Timely planting and care of hyacinths in the open field. Fragrant bouquets all year round: features of growing and forcing hyacinths at home

Hyacinth is from North Africa, Mediterranean and Middle East. It belongs to the genus of herbs in the Asparagus family. From the ancient Greek language "hyacinth" is translated as "flower of rains".

Flowers bloom at the very beginning of spring and amaze with a riot of different colors and a fragrant aroma. The plant can be grown not only in the open field in the garden, but also at home.

Description of hyacinth

The plant gained great popularity thanks to the Netherlands, which received the name "hyacinth center". It was in this country that breeders bred a large number of varieties and hybrid forms of the flower, the bulbs of which are annually exported to other countries.

The bulbs of the plant have a dense structure, represented by succulent grassroots leaves. The stems blooming from the bottom grow up to 30 cm. In the lower region of the shoots there are narrow, upward-pointing leaves. In the corner of the top plate formed kidney, from which the bulb is then converted. Such an onion blooms the next year. Perhaps the formation of small bulbs in other leaves, which cut and used for subsequent vegetative propagation plants.

Carpal inflorescences, located at the top, consist of flowers collected in a cone-shaped or cylindrical shape. Perianths are bright bell-shaped funnels with curved blades.

Hyacinths are characterized wide palette. Flowers can be white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, red, color. They come in simple and terry forms. Three-nest fruits have two seeds with delicate skin in each nest.

Features in the cultivation of hyacinths in open ground

Like all plants, hyacinth is characterized certain requirements in agricultural technology. Perennial is a capricious flower.

If you decide to decorate the garden of your dacha with this particular type of plant, then you need to learn how to grow hyacinths correctly and when to plant.

The right conditions for good flower development:

  • The soil for the plant should be neutral. The ideal substrate would be a mixture of turf and leaf soil in equal proportions. With high acidity of the soil, it is necessary to carry out liming; peat or river sand is added to clay soil.
  • A loose substrate requires excellent drainage, which will protect the flowers from waterlogging.
  • A plot for hyacinths in the garden is selected warm and sunny.
  • In a place where flowers are grown, there should not be strong winds and drafts. Often, gardeners plant plants next to shrubs and trees that protect flowers from gusts of air.
  • Fresh organics are prohibited for this perennial.

Hyacinths: planting and care in the open field

Bulbs for planting are selected elastic and large; their diameter must be at least 4 cm. Samples with mechanical damage, mold, diaper rash and lethargy are immediately excluded. A high-quality bulb is characterized by two-millimeter rudiments of roots.

Such instances can fast take root, as well as successfully transfer winter period and bloom profusely next year. Do not plant hyacinths in spring.

How to plant hyacinths

Experienced gardeners advise do not plant hyacinths too close to trees or shrubs, which can absorb a large amount of nutrients from the ground and leave nothing for the flowers.

The soil for the bulbs should be prepared in advance. They dig it up at a depth of 35–40 cm. For 1 square meter beds, the following amount of fertilizer must be applied:

  • Superphosphate - 70–80 g;
  • Magnesium sulfate - 15 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 30 g;
  • Rotten compost (or humus) - 10-15 kg.

Limestone is added to acidic soil, and peat or river sand is added to clay soil. For sandy areas, increase feeding with magnesium and potassium 1.5–2 times.

Large bulbs should be planted at a distance of 25-30 cm from small specimens. The depth of the hole should be at least 15–16 cm. The larger the bulb, the deeper it should be. If the small bulbs are too low in the soil, then they will not be able to grow out.

Optimal period for growing a plant there will be a period from the end of September to the beginning of October.

If you plant seed before these dates, then they will quickly grow and die in winter. And with planting in late autumn, the plants will not have time to take root before the winter frosts.

The bulbs selected for planting are treated in a solution fungicide within 30–40 minutes. This treatment contributes to better rooting and high resistance of plants to bad weather.

The planting depth for the bulbs ranges from 15–20 cm. The distance between the bulbs should be 15–20 cm, and between the rows - 25–30 cm.

Hyacinth grows well in sand. Pure river sand is poured into the bottom of the holes with a layer of 4-6 cm and gently pressed into it. landing material that is covered with the remaining sand, and then with earth. Dry substrate is watered. This method of planting does not allow moisture to linger in the soil, which leads to a decrease in the risk of rotting of the bulbs.

For flowering acceleration hyacinth should be planted in high beds that warm up quickly under the sun.

In latitudes from temperate climate bulbs can be planted late autumn, in the first half of November, when not yet hard frosts. The process of growing flowers before winter includes the obligatory soil with peat, sawdust, foliage or spruce branches. Shelter is removed in early spring so that it does not damage developing shoots.

flower care

Caring for hyacinths after planting consists of the following activities:

With proper planting and care for hyacinths, abundant flowering of the plant will be guaranteed.

Hyacinth care after the growing season

After bright and lush flowering hyacinths require transfer, which will help them survive and bloom in a new way next year.

At the end of the growing season, the flowers are left for 2-3 months to recuperate after flowering. In order for the bulbs to recover and grow stronger faster, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied for them once every 1–2 weeks.

After a dormant period, the bulbs are dug up. The procedure must be completed after yellowing leaves. First, the yellow stems are cut, and then the bulbs are dug up.

The material is cleaned from the ground, diseased specimens are thrown away, and healthy specimens are washed, dried and treated with special solutions. Then the bulbs are planted in separate containers with the substrate. The containers are transferred to room with a constant temperature within + 16–19 degrees.

During the week, the room should be regularly ventilated so that the bulbs can breathe. During this time the material acclimatized and will be ready for the next stage of storage. The temperature in the room is increased to + 28–29 degrees; humidity must be high. A month before transplanting into open ground, the temperature is again lowered to +16 degrees, so that the plant has time to harden and prepare for re-growing in outdoor conditions.

Growing hyacinth from seeds

The plant is usually propagated babies, bulbous scales or cutting the bottom. The seed method is longer and more laborious. Hyacinth, which was propagated by seeds, should be grown according to the same rules, but it blooms only after a few years. Therefore, this method of flower propagation is chosen only by experienced and patient gardeners.

The procedure is performed in September. To do this, take small containers with a light, loose substrate, for the preparation of which they take leafy soil, humus and river sand. Seedlings are grown in cool greenhouse during two years. Seedlings bloom in 5–7 years, without inheriting the varietal characteristics of the parents.

Usually this method breeders use to breed new varieties and hybrids. Novice gardeners and amateurs are advised to choose methods of reproduction by children and cutting the bottom.

Pests and diseases

Hyacinths have high stability to diseases. But with the wrong containment conditions, they can be subjected to:

If you properly care for the hyacinth and follow all the rules for planting and transplanting plants, then you can achieve a bright and lush garden with fragrant flowers that will delight you with a variety of colors every spring.

A beautiful bulbous plant that pleases with flowering in spring is hyacinth. The peduncle can be both high and low. This flower culture has a huge color scheme. You can grow a plant both in open ground and at home.

Types of hyacinths

There are many varieties of this flower culture, but the following types of hyacinths are officially distinguished:

Growing hyacinths outdoors

Choose a planting area with light, well-draining soil. Be sure to dig the selected area. Hyacinth, which is grown and cared for outdoors, needs sun and warmth. The site should be flat, this flower culture does not like drafts and wind, so consider this point as well. To achieve a simultaneous flowering period, plant bulbs of the same size.

Planting hyacinths in autumn

In most cases, the landing is carried out in early autumn. It is better to choose medium-sized bulbs. There are a number of recommendations to consider:

  1. In order for the hyacinth to take root in the garden, first hold the planting material in a fungicide solution.
  2. The planting depth should be 17 cm if the diameter of the bulbs is 6 cm.
  3. There should be a distance of 15 cm between rows, and 20 cm between holes.
  4. Put a layer on the bottom of the furrow river sand 4 cm thick. Press the bulbs into it and sprinkle with sand, and then with earth.
  5. At the end of planting, be sure to water the plantings.

Planting hyacinths in spring

This time for growing is not so popular and it has a number of features. If you are wondering when to plant hyacinths and how to do it correctly, heed the following tips:

  1. Landing is carried out when the frost has completely receded.
  2. Be sure to use a sandy cocoon, as when planting in the fall.
  3. To see flowering this year, place the bulbs in the refrigerator an hour before planting.
  4. The planting depth is 15 cm, and the distance between the rows is 20 cm. If the bulbs have a diameter of less than 5 cm, then you can plant more densely.
  5. When it gets colder, cover the plantings with peat or sawdust.

Hyacinth flower - top dressing

For good development, the plant needs three top dressings. They can be applied in dry or liquid form. When choosing the second option, please note that you do not need to use a large number of additives, and it is recommended to water the earth abundantly before the procedure. It is important to know how hyacinth is fertilized and how to care for it so that the plant develops well:

  1. The first time fertilizers are applied at the very beginning of growth, while it is worth using a ready-made mixture that contains nitrate and superphosphates.
  2. The second time they feed the hyacinth during the formation of buds, and the third time, when the flowering stops completely. Take a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Should I dig up hyacinths?

Many inexperienced gardeners leave the bulbs to overwinter in the ground, causing them to die. It is important to know when the hyacinths have faded, what to do next with them:

  1. After flowering is completed, cut off the arrow and be sure to do it in time so that the seeds do not set. Leaves should wilt on their own. To speed up this process, reduce watering, but do not eliminate it completely. Continue to fertilize so that the bulb can restore its strength.
  2. After 2-3 months. around the end of July, when the leaves dry up, you can dig out the bulb. It needs to be dried and put in a box in the basement for the winter.

Propagation of hyacinths

There are several ways to propagate a plant:

Hyacinth in a pot - home care

To see the blooming hyacinth at home, try to create conditions for the plant as close as possible to their natural habitat. There are several recommendations to consider:

  1. Hyacinth is light-loving plant, so it is important to him daylight. If it is enough in summer and spring, then in the winter in the evening it is recommended to create additional artificial lighting. It is important throughout the day to turn the pot to the sun, which is necessary for uniform growth and proper development. With insufficient lighting, the wilting of the flower is observed.
  2. For abundant flowering of hyacinth, care at home should include regular watering and top dressing.
  3. A sharp change in temperature and hot batteries can affect the condition of the plant badly. Comfortable indicators - 20-22 ° С.

soil for hyacinth

In order for the plant to please with flowering and not hurt, it is important to choose the right soil mixture. In nature, it prefers soils with a low peat content, non-clay and rich in sand. At home, hyacinth can be grown in a mixture for which it is necessary to mix leafy soil, humus, peat, soddy soil and sand in equal proportions. At the bottom of the pot without fail put, for example, expanded clay.

Hyacinth plant - planting in a pot

To grow strong and beautiful flower, choose a good planting material first. Take bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm. They should also be dense and without damage. Before disembarking, be sure to treat them with a disinfectant solution. Hyacinth grows well in a pot that is wide and shallow. It must necessarily contain drainage hole. Landing is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, lay out the drainage and pour a small layer of soil.
  2. Place an onion, but you can plant several at once to end up with a beautiful bouquet. In the second case, lay the bulbs so that there is a distance of 2-3 cm between them.
  3. Gently press them into the ground and cover with the remaining earth. Please note that the bulbs should not be completely submerged in the soil and the top should remain in the air.
  4. In order for the hyacinth to take root, put the pot for 1.5-2.5 months. in a dark and cool place, such as a basement. The temperature should be in the redistribution of 5-10°C. keep an eye on the condition of the earth so that it does not dry out.
  5. After the end of the allotted period, you need to create an artificial spring for the flower. To do this, put the pot in a bright room where the temperature will be 10-15 ° C.
  6. When the flowering period comes, make sure that the temperature does not rise above 20 ° C, there is good lighting and drafts are excluded.

Hyacinth at home - watering features

Of great importance for the successful cultivation of the plant is watering, which should be frequent and plentiful. This is especially true during the flowering period. Please note that moisture should not stagnate, otherwise fungal diseases will occur. Hyacinth, the cultivation and care of which must be carried out according to the rules, it is important to water it so that moisture does not fall on the plant itself and the buds. It is better to pour water into trays or into the edge of the pot.

Growing hyacinths - top dressing

Experienced gardeners say that fertilizers must be applied at least 2-3 times a month. There are several tips for this.

  1. Fertilizer is applied for the first time after the hyacinths are transferred from a dark room to a bright place. It is best to use phosphorus-containing additives.
  2. To stimulate flower stalks, it is recommended to water the plant with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer.
  3. The third time is top dressing, then the plant will stop blooming. It is better to take a mixture for which potassium and are combined in equal proportions.
  4. After feeding the hyacinth, home care involves irrigating the soil so that the fertilizer passes through all layers of the soil. After that, loosening is carried out.

Hyacinth - home care after flowering

  1. Remove the flower stalks and continue to water and fertilize the flower until the leaves are completely wilted. Until this time, the mother bulb will recover, and daughter bulbs can form.
  2. If you are interested in when to dig up a hyacinth after flowering, then after withering, the right moment comes. Be sure to clean the bulb from the leaves and leave it to dry for 2-3 days. If the children are well developed, then you can separate them, otherwise it is better to leave them until next year.
  3. Since it is better not to use bulbs that have faded for re-forcing, they should be transplanted to garden plot. This should be done in the fall and then the next year the plant will bloom again.
  4. In order to further use the plant for home growing, then the flower cannot be allowed to bloom and the buds will have to be cut off so that the bulb can recover. In autumn, it should be taken out, dried and can be planted in a pot.

Hyacinth - diseases and pests

At proper care, the plant is rarely attacked by pests and diseases, but occasionally problems do occur.

  1. It is important to know what hyacinth looks like if such a disease occurs, because yellow-gray spots appear on all parts of the plant, which turn brown and become moldy over time. For control and prevention during the growing season, the flower must be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid or HOM preparations. The bulbs are pickled in a 0.2% solution of "Fundazol".
  2. Wet rot. With such a disease, plaque appears on the bulbs Pink colour with a pungent odor. In addition, the leaves turn yellow and the roots rot. It is recommended to process planting material, as with gray rot.
  3. Penicillosis. With such a disease, hyacinth grows poorly and blooms. Still on the bulbs there are spots of yellow-brown color with a greenish bloom. The means of struggle are identical to the previous disease.
  4. Root onion mite. If a pest is found in the bulb during the growing season, spray with the drug. Before carrying out a bookmark for storage, it is recommended to process it with Neoron.

Think hyacinth is a flower? No, this is the name of a young man, a dearly beloved friend of the Greek god Apollo. Often the young men had fun by throwing the disk in turn. But the jealousy of the god of the West Winds led to misfortune. And now Hyacinth is bleeding in the arms of a friend - the god Apollo. Apollo could not help him in any way, only in memory of a friend he created a unique flower and named it Hyacinth.

Here, it turns out, thanks to whom many women receive a deliciously smelling gift on March 8. Yes, and such a variety of colors: white, pale yellow, pink (any tone), lilac, blue, blue, red, purple.

Growing hyacinths at home

Looking at the hyacinth, everyone will think: “I want it! Want! Want!". If you want, then everything will be, and you will have to try. "Hyacinth" is a Greek word, translated as "flower of the rains", maybe because the florist needs to shed a lot of sweat over its cultivation. This, of course, is a joke, but one must not only know the features of cultivation, but also methodically adhere to them.

Let us preliminarily note what may be necessary additional lighting and supports for flower stalks (the inflorescences are too weighty). Our task is to get as close as possible to the conditions of the natural environment - South Asia and the Mediterranean.

Choosing a location, suitable temperature and light

This is a complex matter, as all of the following factors must be taken into account:

  • daylight hours are needed for about 15 hours (windows to the south or southeast are suitable, others need additional lighting - an extension of daylight hours);
  • the flower loves light, but not heat - a comfortable temperature is a little more than 20˚С - so in the summer you will have to remove the flowerpot from the direct sun or shade it;
  • does not tolerate drafts or sudden changes in temperature;
  • likes walks on the terrace or balcony at the right temperature;
  • in winter time neighborhood with heating appliances unacceptably.

Creation of the necessary humidity of air and soil

Everything is simple here - you can not allow the soil to dry out - on the one hand, the bulbs and leaves to rot - on the other. Water regularly, along the walls of the pot, without reaching the bulbs. Drain excess water from the pan. Hyacinth does not need spraying, and during flowering this procedure is prohibited.

Soil selection, fertilizer

The choice of soil mixture is important, neutral soil is suitable for hyacinth, the use of leafy and soddy soil, peat, humus and sand in equal proportions is ideal. No fresh organics. Pre-calcinate the earth for 1.5 hours in the oven - for disinfection. For lush flowering, the plant will need strength, which means that top dressing is required (usual complex fertilizers for flowering plants). The first time at the beginning of the growing season, then - during the budding period, maybe a little in the final phase of flowering.

How to choose planting material

pledge beautiful flowering is quality bulb. Bulbs should be selected in flower shops according to the following parameters:

  • the diameter of the bulb is not less than five centimeters;
  • no damage and decay;
  • the bulb is dense, not dried;
  • The best time to buy bulbs is August.

If you buy, then the stem and peduncle should be erect.

Distillation of hyacinth How to adjust the beginning of flowering to a certain date?

It can be calculated quite approximately as follows: about 2.5 months pass from planting to flowering, the plant itself blooms for 10-18 days (depending on the variety), so it is easy to calculate. We want by the new year - we start in the middle of October, by Valentine's Day - the end of November, by March 8 - the 20th of December. Before buying bulbs, carefully read the growing conditions - the most important thing is that the three phases of distillation require different temperatures (which means a different place).

First stage- plant the bulb in a pot and imitate winter. 1.5 -2 months we keep the pot at a temperature of up to 8 ° C and completely darkened. This may be a cellar, and in the absence of it, the lower section of the refrigerator (close the pot with a bag). We proceed to the next stage when the sprout that has appeared reaches 5 cm. We keep the substrate in the flowerpot constantly moist, drying out is unacceptable.

Second phase- an increase in temperature by 5-7 ˚С (spring is coming), the room is still dark. You can gradually move closer to the window, adding light. Looking forward to the buds.

Third stage- flowering, takes place in good light and a temperature of about 20 ˚С. Golden Rule- no sudden jumps in heat and heat, otherwise you will not see flowers.

Planting hyacinth at home

We fill the pot nutrient soil two thirds in height. No need to tamp.

We plant the bulbs halfway up so that the tops are on the surface. So the hyacinth will not get sick with putrefactive diseases and will develop perfectly.

After carefully pouring, without touching themselves, put the pot in a dark, cool place. When the leaves are 7-8 cm high, the pot should be placed on a sunny windowsill.

If you have presented the whole process, found places with a suitable temperature - go ahead, plant the bulbs. The matter is simple.

  • You can pick up individual flowerpots 5 cm wider than the bulb, or you can place several hyacinths in a container (at a distance of 2-3 cm) - this way they look more impressive.
  • It is imperative to place drainage at the bottom of the container, then the ground, do not fill it to the top so that the planted bulb peeks out 2 cm from the soil.
  • We plant the bulbs (not close to the edge of the container), tamp the soil and water abundantly.
  • From above, you can pour a layer of sand (up to 1 cm) to prevent rotting of the bulbs. That's it, we cover it with a dark film (ventilation holes are required) and in the "winter", in the first phase.

Hyacinth at home after flowering

The eastern name of the hyacinth is “Curls of the Guria”. So they blossomed, delighted us with their curls, wonderful aroma, now it's time to relax.

What to do with home hyacinth after flowering:

  • The flower has faded - cut off the peduncle. During the dormant period, we adhere to moderate watering, give the plant the opportunity to form "kids" and gain strength for the main bulb.
  • We feed the plant with complex fertilizer.
  • Only after complete drying leaves should dig the bulb.
  • Carefully inspect, dry in the air, remove the dry husk, let too small "kids" stay with the "mother", and larger ones can be separated.
  • All of them must be thoroughly dried - the first week even at 30 ° C, then another 2 weeks - 25 ° C, and until planting - at a temperature of 17 ° C and high humidity(so that the bulb does not dry out). This is a very important stage, because right now the future inflorescence and small children are being formed (therefore, the next time you plant, you need to be careful not to damage them).

In autumn, hyacinth bulbs should be planted in the ground in a flower bed so that they can recover from flowering at home. Plant them deeper (15-20 cm) so that they do not freeze out, and cover with a 10 cm layer of mulch. Remove the shelter in spring. Plants may not bloom in the spring, but they will perfectly prepare for the next forcing in the new season. In autumn, the bulbs can be dug up, dried and stored in a cool place until planting in a pot. Bulbs can form babies, it is better to carefully separate them and leave them in a flower bed, they will grow for 4-5 years until they reach the size of adult bulbs. Only then can they be used for distillation at home.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

  • A faded plant is not suitable for re-forcing a house - it is necessary to plant it in open ground (in autumn, even in a flower bed at the entrance) so that it gains strength.
  • If you plan to grow it again at home in a year, then this year the hyacinth should not bloom in the ground (you will have to cut the peduncle).
  • A small baby in 3-4 years can be grown to normal size so that it is suitable for forcing at home.
  • Over the years, the "cubs" will go through periods of vegetation without flowering, gradually gaining strength.

A sound idea is born here: to get it, buy ready-made planting material, and let it be grown in nurseries.

Diseases and pests

The flower is occasionally affected by yellow bacterial rot, with which, alas, nothing can be done. The plant with the earth will have to be thrown away, and if the pot is planned to be used further, then it must be disinfected.
Pests can be:

  • spider mite;
  • nematodes;

To combat them, insecticides are used, however, this cannot be done during the flowering period.
Possible problems when caring for hyacinth at home:

  • yellow leaves - the draft and watering into the outlet are to blame;
  • leaves wither - lack of lighting;
  • falling buds - water got on the buds, a sharp temperature drop;
  • cessation of flowering - the flower is hot;
  • rotting - chronic waterlogging.

Conclusion: hyacinth can be grown with patience and care. Grow wisely and enjoy luxurious blooms!

Description of hyacinth

Hyacinths photo when planted at home Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Delft Blue’ photo

Hyacinth is now attributed to the Asparagus family, although earlier it was isolated in a separate family of Hyacinths or ranked as Lileyny. This bulbous perennial is thought to have originated in Asia Minor, but Dutch breeders have worked so hard to develop new varieties, flower and bulbs that it can be considered a truly modern "Dutch".

Hyacinth is a plant up to 30 cm high, a stem and oblong leaves grow from a dense bulb. Hyacinth flowers - small bells with twisted leaves - are collected in a dense cone inflorescence (resembles an ear). In appearance, the flowers are simple and terry.

At the end of flowering, both the peduncle and the leaves dry up, in the corners of the leaves you need to look for small baby bulbs (you can continue to use for breeding), and the main bulb develops on the stem inside the mother bulb.
Perfectly proved itself at home, also in the open field (where one of the first is shown from the ground in the spring). This is not unfounded, it says more than four hundred years of experience in breeding hyacinths. During this time, about 30 species were attributed to this species, including five thousand different varieties plants.

However, today there are three types of hyacinths:

  • Eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis);
  • Litvinov (Hyacinthus litwinowii);
  • Transcaspian (Hyacinthus transcaspicus).

It is on their basis that the whole variety of shapes and colors of these plants is created.

Types and varieties of hyacinth with photos and descriptions

Oriental hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis- the same great-grandfather of most of today's varieties. On a thin peduncle, flowers are loosely placed with delicate aroma. It can have any of the shades of white, yellow, pink or blue. AT wild nature can be found in Lebanon, Turkey or Syria.

Litvinov's Hyacinth Hyacinthus litwinowii- has bluish leaves and light blue flowers with protruding stamens. Natural range - Iran, Turkmenistan.

Transcaspian hyacinth Hyacinthus transcaspicus- a short flower (up to 20 cm), has up to two stems, the leaves are equally thickened along the entire length. In a loose inflorescence no more than a dozen flowers. Natural place - the mountains of Turkmenistan.
Another classification of hyacinths is their division by color:

  • - Arentine Arendsen (white or cream flowers), terry Snow Crystal and Madame Sophie;

  • - Yellow Hammer (intense yellow), Oranje Boven (pale yellow), City of Haarlem (salmon);

  • pink - Anna Marie (light pink), Gertruda (rich pink), Moreno (pink with a dark raspberry stripe);
  • red - La Victoire, Tubergen's Scarlet, Hollyhock (terry);

  • lilac - Bismarck (pale), Blue Magic (red-violet), Indigo King (dark purple);
  • blue - Queen of the Blues (pale blue), Perle Brillante (pale blue), Marie (rich blue).

Many summer residents tend to grow hyacinths in their area, planting and caring for them in the open field require a certain amount of time. In this article, we will look at how to grow these beautiful flowers (even in regions where the ground freezes in winter), when to dig up hyacinths, how to store bulbs, and how to propagate your favorite variety.

Hyacinths in a flower bed (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar)

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, green arrows of hyacinths sprout from the ground. This flower with a charming and pronounced aroma differs in all shades of the rainbow. Inflorescences in the form of brushes can be both ordinary and terry in structure, 20-30 buds are usually located on the peduncle.

Planting hyacinths in the ground: the choice of bulbs and places for their planting

The perennial hyacinth is bulb culture, the size of the bulb may vary depending on the variety of the flower. Planting material is considered an adult by the age of 5-6, when it is fully formed. The tuber is a scaly sphere with a renewal bud - it is she who affects its growth. By the 5th year, adult bulbs usually acquire children, which form near the bottom and are hidden under the scales.

Hyacinth, photo of flowers:

When choosing tubers, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. bulbs terry species often smaller than their regular counterparts.
  2. To grow flowers in the open field, the tuber must have at least 4 cm in diameter, a full-fledged active kidney and multiple scales. Elasticity and heaviness are indicators of the healthy state of the bulb.
  3. The appearance of the bulb should be perfect - no damage, wilted sides, mold.
  4. Root primordia should be present on the bottom of the tuber (near the bottom).
  5. The bottom of a bulb suitable for planting should be about one and a half to two times smaller than the bulb itself (we are talking about volume).

The key to long and lush flowering is not only high-quality planting material, but also the place for planting. You can break a flower garden near trees or bushes, but not very close to them. The place for plants should be calm, well lit sunbeams. The soil needs loose, if your site is dominated by chernozem or loam, then it is advisable to add peat to it in advance (you can also sand). Soddy land or leafy humus are excellent conditions for the development, growth and flowering of hyacinths.

As a fertilizer, organics give good results, but you should not use manure. If the soil is acidic (pH above 6.5), then it should be diluted with dolomite (limestone) flour. Hyacinth tubers do not like excessive moisture. If in your area The groundwater lie close to the surface (closer than 0.5 m), you cannot do without arranging high beds. In addition, the plants will have to provide a high-quality drainage substrate, as well as make a slight slope of the ridge - for a better outflow of water during rains, spring snowmelt. With the coming of spring high beds warmed up faster by the sun's rays, hyacinths bloom much earlier.

When to plant hyacinths

An acceptable time for planting bulbs is mid-September/October. It should be borne in mind that if you plant a tuber too early, it will begin to develop, but it will not endure the winter, it will freeze. If you plant hyacinths too late, they will not have time to take root and get used to the place - respectively, they will also die. If you are late with boarding, then hurry up by the first week of November - this is the latest date. To do this, you will have to resort to additional measures - cover the planting site with fallen leaves, spruce branches or any other shelter to prevent the bulbs from freezing.

Can hyacinths be planted in spring? I often see that gardeners ask about spring planting hyacinths. Most likely this question arises if you bought or gave you a flowering hyacinth in a pot. How to be in this case with the bulb? First, let the flower bloom. Secondly, you should not immediately transplant the bulb into open ground. Let the bulb ripen: reduce watering, leave the flower alone, wait until all the leaves turn yellow and begin to die. It will take about a month and a half. After that, release the bulb from the pot and leave it in a shady place until September-October (the timing depends on the region). And then do as the tips recommend planting hyacinths in the fall.

Growing hyacinths outdoors

It is highly desirable to prepare the soil in advance - dig to a depth of about 40-45 cm and make the required additives (depending on the composition and condition of the soil). Limestone (200 g), wood ash (150 g), superphosphate (50-70 g), magnesium sulfate (10 g) or potassium (20 g) are added at an approximate rate per 1 m² of land. So that fragile young roots are not damaged during planting, digging the soil at the site of the future flower garden is also important. During the deepening of the bulbs, the soil temperature should be approximately 8-11 degrees, the distance between the tubers should be no more than 10-15 cm. If the flowers are planted in beds, then the row spacing should be approximately 18-22 cm. different varieties hyacinths bloomed at the same time, make sure that all tubers are approximately the same size.

Hyacinth, photo of bulbs:

The place for the future flower garden is mulched with leaves or some other suitable material, covered polyethylene film, to keep warm. After deepening the tubers, the plot is sprinkled sawdust or peat, it can also be covered again with foliage or coniferous spruce branches. Special covering material is excellent for these purposes. With the arrival of the first days of spring protective covering can be removed to make way for emerging hyacinth sprouts.

As mentioned above, the bulbs must be healthy, but if you are still afraid of fungal manifestations, you can pre-soak them in a fungicide solution. The width and depth of the hole under the tuber should be equal to two of its sizes - about 15-25 cm, you can pour a little sand on the bottom, and then deepen the tuber with the bottom down (about 13-15 cm). The bulb is sprinkled with soil, which needs to be lightly tamped, then watered. The root system of the plant absorbs moisture and nutrients from the ground within a radius of about 20 cm from the tuber - this should be taken into account. Small onions should not be deeply buried, they should also be planted quite densely.

How to care for hyacinth

After the protective cover is removed, plant care will consist of weeding, regular watering, loosening the soil, and fertilizing. It should be borne in mind that hyacinths do not react well to the neighborhood of weeds. When the buds begin to set and the time for flowering comes, fertilizing the soil becomes especially relevant. After spitting the sprouts, the flowers can be fed with saltpeter (25-30 g per 1 m²).

The second stage of fertilizers follows during the period when the buds are gaining color. Now, in addition to ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride (25 g) and a phosphorus additive (for example, superphosphate, 35 g) can be added. At the end of flowering, superphosphate and potassium chloride are applied to the site - 35 g of each product per 1 m² of area. Fertilizers are processed between rows or places between flowers, after fertilizing, watering always follows.

Hyacinths - how to care after flowering? Unfortunately, this wonderful period is fleeting, after the flowers have dried, the roots should continue to be saturated with moisture. In order for the tubers to recover well after flowering, watering and fertilizing should come first. If you live in a “cold” region, then you cannot leave hyacinths for the winter, you will have to dig them out - these are the necessary measures for the further favorable formation of replacement buds.

If you live in the Kuban, in the Crimea, in the north of the Caucasus, then the annual digging of tubers can be avoided, but only if the summer is very hot. It should be borne in mind that the bulbs left in the ground will produce much fewer flowers next year.

Hyacinths have not been transplanted for a long time (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya, Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

When to dig up hyacinths after flowering

Optimal period are the last weeks of June - the first half of July, when the leaves of the plant become yellow and weak. The ground part of the flower is removed, the tubers are removed from the soil, washed with water and dried thoroughly. Next, we carry out an audit - damaged (or with clear signs diseases) copies are thrown away. If there are undeveloped children on the bulb, they are separated and set aside for growing. Before storage, all tubers must be treated against diseases and pests.

Planting material, photo:

After all the manipulations, the bulbs should be kept for about 7-10 days in a well-ventilated place at an air temperature of +17..+20 °C. To do this, they need to be laid out on clean paper, and after the specified time, hidden in paper bags. It is the period after flowering, as well as the time of processing and storage of tubers, that are the most important for hyacinths. At this time, the acclimatization of the planting material takes place, the scales dry up, the tubers are prepared for the summer period.

At a sufficiently high summer temperature, the bulbs should be provided with air access and moderate humidity (if the thermometer reaches + 30 ° C). About three weeks before planting, the temperature in the room with the bulbs should be lowered to +16 ° C - this will help them adapt before planting.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

Separately, it is worth considering breeding methods, since tubers can produce flowers for two or three years, but at the same time they will not have children. To do this, the bulbs need stimulation, it is carried out in various ways.

Cutting the bottom of a hyacinth tuber

Even when planting on the site, the place where the largest bulbs are planted is determined. After the leaves of the plant turn yellow, the tuber is removed from the ground and immediately, without letting it dry, they arrange a “shower” under strong water pressure. During this process, old scales are removed along with the earth. Next, the bulbs are laid out in one layer in a ventilated box, taken out to a shaded place, dried for about 7-10 days. After this time, with the help of a sharp knife, a wedge-shaped cut is made on the donut, in which the kidney and the donut itself are completely removed. The cut point must be treated with chopped activated carbon.

After this operation, the tubers are laid out in a container, the bottom of which is covered with a layer of perlite. Bulbs should be placed cut bottom up. Next, the container is placed in a large plastic bag (garbage bags can be used) to create the required microclimate. At a temperature of + 30 ° C and high humidity, children will appear at the cut site, and after 2-3 months they will reach about 1 cm, acquire the rudiments of roots and start up small shoots. If the cutting of the bottom was done in the first months of summer, then the tuber with the children can be planted in the soil and covered with sawdust (or peat).

If time is lost, then the tubers are turned upside down, placed in a container with soil, placed in the cold (refrigerator, basement), and with the onset of spring they are planted on the site.

After the hyacinths have faded, what to do with them next? With the onset of August, these tubers are dug up (by that time they are already covered with children), the children are separated. By the beginning of September, the young generation of hyacinths is buried in the soil, covered with a 10 cm layer of mulch (sawdust, coniferous spruce branches, foliage, peat). At the end of the first winter, the mulch layer is removed, but left in place after the second winter. In the third year, such hyacinths give color and delight you with a wonderful aroma.

Reproduction by scales from bulbs

Large tubers (about 5-6 cm in diameter) are cut into 4 parts, after which some scales are separated from the bottom, the “wound” surface is treated with crushed activated carbon. Next, a container is taken, at the bottom of which perlite or clean sand is poured, you can also use crushed charcoal with ash. Broken off scales are placed in this container, then it is placed in a transparent plastic bag, securely tied and aged for 2 months in not too bright light.

At the same time, the air temperature should be approximately +19..23 °C, but at the second stage, which lasts a month and a half, the temperature should be reduced to +16..19 °C. During this period, several bulbs will be tied on the scales. Keeping young livestock is similar to the method described in the first method.

Propagation of hyacinths by cuttings of a leaf

To do this, you should wait for the period of ovary of peduncles and separate a pair of sheets from hyacinths, they need to be cut as close to the base as possible. Next, the leaves are treated in a solution that stimulates root formation (for example, "Heteroauxin") and buried 3-4 cm in a container with clean sand (or perlite). This container, again, is enclosed in a plastic bag, tied up and placed in a moderately lit place for a month and a half. The air temperature should vary within + 10..17 ° С, humidity - 80-90%. After the specified period on the cuttings, you can see bulbous rudiments, and after 50-60 days - young roots and small leaves. Next, the plants are planted on the site, each cutting subsequently gives 6-10 children.

Incision of the bottom, as a way to propagate hyacinth

With this procedure, the bottom is not removed, as in the first case, but is cut crosswise. On large tubers, a pair of crosses is made, on those that are smaller - one. Damaged areas are treated with powdered activated carbon, then the bulbs are placed in warm room(+20..22 °С) in order for the “crosses” to open. All further actions are similar to the above recommendations. With this method of tuber stimulation, it is possible to obtain approximately 10-16 large young bulbs.

In order for these heralds of spring to please you with long flowering, splendor of tassels and amazing aroma, you need to make an effort. Now you know how to grow hyacinths, planting and caring for them in the open field, although they are difficult, are undoubtedly worth the time and effort spent.

The first flowers (photo Lyubov Belykh, Krasnodar)

Hyacinth is ornamental plant, as if descended to us from a vintage picture. After all, it attracts not only with its amazing beauty, but also with its unusual aroma! About what is planting and caring for fabulous hyacinths planted in open ground, as well as what varieties and methods of reproduction exist, and, finally, how these flowers are used in landscape design and what plants are best combined, you will find out in the article!

Description: varieties and varieties of hyacinths

An amazing hyacinth flower with the most delicate coloring and captivating aroma is one of the first to bloom in spring garden, driving gardeners crazy with their colorful and fragrant inflorescences. A rich color palette ranging from snow-white and yellowish to burgundy and resin, complemented by an amazing form of inflorescences, is amazing. No wonder hyacinth is called a universal plant: this rain flower is great for planting in the ground and early forcing in greenhouses. You will learn further about how to plant and care for a plant, what methods of reproduction exist and how picturesque hyacinths are used in landscape design!

Hyacinths come in many colors and shades.

Hyacinths are native to Asia Minor and Greece. Here at every step you can meet a wild flowering plant. Flowers owe their popularity to Holland, where famous breeders were actively engaged in their cultivation. Many come from here hybrid varieties that entered our country. By the way, about varieties. Information on sources varies, but, as breeders assure, there are at least three types of hyacinths in nature:

  • Transcaspian (Hyacinthus transcaspicus);
  • litvinova (Hyacinthus litwinowii);
  • Eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis), which became the ancestor of the ornamental varieties of this plant.

Hyacinth orientalis

Blooming only once per season, hyacinths are usually distinguished by the timing of flowering: a horticultural crop can be early, medium and late flowering.

AT middle lane in our vast country, delicate hyacinths bloom early, making a worthy company for the first tulips. The weather conditions inherent in a particular region can shift the flowering time by 2-3 weeks, so these plants are considered very sensitive to climate and air temperature. The duration of the flowering process is from 7 to 15 days, again taking into account whether the weather favors or not.

Planting a plant

Plant hyacinths in the ground in autumn

Important! When choosing the moment for planting, first make sure that the bulbs of the plant can take root before the onset of frost. This will increase all chances of overwintering, and next spring your garden will be filled with colorful and fragrant hyacinths. By planting flowers too early, you may not wait for shoots: the bulbs will simply die. But too late landing threatens that the bulbs will not have time to form their own. root system and the ground is already frozen.

When choosing a place to plant, remember that the capricious hyacinth is native to warm countries, so they should be planted on sunny and windless hillocks, having prepared the soil in advance. The flower makes special demands on it: the soil must be permeable with a considerable content of humus. However, it is better not to resort to the use of fresh and slightly decomposed humus. If the soil is dense and clayey, then it is mixed with peat and sand. On soil with high acidity, the gardener will not be able to grow a luxurious flower bed, so such soil will have to be diluted with limestone or chalk.

Soil liming

Attention! The soil for planting is dug up to a depth of 40 cm, mixed with mineral and organic top dressing, if necessary, lime is added. Then the soil is leveled and covered with a film in anticipation of planting. This will prevent weeds from growing.

Before planting, the material is carefully viewed. It is better to get rid of soft and diseased bulbs immediately. For planting, use medium-sized bulbs, as the plants grown from them will be easier to endure bad weather, but the bulbs are more large sizes more suitable for forcing.

Hyacinth bulbs

Bulbs of hyacinths are planted to a depth of 15-17 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If the baby is small, then the depth and distance will have to be slightly reduced. Having completed landing work, the soil is sprinkled with a mulch layer (sawdust, peat, fallen leaves), and after the temperature drops to 0ºС and stable cold weather appears, it is covered with a film or other covering material, which is already removed in early spring when the ground thaws a little.

Hyacinth Care

Delicate and quivering hyacinths used in landscape design are very demanding to care for, so Special attention should be given to the cleanliness of the soil around the seedlings. It loosens up periodically. This will help the plant favorable conditions growth. If your hyacinths are not blooming profusely, then the soil is probably not moist enough.

Be sure to loosen the soil around the hyacinths

Hyacinths are very fond of water, they especially need moisture during the dry season. During its growing season, the plant requires top dressing, and culling, which is carried out 2-3 times per season, is considered a mandatory preventive measure. The peduncle is not torn off by hand, but carefully cut off with a knife, if it is not planned to cut hyacinths at all, then the withered flowers are cut off, and the peduncle is left.

Fertilizer and top dressing of hyacinths

The key condition for growing flowering plants is regular feeding. First time mineral supplement occurs in early spring, when sprouts are just beginning to appear. Superphosphate, ammonium nitrate or potassium chloride can be used as fertilizers. With the formation of the first buds, the plant is fed a second time using the same fertilizers. The third time the crop is fed after flowering, when the hyacinth must store nutrients for the formation of renewal buds and the laying of axillary buds. For top dressing, potash is used, phosphate fertilizers, as well as potassium chloride and superphosphate, previously dissolved in water.

Advice! After making necessary fertilizers, the soil is thoroughly loosened!

To make the plant feel comfortable, it is better to mulch the soil

Plant propagation

Usually, breeders use the seed method to breed varieties. Cultures grown in this way will please with their colorful inflorescences only after 5-7 years. Seeds are sown closer to October in a container with soil mixed with humus and fine sand, and grown in closed greenhouses for 2 years.

The process of natural reproduction of flowers is extremely slow. An adult bulb can form only one to three children. If the baby is easy to separate from the mother bulb, then it is grown separately, otherwise it is not broken off, but planted in the ground along with the mother bulb.

Germinating hyacinth bulb

Bulbs selected for propagation are pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), and dried over the next two days.

Diseases and pests

Grown hyacinths rarely suffer from pests and almost do not suffer from diseases. However, if signs of pest damage were noticed (stopping growth, curvature of peduncles, wilting or yellowing), then the reasons may be as follows:

  • infected material was used for planting;
  • unsuitable soil (waterlogged or acidic);
  • excess mineral nutrition;
  • improper rejection of bulbs for planting;
  • incorrectly carried out prevention;
  • violation of the landing rules.

Hyacinth disease bacterial rot

Of the diseases that hyacinths may encounter, bacterial yellow rot is most common, turning the bulbs into a slimy formation with a pungent odor. As a result of infection, the culture stops growing, and spots and stripes may form on the leaves. The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, and the vacant hole is carefully etched with bleach.

Hyacinths: combination with other plants

In landscape design, fabulous hyacinths go well with many spring bulbous plants, blooming in approximately the same period as hyacinth. The most organic and picturesque tandem is formed by:

  • bright blue hyacinths and sunny daffodils;
  • blue hyacinths and snow-white tulips;
  • orange blossom hyacinths and scarlet tulips.

Hyacinths look great with other spring flowers.

Hyacinths in landscape design

Hyacinth - universal flower, because it is successfully grown in flower beds outdoors, in flowerpots and pots on windowsills. Unusually elegant look these flowering plants of one color solution in the company of lush and undersized perennial crops. A garden path framed by well-groomed hyacinths, as well as trees and shrubs decorated with them, will look wonderful. Gardeners assure that it is better to plant hyacinths together with other plants, so that after they bloom, the soil is not empty.

Growing hyacinth at home: video

Hyacinths in the garden: photo



2022 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs