Games for the development of sensory perception for preschoolers. The game "Picture from the figures." Games for the development of visual perception




From the very birth, a child is surrounded by many sounds: the sound of wind and rain, the rustle of leaves, the barking of dogs, the signals of cars, music, the speech of people...

But all these auditory impressions are perceived by the baby unconsciously, merging with other, more important signals for him. The child still does not know how to control his hearing, sometimes he simply does not notice sounds, cannot compare and evaluate them by loudness, strength, timbre.

The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, one cannot learn to listen and understand speech, the main means of communication.

In order for a child to learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly, pronounce words clearly, use his voice correctly (speak expressively, where necessary, change the volume and speed of speech), he must learn to strainhearing, pick up and distinguish sounds.

This ability does not arise by itself, even if the child has a keen hearing by nature. It must be developed from the first years of life. The best way to do this is in the game.

The purpose of the games given in this chapter is to open a special world of sounds for the baby, to make them attractive and meaningful, talking about something important. Listening to the words, playing with them, the child forms his ear, improves diction, trying to bring the sound of his speech closer to what he hears from others.

In these games, the baby learns to distinguish between the "sound" of familiar objects, the voices of animals, birds and people. This requires from the child not only active perception, but also a good memory, advanced thinking and elementary musical ear.


GOAL: The development of auditory attention, replenishment of the active dictionary, the development of phrasal speech.

MATERIAL: Screen, various sounding objects: a bell, a hammer, a rattle with pebbles or peas, a trumpet, a bell, a tambourine, etc.

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: An adult behind the screen knocks with a hammer, rings a bell, knocks on a tambourine, etc. and invites the children to guess what object made the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrast so that the child can guess them.


GOAL:The development of auditory attention and phrasal speech.

MATERIAL: Various toys and objects that can produce characteristic sounds (book, paper, spoon, pipe, drum, etc.)

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: The child sits with his back to an adult who makes noises and sounds with various objects. If the child guesses what produced the sound, he raises his hand and tells the adult about it without turning around.

Noises can be produced in a variety of ways: throwing a spoon, ball, paper on the floor; hitting an object with an object, leafing through a book, tearing or crumpling paper, etc.

For each correct answer, the child is rewarded with colored chips or small stars.


PURPOSE: To develop in children the ability to switch auditory attention. Development of coordination of movements, the ability to correlate their actions with the sound of a tambourine.

MATERIAL:Tambourine, two flags. PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: The child has two flags in his hands. If an adult rings the tambourine loudly, the child raises the flags up and waves them, and if the tambourine sounds softly, lowers the flags down.

An adult is watching correct posture, children and precise execution of movements. Alternate loud and. the quiet sound of a tambourine is needed no more than 4 times so that the child can easily perform the exercise.


PURPOSE: Development of hearing acuity, the ability to correctly perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice in which it is pronounced.

material:Doll, teddy bear, car.

HODgames:The child sits at a distance of 2-3 m from the adult, and there are toys on the table. An adult warns the child: “Now I will give you tasks, I will speak in a whisper, so you need to sit quietly so that you can hear. Be careful!” Then he says:

- Take the bear and put it in the car.

- Take the bear out of the car.

- Put the doll in the car.

- Ride the doll in the car.

The child must hear, understand and follow these commands. Tasks should be given short and simple, and pronounce them quietly, but very clearly.


goal: The development in children of the ability to switch auditory attention, to perform actions according to the different sound of the tambourine.

material:Tambourine, pictures depicting children walking in the bright sun and rain (children run under a canopy).

COURSE OF THE LESSON: An adult says to the child: “Now we will go for a walk. There is no rain, the weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring a tambourine, and it will be more fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will knock on a tambourine, and you, having heard a knock, run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings and when I knock on it.

The adult repeats the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.


GOAL: Development of auditory attention, coordination and sense of rhythm.

MATERIAL: Tambourine (tambourine).

PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON: An adult knocks on a tambourine quietly, loudly and very loudly. According to the sound of the tambourine, the child performs movements: to a quiet sound he walks on his toes, to a loud one - at full step, to a louder one - runs.


PURPOSE: Development of the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, orientation in space.


PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON: The child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly stands away from the child (left, right, behind) and rings the bell. The child, without opening his eyes, must indicate with his hand the direction from which the sound comes. If he points correctly, the adult says: “Right!” The child opens his eyes, the adult raises and shows the bell. If the child is wrong, he guesses again. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

It is necessary to ensure that the child does not open his eyes during the game. Indicating the direction of the sound, he must turn to face the place from which the sound is heard. You don't have to call very loudly.


goal:The development of the stability of auditory attention, the ability to distinguish the instrument by ear by its sound.

material:Musical toys: drum, harmonica, tambourine, organ, pipe and others.

Course of the lesson: The adult shows the child in turn musical instruments and asks for their names. If the child does not know, the adult names the instruments and introduces them to their sound. The child listens and examines the instruments.

When the adult is convinced that the child has learned the names of the instruments and remembered their sound, the toys are removed behind the screen. The adult repeats the game on different instruments there, and the child tries to guess by the sound "whose song is heard." If the child can easily cope with the task, it can be complicated.


goal:Development of the ability to determine the tempo of the tambourine, teaching the child to perform actions according to the tempo of the tambourine.

material:Tambourine, two pictures (a walking heron, a galloping sparrow)

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: An adult shows the child a picture with a heron and says: “The heron has long legs, she walks importantly, slowly, as a tambourine will sound now.” An adult slowly knocks on a tambourine, and children imitate the slow gait of herons.

Then the adult shows a picture of a jumping sparrow and says that the sparrow jumps as fast as the tambourine sounds now. He quickly knocks on a tambourine, and the child jumps like a sparrow. Then the adult changes the tempo of the sound of the tambourine, and the child accordingly walks like a heron or jumps like a sparrow.

The sound of the tambourine changes 4-5 times.


PURPOSE: Formation of the ability to listen to the task to the end, comprehend it and perform appropriate actions. Distinguish actions that are opposite in meaning (climb up - go down).

material:Cubes, two nesting dolls, two dolls in dresses of different colors, a bowl of water, a bed, a car.

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: An adult builds a ladder of blocks. At its base and on the upper step, he puts a matryoshka doll (you can take any other small figures). Then the adult asks the child: “Help the nesting doll down the ladder!” If the child does everything right, they praise him and ask him to tell how the nesting doll went down the ladder (jump-jump-jump). The child is given the following tasks:

- ask some water to wash the doll in a red dress (the child finds the doll and washes it with water from the basin, saying: “Water, water, wash the doll’s face!”);

- help the matryoshka climb the stairs (an adult teaches the child to accompany the rise of the nesting doll with the words: up, up ... and above);

- put the doll in a green dress in a crib and rock it (the child and the adult sing together: “Ah, ah, lyuli, the children all fell asleep”);

- ride the nesting doll, which is on the ladder, in a car (the child rolls and says: “Forward - back, forward - back”).

You can come up with other tasks. If the child is distracted and does not listen to the end of the task, it is repeated again.


goal:Strengthening the child's ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits by appearance development of auditory attention.

material:Fruits and vegetables on a tray (apple, cucumber, carrot, etc.)

PROCEDURE OF THE GAME: Several people take part. Everyone takes one item from the tray and calls it: “I have an apple! I have a carrot! I have a big cucumber! And I have a small cucumber!” (An adult suggests that a small cucumber can be called a "cucumber", and the children repeat the new word.)

The adult places one of the children next to him and with his back to the others. (Fruits and vegetables are again on the tray.) One of the children comes to the table, takes a fruit or vegetable from the tray and says: “I took and hold an apple in my hand.” Then he puts it on the tray and returns to its place. “Guess who was holding the apple in his hand and told you about it?” the adult asks. If the child recognizes a comrade by voice, everyone clap their hands, and the recognized one takes the place of the driver. If the child makes a mistake, then he leads again.


GOAL:The development of the child's ability to understand the instructions of an adult, to perform the appropriate movements, to use prepositions in speech.

MATERIAL: White handkerchiefs.

GAME progress: An adult reads a poem by A. Barto:

Snow, snow is spinning, The whole street is white! We gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball!

An adult, while reading, makes circular movements with his hands and spins. Then he invites the child to turn into a snowflake: he puts it on his head or gives him a white handkerchief. He reads the poem again, and the child repeats the movements of the snowflake after the adult.

After reading the poem, the adult hides the snowflake child (behind the closet, under the table or behind the door) and asks: “Where did the white snowflake fly?” The child replies: "Behind the closet!" Again, the adult hides the snowflake and asks where it flew into. Each child answers a question using

relevant suggestions.

The poem is read 3-4 times, the same amount of "hiding a snowflake."

The sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood cannot be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Sensory development games for children of primary preschool age are aimed at developing fine motor skills of the fingers, which in turn leads to improvement intellectual development, speech development. Sensory development, on the one hand, is the foundation of the overall mental development of the child, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is also necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work activities.

Card file of didactic games on sensory education for young children (2-3 years old)

"Collect the Pyramid"

Purpose: to develop the orientation of the child in the contrasting sizes of objects.

Materials: a pyramid of 4 - 5 rings.

Methodical techniques: the pyramid is assembled from a large one, consisting of 8 - 10 rings. For children of this age, such a pyramid is assembled through one ring, i.e., the difference in the size of the rings is more contrasting here.

"Folding nesting dolls with two liners"

Goal: keep learning simple actions with objects of different sizes.

Didactic material: a set of three nesting dolls (for each child and adult).

Methodical techniques: showing actions and comparing the size of different objects are accompanied by the words: open, close, small, large, less, more, like this, not like that.

"Close the windows"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate objects in shape and color at the same time.

Didactic material: 4 houses different colors, with carved in them geometric shapes(windows).

Methodical techniques: close the windows in the houses with figures.

"Find the same"

Didactic material: three balls, three cubes of the same color and size.

Methodological techniques: the teacher offers the children, while playing, to find objects of the same shape

"Dress the doll"

Purpose: selection of paired objects of the same color to the sample.

Didactic material: red and blue mittens.

Methodical techniques: the teacher invites the children to put mittens on the doll. Puts 4 mittens in front of the children (2 red and 2 of blue color). He puts a red mitten on one handle, and invites children to put it on the other. If the children completed the task, the game is repeated using blue mittens.

"Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the form (cube, ball, brick).

Didactic material: a bag with objects of various shapes.

Methodical techniques: identify objects by touch.

"Spread into boxes"

Purpose: to fix the attention of children on the color properties of objects.

Didactic material: multi-colored boxes, figures of yellow and green colors.

Methodological techniques: the teacher invites the children to pick up a yellow figure to a box of the same color.

"Pick up the lid to the box"

Purpose: selection of items according to the model.

Didactic material: boxes of various shapes (round, quadrangular, rectangular, triangular) and their corresponding lids.

Methodological techniques: the teacher, holding the child's hand, circles the shape of the box opening with his finger. Then he shows the object, accompanying the action with a word. In front of the children, he lowers the object into the appropriate hole. After that, he offers the children this task.

"Color sticks"

Purpose: to fix the attention of children on the color properties of toys, to form the simplest methods for establishing the identity and difference in the color of homogeneous objects.

Didactic material: sticks of red, yellow, green, blue, white, black colors (10 of each color).

Methodical techniques: first, the teacher distributes the sticks himself, then invites one of the children to take any stick, see where the sticks of the same color lie, and put them together, then do the same with a stick of a different color.

"Colored balls"

Purpose: to continue to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Didactic material: colorful balls, baskets.

Methodological techniques: the teacher groups the first two pairs himself, laying out balls of one color (red) in one basket, and balls of a different (yellow) color in another basket, then attracts children to the grouping.

"Ribbons for dolls"

Goal: continue to teach to fix attention on the size of objects and form the simplest methods for establishing the identity and difference of color.

Didactic material: a box with ribbons of various lengths and colors, large and small dolls.

Methodical techniques: you need to dress up the dolls: a big doll - a big bow, a small doll - a small bow. For a large doll in a blue dress, we will choose a large blue bow, and for a small doll in a red dress, a small red bow (performs with children). Then the children choose on their own.

"Tie a string to the ball"

Purpose: grouping objects by color.

Didactic material: multi-colored circles (ovals), sticks of the same colors.

Methodical techniques: to the red circle, find a stick of the same color.

"Stringing on a rod rings, decreasing in size."

Goal: continue to teach simple actions with objects (remove and string rings), enrich the visual-tactile experience of kids. Didactic material: a conical pyramid of five rings

Methodical techniques: on the table, all the rings are laid out in increasing order to the right of the pyramid. Then the pyramid is assembled in the appropriate order. The adult explains: “Here is the largest ring, here is a smaller one, this is even smaller, but here is the smallest.” Having closed the pyramid with the top, he invites the children to run their hands along the surface from top to bottom so that they feel that the pyramid expands downward: all the rings are in place. The pyramid is assembled correctly.

"Pushing objects of different shapes into the corresponding holes"

Purpose: to teach children to compare objects in shape.

Didactic material: a box with holes of various shapes, the size of the holes in the box corresponds to the size of the cube and the ball. It is important that the ball cannot pass into the hole for the cube, and the cube in round hole.

Methodical techniques: the teacher shows the children a box with holes, drawing their attention to the shape of the holes. Stroking a round hole with his hand, the adult explains to the children that there is such a window, circling a square hole, says that there is also such a window. Then the teacher invites the children to drop one ball at a time into the appropriate window.

"Funny Truck"

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the shape, size of objects.

Didactic material: various geometric colored shapes (circles, squares, large and small rectangles).

Methodical techniques: the teacher shows how you can build a truck from the figures.

"Placing round inserts of different sizes in the corresponding holes"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to compare objects by size.

Didactic material: inserts with large and small holes.

Methodological techniques: first, the child is offered an insert to close big holes, after the baby places the liner in the appropriate nest, he is given a small liner for a small hole.

Clothespin games


Purpose: to teach to highlight and name the primary colors, choose according to the model desired color.

Didactic material: yellow circle, clothespins in two colors.


Purpose: to teach children to make choices by size and word; alternate in color and size.

Didactic material: planar images of a hedgehog and a Christmas tree, clothespins in green, white, black.

"Multicolored Men"

Purpose: to teach children to design according to a model, to name the main colors and shapes, to promote friendliness in children.

Didactic material: geometric shapes and clothespins.

"Funny Clothespins"

Purpose: to teach children to correctly take and open a clothespin, find its location by color.

Didactic material: a transparent container, along the edge of which colored stripes are glued, a set of colored clothespins.

"Find the Right Patch"

Purpose: to teach to find identical geometric shapes (planar and volumetric).

Didactic material: geometric shapes.

Methodical techniques: the teacher distributes stencils of geometric shapes. Children choose from a set a figure that is appropriate in shape, insert it into the slot.

Sensory development games for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years old)

"Decorate the Butterfly"

Teach children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a circle, about the concepts of many - one, large - small. Develop fine motor skills.
Butterflies of different colors, cut out of cardboard, circles different sizes and flowers.
Game progress:
The teacher shows the butterflies to the children and says that they flew to visit them. He says that the butterflies brought mugs of different colors with them and want the children to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of the same color from the proposed four. At the same time, he offers alternately one or the other kid to choose mugs of the color he likes. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and offers to decorate them.
At the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children for decorating the butterflies and they have become even more beautiful.

"Fix the Bunnies' Clothes"

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. To consolidate the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle). Develop fine motor skills of hands, color perception, attention.
Silhouettes of clothes, geometric shapes cut out of cardboard.
Game progress:
A hare appears with a basket and cries.
Educator: Why are you crying hare?
Hare: I bought gifts for my bunnies - shorts and skirts. And while she was walking through the forest, she touched a bush - they were torn. (Shows shorts and skirts made of cardboard).
Educator: Don't cry, hare, we will help you. Children, let's pick up the patches and patch up the holes. What do holes look like on skirts and shorts?
Children: into a triangle, a square and a circle.
Educator: Right.
The hare puts shorts and skirts on "stumps" (tables), on which patches are laid out in advance. Children come to the tables and complete the task. The teacher asks each child what color the patch was, and what geometric shape it looks like.
Hare: Great children, thank you!

Big and small balls.

Purpose: To teach to distinguish between color and size (large - small); develop a sense of rhythm; pronounce words rhythmically.
game task. Pick up balls for dolls.
Game rule. Choose the right balls by color and size.
Game progress. The teacher gives to consider the balls of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and different sizes (large and small). Shows how they rhythmically bounce, and says: Jump and jump,
Everybody jump and jump
Sleep our ball
Not used to.
The teacher takes out two dolls - a large one and a small one - and says: “The big doll Olya is looking for a ball for herself. The little doll Ira also wants to play with the ball.” Invites children to pick up balls for dolls. Children select the balls of the desired size (a large doll - a big ball, a small doll - a small ball). Doll Olya is naughty: she needs a yellow ball, like her skirt. Doll Ira is also angry: she needs a red ball, like her bow. The teacher invites the children to calm the dolls: pick up the right balls for them.

"Hide the Mouse"

Continue to acquaint children with the six primary colors, teach them to distinguish them. Develop speed of reaction, attention, thinking. Strengthen knowledge about animals.
Demonstration: pieces of paper of six colors (20 - 15), in the middle a white square (8-8), on which a mouse (mouse house) is drawn, squares of the same six colors - doors (10x10), a large cardboard toy - cat, soft mouse.
Handout: such material is smaller - colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.
Game progress:
Look, guys, what a little guest we have today. Who is this, right, a mouse. What a little, fluffy, gray she is. Pet her. The children take turns petting the mouse.
- Do you know where the mouse lives? In mink. Who is the mouse hiding from? From a cat. See if there is a cat somewhere, otherwise our mouse is afraid. Let's help the mice hide in a mink? Now we will play with you the game "Hide the mouse".
First, we will learn how to play it together. I have mouse houses. I arrange three houses on a demonstration board, next to it I put six squares of six colors. You see through the window, mice look out.
To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come and see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse.
I call three children in turn and invite them to close three windows in turn, I find out if all or the windows are well closed.
If someone made a mistake, I call the child to correct it. I take out the cat hidden earlier, which goes to “catch mice”.
“I’ll go and look where the mouse lives here. Children, have you seen the mouse? The cat leaves without finding the mouse. Children are given one piece of paper - a “mouse house” (I give leaves of different colors to those sitting next to each other) and six squares of all colors. “Now you hide your mice while the cat sleeps. Choose from the squares that lie on your plates a square of the same color as your mouse's house.
When all the children have completed the task, the cat "goes hunting" again. I walk with a crouching step with a cat in my arms, I walk along the rows and see who has the mouse poorly hidden. At the same time, I give the opportunity to mistaken children. Correct the position before the cat approaches them. If the mistake is not corrected, the cat takes the paper with the mouse from the child.
Everyone played well today, everyone hid the mice, only some of the guys made a mistake (I indicate exactly which mistakes were made). Next time they will definitely hide the mice well.

Game "Hide the mouse" second option

Purpose: To learn to identify the name of various geometric shapes, to correlate the slots and liners in shape and size.
For this game you need silhouettes of houses made of cardboard. Mice are painted in the windows of the houses. Windows on houses of different shapes: round, oval, square, triangular. You will also need covers for windows (figures of the same shape and size as the windows in the houses). There should be one set of such houses and covers for each child. The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice settled.
- They are now looking out the windows. The windows are different for everyone: round, oval, square, triangular. The mice close these windows only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Take the lids and close the windows so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the lid, that is, that the windows are tightly closed. (The teacher helps the children pick the right covers for the windows.)
- Well, now it's morning, the windows need to be opened.
The day has come.
Suddenly, look who has appeared (the teacher takes out a toy cat)?! You need to quickly hide the poor mice so that the cat does not eat them!
The kids close the windows of the houses again, but now they are trying to do it as quickly as possible.
- The cat left because it did not find a single mouse. You can open the windows of the houses, let the mice admire the evening dawn. But now the night comes again, the mice go to bed, you need to close the windows.

Clothespin games

The main goal of didactic games with clothespins is the development of fine motor skills of hands in young children.
Also, these games are aimed at developing the ability to compare and combine objects based on color.
In addition, games with clothespins contribute to the development of sensations of one's own movements and the formation of a positive attitude towards working together with an adult. They stimulate the speech activity of children.
Game progress:
Adult: Guess the riddle.
Swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail.
Children: This is a fish. Adult: (shows a picture of a fish). That's right, it's a fish. Look at the picture and show where the fish has an eye?
Children show their eyes
Adult: Where is her mouth?
Children show the mouth of a fish in the picture.
Adult: And where is her tail and fins?
Children show the tail and fins.
Adult: And now let's make the fish ourselves.
Children need to choose clothespins that match in color and add a tail and fins to each fish.
Adult: Guess who it is:
On the back of the needle, long, prickly.
And curled up in a ball - no head, no legs.
Children: This is a hedgehog. Adult: (shows a picture of a hedgehog). That's right, it's a hedgehog. Show me where his eyes, nose, ears are?
Children show.
Adult: Let's help our hedgehog find the needles.
An adult gives a child a hedgehog blank cut out of colored cardboard, on which eyes, ears, nose are drawn, but there are no needles. Children attach clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.
Adult: (stroking the hedgehog on its new needles). Ouch! What a hedgehog has become prickly!
Here's a new riddle.
The prickly, green one was cut down with an axe.
A beautiful, green one was brought to our house.
Children. This is a Christmas tree.
Adult: Yes, it's a Christmas tree, but it's crying. She lost all her needles. Don't cry, don't cry baby! We will help you.
An adult distributes triangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins from the box and “return” the needles to the Christmas tree.
Adult: (stroking the Christmas tree). Ouch! The tree has needles!
Adult: Where is the sun? It has lost its rays. What color are the rays of the sun?
Children. yellow.
Adult: Right. Let's help the sun. The sun, look out, yellow, shine.


Learn to group objects by color.
Establish identities and differences in the color of homogeneous objects.
Learn to understand the words “color”, “such”, “not like”, “different”.
Lesson progress:
Educator: Children want to take a walk? Let's go for a walk to the music. We come to the meadow. Oh, where did we go?
And how did you guess? Correctly.
Grass, trees, flowers grow in the forest. These are not just flowers, but butterfly houses.
Now, I will give each of you a cardboard butterfly toy. Music sounds. Children, let's “fly” with our butterflies. And now the butterflies are tired. Let's plant butterflies in our houses. Be careful! Each butterfly must sit on its own house. Planted.
The game helps game form learn or reinforce learned colors.
You can repeat with leaves of different colors.

Lacing game

The game manual is aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hand, the refinement of finger movements, concentration of attention, contributes to the development of the accuracy of the eye, coordination and sequence of actions.
It is a good preparation of the hand for writing, trains perseverance, often such a game calms the child.
In this game, the development of the imagination is also not forgotten: "embroidering" conditional contours by association with real objects is the basis for the development of abstract thinking, generalizations of properties, "seeing the essence of an object."
I develop manual dexterity
I play with string.
I train logic
And fine motor skills!

"Traffic Light", "Bear"

Encourage the child to independent activity; form a color representation, develop the skill of screwing caps.
Develop fine motor skills of hands, sensory skills, coherent speech.
Enrich vocabulary.
You can use the following cork exercises - children unwind and twist corks from plastic bottles to their throats.
To fix the color, multi-colored corks are screwed to the necks of the corresponding color.

Match cups to saucers

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.
Type-setting cloth, saucers and a cup of different colors.
Game progress:
Saucers were first brought to the store. The vendors put them on the shelves. These saucers were put on the top shelf (shows)
Which? (Answers of children).
On the bottom - like this. What color are they? (Answers of children). Are the saucers on the top shelf the same color as those on the bottom? (Answers of children).
Then the cups arrived. Let's help the sellers to choose the right cups for the saucers. They should be the same color as the saucers.
The teacher puts flat cardboard cups on the table. He instructs the child to pick up cups and saucers.
Approves the actions of the child, who, after looking carefully at the saucers, selects all the necessary cups. He asks what color they are.


strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination; distinguishing objects by shape, color and material; development of perseverance
buttons of various sizes and colors; beads of various shapes, sizes, materials; wire, fishing line, thin thread.
The host invites the child to make beads. You can offer to make beads according to the pattern, and choose buttons according to shape and color. Perhaps the child himself can offer his own version of making beads. After that, the child begins to create beads.

"Put the pieces in their places!"

Introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle. Learn to select the right forms in different ways.
Flat geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles). Frame insert Montessori.
Take the figurines out of the recesses and play with them: “Here are funny multi-colored figurines. It's a circle, it rolls - like this! And this is a square. It can be placed. And now the figures are jumping (dancing). Then invite the children to lay out the figures “into their beds”: “Evening has come. It's time for the figurines to rest. Let's put them to bed."
Give the children one piece at a time and have them take turns finding a place for each one. When the kids have laid out the figures, sum up the game: “Now all the figures have found their beds and are resting.” Then show and name all the figures again, without requiring the children to repeat. This game can be repeated many times, each time changing its plot.

"Find a window for the figurine"

To teach children to correlate the shape of the parts with the shape of the hole.
The game is played with the participation of 3-4 children. The teacher lays out geometric shapes on the table and distributes cards with embossed offices to the children. The teacher suggests examining the cards and circle the window offices with fingers.
- Which figure is suitable for your window?
If the child chooses the wrong figure, give the opportunity to make sure that it does not fit and offer to choose the next one. When the child finds a suitable one, you should praise him, demonstrate to the other players that the window has closed and invite him to open and close the window several times on his own. Then the next child selects a figure for his window.

Magic bag game

Purpose: To teach to determine the name of the smell of an object, to establish a relationship between an object and its smell; work on the ability to determine the name of an object, based on the sense of smell, that is, the perception of smell.
In a bag made of any opaque fabric, various objects with a certain smell are placed. These should be items that always smell the same (for example, lemon, apple, orange, flowers with a characteristic smell: geranium, lilac, rose; paint, fish, etc.). All these items should be placed in separate boxes with holes to exclude the possibility of a different (for example, tactile) perception of these items. You can also blindfold each child and ask, “What is this?” by holding scented soap, baby cream, or a bottle of perfume in front of them. For the correct answer, rub the child's hands with cream, perfume, or give a flower that he correctly identified.

Game "Name the properties of materials"

Purpose: To learn to identify the name of the various properties of the material, to establish the relationship between the material and its sensation.
Demonstration material for the game: samples of materials that are different to the touch (smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel) pasted on cardboard.
Before playing, introduce children to different tactile materials. To do this, you need to prepare a pair of samples of materials that are clearly different to the touch. It can be a smooth tile, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel. Glue the swatches onto square sheets of cardboard. Let each child play with the squares, feel them. Talk to children about various properties materials: they are hard or soft, smooth or rough ... When children remember their sensations arising from tactile perception various types surfaces, mix the squares and give each child one sample. Will they be able to find a match for this sample? Of course, children will be able to navigate not only with the help of tactile sensations, but also with the help of vision. But at the initial stage, this will not hurt, as children will be able to gain confidence in their abilities.
Then you can complicate the task. Let the children try to match the "doubles" blindly. In this case, they will navigate, relying entirely on tactile perception. When giving this activity, ask the children to name the properties of materials: hard, soft, smooth, rough.

"Lay out the ornament"

Purpose: to teach the child to highlight the spatial arrangement of geometric shapes, to reproduce exactly the same arrangement when laying out the ornament.
Material: 5 geometric shapes cut out of colored paper, 5 each (25 pieces in total), cards with ornaments.
“Look, what ornaments are in front of us. Think and name the figures that you see here. And now try to lay out the same ornament from the carved geometric shapes.
Then the next card is offered. The task remains the same. The game is over when the child has laid out all the ornaments shown on the card.

Game "Collect a toy"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate various geometric shapes, based on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.
For this game, it is necessary to make a silhouette of some toy (hare, bear or doll) from plywood, foam rubber or cardboard, cut out eyes, nose, mouth so that these details can then be put in place. Inserts can be painted in the appropriate colors. Children must independently find a place for each of the cut out parts, put them in the slots for the missing eyes, mouth and nose. Gradually add new geometric shapes that are harder to distinguish (for example, you can cut out patterns on a doll's dress or on the clothes of toy animals). Have the children insert the cut out pieces into the holes.

Game "Picture from figures"

For this game, you need sets of geometric shapes of different shapes (circles, triangles and squares) and two sizes (large and small) for each child: a total of 12 or 24 shapes (2 or 4 of each type). These figures can be made of cardboard or thin plastic. The teacher needs the same figures bigger size to fix them on the flannelograph.
This game is aimed at developing the imagination and creativity children. At the beginning of the game, the teacher shows the children on a flannelograph what drawings can be obtained if certain figures are placed next to each other. The teacher demonstrates to the children the method and procedure for constructing simple structures. After that, he invites the children to lay out other drawings from their figures that they will come up with on their own. The picture on the flannelograph is removed so that the children do not copy the finished image.

The game "Alternating flags"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate geometric shapes of various shapes and sizes, based on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.
For this game, you need to prepare 4 - 5 triangular flags and rectangular shape for each child and the same number of flags pasted over with velvet paper on the back to attach them to the flannelgraph for the teacher. Flags for children can be made of cardboard. The teacher says that the streets are decorated with flags for the holidays, but they are hung not at random, but in the form of a garland, where flags of different shapes alternate. For example, like this (an adult attaches flags to a flannelgraph in such a way that rectangular flags alternate with triangular ones). The teacher asks to tell him which flag should now be attached: rectangular or triangular, and now, etc. After the children have mastered the order of alternating flags well, the teacher invites preschoolers to make the same garland themselves from the flags that lie on their tables. During the work of the children, the teacher approaches each child and, if necessary, helps him to correctly arrange the flags.

Maria Kosinova
The use of didactic games for the development of perception in preschoolers

Sensory development is one of the main lines of mental development in preschool childhood. The main types of sensitivity change significantly. So, visual acuity and hearing improve, the accuracy and subtlety of color discrimination increase, musical (sound-altitude) develops. phonemic awareness. Improved orientation in the properties and spatial relationships of objects.

The child assimilates socially developed ideas about sensory properties - sensory standards of color, size, shape, etc. This is facilitated by different kinds child's activities. With the assimilation of sensory standards, the development of perception actions is associated, which contribute to a purposeful and systematic examination of objects.

Significant changes occur in the development of the child's orientation in space and the spatial arrangement of objects. This orientation begins with the selection by the child of his own body, the leading hand.

The most difficult thing for preschoolers to master is time orientation, since time does not have a visual form. From the initial perception of time periods associated with regime moments, children move on to the perception of seasonal changes, days of the week. They represent the present time somewhat better, by the end of preschool age they begin to represent the future, but in a short time perspective. For a more complete development of perception in a preschool child, it is recommended to use didactic games.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to teach to compare objects with each other, to develop perception in children.

Equipment: linen bag, small items: buttons of various sizes, thimble, coil, cube, ball, candy, pen, eraser, etc.

Game progress:

Invite the child to determine by touch what these things are. If several children participate in the game, then you need to ask one child to describe each object, feeling it, and the second (if there are several children, then all the rest) to guess, name and draw a thing according to the proposed description.

Didactic game "Collect the pyramid"

Purpose: to develop the perception of the child.

Equipment: two identical pyramids. One pyramid is designed to work for a child, and the second will act as a standard.

Game progress:

1. Invite the child to assemble a pyramid gradually tapering upwards according to the finished standard.

2. To organize a complex design according to the standard, that is, the assembly of an irregular pyramid, a tower of an unusual configuration.

Didactic game "Know the subject"

Purpose: to develop the perception of color, shape and size in children.

Equipment: cards with the image of geometric shapes.

Game progress:

The child is given tasks aimed at differentiating the signs of color, size, shape:

a) Give the bear a circle, give the doll a triangle, give the bunny a square. Put the square on the window. Put the circle on the sofa. Put a red circle, a blue square, bring a green triangle.

b) Gather all the circles, separate blue circles, green circles, yellow circles, red circles.

c) Show triangles, then select blue triangles, green triangles, yellow triangles, red triangles.

d) Collect all the squares, choose blue squares, yellow squares, green squares.

e) Show small circles (small triangles, small squares).

f) Collect large circles (squares, triangles).

g) Show green big squares, small blue circles, big red triangles, small green squares.

Didactic game "Colors"

Purpose: to develop color perception in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects in 1 minute certain color(blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green, etc.). Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. One of the guys who cannot name 5 items of the named color in 1 minute leaves the game, and the winner is given the right to become the leader and suggest a color for finding items.

Color steps game

Goals of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the primary colors, to recognize the names of their shades, to develop mobility and speed of reaction in children.

Game progress:

(plays 8-10 people, one of them plays the role of leader). The participants of the game stand in a row, the leader moves about 7-8 m from them and turns his back to them. Then he gives commands to the participants in the game, for example, such: “To everyone who has clothes in yellow take three steps forward. After that, the leader turns and observes the correctness of his task (the participants in the game must show the desired color on themselves). Then the host turns away and gives the following command, for example: "Everyone who has a blue color in their clothes, take a step back." Since this color may also be for those who have taken steps forward before, the arrangement of participants on playing field changes immediately. The one who can get to the leader first changes places with him, and the leader takes a place among the other players. The game starts over.

Didactic game "Who is more observant"

Purpose: to develop the perception of form in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain shape (round, rectangular, square, oval) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. Each child must take turns naming objects of the named form, so many objects of one form or another will be listed, which contributes to the development of each child.

One of the guys who cannot name 5 objects of the desired shape in 1 minute leaves the game. The winner is given the right to propose the name of the form of the object for further play.

The game "What does it consist of?"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to distinguish different forms. The game promotes development analytical thinking and perception of the integrity of an object consisting of different parts.

Game material: various objects or toys. It is desirable that the toy clearly shows what geometric parts it consists of.

Game progress:

(An almost unlimited number of people can take part in the game, it can be played at home and in a group). The leader - an adult - puts one of the objects on the table in front of the children (for example, a toy tractor) and asks the children to name as many geometric shapes that make up the toy as possible. So, for example, the tractor cab is rectangular, the wheels are round, etc. In this game, the winner is the one who can name more parts - the geometric shapes that make up the toy.

Didactic game "Figures from sticks"

Purpose: development of perception of shape and size, teaching children the ability to make geometric shapes from sticks.

game material. Counting sticks.

Game progress:

Invite the children to remember and name the famous geometric shapes. After that, say: "Today we will make stick figures." Then give the children tasks: "Make a small square." Then ask how many sticks the guys used to build the figure.

After that, he invites the guys to build a large square from sticks. Then he finds out how many sticks each side of the figure is made up of. (Out of two.)

During the subsequent exercise, the guys can be asked to build a small triangle, and then big triangle or a small quadrilateral and a large quadrilateral and talk about the number of sticks used to build the figures.

Didactic game "Right - Left"

Purpose: development of spatial perception, the formation of the ability to correctly navigate the location of objects.

game material. Flag, ball, cube, pictures of children.

Game progress:

Invite the children to repeat where they have their right hand, where is their left hand, where is their right foot, where is their left foot.

After that, call one child to him and give him right hand flag, turn to face everyone and ask: “In which hand does Tima have a flag?”. The guys give the answer.

Then call another child, give him in left hand ball and asks: “Which hand is the ball in?” (In the left).

Then he asks the next child to stand on one leg and asks: “Which leg does Nikita stand on?” (On the right.)

The exercise can be repeated several times.

In subsequent exercises, you can use pictures depicting children holding something in their hands or raising their legs or arms.

The game "On the contrary" (name the opposite concept)

Purpose: development of spatial perception, consolidation of spatial concepts

game material. Ball

Game progress:

The adult says: - Above the window.

Child: - Under the window.

To the door - from the door. In the box - ... In front of the school - ... To the city - ... In front of the car - ...

Far - ... High - ... Above - ... Right - ... Etc.

The game "Where is the treasure hidden?"

Target. Develop spatial-orientational reactions.

game material. You can use all sorts of "obstacles": chairs, ottomans, cubes, etc. A map with a path plan. Surprise.

Game progress:

On the site, in the room, an adult places obstacles: “rivers”, “mountains”, “ravines”, etc. Instruction: - Here is a map in front of us, a treasure is marked with a cross on it and there is a description of how to find it. On our way there will be all sorts of obstacles that will need to be overcome. And if you strictly follow the scheme and correctly complete the tasks, we will definitely find the treasure. We'll find out what it is when we find it."

An approximate description of the "map": stand in the place indicated on the map - start. Take three steps forward and turn right, go around the "mountain" on the left side. Turn right and "swim" the river. Walk forward four steps. Then turn left and take one step. Take two steps forward ... etc. The game ends after the child finds a surprise treasure.

Didactic game "What time is it?"

Purpose: development of the perception of time, the formation of ideas about time.

game material. Toy clock.

Game progress:

Invite the children to look at the toy clock and say what they see. Then the teacher says: “It's morning now. Our clock shows the time 8 o'clock (puts arrows on a toy clock) Now we will eat. Asks to repeat what time it is.

This exercise can be repeated for different times day, gradually accustoming children to the understanding that at different times of the day they are doing different things.

Game "Name the missing word"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in time, to know what happens in a certain period of time.

Game progress:

Children form a semicircle. The teacher throws a ball to one of the children, asks a question:

We have breakfast, dinner ...., and lunch ...

Today we had drawing, and yesterday...

Today we have mathematics, and tomorrow ....

This game can also be played outdoors.

Game "Live Week"

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to name the days of the week in order.

Game progress:

First option. The numbers (from 1 to 7) are shuffled and laid out face down on the table. The players choose any card, line up in order in accordance with the number. They have become the days of the week. The first child on the left takes a step forward and says, “I am Monday. What day is next? Etc.

Second option. Children are divided into teams of 7 people. Each team has its own table. How many teams, so many tables, on which there are cards with numbers facing down. Each table has cards of a certain color. Children run around the room. At the signal of the teacher, they run to their tables, take one card at a time and line up in order in accordance with the number.

Third option. Instead of cards with numbers, cards with circles (from 1 to 7, differently arranged. The rules of the game are the same.

Game "Telephone"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate skills in listening comprehension, regardless of the strength of the voice.

Game progress:

(8-10 people can participate in the game at the same time, but not less than 6, otherwise the game will be uninteresting). All players line up shoulder to shoulder. The player standing on the right edge thinks of a word and quickly whispers it to the player standing next to him in a whisper. He, in turn, passes on what he heard to another player, that one to the next, and so on until the end of the chain. Since the players say the word to each other in a whisper and often cannot make out what they are told themselves, the result can be funny and not at all similar to the given word.

Perception- this is the process of reflection by a person of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world with their direct impact on the senses.

The perception of even a simple object is a very complex process that includes the work of sensory (sensory, motor and speech mechanisms.

Development of perception in preschool age- this is a very complex and multifaceted process, which helps the child to more accurately display the world, learned to distinguish all the subtleties of reality and thanks to this he could more successfully adapt to it.

Didactic games aimed at developing the ability to distinguish colors.

"Run to me!"

Game progress: There are blue, red, yellow, green flags in the vase. Children take one at a time, the teacher - four flags (of all colors).

The teacher invites the children to look at the flags, wave them. (Then the children complete the task shown by the teacher.)

Put the flags on your knees. Raise the blue (red, yellow, green) flags. (Children who hold the flags of the named color raise them.)

Now I will name the flags of one or another color. First look at my flag, then at your flag, and if their colors match, then run to me.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher moves away for a certain distance, raises one flag (holds the rest behind his back) and calls its color, then gives the command: “Red flags, run to me!” Children run up to him, raise the flags, checking whether they completed the task correctly, wave them and sit down. The teacher sequentially calls the flags of all colors, and at the end of the game raises all four flags. All the children run up to him, waving flags and dancing.

Complication: the teacher raises two flags.

"Arrow, arrow, circle"

(a simplified version of the Color Lotto game).

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs around the table, at the corners of which there are flags (red, blue, yellow, green). In the center of the table is a disk with an arrow, around which circles of four colors are laid out. Educator (twisting the arrow).

Arrow, arrow, circle

Show yourself to all the circles!

And how sweet are you

Tell us quickly

Takes the circle indicated by the arrow and places it next to the flag of the corresponding color. Children repeat game actions.

"Open Your House"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit on chairs. A circle of yellow, red, green or blue is glued to the back of each chair. Keys of the same colors cut out of paper are laid out on the table.


Children, stand up and see what color your house (circle) is. (Children name the color.) Go to the table and choose a key of the same color for your house.

What key did you take? (The child names the color.)

After all the keys are sorted out, the children lock the houses (they say “chik-chik”) and go for a walk.

Teacher: One, two, three, four, five,

The children went out for a walk. (They walk around the chairs.)

They knocked, (They knock on the floor with their fists.)

Circling, (Circling.)

They jumped and frolicked. (They jump.)

The kid walked

It's time for everyone to go home.

They approach their chairs, unlock the house (they say chik-chik) and sit down. When the game is repeated, the teacher changes the chairs.

"Collect drops in a glass"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: In front of the children, cut-out colored circles of different colors are laid out on the table. An adult puts one drop of a different color into each glass, pronouncing his actions: “I will put a drop of blue in this glass, we will collect a full glass of identical droplets.” Six colors of the spectrum are used.

"Fold the Pyramid"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress:

Option 1

Four pyramids of different colors have all the rings removed and put on a tray. Each child collects a pyramid of a certain color.

Option 2

The child, at the request of the teacher, selects the desired color of the rings of the paper pyramid. Laying out the pyramid, he tries to independently name the color of the rings.

"Pick up the ball"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress:

Guys we have a holiday today, good mood let's decorate our group. Take each flag (cut out of colored cardboard). Now pick up a balloon similar in color to your flag. Name the color of your balloon and flag. Let's decorate the group.


Purpose: to exercise children in the selection of the six colors of the spectrum according to the sample.

Vocabulary: names of the six colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.

Game progress:

Children we have air balloons different colors and threads of the same colors. Now strings will appear on the flannelograph (places six stripes vertically at equal distances in a spectral sequence, naming their colors). And now we will tie a ball of the same color to each thread. Children take turns tying the balloons and name the color of each.

"Hide the mouse"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about six colors.

Game progress: the teacher puts houses for the mouse on the table (sheets of paper in six colors, in the middle there is a window with a drawn mouse). You see mice peeking through the windows. To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come, see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse. First, the child is offered one house, then, complicating it, 2-3 houses at the same time.

"Pick by color"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about six colors. Teaches children to highlight colors, distracting from other signs of objects.

Game progress: Children, we will play a game. You have mats made of multi-colored cells. See what toys you have. Match the color of the toy to each cell of the rug, put the toy on such a cell so that it hides on it. If the toy is of a different color, it will be visible.

"Live Domino"

Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the six colors of the spectrum and their names. Learn to compare objects by color by applying them to each other.

Game progress: The teacher ties ribbons of various colors in the form of bracelets to the hands of the children and invites everyone to quickly build a circle so that for each child the color of the ribbon tied on one hand matches the color of the ribbon of a friend standing on one side or the other.

"Water Color"

Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent shades of color according to lightness. Vocabulary: light, dark, lighter, darker.

Option 1

Game progress: Educator: “Today we will paint the water, we will get red water different shades. Water in jars is colorless, and we will make it colored. See how I will paint the water: I take the paint on the brush, dip the brush halfway, now I rinse it in one jar. I got a light red water. And in another jar I will put more paint: I will dip the brush completely in the paint, rinse it, pick up the paint again and rinse it again in the same jar. It also turned out red water, but already dark.

Option 2

Game progress: The game is played in the same way as in Option 1, only six colors of paint are now distributed.

"Decorate the Christmas Tree"

Purpose: to teach children to group shades in two shades of each of the six colors, select them according to the word denoting the color.

Game progress: Children have silhouette images Christmas decorations. A tablet with the image of a Christmas tree is placed on the easel.

The teacher names some color and those of the children who have a toy of this color hang it on the Christmas tree.

"Who has what dress?"

Purpose: to teach children to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.

Game progress: The teacher shows the children a doll, the children name what color her dress is.

"Pick up items of similar color"

Purpose: to exercise children in matching and grouping objects by color.

Game progress: Option 1

Toys are placed on two tables. The teacher gives each participant an object or toy of one of the colors of the spectrum. Each child must match all the toys of the same color. After completing the task, the children change toys, and the game is repeated again.

Option 2

Children form pairs. The teacher distributes to each pair of playing sheets of paper on which various images of different colors are painted with paints. Having determined what color the image is on the sheet, the children go to the table, on which pictures with multi-colored objects lie interspersed, and select the necessary cards.

"Collect a flower - seven-flower"

Game progress: The teacher lays out circles of six colors. The child picks up the petals according to the color of the middle.

"Help the fish"

Purpose: Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: The child lays out the baby fish according to the color of their mother fish.

"Fold the Rainbow"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: The child collects a rainbow of colored arcs cut in half, following the model of the teacher and names the colors. If the child cannot name the color, the adult is responsible for it.

"Pick a Pair"

Game progress: Color lotto in drawings is used for the game. An adult lays out pictures in front of the child and asks them to pick them up in pairs of the same color.

"Which balloons flew away?"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects by color.

Material: Color lotto with flags and balls.

Game progress: The teacher lays out flags in a row, the child selects balls of similar color.

"Color Carousel"

Purpose: to exercise children in comparing objects by color.

Material: Circle with the image of objects, colored squares (turn the color down and lay out on the table)

Course of the lesson: Each participant chooses a square and a sector on the circle. If he matches the color of the object in the picture in his sector, then he performs some task: he names objects of the same color, collects a flower of the same color. He chooses the task himself. If the square does not match the color of the object of the sector, then the choice is made by another participant in the game. The first person to complete all tasks wins. The number of tasks can be discussed before the start of the game. The first choice is made by the one on whom the counter stops: “Rainbow, arc, arc! Choose me soon!"

"Guess what color the clothes are"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Children sit in a circle on chairs, one seat is free. The adult says: “The seat next to me on the right is free. I want a girl in a red dress (a boy in a blue shirt, etc.) to take it.”

"Find objects of the same color"

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to match colors, to contribute to the consolidation of knowledge and the color system.

Game progress: Adult says: “When I get back, everyone should have something red (yellow, brown, blue, purple, etc.).” The leader leaves, the children look for objects of the named color in the group. The driver returns and checks whether the task has been completed correctly.

Didactic game "Find a toy"

Target: develop the perception, as well as the attention of children 4 - 5 years of age.

Game progress:

Several toys can be placed in the room so that they are not conspicuous. The host, and it can be both an adult and a child, having chosen a toy, begins to tell what it is, what it can do, what color, what shape, what size. Participants in the game can ask questions, and then go in search of this toy. The one who finds the toy becomes the leader himself. The new leader describes the properties of the already given toy. The game continues until all the children have passed through the role of the leader.

Didactic games. The form

Didactic game "Make a picture"

Target: develop perception in children 3 - 5 years of age.

Equipment: simple pictures depicting apples, cucumbers, nesting dolls. One picture is whole, the other is cut into 3 parts.

Game progress:

Invite the child to assemble the cut picture according to the model.

For children 5-6 years old, you can offer the following task:

a) collect more complex pictures;

b) take two identical postcards, one of which is left as a standard, and the other is cut into 4-5 parts, then, after mixing them, assemble according to the model;

c) for a child, you can complicate the task by asking them to add pictures from memory, without a standard.

Didactic game "White sheet"

Target: to develop the perception of the shape of objects in children 3-5 years of age, as well as to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with drawn figures, part of which is painted over in green, a set of white figures identical to the figures on the sheet of paper.

Game progress:

Invite the children to cover the green figures on a sheet of paper with white figures. At correct location figures as a result should be White list paper.

For children 5 years old, it can be somewhat complicated by placing the figures pasted on a piece of cardboard in a linen bag. And then we ask the child to find the necessary “patch” by touch to close this or that green figure.

Didactic game "Know the subject"

Target: develop the perception of color, shape and size in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: geometric cards.

Game progress:

The child is given tasks aimed at differentiating the signs of color, size, shape:

a) Give the bear a circle, give the doll a triangle, give the bunny a square. Put the square on the window. Put the circle on the sofa. Put a red circle, a blue square, bring a green triangle.

b) Gather all the circles, separate blue circles, green circles, yellow circles, red circles.

c) Show triangles, then select blue triangles, green triangles, yellow triangles, red triangles.

d) Collect all the squares, choose blue squares, yellow squares, green squares.

e) Show small circles (small triangles, small squares).

f) Collect large circles (squares, triangles).

g) Show green big squares, small blue circles, big red triangles, small green squares.

Didactic game "Find the same object"

Target: to develop the perception of form in children 4-6 years old.

Equipment: pictures depicting a lamp standard and a few more drawings of lamps of various shapes.

Game progress:

The child is offered pictures, among which he must find the same as the standard. The task is limited in time, only 30 seconds are given to study the pictures. After that, the child must answer.

For children 4 years old, you can leave the standard in front of your eyes, for older children, the standard should simply be covered with a sheet of white paper. This option will allow developing not only the perception of the child, but also memory, and attention.

Invite the child to look carefully at the lamp. Find the same among other lamps.

Didactic game "Colors"

Target: develop color perception in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain color (blue, red, yellow, brown, black, green, etc.) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. One of the guys who cannot name 5 items of the named color in 1 minute leaves the game, and the winner is given the right to become the leader and suggest a color for finding items.

Didactic game "Who is more observant"

Target: develop the perception of form in preschool children.

Game progress:

Invite the child to name 5 objects of a certain shape (round, rectangular, square, oval) in 1 minute. Repeat items are not allowed.

The teacher can also organize a game with a group of children. Each child must take turns naming objects of the named form, so many objects of one form or another will be listed, which contributes to the development of each child.

One of the guys who cannot name 5 objects of the desired shape in 1 minute leaves the game. The winner is given the right to propose the name of the form of the object for further play.

Didactic game "Tell about animals"

Target: to develop the structural perception of preschool children.

Equipment: a sheet of paper with a squirrel, a cat, a lynx, a duck, an owl drawn on it.

Game progress:

Within 5 seconds, show the children a sheet of paper with drawn animals.

Ask the children to name what is drawn and talk about the features and differences of these animals.

Game "Geometric Lotto"

Purpose: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric shapes and select objects according to the geometric image.

The teacher examines the proposed material with the children. Children name shapes and objects. Then, at the direction of the teacher, they select cards with the image of objects of the desired shape for their geometric patterns. The teacher helps the children to correctly name the shape of objects (round, square, triangular)

D / and "Find out who is drawn."

Purpose: to teach children to project a three-dimensional object onto a plane, to recognize the human body from a contour and silhouette image, to consolidate the ability to name and show the main parts of the body, their spatial position.

Equipment: a large sheet of drawing paper, a black marker.

The child is placed on a drawing paper, his body is outlined with a marker, then the child gets up. Further, the teacher, together with the children, consider the contour image of the body. After that, you can offer to consider the silhouette image various people on cards.

D / and "Draw on a stencil."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to stencil a person's image, trace a line, highlight the main parts of the body, their shape, size, spatial position, improve motor memory.

Equipment: stencils with the image of a person, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens.

D / and "Make a whole out of parts."

Purpose: to teach children to compose a whole image from its parts, to fix the spatial position, to develop a holistic perception.

Equipment: a sheet of drawing paper with an outline image of the child's body already drawn, cut into pieces (by body parts).

D / and "Stick, stick, cucumber ...".

Purpose: to teach how to make a schematic image of a person from counting sticks, to fix the names of body parts, their spatial position.

Equipment: a set of counting sticks, sample.

D / and "Find in the picture."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish the image of a person from a variety of other objects, fix the gaze on the image, recognize and call it a word.

Equipment: plot picture.

.D / and "Wonderful bag".

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about different types of toys, their shape, size; to develop the ability to visually examine them, highlight the main parts, supplement visual information with representations obtained by various analyzers.

Equipment: fabric bag, toys (dog, doll, pyramid, car, spinning top, etc.).

D / and "My cheerful sonorous ball."

Purpose: to teach to call a word and understand the speed qualities (fast, slow) of the ball, to fix the name of the form.

D / and "Pick up the silhouette to the subject."

Purpose: to teach to correlate a natural object and its silhouette image; activate fixation, localization, develop visual memory.

Equipment: various toys and their silhouette image on the cards.

D / and "Make an object out of a mosaic."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to compose images of toys, to improve the ability to work on a model: visually highlight parts of an object, their location, size, color, etc., correlate the image on the sample with your own.

Equipment: button mosaic, sample images of toys (ball, flag, house, boat, etc.)

D / and "Let's dress the doll"

Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name items of clothing, to practically act with them, obtaining additional information through a tactile analyzer, to highlight parts of clothing (sleeve, pocket, button, collar, etc.), to determine the color, shape, size, spatial position of the parts (right sleeve, left sleeve, top button, etc.).

Equipment: items of natural and doll clothes (T-shirt, shorts, dress, socks, coat, hat, scarf, etc.), doll.

D / and "Pick up the threads for the dress."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate the color silhouette of the dress with the color of the threads, to develop the ability to recognize and name the colors of the spectrum (red, yellow, green, blue, black, white).

D / I "Compose from parts."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to make a whole object from parts, fix the name of the parts (sleeve, collar, pocket, etc.), their shape, spatial position.

Equipment: cut pictures depicting items of clothing.

"Find your clothes among others."

Purpose: to teach children to recognize and name their clothes by color, size, size, style, to consolidate the ability to visually examine objects, fix their eyes on them.

Equipment: stencils with the image of animals, felt-tip pens, a piece of paper.

D / and "Simpose color - on the contour image."

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to recognize animals by their color planar image, correlate it with a contour image, teach the technique of overlay, develop a bifoveal fusion of two images into one.

Equipment: cards with color and outline images of domestic animals (horse, cow, cat, dog, pig, etc.).

D / and "Cut pictures".

Purpose: to improve the skill of composing a whole image from parts, to fix the names of the parts, their shape, size, spatial position.

Equipment: cards with the image of pets, cut into 3-4 parts.

Games for the recognition of non-speech sounds.

  1. "Where did you call?"

Children sit in groups different places rooms, in each group some sounding instrument. The leader is chosen. He is offered to close his eyes, guess where they called, and show the direction with his hand. If the child correctly indicates the direction, the teacher says: "It's time" - and the leader opens his eyes. The one who called, gets up and shows a bell or a pipe. If the driver indicates the direction incorrectly, he leads again until he guesses correctly.

  1. "Say what you hear."

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (the chirping of birds, the signal of a car, the rustle of a falling leaf, etc.). The game is good to play on a walk.

  1. "Quiet - loud!"

The teacher knocks the tambourine quietly, then loudly and very loudly. According to the sound of the tambourine, the children perform movements: to a quiet sound they walk on their toes, to a loud full step, to a louder one they run. Who makes a mistake, he becomes at the end of the column. The most attentive will be ahead.

4. "The mother hen and chickens."

A hen (child) sits at the table. Chickens sit around the table. The chickens have cards on which is drawn different number chickens.

Each child knows how many chickens are on his card. The mother hen knocks on the table, and the chickens listen. If, for example, she knocks 3 times, the child who has three chickens on the card should squeak 3 times (pee-pee-pee).

  1. "Who will hear what?"

The teacher behind the screen knocks with a hammer, rings the bell, etc., and the children must guess what object produced the sound. Sounds should be clear and contrasting.

  1. "Seller and Buyer"

One child is a salesperson. In front of him are two boxes (then their number can be increased to four or five), in each different kind products, for example, peas, millet, flour, etc. The buyer enters the store, greets him and asks for cereals to be released to him. The seller offers to find her. The buyer must determine by ear in which box the cereal he needs or other required product is in. The teacher, having previously introduced the children to the products, puts them in a box, shakes each one and gives the children the opportunity to listen to the sound made by each product.

7. Find a toy.”

a) The children stand in a circle. The teacher shows a toy that they will hide. The leading child either leaves the room, or steps aside and turns away, and at this time the teacher hides a toy behind one of the children. At the signal "It's time", the driver goes to the children, who quietly clap their hands. As the driver approaches the child who has the toy hidden, the children clap louder; if they move away, the clapping subsides.

b) Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. One child drives (he goes to another room or turns away). The teacher hides the doll. At a signal, the driver enters, and the children say to him:

Doll Tanya ran away

Vova, Vova, look,

When you find her, then boldly dance With our Tanya.

If the driver is in the place where the doll is hidden, the children clap their hands loudly, if they move away, the claps subside.

The child finds the doll and dances with it, all the children clap their hands.

8. ‘Meet the guests!’

The teacher announces to the children that guests will come to them now: parsley, a bunny and a bear. He singles out three guys who go behind the screen and change clothes there. Parsley gets a cap with bells, a hare - a hat with long ears, and a bear - a bear's hat. teacher

warns the kids that the bear will come with a rattle, the parsley with a drum, and the bunny with a balalaika. Children must guess by the sound which guest is coming. Before going out to the children, the animals make sounds behind the screen, each on his own instrument. Children have to guess who is coming. When all the guests have arrived, the kids stand in a circle, and the parsley, bear and bunny dance as best they can. Then new guests are chosen and the game is repeated. When repeating the game, you can give guests other sounding toys.

  1. "Sun or Rain"

The teacher says to the children: “Now we will go for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You are walking, and I will ring a tambourine, it will be fun for you to walk to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I'll start banging my tambourines. And you, having heard, should quickly go to the house. Listen carefully as I play."

The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

10. "Recognize by sound."

The players sit with their backs to the leader. It makes noises and sounds different items. Anyone who guesses what the leader is making noise with raises his hand and, without turning around, tells him about it.

You can make different noises: throw a spoon, an eraser, a piece of cardboard, a pin, a ball, etc. on the floor; hitting an object against an object, leafing through a book, crumpling paper, tearing it, tearing material, washing hands, sweeping, planing, cutting, etc.

  1. Exercises.

11. The exercise is aimed at distinguishing the maximum reduced sound complex by timbre. The adult invites the child to turn away and guess which of the children called him.

At the beginning, the child is called by name, then (to complicate) they say a short AU.

12. An adult invites the child to remember the fairy tale "Three Bears". Then, changing the pitch of his voice, he asks to guess who is speaking: Mikhailo Ivanovich (low voice), Nastasya Petrovna (medium-pitched voice) or Mishutka (high-pitched voice).

The same lines:

"Who was sitting in my chair?"

"Who ate from my cup 9"

"Who slept in my bed?"

"Who was in our house?" etc. are pronounced alternately in a voice of different pitch, in three versions.

13. An adult invites the child to determine whether the sounding object is far or close, and then reproduce the sound complexes in a voice of different strength (loud, quiet).

Children shout: AU (loud), AU (quiet). The dog barks: AB (loudly), AB-AB (quietly). A cat meows, a cow bellows, a rooster sings, a hen clucks, a frog croaks, a crow croaks, a sheep bleats, etc.

  1. An adult pronounces the same sound with a change in its character, timbre and emotional coloring, and then asks the child to reproduce the sample.

A - crying, screaming girl

A - shows the throat to the doctor

A - the singer sings

A - shakes the baby

A - the girl pricked herself with a needle

Oh - mom was surprised

Oh - grandma groans

Oh - the singer sings Oh - dad stretches

Oh - shouts the hunter in the forest

U - the steamboat is buzzing

U - sounds like a flute

U - the boy is crying

  1. The exercise is aimed at changing the sound complex in terms of height and strength. An adult invites the child to say, for example - “meow”: loudly (the cat is nearby and asks for food); quiet (cat outside the door); high voice ( little kitty); low voice(old cat). Similarly, you need to change the sound parameters when playing the following onomatopoeia; and go - go, mu, woof, qua, be, ku - ku, etc.

The value of the game in the life of a little man is enormous. Through the game, the baby learns the world around him and learns its laws. Through various fun, the child satisfies his curiosity, broadens his horizons and looks for a connection between objects and phenomena. It is known that a person has five senses, and each can be developed with the help of certain fun at home, independently dealing with the baby.

Games for the development of visual perception

Development visual perception in children it begins with the organization of the game. That is, the baby must first be interested, not just by spreading rattling boxes of grains in front of him, but by offering to feed the hungry chickens, which means you need to take care in advance that these chickens are available. You can find a suitable picture in a magazine or draw a laying hen yourself.

The child can and should be prompted, but he must achieve the goal and make the right decision himself. Games for the development of visual perception of children are also important because they help strengthen the eye muscles and act as a preventive measure for diseases of the organs of vision.

According to statistics, the level of pathologies and various visual ailments has increased by 1.5 times over the past 5 years. Parents can prevent emerging problems if they carefully look at the baby, give him, on the advice of a doctor, special vitamins for the eyes and, of course, spend more time playing special games.

Here is some of them:

  • mix several sets of buttons and invite the child to sort them: first choose the largest, then the smallest, sort by color, find those with two holes and those with 4;
  • attach clothespins to a circle cut out of cardboard to make a “sun” or “flower”. Invite your child to remove all clothespins, and then attach them back. If you have them in different colors, then you can ask the child to alternate different colors or lay them out one by one;
  • everyone in childhood loved to look for differences in two images in which everything is the same except for a few details. Such fun develops observation very well;
  • Putting together puzzles is the perfect activity to develop this sense organ.

But the baby perceives these auditory sonoristics unconsciously. They merge with other signals and stand out weakly, or even not noticed at all. In the future, the ability to strain his hearing, capturing various sounds, will be useful to him for staging correct and distinct speech, its expressiveness, loudness and speed. Parents from the first years of life can develop visual and auditory perception in their child.

The following games will help them in this:

  • when walking with a child on the street, be sure to name the sound source, pointing at it with your hand and pronouncing the sound it makes. For example, a cat "meow-meow", a dog "woof-woof";
  • when the child grows up, he must himself reproduce the sound of any object or animal at your request. For example, asking a baby how a beetle buzzes, you should get a logical answer;
  • hide from the child behind the screen various objects that make sounds, for example, a bell, a drum, a rattle, a pipe, a box of matches. The kid must guess the object that you pick up and make a sound in this way;
  • Read to your child a poem in which the same sound is often repeated and ask them to name it.

Games for the development of tactile sensations

The development of tactile sensations is very important for a child. Scientists have already proven that the better the fine movements of the fingers and hands are developed in the crumbs, the more mature and
the brain and speech are formed.

For the baby, any sensations are important, both those that come from bare feet, and those that come from the back. The latter have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and also increase immune protection.

A child who lacks tactile sensations may experience physical suffering, a decrease in mood. Here are some tutorials to help you learn tactile sensations in children:

  • organize a fabric store and invite the baby to play. For example, a bear comes to the store and looks for fabric for tulle. It is clear that he needs a thin, weightless material. And if he wants to sew a fur coat for himself, then he should be warm, with a high pile;
  • take the "magic bag" and put in it any items that come to hand. Invite the baby to put his hand inside and, without peeping, determine by touch what object was in his palm;
  • sew small bags and fill them with cereals - buckwheat, rice, millet, cereal. The nuance of the game is that each bag should have a pair and the task of the baby is to find this pair, feeling each sack;
  • Blindfold your child and pick up two pencils. touch various parts his body: lips, arms, legs, ears, back, feet and others with one or two pencils at once, asking him to guess how many of them he feels on his body. In some places where there are two, he will only feel one, and then you slowly spread them apart until the baby understands that there are exactly two of them.


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