All about the ancient plant fig (fig tree or fig tree). Fig tree: features of growing and caring for the oldest plant

The fig tree is a unique plant that came to us from ancient times. It is also known as figs or its homeland was the hot countries of Asia. Today, there are more than 400 varieties of which have not only a pleasant sweet taste, but also many useful and medicinal properties. Figs are grown in Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Greece and other countries with a subtropical climate.

Fig tree (photo of this wonderful tree we can see in the article) not only brings useful and tasty fruits, but is also a wonderful decoration for any garden.

The oldest plant known to man

It is one of the oldest plants known to man. Its age exceeds 5 thousand years. The fig tree is mentioned many times in the Bible. Researchers suggest that the fruit of the fig tree was the same forbidden fruit knowledge of good and evil, which was tried by the progenitors of all mankind, Adam and Eve. Later, it was her leaves that served as clothes for them when they were expelled from

knew about useful properties fig trees in ancient Greece, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula.

In India, it has been considered a sacred plant for many centuries.

The ancient Romans believed that Bacchus gave this fruit to people, so they called it a wine berry.

According to legend, the Buddha comprehended all the secrets of the meaning of human life under this tree. For Buddhists, the fig tree has been considered the tree of illumination ever since. Photos of her fruits can be seen below.

The Greeks used figs to treat various diseases: fever, malaria, ulcers, tumors, leprosy and other dangerous infections. Figs have become an indispensable tool in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Due to its antioxidant properties and the presence of many vitamins, it is considered an excellent anti-aging agent. Later, when medicine was able to more thoroughly understand all medicinal properties figs, it was found that he copes well with blood clots and sclerotic plaques of blood vessels.

How does a fig tree grow?

The tree, whose height sometimes reaches 15 meters, has a spreading crown. The trunk diameter is about 1 meter. Fig trees live for more than two hundred years. The fruit of the fig tree is a small seed. When ripe, it acquires a dark brown-violet color. Inside the fruit are small seeds, shaped like nuts. They are tightly adjacent to each other and form a juicy sweet pulp.

Figs are harvested twice a year - in early summer and autumn. It is not recommended to store it for a long time. Especially quickly it can deteriorate during transportation.

Before sending the fruits for sale, they are well washed, processed and packaged. Figs are eaten fresh, dried and canned, and are no less useful than fresh ones. It is known that fresh figs must be eaten within a few hours after they have been picked, otherwise they will quickly spoil and ferment.

Often figs are used as a seasoning for meat. Fresh fruits are used to make sweet wine, make jam and jam, and are used in the manufacture of other confectionery products.

Beneficial features

The fig tree is an excellent source of essential oils that help oxygenate the blood and control blood pressure. A large amount of tryptophan normalizes the functioning of the human brain, so it is very useful for creative and thinking people to consume figs at least once a day. In addition to vitamins of groups A, B and C, there are potassium, magnesium, calcium salts necessary for a person, other minerals and organic fatty acids, carotene, pectin, proteins and almost all types of sugar.

We lose weight effectively and usefully

Regular consumption of figs helps to reduce and stabilize weight, as it contains a large number of fiber and fibers. Thanks to them, despite the low calorie content of fresh fruits, they quickly saturate the human body, reducing the feeling of hunger for a long time. 100 grams of fresh figs contain only 49 kcal, but you need to be careful with dried fruit, as its calorie content increases by almost seven times.

Figs are useful for expectant mothers. Due to the large number of nutrients contained in the fruit, the baby develops correctly. A large amount of iron is an excellent prevention of anemia. Pectin and fiber help to cope with flatulence and constipation. It is also known that figs increase lactation and are an excellent tool for the prevention of mastitis.

The fig tree is a cure for male diseases too. Fig tincture helps to strengthen male power many times over, effectively cure prostatitis. It is enough just to pour five fruits with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. The tincture should be drunk twice a day.

Contraindications and warnings

With everything huge number The advantages of the fig tree, however, there are some disadvantages. With caution, people suffering from urolithiasis should treat its fruits, as they contain too much oxalic acid. Don't eat too many figs diabetes and gout. Fresh figs are completely contraindicated for people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that it was not in vain that people worshiped this unique plant. The fig tree is truly a gift from the gods, designed to serve man at all times.

Fig (fig tree) is not just an ordinary plant, it has been revered by many peoples at all times. The ancient Greeks considered the fig fruit a symbol of fertility, the Italians recognized the fruit as the personification of abundance. This is due to the unusual structure of the fruit - only 1 fruit can contain about 1000 grains. And in Rome the fig tree has sacred meaning, since it is believed that it was under him that the founders of the empire were grown.

In Russia, such a fruit is not so common, since it can only grow in regions with a warm climate. Nevertheless, everyone knows about this unique fruit.

Plant features

Figs have several other names: "ficus karika", "vine berry" or fig. In nature, it is a multi-stemmed tree with a spreading lush crown, curved branches and large foliage. The height of the trunks reaches 10 meters, their bark is quite smooth and has a light gray tint. Since figs belong to ficus plants, they have a specific caustic juice.

The skin of the fruit itself is quite tender and soft. Inside, the ripe fruit is filled with sweet red contents with many small grains. If the figs are overripe, then fermentation processes can begin in it even on the branches. That is why the fruits are called "wine".


To get a better idea of ​​​​such an unusual plant, we give its detailed biological description.

  • Family- Mulberry.
  • Genus- Ficus.
  • Leaves. The foliage of the tree is hard, has big sizes and falling stipules. Small shoots are born in leaf axils, which in the future give inflorescences of figs and caprifigs, bearing flowers of both sexes.
  • Fruit. Ripe fruits are juicy, outwardly resemble a pear, have a pronounced sweet taste. Their length is up to 8 cm, and the weight is about 50-70 grams. From above they are covered with the thinnest skin with small villi. The skin can be yellow, yellow-green or dark blue. It depends on the variety and maturity. On top of the fruit there is a small eye covered with scales.
  • Pollination. The plant blooms and fertilizes in a very specific way, since heterosexual inflorescences appear on different trees. For pollination of figs, wasps of a certain rare species are needed.

Figs contain a large amount of pectins, organic acids and other useful substances:

  • vitamins B, C, PP;
  • beta carotene;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus, etc.

By the way, in terms of the presence of potassium, figs are superior only to walnut crops, and there is much more iron in it than in apples.

Regular consumption of figs can prevent blood clots, maintain optimal blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol levels. The fruits of this tree are used as an effective antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic, antioxidant agent. This fruit is very useful for women, as it can reduce pain during menstruation, and also positively affect the formation of a baby during pregnancy.

However, in addition to positive properties, figs have a number of contraindications. Let's list the main ones.

  • Individual intolerance. If you do not know for sure whether you are allergic to figs or not, then you should not immediately eat it in large quantities. Eat just one small fruit and see how your body reacts over the next few hours. If none negative consequences(rash, itching, redness, etc.) was not found, which means that in the future you can use this sweet and tasty fruit without fear.
  • Gout. Since figs contain oxalic acid, they can harm people suffering from this disease.
  • Urolithiasis and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. If you suffer from such problems, then it is worth limiting the use of figs, as they can provoke an aggravation of the situation.


Figs are the oldest fruit plant. Presumably, it began to grow in Arabia, and later in Syria, Egypt and Phoenicia. Such a tree came to the USA only at the end of the 16th century.

Such a plant is found in a zone with a subtropical climate and has a fairly wide distribution. So, figs grow in the Caucasus, in the Carpathians, Central Asia, in the Caribbean and Bermuda, in the Crimea. The climate of these regions allows plants to fully develop in open soils. In addition, figs grow in the Mediterranean, Transcaucasia, on the shores of the Black Sea, in Krasnodar, India, Australia and the Iranian Highlands.

The area of ​​distribution of such a plant is extremely large. But the tree really grows well only in the tropics. And on the territory of the Black Sea coast there are frosts that can harm plantings.

Under what conditions are they grown?

Despite the fact that the plant gives such an excellent harvest, it is completely unpretentious in its care. Figs are able to grow and bear fruit even on poor soils. Moreover, sometimes a tree grows even on scree. This means that before planting such a plant, no special treatment and fertilizer is required. Even from insects and pests, it does not need to be protected.

The tree tolerates cold very well, which means that low temperatures will not affect the yield of sweet fruits. The tree can be cut and cut without fear at absolutely any age.

However, there are still some nuances in cultivation. The fig tree does not do well in excessively damp soil. In addition, pollinating wasps are not as resistant to frost as the plant itself, this should not be forgotten.

Fig tree spread by seeds, green shoots and root offspring. The fruiting period begins 2-3 years after cultivation. This is considered very early term for fruit plants. At the same time, from about 7 years old, the tree begins to produce a consistently high yield.

The approximate life span of a fig tree is about 100 years. But there are cases when the plant lived up to 300 years.

When is the harvest?

If the tree has already reached fruitful age, then you can start harvesting the first crop. It usually ripens in June or July. But at this time it turns out to collect only a small amount of fruit. While in autumn (September and October) comes the time of harvesting the main harvest of figs.

It should be understood that these terms refer to plants that are characterized by more than one-time fruiting. And not to undersized plant varieties, the fruits of which, on the contrary, ripen much faster than ordinary crops.

Interesting fact: the ripe fruits of this season and the rudiments of the future can be on the tree at the same time. This feature allows the kidneys to swell already in the last May Days next season. At the same time, the fruits of them are very large and early ripening.

To find out if the fruit is ripe or not, you can touch it. Ripe figs are quite soft to the touch, with some dryness near the stalk. But in order to be 100% sure of the ripeness of fruits, you need to try them. There is no more accurate method. Cut the figs at the base with a sharp knife, scissors or secateurs.

The first harvest must be collected selectively, focusing on external signs of maturity. You should not pick unripe fruits, because they contain a bitter dangerous substance. If you plan to dry figs in the future, you can take your time with the collection and hold the fruits on the branch longer. In this way, optimal natural drying can be achieved.

Since the fruit has the most delicate pulp and thin peel, it needs to be sorted out only by hand. It is important to perform such work in the first hours after collection. The earlier the better. Therefore, you should not immediately collect a lot of fruits if you are not sure that you can immediately eat or prepare them.

It is important to start picking fruit early in the morning. Clothing for such work should be long-sleeved to avoid dermatitis. It can be formed as a result of the fact that the villi of the leaves of a fig tree, under the influence of solar radiation, release a burning substance. Its effect is similar to a nettle burn, so protect your hands with sleeves and thick gloves before you start picking the fruit carefully.

After the fruits are harvested, they must be put in a suitable container, such as pallets, and taken to a dark, cool place where they will wait for further processing.

How can you use?

Figs can be used different ways: dry, freeze, eat fresh, add to various desserts and pastries. Let's take a closer look at each method.

  • Fresh. Freshly picked fruits are stored very little - only a few hours. After that, fermentation processes begin in them. This is due to the fact that the composition of juicy fruits contains at least 30% sugar. For this reason, it is important to eat fruits no later than 6 hours after cutting.
  • Frozen. After the figs have been harvested, they must be sorted, washed, dried, sorted into bags and frozen. It is better to use the instant freezing function for this in order to preserve all the useful properties of the fruit.
  • Dried. Most often, light fruits are chosen for drying, the size of which is approximately 5 cm. Such fruits have the highest price, but they also have the appropriate quality. By the way, the more grains in the fig, the better its variety.

You will be interested to know the following.

  • Figs could not be cultivated in the United States for a long time, since there were no pollinating wasps in the country. And only after the removal of these insects, the Americans were able to enjoy sweet fruits.
  • Alexander the Great took figs with him on campaigns, since such a fruit took up little space, but at the same time perfectly restored strength and satisfied hunger.
  • Cleopatra simply adored figs, because he helped her maintain youth and beauty. Legend has it that the snake she used to commit suicide was brought in a basket with this fruit.
  • According to popular belief, the fig tree brings good luck at work and happiness in family life. Try to plant such a plant in your garden plot and see the result!
  • The beneficial properties of figs were noticed by Avicenna. The legendary doctor successfully used this fruit to treat and prevent many diseases.
  • Hundreds of varieties of figs have been described by botanists since before our era.
  • According to some reports, the biblical fruit of knowledge was replaced by an apple, since this fruit is more famous and simpler. While the present tree of paradise was a fig plant. It was the fig leaves that served as the first clothes for our ancestors - Eve and Adam.

  • If you are obese or diabetic, you should limit your intake of figs as they are quite high in sugar.
  • Sweet, nutritious fruit goes well with any cereal. It is great for making sauces and desserts. Use it as an alternative to white sugar, it will benefit your health.

When buying figs from the market, make sure they are fresh. Feel free to ask the seller a lot of questions, otherwise you risk paying for the fermented fruit.

See the following video for growing figs.

Fig tree, Smyrna berry, wine berry - a subtropical tree Ficus carica, from the same genus, which includes evergreen indoor ficuses, not at all like them. It is grown in the Middle East, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Italy, Greece, Portugal - wherever the climate is subtropical or just warm enough. Mankind mastered F.carica in Asia Minor, in the area of ​​Carius, after which it is named in Latin. The fig tree has been serving mankind for 5 thousand years, and has left bright, significant traces in the history of civilization.

A noble plant from ancient times

This is the same fig tree that the Bible tells about in the description of the paradise life of Adam and Eve (“fig leaf”) and in the parable of the barren tree. It is also mentioned in the Koran, one of the suras is called “The Fig Tree”. Buddhists believe that Enlightenment, which made Prince Gautama Buddha, descended on him under the sacred Ficus - a tree from the same genus, however, with inedible fruits. In Ancient Hellas, these fruits, along with grapes, were among the main foodstuffs; on holidays in honor of the god Dionysius, they were placed in baskets as a sign of fertility and joy.

To describe the intricacies of flowering and fruiting of figs - an absolutely unique plant - there is a complex system terms applied exclusively to the genus Ficus. Trees are divided into male and female, that is, it is dioecious. Three times a year, syconium inflorescences grow on short stems in the axils of the leaves. They are pear-shaped with a hole in the upper part, the flowers are located inside. Hence the misconception that the fig tree does not bloom.

On male trees in syconiums, flowers with stamens are well developed, and pistils in female flowers are shortened, these inflorescences are called profi. On female trees, on the contrary, the staminate flowers are reduced, and the pistillate ones are full-fledged, these are figs, and the stems resulting from them are also called.

All inflorescences of the first generation in the season are called profi, are formed in April, bloom at this time mainly male trees, that is, most of the pros are caprifigs, but among them there are also a few female ones on the corresponding trees. The second generation - mammoni, blooms in summer, this time there are much more female inflorescences, it gives the main crop. Then, at the end of September, male trees form a generation of mamme, naturally without fruit.

Pictured is a fig tree

The complex flowering cycle of F.carica was formed for a reason, it is ideally adapted to the life cycle of the wasp Blastophaga psenes, with which this plant has the closest symbiosis. The females of the tiny 1-2 mm insect emerge from the inflorescences only to find new ones. Males generally exist only inside caprifigs and do not even have wings. Yes, and females do not fly, they do not need it. In the spring, overwintered fertilized blastophages enter the male inflorescences of the first, spring generation, lay their eggs in the ovaries of inferior female flowers, and die.

From the laid eggs, males first develop, they help the females to get out of the ovaries, fertilize them, and die. The females lay eggs, the cycle repeats, by the time the new females are ready to lay, the female plants have already formed pistillate inflorescences waiting for pollination. The wasp that got out of the syconium is covered with pollen, which is abundant in the male inflorescence.

In search of a place for oviposition, the insect tries to master the inflorescences on female trees, but it does not succeed, because the ovaries of female flowers are not suitable for this. Instead, pollination occurs plant needs in order for the inflorescence to develop into a full-fledged seed.

When the female still manages to find one of the few male inflorescences on the corresponding tree, she lays eggs, and a second generation of wasps emerge from them. They no longer have to search male flowers, therefore, by the time of their maturity, syconiums of the mamme generation, consisting only of male inflorescences, bloom. Females of the third generation hibernate inside the syconiums on a tree or on the ground and in the spring begin another symbiotic cycle.

Picture of a fig

AT good conditions The fig tree grows like a tree and can reach a height of over 10 meters. This is how it happens, for example, in a river valley, on slightly alkaline soil, with low humidity, in warmth, or in a garden, with constant, not very plentiful watering and fertilizing with fertilizers. If all this is not enough, then the tree is low. It can also grow in the form of a bush - for example, when regrowth after frost, or if it is deliberately shaped like this - when grown in trenches or indoors.

This extremely adaptable plant loves watering but is drought tolerant; prefers subtropical humidity, but also tolerates dry air well. The fig tree is completely undemanding to the soil, although it is responsive to fertilizers and loosening, at the same time it grows in the mountains between stones, in rock crevices, on a very thin layer of barren land. Loves sunlight, but grows well in shading, however, this affects the quality of the crop. A well-groomed garden yields 10-20 tons of fruits per hectare.

Some varieties freeze at -5 ° C, others withstand - 10 ° C, for a subtropical culture, good frost resistance. In cold areas, bushes are covered for the winter, for this they are grown in trenches. This plant could advance to more northern regions, only the thermophilicity of the wasp does not allow this, without which most varieties of the fig tree cannot be done.

Pictured is a fig

The situation was partially corrected by breeders, who created forms that satisfactorily bear fruit without pollination, they are good where, due to the cool climate, symbiont wasps cannot live, and also for keeping in a room, as a fruit ornamental plant. Lush trees no more than 3 m high, with lobed exotic leaves, really look very impressive indoors. It is best to keep an indoor fig on a well-lit windowsill, water it moderately, put it in a cool room for the winter, because this plant is deciduous, it needs winter rest.

Delicate, sweet wine berry, a treasure trove of nutrients

So, what we call the fruit of a fig tree, in fact, is its seedling, moreover, as if turned inside out, so that many small fruitlets are located inside. Delicate, juicy pulp develops from the axis of the inflorescence, on the outside it is covered with a thin skin with fine pubescence, giving a roughness. The taste is very sweet, sometimes sour, with a specific aftertaste.

The name "vin berry" was probably given to the fruit because it deteriorates very quickly, fermentation processes begin within a day after removal. Therefore, no matter how tasty fresh fruits are, they have to be quickly processed into jams, preserves, marmalade, marshmallows, compotes or dried. The main producers of figs - Turkey, Italy and Greece - supply them to the market mainly in processed or dried form.

Video about the benefits of figs

The calorie content and sugar content in the "wine berry", especially the dried one, are so high that they give a noticeable burst of energy and a feeling of satiety. The soldiers of Alexander the Great always carried them with them. In terms of iron content, this fruit surpasses even an apple, in potassium it is second only to nuts. There is calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, a rich set of vitamins (C, B, PP), a lot of useful plant fiber.

The abundance of nutrients in the Smyrna berry has a beneficial effect on the entire body - on the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, stomach, it is useful for anemia, reduces blood clotting, has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, decoctions in milk are an excellent folk remedy for colds. Contraindicated in gout and diabetes.


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Botanical name: Fig or Fig, or Fig tree, or Fig tree (Ficus carica) - the genus Ficus, the Mulberry family.


Homeland of figs: Mediterranean, India.


Lighting: photophilous.


The soil: light, nutritious.


Watering: abundant.


Max Height: 10 m


Average lifespan of a tree: 200 years.


Landing: seeds, cuttings, layering.


Description of the fig plant: fruits, leaves and seeds. The fig is a subtropical fruit tree or a large shrub 8-10 m high with a low wide crown and thick branches. The bark of the trunk and branches is light gray, smooth.



Leaves large, arranged alternately, 3-7-lobed, almost entire, rigid, dark green above, grayish-green below, pubescent, up to 15 cm long, up to 12 cm wide. Attached to a thick, long petiole. In the axils of the leaves there are inflorescences - syconia, pear-shaped, hollow, with a small hole at the top. This hole is intended for blastophage wasps that pollinate the tree. Male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female - figs.

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Fruit- sweet, juicy, pear-shaped, up to 8 cm long, up to 5 cm in radius, weighing 30-70 g. Inside they contain small seeds-nuts. Fruit color, color and size depend on the variety. The most common are yellow, yellow-green, dark blue figs.


During the growth period, the fig tree often blooms. However, male inflorescences are formed only from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, and figs - only in summer and autumn.

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How and where figs grow.

The wild fig tree is distributed in the Mediterranean countries, in India, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory. In the mountains it grows at an altitude of 500 - 2000 m above sea level, more often on the southern slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers, forming thickets. It is cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate. Large areas of fig plantations in Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, America. In Russia, it is grown in the southern regions of the European part. The countries where figs grow have a warm, humid climate. Severe frosts, below - 12 ° C the plant does not tolerate.


The culture is grown in room conditions how decorative tree. In this case, its height reaches no more than 3-4 m.


Figs bloom 2-3 years after planting. Brings a high yield from 7-9 years.

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The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. In nature, the fig tree reproduces with the help of blastophage wasps, which penetrate through the opening of the seed. The females of these insects lay their eggs in underdeveloped female inflorescences. Wasps appear in male inflorescences. Leaving the inflorescence, the wasps get dirty with pollen. In the wild, they are attracted by the aroma of female inflorescences. Getting into female inflorescences, wasps leave pollen brought on the body. Flowers, on the stigmas of which pollen has fallen, tie fruits.

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Fans of this culture will be interested in the answer to the question “how does a fig grow?” Fig trees are unpretentious, successfully grow and bear fruit on any soil, including poor and depleted ones. Blooms often throughout the year. The fruits are tied 2 times a year - in summer and autumn. The fig plant is drought-resistant, and some varieties can withstand low temperatures down to -17-20°C. It is not affected by pests and diseases.


One tree bears about 70-90 fruits per year. The life expectancy of wild individuals is 150-200 years, trees grown at home - 30-60 years


What is a fig

The fig fruit is yellow, black-blue, purple and black, depending on the variety. It has high taste qualities, contains a lot of valuable substances. Despite the sweet taste of this fruit, its calorie content is low. 100 g of fresh berries contain 49 kcal. Dried figs decrease in weight and volume, but at the same time sugars accumulate in it. 100 g of dried fruit contains about 95 kcal. Dried figs are highly nutritious. They contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat and 64 g of carbohydrates. In addition, figs are a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and dietary fiber. The main vitamins that make up its composition are vitamins A, B, B1, C, E, PP, beta-carotenes, fiber, pectins. Among the minerals in the pulp of the fruit contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.


The fruit of the fig tree is eaten fresh, canned, dried. Jam, jams, marshmallows, compotes and wines are made from it, for which the fruits of this plant are called "vin berry". However, fresh figs are not transportable, so only unripe or dried are transported.


The beneficial properties of the fig tree have been known since ancient times. Today, wine berries are used not only for cooking various dishes, but also to compensate for the lack of vitamins, strengthen bones, restore vitality, and remove toxins from the body. Fig fruits are used to treat coughs, colds, liver and kidney diseases, of cardio-vascular system. In addition, this fruit increases male potency, fights sexual impotence. Fresh fruits are low in calories, which helps in the fight against excess weight. There are "figs" fasting days when 100 g of dried fig tree fruits, 1 kg of any other fruit and 500 g of vegetables are eaten per day.



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Wine berry is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Figs help prevent iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and prevent fetal anemia. At breastfeeding enhances lactation, serves as a prevention of the appearance of mastopathy, saturates breast milk useful to the child vitamins and microelements.


Figs have been proven to improve brain function, increase immunity, and prevent many diseases.


Unripe fruits are inedible, as they contain caustic milky juice.

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Figs are a useful fruit

Fresh figs do not harm a healthy body. However, this fruit is contraindicated in gout and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Dried fruits from behind high content sugar is not recommended for overweight and diabetes.


Wine berries should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy, if a woman is gaining weight quickly, or suffers from diabetes.


Despite the minimal harm of figs, it should not be consumed in large quantities. A healthy person is recommended 3-4 berries per day.


How to use figs correctly

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Everyone knows what a fig is. However, not everyone knows how to properly consume this tasty and healthy berry.


In the absence of any diseases, the fruit of the fig tree can be eaten in any form. This fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, replaces chocolate and other sweets. Dried fruits are used as dried fruits. Before use, they are poured over with boiling water and allowed to swell. You can soften the figs for a couple, so they retain their shape and taste. Dried fig tree is added to compotes, used for filling cakes, pies and other confectionery.


Fresh figs are used as desserts, as well as an additional ingredient in meats, salads and snacks. Figs give exotic taste and delicate aroma to any dish.


Unripe fruits are inedible, but they can be baked after cutting, putting nuts in the cut and pouring honey. Such a dessert is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very healthy.

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When choosing a fig, pay attention to its color, size and softness. It is better to give preference to the same size, soft light yellow fruits. Firm flesh and a sour taste indicate the immaturity of the fruit or the expiration of its shelf life.


fig leaves

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The leaves of this plant are used in medicinal purposes. They contain organic acids, furocoumarins, essential oil, steroids, flavonoids, tannins.


Raw materials are harvested from June to October. The leaves are not plucked, but cut with a knife. Cut leaves are laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. Drying takes place outdoors. For fast drying they are turned over 2-4 times a day. During harvesting and drying, the leaves should be protected from getting wet. So that the raw materials do not get wet from the rain, they are covered with a tarpaulin, cleaned under a canopy or in a ventilated room. In clear, sunny weather, drying lasts 5-6 days. Dried leaves turn brown and lose their qualities.


Store raw materials in a dry, ventilated area. Shelf life 2 years.


Infusions and decoctions of the leaves gargle with colds, rub the eyelids with trachoma, treat scabies, cystitis, kidney stones, furunculosis. In scientific medicine, the drug "Psoberan" is obtained from raw materials, which is prescribed for alopecia areata, as well as to restore skin pigmentation in vintiligo.


Fresh fig leaves are applied to wounds. They draw out pus and promote the speedy healing of the wound.


Leaf extract is used in skin and hair care products.


In addition to the leaves, fig seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They are used for constipation, 10-12 pieces at a time. Seed oil is valued for its moisturizing properties, so it is used to make creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos.


The economic importance of figs

The fruit of the fig tree is used as a substitute for coffee. The wood is used to make handicrafts and also as fuel.


Attractive and unusual outwardly trees serve as decoration garden plot. A plant grown in a pot makes the interior of the room unusual and pleasant.

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The history of the fig

The story tells that humanity has long appreciated the benefits and taste of the fig tree. Archaeologists claim that the age of this plant is more than 5000 years. The first description of figs was compiled in the Bible, the Koran and ancient Egyptian writings.



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As the ancient legend says, its leaves were the first clothes of Adam and Eve. In ancient Greece, slaves wiped their masters' lips with them after a meal. Participants in the Olympic Games used figs in large quantities before the performance. There was a belief that this fruit gives strength and courage. That is why warriors always took this delicacy with them on military campaigns.


In Buddhism, the fig is considered a symbol of insight, because it was under this tree that the great Buddha realized the meaning of being. In ancient Rome, the plant was sacred, as it saved Romulus and Remus (the founders of the Roman Empire) from death. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra had a favorite delicacy.



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The ancient Greeks revered figs as a symbol of fertility, and on holidays dedicated to the god of fertility - Dionysus, they supplemented the basket with dishes and wine drinks with the fruits of this plant.


Interestingly, on Olympic Games in ancient Greece, instead of medals, the winners were awarded fig fruits.


Figs were sung in their creations by the great writers and poets Leopardi, Dante, Pascoli. The plant was credited with miraculous properties. So, the famous Roman physician Dorante believed that almost all diseases could be treated with a decoction of figs. However, over the years, this statement was not confirmed in practice, so the fig began to lose its popularity, turning over the years into an ordinary tree.

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Figs - the oldest tropical plant with a lot of unique, useful properties that are unfairly underestimated. Latin name culture belonging to the genus carica). The plant in different regions is called a fig tree, fig or fig tree. It has gained wide popularity since ancient times. According to some interpretations Old Testament, it was the fig that Adam and Eve ate as the forbidden fruit.

Many are familiar, but few people know about the beneficial properties and other features of the most ancient horticultural culture, including where figs grow. The photo and a brief description below it will not reveal all the interesting and important information.

Beneficial features

Figs, due to the beneficial properties contained in it, are considered one of the most nutritious fruits. It does not harm health, but there are some contraindications to its use, for example, people with gout and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not eat this fruit. Dried berries are not recommended to be abused during pregnancy, diabetes. Daily rate healthy person - 3-4 berries.

Among other things, it is effective in losing weight, as it leaves a feeling of satiety for a long time and has a slight laxative effect. In addition to valuable substances, berries have high taste qualities. But, despite its sweetness, the calorie content of the fruit is relatively low (49 kcal per 100 g). Fruits are used in fresh, dried and canned form. It makes amazing jam, marshmallow, compote and wine, thanks to which the fig has acquired another name "vin berry".

The leaves are used in India as cattle feed, and in France as a raw material for obtaining new fragrances in perfumery. Fig latex contains: malic acid, rubber, renin, resins and many other valuable elements. If latex juice comes into contact with the skin, if it is not immediately removed, irritation can occur.

How does it grow?

This is a large shrub (8-10 m) with thick smooth branches and a wide crown. The trunk diameter reaches up to 18 cm, root system in width - 15 m, roots go down to a depth of 6 m. The large leaves of figs are rigid with uneven teeth along the edges, from dark green to grayish green. The leaf is 15 cm long and 12 cm wide.

Interesting to know: all ficus trees are divided into female and male individuals, and black blastophage wasps pollinate them. These wasps do a good job with the task assigned to them, as evidenced by the large yields.

In the inflorescences of the tree there are small holes at the top through which pollination occurs. Moreover, on which tree figs grow, it depends on whether the fruits are edible or not, they are only females, the flowers of which do not need pollination.

Pear-shaped fig fruits grow up to 10 cm in length, sweet and juicy yellowish-green or dark purple. It is a hollow fleshy vessel with small partially closed scales. The size and color of the fruit depends on the variety. The most common are dark blue, yellow and yellow-green.

Unripe berries should not be consumed, as they contain inedible latex. Depending on the variety, ripe figs can contain from 30 large to 1600 small seeds. growing in favorable conditions fig tree, can bear fruit for 200 years. The tree can bloom several times throughout the year, but the fruits are tied by the end of the warm period, from summer to autumn.

Where does it grow?

According to many historians, the fig tree was the first plant cultivated by man, which began to be cultivated 5 thousand years ago. The historical homeland of ficus Saudi Arabia, where the plant has been widely used in the food and medical industries. Over time, the area where figs grow has spread to Europe and the Canary Islands.

Back in 1530, ficus fruits were first tasted in England, from where the seeds were imported to South Africa, Australia, Japan, China and India. The history of the American fig begins in 1560, when the imported seeds began to be grown in Mexico.

In the Caucasian region (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) and on the black coast of Russia (Abkhazia, the southern coast of Crimea), ficus has been growing since ancient times. Where figs grow in the wild in Russia, the climate is warm and dry. Large areas of plantations are located in neighboring Turkey, Greece, as well as in Italy, Portugal.

In Venezuela, this fruit is one of the most popular today. In 1960, a state program was created, thanks to which serious development began industrial production of this culture. In Colombia, figs have long been considered a luxury. Today, the attitude towards the fruit has changed, because figs grow here in every garden. The conditions turned out to be too favorable, but the love for the berry did not become weaker.

Climate and soil

In the tropics and subtropics, figs grow in hilly areas at 800-1800 m above sea level. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to -20 ° C. Dry climate - ideal conditions for growing fresh fruits. At high humidity fruits begin to crack and quickly deteriorate. However, too dry climate adversely affects the quality of fruiting, the fruits begin to fall off before they have time to ripen.

Almost any soil is suitable for cultivation, provided that there is a well-designed irrigation system, suitable:

  • rich loam;
  • heavy clay;
  • light sand;
  • limestone;
  • acidic soils.

Where does an exotic fruit grow in Russia?

It seems impossible, but it is quite possible to cultivate a subtropical crop in our northern climate and, despite the severe winter frosts, it will bring good harvest. This requires only the right agricultural technology.

Where figs grow wild average daily temperature+10 °C for the entire growing season, the sum of temperatures reaches +4000 °C. With such indicators, the harvest will be plentiful and stable. Therefore, when cultivating a crop on its own, it is important to provide the same conditions using the trench method.

At certain conditions with obligatory shelter for the winter, a fig tree can be planted in middle lane Russia. Although in the Caucasus and in the Crimea it is found in a wild form. AT Krasnodar Territory in October-November, fig trees require special greenhouse conditions to get through the winter. In regions with a sharply continental climate, the culture is bred in winter gardens and greenhouses. Figs bloom 2-3 years after planting. Brings a high yield from 7-9 years. The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

How does fig grow at home?

For planting at home are selected undersized varieties. Seedlings usually sit in tubs or boxes so that they can be easily taken out onto the street or balcony. The plant should receive its share of sunlight, and this is several months of the year. This is done when warm weather has already settled on the street, and there will certainly not be frost at night. Choose a planting container that is strong enough to support well-drained soil and the weight of the plant itself.

The soil is mixed in proportions 2:1:2 with sand and compost. To form a single tree, when the trunk reaches a height of 0.5 m, the top is pinched. Every year, the container needs to be changed, as well as the soil, because the fig grows quickly and its root system needs a place. In a box, a tree can bear fruit up to 3 times a year: in spring, late summer and late autumn. It is important to provide additional heat and light for the last fruiting so that the fruit does not fall off prematurely.

Growing features

Many gardeners are worried about stopping the growth of the plant and dropping leaves at a certain period, even if proper care is provided. You should not worry because figs grow in the subtropics and are considered a deciduous tree that has its own dormant period. At this time, the tree is placed in a cool place, you should also start to feed and water it more passively.

Able to often bear fruit and give tasty, juicy and healthy fruits, which in their nutritional properties are in no way inferior to analogues from winter garden. The tree takes root well on the site, especially in warm regions. It is important to know how figs grow and take into account that through the roots, which are located near the fig tree almost on the surface of the earth, it receives all the nutrients, including such valuable oxygen.

Therefore, experienced gardeners carefully and regularly loosen the ground near the trunk. In an area where the climate is not very dry, it is simpler, and effective way will grow grass on the near-stem circle and mow it. Many plant ficus as an ornamental plant, because its leaves are very beautiful - rugged and large.

Do figs grow in Crimea?

In the Crimea, figs bear fruit twice, and this fruit is called here just like that, neither a fig nor a fig. The first ripening season is mid-summer, the second - from August to September. Including imported varieties, there are approximately 280 plant species in the Crimea. Huge experience has been accumulated here in planting this crop, although it has not yet reached industrial production. Figs grow in the Crimea and in abandoned areas, because of this it only grows wild, but does not disappear.

Academician Pallas P. S. believed that the old trees growing on the Crimean peninsula remained from the time ancient greece and are proof of breeding Agriculture ancient culture on these lands. However, in the 18th century, the development of horticulture fell into decline.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Since the beginning of the next century, scientists have been seriously engaged in figs, with which they began not only to study the plant, but also to breed different varieties, of which there were already 110 in 1904. Today, including imported selection, the collection of the garden includes more than 200 species of figs. You can buy seedlings in the botanical garden different varieties, including those adapted to different regions Russia.

Most often, trees are found on the South Shore, where you can see purple and white berries, dried, dried and canned, in the markets. Where figs grow in the Crimea, there is an opportunity to buy fresh fruits, and imported varieties on the shelves are extremely rare. AT fresh they simply do not reach us, because they do not tolerate long-term transportation. If you still managed to meet such fruits, then you need to choose them carefully. They should be without damage, dense, but with a slight pressure they can be pressed through.

How are figs eaten?

Figs are a unique fruit, useful in any form and combined with any food. The fresh fruit is plucked straight from the tree and eaten like an apple, it is juicy and very sweet. For a change, you can season it with cream, sour cream, ham, liquor or nuts. Dried berries are added to salads or pastries, and a combination with other dried fruits or candied fruits is also delicious. Fresh figs spoil quickly, so it is not recommended to store them better, eat them as soon as possible. The maximum you can count on is 3 days in the refrigerator.

Much has been said about the beneficial properties and how figs grow. Photos can be found not the most successful of this fruit, many, by the way, do not like how it looks, but this taste and its most valuable properties have not become less.

What are the benefits of fig tree fruit?

Dried figs are a real "first aid kit", it is a good antidepressant, normalizes blood circulation, gives strength and increases vitality. An effective remedy for colds - boil dried fruits in milk and drink. Good for bronchitis and sore throat. In terms of fiber content, figs can be considered a real champion, and there is more potassium only in walnuts, more iron than apples. Therefore, it is recommended for use by people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.



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