Growing peach - advice from experienced gardeners. The most common peach diseases Peach does not produce leaves

peach curl is one of the most dangerous and widespread diseases of this fruit crop. It progresses rapidly, affecting the development of the tree, reduces its yield. Treatment of peach leaf curl must be comprehensive and timely, otherwise the tree may die.

Curly is a fungal disease that can destroy all leaves

Features of the disease

Leaf curl is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Taphrina deformans. Spores actively multiply in the spring, with the beginning of the growing season of fruit trees. They attack plants, penetrating into all its weak points: cracks, broken branches, nascent buds.

This leads to damage to the foliage and weak shoots. If measures are not taken to save the peach, by May all its foliage may fall off, and the flowering process will not begin.

Causes of infection

If peach leaves turn red and curl, and their surface becomes bubbly, the tree needs to be saved. The plant was struck by a dangerous fungus, methods of combating which require timely action. The main reason for the development of the disease is increased humidity, as well as daily temperature changes. Most often, young seedlings with not yet established immunity suffer from it. Disputes manifest themselves only after 3-4 weeks after infection.

The factor of influence in the spread of infection is the peculiarities of the organization of the garden. If trees are planted closely together in the area, the risk of curl infection increases. Do not exclude the spread of infection from others fruit plants planted on this or a neighboring site.

Signs of leaf curl

The first symptoms of the disease are manifested by a change in the surface of the leaf plate. It is covered with vesicular formations of a light green color. With the reproduction of spores, the inaction of the gardener, the foliage turns red and a thin wax coating forms on it. With the development of the disease, the leaves curl, become dry and fall off.

If measures to combat the disease have not been taken, it also spreads to peach branches. The bark becomes yellow and loose, dries out. Changes also occur in the internodes: they get fatter and smaller in length.

The fight against the disease

It is difficult to treat peach leaf curl due to the nature of this disease. The first thing that will be required is to remove all infected foliage from the fruit tree. But this will not save the gardener from re-infection next season. The spores of the marsupial fungus actively multiply in fallen leaves, in the ground and even in the bark of the plant. Winter cold is not dangerous for them, so a few more measures will have to be taken to protect not only the peach, but also the rest of the fruit trees.

Measures to combat the disease must be comprehensive. After removing infected leaves and shoots, they resort to processing the diseased plant and other trees on the site. The best option- spraying. Products containing copper in their composition, as well as beneficial bacteria, are suitable.

Copper sulfate - a preventive fungicide

  1. Speed Non-toxic and effective against curl, scab, perforated and brown spot. Contains in its composition difenoconazole, which provides the most rapid and high-quality treatment of fungal diseases. Use in accordance with the instructions.
  2. Abiga Peak. A highly concentrated aqueous solution of copper oxychloride, popular in horticulture. Use an anti- a large number fruit diseases and vegetable crops. Prepare a working solution in the proportion of 50 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  3. Guapsin. Biological product a wide range actions. It is used to treat curl and other fungal diseases, as well as pests. The product contains several strains of bacteria that destroy pathogens without harm to plants and humans. Prepare a solution in the proportion of 250 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water.
  4. Copper vitriol. Less commonly used due to phytotoxicity. Peach treatment for curlyness shows them nice results within 4-7 days. But due to treatment with such a drug, a slowdown in the fruiting process is observed. But there is also an advantage. Copper, penetrating peach leaves and shoots, increases the plant's immunity to fungal diseases for 1-2 years.

The use of drugs is effective at the initial stage of infection. The safest are biological agents. They are less aggressive to plants, but require the use of several garden treatments.

It is a contact fungicide used for the treatment of vegetable and fruit crops.

Rules for successful treatment

Peach curl, which must be controlled in a comprehensive manner, is spreading rapidly. Spores in just a few days can be transferred from one fruit tree to other plants. And the whole garden will have to be treated.

Most dangerous time- spring, because the presence of the disease at the time of flowering adversely affects the formation of ovaries. As a result, the quantity and quality of the crop is reduced. Having found a peach infected with leaf curl in your area, you need to get down to business. Provide fast and effective treatment.

To save the crop, it is important to take care of some details of antifungal therapy, as the fight against peach curl has some rules. The gardener needs:

  1. Remove all infected parts of the tree. Garbage is burned.
  2. Before spraying, check the reaction of the plant to the action of the drug by applying it on a small infected area - a shoot or branch.
  3. Spray strictly according to the instructions of the preparation used. It is better to do this in warm calm weather.
  4. Treat plants 2-3 times per season. The last spraying is carried out after the end of flowering.

Spraying peach with systemic fungicides also depends on weather conditions not only at the time of treatment, but also in the next 2 days. If it rains in the next 48 hours, it will wash the remedy off the leaves and branches. As a result, the treatment will need to be repeated.

The Morettini variety is resistant to curl.

Preventive measures

Prevention of frizziness is quality care per fruit trees, as well as in the use of seasonal fungicide sprays. The most effective use of 1% solution of copper sulfate. Spraying is carried out in spring and autumn, before and after the growing season.

In addition to spraying, the gardener should conduct an annual sanitary pruning tree, remove fallen fruits in a timely manner, loosen the soil of the trunk circle. If the gardener has just decided to plant a peach, he needs to choose the most favorable place for growth. It should be well lit, away from sources of moisture. When the selected site does not meet the recommendations, the risk of infection with fungal diseases increases.

It is also important that not all varieties of peach are often infected with leaf curl. Some types of it have stronger immunity, so they are less likely to suffer from signs of illness. Curly peach less often attacks varieties Saturn, Yellow, Bagrinovsky, Morettini.

The peach is a delicacy fruit, but first you need to work hard to get it. good harvest. Peach diseases and pests keep the gardener in suspense throughout the growing season. Peaches grown far from their native countries with a warm climate are prone to many diseases. Let's talk about the most common tree ailments and about protection measures.

What diseases affect peach

All fruit crops are affected by one complex of diseases, but each species is predisposed to some of them. And just like the plum with moniliosis, the peach is affected by curliness, more often than other diseases.

Other expected peach diseases:

  • fruit rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • clasterosporiosis;
  • moniliosis.

The complex of year-round is aimed at the prevention of diseases, the destruction of pests and the increase in tree productivity. If you maintain the agronomic calendar, you can prevent an outbreak of the disease even in an unfavorable summer. Look at the photo: peach diseases and their treatment require strong drugs and protective clothing for the worker.

Klyasterosporiosis or leaf perforation refers to fungal diseases. At the moment of the beginning of development, as if punctures are formed on the leaves, then purple spots appear, the tissue in the circle disappears and a perforated leaf is obtained. At the same time, spores spread to the entire ground part of the plant. Sometimes the same signs on the leaves give an overdose of copper-containing fungicides. If it is peach fungus disease, it will progress rapidly.

When the disease appeared folk remedies she can't be defeated. It is necessary to apply fungicides, such as Skor, Crystalon or Delan, in a double dose, if guided by the instructions.

can spoil the development of peach on the Black and Sea of ​​Azov. For middle lane This disease is typical for gourds and berry crops. At first, the leaves of the tree stand as if sprinkled with flour. Later, the leaf is deformed, the shoots become thinner. The taste of the fruit changes. The fight against powdery mildew is carried out with the help of Topaz, fresh mullein mash, cutting of infected shoots. Effective against powdery mildew colloidal sulfur.

Compliance with growing technology, prevention of peach diseases and the fight against them, as in the photo, will keep the garden healthy.

Leaf curl disease is the most dangerous

Overwintered spores of the fungus germinate into shoots and leaves. in early spring, having overwintered on the plant remains of the previous year. The causative agent of leaf curl disease is introduced into the leaf. The first sign is the formation of red bubbles on the leaf blade. But if the leaves have already hung on the tree for 2 weeks, the disease is powerless.

The fungus is introduced into the plate 5-8 days old. The leaves are destroyed, and together with mature spores fall to the ground. Young branches of fresh or annual growth and their wood are damaged. The buds of this year are deformed, there will be no harvest next season.

How to treat peach leaf curl disease? Immediately! As soon as they saw the first signs - young leaves, still green, began to swell, it is immediately necessary to apply copper-containing fungicides at the recommended dose. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin sanitary pruning, scrapping, pinching sheets, until the disease has captured the entire crown.

Experts and practitioners say that among peach varieties, some are more resistant to leaf curl:

  • Redhaveng;
  • In memory of Rodionov;
  • Bagrinovsky;
  • Morettini;
  • Simferopol early.

How can you deal with peach leaf curl with folk remedies? In the eradication of the disease, the main thing is speed. There are not many effective drugs. If the disease was detected at the beginning, you need to manually remove the leaves, cut off the branches on which they were attached, and be sure to burn.

Pollinate the tree with a mixture of sulfur powder and fluffy lime, spray with 1% colloidal sulfur, but only on a hot day so that the temperature is above 25 degrees. You can use Biostat. For the second treatment, prepare a 3-day infusion of tobacco dust. Can be sprayed with a mixture of slaked lime and clay slurry, applying it to the leaves after each rain wash or shedding. Practitioners warn that if fresh galls appear, you need to switch to fungicides.

Preventive methods of dealing with peach curl begin in the fall. It is during this period that it is necessary to clean the garden from winter tenants. As soon as the air temperature has dropped to 10-5 degrees, it is time for prevention:

  1. Inspection and sanitization of the trunk, broken branches.
  2. Free the trunk circle from all residues, burn leaves and branches, loosen the soil or lay fresh manure over the entire area, without digging, let there be a crust. This is a 3 year feed.
  3. In the spring, treat the buds with a copper fungicide, and then prune. After treatment with Topsin M, but before the leaves appear.

Spray young leaves with Champion. In the future, if swelling appears, 10% mullein infusion will cope with them. A neglected garden will be free from diseases within 2-3 years.

This is the answer to the question of how to treat a peach from leaf curl. The scheme is applied in private gardens in Ukraine. System processing allow you to get rid of the main fungal diseases even in warm rainy years.

The basic principles of disease control lie in the ability to grow a healthy strong tree. Then it itself will resist diseases and pests. To do this, you need to find a light slope, with a barrier from the northern faith. Peach does not tolerate any shading. He loves fertile soil regular watering and deep standing ground water. If there is growth in winter, the tree will wake up. The roots will withstand the winter cold of +25 degrees for 3-4 days, and 35-38 degrees for several hours. Whitewashing trunks and manure in trunk circle help reduce the risk of frostbite.

Selection of drugs against peach curl - video

Leaf curl is a common disease of many agricultural plants and trees. The peach is no exception and, being prone to this disease, can lose a very significant part of the fruit. It is wrong to think that this is only an aesthetically noticeable peach disease - leaf curl causes damage to the shoots, which are deformed, and can lead to the death of the tree, not to mention losses in yield. In this regard, at the first signs of the disease fruit tree treatment measures must be taken.

How is the disease manifested and what is dangerous

It provokes curliness in the period of early spring. This usually happens under conditions high humidity and low temperature. Just at this time, the tree buds, and the spores are activated and start the process of developing diseases that the peach cannot resist. Curly leaves, the fight against which should be carried out already in the early stages, is eliminated precisely by destroying the fungus. If appropriate measures are not taken, the infection affects all leaf buds against the background of marsupial sporulation of the fungus.

The development of the disease begins with the fact that the leaves turn pale, after which they change their shade to a reddish color. From this moment, the peach leaf curl begins. Treatment should begin at the first symptoms, but sparing means. If you start the disease, then the curl will hit the shoots, and eventually the ovaries. Peach fruits harden, lose their taste and become inedible. If the disease is not fought for several years, then in addition to the loss of the crop, you can lose the whole tree, which will die.

Removing affected leaves

Coping with curliness is not easy, but if you approach the fight against the fungus in a complex way, then the result is likely to be positive. Pruning and subsequent burning of affected leaves and shoots is one of the primary means to defeat peach leaf curl. Treatment in this way is usually carried out in May, at a time when the signs of the disease are most pronounced. Also, experienced gardeners practice removal in several stages for greater efficiency. For example, the first pruning can be done when flowering is over. The repeated procedure is performed until the spores of the fungal infection disperse.

How to spray for curly

Spraying remains one of the most effective means of combating tree diseases. It is important to consider in what period the peach was infected. Leaf curl, which is controlled after flowering, requires the use of tank biopreparations. These include trichodermin, planriz and pentaphage. Also at this time, fungicides can be used and Before bud break, the same means are used, as well as milk of lime and urea. When the leaf fall has departed, it is necessary to spray the tree and soil in the zone of the stem circle - that is, where the fallen leaves lie. In this case, treatment with the listed means is possible, but without fungicides.

Processing with Bordeaux mixture

Curl protection in recent times are increasingly providing 3 per cent Bordeaux mixture. It should be noted right away that this method has a serious disadvantage: increased phytotoxicity, which, however, well eliminates the curl of peach leaves. The treatment is accompanied by a delay in the entry of the tree into the fruiting period and affects the low yield. In addition, treatment with such a preparation contributes to an increase in the copper content in peach leaves. Moreover, the availability rate heavy metal will increase as the shoots grow.

Despite all the negative factors, there are obvious advantages to using Bordeaux mixture. If in the fight against other diseases its effectiveness may not justify itself against the background of negative factors, then the curl of peach leaves, which is treated regularly with this remedy, will definitely give a beneficial result. This option is especially useful in the fight against an infection that has developed over several years.

Clay processing

If for processing it is rather recommended as a specialized means of combating the disease, then clay is a traditional folk remedy. It is used in composition with lime and acts as an effective adhesive. But not only this property of the substance is important - clay also works as an adsorbent, not to mention the presence of a number of nutrients in the composition. Among them are silicon, aluminum, sulfur and other components that allow you to defeat the curliness of peach leaves. Treatment with folk remedies in the form of clay with lime improves the biological and physico-chemical characteristics of the peach, at the same time nourishing the tree with mineral elements.

If it is not possible to use clay together with lime milk, then the option of using the first one in pure form. In this case, the fungicidal effect will be less pronounced, but the phytocidal properties will manifest themselves quite effectively, eliminating the peach disease. Curly leaves are most easily eliminated with a clay-lime mixture in an optimal consistency, which provides a neutral effect. To do this, the ratio of clay to milk of lime should be 4:1.

Modern remedies for curly hair

It happens that the action of the clay-lime mortar does not help, and the use of the Bordeaux mixture is excluded due to its negative factors in relation to a particular plant. So the question arises of how to treat a peach from leaf curl with minimal harm to the tree itself. The answer lies in the preparations of a new generation, among which are fast, delan and chorus. They can be used singly, in combination, or alternately. In addition, the addition of a clay-lime mortar can significantly prolong the effect of the same delan. According to experts, such drugs provide 98 percent biological effectiveness in the treatment of leaf curl.

Inexperienced gardeners, watching developing trees, do not even suspect why peach leaves turn red. They think that this phenomenon is caused by a sharp temperature drop or other factors, but in fact the tree is sick with curl. Note that the main symptoms of this disease is considered to be a change in the color of the leaves from the usual green, to yellow or red. After some time, the leaf plate thickens, and the surface of the leaves becomes corrugated.

Peak development of peach curl is observed in early spring when the weather is humid. About two weeks after the development of the leaves from the kidneys, they are severely deformed. This is due to the fact that under the influence of the fungus, foliage cells begin to divide. Shoots also suffer from curliness. First of all, their development is inhibited, the color changes from green to pale yellow, the distance between the nodes decreases, which provokes bending of young branches.

It should be attributed to diseases that are caused by a fungus. In this regard, after a couple of weeks from the moment of infection, traces of sporulation can be seen on the inner surface of the leaves. white color and extraction of gum. With the gradual ripening of the spores, browning of the peach leaf plate is observed, the fruits are deformed and fall off, and warty growths form on their surface. In a tree weakened by the disease, premature leaf fall begins, the shoots do not have time to ripen, so a significant part of them dies as a result of frost.

The spores of the fungus overwinter in cracks in the bark of the plant and in the gum that is released. In this regard, the prevention of curliness should include cleaning the bark from gum and whitewashing the strain and affected skeletal branches. After that, diseased branches are cut off, and then they are burned along with pieces of the affected bark, the places of cuts are covered with garden varnish or paint, and the tool is disinfected.

Curly control should also include selecting, burning, or burying damaged fruit. Peach leaves may turn red due to lack of moisture, therefore, in case of persistent drought, the plant must be watered periodically and the soil should be mulched. Peach dressing will increase the immunity of this culture.

If the culture was cared for on time, but the curl affected the tree, then its crown must be treated with fungicides. AT spring period before bud break, the peach is sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture of 3% concentration, the spraying of the tree with the specified substance is also carried out after the leaves have fallen. AT summer period peach is sprayed with Saprol, Horus, Skor.

Peaches are a delicacy fruit. They are used fresh and canned. Peach pits are rich in fatty oils, which allows them to be used in medicine and cosmetology. But, first you need to plant and grow a healthy tree. Peaches, like other fruits, suffer from various diseases. About them and much more will be discussed in this article.

Motherland peach tree is China. Only in the first year of our era did this fruit become familiar in Persia, Greece, and Rome. People appreciated the useful and gustatory qualities of the fruit. The peach soon spread throughout Europe and other countries where there is a warm climate. This became possible also because the tree is unpretentious.

Peach belongs to the Rosaceae family. The height of the tree reaches seven meters. Leaves sessile, lanceolate with serrated margin. They appear later than delicate flowers. The fruit is sweet and fragrant. Weighs one hundred and sixty grams or more. The peach has an oval or rounded shape. The skin is soft, velvety. The stone is wrinkled, with grooves and dimples.

There are pubescent fruits and non-pubescent, which are called nectarines. During flowering this fruit crop similar to steppe almonds. A hundred days is enough for peaches to fully ripen. Overripe fruits lose acid, their taste deteriorates.

Growing peach from seed

This is quite possible if you follow a certain technology and follow a simple instruction:

  • To grow a peach from a stone, it is recommended to take a crop variety that grows in the area and is well adapted to its climate.
  • You need to know which tree the fruit is from: own-rooted or grafted. It is very important. The fact is that the peculiarity of the variety of the fruit of a rooted tree can be traced by 70-80%, and from a peach grown on a grafted tree, most likely, planting material will be empty.
  • Before planting, for about seven days, the peach pit is soaked in water, which is changed daily.
  • On the day of planting, the seed is pierced with a hammer, but in such a way as not to damage the seed.
  • Planting material is laid in the ground to a depth of 8 cm, watered and sprinkled on top.
  • it is preferable to start growing in the fall, so the seed will stratify naturally.

Now it remains to wait. The earth should always be moist and loose. After the root sprouts, the stem will quickly grow. During the summer period, it will grow up to one and a half meters, the crown will begin to grow noticeably, which should be formed in the same year.

How to choose the right seedlings?

Before you wonder how to grow a peach, you should purchase healthy seedlings. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • In what area is the seedling grown? If not in the one where it is sold, then whether it has been adapted to the new climate.
  • At the place of fusion of the stock and scion, the surface should be even, without sags, and dry. Juice should not flow.
  • The health of the root system is assessed by the state of the layer of wood after breaking off a small piece of bark. If it is green, then the root is not damaged, such a plant will quickly take root.

  • How to grow a healthy peach? One of the components of the answer to this question is the age of the seedling. Annual plants will take root better and get stronger faster.

The choice of place of growth

How to plant a peach What is needed for this? First of all, you need to choose a place to land. It should be dry and high. Peach does not tolerate swampy and damp areas. In principle, any soil with good moisture and air exchange suits him. It could be loam.

It is recommended to plant the crop in lighted and protected from the wind places. Perfect for this South side site. Tall shrubs and trees should not shade the seedling. This should be followed up. The fact is that wood does not ripen on young shoots grown in the shade. This negatively affects the laying of flower buds.


A piece of land must be dug up a year before planting a peach in the ground, after adding manure, wood ash, potassium and superphosphate. During digging, the soil is cleared of weeds and it is saturated with oxygen. And yet, how to plant a peach?

First, on the site prepared in the fall, rows for future trees are determined. They are located from south to north on a flat area, and on a slope - across it. In each row, at a distance of 3-4 meters from each other, holes are dug 50 cm deep. The diameter should be such that the root is conveniently located. The seedling is placed in a hole with drainage at the bottom and sprinkled with earth mixed with manure and ash. Then it is carefully watered, the earth around the trunk is trampled down and mulched with manure. The plant is best planted in the spring, until the first buds have blossomed. So it will take root better, successfully winter, and many peach diseases will bypass it.

leaf curl

The causative agent of this disease is a fungus. It spreads along shoots and leaves with the onset of summer. Due to this peach disease, the leaf stalk decreases, the internode converges, which shortens the shoots. The leaves begin to curl, thicken and crumble easily. Flowers become pale green. With a wide spread of the disease, all leaves fall off. After some time, the leaves grow again, but the fruits will be of lower quality, as the tree is weakened.

To prevent such a disease of peach leaves as curl, it is necessary to cut and burn the affected shoots and diseased leaves. In autumn, when leaf fall begins, damaged trees should be sprayed with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. And in the spring, with swelling of the kidneys, copper sulfate (1% solution) is used. Spraying is carried out twice, with an interval of five days. But most in an efficient way To prevent this peach disease is the cultivation of crop varieties that are excellently resistant to the disease: Earlired, Stark Redgold, Nectared-2.

What is wrong with peach?

  • Clasterosporiasis is a fungal disease that affects all plant organs: shoots and fruits, leaves, stems and trunks. This fungus is characterized by formations that look like punctures. Over time, dark purple spots appear, the tissue dies, holes of impressive size form. This disease is called perforated spotting. This fungus damages all species of cultivated trees with stone fruits. Perforation on a peach can appear not only as a result of a fungal infection, but also as a result of the plant's reaction to copper-containing preparations. With high humidity, peach diseases spread very quickly. And the fight against them is the most effective ways. Fungicides are widely used: "Skor", "Strobi", "Delan", "Kristalon". The first procedure is carried out before bud break. For this, a double dose of "Skor" is taken - 2 grams - and one teaspoon of "Kristalon". Five days later, the treatment of trees is repeated, but with the use of other preparations: Delana and Kristalona, ​​one teaspoon each, and Skora, two grams.

  • Powdery mildew is also a fungus that manifests itself in certain areas of peach growth: in the foothills, on the Black Sea coast and near the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. This disease affects leaves, fruits and shoots. A whitish-gray coating forms on them, which leads to deformation of the leaves and depletion of the shoots, which begin to slow down growth and become thinner. The taste of the fruit deteriorates. Reduce the frost resistance of peach disease trees. And the fight against them is merciless. The main method is cutting and burning diseased shoots. This work should be carried out during the growing season, as soon as signs of powdery mildew become noticeable. For the treatment of trees, colloidal sulfur (0.5-1% solution) is used. The procedure can be repeated up to four times per season. Remember, on young trees (5-6 years old), a highly concentrated solution can cause a burn. Therefore, a 0.5% solution of this drug should be used for their treatment.

How to protect a peach tree from diseases?

  • Regularly prune and burn affected shoots and branches.
  • Spray trees in early spring blue vitriol and Horus.
  • At the end of flowering, treat the plants with Bordeaux liquid or Skor.
  • During the growing season, it is recommended to collect the affected foliage, re-cut the shoots on which signs of curliness have appeared, and burn it all.


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