Design of flower beds and flower beds in kindergarten. Design of flower beds in the summer area. Video: Flower beds made from car tires

Decorating a flower bed in a preschool educational institution

In every head
A bud is like a peephole,
Each poppy
Its juice blows
Each flowerbed -
Like a royal crown
Flower hats –
Like bunches of hearts!..

Flower beds always make us happy, and interesting flower beds enchant. But kindergarten teachers don’t always have enough financial support to create landscape masterpieces, and they really want beauty...

Purpose: decorating the territory of a kindergarten, favorite dacha or courtyard.
The master class is designed for teachers and parents.
Target: making funny figures to decorate flower beds in kindergarten.
Materials: double-sided fiberboard, electric jigsaw, exterior paint, brushes, solvent, barrels, good mood.

The building worker and parents helped us in our work.
1. With the help of parents, we built square (old) flower beds in a row
Bought fiberboard sheet(double-sided, it is better preserved when the summer is rainy), a drawing was applied. 6 trailers fit on the sheet (3 on top and 3 on bottom)

2. The worker cut out all the parts according to the instructions

3. We thought for a long time about how to make the train itself. There were different options, but we decided on barrels. My parents gave me two large barrels. One barrel was filled with water and placed on the ground, the second barrel was cut in half with a grinder and the excess was cut out on both sides, so that one lay more tightly on the other. The parent used a welding machine to weld one to the other in several places. a cut-off lid from the same barrel was placed at the bottom of the top barrel and earth was poured in. The top barrel does not fit tightly everywhere, so between the lid and the ground there is still a layer of unnecessary rags covering the cracks. Using a screwdriver, we screwed a flower pot (and wheels) onto the edge of the bottom barrel and filled it with soil. They planted flowers.

4. Colored the “flower bed” and drew a face

5. The building worker used a hammer drill to drill holes in the square flower beds and secured our trailers to them. All that remains is to color them. Everyone helped with coloring.

6. Let's take a closer look at the result

7. We take out last year’s nesting dolls, some are already familiar with them

8. We will place them behind the trailers, they will accompany our Little Engine from Romashkovo to kindergarten

9. We decorate another flowerbed with already familiar mice and a Cheshire cat. We will work on this flower bed next year.

10. Device for stability. It’s the same with nesting dolls.

This year we have another equally wonderful “flowerbed”

Our flowerbed is a sight for sore eyes!
Admire her!
Cheers up
To everyone who comes near her.

How many fragrant flowers there are here!
How many delicate petals:
Silky and fluffy.
Thin, flexible stems.

So many colors fit in
You just can’t take your eyes off it!
It's like a rainbow has descended
Come and paint flowers for us.

Jerusalem artichoke and chamomile,
Blue eyes and dill,
Dandelion, clover-clover:
The people living here are friendly.

We won’t pick flowers
And we hasten to tell others:
Let them bring joy to people
Everyone - both the little ones and the big ones!
Nikolaeva Elena

Flower beds, flower beds, alpine slides are the passion of many summer residents. How to arrange them correctly so that they are pleasing to the eye and require less care? What plants should be planted in borders, rockeries and mixborders? Learn more about placing flowers in the garden.

Floral decoration in the garden plays a special role. When flowers are scattered chaotically throughout the site or planted “at random” in random places, a significant part of their charm can be lost, hidden from view by other plants or “killed” by an unsuccessful combination. To achieve the maximum decorative effect, plants in the flower garden should be selected according to color shades, size and timing of flowering. When arranging a flower garden, it is very important to take into account such factors as the illumination of the selected location, accessibility for viewing, compatibility with the background, and the possibility of regular watering.

Ideally, any flower garden must first be designed, a sketch created on paper, and only then transferred to the area. Flower beds are usually divided into three parts. In the background are large-sized plants that bloom from the second half of summer to autumn, in the middle ground there are medium-sized specimens, most of which bloom in early to mid-summer. Low-growing perennials are placed in the foreground. Bulbs are planted in the middle part of the flower garden, which makes it possible to cover the fading foliage after flowering. It is necessary to plan the flower garden in dynamics - imagine the change of colors from early spring to late autumn.


A border is a low, narrow and dense strip made up of one or two types of carpet plants that are highly compact. Borders are used as edging of the edges of flower beds, ridges, and walkways. The border is the color frame of the composition, emphasizing its linear pattern. The height and width of the border is from 10 to 100 cm, the most common are height 10-50, width 30-60 cm.

Flowers in the border are arranged in height: from the lowest, creeping ones - closer to the path - to medium and tall ones in the background. This helps to make a smooth transition from horizontal to vertical surfaces and at the same time show each plant in all its glory.

In border plantings, plants are most often used that are distinguished not only by compact growth, but also by the dense texture of the bush, moderate growth rate, and ability to maintain shape for a long time.


A flowerbed is a flower bed of geometric shape (round, square, rectangular, etc.). They are placed in the most formal places of the garden.

There are two types of flower beds. The first of them - a carpet flowerbed - is created from low-growing flowering plants, which, as it were, create a “cap” above the surface of the earth. The second type of flower bed - a flower bed - is created from large-flowering, bright plants with a long flowering period. For planting in flower beds, both annual (petunia, lobelia, begonia, alyssum, etc.) and perennial plants (forget-me-not, hosta, peony, poppy) are used. For a flower bed, simultaneous continuous flowering of plants is important.


Rabatka - flower garden rectangular shape, in the form of narrow strips from 1 to 2-2.5 m wide, usually placed along the paths. Rabatki are arranged in regular gardens as multi-row plantings of one or several types of plants.

Near houses, outbuildings, as well as paths, one-sided edges are used, in which the larger component is placed in the background. To design paths, they also use double-sided ridges with a rise along the median line.


The parterre is a complex flower garden formed by lawns, flower beds, ridges, as well as fountains and sculptures that form a single whole. The simplest parterres can consist of a lawn with a flower border or border around the edges. An important part of the parterre, as well as the border, are carpet plants, characterized by their small growth and dense covering.

Solitaire, or single, plantings

Single, usually large, specimens of plants act as accents in the most significant compositional places in the garden: near the house, in recreation areas, on the lawn, at the turn of the path. Plants with a beautiful bush shape, large flowers or original inflorescences, spectacular or unusually colored leaves are used as tapeworms.


Group plantings are the most common type of landscape flower arrangement. They have a free outline and should be clearly visible from all sides. Groups are made up of plants of one species (pure) or several (mixed).


Mixborders are mixed plant groups that include not only flowering plants, but also shrubs and conifers. Mixborders are characterized by varietal diversity and multiple changes in flowering plants throughout the season. Plants are selected according to height, compatibility environmental factors, speed of crop growth and flowering time.

Low plants are placed in the foreground, the tallest ones in the background; transition from low plants to high ones it should be smooth, but quite dynamic; Medium-sized plants occupy more space than tall ones. The horizontal background is most often created using a lawn.

Flower beds in Natur Garden style

Nature garden- one of the style trends in garden landscape design. The essence of a flower garden in the Natur garden style is to imitate natural plant communities. The main point of such flower beds is to minimize their care so as not to disturb their naturalness. Such compositions are composed mainly of native (local) species or similar foreign species.


These decorative forms are popular among those who want to create a piece of mountain landscape for themselves. An integral feature of these decorative forms are carefully selected stones on which plants are placed, as if unobtrusively, in natural disorder.

There are several types of rockeries:

  • rockery on a plane;
  • alpine slide;
  • rock garden terrace;
  • retaining wall and dry rock wall;
  • slab path with cracks between the slabs.

In rockeries it is colder in winter, hotter in summer; good drainage promotes rapid drying of the soil, a small volume of soil determines insufficiency nutrients. These conditions determine the principles for selecting an assortment of plants for rockeries. They must be drought-resistant, winter-hardy and undemanding to soil fertility.

Low-growing decorative leafy crops (carnations, heuchera, sedum, etc.) look most impressive. Fast-blooming bulbs (ephemeroids) can be used as spring accents.

Woody plants rarely survive in rockeries; the most suitable are low species: Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina), cotoneaster (Cotoneastr horizontalis), spirea, etc.

The quality of a rock garden depends on the technologies used during its construction and the agricultural technology for growing plants. It is best to lay the stones not on the ground, but on a perforated film or dense non-woven covering material, which is then covered with inert material (gravel, pebbles, crushed stone, etc.).


In recent years, container gardening has become increasingly popular. It is ideal for decorating small country spaces, terraces, patios and gazebos. Containers are traditionally called containers where plants are planted; they can be of various shapes, sizes and made of different materials: wood, concrete, plastic, ceramic and even brick. In recent years, special large, multi-tiered metal containers have appeared on sale. The type of flower container is chosen depending on the place that needs decoration. They can be suspended, wall-mounted, or floor-mounted.

Hanging and wall-mounted containers are used to create bright, eye-catching spots in the surroundings of the house (on lanterns, trees, awning supports, house walls, etc.). Their use is limited, because the substrate in them quickly dries out, overheats or, conversely, cools. Compositions of drought-resistant, bright annuals with hanging shoots are planted in them: lobelia of the “Cascade” group, petunia surfinia, grassy eucalyptus, ivy-leaved pelargonium, etc.

Creating a hanging container is a rather complex technological task, because... It is important to have a substrate that retains moisture well and does not overheat. For the conditions of the Moscow region, such a container should have a drainage layer at the bottom, above it a layer of sphagnum moss (or special polymers) capable of absorbing and retaining moisture, a layer of non-woven material, a layer of dense, moisture-absorbing, fertile soil in which the plants are planted. The soil surface must be mulched to protect it from overheating and drying out.

The lower part of the facades is decorated with plants planted in floor containers. Such containers can be of different sizes. In large ones (50-80 cm deep) you can grow not only flowers, but also shrubs (Cossack juniper, spirea, derain, euonymus, some barberries). Spring flowering is provided by small bulbous plants (muscari, crocus, chionodoxa) and bulbous crops(tulips and daffodils). Later they are replaced by flowering annuals, including climbing ones (morning glory, nasturtium, sweet pea etc.). In floor containers, evergreen ground cover plants that form hanging shoots overwinter well: budra, thyme, periwinkle, and parsley.


Comment on the article "Bedbeds and flower beds for the garden - do it yourself. 10 interesting ways"

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Flowerbed. Flowers. Cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Flowerbed for beginners. How to create a flowerbed at the dacha. Flower garden of annual and perennial plants. How to make a flower garden at your dacha with your own hands. Flower beds and flower beds with annuals and perennials, mixborders.

Beds and flower beds for the garden - do it yourself. 10 interesting ways. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds: beautiful appearance and easy care. How to make a flower garden at your dacha with your own hands. Flower beds and flower beds with annuals and perennials, mixborders.

Nature leaves a deep imprint on a child’s soul, influencing his feelings with its brightness, diversity, and dynamism.

It seems to the child that he is a discoverer, that he was the first to hear the chirping of a grasshopper, to see that the snow consists of many beautiful snowflakes, and for him the starling sings. This is how children perceive nature for the first time, are drawn to it, it arouses their curiosity.

Preschoolers look with great interest at the world around us, but not everyone sees, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if there is a teacher nearby who wonders with them, who teaches them not only to look, but also to see, the children will want to learn even more.

The program of environmental education and training in kindergarten provides for familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding world, nature, starting from junior group. Walking with children provides great opportunities for this. At each of them, children consolidate previously acquired knowledge and get acquainted with something new.

Walks will be joyful, interesting, educational, and will achieve their goal, provided that the teacher is able to supplement and enrich the children’s knowledge using visual material. If there is a good site, a kindergarten can organize “ecological spaces” on its territory.

In addition, the teacher must not only give certain knowledge, but also teach children to love and take care of nature, their native places, and their homeland.

Chapter 1. Flower garden on the site of a preschool institution.

1.1. Organization of the ecological and developmental environment in preschool educational institutions.

The most favorable period for solving the problems of environmental education is preschool age. Since during this period the formation of the qualities of the human personality occurs, the foundations of an ecological culture are laid. It is necessary to inculcate in children the idea that a person needs an ecologically clean environment. Therefore, it is important to teach children to preserve the beauty of nature, so that they understand early enough how valuable health is and strive for a healthy lifestyle. An important factor in the formation of children’s environmental consciousness is proper organization ecological and developmental environment in preschool educational institutions.

An ecological and developmental environment is an important condition for the environmental education of preschool children. Organized in accordance with pedagogical and sanitary-hygienic requirements, such an environment performs many functions (developmental, adaptive, health-improving, corrective, educational, cognitive, practice-oriented, etc.), it ensures constant communication with nature, promotes the education of the foundations of ecological culture, formation of environmentally appropriate behavior, greening various types activities.

Nature, with its unusual variety of phenomena, animals and plants, makes a strong impression on children. Direct communication with nature gives the child more vivid ideas than books, pictures and stories from adults. The diversity of flora and fauna on the kindergarten site, the correct organization of the nature zone in the premises of the preschool institution from an ecological point of view, constitute a developing ecological environment necessary for raising children, in which adults by personal example demonstrate to children the correct attitude towards nature and actively participate together with children in environmental activities.

In the process of environmental education, the following types of activities can take place:

  • role-playing game reflecting various events in nature or nature-creating activities of adults;
  • practical activities to create or maintain conditions for living objects in the green area of ​​the kindergarten (work in nature), as well as activities to restore objects (repairing toys, books, etc.);
    creating art products based on impressions of nature or people’s activities in nature;
  • communication with nature, voluntary contact with objects of flora and fauna - complex activities, including observation, evaluative one-sided judgments, admiring, caressing, grooming, taming and training (animals);
  • experimentation: practical cognitive activity with natural objects, accompanied by observations and statements. Experimenting with living objects is a positive activity only if the search actions are carried out taking into account the needs of a living being and are not destructive;
  • speech activity (questions, messages, participation in conversation, dialogue, exchange of information, impressions, clarification of ideas about nature using words);
  • observation is an independent cognitive activity that provides information about nature and the activities of people in nature;
  • viewing books, paintings, and television programs with natural history content is an activity that contributes to obtaining new and clarifying existing ideas about nature.

Observing children's independence and analyzing its content allows the teacher to discover their individual characteristics and level of environmental awareness.

A variety of activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of personality development of a small child.

Children get acquainted with specific types of trees, shrubs, cultivated and wild herbaceous plants, garden and vegetable garden plants, know their names, characteristic features, structural features (root, trunk, stem, branches, leaves, flowers, seeds) and the purpose of all organs. Learn that all plants are living beings. For seeds to live, grow, and ripen, they must maintain their integrity; they need certain conditions: heat, light, moisture, nutritious soil, air. These conditions exist on the kindergarten site, so plants grow there. Weather conditions are not the same all year round - they change with the seasons. Plants have adapted to life in changing conditions. In difficult moments, a person helps the plants of the site, improves their living conditions; digs up trees and shrubs, waters lawns during drought, fertilizes the soil, and insulates some plants for the winter.

Children develop a cognitive interest in the plants of the site: they willingly participate in collective observations, conversations, in filling out nature calendars, take the initiative in learning about plants - they ask questions, independently observe, make assumptions, and talk about what they see.

An emotional response and artistic perception of the beauty of plants develops at different periods of their life and under different conditions: delicate greenery in spring, lush herbs and a rainbow of flowers in summer, peace of snow-covered trees and bushes in winter, colorful autumn wilting, etc. Children learn to associate the beauty of plants with their well-being (satisfaction of needs) and good living conditions. They learn to perceive plants as living beings, sympathize with them, and protect their integrity. Show willingness to participate in practical activities to maintain good conditions for plants (watering, digging the earth, etc.).

1.2 The role of the flower garden in educational work with children

The main elements of the ecological and developmental environment in preschool institutions It is customary to consider a corner of nature and green areas on the site. However, each of these forms must correspond to the goals and objectives of environmental educational work and contribute to the implementation of all components of the content of environmental education: cognitive, activity-based, value-based, normative.

A properly planned and well-greened area is one of the most important conditions for organizing work with children on their environmental education. A good site in a city kindergarten is of particular importance, since it is often the only place for children to communicate with nature for a long time.

At the kindergarten site, the teacher organizes daily observation of nature, during which children learn a lot about the life of plants and animals and admire the beauty of nature in all seasons. The vivid impressions that children receive from communicating with nature remain in their memory for a long time and contribute to the formation of a love for nature and a (natural) interest in the world around them. Children of all age groups have the opportunity to work on the site, in the flower garden. In the process of working, children develop certain labor skills and abilities. At the same time, they learn what conditions need to be created for the normal life of animals and plants, acquire the necessary skills and abilities, and learn to treat nature with care and concern.

During the school year, teachers and children grow different plants in the flower garden. This provides favorable conditions for conducting interesting observations of particular ecological significance. The relationship of a plant with its environment in the process of its ontogenetic (individual) development throughout the period of existence is not the same - it changes significantly at different stages of its growth and development. This circumstance makes it possible for the teacher to trace these phenomena with children using the examples of some plants.

The first junior group begins to expand the knowledge about nature acquired by young children and to consolidate and deepen interest and love for nature.

At this age, in a flower garden, the teacher examines plants with children, pays attention to their different colors, shapes and sizes: phloxes are tall, white, pink, and marigolds are short, yellow, orange. For better perception by children of younger groups, plants of the same name and the same color should be planted in the flowerbed: for example, plant only white daffodils or only red daisies.

From the age of two, children are taught to respect nature. For example: “It’s so nice in our garden, there are many beautiful flowers! We won’t tear them up, we’ll water them to make our garden even better.”

To consolidate the acquired knowledge in children, you can play games with children such as “Show the bear the flower garden. What grows there?

Children of the second younger group are involved in systematic observations of nature in all seasons and are introduced to the characteristic features of each season. It is necessary to lead them to establish an elementary connection between seasonal changes and the work of people in nature.

At the beginning of autumn, the flower beds of kindergartens are decorated with multi-colored asters, velvety dark red dahlias, tall gladioli of the most varied colors. With children, carefully examine the shape and color of the flowers, pay attention to their beauty.

Children should not be allowed to pick off flower petals or crush them. A careless attitude towards plants will turn into a bad habit, which will then be difficult to eradicate.

The teacher introduces the children to spring phenomena, teaches us to look for connections between living and inanimate nature: the sun shines brightly and warms, it becomes warm, the snow melts, streams flow, leaves bloom on the trees, grass and flowers appear. Trees and shrubs are planted in parks, flowers are planted in flower beds. Together with the children, teachers sow flower and vegetable seeds in the garden beds and teach them to water them. It is necessary to show the kids the garden, the paths along which they can walk, the beds with grooves in which seeds are sown.

Kids get acquainted with spring flowering plants: snowdrop, lungwort, primrose.

IN summer period Teachers support children's interest in flowers, introduce them to new plants, and teach them how to take care of them.

Children middle group have more stable attention and are physically stronger. They ask a lot of questions and get acquainted with various objects, their qualities and properties with interest.

Children are taught an interest in nature, the ability to admire it at different times of the year, in different weather, and the desire to protect it. They develop an interest in the work of adults and a desire to work themselves.

In autumn, it is worth noting that there are fewer flowering plants in the flower garden. Look at the flowers left in the flower beds.

Children in the middle group can already collect seeds in the flower garden. We need to teach them to do this carefully so as not to crush the stems. You need to collect the seeds of no more than two plants, for example nasturtium and marigold, so that the kids can compare them and put them in two boxes. You can tell something interesting about each plant, ask a riddle, read a poem.

In the summer, children in the middle group can help weed out weeds in flower beds, water flowers, and remove faded plants. The period and duration of flowering of plants is established with the teacher.

IN senior group Children’s ideas about natural phenomena in inanimate and living nature are expanded and clarified, a realistic understanding of these phenomena and the ability to establish relationships between them are formed. The teacher continues to develop the ability to observe seasonal changes, identify characteristic features, analyze, generalize and correctly convey what is perceived in words and drawings; instills in children a love for nature and a desire to protect it. The teacher consolidates and deepens the work skills of children, teaches them to diligently and accurately carry out work assignments, and develops a desire to help elders.

In the summer, children examine which plants remain in the flower beds and flower gardens, and which of them are blooming. It is necessary to explain to them that plants that grow and bloom only one summer are called annuals. Other plants are perennial; their roots overwinter in the soil. Children are told and shown during their work that the above-ground parts of perennial plants die off during the winter and grow back in the spring. Some herbaceous plants bulbs and rhizomes are stored in the ground in winter.

You need to have a flower garden on the kindergarten site so that children can observe the growth, development, flowering of plants and learn how to care for them. You can pay attention to the plants in the vegetable garden and flower garden: in the morning they are fresh and elastic; drooping during the day, and rise again in the evening.

After repeated observations of the life of plants, children conclude that plants grow in certain places, in certain conditions. Some like sun, others like shade, some like moist soil, others like dry soil.

During walks in the preparatory group, children, under the guidance of a teacher, continue to observe the weather and seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals. During the observation process, the teacher consolidates the children’s ideas. They should be well aware of the dependence of seasonal changes on sunlight. The teacher develops in children the ability to generalize accumulated ideas about nature, forms concepts about various phenomena, cultivates a love for nature, the ability to perceive beauty, introduces them to environmental activities in our country, shows the work of people in the garden, in the field, in the orchard, on livestock farms.

All planted plants are called cultivated, but such as dandelion, rapeseed, primrose grow on their own, no one planted them. These plants are called wild plants.

With children of senior preschool age, it is advisable to trace the growth and development of one plant from seed to seed. The most suitable crop for this purpose is nasturtium. It has a number of advantages over other crops: large seeds that germinate when soaked; clearly visible modifications of the above-ground part of the plant - rapidly growing green mass, large leaves of a distinct shape, beautiful and large flowers; the ability to grow both on site and indoors (which is especially valuable).

The features of the relationship between plants and their living conditions are traced. The teacher includes observations of an aesthetic nature: children learn to notice the beauty of plants, which manifests itself only in favorable conditions. Thus, they begin to understand the aesthetics of living things from an ecological perspective: beautiful plant is a healthy plant that is in an environment that fully meets its needs.

All this knowledge and skills are necessary to prepare children for school. Having mastered them, they will more easily understand and study sciences such as natural history, physics, geography, etc. The main means of understanding nature is observation. A child’s perception of nature is sharper than an adult’s, since he comes into contact with it for the first time. By maintaining and developing this interest, a teacher can instill in children many positive qualities individuals, introduce natural phenomena, explain their causes and relationships.

1.3. Requirements for a flower garden

When planning and landscaping the site of a children's institution, the basic rule is always taken into account: all vegetation here meets the safety requirements for the health and life of children, and also serves their environmental education. A developing subject environment is created at the sites, which is used for educational and recreational purposes, to develop children’s skills in work and communication with nature, for environmental education of preschool children and the promotion of environmental knowledge among adults.

The arrangement of flower beds not only decorates the territory of the kindergarten, but also allows you to conduct activities with children, teaching them to observe nature and care for plants. It is important to remember that some flowers, especially those with a strong odor, can cause allergic reactions in babies.

Chemicals should not be used in a child care facility, as children may be poisoned. To control pests, it is better to use infusions of garlic, marigolds, tomatoes, and tobacco. Mowed or trimmed tops are infused in an aqueous solution and the plants are sprayed with this infusion. You can use a soap solution.

There should be a lot of flowers on the preschool site. Flowering plants create a wonderful visual environment: they develop perception, have a beneficial effect on the psyche, improve mood, and evoke positive emotions.

Annuals, perennials, and biennials can grow in different places on the site. Plants should be easy to care for and long-flowering.

It is recommended to divide flower beds so that the flowering of plants does not coincide in time. For example, in the spring tulips and daffodils begin to bloom, from the beginning of summer peonies, carnations and delphiniums bloom, then phlox, gladioli, and dahlias. Chrysanthemums, perennial asters, and rudbeckias bloom until late autumn. These plants are perennial and require only fertilizing, tillage and weed removal.

All flower garden plants are demanding of soil, which must be loose, nutritious, and its layer quite deep, corresponding to the root system.

If the soil layer is shallow and there is clay, sand or podzol underneath it, it must be replaced with fertile one.

1.4. Types of flower beds.

When creating a flower garden, various forms of flower plantings are used. The most common of them are flower beds, ridges and lawns. IN floral decoration it is important to select correctly ornamental plants(by height, shape and color of flowers, by flowering time). It is also necessary to take into account the plants’ requirements for light, soil and moisture.

Flowerbeds should not be complex in shape. Round, oval and quadrangular flower beds look best. There is no need to make them big. When dividing flower beds, it is necessary to plant the tallest plants in the center, as you move towards the edges - plants of medium height, along the edge - very low borders.

Rabatki are long, narrow flower beds, arranged on the sides of paths, against the walls of buildings, along terraces and fences. Plants on ridges are planted in rows. The surface of the ridges is always flat, only slightly raised towards the center to avoid stagnation of water.

Green lawns serve as a good backdrop for flower beds. They are especially decorated with perennials planted in groups and flowering shrubs. The soil for lawns is prepared in the fall. Seeds are sown in early spring, when the soil is still moist.

A border is a part of a flower bed, a form of flower planting that borders plantings of floral or decorative foliage annual or perennial plants along the contour of a flower bed, along a path, edging, lawn, alley. Sometimes borders are called frames or borders.

Parterre is an ornamental complex flower garden, an area in which ornamental plants are grown. Often this a ceremonial flower garden located in front of the building or at the beginning of the site. In gardening art, a parterre is a decorative device on a horizontal plane in a strictly consistent style of floral and decorative design, which is arranged on the site in front of the building. Parker consists of several elements (lawns, specially selected decorative foliage and flower plants, paths, small forms of architecture), combined and organized by a floral arrangement into a single whole. The parterres are dominated by lawns with flower beds and ridges with bright and long-lasting decorative plants.

Flower clock - a set of herbaceous plants planted in a small area, the flowers of which open and close in certain time days (with an accuracy of 30 minutes - 1 hour).

Alpine slides are beginning to gain more and more popularity in landscaping, especially in small areas. The main condition for alpine hill plants is good drainage and lighting. The southern, south-eastern and south-western sides are most suitable. Choosing a place for a slide - important point. It looks good against the background of a stone wall, trees, fence, shaded by climbing plants. Vertical gardening - decorative design with greenery and flowering plants in large vertical spaces - used in cases where, due to the small area of ​​the site, it is not possible to arrange a flower garden or when it is necessary to decorate the facades of buildings and fences. Good for vertical gardening climbing plants: wild grapes, garden beans, nasturtium, sweet peas.

To decorate a flower garden, you can use beautifully flowering shrubs and herbaceous ornamental plants. According to life expectancy in open ground Ornamental plants are divided into perennials, biennials and annuals.

When planning a flower garden, you need to make maximum use of the area of ​​the site, leaving space for free activities of children: for games, for observations, for sports and entertainment.

When laying out a flower garden, you should take into account its importance in the aesthetic education of children: think about the combination of plants by color, decorative placement in space.

1.5. Organization of joint activities between teacher and children in the flower garden

Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, towards the “man-made world”, towards oneself and towards the people around them is formed.

A consciously correct attitude towards nature is built on sensory perception nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the characteristics of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The predominant visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-appropriate information about nature. The criteria for selecting natural materials are their visual presentation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.

Nature leaves a deep imprint on a child’s soul, influencing his feelings with its brightness and diversity. Preschoolers look at the world around them with great interest, but they don’t see everything, sometimes they don’t even notice the main thing. And if there is a teacher next to them, who wonders with them, teaches them not only to look, but also to see, the children will want to see and learn even more. Optimal pedagogical communication between a teacher and children is when best conditions for the development of the child, his active creative participation in activities. These points are directly related to the joint activities of the teacher and children in “ecological spaces.”

Joint organizational, economic, labor activity in the kindergarten garden, growing plants can take various forms and take place with to varying degrees inclusion and participation of both adults and children. Preschoolers can become involved in this activity in three ways:

  • Through the teacher’s story about various affairs and events in the preschool educational institution;
  • Through observation of adult activities;
  • Through your practical participation.

Working in nature contributes to the development of empathy in children (sympathy, compassion, compassion for living beings), allows the child to see the result of his help to living things, to feel the joy of friendly contacts with the natural world. This significantly improves the emotional-volitional sphere of the child’s personality and has a beneficial effect on the development of adaptation mechanisms of his psyche.

Ecologically oriented activity allows preschoolers to master the ability to behave in an environmentally appropriate manner in nature. The child accumulates moral and value experience in relation to the world, which gives his activities a humane character. The work of children in nature creates favorable conditions for physical development, improves movements, stimulates the actions of various organs, and strengthens the nervous system.

Work combines mental and volitional skills. Systematic team work unites the children, instills in them hard work and responsibility for the assigned work, and gives them pleasure and joy. While working on the plot (in the vegetable garden, flower garden, berry garden), children master the simplest practical skills of handling agricultural equipment, learn techniques for caring for plants, and receive a lot of information about the growth and development of plants.

According to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN, when children perform work on a plot of land such as watering plants, carrying sand, clearing snow, they use serviceable equipment appropriate for the height of children with firmly attached handles. You cannot use equipment intended for adults. Carrying weights of no more than 2–2.5 kg over short distances is allowed, like the previously mentioned types of work, only for older preschoolers.

Children of primary preschool age are taught to carry out simple tasks: with the help of a teacher, feed the birds, water indoor plants, wipe large leaves, sow large flower seeds in a flower garden.

Preschoolers in the middle group carry out work assignments and take care of plants independently. They need to develop perseverance and the habit of making hard work to achieve a goal, as well as the skills of simple teamwork. Children of this age must be gradually prepared to understand that for plants to live and grow, favorable conditions must be created (soil, sunlight, heat, moisture, etc. are determined). At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that children experience joy from work.

In older preschoolers, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of working on their own initiative, and not just at the suggestion of the teacher, to do the work diligently, carefully, to take care of materials and objects of labor, to cultivate a willingness to participate in joint work activities with everyone. As a result, children experience great satisfaction, they gain confidence in their abilities and the conviction that they have done a real great job, bringing joy to the people around them.

Labor in nature has its own specifics. This is the only type of productive labor available to preschool children.
The ultimate goal is to grow flowers, and the results of the work are concrete and understandable to the child, but they cannot be achieved quickly. The teacher, working together with the children, sets a specific task for them and outlines what kind of result they will get. Shows the necessary techniques as needed.

The most acceptable forms for solving educational problems are considered to be the organization of work in the form of various kinds of assignments: individual, group. They can be long-term, systematic, short-term.

Children’s work, no matter how large it is, becomes meaningful and environmentally feasible:

  • if the dependence of the life and condition of plants on the conditions in which they are found can be traced;
  • if the understanding is strengthened that these conditions are created by the labor of people.

Thus, the care of adults and preschoolers about plants, the creation and maintenance necessary conditions for all living beings located in the living space of children, they are the main method of environmental education - a method that ensures the development of the principles of environmental consciousness, the formation of the first practical skills of proper interaction with the nature of the immediate environment.

Chapter 2. Annual plants for the flower garden.

2.1. Selection of annual plants

Garden flowers can delight you with their blooms from early spring to late autumn. All types of flowers are divided into annual and perennial.

Perennial flowers, or perennials as they are also called, are ornamental plants that grow in one place and retain their decorative qualities for more than two years.

Plants used in a flower garden during one growing season are called annuals or annuals. The main advantage of beautifully flowering annuals is the ability to go through the entire growing season in just one season, pleasing the eye with rapid development and lush flowering throughout the summer.

Annuals are sun-loving plants. They appear in all their glory only in a rich, sufficiently moist area, well illuminated by the sun's rays. When planning to create a flowerbed entirely from annuals, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • Flowering period. All annual garden flowers are famous for their long flowering, but still some of them bloom earlier and others later. Among the spring-flowering annuals we can distinguish: pelargonium, begonia, petunia. Already from the beginning of June, zinnia, marigolds, marigolds and cornflowers will bloom. And until late autumn, the decoration of the flowerbed will be: aster, lavatera, snapdragon and calendula.
  • Place of planting. When arranging a flower garden, short and colorful marigolds, nasturtiums and cornflowers are perfect. An effective decoration for a fence or gazebo walls can be: decorative sweet peas, morning glory or climbing beans. Geranium, begonia, and petunia are well suited for planting in containers.
  • Color palette. By choosing beautiful annual flowers, you can get a great opportunity to paint the area in your favorite colors.

When growing annuals, it is necessary to take into account that some of them, for example marigolds, balsam, salvia, are heat-loving plants; others - alyssum, asters, snapdragons - are cold-resistant, they tolerate light frosts.

Climbing plants, such as nasturtium, sweet peas, morning glory, and garden beans, are planted near gazebos, sheds, and houses. To ensure rapid growth of these plants, wire or twine is tied to wooden pegs and they twine around them. Children love to play in such “flower tents.”

Annual flowering plants are low-growing - marigolds, alyssum, lobelia, purslane, nasturtium, marigold (calendula), mignonette, annual phlox, zinnia; medium height - gillyflower, balsam, petunia, asters, verbena; tall ones - amaranthus (with red foliage), fragrant tobacco, kochia or summer cypress, cosmos, lupine. They are usually planted as seedlings, but they can also be planted with seeds.

2.2. Characteristics of some plants

There are many types and varieties of annual flowers. Let's look at some of them that are used for planting in kindergarten areas.

Marigold (lat. Tagétes) - family Asteraceae or Asteraceae. Latin name came from the name of the grandson of the god Jupiter - Tages, famous for his beauty and ability to predict the future. Where they can be found from Argentina to the southern states of the USA. Since ancient times, the Indians used them in their rituals, and they also used them to treat various diseases. In the 16th century, marigolds began to quickly spread throughout Europe, Asia Minor and North America. Marigolds were the first among overseas plants brought to Russia.

The stems are erect, branched, form a compact or spreading bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm.

Leaves are pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, rarely entire, serrated, from light to dark green, located opposite or in next order, with translucent glands.

The inflorescences of the basket, simple or double, are yellow, orange or brown. The heads of representatives of this genus are of medium size, with a cylindrical cover consisting of one row of leaves fused together; regional female flowers- reed; achenes linear, narrowed towards the base. They bloom profusely from June until frost.

The fruit is a black or black-brown strongly flattened achene. Seeds remain viable for 3-4 years. There are from 280 to 700 seeds in 1 g.

The smell of plants, reminiscent of aster, is specific, and may be unpleasant for some. Marigolds can grow in shade or partial shade, but will bloom more luxuriantly in the sunniest locations.

In decorative floriculture, numerous hybrid varieties some types. One of the main varietal characteristics of marigolds is the structure of the inflorescences. There are carnation-like (mainly from ligulate flowers) and chrysanthemum-like (mainly from large tubular flowers); terry, semi-double and simple.

In some European countries and Latin America dried flowers are used as a seasoning, known in Russia and the Caucasus as Imeretian saffron(the leaves have a specific spicy fragrant aroma). Also in America, they not only decorate garden beds, but are also used in medicine. The leaves are used in Mexico for intermittent fever, thinness, constipation and as a diuretic and diaphoretic, and in large doses as an emetic.

Calendula or Marigold ( lat. Calendula - genus herbaceous plant familyAsteraceae . Representatives of the genus grow inMediterranean , Western Europe And Western Asia .

The flowers of the plant are yellow or orange in color and are collected in inflorescences-baskets. The fruit of calendula is an achene, slightly bent, without a tuft. The outside of the fruit is uneven and has spines. The flowering of the plant begins in June and ends in September. The fruits ripen in October. The plant loves light very much, but is demanding of moisture and soil.

This plant blooms for quite a long time, starting from June and until late autumn, almost until October. Calendula bears fruit in July, propagates by seeds, does not require special growing conditions and is considered a good honey plant.

Calendula is considered cultivated plant, it is grown for both medicinal and decorative purposes; very rarely it goes wild. For treatment, only inflorescences are used, that is, baskets, which are collected during the flowering period, when the basket has fully blossomed. Leaves and peduncles are not used.

In domestic pharmacology, this plant is highly valued. The most useful part of the plant is collected - bright flowers. The main substance included in the flowers is calenden. In addition to it, the flowers contain several organic acids (primarily malic and pentadecyl, partly salicylic), resins, and carotene. The tart aroma of the plant is due to the presence of essential oil. Carotene, found in marigolds, affects the color of the plant; in orange flowers there is twice as much of it as in white ones. First of all, calendula is used as medicine which helps with many diseases.

Zinnia ( lat. Zinnia) - familyAsteraceae . Some types of zinnia are popular ornamental flowering plants.

The plant comes fromCentral and from the southwest North America , several species grow inor sedentary. Blooms from mid-June until frost.

Wrapper baskets multi-row, imbricated.Receptacle cone-shaped, with fruits cylindrical, seated with membranous bracts folded lengthwise and covering the middle flowers and achenes. External (tongue)flowers densely arranged, of various colors (from white, yellow and orange to red and purple) with a rounded or notched limb, the internal (tubular) flowers are small, yellow to red-brown. , discounts , flower beds , in a cut.


Thus, the most important factor The formation of the human personality is the surrounding ecological environment. All its aspects have or can have a developmental impact on the child. The ecological environment that influences the child’s feelings, emotions, and psyche thereby participates in the formation of his personality. The success of education, upbringing and development of children, their well-being emotional state associated with the creation of a favorable environment, a developing environment.

The creation of flower beds in the kindergarten area helps to effectively implement the tasks of the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler. Working in a flower garden helps improve the level of preschool education. The knowledge that children receive at the site is closely related to program material; they help expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the classroom. The main thing is that children master the ability to apply knowledge in practice, comprehending the inextricable unity of the natural environment and man.

At the kindergarten site, teaching and upbringing merge into a single process. Here children acquire not only scientific knowledge about the natural environment, but also ethical and legal norms related to environmental management. On the site, conditions are constantly created for the combination of thoughts, feelings and actions. And such an alloy - the most important condition nurturing a confident personality. Working on the site helps to realize the connection between learning and life, with people’s work, and instills in children diligence and respect for work. Children understand a person's attitude towards environment during work and rest. They learn to evaluate the results of work and predict the environmental consequences of human activities, including their own. The highest manifestation of the connection between learning and life is the participation of children in improving the general state of nature on the territory of an educational institution.

All knowledge, abilities, skills, feelings, beliefs that are formed during training on the site are aimed at solving one of the most humane tasks of our time - optimizing human relations with the natural environment. The content, methods and forms of organization are subject to this educational process in flower beds and in the kindergarten area.


  1. SanPin (as amended on 04/04/2014) "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"
  2. Vikhrova L.G., Korchagina V.A. Landscaping of the kindergarten site. - M., 1972.
  3. Dr. D. G. Hessayon ​​All about bedding plants/ Per. from English - 2nd edition, revised. - M.: Kladez-Books, 2008. - 144 p.
Flowerbeds in the garden photo

Types of flower beds for garden decoration

Many gardeners wonder what is the difference between a flower bed and a flower garden. The difference between them is so insignificant that these concepts are interchangeable.

It is believed that a flower bed should have a clear fence and have a geometric shape, but this is not inherent in a flower garden. But in garden design these concepts are not differentiated. Flowerbeds can be divided into several types.

Carpet (park) flower beds

Flower beds that require perfect preparation and adherence to flower planting patterns. As a rule, they occupy a large area and have a strict geometric shape. To fill them, low-growing annual flowers are used, sometimes interspersed with tall plants on certain place in the pattern.

Monochrome flower bed

This is the name for flower beds, which are filled with one or two types of flowers. Most often these are rose gardens, but there are also monoflower gardens with peonies, phlox, as well as other flower beds filled with flowers of the same type.

The design of paths or a “flower border” along a hedge is also called a monochrome flower bed or flower garden.

Spicy flower bed

This is the name given to flower beds filled with spicy and edible herbs. It is better to place them in an open sunny place, since all crops require abundant lighting and sunlight. Tarragon, fennel, cumin, and basil are planted in such flowerbeds.

Special attention When planning a “spicy” flower bed, attention should be paid to plants that can quickly fill the area, for example, mint. It is better to plant it in a pot without a bottom, which can later be dug into the soil. The walls of the pot will limit the spread of roots throughout the flowerbed.

Plants that should be taken to the basement for the winter (rosemary, marjoram) should preferably be planted in a container. You can dig it up in the fall without damaging it. root system, and send for storage in a prepared room.

Club with cereals

A flowerbed with cereals is the most elegant element of garden art. Erect and drooping stems with panicles different colors create a romantic mood.

Large cereals, such as miscanthus or feathery hairy plant, can completely fill any flower garden.

An obligatory participant in a cereal bed is gray fescue - its bluish balls can be planted along the edge of large cereals to disguise their root part.

Mobile flower beds

Flower beds, the location of which you can change every year. As a rule, they are organized using old utensils - carts, wheelbarrows, car tires or disks.

Mobile flower beds in the garden can be made from an old watering can, boat, or even a car. Sometimes an old bucket or watering can can serve as a creative approach to garden design and become the basis for a small flower bed.

Most often, annual flowers are used for filling, as perennials can freeze out in the winter in shallow soil. Favorite members of mobile flower beds are petunias, marigolds, and nasturtiums.

You can decorate any flower beds in the garden with your own hands - the photos selected in our article will help you realize ideas for creating your own unique decorations. It is enough to show a little imagination and desire.

Choosing a fence for flower beds

Without artificial or natural boundaries, flower beds “blur” and lose their clarity and neatness. Also, unwanted plants from the lawn may appear in the flower garden. Therefore, fencing is a mandatory element, and the choice of materials is absolutely unlimited.

Domestic gardeners use almost everything for fencing - from border tape to plastic bottles.

However, we must remember that the aesthetics of materials plays an important role, and if the budget is limited and does not allow you to purchase borders, fences and slabs, then it is better to turn to natural materials- wood and stones.

Boulders around the flowerbed are a very practical solution: the borders can be easily adjusted. In addition, stones harmonize perfectly with all flowers, from daisies to roses. Wooden logs are also good for fencing, although they are not as durable; but the simplicity and availability of the material allow you to repair the flowerbed without much expense.

Combining flowers to create flower beds

The key to successful flowering of a flower bed is a properly drawn up plan and its implementation. When planning a flower bed, you should take into account the peculiarities of caring for individual crops.


Not all plants prefer sunny, open locations; there are lovers of shade and partial shade. When choosing plants for one flowerbed, consider the light factor. For example, in an unshaded flower bed with cereal crops, the hosta and heuchera will be uncomfortable and hot.

When choosing flowers, you should definitely take into account the degree of their growth, otherwise some invader plants may crowd out other species.

Soil composition

All plants filling the flowerbed should prefer the same type and composition of soil. Precisely from the compilation earth mixture and the planting of a flower bed or flower garden begins. If there is a need to plant a crop with other preferences, then a special container for planting is prepared for it, protecting the soil from washing out.


The watering regime should be similar for all plants in the flowerbed, otherwise some of the plants will feel oppressed. For example, moisture-loving irises will not get along with milkweed, for which excess moisture is dangerous.

Flower bed location

If the flower bed in the garden is located on open place, then when planning it is necessary to ensure that there is a beautiful view of it from all sides.

When planning a flower garden along a hedge, tall species are placed in the background, and short ones in the background. Parterre flowers should cover the bare stems and trunks of distant tall plants from the scorching sun.

Bottom line

A beautiful flower bed can decorate the most unsightly corner of your garden; sometimes a bag of earth and a few seedlings are enough to create it. Don’t be afraid to experiment - use the most unexpected household items and your own ideas for your flower beds!

Every housewife who has her own plot of land tries to decorate it with flower beds. Most often they are located next to gazebos for relaxation or directly near the entrance to the house. In order for her to have a well-groomed, attractive appearance, you need to have some skills. But it is not necessary to contact professional designer With some effort, you can design your site yourself.

First of all, you need to decide what exactly you want to create. If you choose a rustic style, then the flowerbed can be decorated with old painted tires, decorations from an old bicycle, etc.

They are popular and distinguished by their sophistication of composition with decorative trees and coniferous shrubs. Firstly, they do not require much care, and secondly, they look great all year round. If you choose this option, you should take into account that such plants require an acidic environment.

To prepare the soil, fallen pine needles, a small part of peat and turf soil are used. Then the resulting mixture must be poured into a pre-prepared recess with a layer of 50 cm. Coniferous plants should not be planted close, as they will grow in the future. It is better to complement it with boxwood, rhododendron or Erica. For a finished look, the edges of the flowerbed will also require decoration.

Another interesting option- a flowerbed of perennials. Quite a lot of planting schemes have been developed, where the location, color scheme, and flowering period are interestingly selected.

With proper care, such compositions do not require annual planting of new flowers. Using the suggested tips, your site will look presentable for several months a year.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering is an ideal solution for a formal flower garden

When you plant a flower garden at the entrance to your house, you want it to always look attractive. The ideal solution would be to create a flower bed of continuous flowering.

To successfully create such a flower garden, you need to take into account several rules:

  • Both perennial and annual flowers should be planted in the flowerbed. And even bushes.
  • It is necessary to select plants with approximately the same requirements for humidity, light and watering.
  • There should be no aggressor plants here (ornamental foliage, loosestrife, periwinkle). Perennials that are easily inseminated (lupine, poppy, aquilegia) are also undesirable.

The next step in creating a flower bed of continuous flowering will be a plan diagram on paper. By drawing a plan, we determine its contours. We also make a list of perennials and their location.

Here is an approximate list of perennials by season:

Spring: snowdrop, crocus, scilla, pushkinia, muscari, chionodoxa, hyacinth, tulip, narcissus, primrose, hellebore, saxifrage, daisy, hazel grouse, anemone, liverwort, erantis.

Summer: here is the most large selection various perennials: aquilegia, delphinium, poppy, lily, kupena, chamomile, daylily, peony, aquilegia, hosta, carnation, lychnis, rudbeckia, iris, phlox, cornflower, monarda, cinquefoil, sedum, spurge, bell, heuchera.

Autumn: chrysanthemum, perennial aster, helenium, goldenrod, sunflower, coreopsis.

You can also identify groups of out-of-season plants that are attractive for a long time. These are primarily coniferous plants, spruce, mountain pine, juniper. This also includes ornamental cereals, such as blue fescue, maned barley, miscanthus. All kinds of ferns are also decorative all summer long.

The final list depends on the size of the future flower bed. But even if the sizes are large, there is no need to plant large number various perennials, it is better to have a few of them, but each will occupy a larger area. This way we will avoid excessive diversity, which will significantly complicate the perception of the entire flower garden at once.

We will divide the resulting list of plants into two groups:

The first is plants that have a short growing season. It's mostly spring bulbous plants. In their place, annual flowers should be provided. It is very good to plant plants that form a large green mass from one root.

The ideal option for such a plant is petunia. It can be planted a little away from the place where the bulbs are in the ground, and as it grows it will completely cover it.

We will include all the remaining perennials in the second group - they will not spoil the appearance of the flowerbed after flowering.

Having decided on the list of perennials and their characteristics, we begin to place them on our plan. To do this, number each one with a serial number starting from one and so on. It’s even fashionable to cut out rectangles or circles from paper and number them. Then lay them out on the plan, trying them on various options arrangement of plants.

When the plan is ready, then, most likely, some places will remain completely empty. Annuals will help us here. Among the annuals, it is better to choose unpretentious ones, such as tall and low marigolds, annual asters, petunias, nasturtiums, and annual dahlias.

All these perennials have low maintenance requirements and come in a variety of colors. This will allow you to select plants that will organically combine with existing perennials.

Then you can proceed directly to preparing the site. It is better to do this in late summer or early autumn. The area must be carefully dug up and all weeds removed. Allow the soil to settle for about a week and begin planting rhizomes and perennial bulbs.

If not all plants are available, then planting them can be postponed until spring. But then it is advisable to mark those plants that have already been planted with signs.

Next spring we plant annuals. It is better to plant them as seedlings, so that the required number of specimens can be planted in the places allocated to them.

A flowerbed of continuous flowering will open in full glory only after a year, when all the perennials have taken root well and grown a good root system.

The best decoration for a summer cottage is a hand-made flower bed. To create a flowerbed that will please the eye and where everything will be in harmony, you need to work a little.

Make a plan to act on. Select your flowers carefully, taking into account bloom time and location. It must be protected from strong wind and sun. After choosing a place, we prepare the soil by clearing weeds, removing the top layer of soil and fertilizing it. It’s good to add black soil, sand, loosen it and make drainage.

One large flower bed often looks better than several small ones, but this is a matter of taste.

Take a simple shape, preferably round or oval, or irregular shape, but without corners, unless you are a specialist designer, otherwise you may get an unexpected result. Perennials fit best. Annuals are planted for novelty.

Flowers are planted from small to large, so that the large ones are in the center, or in the background if the flower bed is against the wall. IN color scheme stick to a harmonious transition so that it doesn’t hurt your eyes. Everything is good in moderation! A few bright accents, usually warm colors, and the rest is a background of cool colors.

Add white flowers, they dilute the colors, and black ones enhance warm colors. Use the principle of maximum diversification. One flowering period is undesirable, as it may result in a variegated picture.

If you want to make a flowerbed into a slide, then pour soil about half a meter high in the center, and the lower level is about 10 cm from the crushed stone. After a couple of weeks, the ground settles, then you can start planting flowers.

More and more popular. They give maximum naturalness to the landscape. The philosophy of creating such slides requires the correct placement of all elements. Used for dacha low-growing varieties trees and shrubs. Bright plants are planted separately, and background ones in small groups. The hill is planted from above. In height - from low to high. All plants are sprinkled with pebbles and watered thoroughly.

The surroundings of the flowerbed are no less important than the flowerbed itself. Various hedges, trimmed bushes, stones, etc. are used for decoration. For decoration, you can also use various vases and figurines, of which there are plenty on sale.

Painted crushed stone is perfect for compositions with juniper. Weaving from branches has become fashionable.

Today, options for flower beds arranged directly in tires have become popular. Read about it here.

You can make a flower bed in a stump.

Old household items will come in handy in the flowerbed more than ever! - it’s fashionable and relevant. But before placing the utensils on the site, give them a decorative look: clean them, varnish them... The main thing is that there is no chaos in the flowerbed or area where flowers and shrubs grow.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from old chairs

There are several ways to decorate a flowerbed fencing. Wooden fencing has some disadvantages:

  1. firstly, it quickly becomes unusable;
  2. secondly, it can become a haven for aphids and mites.

Wooden fencing

An alternative could be plastic mesh. This is a fairly budget option, although not very durable. It is not recommended to use it if the soil on the site is loose and the curb will quickly collapse. The use of decorative or natural stones will add solidity to the site. The only disadvantage of this solution is the cost, but appearance It will delight not only you, but also your guests for a long time.

It is advisable to use a galvanized metal border for fencing. It is durable and less expensive. The main thing is that you like the end result of your efforts.

Floating flower beds - a new hit in landscape design

Flowerbeds - streams

Original flower beds photo

Mobile flower beds

Vertical flower beds

Hanging flower beds photo

Compositions in the form of butterflies

Flowerbeds - umbrellas

Read about it here.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs