseases:

  • Treatment for cruciferous flea beetle - mix ash and tobacco dust in equal proportions and pollinate the plants with the resulting composition.
  • Ash infusion is very effective when used in the fight against powdery mildew, as well as aphids. It is prepared very simply, for this you mix: 12 l. cold water, 110 g. laundry soap and ash, 20 g. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and infused for 2 days.
  • There is an opinion that regularly adding ashes to the soil of the garden helps to exterminate wireworms.
  • As a preventive measure for various fungal diseases, plants are also pollinated with ash.

Advice! Spray ash only when there is complete calm outside, this will guarantee that the product will reach exactly the plants it was intended to. Best results gives pollination in the early hours, when the dew has not yet subsided.

Wood ash as fertilizer - video

Among all the ways to feed a plant, the most convenient and environmentally friendly is the use of ash as fertilizer. It is easy to prepare, use, and store. In addition, the micro- and ash elements contained in it add special value. It is in the composition that the main difference between the varieties of this fertilizer lies:

  1. Wood ash is richer in phosphorus and potassium. Also in it large number calcium, which reduces the negative impact of the acidic soil environment. Magnesium, sulfur, iron, zinc and other trace elements maintain the health and strength of the plant over a long period.

Depending on the soil richness and the needs of the crop, the chemical composition of the fertilizer can be adjusted. For example, choosing hardwoods, especially birch, guarantees an increased dose of potassium. They enrich with the same element herbaceous plants with a hard stem, such as sunflower, buckwheat and others. But conifers are a source of phosphorus, just like wheat or rye straw and tree bark.

  1. Peat ash is characterized by a lower content of phosphorus-potassium compounds, which is more suitable under conditions of their initial presence in the soil or for use on crops that consume these elements in small quantities. And calcium, found here in greater concentration than in wood ash, is irreplaceable on podzolic and other types of soils that are acidic.
  2. Ash does not contain so necessary for plants calcium, phosphorus and potassium. But it is rich in sulfur, which makes it possible to acidify alkaline soils, but precludes its use even in slightly acidic environments. Coal ash is also distinguished by the presence of silicon oxides, which contributes to the structuring of loams and even their drying.

In most cases, the soil is poor in potassium, and of the standard fertilizers, KCl contains the most of it. However, the use of this salt is quite inconvenient, since the presence of chlorine in the composition, to which only a few crops react neutrally, forces it to be applied in the fall, so that by spring all excess has time to be washed out. Ash is much more convenient in this regard, because contains useful element with almost complete absence of harmful substances.

How to use ash correctly

One of the main questions that worries all gardeners, especially beginners, is what fertilizer to choose for feeding in order to give the plant everything it needs right away and how to apply it. Ash for feeding is used on the following crops: potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, fruit and flower plants.

In order to increase the efficiency of feeding, you must follow several rules:

To fertilize with ash, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • On clay and loamy soils, application is recommended in the fall, followed by incorporation to a depth of 20-25 cm;
  • On sandy loam and sandy types, it is more rational to use it in the spring after the rains (the nutritional elements of the ash are quickly washed out) or immediately before planting.

The consumption rate is about 200 to 300 g/m2. The effect of adding ash is observed for 2-4 years.

  • To reduce the harmful effects of the acidic soil environment, it is best to apply wood ash in the fall. At the same time, an increase in the cold resistance of plants is achieved.
  • In addition to dry use, ashes can be added to composts by sprinkling 10 kg of fertilizer over each 1 m 3 in layers, which will act, in some way, as a catalyst for the overheating of organic matter.
  • Ready solution at the rate of 100 g/10 l of water. The liquid mixture is added with constant stirring (no sediment should remain). It is also worth considering that the ash concentration with this method can be reduced, because Substances dissolved in water are more fully absorbed by the roots.
  • Soaking eggplant and tomato seeds in a solution of ash and water improves the health of the seed. To do this, the composition must first steep for 24 hours.

There is no one recipe for how to fertilize certain crops with ash, because... each has its own requirements, concentrations and method.

Features of use

To avoid a backlash, when applying fertilizer:

  1. Storage of ashes is unacceptable in humid conditions, because ash is an excellent adsorbent, and nutrients when dropped into water they dissolve easily. In other words, there is practically no point in using such material in fertilizing.
  2. Nitrogen fertilizers are not combined with ash, because when added together, the main element of them becomes inaccessible, and, therefore, does not achieve the goal. This applies to both mineral and organic species. Therefore, nitrogen is applied no earlier than a month after the ash.
  3. It is also not recommended to mix phosphate rock or superphosphate with ash, since phosphorus in this case turns into hard-to-reach forms.
  4. The use of burnt garbage as fertilizer, especially containing polymer materials. In addition, painted and treated wood is not suitable, because... the content of toxic substances in it will cause more harm.

Using ash for potatoes

For potatoes, ash is a more preferable fertilizer than any other, because This crop consumes large amounts of potassium and categorically does not accept chlorine. Many gardeners have noted that the greatest increase in yield is observed when adding ashes directly into the hole. The dosage can vary from 1 cup to 400 g depending on the type of soil. The effect will be especially good when dusting tubers.

The application can be distributed evenly over the growing season, for example, by adding wood ash during the first and second (budding phase) hilling, 2 tablespoons and half a glass per bush, respectively. It must be remembered that these standards apply to wood ash. When using peat, it is necessary to increase the rate to 30%.

Such fertilizing allows you to get strong plants with tubers. In addition to providing the crop with the necessary nutrients, the ash has a fungicidal effect, namely, it inhibits the development of late blight, from which more and more potato growers suffer every year. Coal ash performs especially well here, because... it contains more copper. In addition, spraying ash on plants helps in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle.

Benefits of ash for vegetables and fruits

On wood fertilizer All vegetable crops respond positively, because the nutrients it contains are especially loved by these plants. To receive big harvest high-quality pumpkin (cucumbers, zucchini, squash) add 1 cup before planting, followed by planting and then 2 tablespoons for each bush. Root feeding provides for the placement of 1 cup per m2 followed by watering.

Nightshades need 3 cups of fertilizer before planting, with 0.5 cup added when planting the seedlings in their final location. Ash is applied to the cabbage in fractions: up to 2 cups at the beginning of the summer season and 0.5 cups in the holes.

Parsley, lettuce, dill are provided with all the necessary elements when digging 1 m 2 of soil with 1 cup of ash in the spring. But winter garlic and onions prefer autumn application of fertilizer.

For fruit and berry crops wood ash is a favorite remedy because... it contains practically no chlorine. Top dressing consists of placing dry ash in tree trunk circles in the spring every 2-3 years.

Grape fertilizer

Crops that consume large doses of potassium include grapes. To ensure it required quantity For batteries, a whole system of fertilizing with ash is used, carried out once every 3-4 years.

After harvesting, each plant is watered with a large volume of water with the obligatory addition of wood ash to the last bucket (about 300g). Spring feeding consists of embedding 2 kg of ash in tree trunk circles. And applying dry fertilizer in the first days of summer allows you to simultaneously fight the fungus while improving root nutrition. However, you should not use ash excessively, especially on soils with an alkaline reaction, because this is fraught with chlorosis on the leaves.

In addition to root feeding, grapes respond well to spraying them with a solution of ash and water (1:2) during the growing season. The mixture is pre-infused for at least three days (it must be stirred from time to time). Then the fertilizer should be allowed to stand so that it is possible to drain the water without sediment and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. It is better to carry out treatment on days with less solar activity, or in the evening hours, to avoid burns. This operation helps to get rid of fungal diseases of the crop.

To ensure annual fruiting of grapes, they must be pruned before wintering. The remaining branches may become excellent material for wood ash with high content potassium (25%) and phosphorus (17%).

Fertilizing garden flowers

Because ash, especially wood ash, contains all the elements involved in maintaining health and beauty flower plants, its use is simply irreplaceable in obtaining luxurious flower beds. In particular, this applies to rose gardens of any type.

The most simple method use is uniform distribution throughout the flower garden with embedding in the soil. This is one of the few cases when applying fertilizer is not recommended during planting, but is preferable in the form of fertilizing. Rooting is carried out with dry ash (under perennial bushes) or by watering with a 2-day infusion of water at the rate of 10 g/l.

For spraying during the growing season, a more concentrated solution is used (component ratio 20 g/l). It is better to fertilize before sunrise or in the evening hours, so as not to expose the leaves and petals to the risk of burns. The same fertilizer is used on indoor plants with the only difference that it is necessary to take into account the proportions due to the limited pot space.

Ash to protect plants from pests

To achieve good harvests You need to constantly fight pests, weeds, and diseases. And if some of them have the opportunity to deal with mechanically, then others force us to resort to more sophisticated methods, namely chemicals. However, with many fairly common garden problems also helps fight ash. For example, due to its properties, ash even helps to get rid of some plants, such as horsetail.

Some of the most unpleasant pests are slugs and snails, which are not so easy to get rid of even with repellents. If you sprinkle dry ash on the surface of the soil around the plant, their attacks stop bothering you. Also react to this method wireworms and ants, only their paths are processed.

To protect strawberry roots from omnivorous larvae, it is enough to powder the edges of the hole when planting seedlings. And to rid the ground parts of plants of various insects such as aphids, whites and others, a solution with ash and a decoction of herbs is prepared (it is better to select it individually for each specific pest). It must be taken into account that greater effect is achieved by adding laundry soap as a surfactant at a rate of 10 g/l. A mixture of fly ash and tobacco in equal proportions works very well. It can be used to dust onions, cabbage, rutabaga, radishes and other crops to protect against harmful flies and cruciferous flea beetles.

Ash as a fungicide

Spraying with a solution of water and wood ash has a healing effect on strawberries while combating the first signs of gray rot. The consumption rate of such a fungicide is up to 15 g per bush. To prepare the solution, you will need 300 g of ash, dissolved in 3 liters of water, followed by heating and infusion for 6 hours. Then soap and water are added (the total volume should be 10 liters).

If the disease is detected in the initial phase, 2-fold treatment with a frequency of 2 weeks is sufficient; with later stages the situation is more complicated, because the probability of eradicating action is significantly reduced in this case. Ease of use is achieved by straining the composition before processing.

This product is applicable, among other things, to the destruction of powdery mildew fungi on pumpkin plants. Mixing wood ash with soil before planting cabbage reduces its susceptibility to clubroot and blackleg disease. And adding it to the rows of table beets provides protection from tail rot and damage to the heart thanks to the boron contained in the ash.

If cucumbers are affected by root rot, they must be treated either with dry ash by dusting, or a fungicide must be prepared from water (1 l), ash (6 tablespoons) and copper sulfate(2 teaspoons). Any processing of vegetative mass should be carried out during periods of low solar activity.

For any plant there is no more useful fertilizer than natural. What could be more natural than a natural product? For example, ash contains balanced nutritional elements that are rarely combined in a man-made product. In addition, the use of ash allows you to improve the structure of the soil, its properties, increase the immunity of plants and protect them from negative influence pests and diseases. That is why ash is suitable for fertilizing like no other mineral fertilizer better.

Each plant, as it grows, removes nutrients from the ground, and in order to grow the crop again, it is necessary to return to the soil those elements that will be needed to produce a harvest.

Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, as well as all trace elements Wood ash has favorable proportions.

Let's consider in detail: what it contains, how to properly feed plants with wood ash, how to use ash in the garden.

Wood ash composition

Ash quality depends on many circumstances - the most important of which is the raw material - the type of wood burned in the fire.

The ash obtained by combustion has the greatest value birch firewood. It contains 10-12% potassium, 4-6% phosphorus, and 35-40% calcium.

The ash formed by the combustion of spruce firewood contains 3-4% potassium, 2-3% phosphorus, and 23-26% calcium.

But the most important thing when making ash is that plastic packaging, polyethylene, and rubber do not get into the fire.

Potassium in the ash is contained in the form of potassium carbonate, which is easily soluble in water. There is little phosphorus in wood ash, but it is used more fully than from superphosphate.

The large amount of calcium in ash makes it a good alkaline fertilizer that can quickly deoxidize the soil.

Application of ash reduces acidity, improves soil structure and creates favorable conditions for the development of microflora.

When deoxidizing the soil with lime, it should be remembered that crops such as carrots, parsley, and radishes do not tolerate lime well. In carrots, the root crop becomes distorted, while in others it becomes coarser. Therefore, it is better to deoxidize the soil for these crops with wood ash.

How to use ash in the garden

Ash can be added for digging in autumn and spring, the application rate is 100-200 grams per square meter. One faceted glass contains 100 grams of ash.

If you have sandy soil, then add ash better in spring, ash is washed out faster from such soil.

Video - The importance of wood ash for the future harvest

Ash can be added directly to the holes when planting potatoes, tomato seedlings, peppers and other vegetable crops, as well as planting pits when planting fruit and berry crops.

Ash can be applied to almost all crops, with the exception of plants that love acidic soils. These include rhododendron, sorrel, azalea, hydrangea and others.

Ash should not be brought in with nitrogen fertilizers – fresh manure, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea. This leads to nitrogen losses.

Do not mix ash with superphosphate, this contributes to the transfer of part of the phosphorus into an insoluble state, worsening the phosphorus nutrition of the plant.

Adding ash to compost has a positive effect - the decomposition of plant components is accelerated, and the activity of microorganisms is activated.

You can fertilize garden crops throughout the season. If in the first half of summer plants need more fertilizers containing nitrogen, then in the second half they need fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus - which is what it is rich in.

When feeding ash can be applied dry, then loosened into the soil.

Also prepare a solution from ash: to prepare a solution, add 100 grams of ash to 10 liters of water and mix well. Without waiting for the insoluble part to settle, water the plants - for tomatoes and peppers, 0.5 liters per bush. Fertilizing must be carried out after watering.

Many gardeners use ash to soak seeds before sowing. Add 2 tablespoons of ash to 1 liter of water, leave for 2 days and then strain.

Disinfectants and medicinal properties ash known to people since ancient times. Strawberries are powdered with dry ash immediately after flowering, which greatly reduces the likelihood of infection. gray mold.

You can dust other crops with ash - cucumbers, tomatoes, berry bushes and fruit trees . Do this early in the morning, before the dew has disappeared, or after spraying the plant with water.

For pest control They use solutions that contain ash - boil 100 grams of wood ash in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, leave for 2 days, strain. Add another 1 liter of water and 10 grams of laundry soap.

Ash has practically no expiration date, but it must be stored in a dry place. When moisture gets into the ash, it loses almost all the potassium.

Attention! Always follow the norms for applying any fertilizers to the soil; an excess of fertilizers is as harmful as a lack.

An excess of potassium in the soil delays the supply of nitrogen to plants.

Video - Effective fertilizing of pepper with ash for fruiting

Happy harvest to you!



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs