Romantic clematis: planting and care in open ground. The best varieties of clematis Clematis: groups by pruning method

Clematis is a plant that will look great in any garden composition. It is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant.

These plants are extremely beautiful and bloom from June to September, which cannot but please gardeners.

Our latitudes are suitable for most of their species, but we will tell you further which clematis are best to plant in the Moscow region.

The best varieties clematis is unique plants, over the purity of whose appearance many gardeners struggled.

Clematis is a flower that is both delicate and strong. Some of its groups cannot withstand extreme cold and dampness, but there are also those cultivated for our climate. We have selected clematis varieties bred for our regions, in particular for the Moscow region, their description is given below.

The rules for their cultivation depend on climatic conditions. For example, best time When you can plant clematis in the Moscow region, May is considered, when in warmer regions it is the end of March, the beginning of April.


Clematis of the Jacquemman group are perfectly suited to the climate of the Moscow region. They require constant pruning, since their shoots are strong and grow quickly, and sometimes thinning. Adults grow so thick that the vines in the middle of the bunch begin to dry out due to lack of sun.

Even if you did not cover clematis for the winter, it will produce young shoots in the spring.

Important! If the winter was very cold, then the clematis most likely froze, but did not die. By next winter it will be necessary to cover it well.

If you plant such clematis in the sun, you will get short flowering bushes. Clematis planted in partial shade grows larger, and its vines are longer, while the flowering is thin and weakly expressed.

Did you know? Clematis of the Jacquemman group need to be pruned in order to root system actively grew and strengthened. This does not affect flowering.

The peak of flowering of clematis of the Jacquemman group is in early summer. It is plentiful and rich. While the flower is young, it will not be difficult for you to pick off faded flowers, helping new ones to appear. When the bush is old, problems arise with this, but you can trim those ends of the vines where the flowers have faded, and new ones will bloom in their place by the fall.

Representatives of this group:

This type of Jacquemman clematis goes well with other flowers. Its coloring is fully revealed during autumn flowering. The flowers are large (up to 18 cm), the petals are wide and have a bright blue color with whitish veins. For a beautiful shape, it is advisable to constantly increase the support. Can grow up to 3 m.

It has buds of a lilac-pinkish color. The edges are wavy. If you want more bright colors petals, then it is advisable not to plant the bush in the sun. Its flowers tend to fade.

Blooms profusely. The first flowers appear in May and do not lose their beauty until September. The branches create a kind of “hat” on the crossbar, which is completely covered with flowers. The flower lasts 3-4 weeks.

Lilac-pink flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, wavy at the edges, with purple-red anthers. It gets along best separately from other flowers, next to which it loses its varietal qualities. For the winter it needs to be heavily pruned and covered. For growth big role soil moisture plays a role.

Ruby-red flowers up to 20 cm in diameter. The average height is up to 1.5 m, but can reach 2 m. It does not bloom as profusely as Hagley Hybrid, but its flowers, having bright colors, contrast well with the foliage. Perfect for decorating gazebos.

Flowers pink- lilac color up to 20 cm in diameter. They darken over time. They look better on a low support, since most of the flowers are at the top of the bush. Usually the bush blooms once a season, and those rare flowers that bloom in the fall are not as bright as those in summer.

The flower is large (up to 20 cm), red-violet in color with a cream anther. When choosing a place to plant a bush, it is better to choose a light background (house wall, fence). Blooms from June to October. The first bloom is the densest, later it appears as single flowers. You need to prune it short for the winter.

Fluted flowers pink color with cream anther. The diameter is small, up to 15 cm, but the shrub blooms profusely, sometimes even the foliage is not visible. Flowering time is from July to September.

Dark, almost black flowers with a cream anther and a visually velvety structure. They are small, up to 10 cm in diameter, but they compensate for this with the unusualness of their color.


Clematis Viticella is easy to care for. Perfect for both beginners and experienced gardeners. This type of clematis is also called purple clematis.

These liana-like plants grow up to 5 m in length. Although their flowers are small, about 5 cm in diameter, they delight the whole summer with their bright colors, which range from soft pinkish, dark velvety shades of purple and almost blue tones. The flower is hardy and cold-resistant. With proper care it will delight you every season.

Clematis Viticella lives not only in Southern Europe, but also in Asia.

The peculiarity of such clematis is that they form their rhizomes for the first two years. And already on the third they are actively growing. Violet clematis is a sun lover, and since the plant cannot be replanted, you should choose a sunny place for it.

Important! Purple clematis does not like drafts.

In the spring, during the period of active cultivation of clematis, it should be added to the soil. nitrogen fertilizers- this perfectly compensates for the lack of nutritional value of the soil. Large-flowered varieties need to be fed 4 times per season, and small ones - up to 3 times. It also needs regular watering.

Did you know? Clematis violet can be grown as a ground cover.

Representatives of this group:

The plant grows up to 3 m. The flowers have a carmine color and an interesting texture, wide diamond-shaped petals. The anthers are similar in color to the petals on thin green threads. The plant loves the sun, but can be content with average soil quality. It looks beautiful near fences and as a ground cover plant.

One of the most popular varieties of clematis. Dark brown and reddish-brown stems grow up to 4 m. Flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, and at good care And weather conditions– up to 15 cm. The color of the petals is carmine-red, they are purple at the tips, and become lighter closer to the stem. Winters well even without shelter in mid-latitudes, resistant to various diseases, including fungal ones.

An interesting type of clematis Viticella. The flowers are large, with soft pink petals that fade to white in the sun. The anther is creamy. It blooms from May to August on the shoots of the current year.

The liana grows up to 3 m. The flowers are sepal-shaped, velvety, red-cream in color. In the sun they fade to more delicate shades. The anther is creamy yellow. Diameter is up to 14 cm, up to 10 flowers can grow on one shoot. At the same time, they bloom on last year’s shoots. Blooms from May to September.

This variety blooms profusely, but with small flowers, up to 10 cm. The flowers are light blue, with a stripe of a darker color in the middle. The anther is creamy. The color depends on the acidity of the soil: the higher it is, the richer it will be. Grows up to 4 m. Flowering period is from June to September.

The liana grows up to 2 m. Flowers range from pale purple to blue color. Diameter – up to 13 cm. Anther cream. Liana gets along well with other plants. It is advisable to plant it near low fences and supports, but it can also be used as a ground cover.


This type of clematis arose as a result of crossing woolly clematis with other species. The flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. Color varies from white to blue tones.

The plant should be wrapped for the winter. Flower buds Lanuginoz shoots are formed in the fall, so it is recommended to cut the shoots to 1 m, but some gardeners cut only a few centimeters from the tip. For the winter, you need to remove the shoots from the supports, carefully twist them and wrap them.

The first flowering of this clematis is abundant and bright, beginning in May and lasting until September. There are few flowers on the stems, on average there are up to several dozen on one plant.

Representatives of this group:

Grows up to 2 m. The flowers are immediately pale blue, then fade to white. The sepals grow up to 15 cm in diameter. Abundant flowering continues until the first frost. 2nd trimming group.

Important! Valge Daam should be planted in places where the likelihood of fungi spreading is minimal.

One of the oldest artificially bred representatives of clematis. It grows up to 4 m and blooms profusely. The flowers are large (up to 20 cm), white with coffee anthers. Looks great against a dark background. It is better to plant the plant in dry, windproof places. When the soil dries out, water it immediately. The plant is frost-resistant. Blooms from June to October.

Quite a tall vine (up to 3 m), sun lover. The flowers grow up to 17 cm in diameter, have a bright lilac edge, and become lighter closer to the middle. The anther is purple, with creamy notes. The flowering period lasts from June to September.

Grows up to 3 m. The leaves are large, trifoliate. Flowers are up to 20 cm in diameter. The rounded, wavy petals have a smoky color that turns white as they bloom. The anthers are purple-red, multipollen. They bloom from June to September. This clematis looks great in single plantings and is suitable for landscaping balconies and winter gardens.

A low vine, grows up to 2 m. Flowers are up to 16 cm in diameter, have a weak aroma. The soft bluish tint of the wavy petals harmonizes perfectly with the creamy anther. Towards the middle of the sepals it lightens to white. They winter well, but require shelter. They bloom from July until the first frost.

Lawson. The plant reaches 3 m. The flowers are wide, up to 18 cm in diameter, of a delicate blue-violet color with a dark stripe that goes to the anther of an ash-purple color. The leaves are trifoliate, and in hot climates their tips burn. The first flowering is most abundant, then less frequent, several flowers each until frost.


This is a type of tree structure. Looks like a deciduous vine up to 4 m in length. Evenly covered with leaves on dark burgundy cuttings. The flowers are solitary and tend to grow at heights. They reach a diameter of 15 cm and have a color from cream to purple. The stamens are brown with a reddish tint.

This clematis is drought-resistant and thrives in the southern regions. Prefers well-moistened soil with average alkaline values, rich in humus and loose.

It blooms on last year's shoots; flowering is rarely observed on shoots of the current season. It looks impressive at the main entrances, and can be used as a tub plant for decorating halls and lobbies.

Did you know? Crosses well with other clematis. It is the parent of most hybrids of this plant species.

Representatives of this group:

The height of the vine reaches 3 m, while bushing. The flowers of this clematis grow up to 18 cm in diameter, sharp-shaped, star-shaped. Dark pink shade with a transition to lilac, in the center of the petal there is a burgundy stripe. Purple-red anthers. Blooms from May to September. Flowering begins on last year's shoots and continues on new ones. Looks great in balcony planters, verandas and as general landscaping.

The shoots of this type of clematis grow up to 3 m. The flowers are round in shape with sharp tips up to 18 cm in diameter, blooming at the top of the vine. The petals are pointed with rounded sides, have a light purple hue and a bright red stripe in the middle. Anther of cream tones. Flowering begins in June on last year's shoots, and on current year's shoots - from July until frost.

Purple flowers with a dark stripe in the middle of the petal. Up to 18 cm in diameter. The vines cover the tops of the vines evenly, but not thickly. Anthers of delicate cream shades. The plant is a liana-like shrub type (up to 3 m). Blooms from May until the first frost. Flowering begins on last year's sprouts, and from July on the current year's sprouts. Perfect for vertical gardening, for tub decoration of a balcony or loggia.

Woody type liana up to 4 m. Flowers reach 18 cm. Petals are elongated and sharp at the tips, light purple shades with a smoky red central stripe. It begins to bloom, like other representatives of this type, on last year’s shoots, and from August on new shoots of the current season. Perfect for both single and group compositions.

Delicately velvety blue-purple flowers with a reddish stripe in the center and a faint aroma. Over time, creamy specks appear on the flower, giving the petals a marbled structure. The liana grows up to 4 m, the shoots are burgundy-red. The first flowering is abundant, on last year's shoots. From the second half of summer it blooms lightly. Looks great with vertical gardening.

The liana grows up to 3 m in length. Dark burgundy shoots on which flowers bloom along their entire length. The sepal reaches a diameter of 20-23 cm, large and wide. The wavy edges of the petals are dark blue and violet shades, fading in the sun to bluish, lavender flowers. The anther is pale yellow. Blooms on last year's shoots. Perfect for tub growing on balconies and vertical gardening.


Woody plant with liana-like shoots. It can grow up to 4 m, has rigid and flexible stems. The flowers are small, up to 8 cm in diameter, from white to all sorts of shades of beige.

Loves moist sandy, loamy soil. Grows well in sunny places and is drought-resistant.

When preparing for winter, shoots should be cut in half. It, like the previous type of clematis, begins flowering on old shoots.

Perfect for decorating vertical fences and gratings. Serves as decoration for front entrances and arches. Can be a pot plant in lobbies, balconies and halls.

Representatives of this group:

The liana grows up to 3.5 m. The leaves are greenish-scarlet, young ones are purple. Flowers are up to 20 cm in diameter, the first of the season being double or semi-double. Bluish-purple in color, which becomes lighter closer to the center. The anther is a delicate green-yellow hue. Suitable for vertical gardening.

The shoots grow up to 3 m. The flowers that bloom on last year's shoots differ from the flowers of the new generation. The diameter of the flower is up to 14 cm. The first harvest of flowers of this type is lush, up to 27 petals in the flower bowl, then - 6-7 pieces. The petals are pointed at the tips, white with blue-violet veins. The anther is creamy. Mass flowering occurs in August, but the first flowers appear in May. It serves perfectly as a background for group plantings due to its colors and large shapes.

The flower is anemone-shaped, up to 9 cm in diameter. The petals are pointed-elliptical in shape, white with purple anthers. The liana grows up to 4 m. It is planted both singly and in group compositions.

The flower is light lavender in color and reaches a diameter of 20 cm. On last year's shoots, abundant flowering occurs in June. The second wave is July-August, but can last until September. Perfect for the background of compositions and individual planting.


This group of clematis - "upright" The subshrub is on average 1.5 m in height, sometimes individuals up to 3 m are found. They weakly cling to supports.

The main feature of Integrifolia is the bell-shaped flowers. The diameter of such flowers is up to 12 cm, height – up to 8 cm. Their color is varied, from white to dark shades of burgundy. Typically, the cups of these flowers curl when they bloom, thus creating a “skirt” around the anther.

In the fall they set seeds, and in the winter they require pruning (type 2 pruning).

There are also small varieties of this group, but they are few in number and not common in our latitudes.

Did you know? Since these plants are clinging, they can be staked and guided.

Representatives of this group:

It grows as a subshrub, reaches a height of 1.5 - 2 m. Leaves complex shape(3-7 leaves in one). The flowers are bell-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter, up to 7 cm long. Delicate in color with purple notes. When it's hot, the color fades and the edges of the flower bend outward. The anthers are creamy and yellowish in color. Suitable for both group and single plantings.

The open flower reaches 14 cm and has a soft blue tint that fades in the sun. Towards the end of their flowering, the petals unbend outward. Anther of delicate cream shades. The plant itself is a subshrub (up to 2.5 m), its shoots are burgundy in color. Blooms from June to September. Perfect for landscaping balconies, loggias, single or group plantings.

It is considered the most beautiful bush hybrid in the Itegrifolia group and has large flowers. When blooming, the flowers are slightly open, reaching 12 cm. The petals are elliptical with curved tips of a bright purple hue, fading to dark blue. Anther yellow flowers. The liana grows up to 2 m. It blooms moderately. Perfect for landscaping small fences and retaining walls.

Subshrub, grows up to 2 m. Has burgundy shoots. The flowers are drooping, slightly open. Flower diameter is 8-10 cm, length up to 9 cm. They have a lilac-blue color. The anther is creamy with a yellow tint. Blooms well from June to August. Suitable for landscaping low fences and supports.

Flowers original form. At first they are half-open, drooping, but as they bloom, they bloom. They grow up to 14 cm in diameter. Bluish-red shades, bright. The anther is purple with bluish filaments of stamens. This is a subshrub up to 2.5 m, with reddish-burgundy sprouts. It blooms all summer and part of September, until the first frost. They use it to landscape low objects and fences.

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To talk about all the types and varieties of clematis (Clematis), you need to write a whole book. The main thing can be expressed in one phrase: “Any clematis will make any corner of the garden magical.”

Flowers - how gems. Beautiful flowers hang from the arch above the path and make a walk through the garden more enjoyable.

Clematis blooms more and more beautifully every year. Depending on the species, they present a magnificent spectacle either in spring or summer. There are also species that, after a wave of spring flowering, take a short break and bloom again by the end of summer.

Steel wire. On brick wall Clematis flowers look especially delicate. We guide their mustache along the wire base.

At first glance, these relatives of buttercups and hellebores look delicate and fragile. In reality it is hardy and not capricious climbing plant. Planting and caring for it open ground not at all complicated.

Conditions for good plant health.

High-quality and loose garden soil, more shade over the roots, which prevents them from overheating - these are the main conditions for the health of clematis. Just like all plants from containers, they can be planted in open ground throughout the entire growing season.

Magnet for eyes. The obelisk, which has completely disappeared behind large flowers, makes an ordinary corner of the garden look fabulous.

A little shading will not harm clematis if it does not last more than half a day. Otherwise there will be few flowers on the plant.

We loosen the planting hole well to the full depth and fertilize it with compost. Take the plant out of the package and place it in the soil slightly inclined towards the support, 5 - 8 cm deeper than the plant grew in the pot. This will support the branching and strengthening of the plant.

Mulch. A layer of bark, pebbles, or a few flat stones maintains proper moisture and prevents the roots from overheating.

The soil should never dry out. Excessive evaporation of moisture will be prevented by mulch made of pebbles, stones or bark. In addition, mulch will protect the roots from overheating. Planting low perennials or shrubs will have the same effect.

Correct landing. We direct the plant obliquely towards the support and water it well after planting.

It is useful to sometimes feed clematis with fertilizer for tomatoes or roses and once a year in the spring with a portion of mature compost.

Can't do without support.

Of course, clematis can crawl on the ground, but this way we will not see all the beauty of its flowers. He won’t be able to crawl up on his own like ivy. Therefore, he needs support. The plant is attached to it with spiral-shaped tendrils, which are short enough to wrap around a gazebo post or fence slats.

Room to grow. Before purchasing clematis, you should prepare for it suitable place and a support on which he can curl.

In order not to regularly tie up the plant, we will make a support for it from rope or wire; a trellis, bamboo sticks or twigs will also do. Clematis itself willingly climbs along a wire fence. Its romantic appearance harmonizes perfectly with the decorative metal obelisks.

Alignment. Delicate tendrils cannot wrap around wide material, so you can help the plant climb up using a rope.

On the wall and in the flowerbed.

Clematis is one of the few plants that can decorate any corner of the garden, both in the city and in rural areas. Over the course of several years, it will wrap around a gazebo, pillar and pergola and create an elegant screen that will cover a garden water barrel or compost heap. A floral outfit will transform an old cracked wall or woodpile into a feast for the eyes.

Ideas for creative people.

A walk through the garden will be made more pleasant by an arch entwined with clematis, which can be framed by a small statue or a pond with a fountain. Clematis will decorate any tree, just send it to curl along the trunk between the branches.

A vacation spot for a princess. Under the roof of blooming clematis and roses rest well and dream.

How do you like a waterfall of flowers? Clematis falling over the edge of a wall or high flower bed will look better than in a hanging basket. You should not limit it when it starts to hang over the edge of the support. On a high obelisk surrounded blooming geraniums, roses, poppies and other flowers, everyone will pay attention. It looks great in combination with ornamental grasses or evergreen trees.

Growing in a pot or box.

On the balcony or in an empty corner of the garden where the soil is poor, plant clematis in a box at least 45 cm deep and the same width. The box should not be metallic or dark in color, because this will quickly overheat.

Continued joy. A thick rosette is the core of some terry species remains beautiful even after the petals surrounding it have fallen.

Except regular watering and fertilizers, the plant will also be grateful for the annual renewal of the top layer of the substrate, approximately 5 cm thick.

Original tips.

Like in a palace . Clematis and climbing roses make a wonderful pair. When they wrap their long shoots around metal gazebo, there will be a wonderful place to relax under a flowering canopy.

Continued beauty . If you choose one of the types with double flowers, continue to enjoy yourself. The cores of double flowers remain beautiful for a long time even after the surrounding petals have fallen.

Up to the crown . The crown of the tree into which the clematis is woven will bloom again. In addition to making a net of rope or wire on a tree trunk, you can extend the support ladder into the crown, where clematis will grow.

Decorative endings . On the ends of sticks supporting structure Let's put on empty snail shells. This is not only a decoration, but also a safety feature - such an ending will prevent eye injury in case of carelessness.

Every gardener dreams of having his personal plot stood out with some extraordinary plant. It is to such an extraordinary and exotic plant and can be attributed to clematis.

As you may have already learned from ours, clematis is a climbing garden plant, which is perfect for vertical gardening summer cottage. Clematis will perfectly cope with the role of a hedge or decorative screen.

If we talk about the types of clematis, they represent not only climbing vines, but also subshrubs or shrubs. Naturally, clematis also differ in their root system: root or taproot.

Clematis is not only incredible beautiful plant, but it is also considered quite unpretentious plant in terms of agricultural technology. If we talk about the “advantages” of this plant, they include:

Clematis will help you protect your area from unwanted views.

He delights those around him

The flower is taking root well

The plant boasts abundant flowering from the beginning of June to the beginning of October

In case of death, it has the ability to self-heal over several years.

Clematis is suitable both for growing in containers and for landscaping walls, gazebos, etc.

- clematis has many varieties

If we talk about the best varieties of clematis, they differ in both shape, size, appearance(differ in color) and flowering time. Conventionally, clematis can be divided into three groups depending on the time of year when they bloom.

Clematis: groups by pruning method

-First group : blooming on last year's shoots

- Second group : blooming, both on last year’s shoots and on current year’s shoots

- Third group : blooming on shoots only of the current year

Clematis of the first group practically do not need pruning. Only flowers that fade and stems that begin to dry out are pruned. This group includes varieties such as Atragena, Montana.

Clematis of this group require periodic so-called. "anti-aging" pruning. This pruning is carried out once every couple of years. “Rejuvenating” pruning involves trimming the plant very low. Thanks to this method clematis will become more “healthy”.

Clematis of the second group need pruning early spring 1.5 meters from the ground to strong buds. This group includes hybrid large-flowered clematis (Ashwa, Piilu, President, Crimson Star, Gypsy Queen).

Clematis of the third group are the easiest to care for. Plants in this group are pruned in early spring before active growth. Clematis of this group are pruned to a level of 30-40 cm from the soil to strong buds. This group includes the varieties Jackmany and Rekta.

Also, clematis can be divided into two groups based on the size of the flower:

-small-flowered clematis(diameter up to 10 cm)

Large-flowered (diameter more than 10 cm)

If we talk about small-flowered clematis, then, basically, they grow wild. They reproduce by seeds and are considered quite unpretentious to natural conditions.

The following clematis varieties are considered small-flowered: : Clematis chinensis, Clematis alpine, Clematis violet.

Large-flowered varieties of clematis include : Clematis Jacquemant, Clemantis Lanuginoza, Clemantis Taxensis and others.

Large-flowered clematis are the most popular in our country. It is about hybrid large-flowered varieties that I propose to learn more.

Clematis: the best varieties

Variety "Piilu"(Pilu)

One of the most popular varieties of clematis. This incredibly beautiful flower is a vine about two meters long. The flowers are soft lilac or soft pink with a running dark pink stripe down the middle and bright yellow stamens. Flower diameter is 10-12 cm. It blooms both on current shoots and on shoots previous year.

Clematis variety "ComtessedeBouchaud" (Comtesse de Bouchaud)

Considered one of the best varieties of clematis. This variety has earned its popularity not only due to its unsurpassed beauty, but also its resistance to cold and disease.

The plant can reach up to three meters in height, has soft pink flowers and creamy yellow stamens. The flowers of this variety have six petals, the surface of the flowers is quite rough, the tips of the flowers are often curved downwards. Flowers bloom from June to September. Blooms on the shoots of the current year

The clematis variety “ComtessedeBouchaud” is perfect for growing on a balcony, as well as for growing near walls, gazebos, etc.

Clematis variety "Romantika"(Romance)

Clematis"Romance" is a fairly popular variety among gardeners. This flower has a dark purple, almost black color and pale pink stamens. “Romance” can reach up to 2.5 meters in height. The flowering period is from July to September. Blooms on the shoots of the current year.

This variety is excellent for vertical gardening (for planting near garden supports). Clematis of this variety needs special care - planting in shady places, strong pruning and protection from powdery mildew. "Romantic" prefers humus-rich, loose, fertile soil.

Clematis variety "Gipsy queen"(Gypsy Queen)

Clematis 'Gypsy Queen' also refers to large-flowered clematis varieties. This variety has velvety dark purple or purple flowers and red stamens. The diameter of the flower is 10-15 cm. The height of the plant can reach four meters. Blooms profusely from June to September. Blooms on the shoots of the current year.

Like most varieties of clematis, "Gypsy Queen" is a light-loving variety, however, root collar of this plant should be in the shade. Suitable for growing both in containers and for growing along hedges.

Clematis variety "Westerplatte"

– the flower is very spectacular. This variety is famous for its velvety, rich red flowers that do not fade. Flowers reach 15-16 cm in diameter. This variety of clematis can reach up to three meters in height. Blooms profusely from June to September. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year.

“Westerplatte” is a light-loving variety that requires well-fertilized, loose and fertile soil. Is perennial plant, quite frost-resistant and resistant to diseases. Planted near bushes and fences.

Clematis variety MaidwellHall(Midwell Hall)

Midewell Hall is a very tender clematis variety. The color of this variety is from blue to pale purple, the flowers are velvety or even double. It will begin to please the eye with its unsurpassed bells already in early May. Because This variety is early, it is not afraid of frost.

The Midewell Hall variety grows up to 2.5 meters and climbs well on nearby trees or shrubs. This variety does not require diligent pruning, because... flowers are already growing on last year's stems.

Clematis "Ballerina"- the variety is named after the outstanding ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. The flowers are snow-white or with a greenish tint and with dark cherry, almost brown stamens. Flower diameter is 10-15 cm. Blooms from May to September. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year. The liana-like bush can reach three meters in height.

Clematis variety "Asao"(Asao)

"Asao" is considered an early flowering clematis variety. The flowers of this variety are very beautiful and very large. The diameter of the flower can reach 20 cm. The flowers are deep pink with a snow-white stripe in the middle and yellow stamens. Plant height is 2-3 meters. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year.

It blooms from May to September and is quite frost-resistant. This variety is recommended to be planted in partial shade, because it does not tolerate hot places. It will take root well near bushes or trees that it can climb.

Clematis "Andromeda"- a gentle decoration for your garden. This variety pleases the eye with snow-white semi-double flowers with a crimson stripe in the middle and pale yellow stamens. The flowers are quite large and can grow up to 20 cm in diameter. The plant can reach a height of up to 4 meters, so when choosing a place to plant, take this factor into account.

The flowering period is from May to September. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year. Refers to frost-resistant varieties clematis. This plant can't stand straight lines sun rays, because begins to fade, so it is better to plant this variety in partial shade. It climbs both garden and natural supports.

Clematis variety "Mrs. N. Thompson"

Clematis variety "Mrs. N. Thompson»
Clematis 'Mrs. N. Thompson"- quite extraordinary and exotic flower. This variety is attractive for its unsurpassed appearance. The flowers of this variety are purple with a bright red stripe in the middle and red stamens. The flowers are quite large and can grow up to 20 cm in diameter.

Plant height is about 2.5 m. Clematis “Mrs. N. Thompson" blooms from June to September. It blooms both on the shoots of the current year and on the shoots of the previous year. This variety is quite frost and disease resistant. It should be planted in a fairly sunny and wind-protected area.

So, today we looked at the most popular and beloved varieties among gardeners, but clematis has many more incredible beautiful varieties, which can decorate your garden plot, turning it into a place that creates a feeling of comfort and coziness.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs