Minimum thickness of floor sound insulation in an apartment. How to soundproof the floor in an apartment. Plasterboard construction

Most apartments in multi-storey buildings, especially older ones, have poor sound insulation. This is due to the fact that interior walls Quite thin and does not block sound. The materials included in the structure of the walls do not contribute to good sound insulation: fittings, for example, perfectly conduct all captured noise.

It is for this reason that many apartment owners have to think on their own about how to soundproof the floor in their apartment. This is what this article will discuss.

Some time ago, the problem of poor sound insulation in an apartment building was practically insoluble. Finding good soundproofing materials was very difficult, so we had to use ingenuity and improvised means: carpets on the walls and floors, foam sheets and cardboard boxes - all this was used to create at least some protection from the ubiquitous noise.

Today the situation has become much better: there is a huge amount various soundproofing materials, and professional builders offer various schemes noise protection installations. For example, soundproofing the floor under the screed is popular, as it is very practical. All this will be discussed further.

Classification of soundproofing materials

The choice of material for sound insulation must be approached responsibly: they all have their own distinctive features and characteristics, not to mention different installation methods. Good example– installation of sound-absorbing panels on wooden sheathing, which requires high ceilings.

Among the most popular in lately The following soundproofing materials are distinguished:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Cork materials;
  • "Texound."

Before you soundproof the floor in your apartment, you need to talk about each of the materials in more detail.

Mineral wool

One of the most popular and effective types sound insulation - mineral wool. It can have different densities, which largely determine the final characteristics of the material. There are three types of mineral wool - stone wool, glass wool and slag wool. They can be produced in roll and slab formats and vary in thickness.

The characteristics of mineral wool varieties can be described as follows:

  1. Stone wool. The main distinguishing feature of stone wool is its good resistance to high temperatures - the destruction of the material begins to occur at temperatures exceeding 500 degrees. To make the material, fibers obtained by melting rocks are used. The best type of stone wool is basalt - it retains sound waves well, works well as insulation and is environmentally friendly. In addition, basalt mineral wool does not contain binders, and installation of this material does not require lathing.
  2. Glass wool. Typically, glass wool is used in non-residential and production premises. Having good thermal and noise insulation performance, glass wool is a fairly common material. The popularity of this material is also facilitated by its extremely low cost. There are a couple of disadvantages: firstly, lathing is required to install glass wool, and secondly, installation of glass wool must be done using protective equipment, since fiberglass can be harmful to health.
  3. Slag. To make this material, slag from blast furnaces is used. The most noticeable drawback is moisture intolerance. The composition of slag wool includes substances that, in combination with moisture, have a destructive effect on the metal. Considering the fact that slag wool is very hygroscopic and absorbs moisture like a sponge, it must be well protected from such influences. More often this material used in non-residential premises.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the sound insulation of floors in panel houses will be much better if you use basalt wool for its arrangement.

Installation of mineral sound insulation

Installation of mineral wool on the floor to create sound insulation can be done either using wooden sheathing, and without it.

The installation algorithm looks like this:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the base, for which the base surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. If cracks are found under debris and dust, which very often occur in concrete floor, you need to take care to eliminate them, for which cement mortar or special building materials are well suited. In any case, after sealing the seams, you need to give the material some time to dry.
  2. Foamed polyethylene is laid on the prepared base, which provides slight heat and sound insulation. You can install logs on top of them, but this requires an accurate calculation: the distance between the logs must correspond to the width of the mineral wool sheets, so that there are no gaps between the support and the sound insulation.
  3. A gap is left between the joists and the walls, into which strips of basalt wool of the appropriate width are installed. They should cover the entire perimeter of the room. After this, you can begin laying mineral wool slabs between the joists.
  4. When the soundproofing of the floor in the apartment is in place, the floor on top is covered with sheets of plywood, which are attached to the sheathing boards using self-tapping screws. Small gaps between plywood sheets must be sealed with a special putty suitable for working with wood. Read also: "".

Having completed the installation of sound insulation, you can deal with the following issues - for example, installing flooring. Achieve best result in terms of sound insulation it is possible by covering plywood base cork, which in itself has good sound-absorbing properties, and in combination with mineral wool will give an extremely high-quality result.

In some cases, soundproofing the floor in panel house installed without wooden sheathing.

In this case, the sequence of actions will look like this:

  1. The pre-cleaned and cleaned floor is covered with a layer of foamed polyethylene, as in the previous method. Single sheets polyethylene are connected to each other with construction tape. Be sure to make a slight overlap on the walls around the entire perimeter of the room.
  2. After cutting small strips of basalt wool slabs, they need to be installed along each wall. The height of the strips will be about 15 cm. Plywood sheets or drywall are mounted adjacent to the part of the sound insulation installed in this way. Read also: "".
  3. The next step is laying mineral wool slabs. This step must be performed very efficiently: the plates must be firmly joined to each other. In addition, all slabs must be tightly adjusted to the strips installed along the walls.
  4. Plywood is mounted on top of the soundproofing layer and secured to the floor, after which the protruding soundproofing elements are removed. Gaps between plywood sheets are removed using putty, which needs to be given a little time to dry.

At this point, the soundproofing of the floor in the apartment is complete, and you can do other work - installing flooring, for example.

Cork sound insulation

Cork is a natural material that has a lot of advantages in its arsenal. One of them is good sound absorption, which is why cork coverings are often used to protect an apartment from extraneous noise.

If we are talking about cork, then you need to understand that it can be not only the top layer of the floor covering, but also a substrate that can be installed under any material. Anyway, natural properties traffic jams will provide good protection from sounds coming from the lower floors. To understand how well cork absorbs sound, you can consider comparative characteristics different materials, used in construction.

A small example will suffice: a two-centimeter layer of cork is superior in sound absorption to a monolithic layer of concrete ten centimeters thick. A comparison between cork and wood will end in an unconditional victory for the former: the degree of sound protection on average will be approximately 2.5 times higher.

Installing cork flooring on a bare floor will reduce the noise by half. To achieve maximum effect, you can use cork in combination with other soundproofing material - the presence of layers of different densities in the structure will ensure high-quality noise absorption.

If you use cork as a finishing coating, the quality of the soundproofing cushion will be quite high, and if you also install a balsa wood backing before this, the result will be maximum.

Both the decorative coating and the cork backing have their own positive qualities, for the full implementation of which you need to approach the installation of the selected material competently and responsibly.

Installation of cork sound insulation on the floor

As a rule, when it comes to choosing cork as a soundproofing material, it means using both the floor covering and the underlay. That is why the process of plug installation will be considered comprehensively.

The work algorithm will look like this:

  1. Having prepared the base layer, removed all debris and leveled the surface, you can begin installing the cork backing. It must be laid on pre-laid sheets of foamed polyethylene, extending onto the walls by about 5-10 cm and secured with construction tape.
  2. A backing is laid on top of the polyethylene. All actions must be carried out carefully and confidently, constantly checking the algorithm. If the substrate was originally in the form of a roll, then after laying it you should wait a little for the material to level out and straighten out.
  3. Plywood sheets are laid on top of the substrate, which must be attached to the floor surface. These sheets will later contain flooring.


A new soundproofing material, Texound, has relatively recently appeared on the domestic market. This material has been used for a very long time and has all the necessary indicators to be among the best soundproofing materials.

The thickness of Texound is only 3.7 mm, and it is based on mineral wool. In addition to being used as a floor sound absorber, this material is suitable for protecting walls and ceilings from excess noise, providing high-quality sound insulation with minimal loss of free space.

Despite its small size, Texound is quite heavy - one square meter of material weighs 7 kg. This is due to its high density, which ensures high-quality sound insulation.

The presented material has several positive qualities, distinguishing it from other sound absorbers:

  • Flexibility and elasticity, allowing the material to stretch over time;
  • Simple installation that even an inexperienced technician can handle;
  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes and good resistance to open fire;
  • Protection from moisture and, as a result, the impossibility of rotting or mold forming on the material;
  • Compatibility with any materials and surfaces;
  • Unlimited service life;
  • Excellent sound-absorbing qualities.

The only disadvantage that can be highlighted is the fact that Texound can only be laid in combination with a substrate, otherwise its effectiveness will be reduced.

Installation of Texound

The issue of installing soundproofing needs to be approached wisely. To do everything correctly and achieve a high-quality result, you should follow the recommendations that the manufacturer applies to its material.

“Texound” requires the installation of a substrate, which can be used as any insulation material—foamed polyethylene is best suited. However, in this case the choice is individual and falls on the shoulders of the apartment owner.

The Texound installation process itself looks like this:

  1. The concrete base is thoroughly cleaned and the base is laid on it. When laying the elastic base, it is best to additionally secure it with glue. You can also choose plasterboard for these purposes, which will both protect sound insulation and also protect a little from sound.
  2. Having laid the base, you can begin installing Texound. When laying it, you need to overlap the walls - about 10 cm. The laid material is connected with glue or hot air. To reach maximum efficiency, the soundproofing layer must be sealed.
  3. Plywood or plasterboard is laid on top of the sound insulation. In the future, the selected floor covering will be laid on them. When laying sound insulation, it is worth taking into account the soundproofing characteristics of the floor covering - with the right combination of materials, you can achieve almost complete elimination of extraneous noise.


The choice of soundproofing largely depends on how well sound travels through the floor in a particular case - perhaps a regular cork flooring will be enough to completely get rid of noise. If this option does not seem acceptable, then you should think about creating a multi-layer soundproofing pillow that will ensure silence and comfort in the apartment.

Unfortunately, apartments in multi-storey buildings have very low level soundproofing. This is especially true for buildings built from reinforced concrete panels. Not only do the interior wall panels themselves have a very small thickness, but their structural structure does not contribute to the absorption of sound, and some of their components even conduct it, for example, fittings. Therefore, soundproofing the floor in an apartment has become an urgent necessity for many.

Not so long ago it was very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to purchase materials for sound insulation, and apartment owners came up with different ways protect your home from loud music or emotional conversations of neighbors. Old carpets, leftover styrofoam packaging, and even egg trays were used.

Today at construction stores- a huge selection of different soundproofing materials, and craftsmen offer numerous ways to design a soundproofing system. To choose the option that is most suitable for a particular room, you need to consider the characteristics of some of them and how they fit on the concrete floor.

Species sound insulators and how to install them

Not every soundproofing material is suitable for a particular apartment. For example, to install a sound-absorbing system using wooden sheathing, you must have sufficiently high ceilings. The sheathing will be at least five centimeters in height, plus the thickness of the plywood laid on top - and the volume of the room will be significantly reduced, the ceiling will be lower. Therefore, in this case, you need to choose materials that have a small thickness and, at the same time, greater noise absorption efficiency.

Soundproofing MaxForte

Floor sound insulation for floating screeds is made using modern MaxForte materials. Each material has its own installation characteristics.

MaxForte Shumoizol. The rolls are spread with the soft side on the floor, the edges are placed on the walls. After work, all excess can be easily cut off. The joints between the rolls are coated liquid rubber MaxForte Hydrostop.


  1. Impact noise level reduction 27 dB.
  2. The material does not tear or crack during installation due to the addition of imported plasticizers to the composition.
  3. Can be used as waterproofing, the material is waterproof.
  4. The material can be used for dry screed and under laminate.

MaxForte Shumoizol

MaxForteSoundPro. Installation is carried out by analogy with Shumoizol: the edges are placed on the walls, the rolls themselves are overlapped by 5 cm, and the joints between them are coated with MaxForte Hydrostop liquid rubber. Next, the construction film is laid. This is done so that the screed solution does not penetrate into the sound insulation layer.


  1. Impact noise level reduction 34 dB.
  2. Reduction of airborne noise level 10 dB.
  3. Rolls are resistant to moisture. Not subject to rotting.
  4. Belongs to sound absorption class “A” out of five possible.
  5. The material does not attract rodents.

MaxForte SoundPro

MaxForte EcoPlate 110 kg/m 3. To begin with, MaxForte tape is laid around the perimeter in two layers. The slabs are placed on the floor close to each other and covered with construction film.


  1. Belongs to sound absorption class “A” out of five possible.
  2. Completely non-flammable material.
  3. Does not contain phenol resins.
  4. Due to the optimally selected density of 110 kg/m 3, the screed does not spring and will not burst over time.
  5. Sound insulation at 36-38 dB.

If it turns out that the apartment already has a screed, or it is an old housing stock where the ceiling simply cannot withstand the heavy weight of the screed, then a floor on joists will be an effective option.

In this case it applies MaxForte EcoPlate 60 kg/m3.

MaxForte EcoPlate 60 kg


  1. Belongs to sound absorption class “A” out of five possible.
  2. Completely non-flammable material.
  3. Does not contain phenol resins.
  4. Does not attract insects and rodents
  5. The boards are resistant to moisture. Not subject to rotting.

MaxForte EcoPlate

« Texound »


Not long ago in Russian construction market a modern soundproofing material has appeared - “Texound”, which, it turns out, has been produced for more than twenty years, and during this time it has fully justified all the characteristics claimed by the manufacturer. With a thickness of only 3.7 mm, it is considered one of the best sound absorbers.

This is what Texound looks like in rolls...

This material is produced at mineral based and is ideal for flooring in residential areas. In addition to floors, it is mounted on ceilings and walls, thereby achieving maximum protection from noise, and at the same time minimizing the loss of area and total volume of rooms.

It must be said that Texound has a high density and, accordingly, a significant mass, which is seven kilograms per m², therefore it seriously weighs down structures, which is important when placing it on walls or ceilings. But it is precisely its high density that creates protection against noise penetration.

Positive and negative sides

The material has the following advantages over others sound-absorbing materials:

1. It is flexible and elastic, and also has the ability to stretch.

2. Its installation is simple and straightforward.

3. The material does not respond to temperature changes.

4. “Texaund” is not hygroscopic and is not susceptible to mold or rotting processes.

6. Ideally fits on any surface.

7. Has an unlimited service life.

8. And most importantly, it has a high absorption coefficient of airborne sound waves and noise.

The only disadvantage of Texound is that it must be used in combination with thin insulation or other material, i.e. To achieve the desired effect, it is not recommended to lay it on a concrete slab without a backing.



When arranging sound insulation, you always want to achieve the maximum effect, and in order to achieve this, you must act strictly according to the instructions and recommendations given by the manufacturer of the material.

Approximate layout of "Texound"

As mentioned above, Texound must be laid on a prepared base. Any sheet or roll insulation is perfect for it - it can be thin foam polyethylene - polyethylene foam, drywall, plastic or plywood. If the ceilings are high and it is possible to make sound insulation from a thicker layer, then mineral wool can be used for one of the components.

  • The concrete slab is thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Next, the base is laid on it. If it is an elastic material, then it is better to secure it with glue.

Polyethylene foam will raise the floor by only three to five millimeters. Drywall is still considered the best option. This is because, firstly, it will make the floors perfectly smooth and cover the defects of the slab, and this will protect Texound from damage, and secondly, it itself is a good sound insulator.

  • After the base is ready, coat it on top special glue, wait 10-15 minutes, and then carefully lay Texound, extending 10-12 centimeters onto the walls.

Spreading "Texaunda"

  • When the material is laid, it is necessary to carefully connect the joints between the sheets using hot air or glue. The sheets must create an airtight coating, otherwise the soundproofing effect will be reduced.
  • Next, “Texound” is covered on top with another layer of plasterboard or 10 mm plywood. In total, without decorative coating, the floors will rise by 23.7 millimeters.
  • Any flooring can be laid on top of plasterboard. covering - linoleum, laminate, carpet, etc. - it will also create additional sound insulation.

If you increase the number of layers and use materials with different densities for them, the sound insulation will be several times better.

Mineral wool

For sound insulation and insulation, three types of mineral wool are used - stone wool, slag wool and glass wool. All of them can have different thicknesses and are produced in rolls or slabs.

Mineral wool can be of different densities, on which thermal conductivity and its ability to transfer will depend external loads. In addition, the material differs in its coefficient of moisture and heat resistance.

  1. Stone wool

Stone wool is a heat-resistant material and can easily withstand high temperatures, reaching up to 500-550 degrees. This sound insulator is made from fibers obtained by melting rocks.

Rolls and slabs of basalt wool

Most best view stone wool - basalt, it is an environmentally friendly sound insulator, as well as excellent insulation. Another advantage is that it does not contain binders - formaldehyde resin, unlike some other types of mineral wool.

Basalt wool, produced in slabs and rolls, can be used for soundproofing work without installing the sheathing, since the material has a high density.

stone wool

  1. Glass wool

This is the most affordable type of mineral wool, but it is more difficult to install due to the prickly fiberglass. Installation must be carried out with gloves and a protective mask on the face, since the thin hard fibers that make up the material dig into the skin and can get into the eyes and respiratory tract.

Most inexpensive option- glass wool

Glass wool has a lower density than stone wool, and it must be laid in a lathing. This kind of material is mainly used for non-residential premises, for example workshops, or for external insulation or sound insulation.

glass wool

  1. Slag

This type of mineral wool is made from blast furnace slag and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, since the material contains substances that, when interacting with moisture, will aggressively affect the metal. In addition, it cannot be used for external work, since there it will not be protected from moisture.

The material is hygroscopic, i.e. absorbs moisture well, which quickly reduces its quality. This material, in principle, can be used for sound insulation by laying it between the sheathing joists, but it is not advisable to use it in residential premises.

From the presented characteristics we can conclude that of the three types of mineral wool, only stone basalt wool is ideal for soundproofing the floor of an apartment.


Installation of mineral wool on floors for sound insulation is quite simple, and can be done in two ways: with or without the use of bar sheathing.

  • The first thing to do with any soundproofing device is to prepare the surface of the base. All debris and dust are removed from it using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Next, if on concrete the floor will be revealed cracks, they need to be widened and sealed cement mortar or a special repair putty, then allow these areas to harden well.
  • Then it is better to lay a thin heat- and sound-insulating polyethylene foam on the concrete slab.
  • If you decide to lay logs, then you need to correctly calculate the step of their installation; it must correspond to the width of the mineral wool slabs so that they fit tightly between the bars.

The bars are selected to be the same thickness as the thickness of the soundproofing material. After marking the floor, logs are attached to it; they should not be located close to the wall, but at a distance equal to the thickness of the insulation.

The next step is laying the slabs between the bars.

When all the material has been laid, plywood sheets are laid on top of it and secured to the sheathing bars using self-tapping screws.

If small gaps have formed between the sheets of plywood, they need to be sealed with wood putty.

After the putty has dried, linoleum, carpet or laminate can be laid on top of the plywood.

If you want to enhance the sound-absorbing effect, you can lay a cork covering on top of the plywood, which also has excellent sound-absorbing properties.

  • Another option may be soundproofing without the use of wooden sheathing, and working on it installationcarried out in the following way.

Foamed polyethylene is also placed on the cleaned floor, which must be secured together with adhesive tape. This material should be found on the walls on the thickness of the entire soundproofing layer.

Along the walls of the entire perimeter of the room they place strips cut from mineral wool slabs, their height is about 15 centimeters.

Sheets of plywood or durable plasterboard are laid on the substrate, close to the sound insulator installed on the walls.

The next step is to lay the slab sound insulator close to each other. It is pressed as tightly as possible against the strips of material installed on the wall.

Another layer of plywood is laid on top of the mineral wool slabs and secured to the floor.

If small gaps have formed between the sheets of plywood, they also need to be sealed with putty.

After the putty has dried, you can proceed to installing a decorative floor covering.

As you can see from the description of the work process, everything can be done with your own hands, thereby protecting yourself from noisy neighbors living below.

Video - an example of soundproofing with mineral slabs

Cork soundproofing and covering

A material like cork is great sound insulator. A decorative coating is made from it, which is laid according to the laminate principle. In addition, a cork underlay is produced, which can be laid under any decorative floor covering.

Cork flooring absorbs noise well in the apartment and reflects loud extraneous sounds from the outside.

If we compare the level of noise protection of cork flooring with concrete wall, then its overwhelming advantage will be revealed - two cm of plugs can easily replace ten cm concrete slab or five cm of a wall built from pine beams.

With a two-centimeter thick plug, the sound level entering the apartment from the outside will be reduced by almost half. If you want to reduce noise more, then you can use cork as one of the layers of the soundproofing cushion, for example, when installing “Texound” - different densities of materials will help increase soundproofing effect.

Decorative cork covering is of higher quality. It is produced in the form of tiles, panels and rolls. It can be used either separately from the cork backing or in conjunction with it to enhance the sound absorption effect.

Both options are an excellent protector from extraneous noise, but, in addition, cork is an excellent heat insulator, although it is small in thickness. The big advantage of this material is that it environmental cleanliness and the fact that he can “breathe”.

In order for the coating and substrate to work effectively, it is necessary to install them correctly.

cork flooring


Since the installation of a decorative coating and a cork backing can be done in a complex manner, they can be considered together.

The first thing to install, of course, is the cork backing. To install it, you need to prepare the surface, as for any other type of sound insulation. There should not be any debris left on the base, even small ones.

Under cork backing It is necessary to lay sheets of foamed polyethylene or other similar material. It should rise up the walls by 5-7 centimeters. The polyethylene is held together with special tape.

And he dealt with it.

Then sheets of plywood are laid on top of the cork and secured to the floor.

The selected decorative covering is laid on this solid base, which can be a laminate with cork or tiles made of the same material.

Video - an original solution to the problem of sound insulation

In the presented video - very interesting way performing soundproofing of the floor using modern material with pronounced anti-vibration properties "Shumoplast". If it is possible to purchase, it is quite possible to do this work yourself.

When choosing sound insulation for a floor, you need to consider how much sound travels through the floors. The choice of material and its thickness will depend on this. In addition, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings in the apartment - if they are low, then you should choose a thin sound insulator.

What else you need to remember - if you want to make a room as noiseless as possible, you need to install a sound insulator not only on the floors, but also on the walls, and even on the ceiling.

How nice it is to be at home after a hard day, relaxing in peace and quiet. But is this always possible? As a rule, in apartment buildings, especially panel ones, such an opportunity is rare.

Loud conversations, shouting, music (especially with low frequencies), noisy gatherings - all this can overshadow the evening or weekend.

There is only one way to solve this problem - to soundproof the walls, ceiling or floor. This is especially true in panel houses, where the walls and partitions are thin and allow a lot of even minor extraneous sounds to pass through.

What is sound insulation?

This is carrying out comprehensive work to reduce sound and noise penetrating through walls, ceilings or floors. For this purpose, special sound-absorbing materials are used.

Sound insulation performs two functions:

  • Sound absorption. This is to prevent the spread of noise and sounds emanating from your apartment.
  • Soundproofing. Limiting the penetration of sound waves into your apartment.

It is impossible to ensure 100% sound isolation. But having properly soundproofed an apartment, for example, in a panel house, using quality materials, you can reduce audibility and reduce the level of noise penetrating to you or emanating from you until the moment when it ceases to irritate you.

Permissible noise standards

It is useful to know them before starting soundproofing work. IN ordinary apartments permissible noise level that does not cause to the human body harm is 40-45 dB (decibels). This level is comparable to a quiet conversation.

This indicator is acceptable from 7:00 to 23:00, and at night the norm is 25-30 dB. Do your neighbors always comply with such indicators? Hardly. Therefore, sooner or later you should think about carrying out noise insulation work. This procedure is not complicated and can be easily done with your own hands.

Soundproofing walls and ceilings in an apartment: where to start?

Little things like sockets, mounting boxes, joints in floors, ceilings, walls, heating pipes, risers, etc. lets through quite a lot of noise. Through such places sound penetrates unhindered.

It is necessary to cover all the cracks and joints with putty, remove the mounting boxes, switches, sockets and soundproof the holes under them (fiberglass, polystyrene foam, foam rubber, etc.). The top of this material must be covered with a quick-drying mixture (gypsum). Wrap the pipes in sound- and vibration-absorbing materials, fill the gaps in the places where they enter or exit polyurethane foam, or sealant.

To soundproof pipes, construction stores sell special cylinders that make the work much easier.

Important! Follow safety rules when soundproofing sockets and junction boxes. Be sure to make sure that the voltage is completely turned off, use dielectric gloves and non-flammable materials.

At the last stage of preparation, it is necessary to choose a method of soundproofing the apartment and materials.

Calculation of the number of consumables for sound insulation in an apartment

First you need to calculate the surface area that will be treated with soundproofing material. In fact, nothing complicated: we multiply the length of the room by the width, we get the area of ​​​​the ceiling and floor. The same applies to walls, but you should subtract doors and windows from the total area.

Now, based on the quadrature, you need to calculate the amount of material and consumables. If the soundproofing material will be laid under drywall, then you will need hangers, screws, dowels, profiles, etc.). Standard size plasterboard sheet - 1200x2500 mm. The profiles are attached at a distance of 60 cm from each other. Each profile is supported by 3-4 hangers. Then it's simple arithmetic.

Important! Keep in mind that after installing sound insulation under plasterboard, the area of ​​the room will decrease, since the thickness of the wall will increase by 8-10 cm.

Methods for soundproofing walls

Plasterboard construction

In short: you need to build a frame, lay soundproofing material in it, install drywall, putty the surface, sand it, then wallpaper or paint the walls. Let's look at this process in more detail.

Tools that will be useful:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer with drill (6 mm);
  • Hammer;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Cutter (sharp knife);
  • Spatula;

From materials:

  • Drywall (for walls, a thickness of 10 mm is usually chosen);
  • Profile;
  • Guides;
  • Suspensions with anti-vibration pads (the structure should not be in direct contact with the wall surface);
  • Dowel-nails;
  • Self-tapping screws for drywall;
  • Serpyanka tape and putty (for sealing seams);
  • Wallpaper or paint;

Description of installation of drywall and sound insulation under it

First of all, level markings are made, beacons are installed and a cord is pulled along which guides are mounted (on the floor and ceiling). Now you can attach the profiles. They are attached to hangers at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

A membrane is attached to the surface of the wall, and the internal space of the frame is filled with sound-absorbing material.

By the way, the most affordable and effective is mineral wool. With a thickness of only 5 cm, it does not transmit sound waves up to 45 dB. There is also a special mineral wool for sound insulation, its effectiveness is even higher.

Then sheets of drywall are attached. The joints between them are glued with sickle tape and puttied. Next you need to sand the surface.

Soundproofing walls using decorative panels

In hardware stores you can find special decorative sound-absorbing panels. They have original finish And color solutions. They are attached quite simply - using liquid nails using the tongue-and-groove method.

Thanks to this material, you can “kill” two birds with one stone - increase sound insulation and create original design walls

These are special slabs made by pressing stone wool or wood chips. Such panels have quite a lot of advantages:

  • Easy to cut and adjust;
  • They have a small thickness;
  • They have not only soundproofing, but also thermal insulation properties;
  • Very light, you can handle the installation alone.

Rolled materials for soundproofing walls

Hearing in panel houses can be reduced by gluing roll noise insulation to the walls. This option is less expensive, as simple as possible, but, unfortunately, not the most effective.

Easy and simple sticker of roll material for sound insulation

Rolled backing will reduce noise by only 50-60%. This option is suitable if you don’t have too much noisy neighbors or there is no financial opportunity to make more serious sound insulation.

Soundproofing ceilings in an apartment

Most of the noise comes through the ceiling - the stomping of feet, the sounds of moving furniture, the fall of some objects. Therefore, for sound insulation, installation is usually chosen suspended ceiling with sound-absorbing material placed in its frame.

Step-by-step description of frame assembly

The materials are the same as in the case of the walls. It’s the same with tools, except for a stepladder or other object that you can stand on and reach the ceiling. The process is also similar, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do it alone, so you’ll need an assistant.

  1. Along the perimeter of the ceiling at a level equal to the thickness of the sound-absorbing material, guides are attached (on dowel-nails, through a rubber or cork gasket).
  2. Next, in increments of 40 cm, ceiling profiles are mounted on suspensions along the room, and then across. The transverse profiles are fastened together using crosses (crabs).
  3. After installing the frame, we lay (glue or attach it to umbrella nails) soundproofing material. If it is dense, then you can secure it at the edges with foam.
  4. Now all that remains is to fix the drywall, putty and sand the seams.

Advice! Calculate dimensions plasterboard sheets in order to secure an additional profile at their joints. Joints left hanging will sooner or later begin to crack.

Materials for soundproofing walls and ceilings in an apartment

Without delving into the characteristics and choosing the material at random, you can end up with a wall that is twice as large, which will be of little use.

Nowadays there are so many soundproofing materials on the construction market that it will take a lot of time to list them. Let's limit ourselves to only the most effective ones.

  • Thermal and sound insulating Thickness from 10 to 14 mm. Reduces noise up to 28 dB. It has both sound and heat insulating properties. An excellent roll material that is suitable for walls, ceilings and floors. By the way, it meets all standards and requirements fire safety
  • Maxforte. Produced in the form of roll material (Standard). Sound absorption effect – up to 65 dB. Thickness – 12 mm. And also in the form of slabs (Ecoplate), consisting of fibers of volcanic origin.
  • Soundproof Sound absorption up to 28 dB. Thickness 4 mm. It has not only excellent soundproofing, but also waterproofing properties. Therefore, it is optimal for use in rooms with high humidity.

Soundproofing the floor in an apartment: how to do it and what material to choose

There are two main methods: “floating floor” and laying the material in a frame system.

Floating floor

This is a structure consisting of several layers. The first layer should be very dense. It is filled with concrete screed (thickness 3-5 cm). A substrate is laid on top of the screed, on which the floor covering is mounted. The process is not complicated and at the same time effective.

Laying sound-absorbing material in a joist system.

For better effect, it is better to put rubber gaskets under the joists.

The best option, if you are making floors from scratch. Logs are mounted on a concrete base (floor slabs) - usually wooden blocks size 50+100 mm. The distance between the logs is approximately 50-60 cm. They are attached to the floor with metal corners and dowels with nails.

Soundproofing material is placed in the space between the joists. You need to lay a membrane on top, and only then floor boards. This is one of the most labor-intensive, but effective ways.

Floor soundproofing materials

In modern construction stores, the choice of material is huge, as they say, for every taste and budget. Let's list the most common and effective ones.

  • Mineral slabs 50-100 mm thick, consisting of fiberglass. They do not transmit noise with a force of 38 dB. The best option for laying between joists.
  • Vibration stack-V300. Roll material, 4 mm thick. Perfect for floating floors.
  • NOISE STOP– elastic sound-absorbing plate 20 mm thick. Resists noise up to 39 dB.
  • SCHUMANET– another good rolled material for a “floating” floor. Its thickness is only 3 mm, and at the same time it suppresses noise up to 23 dB.
  • ZIPS-FLOOR Vector, sandwich panel. An effective solution to prevent noise from penetrating through the floor.
  • Noises and extraneous sounds come not only from neighbors. There may be even more annoying noise coming from the street. That's why .
  • Annoying noises can also be heard from the entrance, so it wouldn’t be amiss.
  • To soundproof walls and ceilings using the frame method, it is better to lay special acoustic mineral wool. This can be easily found in construction stores.
  • Sound and thermal insulation materials- these are different things, take this into account when choosing. Although there are those that perform both functions.
  • If you don’t know what material to choose, what parameters it should meet, then invite an acoustics specialist. He will help you choose the best option.

As you can see, you can do soundproofing in a panel house with your own hands. All you need is desire and money. And remember, healthy, restful sleep and rest is the key to a life without stress and nerves.

Soundproofing the floor prevents extraneous noise from entering the apartment from neighbors living on the lower floors. Also, if you yourself are the source of annoying noise, it is better to isolate the apartment without waiting for complaints from neighbors.
You can do soundproofing yourself or turn to professionals. In any case, it will be useful for you to read the instructions for installing soundproofing for the floor.

Having stopped at new apartment, you need to pay special attention to the finishing of the floor and it is very important to take into account such a point as sound insulation from noise that can penetrate from the lower floors. It should be noted that when commissioning new houses, types of floors without additional sound insulation cannot provide regulatory requirements for noise protection. This especially applies to protecting the rooms below from impact noise.

The most common option is a floating floor.

If it is not possible to do wet work, a dry screed or floor on joists is performed. It is worth noting that these schemes have quick installation and simple design in general.

Types of floor soundproofing materials companies MaxForte.

MaxForte Shumoizol

Rolled material is used for soundproofing pads when installing “floating” floors or as a backing for laminate flooring to improve the sound insulation of waterproofed floors.


  1. Reliable protection against impact noise 27dB.
  2. Due to the addition of imported plasticizers, the material does not tear or crack.
  3. Waterproofing the room.

MaxForte SoundPro

Soundproofing floors for apartments, using SoundPro will allow you to cut out airborne noise (TV, voices, screams) and impact noise (stomping, jumping, falling furniture)


  1. Impact noise protection 34 dB.
  2. Airborne noise protection 10 dB.
  3. Rolls are resistant to moisture.
  4. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.

MaxForte EcoPlate 110

The use of basalt slabs ensures maximum sound insulation of the floor. Due to its optimal density, the screed does not spring and does not sag over time.


  1. High sound absorption coefficient at all frequencies, including low ones.
  2. Non-flammable material.
  3. Resistant to mold.
  4. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.

MaxForte EcoPlate 60 (used for soundproofing floors on joists)


  1. 100% basalt, without slag and phenol.
  2. Non-flammable material.
  3. Low thermal conductivity, can be used as a thermal insulation material.
  4. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.

Surely, you have already chosen the method that you like.

It is important to carry out installation strictly according to the instructions. Failure to comply with the installation technology of any material can negate the entire result of its use.

The following materials can be used to soundproof floors:

  • Basalt, kaolin or mineral wool.
  • Perlite.
  • Chamotte.
  • Foam glass.
  • Polyester foam.
  • Polyethylene foam.
  • Polyester fabric.
  • Needle-punched fiber.
  • Membranes made of bitumen polymers.
  • Cork covering.

List of additional consumables, depends on the soundproofing method you choose. You need to purchase:

  • Cement, sand or ready mixture for screeds and reinforcement (for floating floors).
  • Logs, boards or particle boards (for frame floors).
  • Fine expanded clay and gypsum fiber or plywood boards (for dry screed).
  • Bars for logs.
  • Waterproofing composition.
  • Finishing floor covering (laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc.).
  • Nails, screws, bolts.
  • Wire.
  • Rubber gaskets.
  • Sealant.


The set of tools may vary depending on the method of insulation and finishing of the floor:

  • Malka, shovel, spatula (for screed).
  • Pliers.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Hammer.
  • A set of screwdrivers or a screwdriver.
  • Drill.
  • "Bulgarian".
  • Nail puller.
  • Tassels.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Construction knife.
  • Scissors.
  • Level.

Removing the floor

Soundproofing is recommended to be done at the initial stage overhaul. But if this is the case and isolation is carried out after completion finishing works, then you will have to dismantle the flooring.
Regardless of the type of floor installed, your task is to remove all structural elements down to the floor slabs.
In case reuse floor structural elements, install them with extreme caution, trying not to damage the parts.

Installation of sound insulation

Having finished everything preparatory work, proceed to installing soundproofing. Installation can be done in several ways:

"Floating" concrete screed

The floating screed method is mainly chosen for parallel installation with water heating, because the elements of the system can be conveniently placed in the base.
For soundproofing floors using the floating method concrete screed, do the following:

  1. Place the selected insulation material on the floor slabs.
  2. Lay additional insulation strips around the perimeter of the room so that the concrete screed does not come into contact with the walls.
  3. Treat the top layer of insulation with a waterproofing compound.
  4. Place the rebar in a lattice shape and tie the crosshairs together with wire.
  5. Raise the reinforcement grid above the insulation by 1-2 centimeters and place it on supports.
  6. If a “warm floor” is being installed at the same time, then place the system elements on the grid.
  7. Prepare a concrete mortar and begin pouring the screed, leveling the surface with a plaster trowel. During pouring, do not forget to check the level of inclination of the surface.
  8. After filling is completed, wait until the solution dries completely. Concrete mortar can dry from two days to a week, depending on air humidity and room temperature. It gains full strength in a month.
  9. When the solution has dried, apply sealant to the gap between the wall and the screed.
  10. Apply topcoat.

To enhance the soundproofing effect, you can use a special underlay for the laminate and cork topcoats. Read more about how to soundproof a laminate floor.
You can also see how a “floating” concrete screed is made in the video:

"Floating" floor on backfill

By using fine-grained expanded clay instead of concrete screed, you can significantly save time and money. It is for these reasons that many craftsmen advise soundproofing the floor using the dry backfill method:

  1. Place insulation on the surface of the slabs. It is recommended to use a material with a solid structure (cork, membranes made of bitumen polymers) to avoid subsidence of the floor during further use.
  2. Fill in a layer of expanded clay.
  3. Compact and level the expanded clay.
  4. Install gypsum fiber or particle boards on the resulting base. Please note that there should be a gap of 1-2 centimeters between the walls and the slabs.
  5. When installing the slabs, check their correct position using a level.
  6. After installing the slabs, the finishing floor covering is installed.

IN budget option repairs, you can get by with making concrete or backfill layers and installing panels directly on the insulation, but keep in mind that in this case, the quality of sound insulation will decrease by 30-40 percent.

You can see how to make sound insulation using the backfill method in the video:

Frame floor

Unlike a “floating” floor, a frame floor prevents the penetration of vibration noise less well, but it is more reliable and perfectly insulates audio noise. To soundproof a floor using a frame method, you need to do the following:

  • Install logs with a cross section of 100x50 millimeters on the floor slabs. The distance between the logs should be 30-40 centimeters.
  • Place rubber pads under the joists; this will reduce the penetration of vibration noise.
  • Place pieces of sound insulation between the joists so that there is no empty space left.
  • Install boards, chipboards or particle boards. Do not forget to leave a gap between the wall and the slabs of at least 10 millimeters.
  • At the final stage, the finishing coating is installed.

Sealing joints

Before you start soundproofing the floor, carefully inspect the joints between the floor slabs and the walls. If you find cracks, be sure to seal them with cement mortar or foam. Through cracks in poor-quality joints are the main cause of noise penetration from neighboring apartments.

Installation of skirting boards

When installing skirting boards on a floor with a “floating” base, secure them on one side only. Floors on a “floating” base tend to shift, this can lead to the destruction of the baseboard if it is attached to both the wall and the floor.
To improve the quality of sound insulation, you can install additional strips of insulating material under the baseboard.

Installation of logs

When installing joists, try to ensure that they do not come into direct contact with the floor and walls; use rubber gaskets or pieces of insulating material for installation.
Do not secure joists to the floor with screws or other rigid connections. Any connecting connection contributes to the transmission of vibration noise.

Installing the underlay

If you choose a laminate for the final floor covering, be sure to use a special polyester backing. This will help significantly increase the level of sound insulation.

A carpet on the floor will provide a small increase in sound insulation.

Whatever floor soundproofing option you choose, follow the correct order of work and do not skimp on the cost of materials. For a good result you need. In addition to gender, do and.

When you come home from work, you want to be in silence, and not listen to the noise of your neighbors, or the rattling of entrance doors or the noise of cars. To avoid unnecessary noise, insulation is done. Soundproofing can be done on the ceiling, wall or floor. Many building materials can fulfill this role. Unfortunately, the sound insulation included in the construction of a house is not always enough. But it can be strengthened. To do this, you need to seal all the cracks and holes and thickening of the floor.

Very often they throw you on the floor fiberboard sheets or drywall. They isolate extraneous sounds well. You can also combine some types of building materials. Most good option for sound insulation, use the following materials:

  • polyurethane foam board;
  • fibreboard with magnesite;
  • perforated plasterboard sheets;
  • sound and vibration absorbing mastics;
  • roll vibration-damping material;
  • fiberglass laminated board;
  • soundproofing floor panel system;
  • vibration-acoustic sealant;
  • soundproofing underlayment made of multilayer fiberglass;
  • soundproofing tape gasket;
  • underlay for finishing floor covering;
  • rolled material from impact noise.

Floating floor for apartment

In order to make a soundproof floor in your apartment, you do not need to hire a construction crew. It is enough to read or ask around and find out about the characteristics of a particular substance that may be useful. There are several methods of soundproofing a floor. With their help, you can easily do everything yourself.

The most popular method is the floating floor method. For this you need the following materials:

  1. Vata:
  • glass;
  • basalt.
  1. Polymer foam material
Soundproofing the floor using mineral wool

How to make a floating floor:

  • Seal the cracks and level the base.
  • Lay down a layer of material. Particular attention should be paid to the joints. If they are poorly glued, then when you use mineral wool, moisture can get inside and this violates the thermal insulation.
  • Above the level of the screed, a dividing layer is placed vertically along the entire perimeter, which should consist of an insulator.
  • Remove everything that is unnecessary.
  • Place a layer of material, cotton wool, horizontally over the entire surface of the floor. At the same time, hot pipes, if any, need to be covered with insulators.
  • Apply a ball of polyethylene film.
  • Install the beacons and fill the screed with cement mortar and wait until it dries.
  • Lay down finishing layer covering by making gaps near the walls. The gaps must be covered with plinth. The plinth must be attached either to the wall or to the floor. There are no options here.

Pros of a floating floor:

  • high level of sound insulation;
  • deprivation of mechanical attachment that can transmit sounds;
  • if you use material with low thermal conductivity, you will get good thermal insulation;
  • saving time and money on materials;
  • does not require special equipment.

Wooden floor and its sound insulation

Wooden floors transmit extra sounds very well. To insulate them, you can use a floating floor, but you will have to install it a little differently. To avoid the appearance of a bridge that will transmit noise, insulation is placed in the spaces between the joist and the floor beam. They are not attached to anything. They can be attached, but then you need to remove the fastening.

The sound insulator is placed over the entire space that the beams create. Another insulator is placed on the joists. It is recommended to use foamed polymer or roll plugs. You can also use synthetic felt, but this may cost you. Everything is laid on this OSB board, which needs to be attached to the joists.

The slab should not reach the very edge to the wall. There should be a gap that can be covered with a baseboard.

On top is the finishing layer of the floor.

Dry screed technology for wooden floors

The dry screed method is very popular among owners. The secret is that it does not take much time and it is very easy to do everything yourself.

Technology for laying dry screed for soundproofing floors:

  • Scatter the dry mixture on the floor and distribute evenly;
  • place slabs or fiberboard on top;
  • then the floor is laid. The joints should be easily attached to each other;
  • fasten the joints with self-tapping screws and glue them.

This method of soundproofing a floor is available to everyone.

Using insulation as a sound insulator

If you look hard enough, you can find heat insulators that act very well as sound insulators.

Among these insulation materials, the most popular are:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • expanded clay;
  • perlite

In first place, of course, is mineral wool. It does not burn, does not evaporate allergens, does not shrink during installation and insulates well.

The main areas of use of mineral wool:

  • insulation of air noise in the frame partition;
  • limits impact noise in a floating field;
  • in a sound-absorbing structure - wall cladding.

One type of mineral wool is ecowool. This material insulates well and insulates from unnecessary sounds. It also protects against condensation. It needs to be sprayed using special blowing machines and fill the voids. This creates a continuous wall of sound insulation. For the full effect, you need to use sound reflectors and sound-absorbing materials. Such materials can be double plasterboard or concrete screeds.

Stone wool will help achieve the same effect. It is very easy to install:

  • Mount the frame posts every 500-600 millimeters.
  • Place mineral wool slabs between the posts to cover the gaps. The thickness of the slabs should be 50-100 millimeters.
  • Cover the frame with heavy material (for example, drywall).
  • Plaster the seams.

Underlays under laminate for sound insulation

Laminate is not the quietest flooring material. He makes unnecessary sounds even when walking. Luckily this can be fixed. You can use laminate underlays for additional sound insulation.

Main functions of substrates:

  • leveling the floor surface and shock absorption;
  • floor soundproofing;
  • moisture insulation;
  • thermal conductivity.

Any one should perform the function of alignment. On uneven surface Laminate flooring cannot be installed. Such linings compress and stretch in places of imperfections, thereby creating a smooth surface. In addition, it provides some cushioning for the laminate. He makes a quiet noise.

If the screed has not dried well, then sooner or later moisture will appear in the house. It can ruin the laminate.

To avoid this, you need to use a film made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride or polyisobutylene. The film thickness should be 200 microns. But there are substrates that are made with an admixture of this film, then there is no need for it.

Laminate underlays are a very good heat insulator. This is very good if there is no heated floor. Such a substrate will not allow heat to pass through from under the floor, so heating will not have the desired effect.

Substrates that can be used as sound insulators come in several types:

  • polyethylene foam;
  • cork;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • combined;
  • insulation boards;
  • felt-coated cardboard.

Polyethylene foam substrates come in the following types:

  • ordinary;
  • made from chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam.

Unfortunately, they don't help very much. All they can do is drown out the stomping of feet, conversation or noise from door slams.

Contains cork wood. It is first crushed and then pressed. With such a substrate, the neighbors below will never again complain about noise and stomping. But in the apartment itself you will still be able to hear everything happening outside.

Expanded polystyrene backing is ordinary polystyrene foam made using improved technology. It can be found in two types - in rolls or sheets. Copes very well as a sound insulator.

The combined substrate consists of two polyethylene plates. Expanded polystyrene balls are filled in between the plates. Copes well with sound insulation and thermal insulation.

The insulation board is made from natural wood fiber materials. This type of insulation is called professional. High density provides a high level of sound absorption

Felt-coated cardboard is considered a professional insulator. It cannot be used in rooms and areas with high moisture.

How to sound a cement screed

Most best way sound the cement screed - remove it completely, dismantle it down to the floor slabs. Then you need to make a new one with floating technology. You need to start by taking a thick cellophane film and covering all the slabs. This is done so as not to flood the neighbors when installing a new screed. For sound insulation, it is best to use polystyrene foam. But not the first one you meet.

There are a number of requirements for foam plastic for sound insulation:

  • it should have maximum density, you can use polystyrene foam;
  • the thickness should be 50 millimeters, for polystyrene 30 millimeters.

Thin polystyrene pads need to be laid along the walls to separate the screed from the walls. After this, you need to install the beacons and fill in a new screed, but using a slightly different method, namely:

  • Beacons must be installed using a special adjustable mount. This is due to the fact that the foam can sag in some places and disrupt the integrity and evenness of the coating; moreover, cement does not stick to the foam.
  • The thickness of the screed must be more than 50 millimeters, otherwise the screed will crack after drying.
  • We have to wait completely dry. If the screed is not dried well, then under load the foam will bend and the screed will crack.

This soundproofing process takes a lot of time, but it will qualitatively soundproof the entire room and give you the opportunity to enjoy the silence.

Do-it-yourself soundproofing under linoleum

Very good floor covering. But it also needs to be soundproofed. One of the methods of soundproofing linoleum is a membrane insulator. It delays high-pitched sounds and cuts off vibrations that appear as a result of the spread of structural sounds.

The most popular models of membrane sound insulator:

  • Texound;
  • Vibrating table;
  • Schumann.

Due to the high density and weight, they ideally hold out extraneous sounds and are suitable for any rolled floor material

How to make sound insulation in sheathing

If you level the floor with special slabs, you need to install a sheathing. For greater effect, it is better to install it from wooden beams. They are attached to the floor with regular dowels. To prevent vibrations and structural noise, place a layer of texaund in the gap between the dowel and the beam.

Under the sheathing, you can put any material on the floor, both rolled and tiled. It is placed between the sheathing. The only negative is that you need to buy material for the floor a few centimeters longer so that it fits tightly to the beams. If you use plywood, it is better to throw a noise insulation ball.

On top of the sound insulation you need polyethylene or polypropylene. After this, you need to make a plywood frame. There are screws with soundproofing pads. They should be used to attach the slabs to already attached joists. Now you can lay linoleum on the floor. You can do all this yourself.

Video: floor soundproofing

Soundproofing the floor is a salvation for those who have children and problematic neighbors downstairs. This will protect the nervous system. And if you use a heat insulator as a sound insulator, you can save money on heating your home.



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