Lada plum variety. Brief description of plum varieties (Zhiguli, Zolotistaya rannyaya, Mirnaya, Nika, Ochakovskaya yellow, Pamyat Timiryazev). Plum: promising varieties

Plum can often be found on garden plots in the central regions of Russia. Not everyone manages to achieve every year desired result- sometimes the weather lets you down, sometimes the tree suddenly gets sick, sometimes it produces fruits irregularly. In a word, there can be any number of factors playing against the gardener. And I want to treat myself to the harvest. And here the proven and proven Volzhskaya Beauty variety, which has quite a lot of remarkable features, can come to the rescue.

Description of the Volzhskaya Beauty variety

The story of the Volga beauty begins back in 1939 in the city of Kuibyshev. Local breeders crossed the Skorospelka and Renclaude Bave varieties and got something new, well adapted to local growing conditions. And only 25 years later the variety was included in the State Register for the Middle Volga, Lower Volga and Central regions, thus fully justifying its name. Volga Beauty is an early, self-fertile (does not require planting other pollinating varieties) variety that produces big harvest dessert fruits. That is, they can be used both in fresh, and in various preparations.

The tree of this variety is very tall - it can reach 7 meters. The crown is spherical, its foliage is not very dense. The fruits appear on bouquet branches. The bark on the trunk is gray and smooth. The shoots are thickened and grow straight. The leaves are large, elliptical in shape with a sharp tip, with some serration along the edges. The color is light green, the edge is medium. The petiole is medium in size, thickened. The flowering of the Volga beauty is powerful, each inflorescence contains 2 - 3 flowers.

The fruits grow large, slightly elongated in shape. On average, one fruit weighs about 30 - 35 grams. There is a narrowing in the lower part. You can easily see the abdominal suture. The peduncle is medium in size, thick, and easy to separate from the branch. The skin is quite dense, purple and red in color. The waxy coating is clearly visible. The seed is medium in size and can be easily separated from the fruit pulp. The pulp itself is yellow with an orange tint, tender and very juicy in taste, sweet and sour. The taste of the Volga Beauty fruits deserved 4.5 points on the tasting scale.

This variety of plum is distinguished by high yield, which, however, does not manifest itself in all climatic conditions. The older the tree, the more fruit it produces.

Advantages and disadvantages (table)

Planting plum

Place and soil preparation

To find suitable place for plums, you need to take into account the degree of illumination of the place and the topography of the area. The best location will be on a hill, well illuminated by the sun. The soil needs to be drained, with good aeration (breathable). The best option it will become light loam. Do not plant plums in lowlands where water lingers, or where groundwater are located at a level above 2 meters to the ground surface.

The planting site is prepared in advance - two weeks in the fall or spring. Options landing pit- half a meter deep and up to 80 cm in diameter. A mixture of fertilizers is added here, which will be enough for the first two years of the seedling’s life. The composition and proportions depend on the time of planting. So, in the fall the pit is filled with fresh manure (4 buckets) mixed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers(200 - 250 g), and in the spring, instead of manure, rotted compost is added in the same amount and 100 g of potassium and phosphorus each.

At increased acidity soil must be limed - for this purpose they take quicklime in an amount of 200 g and diluted in 10 liters of water.

How to choose healthy seedlings

The best planting material are two-year-old seedlings with roots 10 cm or more in length. The root system should be at least slightly moistened. Dry roots indicate that the tree most likely will not survive. There should be no dry branches on the seedling. The bark should be smooth and free of any damage.

At the beginning of the season, as well as towards its end, many retail outlets called garden markets appear, where all kinds of seedlings are sold. But it is still more profitable to purchase plums, like many other crops, in a nursery or in specialty stores. This way you will avoid mis-grading and can count on a healthy product.

Planting process

Check the seedling for broken or damaged branches and roots. If there are already leaves on it, remove them. Once you've checked your plum tree, it's time to start planting.

  1. Pour fertile soil on top of the laid fertilizer so that you get a mound, and install a peg for the garter.
  2. We place the seedling on this very mound and carefully straighten the roots in all directions in the direction of the slopes of the embankment.
  3. We begin to fill the pit with earth, periodically shaking the plant by the trunk so that there are no voids near the roots of the plum. Root collar as a result, it should be at least 5 cm above ground level, and preferably more. This is done so that when the soil compacts and the seedling is pulled down, the neck remains above the ground.
  4. We tie the seedling to a peg - now it will protect the young tree in case of strong winds.
  5. We build an earthen roller with a diameter of half a meter around the trunk, which will not allow water to spread during watering.
  6. We water our plum tree - three buckets of water are needed for one tree.
  7. Once the water is absorbed, mulch trunk circle(we use rotted sawdust or manure). You can also use fresh soil or soil for this purpose.

If you are planting several trees at once, use a 4x2.5m or 4.5x3m pattern.

Although the Volga beauty is self-fertile, to increase the yield next to it you can still plant varieties such as Mirny, Skorospelka red or Zhiguli.

Plant care

It is imperative to take care of your plum tree. Without your attention, it will quickly weaken, will often get sick and bear small and ugly-shaped fruits. Take care of such aspects as watering, pruning and fertilizing, but also do not forget about periodic loosening and weeding.


Watering a plum tree is a subtle concept. On the one hand, a lack of moisture can provoke massive loss of ovaries, on the other, its excess causes cracks in the skin of the fruit. The most important periods in the season that require abundant watering are the time after flowering and setting, as well as fruit filling, after harvesting, and before the onset of frost.

One tree requires 6 to 8 buckets of water, and pre-winter watering requires 15 to 25 buckets. Water the plum with water at street temperature or warm. Under no circumstances use a well or key immediately; be sure to let it settle and warm up.

After each watering, mulch the tree trunk using humus or peat. This layer will help moisture remain in the soil longer and prevent the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth.

Loosening and weeding

Only at first glance it may seem that weeding and loosening are not of particular importance. In fact, they greatly help the development of the tree, and their absence can have a very unpleasant effect.

Periodic loosening allows the soil to easily pass air to the roots, saturating them with oxygen. It is required to loosen it after each watering and precipitation during the warm season. In addition, loosening can be successfully combined with weeding, which also has an important goal - getting rid of weeds that take away young seedling water and nutrients. To make matters worse, weeds often harbor pathogenic microorganisms and harmful insects, which will soon migrate to the plum tree. Therefore, periodic weeding should be on your to-do list not only in the first years of plum cultivation, but also in all subsequent years.


During the first year after planting, no action is required with the plum. But in the second year, the tree is shortened so that its height above ground level is one meter. In addition, in the second year, the plum begins to grow side shoots, which will also need pruning. This way you will begin to form a crown.

There is a sparse-tiered method with which the crown of the Volga beauty plum is formed (three tiers are created):

  • The first tier is formed at a height of 60 to 70 cm above ground level, three branches are used.
  • The second tier will be located 60 cm higher than the first, and two branches will be used in it.
  • The third tier will be 50 cm higher and consists of one branch. The trunk, which is located above it, will need to be removed after a year by cutting it into a ring.

In the future, pruning will consist of periodic thinning of the crown. Branches that grow inward, as well as those that intersect and thicken the crown, are removed. Spend the fall sanitary pruning. In this case, damaged, dry and disease- or pest-affected shoots must be removed.

Video: pruning annual plum seedlings


Fertilizers are applied throughout the season. The most active time is spring. Used in spring and autumn root dressings, while in summer - foliar.

The spring period can be divided into three parts: before flowering, during flowering and after it. In the first case, they introduce into the tree trunk circle ammonium nitrate for digging - 30 g per square meter. In the second, 20 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water, 5 liters of solution are used per tree. And in the third, a solution is used chicken droppings: 1 kg of this fertilizer in dry form is placed in a bucket of water and left to infuse for a couple of days. One tree should use 2 liters of solution. After 2 - 3 weeks, the plum should be fed in this way again.

In summer, in the second part of June, fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus are used. Mixture: nitrophoska (3 tbsp), superphosphate (3 tbsp) and potassium sulfate (2 tbsp), dilute in 10 liters of water. One tree requires 20 to 30 liters of solution.

In autumn, the time to apply fertilizing is in the last ten days of September. At this time, add a fertilizer mixture consisting of potassium chloride (2 tbsp) and superphosphate (3 tbsp). Potassium chloride can be replaced with sulfur dioxide. 20 liters of solution are consumed per tree. Also, during digging, superphosphate (100 g) and potassium magnesia (110 - 120 g) are poured into the tree trunk circle.

Diseases and pests

The Volga beauty plum has good resistance to various diseases and pests. Sometimes simple things are enough preventive measures to rid yourself of unnecessary hassle. However, there is still no 100% guarantee of peace of mind, and knowledge of how to protect a tree at the first signs of a particular disease is simply necessary if you want to preserve your future harvest.

Table: diseases and pests of the Volga beauty plum

Disease/pest Signs of defeat Control and prevention measures
MoniliosisAppear on the fruits brown spots with numerous gray spore pads collected in rings. The fruits rot right on the branches and dry out. Affected leaves turn brown, dry out and fly off.Moniliosis and clasterosporiasis, both fungal diseases, are treated with similar remedies.
  • In the spring, before flowering, the plum is treated with Fitosporin (15 ml per 10 l) - twice with an interval of two weeks.
  • After flowering, apply Skor (2 ml per 10 l) and Horus (3 g per 10 l) - twice with a difference of 10 days.
  • Also during the growing season, you can use Horus or Fitosporin, treating the tree with them twice with an interval of 10 days.
  • As a preventive measure, plums are sprayed with urea (5% solution before flowering or 3% after) - used once a month.
  • During the growing season, in addition to urea, you can use Actellik (2 ml per 2 l) and 3% Bordeaux mixture (300 g copper sulfate, 350 g of lime per 10 liters of water).
Hole spot
Reddish and brown spots, which dry out over time and fall out of the leaf plates, leaving holes.
Cherry elephantThe buds, ovaries and fruits are damaged, resulting in the loss of a significant part of the harvest.
  • In the spring, before flowering, the soil under the tree is dug up.
  • After flowering, apply 10% Karbofos. During the growing season, you can use the drug Akarin (3 ml per 1 l).
Plum aphidThe leaves at the ends of the shoots curl, wrinkle and dry out. The shoots are bent and development is inhibited.
  • In the spring, before flowering, use Bitoxibacillin (40 g per 10 l).
  • After flowering, use Skor (2 ml per 10 l) and Planriz (5 l per 1 ha).
  • During the growing season, you can take Zircon (1 ampoule per 1 l) or Actofit (6 ml per 1 l).

Photo gallery: how to recognize diseases and pests

Moniliosis is easily recognized by its numerous small spore pads.

Harvest and storage

What the Volga beauty is truly famous for is its harvests. The first fruits can be removed from the tree already in the 4th - 5th year of its life. young tree on average brings 8 - 10 kg per season, and at the age of about 10 years and older the figure grows from 10 to 22 kg. The harvest begins towards mid-August and lasts almost until the end of the month.

Plums are harvested in clear, dry weather so that they can last longer. There is no point in picking in rainy weather - the fruits will quickly become soggy and lose their best qualities. They put them in plastic containers or wooden boxes, in which paper is placed. In total, the plum is laid in no more than 3 - 4 layers.

IN room conditions The collected plum of the Volzhskaya Beauty variety will last for several days. At the same time, at a temperature of +20...+25°C, unripe plums are usually left, which are prohibited from being left on a balcony or windowsill, that is, where they will be exposed to direct sun rays. In the refrigerator at a temperature of +4...+6°C, the shelf life will be about two weeks. Relative air humidity should not exceed 90%, otherwise the plums will begin to deteriorate much faster.

Despite long term storing plums in the refrigerator, it is better to eat them or put them into processing as soon as possible, since every day the benefits and good taste there is less and less in the fruits.

The Volga beauty plum is good fresh, as well as in jams, jams, syrups and confitures. Delicious juice is obtained from it, compotes are boiled, and wine is made.


Withdrawn at the Samara zonal experimental horticulture station. Received from crossing the varieties “Ternosliv Kuibyshevskaya” and “Renclad Bave”. Medium ripening period. Tree winter-hardy, medium-sized, with a spreading, raised crown. Beginning of fruiting for the 4th-5th year. Productivity 18-25 kg per tree. Fruit large (weight 35-40 g), round-oval in shape. Skin violet-blue. Pulp sour-sweet taste. Transportability is good. A variety for universal use. Approved for use in the Middle Volga region of Russia..

Golden early

Developed at the Saratov Horticulture Experimental Station. Received from sowing seeds of the Record variety from open pollination. Early term maturation. Precocity is below average. Tree medium height, pyramidal crown, spreading, sparse. Tree s immobilized. The variety is partially self-fertile. Pollinators- domestic plum varieties. Productivity high, 28 kg per tree, regular. Fruit medium size (weight 26 g), elongated oval. Skin bright yellow with pink blush. Pulp golden-orange, tender, sweet. Bone separates well from the pulp. Transportability is good. A variety for universal use. The variety is undergoing state variety testing. Recommended for cultivation in the Central and Middle Volga regions.


Bred at the Samara Zonal Experimental Station for Horticulture. Received from crossing the varieties “Skorospelka red” and “Renclad Bave”. Early ripening. Removable maturity b comes in mid-August. Tree highly winter-hardy . Beginning of fruiting for the 5th-6th year. The yield is abundant, up to 20 kg, regular. Fruit medium (weight 30 g), almost round . Peel t dark blue with a thick waxy coating. Pulp juicy, tender, yellow with a greenish tint, sweet and sour. Transportability is good. A variety for universal use. Approved for use in the Middle Volga and Lower Volga regions of Russia..


Bring out n at the Rossoshansky zonal fruit and berry experimental station. Received from crossing hybrid farms. Early ripening. Harvesting maturity occurs in the first or second decades of August. Tree s frost-resistant, medium-sized, with a rounded dense crown. The variety is self-fertile; Possible pollinators are “Zarechnaya early”, “Renklod Sovetsky”, “Skorospelka red”, “Skoroplodnaya”. Beginning of fruiting for the 5th year. Productivity up to 35 kg per tree. Fruit large (weight 40 g), oval. Skin black with a waxy coating . Pulp juicy, yellowish-green, sweet and sour. Transportability is good. Variety universal purpose. Approved for use in the Central Black Earth region of Russia..

Ochakovskaya yellow

An ancient variety of folk selection. Medium ripening period. Removable maturity comes at the beginning of September. Tree not winter-hardy enough, medium-sized, with a narrow-pyramidal or wide-pyramidal crown. The variety is self-sterile; the best pollinators are “Renklod collective farm”, “Renklod thorny”, “Winter red”, “Volzhsky damson”. Bad pollinator for other varieties. Beginning of fruiting for the 3-4th year. Productivity low, 6-10 kg per tree, irregular and characterized by extreme instability. Fruit medium (weight 20-30 g), round or teardrop-shaped, with a neck at the place where the stalk attaches to the fruit. Skin yellowish-green with a faint white waxy coating. Pulp tender, juicy, yellow-green, honey-sweet, with a slight spice, excellent taste. The stone is semi-relaxed. Transportability is low. Variety universal purpose. Distributed in the Central and Northwestern regions of Russia.

Memory of Timiryazev

Withdrawn in VSTISP. Received from crossing the varieties “Victoria” and “Skorospelka red”. Mid-late ripening. Removable maturity b begins in the first half of September. Tree Medium winter-hardy, vigorous, with a round, spreading crown. Fruiting begins in the 3rd-4th year. Productivity b tall, 20-30 kg per tree, regular. Fruit medium (weight 22 g), ovoid.Skin pinkish yellow. Pulp juicy, pale yellow, sourish-sweet, pleasant taste. Transportability is good. A variety for universal use. Approved for use in the Central and Middle Volga regions of Russia..

General description
Removed by E.P. Finaev and P.P. Ivanov at the Kuibyshev Experimental Station for Horticulture from crossing the varieties of Ternosliv Kuibyshevskaya with Renclaude Bave. Entered into the State Register in 1987 for the Middle Volga region.

Plum Zhiguli- a vigorous, fast-growing tree. The crown is oval-round, of medium density. The variety bears fruit mainly on bouquet branches. The bark on the trunk and main branches is smooth, gray-green. The shoots are thick, straight, red-brown, glabrous. There are a lot of lentils, medium, white. The leaves are large, wide, round, short-pointed, dark green, wrinkled, matte. The leaf blade is concave (boat-sided) downwards, the apex of the leaf is sharply pointed; the base is rounded, there is no pubescence. The edge of the leaf is doubly crenate. Stipules are medium-sized, early falling. The petiole is medium, thick, pigmented. Inflorescence - double, triple, pink-shaped, large, white flowers.

The fruits are large, more or less one-dimensional, with an average weight of 31.1 g. The shape of the fruit is round. The apex of the fruit is rounded, depressed from the sides. The base of the fruit has a depression, the fossa is medium and wide. The abdominal suture is small and inconspicuous. The peduncle is medium in length and thickness; ease of separation from the branch is good; attachment to the bone is not strong. Fruit color: main green, cover blue, solid. There are few subcutaneous points, white, clearly visible. The skin is medium, bare, with a medium waxy coating, and is difficult to remove from the fruit. The pulp is yellow-green, tender, juicy, the color of the cavity is the same color as the pulp. The juice is colorless. The taste is sweet and sour. The stone is separated from the pulp well, medium, ovoid, pointed at the top and bottom, in the pits. The assessment of the taste of fresh fruits is 4.0 points. Appearance attractive - 4.0 points. Dry substances in fruits contain 15.5%, sugars - 8.49%, acids - 2.46%, ascorbic acid- 4.12 mg/100g. A variety for universal use. Suitable for making jam and compotes.

Bloom May 10-19. The fruit ripening period is late. Fruit harvesting dates are August 27 - September 3. The fruits are marketable and transportable. Picked 5-6 days before ripeness, they can be stored for two weeks. Trees begin to bear fruit at 5-6 years of age. Productivity is high. At the age of 6-8 years, trees produce up to 15-20 kg per tree; at the age of 9-12 years the harvest is 25-40 kg, and the healthiest trees produce a fruit yield of up to 70 kg. Fruiting is annual. The fruits are firmly attached to the tree. Fruit shedding is observed only when overripe.

The variety is highly self-fertile. The best pollinators: Skorospelka red, Ternosliv Kuibyshevskaya, Mirnaya.

Winter-hardy tree varieties. Younger trees freeze slightly. The variety is drought-resistant. Moniliosis affected by 0.1-0.2%. Comedy flow exposed little. Plum moth fruits are affected by 0.3-0.5%. Plum aphid pollinated in some years it is affected moderately.

The variety requires elevated, well-lit locations, light to medium soils. mechanical composition. Responds well to watering, organic and mineral fertilizers, while giving high yields of quality fruits. At a young age, it is necessary to carry out formative pruning; during the period of full fruiting - anti-aging pruning.

Advantages of the variety: high winter hardiness of wood and flower buds; annual yield; large fruits of excellent quality.

Disadvantages of the variety: partial crumbling and cracking of fruits.

Plum is a rather capricious tree. She loves sunny and sheltered places from the wind. Winter frosts, spring frosts I can easily harm the plum. When planting, it is worth considering the fact that plums deplete the soil. For this reason, you should not plant it next to other fruit trees.

When buying a plum seedling, you need to pay attention to root system, which should have 3-4 skeletal branches 30-40 cm long.

Planting plum
Planting plum trees better in spring, because many of the autumn seedlings cannot withstand winter frosts and die. If it so happens that you planted a plum in the fall, then it should be buried in soil in such a way that they hide in the winter under the cover of snow.

Before planting plums, the soil should be treated to a depth of 40 cm. Depending on the acidity of the soil, it should be leached with lime or ash. The acidity of the soil can be determined using litmus test paper. But there is an easier way. You can determine the acidity of an area by looking at the growing weeds.

For example:

  • - on acidic soil growing - sorrel, pickleweed, plantain, horsetail, mint, heather, willowweed;
  • - on slightly acidic soil growing - clover, coltsfoot, bindweed, chamomile.

Acid loams are limed at the rate of 500.0 g/m2, sandstones - 200.0 g/m2. To do this, you need to spread lime evenly over the area, add organic fertilizers in the form of peat or manure and dig it up.

A hole for planting plums must be dug of the same depth and width - up to half a meter. Compost, potassium sulfate or ash, and superphosphate are added to the pit.

You need to hammer into the center of the prepared hole wooden rod so that the seedling can be tied to it for balance. A mound of fertilized soil is poured into the middle of the hole, onto which ordinary soil is poured on top so that the root system does not get burned by active fertilizers. Then a seedling is placed on the hill, the roots of which are straightened and carefully laid out in the hole.

During the process of filling the soil with soil, the seedling should be shaken periodically so that the soil tightly covers the root system, and the soil should also be lightly compacted. It is necessary to pay attention to the depth of the hole, which should be within 50-70 cm. Deeper planting can lead to rotting of the roots, the tree will suffer and may die.

The planted tree should be watered abundantly, the soil should be loosened and mulched with compost or peat.

Annual feeding
Since the plum depletes the soil on which it grows, therefore, to improve fertility, it must be fed annually, starting from the third year of growth. In September, organic fertilizers with the addition of superphosphate and ash are applied to the soil. In spring, the soil should be enriched with urea 25g/m2.

The soil under the tree should be loosened, but not deeply, so as not to damage the roots and provoke the growth of shoots.

Plum trimming and crown formation
The most optimal form fruit tree plums are fan-shaped on a 20cm standard. Low trees tolerate winter more easily and are easy to care for. They are well lit by the sun. Harvesting from such trees is not difficult.

Young fruit trees need proper annual growth adjustments. Young plums often develop sharp angles between the trunk and branches. This phenomenon can be easily corrected with spacers.

Plum has practically no ability to independently regulate the growth of branches and trunk. Therefore, the gardener is obliged to deal with this issue annually. Please note that it is better to remove one large branch. Than a few small ones.

To improve the quality of the fruit, gardeners thin the crop, removing a significant portion of the fruit. The remaining plums are poured and fully ripened.

During dry summers, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture and, if necessary, water and mulch the soil in the crown area of ​​the plum tree.



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