When is it better to plant thuja in spring or autumn? Planting thuja in the garden in autumn and spring

Thuja – decorative perennial, has long been used in urban beautification and personal plots. Thanks to unique shape leaves, thuja is most often used in creating green hedges and alleys.

Reproduction of thuja

Reproduction is carried out in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • seedlings http://terra-market.ru.

Among all the propagation methods, the most rational is cuttings. To determine all the advantages and disadvantages, we will consider each method in detail.

Growing from seeds

Growing from seeds is a long and complex process. At least five years must pass before a seedling grown from a seed is ready for planting in a permanent place. In the process of development, such a plant loses its varietal properties.

Despite the disadvantages, this growing method also has good points– from the seed grows a seedling that is maximally prepared for local natural conditions.

For planting, you need to take healthy seeds that have spent the winter under the snow. In this way they harden and get used to weather conditions. In the spring, the seeds are placed in a box with a nutrient substrate, sprinkled with soil with the addition of pine sawdust.

Seedlings require careful care:

  • regular hydration;
  • sun protection;
  • timely feeding.

In the fifth year, plants can be placed in open ground.

Propagation by cuttings

Coniferous plants lend themselves well to cuttings, while maintaining their varietal qualities. As a rule, thuja shoots are separated in April. It is best to take 2-3 year old cuttings from the upper crown area. It is recommended to separate shoots 20 cm long by hand, due to which a particle of last year’s wood enriched with useful substances is preserved at the end of the shoot.

Before planting, young shoots must be disinfected. To do this, briefly dip them in a solution of potassium permanganate and then soak them for a day in a solution with a root growth stimulator.

To plant cuttings, use boxes with sand or garden soil containing sand. Containers must be placed in a hanging position, for example, on bricks or boards. The bottom should have a sufficient number of holes so that moisture does not accumulate and oxygen flows freely to the root system.

Drainage is laid out at the bottom; small river pebbles can be used for this. Before planting, it is recommended to boil the sand and spill it with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate. The shoots should be placed 2 cm deep into the substrate. Compact the soil and water well. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not washed away by water and that the cutting does not move.

Boxes with seedlings should overwinter in a warm, shady room. Optimal temperature for good rooting 18-23 degrees.

Seedlings are planted in the ground in the fall. The soil for thuja needs to be acidified with the addition of peat. It takes an average of 2-3 years to grow seedlings.

Spring planting of thuja in the ground

Thuja is pretty unpretentious plant, able to take root well at different times of the year. And yet, experienced experts advise planting thuja in the spring.

When choosing a permanent place for a thuja, you should consider what it prefers shady places. In an area that is too sunny, the plant will wither and become difficult to tolerate. low temperatures, in a dark place, thuja slowly develops and loses its decorative qualities. Ideal conditions for thuja – light shade, protection from strong winds, nearby groundwater.

How to plant thuja?

  • Dig a hole - 70-80 cm deep and 90-100 cm in diameter. The earth ball should easily fit into it.
  • A little substrate with added fertilizer is placed at the bottom.
  • Carefully place the seedling in the hole, maintaining the integrity of the earthen coma. Root collar The thuja should be parallel to the soil surface.
  • Mix garden soil, peat, sand in equal parts, pour in and tamp lightly.

Miniature varieties should be spaced about 1 meter apart. Large species - up to 5 meters. After planting in the ground, watering and primary fertilizing are required. The frequency of watering is determined by temperature conditions and the amount of rain. In hot weather it is necessary to water at least twice a week, early spring Once is enough. During the rainy seasons, there is no need to water the thuja.

Watering mode

For good growth and the development of thuja requires sufficient watering. The watering regime involves adding 10 liters of water to the root part once a week. In dry weather - 2-3 times a week.

Thuja also needs sufficient sprinkling - irrigation of the crown. You can irrigate thuja 1-2 times a day.

Top dressing

You can achieve rapid growth and improve the decorative qualities of thuja with the help of timely fertilizer. It is recommended to feed thuja 1-2 times per season.

For sufficient moisture retention, protection against weeds and improved fertility trunk circle mulch with compost or sawdust.

Haircut and trimming

As a rule, thuja is not cut during the first two years. This allows her to develop strong root system, and the grower - to determine the condition and needs of the plant.

When pruning thuja, you must adhere to the following rules:

2. Pruning is done in dry weather.

3. Before cutting, remove dry parts and, if necessary, thin out the bush.

5. To grow the bush in width, it is cut upper part plants.

Preparing thuja for winter

Young seedlings require additional shelter in the first years of growth. To insulate thuja, non-woven spunbond or thick greenhouse film is used. The roots are protected with fallen leaves, which are removed in the spring.

Mature bushes are protected from snow and winds, the branches are pulled towards the trunk. As it accumulates, snow deposits are removed to prevent mold from appearing.

25 photos of proper thuja care

Possible proportions of planting composition: 2 portions of humus, 2 portions of peat, 1 portion of sand, 2 portions of turf. When planting, it is preferable to put 150 grams of Fertika and 300 grams of compost into each seedling.

The depth of the hole depends on the volume of the roots; on average, its dimensions are 50*85 cm. Seedlings are planted immediately after purchase to prevent the roots from drying out, carefully avoiding destruction of the soil lump. After planting, the juniper is watered with plenty of water and protected from the sun. The interval between planted seedlings depends on the design of the garden; joint or single planting is required, and varies from 0.5 to 2 meters.

Sowing seedlings

When collecting seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to remember the importance of time - preference is given to ripened seeds collected at the end of August rather than fully ripened ones taken in the autumn. Because the germination percentage of the first collection condition is higher.

The seeds cannot be stored; they are planted immediately, but you should know that the dense shell of the seed delays its germination for up to three years.

Juniper: planting methods, care and selection of the appropriate variety. (35 photos)
  • Gardeners - both amateurs and professionals - prefer to decorate the fence with vegetation, that is, create a hedge from living green plants. For this purpose you can use different types, but the most beautiful and spectacular option is a hedge made from thuja. Evergreen plantings can be used for summer cottage, and for the fence separating the yard from the neighbors.

    What is the advantage of a thuja hedge

    Of course, to create decor own plot You can also use other types of conifers, but thujas are the most unpretentious, and you can propagate and plant them in the summer yourself.

    Among the many benefits of thuja, the main ones should be highlighted:

    1. Endurance.
    2. Easy to care for.
    3. Thuja can be planted either on sunny side area, and in dark places.
    4. Plants tolerate frost and extreme heat well.
    5. Easy propagation process by cuttings or ripened seeds.
    6. Plantings emit healing phytoncides, destroy harmful to humans and environment microorganisms.

    Which variety of thuja is best to choose?

    Before planting, you need to choose suitable variety a tree that will not only take root well in the region, but will also endow its owner with plant beauty. On the territory Russian Federation You can most often see the following varieties of thuja:

    • "Emerald";
    • "Brabant"
    • "Columna".

    Thuja variety "Smaragd"

    This variety of thuja grows up to 10-12 meters, its needles are light green in color, and have a regular conical shape. The variety does not change its shade in winter period time. By choosing this type to create a hedge, you can have beautiful, lush and green vegetation both in summer and winter, which will certainly please the eye. Often there is no need to prune such varieties, since thujas grow slowly and at the same time retain their original, that is, pyramidal shape. If it is necessary to obtain a dense fence, then this variety should be planted at a distance of 70-80 cm from the tree.

    Thuja called "Brabant"

    Such thujas are suitable for those gardeners who need to create a fence for their plot in the shortest possible time. This variety provides the following advantages:

    • speed of growth. During the year it can grow up to 0.5-0.7 meters, and other species during this period of time grow by about 0.25-0.3 meters;
    • the tree can reach a height of up to 16 meters;
    • the circumference of an adult plant reaches 3 meters.

    However, it is worth considering that the branches also grow quickly, so the planting must be trimmed regularly. Such events are carried out 2-3 times a year so that the greenery grows dense and delights with its splendor. Planting a fence made from this variety of thuja should be done at a distance of 1-1.2 meters.

    Thuja called "Columna"

    The Columna variety is also widely in demand, however, these varieties of thuja do not grow as quickly as the above. A mature tree can reach a maximum height of 8-9 meters. With the arrival of winter, the needles change their color to brownish, and with the onset of spring they become green again. The crown of the thuja is not thick enough, the branches have a rounded shape. On the branches you can see numerous cones in which seeds ripen; they also change color with the onset of cold weather.

    What is the best way to plant thujas yourself?

    Proper planting of thuja will be carried out only if the event is carried out in stages, taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

    First choose suitable place for good plant growth. As mentioned earlier, thujas are unpretentious plants, so they can be planted both in the sun and in the shade. But if planting is done in places where the sun constantly shines, the plant may gradually dry out. Therefore, it is best to choose places with little shade.

    Any soil can be used, as trees take root well in any type of soil. Choice requires attention the best way reproduction. Thuja can be propagated by cuttings or ripened seeds that form in cones.

    If propagation will be carried out by cuttings, then they need to be prepared in early spring, when mature tree will begin to awaken from winter dormancy:

    • cuttings should be obtained from branches that grow on the upper part, their length should be 20-25 cm;
    • they are not cut, but rather torn off from the main branch with a quick jerk. Moreover, the so-called heel should remain on the broken part, that is, a small part related to the main branch;
    • from this place, approximately 3-4 cm, the needles are cleared, and the planting material is lowered into a special growth stimulator. In this composition, the cutting should stand for 24 hours;
    • planting is carried out in a special container, which has holes for oxygen access. The container is filled with well-moistened sand, they go deep into it planting material by 3-4 cm. When planting, the cuttings need to be tilted so that the visual level of tilt corresponds to 45 degrees. The containers are placed in a shaded place, initially covered with a transparent polyethylene film;
    • Instead of a large container, you can use a regular flower pot, into which sand is also poured and a thuja cutting is planted. After the planting material has been accepted, it is very convenient to remove it from the pot and plant it in a permanent place for growth.

    In order for the cuttings to be accepted, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for their growth. The ambient temperature should not fall below 22-20 degrees. It is important not only to regularly water the soil, but also to spray the planting material.

    After it is noticeable that the cutting has taken root, the polyethylene can be replaced with gauze, which must be constantly sprayed.

    With the coming autumn period The planting material must be completely rooted, so it is just right to plant it in a permanent place. If upon inspection it is noticed that one of the seedlings is not strong enough, then you should not take it out of the pot, but rather leave it there for a while for further development of the root system. In this case, you can use mineral supplements and fertilizers for thuja.

    Propagation by seeds

    Thuja can also be propagated by seeds, but this process takes longer and is therefore not used as often. If it was decided to propagate thujas in this particular way, then this should be done in stages:

    • collect material for planting in the summer or at the beginning of the autumn period. The time for collecting seeds is influenced by the region in which the thujas grow. You should collect seeds from those cones that have not yet opened. The collected seeds are laid out in a shaded, dry place to dry completely;
    • Dried seeds are planted in the ground at the end of October or beginning of November. You should not delay planting for a long time, as the seeds lose their ability to resemble when stored at room temperature approximately 3-4 months after collection;
    • if planting is planned in the spring, the material must be stored in the refrigerator.

    Evergreen thuja is valued by gardeners for its unpretentiousness and decorative look. In the garden it will look spectacular both in winter and summer. Planting thuja in the fall (the technology will be described below) or in the midst of spring is quite simple. Most often they are planted in groups, using them as hedges. In such cases, the plants are planted at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. In other situations, at least 1 m is left between thujas and other representatives of the flora world.

    You can also grow a single specimen, surrounding it with suitable neighbors. What is planted next to thujas is worth considering separately. The shrub gets along well with other representatives of the evergreen plant species. It could be larch, spruce or cypress. It looks great next to dwarf juniper, hydrangea, acacia, astilbe, petunia, and hosta. Lilies, phlox and will look good against a rich green background. It is highly not recommended to plant thuja with peonies and asters. In any case, after properly organized gardening work Thuja will delight you with its thick green crown and voluminous shapes; it will serve as an ideal backdrop for flowering representatives.

    Dates and place for landing

    Thuja is considered an unpretentious plant, so it can be planted both in spring and during the autumn rains. Optimal time The period for landing is considered to be from April to June or the period from mid-August to the end of September. If a seedling is purchased in a container, then planting can be carried out even in summer. If it is not possible to purchase many seedlings at once to create a hedge or composition, you can limit yourself to a few copies and then use cuttings.

    It is possible to grow a tree from seeds, but you will have to be patient for several years in advance, since this process is long. Seedlings can be easily purchased in specialized stores; experienced plant growers recommend choosing the Smaragd variety for the plot. This particular type has a chic pyramidal shape, different high level frost resistance, it is not so demanding on the composition of the soil.

    Young thujas are sold in plastic containers, therefore, you can take your time with replanting into the ground, but approach the issue responsibly and study all the features of autumn and spring planting plants.

    Before planting, you will need to choose a place for the plant. Since conifers are unpretentious, they will tolerate both scorching rays and shaded areas well. The latter option can provoke a loss of rich crown color, so optimal choice when deciding where to plant thuja, there will be preparation sunny area or areas with partial shade. As for the soil, you should select an area with fertile, light soil that is highly permeable to moisture and air. It could also be a clayey or sandy area. If there is other material, then low-growing thujas can be planted along them. They will create a picturesque view for contemplation both in winter and in summer.

    Autumn planting practice

    How to plant thuja in the fall so that it takes root quickly? To begin with, in the selected area you will need to remove all weeds and prepare a hole for the seedling. You should pay attention to the size of the dug trench; the planting hole should be 2 times deeper and 3 times wider than the root ball of the seedling. The bottom of the pit will need to be lined with peat, black soil or old compost. If groundwater passes close, it is necessary to ensure excellent drainage by laying out a layer of broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles or crushed stone. The layer should be at least 10-15 cm thick. It is important to clarify that it is necessary to dig a hole at least 3 days before planting. This action is carried out so that the earth can be sufficiently saturated with oxygen.

    Before planting in the ground, the thuja needs to be watered and then carefully removed from the container along with a lump of earth. Next, the seedling is placed in the prepared hole so that the horse’s neck is located exactly at ground level. You should not raise or deepen the plant too much, as this may cause it to dry out. The seedling placed in the hole must be sprinkled with earth and thoroughly watered. An excellent option would be to use some mineral fertilizer. The plant should be planted in the ground in the morning or in the evening.

    More details about planting in the video.

    During the first 7 days after planting in the ground, it is recommended to treat the plant with anti-stress drugs. The process must be carried out once a day. After a week, it is recommended to reduce spraying to 2 times. The transplanted plant should be watered once a week with 1 bucket of water under each tree. In the case of a dry autumn, the frequency of watering is increased to 2 times every 7 days. Thuja Smaragd (planting in autumn and spring) requires the mandatory use of mulch. Shells are suitable for filling walnut, wood chips, bark or peat. The same mulch can be used if you have planted other fruit-bearing shrubs.

    It's worth remembering that best time is the period from mid-August to September or early October. It is important to carry out the work before frost appears, and to cover it for the winter. young plant layer of burlap. If the specified conditions are met, the seedling will quickly take root and survive the frosty winter without loss.

    How is planting work carried out in spring?

    In general, regarding how to properly plant thuja in the spring, it should be noted that the essence of the process is practically no different from the autumn procedure. You just need to remember that the best moment for planting in the ground is mid-April - early May.

    Before planting, you need to prepare a hole that is 3 times larger than the root ball. At the same time, the depth landing pit should be at least 1 m. For heavy and wet soil, you will need to lay out a layer of drainage, add organic fertilizer. The seedling should be moved into the prepared hole along with a lump of earth and sprinkled with a mixture of turf soil with peat and sand.

    Planting thuja in the spring requires fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium once every 2 weeks and, of course, it is necessary to water the young seedling once or twice a week in case of a dry spring.

    Decorative thuja is the subject of admiration for many gardeners. No wonder, lush and at the same time unpretentious shrub attracts attention and makes excellent compositions with other plants. The planting process is quite simple and can be carried out in any season, both autumn and spring.



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