What does a humidifier do in your home? The benefits and harms of air humidifiers in the apartment: how to choose a device. How to choose the right safe humidifier

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Today, many have heard about the benefits of air humidity for health and the body, so they often ventilate the room. By opening the window, you also fill the room with many particles of dust, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. How to humidify the air without allowing foreign impurities? Use humidifiers that operate on mains power using water. Devices are provided in different options, differing in operating principle, efficiency and cost.

What is a humidifier

This climate control device household use, designed for additional humidification of indoor air. The devices are small in size, operate almost silently, can be used in any room, providing a moisture level favorable to humans. The products are simple, special knowledge and skills in operation, do not require additional installation manipulations.

Types of climate control equipment

When studying the benefits and harms of humidifiers, it is worth studying the types of modern devices. They differ in the principle of steam generation and are represented by four types: cold, hot steam, ultrasonic and “air washers” (humidifiers-purifiers). Each device provides a certain level of moisture, has different operating efficiency, has its own advantages, disadvantages, benefits, harms, and differences. internal device, absorb all harmful particles from the atmosphere.

Cold (natural) evaporator

This type of equipment is also called traditional, classic, since they were one of the first to appear. Cold evaporators operate silently by driving air with a built-in fan through an evaporator filter (sponge), which is moistened with a special antibacterial agent. This ensures that the incoming air flow is cleaned of dust, germs and harmful organisms, producing fresh vapor at the outlet.

Such products require cleaning the filter and liquid reservoir from lime deposits and replenishing the lack of water every week. Additionally cleanses water resources from over 650 species of bacteria, refreshes the climate and charges it with negative ions generated into the climate by a built-in ionizing silver rod. Some models of natural evaporators are equipped with an antibacterial cartridge that kills pathogens.

A significant advantage of such devices is minimal energy consumption, low cost and the ability to switch off independently. As a result, the climate does not become waterlogged and constant control by the user is not required. Some models are available with a built-in hygrometer (humidity sensor) and hygrostat (helps maintain the specified moisture level). Thanks to these meters, the equipment turns on and off automatically when necessary.


A hot-type steam generator heats the water in the tank to a boil using two electrodes, and then releases a stream of hot, sterile, clean steam into the room. When the liquid in the tank has completely boiled away, the device turns off on its own. The advantage of such a humidifier is that when water boils, all harmful organisms die, impurities remain on the walls of the tank, and the room is irrigated with absolutely clean steam.

When purchasing such a product, choose models with a built-in hygrometer or hygrostat, since steam evaporators, unlike cold evaporators, saturate the air with moisture much faster. As a result, constant human monitoring will be required to ensure that the humidity does not exceed a favorable level. Or buy sensors separately. Such equipment is highly productive, the most powerful, but it is connected to the network for a short time, so it does not consume a lot of electricity.

Steam humidifiers are a great option for a child's room, but it is important to ensure that the baby is at a safe distance from the device. You may be burned by contact with hot steam. At the same time, you should not refuse to use such equipment, because most models are equipped with special containers for adding natural essential oils, medicines, herbal decoctions. As a result, in addition to humidification, the atmosphere also undergoes aromatherapy and inhalation of the bronchopulmonary tract.


Ultrasonic technology is equipped with many automatic functions and is considered the most modern, with high efficiency and productivity. All devices are sold with a built-in hygrostat and hygrometer, and the humidity indicator can be set either by a person or by the evaporator electronics. Additional functions may include a liquid crystal display, notification of filter contamination, shutdown when water has completely evaporated, the ability remote control etc.

The operating principle is based on the transformation of water into wet dust using high-frequency ultrasound vibrations. From the chamber where vaporization occurs, water enters the membrane. The latter vibrates and crushes the liquid into water dust. A special fan draws in air, which is forced through this dust under pressure and humidified. The output is cold fog, fine particles that can be seen. It is safe for others and can lower the temperature of the room.

The resulting water dust can settle as a white coating on mirror surfaces and furniture due to the content of salt impurities. To avoid such incidents, pour distilled, purified water or special cartridges that purify water into the device. Ultrasonic humidifiers not only have high efficiency, economical use of energy and compact dimensions, but also stylish design, suitable for any interior. All these indicators ensure the devices are highly popular among users.

Is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

The benefit of the device is that the product maintains an optimal microclimate level - from 40 to 65% humidity. In a dry climate, the body spends more fluid on hydration, reducing its own protective functions, which can cause dryness, flaking of the skin, sore throat, irritation of the larynx, increase susceptibility to various infections, diseases, and lead to dehydration. There are increasing cases of allergens such as dust and animal hair entering the respiratory tract. When they become dry, they rise into the air and then enter the lungs.

The problem is especially relevant in winter period when the central heating system is operating in the premises. In summer, you shouldn’t abandon the evaporator either, since air conditioners dry out the air. Indoor plants also suffer from a lack of moisture, especially those that need regular spraying (the first indicator is the drying out of the tips of the foliage), wood coverings(parquet, laminate), furniture wear accelerates. The action of humidifiers is aimed at eliminating all of the above problems.

Many evaporator models are sold thanks to advice medical workers. Doctors say that a dry climate is not only harmful, but even dangerous to human health. The optimal moisture level is from 40 to 65%. When dryness is below the first limit, dry skin appears, the mucous membranes dry out, the functioning of the digestive system deteriorates, and the load on the heart increases. Exceeding the maximum limit leads to fatigue, the appearance of chronic diseases, bad odor, dampness, mold, and fungal formations.

What are the benefits of a humidifier?

All the benefits and harms of air humidifiers have long been studied and known. There is a wide range of such devices on the modern market. Being present in the house, the equipment creates conditions favorable for the life and health of adults, children, animals and even indoor flowers. Humidifiers bring their own benefits to everyone, so let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the device for children and pregnant women.

For children's body

The benefits of air humidity for a child are due to many factors. Pediatricians distinguish among them the following:

  • Moisturizing mucous membranes. Lack of moisture leads to changes in the structure of mucus, creating ideal conditions for the entry of viruses, the active activity of pathogens, the occurrence of respiratory diseases, sinusitis, pneumonia, rhinitis. Redness and itching appear in the eyes.
  • Speeding up recovery. Drying out bronchial mucus when coughing can trigger bronchitis, make breathing difficult and lead to pneumonia.
  • Allergy prevention. By moistening dust and pet hair, their accumulation in the air is blocked.
  • Normalization of sleep. The children sleep peacefully and are not capricious.
  • Regulation of heat exchange in babies. Prevents the appearance of crusts on the mucous membranes, making breathing difficult.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The following points are distinguished: positive influence body moisture sprayers expectant mother:

  • Oxygen ionization improves immunity and increases the body's resistance;
  • Comfortable humidity in the atmosphere makes it easier to endure pregnancy;
  • A humid climate does not allow the skin to dry out, prevents dehydration, and energizes.
  • The use of essential oils along with hydration normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Harmful effects of the device

While studying the benefits of oxygen ionizers, it is worth mentioning the harm the devices have on the human body. Devices that produce hot steam can cause burns if safety precautions are not followed. Untimely cleaning of the humidifier, changing cassettes, cartridges leads to the accumulation of harmful substances, which are subsequently released into the atmosphere.

Can you get sick from a humidifier?

It is worth noting that the range of comfortable room moisture exists for a reason. When the safe maximum humidity level is violated, the respiratory tract accumulates a lot of mucus, where pathogenic bacteria effectively multiply, causing harm and causing many diseases, one of which is sore throat.

Is an ultrasonic device harmful?

A household ultrasonic humidifier with maximum vibrations in the membrane operates at a frequency of up to 20 kHz, these ultra sound waves completely safe for humans. Such a unit is considered one of the most harmless, but the likelihood of a negative impact still exists. It depends on the salt content and pests in water that is not heated.

When released into the atmosphere, these substances enter the body by airborne droplets, causing harm in the form of worsening asthma, allergies, and bronchitis, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and young children. The only contraindication to the use of an ultrasound device is the presence of a pacemaker, the operation of which can be affected by waves.

Pros and cons

We already know the benefits and harms of air humidifiers, but now let’s look at the pros and cons of the devices. The advantages are as follows:

  • humidification, air ionization;
  • high performance with low energy consumption;
  • air purification, filtration (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • ease of operation;
  • safe steam (ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • availability additional functions(ultrasonic, traditional models);
  • protection against liquid boiling over (steam type devices);
  • affordable price (traditional, steam).

Along with many positive qualities climatic equipment that saturates oxygen with moisture also has the following disadvantages:

  • danger of burns from hot steam (steam);
  • noise (traditional, steam);
  • regular replacement of filters, cartridges (traditional, ultrasonic);
  • need for purified water (ultrasonic, traditional);
  • high cost of ultrasonic models.

Operating rules

Having become familiar with the benefits and harms of humidifiers, you need to study the recommendations for correct use units:

  • Read the operating instructions carefully.
  • It is advisable to place the device in the center of the room at a height of at least 1 m; it cannot be placed on a carpet.
  • Install at a safe distance from children.
  • Make sure that steam does not get on furniture or household appliances.
  • Change filters and replacement cartridges in a timely manner, wash parts, trays, and tanks from plaque that can cause harm.
  • Fill the humidifier tanks with purified, distilled water.
  • Monitor the moisture level yourself if the device is not equipped with a hygrometer.
  • Maintain the room temperature at 20-240 C.
  • Ensure regular ventilation of the room.

Optimal temperature-humidity mode

The most favorable room temperature for humans is considered to be from 18 to 200, but this figure varies depending on the time of year. So, for the warm period, the optimal level is 22-250 (but not more than 260) with a humidity of 30-60% (but not higher than 65%), for the cold - 20-220 (but not higher than 280) with a humidity of 30-45% ( but not more than 60%). It is comfortable for a child’s body to be at 18-220; this temperature regime will ensure good sleep and benefit the bronchopulmonary tract. Humidity should be maintained within 50-70% (reduced in winter), and if you have a cold - no higher than 60%.

Opening hours

This indicator depends on the moisture level of the room atmosphere. It is determined using a hygrometer, which is often built into climate control equipment. When the maximum humidity is reached, the device should be turned off if the function automatic shutdown not provided by the manufacturer. When the product has low performance and the room humidity is too low or there are drafts, the humidifier can be left on all night without causing any harm.

Replacing filters

The frequency of filter replacement is indicated by the manufacturer in the operating instructions for air humidifiers. Average term The service life of the part is 3 months, it can be more or less. If the device is intended for a children's room, the filter should be changed at least once a month. It is impossible to violate the deadlines, otherwise contaminated parts will cause harm to health. You can buy this product in stores household appliances, where the moisture evaporators themselves are sold.

Choosing water for a humidifier

If you want your air humidifier product to work well and correctly, do not use regular tap water, which contains various impurities. They contaminate the filters of steam devices, cartridges of cold-type models and are emitted into the atmosphere by ultrasonic devices. To avoid such troubles, you need to fill in distilled, demineralized, settled or filtered liquid.

How to choose the right safe humidifier

Having familiarized yourself with the types of humidifiers, their benefits, harms, advantages and disadvantages, all that remains is to find out how to choose such equipment for your home. Experts recommend adhering to the following principles:

  1. Room area. The instructions contain instructions on what quadrature the unit is designed for. Not worth it for small room Buying a device with greater productivity will not be beneficial.
  2. Power. Study how much electricity is required to operate the equipment, so that comfortable humidity does not end up harming your wallet.
  3. Noise level. Optimal is 34 dB or lower, but not more than 40 dB.
  4. Size. The smaller the humidifier, the more often you will have to add water. Choose models with a tank capacity of at least 5 liters of liquid, which will ensure uninterrupted operation of the device.
  5. Design. Choose evaporators to suit your interior.
  6. Availability of additional functions: built-in hygrostat, hygrometer, timer, rotating sprayer, inhalation container, etc. Rely on personal wishes and needs.
  7. Price. This selection criterion depends on your budget.

The benefits and harms of a humidifier are discussed in many forums. Doctors recommend having the device in your home. Let’s now try to figure out what’s special about this miracle technology and how to use it.

Why do you need a humidifier?

From the name of the device one can already conclude that its direct purpose is air humidification. The main benefit of an air humidifier is in the summer, when the weather outside is hot and dry. The device allows you to maintain optimal indoor humidity within the range of 40-60%. Many may wonder why this is necessary. The fact is that a person consists of 74% water. Constantly staying inside a dry room has a negative impact on health. A person’s health deteriorates, the mucous membranes dry out, and microcracks appear on the body. The moisture evaporator helps restore a microclimate favorable to humans, pets and plants.

Important! A humidifier will help normalize the air in winter time during heating operation and when heating devices are turned on.

Types of humidifiers

Before looking for advice on the dangers or benefits of a humidifier, you should familiarize yourself with existing varieties device. Each device has different properties, is capable of maintaining a certain level of moisture, and has its own pros and cons. Three types of humidifiers are considered the most common in everyday life.

Cold model

The simplest type of device is also called traditional, natural or classic. Distinctive feature is silent operation. A fan is installed inside the device body, taking air from the room and driving it through a damp sponge - an evaporator. The last element is additionally a filter. The sponge is impregnated with an antibacterial solution. The vapor cloud of water supplied to the room is completely cleansed of bacteria. Thanks to the installed silver rod, the humidifier has the ability to ionize the indoor air with each steam supply.

There are traditional models with additional humidity sensors, a hygrostat, and an antibacterial cassette. The device consumes little electricity and is easy to maintain. Maintenance consists of timely topping up water, cleaning the tank from sediment, washing or replacing the filter.

Steam model

A working evaporator resembles a boiling kettle. Water is boiling inside the tank. The resulting steam is released into the room in streams. When all the water has boiled away, the device will automatically turn off. From a steam humidifier more benefit than harm. The steam that enters the room is always sterile, since boiling kills all microbes. If we take a cold humidifier for comparison, then if the antibacterial filter fails, such a device will only cause harm. Microbes will get inside the room along with sprayed water.

The steam model consumes a lot of electricity, but it only works for a short time. The device is similar to a traditional evaporator, only electrodes for heating water are additionally installed inside the container. If the device is not equipped with a hygrometer and a hygrostat, then it is advisable to purchase sensors separately. There are models with additional containers for essential oil, allowing you to practice aromatherapy.

Advice! You can get the most benefit from a steam humidifier by placing it in your child's room. However, you need to remember about hot steam. To prevent the child from getting burned, the humidifier is placed in an inaccessible place.

Ultrasonic model

A modern air humidifier is packed with electronics. The device is equipped with a hygrostat and hygrometer. Many models are available with an LCD display. Electronics allows you to remotely control functions, signals a filter malfunction, and turns off the device if there is no water in the tank.

The main benefit of an ultrasonic humidifier is to accurately maintain the required humidity level. This is clearly monitored by electronic sensors. Water turns into a vapor cloud due to ultrasonic vibrations. The release of cold mist into the room occurs due to the operation of the fan.

Important! If you pour untreated water into an ultrasonic humidifier, you can harm the environment of your apartment. Over time, it will appear on walls, furniture, and glass objects. white coating solid deposits.

Is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

For man optimal humidity air 40-60%. The microclimate in a city apartment is often too dry gas stoves, air conditioners, working heating, heaters. Harm is caused not only to human health, but also to domestic animals and vegetation. Dry air tends to quickly become polluted with dust. Small animal hair and dust mites enter the respiratory tract, causing allergies. Dry air even worsens the quality of human skin, which can be determined by the formation of peeling.

Important! Studies have shown that dry air is harmful wooden products. They are crumbling door blocks, furniture, parquet. Laminate flooring dries out and cracks.

The benefits of a humidifier are described in the video:

Benefits of a humidifier for children

Pediatricians talk about the benefits of a humidifier for a child. The following important factors are highlighted:

  • Dry air harms the mucous membranes of children. A low concentration of moisture leads to a deterioration in the structure of mucus. Bacteria that cause sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases penetrate through dry airways.
  • The vaporizer will benefit the child in the form of accelerated recovery. If there is a lack of moisture, then there is a risk of drying out the bronchial mucus. It becomes more difficult for the child to breathe, and there is a risk of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Dust and pet hair cause enormous harm to children's health. The humidifier suppresses airborne allergens.
  • Useful humidifier for infant, which affects good sleep. The newborn is less capricious.

Maintaining an optimal level of air humidity in the children's room has a positive effect on the child's regular heat exchange process.

Humidifier during pregnancy

Pregnant women benefit from a humidifier. First of all, the process of air ionization improves immunity. The expectant mother's body is better able to resist pathogens. With an optimal level of humidity, pregnancy proceeds easier. The woman does not suffer from dehydration and is full of vital energy.

Advice! Using soothing essential oils with a humidifier can normalize the nervous system.

How to use a humidifier correctly

Each evaporator model is different in design and has its own properties. In order not to harm the body, you must follow the rules for using the device. It is important to read the instructions before using the humidifier. For almost all devices, the following rules must be observed:

  • The optimal location is the center of the room. The evaporator is not placed on the floor. A stand about 1 m high is needed.
  • If there are children in the house, the device is placed out of reach.
  • To prevent the vaporous spray of water from damaging the environment, the nozzle is turned away from furniture, electronics, and walls.
  • Any water tends to deposit solid accumulations. In order not to cause harm to the device, promptly clean the filter, reservoir, and other working parts specified in the instructions.
  • In the absence of a built-in hygrometer, the user controls the humidity level in the room independently.
  • It is advisable to maintain a constant air temperature indoors from 20 to 24 o C and do regular ventilation.

The operating time of the humidifier is determined automatically. If the device is not equipped with sensors, it is advisable to purchase them separately. The operating time will have to be adjusted manually. Filters are usually changed every three months. For evaporators located in the children's room, the filter is changed monthly. In order not to receive harm from the humidifier, but only benefit, distilled or high-quality filtered water is poured.

Attention! Together with tap water, the evaporator saturates the room with chlorine impurities.

Can you add essential oils to a humidifier?

A humidifier can be used for aromatherapy, but not every device will do. You will need to purchase an evaporator with an air washing function or a special model with an oil compartment. There's a lot of talk these days about the benefits of essential oils for a humidifier, but you can't overdo them. An aroma vaporizer will create a wonderful atmosphere in the room, but the oils can be harmful to people with allergies, those with bronchitis, pregnant and nursing mothers, and infants. It all depends on what plant the oil is obtained from. If there is a listed contingent of people in the house, aromatherapy is practiced with the permission of a doctor.

Why is a humidifier harmful?

If used incorrectly, harm can result from any household appliance. As for the evaporator, the following points are highlighted:

  • You can get burned from a steam evaporator if you come into contact with steam. The downside is the increase in temperature in the room during operation, which is undesirable in the hot summer. The vapor can cause damage to any object it touches.
  • The harm of a cold humidifier is that it pollutes the air. Such a nuisance occurs if the filter is not changed in time.
  • An ultrasonic evaporator can be harmful if filled with untreated water. Solid impurities will quickly settle on the surface of all objects in the room.

If you follow the rules of use, you will only receive benefits from household helpers.

Is it possible to catch a cold and get sick from a humidifier?

Colds most often appear with the onset of damp weather. The same thing happens when using a humidifier. When the evaporator maintains normal air humidity, the respiratory tract produces required quantity mucus. With severe waterlogging, the amount of mucus increases. Bacteria begin to multiply. A cold appears, which can result in a sore throat.

Humidifier for bronchitis

The disease bronchitis lasts a long time, especially in a dry room. Lack of moisture affects the appearance of mucus clots. The patient has difficulty breathing. Dry mucus cannot be coughed up. If the humidifier maintains normal air humidity levels, the patient will recover faster. However, you can’t overdo it with hydration. At high humidity air, a patient with bronchitis runs the risk of getting pneumonia.

Is an ultrasonic humidifier harmful?

Ultrasonic evaporators operate at a frequency of 20 kHz, which is completely safe for the entire living environment. However, the device, along with its benefits, brings harm. Perfect clean water impossible to find for filling. Harmful impurities will definitely be present. Together with spraying, they settle not only on objects, but also enter the human body through the respiratory tract. Ultrasound models can cause harm in the form of asthma, colds, bronchitis, and allergies.

Attention! Do not use the ultrasonic humidifier near a pacemaker.

Doctors' opinions on humidifiers

Medical advice on the benefits of an air humidifier boils down to the fact that every home should have the device. Dry air is not only harmful to health, but dangerous for it. In addition to the fact that the skin and mucous membrane suffer, dryness has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart.

As for the harm of a vaporizer, doctors also have a firm position. A strong concentration of moisture threatens the emergence of chronic diseases. Mold develops indoors, negatively affecting human health.

How to choose the right humidifier

To household appliance brought no harm, but only benefit, when choosing a model, adhere to the following rules:

  • Productivity must correspond to the volume of the room. You cannot take the device with a reserve.
  • Electricity consumption depends on power. Steam models are considered the most energy-intensive.
  • A working device should not make noise. The optimal level is allowed in the range of 34-40 dB.
  • Compactness is not best indicator evaporator. Small tanks will have to be refilled with water frequently. It is optimal to give preference to models with a capacity of 5 liters.
  • Additional functions are chosen at your discretion. It is important to have a built-in hygrometer and hygrostat.

When the home assistant has been selected according to all parameters, you can pay attention to the design and find a model at an affordable price.


The benefits and harms of an air humidifier depend only on how a person uses the device. With the right approach, the evaporator will help create a microclimate indoors that is favorable for all household inhabitants.

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When constantly staying in a room with dry air, the mucous membranes, which should always be moisturized, become thinner, their protective functions are reduced, and they more easily allow bacteria and viruses to pass through. The mucous membranes of the eyes and nose are mainly affected - both of them can be excellent gateways for infections.

What instead of a humidifier?

A saline solution will help maintain a normal level of moisture in the nasal mucosa. If you experience discomfort, you can buy a pharmacy “wash” - spray or drops for 300–500 rubles, it’s convenient, but expensive. To save money, you can prepare the saline solution yourself: buy it at the pharmacy sea ​​salt, dilute it with purified water and use either a pipette or a cotton swab to moisten the nasal mucosa. There is not as much fuss as it seems, but there will definitely be benefits.

Dry air always contains much more dust than humid air.

The dust particles fall down and settle on the surface under the influence of gravity, that is, they must be lighter than air. The higher the air humidity level, the more dust absorbs moisture and the faster it settles on surfaces, from where it is easier to remove than from the air. Dust in the air is a direct way to provoke an asthmatic attack or bronchospasm in allergy sufferers and asthmatics. And also for those who for the time being are not them.

Dust under a microscope | NIAID/Flickr.com/CC BY 2.0

What instead of a humidifier?

There is an opinion that vacuum cleaners with aquafiltration work as humidifiers, releasing purified, humidified air outside. It works as an additional product, but the effect of such moisturizing is limited to the time of cleaning and a short time after it.

My eyes suffer

The mucous membranes of the eyes have already been mentioned, but there is a double danger for them. The skin around the eyes is extremely thin and always dry, as there are practically no sweat and sebaceous glands. That is why it ages earlier than the rest of the face, and special care products are developed for this area. The already small amount of moisture in dry air evaporates from the skin very quickly, and the eyelids suffer more than the rest of the face.

In combination with working at a computer, watching TV shows and movies, dehydrated mucous membranes of the eyes and skin of the eyelids provide a great chance for development various kinds inflammation - .

What instead of a humidifier?

You can, of course, drip all kinds of saline solutions that imitate tear fluid; there are many of them in pharmacies now. But it is better to constantly be in a zone of comfortable humidity.

Sleep becomes worse

The heron wasted away, the heron was drying up, the heron was catastrophically deprived of sleep - the ending is known. Comfort - very important thing, and we spend a third of our lives sleeping. A humidifier is often bought for a nursery to help the baby sleep well.

But you shouldn’t forget about yourself either. A lot depends on the quality of sleep, primarily performance and mood. Using a humidifier - especially one with an ionizer (a generator of negatively charged particles that can retain moisture) - improves the quality of your sleep.

What instead of a humidifier?

At least wet cleaning before bed. No strength? Then a humidifier.

The condition of the skin, nails and hair worsens

In summer they are spoiled by the sun, in winter - by heating: moisture from the surfaces of the skin, nails, and hair simply evaporates, and there are not always enough internal resources to restore the balance and normal state of the integument. The recommendation to drink more water is universal and correct, but drinking plenty of water will not stop the process of liquid evaporation in warm and very dry air.

What instead of a humidifier?

No one has canceled moisturizing and nourishing cosmetic and medicinal cosmetic products. But this will be a fight against symptoms, giving a temporary effect. A humidifier combined with care gives an optimal effect.

It’s bad not only for you, but also for the flowers

If you like cacti, you can skip this point. But all other indoor plants suffer greatly in dry air, do not bloom, grow worse, and therefore cope worse with their functions as suppliers of oxygen in the home. The mathematics is simple: worse conditions - less greenery, smaller area leaves and shoots. Less greenery means less oxygen.

Erich Ferdinand/Flickr.com/CC BY 2.0

What instead of a humidifier?

Watering and spraying - yes, of course. But when the correct level of humidity is constantly maintained, plants feel better.

Can a humidifier cause harm?

According to SanPin “Sanitary and hygienic requirements for air and thermal conditions in children’s educational institutions", the relative humidity there should be 40–60%. These standards, developed with the participation of doctors, can be taken as a guide for the “weather in the house.”

If you use a steam or ultrasonic humidifier, which can quickly increase the humidity level, you need to control it: a figure above 60% should make you wary. It will be stuffy in such an atmosphere.

If the humidity level is constantly exceeded, there is a risk of pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi, developing in a humid environment (after all, not only the air is humidified, but also furniture, carpets, curtains, floors, and walls).

Do you need a hygrometer?

A steam or ultrasonic humidifier must have a hygrometer and an automatic shutdown function for the device when the specified humidity is reached. Humidifiers with a natural method of moisturizing do not need this function, because they “do not know how” to go beyond the norm.

To accurately determine the level of humidity in a room, it is best to use a separate hygrometer rather than one built into the humidifier.


Humidifier- a climate control device used primarily to increase indoor air humidity. Humidification functionality may also be present in complex air conditioning and ventilation appliances. In turn, humidifiers may have additional functionality - heating or cooling air, purifying air from unwanted impurities, enriching air with desirable components, maintaining a given level of humidity, etc.


Ultrasonic humidifier

In the process of breathing, animals (including people) consume oxygen from the atmosphere and enrich it carbon dioxide. Indoors this is corrected mainly through ventilation. If the outside air temperature is significantly higher than the indoor air temperature, then as it cools, its relative humidity increases. If necessary, reduce the relative humidity of the air using dehumidifiers. If outside air much colder than comfortable, it is heated, which leads to a decrease in the relative humidity of the air. This happens because heating increases the temperature but does not increase the amount of moisture in the air. For example, at an outside temperature of -10 °C and a relative humidity of 80%, the absolute humidity is 1.68 g/m³. If this air is heated to 20 °C (indoors), then its absolute humidity will not change, but relative to the maximum absolute humidity at this temperature (17.3 g/m³) it will be 9.71%, which is significantly lower than the comfortable level. The ideal relative humidity in a living space is 40-60% [ source?] . Drying the air causes increased evaporation of moisture from everywhere: from the skin and from the body of humans and pets, indoor plants, from wall coverings, furniture, musical instruments, parquet, books, paintings and other items made from hygroscopic materials, which is harmful to the health of the inhabitants and the safety of the items.

Humidifiers are used to increase the relative humidity of the air. If the humidifier is equipped with a hygrostat, it can raise the air humidity to a predetermined level. Air humidification occurs when water evaporates. The rate of evaporation increases with increasing water temperature, water surface area, and/or decreasing relative air humidity. Since the purpose of humidification is to increase relative humidity, only increasing the water temperature () and increasing the evaporation surface area, or a combination of these two methods, makes practical sense. In turn, an increase in the evaporation surface is achieved by creating a water-air aerosol (nozzles and) or by moistening hydrophilic surfaces complex shape( And ).


This type of air humidifier is absolutely safe for children and does not require additional filters or cartridges.

Advantages of air washers:

  • low power consumption;
  • do not over-humidify the air;
  • simultaneous cleaning and moisturizing;
  • don't require consumables(except tap water);
  • safe for children.

The disadvantage is the inability to increase humidity above normal, which is sometimes necessary in greenhouses and botanical gardens.

The productivity of cold humidifiers is 3.5-17.5 liters per day. Power consumption - 3-60 W. There are industrial models that are permanently connected to water supply and sewerage and have high performance.

Steam humidifiers

Steam humidifiers operate on the same principle as electric kettles. For intensive evaporation, the water in them is heated to a boil. Steam humidifiers must have a hygrostat (air humidity sensor) that turns off the device when the specified humidity is reached, otherwise the air humidity in the room may significantly exceed the optimal level. Using steam humidifiers, you can raise the humidity in a room to a state of saturated steam and beyond, which in turn will lead to the formation of fog (water condensation suspended in the air) and dew (water condensation on hard surfaces). The mist and dew from a steam humidifier actually consists of distilled water, since it was formed from steam, so when the relative humidity of the room air decreases, such condensation evaporates without leaving a residue.


  • The ability to quickly raise the relative humidity in the room to 100%.
  • As water evaporates, it is cleared of non-volatile impurities.
  • If you add essential oils to the water of the working volume of the humidifier, you will get an electric aroma lamp.


  • High power consumption. Their productivity can range from 7-16 liters per day with a power consumption of 300-600 W and higher for large industrial models.
  • Raises the air temperature in the room. If the room temperature is lower than comfortable, this will not be a disadvantage.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifiers are considered the most effective air humidifiers available. Such humidifiers create fog by knocking out tiny droplets of water from the surface of the water using ultrasonic vibrations generated by a piezoelectric emitter. Fog is carried throughout the room by natural air currents or forcefully (for example, using fans). After some time (depending on the relative humidity of the air in the room), the fog particles turn into steam through the process of natural evaporation, which leads to an increase in the relative humidity of the air. Some mist may settle on hard surfaces before evaporating. Because the mist particles were obtained from the water in the humidifier mechanically, they contain everything that was contained in the water of the working volume of the humidifier - hardness salts, microorganisms, etc. After the fog evaporates, everything that was dissolved or suspended in its water component becomes a dry residue.

Ultrasonic humidifiers have the following advantages over other (some) types:

  • precise humidity control (only if equipped with a hygrostat);
  • the ability to increase humidity to almost 100%, which, in some cases, is necessary;
  • the temperature of the exiting steam is no more than 40 °C (provided that the humidifier is equipped additional element for heating water). When droplets of moisture with a temperature of 40 °C evaporate, the temperature in the room does not decrease, otherwise an ultrasonic humidifier can even reduce the temperature in the room by several degrees;
  • low noise level;
  • models with digital control.

The typical productivity of ultrasonic humidifiers is 7-12 liters per day. Power consumption - 40-50 W (if there is an element for heating water, the power can exceed 125 W).

Disadvantages: mandatory use of distilled water or special water filters. When using ordinary tap water, ultrasonic humidifiers cause the appearance of a white salt deposit on nearby objects and can damage electronic devices (in particular, on the laser heads of CD and DVD drives, an almost irremovable deposit may appear). Also, one of the disadvantages of this humidifier is the need to constantly add water, since the capacity of these humidifiers is limited. If there is no hygrostat in the device, it is very easy to over-humidify the air, which leads to a bath effect: objects, linen, clothes become damp.

Nowadays, devices that allow you to regulate such important parameters air such as temperature, ionization and humidity. Let's talk about the latter.

Household humidifiers did not appear yesterday, but they did not gain much popularity: the humidifiers offered by the Soviet industry for household use sprayed water into the air from special nozzles. Moisture settled on various surfaces, which was not only unpleasant, but also dangerous - moisture could get inside the electrical appliance, causing it to fail. Modern ultrasonic humidifiers do not have this drawback, due to the principle of their operation. With the help of ultrasound, droplets so small are “knocked out” from the surface of the water that when they fall into the air, they are “weighed”, that is, held by the Brownian motion of air molecules.

Air humidity is a factor that is especially significant in a home where there are small children. Of course, everyone wants only the best for their children, but how often, armed with good intentions, we “do good and do good.” Let's try to figure out whether a humidifier is needed in the house, or whether it is better to limit ourselves to traditional wet cleaning.

First, let's decide why we need to additionally humidify the air in the room? Where does natural moisture go? The two biggest enemies of humidity are heaters and air conditioners.

What causes humidity to decrease?

Sometimes you hear that heaters “burn out” or “evaporate” moisture. This is obviously not true: it is impossible to burn off moisture; water, as you know, does not burn. “Evaporation” of moisture also does not threaten, the water is already in in good condition is in the air in the form of vapor, otherwise there would be fog in our room, and dew would fall on the furniture. Why do heaters reduce humidity?

The fact is that when we talk about humidity in residential premises, we mean, first of all, relative humidity, because it is this that affects health and well-being.

Relative humidity is measured as a percentage, which shows the ratio of the amount of water in the air to the amount of water that the air could, in principle, contain at a given temperature. The higher the air temperature, the more “capacious” it is for water.

What happens when air heats up? Obviously, its temperature rises, its “capacity” increases. Thus, the denominator of the fraction of relative humidity increases, and, consequently, the value of relative humidity itself (with a constant value of the absolute amount of water in the air) decreases. The relative humidity in the room drops.

What happens when using an air conditioner? The idea of ​​“freezing out” moisture in an air conditioner is just as untenable as “evaporating” air in a heater. As the air cools, its “capacity” decreases, the relative humidity quickly increases to more than one hundred percent, and the “excess” moisture contained in the water turns into a liquid state and is removed. It is this water that drips from drainage pipes protruding from the walls of air-conditioned buildings.

The air entering the room from the air conditioner has almost one hundred percent humidity. But relative humidity, as we already know, depends on temperature. The air from the air conditioner gets into warm room, heats up, its “water demand” (relative humidity denominator) increases. The air is ready to absorb “its” water back, but it has already leaked out into the street through the drainage pipe. Once again the relative humidity becomes lower.

Pros and cons

So, we have found out that additional air humidification is really necessary and beneficial, now let's figure out whether using household humidifiers will cause harm. To do this, let's look at the typical complaints and concerns of humidifier users.

“I started using a humidifier to escape the heat; it became impossible to breathe in the apartment without it.” First you need to separate the concepts of “hot” and “stuffy”. Although these concepts are close and interrelated, they are not identical. “Stuffiness” is, firstly, the absence fresh air. No humidifier will ever replace banal ventilation.

Secondly, it is always stuffy where it is hot and humid. Humid heat is always much worse tolerated than dry heat. Tropical heat is more oppressive than desert heat, although temperatures in the desert are significantly higher. If you don’t want to go to the desert and the tropics, then you can conduct a small visual experiment here: just compare your sensations from a dry sauna and a wet Russian bath at the same air temperature. The result will be obvious.

Unfortunately, children most often suffer from the heat at home. Unfortunately, there is still an opinion that it must be hot in the room where the child is. Heaters, heaters, and convectors are added to central heating radiators. And if (as always with the best intentions) a humidifier is turned on in a hotly heated room... A bath at home is provided.

What to do, because heaters dry the air and humidification is necessary? Yes, it is necessary to humidify the air, but not as a replacement for ventilation and normal temperature conditions. If you want it to not be stuffy, open the window and turn off the heater; the temperature in the living room (especially where there are small children) should not exceed 20-23 degrees.

- “We had this humidifier, so the child did not get out of his sores. When it came to obstructive bronchitis, they gave up the humidifier.” That's right high humidity– an ideal habitat for microorganisms, including pathogens. Especially if humidity is associated with high temperature, as we have already discussed above. Humidity must be carefully monitored, because high humidity is no less harmful than low humidity.

To control humidity, you need to purchase a special device - a hygrometer. There are humidifiers with built-in hygrometers, but in this case it is necessary to remember that if the humidifier is turned on, the built-in hygrometer will show the humidity near the humidification source, which means its readings will always be slightly higher than the average humidity in the room.

The undoubted benefit of a humidifier with a built-in hygrostat is a humidity sensor that automatically turns off the humidifier when the humidity in the room reaches a preset value. If there is none, and we will monitor the humidity ourselves, then a comfortable relative humidity value is in the range of 45-60%. For small children, the humidity can be increased slightly - up to 50-70%.

- “An ultrasonic humidifier causes only one harm - all the furniture and the TV screen are covered in a whitish coating that is difficult to wash off. And the water from it is dead.” Ultrasound is just high-frequency sound waves that are not perceptible to the human ear. Ultrasound does not affect the structure of water in any way, and all talk about “dead water” is from the realm of science fiction.

But salt deposits are true. Unlike steam humidifiers, which supply steam into the air, leaving salts inside, an ultrasonic humidifier throws water into the air along with all the substances soluble in it. In this sense, the water from an ultrasonic humidifier is much more “alive” than from a steam one. In order to avoid the appearance of plaque, it is recommended to use distilled water in ultrasonic humidifiers. And this must be reported in the manufacturer’s instructions accompanying the humidifier.

So, let's summarize: are steam and ultrasonic humidifiers harmful, or can and should they be used? We can say with all responsibility: household air humidifiers are certainly necessary and useful, but they will only bring benefits if they are used in compliance with a number of conditions:

  1. Before turning on the device, read the instructions and do not neglect its requirements. In particular, do not use tap water to fill ultrasonic humidifiers.
  2. If the device is not equipped with a gyrostat, monitor the humidity yourself using a hygrometer. Remember that excess humidity causes no less harm than insufficient. Relative air humidity should be between 45-60% for adults or 50-70% for children.
  3. Under no circumstances should you try to replace humidification with ventilation and air temperature control. Normal temperature air in a living room is 20-23 degrees.

If your home is hot, you suffer from respiratory diseases, or you have small children, do not hesitate to buy a humidifier. But don't forget about the conditions beneficial use of this device.

So we realized that an air humidifier is very useful and used wisely. But which model should you choose? In our opinion, the German Smower Multi Action humidifiers have proven themselves best. The company has a good reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality climate control equipment. In addition to the humidifier, this device also contains an air purifier, which makes it even more valuable.



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